Clouded leopard: photo with description, habitat and characteristics of the animal. Bornean clouded leopard Taiwan clouded leopard description


There are four subspecies:


The body length of a clouded leopard is 80-100 cm, the tail is 75-92 cm. The weight of males is 16-21 kg, females 11-15 kg. The height at the withers is 50-55 cm. Its size corresponds approximately to the size of a shepherd dog. The pattern on the coat of a clouded leopard is common to that of a marbled cat: large, unequally shaped black spots are scattered on a yellowish background. There are dark brown or black elongated spots on the neck and back. The tail is heavy, furry, colored with non-closing black rings. Each of these spots becomes lighter closer to the middle. The clouded leopard's teeth, in relation to body size, are the largest among all cats and can reach 3.5 cm. The paws are relatively short with wide feet. The eyes are yellow. The clouded leopard has an elongated skull, which distinguishes it from other cats. His fangs are larger than those of other cats in proportion to body size. Sometimes it is classified as a modern “saber-tooth.”


Clouded leopard found in southeast Asia: from southern China to Malacca and from the eastern Himalayas to Vietnam. The subspecies found in Taiwan is extinct. Its biotope is tropical and subtropical forests located at altitudes up to 2000 meters.


Clouded leopards live alone and usually move in thickets. The long tail helps them maintain balance in difficult environments. Among cats, clouded leopards are the best at climbing trees. They are also good swimmers. Their prey includes deer, wild boar, monkeys, birds, goats, and reptiles. They wait for their victims on branches and suddenly jump on top of them.

Nothing is known about the reproduction of the clouded leopard in nature, but in conditions of detention, reproduction occurs in March-August. Pregnancy lasts 86-95 days. The offspring is born in a hollow tree; there are 1-5 cubs in a litter, each weighing 150-280 grams. The eyes open after 10-12 days. At birth, kittens are covered with yellowish-gray fur, with adult spots appearing in the first 6 months. Cubs are extremely active for the first five months after birth. At 10 and a half weeks they switch to adult food, and within 5 months they receive mother's milk. At 9 months they are already independent from their mother and begin to lead independent life.


Because of its precious skin, the clouded leopard has been hunted a lot in the past. Today it is threatened by poaching, but the greatest danger to its conservation is the progressive deforestation tropical forests which are his home. Of the four subspecies, the Taiwanese clouded leopard has already become extinct ( Neofelis nebulosa brachyurus). The entire species is considered endangered.


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See what “Clouded leopard” is in other dictionaries:

    SMOKED LEOPARD- (Felts nebulosa), a mammal of the cat genus. Sometimes D. l. allocated to an independent genus (Neofelis). Dl. body 62-106 cm, tail 60-90 cm. The body is long, flexible, the limbs are relatively short and thick. There are bare calluses on the soles (device... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    SMOKED LEOPARD- (Felis nebulosa), a predatory mammal of the cat family (see CAT PREDATORS). Body length 62–106 cm, tail 60–90 cm; weight 16–23 kg. The body is elongated, flexible, the legs are short, with wide paws and hard, bare calluses, convenient for climbing... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    clouded leopard- dūminis leopardas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Felis nebulosa engl. clouded leopard vok. Nebelparder rus. clouded leopard pranc. panthère longibande ryšiai: platesnis terminas – mažosios katės … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas

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If you ever decide to brave the deep tropical forests of Southeast Asia, be prepared to see the silhouette of a large, graceful cat among the flexible branches of a durian tree or in the dense canopy of a teak tree.

Its thick brown-yellow fur is decorated with an unusual pattern of round spots of different shapes - light in the center and almost black at the edges. This is a clouded leopard (lat. Neofelis nebulosa) – bright representative cat family, an animal of rare beauty and plasticity.


The clouded leopard is perhaps the largest animal among medium-sized cats. Its body weight is from 20 to 30 kg, its body without tail is 60-95 cm long and its size resembles a well-fed Labrador. Its shortened, strong paws are equipped with wide, calloused feet, which help the leopard to deftly climb even smooth-trunked trees.

In general, these agile cats sometimes demonstrate real miracles of balancing act, easily moving along horizontal branches upside down or quickly climbing to the ground from the very top of the trunk.

The tail of the clouded leopard deserves special words: it is practically the fifth leg and the real pride of the big spotted cat. The length of the thickly furred tail sometimes even exceeds the size of the body, and thanks to this gift of nature, the leopard manages to deftly balance among thickets of bushes or dense branches tropical trees, where he prefers to spend his “leisure” and hunt.

If you catch a clouded leopard during the hunt, its appearance will resemble a motionless statue with flattened ears, tense withers and a concentrated gaze. But after just a second, the frozen picture will suddenly begin to move - powerful hind legs springily push off from the branches, and the cat will make a graceful jump, more reminiscent of flight.

With one precise move, the unlucky deer or boar will be knocked down and become the legal prey of Neofelis nebulosa. However, not only large artiodactyls, but also birds, reptiles and fish have a chance to get onto the clouded leopard’s lunch menu.

It's hard to believe, but this one strong predator, whose menacing roar sends a chill down your spine, can also purr gently - just like an ordinary house cat. The ossified hyoid bone of the clouded leopard is to blame for this.


It is distinguished from other cats by its unusual, elongated skull shape, and fangs, which are significantly larger than those of any other representatives of the cat family. He has acute vision, sees perfectly both in daytime day and at dusk. This cat is not only an excellent acrobat, she is also a wonderful swimmer, who will not have any difficulty crossing a solid body of water and settling on some secluded island.

The clouded leopard is a loner. He avoids society, and only during the breeding season - from March to August - do these beautiful animals form tender pairs with each other.

After 90 days of pregnancy, the female hides in a hollow tree, where she gives birth to the cutest offspring - helplessly squeaking, covered with grayish-yellow fur. A litter can contain up to five cubs, weighing from 150 to 270 g each.

Within a few weeks after birth, kittens begin to show extreme activity, and by the age of 9 months, the babies are completely mature and ready to start an independent life.

But no matter how quickly and actively clouded leopards acquire offspring, they cannot keep up with humans, who destroy beautiful animals at a much greater speed. In addition to the pursuit of representatives of an intelligent bipedal race for the valuable fur of the clouded leopard, the deforestation of tropical forests has also been added, as a result of which one of the four subspecies of the most beautiful animals has already disappeared from the face of the planet. The other three are also endangered. Isn't it time to stop?

One of the rarest representatives The cat family is considered to be an animal called the clouded leopard. Let's take a look at the photo of the clouded leopard and admire this truly majestic predator.

The clouded leopard's habitat is tropical dry forests. This species is considered endangered, so predators are protected by law in most of its range. But in Thailand and India, few people follow these laws.

Today there are about 250 clouded leopards in zoos, and wildlife there are about 10,000 individuals.

Appearance of the animal

In length, male clouded leopards reach 80-105 centimeters, and females - 68-95 centimeters. To this figure it is also worth adding the length of the tail - 60-90 centimeters. The height at the withers is about 50-55 centimeters. Clouded leopards weigh 11-23 kilograms.

The animal has short and wide limbs, with the hind legs being longer than the front ones. The head shape is elongated. The fangs are large.

Eyes yellow color. The skin is dark ocher or dark gray with dark gray or black spots. The spots are large, their shape is not the same.

There are also spots on the head. Black stripes stretch from the corners of the eyes to the mouth. The spots along the spine are elongated. There are also spots on the stomach and legs. The tail is surrounded by black half rings.

Clouded leopards are night hunters.

Habitat of the clouded leopard

The clouded leopard lives in southeastern Asia: India, the foothills of the Himalayas, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand and the evergreen forests of Bangladesh. These predators are also found in the southern regions of China and West Bengal.

Lifestyle and diet of the clouded leopard

Clouded leopards are solitary animals. During the daytime they rest on tree branches and at night they go hunting. The predator sneaks up on the prey and chases it, or attacks it from a tree.

Listen to the voice of a clouded leopard

Quite little is known about the life of these predators, since they are very hidden and difficult to follow in dense vegetation. These representatives of the cat family are excellent at climbing trees and swimming well. The victims of clouded leopards include monkeys, goats, birds, reptiles and rodents.

Reproduction and lifespan

Puberty in clouded leopards it occurs at two years of age. The mating season lasts from December to March, during which time the level of aggression in males increases extremely.

The pregnancy process lasts 3 months. A litter consists of 2-5 babies, but most often there are three of them. The weight of newborns is 160-260 grams. The kids are completely helpless and blind. The color of the kittens is uniform, there are no spots, they begin to appear only at 6 months.

10 days after birth, leopards open their eyes. The female feeds the babies with milk for 3 months. And already 10 months after birth, the young begin an independent life. Females bear offspring annually.

In the wild, the lifespan of clouded leopards is about 11 years; in zoos, members of the family live somewhat longer, with a maximum age of 17 years.

What threats to the numbers of these predators currently exist?

The main threat to the population is considered to be the loss of natural natural environment. The blame for this lies with people, since they are actively deforesting. Poaching also causes damage to the population. Clouded leopards are hunted for their magnificent skins, claws and teeth.

Origin of the species and description

British naturalist Edward Griffith first described this feline in 1821, giving it the name Felis nebulosa. In 1841, Brian Haughton Hodgson, exploring the fauna in India and Nepal, based on a description of a non-Polish specimen, named this species Felis macrosceloides. The following description and name of the animal from Taiwan was given by biologist Robert Swinhoe (1862) - Felis Brachyura. John Edward Gray collected all three into one genus Neofelis (1867).

The clouded leopard, although it represents a transitional form between small and large cats, is genetically closer to the latter, belonging to the panther genus. Previously considered as one predator, it was split into two species in 2006.

Video: Clouded leopard

Collecting data on island mammals has not been easy. Animal skins stored in various museums around the world and animal excrement were taken as the basis for DNA research. According to these data and morphology, the range of Neofelis nebulosa is limited to Southeast Asia, the part located on the mainland and Taiwan, and N. diardi lives on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo. The result of the research also changed the number of subspecies.

All nebulosa subspecies were combined, and the diardi population was divided into two:

  • diardi borneensis on the island of Borneo;
  • diardi diardi in Sumatra.

The two species diverged 1.5 million years ago due to geographic isolation as land communications between the islands disappeared, possibly due to rising sea levels or volcanic eruptions. Since then, the two species have not met or interbred. The clouded leopard of the Islands has smaller and darker spot markings and a darker overall coat color.

Even though the two types of smoky cats may look similar, genetically they are more different from each other than a lion from a tiger!

Appearance and features

The distinctive cloud-like coloring of the coat makes these animals unusually beautiful and different from other relatives of the family. The elliptical spots are darker in color than the background, and the edge of each spot is partially framed in black. They are located against a background of a plain field, which varies from light brown with yellow to rich gray.

The muzzle is light, like the background, solid black spots mark the forehead and cheeks. The ventral side and limbs are marked with large black ovals. Two solid black stripes extend from behind the ears along the back of the neck to the shoulder blades, and the thick tail is covered in black markings that merge towards the tip. In juveniles, the lateral spots are solid, not cloudy. These will change by the time the animal is approximately six months old.

Adult specimens usually weigh 18-22 kg, with a height at the withers of 50 to 60. Body length is from 75 to 105 centimeters, tail length is from 79 to 90 cm, which is almost equal to the length of the body itself. There is not much difference in size among smoky cats, but females are slightly smaller.

The predator's legs are relatively short compared to other cats, and the hind limbs are longer than the front ones. The ankles have a wide range of motion, the paws are massive, ending in retractable claws. Body structure, limb height, a long tail ideally suited for climbing trees, both up and down. In mammals good vision, hearing and smell.

The beast, in comparison with other relatives of this family:

  • narrower, longer skull;
  • the longest canines in relation to the size of the body and skull;
  • the mouth opens much wider.

The fangs can be more than 4 cm. The nose is pink, sometimes with black spots. The ears are short, set wide apart and rounded. The iris of the eyes is usually yellow-brown or green-gray grayish-green, the pupils shrink into vertical slits.

Where does the clouded leopard live?

The species Neofelis Nebulosa is found south of the Himalayan mountains in Nepal, Bhutan, and northeast India. South part The range is limited to Myanmar, southern China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia (mainland areas).

Three subspecies occupy different regions:

  • Neofelis n. nebulosa - southern China and mainland Malaysia;
  • Neofelis n. brachyura - used to live in Taiwan, but is now considered extinct;
  • Neofelis n. macrosceloides - found from Myanmar to Nepal;
  • Neofelis diardi is an independent species from the islands of Borneo and Sumatra.

Predators live in tropical forests, reaching areas at an altitude of 3 thousand m. They use trees for resting and also for hunting, but spend more time on the ground than previously thought. Observations of predators have shown that they are most often found in tropical evergreen forests. Mammals inhabit shrubs, secondary dry subtropical, coastal deciduous forests; they can be found in mangrove swamps, clearings and meadows.

What does a clouded leopard eat?

Like all wild cats, these animals are predators. It was once thought that they spent a lot of time hunting in trees, but recent research has shown that clouded leopards also hunt on the ground and rest in trees during the day.

Animals hunted by predators include:

  • loris;
  • bear macaques;
  • sambars;
  • Malayan lizards;
  • muntjacs;
  • bearded pigs;
  • palm civets;

Predators can catch birds, such as pheasants. Fish remains were found in the excrement. There are known cases of attacks by these wild cats for livestock: calves, pigs, goats, poultry. These animals kill prey by sinking their teeth into the back of the head, breaking the spine. They eat by tearing meat out of the carcass, digging in with their fangs and incisors, and then sharply tilting their heads back. Often the animal sits in ambush on a tree, pressed closely to a branch. It attacks prey from above, jumping onto its back. It catches smaller animals from the ground.

Features of character and lifestyle

A body adapted to this lifestyle allows one to achieve these amazing skills. Their legs are short and strong, providing leverage and a low center of gravity. Additionally, the extremely long tail helps with balancing. For gripping, their large paws are armed with sharp claws and special pads. The hind limbs have flexible ankle joints, allowing the leg to also rotate backward.

A distinctive feature of this leopard is its unusual skull; the predator also has the longest upper canines compared to the size of the skull, which allows comparison with the extinct saber-toothed felids.

Research by Dr. Per Christiansen of the Copenhagen Zoological Museum has revealed a connection between these creatures. A study of the skull characteristics of both living and extinct cats has shown that the structure of the clouded leopard is similar to extinct saber-toothed animals such as Paramachairodus (before the group narrowed and the animals developed huge upper canines).

Both animals have a huge open mouth size, about 100 degrees. Unlike the modern lion, which can only open its mouth 65°. This indicates that one of the lines of modern felids, of which only the clouded leopard now remains, has undergone some changes in common with the present ones. saber-toothed cats. This means that animals may hunt large prey in the wild a little differently than other large predators.

Clouded leopards are among the best climbers in the cat family. They can climb up trunks, hang from branches with their hind legs, and even climb down headfirst like a squirrel.

Saber-toothed cats would bite their prey on the neck, using their elongated teeth to sever nerves and blood vessels and grab the throat to suffocate the victim. This hunting technique differs from the attack of modern big cats, which grab the victim by the throat to strangle the prey.

Social structure and reproduction

The social behavior of these animals has been little studied. Based on the lifestyle of other wild cats, they lead a solitary lifestyle, bonding themselves partnerships only for mating. They control their territory both day and night. Its area can vary from 20 to 50 m2.

In Thailand, several animals live in the national. reserves, were equipped with radio communications. This experiment showed that three females had areas of 23, 25, 39, 50 m2, and males had areas of 30, 42, 50 m2. The core of the site was about 3 m2.

Predators mark their territory by spraying urine and rubbing against objects, scratching the bark of trees with their claws. At night, vibrissae help them navigate. These cats cannot purr, but make snorting sounds and high-pitched meow-like sounds. A short moaning cry can be heard from a distance, the purpose of such vocalization is unknown, perhaps it is intended to attract a mate. If cats are friendly, they stretch their necks, raising their muzzles. In an aggressive state, they bare their teeth, wrinkle their nose, and growl with a hiss.

Animals reach sexual maturity after two years. Mating can occur over a long period, but is more common from December to March. This animal is so aggressive that even when courting, it shows character. Males often seriously injure their mates, sometimes to the point of rupturing the spine. Mating occurs several times with the same partner, who bites the female, who responds with sounds, encouraging the male to further actions.

Females are capable of bearing offspring annually. The average lifespan of mammals is seven years. In captivity, predators live longer, about 11; there are cases where the animal lived 17 years.

Pregnancy lasts about 13 weeks, ending with the birth of 2-3 blind, helpless babies, weighing 140-280 g. There are litters from 1 to 5 pieces. Nests are tree hollows, voids under roots, secluded corners overgrown with bushes. By two weeks, babies can already see, by a month they are active, and by three they stop feeding on milk. Their mother teaches them to hunt. Kittens become completely independent by ten months. At first, the color has absolutely dark spots, which expand with age and lighten in the center, leaving a dark area. It is not known where the kittens hide during the mother's hunt, probably in the treetops.

Natural enemies of clouded leopards

The main destroyer of mammals is humans. The animals are hunted for their incredibly beautiful skin. Dogs are used in hunting, driving down predators and killing them. A wild animal strives to live away from settlements. As man expands his agricultural land, destroying forests and entering the habitat of this species, he, in turn, attacks domestic animals. The local population barbarously uses poisons to exterminate cats.

In the wild, leopards constitute food competition for our hero and can kill him to eliminate rivals. In such places, smoky cats lead night image life and prefer to spend more time in the trees. Their camouflage coloring plays a good role; it is impossible to see this animal, especially in the dark or at dusk.

Population and species status

Unfortunately, due to their secretive lifestyle, it is difficult to talk about the exact number of these animals. According to rough estimates, the population is less than 10 thousand specimens. The main threats are poaching and deforestation. Some remaining forest areas are so small that they cannot support the reproduction and conservation of the species.

They hunt animals for their beautiful skins. In Sarawak, the long tusks are used by some tribes as ear ornaments. Some parts of the carcass are used in medical purposes local peoples. In restaurants in China and Thailand, clouded leopard meat is presented on the menu of some restaurants for wealthy tourists, which is a motivation for poaching. Babies are offered for exorbitant prices as pets.

These predators were considered extinct in Nepal back in late XIX centuries, but in the 80s of the last century four adult individuals were found in the Pokhara valley. After this, rare specimens were periodically registered in national parks and nature reserves of the country. In India, western Bengal, and the mountains of Sikkim, the beast was captured on camera. At least 16 individuals were recorded on camera traps.

The clouded leopard today is found in the foothills of the Himalayas, Nepal, mainland Southeast Asia, and China. It was previously widespread south of the Yangtze, but recent appearances of the animal are few and little is known about its current range and abundance there. The mammal is found in parts of southeastern Bangladesh (Chittagong tract) in the mountains, with suitable habitat.

Fragmentation of habitats has increased the susceptibility of animals to infectious diseases and natural disasters. Rapid deforestation is taking place in Sumatra and Borneo and the Bornean leopard is not only dying, deprived of its natural habitat, but also falling into traps set for other animals. The IUCN considers clouded leopards to be a vulnerable species.

Conservation of clouded leopards

Hunting of the mammal is prohibited in the countries: Bangladesh, Brunei, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and is regulated in Laos. In Bhutan, outside of protected areas, hunting is not regulated.

In Nepal, Malaysia and Indonesia, efforts have been made to establish national parks to support the carnivore population. The reserve of the Malaysian state of Sabah calculated the population density. Here nine individuals live per 100 km². This animal is more rare than in Borneo in Sumatra. Sipahikhola Wildlife Sanctuary has been established in Tripura national park, where the zoo houses clouded leopards.

It is difficult to obtain offspring from these animals in captivity due to their aggressive behavior. To reduce the level of hostility, a couple of babies are kept together from the very beginning. early age. When offspring appear, children are often taken away from their mother and bottle-fed. In March 2011, at the Grassmere Zoo in Nashville, Tennessee, two females gave birth to three cubs, which were then raised in captivity. Each cub weighed 230 g. Four more babies were born there in 2012.

In June 2011, a pair of leopards appeared at the Point Defiance Zoo (Tacoma, Washington). Their parents were brought from the Khao Kheo Pataya Open Zoo (Thailand) under a training and knowledge sharing program. In May 2015, four more babies were born there. They were the fourth litter from Chai Li and his mate Nah Fan.

As of December 2011, there were 222 specimens of this rare animal in zoos.

Previously, breeding in captivity was difficult because there was a lack of experience and knowledge about their way of life in nature. Now breeding cases have become more frequent, animals are provided with an area with rocky areas and secluded corners that are hidden from view. The animals are fed according to a special balanced feeding program. To increase the number of animals in the wild, measures are needed to preserve the natural habitats of clouded leopards.

In the mountain forests of Nepal, Sikkim, total South China and Indochina, in Taiwan, Sumatra, Kalimantan /according to some sources - in Java/ clouded leopards live. They are painted very beautifully: a black marble pattern on a bright yellow or yellow-gray background. The height of a small ordinary leopard /weight - 20 kilograms/. After many disputes, these leopards were identified as a special genus. Clouded leopards combine in their anatomy some features of both large and small cats, occupying an intermediate position between them. For example, their pupils are ovoid, not round, like those of big cats. Clouded leopards have a larynx similar to that of small cats, which is why they are able to purr. But they can also growl. During the day, clouded leopards sleep in trees, at night they hunt large birds, and sometimes attack sika deer. The marbled cat is a miniature copy of the clouded leopard! It is also colored, has the same long tail and is close in origin, but almost half the size.

Birth is always wonderful. Birth rare species- even more wonderful. It gives hope for new world, for something light and warm. Zookeepers in Virginia had similar thoughts when one of the critically endangered female clouded leopards finally gave birth to two remarkable cubs. No cubs have been born at the zoo in 16 years, and the birth of this pair provides new hope for a healthy population of rare clouded leopards.

Zookeepers observed the pregnancy of this two-year-old female leopard, Yao Chu, for five days. This is Yao Chu's first litter. She and her cubs' father, two-year-old leopard Hannibal, were born in Thailand as a result of joint program with the Zoological Park of Thailand. (Mehgan Murphy / Smithsonian's National Zoo)

Hannibal is the father of two adorable cubs. She and Yao Chu are the only ones compatible couple clouded leopards at this conservation and research center. (Mehgan Murphy / Smithsonian's National Zoo)

Born at the National Zoo in Front Royal, Virginia, on March 24, the clouded leopard pair became the center's first in 16 years. In this photo, the cubs are just one day old and are preparing to eat, which happens every three hours. (Mehgan Murphy / Smithsonian's National Zoo)

In this photo, one of the recently born clouded leopard cubs is weighed while feeding. Raising clouded leopards in captivity is not easy due to aggression from males, decreased breeding rates between pairs, and high mortality rates among cubs. (Mehgan Murphy/ / Smithsonian's National Zoo)

The center's experts monitor the newborn cubs. The zoo team learned to reduce the risk of fatalities by introducing males to their partners from six months of age, allowing the pair to grow up together. In this case, the cubs were quickly removed from their mother after birth. (Mehgan Murphy/ / Smithsonian's National Zoo)

The zoo has been working with clouded leopards since 1978 with the sole goal of creating a genetically correct and healthy population of these animals. (Jessie Cohen / Smithsonian's National Zoo)

Over the past 30 years, more than 70 clouded leopards have been born at the zoo, with the last litter born in 1993. (Lisa Ware / Smithsonian's National Zoo)

Clouded leopards live in South-East Asia, however, are under threat due to hunting and deforestation. At birth they weigh about 230 grams and eventually gain up to 22 kg. The tail is half the length of the body. (Jessie Cohen / Smithsonian's National Zoo)

And more photos and videos of the wonderful beast:

Contrary to its name, this predator is not directly related to real leopards.
This is the largest of the medium-sized cats, approximately the size of a Labrador.
His body is elongated, flexible, his fur is thick, his legs are short, with wide paws and hard, bare calluses, convenient for climbing trees.
The tail is especially large, heavy, furry, occupying almost half the length of the body, although representatives of the Taiwanese clouded leopards have a noticeably shorter tail, its length no more than 3/8 of the total size of the animal.
The eyes are yellow.
Its fangs are larger than those of other cats in proportion to its body size, and this may be an adaptation for holding on to prey caught in trees, a more difficult feat than catching prey on the ground.

The long fangs make it easy to kill caught prey, often requiring only a single bite. The structure of the teeth is similar to the fangs of prehistoric saber-toothed cats, which is why it is sometimes classified as a modern “saber-toothed” cat: their upper canines can reach 4.4 cm in length. Interestingly, the clouded leopard's jaws can open wider than those of any other cat.
The clouded leopard is immediately recognizable by its characteristic color. The main color of the fur is light yellow to rich brown. Spots of unequal shape are dark brown or black, lighter in the middle, and also lighter shadows around the spots. The chest and belly are light or white with a few spots. There are dark brown or black elongated spots on the neck and back. The ears are black, with a white spot in the middle. The tail is colored with non-joining black rings.
Body length 69-108 cm. Tail length: 75-90 cm (average 82 cm, while for males it is 81 - 108 cm (average 99 cm).
Weight: The weight of the animal is from 10 to 23 kg, sometimes up to 30 kg. Females weigh about 11 kg, while males weigh 18 - 20 kg (average 19 kg). Males can be more than twice the size of females - this biggest difference size between sexes in the cat family.
Lifespan: In captivity, clouded leopards live up to 20 years; their lifespan in the wild is unknown.

Clouded leopards can roar very softly and quite quietly, as they are physiologically different from big cats which can roar very loudly. Besides clouded leopard can purr.
The clouded leopard is a typical inhabitant of dense tropical forests, partly thickets of bushes and swamps, where it lives mainly in trees. It lives deep in rain or arid forests located at altitudes up to 2500 meters above sea level.
The clouded leopard's natural enemies are larger cats. Thus, on the island of Borneo, perhaps due to the absence of tigers and leopards, their highest numbers are noted. Deforestation due to commercial logging and the growth of human settlements poses a major threat to the leopard.
The clouded leopard is largely specialized in hunting birds, but, in addition to them, it feeds on deer, monkeys, wild pigs, goats, porcupines, palm civets, and can attack young buffaloes, large cattle. Sometimes they supplement their diet with reptiles, fish and other living creatures.
Leopards in captivity in a zoo are fed food provided by the diet of a carnivore, but in addition, they are necessarily given large bones of ungulates (joints with fingers) for gnawing. At the zoo, they often get a special treat in the form of popsicles: chunks of papaya frozen in ice blocks!
It can hunt both day and night, tracking its game on the ground or overtaking it in a jump from a tree. In Sumatra (Indonesia), the clouded leopard, which lives in areas close to human habitation, is extremely cautious and therefore leads an exclusively nocturnal lifestyle. Leopards have good binocular vision and can see in light twilight about six times better than humans. At night, it deftly climbs and jumps through trees, with its long tail and wide feet helping it balance and maintain balance. Sometimes it jumps on its prey from branches overhanging the ground, but often hunts directly on the ground.
In search of prey, a leopard travels approximately 1-2 km per day. The clouded leopard is a good swimmer, crossing large expanses of water and found on secluded islets, and perhaps this is how it populated small islets from Vietnam to the island of Borneo.
In Taiwan, eyewitnesses who saw a leopard in the wild were interviewed to find out their lifestyle. As a result, it turned out that leopards were in trees 13 times and on the ground 11 times. Monitoring the movements of a sub-adult male leopard using a radio collar in Nepal for 8 consecutive days showed only the latter's terrestrial behavior. The leopard often hunted and rested in fields among dense thickets of vegetation 4 - 6 m high and tall grasses. In 1986, a survey of rural residents, forestry workers and officials forestry surveys in Sabah and Sarawak (Malaysia) showed that in 82% of sightings of a leopard in the wild, it was traveling on the ground, usually along roads and paths in primary or secondary forest. The team concluded that in this area, clouded leopards were not true tree dwellers, but only used the trees in the forest as a daytime resting place.
At the same time, it should be noted that the clouded leopard is perfectly adapted to the arboreal lifestyle: a low center of gravity, large paws with sharp claws for gripping, a long tail for balancing; and the structure of the bones of its wrist and flexible ankle joints allows the leopard to grasp a tree trunk or branch in motion in much the same way as a squirrel does. Observations have shown that a leopard can move along horizontal branches while hanging upside down like a sloth, and it can even hang belly up from branches using only its hind legs.
Social structure: They lead a solitary lifestyle, except during the breeding season, when males actively seek out females. Individual hunting plots, depending on the type of habitat and its food supply, can occupy an area of ​​29 square meters. km up to 45 sq. km or more in males, and about 22-26 sq. km - in females, while neighboring areas of males and females can overlap from 30 to 47%.
Reproduction: The offspring is born in a hollow tree, there are 1-5 cubs in the litter, each weighing 140-170 grams, sometimes up to 280. The eyes open on the 10-12th day. At birth, kittens are covered with yellowish-gray fur, with adult spots appearing in the first 6 months. They develop relatively slowly. They begin to walk at about 19-20 days of age. Cubs are extremely active for the first five months after birth. At 10 and a half weeks they switch to adult (meat) food, but for another 5 months they receive mother's milk. At 9 months they are already independent from their mother and begin to lead an independent life.
Breeding leopards in captivity is very problematic and very difficult. This is due to the fact that males who are in a limited area in captivity during the mating season after mating become extremely aggressive and in almost 80% of cases attack females and kill them. Therefore, matings are successful in less than 20% of cases, while conception and successful breeding of offspring is observed even less frequently. But zoos around the world are trying to preserve the species' genetic diversity through captive breeding. To obtain viable offspring and overcome the aggressiveness of males, joint rearing of males and females from adolescence (up to 1 year) is now practiced.
Researchers in the United Kingdom believe that the best hope for successfully breeding leopards in captivity will be through artificial insemination and embryo transfers to produce healthy offspring.
Breeding season/period: Nothing is known about the breeding of the clouded leopard in the wild, but in captivity breeding occurs in March-August.
Puberty: Leopards reach sexual maturity at 20 to 30 months of age.
Pregnancy: Pregnancy lasts 86-95 days, according to other sources it lasts up to 109 days.
Offspring: 1-5 cubs (usually 2-3, and only rarely up to 5)
Benefit/harm to humans: Avoids people. Over the past half century, clouded leopards have begun to appear more often in European zoos.
Because of its precious skin, the clouded leopard has been hunted a lot in the past. To make one full-length fur coat, you need up to 20-30 leopard skins.
Today, the clouded leopard is threatened by poaching. This cat is hunted not only for its fur, but also for its teeth and bones, which are highly prized in the traditional Asian medicinal trade. In addition, clouded leopard dishes are offered on the menu of restaurants in China and Thailand that cater to wealthy Asian tourists.
The clouded leopard is only occasionally persecuted for killing livestock.
Population/Conservation Status: The clouded leopard is considered a critically endangered species and is therefore listed on the International Red Book. Of the four subspecies, the Taiwanese clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa brachyurus) has already become extinct.
The entire clouded leopard population is estimated to be less than 10,000 mature individuals.
The Lukai people of Thailand believe that the clouded leopard is their spiritual ancestor who brought them to their homeland.
