Types of grown lettuces. Pick and eat: tasty and healthy greens in your garden

On the day of Satanic Halloween celebrated in the West, we will talk about the statue that has become a symbol of the new Atlantis, as some of the United States of America are called. The Statue of Liberty was officially unveiled in New York on October 28, 1886. What is it dedicated to and who does it represent?

This is what our article is about.

Official story

The sculpture was a gift from France for the 1876 World's Fair and the centennial of American independence. The statue holds a torch in its right hand and a tablet in its left. The inscription on the tablet reads “English. JULY IV MDCCLXXVI" (written in Roman numerals for the date "July 4, 1776"), this date is the day of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence of the United States. “Freedom” has one foot on broken shackles.

Visitors walk 356 steps to the crown of the Statue of Liberty or 192 steps to the top of the pedestal. There are 25 windows in the crown, which symbolize earthly precious stones and heavenly rays that illuminate the world. The seven rays on the crown of the statue symbolize the seven seas and seven continents (the Western geographical tradition counts exactly seven continents: Africa, Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Antarctica, Australia).

Statue of Liberty in numbers:

  • Height from the top of the base to the torch 46.05 m

  • Height from ground to top of pedestal 46.94 m

  • Height from the ground to the top of the torch 92.99 m

  • The height of the statue is 33.86 m

  • Hand length 5.00 m

  • Index finger length 2.44 m

  • Head from crown to chin 5.26 m

  • Face width 3.05 m

  • Eye length 0.76 m

  • Nose length 1.37 m

  • Right arm length 12.80 m

  • Right arm thickness 3.66 m

  • Waist thickness 10.67 m

  • Mouth width 0.91 m

  • Sign height 7.19 m

  • Sign width 4.14 m

  • Plaque thickness 0.61 m

  • The thickness of the copper coating of the statue is 2.57 mm.

  • The total weight of copper used to cast the statue is 31 tons

  • The total weight of its steel structure is 125 tons.

  • The total weight of the concrete base is 27,000 tons.

The statue was constructed from thin sheets of copper hammered into wooden molds. The formed sheets were then installed on a steel frame.

The statue is usually open to visitors, usually arriving by ferry. The crown, accessible by stairs, offers expansive views of New York Harbor. The museum, located in the pedestal, houses an exhibition on the history of the statue. The museum can be reached by elevator.

The territory of Liberty Island was originally part of the State of New Jersey, was subsequently administered by New York, and is currently under federal administration. Until 1956, the island was called “Bedloe’s Island,” although it was also called “Liberty Island” since the beginning of the 20th century.

In 1883, American poet Emma Lazarus wrote the sonnet “The New Colossus,” dedicated to the Statue of Liberty. 20 years later, in 1903, it was engraved on a bronze plate and mounted on the wall in the museum, located in the pedestal of the statue. The famous last lines of "Freedom":

“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

In the Russian translation by V. Lazaris:

“To you, ancient lands,” she shouts, silent
Without opening my lips, I live in empty luxury,
And give it to me from the bottomless depths
Our outcasts, our downtrodden people,
Send me the outcasts, the homeless,
I’ll give them a golden candle at the door!”

In a translation closer to the text:

“Leave, O ancient lands, the praise of centuries for yourself!”
Calls silently. "Give me your tired people,
All those longing to breathe freely, abandoned in need,
From the narrow shores of the persecuted, the poor and the orphans.
So send them, homeless and exhausted, to me,
I raise my torch at the golden gate!”

What does the Statue of Liberty really symbolize?

The Statue of Liberty (yes, with a small letter), if you look at it without the propaganda tinsel - this giant woman in a crown with seven rays, with a book and a torch in her hand... who is she? Another fairy tale about the American dream and the ideals of democracy, the national pride of a non-existent American nation?

It is not customary to talk about the true origin and ordeal of the sculpture, about its origins originating in incompatible cultures or about the financial side of the “lady’s” existence. The fable of a gift in honor of the friendship between France and the United States travels around the world as traditionally as the ruddy Santa Claus, another child of commerce. But we will still turn a few pages of history back and see how everything really happened.

The idea of ​​​​creating the statue belongs to Frederic Auguste Bartholdi - if you can call the idea of ​​​​creating an unoriginal monument that can only boast of fragments of classical art and gigantic dimensions. Bartholdi was born in 1834 into a wealthy Jewish family and studied with the famous masters of Paris - without much diligence, but full of ambitious plans. To get out into the world, Bartholdi resorted to the help of influential relatives who were directly related to the Freemasons.

Quite a lot is known about the influence of Freemasonry on the creation of the United States, from the founding fathers to the symbolism of the dollar. Pyramids, steles, all-seeing eye, etc. also decorate various government buildings in the United States. Let us recall that on July 4, 1776, representatives of their brotherhood signed the Declaration of Independence, which paved the way for the creation independent state(We wrote about this in the article “What is the USA or why was this state created? (Part one)” http://inance.ru/2015/10/usa-01/).

“What is the USA or why was this state created? (Part one)" http://inance.ru/2015/10/usa-01/

However, the most important symbol of the United States - the Statue of Liberty - as a rule, no connections are made with Freemasonry.

Egyptian sketches

In the 70s of the 19th century, under the control of Freemasons in Egypt, the construction of the Suez Canal took place. The young, ambitious Bartholdi came here, and his imagination was struck by the majestic monuments of this region, which had survived thousands of years. Thus the idea was born in his head to create something equally colossal and impressive that would forever immortalize his name. Meeting with the head of the construction, Ferdinand Lesseps, Frederick convinced him to petition for his plan. The proposal looked like this: to install a giant statue at the entrance to the future canal - it was supposed to be twice as tall as the Great Sphinx and serve as a lighthouse.

Bartholdi decided not to wait for the muse, but to a quick fix make some kind of model for consideration by the local government (it was he who was credited with the supposed funding of the project). And there was no need to invent anything - this was already done by the ancient Greeks, who created the Colossus of Rhodes - one of the seven wonders of the world - around 280 BC. This huge statue of an athletic youth, looking out to sea, was erected at the entrance to the harbor of the island of Rhodes and was subsequently partially destroyed by an earthquake.

Bartholdi “dressed” the model in Egyptian clothing, placed an amphora in his hand, and crowned his head with a wreath. But Lesseps advised him to use the attributes of the ancient Iranian god Mithra - the god of peace, harmony, and subsequently the sun.

Notes in the margins

Mithra is the Indo-Iranian god of light and sun, close to the ancient Greek Helios. His usual attributes were a chariot and a golden throne. Over time, the cult of Mithra penetrated into Asia Minor and changed significantly. Mithra became the god of friendship, who united, reconciled, protected, and enriched people. He was depicted as a young man in short, flowing clothes and a Phrygian cap. The cult of Mithra at the beginning of our era spread throughout the Roman Empire, enjoyed the patronage of emperors, and was later supplanted by Christianity.

Special photo of the head of the Statue of Liberty at the World's Fair in Paris in 1878.

When in Ancient Rome When the cult of the god Mithra spread, the following legends began to be told about the sun god. He was born from a rock at sunrise. In one hand he held a sword, in the other hand a torch. Mithra fought with the Sun, conquered him and thus became his ally. After this, he subjugated the bull (symbol ancient civilization), dragged him into his cave and killed him there. The blood of the bull fertilized the soil, and plants, fruits and small animals grew wildly everywhere.

The Sun God was revered throughout the Roman Empire. This is evidenced even today by four hundred places of sacrifice that have been preserved from those times. The god Mithra was especially revered simple people who performed religious ceremonies in his honor. Thanks to the soldiers, Mithraism became known throughout the then world. The places of this cult known today exist mainly as altars in the rocks.

Miter with rays and an eagle, which later became a symbol of the USA

Along with numerous symbols, the signs of the zodiac are engraved on them. The god Mithra himself always takes the place of the Sun on them - the central constellation of the ancient Romans.

Thus the statue received a torch and a seven-rayed crown from the god Mithras, although there is another deity that looks similar. Have you started thinking about the title: “Progress Bringing Light to Asia”? Or replace “progress” with “Egypt”? And then we remembered the popular painting in France “Freedom on the Barricades” by the romantic painter Eugene Delacroix. The word “freedom” was already temptingly attached to the statue project, but the government refused to spend money on a gigantic idol - so Bartholdi returned to France empty-handed.

French incarnation

Eugene Delacroix "Freedom on the Barricades"

The time of creation of the statue coincides with Bartholdi’s entry into the Masonic lodge (Alsace-Lorraine branch) - it was 1875.

And 1876 was approaching—the centenary of American independence. Having heard complaints in a political circle about the lack of genuine masterpieces of art dedicated to Freedom in America, the French senator and member of the same Order of Freemasons, Edouard de Laboulaye, decided to revive the project that had failed in Egypt. All this, of course, had to be correctly presented to the masses: it was decided to “donate” the statue to the States “as a sign of friendship between the peoples of the two countries.”

But the “gift” had to be paid for - both by French and overseas ordinary citizens. An entire Franco-American Union, headed by Laboulaye, was urgently established, and committees were organized in both countries to organize fundraising. Moreover, the head of the French headquarters was none other than our old friend - Ferdinand Lesseps! The fundraising campaign in the States was led by Joseph Pulitzer, later known as the creator of the most prestigious journalism award, and then also the publisher of the newspaper " New York World". He, with an understanding of all the subtleties of influencing the masses, criticized rednecks and moneybags, turning to ordinary Americans (the businessman was no mistake - this significantly increased the circulation of his newspaper). No one will tell us exactly how much money the friendly gentlemen laundered through this good cause, but in the USA alone, $100,000 was withdrawn from circulation in this way.

The main work on the creation of the statue was done by the famous French engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel (Bonnickhausen), then known for his adventure in embezzling huge funds for fictitious work during the construction of the Panama Canal, but became famous thanks to the construction in the center of Paris.

Eiffel was also a member of the Masonic lodge, and another lodge brother, who at that time served as Prime Minister of France, helped him get out of the Panama scam.

French engineer Gustav Alexandre Eiffel (left) and Auguste Bartholdi (right)

Eiffel made all the calculations and also designed the iron support of the monument and the supporting frame, which was then covered with metal sheets. Then Bartholdi took up the matter again and added several modern details: at the feet of the statue he placed “broken chains of tyranny,” more like the chains with which the statue itself was bound.

Leaf lettuce is an annual plant in the form of small heads of cabbage with foliage. different shapes and all shades of green. The surface of the leaves can be wavy, smooth, corrugated, curly. Color and appearance foliage is completely dependent on the weather. On hot days they turn pale; on cool days, on the contrary, they become richer, juicier and more elastic. The stem is highly branched, forms a large number of inflorescences. The roots are weak, rod-shaped, located at the very surface of the soil.

Grow leaf salad on unprotected beds it’s quite simple. The plant contains all the vitamin groups necessary for the body and a huge amount of mineral components:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • molybdenum;
  • organic acids.
Vitamins and minerals included in lettuce

The vegetable helps to properly digest food, accelerates and stabilizes material metabolism. Salad leaves cannot be subjected to heat treatment; they are consumed only fresh.

One hundred grams of the plant contains no more than 12 kcal.

According to the ripening period, the plant is divided into several types:

  • spring - the earliest ripening, can be grown in the garden or in greenhouse conditions (Asterix, Kritset, Lakomka and others);
  • summer - tolerates hot weather well (Azarius, America, Dionysus, Dubrava and others);
  • autumn - grows in cool climates, does not suffer from lack of light, and practically does not get sick (Ballet).

Each variety is resistant to the appearance of flowering stems , they can be grown both in greenhouse conditions and on unprotected soil.

Purple salad Red salad Green salad

In addition, the vegetable can be of different colors:

  • green;
  • red;
  • violet.

Lettuce has a lot of beneficial properties. It protects brain cells from chemical elements that can cause cancer. At the same time, it stimulates neurons, improves memory, speeds up information processing, and prevents Alzheimer's disease.

Low calorie content helps lower cholesterol levels. This helps relieve heart disease and protects against heart attacks and strokes.

Lettuce juice is good for the liver

The potassium present in the vegetable increases blood circulation, fills tissues with oxygen, and prevents early aging of the body. Lettuce is often recommended by doctors for people prone to obesity. With its help you can eliminate constipation and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The low glycemic index allows even diabetics to consume the salad. The plant controls sugar levels and prevents glucose surges. The nutritional components of the plant have an excellent effect on hair and facial skin, normalizing fat production.

The presence of a large amount of fiber in the leaves helps to lose weight. excess weight. It is this product that can increase the volume of any dish, maintaining a feeling of fullness for a long time.

The juice prepared from this plant helps cleanse the blood and saturate it with useful components. Preparing the drink is simple - you need carrots, lettuce and beets in equal proportions.

For women

Salad reduces pain during menstrual cycles and replenishes the body nutrients and vitamins, stabilizes hemoglobin.

Systematic use guarantees protection against ovarian and mammary gland cancer.

Salad is good for pregnant women

It is also able to reduce the number of hot flashes during menopause, easing the general condition.

The plant can be introduced into the diet of pregnant women to help the proper formation of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system of the fetus. Salad greens can improve quality breast milk, eliminate its bitterness.

This culture is also used in cosmetology for making masks. You just need to grind it and apply it to the surface of the skin. Rashes and purulent pimples disappear. Juice squeezed from lettuce helps restore damaged hair and enhances its growth;

For men

Increases libido and sperm quality. Doctors recommend consuming the plant for families experiencing difficulty conceiving. The zinc content in the plant prevents the development of impotence.

Helps increase libido in men


The plant extract is used in the preparation of certain medicinal products. As a rule, they are designed to strengthen nails and improve skin health. Quite often the foliage is used for external use.

The plant contains a large amount of oxalic acid, which is especially harmful to people suffering from kidney and bladder diseases.

Salad is prohibited for consumption urolithiasis, hepatitis, gout, colitis and other gastrointestinal ailments.

Lettuce leaves can be harmful to the body

Consumption of leaf lettuce is allowed for those suffering from asthma and tuberculosis after visiting a doctor. You should not use the product if you have allergic reactions to one or another element. Standards for eating lettuce:

  • For a healthy adult, one hundred grams of product per day is enough, which is approximately two glasses of crushed leaves;
  • for children under twelve years of age this norm is halved.

Although lettuce is considered a spring-autumn plant, it is difficult to grow it in the hot summer. But with the arrival of spring, it is he who can save from vitamin deficiency and depression. It is recommended to grow this plant in sunny places; the soil should be fertile, well loosened and moderately acidic. During the growing process, the crop requires feeding with fertilizer compounds containing a lot of nitrogen and potassium.

SALAD (plant) SALAD (plant)

SALAD, an annual vegetable plant of the Asteraceae family. Found in the wild in Western Europe. and Yuzh. Europe, North Africa, Siberia, Wed. Asia, Transcaucasia. In culture - in all agricultural regions of the world. Productivity reaches 300-500 centners per hectare. The salad is rich in vitamins C, B, PP, and carotene.
* * *
SALAD (lettuce) (Lactuca sativa), annual herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family (cm. Compositae)(Asteraceae), green vegetable crop. The leaves are yellowish-green, rarely red, whole, large, of various shapes - smooth, wrinkled, corrugated or curly, in head lettuce - they close into a head. The inflorescence is a small, pitcher-shaped basket. The flowers are ligulate, bisexual, small.
Lettuce is grown in all countries of the world, especially widely in Western Europe. Its homeland is the Mediterranean, where lettuce was introduced into culture long before Christ. e. It was cultivated in Ancient China, Ancient Egypt, but especially widely in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. The Greeks consumed salad daily because they felt its invigorating effect; wine lovers used it as a sobering agent. The Romans noticed that salad invigorates only when consumed in the morning and daytime, and in the evening it has the opposite (calming) effect. A portion of salad at night guaranteed restful sleep. The white juice of the plant had this property. It looked like milk, so the Romans began to call the plant “lettuce” (Latin lac - milk), and its juice - milky juice.
In medieval Europe, lettuce was almost never grown, but by the 16th century. it gained such great popularity that all dishes prepared from fresh vegetables began to be called salad. The lettuce itself was served finely chopped with salt, vinegar and vegetable oil. Finding the right proportions of salad dressing components and being able to diversify them was considered a great art, for which the French were especially famous. “Salad masters” from France were invited to other countries to prepare this dish on special occasions. Russia was no exception, and since the 17th century. At dinner parties, lettuce dishes prepared by visiting chefs began to appear. Over the course of the evening, up to 10 varieties of such dishes were served. Lettuce began to be widely cultivated in Russia. Over time, the fashion for gourmet salad dishes has passed, but as a vitamin green, it is grown everywhere in small areas.
Juicy lettuce leaves are rich in vitamins, potassium salts, microelements, and also contain sugar and citric acid. The milky juice contains a glycoside (cm. GLYCOSIDES) lactucin, which has a mild hypnotic effect. Thanks to the favorable ratio of potassium and sodium salts, the salad has a beneficial effect on the liver, kidneys, pancreas and cardiovascular system, regulates water metabolism in the body. It is included in therapeutic dietary nutrition for atherosclerosis, diabetes, stomach ulcers, and hypertension. You should not overuse salad if you have cholelithiasis or kidney stones.
Lettuce leaves are eaten before the plant forms a stem, then they become bitter. They are eaten fresh, separately from other vegetables or in combination with them. Dress the salad with vegetable oil and vinegar, sour cream or mayonnaise, often adding slices of hard-boiled eggs.

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

See what “SALAD (plant)” is in other dictionaries:

    This term has other meanings, see Salad. Not to be confused with Chinese cabbage (petsai) vegetable crop of the cabbage family, known as "Chinese lettuce". ? Salad Scientific classification ... Wikipedia

    Lettuce (plant)- Head lettuce. SALAD, an annual vegetable plant of the lettuce genus. Introduced into cultivation in the Mediterranean, grown on all continents. Several groups of varieties (leaf, cabbage, romaine, etc.). Leaves rich in vitamins C, B, PP are eaten... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Lettuce Scientific classification Kingdom: Plants Division: Angiosperms ... Wikipedia

    SALAD- Seeing a fresh salad (plant) in a dream means increased health. Prepare a salad (dish) for joy. Imagine enjoying the juicy taste of salad in the company of family and friends... Big family dream book

    Autochorus, transplants, seedlings, plants, testes Dictionary of Russian synonyms. plant noun, number of synonyms: 4422 aa (3) abaca ... Synonym dictionary

    - (German Salat, French salade). 1) the lactuc plant, served to the table with seasoning and eaten with roast, as well as all kinds of greens, vegetables, seasoned with a spicy sauce and served with roast. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    salad- a, m. salade f. it. salata lit. what is salted sale salt. 1. Herbaceous garden plant, the leaves of which are eaten raw. ALS 1. Dec. 7. 7185 old. style in the Optical order.. given.. 350 pch. salad,... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Lettuce, lettuce, lettuce (Lactuca sativa), an annual vegetable plant of the Asteraceae family. The ancestor is considered to be compass lettuce (L. serriola), growing wild in Western and Southern Europe, Western Asia, and North Africa; V… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Lettuce (Lactuca sativa), an annual (sometimes biennial) vegetable plant of the lettuce genus. Homeland Mediterranean. Only in culture, on all continents, in the USSR, widespread garden culture. Possibly originated from wild lettuce (L.... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    Husband. Lactuca plant, lactuca, served with seasoning for roast; | raw materials, different plants, fruits, roots, seasoned with vinegar and spices, served with roast. Cucumber, beet, cherry salad, etc. Salad dressing. Salad bowl, dish,... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Leaf lettuce- an annual or biennial plant from the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family, a ubiquitous garden crop. The tradition of cultivating lettuce dates back to the era of Ancient Egypt. Famous medieval philosopher and the physician Avicenna knew many of the beneficial medical properties of this herb.


The homeland of the plant is not reliably known, but it is believed that the inhabitants of the Mediterranean were the first to use lettuce for food. Nowadays it is grown almost all over the world; there are many varieties of this plant.

The nutritional value

Lettuce is one of the healthiest green herbs, which contains B vitamins, carotene, vitamins PP, K, E; potassium, calcium, iron, copper, iodine, fiber, protein substances. Interestingly, there is more vitamin C in lettuce than in green apples. Among the various varieties of lettuce, Lola Rossa, or coral lettuce, is a recognized record holder for calcium content.

Use in cooking

In cooking, lettuce is most often used raw. They enrich second and first courses. In rare recipes, lettuce must be stewed or fried. The main culinary purpose of this herb is to add variety to food and saturate it with vital vitamins and minerals.
In addition, lettuce is an ideal decoration, with the help of which an ordinary dish becomes a small culinary masterpiece.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

The main feature of lettuce, which ensures its popularity in all kinds of diets, is its unusually low calorie content, only 12 kcal per 100 g.
For those who are not interested in figure problems, the value of the salad is ensured by the minerals and vitamins it contains. Lettuce contains a lot of potassium, which strengthens the heart muscle. It also contains a lot of chlorophyll, which is involved in the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin, normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system, and reduces cholesterol levels.
The salad contains insulin, so it is recommended for people with diabetes.
Lettuce is recommended to be consumed to normalize digestion and prevent atherosclerosis. In addition, this plant has a diuretic effect.

Lettuce juice has healing properties. Milky juice improves digestion and metabolism, has a calming effect on the nervous system, improves sleep, and increases stress resistance. Fresh juice is used for exacerbations chronic gastritis.
An ointment prepared on the basis of salad heals abscesses and skin inflammations. Lettuce infusion is useful for washing your hair. Salad is good for nursing mothers and has long been considered a means of increasing the amount of breast milk.
Finally, lettuce is considered a strong aphrodisiac, which helps with decreased sexual desire.


Interesting Facts
Folic acid (B9), necessary for the proper development of the fetal nervous system in the first
trimester of pregnancy, was first isolated by scientists from lettuce leaves.

In ancient times, people did not eat lettuce leaves because of their
high cost: oil was made from lettuce seeds.

Lettuce leaves do not give a feeling of fullness, and therefore the last ones are always
consumed together with other ingredients.

Lettuce, like any other greens, should be torn with your hands and not cut with a knife. Cut location
oxidizes quickly, resulting in reduced beneficial properties.

Leaf lettuce is a plant that, at first glance, is harmless and even has medicinal properties, but, in fact, is a surrogate potent substance. Apparently, this is why salad copes with insomnia and neuralgia.

My childhood was salad-free! No, of course, there were salads in it, but as vegetable or fruit snacks, but leaf lettuce was, alas, absent from my children’s diet. I think this is all due to the modest assortment of greens that was on the shelves at that time.

I saw a little of the era of total shortages: I stood in a kilometer-long line with my grandmother from 5 in the morning for milk, I saw how my parents bought cucumbers by the kilogram - for canning, because later they might not be available, I remembered how they brought them “under the counter” to my mother all sorts of rare products and goods, I remember how they brought a dozen packs of buckwheat porridge and lamp shades from Ukraine.

Therefore, what kind of herbal diversity could we talk about then? They were on our table all summer, and green onions. Well, thanks for that! It was then that my brother and I got used to eating a lot of greens, but he grew up and for some reason got out of the habit, but I continue...

I met leaf lettuce after the collapse of our great multinational power. Dad was then laid off from the factory, and he had to go free sailing on the waves of the new state. It was then that all sorts of things began to appear in our house on March 8th, mangoes on my birthday, on New Year’s, and lettuce leaves for all feasts.

It seems to me that in those years there was a fashion for such design of snacks. First, lettuce leaves were spread on a large dish, and then cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers cut into thin slices were laid out on them. Sometimes there were cheese or sausage platters. From time to time - canapes and sandwiches. But the base remained the same - lettuce. By the way, all the cafes in the city did this back then (the waitress was young, I know!) and, it seems to me, many of them continue to do this to this day!

The funny thing is that at first I perceived it exactly like that – like a napkin! 😆 I helped my mother clear the table and threw the slightly wilted leaves into the trash can.

It didn’t even occur to me to eat them - I wasn’t taught them from childhood. So I would have dumped the goodness along with the waste if one fine day I hadn’t tried a lettuce leaf.

I came home from school very late, apparently from some regular math test, of which there were many in my specialized class. The parents were waiting for the guests, and the mother was preparing snacks. With lettuce leaves as a bed, of course! So, I tried to snatch something valuable from under her knife, like cheese or a tomato, but my mother laughed and gave me a green leaf. I had to chew – I was really hungry!

I really liked the taste, I snatched more, and then, during the feast, I happily wrapped all the delicacies that lay on them in these crispy salad “napkins” and ate them. Thus, by chance, my love affair with salad began, which continues to this day.

This product is an indispensable component of my diet; I put it in many of my dishes, which I will definitely tell you about in this article. And now I will tell you about how this greenery grows and how it gets into our kitchens.

Leaf lettuce alkalizes your body, as it has an acidic pH of 5.2 - 5.8.

The word “lettuce” hides a whole genus of plants, which are also called lettuce (Lactūca). All these herbs belong to the Asteraceae family, also known as Asteraceae. It is noteworthy that this family includes 32,913 species. Can you imagine how many relatives this salad has?

The genus itself, to which the hero of my article today belongs, includes 142 species, of which we are most interested in one and only one - the one that is widely used in cooking. And its name is lettuce or simply lettuce. Latin name this plant is Lactūca sativa.

It is an annual herbaceous plant and has two subspecies - leaf and cabbage. It is clear that the first is a fan of leaves, and the second puts its foliage in a head of cabbage like.

It is curious that lettuce first develops a rosette of leaves, and only then a stem, which can grow up to 120 centimeters in height, and can, depending on the variety, remain within 30 centimeters. It is also noteworthy that the leaves that have managed to grow before the formation of the stem are eaten, after which they become tough and bitter.

The lettuce stems are full inside, strongly branched, and during flowering (usually in early June) produce inflorescences in the form of panicles consisting of small yellow flowers.

Lettuce leaves are a different story, as their variety seems endless.

Most often they are colored green color, sometimes in yellowish-green, occasionally in shades of red and purple (anthocyanin). The foliage can be smooth, wrinkled, curly or corrugated, and collected in a flat or round head. Lettuce fruits are flat, oblong-shaped achenes with 5 to 7 ribs and a tuft.

Interestingly, all parts of the lettuce, when damaged, secrete a white juice similar to milk - milky. It is for this reason that the entire genus was christened Lactuca. This scientific term comes from the Latin word "lac", which means "milk".

The name “salad”, which we are accustomed to using, is derived from the Italian word “salty”. It turns out that when we chew a lettuce leaf, we are, in fact, drinking salted milk? Nice little deal! 🙂

The history of salad

The homeland of seed lettuce is considered to be the Mediterranean, and its ancestor is compass lettuce (Lactuca serriola Torner), which is still found wild in Asian, European and North African countries.

It seemed to us in the post-Soviet era that we had discovered some new original product. But ancient peoples cultivated some varieties of lettuce back in the 2nd century BC.

The ancient Roman healer Galen, who lived at that time, did not lay lettuce leaves as a napkin for various snacks, but treated people with its help. His patients, who suffered from insomnia and ate lettuce, soon fell into a healthy sleep.

In addition, in Rome, salad was consumed as a dessert, and only then did they realize that it was better to eat it as an appetizer, and one that stimulated the appetite.

It is noteworthy that during the reign of the Roman emperor Octavian Augustus, salad leaves were eaten not only fresh, but also preserved like beans, and also pickled with honey. Would you like to try such original delicacies?

The Greeks, as usual, did not lag behind their sworn friends the Romans, and also used this crispy greenery as a natural medicine. Well, and, unlike the inhabitants of Rome, not as a dessert, but immediately as a vegetable!

Such ancient luminaries as Hippocrates (ancient Greek healer), Dioscorides (military doctor of ancient Greece), Aristotle ( ancient Greek philosopher), Theophrastus (philosopher and natural scientist of ancient Greece).

The history of the plant could not have happened without the ubiquitous Egyptians. While the Greeks and Romans used lettuce as food and medicine, the people of Egypt painted it on the walls of the tombs of their pharaohs.

It is known that lettuce leaves were present at the feasts of Persian rulers as an appetizer as early as 550 BC. I wonder if they were also placed on dishes as decoration? 😉 Be that as it may, at that time this product was considered an exquisite delicacy.

The Chinese tasted lettuce around 600 AD, and the Japanese in the 10th century. By the way, residents of the Land of the Rising Sun, like me, for a long time considered salad leaves only as a decoration for dishes. They probably also threw them away after the feast! 🙂

Europeans learned about this herbal delicacy during the time of Charlemagne (approximately in the 8th-19th centuries). The French became acquainted with it in the 14th century - it was brought into the country by the Pope's gardener, and therefore received the characteristic name “romain”, which means “Roman”. The gardener of Louis XIV at the very beginning of the 18th century tried to ensure that His Majesty received this valuable product not only in summer, but also in winter - I learned to grow it in greenhouses.

It is noteworthy that at first only the leaf forms of the plant were known to the world.

Head lettuce is the result of the experimental breeding activities of the monks of the Middle Ages, who tried to achieve density from the leaf rosette.

And they did it! With vegetables Slavic peoples met after the adoption of Christianity, that is, thanks to Byzantium. But at that time there was no salad to harm the vegetable diet of the Russian people. Adam Olearius, a German scholar-traveler who lived in the 17th century, described his journey to Muscovy and mentioned that Russians do not plant or eat lettuce. Moreover, our peasants laughed at the Germans who chewed grass.

Peter I, who adopted many European traditions, according to the descriptions of researchers, forced his associate Fyodor Alekseevich Golovin to try a salad leaf at a feast.

But it was in the 17th century, at the suggestion of Western countries, that this plant appeared in Russia. And about a century later, it spread to almost all vegetable gardens of the country. And in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, salad was in vogue!

Today this greenery is popular all over the world. She is loved in Europe, Asia, Russia, and America.

The salad crunches so deliciously on your teeth!

The variety of salad varieties can confuse even an experienced cook. This means that its flavors are truly limitless. However, all varieties of this plant have one thing in common - the leading taste is herbaceous.

There are lettuce leaves that have no special taste or smell - they are bland, like grass. Some are seasoned with a slight bitterness. Others will make jokes. There are also nutty, buttery, sour, peppery lettuces.

And they are all crispy and juicy, filled, as we already found out a little higher, with salty milky juice, and therefore ideal for snacks and on their own.

Do you like salads with lettuce?

It would seem that you can cook from a salad? First of all, the salad. This makes for a funny pun. Yes, of course, such a snack - best use lettuce

And the lettuce leaves themselves make the dish juicy and crispy, tender and herbaceous. The simplest set of products is lettuce and tomatoes. Please note, I do not add cucumbers to this duet, since, according to the ancient science of life Ayurveda, these two vegetables do not go together! Can you imagine? So, do you want everything to be digested? Eat tomatoes separately from cucumbers!

So, what else can you pair lettuce with in a salad? Yes with anything! I repeat, I love it with tomatoes, and if you also add a few green onions, smoked cheese and homemade cream to a bowl, you will get a mind-blowing appetizer - hearty and tender.

Do you like Greek salad? It also often includes lettuce, as well as soft feta cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers (if you still mix them!), olives, shallots, salt, etc. It is noteworthy that the classic Greek recipe does not contain lettuce leaves. 🙂

I love these crunchy leaves in sweet salads. I remember during my hobby, I came up with such a dish for myself - I tore the lettuce with my hands, chopped it, mixed them, and added a handful of peeled pine nuts on top. I called this appetizer “Taiga and the Tropics.” It was very tasty and all my guests liked it. We should repeat it, by the way!

In general, the idea of ​​placing snacks on the leaves of this plant seems brilliant to me! After all, it goes with anything, gives any dish a fresh herbal touch and makes it healthier. What would you put on those crispy green “napkins”? 😉

This can be done without being completely on live food. For example, dip leaves rolled into tubes in various sauces - cheese, tomato, sour cream, etc. It turns out surprisingly satisfying, but at the same time, easy and healthy!

Lettuce is a must-have ingredient in my green smoothies. Yes, this is the greenery I most often add to such drinks. Why? It has virtually no taste or smell, and its consistency is very delicate. I have the most ordinary blender, not super-high-speed, and therefore hard herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro), although crushed, still float in the smoothie in small particles.

But the lettuce crumbles, as they say, into dust, leaving behind only freshness and benefits. The perfect combination for me - salad and water. Nothing extra, but the taste and consistency are amazing - the result is a creamy herbaceous thick creamy mass. Mmm! Do you like these vegan yogurts? 😉

In addition, based on this greenery, you can prepare delicious and healthy raw food puree soups. Try mixing a few lettuce leaves with tomatoes and bell pepper, add and olive oil, and your first dish is ready!

I know that vegetarian thick soups are also made from lettuce, but I don’t make it myself. I feel sorry for subjecting such deliciousness to heat treatment.

I can add other greens to hot dishes, but not salad! It is always exclusively fresh and raw in my diet. Do you make soups from this product?

Head lettuces are often boiled whole and then used instead of leaves. white cabbage to prepare cabbage rolls - wrap the filling in them and simmer in tomato sauce. It’s probably delicious, but I honestly haven’t tried everything for the same reason – it’s a shame! Have you prepared something similar? Please share your impressions, and be sure to write recipes.

Lettuce leaves are good for both skin and hair.

This plant has long been known as a natural medicine. For medicinal purposes, fresh leaves, seeds, and the juice secreted by lettuce are prepared. The foliage is collected before the flowering period, and the seeds after they ripen.

IN folk medicine This plant has long been used as a multivitamin remedy against spring vitamin deficiency. It not only nourishes the body exhausted after the cold, but also significantly improves the digestion process, for example, helps eliminate constipation. Lettuce in reasonable quantities can be consumed even for gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis and ulcers.

Lettuce leaves, as I noted above, are a sure cure for insomnia. In addition, they are indicated for women with breastfeeding to improve the composition of milk and increase its quantity, as well as for people suffering from diabetes, to lower blood levels.

Naturopaths use this green as an effective expectorant. She is treated for spleen diseases, leg pain and even toothache.

Many followers of traditional medicine consider homeopathy to be false. But, nevertheless, homeopaths widely use the gifts of nature for the benefit of humanity. Thus, seed lettuce is used by them in the treatment of obesity, diabetes, chronic gastritis, insomnia, ulcers, headaches, and as a prevention of atherosclerosis.

Cosmetologists love salad leaves, as they have a positive effect on the condition of the main female attributes of beauty - skin, hair and nails. In home cosmetology, juice is squeezed out of lettuce, mixed with honey, and then rubbed into the scalp to get rid of dandruff and hair loss. For the same purpose you can use alcohol tincture of this plant.

If you grind these greens to a paste and apply it to your face as a mask for 10 minutes, then after this procedure the skin will noticeably freshen. For dry skin, it is appropriate to add a few drops of unrefined vegetable oil. Do these eco-sessions regularly, and then you will forget about peeling, irritation, redness and fine wrinkles. By the way, this mask is excellent remedy to soothe sunburned skin.

Lettuce boils are a short conversation. It easily destroys them when mixed with natural yeast in the form of compresses. This composition is also effective for acne.

Lactucaria is obtained from the stems of cultivated lettuce, also known as latex - a dried milky juice that is widely used in both traditional medicine and homeopathy. As a result of this procedure, resinous particles of brown-yellow color are obtained, which taste bitter and emit an unpleasant odor.

This strange remedy was used by the ancient Egyptians to overcome pain and insomnia. Their valuable experience was adopted by American doctors in the very late XVIII century.

It is interesting that in the 19th century, lactucarium served in the laboratories of Russian Poland as a surrogate for opium, which was obtained in a similar way, only from the milky juice of the soporific poppy. And opium, as you know, is a potent drug. Of course, we at Sunny Mint are against drugs, and the salad does not have narcotic properties. Those long-ago experiments remained experiments, so feel free to chew its leaves!

If you want to eat lettuce as often as possible, you can try growing it right on your windowsill.

How to grow lettuce at home?

It is important to know that leaf varieties of plants grow best in captivity, since they have a shallow root system and are not so demanding environment, like their cabbage brethren.

Early varieties, for example, “Azart” or “Raspberry Ball,” are perfect for this purpose.

Such unpretentious varieties to light as “Ballet” and “Emerald Lace” also grow well on the windowsill.

Lettuce can be planted in spacious containers with a depth of 20 to 30 centimeters, filled with nutritious soil, which consists of 2 parts garden soil, 1 part peat, and 1 part compost. You can also add sand to it. And don't forget about drainage!

Plant the seeds in small groups in moist soil, about 1-1.5 centimeters deep and at least 15 centimeters apart. If you want to speed up the process of seed germination (and you most likely do!), cover your garden with polyethylene.

After about 3-5 days you will notice the first green shoots. Then feel free to remove the film and start actively caring for your pets - water the ground until it is moist approximately once every two days, spray the foliage with a spray bottle, especially in the hot season, provide light (in cold weather, additionally with fluorescent lamps). If you take good care of your salad, it will provide you with fresh herbs all year round!

The salad grows in such lush, pretty rosettes.

Today, buying fresh salad leaves in the middle of winter is not a problem. We got up, got dressed, went to the store or market and became the owner of a fresh green bunch. However, its quality leaves much to be desired, because winter lettuce grows in greenhouses using a large amount of chemical fertilizers.

If you can’t live without greens, grow them yourself, especially since you already know how to do it! Or stock up your body with vitamins and minerals in the summer-autumn period - during the ripening season of real living lettuce.

How to choose the right salad?

As always, I start my eternal song that it is better to buy greens not in stores where they are sold by those who put production on stream. Take lettuce heads and leaves from grandmothers who grew them themselves.

Yes, I know, there is a difference between grandmother and grandmother, but at the market you at least have a chance to run into a conscientious farmer, but in the supermarket you deprive yourself of this opportunity!

I buy greens from a trusted manufacturer - always from the same old lady. And, by the way, her salad bunches are always generously flavored with sunflower husks at the base. That's all the fertilizer for you!

What other signs can be used to distinguish a high-quality green product from a low-quality one? Just turn into walking eyes and a nose! Carefully examine each bunch that catches your eye. The leaves in it should be clearly fresh, crisp, rich, evenly colored, not only green, but also red, brownish, and purple.

Agree, limp lettuce is visible even to the naked eye - its foliage is flabby, drooping, curled into tubes at the edges, sometimes even with dry areas and yellowness. It is clear that such a bunch has no place in our refrigerator and, especially, in our stomach!

The same applies to the cabbage varieties of the plant. You don’t have to get inside the dense leaf rosette; you just need to critically examine a few of its outer leaves to understand whether the product is fresh.

If the leaves have dark spots, translucent, as if worn out areas, or a sticky whitish coating, it means that they are no longer suitable for food.

I wrote that the salad has practically no smell. But, if you sniff carefully, you will still feel the aroma - so delicate, herbal. Rub a piece of leaf with your fingers, and then you will definitely catch it. If there is no smell at all, then the product is highly chemical! Does it smell damp or musty? So, there was some mold!

If you still decide to buy lettuce in a store, then meticulously inspect its packaging. What I like most is the option where the lettuce bush is sold directly in a small pot of soil. In this case, its freshness is guaranteed, but you still need to look at the expiration date and condition of the foliage.

Is the container or bag the greens are packaged in wet on the outside or inside? Then you shouldn't buy such a product. Look for something drier. 😉

How to properly store salad?

The green parts of plants do not last long, and therefore it is better to eat them right away - on the day of purchase. As a last resort, you can wrap dry lettuce leaves in plastic bag and place in the vegetable tray in the refrigerator. In this form they will “last” a couple of days. Store the whole head of lettuce, but do not wash it unless you are ready to use it immediately.

When the time comes to prepare dishes with salad, you can cheer it up a little by placing it in cool, maybe slightly salted, water for literally 5 minutes. This will make the leaves noticeably fresher.

If you are not sure of the quality of the product and suspect that it was grown with the use of pesticides, leave it in the water for half an hour to an hour, replacing it with clean water every 15 minutes. This way, most of the chemicals will go into the water, and you will be left with practically harmless greens.

Try to protect lettuce leaves from sun rays, otherwise you will not have enough vitamin C in its composition, which does not tolerate light. And one more thing - do not cut this delicate plant with a knife, but tear it with your hands. If the fate of your purchase is to end up in a salad, then you should season this dish immediately before serving so that the greens in it do not get soggy ahead of time.

There is no point in drying and freezing lettuce. The end result will be a tasteless mess that neither you nor your guests will like!

Types of lettuce

There are approximately 142 varieties of this plant in the world, of which we, of course, cannot talk about today. Let's take a closer look at at least some of the lettuce representatives.

Sowing, also known as lettuce (Lactuca sativa) – the type I’m talking about in this article. The most common representative of its genus, it has long been widely used in the cuisines of the peoples of the world.

Dubravny, aka oakleaf, aka oakleaf, aka oakleaf (Lactuca quercina) is a leafy variety of the plant from which the milky sap of lactucaria is obtained. Got its name from unusual shape leaves resembling oak foliage. They can be painted green, burgundy, or purple colors. Cooks love this type of lettuce for its decorative look and are often used as a decoration for various dishes.

Perennial(Lactuca perennis) differs from its fellow genus in that it lives not just one year, but several years. It is capable of reaching a height of one and a half meters. It produces bluish-green leaves with a delicate taste, which contains a slight bitterness. This variety of plant grows mainly in the southern and central, often mountainous, regions of Europe and is used in local cooking for preparing salads and snacks.

Compass, aka wild, aka molokan (Lactuca serriola) - according to scientists, it was this species that became the “father” of seed lettuce. It is often perceived as a harmful weed that always appears near human habitation, that is, it is synanthropic. Distributed in Eurasia, America and Africa. In some countries it is a valuable forage plant.

Tatar, also known as Tatar molokan (Lactuca tatarica) is another perennial lettuce variety that blooms blue flowers and giving bluish leaves. It grows wild in Eurasia and North America. It is not used on the farm and is perceived as a weed.

Poisonous(Lactuca virosa) - despite its dangerous name, this plant species is widely used in medicine and naturopathy. A milky juice is extracted from it, which in certain dosages can relieve coughs, eliminate pain, and accelerate wound healing. It grows in the western and southern regions of Russia and is a biennial bush up to 1.5 meters in height with yellow flowers and green leaves.

Lettuce varieties

It is believed that the number of varieties of this plant has long exceeded 1000. Among them there are quite interesting varieties, which I will now introduce to you.

Variety "Firebird"

This variety belongs to the early ripening varieties of the plant, the leaves of which can be collected approximately 45 days after planting. They are colored bright red-violet and contain a large amount of nutrients. The taste of “Firebird” is tender, juicy and crispy. It can be grown throughout the year both in open ground and under film.

Variety "Lollo Rossa"

It is considered one of the most picturesque varieties of lettuce. Still would! After all, its green leaves at the base smoothly turn into a rich burgundy color. In addition, the foliage of Lollo Rossa is corrugated, as if curly. For this reason, it is also called coral salad - its leaves really resemble fancy Coral reefs. This beautiful lettuce tastes very unusual - buttery and nutty with a slight bitterness.

Variety "Royal"

Another decorative, but at the same time quite edible representative of the plant. Its rosettes look very beautiful - along the edges the foliage is painted in a rich dark green color, and closer to the center it brightens and turns yellow. “Royal” lettuce does not shoot, can be transported and stored without problems, and also has excellent taste. Grows well both in greenhouses and in the garden.

Variety "Kolobok"

This funny cabbage variety really looks like a hero from a children's fairy tale, only with a rich red-violet color with white veins. All so round and cute. At the same time, “koloboks” can reach a mass of 600 grams. This variety is a late ripening variety. The foliage of Kolobok is juicy, crisp, with a barely noticeable piquant bitterness.

Variety "Iceberg"

Perhaps the most popular variety of head lettuce. It grows especially well in the spring-summer season and produces voluminous heads of cabbage weighing from 300 to 600 grams with juicy green corrugated leaves. They taste crispy and tender, grassy.

Other varieties of lettuce:

"Fioret" "Funtime"
"Platinas" "Fanli"
"Santarinas" "Triathlon"
"Nanette" "Starfighter"
"Lagunas" "Perel"
"Kuala" "Risotto"
"Cartagenas" "Redbat"
"Elenas" "Malis"
"Diamantinas" "Kismi"
"Galley" "Caipira"
Barcelona "Lifly"
"Argentinas" "Lancelot"
"Imagination" "Greenie"
"Grand Rapid Pearl Jam" "Bohemi"
"Aficion" "Treviano"
"Rosa di Gorica" "Di Verona"
"Truffle" "Di Castelfranco"
"Fairy tale" "Di Chioggia"
"Robin" "Di Treviso"
"Naughty" "Mercury"
"Glutton" "Season of Miracles"
"Moscow Greenhouse" "Jumble"
"Remus" "Lollo Sun"
"Manavert" "Gourmand"
"Legend" "Crunchy Vitamin"
"Kosberg" "Grandee"
"Xanadu" "Odessa Curly Man"
"Claudius" "Sandwich"
"Garnet Rose" "Majestic"
"Wendel" "Eurydice"
"Oldies" "Nika"
"Torrero" "Relay Race"
"Maserati" "Pentared"
"Dubared" "Revolution"
"Dubagold" "Barbados"
"Betanto" "Mercury"
"Asterix" "Cimmaron"
"Amorix" "Pinocio"
"Altero" "Parisian White"
"Lollo Bionda" "Credo"

show all

Lettuce leaves fit perfectly into smoothies, enhancing their cleansing effect.

The benefits of lettuce

  • Young lettuce leaves are an excellent remedy against vitamin deficiency, so they are often included in the diet of weakened people, children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as in the spring menu of those who want to replenish the supply of nutrients in the body.
  • By the way, this product increases lactation in nursing mothers, that is, it increases milk production and increases its quantity.
  • Lettuce, regardless of the variety, improves the digestion process, supplies the body with coarse fiber, which cleanses the intestines and enhances its peristalsis.
  • In addition, regular consumption of these greens cleanses the intestines and promotes weight loss. The salad also has a very low calorie content - only 12 kcal. So, if you want to lose a few kilos, be sure to nibble on these crunchy leaves morning, lunch and evening! 🙂
  • Lettuce leaves have a low glycemic index (only 10 units!), and therefore can be included in the diet of people suffering from diabetes.
  • This product has the property of lowering blood pressure, so it is indicated for hypertension.
  • It contains a substance that is recommended for pregnant women to take in higher dosages.
  • This greenery improves blood composition and helps increase hemoglobin.
  • It helps with insomnia and nervous disorders. Positively affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Turn on maximum amount salad in your daily diet in salads and green smoothies, and you will soon notice how beautiful your skin has become. This menu will make your hair healthier and your nails stronger.
  • Salad reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

Harm of lettuce

This plant is completely harmless and has no direct contraindications. However, you should not overuse chemical lettuce in the cold season, that is, out of season.

In addition, you should limit its amount in case of low blood pressure, diarrhea, gout, kidney stones, colitis and enterocolitis.

  1. Among French women, famous for their beauty and sophistication, there is one interesting recipe for home cosmetology - a bath with salad. It is important that the temperature of the bath water does not exceed body temperature. Then the lettuce leaves placed in it will not cook and will fill it nutrients. How many should you put in? The bigger, the better! Would you like to swim in such an original snack? 😉
  2. It turns out that the popular variety of lettuce “Lollo Rosso”, which I told you about in detail in the corresponding section of the article, was named after the famous Italian actress Gina Lollobrigida. Why? Her '60s hairstyle looked a lot like a rosette of those lettuce leaves! 😆
  3. And the Iceberg variety got its name thanks to clever American traders who covered this perishable product with blocks of ice that looked like icebergs.
  4. Many so-called types of salad are not salad at all. So, for example, watercress belongs to the Brassica family, and to the Amaranth family.

Do you eat salad? Or maybe you swim in it? Share your experience with this product in the comments.
