History of the Khoper River. The Khoper River from source to mouth with tributaries on the world map, river rafting, nature reserve, noteworthy places. The Khoper River on the Voronezh map

For me, my Russia began with Khopr!
Here the fog over the bluish stretch
Dancing in the morning.
There are lilac waves here,
Silence in your arms, squeezing
They laugh loudly,
Lying down on the sand.
And with a strong Cossack song
Farms will rise.
For me, my Russia began with Khopr.

The Khoper River is one of the most beautiful rivers not only middle zone, but also Europe.


The age of the river is venerable - more than 10 thousand years. The length of the river from source to mouth was 1008 kilometers. This is the second largest tributary of the Don. Every year thousands of tourism lovers from all over our country come here to relax.
Khopr's path to the Don is long and winding. Throughout the entire length there are narrow sections with fast water constantly alternate with wide, slow reaches. There are often islands in the channel, and between them, in the channels, there are rapids, behind which whirlpools can arise. A forest strip 5–7 km wide stretches along the banks for many kilometers. Trees and bushes directly overhang the river bed. In some places, without leaving the boat, you can pick up a pot of forest currants. A little further from the shore there are bird cherry and wild apple trees. There are a lot of bird cherry trees, but the main decoration of the local forests is the silver poplar. It really seems silvery, standing out sharply with the white color of its foliage against the background of the surrounding greenery.

Toponymic features of the river and its surroundings.
The sources of Khopr originate from the purest springs near the village of Kuchki, in the Penza region. These springs flow from under a hillock. The water in them is crystal clear ice water. There are only twelve of them. Our river Khoper begins with them.

Source of Khopra

There are many legends and traditions about the Prikhoper land.
One of the legends tells about the love of the Slavic youth Khopr and the daughter of the Polovtsian khan, the beautiful Vorona. In ancient times, when tribes with countless herds roamed along the feather grass steppes from the Volga to the Dnieper, and Mordovian villages were hidden in dense forests, the Polovtsian Khan Tokay had a daughter, the beautiful Crow. Swift, dexterous, beautiful, slender with blue-black hair, the Crow was often dreamed of by Polovtsian and Mordovian youths. But the evil Tatars attacked the land, killed the brave Polovtsian youths, plundered the Polovtsian vezhi, and captured young and old. Only one Crow managed to escape. The Tatar warriors Chembar, Vazhdya and Karai chased after her. The crow sought protection from his evil pursuers from the handsome Burtas, the Mordovian strongman Lomovis the Great. But they, frightened by the pursuit, went into impenetrable forests. The clever and brave young man Khoper from Slavic tribe Vyatichi At full gallop he picked her up, put her on his horse and rushed to the gray-haired Don, seeking protection. And the pursuers are getting closer and closer. The gray Don waved the river blanket and turned fugitives and pursuers into rivers.
From mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, a legend is passed on about how, long ago, an old man named Khoper lived in the Poperechenskaya steppe. One day he came across a hill, from the foot of which flowed more than a dozen transparent springs. cold water and ran away in different directions.
The old man connected the stream beds into one, built a small mill and ground grain for peasants from the surrounding villages; They say the bread made from this flour was delicious. The people named this river after its discoverer - Khoprom. At this place, where the springs unite into one river, grandfather Khoper sits on a stone under the shade of oak trees and the river flows from his beard.
The first information about Khoper is found in the chronicle of 1148. Prince Gleb Yuryevich, going to Ryazan, was also on the “Velitsa Vorona”. At that time, Khoper was called the Great Vorona.
In 1389 the river was called Prokhor. This is mentioned in the diary of Ignatius Smolyanin, who accompanied Metropolitan Pimen to Constantinople. But these are not the only names of the river. There were also others: Khoport, Koport, Kopor.

Fauna of the river and its surroundings.
V.I. Dal in his dictionary deciphered the word “Khoper” as “a den of wild geese.”

In the 16th century, the surroundings of Khopr were called “wild fields.” Countless flocks of cranes, geese, ducks, and snipes found comfortable shelters. Even swans were found in places of solitude. And currently, one of the spring and autumn migration routes of waterfowl passes along the river. geese and ducks linger for a long time in the food-rich backwaters and reaches of the Khopr and nearby lakes. Tall grasses hid herds of saigas. There were a lot of fish in the river: catfish, pike, bream, perch, crucian carp, pike perch, ide, roach, sometimes there were catfish weighing up to 90 kilogram In the backwaters of Khopr and the lakes nearby there are quite large turtles (from 7 to 8 inches long), muskrats, rats, and snakes.
There are also nature reserves on Khopra with a rich flora and fauna - Arkadaksky, Almazovsky, Khopersky. They were organized in the period 1964–1973.
In the reserves the following are taken under protection: elk, fox, river beaver, muskrat, wild boar, roe deer, marten, brown hare. The Almazovsky Nature Reserve is the original habitat of the muskrat along the river. Khoper and natural beaver settlement.

The Muskrat is a living monument to an ancient era. On our planet, the muskrat lives only on the Iberian Peninsula and in the basin of the Ural, Volga and Don rivers. In the Saratov region, the muskrat is found throughout the river valley. Hopper. Thanks to its secretive lifestyle, this animal has survived to this day. In 1965, beavers were brought to Khoper from the Belarusian Nature Reserve.

The river beaver, the most valuable fur-bearing animal of our nature, was completely exterminated long before the revolution. After the restoration of beaver settlements in the Khopersky Nature Reserve, on the territory Voronezh region, beavers settled beyond its borders. In the Saratov region on the Khoper River in 1970 there were already about 400 of them. They settled along the entire river, including tributaries and lakes.

The river in the life of people of different eras.
In the second half of the 16th - early 17th centuries, enterprising peasants, hunters, fishermen and especially beekeepers appeared on Khopra, who received the right to use rich untouched fishing and land along the Khopru and Medveditsa rivers for rent.
At the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries, the flow of fugitive peasants from Voronezh increased to Khoper, where the construction of sea vessels was carried out, begun on the initiative of Peter I. The Tambov governor complained that “Riflemen, Cossacks and other service people were fleeing from Tambov” to Khoper and the Bear. The first settlers of the Balasho district were attracted not only by the flora and fauna, but also by the rich land. The steppe, untouched black soil attracted people with its natural fertility. The endless, wild, uncultivated steppe opened before their eyes.
In the 16th and 17th centuries, dense, huge deciduous forests stretched across most of the Balashovsky district, especially along the Khoper River. In the forest kingdom, oak held primacy, which was used for the construction of barns, houses and churches. Elm, alder, and black maple could also be found.
For a long time, the power of Khoper water was used only in water mills. In the 30s of the 19th century, local merchants received an excellent opportunity to carry out rafting of goods along the Khopr in Cossack villages Don and some cities of the Azov region. Former serf peasant from the village of Kopeny, Atkarsky district, Gerasim Prevratukhin, made a bold, adventurous journey on forest rafts down the Khopr River. In 1836, the possibility of river rafting was proven. A few years later, the first river barges appeared in Balashov, built by G. Prevratukhin near the village of Volynshchino (north of Bekovo). The merchants quickly realized that the Khoper could become a good trade route to the south, and the barge could be a cheap assistant for horse-drawn transport. By the end of the 50s of the 19th century, Balashov merchants floated bread, lard, alcohol, flour, oats, cereals along the Khopr to Rostov. flax-seed, wheat, honey, potash and other goods.

The preparation of cargo for shipment and the construction of barges were carried out in winter. In 1842, 12 barges passed along the Khopru, and in 1845 - 18, and from 1847 to 1850, from 30 to 40 barges were collected annually. Cargo moved slowly along the Khopr and Don, but much faster than by Chumatsky caravans overland. Besides, waterway was cheaper than horse-drawn transport.
During the spring flood, the width of the Khopra in the area of ​​the city of Balashov reached 8 versts, and the depth reached 3–5 fathoms. This made it possible to float timber, grain, and barges along the Khopru to the region of the Don Army. At the end of the 19th century, rafting of timber and barges ceased. This was due to the railway on the territory of Balashovsky district.

In addition to barges, other ships could be seen on Khoper. At the beginning of the 20th century, the workers of the Balashov locomotive depot assembled the steamship "Zarya", which sailed from Balashov to Nikol'evka on market days.

The rich land of the Khoper region attracted not only fugitive peasants and Cossacks, but also rich people of the royal court. Vast areas of land in the Khoper region were distributed by the royal court to noble nobles, boyars, princes, counts, and later landowners for various merits. IN forest-steppe zone Prikhoperye in different years The lands were owned by the Naryshkins, Chernyshevs, Vorontsovs, Kurakins, Golitsyns, Razumovskys, Vyazemskys, Volkonskys, Ignatievs and others. For many centuries, these included the lands on both sides of the Khoper River in its upper and middle reaches.
On the banks of the Khopra, in the Penza region, is located the ancient village of Zubrilovo, which in the 18th century was part of Balashovsky district. This is one of the most famous estates in the Russian province.
The main driveway leading to the estate still amazes with its magnificent view... It is planted on both sides with tall poplars. The alley leads to a large clearing with a spreading oak tree. The estate begins from this clearing.

Main alley

It arose in the 80s of the 18th century after Prince S.F. Golitsyn (1748–1810), major general, aide-de-camp of Catherine II, chose lands along the banks of the Khoper to build an estate.
S.F. Golitsyn arranged his estate without sparing any expense. On the territory of the estate there were: a three-story stone manor house, two large stone outbuildings, two greenhouses and the amazingly beautiful Church of the Transfiguration, larger than the largest county cathedral. Not far from the palace there is a temple-tomb for the owners of the estate, a small chapel and, a little to the side, a bell tower. This whole mass of buildings appears quite amazing to the eye.

General S.F. Golitsyn and his wife Varvara Vasilievna, nee Engelhardt, niece of G.A. Potemkin-Tavrichesky, received many famous contemporaries at the Zubrilovsky Palace. The poet Grigory Romanovich Derzhavin, who lived in Tambov in 1788, often visited. In Zubrilovka he wrote the famous “Autumn during the siege of Ochakov.”
The future fabulist I.A. Krylov lived in Zubrilovka for some time as S.F. Golitsyn’s secretary and mentor to his children. And they had a treasured place in the thicket of the forest, where there was a lonely oak tree, under which the education of the princely undergrowth took place. And as the legend says, it was under this oak tree that the famous fable “A Pig under the Age-Old Oak Tree…” was written. Now a small oak tree grows in this place - the great-grandson of that Krylovsky.

Oak by I. Krylov (mid 1960)

Later, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the famous artist V.E. visited the Golitsyn-Prozorovsky family nest. Borisov-Musatov. Impressed by what he saw, he painted the paintings “Tapestry”, “Pond”, “Ghosts”, “Walk at Sunset”, which marked the flowering of his talent.
Thanks to one of the sons of the first owner - Prince F.S. Golitsyn (1781–1840) collected a significant art collection in Zubrilovka. The white Empire hall housed a portrait gallery. Among the portraits, of which there were at least one and a half hundred, works by Lampi, Molinari, Vigee-Lebrun, Levitsky and other artists were exhibited, whose names remained unknown. A round hall decorated with flowers and rare plants, decorated with marble sculptures, vases, bas-reliefs. The collection of decorative and applied arts was extensive, especially porcelain and enamels. The library contained the most valuable books and documents.
In the fall of 1905, agitators appeared on the estate calling for the burning of boyar estates and expelling the landowners. It only took one night for the century-and-a-half-old splendor to completely perish. All that remained of the Zubrilov palace were half-burnt walls. During the fire and destruction, almost all of Zubrilovka’s artistic treasures were lost. Only the portraits that were then at the Taurida Exhibition in St. Petersburg, and a collection of miniatures, taken by the owner to the capital shortly before the spontaneous and senseless peasant revolt, have survived. As a result, one of the wonderful ancient estates in the Saratov province was destroyed.
The burned palace was later repaired, but the lost interior decoration could not be returned.

The Zubrilovskaya estate is also famous for its temple, built more than 250 years ago according to the design of Italian masters. This is one of the few operating churches where services are held regularly. Art historians are still arguing about who painted the temple. And this temple is fraught with a mystery that has not yet been solved. But the fact is that on the outer wall of the temple there is an icon of the Most Holy Mother of God measuring one meter by two. According to the priest of this church, Father Nicholas, this icon is more than 200 years old, it has never been restored and looks as if it was painted just yesterday. During the times of atheism, this icon was desecrated more than once - it was painted over. But a miracle happened - the icon restored itself to its previous form!
And here is another mystery of the Zubrilov estate - a wondrously beautiful architectural creation called the “Maiden Tower”. They say different things about this tower. Either the princes imprisoned unfaithful wives here, or they built them according to the model of those towers that they saw in their military campaigns around Western Europe.
No less mysterious are the cellars of the former estate of Prince Naryshkin in Letyazhevka, and the miraculously preserved unique park in the village of Pady, for which Prince Naryshkin brought trees from distant countries, and the amazing history of the village of Turki, and the secret of the famous Dead Pool near Arkadak.

Ecological and biological characteristics of the river.
The valley of Khopra is covered mixed forests, there are many lakes and oxbow lakes. Within our region, the width of the river is from 40 meters to 100 meters, the depth is 5–6 meters. During floods, the water level rises to 8 meters. Starting from the end of the 17th century, shipping began to develop intensively on Khoper. But Khoper became shallower year after year, which was facilitated by thoughtless economic activity person. Predatory deforestation, siltation of bottom springs, soil erosion, etc. played a disservice. In some areas the river was cluttered with fallen trees, and at depth with bog oak. And although with the help of the Bolshe-Karayskaya hydroelectric power station, built in 1958, it was possible to raise the water level within Balashov, the speed of the river flow sharply decreased, which ultimately led to an increase in bottom sediments and the proliferation of algae. One of the main reasons for waterlogging of Khopr is the discharge of waste containing a large number of organic matter. They contribute to the growth of swamp vegetation. The most favorable environment is created for the proliferation of blue-green algae that produce toxins. They have a detrimental effect on river flora and fauna, impoverishing it species composition. In turn, water poisoned by toxins enters centralized systems city ​​water supply.
Over the course of 10–15 years, springs disappeared in the Almazovo, Arkadak and other places.
We need a comprehensive science-based program for improving the health of the Khopra basin, the priority areas of which could be:

1. complete cessation of discharge of industrial and domestic waste into the river Wastewater;
2. cleaning the river bed with the subsequent creation of a sanitary zone on its coast within the city limits;
3. organization of environmental general education of the population.

The Khoper flows smoothly, calmly, lazily, and, if you look from a bird's eye view, it seems as if it has frozen, basking in the sun, and is thinking “his long thought.” And he has something to think about. Centuries flew over him, eras changed, but it was quiet and calm on its banks. And only the “past century” made me think. He invaded the old man's thoughts with the sound of axes and the sound of saws in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Deforestation began along the banks and the transformation forest areas into the arable land. The banks with exposed stump rhizomes and everything that was once the secret of the river have now become dry and dusty. There are almost no meadows left either. The arable land comes close to the water in some places. In some places, the browned arable land has been abandoned, thistles are swaying on it and the prickly tartarberry looms crimson.
“The twentieth century” invaded the old man’s thoughts with the roar of tractors, the rhythmic beat of working pumps, the chatter of boat engines. And this century plunged the old man into amazement and confusion: “They take, they take everything, they take forest, they take water, they take fish, they take tributaries and the catchment area . Will I last? Is there enough strength? And how long will I last?” And he doesn’t find an answer to his thoughts. And no one gives him an answer: neither the tractor driver on the powerful Kirovets, plowing the floodplain, nor the driver of the irrigation installation, nor the engine driver rushing along the river with the breeze.

1. Pechurin E.A., Tanonin V.V. City of Balashov //Saratov Volga Book Publishing House. 1979//
2. Demin A.M. Geography of the Saratov region // Lyceum Publishing House. 2005 // One Hundred Questions about Balashov - an information and methodological manual on local history (issue 2) // Balashov City Central Library. 2002 //
3. Khrekov A.A., Kiselnikov A.B. The first stage of development of the electronic museum exhibition “Historical and cultural heritage of the Khoper region: archaeological and tourist routes.”
4. B.A. Sofinsky “Two mysteries of the Zubrilov estate...” //Children’s regional local history newspaper “Not Far Away” No. 1, 2007//
5. V. Smotrov, A. Smotrova, V. Statsenko “Khoper and the Aral – brothers forever?..” (scientific and journalistic essay) //Balashov, Nikolaev Publishing House, 2004//
6. A.P. Bolmosov My favorite land. Geography of Balashovskaya land.
7. http//www.nasledie-rus/podshivka/8602.php
8. We have posted this material in a larger volume in the project “The River Flows” (team “Globus” of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 12 of Balashov, Saratov Region” on the website Letopisi.ru.

It flows through the territory of four Russian regions - Penza, Saratov, Voronezh and Volgograd. This is one of the main tributaries of the Volga. The length of the river is approximately 980 kilometers, and the basin area is more than 80 thousand km2. Khoper is approximately 100 meters wide and 17 meters deep.

The river is fed mainly by snow. Flood occurs approximately in April - May. Most of the bottom is occupied by sand. The river is different enough fast current.

Khoper is famous big amount various types fish Here you can find pike perch, catfish, pike, perch, crucian carp, bream and other representatives of the river kingdom. The unique natural environment of Khoper has won the hearts of many tourists.

According to an old legend, old man Khoper once lived here, after whom the river was named. One fine day he was walking along the steppe and noticed 20 springs of water coming out of the ground. Khoper ran for a shovel and connected them into a single channel. On the banks of the river he created, he built himself a mill, where he produced grain for the local residents. Today in the village of Kuchki there is a monument to this great man. The work belongs to a sculptor named Andrey Smely.

You can travel along the river to most places by kayaks. On the banks of the Khoper there are such Russian cities as Borisoglebsk, Uryupinsk, Balashov and Novokhopersk. At one time, Don Cossacks settled in the river valley.

UNESCO recognized the Khoper as the cleanest river in all of Europe. Located between Borisoglebsk and Novokhopersk Khopersky Reserve.

How to get there

The best way to get there is by car or bus. The route runs along the Penza – Tambov highway. The road is quite good. Having reached the village called “Konstantinovka” you will need to turn onto the road leading to Saratov. And then at the next junction to Tambov. Before the sign for the village “Kuchki” you will need to turn left and there will be about three kilometers left until Khopr. The place can also be reached from Saratov. To do this, you need to follow the P 158 highway, which leads to Nizhny Novgorod. When you reach the village of Nizovka, turn towards Tambov. And then move along the first route. From Rtishchev you can also get to the Khoper River. From this city there is a direct road to Penza. All you have to do is follow the signs. Where the village of Khanevka and the bridge over the Elan River are located, there will be a turn to Bolshaya Elan. And then follow the path familiar to you.

The Khoper River is approximately 980 kilometers long and is one of the most visible and significant tributaries of the Don. The area through which the Khoper flows is very picturesque and has a predominantly hilly character. The right bank is usually high, indented by ravines, the left bank is low. In the river valley there are many oxbow lakes and lakes, which usually have an elongated shape parallel to the main channel, however, over time they become shallow and acquire a rounded shape.
Almost along its entire length, the Khoper flows in a sandy channel; only occasionally there are areas with clay rifts and a rocky bottom. The Khopyor River has a calm flow, there are many excellent sandy beaches, and beautiful forests stretch along the banks almost continuously, plus there are practically no obstacles on the river. All this makes Khoper ideal and very attractive for a kayak trip, and the large length of the river and the developed road network allow you to choose various route options.
Khoper originates in the central part of the Penza region between the villages of Ivanovka and Kuchki, where several streams merge into one channel and form a river, narrow but already deep, along the banks of which grow dense thickets willows and weeds. The stream, starting in front of the village of Kuchki from twelve springs, is considered the official source, a sign and a monument to grandfather Khopr were erected here. True, according to the canons of hydrographic science, the source of the river is considered to be the longest of the streams that flows from Ivanovka, but in this case this is not so important.
Theoretically, you can start the hike immediately from the official source, especially if you go by kayak. But in practice, you will have to deal with rubble from fallen trees, shallows, low bridges, and the river in some places can be quite narrow. Therefore, if you don’t want to exert yourself too much, then you shouldn’t climb higher than the village of Panovka, or even better, start the hike from the village of Sekretarka, then you won’t have to shuffle the bottom and get confused in water lilies and karas. Although it all depends on the purpose of the trip, because if you have an ax, a saw and perseverance, then for a kayak there are no impassable areas where you cannot pass, you can enclose it or, at worst, teleport.
In high water, you can try to climb higher and start the hike from the village of Telegino, the river here is quite fast, winding, there are boulders on the banks and in the bed. Behind the village of Beketovka, coastal forests begin. After the village of Panovka, the Kolyshley River flows into Khopyor, a vast strip of forest begins a little lower, and a high steep bank overgrown with pine trees approaches. The places here are beautiful and quite wild, sometimes there are rubble from fallen trees, but you can walk through. After the mouth of the Tumaneyka, a willow forest with an admixture of pine grows. It’s not difficult to find parking here; the area around is also quite wild.
Further along the river, the village of Sekretarka comes out, which stretches along the shore; after the village there is a treeless area, but not for long, then the river enters the forest again. From here begins a very interesting and picturesque section of the river, on which the famous Glinishcha tract and Lukashina Stream are located. After the confluence with Serdoba (the Spornaya tract), the Khopra riverbed becomes wider and the flow speed increases. By the way, you can start your hike along Serdoba. Below the mouth there is a high and hilly right bank, and the left is a floodplain, overgrown dense forest. Debris from washed away trees is quite possible in this area.
August 4, 2010. Hiking route: the village of Granki (Penza region) - the Don River. This year they decided to start the hike from the village of Granki, in the Penza region, although in the original version they wanted to climb higher, but due to low level water did not do this. Let's go again together with Butt-head, the rest of the subscription was chipped in before the start of the hike as usual, citing urgent matters of a cosmic scale and cosmic stupidity, probably in vain, although these are already their sexual difficulties.
The landing site turned out to be very convenient, there was a good descent to the water, not far from Pine forest, a stream flows nearby clean water. In general, the place turned out to be wonderful, so we decided to hang out here for a while. The day passed rather banally, everything came down to drinking beer in the shade of the pine trees and occasional swimming.
5th of August. Having overcome the terrible relaxation, we started assembling the kayak, and by lunchtime we somehow managed to do it. Still, the place turned out to be treacherous, you can sit here seriously and for a long time, but we will try not to do this. Towards evening we dispersed a bit, even took a walk to explore the surrounding area
August 6. After sunrise, it became clear that the day would be hot, so they decided not to stay long on the shore, quickly got ready and set off after eight. After a couple of turns we approached a high bank, here the river was heavily overgrown with grass and became a little wider and noticeably shallower. We had to walk through several shallows, it’s good that after the high bank retreated, the shallows disappeared. Further on there are quite wild places, there are almost no beaches, although thanks to the sandy bottom there are no problems with swimming, you can land on the shore anywhere and swim.
In the Bekovo area, immediately behind the main road bridge, there is a destroyed dam, which was carried away by the flood. They decided to enclose it along the right bank, since slabs were piled chaotically on the left bank. While the dam was being carried out, a thunderstorm came briskly and without a fawn, which significantly accelerated the process of carrying out, however, the thunderstorm did not particularly affect us, only a very strong wind blew, which broke several trees. Further on there is another bridge, there is a good passage under it. After the bridge there are good parking lots, finding a free one is not a problem. We stopped a little below Bekovo, on the border with the Saratov region, on the right bank in a cozy little forest. Here the wind broke a dozen trees, but it’s still good to be in the right place at the right time.
August 7. We decided to hang out for a day and fish, the place is quite promising, and we also need to get rid of beer so that the supply does not deplete. It almost didn’t let me down, the lunch was fish. After lunch I saw Nikolsky’s viper, a rather rare species; to be fair, it behaved decently, crawled around on the other side of the tent, and disappeared into the bushes. Snakes are found here quite often, it’s a forest river after all, so watching your step won’t hurt at all
8 August. We moved on. In the area of ​​the village of Chadovka, a temporary dam was built across the river, probably for water intake purposes, since there is a pump nearby. There was only a narrow passage left on the right, but we passed through normally, even with acceleration. In the village of Nesterovka there is a road bridge, the passage under it is free, although there may be difficulties in high water, it is still rather low. In the village of Svishchevka there is an old mill on the shore, the remains of the dam are visible, passage is free.
The river is heavily overgrown with algae and has become shallow, so you have to maneuver a lot. True, it still didn’t help, we ran into a submerged log, well camouflaged by grass, sat down tightly, and had to jump into the water to carefully remove the kayak. After swimming a little, we noticed water in the boat, so we had to land on the first beach, right in front of the railway bridge on the Moscow-Saratov line.
The hole turned out to be quite large, next to the stringer, so sizing did not help, this is the main drawback of the PVC shell; a rubber one would most likely have withstood it. Since it was still quite early, we decided to quickly seal the shell and move on. First, I sewed up the hole well with ordinary threads, a thin needle pierces the shell material well, then I glued it onto a transparent patch; With inside made of PVC, and on the outside with tape for gluing the seams, rolled it in circles and that’s it. Half an hour later we launched the kayak into the water (by the way, the patch successfully lasted the entire trip), and we moved on.
After the railway bridge, the hike usually starts from Vertunovskaya station; a little lower there is a suitable place for assembly. Although the station is nearby, you can walk there if you wish, local drivers are very impudent and charge for their services, so it’s worth bargaining well.
In the village of Zubrilovo there will be another destroyed dam, you can freely walk along the arrow, closer to the left bank. Next there is a large arc on which there are no parking areas at all, so we had to do a good paddle. But for this section of the river this is a common occurrence, since good sites with convenient access to the bank and a flat place for tents are rare. We got up after sunset, on the left bank, in a pine forest, in front of the village of Chiganak, just below there is another equipped parking lot.
August 9. We moved on, with parking spaces again not very plentiful, only when approaching the road bridge on the Tambov-Saratov highway, near the village of Potma, several parking lots with sandy beaches appeared on both banks of the river. We passed the bridge, a little below the piles of the destroyed bridge, the passage is free, you just need to be a little attentive. Further on there is a base where we were offered to stay, since parking further on was again tight. In front of the village of Grivki there begins a long stretch, along which there are no parking places; both banks are surrounded by dense willow thickets.
There will be a good equipped parking lot near the village of Klyuchi, located on a high bank with a beautiful panorama. Here local residents offered to buy milk and other products, but upon learning that we were not Muscovites, they somehow quickly lost interest in us. Below there are still several permanent parking lots, but they have a clay exit, and they are usually occupied.
We stood in front of the village of Krasnaya Zvezda, on the left bank, where there is an outlet of sand, the place turned out to be cozy and quite wild, the entrance is not very visible, just below the confluence of the Old Khopr. The river here is wide, there is no current, there is somewhere to swim.
10th of August. We moved on, to Perevesinka there are several beach exits, so if you want there is somewhere to hang out. We carried out the packing in the village of Perevesinka, got out at the road bridge, but it was far from the store, however, Butt-head caught a ride on the way back, so he returned quite quickly. Before the bridge, the riverbed narrows, so the current is quite strong, there are several rapids, a little care is required, the bridge passes along the left bank, then the river widens again. Along the banks there are again places that are not very convenient for parking. Below the village of Kolychevo, the river overflows heavily, forming a wide reservoir, this is Gusinoe Lake, on the left bank, at the river’s exit from the lake, there is a good parking lot.
In the Ageevka area, we saw a very good parking lot on the left bank, where there is a pine forest, there is no access by car, and such a place turned out to be free, so we decided to stop, although it was quite early. Still, it’s a good time on the river, there are significantly fewer people than in July. The dinner was modest - beer with a yellow stripe, cynicism of course.
11th August. We moved on, although we didn’t want to leave such a place, but it was too early to relax, the route was still long. In the area of ​​Krasny Yar, the river narrows greatly, there are wooden piles of the old bridge, but the passage is free, then the river widens, and there are sandy beaches on both its banks. In the Trubetchino area we decided to swim on a small beach, the water is very clear, you stand up to your neck and can see your toes. In the bushes we found a good spinning rod and a box of wobblers, apparently the fishermen were very much in gamino to leave such gifts, thank you.
In the area of ​​the village of Turki (emphasis on i), the river bed narrows greatly, the flow speed increases, and there are several islands. Afterwards there will be the remains of the old dam, you can walk along the right bank, due to the low water at the bottom you can see the remains of a concrete structure, you wouldn’t want to run into something like that. Next is a wooden road bridge, we walked along the far right span.
Then the river turns sharply to the left and enters the forest, from here a rather interesting and beautiful section of the river begins. The channel here is narrow and the river winds strongly, so there are many sandy beaches where you can find good parking; in general, there are no problems with parking until Arkadak. There are a lot of fallen and flooded trees in the riverbed, you have to maneuver a lot so as not to run into them, you can easily throw yourself over. We stopped not far from Arkadak, under the high right bank, in a light deciduous forest.
12th of August. Today we decided to stay, the place is too interesting, it’s worth exploring the surroundings better. At the same time, we tried a new spinning rod, however, there was no bite, so we gave up on fishing very soon.
August 13. We moved on. Yes, Arkadak goes in a long arc, shallow, there are rifts. A new road bridge is being built in Arkadak; now a decommissioned old railway bridge, built in 1902, is being used as it. A couple of kilometers later there is a new railway bridge, on the right bank there is a platform nearby, from here you can get to Rtishchevo by train.
Then there are turns, many beaches, however, after the confluence of the Arkadak River, the water becomes muddy, but then, thanks to the flow, it gradually clears. In front of the village of Letyazhevka there is a long arc, on which there are several rocky rifts; below the village there are turns, and again there are places convenient for parking. Although you don’t have to worry too much about parking, within an hour you can always find a place if you look carefully.
We rowed mentally today (as always), we barely stopped, if it weren’t for the arc straight ahead and the setting Sun, we would have rowed further. We stopped on the beach at the turn to the high bank, in front of the village of Pada. We talked a little with local fishermen and helped drag Kazanka into the water. Surprisingly, it glides quite easily on the sand.
August 14. In the morning we helped the bobbers pull the boat back, and for our participation in the process we were treated to pike, despite the small catch. There is no good shade on the beach, so getting ready was quite brisk. Passed on the arc pedestrian bridge ik, under the right bank, further on the turn there is a good equipped beach from some sanatorium, even lifeguards are on duty. There is a rather wild section leading up to Arzyanka, there are not many parking places, but you can have problems finding a good one, the main thing is not to miss it.
Further downstream, inhabited places begin; on Saturday this is especially noticeable; you immediately feel the approach to Balashov; along the banks there are recreation centers. At one of the bases they were attacked by drunken mermaids; they managed to escape with great difficulty. After a large sandy ravine with a pine forest at the top, there are several rifts; you can walk closer to the shore. Beaches and good exits They are densely packed with vacationers, it’s certainly not possible to get stuck here, and there are a lot of motor boats on the river.
Oddly enough, especially for a Saturday, we managed to find a good parking lot (it’s a pity it was early) immediately in front of Balashov, right opposite the village of Khoperskoye, in a very interesting pine forest, although the climb is high, but such a parking lot was worth it. A small island with trees is well protected from the buildings opposite, and there is somewhere to swim, in general, we hung out without hesitation, the only bad thing is that the rowing day was short-lived.
August 15. The forest around the parking lot turned out to be large and beautiful, we enjoyed a walk. Right after sailing, mourning music began to sound in the village, that’s how it sometimes happens. We stopped under a road bridge to do some shopping; there was a store nearby, so we got it done quickly. Further on there is an old road bridge, now a pedestrian bridge. After the railway bridge the river goes sharply to the right. After it there are good parking lots on the left bank, people can get to them from the city by motorboat.
In the Pionerovka area, the right bank is open, and there is mass swimming here again. Afterwards there is a low road bridge, the passage under it is free, only fallen trees are a little in the way. Then the river enters the forest again, the riverbed here winds strongly, and as a result, there are a large number of beaches and places to stay. After Nikolaevka, along the right bank there is a high ravine covered with pine forest. Further on there is a long arc with shallows, we almost landed a couple of times, and this is with such a draft, after all, this year the water level is very low. We stopped in front of the village of Almazovo, in a very interesting place, on a small beach under the trees. We drank beer for dinner, walked around a bit, and went to bed.
August 16. Early in the morning I decided to go fishing, I managed to catch a couple of pikes, but we definitely won’t go fishing today. While he was cooking, Butt-head went for a beer. Towards evening we began exploring the surrounding area; the area turned out to be interesting and quite wild. In the evening I sat with a spinning rod, but this time there was no bite.
August 17. We moved on, a little below the parking lot there is a bridge standing at an angle to the current, when passing it it drifts a little towards the piles, a little care will be required. After an open section along the right bank, the river enters the forest again, there are many turns with beaches, the area is wild. Afterwards the river comes out to a high open left bank, then a turn, there is a good beach on it.
Further, to the village of Bolshoy Karai, there are not many parking lots, you will come across a few, but they are usually busy. At the end of the village there is a destroyed hydroelectric dam, here there is only a run-off, along the right bank. After the dam, at the turn, we met kayakers from Voronezh at a parking lot. They learned from them that the passage through the Khopyorsky Nature Reserve was closed due to the fire situation, but they didn’t bother loading too much, we’ll see on the spot. Then there is an arc, the left bank is open, there are no parking areas, then a couple of turns, here we are stuck, there is a good exit on the left bank.
August 18. We moved on, the area after the parking lot is quite wild, there are parking lots, some are occupied by fishermen, but you can always stumble across them. While afloat we met a group on rubber boats, they were coming from Balashov, a long time ago, a very long time ago. We drank for company right on the water, accepted a gift in the form of dried fish, and went little by little.
Further on, the river reaches a high, open right bank, here is the village of Gubari, which means it’s already in the Voronezh region. Behind the road bridge, there is a good passage under it, along the left bank there is a beach, densely packed with swimmers, we stayed here a little to take part in a couple of photo sessions. Near Makashevka there is a ravine with a very sharp turn, almost in a circle. Next there will be a section of rather wild terrain. Near the village of Gorelka the river approaches the high left bank, here there is a long arc. At the turn, immediately after the arc, we stopped for a parking lot, on the right bank.
August 19. In the morning there was a little rain, but the Sun came out very quickly and dried everything out. This means there is no reason to stay in place, although you always don’t want to leave such parking lots. Below the parking lot, an arc begins, which smoothly turns into another, the area is inhabited, and the presence of a road bridge in the village of Tretyaki, where the highway to Saratov passes, has an effect. Beyond the village the river enters the forest again, the area here is relatively wild, and there are not very many parking areas. Near the village of Peski the riverbed bifurcates, the passage is on the right, then there is a low wooden bridge. Now we can pass through freely, although previously only a kayak could pass through, and then back to back, the water level has become noticeably lower.
After the bridge there is an area with low banks, a cozy forest grows around it, the riverbed here is narrow, there are many turns. At one of the turns we saw a roe deer come out onto the beach, and since we were drifting, we swam very close to it, you could reach it with an oar, a very unexpected meeting. Further along the left bank there is an open area, the Zaymishche tract, and here we stopped, under the oak trees. While he was setting up the tent, Butt-head, having nothing better to do, threw out a spinning rod, and on the very first retrieve he took a pike perch, that’s how it sometimes happens. I had to bother with cooking.
August 20. We moved on. Along the way there are turns with small beaches. It began to rain near the village of Kalinino, so we waited on the shore, under an oak tree leaning towards the water. How quickly the weather set in, because in the morning everything was different. When exiting open area you can see Kalinino, there is a wooden bridge, the passage is good. Further on there will be several good parking lots, all of them turned out to be free, even somehow strange.
After the railway bridge near Povorino there is a long arc to the village of Rozhdestvenskoye, there are no parking lots. Here a very strong headwind blew and rain came, we had to go out in the reeds and wait on the shore (mostly because of the wind), it passed well quickly and a little sideways. There is a very tricky bridge in Rozhdestvensky; first there are old piles, then a new bridge made of railway platforms, immediately behind it is a dilapidated bridge made of sleepers, a passage along the left bank. The arc ends with a couple of sharp turns and the river enters the forest. Further on there are good parking lots, but on weekends it’s better not to go here, everything is packed with vacationers. But today all places are free, the weather helped. We stopped near the Trukhin cordon on the right bank, the place is simply amazing.
August 21. In the morning it was plus seven and a strong cold wind was blowing, so we decided to hang in place. After lunch we did our favorite thing - exploring the surrounding area. I went to the cordon, it turned out to be abandoned a long time ago, I picked up grapes and plums there, the vitamins won’t hurt at all.
August 22. Weather things have improved, you can move forward. There are always stops along the way, it is clear that the area is inhabited, the proximity of Borisoglebsk has an effect. The Crows stopped at the confluence; we need to replenish supplies. I borrowed a bicycle from a local fisherman, so I bought it quickly.
After the confluence of the Vorona, the channel became noticeably wider, and the water immediately lost its transparency. Beyond the road bridge to Volgograd, the river enters a large forest. Now the character of the river is changing, its scope appears, the turns have become longer, the beaches are noticeably larger. We decided to stop at a good beach in front of the Stroensky cordon. The place is interesting, there are large oak trees nearby, very old, about two hundred years old. After sunset we had a good time sitting on a fallen tree and drinking beer and dried fish.
August 23. Let's move on, there's a lot on the way good places for parking, there is no one, apparently it was the off-season. There is a high bank on the right, it is very beautiful all around. Somehow we unnoticed ourselves at the border of the reserve, passed unnoticed at the entrance, apparently the spirit of the river averted its eyes to the guards. The reserve is good, there are no anthropoids, no traces of their presence are visible at all. We stopped on the beach, a couple of turns before the Kutiha cordon.
An hour later, the guards of the reserve passed upstream, three people in Kazanka and a dog. They were very surprised by our presence, but not for long, after which they began to harass us, such as standing in an unauthorized place, passing without permission, and threatening to give us a large fine. In response, we expressed a kind of very strong surprise, saying that we went in the seventh year, and the pass was issued later, when we reached Varvarino. In the end, they separated peacefully.
24 August. In the morning, the same faces sailed past and were pleased that we were leaving, as promised. We wished each other good luck and moved on. After a couple of turns, the high right bank approaches; the Karachan River flows in front of it. Next are several long arcs and Varvarino. There was already a guy waiting for us here (apparently they thought that we could just as easily leave the reserve unnoticed), who drove us to the office by car. I paid four hundred rubles per snout for the pass, and found out that there were thoughts of a complete ban on passage along the river, some kind of villains were in the air. Yes, times are not the same, it was somehow easier before, so in the future it is better to first look at the official website of the reserve. Having resolved the issues, I looked into the local museum, then went into a store, and headed towards the river. Now, with a clear conscience, we move on. Since we arrived at the officially permitted parking lot early, we decided to move on, to the exit from the reserve, to freedom. Closer to sunset we approached the border of the reserve in front of Novokhopyorsk. We passed the road bridge and began to look for parking. We stopped on the left bank, there was even a choice, so we picked the cleanest one, even with a table. At dinner we drank to the bright future of the reserves and the triumph of reason.
25-th of August. We moved on, now the forest zone is over, there are steppe expanses. Here the Khoper is wide, one of the banks is low, so there is room for the wind to blow around. IN hot weather The wind happens very often, it starts in the morning, gradually intensifies towards lunch and subsides towards evening.
After the railway bridge there is a sandbank, once again we sat on it, we had to do some wiring, but it’s nice to walk on good sand. The Savala flows a little lower, then there is a long arc, there are no parking areas on it, ahead is the Volgograd region. In Mikhailovskaya there is a pontoon bridge, in front of it there are old piles, they went along the far right span, there are no hanging cables here. Next are the parking lots, but they are usually busy, especially on weekends.
After the confluence of the Kasarka there are wild places; there are no parking areas in this area. We found a good parking lot after the Khopyor camp site. It was possible to stand right on the beach, but for aesthetic reasons we stopped opposite, on the high right bank.
August, 26th. After parking there will be several turns with beaches, there is where to stop. Then there is a long arc to Kotovsky, after which there is a turn to Uryupinsk, there will be a beach on the right, you can stop. It started to rain before Uryupinsk, we met on the water wearing raincoats. After the road bridge it stopped. Next there will be a pontoon pedestrian bridge, in front of it there are old piles and a pool, there is a passage only in the center of the bridge. Immediately behind it there are still old piles and a strong current with a sharp drop, we took a little to the right, here the passage is free.
Further on, the river enters the forest; there are many parking areas here, so even on weekends you can find a suitable place. This area is a favorite place for anglers, there are many holes with names, so there are fish. A good parking lot was found under the high left bank, in front of Krivevsky. I sat with the fishing rod for a while, but there was no bite, apparently the change in weather had an effect
August 27. In the morning we explored the surroundings, the area is interesting, a pine forest grows on the high bank, and it offers a good view of the other bank. After a relaxing lunch we moved on. The views on the river are interesting; in front of Lukovskaya there is a high right bank with chalk slopes covered with deciduous forest and bare peaks, and on the river there are good beaches, there is where to stay.
After that there is a small arc, followed by a sharp turn, there is somewhere to stand, then a long arc to Zakhopyorsky, there will be a pontoon bridge, very well maintained, even with railings. We walked along the left flight, the passage is free, there are wooden gazebos along the banks, everything is very well maintained. We walked a little more and stopped on the right bank, after the confluence of the Erik Medvezhiy.
August 28. It was cloudy in the morning, so we decided to hang out for the day. After lunch we started exploring the area. A pine forest once grew on the high bank, but after a long-standing fire only a few pine trees survived. In general, fires are a scourge for this area. Today we saw a thick column of smoke on the other side, it was burning strongly, even an airplane flew in to extinguish it, and by the evening it seemed to have been extinguished.
August 29. Today a strong headwind is blowing, a very small tornado even passed through us in the ravine, rocked the kayak strongly and filled our eyes with sand. Along the banks there are real oak dugout boats, they look very old, but they still hold up. After the confluence of the Old Khopr, a fire was observed to spread on the right bank. Some fishing fuckers missed the fire, and a strong wind fanned the fire, which quickly spread around, it was creepy even to swim past.
There will be a bridge in Tishanskaya, we passed it in the middle. Then there are smooth curves, with the same turns, good, and there are not many free parking lots. After Krasnovsky, the high right bank, overgrown with dense forest, comes close to the river. The parking lot was found right on the arc on the left bank, a little below Podpesochny.
August 30. Let's move on. After several smooth long arcs we approached the Buzuluk River. We went into the river for a while, swam, the water in it was clear and clean, with a mineral taste, the difference was immediately visible. At the exit from the river we saw a couple of sterlets, we walked with them in slightly parallel courses, loaded. Below the merger there is a major road bridge. After Titovsky, the high right bank approaches the river again, and in some places stone outcrops are visible. Next come small smooth arcs, with smooth turns, there are very good parking lots. Below Arzhanovskaya we saw a good exit to the shore and decided to stop.
August 31. The night was very cold, the proximity of the meadow had its effect. While walking, I found dense thickets of blackberries, and while picking berries, I unexpectedly crossed paths with a moose, someone I didn’t expect to see here. There was a bit of a delay with the departure and we felt very relaxed. We made a purchase in Zotovskaya and moved on. The character of the river has not changed, smooth arcs and turns, in some places there is a high bank, in general, calm, peaceful rowing. We stopped somewhere in the Kruglyakovsky area, on the left bank in a poplar forest.
September 1. In the morning, a very, very strong wind blew, they didn’t hang around, it looks like this is a showdown between a cyclone and an anticyclone, which can last a long time. After passing the ravine, the wind switched to a counter course, but there was nothing to do, now only forward. We walk closer to the shore, along the wind shadow, the waves move in a chaotic disorder. We approached a new channel, compared to the seventh year it became noticeably wider, and the oxbow lake was washed away. Before this, Khoper passed by a large ravine with a huge beach, now there is an oxbow lake there, it is interesting to watch the change in the riverbed.
We approached Slashchevskaya, it stands right on the shore, the wind does not subside. Here there appeared dams, stone heaps running from the shore to the fairway, traces of former shipping, of which nothing remains. After a couple of turns there will be a major road bridge, the last one on Khopra. A little lower the river abuts the right bank; here there is a small granite outcrop. A good panorama opens from the shore, but today visibility is poor, dust has risen. Further on there is a long arc, parking lots are only on the left bank, but they are very populated. At the turn before the confluence of the Kumylga, the wind dispersed a large wave, and then there were two more dams to go around, with difficulty we reached the confluence, we were still hanging. The wind blew all night, but it was cozy under the protection of the trees.
September 2. In the morning there was dense cloud cover and the wind continued to blow, but the direction was sideways, so we decided to move on. The area after the confluence is relatively wild, small settlements are located only on the high right bank, the left bank is not inhabited, and the Kumylzhensky nature reserve is located here. The river flows mainly in a long arc along the high bank, only sometimes moving to the side, making smooth turns. Parking is rare, but you can find a spot.
Before Bukanovskaya, the high bank goes to the side, and the river turns to the left. Further on, the river winds strongly, there are many large sandy beaches, you can stand anywhere. We decided to stop on the right bank, in the Zatalovsky area, under large poplars. This is the territory of the Nizhnekhopersky natural park.
September 3. In the morning the strong wind continued to blow, but even though the sky was clear, it meant it was still blowing. We moved on, the wind was headwind, the wave was serious, there were a couple more good beaches below. At the turn we encountered a slight lull, but this was only temporary. A couple more turns, and the Don appeared ahead, with difficulty we made our way to the mouth. We entered the Don and encountered a miracle, the wind switched to tailwind, thanks to the Don for the gift. On a favorable wave, things went more cheerfully, and we quite briskly reached the confluence of the Bear, where we hung out. There is just a little left to Serafimovich, and you can already get out of it by bus to Mikhailovka or to Volgograd. The navigation of 2010 can be considered completed, the trip was once again a great success, and turned out to be very exciting and educational.

The Khoper River stretches for 1000 km through the Penza, Saratov, Voronezh and Volgograd regions. The source is located in the area of ​​​​the village of Kuchki, where 12 pure springs connect into one stream.

Legend has it that in those places there lived an old man named Khoper, who discovered 12 springs and connected them with a shovel, and then built a mill and ground grain into flour for the residents of the surrounding villages. The river was named Khopr, and a monument was erected to the old man Khopr at the source.

The Khoper River is winding and unstable; the map shows that the flow repeatedly changes speed and direction. Narrow areas with strong fast currents give way to calm, quiet pools that can end in a whirlpool. Initially, the Khoper River flows in a southwestern direction, then turns southeast and, at its confluence with the Don, makes a turn again. In the Khopra basin there are many lakes and oxbow lakes, islands, the left and the right are quite steep and gully, overgrown with bushes and forest.

Khoper is a river whose photos will not leave anyone indifferent. The floodplain valley is unusually picturesque, especially during the spring flood.

The Khoper River has many tributaries, the largest of which are the Arkadachka, Karai, Vorona, Tamala, Serdoba, Savala, Karachan, and Olshanka rivers. The flora and fauna of the river valley are represented in the Arkadaksky, Almazovsky and Khopersky nature reserves.

It occupies a significant area in the middle reaches of the river - about 50 km. The fauna is represented by river beavers, squirrels, bison, rare species of bats, wild ducks, foxes, martens, deer and other animals. There are a lot of fish in Khopra - pike, bream, perch, roach, crucian carp, catfish, pike perch, ide. The muskrat lives here, an animal listed in the Red Book as a relict species.

The flora is represented by shrubs, trees and herbaceous species. Floodplain forests of Khopr include oaks, maples, poplars, lindens, ash, elms, and aspens. The undergrowth is formed from hazel, buckthorn, bird cherry, rose hips, viburnum, thorns and wild apple trees. Among the herbaceous plants there are lungwort, sedge, and blackberry. On the right bank, near the confluence of the Vorona and the Khopra, lies the ancient and vast Tellerman Forest.

The Khoper River some time ago was considered one of the most beautiful and cleanest rivers in Europe, but now ecological situation has deteriorated significantly due to the destructive activities of the population. The main reasons are the dumping of industrial waste into the river, deforestation of floodplain forests, siltation of springs, leading to gradual waterlogging of the Khopr.

To stop the negative processes of river pollution, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive cleaning of the riverbed, stop the destruction of trees, fence the banks with a sanitary zone - in a word, restore the natural balance of nature. An important measure will be to work with the population to explain the need for protection unique nature Khopra.

A little from the wiki.
Khoper is a large river in the Penza, Saratov, Voronezh and Volgograd regions of Russia, the largest left tributary of the Don. Length 980 km, basin area 61,100 km². The food is predominantly snowy. High water in April - May. The highest water flow is 3720 m³/s, the lowest during low water is 45.4 m³/s, average consumption water 150 m³/s. It freezes in December and opens in late March - early April. In some years, ice cover is unstable. Width up to 100 m, depth up to 17 m. The bottom is usually sandy; The current is fast. In the valley of Khopra there are many old women. There are many species of fish in the river: pike perch, ide, sabrefish, catfish, pike, perch, bream, crucian carp, asp, chub, roach, silver bream, bleak, dace, kalinka, white-eye, podust, and others. Sterlet, burbot, tench, carp, gudgeons, bluefish are rarely found; shemaya and vimba come in.
Moose, hares, gray herons, swans, eagles, falcons, owls, nightingales, ducks, beavers, river turtles, snakes (snakes and vipers), etc. are found near the river. The Khoper originates in the central part of the Penza region, within the Volga region uplands, flows through elevated areas in a southwestern direction, flows into the Don near the village of Ust-Khopyorskaya. Khopyor is navigable (from the city of Novokhopyorsk, 323 km from the mouth). Motor ships “Comets”, ferries, and barges sail along the Khopr River. A pontoon bridge was installed in the village of Fedoseevskaya from 1955-1957. Since the late nineties, due to the construction of bridges, shipping has been cancelled. Along the entire route of the river, bridges reach a height of 18-26 meters. A significant part of its length is accessible for kayaking. On the river are the cities of Balashov, Povorino, Borisoglebsk, Novokhopyorsk, Arkadak, Uryupinsk.
The Khopra Valley was one of the places where the Don Cossacks settled.
In the Khopra Valley, back in the middle of the 20th century, reserves with rich flora and fauna were organized - Almazovsky, Khopyorsky, Arkadaksky. In these reserves the following animals are protected: fox, river beaver, muskrat, wild boar, brown hare. In the lower reaches of the river, in the area between the cities of Borisoglebsk and Novokhopyorsk, there is the Khopyorsky Nature Reserve.

The beginning of hydrological research of the river. Khoper was founded in 1892-95. Don description party of engineers Chertsov and Rosenvert on behalf of the Ministry of Railways and Communications. However, the functioning of the first hydrological post on the Khoper began even earlier: 1876-78... In the Soviet years, a comprehensive study of the Khoper was undertaken in 1930 by the State Institute for the Design of Water Protection Structures (Giprovod) as part of work on the problem of the Upper Don. In the 30s XX century There were 16 hydrological stations on the river. Even then, a low average annual turbidity of the river was noted - 70 g/m3; the hydrochemistry of the river at that time was poorly studied.

Despite the far from ideal statistics describing the water quality in Khopra, scientific literature and especially in media reports the Khoper is called “the cleanest river in Europe”, “the cleanest river in the south-east of Russia”, “one of the cleanest rivers steppe zone European Russia", "one of the most beautiful rivers south-eastern Russia”, “a unique and cleanest river in Europe”. These assessments are not unfounded. The Khoper is the only unregulated river in the forest-steppe of the Russian Plain. Hydrological processes occur naturally, becoming the basis for the naturalness of dynamic changes in the abiotic component of the landscape, as well as its flora and fauna.
The nature of Prikhoperye is of global importance. In Prikhoperye there are 4 key ornithological territories (IBAs) of international importance: in Tambov region: state nature reserve“Voroninsky”, Vorono-Khopyorsky KOTR; in the Voronezh region: Khopra floodplain near lake. Ilmen, Khopyorsky State Nature Reserve.
In the Voronezh Prikhoperye region, protected areas of regional significance include natural monuments: lake. Ilmen (the largest lake in the region), Mokroe swamp (Povorinsky district); Khopyorsky State nature reserve, Alkhi tract, park-estate c. Kalinovo, Krasnyanskaya steppe, nameless swamp (Novokhopersky district); natural monuments: section of the river Savals (Saval forestry), Upper Karachan, Golden Fund, “Taiga Women” alley, Pets of Centuries, Demidov Log tract (Gribanovsky district).
Scientific expeditions of various statuses conducted to study Khoper in last years, indicate not only the need for an integrated approach and the implementation of new environmental projects in the Khoper region, but also about the uniqueness and originality of the Khoper ecosystem, about unique landscapes, species diversity], about changes in the content of substances in river water when moving from the upper reaches (more pure water) to the mouth (less pure), about changes in biodiversity along the Khopr with movement from the forest-steppe zone to the steppe zone, about the richness of the territories adjacent to the Khopr in historical, architectural and archaeological monuments, most of which have not been studied by specialists, etc.
Thus, the naturalness of the hydrological regime of Khopr, the richness and diversity of the water fund, the dynamism of its hydrological conditions, naturally forms the basis for the richness of the biodiversity of its ecosystems, which require further research and protection.

A couple of legends about the Khoper River...
According to legend, old man Khoper lived in these places. He was walking along the steppe and saw 12 springs coming out of the ground. The old man took a shovel and connected all these springs into one large stream, on which he built a mill and ground grain here for peasants from the surrounding villages. And the river was then given the name of its creator.
At the source of the Khoper River near the village of Kuchki, Penza District, Penza Region, a monument “Old Man-Khoper” by sculptor Andrei Smely was erected.

Another story tells us about the love of the Slavic youth Khopr and the daughter of the Polovtsian khan, the beautiful Vorona. In ancient times, when tribes roamed the feather grass steppes from the Volga to the Dnieper, and Mordovian villages were hidden in dense forests, the Polovtsian Khan Tokay had a daughter, the beautiful Crow. Swift, dexterous, beautiful, slender with blue-black hair. Polovtsian and Mordovian youths often dreamed of the crow. But the evil Tatars attacked the land, killed the brave Polovtsian youths, plundered the Polovtsian huts, and captured young and old. Only one Crow managed to escape. The Tatar warriors chased after her. The girl sought protection from the Mordovians. But they, frightened by the pursuit, went into impenetrable forests. The dexterous and brave young man Khoper from the Slavic tribe of Vyatichi saw the Crow. At full gallop, he picked her up, put her on his horse and rushed to the gray-haired Don, seeking protection. And the pursuers are getting closer and closer. The gray Don waved the river blanket and turned fugitives and pursuers into rivers.

A little bit of history... But it’s up to you to judge whether it’s true or fiction. It is believed that the Khoper is one of the largest tributaries of the Don. However…
“The Khopyor riverbed is one of the most ancient river systems in the world. According to the latest data, the age of the paleochopra is estimated at approximately 10 million years of existence. But the modern Khoper is a river with an age of 10 thousand years (approximately), which gives it the right to be called the oldest river in our region. After all, both the Volga and Don are at least twice as younger. Hence the assumption that our Khoper is, in principle, a dying river, no matter how sad it may sound. If anyone is interested in the details, then I can lay out in more detail. In general, to summarize, the Khoper is degrading, and not only from anthropogenic impact, it is nature. ..”
