The best tools for self-defense without a license. Weapons for self-defense without permission or license

Weapons have been associated with death for centuries. But at the end of the twentieth century, “peacekeeping” developments began to appear that could stop a person, saving his life. Today's review will focus on the latest weapons non-lethal action, which may soon become popular means of self-defense.

Gas super can

Arma 100, used by American police officers, is an excellent alternative to shotguns and pistols. This weapon is slightly larger in size than conventional pneumatic guns, but it does not fire conventional cartridges, but rather gas from disposable cartridges. Arma 100 can be used effectively at a distance of up to 6 meters. It is enough to hit the attacker to protect him for a while.

Water pistol with laser sight

Water pistols are another non-lethal means of neutralizing the enemy. Their action is similar to a stun gun, but instead of shocking the target, the gun shoots a stream of strong irritant at the target. U JPX Jet Protector dual barrel, which allows it to simultaneously fire two doses of an irritating substance at a speed of 430 km/h. The undeniable advantage of the JPX Jet Protector over the electric shock gun is its range. The JPX Jet Protector can be used effectively at a distance of up to 6.5 meters, while the stun gun can only be used if the attacker is in close proximity. A laser beam allows you to aim.

Tactical Melee Grips

The only melee weapon on this list is tactical pens. They are a simple tool intended for use during contact combat. The principle of operation of the handles is approximately the same as that of kubotan sticks - they need to be used to strike the enemy’s pressure points. Tactical pens are made from titanium, steel and aircraft-grade aluminum. In addition to being used for self-defense, such pens can also be used for their intended purpose - for writing in a notebook.

Adhesive foam gun

Although foam gun was developed in the mid-1990s, it was used only a few times during the US intervention in Somalia. Witnesses of combat tests noted that it is very difficult to hit a moving target with such a weapon. The concept of a foam gun is to hang a backpack on your back with a high-pressure tank filled with chemical foam. The tank is connected to a nozzle, which the operator directs at the target. Once the foam hits the object, it instantly hardens.

Artillery shell causing panic

A secret project codenamed XM1063 is currently under development. XM1063 - artillery shell non-lethal action, designed to suppress enemy personnel. The essence of the development is that regular shells for 155-mm howitzers, instead of an explosive, a chemical is charged, which is sprayed into the air when the projectile hits the target. When chemicals enter the human body, they cause panic.

Futuristic laser gun

PHaSR- a non-lethal laser cannon designed for use in both war time to defeat the enemy, and peacefully to neutralize criminals. The PHaSR looks like a futuristic looking rifle. This is a completely autonomous system that emits two laser beams that blind and disorient the enemy.

Armored car with water cannon

Turkish TOMA unit or Toplumsal Olaylara Mudahale Araci, which underwent a baptism of fire during the unrest in Turkey, is an armored vehicle with a powerful water cannon installed on it. While the idea of ​​using water cannons to disperse crowds is not new, TOMA takes the concept to a whole new level.

The massive 5-ton truck can hold up to 10,000 liters of water, which shoots a powerful jet over a long distance. However, if rioters get too close, the vehicle can spray tear gas. The car is also equipped with its own sealing system to prevent gas from getting inside.

Traumatic stun grenades

Stingball grenades Quite widely used in prisons and for riot control. Although they may seem quite dangerous, their design has several key features to help prevent fatalities. Unlike regular grenades, stingballs are made almost entirely of rubber. This ensures that the splinters and rubber balls contained inside will not cause serious damage. Most stingball grenades explode with a flash of about 6 million candelas and a 180-decibel pop.

Shooting cartridges

Taser Shockwave- an installation consisting of a series of blocks, each of which has 6 cartridges, flying out at different angles. The installation provides barrage fire by covering a large area. Shockwave can be mounted on the grilles of Jeeps and other vehicles. The main purpose of the Taser Shockwave is to stop suicide bombers from infiltrating a crowd. However, no matter how this installation is used, it will allow people to be restrained without inflicting mortal wounds on them.

Sound Cannon Thunder Generator

Sound cannon" Thunder Generator" was developed by Israeli farmers to repel predators that feed on poultry. But later this invention began to be used against people. The Thunder Generator is capable of emitting a series of ultra-short sonic shock waves that travel up to 100 meters. These waves knock a person off his feet and stun him. If the distance is less than 10 meters, the sounds become deadly.

People have fought since ancient times, and in preparation for war, they sought to create weapons that would make them invincible. Continuing the topic - a review of.

Only a few have perfect skills in countering attackers in hand-to-hand combat. Therefore, weapons can become a real salvation in extreme situations. civil self-defense. Fortunately, current legislation provides for the possibility of using a whole arsenal of defensive means, the acquisition of which does not require a license.

What civil self-defense weapons can be purchased without a license?

  • aerosol self-defense products;
  • stun guns;
  • spark gaps;
  • gas pistols and signal revolvers;
  • pneumatic weapons with a caliber of up to 4.5 mm;
  • spearfishing weapons;
  • household knives.

What should you keep in mind when buying a defensive weapon without a license?

When purchasing a self-defense weapon without a license, first of all, you should not overestimate its capabilities. Even the most modern models of defensive pneumatic weapons have very little impact power and penetration ability.

If the sight of a gun in the hand does not have the desired psychological effect on an attacker, there is a minimal chance that the attacker will run away when fired with a metal ball. When a situation poses a potential threat to life, it is recommended to aim an air gun at unprotected areas of the body, for example, at the attacker’s face.

As for the effect of gas in appropriate protective equipment, it can noticeably lose its destructive power, especially in frosty weather, due to a decrease in pressure. Therefore, in order for a self-defense weapon to have an effect, you must be able to quickly assess the situation, your own strengths, and the real intentions of the enemy.

Aerosol devices

Civil self-defense weapons such as aerosol metered spray devices operate on the principle of gas pistols. Protective equipment of this category is charged with small-sized cartridges.

Aerosol devices fire jets of irritating chemical composition. Once on the surface of the attacker’s skin, the active substances cause an extremely unpleasant, severe burning effect, especially if the composition gets on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and eyes. When used effectively, aerosol self-defense weapons can make the attacker passive for at least 10-20 minutes, which is enough for salvation.

Gas cartridges

The use of self-defense weapons in the form of gas canisters makes it possible to hit an attacker with a cloud of gas that irritates the mucous membranes. The action of most gas canisters leads to severe burning of the facial area, which often leads not only to complete disorientation of the aggressor, but also to loss of consciousness.

Among the advantages of gas cartridges it should be noted:

  • affordable price;
  • breadth of choice;
  • light weight and compact dimensions;
  • particularly easy to use.

If we talk about the disadvantages, then gas self-defense weapons are not very effective at sub-zero temperatures. At the same time, there is a high risk of purchasing a defective or faulty product. In general, gas cartridges can be dangerous for the defender himself in the presence of a headwind or when used in an enclosed space.

Stun guns

A stun gun is an unlicensed non-lethal self-defense weapon that strikes an attacker with an electric current of up to 0.6 mA. When using a stun gun, there is no threat to the life of the attacker, but his muscle reaction is guaranteed to weaken for some time. Typically, contact of a powerful stun gun with unprotected skin will result in loss of consciousness.

IN last years stun guns have become widespread among domestic users. The reason for this is the special compactness of modern models. Innovative stun guns not only fit comfortably in the palm of your hand, but are also often disguised as various household tools and portable devices, such as flashlights or cell phones.

Light and sound weapons for civil self-defense

Light and sound means of personal self-defense belong to the category of non-lethal devices. The decisive role in their use is played by psychological impact on the attacker, thanks to a combination of aggressive light and sound factors.

Light and sound devices are simultaneously distracting and stunning. For some time, the aggressor finds himself in a state of shock, often losing the ability to see or hear, and also completely loses orientation in the surrounding space. Until recently light and sound weapons for self-defense in Russia it was impossible to purchase without a license, since it was used as an element of certain models of barrelless pistols.

Among the main advantages of light and sound self-defense means are:

  • highly effective protection against intruders and stray animals;
  • the ability to hit a group of attackers with a single shot;
  • lightness and compact size;
  • ease of use;
  • affordable price.

Among the obvious disadvantages, it is worth noting the possibility of one’s own blinding or stunning. Therefore, when using it, it is better to use earplugs and operate with your eyes closed.

Pneumatic defense equipment

Due to low impact force and small caliber, the destructive effect of most variants of pneumatic weapons differs little from the destructive power of a child’s slingshot. Even a successful shot that causes the projectile to penetrate cannot completely stop a determined attacker.

Considering the above, manufacturers of pneumatics, especially those that do not require a permit for self-defense weapons, make them as similar as possible to real ones. firearms. Thanks to this, a certain psychological obstacle arises for the attacker. After all, only a few attackers are willing to risk their own lives to determine whether the defender is shooting from a harmless pneumatic pistol or a real firearm.

If you have experience and practical skills in self-defense, as well as choosing the right defense strategy air gun capable of becoming an effective hand-to-hand combat weapon. For example, in conjunction with a preemptive shot, an air pistol can help continue the defense with a fist attack.

The only drawback of such means of self-defense may be low effectiveness when defending against trained dogs. According to experts, a pneumatic gun can help in a dog attack only through timely, targeted throwing at the head.

Self-defense means, the use of which potentially does not require a license

Based on the experience of individual ordinary people who have already had to protect their own lives and health, you can use almost any means of self-defense that does not fall under the definition of bladed weapons or firearms. However, such reasoning in practice is often erroneous.

Often, when communicating with law enforcement agencies, it turns out to be very difficult to prove the legality of the presence of found protective equipment that is not included in the standard list of permitted items. In this case, the person at least faces detention and delivery to the police station.

Officially permitted traumatic self-defense weapons, which do not require a license, belong to the category of products that do not pose a risk of depriving a person of life. This cannot be said with complete confidence about the same hunting knives, crossbows or telescopic clubs. Ultimately, proving one’s own innocence and the need to use this particular option of self-defense during legal proceedings can be difficult.

What means of self-defense are considered the most effective?

No specialist can answer this question unequivocally. The most familiar means of self-defense, which has already proven itself positively in extreme conditions, is suitable for each person. In addition, the determining factor that inclines the user to choose a particular security tool is often the absence of the need to obtain a license. Perhaps it is for this reason that effective traumatic pistols are in less demand today compared to other, simpler means of self-defense.

If we talk about the need for active self-defense from an attack by a group of opponents, then it is better to give preference to modern light and sound devices over stun guns, gas and aerosol means. In turn, stun guns, aerosols and traumatism potentially provide better protection from an attack by an attacker under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


If you own a particular type of self-defense weapon, it is strongly recommended that you always carry with you an information sheet with the characteristics of the self-defense product, which is accompanied by a receipt of purchase, which can serve as an explanation of the origin of the product.

It is advisable to have prepared printouts with excerpts of the main provisions of laws on the legality of the use of weapons by civilians. All this together can significantly simplify the debate when communicating with representatives of law enforcement agencies and avoid unpleasant consequences.

Self-defense weapons that do not require a permit

Photo from Webpark website

“Weapons should be resorted to last, when other means are insufficient,” Niccollo Machiavelli once said and, of course, he was right. But even the genius of the Renaissance could not deny that there are situations in life when the use of weapons is not only justified, but also necessary. This article will tell you which weapons in Russia are acceptable for self-defense, what can be bought in our country without permission or a license, as well as how the sale is carried out and how to choose the best from many.

What weapons can you buy without permission and a license?

According to the latest edition of Article 13 Federal Law“On Weapons”, which came into force in December 1996, every citizen Russian Federation, who has reached 18 years of age, has the right to purchase the following weapons without permission and a license.

  1. Any mechanical spray or tear gas aerosol device.
  2. Electroshock device.
  3. Pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of no more than 7.5 J and a caliber up to 4.5 mm inclusive.
  4. A signal revolver or pistol having a caliber of no more than 6 mm and cartridges for it that are not suitable as projectiles for gas and firearms.

We propose to dwell on each of the points in more detail.

The legislation of the Russian Federation adopted changes according to which the concept of “traumatic weapon” no longer exists. It is replaced by " firearms limited damage».

Gas weapon

A gas spray is the simplest and most easily accessible self-defense weapon that does not require a permit. This is a container with a caustic irritant (irritant). Five types of such substances are allowed on the territory of the Russian Federation, not counting their mixtures. Their the main task- briefly deprive a person of the ability to act actively. Irritants can cause excessive tears, pain in the eyes, temporary loss of vision, nosebleeds, and severe skin irritation.

Often the cans are equipped with a safety lock, which eliminates the possibility of accidental pressing and reduces the risk for the owner.

Photo from Webpark website

Gas weapon There are three types:

Aerosol can

Aerosol cans release a caustic “cloud” that can confuse multiple opponents at once. They are good because they do not require accuracy from the owner, but exclude the possibility of use in a confined space (elevator, car). In addition, such a spray can is too dependent on weather conditions. It should not be used in strong winds, frost or rain.

Jet can

Guess what the spray method is? That's right, a jet. Contact with a bare area of ​​skin (we recommend aiming for the eyes) can neutralize the offender for several minutes. In addition, it can be used at a distance of several meters and in any weather conditions. But it will not be difficult for the enemy to dodge, and if you are attacked by two or more, you will have to aim at everyone. An inkjet spray requires concentration and attention from the owner, which may not be present in a stressful situation.

Gel can

In terms of characteristics, this can is similar to an inkjet can, with the difference that it can be used even in an upside-down position. The sticky gel filling the container clogs the eyes and respiratory tract, causing instant skin irritation. It is very difficult to remove. And it does not poison the air, which allows you to use it indoors. This is the best gas gun without a permit.

If you are left-handed, then you will not be able to use the “Udar” device, popular in Russia, which combines a gel can and a pistol.

Electroshock devices

Stun gun - popular civilian weapons self-defense, which does not require a license. Convenient in confined spaces. At proper care will serve the owner for more than one year.

Photo from Webpark website

This is a compact and safe means of protection. It will not harm the owner, but the aggressor will suffer significantly. It is better to use a weapon with fewer volts, but with more current. Such a device can disable a person for half an hour. If you buy a “weak” stun gun, then be prepared for the fact that an attacker in winter clothes will not react to an attempt at self-defense. In this case, you need to try to find a vulnerable, unprotected place, for example, the neck.

The downside of this weapon is the mandatory close contact with the attacker.

You can use a stun gun to scare away dogs. Animals are afraid of the high-frequency crackling sound that the device produces.

Weak air guns

Pneumatic weapons are similar in function to a gas canister and in appearance to a pistol. Compressed air acts on the bullet: a shot occurs. There is an opinion that this best weapon self-defense, which does not require permission or a license. The main advantage is considered to be the effectiveness of the shot: a projectile fired from such a protective device is capable of breaking a bottle. But there are pitfalls here too.

Photo from Webpark website

In winter, air guns are practically useless. A bullet will cause almost no harm to a person wearing a down jacket. Frost will reduce gas pressure, and therefore the force of impact.

Be careful! Getting hit in the eye is considered an excess of self-defense measures.

Air guns are difficult to store. A fireproof safe is most suitable. If you don't have one, you'll have to try to find a place that children and overly curious adults won't get to. If you forget to unload your weapon before storing it, it may fail due to the constant stress on the spring. The gas cylinder can only be removed after you have put the weapon on safety and checked whether there are any bullets left in the drum. It is better if the gun is in the box in which it was purchased.

Signal weapon

This is a rocket launcher familiar to many. It is also considered a self-defense weapon, which does not require registration and a license, provided that the caliber of the weapon is less than 6 mm. The owner should expect a psychological effect rather than causing any physical harm. It is better to use at a distance of 7 m. To sell such weapons and ammunition, you need to obtain a certificate of conformity.

What is "Pioneer"

Another self-defense weapon that does not require a permit. Combines a signal pistol, a rocket launcher and a gas weapon.

Photo from Webpark website

This is the best weapon for self-defense without a permit, provided you learn how to use it.

  • Compact and lightweight.
  • Easy to reload, the handle has a replaceable clip.
  • Shoots at five meters.
  • There is an aiming front sight and a bar.
  • Several types of charges can be used.
  • Expensive.
  • It's hard to press the shutter button.
  • There is no laser target pointer.

Sale of weapons for self-defense

Any activity related to the sale of weapons requires a trade license.

Photo from Webpark website

If the sale of weapons for self-defense is carried out without permission, there is a possibility that at a critical moment the purchase will not work at all or will work against you. Such weapons cannot guarantee your safety.

Instead of a conclusion: a few more options

We could offer you as a remedy kitchen knife or an axe, but we won’t do that, if only because with such a weapon it’s very easy to exceed necessary measures self-defense. Choose a high-quality self-defense weapon that is right for you, and let it remain a stylish accessory that you won’t have to use for its intended purpose!

What weapons are allowed in Russia for self-defense without a license?





Self-defense means without a license in Russia are the most effective remedy self-defense

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, citizens for self-defense can purchase various means, including weapons. Some of them will require a license, while others can be purchased in the public domain. Means of self-defense that do not require permission can also be successfully used to protect yourself and loved ones. To purchase them, it will be enough to be 18 years old and present your passport in the store.

Permitted means of self-defense in Russia under current legislation include aerosol means, for example, Udar, Charodey, Bamer, Bump pistols, stun guns, gas cartridges, signal pistols, as well as revolvers with a caliber of less than 6 mm. Limited-kill firearms and long-barreled smooth-bore weapons will require a license.

Aerosol products

Metered aerosol spray products are a multi-charge self-defense device that operates on the principle of a gas pistol:

1. they are charged using small-sized aerosol cans;

2. shooting is carried out with a jet of irritant composition. If it comes in contact with the face, the active substance causes a severe burning sensation in the nasopharynx and mucous membranes of the eyes. The aggressor becomes passive for about 10-15 minutes, thanks to which the victim can escape.

The best self-defense means without a license of aerosol type are devices of the brands “Udar”, “Sorcerer” and “Bamer”. They do not require a license to carry and are quite cheap.

1. affordable price;

2. compactness and lightness;

3.Easy to operate.

1. a huge number of defective products;

2. low efficiency in extreme heat and sub-zero temperatures;

3. in small rooms (car interior, entrance vestibule, elevator) and in a headwind it is dangerous for the owner;

4. leaves traces of irritants in a pocket, bag or on the palms;

5. When fired again, the gas from the canister has a weaker effect.

Electroshock devices

Stun guns are a non-lethal means of self-defense. Such legal means of self-defense shock the enemy with a discharge of electric current with a force of 0.6 mA. After the blow, the person remains alive, but his neuromuscular reaction is significantly weakened. As a result, the enemy may even lose consciousness.

1. stun gun, can easily incapacitate the attacking person, even if he is under the influence of drugs or drunk;

2. It can be used in cases where a gas cartridge turns out to be ineffective or dangerous. For example, in an elevator, car, entrance, or in strong winds;

3. no traces remain on the owner’s hands, including in a bag or pocket;

4. effectiveness in close combat;

5. The sound of the electric discharge is excellent at repelling dogs.

Shockers are the most effective means of self-defense.

1. the main disadvantage is the need for contact with the enemy;

2. the specified means of self-defense cannot be used as an offensive weapon;

3. firing stun guns require accuracy and skill;

4. The free sale of stun guns has led to the appearance of a huge number of low-quality devices on the market.

Light and sound self-defense means

Non-lethal means of self-defense also include light and sound weapons. It has a psychophysiological effect on the criminal using combinations of light and sound factors. Has a distracting and stunning effect. Moreover, it is so powerful that the attacker can temporarily stop seeing and hearing, including orienting himself in space.

Until recently, light-sound cartridges were available only in civilian self-defense weapons, for example, the Osa barrelless pistol, which was impossible to use without permission.

However, quite recently the light and sound self-defense device “Antidog” appeared. At the moment, this is the only weapon in this class that does not require a license for use in cases of necessary defense and constant carrying. Any citizen of Russia over 18 years of age can apply.

When the Antidog agent is fired, a loud sound and a bright flash are created. As a result, the enemy can be incapacitated even in city noise. These are effective, legal means of self-defense against dogs.

1. light and sound self-defense weapon "Antidog" is an excellent means of protection against stray dogs and criminals;

2. ease of use;

3. One shot can hit several attackers;

4. lightness and compactness;

5. affordable price;

6. No license required, sold freely.

1. there is a risk of blinding, as a result of which it is recommended to close your eyes before use;

2. there is a risk of stunning the shooter.

Pocket sirens

Pocket sirens are classified as passive self-defense devices. They make loud beeps. At the same time, they are unlikely to harm the attacker, but they will be able to distract the offender or stop unlawful actions. The main advantage is absolute age accessibility.

What weapons for self-defense do not require permission and a license: a review of the most effective means

Crime in our country is growing every day. It is impossible to predict where and when an unpleasant situation will happen, and confidence in the forces of law enforcement agencies is often lacking.

For the average resident of Russia who does not have a special physical training, it is difficult to defend your civil right to safety without the use of weapons.

To purchase it you will need appropriate knowledge and official permission. Fortunately, in modern world There are means of self-defense that do not require a license or permit. The most effective of them, approved for self-defense, are gas spray, “Udar”, pneumatic weapons, and stun guns.

Gas canister

A gas canister is a device with a tear or irritant inside. According to experts, this is the best weapon for self-defense without a license. It is quite popular among women, as it does not require special skills to use, weighs little and takes up little space. A fairly common civilian self-defense weapon that does not require a license. The advantages of this device include:

  • 1. Price – the cost varies from 200 to 1000 rubles.
  • 2. Easy to use - does not require special skills or psychological preparation, which is very important in stressful situations.
  • 3. Small size, allowing you to carry it in your pocket or purse.

However, when choosing a gas cartridge, you should take into account some disadvantages:

  • 1. It is impossible to use this product in enclosed spaces (elevator, transport room) or in strong winds.
  • 2. No psychological effect on the attacker - the criminal is unlikely to be afraid of the sight of a spray can, as would be the case with a pistol.

Dosed Aerosol Spray Device or “Strike” is a barrelless self-defense weapon - a pistol designed to shoot an offender using liquid irritants. Instead of cartridges, capsules with liquid are used.

  • 1. Firing range – five meters, regardless of the weather.
  • 2. Possibility of use in enclosed spaces - the direction of the shot practically eliminates the entry of an irritating substance into the zone of action of the defender.
  • 1. Shooting skill required.
  • 2. The device is designed for right-handed use.

Perhaps one of the most effective self-defense tools permitted without a license.


Pneumatic weapons are similar in appearance to firearms, but unlike them, they do not require permission or a license. In general, one charge is enough for 30 – 50 shots. However, the power of such a pistol is extremely low.

Some users compare its shooting power to that of a slingshot. Pneumatics can also be used in hand-to-hand combat instead of weights or brass knuckles.

The main advantage of this weapon is the psychological effect - the attacker is unlikely to take risks if he sees a pistol in the hands of his victim that exactly imitates a firearm.

Stun gun

A stun gun is a small device with two protruding electrodes.

According to GOST requirements, the power of this device is no more than 3 W, which is quite enough to unbalance an adult.

Manufacturers offer a wide variety of shocker models; they can look, for example, like a lighter, cell phone or flashlight.

When choosing a stun gun, you should pay attention not only to the power, but also to the duration of exposure of the device - 0.2–0.5 seconds is considered optimal.

  • 1. The ability to temporarily deprive the attacker of the ability to move.
  • 2. The ability to paralyze the enemy from a distance of up to four meters.
  • 1. The device runs on batteries, they must be constantly monitored and changed on time.
  • 2. Often, especially in winter period, electrical discharge unable to penetrate thick layers of clothing.

In a critical situation, you should not panic, but act quickly and decisively. To summarize, we can advise you to have several types of weapons with you - not just one, but others will be able to defend themselves. In addition, it will be useful to take a self-defense course, where you can learn some hand-to-hand combat techniques.

When purchasing self-defense means, remember that it should be used in cases of extreme necessity and strictly for its intended purpose.

Watch the latest video about legal means of self-defense without a license or permission:

Let mom get a divorce. Why do you tolerate such drunks, why are there no normal men? What kind of love can there be for them?

Or maybe they should put the father in a cage right away?

In general, I have a negative attitude towards weapons, but recently my mother and I had to buy a stun gun. Dad drinks a lot and sometimes catches a squirrel and in this state becomes very aggressive. The only thing that helps us is a stun gun. Thank God you can buy it now without a license.

Just don’t wet your dad when he’s a squirrel, his heart might not be able to stand it.

What weapons are allowed in the Russian Federation for self-defense without a license - review and tips for choosing

The issue of effective self-defense has always been relevant for Russia. good physical form and skills will not always help you defend yourself in critical situations. As an addition, you can consider means that increase the effectiveness of countering criminal elements.

Is it always necessary to prepare official documents and what weapons are allowed in Russia for self-defense without obtaining a license?

Studying regulations

The basic requirements for means of self-defense are set out in Law No. 150-FZ, Article 3. It describes weapons used by civilians for personal protection, sports, hunting and educational equipment. To own most of the list you will need a license.

The following types of weapons will require official permission:

  • Hunting rifles: smooth-bore and rifled type. It differs from the combat one in the absence of an automatic firing mode and in the magazine capacity.
  • Sports. Designed for bench or practical shooting.
  • Weapons for self-defense. The most popular are models with limited damage properties. Muzzle energy should not exceed 91 J. Elastic bullets are also used (read about traumatic pistols here) or special cartridges with buckshot (for hunting models).

Obtaining a license for these types of self-defense equipment is difficult and can take a long time. Therefore, other options are being considered as an alternative.

Legal weapon for self-defense without a license

The main property of official means of self-defense is the limitation of their destructive effect. Weapons of this type are designed to have a psychological impact on the attacker and cause minimal harm to his health. But when used skillfully, it will help avoid a dangerous situation before it even begins.

Gas canister

An effective and relatively affordable means of protection. It is a small can with the function of spraying a special product. Manufacturers may include chlorobenzalmalonodinitrile (CS) or oleoresin capsicum (OC) in its composition. The action of the first is aimed at irritating the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes. OC upon contact with skin provokes itching, can cause slight suffocation, and causes coughing. The latter is most effective for self-defense.

  • Aerosol. When the mixture is released, small drops are formed, the direction of which is highly dependent on the wind. Advantages - big square defeats. Recommended for use against groups of people, packs of dogs, etc. Range – 1-1.5 m.
  • Jet-aerosol. Has a shorter range, but produces droplets when sprayed bigger size. Characterized by a weak respiratory effect. Effectiveness – up to 2 m.
  • Jet. When pressed, a narrowly directed jet is obtained. Recommended for use indoors. Range – up to 3 m.

Stun gun

Hitting the attacker with an electric current using a special device will not cause him irreparable harm, but will disorient him for some time, and the functioning of the central nervous system will be unstable. To achieve this effect, you need to choose the right stun gun for self-defense.

Based on the type of action, they are divided into contact and remote. In the first case, the device comes into contact with the attacker with the active part, in the second, the electrodes are located on a detachable cartridge, which is fired back.

According to current standards stun guns are divided into three groups according to voltage and power parameters.

Effectively use models belonging to the first group. It must be taken into account that when large quantities clothing, the discharge may not penetrate the attacker's skin. Also, when using a stun gun, safety rules must be followed.

Household knife

The use of a household knife as a means of self-defense is extremely undesirable. Handling this type of weapon requires professional skill and practice. There is no need to think that it is a means of preventive defense - the sight of a knife will not always scare off attackers. At the same time, they can be seriously injured, even fatally.

A knife does not belong to the category of edged weapons if it meets the following basic characteristics:

  • the absence of a tip or its placement above the butt line by 5 (10) cm for a blade length of up to 180 mm (from 180 mm);
  • if the blade is shorter than 90 mm;
  • with a handle less than 70 mm;
  • lack of sharpened blade.

This is just a number of characteristics, an extended list of which is given in GOST 51215-98.

Pneumatic guns

This self-defense weapon has everything external signs firearms, but has worse characteristics. Air pistols are divided into sports (without a license) and hunting. For protection, it is recommended to use the first models.

The best option is pistol-type pneumatics. A license is not required if the initial bullet speed is no more than 150 m/s, the shot power is up to 7.5 J, the caliber is up to 4.5 mm. The weapon is quite massive, since the design includes a mechanism to increase the pressure in the barrel during a shot.

Classification of air pistols:

  • According to the operating principle - piston, balloon or compression. For self-defense, it is recommended to use balloon models.
  • Rate of fire – automatic or single.
  • Possibility of using bullets of various shapes: flat, hemispherical, conical, hollow.

Popular manufacturers: “Baikal”, “ASG”, “Hatsan”, “Borner”. The cost of an air pistol for self-defense varies from 3,700 to 53,000 rubles. As an alternative, you can consider starting pistols. But they will not cause any harm to the attacker and will only have a psychological effect.

Law enforcement agencies cannot always protect citizens from attacks by criminal elements. This means that a person must independently defend his right to personal integrity and safety. But not everyone can do this with their bare hands, so you will have to worry about buying a weapon, and better yet, one that does not require purchasing and carrying.

In contact with

License-free self-defense products

Back in 1996, the Federal Law “On Weapons” was released, and was revised 23 times. In Art. 1 provides a complete classification of self-defense means, and Art. 3 the length of the knife blade and muzzle energy are determined. A citizen using such “defenders” must own complete information about their characteristics (type of gas), luminous intensity or number of decibels emitted by a light or noise gun, etc. Based on Art. 13 Federal Law, a person who has reached the age of majority has the right to acquire:

  1. An aerosol can containing a mixture approved for use.
  2. Stun gun.
  3. "Pneumatic" caliber up to 4.5 mm, with muzzle energy no more than 7.5 J.
  4. Flare pistol caliber 6 mm.

In Art. 32 of the Law indicated above, clearly defines the cases when and how a citizen can use means of self-defense.

Attention! In the event of danger, a citizen has the right to use any available means for self-defense, even those that are not included in the official list.

For example, these can be rubber batons, brass knuckles, but provided that the length of their blade does not exceed 90 mm and the blade is non-throwing.

Aerosol can

The most popular self-defense means

  1. Airguns. Outwardly, it is very similar to a firearm, and sometimes it is not necessary to use it, because a not very brave criminal can be frightened by just the sight of it. Do I need a permit for pneumatic guns? If it complies with the parameters specified in the relevant regulations, then no permits or licenses not required.
  2. Gas cartridges. They are one of the best means of self-defense, and the main task is to have time to use it, because seasoned criminals are not afraid of “this stuff.” Gas self-defense weapons are not only cans, but also pistols that fire a special mixture.
  3. Stun guns. These are devices that contain two wires that form an electric charge, the power of which can cool the ardor of the aggressor for a long time.

Stun gun

Pneumatic guns

“Pneumatics” are civilian self-defense weapons that do not require permission or a license for purchase and storage. According to the law, the power of a shot must be less than 7.5 J, and to have something to compare with: this figure for a Kalashnikov assault rifle is 2000 J.

The caliber of a bullet in an air pistol intended for protection against hooligans cannot exceed 4.5 mm. If you shoot from a pneumatic gun at close range (less than 3 m), you can cause harm to health.

But the most important thing: a person intuitively always aims at the head, and after all, he can hit the enemy in the eye. Therefore, all means of self-defense must be used with great care.

It is noteworthy that it rarely comes to shooting, because almost all models of air pistols look so realistic that they have a sobering effect on any prudent criminal .

Carrying a gun is prohibited in an open bag or keep it in plain sight. If only for the reason that he may become the object of attention of criminals.

If a person in a critical situation had to use a pneumatic weapon for self-defense without preparation, then it may fall into the hands of an attacker during an attack.

The “pneumatic” has a fairly heavy body, which means that it can be used as brass knuckles. But most often, an air pistol takes on the function of psychological influence - it looks so realistic.

Gas cartridges

Choosing gas agent self-defense in the form of a spray can , you should take into account not only its volume and cost, but also: spray option, type active substance, Ease of use. Using a can with an aerosol spray type, it must be held vertically, and it is recommended to take into account the strength of the wind. The jet version is more effective because the chance of hitting the enemy increases, because the jet is guaranteed to hit the attacker's face, but only on condition that the victim of the attack does not succumb to stress and takes good aim.

Gas self-defense weapons (canisters) may contain the following drugs:

  1. Tear gas (has no effect on people who have taken alcohol or drugs) .
  2. Extract hot pepper(affects everyone, including drunks, drug addicts and animals).
  3. Pelargonic acid morpholide (an artificially created analogue of hot pepper extract, but less effective).

From a psychological point of view, such means of self-defense are easy to use, have an affordable price and work on the simplest principle. The cylinder can be stored in the glove compartment of a car, carried in a woman’s purse or even in a pocket. In addition, it can be purchased without permission and without any difficulty. Main difficulty during operation - the impossibility of giving an exact direction to a stream or sprayed substance, because factors interfere - either psychological or climatic.

Do not spray gas in limited space, since other people may suffer from this, including the person who uses such means of self-defense. Spray cans containing nerve gas are prohibited for use in the Russian Federation!

Pros and cons of stun guns

What weapons can you carry without a permit? Of course, this is a stun gun that you don’t even need to use, because everyone is afraid of it. With this device there is a chance instantly immobilize attacker, but provided that the batteries have sufficient charge, that is, they are not discharged.

Manufacturers offer a wide range of such devices. For example, purely “household” versions are produced, as well as more serious models for police officers and security guards, including a unique symbiosis: flashlight + baton + stun gun.

There are models with firing electrodes, which allows you to hit the enemy from a distance of 2-4 meters. It is worth noting that such self-defense weapons, which do not require special skills in handling them, may be absolutely useless V winter time: a thick layer of clothing prevents the effect of electric current on the human body.

Signal weapon: what is it?

Based on Article 1 of the Law “On Weapons”, a “signal” is a “weapon” intended to provide light, smoke and sound signals for the purpose of scaring away, attracting attention, sobering up, and preventing crime. But not all self-defense means (smoke, flash and noise) can be purchased without permission and a license, but only samples that fire cartridges of caliber no more than 6 mm. Signal pistols equipped with noise cartridges are not subject to either certification or licensing, but a flash-noise revolver must have a certificate, and it can be sold to a person who has already reached the age of 18 years.

You can buy a self-defense signal weapon without a license, but you can’t carry it Permission may be required. It is recommended that you contact your local LRO for clarification.

Popular pistol models

This is a self-defense weapon, sold without a license and classified as a multifunctional weapon. The device can be used for firing gas (pepper 18 by 51 and mixed 13 by 60), as well as festive (with confetti), light and sound, noise and blank cartridges. Consumables are purchased separately, according to personal preferences, and adapters are included. Essentially, the Pioneer is a multi-caliber aerosol device, a rocket launcher and a flash-noise pistol, which you can buy without a license.


A metered aerosol spray device (“UDAR”) is a self-defense device that does not require a license or permit. It's not really a pistol, but rather a pistol grip capable of firing 13mm gas cartridges. The main advantage is the device shoots a jet, which means it can be used in confined spaces. The shot range is 3 m, and this absolutely legal weapon works on the principle of a children's water pistol.



Traumatic weapon You cannot buy without a license; for example, the Osa pistol requires a special permit for the right to own and carry. In general, there are two types of licenses: for acquisition and for carrying. And a person planning to buy an injury must definitely contact the licensing department at his place of residence.


During the consultation, the LRO employee will tell you exactly what documents are needed in order to register the Osa pistol according to all the rules. Question: “Do I need permission to buy it?” cannot arise because it quite a serious weapon, despite the fact that it is trunkless.

Attention! The Osa fires not only light-sound cartridges, but also rubber bullets with a metal core.

Useful video: choosing a weapon without a license

Any means of self-defense that does not require permission, unless absolutely necessary better not to use it b. These include not only devices that can be purchased in a store, but also homemade devices such as brass knuckles. There are many cases in judicial practice when the victim becomes the accused. Therefore, even legal weapons for self-defense, purchased without a license, must be used correctly and correctly.

The crime rate these days forces every citizen to think about their own safety and the safety of their property.

But it is not always possible to call for help or call the police, then you have to rely on your own strength.

Many types of weapons require a permit. Let's look at what weapons you can buy without self-defense and a license.

Weapons are:

  • civil;
  • official;
  • combat hand rifle and cold.

Civilian weapons are intended for use by citizens of the Russian Federation for self-defense, sports, hunting, for cultural and educational purposes No. 150-FZ “On Weapons”, Article 3).

Should not fire in bursts; the permitted magazine capacity of such weapons in 2019 is no more than 10 rounds. For sporting weapons the requirements are different.

The Law “On Weapons” clearly regulates weapons for self-defense that do not require a permit:

  • gas sprayer;
  • stun gun;
  • low-action pneumatics, a revolver with a power of no more than 7.5 J and a bullet with a caliber that does not exceed 4.5 millimeters;
  • household knife;
  • axe;
  • "Blow" device;
  • spear gun;
  • a signal revolver that cannot be used as a combat revolver;
  • rubber sticks and batons.

Every citizen who has reached the age of majority can purchase the above types of weapons for self-defense. Let's take a closer look at what weapons are allowed in Russia for self-defense without a license.

Gas weapons (spray) are the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning weapons without a license. The cans are:

  • gas;
  • pepper;
  • nerve-paralytic action.

Spray cans are especially popular among women because they weigh little, take up little space, and are easy to use. When purchasing this type of weapon, confirmation is required that the buyer is over 18 years of age.

The spray cans produced today contain pepper, its synthetic analogues, and tear substances.

Advantages of the can:

  • used on the principle of liquid spraying;
  • is inexpensive;
  • easy to use, even mentally: not everyone can shoot a pistol, but spraying liquid is much easier;
  • compact;
  • Its small size and weight allow you to always carry it with you.


  1. It’s not a very frightening weapon; it won’t scare off an aggressor; the psychological effect is minimal. The attacker can speed up the movement and have time to prevent the victim from using the spray can (for this reason it must be used immediately).
  2. Even with watery eyes, the attacker can continue to attack.
  3. Do not use in a closed room (elevator, corridor, stairs), otherwise you may get hurt.
  4. You need to aim as accurately as possible and take into account the direction of the wind, otherwise the spray cloud may get into your eyes.

The power of the discharge can throw an adult off balance. In some types, you can adjust the discharge power.

The most vulnerable spots of a person for a stun gun:

  • hands;
  • back;
  • breast.

Advantages of a stun gun:

  • deprives the attacker of the ability to move a short time, and the victim can escape;
  • hits the target from a distance of about 4 meters (models that shoot with electrodes have this capability);
  • compact, small in size, does not take up much space;
  • does not arouse suspicion, it can be disguised as a mobile phone;
  • will not provoke the attacker to further aggression.


  • most models require direct contact with the attacker;
  • We are dependent on batteries, we need to take care of them: always change or charge them, otherwise the owner of a non-working stun gun will be in danger and will anger the aggressor even more if he tries to use it;
  • In winter, a shocker will not always have an effect through a thick layer of clothing.

When choosing a stun gun, it is better to purchase one with a higher current strength.

Air pistols come in single-shot and gas-cylinder versions.. A gas-cylinder pneumatic charge produces about 40 shots.

Pneumatic weapons are more designed for psychological impact; they can cause damage to the health of the aggressor, especially if they hit the eye or head, or turn out to be meaningless at the most necessary moment.

Outwardly it resembles a firearm, thereby discouraging an attacker from attacking. But an informed person will immediately distinguish pneumatic weapons from military weapons, so it is not always necessary to rely on the psychological effect.

The pistol should be carried in a place where it can be easily reached.

A gas-cylinder pneumatic weapon, which looks like a pistol, can only be effective if you shoot the attacker in the face.

Its action is not as effective as that of a gas canister, which is much more compact, cheaper, easier to use, and does not cause serious damage.

The capabilities of this type of weapon cannot be overestimated. If you hit the eye, the defender will be subject to the article on exceeding the measures of necessary defense.

Pneumatics are not the most reliable weapon for self-defense. Compressed gas may gradually lose charging power, and in cold weather the pressure in the can will decrease.

The operating mechanism is based on the movement of a powerful straightening spring pushing the piston, creating excess air pressure in the compressor. It pushes the bullet.

Airguns are traditionally viewed as entertainment. Many companies produce models that are suitable for hunting small game - rabbits, birds, and so on. Some of these rifles fall into the category of weapons that can be purchased without a license.

The caliber should not be more than 4.5 mm, and the power should not be up to 7.5 J. 6.35mm air guns should not be purchased without a license.

Also included in the package is a reinforced spring, which is installed for a fee at the counter, which criminalizes gun ownership.

But some buyers take advantage of this because the gun they buy meets license-free regulations. And such a rifle passes inspection by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in rare cases.

The most powerful pneumatic weapon that can be bought without a license, according to its characteristics, is pre-charged pneumatics or PCP (Pre-Charge Pneumatics). It can fire up to 20-100 shots without reloading.


  • there is no increased noise from a shot, which sometimes spreads over several kilometers;
  • lighter than conventional guns;
  • no need to disassemble, clean after almost every shot;
  • safer;
  • lower in cost;
  • environmentally friendly.

But it is inferior to firearms in power, firing range, and stopping power of ammunition. Other disadvantages of such a rifle are the high cost and the need to carry a cylinder with you. high pressure or a special pump.

There are also super-powerful air rifles designed for larger animals.

As for the legality of using such weapons, hunting with air guns is not officially permitted.

But weapons with an energy of less than 7.5 J (a sporting type of pneumatic) are “hunting” by law, and shooting birds and stray animals with pneumatics is not prohibited.

It is used to shoot at an attacker using a liquid solution: a mixture of a gas can and a pistol.

Such weapons are charged with capsules filled with liquid. Designed for 2 thousand shots. Reliable and reusable weapons that do not require a license.


  • works regardless of weather conditions;
  • firing range 5 meters;
  • can be used in confined spaces;
  • the liquid is sprayed directionally;
  • minimal risk of harming yourself;
  • compact.


  • you need to aim carefully;
  • they need to shoot with their left hand;
  • If the capsules turn out to be of poor quality, the device will misfire, and the capsules may fall out or leak.

Another self-defense device that produces an effect using a combination of sound and light. Stuns and blinds the attacker, temporarily throwing him off balance.

The Antidog light and sound device does not require a permit. The principle of operation is similar to "Wasp".


  • may deter several criminals;
  • lightweight, compact, easy to use;
  • It's inexpensive.

The disadvantage is that it can blind and stun the shooter. You should close your eyes before shooting.

Steel arms

When buying a knife, you can always read in the documents whether it is cold or not. What edged weapons can be carried without permission in Russia - those that have a blade less than 90 mm.

Knives with a blade longer than 90 cm and automatic ejection of the blade are prohibited.

Using a knife is more difficult than shooting. It is suitable for people with some knowledge of martial arts. But you can't get into some public places with a knife.

The most important disadvantage: self-defense can lead to criminal prosecution, since a knife can easily kill a person.

The use of knives should be considered as a last resort. Judges don't like cases of self-defense involving knives. When purchasing, you must require a certificate stating that this knife is not a bladed weapon.

An underwater gun is considered an element of underwater equipment. But the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not issue certificates regarding the storage, wearing, or transportation of such equipment.

Cases have become more frequent when customs officers, fisheries inspectors, and police illegally detain hunters.

Requirements for using an underwater gun:

  • necessary for spearfishing, cannot be used in crowded places (on beaches);
  • must be stored, carried, transported in a special case.

Flare gun

In other words, a rocket launcher is also considered a weapon for self-defense. Purchased without permission or license if the caliber is up to 4.5 mm.

The effect is achieved from the Smersh PK-1 model; it is used from a distance of up to 7 meters.

The rocket launcher will not cause any particular harm to the aggressor, but it will stop him.

An effective weapon for self-defense - a pump-action shotgun. It is not recommended to purchase it without a license. But it is one of the best for protecting yourself and your loved ones.

A pellet charge fired from a shotgun carries powerful energy. A buckshot shot is compared to a burst from a submachine gun.

The pump has a capacious under-barrel magazine for 4-8 rounds, which is what makes it different from single-barreled or double-barreled shotguns. It has a simple design.

The pump is the leader in the ability to fire the first shot if the gun is completely unloaded.

You need to throw the cartridge onto the feed tray and return the forend to the forward position. If you have time, you can equip the under-barrel magazine with one hand.

The Russian M-133 shotgun is the most popular in our country. Equipped with a triple shot protection system.

Traumatic pistols are not military firearms; they cannot cause as much harm to health as after a gunshot wound.

But it should be used only when there is a danger to the life and health of its owner, as well as his family members.

The most common in Russia:

  1. "Wasp" PB-4-1. Barrelless version of the injury with a shot power of 120 J.
  2. "Thunderstorm R-04s". Reliable weapon, caliber 9 mm. The recoil when fired is not so strong.
  3. "Makarych" is compact, reliable, solid.

The T-10 traumatic pistol is highly durable and its design is carefully thought out. Due to the sufficient thickness of the trunk, cracks do not appear.


  • high quality assembly, reliable, durable;
  • you can install a flashlight, a reflective front sight;
  • high accuracy;
  • designed for powerful cartridges.

Traumatic weapons are those pistols that shoot rubber bullets, and you should not buy them without a license.

To obtain a license you need:

  • complete special training courses by completing training;
  • obtain permission to purchase traumatic weapons;
  • buy it;
  • register weapons and license the right to carry and use them.

Possession of traumatic equipment without permission and a license is prohibited by law; the act is punishable. Fine 500-2000 rubles (Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

At illegal storage, selling, carrying weapons, if a person threatened to use trauma against third parties, caused damage, such actions fall under Articles 119 and 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

To obtain permission after purchasing such a pistol, the following documents are submitted to the police:

  • a copy of the purchase permit, there must be a note from the seller about the fact of sale;
  • application for permission;
  • insurance that you receive upon purchase;
  • 2 photos 30x40 mm;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee for the permit.

It is important to remember the consequences of killing or causing grievous harm when attempting to defend yourself.

Article 114 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation states that if intentional grievous harm is caused to the attacker, this action threatens:

  • correctional or forced labor for up to a year;
  • restriction or imprisonment for up to a year.

Article 108 states that murder that was committed in excess of the limits of self-defense will be punished:

  • correctional labor for up to two years;
  • prison or restriction of liberty for up to two years;
  • or forced labor for up to two years.

It is best to avoid dangerous situations that will lead to the need to defend yourself. But in other cases they are inevitable.

  1. Carry two types of weapons.
  2. Pass the short course self-defense, where they will teach basic rules protection. This will significantly increase the chances of successful self-defense.
  3. Don't panic, be decisive, hide your fear.
  4. Focus on psychological factor and try to scare the attacker with one type of weapon before using it.
  5. Aim correctly. A failed shot will anger the aggressor even more.
  6. Regularly check the condition of the weapon so that at the right time it does not turn out to be useless.

Exceeding self-defense always results in criminal prosecution. It is important to know how to handle weapons. The presence of such weapons will not provide a complete guarantee of security.

Before purchasing weapons for self-defense, you should familiarize yourself with the legislation, in particular, the Law “On Weapons” and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Russian legislation gives citizens the right not only to purchase, but also to use legal means of self-defense. Such self-defense means in some situations allow you to protect your health and life, and save people around you from the unlawful actions of an attacker. You do not need to obtain special licenses to purchase legally permitted self-defense items. Similar products differ in price and principle of operation. Gas cartridges are in particular demand. Pepper sprays come in two types (depending on the type of spray) - aerosol and jet. The former are recommended for use in open spaces, taking into account the direction of the wind. Inkjet can be used not only outdoors, but also indoors if its area is more than three meters.

To use spray cans you do not need to have special accuracy. The main thing is to quickly aim at the attacker's face and press the button. Such self-defense means do not cause difficulties in transportation; they are small in size, so they can easily fit even into a small handbag or pocket. A teenager and a pensioner will understand how they work. You can buy them to protect your health from aggressive animals, as well as to stop illegal actions from people under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

In addition, you can buy other products for self-defense: , (bludgeons), . Also, in some unforeseen situations, aerosol devices, BAMs, signaling devices, training grenades and smoke bombs can be very useful. In order to buy products from the “Self-Defense Equipment” section in our online store, you don't need licenses. All products presented in this section are allowed to be worn freely. All special equipment in this category have a number of features: ease of operation, high build quality, light weight, effective impact, compact size.

Do not forget that for effective use, in the event of a certain extreme situation, to use any weapon in this category, training and education are required. Therefore, after purchasing, you should watch a training video on self-defense and study the instructions.

What are self-defense products (without a license).

The online store presents only the highest quality, reliable and best products for self-defense, which you can buy without a license. These are powerful stun guns, high-speed gas cartridges, rubber sticks and batons. After purchase, you do not need to register them with the internal affairs authorities. Our employees constantly monitor reviews from real users, monitor demand and the emergence of new self-defense products on the market. We will help every customer, regardless of age and gender, choose a suitable self-defense product in our online store.

The catalog contained only the best and most reliable products, which were selected taking into account the recommendations of law enforcement officers. All products are suitable for a wide range of citizens, they are low in cost, so everyone can afford to purchase them, regardless of budget. The gas canister Speech 65 ml, as well as Black 65 ml, are in great demand. Every legally legal self-defense weapon has its pros and cons. Therefore, it is worth studying the features of the products before purchasing and understanding which one is most suitable for you. For example, when purchasing self-defense products, frail girls are interested in ease of use and light weight. Therefore, gas cans are ideal for them. They are easy to hide in a small purse or jacket pocket. Even when returning home in the dark, you will feel much more confident.

In our store you can buy only high quality products. Here you will not find cheap, low-quality Chinese counterfeits. We cooperate directly with manufacturers and do not work with intermediaries. We offer you to buy goods with delivery not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia. Looking at the catalog, you will be pleasantly surprised not only by the wide range, but also by the low prices of goods. It’s easy to buy a weapon for self-defense in our store. To do this, you can use the search engine on the website, select a product according to the specified parameters, or explore the entire category. In order to buy protective equipment, just add the product to the cart and then place an order or contact the operator by phone number. Don’t put off taking care of your safety until later, contact us right now and we will help you choose the right one for you. effective method self-defense.
