New moon in zodiac signs - recommendations for the lunar month. New Moon in Capricorn

In principle, studying is the same work, and is in almost the same area of ​​interest, so we do not separate these concepts in our horoscopes on the website

So for those who are still learning enough for themselves, instead of the word work, insert the word study in our horoscopes.

Scorpio horoscope for 2017 work, career, business and study.

In 2017, the professional sphere of Scorpios will be very similar to communication with a bank. And even among those Scorpios who actually work in a bank. And as everyone knows, the Bank is a unique organization where you can get money on credit only if you prove to the bank that you have the money. And although this truth is as old as money, nothing in this world changes. Therefore, in 2017, Scorpios in the professional sphere will need to constantly prove obvious or absurd things. So even if you are caught with a shovel in your hands and in a trench, you will have to prove that you are working and digging a trench. Be prepared for this, and also for the fact that in 2017 you will really have to plow “like a tractor” and dig trenches with your nose.

The thing is that the planet Saturn will continue to influence the professional sphere of Scorpios, which means next year A shovel (a lot of work) and a trench (falls), but also results (financial and material rewards) await you.

The career horoscope for 2017, Scorpio, indicates that next year, in the first half of 2017, both large volumes of work and great opportunities for promotion or salary increase.

And if you have been looking for a reason to search for a long time new job– the first half of 2017 is ideal for this.

The second half of 2017 promises to be less productive, but more emotional. This means that in the second half of 2017, Scorpio women will have a more successful career. By the way, the career horoscope for 2017 suggests that Scorpio women should pay as much attention as possible to communicating with friends and co-workers. It is communication with familiar women and close friends that can somehow positively affect your professional sphere.
At the same time, as we already warned in the first part of the horoscope for 2017, next year Scorpios will too often be very trusting. So Scorpios, remember this announcement: “Please do not leave valuables in your pockets, because a cloakroom attendant with such a salary is not responsible for herself.” Do you remember? So, don’t forget the whole 2017 year and don’t leave not only valuables in your pockets, but also on your computer or at your workplace. Few of your colleagues or clients will warn you in advance that they “are not responsible for themselves.”
In 2017, Scorpio leaders and businessmen need to be prepared for the fact that your authority and your decisions will be challenged. Moreover, there may be people who want to not only challenge your decisions, but also compete for your seat. Especially in the second half of 2017. Therefore, take care in advance of like-minded people and allies who can support you in your struggle. For Scorpio leaders and businessmen, the horoscope suggests that Mercury next year will contribute to your investments, especially investments in securities or into industry. But, when considering long-term investment directions, do not forget about Mercury retrograde, which in 2017 will be from April 10 to May 3, from August 13 to September 5, from December 3 to December 23, 2017.

Scorpios are almost the only zodiac sign next year that will honestly earn money, work hard and get their money for work!!!

In the professional sphere next year the best months(including for searching for a new job) will be April, September and December. And the most difficult months are February, March and June.
Horoscope for 2017 Scorpio Finance – you need to believe in money!

Scorpios are almost the only zodiac sign next year that will honestly earn money, work hard and get their money for work!!! This will return your self-esteem to the most suitable place for it - to the top shelf of your soul. Yes, and getting paid for your work is always nice. True, like Scorpios, next year they will sponsor their family or their relationships. Household expenses, household chores, and other aspects family life, will encourage Scorpios to go even deeper into their work. In addition, Scorpios may have expenses for some social activities or helping others. Yes, and the costs of studying or traveling will also not be cheap. But, unlike Libra, when parting with money in 2017, Scorpios will often feel happy. It’s so nice to feel useful and needed by someone! After all, it is so important for Scorpios to be needed. And not just necessary, but necessary. It’s just very important for you to have someone dependent on you. The main thing is that you do not bring your love to fanaticism. Like the boy who wrote: “Hello! My dad is obsessed with Laima Vaikul. Please do something!” Laima Sidorov, 9 years old. Therefore, Scorpios, do not forget that love is very similar to money. For love to be successful, you need to strongly believe in it. And then you have to continue to believe in it, even if you only believe it halfway. So with money, immediately divide all your income in 2017 by half - this will help you to correctly “believe in money” in 2017!

The financial year of Scorpios cannot be called unsuccessful, although it will not bring super profits either. To obtain financial benefits, you will have to work a lot. Scorpio businessmen, as well as those who have decided to master a new field of activity, will be in the most advantageous position.

A big plus will be a change in the guidelines of some competitors - some of them will turn into partners of Scorpios. To achieve the greatest results, Scorpios will need considerable diplomatic talent. Business trips also promise good profits.

Scorpios will have enough money for everyday expenses, so they won’t have to take out a loan. But all large expenses should be carefully considered. The year is not suitable for self-indulgence, so you should not invest significant sums in luxury or entertainment.

It would be much better to invest the available funds in a reliable business (preferably your own, but any good project will do) or open a deposit in a bank at good interest rates. Financial discipline will help Scorpios live a relatively calm year and end it with a profit.

Scorpio Woman: Financial Horoscope for 2017

Scorpio women will spend a lot of time and effort creating new business connections and restoring old ones. Diplomatic talents and some pressure will help them in this, but it is better not to overdo it with aggression, especially at the beginning of the year.

To achieve financial gain, you will need to show the makings of a workaholic. But the efforts made will help confirm your own competence, and in the fall the efforts spent will begin to pay off well. In summer, minor financial difficulties are possible. You shouldn’t borrow money to go on vacation - it’s better to save a little, and business trips will provide the opportunity to travel.

But what Scorpio women will have to spend money on is helping their relatives. Possible cases serious illnesses among Scorpio relatives, and in this case financial assistance will be required. It should definitely be provided - good deeds always pay off.

It is better to hold off on other major expenses. Financial difficulties Scorpios do not lie in wait, and it is better not to tease luck with wastefulness.

Scorpio Man: Financial Horoscope for 2017

Many Scorpio men will choose the year of the Rooster to radically change the scope of their activities and interests. If such a change is well thought out, it can bring profit, although not immediately, and not yet very much.

Careful planning of your actions and the ability to force subordinates to act in the right way will ensure the financial stability of Scorpios. The year is not suitable for hasty, spontaneous decisions. Even very serious innovations should be implemented according to a clear plan, having thought through all the details in advance. In this case, colleagues and partners will be on Scorpio's side. But credit, and especially quick loans, are undesirable - adventures are not welcome.

Old partners, whose cooperation was interrupted for some reason, can help Scorpios attract money into their wallets. It's time to restore it, and the joint business will quickly pay off.

It pays to be more careful than ever. The wave of intrigue that will drag them on will not subside until the end of the Year of the Rooster.
There will be many changes in the life of representatives of this sign, some of them will be for the better, some will talk about stagnation in business. By and large, any outcome of situations will depend on the Scorpios themselves, on their assertiveness, will and efforts. Astrologers advise devoting more time to self-improvement in the new year. Also this good period in order to learn new languages.
This year, even at the most inopportune moment, Scorpios may change their plans; because of this, you should not plan many things for the day.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Scorpio man

Astrologers advise not to close yourself off from outside help, it is best to devote time to those who need your help.
You should not expect praise from management in the first half of the Year of the Rooster. Hardworking representatives of this sign, according to astrologers, should not count on an increase in salary every time they exceed the plan. Things will get better for Scorpios towards the end of this year.
In the new year, you need to devote more time to your loved ones, rest as often as possible after difficult working days. Scorpio managers are waiting for good news that will help them make their business more profitable; it is important not to miss the moment.
It is very important not to spoil relationships with the people around you, to take the first steps towards reconciliation, and to help them if necessary. Not best idea will hold a grudge against someone, this can only result in a worsening mood for Scorpio.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Scorpio woman

This year will be successful for almost all women of this sign, from women to financial ones. However, astrologers advise not to get involved in obviously “empty” affairs, which in the end will not help in any way. intellectual development Scorpios, not in terms of financial profit.
It is better to avoid people who seem uninteresting to Scorpio and stop communicating with them. You should be careful, you don’t need to tell your personal secrets to friends or colleagues.
Closer to autumn, Scorpio women will have a long-awaited rest. Take him to family circle, because long travel is not necessary for happiness.
2017 is a good time for large purchases, small purchases household appliances, various investments. There is no need to worry about this; astrologers talk about the financial stability of representatives of this sign.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Scorpio

Astrologers say that Scorpios should expect changes for the better this year. Single Scorpios will finally be able to meet their soulmate. Those representatives of the sign who are in relationships will continue to develop them in the direction they need.
You should not demand more from your partner than he can give. In some cases, it is worth taking his place and thinking about the current situation from this side.
The stars do not advise Scorpios to start holiday romances, they promise to be short and will leave behind emotional wounds that representatives of this sign will have great difficulty healing.
The Year of the Rooster is a good time for marriage and adding to the family. If Scorpios have long been waiting for a good reason for this, then it has come! This is the most favorable time.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Scorpio

Thrifty Scorpio always knows the value of money, especially in such difficult times for him. But, as the stars say, the first half of 2017 will be able to please any representative of this sign. Things will go well at work, some will even find an interesting part-time job, and the result will be financial stability, high income and a good position in society.
Astrologers do not advise borrowing money in the new year; it is better to wait a few months and save up the required amount. They also say that you can only lend money to those closest to you, in whom Scorpio is as confident as in himself.
You shouldn't expect incredible wealth in 2017, but the current situation will please Scorpio much more than last year. Of course, to achieve such a result you will have to work hard and save a lot at first.

New moon

The new moon ends one moon month and a new one begins. The new moon is a summing up. But also the beginning of a new life, the birth of a new month. For a day or two the moon is not visible in the sky, but its influence is as great as on other lunar days. Therefore, we continue to take into account its influence on our lives and use the power of the moon for our affairs.
The influence of the new moon manifests itself in the following way: emotions are suppressed, the energy of the body decreases, there may be a depressed state of mind, and inexplicable fears may appear.
Warning— the new moon has a greater impact on men than on women, causing nervousness, increased irritability and even aggressiveness.
The new moon, like the full moon, occurs in different signs zodiac And if we also take this condition into account, our results will become more significant. Let's combine NEW MOON + ZODIAC SIGN + RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE LUNAR MONTH to get the result we need as soon as possible.
Moreover, recommendations for the new moon can be applied throughout the lunar month, as if in the background.
For example, with a new moon in Gemini— comes best time for assimilation of information, training. This means that in this lunar month, in addition to all other rituals for everyone lunar day It would be good to start studying on any courses that are necessary for yourself.
New Moon in Aries. We do everything quickly, clearly, without delay. No hesitation or doubt. Let's finish the pending tasks. When making decisions, we do not give in to emotions.
New Moon in Taurus. You can spend money, but within reasonable limits! Everything we acquire at this time will benefit us.
New Moon in Gemini.This is the best time to start learning anything. It’s good if you choose courses and books dedicated to increasing your material wealth.
New Moon in Cancer.It's time to strengthen personal relationships and family. We carry out activities aimed at the success of family members.

New Moon in Leo.The conversations are empty. Negotiations will not yield anything, but if you invite business partners to a restaurant - the best results from a business meeting are most likely.
New Moon in Virgo.This is the day of saving. Time to audit your spending. We direct our business abilities towards savings.
New Moon in Libra.Attention to your appearance, health, beauty. This is ours business card in every way.
New Moon in Scorpio.We need energy always and everywhere, including to improve our material condition. And with a new moon in Scorpio, it is easiest to get energy from intimate life.
New Moon in Sagittarius.The period of receiving important business information is coming. Therefore, we will be very careful in the business sphere.
New Moon in Capricorn.Think about what you can change in your business life. The main thing is to avoid stagnation, otherwise the routine will suck in like a swamp. And energy, among other things, will stagnate.
New Moon in Aquarius.We strengthen friendly relations, we simply need the support of friends.
New Moon in Pisces.A creative approach to business is favorable. Creativity develops our intuition, we become more open to new things.
Now we have a plan for our behavior for almost the whole year. Every lunar day we carry out the necessary daily rituals to strengthen our material well-being and throughout the entire lunar month we make appropriate recommendations.

On the New Moon it is customary to make a wish.
Moreover, not just dream, but visualize what we want to get as a result. Let's imagine what will happen to us, what we will become exactly when what we have dreamed comes true. Let’s focus not on the process of wish fulfillment itself, but on end result, on what we have to strive for (at least during the entire upcoming lunar month).
It is recommended to make a wish and clearly imagine its results during the 1st lunar day. It is on this day that we are given incredibly generous opportunities, which, if we do not miss, we will be generously rewarded.
Immediately before the New Moon (you can do this throughout the last lunar day), we carefully cleanse our physical and mental space. We sort out all the rubble in the house, throw out everything unnecessary and unnecessary, and clean the room (preferably wet). Let's drive away all annoying thoughts.
We definitely fumigate the room - incense sticks, oils, candles. And before the New Moon, be sure to wash everything off with water (it’s good if it’s cool and definitely running). Well, let’s keep our feet in cool water for at least a couple of minutes.
And directly on the New Moon we sit down in front of a lit candle and imagine, imagine... What exactly? But this is exactly what we would like to receive. The very symbolism of the sign of Libra is directly related to issues of relationships. The close proximity of Venus and Mars enhances the theme of love in the New Moon chart. And therefore, the most natural, in accordance with the rhythms of the Cosmos, will be thoughts in the direction given by their influences.
Every month at the time of the new moon, the sky “opens” and everyone has a chance to “be heard.”
It is the moment of the new moon that is most suitable to make adjustments to your life events, and you can do this every month.
On the “outgoing” moon, it is advisable to take stock and decide what is important in our lives. Having set priorities, it would be good to complete what can be completed before the new moon. Everything unnecessary that is not needed and interferes with the new must be thrown away.
The time before the new moon is the time to take stock.
For everything good that happened during this time, thank fate and God.
Cherished wishes must be made from the moment of the new moon until the moon rises, when the first lunar day continues. And they must come true. However, there is a rule: the fewer wishes we make, the more likely it is that they will come true. It’s better to make one wish, something that is really important to you.
In order for a wish to come true, having made it, you need to let it go, that is, further rely on fate and the will of God.
IN Ancient China They believed that all matters were in charge of the “heavenly office”, where at a certain time a petition could be submitted for consideration. But the submitted petition could no longer be rewritten or changed in any other way. If you continue to think about your desire, then it comes back for revision, that is, you did not let it go.
It is necessary to take care of our desires, and it is best to simply forget what we wished for ourselves on the new moon, then it will definitely come true.

Ritual of growing money for the new moon.
Let's make an analogy: we grow vegetables and fruits in order to have a supply of them and eat them. So why not plant a so-called money garden and harvest it?
The magic of money shows us that everything is possible (don't worry, this magic is white:). Required condition new moon or a couple of hours immediately after it. We take a certain amount of banknotes and plant them, that is, we lay them out somewhere on a cabinet or on top of hanging shelves.
The main thing is that the money is not visible to your household, because it cannot be touched or disturbed during the germination period. It is advisable that they be in a place where it falls Moonlight, although just open space will also work. When laying out money, we think positively, we think about the prosperity that will now always accompany us. We cast a magic spell:
« So that it exists and grows. My word is strong, molding and true. Let it be so!"
We leave the charmed banknotes to germinate for 3 days. After the expiration date, germinated and soaked magical power month, the money needs to be collected (the main thing is not to forget about it, they really don’t like it) and channel it into the monetary channel, that is, spend it completely, buying something at your discretion; for greater importance, you can add a little to it. This ritual works, it can be repeated monthly, which will guarantee the germination of the money garden all year round.
The ritual takes place on the first night of the new moon, at midnight.
Put it on left palm 12 coins of any denomination, go outside and place your palm under the moonlight. Cast the spell 7 times:
“Everything that grows and lives multiplies from sunlight, and the money is from the moon. Grow up. Multiply. Increase yourself. Make me (your name) rich, come to me. Let it be so!"
clasp the coins in your fist, return home and put them in the
Money bag.Collect coins of various denominations in a small bag - everything that is on this moment have a currency - kopecks and rubles. Lubricate each coin individually with eucalyptus oil. Hide the bag in the northern part of your house, and soon your fortune will increase.
We breathe the air of abundance.
We look at a thing we really want, a real one (car, jewelry, 100 bill, etc.), imagine that it consists of a million molecules and inhale all these particles into ourselves, full breasts. Those. as if we breathe this thing into ourselves. We hold our breath, holding it within ourselves and exhale with joy and ease. We exhale this desired thing back.
Doing this on a new moon, of course, is simply wonderful.
But if anyone is in the shops in the evening, or driving past the apartment they want, or sees their favorite car on the street, try it!!!
A very interesting effect. The thing actually appears or, what is also interesting, the desire disappears and thoughts appear, but why do I need this? or is this the exact brand of the car?
Apparently, by passing through yourself the real desired thing, the subconscious mind works out how exactly this fulfilled desire will harmoniously enter your life and will not entail a chain of unnecessary things, questions...
Ritual to attract fans.
Say a prayer on the first lunar day.
I love myself, I love the whole world, and I am the source of love and happiness, the light of love burns in my chest, I am ready to meet my beloved man, I am a powerful magnet for happiness, for love and good luck. I attract ideal relationships into my life, I am loved, because I am chosen by love, may there be peace and light in the heavens, may there be peace on earth, may there be peace in the water, may there be peace to all beings, may there be joy to all beings, may there be happiness to all beings. Amen.
How to get married after divorce.
The plot is read on the new moon on the water, on Women's Day, and then you need to wash your face with this water.
Lady Water.
God created you on the third day.
You have been washing people for centuries.
You washed, washed, freed from dirt and filth.
You washed saints and sinners,
Washed Jesus Christ and his mother Mary -
Most Pure Mother of God.
I call upon the Mother of God in the name of that water,
Praised intercessor by the world.
Mother of God, Most Holy Theotokos,
For the sake of that water
Who washed the mother who gave birth to You, For the sake of that water,
In which you bathed baby Jesus.
For the sake of the water that God created,
Cover me with marriage
For God himself created a mate for everyone.
I pray you, Maria, send me a groom to be my husband
From now on and forever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
New moon spell to conceive a child.
It is necessary in the first minutes of the new moon to take a container with clean water and pronounce the following spell over her:
“Just as a new moon is born in the sky, so we (your names) will have a child. Amen".
Both men and women should wash themselves with this water before sexual intercourse.

Physiologically special role acquires nutrition, providing the body with everything necessary. Many people feel an inadequate and sometimes insatiable feeling of hunger at this time. You shouldn’t give in to it: it’s better, on the contrary, to fast. The likelihood of edema and fluid stagnation in the tissues increases. In terms of the psyche, there may be a desire to retire, to go deeper into your inner world.
The best thing in nutrition will be vegetable broth or vegetable puree soup!
During the new moon period, the body is at a decline in its vital activity, at its minimum point. The immune system is weakened, a person may feel fear, depression, nervousness.
But the body’s readiness for cleansing (getting rid of toxins) on this day is greatest. Therefore, if you go on a diet or give yourself a fasting day, you will prevent the development of many diseases. Also, the first days after the new moon are very favorable for getting rid of bad habits. This is the best time to make plans for the future.

In the bustle and haste Everyday life It’s easy to forget about everything, constantly striving forward and leaving yourself no time to think. On a new moon, everything seems to freeze. Use this opportunity to embrace the calm and tranquility of the Moon, listen to your inner voice and become the master of your life as a new cycle begins.
You will need:
Relaxing music, black scarf, black candle, blank piece of paper, pen, white candle, your moon journal, a silver gel pen, a box of matches, a heat-resistant container or jar, a seed (such as a sunflower) and a small pot of compost.
What to do:
1. Light a black candle and sit in a comfortable position with a black scarf over your shoulders. Look at the flames and listen to the music. Let images of what you would like to get rid of in your life float before your eyes. Allow any feelings associated with these images to surface. Identify the top three things that need to be done.
2. When you make your final decision, write down these three things on a piece of paper with a regular pen.
3. Roll the piece of paper into a cone-shaped tube and light it from a candle flame. Then place the burning piece of paper on a heatproof tray or dish, say goodbye to it, and watch it burn out.
4. Now light a white candle from the black candle - as a symbol of all new, fresh and pure beginnings - and calmly, slowly, reflect on new projects, intentions or qualities that you want to bring into your life.
5. Once your thoughts are clear, write down the three most important things you want to achieve in a lunar journal with a silver pen. As you continue to listen to music, vividly imagine what your life will be like after your plan is accomplished, and, if you want, decorate the diary page with appropriate drawings. Visualize and plan as much as you like.
6. Now take the seed, place it between your palms and repeat your intentions. Say: “I plant this seed on the new moon. This is the seed... (name your goals). As the Moon grows in the sky, so let... (my goals) grow in my life>>. Carefully plant the seed in the compost.
7. Place the pot in a suitable place and water it moderately during the waxing Moon. If the seed doesn't germinate, don't worry—you can always plant another one.
8. Develop the habit of visualizing your new intentions and coming up with scenarios for your new life at any time. free time, especially every evening before going to bed and every morning after waking up.
It would be nice to put something near your bed that will remind you of this. Changes in your life will soon become a reality, and you can strengthen them with each new moon.
9. Since your resolutions are written down in your journal, you can review them again next new moon and reflect on them if you wish. Have your intentions changed? If yes, write why, reflect thought processes, which led to these changes, as it is your own cycle of beginnings and endings. You can make new decisions or confirm old ones with each new moon.


The end of the nine-year cycle is coming to an end and the beginning of a new one.

It's Capricorn season now and it's... great time to relax and celebrate New Year, having relieved fatigue and stress from the affairs of the past year, having completed this cycle with new strength, begin to realize:

  • “What do I want in the new year”
  • “What do I want in the new nine-year cycle”

Think about what goals you will achieve this year? What long-term project will you start working on: what will it be? Your health or family? Or maybe a business project or a career!?

Now is the time to build strategies for the year: review your plans, break them down into steps, set deadlines, select the tools and people you need.

Capricorn takes planning quite seriously and takes a responsible approach to doing his work. You can now tune in to best qualities Capricorn and take note - how to make the plan feasible for you?

There comes a time when you should think about what you really want in 2017?

  • How do you want to feel?
  • New relationships, feelings of love, sexuality and intimacy, new job?

Right now you can start building your future: keep a diary. A diary of your program days for 2017, in which you write down the events that will happen to you on these days, preferably indicating the time, so that later, in the appropriate month, they can either be strengthened, weakened, or avoided altogether. Of course, only you must determine your future destiny, make a choice: with whom to be, among whom to live, how to live, so use this time to CREATE your reality!

To strengthen your programs for the future, to reprogram your destiny, write every evening with your left hand, and left-handers right hand, in as much detail as possible about how you want to live each month of 2017:

-What kind of life do you want to have? What events do you need? Who will you live with and how will you live?

— What kind of apartment do you need? How will you live in this apartment?

- What income do you need? What kind of payment do you need for your work? What dividends from life do you need?

- What feelings do you need with this or that person with whom you live? What feelings do you need inside?

— Many people live with an empty heart, without love. How will you fill your heart and with what? How do you think about rekindling love?

And the most main question for Capricorn - what do you spend your most precious resource on? Time! This is what Capricorn values ​​and the energy of time is important to him! Life is not a draft, and it cannot be rewritten completely. Where do you spend your time, how do you distribute it? Does what you produce in your life bring you joy?

How you spend your time can also be told by how you set your boundaries: are you wasting your energy on things or activities that you would rather not do? Or people with whom communication is too expensive for you?

Test yourself: How do you set boundaries in your life? Can you say no easily? Or is it always resistance for you? Or are you already so absorbed in others that you always say “yes” when you want to say “no”?

Then there will be different notes of this new moon, this season in Capricorn. Where are you? Where are you at for yourself?

And if you still put the needs of others before your own, then of course Mercury Retrograde will help you! Take time and reconsider your attitude towards yourself! Who else could be more important than you?

Start unloading the fears and attitudes that drive you into the cage of your own unsuitability for an abundant life!

What else could indicate difficulties in setting your personal boundaries? How do you feel when you apologize when it's not your fault, when you only do it to smooth over a bad situation? Or maybe you avoid collisions altogether? What price do you pay for your comfort and utopian tranquility?

And it is important to track this both in personal relationships, in child-parent relationships, and in your professional expression of yourself.

And of course, Mercury Retrograde at the end of the transition cycle couldn’t come at a better time: teach yourself to maintain your boundaries, protect your personal time and your personal space and energy. And these boundaries can only be set by you and no one else. It is possible for you to remain in loving relationships with those people you care about and care about, and at the same time not do those things that you do not want to do.

And probably now, on the eve of the holidays and vacations, you will be able to deal with these and make sure of the strength of your borders, because when we realize ourselves, our integrity and the inviolability of our borders, we are safe and can avoid the pressure that falls on us at the end of the year.

And be sure to check the truth of your goals on the new moon in Capricorn! Under no circumstances should you rewrite the same goals year after year.

Now is not the time! Shake off the load! If you haven't learned English language After five years of writing this goal on your New Year's checklist, now is the time to give up and cross out this dream!

Now you can analyze your past experience - what you did, why it happened this way and not otherwise, and be sure to mark and celebrate your victories. And review your list of goals for 2017. Make sure that every goal you write down on paper is real! It is yours and can be done!

If you have too many goals, or you rewrite them year after year, review them! Why aren't you taking steps in this direction? No resources, energy?

Then get it

And perhaps this year you will do it differently, more easily and harmoniously for yourself.

So before the chimes ring and the glasses clink, look at your list New Year's wishes and tell yourself “What do I REALLY want”! And think about what you SHOULD do to achieve this.
