Numerology: how to find out your destiny number and change your life for the better. How to find out your purpose by date of birth

Each person has their own strengths, talents and abilities. Numerology helps you understand your purpose, as well as understand what your true path on Earth is.

In order to calculate your life path number, you need to add up the numbers of your date of birth. For example, you were born on November 12, 1984. Add the numbers 1+2+1+2+1+9+8+4=28. Then you need to get single digit number, that is, 2+8=10, 1+0=1. Your life path number is 1. Thus, by calculating your number, you can use the knowledge of numerology and understand your purpose. If after adding all the numbers you get the result 11, 22, 33, then you do not need to add them until you get a single digit number. In numerology they are considered whole and governing. People born under these numbers have a special spirituality and a desire to bring good to the whole world.

The meaning of life path numbers

1: your path follows the paths of independence and perseverance. The character is dominated by leadership positions and a clear knowledge of what you want to achieve. People with number one should remember that the path to the top is thorny, and they need to achieve their positions in an honest way. Strength of spirit and innate ability to coordinate not only one’s actions, but also to lead people require considerable energy output. With such personal qualities, the choice of profession is great. Use yours strengths(quick mind, instant reaction to the situation), and you will be able to achieve significant success in medicine, politics, and trade.

2: your life path associated with balance and harmony. Character traits allow you to reconcile conflicting parties with amazing ease and bring peace and harmony. People with number 2 must also remember their needs. When you help others, you often forget about personal things. you have amazing ability weave the threads of fate into strong knots of partnership and cooperation. When choosing a life path, such people should rely on professions related to negotiations, mediation, collection and analysis of information received, peacekeeping activities or upbringing. Use your strengths and sensitivity as the main aspects, and your life will move to a new, completely satisfying level.

3: The path of people with this number is filled with creativity. Your love for beauty is a valuable assistant in life. Optimism attracts others to you and gives you the opportunity to develop your potential. Your purpose is to give beauty to the world. This includes creativity, design, and acting abilities. Your talents also extend to illustration. A wide choice of professions allows you to find your true purpose. You instill hope in people and show them the beauty of this world through your own subtle perception. Possessing the gift of weaving lace of emotions makes it possible to develop not only in creativity, but also in the field of trade.

4: The path of people with number 4 is methodical and hard work. Character traits - reliability and loyalty. You are able to create and collect grains of information into a single whole, as if building sand castles. Fate gives people of this path the opportunity to develop in the field exact sciences— accounting, administration, computer literacy. Your ability to organize and optimize gives big choice, so follow your heart. The love of order and control makes it possible to engage in construction and architecture. The love of control and creation is in your blood, so you are a reliable and persistent person who can be relied on.

5: Numerology of number 5 - variability. Versatile talents and a love of free-thinking make it possible to lead people by promoting freedom of choice. Range suitable professions wide: this oratory, negotiations, trade, social movements and politics. For people of this number, it is important to achieve independence and express their opinions. Many people listen to your arguments, so you are surrounded by many admirers and followers. Unleash your potential and remember that not only people, but also your own reputation will depend on you and your words. Communication skills allow you to quickly adapt to new conditions.

6: people of this number are approached for wise advice and clarification. People number 6 have the gift of responsibility and boundless love for others. Your actions are always aimed at achieving justice and uniting people. You will be an excellent doctor, teacher, judge. The love of creation will also help in cynology. Counseling is also part of your interests. You have an amazing ability to bring warmth and comfort into the lives of those around you, win them over and help shy and indecisive people open up.

7: People with this life path number are distinguished by their tendency to analyze and check the authenticity of everything. Natural abilities and healthy skepticism make it possible to logically explain the unknown, as well as get to the bottom of incomprehensible phenomena and processes. The search path provides an opportunity to express oneself in the field computer technology, and in spiritual mentoring. People-seekers usually realize themselves in a narrow field and thoroughly study all the nuances and opportunities to improve their favorite business. The love for new knowledge and the constant search for the essence help to develop and clearly explain to others the meaning of many things.

8: people whose life path has been determined by numerology with this number are born commanders. The ability to distinguish true values ​​from superficial and false ones gives them the opportunity to successfully lead large companies. This is not an easy path in which you will be able to show your natural talents of being honest, fair, and responsible for the fate of your subordinates. The expected loneliness at the top of power is not a test for the faint of heart. You are a responsible and gifted person who can lead large companies, lead your enterprise to success and be an example to follow. Remember, however, that power can corrupt, and do not give in to the temptation to put your interests above the fate of the people who depend on you.

9: your path is compassion and love for others. Healing abilities allow you to build a life path in boundless love and help to others. Your talent is to touch people's hidden feelings and help their emotions open up. Humanism allows you to observe the immutable rule of not doing to people what you would not want for yourself. Your path is to give people the right to choose and help them open up emotionally. Suitable professions include art, education and health. The gift of skillfully presenting emotions to people makes it possible to develop in acting, literary creativity, the art of dance.

11: people of this number have the gift of enlightenment. Your charisma and ability to ignite hearts provide ample opportunities to lead people to discover their own path. The ability to reveal everyone's talents is not an easy burden, but by understanding yourself, you can lead many to personal happiness and give hope for a bright future. Much is expected of you, so your areas of activity include public speaking, journalism, politics, and spiritual leadership. You will be able to choose any path for yourself that will reflect your ability to create and be responsible for the lives of others, so do not be surprised if you are drawn to the profession of a pilot, test pilot and innovator.

22: The life path of these people is connected with turning dreams into reality. Your ability to create and be responsible makes you a significant person for many. You can rely on your words and promises, because you always keep your word. The numerology of number 22 is to help all humanity. Unique abilities being useful and supporting people’s faith in goodness allows you to flourish in any profession. Whatever path you choose, your gift of help and support will develop and bring only positive results. These people make excellent doctors, volunteers, organizers and diplomats. Knowing exactly how to implement what you planned so that it brings benefits gives you unlimited possibilities.

33: This path is traversed by people filled to the brim with love and altruism. The gift of self-sacrifice for the good of all things has an amazing effect on the people around you. Your ability to protect the weak and patronize brings great personal satisfaction. People of this number prefer to give rather than take, so their choice of path often leads them to charity. The ability to care for the disadvantaged and everything that makes it possible to give is also strongly manifested. sincere love and guardianship.

For example, your birthday is 27, the month of April is the 4th and the year is 1978, add all the numbers together: 2+7+4+1+9+7+8=38, do this operation until you get single digit number: 3+8=11, 1+1=2 – life path number.

The meaning of the life path number

  • Life path number 1
    You are active, enterprising and very energetic. A spontaneous desire to create and an extraordinary approach to business make you a pioneer. Your abilities are limitless. The ability to look into the future and see the future will definitely lead you to success. Activities that require clear leadership qualities, which you possess in full, would be suitable for you.
  • Life path number 2
    You are a very versatile person. Many activities will be suitable for you. You could easily find yourself just like in creative activity, and technical, for example, they could easily cope with the repair of intricate watch mechanisms. Your ability to get on the same wavelength with absolutely anyone could contribute to a good career prospect as a lawyer or politician.
  • Life path number 3
    You have plenty of creative talents to devote yourself to art. You can fully reveal and develop your artistic gift by showing indulgence and perseverance. In order not to miss the opportunity to develop your abilities, concentrate on one thing, on what you want to achieve more.
  • Life path number 4
    Hard work and diligence in work even in the early stages of your life will allow you to occupy a worthy niche in society. Your extreme punctuality and methodical nature can sometimes make people think of you as a tough person. Often these qualities do not allow one to achieve desired results your activities. You are able to achieve success in organizational activities, management, construction and much more if you change your character and treat others more loyally.
  • Life path number 5
    You are an unsurpassed speaker, you know how to win over absolutely any interlocutor and motivate him to take any action. You are characterized by flexibility in contact with people, openness and goodwill. Working in the service sector, show business, trade, tourism, finance or medicine is ideal for you.
  • Life path number 6
    You see your purpose in helping other people. You clearly feel the situation where you might be required to help, and in no case interfere in other people’s affairs without reason. Your ability to find new opportunities for success could help you achieve good results in business. You are a truthful and trustworthy person, this will contribute to productive business.
  • Life path number 7
    A person with a life path number of “seven” is endowed with qualities that allow him to play the role of a researcher. You are able to identify and correctly formulate problems, analyze them and find solutions. In the field of science, innovation, religion, insurance or invention, you will find something to your liking.
  • Life path number 8
    You have an active life position, are ready to take the initiative into your own hands, and know how to motivate yourself and those around you. Whatever a person with a life path number of 8 undertakes is within his control. Would you be able to cope with absolutely any type of activity? The qualities of a confident leader will especially help you cope with leading big business. Every now and then life will test your endurance, which will only make you stronger and will be able to achieve the most ambitious goals.
  • Life path number 9
    You have the ability to think creatively when imagining the world in an original way. You can turn your ideas into reality as a designer or architect. People whose life path is associated with the number 9 are socially active individuals; you are fair, honest, unbiased and capable of representing common interests. You have every chance to become an excellent politician, lawyer, teacher or doctor.

The purpose of man is the development of abilities and spiritual growth. This path poses many questions to a person, the answer to which is helped by special knowledge, until recently closed to everyone except the initiates. Now everyone can access esoteric texts and teachings. You should start self-improvement by knowing yourself, defining your life purpose. Numerology is one of the areas of esotericism that determines the character and destiny of a person.

The character number, or birth number, tells about the qualities of a person’s personality, his innate talents and abilities. Determine your birth number, you can understand your strengths and weak sides, work out the shortcomings and develop the strengths.

The character number is calculated using a very simple formula: the numbers that make up the day of the month in which a person was born are added together until a number from 1 to 9 is obtained.

Example: date of birth March 23, 1973. We take into account only the day of the month: 23. We sum up the numbers 2 and 3: 2 + 3 = 5. This is the number of a person’s character.

If the day of the month consists of one digit, for example, August 6, then there is no need to count, the number of birth is 6. If the addition results in a two-digit number, then the numbers are added again (for example, the day of the month is 29: 2 + 9 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2).

Number 1

Strong-willed, strong and energetic people with the number 1 are real leaders and leaders. They are freedom-loving, independent and very ambitious. “Units” know how to set goals for themselves and definitely achieve them. Their efficiency and intelligence often help them come to power in a fairly at a young age and make a successful career in politics and business.

Cons: their confidence in their rightness can develop into stubbornness, and the desire to be first in everything sometimes pushes them to be unscrupulous in their means. A few are self-centered, prone to aggression and can be too tough bosses.

Number 2

People whose birth number is 2 are gentle, gentle and tactful. They have expressed feeling justice and are always ready to help, sometimes even to their own detriment. “Two” are excellent comrades and partners. They are sociable and friendly, they know how to listen, sympathize and can give wise advice. People with number 2 often choose creative or social professions.

Disadvantages: indecisiveness, lack of confidence in one’s strengths, inability to defend one’s interests. It can be difficult for “Twos” to make a decision; they try to do everything in such a way as to please everyone around them.

Number 3

"Triplets" - bright personalities, intellectuals and the soul of the company. They have a wonderful sense of humor and the ability to find mutual language with anyone. They are real restless people, they love to travel, meet new people, and are not afraid to change jobs. They are interested in everything in the world and are very erudite, easy to learn and love to explore everything unusual and mysterious.

Negative qualities: enthusiastic natures, “twos” rarely bring their numerous ideas to reality. They can be superficial, selfish and frivolous, and make enemies because of their sharp tongue. They often waste their many talents.

Number 4

People with number 4 are hardworking and responsible. They are very pragmatic and place the material above the spiritual. Thanks to their perseverance and organizational talents, “fours” make excellent managers. They are demanding but fair. They are not afraid of difficulties and take on complex tasks with pleasure.

Disadvantages: These people lack flexibility of thinking and creative ideas. They care too much about material well-being, so their life is often boring and monotonous.

Number 5

“Fives” are impulsive, easy-going and decisive. A sharp mind and ingenuity provide them with success in business, even though they rarely finish what they start. They are unusually lucky, but due to their difficult nature they get into trouble, from which they, however, get out without much loss. Optimistic and easily endure difficulties.

Weaknesses: excitement, unstable nervous system, impatience. They are absolutely undisciplined and do not respect authority, they are fickle and unreliable.

Number 6

The main qualities of those born with the number 6 are devotion, reliability and selflessness. Kind and bright, they attract people and get along well with everyone. You cannot call them creative people, but they have a well-developed sense of beauty: they are well versed in art, well-read and possess good taste. “Sixes” are balanced, calm, and often take on the role of peacemakers. They do not strive for wealth or high goals; it is enough for them to make everyone around them happy.

Cons: follow the lead of those they love and sacrifice themselves. They do not like problems and tend to bury their heads in the sand.

Number 7

Under this number, strong-willed people with an analytical mind and subtle intuition come into the world. "Sevens" often become famous due to their original mind and creativity. Carefully protect their inner world Even from the closest people, they calmly endure loneliness.

Disadvantages: for all their insight, they cannot always understand themselves. They are characterized by anxiety, dark thoughts, doubts and isolation.

Number 8

“Eights” are born businessmen with an iron grip, a true instinct and a cold mind. They go straight towards their goal, without thinking too much about morality. They are distinguished by a large supply of vital energy, a brilliant mind and determination. They have all the qualities to achieve power and maintain it - there are also many military men and politicians among the G8.

Negative traits: It is better not to get in the way of these people. They have no empathy and are cruel even to their loved ones. Selfish and calculating.

Number 9

Number 9 – indicator high level development. Honest and principled people who dream of the happiness of all mankind are born with this number. They give the impression of people “not of this world” and are completely impractical in everyday life. “Nines” make scientists, actors, missionaries, and inventors.

Cons: They often go unappreciated, making them arrogant and moody.

To calculate the fate number, you need the full date of birth (hh, mm, yyyy). The numbers that make up the date are added to each other until you get a prime number.

Example: October 21, 1977 = October 21, 1977 = 2 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 7 = 28 = 2 + 8 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1

The character number gives the basic characteristics of a person, but in addition there is a destiny number, which allows you to determine your mission and understand how correctly your life path has been chosen.

Number 1. Professional achievements, social activities.

Number 2. Helping people, peacekeeping activities.

Number 3. New projects, experiments, expanding boundaries.

Number 4. Defending justice, establishing order.

Number 5. Fight for freedom.

Number 6. Work in the field of beauty and fashion, popularization of art.

Number 7. Inventions, new ideas.

Number 8. Higher goals and protection of interests at the state level.

Number 9. Raising children, education, transfer of experience.

The recommendations given by the fate number will be incomplete without the karmic number. The karma number is an indicator of the development of the soul; it determines what a person should work on and what spiritual path he should follow in his current incarnation.

This is a two-digit number and is calculated from the sum of all digits full date birth (hh, mm, yyyy).

  • 10 - 19. Work on body and soul;
  • 20 - 29. Connection with family, intuition;
  • 30 - 39. Transfer of experience, mentoring;
  • 40 - 49. Working with sacred knowledge, learning the meaning of life;
  • from 50. Higher spirituality, divine service.

The information that can be gleaned from numerology is quite simple. More accurate information is provided by the field of knowledge in esotericism, which studies the character and fate of a person based on the date of birth and the location of the stars at the moment of birth.

When a child is first born, parents immediately give him a name. But few of them think about the fact that they are programming him for a certain fate.

These unexpected discoveries were made by the ancient Greeks. The creator of this theory is Pythagoras. He was a widely educated man interested in occult knowledge.

The philosopher became famous for his learning not only in his homeland, but also in other countries. Moreover, a scientific community was even created, where people promoted his ideas related to the use of numbers to know the future.

Each name has certain number, which turns out to be decisive in a person’s future life path. Numbers are very precise data, so they have a huge impact on people, making their moves predictable in advance.

Numerology can even predict personality traits based on name. It makes it possible to determine the main characterological traits of a person, understand what his inner core is, and also suggest the most suitable area for applying his efforts.

This is due to the fact that when each name is pronounced, the laws of acoustics come into play, resulting in a wave of the corresponding length, which has its own amplitude and direction.

Such physical data have an effect on a person and others, as a result of which their biochemical reactions and mental processes change. Therefore, some people have more pronounced certain character traits, while others have the exact opposite.

Science allows people to identify their weaknesses or strengths, thereby making it possible to prepare in advance for certain difficulties, as well as to choose the most good options application of your talents. Such knowledge allows you to save a large number of strength and emotions without wasting them on unnecessary tasks.

It must be remembered that when making calculations, you should never use the diminutive option.

  • It is unacceptable to reduce the name Yuri to Yura, Olga to Olya, and Boris to Bora. Moreover, one should not use colloquialisms and nicknames.
  • Vladimir should not become Vova, and Stanislav should not become Stas.
  • It is strictly forbidden to give Lyudmila the name Lyusya or Mila, Svetlana - Lana, Ksenia - Ksyusha, and Elena - Alena.

Such distortions can completely change the meaning, which means its influence on fate.

Leading esotericism experts have noticed that the more often an adult person calls himself by his childhood name, the more unfavorable his development is. future life. He deprives himself of the future, closing many opportunities for himself.

Name Number Meaning

Another important requirement is that the resulting number must be unambiguous. That is, if the calculation turns out to be 23 or 35, then the numbers should be added together again. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to calculate the required number. In principle, the calculations are not difficult at all.

You should write down all the letters of the Russian alphabet, and then assign them a serial number. Those numbers on which certain sounds fall must be summed until a single-digit number is obtained.


If the result of addition is the number “one,” then the person has great inner strength.

He is not afraid of life's difficulties and is able to overcome any problems. He is very confident in himself and, indeed, can achieve high results where the vast majority of people fail.

Such people are distinguished by their generosity and care for others. However, they have a very closed character, so they are in no hurry to make friends or family.


Two has a sensitive, vulnerable nature. At the same time, her temper is very changeable, and it can be difficult for people to adapt to it.

However, a person with such a name number is capable of getting used to anyone very well, since he has kind soul. He is prone to subordination and lacks leadership qualities. The main disadvantage of people is selfishness, as well as the predominance of reason over feelings.


Number 3 means that the owner of the name has numerous abilities. In addition, he is still endowed with the strength desired for their development. Therefore, such people quickly and relatively easily achieve success in their chosen field.

But they have an overly open soul, which is why they often become victims of deception or intrigue. However, their pronounced intellectual abilities usually allow them to maneuver between enemies.


If the number of the name is accompanied by a four, then it is impossible to keep a person in his pursuit of the goal. When conducting business, he is distinguished by enviable diligence, accuracy, and understanding. At the same time, he is prone to depression, and also does not like to indulge in activities that do not promise immediate benefits. Therefore, people with the number 4 do not seek the favor of others, but prefer to act alone.


The number five, obtained by adding all the letters of the name, symbolizes a person who has a spirit of freedom. The craving for travel and various adventures prevents him from fully expressing his bright abilities.

People have an adventurous character and can get away with any trouble. Indeed, fate allows them to avoid many difficulties that would stop others.

Fives are very smart, they can understand and appreciate the opportunities that life provides them. But there is an undercurrent here. Such people are bored by everyday life, they look for adventures that are not always to the liking of their loved ones.


When receiving a number 6 , it is necessary to take into account that a person has been favored by the stars since childhood. Therefore, he often achieves heights that are difficult for people with other names to reach.

They simply enchant those around them with the strength of their character. There are no unattainable goals for them. They are scrupulous and do not accept roundabout ways.

Their main disadvantage is their excessive concentration on promotion career ladder, because of which the family remains away from their attention.


Seven is somewhat absent-minded. She thinks and reflects all the time, not noticing anything around her.

Such people often become scientists or artists. But these same qualities block the path to entrepreneurship for them, since it requires significant concentration of effort, which they are not capable of. They often take wishful thinking, after which they suffer greatly.


The number “eight” means that a person is simply doomed to luck in absolutely any business. Therefore, he often takes on completely hopeless enterprises, unexpectedly achieving the most amazing results.

But such a character trait conceals reverse side medals. If something doesn’t work out for him the first time, he quickly loses interest in the problem, finding another way to apply his efforts.

Such people need to move all the time and find it difficult to sit still. Moreover, they can captivate others with their ideas. However, they are very demanding and do not forgive mistakes.


Nine has numerous talents, as well as rare charisma. She has been given a great sense of purpose, thanks to which she has no unrealistic goals. She achieves her greatest success in the field of culture or knowledge.

The influence of surname and patronymic on people's lives

Therefore, knowing the number of the name, it is worth preparing in advance for what life can do. No less important is the person’s last name, which he does not choose. Moreover, even his parents do not choose her. The patronymic also has a significant influence on fate.

When calculating this number, it is also advisable to take into account the date of birth.

Such knowledge is very important because:

  • In the case when the sum of the Birthday numbers is greater than the number of the name, then the person will follow his natural inclinations.
  • If total amount the number of the name turned out to be higher, then the professional skills they acquired during training will become more important in the fate of people.
  • If the data completely coincides, then the individual will be able to realize all his talents and capabilities.

Numerology allows you to predict the main features of a person’s destiny by his first and last name, since they are a reflection of the karma and actions of all his ancestors. In a similar way, a certain code is inherited, which corresponds to his family, as well as character traits that pass from generation to generation almost unchanged.

The influence of passport data on fate

By summing up the numerology data by full name, a number is obtained that predetermines the entire life path of a person, as well as the past and future of his family. Therefore, parents, when choosing a name for their baby, must calculate in advance what significance it acquires in combination with the patronymic and surname on his future fate.

You can plan in advance:

  • Basic character traits of a person;
  • main inclinations;
  • possible directions of his professional activity;
  • the ability to find a common language with others;
  • the approximate course of his life;
  • directions of personal development.

Based on his name, as well as taking into account the meaning of his surname and patronymic, a person is able to understand what his life was destined for. From childhood he learns to find his way or avoid undercurrents.

It becomes clear why calculating the future of people by their first name, patronymic and last name is so important.

During the calculations, the Number of Destiny is determined, which completely depends on data independent of the person. It completely subjugates his life path, allows him to find himself and achieve the greatest success.

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How Clairvoyant Baba Nina helps change the line of life

The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched on her website accurate horoscope. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will have a chance to suddenly get rich in July, and it will be very difficult for 2 signs. You can get a horoscope on the official website

According to numerology and Pythagorean theory, the life of every person has a seven-year cycle of ups and downs of vitality, which depends on the date of birth and represents Life Chart (Vitality). Each year has its own indicator of the 7-year cycle, which is calculated using a special formula.

For Calculation of Life Schedule the numbers of the day, month and year of birth are multiplied among themselves. If the result is a number less than seven digits, then its first digits are sequentially added to it. For example, a person was born on February 10, 1970. Multiply 10x2x1970=39400. The resulting number is less than seven digits, so we sequentially add the first two digits to it and get a seven-digit code: 3940039.

To construct a Graph of Vital Forces, years are set aside along the X axis (7 years), starting from the year of birth. Along the Y axis above each year is a digit (from 0 to 9) of a seven-digit code obtained by multiplying the numbers of the day, month and year of birth (with digits added if necessary). Above the dot of the year of birth is the first digit of the number, above the second year of life is the second digit of the number, etc.). For our example, it will be: 1970 - 3, 1971 - 9, 1972 - 4, 1973 - 0, 1974 - 0, 1975 - 3, 1976 - 9. The resulting points are connected by lines. Since this schedule has a 7-year periodicity, the schedule will be repeated in each subsequent 7 years of life.

Do not confuse the Vitality Graph with, which is calculated using a different algorithm.

Online calculation and construction of a Life Chart

To build a Life Graph, enter your date of birth and click “Build graph”; to clear the fields, click “Reset”. Below is a breakdown of the meanings of the Life Graph.

Enter the correct date of birth

Day Month Year
Build a graph Reset
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0

Decoding the meanings of the Life Graph

0 Symbolizes a difficult period in life and the need for support from loved ones. During this period it is possible painful conditions, apathy, frequent attacks of melancholy, failure and loss of strength. This is always a period of life when there is a streak of failures and pessimistic thoughts are present. Zero means processing karmic debts to avoid it harmful influence, you need to reconsider your life, realize your actions and draw the necessary conclusions.

1 Indicates a period of recovery after a difficult situation; at this time you need to rely mainly on yourself. At this time, self-dissatisfaction, irritability and imbalance appear. You have to fight for your rights and also work hard. People who have one in their childhood most often grow up in single-parent families or in difficult conditions.

2 It speaks of the beginning of a difficult but confident climb. At this time, there is an alternation of declines and rises in activity. However, this period is perceived, as a rule, with philosophical calm - the deuce gives the ability to control and “extinguish” in advance any negative manifestations.

3 The difficult period continues, but you can already see the outlines better life. This period is characterized by instability of views and beliefs. The precariousness of the situation teaches flexibility in communication and forces one to show maximum ingenuity. As a rule, at this time many new friends appear and business activity increases.

4 Symbolizes constancy in habits and outlook on life. Indicates a period when a person has taken his place in society and does not want any changes. Stability and strength of position both in personal life and at work. If a four occurs after a larger number (the graph goes down), this indicates self-doubt, a loss of faith in one’s strength, which is why an energy decline occurs.

5 Symbolizes risk. This time is both the happiest and most unpredictable period. At this time, there may be a desire to take risks, to go all-in. You should prepare for the fact that life will resemble a lottery with its winnings and unpredictable losses. If the five appears after smaller numbers (the graph is going up), you can expect a gift from fate in the form true love. At the same time, five after large numbers(the graph is declining) indicates possible discord in the family and relationships with a partner.

6 Indicates a period of reliability, harmony with nature and oneself. This is an ideal number that combines a harmonious balance of personality traits and movement towards a goal. Life will be characterized by sociability and balance. A person sets goals for himself that do not conflict with his moral principles. If six is ​​the point of decline in the graph, you should be more attentive to the financial side of life, but if this is the number of rise (comes after smaller numbers), this indicates an increase in well-being.

7 Symbolizes exploration of the unknown. During this period, it is possible to become interested in spiritual practice, meditation, research work. If seven is the point of decline (after it the graph goes down), it is probably necessary to reconsider your views on family relationships. If seven becomes a rising point (after it the graph goes up), this indicates strengthening relationships not only with relatives, but also with colleagues, friends and others in general.

8 It is the number of material success and means reliability, success in commercial activities. During this period, money seems to go into a person’s hands. If at the same time the eight is also a point of ascent, then you can continue to confidently move towards your goals. If the eight appears after the nine (the chart is declining), you should not take too many risks and tempt fate, hoping to get even more from it.

9 The number of complete self-realization and reaching the limits of your dreams. Symbolizes complete success, the greatest achievements. This is the peak of a person's mental and physical abilities in the current 7-year life cycle.
