Ovechkin Alexander: biography, photos, sporting achievements. Biography and personal life

Alexander Ovechkin (Alexander the Great, Ovi or the Great Eight as his fans call him) is one of the best strikers in the game. modern history hockey He is technical, fast and incredibly accurate, his tough contact game, which has been criticized more than once, brings his teams victories, and his signature “toothless” smile has made more than one girl become interested in hockey.

Today, probably everyone knows what kind of player Alexander Ovechkin is. But what kind of person is this talented hockey player? How was his life outside the playing field, and how did he come to professional sports? Read a detailed story about the life and fate of one of the best strikers on the planet below.

Early years, childhood and family of Alexander Ovechkin

Sasha Ovechkin was born on September 17, 1985 in a non-hockey family, but a sports one. His mother Tatyana Ovechkina was a famous basketball player in the USSR. Her track record includes many matches for the national team. Soviet Union and the title of two-time Olympic winner.

Alexander’s father, Mikhail Ovechkin, can boast of no less success. For almost his entire professional career, he played with football team Dynamo Moscow, with which he managed to achieve many glorious victories. Recalling his childhood, Alexander Ovechkin has repeatedly admitted that it was the sports careers of his parents that became an example for him and ultimately led him to professional sports.

As the hockey player’s father recalled, Alexander’s first passion was fishing. While relaxing in the village with Tatyana’s parents, the independent 5-year-old kid put on a hat, picked up a fishing rod and went fishing with his grandmother’s shepherd dog. And at the age of 8, Sasha suddenly developed a love for hockey. It happened like this: Mikhail watched on TV a match between HC Dynamo and a little-known team. The game was sluggish, and the man switched to another channel, which is why Alexander threw a tantrum. We had to return hockey to the screen, and until the end of the match the boy, who didn’t even know the rules of the game, watched the players’ actions in fascination.

After this incident, Mikhail took his son to his friend Dynamo coach Alexander Filippov. He refused: Alexander’s peers had been training for several years, and Ovechkin didn’t even know how to skate! As a result, Sasha went to the group with coach Vyacheslav Kirillov. And although he had to learn basic skills from scratch, within a year he became the leader of the youth team.

When Alexander turned 10, a tragedy occurred in the family. His 25-year-old brother Sergei had an accident and died due to a detached blood clot. He always supported Alexander in his passion for hockey, and then the young man made a vow to himself that he would perform on the ice for both of them.

At the age of 12, Alexander’s team took to the ice against Vympel. Before this, one of the coaches told the boy that Pavel Bure at that age scored 56 goals at the Moscow Championship. Ovechkin had a little less at that time – 53. Sasha went into a frenzy and scored 6 goals in that significant match, breaking Bure’s children’s record.

Hockey career of Alexander Ovechkin

After that there were many more exciting matches and gaming achievements. Seeing the progress of the young player, the bosses of Dynamo Moscow included the promising forward in the main team. In 2000, Alexander was included in the lineup for the Russian Super League match for the first time. A year later he became the main player of HC Dynamo Moscow.

Ovechkin's amazing goal at the World Junior Championships (2003)

In the same year, 17-year-old Ovechkin, who had recently won the world youth championship, made his debut in the Russian national team under the leadership of coach Viktor Tikhonov (Ceska Pojishtovna Cup). He managed to score a goal against the opponent and thereby become both the youngest player ever to take to the ice as part of the main Russian national team, and the youngest hockey player to score a goal as part of the main team. By that time, his fame as a rising hockey star had spread beyond Russia.

In 2003, representatives of the NHL club Florida Panthers contacted the player’s agent. That time, the deal to move to the strongest league on the planet fell through. However, already during this period it became clear that the talented young player would not stay in the Russian Super League for long. Ultimately this is what happened.

Alexander Ovechkin – 10 best goals in the NHL

In 2004, he was drafted number 1 by the Washington Capitals. The young hockey player planned to play for the American club that fall, but his plans were disrupted by a lockout. Thus, he played for Dynamo for another year, as did Andrei Markov, Pavel Datsyuk and Maxim Afinogenov. By the way, that year became incredibly successful for the club - for the first time in 5 years it became the Champion of Russia. Ovechkin appeared in ten playoff games and broke his own scoring record despite a shoulder injury.

At the end of the lockout, Ovechkin signed a contract with the Washington team. He was offered a record salary for a rookie in the NHL - he earned $3.85 million in one season. On October 5, 2005, he played his first NHL game, meeting at the rink with the Columbus Blue Jackets players. During the match, he managed to make a double and bring the team victory.

The hopes of the club management placed on the Russian player were justified from the very first matches. Three months after his debut, he was recognized as the rookie of the month, they began to talk about him as a favorite for the Calder Trophy, along with Cindy Crosby (at the end of the season, he still became the leader, ahead of Crosby). In the first half of the 05/06 season, he earned 49 points. Of the Russians, only Ilya Kovalchuk earned more than him that season.

Ovechkin's first NHL goal

In February 2006, Ovechkin suffered a groin injury, but still went to the Olympics in Turin. According to the results Winter Games he became one of the best players (6 points) and was included in the symbolic team, but the team was left without a prize.

In May 2008, Ovechkin was called up to the Russian national team. This year was a triumph for the team: for the first time in 15 years, it took gold, beating the host of the tournament, Canada. Ovechin missed the next World Championship due to his participation in the Stanley Cup.

In December 2008, Ovechkin signed new contract with the Washington Capitals. He agreed to play for 13 seasons, for which he was promised to pay $124 million (the first 6 for 9 million, the next 7 for 10). Before this, the NHL had never signed a contract worth more than $100 million.

At the beginning of 2010, Ovechkin became the team captain instead of Chris Clark, who had left for Columbus.

Ovechkin's 500th NHL goal

In January 2017, he earned his 1,000th NHL point with his 546th goal.

Ovechkin: 1000 points in the NHL

Personal life of Alexander Ovechkin

The name of the famous hockey player constantly flashed in the headlines of the overseas press in connection with various high-profile novels. So in different years journalists attributed to the Russian love relationship with such famous beauties as

One of the most prominent representatives hockey sport Alexander Ovechkin is a genius and a talented player who managed not only to achieve great victories, but also to win the hearts of fans.

Many people know where Ovechkin plays, how much he earns, what awards he received, but in our article you can find out more detailed information, Interesting Facts from the life of an athlete. The personal life of Alexander Ovechkin has also developed quite interestingly. The most juicy details from the career and life of a popular hockey player, read on.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Ovechkin

Surely, there is not a single hockey fan who would not admire famous hockey player and would not like to know his height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Ovechkin is also an important topic, especially for an athlete. Alexander Ovechkin weighs 99 kg and is 190 cm tall. He will turn 33 in September 2018.

It's no secret that playing hockey requires excellent physical training. Alexander Ovechkin, in addition to training on the ice, regularly visits the gym. One of the most frequently used exercise equipment is the bicycle. Since hockey players often injure their knees, it is very important to warm them up and train them on time, which is what Alexander Ovechkin does almost every day. The photos in his youth and now are different, because in his youth he was thin and had teeth, but now he is pumped up, toothless and slightly grayish.

An exercise called a bridge is very helpful and prevents back injuries. This is what allows you to strengthen your back muscles. Of course, it is also important to pump up your arms; bench press on the ball is what you need.

In addition to the above exercises, your daily workout list also includes running and balance exercises.

Biography and personal life of Alexander Ovechkin

The hockey player has long been on world stage sports and is very popular far beyond Russia, which means that the biography and personal life of Alexander Ovechkin are often discussed topics in the press.

Alexander Ovechkin was born in 1985 in Moscow. The future was predetermined, because the hockey player’s parents are also famous and successful athletes. Father - Mikhail Ovechkin, football player of FC Dynamo, mother - Tatyana Ovechkina - basketball player, two-time Olympic champion. It would be strange if Alexander did not choose sports. The only thing that was slightly surprising was the sport that Alexander Ovechkin chose. No one in the Ovechkin family was interested in hockey, however, one day, the boy noticed a hockey game on TV and since then fell in love with this sport.

The father brought his son to the coach when he was already 8 years old, but the boys on the team had been playing since they were 5-6 years old, and Ovechkin didn’t even know how to skate. The guy turned out to be extremely trainable and tenacious, and within a couple of years the whole country would be talking about him.

Because of the tragedy in the Ovechkin family, when his brother passed away, he promised that he would take the most difficult peaks at any cost in memory of him.

At the age of 12, Alexander Ovechkin broke Pavel Bure's record for most goals scored, surpassing him by three.

Soon the hockey player began to play in the Russian national team, in the first team, and then was invited to foreign hockey clubs.

17-year-old Alexander Ovechkin brought success to his team and began to attract even more attention from foreign hockey clubs.

In 2005, Ovechkin signed a contract with the Washington Capitals, who offered him almost $4 million per season. The hockey player successfully played for this club, bringing more and more victories.

The numerous records that Alexander Ovechkin broke provided him with worldwide fame. From time to time, the hockey player also plays for the national team of his country, helping the team reach a new level.

In 2008, the Washington team offered Alexander Ovechkin a record amount of $124 million. Thus, he became the team's highest paid player.

Eight years ago, the world-famous hockey player took over as captain of the Washington Capitals team.

Everyone knows about Alexander Ovechkin as an athlete, but what kind of person is he really? In addition to sports, the famous hockey player loves to collect sticks with autographs of the most popular and outstanding hockey players in the world. His passion is expensive and exclusive cars and fast driving.

An athlete's teeth are a separate topic that deserves attention. Alexander Ovechkin's tough and assertive style of play often contributes to knocked out teeth. The hockey player's dentist has already made a fortune working with the athlete. Sometimes, Ovechkin inserts a removable denture during the game, which is indistinguishable from a real tooth.

Recently, a popular hockey player became the creator social movement“Team Putin” and actively contributes to his promotion. It is no secret that “Putins Team” is often used in the United States, which is where the athlete got the idea for the name of the movement in support of the president.

Many consider “Team Putin” a PR stunt for which the hockey player receives certain privileges, but the athlete himself has repeatedly assured the press and public of the opposite. He has money, fame, he doesn’t need anyone’s support, but sympathy for Vladimir Vladimirovich is his own business. Alexander Ovechkin admires the Russian President and gladly supports him.

Today, the Russian hockey player continues to break his records and may be planning a move to another team. Despite the fact that in many hockey clubs there are a lot of young and promising guys, Alexander Ovechkin is distinguished by his exclusive style of play, and is also making progress in the sport of hockey and is not going to stop there.

It is estimated that the world famous hockey player earns over $14 million a year. These are last year's statistics. In Forbes, the athlete took first place in terms of income among the most famous Russian athletes.

Today, Alexander Ovechkin most often lives in the States, as he works there. Recently a program was broadcast about Russian hockey player, which covered his life outside of sports. After his marriage, Alexander Ovechkin bought a more spacious house, even more of a cottage, away from the bustle of the city. Before this, the athlete had an apartment, and a fan could come to him at any time, which caused inconvenience. Now, in his country house, he has a fenced area, and much more more space than in the previous housing. Perhaps the hockey player cares about the future of his young family, which plans to have children in the near future.

Recently, the Russian national hockey team took Olympic gold, unfortunately, the athlete was not on the team. Someone says that he could not come because he was playing for his hockey club. But Alexander Ovechkin is sincerely happy for the victory of his compatriots and may be going to take part in new battle in four years.

The public noticed that there were no NHL players on the national team; most likely, this was originally planned.

The world-famous hockey player Alexander Ovechkin also does not forget about his personal life. The famous hockey player was credited with having affairs with many celebrities, including foreign ones (Fergie). But there is no evidence of this.

But the whole country watched the long relationship between Ovechkin and Russian tennis player Maria Kirilenko. The young people met back in 2011 at a tennis match.

A beautiful love story between two popular athletes turned into something more. On New Year's Eve, in 2012, the hockey player proposed marriage to Maria. The girl agreed and everyone was looking forward to a magnificent celebration.

Two years later, the press learned about the breakdown of relations between Ovechkin and Kirilenko. According to some reports, the tennis player could not tolerate the behavior of her groom, who loved to lead a free and independent life.

However, the popular hockey player was not single for long; apparently, he really wanted to start his own family, because already in 2017 he acquired a wife. The chosen one was 21-year-old model Anastasia Shubskaya. It turns out that they previously knew each other and crossed paths several times at sporting events, but their communication did not go beyond simple communication. When Nastya reported on social networks that he almost drowned in the sea while on vacation in the Emirates, Alexander Ovechkin decided to support her. And so the romance of the young people began.

This July, the hockey player’s young family will be exactly one year old.

Family and children of Alexander Ovechkin

The family and children of Alexander Ovechkin are one of his favorite topics, which are often covered in the media. The hockey player has not yet had children, but he has his own own family he already has it. By the way, the young couple admitted that they don’t mind becoming parents, which they are working hard on.

Until last year, when Ovechkin tied the knot with Anastasia Shubskaya, his family were his parents. These wonderful people who raised a champion and their by example proved what hard work can achieve.

Alexander Ovechkin’s mother climbed onto the Olympic podium twice, is a talented basketball player and the hockey player’s main muse. Despite the fact that basketball is a rather rough game, my son never complained about the lack of affection and tenderness.

But his father, a football player, took Ovechkin to the coach for the first time, sincerely believing in his son’s success. It was the faith of his parents and their support that helped the hockey player achieve such heights in sports.

Few people know, but Alexander Ovechkin had brother, 15 years older. Unfortunately, he died in a car accident. This was a big blow for him, because they had a warm and trusting relationship. From that moment on, the hockey player promised himself that he would achieve great success for two, no matter what it took.

Alexander Ovechkin's wife - Anastasia Shubskaya

A previously little-known model, and now the wife of Alexander Ovechkin, Anastasia Shubskaya, became very popular after she began an affair with a hockey player. No, of course, they knew about Nastya in narrow circles, especially the elite, because she is the daughter famous actress Vera Glagoleva, and her father is Russian millionaire Kirill Shubsky. But the general public had no idea about the existence of Anastasia Shubskaya. Thus, the girl managed not only to snag the most desirable and richest bachelor in Russia, but also to become popular thanks to his person.

Well, it should also be noted that the hockey player was also lucky with his wife; she is a real beauty with a dowry. Another important detail, the young girl (she is 24 years old) has natural beauty, without any enlarged lips and breasts. This is very rare, given the fact that Anastasia could afford it for a long time.

It is known that modeling is just a hobby for the wife of a hockey player; in fact, she wants to pursue an acting career.

In August, a month after magnificent wedding Shubskaya and Ovechkin, Vera Glagoleva passed away. Anastasia was very depressed and still cannot get over the pain of loss.

The luxurious celebration of the wedding of the legendary hockey player and the daughter of actress Vera Glagoleva was not discussed except by indifferent people. As mentioned earlier, in July 2017, Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya tied the knot. The wedding, photos from which were viewed by millions of netizens, was very magnificent and elegant. The bride shone in a snow-white designer dress, and Ovechkin was unusual to see in a suit and with a bow tie, but he looked chic.

The celebration was attended by many celebrities and the entire Russian elite. The newlyweds and guests danced to songs performed by Nikolai Baskov. The newlyweds received many congratulations, in particular from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The bride was wearing one elegant wedding dress at the wedding ceremony, and later changed to another luxurious dress, in which she continued the fun at the banquet.

The entire hall for the wedding celebration was decorated with delicate roses, and cutlery and dishes were engraved with the newlyweds.

Besides Russian stars show business and sports, government representatives were also present at Alexander Ovechkin’s wedding. One of them, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, distinguished himself in a special way. A video is available online in which the politician enthusiastically participates in a dance competition.

Alexander Ovechkin shared his emotions in in social networks, posting several photos and videos from the celebration. Unfortunately, such an important day in the lives of Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya was soon overshadowed by the passing of Vera Glagoleva. On his page on one of the social networks, the hockey player posted latest video, on which his mother-in-law was captured, and mourns the loss with his wife.

In 2018, Ovechkin received two major gifts from fate: his team won the Stanley Cup, and his young wife Anastasia became pregnant. On August 18, their son was born, the first child of both Ovi and Shubskaya.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Ovechkin

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexander Ovechkin have long been viewed by thousands of fans of the hockey player every day. The athlete has over a million subscribers on the popular social network Instagram. Here Alexander Ovechkin regularly posts fresh photographs of him with friends and his beloved wife. You can often see videos of famous hockey players here. Interestingly, the athlete is an ardent fan of President Vladimir Putin and actively takes part in the informal movement “Team Putin.” Alexander Ovechkin sincerely admires the work of the Russian president and strongly supports his policies.

Alexander Ovechkin managed to build a brilliant sports career, thanks to which fans all over the world know him. Having signed a multi-year contract with the Washington Capitals, the hockey player dreams of winning the Stanley Cup and joining his team in Korea to participate in the Olympics in 2018. Playing in the Stanley Cup in the spring of 2017, his team lost, but Alexander believes that next year will be more successful for them. The hockey player was injured, however, he now feels better, planning to recover in Moscow. But in his personal life only joyful and happy events: Ovechkin got married last year, however, he and his young wife intend to have a second wedding in the summer of 2017, which they want to organize on a grand scale.

Alexander was born in 1985 in Moscow. His father is Mikhail Ovechkin, former footballer, and mother is Tatyana Ovechkina, defender of the USSR national basketball team. His parents also raised his older brothers. It is not surprising that the future hockey player already loved to play football and hockey in his childhood. When the boy was 10 years old, a tragedy struck the family - his brother Sergei was in a car accident and died.

The photo shows the future hockey player as a child

While studying in the sports section, he was noticed by the coaches of the Moscow Dynamo hockey school, where the young athlete soon began to train. The 12-year-old hockey player showed excellent results, as a result of which he was included in the adult team. During his career, he was world champion three times and also played Olympic Games in Turin, Vancouver and Sochi.

In 2005, Ovechkin became a player for the Washington Capitals club, but during the 2012-2013 season he played for Dynamo Moscow. Outside of hockey, the athlete is involved in charity work: he takes care of future hockey players from orphanages, whom he provides with uniforms. Alexander also pays attention to children with disabilities. Many fans are interested in the parameters of the hockey player, who is 190 cm tall and weighs more than 95 kg.

Alexander Ovechkin with his parents

While actively pursuing a sports career, Ovechkin did not forget about his personal life, however, he never advertised his novels. Journalists noticed him more than once with many famous girls, which led to rumors about his affairs. The hockey player himself claimed that he future wife there will only be a Russian girl. At the end of 2011, he began to appear in company with a tennis player, but the lovers themselves did not soon admit their romantic relationships. When they announced their engagement at the end of 2012, the couple's fans began to look forward to their wedding. However, this event did not take place, as the bride decided to leave Alexander in the summer of 2014.

He knew his future wife, Anastasia Shubskaya, the daughter of the famous actress Vera Glagoleva, many years ago. The girl followed in the footsteps star mom: She was educated at VGIK and has already starred in several film projects. The lovers became close after the incident when Nastya almost drowned while on vacation in the UAE, talking about it on her social network page. The hockey player wrote to the actress and asked her about her health, after which they began a correspondence. Soon Shubskaya flew to the USA, where the hockey player invited her on a date.

In the photo, Alexander Ovechkin with his wife Anastasia Shubskaya

Nastya moved to America, settling in his house. She accompanied the athlete everywhere and cheered for him at all matches. In the fall of 2015, Ovechkin proposed to his girlfriend, and in the summer of 2016 they signed in the registry office. A year later, the couple planned to celebrate a wedding, which would bring together relatives and closest friends of the newlyweds. Before the lovers had time to become husband and wife, reports appeared in the press that they would soon become parents. However, Anastasia herself denied her pregnancy by publishing a beach photo on her page, where she shows off her graceful figure.

(biography and personal life of the athlete are presented below) - one of the most famous hockey players modernity. He is the first player to sign a contract worth more than $100 million. Five times he managed to score 50 goals in a season and four times score over 100 points. In 2014, Alexander was recognized as the top scorer of the Washington Capitals. This article will describe short biography hockey player


Ovechkin Alexander (see photo below) was born in 1985 in Moscow. He became the third child in the family. The mother of the future hockey player Tatyana was an Olympic champion in basketball. And father Mikhail played professional football for Dynamo (Moscow).

Sasha developed a love for hockey at the age of two. He was walking around a toy store with his mom and noticed some equipment in the window. Alexander did not leave her side until they bought him the whole set. Six years later, the boy was brought to the hockey section by his brother Sergei. Moreover, the parents actively opposed this. This is what became main reason Sasha's departure from the section. But one of the coaches saw potential in the boy and persuaded his parents to return him to the ice.

The young athlete’s favorite teams were Dynamo (Moscow) and the Pittsburgh Penguins. Ovechkin also had idols - Alexander Maltsev and Mario Lemieux.

After the section, the hero of this article entered the Dynamo hockey school. Here Alexander broke the record by scoring 59 goals at the Moscow Championship. In 2000, the young talent was transferred to Dynamo’s adult squad.

Carier start

At the age of 16, Alexander Ovechkin, whose photo had already periodically appeared in the sports media, made his debut in the Super League (Russia). In the first season, the hockey player scored 2 goals and played 22 matches. In 2002, the athlete as part of the junior team went to Slovakia for the World Championships. There Ovechkin became the best newcomer, scoring 18 points.

A year later, Alexander competed as part of the main Russian national team at the Cheska Poyishtovna tournament. 17-year-old Ovechkin set 2 records there at once:

  • as the youngest goal scorer;
  • as the youngest athlete on the team.

In 2003, they tried to buy Alexander from the NHL, but the deal did not take place because the player was a minor. In the 2004/2005 season, the young athlete became a key player for Dynamo. After 53 matches, he decided on his role in the team and became the best left attacker.

Moving to the USA

In 2004, Alexander Ovechkin, whose biography is now known to all hockey fans, was selected first in the draft. But there was a lockout in the NHL, so he had to stay with Dynamo.

In 2005, uncertainty arose: Ovechkin’s contract with the team came to an end. Of course, Dynamo management wanted to extend it in order to receive compensation if Alexander left for the NHL. The athlete was also offered profitable cooperation by Omsk Avangard. It was with this club that the young man entered into a preliminary contract. However, Dynamo managed to extend its contract with the player, and the situation became a dead end. There was one more problem: Avangard released Ovechkin to the Washington Capitals without any compensation, and the blue and white demanded $2 million. In addition, Dynamo did not pay the hero of this article a salary.

As a result, Alexander Ovechkin, whose height will be indicated below, left for the USA. And the Russian court ruled that the athlete should remain at Dynamo. But this decision, as well as the club’s demands for compensation, were rejected by an American judge. In general, this “battle” was won by the National Hockey League and the young athlete.


George McPhee (manager of the Washington Capitals) immediately decided to build the game around Ovechkin. Before Alexander, this club used the same strategy in relation to Jaromir Jagr. The Russian was assigned the maximum salary for a debutant - $4 million, including bonuses. In the NHL, Ovechkin immediately had a rival - Sidney Crosby. It was with him that the athlete fought for the prestigious Calder Trophy award and eventually managed to win.

From the first matches, hockey player Alexander Ovechkin, whose biography is full of exciting sporting events, fully met McPhee’s hopes. The young man scored goals, made assists and scored points. In the first season, Alexander earned 49 points. Only Ilya Kovalchuk had more.


In a game against the Phoenix Coyotes, Alexander scored one of the most beautiful goals in NHL history. After being pushed by one of his opponents, he managed to make a blow with his stick while falling. Phoenix coach Wayne Gratzky exclaimed, “It’s not a goal, it’s just a masterpiece!”

Record contract

In 2007, the forward played in the All-Star Game for the East. The hype surrounding Ovechkin significantly affected his play. The hockey player was nervous and did not break through Roberto Luongo’s defense in the shootout. Alexander also showed the worst time in the speed competition.

However, the following season, the Washington Capitals signed Ovechkin to a record contract. Over 13 seasons, the forward received $124 million. This was the first such case.


In the 2008/2009 season, the Washington Capitals reached the semifinals, where they lost to the Penguins. After some time, Ovechkin was criticized by the popular Canadian journalist Don Cherry. And the media representative had a good reason for this.

After the goal was scored, Beckstrom, Green, Theodore and Ovechkin had to demonstrate a trick: Alexander throws his stick onto the ice, and his colleagues show that it is hot. But after the goal was scored, his teammates were not around, and the forward performed a pantomime alone. Experts and journalists did not appreciate it acting skills. And Cherry wrote that Ovechkin became like idiots from soccer players who celebrate goals scored with nerdy antics. Most fans also considered such antics a bad example for their children. After this, the coach asked the hockey player to show less emotion on the ice. And the forward agreed.

Captain of the Washington Capitals

In 2009, Alexander Ovechkin, whose biography should become a role model for aspiring hockey players, led his team. After 30 days, the forward scored more than 500 points. Unfortunately, the Washington Capitals failed to win the Stanley Cup. The team was eliminated from the championship in the first round of the playoffs. But Americans and Canadians increasingly called the hero of this article Alexander the Great.

By the end of 2013, the hockey player had 11 personal NHL awards. Among Russian athletes this is best result. The forward also crossed the 1000 points mark, entered the TOP 100 best snipers and won his fourth Trophy. But, unfortunately, this did not help the team itself. The team did not make the playoffs and finished ninth in the East. Alexander received a barrage of criticism for bad game in defense and weak leadership qualities.

The start of the 2014/2015 season was uneven for Ovechkin. A series of continuous goals gave way to the fact that the hockey player was unable to earn points for five matches in a row (the first time in his career). Then Alexander scored only 7 points in three games. But at the end of the season, he made up for lost time, becoming the team's top scorer.

Playing for the national team

Alexander Ovechkin, whose biography is in many sports encyclopedias, plays not only for the Washington Capitals. He does not forget about the national team. In 2006, the athlete traveled as part of the national team to Turin. Alexander himself performed excellently (scored 6 points - an assist and 5 goals), but the team did not reach the top places. But in next year The team won bronze at the World Cup. This time it was the other way around: Ovechkin was scolded for injuring his opponent, poor play and disqualification. And the team itself was praised. But at the 2008 World Cup (Canada), everyone distinguished themselves. The hero of this article took sixth place in the ranking, and the team received gold medals.

Variable success

I missed the next World Championship (the athlete’s biography and personal life is regularly discussed in the tabloids). But in 2010 I went to the Olympics. But the game in Vancouver did not work out. The team only managed to reach the quarterfinals, where it lost to the Canadians. Many then remembered Alexander’s signature power techniques.

The athlete played fadedly at the 2010 and 2011 World Cups. He compensated for his failures in 2012, taking gold and already becoming a two-time world champion. And in 2013, the Washington forward took to the ice with an injury. Alexander did everything he could, but the Russian team took only 6th place, losing to the Americans with a score of 3:8.

The Olympics in Sochi were also unsuccessful. But the national team was able to win back in Minsk at the 2014 World Cup. Ovechkin was named captain. And it was the right decision: in the end, Russia is the winner, and Alexander is a three-time world champion. That year, the hockey player became the most popular athlete in the Russian Federation.

Ovechkin Alexander: height, weight

These parameters of a hockey player are interesting to many fans. Most sources present the following figures: the athlete’s height is 190 centimeters, and his weight is 100 kilograms.

Personal life

Ovechkin, 30, is not married. Moreover, the forward himself assures those around him that his wife will only be a girl from Russia. The media periodically listed Zhanna Friske, Victoria Lopyreva and Fergie as the hockey player’s girlfriends.

Since 2011, the forward dated the famous athlete Maria Kirilenko. It came to an engagement. But on the girl’s initiative, they broke up in the summer of 2014. Then there was a short-term affair with gymnast Karolina Sevastyanova.

Anastasia Shubskaya is the name of the girl she meets in this moment Ovechkin Alexander. He periodically posts photos with his (potential) wife on his Instagram. Anastasia doesn’t lag behind him either. Recently, a very eloquent photograph appeared on Shubskaya’s page. On it the girl is sitting with Alexander in a restaurant, and on her ring finger flaunts a ring with big diamond. Most likely, with this photo Anastasia hinted at an engagement. It is likely that in the near future the hockey player will finally lose his bachelor status.

Now Alexander Ovechkin, whose biography is presented above, lives with his parents in Arlington (a suburb of Washington). His mother is his agent, and his father edits sports videos. After their son’s career ends, they plan to return to Russia.

Today, Alexander Ovechkin, whom fans overseas affectionately nicknamed Ovi, is considered the No. 1 Russian hockey player in the whole world.

The champion Ovechkin family did not even think of imposing any sport on little Sasha. Alexander chose him himself - on TV.

Childhood, family of Alexander Ovechkin

Alexander’s parents were far from hockey. Mom, Tatyana Ovechkina, played on the USSR women's basketball team and won Olympic gold twice. Father, Mikhail Ovechkin, defended the colors of Dynamo football. It was he who noticed his son’s passion for hockey:

“One day I was sitting in front of the TV. And while the commercial was on, I switched to hockey - Dynamo was playing an insignificant match with an outsider. I wanted to switch back to the movie, but Sasha got so angry! I had to give in to him. And my son watched the match without closing his mouth and holding his breath, although before that he didn’t even know the rules of this game. And therefore there was no question about other sports in the future.”

In the photo: Alexander Ovechkin in his youth
At his father’s request, his older brother Sergei took Alexander to the Dynamo hockey section. But the eight-year-old newcomer didn’t really fit into the team. As the hockey player himself later recalled, at that time Ovechkin’s peers had been training for 2-3 years and stood confidently on the ice. He was just learning to skate. It was incredibly difficult, and after three months the boy gave up and stopped going to the section. Perhaps the world would never have known the great Ovi if it were not for the children's coach. He called Alexander Ovechkin’s father and asked why such a lively guy suddenly disappeared? The very next day, Alexander resumed training.

Ovechkin at Dynamo
Ovechkin was really lucky with his first coach. Noticing that the guy lacked skating technique, he shortened his stick by almost half. Now, in order to play, Alexander had to ride on bent legs, which improved his gliding. Ovechkin’s father quit his job and took him to the ice palace twice a day. Moreover, for the first training, both got up at six in the morning, and only then Sasha went to school.

Sports career of Alexander Ovechkin

A cruel blow for the guy was the death of his brother Sergei in a car accident. And the very next day, his father took Alexander to training. “It was difficult, I cried... I sat on the bench and sobbed,” the hockey player recalled. - But my coach came up and said: “Okay, go play.” Your shift." I played, and tears ran down my face. A very difficult moment for the whole family, for mom and dad."

Later, Alexander Ovechkin realized that this event changed his whole life forever: “If he had been alive, maybe I would not have become a hockey player. This is fate... I realized that my parents only had me and my brother Misha left. We need to take more care of them. And it doesn’t matter what you do - hockey or something else. You have to be successful to provide for your family."

Alexander submitted a serious bid for success at the age of 12. At the Moscow Youth Championship he broke Pavel Bure's record. Once he scored 53 goals, and Ovechkin chalked up 59.

At the age of 16, Alexander already played for the adult team of Dynamo Moscow. And just a year later he was invited to the Russian national team by the legendary coach Viktor Tikhonov. But Alexander did not get lost in the team of stars - by scoring the puck, Ovechkin became the youngest scorer of a goal at the World Championship.

The appearance of a young star in the Russian team was immediately noticed in the NHL. The Florida Panther club was the first to show interest in 17-year-old Ovechkin. But Alexander was only two days shy of age. But in 2004, he was already the No. 1 target of NHL clubs. Ovechkin himself dreamed of an overseas career, but the rights to it belonged to Dynamo Moscow, and on the day the contract expired he signed a new one, with Avangard Omsk. Therefore, when Alexander moved to the Washington Capitals, a dispute arose between Russian clubs: who would receive compensation from the Americans? The “Ovechkin case” was heard in court, but all claims were rejected. But the player’s personal contract provided for almost $4 million a year - the maximum fee for an NHL rookie.

Alexander Ovechkin in the NHL

Alexander Ovechkin moved to America with his father, who helped him in business. Later, my mother joined the family. Once in an interview, the athlete admitted: “I live with my parents and I’m not going to move into my own apartment in the near future, because I’m too young for that. In this case, my head may turn in the wrong direction. My parents always look after me and I am grateful to them for that.”

In his first match for the Washington Capitals, Ovechkin scored two goals. Further more. Prizes at the end of the season fell one after another: “ Best Newcomer", "Top Scorer", " Best player" The team management was finally convinced that the bet on Ovechkin was correct. A December 10, 2008 hockey world The news was stunning - the Washington Capitals signed a record contract with Alexander Ovechkin for $124 million! The agreement implied Ovi playing for the club for 13 years, for which he should receive 9-10 million annually.

Personal life of Alexander Ovechkin

Having become a superstar, Alexander never refused to play for the Russian national team and often flew to Moscow to chat with friends. And, to the displeasure of American fans, he only wanted a girl from Russia. The press wrote about Ovechkin's novels with Zhanna Friske, Victoria Lopyreva, and tennis player Maria Kirilenko. With the latter, the hockey player was heading towards marriage (in 2012, the couple announced their engagement). But everything collapsed two years later. It was rumored that the reason was photos on social networks where Alexander was relaxing on the beach with a young gymnast.

Maria herself refused to comment on these photos, and said about the breakup: “It’s no longer a secret that Alexander has certain habits and behavioral characteristics that I did not consider necessary to tolerate any longer. I wish him further success in sport. Well, I need to focus on own career" So Ovechkin again became an eligible bachelor. But not for long.

While browsing social networks, Alexander saw a photo beautiful girl- model, daughter of actress Vera Glagoleva. Ovechkin wrote her a message and asked for her phone number. They had already met before: when Nastya was 14 years old, she and her father flew to the Olympics. But then Alexander did not consider the teenager as a potential bride. This time everything was different. A year later, in 2015, Alexander Ovechkin proposed to his beloved. The couple celebrated a luxurious wedding, where the guests were stars of sports, show business and politics, in July 2017 in Barvikha, near Moscow.

In America, where Nastya moved after her husband, they settled in a huge house in the elite Potomac district of Washington. The territory of the “American Rublyovka” is inhabited mainly by successful businessmen, lawyers and politicians. Ovechkin's mansion, with an area of ​​1000 square meters, was built in the English style and, in addition to the living room, contains 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 3 fireplaces, and a swimming pool. The territory near the house is half a hectare. The estate cost Alexander Ovechkin $4 million and is located in a closed area, which makes him very happy. Previously, when he lived in the city, any fan could show up at his house for an autograph.

In the photo: Alexander Ovechkin with his wife and son
Unfortunately, just a month after the wedding from cancer Nastya's mother died. Therefore, when it became known about the upcoming replenishment, the couple agreed: if a boy is born, he will be named Sergei (in honor of Ovechkin’s deceased brother), and if a girl is born, Vera. On August 18, 2018, Nastya gave her husband an heir. However, relatives and friends say that Alexander will not stop there. After all, in life, as in sports, he is used to achieving the maximum.

Author of biography: Egor Marovsky 2065
