Born in the year of the Monkey. Astrological characteristics will reveal secrets

Years of the Monkey:

1908,1920,1932,1944,1956,1968,1980,1992, 2004, 2016, 2028

In China, the Monkey is believed to bring success and protection. In the south of the country and in Tibet, families proudly spoke of their descent from monkeys.

But at the same time, the Chinese believe that unreliable and contradictory people are born this year. Being the most eccentric of all the signs, the Monkey, nevertheless, always remains the soul of society: she has humor, she is crafty and cunning.

It seems that the Monkey gets along with all signs, but this agreement is often just a tactic. She is self-serving. Playful, even helpful, the Monkey covers up its opinions of others with undeniable friendliness. In fact, she despises all other signs and considers herself superior to the rest.

She is very persuasive and enjoys talking and participating in discussions. Her friendliness and confident manners help her gain admirers. She's always happy to help useful advice, although she prefers to rely only on her own judgment.

The monkey is smart and well-read; has an outstanding memory that can only be envied. She is able to remember the smallest details of what she saw, read or heard. Ultimately, she needs this memory because everything is a mess.

The monkey is unique and has a rich imagination. There are practically no problems for her. She is an optimist, and her life is rich in events and adventures. Having a well-developed survival instinct, she will be able to get out of the most seemingly hopeless situations.

Many Monkeys are temperamental and headstrong people, quick-tempered but easy-going. Real monkeys, living in packs, raise a cry in case of danger, throwing twigs and nuts from the trees at the enemy. So it is with people. If the Monkey has an enemy, it will not fight him one on one. She will call all her relatives and friends and, having created a “support group”, will feel confident, climb onto a branch and from an unattainable height will drop “coconuts” on the enemy, that is, she will begin to fight him from a distance.

The monkey is a careerist. And she has all the data to succeed. This is an invaluable worker, but capricious, with strong character. There is almost no field of activity where she cannot succeed. However, she is easily distracted and convinced. She wants to do everything right there, this minute. The slightest obstacle can ruin her mood and throw off her plans.

Thanks to their artistry and ability to work with information, they make good artists, journalists, intermediaries, secretaries, and administrators. They can find their calling in the theater, cinema, and television. And they will be happy and successful in this field. commercial activity will also bring them success.

Monkeys are good at sensing the mood of the people around them and are able to find weak sides others and use this to achieve their goals. Many Monkeys are skilled intriguers, swindlers and charlatans. They are completely devoid of conscience and remember it only when they themselves are treated unfairly. They don't need morality.

The Monkey is not scrupulous and can easily lie if necessary for business. She can commit dishonest acts if she is sure of impunity, but the Monkey is easy to catch. This flexible consciousness drives some Monkeys to the point of stealing, but this cannot be called a rule.

Monkeys are prone to narcissism. They are fascinated by their own reflection in the mirror. But with all these negative traits(vanity, deceit, lack of scrupulousness) they are not too angry with the Monkey, since he has been very successful in the art of pleasing.

Possessing various talents, she knows how to make money and knows its value, but she loves a luxurious life too much to deny herself anything.

The overactive and active Monkey is actually melancholic. She has a skeptical view of the world. And where there is skepticism, there is always intelligence training. So, despite the general unsystematic thinking, the Monkey is by no means stupid. Rather, she can be called abstruse. Her thinking lacks simplicity, but everything else is more than enough.

The symbolism of this sign is multifaceted. Denoting lower forces, darkness, unconscious activity, the Monkey can be both a destroyer and a creator. It all depends on where she directs her power, which is beyond logic and reason.

The first part of her life will be happy. The second is stormy, vague, her plans will often collapse. The third part will be calm.

Monkey man. Characteristic

The Monkey man is ambitious, resourceful, and not lacking in talent. The main property is incredible physical strength Monkey men.

Those born under this sign are mostly careerists. They are especially good at work that requires communication with people. They are successful in large enterprises, in financial transactions, and in all areas where intelligence and awareness are required. Sometimes they are ready to make a deal with their conscience. But in general they can achieve success in any field. Politics, diplomacy, commerce, industry are no secret for them - they can take on anything, afford anything, especially if they have a higher education.

The Monkey man can achieve fame if he follows his calling. He just has to avoid verbal outpourings that can tire people.

As a rule, relationships with the opposite sex do not work out for Monkeys. He himself does not know how to love, and it is difficult to love him. His personal traits are not disposed to this. He is superficial and selfish, the main thing for him is to be loved. As a rule, the Monkey becomes a dictator in the family. The Monkey man is aggressive, loves to suppress and impose his will. Behind his rigidity and desire to completely control family members are self-doubt, internal instability, low self-esteem and all kinds of fears.

Monkey woman. Characteristic

The Monkey woman needs a man as the support of her life. She is attracted to them by material security, reliability and intelligence. If family life It seems monotonous to her, she easily commits treason. The Monkey woman is very touchy. She does not like to listen to the truth addressed to her.

The main advantages of Monkeys in the sphere of traditional female values ​​are beauty, peace, comfort, tenderness, care, bottomless eyes, depth and beauty born inner peace. After the boundless, irrepressible, sometimes very strange activity of Monkey men, women's evenness and smoothness are amazing. Balance, harmony, sense of proportion and an abyss of taste. Nothing pathological, no shocking, no defiant gestures.

At the same time, she is inventive and original to the extreme and is able to solve the most difficult problems with amazing speed. But, if she does not immediately begin to implement her ideas, she abandons the matter halfway.

Being very diplomatic and cunning, the Monkey can always get out of the most difficult situations. Most Monkeys have absolutely no patterns in behavior, family relationships, in communication with the outside world. It is difficult to catch them by the tail, although you know for sure that they can lie at any moment. Posturing and irresistible craving to entertainment - this is how one can determine its inner essence. She madly loves noisy parties and holidays, where she can show off her non-existent advantages. The monkey always tries to be the center of attention and is ready to go out of his way for this.

She is independent, and nothing can be imposed or suggested to her.

She will not find happiness in love. The relationship between man and woman will be bad. Passionate, she will easily find a hobby, but will quickly become fed up and look for another love. Unfortunately, these searches will be in vain. Her relationships are unstable.

Her innate humor saves her from despair. Moreover, she can laugh at her own sorrows and draw appropriate conclusions.

To keep his life partner, the Monkey tries to have children. But in most Monkeys, paternal and maternal feelings are poorly developed.

Species of Monkey

Metal Monkey (1920, 1980, 2040)

Water Monkey (1932,1992, 2052)

Wooden Monkey (1944, 2004, 2064)

Fire Monkey (1956, 2016)

Earth Monkey (1908, 1968, 2028)

Born in the year of the Monkey

Alexander the Great, Leonardo da Vinci, René Descartes, Giordano Bruno, George Byron, Benedict Spinoza, John Milton, Ivan Kozhedub, Alexandra Kollontai, Alexander Herzen, Yegor Ligachev, Boris Polevoy, Konstantin Rokossovsky, Nikolai Dobrolyubov, Georgy Chicherin, Anton Denikin, Joseph Chamberlain.

The monkey is classified as a Yin animal. According to the Eastern horoscope, this sign is ninth. Controls the time interval from 15 to 17 hours. The most successful season, which brings good luck to the Monkey, is considered to be summer, and the peak period is August. Comparing the Chinese and European horoscopes, the Monkey corresponds to the sign of Leo. Its element is metal. Lucky color is purple. The most favorable plants and flowers for the Monkey will be cedar, sandalwood and elderberry. Among favorable countries The habitats of the Monkey are worth highlighting - the USA, Cambodia, Vietnam, Morocco, Sudan, Egypt, Portugal, Hungary.

Years of the Monkey sign in our century

  • 1908 February 2 - element of the year earth
  • 1920 February 20 - element of the year metal
  • 1932 February 6 - element of the year water
  • 1944 January 25 - element of the year tree
  • 1956 February 12 - element of the year fire
  • 1968 January 30 - element of the year earth
  • 1980 February 16 - element of the year metal
  • 1992 February 4 - element of the year water
  • 2004 January 22 - element of the year tree
  • 2016 February 8 - element of the year fire

Famous people who were born in the year of the Monkey:

Alistair Cook, Oleg Makarov, Ivan Diaghilev, Federico Fellini, Harry Truman, Marina Ladynina, Michelle Morgan, Neville Chamberlain, Omar Sheriff, Sergei Bondarchuk, Jonathan King, Anatoly Lepedevsky, Yuri Kremlev, John Updike, Alexandre Dumas-son, Georges Marchais, Boris Gorbatov, Pope John Paul II, Yuri Nagibin, Elizabeth Taylor, Igor Kio, Rostislav Plyatt, Georg Ots, Buster Kitton, David Oistrakh, Charles Dickens, Scott Fitzgerald, Herbert von Caroyan, GianniRodari, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Bern Borg, Baruch Spinoza, Leonardo da Vinci, Jack London, James Donnavan, Grigory Konovalov, Meros Merleau Ponty, Boris Polevoy, Byron, Edward Kennedy, Mick Jagger, Schopenhauer, Rod Stewart, Anton Chekhov, Marquis de Sade, Paul Gauguin, Boris Gorbatov, Linden Johnson, Nelson Rockefeller, Harry Houdini, Poincare, Yuri Ozerov, Anna Magnani.

The monkey is a mixture of two opposing elements - Yin and Yang. The monkey embodies quick wit and ingenuity, intelligence, and is rarely dishonest. The Monkey owes its longevity to the Lady of the West, since the West gave it the fruit of immortality. Many Chinese believe that the Monkey lives for more than a thousand years. But the Chinese treat a monkey less than eighteen years old quite badly, and the monkey only becomes more beautiful. The monkey turns into a baboon, and can come to the aid of a person at any time.

To call the Monkey evil is not entirely correct; rather, he is a trickster and a swindler. With his behavior, the Monkey can not only confuse, but also quite puzzle everyone. When the monkey jumps on the vines, you can observe the personification of the world of feelings. It is believed that through long meditation, the Monkey is able to control his heart.

Residents of the East consider Monkeys to be the children of Earth and Heaven. Moreover, in India the Monkey is called Hanuman, because he is very insightful, dexterous and completely unpredictable. Hanuman serves God well. Hanuman is endowed with very great power, but misusing it for her exploits is unacceptable for her. He obeys only his God.

According to the Eastern horoscope, this zodiac sign represents the wind from the west. This is due to the suddenness of the Monkey's appearance and disappearance. The Monkey is a real sorceress, she is the mistress of creative forces and instincts. The monkey lives in a completely irrational world. This is a real juggler. Thanks to clouded thoughts, the Monkey sometimes does not distinguish the difference between evil and good. The monkey is too cunning, so you shouldn’t be surprised if it steals something and hides from its pursuers.

At the end of the world, in China, there is a rock that has been exposed to solar and Moonlight. At that moment, when the rock was completely filled with light, it gave birth to an egg, entirely composed of their stone. Strong wind managed to catch the egg, which rolled off the cliff and broke. The egg contained a stone monkey. The Monkey had five organs. The monkey's movement was difficult, but she was able to learn to move and collect fruits from trees for food. The monkey began to live in the mountains, and spent the night in the rocks. In the light of day she climbed the rocks and made friends with gibbons.

One hot day, the Monkey went to a grove through which a swift and cool air flow passed. The gibbons followed the monkey. Seeing in the grove clean water, the gibbons rushed to look for the source. The first of the explorers was the Monkey; at the bottom she saw a vast building on which there was an inscription: “A mountain of fruits and flowers, the promised world and a hole in heaven.” Having emerged, the Monkey told everything to his friends. The gibbons were so happy that they began to dance. The monkey said to his friends: “Let’s go live in the palace, it can protect us from the constant rains and scorching sun.” The gibbons agreed and followed the Monkey. They began to live in an underwater palace. The monkey was their leader. The Gibbons called the Monkey the Queen. Power, luxury and fame did not give the Monkey joy; she was very sad and gloomy. It was not the desire to grow old and die that was to blame. This mood prompted the monkey to go in search of immortality. The monkey was able to ride the wind and sank to the very bottom of the hole, into the very blue of the sky. While searching for immortality, the Monkey's body and mind changed and he turned into a human. The described tale emphasizes the common idea of ​​the East - power and courage are nothing compared to secrets eternal life and death.

Depending on the person, its further development will be determined. Eastern sages not only praised the Monkey, attributing sobriety of thought and great intelligence, but endowed it with the ability to slander, deceive, and attributed pretense, secrecy and inconstancy.

The sign of the Monkey and its life

The Monkey's childhood is very joyful. Monkeys are hardworking, cheerful, and able to adapt to various circumstances.

In youth, the opposite happens. Life is full of confusion, all plans fall apart. In their youth, Monkeys have a lot of changes and an unstable psyche. Changes mainly occur due to constant love addictions. In maturity, such problems go away and peace comes. In old age, Monkeys are calm and often lonely.

Character Traits of the Monkey

People born under this zodiac sign are distinguished by their uniqueness. They are distinguished by spirituality, great intelligence, playfulness and a great desire to have fun. The Monkey is considered a real player; she perfectly manipulates her thoughts and leads those around her. Monkeys don't do everything with malicious intent, but they don't have integrity either. Often, Monkeys are not happy because of the constant orders they give to others. But everything that happens does not come from their orders, as if by itself. Thanks to the ability to accept wise and right decisions, monkeys attract attention. They are very sociable. When communicating with them, you get the feeling that they can make contact with anyone, but this is far from the case. By their nature, Monkeys are very selfish. Even righteous friendship can only be a mask. Monkeys don't trust anyone, it's above them.

This sign The zodiac is characterized by arrogance, but they can quickly adapt to changes and take full advantage for themselves. This behavior often causes envy. The imagination is widely developed, but the sense of indifference is even more developed. The monkeys constantly change their masks, it is almost impossible to guess who is there now, whether he is a joyful person or an offended one. Monkeys do everything they do with a mysterious and ironic grin. Most often, Monkeys are comical and joyful, but established framework They don't allow anyone at all. They can't stand familiarity.

Calling Monkeys vain and idle people big mistake. There are some intellectuals present in them. Monkeys study new sciences with great zeal. Their erudition and knowledge of everything that happens in the world allows them to achieve high altitudes. They are well educated and mannered. They are distinguished by an incredible memory; remembering everything to the last particle is their credo. Relying on their memory, Monkeys stop doing anything else, because they are sure that they remember everything.

Monkeys express their thoughts very easily. At the same time, they behave quite independently. This zodiac sign is distinguished by a nature full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm. They cannot stand monotony and routine. These people love it when everyone agrees with them and when they ask for help. They show resourcefulness and make decisions instantly. Observing this zodiac sign from the outside, you may get the impression of some kind of help from them. Monkeys always get away with it. They can handle everything, problems are solved easily, and most importantly, deftly. Sometimes persistence is lacking. They are independent and have a great mind. They almost always say all sorts of nonsense, but they win in disputes and find a compelling argument.

Originality and ingenuity are not alien to these people. Problems for Monkeys are solved instantly. If these people decide to do something, then the work begins immediately; if it doesn’t work out, interest immediately disappears. Artistry is also on high level, they can even capture a Dragon, no matter how strong and dangerous he is.

The Monkeys' love for variety indicates that they have a negative attitude towards boring things. They show genuine interest in almost everything. Because of the love for diversity, many seem to be superficial people, but this is not at all the case.

These people are born travelers, they stick their noses into other people’s business, they love permanent shift situation. Other people's problems are solved without asking, and very quickly. This is their biggest problem. The Monkey's discomfort is caused by the ability to speak in a commanding tone, as well as absent-mindedness. Because of such factors, many people, including friends, turn away from Monkeys. It is useless to resist the Monkeys; they always win.

When accomplishing their plans, Monkeys are especially intricate; they can lie and start a double game. Moreover, it is very rare to reproach them or catch them in the act. Some of their representatives of this zodiac sign can come to terms with their conscience to such an extent that they justify theft to themselves. By the way, all Monkeys lie.

Any activity that Monkeys do is liked by others. They attract people with their work. Monkeys constantly joke and don’t want to take anything seriously. This is all deceptive, because alone they suffer very much. Monkeys are not used to showing their weaknesses, so it is impossible to see them in a pessimistic mood. These people want to be admired, understood and loved deeply. Once they reveal their secret, they may not succeed in life. Because of this, they always lie. In moments of depression, if they see a helping hand, they will accept it and be grateful all their lives.

Each of the representatives of this zodiac sign is chivalrous and generous. It is very difficult to put yourself in the place of others. They cannot correctly assess the current situation. Monkeys love to spend time surrounded by friends. At meetings with friends, they feel needed. They are prone to eloquence, so they choose literature rather than military affairs. Inside the Monkey, two opposites fight; both youth and old age live in them. They monitor their actions and believe that everything should be original. Any Sherlock Holmes will envy the observation skills of Monkeys; nothing escapes their attention.

The eastern horoscope is designed in such a way that all signs repeat every 12 years. For example, 1980 is the year of the monkey, respectively, 1992, 2004, 2016 will pass under this sign. The monkey is the personification of cunning. At the same time, she is distinguished by inconstancy and eccentricity.

The Year of the Monkey gives the world sociable people with a good sense of humor. They make friends easily and are almost always the life of the party. They are cunning and crafty, they know how to create about themselves the impression that is beneficial to them at the moment. People born in the year of the Monkey are very selfish. They are capable of much to achieve their goals. If necessary, they will be kind, friendly, helpful and courteous. In reality, they consider themselves superior to everyone around them, and even despise them to some extent.

Many intellectuals are born in the year of the Monkey. These people read a lot, love to study and learn new things. They usually know about everything that happens in the world, have an excellent memory and a lively mind. Thanks to this, they almost always have a higher education.

The monkey is very inventive. She easily solves the most complex problems that may seem insurmountable to others. She always has a lot of plans. But if she didn’t take up their implementation right away, then there’s a high probability that she won’t take it up at all. The monkey has common sense and it will not be in vain. But at the same time, she cleverly misleads those around her and is capable of deceiving and ridiculing even a very clever and powerful Dragon. Being cunning and diplomatic, she does not succumb to the Tiger’s magnetism and, as is her custom, laughs even at him.

In the year of the Monkey, independent people are born who love themselves and their individuality. It’s difficult to suggest something to them, much less impose it on them. They always look out for their own interests. For this reason they are capable of lying without hesitation at all. The monkey is capable of dishonest acts. She is always confident in her impunity, which often lets her down.

The Monkey will succeed in all matters that require dexterity and cunning. It controls such areas as industry, commerce, and politics. She can take on any business as long as it is interesting to her. However, those born under this sign should avoid prolonged verbal outpourings: they can tire people and spoil the reputation of the Monkey himself.

In love, the Monkey is often unhappy. She gets carried away quickly, but cools down just as quickly. However, her innate always saves her - she can laugh at her failures and mistakes. This helps to overcome many difficulties and move on with life.

In the year of the Monkey, people are born who can charm almost everyone. They can make an excellent pair for a strong Dragon. Such an alliance will be strong if the Dragon is lenient to the tricks of the Monkey. These people have a special relationship with the Rat. The monkey can love her, even if the feeling is not mutual. She should be careful with the Tiger. Despite all the cunning of the Monkey, the Tiger will easily eat it.

Regardless of who the Monkey connects his life with, he will have his own home and many children. Her life can be divided into three parts. The first will be happy, the second will be vague and stormy, and the third will bring peace and tranquility.

Year of the animal eastern calendar: Monkey (born in 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016).

02/12/1956 - 01/30/1957 (element of the year - fire, color red)
01/30/1968 - 02/16/1969 (element of the year - earth, color yellow)
02/16/1980 - 02/04/1981 (element of the year - metal, color white)
02/04/1992 - 01/22/1993 (element of the year - water, color black)
01/22/2004 - 02/08/2005 (element of the year - wood, color blue)
02/08/2016 - 01/27/2017 (element of the year - fire, color red)

Characteristics of the Year of the Monkey.

The ninth sign of the eastern calendar.
The monkey is incredibly eccentric. She has a wonderful sense of humor, combined with slyness and cunning. The monkey is very sociable and often becomes the life of the party. For the first
it seems that she gets along well with all the signs, but this impression is deceptive. It’s just that the Monkey is very selfish, and his kindness and helpfulness are usually feigned. In addition, she has a rather low opinion of others, despises all other signs and considers herself superior to others.
The Monkey is a very intelligent person - its thirst for knowledge is very great. She reads a lot and has deep knowledge of various areas, constantly aware of everything happening in the world. Excellent education and excellent memory allow her to assimilate and remember the slightest nuances of what she saw, heard or read. The Monkey needs exceptional memory because everything is always in disarray. She is extremely inventive and capable of solving the most difficult problems with amazing speed. True, it is better for her to implement her ideas immediately, otherwise she will simply abandon them.
The monkey is distinguished by common sense and an amazing ability to fool everyone around him. She is able to make fun of even the Dragon, who is considered the most powerful, dexterous and resilient. She also laughs at the Tiger, not succumbing to the power of his magnetism.
Thanks to his cunning and diplomacy, the Monkey can get out of the most difficult situation. She is very independent, nothing can be imposed or suggested to her. She doesn’t need advice, because she still makes the choice herself. The Monkey is not particularly scrupulous and will easily lie for his own personal interests. It is easy to commit dishonest acts, especially if you are confident of impunity. It is very difficult to catch her in double-dealing and fraud.
The Monkey's consciousness is so flexible that it may well lead him to theft. However, one should not assume that all Monkeys are deceitful and dishonest: among them there are also completely different individuals.
Be that as it may, it is impossible to be angry with the Monkey - she is too charming and pleasant to talk to. Despite her vanity, resourcefulness, and lack of scrupulousness (qualities that help her make a career), she enjoys great success with other signs. There is an explanation for this: they are looking for rapprochement with her because of her insightful mind.
The Monkey can start enterprises of a very significant scope. She is cunning in financial transactions, smart and knowledgeable in everything. In essence, the Monkey can achieve success in any Field - in politics, diplomacy, commerce. It is possible that she will achieve fame if she strictly follows her calling. She just needs to talk less so as not to bore those around her.
From time to time, the Monkey may experience financial difficulties, but, as a rule, he has a fairly good financial situation.
But in love she is unlikely to find happiness. Relationships with the opposite sex will most likely not be very successful. The Monkey is a passionate person, but he has a discerning and critical mind. She easily gets carried away, but no less easily cools down, trying to find another object for love. If they abandon her, then her innate humor helps her survive despair. Moreover, she can laugh at her own sorrows and draw appropriate conclusions.
The first part of the Monkey's life will be happy, the second - stormy and unstable, and the third - calm and, quite possibly, lonely.

Monkey and zodiac sign.

Aries: Heavy Monkey. Charming, but almost defenseless.
Taurus: Harmless Monkey. Charming, but defenseless. Or almost.
Gemini: Hot-tempered Monkey, blows soap bubbles.
Cancer: Good Monkey.
Leo: Ardent, holding the Tiger by the tail.
Virgo: Monkey for physical work, less intelligent of all monkeys.
Libra: Wants to please everyone, which can be her ruin.
Scorpio: A real bag of tricks.
Sagittarius: Monkey in waiting.
Capricorn: A meticulous Monkey, but always relative.
Aquarius: Reserved Monkey, hides his intentions.
Pisces: Inventive Monkey, knows how to choose the current.

The Year of the Monkey is the ninth sign in the Chinese (Oriental) horoscope. Eccentricity, cunning, cunning, sociability - these are all the qualities that are inherent in people born in the year of this funny animal.

This kind and devoted animal gives all its charges a huge arsenal. spiritual qualities. In our article we will take a closer look at the Year of the Monkey. What years came under its influence, and what did this intelligent animal present to the world?

General characteristics

People born in the year of the Monkey are quite selfish. Kind, flirty, playful, a little helpful, she hides her real opinion about others, hiding behind these qualities.

The Monkey is an intellectual person. She always wants to learn and experience the world from all sides. And her confidence that not a single event will take place without her participation always irritates those around her.

People born in the year of the Monkey most often have higher education. They are erudite and have an excellent memory. Monkeys are quite inventive and can instantly solve a problem that many simply cannot do.

By nature, the Monkey is an individualist. It is impossible to impose someone else’s opinion on her, because she has already had her own version in store for a long time.

People born in the year of the Monkey are natural careerists, and despite the fact that most of them have negative qualities(deceit, vanity, stinginess), many seek rapprochement with them because of their insightful mind.

Important events that took place in the Year of the Monkey

Many fateful events took place in the Year of the Monkey. What years were under her patronage, and what gave it funny animal people, let's look at it below.

According to the eastern calendar, the Year of the Monkey occurs every 12 years. And despite the fact that this animal is quite calm and has a soft, easy-going character, the fateful historical events During the “reign” of this animal, things still happened.

So, when was the Year of the Monkey? What years and events were important for world history? This is, for example, 1944, when the world was under the onslaught of fascist invaders.

After this, the Monkey showed itself already in 1956, when the Soviet expedition first landed on the shores of Antarctica. In 1968, the Soviet Union sank Submarine, and about 105 sailors died along with it. Also, this year was important for our television, because then the program “In the Animal World”, “Time” was released for the first time, as well as famous film Gaidai "The Diamond Hand". This is how versatile it is - the Year of the Monkey. What other years were under the influence of this smart beast? 1980 - it became important for Soviet cosmonauts, because Soyuz-36 was launched this year.

In 1992, a declaration of completion was signed cold war between the USSR and the USA. An important event is also the fact that the world-famous maniac Chikatilo was found guilty of 52 murders.

In 2004, V.V. Putin was re-elected for a second term. Also during this period the world was shocked terrible event: Militants seized a school in Beslan, killing more than 300 people, 187 of whom were children. In 2004, the Orange Revolution took place in Ukraine.

In the same year, the most terrible earthquake was recorded in the Indian Ocean.

2015 is the year of the Monkey

These 12 months will fly by quite quickly and easily for the “wards” of the Monkey. This year, Monkeys will achieve prosperity in their careers, experience successful, life-changing changes, and finally meet their soul mate. In 2015, people born in the year of this animal will learn about their hidden talents and learn something new and useful. The “Monkey” horoscope for 2015 promises significant advancement in life, new pleasant acquaintances and successful business ventures. Therefore, strive for your goal, no matter what, and do not pay attention to all kinds of difficulties, because these 12 months portend only good luck for you.

Horoscope for 2015 according to zodiac signs

We will find out below what the stars portend for all zodiac signs born in the year of the Monkey, and what they should beware of in 2015.

Aries - Monkey

It should be remembered that this year Aries should not just squander their

Your personal life will be calm and peaceful if you spend more time with your family.


The Monkey horoscope for 2015 suggests that it is simple perfect combination both in career and in love. If you prove yourself, this year will fly by in one breath. But you shouldn’t be greedy and greedy, because in a few years it may be rewarded to you.


This year, Gemini will not have to work hard and put effort into improving their financial situation, because the money will already be in their wallet. Your personal life will be quite eventful, so be careful with outside connections.


2015 promises to be a turbulent year for Monkey-Cancer. Constant problems and conflicts arising from the inability to restrain her emotions will accompany her throughout the year. But everything can be changed if you are a little calmer.


This year promises to spend time in pleasant companies. But do not rush to rejoice at the forecast, because this may affect your relationship with your loved one. The stars advise not to make mistakes and spend more time with your family.


The horoscope for Monkey-Virgo speaks of an increase in career ladder and good luck in business. The work will not only bring significant profit, but also bring great pleasure.


To achieve good luck, the stars advise showing your abilities and demonstrating your successes.


This is perhaps the most successful combination for business and career advancement for men. This is what the 2015 Monkey horoscope says. A woman should be careful at this time, because the slightest mistake in her work can lead to dismissal or distrust from her superiors.


This year Sagittarius will have to find good friend or your other half. The stars advise: do not be afraid of changes in life.


An ideal year for building relationships, concluding a marriage and having children. The horoscope speaks about this.

The Year of the Monkey will be successful for Capricorns if you devote more time to love rather than career. Otherwise, you will have to wander around the world for a long time in search of your love.


You should not be too self-confident, otherwise you may end up with nothing. Don't invest money in dubious projects and do not enter into unverified transactions.


This year is a time of choice. During this period, you should decide several times who is more important: family or friends, your favorite job or a well-paid unloved business. The stars say: there is no need to rush, you should think everything over carefully.

The first part of the life of those born in the year of the Monkey, as a rule, proceeds calmly and quietly, in contrast to the second, which will be filled with various events. The third part will be spent in peace and happiness, memories and love. Therefore, we can say with confidence that life will not be lived in vain.
