Lilac color and its effect on humans. Purple colour

Purple is one of the most mysterious and controversial shades. Since ancient times, people have noted its mystical influence on the psyche, including those expressed in the magical attractiveness of this color. Is this why all the great wizards and magicians from children's fairy tales and ancient legends were dressed in purple robes? About the importance purple in psychology, as well as how it affects the human psyche, will be discussed further.

Purple Color: Purple Hue Meaning

The main meaning of the purple hue is veiling. Representing a combination of two strong and at the same time opposite colors - red and blue, violet primarily expresses suppressed excitement. Combining in purple, red () and blue (the color of peace and serenity) are literally in eternal opposition, and their contrasting meanings give rise to the secrecy of the purple hue. For this reason, purple color is often preferred by pregnant women (especially in early stages of pregnancy), as well as homosexuals who want to hide their

In addition, the duality of purple is a symbol of abstinence and willpower. Following the example of how blue restrains the passion of red, violet is associated with humility, restrictions and curbing carnal desires. That is why, for example, representatives of the higher clergy in catholic church be sure to wear rings with purple amethyst - a kind of symbol of celibacy.

Also, the color purple is usually associated with mysticism and phenomena that defy logical explanation. It is also the color of intuition and instinctive desires. In addition, purple is considered the color of idealism, originality, individuality and creativity.

Purple color in psychology

In psychology, the color purple is primarily associated with sensuality and strong emotionality. Quite often, the color purple expresses psychological immaturity and instability of the nervous system. For this reason, purple is loved by people with unstable psyches and teenagers.

But it is more correct to consider the meaning of purple based on its specific shade. For example, the dark purple color, in which, symbolizes brute strength and authority. Psychologists associate the dominance of red, manifested, for example, in the color lilac, with emotional immaturity, impulsiveness and infantilism. But the light purple hue has a soft calming effect and is associated with tenderness and delicacy.

The color purple itself is considered quite “heavy” in psychology, so it is not recommended to be worn by young children, whose vital activity it can depress. In color therapy, purple is used to treat headaches, high pressure, eye diseases, insomnia, syndrome chronic fatigue. In psychotherapy, purple helps when working with depressed and neurotic clients.

If we talk about people who prefer purple, they are usually quite secretive in nature. “Violet” people are critical of themselves and others, so they often achieve high goals in life. There are many pedants and formalists among them. They are emotionally reserved in public, but quite passionate individuals inside. In life, they prefer to be guided by their feelings and intuition, which is well developed among the “violet” ones. By the way, good intuition very often becomes the cause of arrogance and vanity, which, in turn, only pushes others away from them.

Lilac color is the color of the sky during sunset, beautiful precious stones, mysticism and romance. Thinking about it, only positive thoughts come to mind, good associations, and your mood automatically lifts. Along with lilac, lilac is considered very popular among interior designers. It is used to decorate a variety of rooms: bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms.

Features of lilac color

How is purple different from violet and lilac, you ask? Lilac is called a shade of violet, but today it is so popular that many people tend to talk about it as a separate color. If the purple color is rarely found in nature in its pure form, lilac can safely be called natural. The lilac shade, in turn, is considered colder, while lilac is warm with a pink tint.

How to use lilac in the interior

Despite all its advantages, this color is very controversial. Interiors using it turn out to be very beautiful, but they are not very easy for designers. In fact, lilac color can be used both in wall decoration and in room decoration items (decor, accessories, small things). Most often, the interior in lilac color is found in romantic girls, in children's rooms. Dark purple is increasingly being used in bathrooms and bedrooms. In such a room you calm down and forget about your problems. It is believed that purple is the color of intuition.

Lilac color in the interior is calming

It is because of its ability to relax and bring calm that the color is often used in bedrooms or bathrooms. Very often it can be found in children's rooms for girls. At the same time, lilac should be harmoniously diluted with other colors so that the room does not become too sleepy.

What to combine with lilac color

Since this shade of purple is very delicate and soft, it should not be used in combination with too much bright colors. The latter can overshadow the sophistication and romance of lilac, so it is better to use it in details in a monochromatic, calm interior.
The lilac color goes best with ivory, however, if you still want to give preference to brighter shades, pay attention to delicate blue, pink, and turquoise. A bold but harmonious color scheme - lilac and red. You should not combine it with bright yellow or orange.

How not to spoil the effect

In order for this color to highlight the advantages of your interior, use only high-quality Decoration Materials with a silky texture. This could be delicate wallpaper or Venetian plaster for wall decoration. When choosing purple fabrics for your interior, pay attention to silk. When thinking about interior design using this color, pay attention Special attention lighting. Make sure that the light does not distort its mystery and grandeur. Don't be afraid to experiment, but keep in mind the basic recommendations described above in order to avoid common mistakes and create a unique environment in your home.

Purple deservedly appears to be very mysterious and mysterious color. It is around this color that various tales and legends appear, and it is not for nothing that mystics and sorcerers walk around in purple robes.

What is the meaning of the color purple in psychology and in life? Is he really that special? You can read about this in our material today.

The human subconscious perceives the purple hue as something mysterious and otherworldly and associates it with mysticism, astrology, esotericism and healing. After all, if you look at a picture of a magician or witch, then in most cases you will be able to notice that he or she is wearing purple clothes.

The violet hue traditionally symbolizes the other world, with which only a select few are allowed to contact. By the way, since ancient times, purple clothing has testified to the uniqueness of the person wearing it. For example, the shade of purple, which is constantly mentioned in ancient stories dedicated to kings and priests, is the closest to violet. To ordinary people it was not allowed to use the described shade.

During the Middle Ages, it was the color of mourning, but it was also allowed to be used exclusively by representatives of the royal family. Has retained the association of the lilac hue with noble sorrow Orthodox Church. When the clergy fast, they dress in violet-colored robes.

It is traditionally believed that violet causes internal concentration, detachment from reality, necessary if a person wants to cleanse himself spiritually. In addition, the shade also means transformation - the change from one state to another. Here we can talk about pregnancy, and about death, and about deep internal changes.

An interesting nuance. If you often see a shade of violet in your night visions, then this portends dramatic changes in your life.

Sacred characteristics of the purple hue

The main meaning inherent in the lilac shade is veil. Combining two strong, but radically different in meaning, shades - red and blue, first of all, tell about suppressed excitement.

Combining two shades - red (symbolizing strength and passion) with blue (a shade of calm and dispassion), the purple hue is actually constantly in opposition, and the contrasting meanings of these colors give rise to the mystery of the violet color. Thanks to this, the lilac shade is often popular among pregnant women (especially in the early stages of pregnancy), as well as among homosexuals who seek to hide their sexual preferences.

In addition, the duality of the purple hue symbolizes abstinence with willpower. In the same way that blue holds back the power of passionate red, purple evokes humility, limitations, and the struggle with your carnal side. That is why the Catholic high clergy is required to wear rings with purple amethysts, symbolizing celibacy.

And the delicate violet shade evokes associations with the mystical sphere of life and all phenomena that cannot be explained logically. It is also the color of the sixth sense and instinctual desires. And besides this, the purple hue is a color that bestows originality, idealism, individuality and reveals creative potential in a person.

What is the meaning of the color purple in psychology?

The main psychological associations of the purple hue are sensuality and emotionality. But at the same time, the color of violet can also tell about psychological immaturity and instability of the nervous system. This explains the love for purple things among people with unstable psyches and teenagers.

It would be more accurate to consider the meaning of violet color based on its specific shade:

  • for example, a rich purple tone with a predominant blue tint is a symbol of brute strength and authority;
  • a lilac shade, in which red dominates, will tell about emotional immaturity, impulsiveness and immaturity;
  • but the delicate purple tone has a soft calming effect and expresses tenderness and delicacy.

In general, it should be noted that psychology classifies violet as a rather “heavy” shade. It is for this reason that it should not be worn by children, otherwise it may reduce their vital activity.

Color therapists use the purple hue when it is necessary to cure headaches, reduce blood pressure, relieve a person from eye pathologies, sleep disorders, and chronic fatigue.

And psychotherapists use this unusual shade to treat depressive and neurotic conditions.

Who likes purple clothes

Clothes in the purple palette appeal to individuals who strive for inner peace. Color allows you to find peace of mind, completely calm down, detach from the surrounding rush and bustle.

In addition, by putting on a violet robe, you can reduce your selfishness and desire to deal only with your desires and thoughts. The choice of this shade indicates spiritual openness and the desire to listen to your inner voice. But it is important to observe moderation in everything, because too much purple will provoke a desire for privacy and minimizing contacts with other people.

Psychology experts believe that the choice of a purple hue for basic clothing and accessories indicates some immaturity and insufficient control of the conscious sphere. The delicate lavender hue creates the illusion of coolness and detachment and is very attractive to dreamers.

Are you a feminine and dreamy person? Then, without a doubt, buy clothes, accessories or jewelry in a violet shade - thanks to them, you will increase your self-confidence and be filled with strength. To create the most stylish look combine purple with gray (to get what you want faster), with brown (to achieve a luxurious life).

What kind of people like the color purple?

Regarding those who choose a purple hue for themselves, for the most part such people are very secretive natures. They are accustomed to evaluate both themselves and those around them very critically, so they often achieve a lot in life.

Often these are real pedants and formalists. They show emotional restraint in society, but in fact, real passions rage inside them. In life, for such individuals, their own feelings with intuition than public opinion. It is their excellent intuition that often provokes arrogance and vanity in them, which pushes them away a little.

Such individuals also like to feel special; they often stand out from the general background due to excellent hobbies and passions of the majority. As a rule, they adhere to a solitary lifestyle and have several close people.

“Violet” individuals are more capable than anyone else of creating long-term and deep relationships. Regarding them negative aspects character we can mention passivity with shyness. Many find them to be eccentrics who are completely unadapted to reality. For example, such people may perfectly understand philosophy and religion, but do not know how to cook food and do not clean their home.

As a rule, the violet shade causes antipathy among overly down-to-earth and rational personalities, straightforward ones who are irritated by ambiguity and uncertainty. Also, rejection of the violet shade will indicate a dislike for mysticism. These individuals are not at all interested in religion or omens. They may have good intelligence, but they have absolutely no creativity.

We can confidently say that purple is the king of all shades. It evokes inspiration due to its sophistication, nobility and mystery. It is not at all surprising that the color is liked by adherents of symbolism, as well as creative people. The purple hue represents spiritual wealth and close unity with the Universe.

To conclude the topic, it is worth watching an interesting thematic video material:

A person’s choice of one or another color of clothing can tell others a lot. By color scheme clothes can be easily put together psychological picture person and form an idea of ​​his personality. Preference for any one shade sends a non-verbal signal to others, revealing the essence of a person’s character and telling about his mood. When we see any color, the human brain experiences chemical reaction, affecting emotional state and intellectual capabilities. The color purple occupies a special niche in psychology. This is explained by the fact that purple is a border color between red and blue. It combines the characteristics of blue and red colors, exerting its special influence on the human psyche.

Knowing what effect a particular color has on your interlocutor, and correctly using this knowledge in practice, you can win him over to your side:

  • red helps a person striving for success achieve their goals, eliminates doubts and encourages them to make the right choice;
  • if an important meeting is planned, at which you will need to quickly make informed decisions, you should give preference to a blue suit;
  • green helps to cope with excessive anxiety and recharges your energy;
  • white will help convince the interlocutor of the correctness of the desired point of view and win him over;
  • yellow calms, promotes creativity and mental activity;
  • Psychology attributes the color violet with the ability to enhance a person’s intuition; it also helps to overcome one’s inner fears and cope with melancholy;
  • people seeking to make a career in the field of trade, Orange color will help you recharge with optimism and positivity, making it easier to establish contact with partners.

With the help of the right color of clothing, you can make them think that they themselves made this or that decision.

How does each color characterize a personality from a psychological point of view?

Often, when choosing clothes, a person unconsciously gives preference to a certain color. The choice is directly influenced by the mood of the person with whom he is going to leave the house, as well as the characteristics of his character. Psychologists believe that even mental disorders in a person can be identified by the predominant color in clothing.

What character traits does the predominant color in your wardrobe indicate?

People who prefer black are self-confident, striving for career growth and professional success. They have their own opinion on everything, they do not recognize any authorities, they are guided only by personal conclusions.

Red lovers are determined, persistent, brave people with elevated . They can be overly cruel, selfish and even aggressive.

The predominance of blue clothing indicates friendliness, openness, and strength of character. Such people attract people with their generosity, but at the same time they can show outright indifference.

Psychology classifies people who love the color purple as unusual, extraordinary individuals. They are mysterious, creative, easy to get along with, but difficult to truly know. They harmoniously intertwine masculine and feminine, despite their creative mind, they love intellectual communication.

In psychology, the color lilac is responsible for sentimentality, romance and sophistication. It is chosen by people who consider themselves different from others and striving for perfection. Such people often support creative individuals and judge a person by their first impression and appearance.

Green is chosen by people seeking self-affirmation, and this becomes the meaning of life. They are confident, balanced, persistent and even stubborn. Such people are smart and gain life experience by learning from the mistakes of others.

If there is a clear predominance of yellow in clothing, this indicates a calm, balanced character. Such people are optimistic and calm in relationships. Possessing an inquisitive mind, they value intelligence in their interlocutor. They can often show selfishness and impatience with other people's ideas, because they are pedantic by nature and believe that they could have come up with a better idea.

What does the color purple mean in human psychology?

The meaning of purple color in psychology directly depends on the shade: more red or more blue tone. Since purple is a fusion of red and blue, the predominant color will set the mood. Essentially, these two colors are opposite to each other. Red is passion, energy. Blue - calm, balance. A person who chooses purple as his main color always has a confrontation with himself inside. However, excessive, excessive excitement is suppressed by cold calculation.

The color purple in a woman’s psychology can mean pregnancy, which she herself is not yet aware of. This color is often preferred by teenagers during puberty. At this stage of life, young people are infantile, suggestible, and seek support and psychological support from loved ones who cannot always provide it. Throughout Russia, such support is provided in a standard way and online by psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

In psychology, experts divide the purple color into three shades:

  • purple hue with a predominance of blue. People who have a weakness for this shade are by nature rude, domineering and quarrelsome in a group;
  • purple hue with a predominance of red. This shade is chosen by sentimental, sensual people, with some mental immaturity;
  • light purple hue. It is also called purple or lilac. Lovers of this shade are usually very trusting, but at the same time they are independent. This shade is chosen by creative people who are strongly attached to home and family and have a hard time experiencing separations.

The meaning of the color purple in psychology is not always duality and opposition; it can be the complete dissolution of one into the other and the emergence of something new. That is why the color purple is called mystical and mysterious; on a subconscious level it is perceived as a manifestation of something mysterious. Lovers of purple are often dreamers who live by their own rules, rejecting generally accepted norms and building their own reality with their own rules and laws.

Psychologists note that this color is insidious and prolonged contemplation can cause apathy and melancholy. It is not suitable for small children and people with fragile psyches. At the same time, purple has a beneficial effect on and is chosen by people who have not yet realized their potential in life.

The meaning of lilac color in psychology

Fans of this shade of purple are wondering what the color lilac means in human psychology. Being " younger brother"Violet, lilac also intertwines masculine and feminine principles. People who prefer lilac shades of varying intensity are sensitive, suspicious, overly sentimental, and prone to stress. Along with this, they are always ready to provide selfless help and show patience. High mental abilities, strive for excellence. However, they rarely take leadership positions, preferring to remain in the shadows.

In a woman’s psychology, the color lilac means that she has a developed imagination; she likes to look for manifestations of mysticism in ordinary situations. Often, with obsessive thoughts, he drives himself into a state of depression or stress, from which he cannot get out without the help of an experienced psychologist. People who love lilac are distinguished by their vanity and immaturity of judgment; teenagers often choose it as the predominant color in their wardrobe. Such people are a little “out of this world”, closed in on themselves, love to dream and create. Unlike purple, lilac does not threaten to lose touch with reality; rather, it evokes inspiration and romance. Suitable for both sexes, despite its tenderness.

The influence of color on the character and formation of a person’s personality has been known since ancient times. Color therapy has been successfully used to treat various mental illnesses. The color purple helps hypnologists put the patient into a state of hypnosis. Lilac has a calming effect on the psyche and is used for meditation in many cultures. On YouTube Many videos have been posted teaching the rules of meditation as a way to deal with stress.

The world is full of bright and colorful flowers. Sometimes it’s simply surprising where such a huge variety of tones and shades comes from. Due to the huge number of similar colors, people often confuse them, and all because there is no knowledge about the significant differences. Much confusion arises when asked to distinguish between two shades - lilac and violet, and all because each of us can perceive these colors as similar or even opposite, that is, in different ways.


Purple is a “cool” shade that appears as a result of mixing red and blue, but the percentage of blue will be higher. The symbiosis of these two colors leads to control and calm.

Purple is still considered one of the most mysterious shades; it is part of the seven primary colors of the rainbow spectrum. There is an opinion that violet has an undesirable effect on nervous system. The name of many famous shades originates from the sources of these same shades. Everyone knows that the word purple originates from the word “violet”. So, we conclude that purple is the color of violet. This color can be designated as #8B00FF.

Interesting fact that purple is different:

  1. Spirituality. The same purple color helps us find a connection with our thoughts during meditation or prayer.
  2. Imagination. Coloring helps to find potential in creative activity, stimulates sleep activity.
  3. Inspiration. Brainstorming can serve as a source original ideas that come during inspiration.
  4. Individuality. The tone reflects originality and is suitable for those who do not want to copy others by doing things their own way.


This tone is a type of purple, only it has a lighter shade. Lilac appeared as a result of mixing two basic tones: blue and red. However, the percentage of the second will, of course, be greater. Lilac equates calm and protection.

This pale shade conveys lightness, openness, and tenderness. In addition, lilac is characteristic of people with a creative nature. The name of this color also originates from a specific source. This source is lilac. It turns out that lilac comes from the word “lilac”.

It is worth noting that lilac perfectly creates harmony in the interior, so if you use this color, then only in combination with light tones. Lilac coloring represents the future, nostalgia and creativity. It is not surprising that this tone is chosen most often in adolescence, as it is characterized by immaturity and vanity. There is an opinion that lilac coloring acts as a source of difficult conditions. Color can be represented by the following symbols: #C8A2C8

It is worth remembering that lilac acts as a symbol:

  1. vanity. The shade carries within itself the desire for glory, the need for honors, for praise.
  2. Sensitivity. It has been proven that lilac promotes psychological impact, which can have a beneficial effect and depress.
  3. Perseverance. The tone influences a person in a favorable way, pushing him to achieve his goals, increases self-esteem and self-confidence.
  4. Mysteries. It is not surprising that the coloring is mysterious, since it is a secret to others and shows an alluring secrecy.

What do they have in common?

Even though both colors are not very popular in the interior, we can say for sure that by using even one of these tones, you can achieve a cozy and luxurious atmosphere. Both lilac and violet are “cool” colors, which gives them a slight coolness.

It is worth noting that both shades are expressed in nature in the form of the most delicate options. These colors are suitable for absolutely any room. If in the living room shades are conducive to communication, then in the bedroom they promote relaxation and light sleep.

Comparison and how they differ

Now, when the debate begins on the topic “what is the difference between purple and lilac,” we must boldly say that everything depends on the proportions of red and blue. Indeed, depending on the percentage of a certain shade in the composition of the desired color, color can be distinguished.

Violet originates from the word “violet”, this proves that violet is the color of the violet. In the same way, lilac comes from the word “lilac”, which is why it is called that. So, we can say that both colors have more differences than similarities. The main thing is to remember these tones and not confuse them!
