Aura color: numerological calculation. Your aura

The total radiation of all bodies of the cosmic human body is perceived by psychics as a colored aural image, the human aura. The energy of material and energy collections of bodies is usually called a bioenergy field, which carries integral information about a person to any distance and to any past and future.

Seven parts of the human aura

The general energy field of a person is symmetrical to the axis of his spine. A healthy person has a smoky silver aura. The aura is most clearly visible (by a person with astral vision or a special device) in the area around the head. The size of this human aura characterizes the overall energy of the body.

The more powerful the energy, the more perfect he is in his mental, spiritual and physical qualities. Astral vision can be received from the Cosmos as a “gift of God,” or it can be developed through a special complex of breathing exercises and psychotraining, observing fasts. Astral vision mainly sees the bio-circuit-aura formed by the astral body.

In the astral body there are seven shells, put on each other, like our clothes or “matryoshka dolls”. Each shell has its own color - from the inner (red - emotional) to the outer (violet - easily capturing energies of various cosmic natures from our environment).

The glow of a person’s aura also has seven primary colors, which reflects his emotional and intellectual baggage. Red and orange colors (corresponding to the lower chakras - Muladhara and Svadhistana) indicate low energies and are characteristic of an angry and excitable person. Green (Anahata chakra - accumulates transitional types of energies) is characteristic of a noble, virtuous person.

Shades of blue and blue flowers(Vishuddha and Ajna, respectively) - a person is in a strong connection with the energy of the Cosmos. A yellow and golden halo around the head (as saints are depicted on icons) testifies to the development in a person of his best intellectual, human qualities.

To make color meditation more concrete, let's look at meaning of aura colors.

Basic principles of aura colors

Life. Clean energy. Warm affection. Enthusiasm. Passion. Anger. Danger.

Intelligence. Openness. Optimism. Capabilities.

Wisdom. Higher consciousness.

Altruism. Inspiration. Calm. Harmony. Artistry. Truth and love.


Energy. Nature. Equilibrium. Individualism. Update.


Ego. Mercy. Love for people.


Spiritual serenity. Spiritual strength.


Activity. Intelligence. Life enthusiasm. Ambition. Responsibility.


Persistence. Materialism. Managerial talent.

Formalism. Conservatism.

Negation. Evil.

The highest manifestation of spirituality.

Love of life. Love. Lack of jealousy. Modesty and art. Devotion.

Pale yellow

Intellectual aspirations. Developing Consciousness. Pure love.

Pale blue

Highest idealism. Equilibrium.

Meditation with aura color

There is one color exercise you can do with your loved one. It will help you have a pleasant, relaxing, intimate evening. To do this, you will need strips of colored paper (one strip of each color). Each person should perform this exercise separately, without looking at the other. You can then compare your notes and see how your colors match.

On back side Write a number or letter on each strip of colored paper. Then place the strips on a white background, color side up. Without thinking about color, choose from these stripes the one that you intuitively liked. Take it in your hands, turn it over and place it over a row of colored stripes. Then take another look at the main row of stripes and choose from the remaining ones the one that immediately caught your eye. Place it to the right of the first strip you select.

Continue to do this, each time choosing, without hesitation, the color that immediately catches your eye and seems to be the “best”, more attractive of the remaining ones. Remember, you can’t pause, think, remember meaning of aura colors, talk about the associations that you may have in connection with this or that color. Quickly choose the color that automatically and instantly attracts you. When all the strips have been selected, write down the numbers (or letters) that were written on the back, moving from left to right - that is, in the order in which you selected them.

Then ask your loved one to do the same, but do not prompt or “stand over his soul” while he makes his choice. When your partner finishes the test and writes down the numbers of the colors he chose, compare your notes.

As a rule, the first two colors you choose represent the qualities that you are trying to develop in yourself. The next two colors chosen reflect the qualities you currently possess. The psychic will see these colors in your aura, and they will dominate. The next two or three colors you choose reflect the traits you possess, but this moment do not use in your life and love. The reasons may be different, but the main one is that these qualities do not correspond to your aspirations.

For these three groups of colors you should general outline determine whether similar colors predominate in your aura and the aura of your partner - that is, whether you have similar characters and traits. In other words, you must understand whether you are generally compatible with your loved one. If among the three groups of colors you have chosen, at least three are the same, you are on the way to a wonderful love relationship.

This doesn't mean the colors have to match in the exact order you chose them. This simply indicates the degree of your compatibility. If there are more than three of these colors, that's just great! For every exact match (for example, you both chose red as your second color), your chances of mutual, long-term love increase.

What about the last few flowers? These colors reflect the qualities that you are currently letting go of. The last two or three colors you chose probably reflect traits that you have already completely gotten rid of, so pay attention to latest colors, chosen by your loved one. Your couple could be in for a tough time if, for example, all the colors you chose first end up being the last ones he chose! But if this is the case, it's probably already obvious to both of you that the relationship is far from ideal.

Aura recharge

The aura, this energy field around each of us, needs to be “recharged” from time to time by contacting other people. We improve each other's auras by balancing the polarity between the "negative" energy of a woman and the "positive" energy of a man. In this context, the terms "negative" and "positive" do not mean "bad" and "good", they are used to denote opposites.

This is the yin and yang of nature, and when the two polarities come into physical contact, the auras become stronger and larger. An exchange of energy occurs where one polarity meets and is subjected to its opposite. energy impact. Here the effect of softening and calming is manifested, even if sexual relations are not implied.

It's interesting that the American eagle, national symbol, has a wonderful instinct: he performs a love ritual every twenty-four hours, but not necessarily to achieve sexual climax. When roosting for the night, American eagles are so close that they touch each other. At the end of the day it's simple physical intimacy becomes important to them on an instinctive level.

How to recharge aura color?

Nature attracts them to each other to balance and strengthen their auras, in order to feel like one again. Touch is important to us too. When we touch someone, expressing our love, we exchange aura energy, thereby giving new strength to ourselves and our ability to love.

In our impersonal city life, it is especially important for our emotional and mental survival to get close to someone, to reach out and touch. We constantly need contact with other people's auras in order to energize our own. The meaning of aura colors will help you understand how close the partner who is next to you is to you. Nature is truly beautiful, giving us this need for each other’s auras. Can you imagine a moment of greater bliss than being in the arms of a loved one? Enjoy this feeling, for it not only brings satisfaction, but also heals the body and soul.

The Meaning of Aura Colors Will Reveal All Secrets

Each person, like a cloud, is enveloped in a multi-colored energy field, we call it an aura. Many people consider the aura to be a manifestation human soul. This theory explains why different people's auras differ in color. If auras were only a manifestation of our life energy, they would be exactly the same. But the human soul is deeply individual, and this is precisely what shows the multicolored nature of its shell. The meaning of aura colors can not only describe a person’s character and abilities, but also tell about the state of his health. So what do aura colors mean?

Materialists are surrounded by a red aura. Subtle, spiritual relationships are not available to these energetic, ambitious and sexual people. They perceive the world that surrounds them only with the help of their five senses. What they cannot touch, taste or smell does not exist for the Reds. People with a red aura are not able to plunge into the world of dreams. They love life and know how to enjoy it.

Humble intellectuals with a good sense of humor have a yellow aura. Yellows are smiling, they joyfully perceive the reality around them and often become the life of the party. Thanks to their innate rationality and responsibility, yellows often become scientists and are able to create an intellectual masterpiece.

The green aura belongs to calm, harmonious and versatile personalities. This color is a sign of philanthropy and kindness. Greens are prone to harmony and creativity, they have strong will and are prone to risk. Having lost, the Greens will never admit their guilt. Not only do they have a sentimental and friendly nature, but they are also very hardworking. The talent of a healer combined with the ability to quickly analyze the most difficult situation and accept the right decision, make greenies very good doctors.

Aura of blue color celebrates people who are wise, artistic, gentle and not alien to inspiration. Calm, loyal and confident, Blues often display the ability to telepathy and clairvoyance. Love and family are the most important concepts for people with this aura color. Those in need of love and support will always find it from people with a blue aura. These qualities help blues become good teachers, nannies, psychologists and clergy.

One of the most rare species aura – crystal. People with such an aura are pure and harmonious. They are very careful about their surroundings. Crystal ones are able to capture the emotional waves of loved ones and perfectly adapt to them, while changing their color.

The meaning of aura colors is not limited to this list. There are auras of mixed shades, which include certain properties of the four primary colors. For example, people with a purple aura have properties of both red and blue.

Before finding out the meaning of aura colors, we need to clarify which color we are dealing with. How to determine the color of the aura? To learn this, you can conduct a simple experiment with paints. Take tubes of paints of three colors - red, yellow and blue. Calm down, get rid of all anxious thoughts from your head and mix these colors in random order on a sheet of paper. When you look at the result, you should feel warm and comfortable. Then blindfold your eyes with a thick cloth and take that tube of paint from which the heat will emanate. Open your eyes, add your chosen dye to the colored spot and mix.

The color of the aura is also determined using numerology. To do this, you need to find out the sum of the digits in a person’s full date of birth. The result is a number that corresponds to a specific color. So the number 1 corresponds to red, 2 to yellow, 4 to green, and 6 to blue. Now you know your color, and the meaning of the aura colors will help you get to know yourself more deeply.

Aura color. Photo of the aura. Aura color: test

The term “aura” has become a part of our lives. There are probably few people who are not familiar with him. But not everyone can really explain what it is. At best, people know that the color of the aura has a special meaning. And then the “solid fog” begins. To understand, you need a detailed familiarization with the topic. We will find out the meaning of the color of a person's aura, as well as how to deal with problems if they exist. So, let's figure it out.

What is aura

We are accustomed to associate ourselves only with the physical body (few people even remember the soul). It turns out that this is wrong. Around human body an energy cocoon is formed. It is formed by two streams moving towards each other from space to the center of the planet and vice versa. For ease of understanding, it is suggested to imagine your body as a grape hanging in the middle of a long thread. This is a flow of energy. Through the chakras, a person releases certain “streams” from it and forms a cocoon around himself.

It's an aura. It is egg-shaped and has a definite size. For some, the edges of the aura are separated from the physical shell by an average of half a meter, for others - much more. It all depends on the individual and circumstances.

The size and color of the aura are unstable. You can change them yourself. Any normal person will wonder why to do this. Maybe let it be as it is? The fact is that the characteristics of this field affect the duration and quality of our life. Or rather, on the contrary: any negative manifestations, internal attitudes, intentions, feelings influence them. This is why it is so important to understand the meaning of the color of a person’s aura. This is a kind of energetic diagnosis of the state of a person and his physical body.

What can be determined by the aura

Let's start with size. The larger the aura, the stronger the person. This does not mean muscles and the ability to move heavy objects. A person with an impressive aura is able to make serious decisions, lead, convince, “pierce with his gaze,” and so on. There is a term “charismatic personality”. This is a person who has a large and attractive energy field.

Now about what the color of the aura demonstrates. This indicator is studied primarily to identify dark spots. They are formed in the case of existing or future diseases, when a person experiences strong negative emotions and so on. There are people who see the field. They can make a diagnosis and predict future events. We must understand that everything that happens to us in life is first formed at the level of the energy field. If you can see the aura, then you can correct events and influence them. But these are extreme options. And usually the color of the aura indicates a person’s inclinations, character, and, in a broader sense, his capabilities, aspirations, and potential achievements. Most often they try to figure it out in order to gain a deeper understanding of their personality.

We are greatly influenced by our social environment. It confuses and instills false goals and ideals. Striving for them, a person becomes deeply unhappy. And at the end of life he suffers from its worthlessness, feeling emptiness instead of satisfaction from the path traveled. Nowadays, people are increasingly thinking about how to avoid this, how to make their existence filled with true joy. And knowing what you were born with (aura color) seriously helps with this. For example, what do you think, if a born engineer spends his whole life in a bank and doesn’t create the machine he has dreamed of since childhood, will he be happy?

Probably not, even if the amounts in his account are impressive.

How to determine the field color

There are several methods. Everyone's results are relative to one degree or another. We are accustomed to considering only what we can touch as reliable. And in the case of a field, only a few people can see it. They are absolutely confident in the information they receive. Everyone else, like blind people, has to trust them.

You can also take a photo of the aura. It is obtained using a special camera. The picture shows not only the color of the field, but also its density, dark places, chakras. After analyzing the information received from the aura camera, the specialist can talk about the physical and emotional state person. Usually this is followed by advice on adjustments. This method many also consider it relative. Still, you have to believe in aura photos. Otherwise, it may seem like scammers are trying to deceive you.

Well, the last way is independent work. It’s not entirely easy, but you walk the path yourself from start to finish. To do this, you need to place your palm on a sheet of white paper in semi-darkness. Squint your eyes and concentrate. You should see rays coming out of your fingertips. If it works, then determine the color. Almost no one succeeds the first time. In order to notice these rays, you need to learn to concentrate. Sometimes the original (innate) color of the aura is determined by the date of birth. This method only tells you what is given to you from Higher Powers, and does not contain information about the current state of the energy field, which can be extremely important.

Calculations by date of birth

Richard Webster, the famous numerologist, came up with a fairly simple way to find out the color of the aura. To do this you need to write down full date birth, then add all the numbers together. Then fold it again until you get it single digit number. Example: a person was born on April 12, 1969. We count: 1+2+0+4+1+9+6+9=32. Next we add it up again: 3+2=5. This is the number of aura color.

The interpretation is given to scientists in a special table. For example, the color red corresponds to one. Its meaning is as follows: an active and cheerful person, a purposeful, ambitious optimist. People with this characteristic clearly stand out from the crowd and have leadership qualities. It is clear that they are uncomfortable if they have to obey someone else’s will.

The green color of the aura, according to Webster, corresponds to the number four. They are good-natured and friendly people. Easily adapt to changes. They attract others with their warmth and responsiveness.

The yellow color of the aura corresponds to three. These are creative and sociable intellectuals. They are always at the center of events, doing what they love.

Two is characterized orange. These are decent individuals with heightened sensitivity. They are capable of free help and mercy.

Five is indigo color. These are always knowledge-seeking individuals with a complex character.

Six is ​​the blue color of the aura. These are mainly philanthropists looking for opportunities to patronize the weaker.

Seven is purple. Such individuals feel a special intuition and are able to predict.

Eight corresponds pink color. These are hard workers who value material wealth. It is difficult to push them off their chosen path.

And finally, nine is a bronze color, according to Webster's table. Most conservationists have this aura. These people are capable of sacrificing themselves for the sake of all living things. If you want to know about your inclinations, then find out the color of your aura. The test and its results are described above.

Another interpretation

Aura experts believe it is important to track its color over time. It changes along with your condition and way of thinking. When you receive a photo, for example, be sure to look at the location of the dark spots. They talk about which organs or systems are currently under threat. In addition, dark shades show that a person develops bad character traits, he often indulges in dark thoughts or is focused only on carnal pleasures. All this leads to a weakening (darkening) of the field, which can cause diseases of the physical body.

Experts say that the colors of the aura, which are deciphered in the article, are ambiguous. You should concentrate on the main backgrounds. Every person's field contains all colors. Diagnosis is carried out based on the brightest ones. Now specifically about flowers. There are seven of them in total, each can prevail in the picture of the field depending on what emotions are currently guiding the person.

Red color

The meaning of this color does not cause optimism. He talks about a tendency to nervous disorders, impulsiveness based on emotions. If the color turns out to be dark, burgundy, then this person is prone to despotic manifestations. Spots of this shade can tell about diseases that may not yet have manifested themselves. Light, scarlet color occurs in people who are active, overly sensitive, and prone to impulsiveness. Pink signifies an immature personality. Most often it appears in the field of young people.


This color tells about a person who is attentive to the problems of others. If it is light, then the personality is viable and self-sufficient. This is a brave and patient person, whom people go to for advice or just a kind word.

When brown tones are visible in orange, it means that these characteristics have undergone some negative changes. In principle, it is precisely in order to determine this that the color of the aura is studied. Deciphering in this case is quite difficult. It is believed that brown notes (blotches) speak of ambition mixed with carelessness. This is the confidence that you can literally go over your head, and nothing will happen for it. A risky postulate. If a large brownish spot appears in the field, then they speak of depression due to an unpleasant event or ordinary laziness.


This is an indicator of excellent health and tranquility. Such people study with pleasure, are independent, and do not seek patronage for themselves. They move through life with dignity, easily overcoming obstacles. They are not prone to unnecessary worries. But they are always ready to lend a shoulder to others. These are the ones good angels who show up on time and do what needs to be done. When reddish tones appear in the yellow color, they speak of excessive shyness, characteristic of those who suffer from an inferiority complex.

Green aura color

These are individuals with increased adaptability. They are sentimental, capable of compassion, but only when everything goes well. If problems arise, everyone will be to blame except them. Despite this, they are capable of loyal friendship, although they often show frivolity. This strong personalities. They gradually accumulate potential, which will be difficult to contain. The darker the green, the stronger the personality traits appear. Lighter shades indicate instability of characteristics.


Spiritual life-lovers have such a field. The blue color of the aura demonstrates the vigor of a person, his aspiration to high ideals. If it is pale and barely visible, it means the person is weak.

He is prone to indecisiveness and does not strive to develop talents. Such people need to engage in self-improvement.


This color characterizes wise people. They move through life with inspiration, not so much contemplating as creating. They are distinguished by complete harmony with nature, they are always balanced and happy with events. Light shades will tell about the personality for whom spiritual development is the main meaning of life. They do not particularly strive for comfort, although, as a rule, they have everything they need. If deep blue is visible in the aura, it means this person completely immersed in what he loves. Lucky! He found himself. Only shades of gray in the aura can tell about problems. Most likely, the person is too carried away by the results of the work, and not by the process itself. A rich blue color indicates that a person is working according to his calling, fulfilling his assigned mission.


This is believed to be a sign of spirituality. Only people with a pure soul, who have managed to rise above the bustle of the world, have such an aura color. Purple with pink tones speaks of finding a spiritual path. There is still something to strive for. Although we can definitely say that this person is moving in the right direction. Sometimes dark shades of purple suggest that a person does not have enough energy. If bright spots are visible against this background, it means that the person has not passed the test of power. This person is too clearly trying to impose his spiritual baggage on others. You should work on yourself.

What to do if the field has dark spots

Usually a person is not interested in the state of his aura if everything is normal. It just doesn't occur to me. As a rule, such information is important for those who have problems. Having found out their general direction by the color of the aura, it is necessary to begin adjustment. There are many ways to cleanse. All of them are quite effective. For example, believers can be advised to cleanse the aura with prayers.

You are simply trying to get rid of the sin that the diagnosis revealed. If pride has surfaced, then ask for humility; if frivolity has emerged, which can harm both you and others, then ask for strength of character. There is a way to cleanse the aura with a candle, meditation, salt or egg. You just need to understand that the field reflects your inner world. If you want to achieve results, then you definitely need to work with him. This is why it is recommended to cleanse the aura with prayers. This method allows you not just to perform a certain ritual, but to conduct a thoughtful analysis, identify your own mistakes and work on adjusting your thoughts and intentions. If you are wondering who to pray to, then you should consult with the clergy. They will tell you which saint to contact. But that's not important. The main thing is to know what you personally should rule. When you understand where you were wrong, then go to church and pray to Christ or the Mother of God. The Lord will always hear and help, no matter what form you turn to.

Cleansing the aura with a candle

Many people consider this method more effective. You just can’t do it yourself. Need help. Only church candles that are blessed are used. It is necessary for the person whose aura will be cleaned to take off his shoes. Ideally, it is placed on bare ground, although you can simply place it on the floor, on a sheet of paper. The assistant lights a candle and moves it along the outline of the person. You need to start above your head and slowly move the light around all parts of the body. At the same time, you can read prayers together. The Lord's Prayer or the 90th Psalm are used. The latter must be read forty times in a row. If the problems are large, then you need to use several candles. At the end of the ceremony, both must drink holy water and wash themselves with it. In fact, the ritual is quite complicated. Both are very tired. It can be divided into several sessions. In this case, the treatment will take longer, but there will be no negative consequences. And one more thing: the person who cleanses the aura should be helped by someone who does not have similar problems. Otherwise, you will just share dark spots with each other.

Cleansing the aura with an egg

This method is also called rolling out. Only live eggs are used for it. That is, those that were not stored in the refrigerator. It is advisable to buy them “from the laying hen” - in a place where you can see the manufacturer yourself.

You will also need help during the ritual. The egg must be applied to the entire surface of the body, stopping for a long time in the places where the main chakras are located. They start rolling from the crown. At the same time, prayers are also read. The Lord's Prayer will do just fine. If the egg becomes heavy, and this is very noticeable, then it should be replaced with the next one. Move it clockwise, slowly rolling it over bare skin.

Information about the state of a person’s aura has important. It helps to recognize impending (or existing) problems in a timely manner, and therefore take steps to resolve them. There are many methods for determining the color of the aura, as well as interpretations. It’s worth choosing one that best suits your worldview at a given time.

In the article we looked at two descriptions of the meaning of a person’s aura. They should not be confused. Webster developed a technique to determine the color of a field. He has his own transcripts. And the second description concerns the current state of the aura, which is recommended to work with in order to completely get rid of problems and ailments.


The aura is not always visible in color. Many beginning mediums see it as wavy, flowing whitish stripes.
However, for the purpose of psychic "reading", many mediums turn on their mental television screen, so to speak, so that they can see the aura in all the variety of colors that change into one another, and use these differences to determine the patient's condition.
Although you can give general description special meanings different colors and combinations, it should be said that the perception of these colors can be purely individual, and THERE ARE NO TWO MEDIA WHICH AT THE SAME MOMENT WILL SEE THE SAME SHADES IN THE AURA - PERCEPTION IS VERY INDIVIDUAL.
"AURO – CAMERA 6000"

In 1992, a special device for photographing the human aura, the “Aura Camera-6000,” was manufactured in the USA.
A photograph taken by the “Aura-camera-6000” allows you to look into the inner world of a person, get an idea of ​​the characteristics of his psyche, emotional state, his qualities and problems. This is how the long-forgotten knowledge about the aura - the structure of human energy - returns to us.
The camera of this device is a regular Polaroid instant camera, which is built into the body. This housing contains ordinary colored light bulbs that illuminate the Polaroid card during exposure. Light bulbs are connected to devices on which the palms of the hands rest.
These devices measure the resistance of the skin of the palms, and depending on this, they issue a command to one or another colored light bulb to illuminate a general photo of the client who has placed their palms on these devices.
When hands come into contact with the sensors, information about the main auric colors is read, then the signal is sent to an electronic processor, which models the radiation halo and translates it into color scheme and overlays it on your photo.
The electronic analogue of the aura, which is visible in a regular Polaroid photograph, corresponds to the human aura.
The vision of colors by psychoenergeticists and senses always coincides with the colors in the photograph. The intensity of the glow does not always coincide, but this is natural, since the aura structure is dynamic and can change under the influence of emotions, thoughts, feelings, internal transformation of the personality, external influences

Aura images are deciphered only in dynamics, so you must have at least two images. You need to take a picture while in a neutral psycho-emotional state. Only under this condition will the picture be objective, since the size and quality of the color of the aura can fluctuate depending on the emotions and thoughts overwhelmed by a person.
To study and interpret the states of the aura and a person from a photograph taken with this device, it is necessary to have several photographs. The information content of the photo is reduced due to its limited size and unclear structure. The main parameter that is interpreted in in this case, is the orientation of the psyche and the level of development of consciousness. Due to the fragmentary nature of the photograph (only the head and shoulders are visible), it is very difficult to judge the full structure of the aura. In addition, by highlighting color it is quite difficult to judge the general condition of a person. The color of the aura is not a constant category; in addition, it is necessary to take into account different shades and purity of color. In the interpretation of photographs it is very important role The professionalism of the researcher plays a role.
Auras are in constant flux, their colors and shapes changing along with the thoughts and sensations of the individual. In addition, sometimes colors fade and merge, as in a rainbow, and it is often impossible to tell exactly where one color ends and where another begins.

RED is the color of emotionality and vitality. Strong feelings of any kind, such as anger, fear or love, are represented in red.
A person with a red aura has physical vitality, energy, ambition, as well as sexual power. Red - courage, activity, assertiveness.
RED LIGHT, delicate, bright color, pure red color indicates that a person is in love, full of energy, and vitality. In such an aura, red color means physical activity, ambition, courage, joy.
SCARLET- “warns” about excessive self-confidence, that a person loves himself too much. This is the color of false pride, pride without foundation. The scarlet color around the hips shows women who sell "love" for money.
BRIGHT RED with flashes - anger.
RED WITH BROWN- thirst for passion, tendency to violence.
BURGUNDY- indignation, sometimes sensuality.
DARK RED color is characteristic of people with a lack of energy, physical and emotional fatigue; materialism. Darkish red - malice, aggressiveness.
RED AURA WITH DARK SHADES OR BRIGHT FLASHES mean sudden anger, sometimes sudden and unmotivated. Such a person usually has a lot of energy, but quite raw energy.
CRIMSON- sexuality and passion.
DIRTY – RED with dark streaks speaks of a person’s selfishness, the ability to fly into rage, and greed for pleasure.
REDDISH ORANGE- the desire to impress others, vitality.
DULL BRICK RED among arrogant and arrogant people.
A clear red border or red tongues extending from the organ shows that the organ is in good health.
Assassins always have lower shades of red in their aura.
The lighter the red (lighter does not mean purer), the more nervous and unstable the person is. Such people are very active and cannot remain at rest for more than a few seconds. As a rule, they are self-centered.
Red colors around organs indicate their condition. A dull red color, especially with a brown tint, slowly pulsating from the organ indicates cancer. You can tell whether cancer has developed or is just beginning!
Spots, flashes of red on the jaw indicate toothache, rare pulsations of dull brown in the halo indicate a fear of the dentist.

The group of red flowers also includes pink (not to be confused with coral), it indicates immaturity. In teenagers, pink predominates over other shades of red.
PINK is the color of intuition and intense knowledge of the earth. It is sometimes called the "color of planetary intuition." In adults, pink indicates immaturity and unreliability.
Pink tones - kindness, compassion for others, love.
PALE PINK - inability to show off, shyness
BRIGHT PINK - human love for other beings at its highest stage

ORANGE is a traditional healing color. Like the sun which it symbolizes, it points to masculinity or at male side feminine nature. When visible in the aura, it may indicate that the individual has strong healing abilities, or that the individual is in the process of physical growth or emotional self-healing.
A person with an orange aura has energy, health, physical endurance, and activity. He is constantly looking for change, open and optimistic. Pride can come from too much orange.
Orange (pure) - wellness, kindness, the ability to feel other people, internal respect for the interlocutor. Orange - emotions, sociability and openness, at the same time discipline and competence, the color of pride and ambition.
BRIGHT ORANGE - powerful emotions, fun, optimism.
DARK ORANGE - indulgence, indicates low intelligence.
CLOSE ORANGE - irritability.
ORANGE-GREEN - a tendency to causticity, internal ridicule, callousness of character. An orange color with a hint of green indicates that a person loves to quarrel for the sake of quarreling, and when you develop to such an extent that you can see the shades of shades of colors, avoid quarreling with such people, because for them there is only white and black, they do not understand and do not want to understand shades and halftones in anything, be it knowledge, opinion or color. People with greenish-orange in the aura argue endlessly just for the sake of argument itself, not caring whether they are right or wrong, for them there is only argument.

YELLOW is the color of intelligence, representing the process of change from the unconscious to the conscious. It involves changes and movements of all kinds, especially those leading to purification and growth of the mind. Most often the yellow color is visible as a halo or halo around the head.
A person with a yellow aura has qualities such as love, kindness, optimism, and compassion.
Pure yellow - high intelligence, active friendliness, enormous creative potential, expresses intellectual strength.
BRIGHT YELLOW - high intelligence, willpower, cheerfulness. A person with a bright yellow aura can be completely trusted.
YELLOW-RED - willpower, swiftness, determination, vitality.
LEMON YELLOW - clear mind.
MUSTARD YELLOW - deceit and dishonesty.
CLOUDY YELLOW - lack of clarity of thoughts, confusion in thinking, fears.
DARK YELLOW - greed, sometimes cowardice. If the intellect is content with achievements of a personal nature, phenomena of a lower order, then a dark yellow color appears.
REDDISH-YELLOW - a person’s intelligence is low and needs to be developed. This speaks of physical, moral and mental timidity, the absence of one’s own spiritual view and beliefs. People with reddish-yellow are always rushing from one religion to another, always looking for something that cannot be achieved in five minutes. However, they lack endurance; they do not linger on anything for more than a few minutes.
People with red-yellow and brown-red in their aura are always looking for their half and do not find it anywhere.
It is worth noting that if a person has red hair and a lot of yellow-red in the aura, the person is pugnacious, touchy and takes a remark as a personal insult. This is especially true for those who have bright red hair and reddish, sometimes freckled skin.
Redder shades in yellow indicate that a person has an inferiority complex. The redder the red hue in the yellow, the stronger the complex. BROWN-YELLOW - shows impure thoughts and very weak spiritual development. Brown-yellow indicates that a person has impure thoughts and does not always adhere to straight paths.
From a health point of view, GREENish-YELLOW indicates liver complaints. If greenish-yellow turns into brownish-reddish-yellow, this indicates that the malaise is more of a social nature.
People with social dissatisfaction always have a dark brown, dark yellow stripe around the thighs. Something like red pollen often glimmers in it. If the brown gradually fades to yellow and sometimes appears in the form of jagged stripes, this indicates a mental disorder.
A person suffering from duality often has one half of the aura bluish-yellow, and the other half brownish or greenish-yellow. This is a very unpleasant combination.
Pure golden-hued yellow color, the highest is "Yellow", it should always be cultivated. You can achieve it if you keep your thoughts and intentions pure. We all must reach "yellow" before we move on to the next stage of evolution.

GOLD is the color of pure intuition, mental courage and self-knowledge. Shining golden halos can often be seen above the heads of mystics and people in a state of bliss. Gold is a masculine color and is often represented by the sun. It is also the color of purification and healing.
Gold - the highest spirituality, enormous life potential, high intelligence and great abilities, wisdom, the ability to share knowledge with others
Pure gold - bright mind.
Golden - impeccability, creativity, integrity
Golden yellow - expresses high mental achievements, broad and brilliant abilities, well-being and material prosperity. Golden yellow color indicates that the person is very spiritual.

GREEN - color of growth; its presence in the aura usually indicates that a person is in the stage of choosing his attitude towards life, beliefs or behavior. This is a positive color that can appear when a person, unsettled by radical internal changes, believes that his life is going badly.
A person with a green aura is a balanced, harmonious person, prone to healing, capable of bringing peace.
Green (pure) - sympathy, desire to help, a person who has a predominant color of this color is endowed with healing abilities and special magnetism
The BRIGHT GREEN color of the aura expresses tolerance for the beliefs of others, the ability to easily adapt to new conditions, versatility, tact and politeness. Bright green - philanthropy and warmth, good health, friendliness.
Dark green - selfish plans, deception. Dark shades mean deceit and jealousy.
EMERALD GREEN - mercy, sympathy and forgiveness.
MUZY GREEN - envy, deceit, jealousy, heartache, fears
LIGHT GREEN - creative thoughts.
GREEN WITH YELLOWSHOW - self-interest, thirst for profit and the use of other people to satisfy one's own goals, hidden manipulation of people in one's own interests.
LIGHT LIGHT color is a sign of mental development.
Green with suitable shade blue shows a capable teacher.
Green is not dominant color, he almost always accompanies someone else. This is an auxiliary color; it indicates that the person is friendly, respects the opinions of other people, and sympathizes with them.
However, if a person has yellowish-green in his aura, he is unreliable, and the more unpleasant yellow there is in the unpleasant green, the more unreliable the person is, the less you can rely on him.
If green turns into blue, usually a nice shade of sky blue or electric blue, this shows the most reliable people.

A person with a blue aura has a powerful psyche, broad intellect and logical thinking. Usually such a person is able to pacify with a few words.
Pure blue is a state of active thinking, readiness to act, the color of sincerity and determination, creativity, healing, self-expression, softness, tenderness.
LIGHT BLUE - lack of strong-willed qualities of a leader, such a person must be stimulated to action
DARK SHADES OF BLUE indicate a suspicious, overthinking personality or a dreamy mentality. Dark blue without unpleasant shades, that is, pure - the gradual disclosure of spiritual potential, self-awareness.
BRIGHT BLUE - loyalty, commitment to high ideals.
SKY BLUE - spirituality, dynamism.
TURQUOISE - peacefulness, tenderness, charisma.
DARK BLUE - wisdom. Dark blue is often found in the aura of missionaries who became missionaries because they heard the "Call" as a calling. This color is not found among those who became missionaries because they wanted to travel the world for free.
The brighter the blue color, the healthier and more cheerful the person is.
PALE BLUE is the color of a person who often hesitates, cannot make a decision, such a person needs to be pushed in order for him to decide on something.
More dark shade blue indicates that a person is making progress and comprehending.
If the shade of blue is even darker, this indicates that the person is captivated by the tasks of life and that he finds satisfaction in them.
You can always judge a person by how bright the yellow color is in his aura and how dark the blue color is.

BLUE is the color of creation, imagination and self-expression. Like the sea and sky, symbolized by this color, it expresses femininity or feminine side masculine nature. A person with a blue aura harbors deep wisdom and inspiration. He is artistic and easily finds harmony with nature, knows how to control himself, can be devout or spiritual in nature, and hence an altruist. Most often - phlegmatic.
Blue color develops your own mental abilities, frees you from anxieties and fears. Blue - highly developed intuition and self-confidence. Blue - perception of beauty, selfless nature
BRIGHT BLUE - religious feeling, care for others, responsibility, spiritual insight..
CLAY BLUE - disappointment, depression, negative thoughts.
DARK BLUE - spiritual aspiration bordering on mercy. Dark blue is often a sign of depression, which develops if a person acts for the ideas of others, which he - or she - must protect more than his own.

A person with a violet aura has some achievements in the spiritual sphere, a connection with the divine, cosmic self-awareness, and so on. The color purple is associated with artistry, great ideas, intuition and mysticism. The color purple promotes compassion, sensitivity, and inspiration. Purple color - spirituality, harmonization of personality, achieving high goals, access to open life paths, patronage of the forces of light, compassion for others
Purple color with an increased aura - high spirituality, potential wisdom, revelation of spiritual qualities and superpowers
AMETHYST - spiritual insight.
LIVEL - philanthropy, altruism, healing.
PURPLE WITH SILVER - highest degree knowledge and experience accessible to man.
ULTRAMARINE-INDIGO - stillness, mystery, delicate fragrance.
DARK PURPLE with dirty stains - fears, vampirism, illness, depression.
PURPLE is the color of spirituality and devotion. People who meditate or have strong religious feelings usually have this color in their aura. But purple is also a color of pride and a passion for showing off.

SILVER is the feminine color of the moon, similar in meaning to the gold color, although it is visible much less frequently.
A large proportion of silver in the aura may indicate a tendency towards such psychic gifts as telekinesis - moving objects with the power of thought - or levitation. Silver - color astral travel; it is believed that the silver thread connects the astral body with the physical body when they are separated.
Silver color - will, steadfastness, idealism.

GRAY is the color of boredom and malaise, usually masking the emotions of fear or anger.
Gray - melancholy, boredom, despondency, depression, self-doubt, suppressed fears and resentments, anxiety, laziness
BRIGHT GRAY - selfishness, lack of imagination.
LIGHT GRAY - deception, unreliability, often apathy
DARK GRAY - horror, fear
Gray softens the colors of the aura. If you look at the aura of a clothed person, gray does not mean anything, there will be gray stripes and spots in the aura. But suppose we are looking at a naked body. Gray shows weakness of character and usually general weakness of health. If a person has visible gray stripes over vital organs, this indicates that the organ is being destroyed, destroyed, or is in danger of destruction; medical attention is needed immediately. In people with persistent severe headaches, gray smoke has been observed billowing and passing through a halo, and regardless of the color of the halo itself, gray streaks will pass through it just during headaches.

BROWN - usually an earth color indicating strong connection with the physical level.
If it surrounds the feet and legs, it may indicate that the person is doing a lot of exercise. Sometimes, especially if the color appears dull and washed out, this can be a sign of weak energy.
Hard Brown color- in the aura of people who are selfish, down-to-earth, jealous and greedy.
BROWN-RED, like raw liver, shows an evil, vile person, one of those who are best avoided because they can bring misfortune.
If this color is visible near any organ, then that organ is diseased; if it is a vital organ, then the person is likely to die soon.
If red color is visible at the end of the sternum, then the person has nervous breakdown. Such people should curb their activity and lead a more balanced lifestyle if they want to live happily ever after. Brown-red also indicates kidney disease, if it is located above the kidney and has bluish-gray teeth - this indicates the presence of kidney stones.
Brown-orange shows a lethargic, depressed, lazy person who “doesn’t care.” Brown and red - hatred, anger.
DARK BROWN - depression, despair

BLACK is the color of death and destruction and can be read as a sign of depression, especially if it appears as a dark cloud enveloping the patient's head. However, death is a state that precedes rebirth, and destruction is a state that precedes creation and creativity. "The darkest hour comes just before the dawn." In this case, black can be seen as an extremely positive color. Black is also considered a color that symbolizes the invisible Divine Light that comes to illuminate and purify the soul.
Black - malice, anger; black holes in the aura – health problems, an indicator of pain areas, disturbed energy (damage, evil eye, etc.).

WHITE is the color of the highest spiritual achievement, purification and enlightenment. However, certain types of meditation, such as TM (transcendental meditation), whether they may or may not produce enlightenment, produce this color in the aura.
White color: - purity, kindness, perfection and spiritual insight. Powerful cosmic protection and patronage of “light forces” (spiritual mentors, Guardian Angel). Presence white in the aura makes a person protected from any negative influences, life troubles and adversities.
But also white - serious illness, artificial stimulation (drugs, medications). Several hours before death, the aura turns white, increasing in size and becoming more intense. In most cultures, "death" is depicted in WHITE (not black) because in the past, people could actually see a white aura before death. It would seem that our ancestors knew much more than we are “prepared” and ready to admit it.

Red-yellow moving currents in the aura, incontinence, anxiety.
Wavy stripes of blue color with a reddish tint; an attack of fear, alertness.
Red-blue stripes in the form of radii, going from inside to outside, tense anticipation.
Flashing orange-yellow dots indicate strong excitement.
Bluish spots of variable shape mean absent-mindedness.
Pure blue streams, sincerity, nobility, the desire to improve one’s qualities.
Dirty blue moving streams betray a feeling of envy.
Black color in the aura is hatred.
Red-brown flashes of anger.
All shades of red indicate nervous excitement.
Gray-brown stripes indicate selfish intentions.
A dark gray cloud means deep depression.
Pale gray color in the aura indicates fear
Greenish-gray stripes, insincerity, desire to deceive for profit and to satisfy vanity.
Green-brown dots with red splashes, a person experiences a strong, exciting feeling of jealousy.
The green cloud is an unpleasant swamp color; a person wants to assert himself by any means necessary at the expense of those around him.
Blue-brown color indicates lower religiosity, aimed at achieving selfish goals.
A beautiful pink cloud enveloping a person signifies love and compassion for all humanity.
Pink rays emanating from the inside out, love for the world, wishes for love and harmony to all beings.
Moving orange cloud with brown drops, thirst for power.
A greenish blurry cloud is a sign of empathy.
Light green color sympathy.
Brown-gray stripes with red egoism, the desire to dominate other people, to capture and enslave them.
Violet lines, aspiration to a higher ideal, renunciation of the sense of ownership and thirst for possession.

The vibrations on the left side represent the feminine introversion.
We receive this energy at the present moment. And it depends only on us how we will be able to manage it, building our future.
RED color means that vital energy is flaring up in you, you are gaining physical strength or struggling with something. Be careful and remember your limits.
The ORANGE color on the left shows that the energy of life, creativity, sexual desire or new transformations in business and affairs is flaring up in you. Be reasonable and try to maintain inner balance.
The YELLOW color on the left indicates that you may be thinking about and looking for new directions in life or work. You are strong, self-confident, able to act effectively in practice, you know what you want. Use your energy as efficiently as possible, but do not overexert yourself intellectually.
GREEN is the color of harmony and peace. You open up to new energies and events; you follow the path of soul development with joy and trepidation. You stand at the source of a Divine source that can bring joy and peace to you and through you to other people.
The BLUE color to your left is a sign of purity of soul, inner intelligence and good taste. You are intuitive and have your own special inner world, often filled with spiritual or creative quest. Perhaps you have to comprehend what is happening to you on a more subtle, intuitive level.
VIOLET. If there is a purple, then you are endowed with a special, unique sensitivity or the gift of capturing energies inaccessible to others. Yours inner life external vanity is more important to you. You have talent and personal power. But do others always understand this?
WHITE. If there is white energy at the entrance to the left, then your inner perception is heightened, sometimes the tension reaches its limit, preparing to reach a new level of spiritual or creative experience. This is the energy of meditation and enlightenment. Treat her and yourself with care.

This energy reflects the internal state of your personality, gives an idea of ​​what is going on in your thoughts, how you react to the surrounding reality.
The RED color above your head indicates that you are obviously currently absorbed in earthly affairs, constantly encountering manifestations of the material world. You will need strength, courage, self-confidence.
ORANGE. A balanced fiery red orange in the center indicates that you have a craving for an eventful life, vivid experiences, cheerful company. Your actions are guided by strong emotions and inner purity.
YELLOW. If there is a lot of yellow around your head, then you are a great thinker. At the moment you feel a surge of strength. You are ready to lead and take full responsibility. Try to find time for creativity and meditation, because... this will significantly expand your life horizons.
GREEN in the center means that you radiate around you the energy of calm, regularity and acceptance of everything and everyone. You see your role as one of "service", always ready to give compassion and love to those who need it. Intuition and inner knowledge helps you.
BLUE. The glow of blue above the head is a sign of a person’s high spiritual and personal aspirations, combined with intelligence, gentleness, devotion to high ideals, although sometimes detachment from real life and everyday essential needs of loved ones.

Series of messages "Esoterica":
Part 1 - Rum from the Cave of Spirits.
Part 2 - Zadornov in the Urals
Part 12 - Signs and Symbols. Semiotics. Part 2.
Part 13 - PROSPERITY: How to do it on Earth? (full version)
Part 15 - Runes of Odin
Part 16 - Pictures-prophets

What does a violet aura mean in a person? He is generally physically healthy...

Explain to me please.

First of all, it is potential. Discovering your full potential is the greatest work of a lifetime. Few people are born with an understanding of their path. Since you have questions, you are in a state of search. What areas of activity you develop for yourself are not important and do not depend on the aura. a person of royal descent can live as a beggar and never learn about his roots. Experience and knowledge are important. you will receive both, and your aura will confirm the weight of your word.

Achievements in the spiritual sphere, connection with the divine, mystical insight, cosmic self-awareness. Located in the area of ​​the pituitary gland.
Inspiration or deep wisdom. May indicate a spiritual or pious nature. Artistry and harmony with nature. The ability to control oneself. Located in the pineal gland region.
Powerful psyche, intelligence, logical thinking. Pure blue color demonstrates the ability to intuition. Dark shades indicate a suspicious, overthinking personality or a dreamy mindset. Centered in the brain.
Balance, harmony, a penchant for healing, the ability to bring peace. Pure green indicates adaptability and versatility. Dark shades mean deceit and jealousy. Located in the thyroid gland and neck area.
Love and kindness, compassion, optimism, “breath of life”. Dark, lifeless shades of yellow demonstrate suspicion, envy or greed. Focused on the heart and solar plexus.
Energy and health, physical endurance, activity. Pride can stem from an excess of orange in the aura. A dark or cloudy shade indicates low intelligence. Located in the area of ​​the stomach and spleen.
Physical vitality, energy, ambition, sexual power. Dark or cloudy red shows a tendency towards passion or anger. Focused on the genital area.
SCARLET - lust, base passions, materialism.
PINK – selfless love, tenderness, modesty.
BROWN – greed, selfishness.
GOLDEN – higher “I”, good qualities, harmony.
SILVER – versatility, high energy, constant change.
GRAY – depression, low energy, fear.

A rich shade of the sky, a symbol of peace and happiness - this color reflects a person’s penchant for self-expression, creativity, and daydreaming.

The blue aura is a concentrate of feminine energy, inspiration and wisdom, so the owners of this biofield are not only spiritual individuals, but also real artists. Such people have well-developed intuition, they are altruists, they know how to harmonize with nature, control themselves, maintain confidence, and make sacrifices.

Blue aura: meaning

The character of carriers of such intense energy is similar to phlegmatic people. They develop their abilities constantly, without experiencing anxiety or fear over trifles, they know how to truly appreciate beauty, and are prone to selflessness. Such individuals are responsible, loyal, sensitive and emotional.

Since the feminine principle prevails in them, sudden mood swings are a common occurrence for these people. They are also remembered for their high intelligence, care for loved ones, and skills in solving family problems. Those with a blue aura have a lot of friends, because people themselves are drawn to them.

Sometimes perfectionism increases in such individuals, they begin to find fault with themselves and those around them in search of perfection. Many of the carriers of a rich biofield are distinguished by piety; they succeed in religious activities. And these people can also work in the scientific field. The most successful professions for them are: teacher, physician, psychologist, writer.

The blue color of a person's aura means responsiveness and mercy.

Men of this type enjoy exploring the world, use strict calculations in everything and are distinguished by strong convictions and purposefulness in any work. Among them there are many lovers of mysticism and esotericism; they can become shamans and psychics. As for the fair sex, they are more passive in life, reserved and modest. In society they are remembered for their wisdom and spiritual depth.

This shade is typical for calm individuals who remain faithful to their loved ones. At the same time, these people seem to be carriers of the supernatural, initiated into the mysteries of life. They often have developed telepathy and clairvoyance. But all these skills, as a rule, are used for peaceful purposes, because carriers of blue energy are noble and humane. However, they should learn to trust society, express feelings more openly, so that they can tune in to the same wavelength with their surroundings and follow their heart.

The shade of the blue biofield always changes. In moments of sadness it becomes deep, and in bursts of inspiration it seems completely superficial. Sometimes a person’s external emotionality can hide coldness and independence. Such people must understand that it is not always worth being responsible for the situation, because life requires rest and relaxation. Sometimes, while working on their responsibilities, these individuals forget about their needs. And all because a passionate desire to avoid mistakes sometimes leads them down the wrong path of fate, devoid of their own life mission.

The source of fervor, rapture, infinity and dreams is always the blue aura, which in fact means closeness with such a higher chakra as Ajna. The carriers of this energy are close to the transcendental, they are constantly looking for a miracle in the heavens, and on earth for the beginning of rationality. In essence, these people are directed inward, i.e. they are introverted.

Moreover, among such individuals there are many philanthropists and supporters of charity. This is due to the very serious attitude towards earthly life, the honesty, and compassion of such individuals. “Blue” people tend to be constant in their kindness of feelings, which is why they can so easily sacrifice their own self.

A pure blue hue speaks of a chaste person, quite happy with his life.

It is no coincidence that in European countries this color is identified with fidelity, and in Asia with a successful marriage and a person’s education. Christians associate the color blue with the Virgin Mary. Therefore, carriers of a blue aura can be considered divine messengers, guides to the Universe. These people have a very philosophical way of thinking, while they maintain an almost royal dignity. “Blue” individuals always maintain clarity of actions, thoughts, and sensations, even with their paranormal spiritual experiences.

The blue aura of a person has a slightly passive meaning. That is, the individual, with all his sensuality, craves security and oblivion. Sometimes disappointed expectations and depressive thoughts are hidden in such a biofield. In addition, lonely people are also often surrounded by a blue halo of energy.

As for childhood, the bearer of this aura is always independent, has his own views on life and is ready to protest even to his parents. If upbringing in the family is very harsh and outdated, a person with such energy will withdraw into himself and look for friends only on the outside.

Already at a young age, these individuals may have a spiritual mentor, a strong guardian angel. Extrasensory abilities may appear in childhood, but then they will be related to past lives. It is important for the parents of such people to show understanding and not treat their children as stupid creatures, otherwise the “blues” will stop respecting them forever.

Teenagers who wear such an aura may be prone to suicide or, giving vent to their destructive energy, join informal groups and indulge in drugs.

The task of their family in this case is to form an attitude towards physical reality, show real life values, and reflect the world of beauty and goodness in the eyes of children. It’s interesting that such kids give useful advice from an early age.

An ideal family life with common goals and spiritual integrity is also predicted by a blue aura. The meaning of this energy is such that a person in such an ethereal shell cannot obey his partner; he needs freedom. In such conditions, they can guarantee their loved one both intimacy and devotion.

These people can prove themselves in different areas, but best of all they master those places where they can influence the masses and lead them. The leadership qualities of blue energy carriers are excellent. The health status of these individuals rarely causes concern, but they are very dependent on emotions and the mental shell. Pain from a strong feeling can provoke a real illness in them, and they can only restore their strength in nature.

The color blue has a lot of mutual understanding and support, so such individuals should be trusted unquestioningly.

We can say that the mission of such a person on Earth is to teach others the art of unconditional love, to convey to the world the value of spirituality.

These people really want to make everyone needed and happy, but to do this they themselves need to come out of their shell, activate the will to live and start fighting for success. The blue color adds a lot of softness and sentimentality to such subjects, so they themselves can cry for a long time, calming another person. In this sense, the blue aura is very ambiguous, because it demonstrates such pure thoughts as respect for traditions and the desire for self-development, but at the same time it bestows a person with detachment from the world.

Carriers of such contradictory energy spend part of their lives searching for a balance between external and internal in order to learn to defend their sense of beauty and teach it to others.

What does a blue aura mean in shades

  • Bright blue energy characteristic of reliable individuals with a clear religious feeling. They worry about loved ones and often experience spiritual insights.
  • Blue biofield with a cloudy tint speaks of the presence of negative thoughts, strong disappointment in life.
  • Red-blue in the form of waves on the etheric shell symbolizes fear and wariness. If the aura is pierced by blue-red rays, the person is in tense anticipation.
  • When Various blue clots appear on the main color of the aura with dynamic forms, we are talking about the absent-mindedness of the subject.
  • Dark blue aura reflects a depressed state and the consequences of stress. This color develops in situations of struggle for other people's interests, when one's own ideas remain in the shadows. A person with such energy is anxious and his mind is confused. A dark blue aura can also have other meanings when it relates to a state of compassion and spiritual purpose. Such people devote themselves to good activities with complete dedication.
    A person in dark blue tones shows constancy in everything, he is reliable, strong and independent. This person is ready to cooperate, she trusts people and knows how to be devoted to them. Carriers of dark blue energy are drawn to new knowledge and can, if desired, share information with those around them.
    The brighter this shade becomes, the more altruistic a person’s intentions are. With proper work on yourself, this color turns into a bright purple aura.
  • Dirty blue color characteristic of envious people. At the same time, such people have a strong irrational element; they are cut off from reality and dream a lot. Sometimes these individuals suffer from excessive anxiety and an upset perception of life. With equal probability, the bearer of such an aura can be despotic or timid, melancholic and vulnerable, or sexually promiscuous. Sometimes such a person suffers from psychosis or sclerosis, he is sad and lonely.
  • Light blue energies appear in the subtle body as a sign of determination and perfection, service to high ideals. This shade reflects a developed inner voice and an active imagination.
  • Blue-blue aura acts as a sign of nobility, the desire to work on oneself, and sincerity. These individuals value variety in life and freedom of action. They enjoy exploring uncharted territories, moving around and expanding their circle of acquaintances. Such people remain young for a long time, they always tell the truth and are honest even with themselves. They have well-developed intuition and the gift of clairvoyance. Sometimes such energy carriers can pay too much attention to past events. From the heavenly shades in this aura there remains a soft insistence and harmony with nature.
  • Combination of brown and blue hints at the selfishness of a person who even uses religion for his own benefit. Proximity to black color indicates possible diseases.
  • If a shade of azure is mixed with blue, we can talk about a sober outlook on life and the desire to find one’s place in this world. The addition of such a sign of heaven shows nobility and an inclination towards achievements of the spiritual type.
  • Sea green aura characteristic of those people whose vocation is a teacher. These individuals are very calm and peaceful, you can trust them with your children, because a sense of responsibility is literally in their blood. Such a person radiates vibes of kindness and spirituality to the outside world.
  • Blue with added green speaks of the need for peace in life. The owner of this mixed energy longs to get rid of quarrels, disagreements, conflicts and, finally, gain an approving status in society and attract positive attention.
  • If blue-green is burdened with stains of dirt, such a person is easy to offend, because she worries about being undervalued and strives for recognition and support. These people are very vulnerable, they feel everything very subtly, look at details and sincerely try to solve problems. In case of severe stress, they begin to flee from a hostile reality. In some situations, a blue-green, almost turquoise hue indicates a person’s impulsiveness.
  • Ultramarine or blue-violet adds love to the individual. This subject helps people to achieve their highest goals, but lacks the aspirations of a pure blue aura, so they are prone to depressive moods.
  • Blue indigo aura characteristic of those with strong religious beliefs. These people need to be a little lenient towards their loved ones, learn to support their bright endeavors. If pink pollen appears in such energy, the person is very unpleasant and touchy, and makes a bad leader. The more pink there is in a blue aura, the less purity and spirituality there is in a person. The presence of indigo in energy sometimes indicates a heart disease or problems with the functioning of the stomach.
  • Gray-blue tint of the biofield, in turn, speaks of self-doubt and strong phobias. Often this color is a sign of an energy vampire, lack of energy, or anxiety due to religion. These people hide their problems under the guise of refined spirituality.

The blue aura is an integral companion of prayer, contemplation of space, and inspiration.

People with such exalted values ​​always seem harmonious, because they know their mission on the planet and serve it sincerely and seriously. Their ability to control themselves, developed intuition and kindness attract individuals who are ready to become true friends for carriers of such a biofield.


Spiritual colors in the aura range from the beautiful pearlescent shades of a highly developed soul to the blue-black, dull metallic gray and dirty burgundy colors of an undeveloped soul. As we've already seen, most people's colors fall in the middle of this range. The auric emanations around people who have reached a high level of development are much more real and vibrant than the colors we perceive in the physical world. Blues and greens, beautiful like the colors of the sky and leaves, are more vibrant and have powerful energy. The same applies to the opposite pole. The colors of a degraded aura can be ugly and repulsive. In addition to being unattractive colors, such auras are repulsive and have vibrations that do not exist in the physical realm. As you read the characteristics of flowers, reflect on the impression they make on you. Once again, you don't have to see these colors to feel their effects. If you know the meaning of each color, you can quite accurately determine what colors are in your aura. For example, if you are a loving person, you can be sure that there is a deep pink light in your aura, but if you get angry easily, then it is very likely that there is a red light in your aura that you need to get rid of.

Brightened colors

Enlightened colors are spiritual energies that we attract with our positive thoughts, actions and accomplishments. They express that part of our being that is attuned to the spiritual. These are energies that contain the Divine essence and intention and actively work to realize our spiritual potential. Additionally, it is these positive energies that help us transform the darker parts of our aura.


White, along with gold, is considered one of the highest colors of the aura. It means purity. It symbolizes the Divine light that brings wisdom to the human race. Regardless of the degree to which this energy is expressed in the aura, it allows one to unmistakably identify a spiritual soul, which sometimes has clairvoyant abilities. Divine revelation is associated with white color. Pearly white color signifies kindness and forgiveness. White with a greenish or yellowish tint means that the soul is stable and is trying hard to learn something important. Crystal white, the purest variety of white, shows that the soul has reached the highest degree of mastery; it signifies a combination of strength, courage, vitality, determination and endurance.


Gold is the color of wisdom, enlightenment, confidence, faith, inner strength and courage. In addition, golden energy has enormous protective power. If there is a golden color in our aura, it means that we have the strength and will to improve the lower self. This means that we know exactly who we are and what we are. We know what we can achieve, what we can do. We act clearly and meaningfully. The golden color carries with it a strong dynamic energy that can free us from the hypnotic influence of feelings of hopelessness, despair and self-deficiency.


Silver is the color of the energy of spiritual wisdom. The silver color in the aura is a sign of a person with heightened perception and a fast, active mind. Such a person will make decisions himself and will not allow others to do it for him. We often see silver sparks or diamond points of light moving above a person's head.


This color is often seen around a person engaged in the search for spiritual truth, in which case it is more or less cornflower blue. As a rule, this means that such a person will overcome all obstacles on the path to the truth. Light blue color in the aura is an indicator of internal integrity, sincerity and natural wisdom. A person whose aura is dominated by blue is often involved in science or art. Blue with a cornflower blue tint is often a sign of a very faithful, devoted person. Remember the expression “true blue”. This light signifies nobility, a balanced approach to material matters and may indicate a greater religiosity of the soul. "Madonna Color" - light blue, but not quite blue, demonstrates the ability to obey and perform duty. This means that a person obeys the will of God. Pure blue is one of the colors with the most powerful healing powers. It can be seen around doctors and healers. Aquamarine, which has a high vibration, also has great healing power. Along with lilac, it can bring peace and calm the nervous system. The iridescent color of a peacock feather is an indicator of talents and abilities. Lilac-blue shows that everything that man has achieved, he has achieved with the help of the power of God.


It is a light blue color that brings with it high creative inspiration. This is one of the pearlescent tones. In the aura, this color indicates that a person has an artistic nature and loves beauty. Light blue is an indicator of commitment to high ideals. The aura of great artists has a pronounced pearlescent color.


Turquoise energy is the energy of abundance, which manifests itself in all areas of life: an abundance of ideas, friends and material wealth. This is the energy of “lucky chance”. The turquoise color makes us feel rich and free, unfettered by any restrictions or prohibitions. A person with such energy in the aura believes that everything around him is inexhaustible, and knows that money and opportunities will always appear if needed - even if the outside world demonstrates the opposite.


Pink is the color of love. Spiritual love appears in a deep pink hue. This shade is absolutely devoid of jealousy, selfishness and other negative emotions characteristic of people. Pink is a universal color: it expresses joy, compassion, love, inspiration and prosperity. It comes in a variety of different shades, ranging from sublime pearlescent to fuchsia and red-pink. The color purple is an indicator of a soul characterized by natural, unfeigned love. Pearlescent pink, a lighter shade of deep rose-red, shows that there is a sincere love for God in the soul.


Green is considered the color of growth and renewal. Emerald green indicates inner balance, harmony of mind, body and soul. A light, subtle shade of green is the color of compassion. Light green is the color of spiritual growth and hope, full of love, service and cooperation. Green color calms nerves and helps overcome fears. Blue-green color is a sign of a reliable, altruistic nature.


This energy brings with it the power of concentration. It is associated with intelligence. People with this color clearly expressed in their aura can devote their entire lives to the study of higher truths. Lemon color in the aura is a sign of perseverance in the pursuit of art and science. Yellow is the color of physical, mental and intellectual health. It helps get rid of fears, anxiety and nervousness. Bright, optimistic people will have yellow in their aura. The combination of yellow and orange can be very inspiring.


This means light orange, the color of orange. This color means that a person has a life purpose, enthusiasm and good organizational skills. Additionally, this energy can be a sign of a strong desire or dream. People who are extremely purposeful, those who almost always cope with obstacles and achieve their goals deserve orange. Pure orange color is an indicator of thoughtfulness, analytical abilities and spiritual energy. Such a person is an energetic leader, a “ringleader.” Golden orange is the color of wisdom and energy, high intellectual and spiritual abilities, and self-control.


This color, especially its ruby ​​hue, is the color of vital energy. He radiates enormous power. Additionally, this color can signify righteousness. Its presence in the aura is a sign of a person with lofty aspirations. It is the passionate part of our being. People with red in their aura know how to look into the soul of others and interact well with people. It is not easy to force them to retreat. Ruby, as a rule, serves as a sign of physical energy and vitality. The color of a rose is a sign of active love; together with orange they create a glow of well-being and an optimistic outlook on the world. These are predominantly strong, spiritual colors that symbolize clarity, warmth and love of life. Pure red is the color of reliability, orange-red is the color of healing and cleansing. Coral is the color of indecision, dissatisfaction with the world around us. Purple can be a sign of selfishness. Red-violet is a sign of bodily strength and energy.


A person with a lilac color has a clean and calm aura. This person is the living embodiment of internal and external balance. He is always ready to serve people. Lilac color is an indicator of high spiritual strength, true greatness, and selfless activity. The color lilac gives spiritual protection. If it turns into lavender color, this is a sign of religious nature. Lilac, which is a color with a slightly darker shade, signifies humility and is also holy and spiritual.


The presence of this color in a person’s aura is a sign of deep inner peace. In addition, a person with violet in the aura is extremely religious. And at the same time, purple is an indicator of the ability to cope with everyday practical matters. The combination of violet and indigo colors is a sign that a person is on the path to comprehending spiritual truths. Waves of purple underfoot are evidence that a person has experienced troubles and dealt with them.


This color gives inspiration and deep inner strength of spiritual nature. This is an extremely high color, and it is extremely rare among representatives of the human race to a significantly pronounced degree. A person who has this color in his aura has come a long way - after all, the color indigo means that a person has awakened to the awareness of his spiritual Self. Only a small amount of this energy is enough to have a powerful effect on the aura. Indigo color with a lilac tint is a sign of a person in search of spiritual experience.

Unbleached colors

Unenlightened energies indicate one or another deformation or contamination of the Divine Light. These are Divine energies that have been misused and have now lost the essence with which they were originally filled. For example, a bright, lively mind may have lemon-yellow energy, but if this person is lazy and indifferent, then the light yellow energy will turn into dirty mustard. The brightness will disappear because the person did not use the spiritual energy for its intended purpose. Additionally, mustard yellow can be a sign of ill health. Dull mustard yellow may mean that a person has no control over aggression. Light orange is the color of movement, enthusiasm and aspiration, but if it turns into dull orange, it indicates that the soul is filled with pride. Dark orange with a brownish tint indicates that a person has suppressed his impulse. In addition to dark colors, such energies have an unpleasant, cold vibration if they dominate the aura.

If we have realized that some of these energies are at work in us, we now know the area to work on to improve our aura. There is no need to panic and sprinkle ashes on your head. Don't forget that our aura is constantly changing, and there is not a single area in it that cannot be changed and made better. If our mind has become lazy, this does not mean that it cannot regain its sharpness; greed can be re-educated into generosity and so on.

Each of us has created dark colors at one time or another in our lives. The ability to rise above these conditions is an integral part of our life experience. The main thing to remember is that unenlightened energies are not a manifestation of miraculous Divine emanations, they are created artificially and are not part of our true, highest nature. Therefore, there is no need to consider negative energies as something organically inherent in us. We simply must clear our aura of them and not create new negative vibrations in the future. And don’t forget: before the Divine light, negative energies are powerless. The more good we do, the more we attract and accumulate sublime colors and the more actively lower vibrations are repressed.


The color gray is associated with fear, sadness and depression. Gray is the color of illness. If the overall color of the aura is gray, this means that its owner is constantly overwhelmed by anxiety. Gray color appears in the auras of people who, having found themselves in a dark period of life, do not see any way out of it. However, if silver is present along with gray, this means that a person who has experienced suffering and sadness is trying to cope with them. Charcoal gray indicates despair, while gray-black indicates heaviness in the soul, despondency, grief or loss.

Dirty red

This energy appears to us as a dark, dirty red color with a burgundy tint. This is a sign of lust. Such a person acts under the influence of lower, animal, instinctive levels of consciousness. He may be obsessed with sex, which does not bring him satisfaction. In addition, such energy may indicate perversion, that is, misused sexual energy. Dirty red can also indicate personality degradation. A very dark, polluted shade of red is a sign of irritability, nervousness, bad, domineering nature and increased conflict.

Avocado color

It is a very dark shade of green, the color of an avocado skin. It indicates a person’s tendency to deceive. Such a person likes to lead others by the nose and use them for his own purposes. A traitor will definitely have the color of avocado in his aura. It is also a sign of greed. It also appears in the aura of a person who is gnawed by jealousy. This is a very insidious energy that you see in auras too often. An olive shade, slightly lighter, indicates envy.

Dark brown

Brown color, especially with a chocolate tint, is a sign of cruelty and pettiness. Dull brown is a sign of stinginess. Greenish-brown indicates petty jealousy. Colors with a brownish tint reveal a person’s passion for hoarding. Brown color can also indicate a feeling of guilt and that a person is suppressing his true impulses.


The lowest of all possible vibrations is black. It is absolutely devoid of high vibrations. It says that a person is open to dark influences, maybe even intentionally doing evil. An inky black cloud around a person is a sign that he is overcome with hatred and is planning something criminal. A person with such energy may be capable of murder or has already committed a heinous crime. A lighter, smokier shade of black is a sign that the soul has been overcome by “night”—deep despair. It can be a sign of deep melancholy and suicidal tendencies.


Now, armed with knowledge of the spiritual meaning of colors and an understanding of what an aura is, let's look at several illustrations that show the aura in action. Some people mistakenly believe that the aura is something impersonal and unrelated to everyday life. Nothing could be further from the truth. The aura is a dynamic and active part of our daily existence.

Just as there are no two identical snowflakes, there cannot be two identical auras, since there cannot be two people who use the life force of God in exactly the same way. If we sow seeds of hatred all our lives, our aura will be significantly different from the aura of those who sowed seeds of love all their lives. If, for example, you are a violinist and someone else is a stockbroker, your auras will not be the same, because the specifics of your professional activity require you to concentrate on different tasks and develop different skills. In addition, the aura shows that everything that happens to a person in life does not happen by chance. Whether our lives are filled with struggle or peace, it depends entirely on the kind of energy we have created for ourselves.

The color illustrations depict the auras of authentic people we have met. We have chosen those auras that provide very clear examples of the use of spiritual energy - both for negative and positive purposes. We repeat once again: the state of each aura is not something static or unchanging. The aura is active, it is in constant motion, and its shades are as changeable as the people who own the aura.

romantic love

The first picture depicts the aura of a twenty-year-old student who fell in love with a young musician. He reciprocated her passion, and they began an exciting relationship.

A pink cloud above the girl’s head indicates that she is passionately thinking about love - and especially about her lover. This cloud sparkles with pink bubbles, like champagne, reflecting the enduring feeling of euphoria that arose from love. In addition, these energies are a sign that the love is mutual and that the girl is now experiencing a wonderful whirlwind romance. Only with mutual love can color reach such intensity.

Let us pay attention to the active emanations of emerald, sky blue and golden colors emanating from the hermetic center. They testify to loyalty, determination and mental strength. It is not easy to get this girl to part with her feelings. She is absorbed in her love. Active pink emanations radiating like a star from the emotional center directly express the feeling of love. This kind of energy will remain in the aura as long as the bonds of love that bind them last.

Intellectual work

The second picture shows the aura of a nuclear physicist, which we saw at one lecture. It is not surprising that the energies in his intellectual field were especially strong. Directly below the golden stripe associated with the mental field, he had a stripe of yellow light. This streak appeared due to the fact that he constantly used the power of concentration given to him. Another noticeable feature that often accompanies such brilliant minds is a dense silver triangle in the mental field - a sign of exceptionally developed intelligence, perhaps even genius. In addition, such talented people have a highly developed magnetic field of the aura.

The weak links we discovered by studying the auras of scientists and intellectuals are emotions. Many people believe that people with highly developed intelligence have a balanced emotional world, but this is not true. This person has some work to do in the emotional area. The imbalance in this area is noticeable in the green, avocado-colored rays emanating from his emotional center. Irritability, manifested in jagged dark red lines, also spreads from his emotional center. The absence of pink in the aura indicates that perhaps he lacks warmth in his relationships with other people.


The third picture of the first illustration shows the aura of a woman who, as a child, became a victim of sexual abuse by her father. And although many years have passed since then, the deep-rooted mistrust and hatred of men remains. In the aura one can see the hatred she was experiencing at that moment directed at the false object - her friend.

When we first met this woman, her aura was not so bad. She was a truly artistic person - this can be seen in the activity of the magnetic field, but when difficulties began in her relationships, they served as a trigger for this kind of auric reaction. It took several months for her energies to reach this state. A black cloud began to form above her head, reflecting obsessive thoughts associated with long, accumulating hatred. However, the fact that this cloud appeared above her head means that although her thoughts are focused on hatred, her mind remains clear even in dark thoughts. It has happened that we have seen a cloud of hatred in and around the head - a sign of confusion in thoughts, but this is not the case. This woman had her own business, and she did an excellent job. Her aura also contained black areas riddled with burgundy lightning, an indicator of irritation born of hatred. Black radiations around the hermetic and emotional centers are further proof of the destructive effects of hatred: this woman has seriously complicated the life of both herself and those around her. Such an aura must be watched closely, because a person in such a state is capable of doing something very imprudent. This woman told what a bad person her lover was and how thoughts came into her head to kill him.

But still, such an aura cannot in any way be called bad. This woman has a clear predisposition to spiritual development and, most curiously, the ability to clairvoyance, but she brought these energies into imbalance by creating such a dark light.


Rage seems to be the most extreme of the negative psychological states that can be observed in the aura. In the fourth picture of the first illustration we see the energies of a man who constantly scolded his wife. She didn't even have to give any serious reason for him to launch into another of his tirades. The situation ended tragically. Because of everything that happened to her, the woman fell ill and died.

His anger went far beyond the auric shell. Lightning-like zigzags of a dirty red color burst out of the aura, and with them flashes of red and spots of olive color - sure signs of extreme imbalance. Around the hermetic center were clouds of dark brown and other dirty colors, reflecting his constant depression. Broken lines of brown energies emanated from his throat center as he shouted insults. The black dots showed the hatred that this man felt, although his unfortunate wife did nothing to deserve it. Of course, his rage did not fall only on his wife. He was like a living bomb, ready to explode at any second.

Experience of Wealth

One of the richest energy fields we have ever seen belonged to a descendant of an old German princely family (see the first picture of the second illustration). He was a fabulously wealthy man who had to flee Germany after Hitler came to power. He managed to take a decent portion of the funds with him to the USA. A brilliantly educated and generously gifted man, he was a diplomat, geologist and talented businessman. He had his own oil company. The most important thing is that even after being forced to move from his homeland, he retained his focus on wealth. By the time we met him, he was already over seventy, but he was still an energetic man, and his mind remained sharp and clear.

In the illustration we see pronounced turquoise energies revolving around him and meaning that the mindset of prosperity is inherent in his life. The turquoise color is also visible at the feet - a sign that this installation is stable, stable. The predominance of turquoise color in the aura is a sign of a person who consistently attracts material wealth to himself and through whom they manifest themselves into reality. The turquoise around the hermetic center is evidence that the flow of material wealth accompanies it in daily activities. Active orange radiation expresses his enthusiasm and determination - this person received true pleasure from his activities and did not do it out of greed or vanity. As a rule, next to such an aura you involuntarily feel optimism and joy.

Experience of poverty

The aura in the second picture of the second illustration is a reflection of the negative reaction to the tragic incident, the aura of a woman who, having become a widow, was left with three children in her arms. She managed to get a job as a maid, and she coped well with her duties, but with three children she had to raise, she had a hard time. Fortunately, her neighbors helped her as much as they could, but it was still hard for her. And to top off all her problems, she developed a pessimistic view of the world: she saw everything in a gloomy light. The reason for such unfavorable effects on the aura was not so much in the hard life, but in the way she herself perceived it. Previously, she was financially dependent on her husband and completely relied on him, and when he was gone, her familiar world collapsed. If during this stressful period she had not lost faith in God and in herself, she would have been able to cope with difficulties more easily.

Notice the dark energies around her head. She is sad, she feels crushed, she is overcome by fear and a feeling of hopelessness. Many of us are familiar with this feeling to one degree or another. This feeling of collapse. In order to get out of it, you have to make significant efforts. Most people make the mistake of seeing financial difficulties as something insurmountable, and this mistake leads to an even bigger mistake - they stop moving forward, considering the situation hopeless, and they lack the internal strength to make the necessary efforts. If you consider poverty to be a temporary state, and be open to change, your motivation will immediately become much stronger, and hope and faith will appear that happy days are just around the corner.

In addition, above this woman’s head there is a heavy, dense thought form of avocado, muddy blue and chocolate colors, reflecting the dark thoughts that do not leave her. We saw how this thought form swayed as it habitually returned to its gloomy thoughts about its daily bread - the woman was constantly sad and considered herself worthless. This thought form blocked part of her head - a sign that difficult circumstances had disrupted the flow of energies in the mental center: it was difficult for her to find a way out of the current circumstances, it was difficult for her to make a decision. There was also a gray cloud of fear in the aura. She had a burgundy energy around her hermetic center, reflecting a difficult situation in her personal life. There were also livelier shades of sky blue - a sign that, despite her gloomy view of the world, she adored her children. This woman was by no means a bad person - she simply could not cope with the misfortune that befell her. The pink radiation coming from the emotional center indicated that she had a kind heart and that she loved her children very much. But mixed with the pink energy of love was the gray energy of fear of the future.


The third picture of the second illustration depicts the aura of a man who was tormented by the fear of losing his job. The energies of fear and anxiety in the aura are very similar to each other. They may be associated with a specific object or situation, a chronic phenomenon, a phobia or an expected event. Regardless of whether fear is justified or not, when it reaches such a degree as is noticeable in this aura, it completely subjugates a person. This man's anxiety has been building for months, as can be seen from the charcoal-gray cloud above his head. Lines drawn down at the edges, emanating from the emotional center, indicate that a person seeks to avoid a difficult test rather than face it. The fact that the rays are directed downward indicates that the experiences themselves bend this person to the ground and lead to degradation.

A sky-blue glow still emanates from the throat center, but these energies are torn - a sign of insufficient self-confidence and weak will, the eternal companions of fear. And although in a particular situation his fears were justified, everything worked out. He didn't lose his job. However, the energy of anxiety he had accumulated crowded out the positive energies, and it took a long time for the person to restore them.

Spiritual enlightenment

The aura of spiritual enlightenment is an aura of inner growth because the soul that possesses it develops its spiritual powers and potential. The aura depicted in the fourth picture of the second illustration belongs to one preacher - an erudite, energetic and active woman.

This soul has consciously embarked on the path leading to the Truth and is engaged in self-improvement. Above this woman, between the top of the aura and the spiritual field, stripes of light are visible - apple and light blue. We often see such stripes over enlightened people. Silver sparks above the head are a sign that the Divine mind is working in it, receiving new ideas, as well as sources of inspiration and access to new levels of spiritual consciousness. The lemon-colored energies within the mental center indicate that this woman has a high level of spiritual concentration. The bright waves of purple at her feet are a sign that she has been through a lot. From the hermetic center emanates the orange color of enthusiasm - the joy of feeling the opening of spiritual horizons. Note that several petals have already opened on the crown chakra - a sign that the soul has begun its ascent to spiritual consciousness.

However, in the emotional field we still see a mixture of different energies, this soul still has to cope with the negative manifestations of its emotional nature: dirty red energy is anger, dark gray energy is fear. The presence of these energies is evidence that an internal struggle is taking place in a woman’s soul: her lower “I” is trying to resist transformation. But if she remains focused on her spiritual development, she will eventually overcome the lower qualities of her nature. This type of aura is not something exceptional, especially these days when more and more people are discovering the spiritual side of reality.

People have long been accustomed to the fact that there are things in the world that cannot be touched, that cannot be seen, but which are invisibly present around, one way or another interacting with a person. No one doubts the existence of radio waves, electromagnetic radiation, and magnetic fields, although we cannot see or touch them.

The presence of an aura in humans has not been proven by science; it is possible only because modern science does not have the necessary tools and instruments to detect a person’s aura. But it's only a matter of time. People who have the ability to perceive not only the physical world can see a person’s aura without the use of special devices.

The human aura or biofield consists of several layers. In Hinduism, there are seven main layers, including the astral, mental, and emotional. Each layer of the aura has its own color. The basic color of the aura is determined at birth and remains constant throughout life. The colors of the emotional and mental levels change depending on the mood and thoughts of a person.

An aura can tell a lot about a person, about his essence, the deep characteristics of his personality, hidden on the physical level. Therefore, many people ask the question: how to see a person’s aura?

Of course, not everyone can do this, but it’s worth a try. To do this, you need to sit in front of a mirror, behind your back there should be a white wall or any other white background, the lighting should be dim. Peer deep into the mirror, through it. Vision should be unfocused, scattered and relaxed, any tension, an attempt to focus the gaze, and the aura will be impossible to see. If you did everything correctly, after a while you will see a dim glow around the outline of the body in your peripheral vision. There are people who are able to see the aura without special techniques, without making much effort.

If you were unable to see the aura yourself, and there are no “seeing” people in your environment, what color of the aura can be determined using numerology. To determine the color of the aura by date of birth, you need to add up all the digits of the date in a well-known way. For example, July 25, 1973. We add the numbers: 2+5+0+7+1+9+7+3 = 34 = 3+4 = 7. If the result is 11, 22 or 33, they are not added. Each number obtained corresponds to a specific color.

The meaning of aura colors.

Red, number 1- the color of a born leader. People whose aura is dominated by the color red are active, active, assertive and purposeful. They take an active life position, achieve their goals, and always defend their point of view. They are prone to violent expressions of emotions, hot-tempered and passionate. If the color is pure and pleasant, a person can become a wise, fair leader. Dirty, dull color - a person is selfish, narcissistic, envious, and prone to fits of anger.

Yellow aura color, number 2– People with a yellow aura are no less energetic. Their energy manifests itself in the generation of new ideas, projects, plans. These people are creative, smart, optimistic. They sincerely believe that life is pure pleasure and, indeed, receive satisfaction from it.

Number 3, orange color- a mixture of red and yellow, and people with an orange aura took a little of both colors. Orange is the color of vitality. These people stand firmly on their feet, they are practical, purposeful, and achieve a lot through their own intelligence. They love strong emotions, especially when it comes to love. They achieve their goals with enviable energy; obstacles only push them to new horizons.

Green aura color, number 4– people with this aura color are responsive, show sympathy, and often have the gift of healers. A light shade of the aura may indicate that a person is in development and is growing spiritually. They rarely suffer defeat, but are constantly afraid of making a mistake or harming someone. The dirty green color of the aura indicates a tendency towards envy, betrayal, or the person is depressed.

Blue aura color, number 5– the color of creative, extraordinary people. They constantly strive for excellence and are passionate about their work. The color of openness, gullibility, sometimes speaks of self-doubt. They love new experiences, changing places, traveling. They need love and understanding.

Blue aura color, number 6– self-confident people tend to show empathy and care for others. Sometimes he talks about detachment, spirituality, contemplation. Light shade - a person strives for a higher ideal, seeks his own spiritual path. Darker shades represent a self-confident person who has realized his destiny and is following the intended path.

Purple aura color, number 7– people are spiritual, intellectual, strive to learn new things, especially with regard to the area of ​​the unknown, the supernatural. They have highly developed emotional sensitivity, sometimes the gift of clairvoyance. These people are among those who want to learn the highest spiritual values ​​and get to the bottom of the meaning of life.

Color pink, number 8– people are gentle, soft, caring. But at the same time they have a clear position in life and know how to defend their point of view. Capable of strong unconditional love. They set specific goals for themselves and achieve them, strive for material well-being.

Bronze color, number 9– carriers of this color strive for emotional independence, but at the same time are always ready to help others, no matter the cost. These people think positively and almost always feel happy, regardless of life circumstances.

Silver, number 11– the color of dreamers and dreamers. Such people have a well-developed imagination, creativity and intuition, even clairvoyance. They have their head in the clouds a little, tend to trust people and notice only the good in them. They themselves try to live up to their ideals - honesty, nobility, spirituality.

Golden, number 22– this is the kind of aura that sages often have. These people set very high goals for themselves and slowly but persistently move towards them. They are ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of their goal, but the process of achieving results makes them happy.

White aura color, number 33– white color is a mixture of all colors, therefore it is present in every aura. Pure white color symbolizes self-denial, high spirituality, enlightenment, and altruism. These people are pure in soul and ready to serve others for a higher purpose.

The human body emits many different forms of energy. One of them is known as the human aura, which is a bioenergy field that consists of many different layers and colors. Its shape is like an egg that surrounds the entire body.

Many energies believe that the aura contains information related to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body. They also believe that information in a person's aura can tell us about the health of the human body.

Human aura, colors, meaning: light and colors accompany the human aura

Light and colors. include all colors of the known spectrum. These shades indicate specific or dominant aspects of a person's emotional state, spiritual well-being, and personal power. Intuitive people are very skilled at seeing these deviations in the color spectrum.

No living being emits only one aura color, but one color can dominate all others. Each person is imbued with soul, mind and body strength contributing to the full spectrum of the aura.

Some colors may be almost non-existent and incomprehensible, while other colors permeate the entire complex of the aura. Extremes in aura colors are not uncommon, but they indicate a situation of imbalance.

Each person should exhibit strains of all aura colors with broader spectral presences of colors that accurately reflect their personality and mindset. Sensitive seers and clairvoyants can detect primary colors, detect imbalances, and make suggestions regarding health and life itself from studying the color displays of the aura.

Some people emit aura colors sequentially, in broad bursts or subtle layers. Depending on the colors and color combinations, a person's aura can be analyzed and used as a tool to improve understanding of one's life path. Some colors carry important meanings. These are the main differences in the human aura color spectrum:

Human aura, colors, meaning: red

Red and pink

These aura colors are closely intertwined with the physical body. Red light is an indicator of strong emotions such as anger, love and pride. It is also the most primal color, signaling the need to act aggressively or demonstrate personal strength. The deeper the red light, the stronger the primary passion. If the red light fades into pink, it signals a weakening of some personal facet, which includes both body and spirit. A true pink light is a sure sign that a person is feeling vulnerable in some way. This can be negative, like fear about a career, or positive, like being overwhelmed by the possibility of finding true love.

Human aura, colors, meaning: blue, fuchsia

Blue and indigo

People with very strong blue auras are strong and calm people. They tend to seek solace in places where other people are not looking. Blue light people are often incredibly intuitive and inclined toward disciplines that involve human interaction. Extremely strong blue aura lights are a sign that a person has extraordinary sensory abilities, which may include untapped abilities.


Emitting extreme amounts of brilliant purple light coincides with the need to be eccentric. This color is very rare as a dominant aura color, but is very noticeable in people who are constantly forced to go against the status quo. The color purple symbolizes struggle, but is not necessarily negative. This is often an indicator of artistic ability that has yet to be realized.

Human aura, colors, meaning: orange, yellow, brown


Brilliant orange auras are the most reliable indicator of strength and vitality. This color is common for people who compete easily and are successful in the area of ​​personal work. This guarantee can also be formed from sexual prowess and pride. Some people who are on the verge of frustration in their interactions with others exhibit strong orange auras.

Yellow and gold

These colors are very common among people who value discipline. The closer the yellow aura is to the golden one, the more deeply the person is involved in philosophical issues. Brilliant golden auras are often associated with people who are experiencing problems in life and personal placement in the universe. People with a golden aura often have a love-hate relationship with time.

Human aura, colors, meaning: brown, green

Brown and Tan

Earth auras show individuals who struggle with the logical and methodical aspects of life. This struggle can be limited either by cold calculation or by an emotional formula. Glow-in-the-dark people must constantly be aware that they tend to overdo trivial tasks and can often be perceived by others as intolerant and elusive.


Green aura light appears when a person is in a period of healing or in a state of very good health. It is a color that indicates the ideal balance between physical health, mental security, personal relationships and emotional outlook. People who exhibit a consistent dominant green aura are natural healers.

Human aura, colors, meaning: purple, white, black

Purple and lavender

The deeper the violet light of the aura, the closer a person is to achieving spiritual freedom. Extremely sensual people, and those who need constant interpersonal contact, show strong violet and lavender

White and Crystal

Clear and bright white light is extremely rare and is present only in people who have greatly developed spiritual consciousness. This light is mainly found in spiritual leaders such as yogis, life coaches and other gurus.


Black is usually misunderstood as a negative aura. This is never a sure indicator of the presence of undesirable spiritual qualities. However, this indicates that the person is under some kind of veil of protection. This may be due to a physical illness or emotions such as anxiety and fear.
