When is the next new moon? Signs of the New Moon: what you can and cannot do at this time

The “Lunar Calendar” indicates the dates and exact times of the changing phases of the Moon. They are indicated by special icons.

The generally accepted names for the phases of the moon do not coincide with astronomical ones. For example, “First Quarter” in calendars is usually called the day when the Moon is exactly half visible. But astronomically on this day the 1st quarter ends and the Moon moves into the 2nd quarter. I will give common names, as well as astronomical explanations for them.

I “New Moon” (black circle) – on the new moon the Moon begins to grow and enters the 1st quarter.

II “First quarter” (the circle on the right is white, on the left is black) – astronomically this is the end of the 1st quarter and the beginning of the 2nd.

III “Full Moon” (white circle) – after the full moon, the Moon begins to wane and enters the 3rd quarter.

IV " Last quarter"(the circle on the left is white, on the right is black) - astronomically this is the end of the 3rd quarter and the beginning of the 4th.

Waxing Crescent- after the new moon until the full moon. Waning moon- after the full moon to the new moon.

New moon

First, let's pay attention to the new moon, it is indicated in the calendar with a black circle. Find the exact time of the new moon in the Lunar Calendar - this is very important point(just note that the calendar will most likely indicate Moscow time, so make the necessary adjustments for your region). On the new moon, the old ends and the new begins, this is a time of change.

Before the new moon

In the days before the new moon, it is recommended to complete old tasks so as not to return to them again. You can clean your apartment or your workplace, throw away old things and all rubbish (however, if you accidentally throw away or lose something you need, you will never find it again). You can part with those people with whom you would not like to communicate in the future. Pay bills and taxes, pay off debts - and sleep peacefully.

But if someone approaches you with a grandiose project one or two days before the new moon, then most likely this project will have no prospects for the future. The job offer you receive at the same time will disappoint you. If you start a new job on this day, you will not work there very long or there will be some changes.

Purchases. Buying expensive things before the new moon is not recommended. The purchased item will not last long - or perhaps it will simply not be needed. In some cases this may be good sign- for example, if a person bought medicine, then soon the illness will pass and he will not need it. Or if he bought travel items for a business trip that he does not want to go on, then perhaps the business trip will be cancelled. Or if a woman bought a fur coat before the new moon, but soon went on vacation to the south, got married and stayed there to live, and she is unlikely to need the fur coat. But if you want something to last for a long time, you should buy it on the waxing Moon (you will learn about what exactly to buy on what days in the article).

Usually, before the new moon, stores have sales of low-quality or defective goods that are not in demand. People buy them because of the low price - and then don’t want to use them. These days you can only buy second-hand goods if you need them for one-time use.

Of course, you will buy groceries and usual goods, and there is nothing wrong with that - but watch the expiration date! I don’t recommend buying new types of products. You'll just waste your money. On such days, I had to take new products for tasting several times - and I was disappointed in them.

A car bought on the last day before the new moon will require such serious repairs that you will want to get rid of it. I had to observe this situation several times in the example of my friends who decided to ignore astrological factors.

If you undertake to repair some device or alter a dress on the eve of the new moon, then most likely you will completely break the device and ruin the dress. All this has been tested in practice many times, so you can trust me - or just watch for yourself.

Psychological condition. Before the new moon, people are usually overcome by passivity, laziness and drowsiness, and many are overcome by depression. You can sleep for quite a long time - and still it seems that you did not get enough sleep, but only became even more tired. Activity in business comes to naught. Fishermen say that even the fish don’t bite. A feeling of melancholy and hopelessness arises, gloomy dreams occur. There is a feeling of calm, as if everything around has frozen. These days, it is recommended to engage in cleansing of dirt - both spiritual and physical. Don’t start new things, but rather clean up or try to quickly finish old things that are waiting to be completed.

After the new moon

After the new moon, when the Moon begins to grow, everything begins to come to life and develop. People become more active, new plans and ideas appear - and most importantly, the opportunity to implement them. However, activity does not increase immediately, but gradually. If you are offered new project immediately after the new moon (on the first or second day) - then the project seems to be good, with prospects for the future, but it is somewhat premature or not yet finalized.

Health. If the onset of the disease or the first visit to the doctor occurred a few days before the new moon, then this disease will soon be successfully cured or even go away on its own. But if the disease appeared exactly on the new moon or immediately after it, or the doctor was first contacted shortly after the new moon, then, apparently, the disease will drag on for a long time, and then the doctor will have to be contacted again.

Hair and nails It is recommended to cut your hair on the waxing Moon, and hair removal should be done on the waning Moon. Moreover, it is also taken into account in which sign of the Zodiac the Moon is located - fertile or barren (this will be discussed a little later, in the article Transit Moon in Zodiac Signs).

Gardening. In the garden, the “tops” are planted on the waxing Moon, and the “roots” on the receding Moon. Weeding is also done on the outgoing Moon, and at the same time be sure to make sure that the Moon is in a barren zodiac sign. By the way, all this has been tested own experience. Since agricultural work at the dacha has to be carried out only on weekends, it is not always possible to take into account astrological factors. The result is this. We mowed the weeds twice over the summer: the first time when the Moon was waxing in a fertile sign, and soon it grew even thicker, and when we mowed it when the Moon was leaving in a barren sign, it was almost gone afterwards. Now we definitely take into account astrological indicators.

Full moon

Now find the full moon in the calendar, it is indicated by a white circle. Period increased activity begins two to three days before the full moon and continues for another two to three days after the date of the full moon.

Insomnia. During the full moon, a person has so much energy that he cannot fall asleep at night, or wakes up very often, or the person does not notice that it is late and begins to do some things in the middle of the night. He sees vivid dreams, most often based on the events of the current day. Despite such increased night activity, man and in daytime very alert, does not feel tired or drowsy at all. If you experience insomnia on the days of the full moon, there is no need to worry about it, it will not harm you at all. This is an excess of energy that can be used very productively (and you will be able to sleep off in two weeks, on the new moon).

Psychological condition. During the full moon there is a lot of energy, while aggressiveness and conflict increase.

Health. In hypertensive patients it increases blood pressure– especially if the Moon is in “Fire” signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). It is not recommended to perform surgical operations during the full moon.

After the full moon

The period of the outgoing moon begins. Business activity in the first week after the full moon it is still quite good, but then gradually decreases. In the last week of the outgoing Moon, internal activity increases - a person becomes more and more immersed in his thoughts, in the spiritual or emotional sphere.

Lunar month. Basically, it lasts only a few hours, while rituals are performed in the first 3 days following it. On the new moon you should perform various magical practices that will attract something into a person’s life - money, love, luck. There is an opinion that along with the new moon, an increase in everything that he lacks will begin in a person’s life. In this article we will look at rituals performed on the new moon.

Good omens

During the new moon, it is necessary to pay special attention to signs that can radically change certain events or bring some news. Among them are the following:

  • If salt was spilled, there will be a quarrel.
  • On the new moon, marriage promises a happy and long family life.
  • Worship of the young moon promises great gift next month.
  • You can take a small banknote for the new moon. If you show it to the moon, the money will begin to increase. Only such a banknote cannot be spent until the next month.
  • Every profitable business must be started on the new moon. In this case it will be more correct.

Ritual (new moon) for wealth

You need to take banknotes of various denominations. Now place them around the apartment in several places (on mezzanines, closets, etc.) so that they don’t catch anyone’s eye. After 3 days, collect all the bills and use them to buy something for your home (you can buy things, food, household goods, as well as interior items).

There is an opinion that you put money into circulation, saturated with the power of the moon, so this month it will return to you in double the amount.

"Magic Receipt"

Let's continue to look at raising money. On various forums that are dedicated to this topic, users say that this technique actually works amazingly. With this practice you can attract the necessary amount of money.

In the very first minutes of the new moon, you need to make a list of what you need to buy. Write down all your desires, then calculate exactly how much it will all cost. After you have found out the amount, write yourself a kind of receipt for receiving this amount of money.

To do this, take a simple sheet of paper from which to make a “magic receipt”. Write today's date at the top, then to whom it was issued (full name), the amount, sign below, and then write “Paid.” Hide the receipt somewhere away (maybe in a locker or a book). Be sure that very soon (usually within 1 month) the required amount will come to you in the most miraculous way.

"Money bag"

There are other interesting rituals for the new moon. At the same time, attracting money takes a leading place among them. Collect coins in a small bag of different denominations- any that have a move on this moment, - rubles and kopecks. Each coin should be lubricated with eucalyptus oil. Hide the bag in the northern part of the apartment. Your fortune will increase significantly very soon.

"Treasure Box"

There is another money ritual for the new moon. To create such a “treasure piggy bank” you will need: two small oval or round mirrors, 2 pieces of red paper or fabric 20 cm long, a jar with a slot or a piggy bank, a new pen or felt-tip pen, another small piece of red paper, 27 coins of equal denomination (not banknotes, but coins).


  1. Place one of the mirrors down.
  2. Now place 1 piece of red paper or fabric on it.
  3. Next, place the piggy bank on this mirror.
  4. Cover the top with a second piece of fabric or paper.
  5. This structure needs to be crowned with a second mirror. Write the words “treasure box” on one side of a small red piece of paper. At the same time, write your name on the second side of the same piece of paper.

Now for 27 days - a full lunar month - you need to throw one coin into this piggy bank every evening. After the specified time, remove the contents of the jar. Give 10% of the amount received to the poor, but put the rest into a bank account or spend it on talismans for the home or spiritual literature.

"2 candles"

This is a rather interesting ritual for the new moon. On Thursday, place white and green candles on the table at a distance of twenty centimeters from each other. Associate yourself with a white candle, while a green one should represent prosperity and money for you. Light the candles from one match, first white, then green. After some time, extinguish them and hide them in secret place. This must be repeated for 10 days in a row, while bringing the candles closer to each other by 2 centimeters every day. As soon as they touch, tie them with a green ribbon and keep them as a talisman.

“Money, come!”

Do this for 2 weeks before the appearance. For this you will need a candlestick and a long green candle. Close your eyes, breathe calmly and slowly until you feel completely relaxed. Next, imagine yourself surrounded by a white ball of pure energy. Quiet your thoughts, relax and focus on your goal - attracting money.

Imagine them floating into your energy ball. They fall from above, and at the same time they are drawn to you, like iron shavings to a magnet. This needs to be presented as clearly as you can. Feel the movement of money. Now take the candle and squeeze it tightly with both hands. Imagine how your inner power merges with the creative power of the Universe itself.

The candle is a symbol of this merger. Repeat to yourself: “Money flows into my life. For the benefit of others." All the time, continue to imagine how money flows into the ball from all sides, while it is brought here by the wind. Then light the candle and wait for it to burn. When a candle burns, it releases the energy you created, and it will bring material well-being into your life.

Fulfillment of desires

The wish ritual on the new moon is quite simple. In the first days of the full moon, take a piece of paper and write your wish on it. You will need 2 church candles different sizes. Place them in candlesticks, and light them one by one (a large candle with a match, and a small one from the large one). At the same time, constantly think about desire.

Then take the paper with the wish written on it and burn the last letter of it. Do this with the words: “Today I am burning the letter “...”.” The Holy Spirit will immediately deliver from damage, curses, and the evil eye.” Then extinguish the candles and put away any used items. In the same way, the next day you need to burn the penultimate letter of desire.

This new moon ritual to fulfill a wish should be done every evening, while burning only 1 letter. However, when you start burning the last one, remember that now you need to leave the candles to burn out completely.

Ritual for beauty and slimness

This new moon ritual is performed three times in a row. For this procedure you need: a glass of milk, pectoral cross, rose aromatic oil, holy water.

Dial hot water into the bath and lower the cross into it, then pour milk, a glass of blessed water, and a few drops of rose aroma oil into the water. Now immerse yourself in this bath and enjoy the water treatments. When you lie down, relax, close your eyes, and then say:

“Water, listen to me! Don't fume, don't fuss, take hold of me! Water after the cross itself, make me slim! Caress me with a rose, nourish me with milk, so that I am neither thin nor fat, but even!”

After the water has cooled slightly, you can leave the bath. Now, when flushing the water, you need to say: “Water, go away, take the excess from me, flow under the black stone, lie there for a hundred years.”

Conspiracy to conceive a child

You need to take a small container of water and say over it: “Just as the new moon is born in the sky, so our child will be born.” A woman and a man need to wash themselves with this water before the act of love.

Ritual for love

If a girl wants to attract love, she needs to perform the following ritual on the new moon. You need to completely undress, place a cup of water in front of the mirror, as well as a red or pink candle. Add a few drops of aromatic rose oil, scarlet petals or pink rose, light a candle, and then say: “The rose bloomed under the moon, smelled fragrant, and I would bloom so beautifully, and I would find my love. Moonlit path, bring the groom to the threshold.” Then repeat “Amen” 3 times

After this, wipe yourself with this water, looking at yourself in the mirror. Wipe the outside of the door handle with water and spray it on the threshold. Place the remaining water with rose petals under the bed. It is believed that within a month after this you will meet your soul mate.

Household rituals

Occurrence quite often new month used to solve various everyday problems. So, they can add health to a certain person, and also give it beauty and strength.

To prevent hair from falling out, new month you need to stand on the threshold and look carefully at the moon. At the same time, hold your head with your hands and ask out loud for health for your hair.

What should you not do on a new moon? Due to the general deterioration of well-being and weakening of the reaction, one should not engage in heavy physical labor, long time is driving vehicle, consume strong drinks in large doses alcoholic drinks and etc.

According to statistics, it is during this phase that most strokes and heart attacks occur. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, hypotension, etc. You need to be extremely careful during this dangerous period and take medications on time. You cannot conclude major deals or sign important contracts.

What can you do on a new moon?

This best period for weight loss, cleansing the body of toxins. It is also an excellent time to break bad habits. During such a period we can be heard By higher powers, so you can and should make wishes. You shouldn’t make several wishes at once, it’s better to focus on one, the most intimate, then there is a greater chance that it will come true. In addition, you can read conspiracies, prayers, etc. Quite effective rituals and conspiracies in this period will be to get a good job, money, profit, etc.

New moon(lat. Primationes lunae, Interlunium) - phase of the Moon, conjunction of the Moon with the Sun, that is, the Sun, Moon and Earth are on the same straight line (with the Moon located between). In this case, the Moon faces the Earth with its unlit side and is not visible

During this period, everything that the Moon controls is minimally expressed. Emotions, mood, ability to remember, atmosphere in a team, blood pressure - all this goes through a low point on the new moon. Since the pressure of fluids in the body decreases during the new moon, it can become a difficult period for hypotensive people, people whose blood pressure is already low.

Emotional decline can adversely affect people prone to depression. It is unlikely that during this period one can expect high performance and inspiration from the work team, academic success from the school class, or a quick recovery of the patient.

New Moon or conjunction of the Sun and Moon - the beginning lunar month. It should not be confused with the beginning calendar month. At the beginning of the cycle, the Sun gives the Moon the seeds of the new. These are the days of the symbolic “conception” of the cycle. The moon “gets pregnant” and grows, comes in light. But in the first two and two last days lunar month The moon is not visible, it does not shine.

These days are called the days of Hecate, the goddess of darkness, fatality and mystery. It is believed that there will be strange, inexplicable events in the fate of a person born at this time. Emotionally, these dark days without the Moon are manifested by a person’s deep self-absorption and secret fears. The subconscious awakens and dictates its will. People need psychological support at this time. Possible feelings of loneliness and pessimism.

The second day of the lunar month is dangerous because any word is taken on faith and there is a danger of suggestion.

These days the effects of alcohol are stronger than usual. The risk of contracting a bad disease increases.

Men react more strongly to the new moon. At this time they are tense, nervous, aggressive, and sexually excitable.

Much the same can be said about women on a full moon. But perhaps the full moon is a more poetic time, and therefore women with full Moon people are more intuitive, sensual and sensitive.
If you decide to start new life, then it is better to do this after the new moon, and not on Monday.

On the New Moon and on the 1st day - the body is weakened, immunity is reduced, the person is irritable, gets sick easily; dangerous overwork, consumption of spicy and very hot food. Do not drink alcohol under any circumstances. These days it is necessary to create yourself in a positive mental image, but not to destroy. Acute viral diseases begin in the evening around the new moon. When an illness occurs, the illness may linger for a long time, but the person will definitely recover.

Any action taken during the new moon can be very risky. The beginning of new real projects may cause major unforeseen failures. Beware of making promises at this time and do not make important decisions. Don't make the final choice or make the final commitment.

Hiring new people during the new moon can bring problems later. Avoid rushing into new relationships if you meet new people during the new moon. There is an element of mystery associated with the new moon; later you will learn a lot about this person.

You can use the new moon to go with the flow and not initiate anything new. This is a great time for meditation and yoga, personal “inventory” and working on your image. Come up with new ideas, create a wish list, write down your dreams and thoughts. Do something inspiring. Go with the flow.
The phases of the moon are closely related to many life cycles on the ground.

During this period, it is good to cleanse the skin, replenish it with microelements, and take warm baths. At this time, the liquid is well absorbed through the skin and enters deep into the body.
The New Moon has a hidden or subconscious influence. Children and women become especially capricious, but at the same time they easily obey strict leadership. Drivers' reaction speed decreases. Symptoms of diseases appear weaker, but at the same time vitality weakens.

All dreams are for joy.

On the New Moon it is customary to make a wish.

On some cloudless nights, you may not be able to see the Earth's satellite, the Moon, in the sky. Most often this happens during the new moon. The Moon, approaching the Sun, once every 29-30 days finds itself between the Sun and the Earth and turns out to be the unlit side facing the Earth.

This state of the satellite is called a new moon. In the picture you can see, of which the main ones are the new moon and the full moon, as well as the first and last lunar quarters - all these phases are reflected moon calendar.

After the Moon has crossed the line between the Earth and the Sun, the lunar disk can still be seen in the night sky. This is the so-called “ash” moon - gray and poorly visible. The phase lasts 2-3 days until it appears in the sky.

Health and beauty

During these 2-3 days, the Moon still affects a person. The lunar calendar will tell you when to expect the new moon, because this is a “reboot” of all living systems and setting them up for the coming month. What should you pay attention to?

  • Health.
  • Cleansing the body.
  • Personal care.
  • Sexual relations.
  • Transport management.

How does the new moon affect human health? During this period, a decrease in immunity is observed. Don't be nervous or overexert yourself. You should not drink alcohol, especially strong alcohol, as the intoxication will be very strong.

It is possible and necessary to cleanse the body during the new moon. You can arrange a fasting day on fruits or kefir; those who are especially seasoned can arrange a one-day fast with drinking plenty of fluids. The first day of the lunar month is a great time to start getting rid of bad habit– for example, from smoking.

Is it possible to get a haircut on this day? An ancient Eastern legend says that you should not cut your hair so as not to shorten it. own life. The modern point of view says: on the first lunar day you should not cut your hair, but do health treatments for your hair.

You can only have your hair cut as an exception, if absolutely necessary. But you need to cut your hair wisely: remove only split or dyed ends. If you had to get your hair cut during the new moon, you should make a nourishing or moisturizing hair mask on the same day.

Oddly enough, men react more sharply to the new moon than women. At this time, men are more susceptible to stress, bursts of inexplicable aggression, or want to be alone. Moreover, on the days of the new moon, men experience a peak of sexual excitability - all this requires great diplomacy from women.

If it is possible not to drive, it is better to make this decision. Due to the weakened human reaction, the likelihood of accidents is high.

New moon spells can attract beauty. For example, spells performed on the new moon can be done on water, because the moon affects water. You need to read a prayer over a glass of water at midnight and leave it on the window until noon. At noon, moisten the comb with this water and comb your hair - success with the opposite sex is guaranteed.

Banknotes and feelings

Many signs, rites, rituals and conspiracies are associated with the new moon. They are usually addressed to two aspects of our life:

  • Money.
  • Love.

Very popular rituals for the new moon are those that need to be done “with money” and that can “increase” wealth. There is nothing complicated about them, the main thing is to believe in your own success.

One way to increase wealth is to ask for it during the new moon. You need to take money - a bill without units in the denomination, show it to the month and ask out loud to “increase” your money. The bill must be put in your wallet, but so as not to be confused with other money, and not spent until the next new moon.

Another way to “magnetize” wealth to your home is to take paper money of any denomination and hide it. But not in the wallet, but in different places in the house. You need to collect the bills in 3 days and use all this money to buy what you need for the household: from groceries to a broom.

New moon rituals to attract a loved one may also require culinary skills. What do we have to do? Boil fish soup - but not from a whole fish, but only from the head - and feed it to your lover.

Signs of the new moon say that the marriage will be long if the first the wedding night will have to do during this period. But signs do not advise celebrating a wedding anniversary if it falls on the days of the “ash” moon.

Desires and plants

Since the lunar calendar says that the beginning of the month is a time for new beginnings, it is very good to “attract” the fulfillment of your desire to the new moon. If you make a wish on the new moon, then its chances of coming true are very high. How to make a wish so that its fulfillment does not take long to come?

A wish on a new moon is simply “doomed” to come true if you believe in the result. You can wish for yourself love, success, and something else that is important to you. What needs to be done so that the fulfillment of a desire does not keep you waiting?

Write on paper and carry the piece of paper with you, or simply shout out loud a wish, the fulfillment of which is important to you. You can write down your desires in a notebook or make a “wish card” (select for it beautiful photos or pictures) - signs say that the fulfillment of desires also depends on whether you like the process itself.

As for plants, both the lunar calendar and folk signs They say that you should not plant flowers or replant any plants on new moon days. , based on lunar cycles (see photo), advises not to replant indoor flowers - on the last day, when the moon is waning, and on the first day, when it is growing, you can only loosen the soil, but you cannot touch the flowers themselves.

You should also not plant seedlings of garden plants. If the summer season has already begun, then on the days of the new moon you should not plant anything - you need to weed the weeds and trim off diseased branches of the trees. The gardener's calendar says what to plant seedlings garden plants and planting them in the ground, as well as replanting house plants, is better when the moon is waxing.

The moon is growing in phase I - you need to plant cucumbers, melons, cabbage. The moon is growing in phase II - it is worth planting tomatoes, pumpkins and peas. The waning moon is good for planting root crops in phase III, and it is worth planting bulbous ones when the waning moon is in phase IV, says the gardener’s calendar.
Author: Olga Inozemtseva

The moon has completely “waned” and is about to begin to grow.

New moon day (new moon) and its influence

On the day of the new moon, the body is most relaxed, a person is easily irritated and easily gets sick. Accordingly, things may not go well for him. Due to the deterioration of the reaction, the number of road accidents is growing. Brain hemorrhages, heart attacks, and epileptic attacks occur more often. Alcohol at this time is more poisonous than usual, and the risk of contracting a “bad” disease increases.

Men react more strongly to the new moon. At this time they are especially tense, nervous, aggressive, and not inclined to communicate in any way. It is better to leave them alone at this time.

A one-day fast at this time is an excellent preventive measure, because harmful substances are well removed from the body.

Fasting during the new moon prevents certain diseases. On this day, the body is cleansed especially effectively. Eating can slow down this process or interrupt it.

It is better to refrain from cutting your hair during the new moon - this was advised by ancient Tibetan astrologers. They believed that a haircut done on the day of the new moon shortens a person's life.

The new moon is have a nice day for saying goodbye to the old and starting something. If you want to give up a bad habit, then calmly look into its eyes and examine it from all sides. At the same time, you should not pay attention to the opinions of others. If you decide to break up with her, then don’t ask the question “Why?” anymore. This is your free will, it is not negotiable. The energy of the new moon day will support you.

If, for example, you decide to quit smoking, then it is better to do it on the new moon. The craving for smoking will subside in a few days, and everything that happens next is a matter of your willpower. During the first 2-3 days you should under no circumstances drive a car! You will have more or less long periods of poor concentration.

With willpower and self-love, you can choose one of many new paths for yourself. And if you can also use positive influence Moons...

New moon calendar for 2019

The new moon calendar for 2019 contains information about the dates and times of new moons, indicating the sign of the Moon at the current moment.

New Moon in Zodiac Signs

New Moon in Aries

Get ready for quick and clear actions. Get rid of hesitation and doubt, finish with things that have been postponed. Be calm and remember that when making decisions, you should not give in to feelings.

New Moon in Taurus

Favorable for reasonable spending. Everything you acquire at this time will bring undoubted benefit.

New Moon in Gemini

This best time to start learning something. If you are planning to take any courses, then sign up for them to start training on the day of the new moon in Gemini - educational process it will be easier and more efficient.

New Moon in Cancer

It's time to strengthen the rear. Take care of your personal affairs and family. The time to begin activities aimed at the success of your close circle.

New Moon in Leo

The best day to go out. On this day, try to avoid any negotiations: they will be of little use. This is a day of buffets, parties and social events. Feel free to invite business partners to a restaurant - this is where the best results from a business meeting are most likely.

New Moon in Virgo

This is the day of saving. The time has come to conduct an audit of monetary expenses, time to remember that money loves counting, and a penny saves the ruble. Channel your business skills towards savings.

New Moon in Libra

It's time to invest your own time, intelligence and money in your beauty, health, image. Stylists, makeup artists, massage therapists, image makers – best company for a given day and month.

New Moon in Scorpio

Intimate life does not take time away from business, but gives energy. If you plunge into the stormy waters of passion, this does not mean that you will not swim out of there.

New Moon in Sagittarius

The period of receiving important business information is coming. Business ideas are literally in the air. It is necessary to carefully monitor events in the area of ​​your business interests.

New Moon in Capricorn

Try to look at the surrounding reality in a new way, think about what can be changed. The main thing is to avoid stagnation in business life, otherwise you will get sucked into the daily routine.

New Moon in Aquarius

Favors friendly support in business, this is the time of friends in the broad sense of the word. Forget for a moment that friendship is friendship and money is separate.

New Moon in Pisces

Favorable for creativity and a creative approach to business. The best clues will come from the unpredictable world of creativity - from people of science, literature and art.
