What is fertility prognosis. All about female and male fertility

The woman's body is a complex mechanism that works like clockwork.

Thanks to this, it is possible not only to make adjustments to the methods of contraception, but also to plan a pregnancy in advance, knowing when fertile days will come.

Why do we need information about the cyclicity of the reproductive system?

Information about the cycle phases is used in two diametrically opposite situations.

First is a calendar method of preventing pregnancy. A woman, based on data on the duration of the cycle, calculates the days when conception is impossible. At the same time, the reliability of this method is relatively low - only 55-60% according to the Pearl index.

The Pearl Index is a numerical indication of the reliability of one or sometimes the method of contraception. To determine it, 100 couples were taken who used one of the types of protection against unwanted pregnancy on an ongoing basis and this number was divided by the number of women among them who did become pregnant.

This low rate is due to two factors. Firstly, stressful and other situations that directly affect the duration of the cycle are not taken into account. An exam, a long trip, taking antibiotics can have a significant impact on a woman's hormonal background.

Secondly, according to gynecologists, every woman can ovulate once a year, which is almost impossible to calculate. This means that a few days after the “planned ovulation” there will be a second one, which may coincide in time with the “safe” day.

Second situation- This is the definition of the most favorable time for conceiving a child.

How to determine fertile days?

Ovulation lasts 24 hours. At this time, the egg leaves the follicle and is in the fallopian tube. But conception is possible not only on these days. This is due to the fact that spermatozoa can live in a woman's body for several days, waiting for a favorable moment.

In this regard, the term "fertility window" was introduced by doctors. This is a few days before and a few days after ovulation, when the probability of conception is highest.

In order to determine the most favorable days for conception, you should use one of several methods.

calendar method

The easiest way is the calendar method. But it is only suitable for those girls whose cycle lasts the same number of days - 27, 28 or 29. In this case, ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the cycle. Three days before and two days after are also fertile days.

Girls with an unstable cycle can use special programs that, based on data for the last 6 months, will be able to give results as close to the truth as possible.

The calendar method is the least accurate because it does not take into account the following factors that directly affect the length of the cycle and hormonal levels:

  • increased physical activity;
  • stress;
  • reducing daily food intake during the diet;
  • climate change;
  • stress;
  • taking antibiotics and other medications;
  • disease;
  • changes in sexual behavior: the beginning of sexual activity, change of sexual partner, a long break.

Changes in the cervical fluid

The next way is to determine fertile days by observing changes in cervical fluid. As fertile days approach, the discharge becomes less clear and more sticky.

On the day of ovulation, they become transparent and resemble egg white. The disadvantage of this method is its relatively low accuracy. It is also worth considering the fact that cervical fluid directly depends on the level of hormones in a woman's body.

Measurement of basal temperature

One of the most accurate ways to determine fertile days is the basal temperature method.

Women need to measure the temperature inside the rectum daily and record the data.

In the follicular phase, the temperature does not exceed 36.6 ˚С. On the day of ovulation, it rises above 37 ° C and lasts until the first day of critical days. For the most accurate results, it is recommended to follow a few tips.

  1. The temperature must be measured at 7 am daily for several cycles.
  2. Instead of an electronic thermometer, it is better to use a regular one, which should be kept inside the body for at least 5 minutes.

If there is no clear increase in temperature on the basal temperature graph or there is none at all, then this indicates problems in the reproductive system that require a visit to the doctor for further diagnosis and possible treatment.

Ovulation test

One of the simplest and most accurate methods that determines fertile days is an ovulation test. Its principle of operation is similar to a pregnancy test. It is a strip that must be lowered with the correct end into the urine.

Based on the level of estrogen in the woman's body, the test will show one strip (if there is no ovulation) or two strips (if there is ovulation). The disadvantage of this method is its high cost and the inability to predict the day of ovulation in the future.

Fertile days in certain categories of women

There are separate groups of women for whom there are certain difficulties in determining the days of fertility. These include:

  • breastfeeding women. Although it is scientifically impossible to become pregnant until lactation has ceased, cases of pregnancy during breastfeeding are often noted in medical practice. This is due to the fact that some women have increased fertility, which contributes to the rapid restoration of the reproductive functions of the body before the next pregnancy;
  • women who have a history of abortion or miscarriage. Both facts are provoking factors, since they directly affect the state of the internal genital organs;
  • women who are at an age close to menopause. Long before the cessation of menstruation, a gradual restructuring of the body begins, which can make adjustments to the cyclical nature of menstruation.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

In medical practice, the term fertility is often used, with the help of which the possibility of having healthy offspring in a married couple is assessed.

Fertility - what is it in women? How can you find out its level, can it be adjusted? You will find the answer to these important questions in our article.

fertility signs

Considering that two people (male and female) are involved in the conception of a child, it is advisable to talk about the fertility of a couple as a combination of factors affecting the occurrence of pregnancy. However, most often this term is applied to women.

Why do some women conceive quickly and at the time they planned, while for others a long-awaited pregnancy is possible only after medical intervention or through artificial insemination?

The peculiarity of the female reproductive system is that the process of conception is regulated by two factors: healthy organs of the urogenital area and the correct ratio of the desired hormonal level in certain phases of the cycle. Failure of one of the factors leads to infertility or the inability to endure and give birth to a baby without medical support.

So what is fertility?

Fertility is a word of Latin origin, which literally translates as “fertility”. The term is used to determine the level of the body's capabilities during conception, gestation and birth of offspring.

If we are talking about a man, then we mean the ability of his seminal fluid to fertilize the mature egg of a partner. Female fertility refers to the body's ability to "accept" sperm and "grow" a fetus in its womb. That is, three factors can be considered signs of fertility in women: the ability to conceive, endure, give birth.

External attractiveness, luxurious forms and sexual appetite, contrary to the opinion of many men, are only very indirect evidence of high fertility. It is easy to get pregnant and usually give birth not to sex bombs, but to women with ordinary external data.

The hope for high fertility is given by the general somatic health of the woman and the regular monthly cycle. But, unfortunately, sometimes even such girls may have problems conceiving.

reproductive age

In any case, fertility occurs only during the period of reproductive age, when the bodies of partners are most ready for the processes of conception and childbearing. The reproductive age of the partners is somewhat different.

So, in women, the opportunity to have children occurs immediately after the start of the menstrual cycle and ends during menopause.

Male fertility begins when their body acquires the ability to produce active sperm. In the absence of chronic pathologies of internal organs and negative external influences, male fertility can be maintained until the end of life.

To understand what fertility is in women, the conditional division of the active period of childbearing into several periods will help:

Early stage

Lasts from the beginning of the menstrual cycle to 20 years. It is characterized by the formation of the cycle and balancing the level of hormones, so ovulation does not occur every month. However, with regular intimate relationships without the use of contraception, a girl can quickly become pregnant.

middle stage

The duration of the phase is 20 years (from 20 to 40). During this period, the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels stabilize. The body in the absence of chronic or congenital pathologies is most prepared for the onset of conception. The age before 30 is considered the best time to plan and have children.

late stage

Period from 40 to 45 years. The body of a woman is preparing for the onset of menopause, age-related changes begin. Hormone levels are not stable, but the menstrual cycle and ovulation periods remain stable. Natural is possible, but a woman can bear and give birth to a baby only with medical help.

Decaying stage

Continues up to 60 years. The climax begins. The level of hormones gradually decreases, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, and then ends completely. Pregnancy during this period is highly undesirable, it is a high-risk pregnancy. It is possible only after the appointment of hormonal drugs and under strict medical supervision.

There have been cases of the birth of children in women who do not fit the fertility framework established by scientists. So, in India, a baby was born to a 70-year-old woman, a 59-year-old Russian woman became a young mother, and a citizen of Peru gave birth to a baby at the age of 5 years.

These statistics indicate possible deviations from the generally accepted framework. However, such cases are extremely rare and are exceptions to the rule.

What does fertility depend on?

Fertility is influenced by a lot of factors, because the success of conception also depends on the general health of a woman.

We list the main ones:

  • Age. The older the woman, the less often she has full ovulation;
  • Excessive thinness or fullness (read);
  • Prolonged stress and tension;
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • Addictions (smoking, drugs, alcohol addiction);
  • Prolonged course of inflammatory processes;
  • Diseases of the gynecological sphere;
  • Unbalanced diet, lack of essential vitamins and minerals in the daily diet;
  • Unfavorable ecological situation;
  • Long-term use of certain medications;
  • Frequent surgical interventions of a gynecological order (abortion, cleaning, etc.);
  • Regular use of uncomfortable, low-quality underwear;
  • Problems of an immunological nature, in which spermatozoa are rejected in a woman's body;
  • Prolonged dehydration.

The presence of at least one of these factors is always taken into account to determine female fertility. If problems with conception are identified, the “provocateur” should be eliminated. To do this, sometimes you have to change your lifestyle.

Fertility prognosis - what is it?

To identify the causes of a long-term pregnancy, doctors calculate "". For patients, this concept is more familiar under the term "ovulation period".

That is, it is necessary to calculate when a woman will ovulate and conduct research during this period, which is called "fertility forecast". It includes laboratory blood tests for the level of certain hormones and a hardware examination.

The main link in the chain of fertility diagnostics is ultrasound of the pelvic organs, primarily the ovaries.

Studies are carried out starting from the 5th-6th day of the menstrual cycle and ending with the period of ovulation. The purpose of the diagnosis is to determine the condition of the ovaries: their size and proper functioning. It consists in the development of the required number of follicles, one of which () will be able to provide a healthy mature egg for fertilization at the right time.

After the diagnosis, the gynecologist makes a conclusion about the woman's fertility, which can be low, medium or high. The results of the study are presented in points.

Low fertility has an indicator of "-2", which indicates the minimum chance of natural conception and successful delivery. To be more precise, there are practically none.

Average fertility is a good indicator, which indicates that the patient can naturally conceive a baby, carry it safely and give birth.

High fertility is marked with the number "+2". In this case, the woman does not have any problems with rapid pregnancy, childbearing and childbirth. At the same time, such an ability does not always please them, because even contraceptives do not always help them to “protect themselves” from conception.

It should be noted that the revealed low fertility is not a sentence. Modern medicine already has in its arsenal many ways to increase fertility in women.


Have you wanted a baby for a long time, but pregnancy still does not occur? Perhaps you do not know what fertility is, and therefore do not use all effective methods to conceive a long-awaited baby. Understand how the female body works, and how to calculate favorable days when ovulation occurs and there is every chance of getting pregnant.

Fertility in women - what is it

This term comes from the Latin word fertilis, which means fertile. Fertility is the ability of an organism that is in the period of puberty to produce offspring. You need to know that this indicator is determined not only for the female, but also for the male, because for conception it is necessary that both partners do not have reproductive failures. In practice, women are more likely to encounter this term, forced to resort to various examinations and methods in order to increase their fertility and give birth to a long-awaited baby.

Fertility in men is determined by the method of a laboratory test, during which sperm is evaluated according to special indicators - the Kruger index and the Farris index. To establish whether this coefficient is normal in a woman, several studies need to be done, the first of which is an ultrasound of the ovaries on the 5-6th day after menstruation. During the diagnosis, the doctor sees the presence of growing follicles and gives a forecast of the likelihood of fertilization. Hormonal studies help to show a more accurate picture of a woman's fertility, during which the ratio of FSH and LH hormones is determined.

fertile age

Nature determined that people can reproduce offspring only in a certain period of their lives. If a man can perform this function from puberty to old age, then for women it is not so easy with fertilization - they can conceive and give birth only before menopause. Based on such norms of the functioning of the body, the fertile age is considered to be the period from 15 to 49 years. Girls planning to give birth should be guided by this time frame, not to postpone this issue for a long time, because at a younger age the prognosis of pregnancy and childbirth is more favorable.

fertility days

Often, girls do not know exactly when their fertile period begins during the menstrual cycle, and do not take into account the value of this indicator when planning a pregnancy. It is a mistake to do so, because in this case the moment will be missed when the chances of conceiving a child are maximum. It will be correct to determine fertile days and apply this information in a timely manner.

You need to know that almost every month in the ovary, under the influence of estrogen, the female germ cell matures. Approximately on the 14th day after the start of the menstrual period, ovulation occurs, the egg enters the fallopian tube, starting to move towards the uterus. She is capable of fertilization somewhere during the day. Given these time frames and the life span of spermatozoa, they determine the fertility window - it opens 5-6 days before ovulation and closes 1-2 days after it.

How to calculate fertile days

The menstrual cycle for different girls is individual in duration. This fact explains why the individual determination of fertile days is so important: if you correctly calculate the date of ovulation, then as a result the chances of fertilization will increase significantly. Check out which methods of calculating this period are the most effective and often recommended by gynecologists.

How to calculate the most favorable time for fertilization using this method? The girl will need to keep a calendar of fertile days - to mark in it the days of the beginning and end of menstruation, as well as the middle of the cycle, which approximately accounts for ovulation. You need to know that this method has a drawback - it will be useful only with a stable menstrual cycle. If a woman, due to the influence of certain factors, this indicator is different every month, then the calendar method in this case is ineffective.

Discharge on fertile days

A woman who is attentive to her health notices that certain changes occur in her body with the same frequency. Using her powers of observation, she can experience what fertile days are like. They are characterized by a change in the nature and amount of secretions from the vagina. The secretions on fertile days differ from the usual ones in that they are more abundant, and in appearance it is a stretching mucus, very similar to egg white.

Why are these changes taking place? So the female body optimally adjusts so that the spermatozoa get into a favorable environment for them, and conception occurs. The fertile phase can also be felt by other signs: sipping pains in the lower abdomen, increased sensitivity of the chest. Similar symptoms can occur with some gynecological diseases, therefore, with an unusual change in the nature of vaginal discharge, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Basal temperature on fertile days

This method of observation is one of the most accurate for determining the most favorable moment for conception, and only ovulation tests are considered more informative. If you take temperature measurements in the rectum for several months and draw up a detailed schedule, based on the data obtained, you can effectively calculate the onset of ovulation.

How does basal temperature change on fertile days? On the day of ovulation, it slightly decreases, and immediately after the release of the germ cell from the follicle, it rises sharply, remaining approximately at this level until the next menstruation. Using the graph data, you can determine the fertile days when the fertilization of a mature egg is very likely.

Any woman who wants to get pregnant, or, conversely, seeks to avoid it, should know the capabilities of her body. Many of the fair sex have an idea about the calendar method of pregnancy planning, but much less women are familiar with the term fertile days.

What is fertility, fertile period, fertile days

Fertility is the ability to get pregnant and have a healthy baby.

Fertile days (period) are a few days in the menstrual cycle that occur before ovulation and immediately on this day. The maximum chances of conception fall 5 days before ovulation, as well as on the day of its onset. It is this period of time that is fertility.

Ovulation is the moment when a mature egg is released from the ovarian follicle into the fallopian tube and its further advancement to the uterus. According to doctors, the greatest chances of pregnancy are the day before ovulation. At the same time, spermatozoa can live in the vagina for several hours, and in the uterus for about 5 days. After the onset of ovulation, the egg has a day for fertilization.

The menstrual cycle lasts an average of 28 days, and ovulation occurs in the middle of it.

Such a calculation is averaged, as a rule, a woman has individual deviations in the cycle.

Fertility age

Nature is conceived in such a way that a person is ready for offspring only in a certain life period. In men, the reproductive function is preserved until old age, while in women this period is not so long. The fair sex can become pregnant and bear the baby only until the onset of menopause.

Fertility in women persists on average between the ages of 15 and 49 years. Therefore, you should not postpone pregnancy for a long time, since at a young age the prognosis of conception is more favorable.

How to calculate fertile days for a woman

The menstrual cycle varies in duration for different women. An individual calculation of the fertile period allows you to more accurately know the day of ovulation, which significantly increases the chances of conception. Fertility in women can be calculated in several ways.

The calendar method consists in maintaining a calendar of the fertile period. In this case, it is necessary to mark the date of the first and last days of menstruation, as well as the middle of the cycle. It is at this time, as a rule, that ovulation occurs. A significant drawback of this calculation method is that it is only suitable for those who have a stable menstrual cycle. If the duration of the cycle is variable, then it is almost impossible to calculate the fertile period by this method.

The calendar method for determining fertile days is effective by no more than 60%.

The fair sex, who carefully listens to her body, notices that some changes occur in it with a certain frequency. Thanks to such observation, fertile days can be recognized. During this period, the nature and volume of vaginal mucus changes. During the fertile period, it becomes more abundant, and outwardly similar to egg white.

This is due to the fact that the woman's body is rebuilt for the most favorable time for conception. At the same time, fertility can also manifest itself with other symptoms: pulling pain in the lower abdomen and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.

If such symptoms are not typical for a woman in each cycle, then this may indicate the presence of an infection.

The fertile period can also be calculated by measuring the basal temperature. The method consists in regularly measuring the basal temperature in the rectum or vagina. This should be done in the morning immediately after sleep, without turning over. Also, for the reliability of the results obtained, it is better to use the same thermometer all the time.

It is important when using this method and measuring basal temperature at the same time. Its value can be influenced by sex, drinking, any disease or nervous shock. Data of daily measurements must be entered in the table. The fertile period begins with a slight rise in basal body temperature, which remains at this level for several days. At this time, ovulation occurs.

Fertile days can also be determined using a special test that is sold in pharmacies. They should be started approximately 5 days before the expected moment of ovulation. Such a test works similarly to a pregnancy test, and luteinizing hormone is detected.

Before using the ovulation test, read the instructions that come with it. Testing is carried out daily at the same time once or twice a day. It is necessary to collect urine in a clean container and place a test strip in it for a certain time. Just before ovulation, the amount of luteinizing hormone rises sharply, which is what the test tracks.

A positive test result indicates that fertility is now high, that is, the female body is ready for fertilization.

What can cause fertility

Factors that affect fertility, doctors include: a woman's age over 30 years, overweight, abnormal development of the egg, genital tract infections, inflammatory processes and other causes. It is desirable that in case of infertility a woman is examined not only by a gynecologist, but also by an endocrinologist and a nutritionist.

Normal fertility is greatly influenced by the lifestyle that a woman leads. She needs to fully eat, get enough sleep, observe all the rules of personal hygiene, and not enter into casual intimate relationships. Being healthy is necessary not only for the sake of conception, but also in order to endure a healthy baby. To plan a pregnancy, you need to understand what fertile days are and learn how to calculate them.

Fertile days and ovulation may be absent. The following factors influence this: a failure in the hormonal background or a deterioration in the functioning of the thyroid gland. Natural violations include the lactation period - breastfeeding the baby. Since the list of root causes is not small, you need to consult a doctor to find out.

How to increase fertility in women?

It would seem that you need to conceive? If there is a sexual partner, then pregnancy will not be long in coming. But, unfortunately, not everything is as simple as we would like. The hormonal background of the female body is constantly undergoing various changes. This is what causes frequent mood swings. Even slight increased nervous excitement can affect a woman's ability to become pregnant.

Here are some tips that we hope will come in handy if you want to increase your fertility:

  1. Watch your kilos. Both an excess amount of fat, and its lack, negatively affect ovulation. With an increased number of fat cells, the body turns on the production of hormones that prevent the normal functioning of the ovaries. And the lack of fat, on the contrary, inhibits the process of producing the necessary hormones that are directly related to this process. As a result of such changes, the periodicity of the menstrual cycle is disturbed, and with it the regularity of the onset of ovulation. Physical activity will help control excess weight. But you have to be careful not to overdo it here. Very often, professional athletes experience irregularities in the monthly cycle. This happens from an overstrain of the body, due to which there is a failure in the hormonal background.
  2. Eat right. For a woman's health, a balanced and proper diet plays an important role. The female body needs foods rich in protein, iron, zinc and vitamin C. Their deficiency delays the onset of menstruation, therefore, ovulation occurs less frequently. By the way, athletes often suffer from a lack of zinc. A sufficient amount of animal protein is found in meat, eggs, fish and dairy products. Vegetarians can be advised to eat legumes with rice, as well as the inclusion of soy products in the diet.
  3. Give up cigarettes. It has long been proven that smoking ages the body of a woman. The chemicals in cigarettes damage some functions of the reproductive system. If we consider the ovaries of a 30-year-old woman who smokes, their functional capacity is comparable to that of a 40-year-old woman's ovaries. This indicates an early extinction of the body. But if a woman quits smoking, then she will have every chance to restore some of the functions of the reproductive system.
  4. Watch your cycle time. The norm is considered to be an interval of 25-35 days. If the gap between periods is longer, for example, 42 days, then ovulation will occur according to the cycle. To calculate your fertile days and plan for conception, you need to calculate the day of ovulation. It is considered the most fertile day of the cycle. The days preceding the beginning of the process are also favorable for conception. Fertile are 4-5 days before the release of the egg from the ovary. After the end of the process, the probability of conception is reduced to zero. Usually, for an approximate calculation of the day of ovulation, the duration of the cycle is divided in half. Suppose if the cycle is 28 calendar days, then the probable day of ovulation will be on the 14th day from the onset of bleeding. But since you need an accurate calculation, you should use a special test that shows the days of approaching ovulation. Such a test is sold in all pharmacies. Another way is to measure your basal body temperature daily.
  5. Keep calm. Danish scientists conducted research and came to the conclusion that during psychological stress, the hormonal background becomes similar to that which the body experiences during increased physical exertion. You need to teach yourself to get out of this state using the methods of meditation, relaxation or yoga. Swimming is a great way to relieve stress. It’s good to remember your hobbies, which can replace going to a psychotherapist.
  6. Eliminate alcoholic drinks. Alcoholic beverages change the level of the hormone estrogen in the blood. It is he who is responsible for the fertility of a woman and the ability to maintain pregnancy in the early stages. Insufficient levels of estrogen prevent implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. However, according to scientists, one glass of wine at dinner will not harm a woman's health and her reproductive ability. You should also pay attention to drinks that contain caffeine. American OB-GYNs believe that more than 2 cups of black coffee a day contributes to miscarriage. Therefore, in order to endure and give birth to a healthy child, alcohol and coffee should be abandoned.
  7. Be proactive in your intimate life. It has long been proven that menstrual irregularities most often occur in women who do not live a regular sexual life.
  8. Avoid douching. In the vagina there is a special microflora that performs a protective function. During douching, this layer is washed off and there is a risk of developing bacterial vaginosis.

Everyone sooner or later begins to think about procreation. This is where the concept of fertility comes into play. What it is? This is exactly what this article will tell you. You can also learn about the terms fertility and ovulation (what is the difference between them). Comparative characteristics and dependence of these concepts on each other will be given below.

Fertility - what is it?

This concept is quite often used by gynecologists, obstetricians and reproductologists. Fertility is a characteristic that tells whether a person can continue his race. A few decades ago, the concept was inextricably linked only with the female sex. Now it can also apply to men. It is worth noting that approximately 50 percent of all couples have a fertility disorder. In this case, the pathology can be detected in both men and women. When conducting a fertility study, it is worth starting with male representatives. This is much easier than looking for a reason in a woman for a long time. Only after confirmation of male fertility, doctors recommend starting an examination of his wife.

Fertility - what is it? In simple words, this is the ability to conceive. It does not matter whether a woman can fully endure and give birth to a child. Often patients talk about the lack of fertility in the case when a representative of the weaker sex can conceive, but cannot bear the baby. This is not true. Such a confluence of circumstance speaks of habitual miscarriage, but not of a lack of fertility.

Reproductive age plays an important role in this regard. It is in the range of 16 to 40 years. According to various data, these figures may vary somewhat.

male fertility

What does fertility mean for a man? Experts say that this concept can be discussed in the case when the representative of the stronger sex has normal, mobile and healthy spermatozoa. You can find out if a patient is fertile using a simple analysis called a spermogram. The following factors affect male fertility:

  • the presence or absence of bad habits;
  • heavy sports;
  • addiction to baths, saunas or hot baths;
  • the use of certain medications;
  • frequency of sexual intercourse;
  • age and weight.

female fertility

Fertility in women - what is it? For the representatives of the weaker sex, things are somewhat different. Female fertility refers to the ability to conceive a child. The main role in this process is played by the hormonal background, the state of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. As you can see, female fertility is much more difficult to define or challenge. The tests that diagnose this condition include ultrasound, blood donation for hormones, metrosalpingography and hysterosalpingography. The fertility rate in women is affected by the following factors:

  • alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • the use of hormonal drugs;
  • age and body weight;
  • genital infections;
  • performed surgical interventions on the pelvic area;
  • hormonal background;
  • the presence or absence of ovulation.

What is fertility and ovulation?

Many people are inextricably linked between these two concepts. In a sense, this is correct. A woman cannot be fertile if she does not regularly release an egg from the ovary. In this case, we can talk about infertility or sterility.

It is worth noting that not only ovulation indicates fertility in women. What are these additional indicators that can be named? As mentioned above, an important role is played by the condition of the fallopian tubes and the internal cavity of the reproductive organ. Let's try to understand in detail what is the difference between the concepts of "fertility" and "ovulation".

Ovulation: a general concept of the process

This process normally occurs in the body of every woman on a monthly basis. During ovulation, the follicle bursts - the so-called bubble. It matures within one or three weeks. During rupture, the egg is released and enters the abdominal cavity and then into the fallopian tube. There she can meet with a spermatozoon. If this happens, then fertilization occurs. After that, a set of cells, continuously dividing, moves into the uterine cavity. There, the pregnancy will develop in the following months.

Ovulation certainly becomes one of the indicators of a woman's fertility. It can be defined in many ways. The most popular were ultrasound, the use of tests, the measurement of basal temperature and hormonal tests. However, confirmation that there is ovulation in a woman’s body does not at all indicate the patient’s absolute fertility. Further research is needed to confirm this.

How does fertility depend on ovulation?

Ovulation is a one time process. That is, the egg left the ovary and at that moment ovulation occurred. Fertility can last for several days. Thus, the egg is capable of fertilization within a few hours. However, male spermatozoa can live in a woman's vagina and uterus under certain conditions for about one week. That is why such days before the release of the egg are also considered fertile. Based on this, we can draw a simple conclusion and give an answer to our question. Fertility - what is it? This time is a week before and a few days after ovulation. It can be determined using the methods described above.

Is it possible to talk about fertility without ovulation?

If a woman does not release an egg from the ovary, can she be called fertile? A few decades ago, such a patient was recognized as infertile. Most of the fairer sex can be helped in this situation. However, what about those women who, for example, do not have ovaries? Can we call them fertile?

Nowadays, medicine has come a long way. Reproductologists and gynecologists are developing the latest methods of conception. Thus, now a woman can endure and give birth to a child even if she is barren. Some experts say that such patients are fertile. Other doctors categorically do not recognize such an outcome and argue that conception that has come by artificial means does not in any way indicate fertility.

Summing up the article

So, now you know what the concept of "fertility" means. You also found out how this term is related to female ovulation. When planning a pregnancy, you should definitely learn about these concepts and at least superficially study the functions of the human body.

Remember that fertility, like ovulation, can be affected by many factors. That is why before conception it is worth visiting a gynecologist or reproductologist and getting advice. In some cases, the fertility of one of the partners may be somewhat impaired. Currently, there are many ways to help correct a particular pathological situation. Remember this and do not be afraid to seek help from specialists.
