Walkthrough Mafia: The City Of Lost Heaven. Mafia - Walkthrough

Why is a fragment of this particular verse from the Gospel “ Romans” was taken by Czech masters from Illusion Softworks as an epigraph to my new epoch-making work, I will not explain. Play it and find out for yourself. Illusion Softworks has already become famous by releasing a tactical action game Hidden and Dangerous, and now - a new triumph. No exaggeration!

A hellish mixture of auto adventures and 100% action is not new to gamers, but for the first time this mixture has become so cinematic that it makes you remember Max Payne- a game that immediately and unconditionally became a hit. I probably won't be a prophet if I say that "Mafia" faces the same fate. A dashingly twisted plot that keeps you in suspense until the very end, excellent directorial work, an abundance of scripted scenes, excellent voice acting and, what is important for the game, great gameplay coupled with a very decent engine - all this will certainly raise the game to very decent places in the world Top 100 and , most likely, will force the editorial board of “Mania” to place it in the top three in the traditional annual hit parade.

However, you probably already read the praises of “Mafia” in the October issue of “Mania,” and we will now take it apart piece by piece in order to arrive at a localized version of the game in full combat readiness.

My advice to you: if you are not very good with English, wait for localization - the game has a lot of well-written dialogues, and to understand all the twists and turns of the plot, even an average knowledge of English is sometimes not enough. I'm not even talking about slang. One would only like to hope that the Russian publisher is a company 1C- this time he won’t rush as much as he did with Max Payne, and will release a well-made product to the market (fortunately there is someone to follow: localized WarCraft III- a subject worthy of imitation).

What to do if you get stuck?

Don't panic! Just take and install the complete set of saves included with this article. With the disk, everything is clear, but for those who will download this self-extracting archive from the Internet, I can only sympathize, but I won’t be able to help in any way - it’s impossible to get less than 5.7 megs.

Unpack this archive into a directory /GameDirectory/savegame/ (and if the archiver asks permission to replace some files, replace them!) and on the very first screen, when you are asked to select a profile, click Anton . Well, there it is Load Game , and select the desired episode of the desired part.

Just keep in mind that the settings in the game will be the ones that I set when playing through the game. So don’t be lazy, go into the settings and set everything to your own taste and in accordance with the appetites of your car.

I bought a car, a four-wheeled hell...

This is a line from a song Glenn Frey- a famous singer in the 50s. Luckily, you won't need to buy cars (at least in the main game) - they will be provided to you, you will steal them, but you won't need to buy anything.

In total, your boss can have no more than 16 cars in his garage. This is unimportant at the beginning of the game, but in the second half you will have to strain your brains in order to decide which car to send to the landfill. Therefore, it would be a good idea to first familiarize yourself with the “ Carcyclopedia”, in which you will find out all the technical characteristics you need of all the cars found in the game.

It would also be a good idea, before embarking on an adventure, to go through a short tutorial, which will teach you all the basic actions: how and where to run, how to pick up something, how to use something, how to get into a car, etc. The tutorial won’t teach you all the intricacies of the game, but at least you won’t get lost in it right away.

Since all the buttons in the game can be reassigned, I will not further mention which button to press. It seemed to me that the optimal combination of control devices for the game was the following: a steering wheel and a keyboard with a mouse. It’s just that the keys or keys with the joystick in some missions may turn out to be practically useless - some cars are too restive and the conditions for completing missions are painfully difficult.

The interface is modest, but quite informative - at least to the extent that it is necessary. In the very top left corner is a compass. It always shows the direction to the object you need to visit. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that if you drive straight along the arrow, you will come straight to the desired place - most likely, after driving about ten meters, you will crash into a lamppost or into some building. Remember: it takes place mostly in the city Lost Heaven, and the city, as you know, consists of streets, alleys, avenues, traffic intersections...

So very often (at least for the first ten missions) you will have to use a map, which you can call up at any time, so as not to miss the right turn and generally decide where you are going. The map is translucent and will not interfere with your movement that much. On the map, a yellow arrow indicates your car (or you yourself, if you are moving on your own two feet), a blue arrow indicates the direction to an object (if it is outside the visibility zone), a blue cross indicates your destination, yellow lines indicate tram tracks, and blue lines indicate aboveground metro. Full map city ​​in the game is not available, but it is in the game... I’m glad to add it. Print it out and keep it in front of your eyes - it will help a lot.

Next to the compass (if you are driving a car) you will see some kind of car radar. Your car is indicated by a small dash in the very center. White dashes are ordinary city cars, yellow are trams, blue are police cars. When you approach the desired object (building, person, car) and it is within the radar coverage area, a red cross appears on the screen. This is where you should aim, since on the map the place where you need to go is sometimes marked very conditionally.

If you have a time limit for some action, a stopwatch will appear at the top right with the time range marked in red. As soon as the minute hand goes beyond the marked zone, this episode will have to be replayed.

At the bottom right is a speedometer with a built-in fuel indicator (and the same for all cars. Drawback!) and a mileage counter. You need a speedometer for driving around the city. The fact is that you can easily be fined or even arrested for speeding. So it is strongly recommended not to exceed 60 km/h (45 mph - depending on settings) unless absolutely necessary. For those who are not used to constantly looking at the speedometer, the developers offered an automatic speed limit mode. When you turn it on, a small yellow triangle with the number 60 (45) will appear above the speedometer, and no matter how much you press on the gas, your car will not go faster than the indicated speed.

In some missions, an additional indicator will appear below - Damage , indicating the extent of damage to your vehicle. Of course, the less the stripe is filled with red, the better.

When you encounter police, one of three icons will appear at the top. Notebook - everything is in order: wait for the policeman, talk to him and continue driving. Handcuffs - they are going to arrest you: try to escape from the crime scene (if you succeed, a stripe will appear under the handcuffs Wanted , colored red - it displays the period of time during which the entire Lost Heaven police will be hunting for you). Gun - appears when you have entered into a shootout with a policeman (or with someone else, and the policeman caught you in the act and is going to join the showdown).

The notepad will appear for the following violations:

You have crossed the red line;

Having crashed into someone else's car, they caused minor damage;

Knocked someone down (not to death);

We exceeded the speed limit of 60 km/h.

If you receive this warning, it is best to stop rather than run away from the scene, otherwise the notepad will immediately turn into handcuffs. If you stop, you are in no danger.

Handcuffs mean you are about to be arrested for the following:

You escaped from a policeman who wanted to give you a warning;

They paraded around with guns in their hands in full view of the police;

Shot/crashed into a police car/knocked down a police officer;

Having crashed into someone else's car, they caused heavy damage;

Knocked someone down (to death);

We exceeded the speed limit of 120 km/h.

If handcuffs appear, try to get away from the police pursuing you, otherwise you will be imprisoned and the mission will fail. Let me remind you that you will be held accountable for these violations ONLY if they occur in front of the police.

Since we're talking about the police. Since you will most often be involved in unseemly - from the point of view of the law - matters, it is best not to get caught by the police, and if you do get caught, try to get away.

Hide in the back streets, drive forward, try to make the police car chasing you collide with some obstacle or another car. Basically, do whatever you want until the Wanted bar disappears. After this, you can calmly continue to do your business. If a policeman not in a car becomes interested in your affairs, he will immediately rush to call for help to the nearest telephone booth. If you are in a car, press, if you are on foot, shoot, but under no circumstances let him make a phone call. In general: clashes with the police are troublesome and unnecessary. More often than not, in those missions where you need to hurry and not pay attention to the rules, there are no police on the streets. But there is no point in running into trouble where you can calmly do your job.

To avoid complications, follow the rules. Traffic lights, signs (there are not many of them), turn signals and brake lights for cars ahead - all this works for you. It is also advisable not to hit pedestrians unnecessarily, as well as not collide with other people’s cars. I was probably lucky, but the police only chased me once for violating the rules in all twenty missions.

Despite the fact that the AI ​​very carefully navigates all turns, it has a very selective attitude towards observing the rules: it stops at traffic lights, does not hit pedestrians, but overtakes on the right, suddenly cuts off, emerges from a secondary road onto the main one, without waiting Queues, please! If they can do it, then so can you - they don’t fine you for these violations and don’t drag you to jail, but getting into an accident is not only easy, but very easy.

Cars are very sensitive (to a greater or lesser extent). As soon as you accelerate decently (even to the permitted 60 km/h), the car begins to noticeably skid when cornering, and it is quite difficult to turn it out of the skid without a steering wheel. So, when playing with keys or a joystick, you have to constantly slow down before turning, which is like death during a chase. It is very, very difficult to catch up with the pursued person or break away from the pursuer after such a maneuver. But with a certain amount of training, such maneuvers can be performed at full speed without a steering wheel - by the eighth or ninth mission you will already be confidently controlling your four-wheeled friend.

And as for parking. You can park completely calmly in any lane - even on the oncoming lane. Cars driving in this lane will simply stop and start honking their horns and flashing their headlights, but there will be no other consequences. When getting out of the car, be careful - you may get knocked over, which will not improve your health at all.

That’s probably all that can be said about the automotive component of “Mafia” - everything else will come only with practice. Let's turn to the other half of the game - the action.

There's a killer on the road. He rushes forward

To become a real killer in the “Mafia” you have to become one! In principle, “Mafia” is not much different from other similar games: we run, shoot, hide, strafe, roll... However, “Mafia” is not at all Quake! In terms of tactics and combat strategy, “Mafia” is more like... Operation Flashpoint. Patience and precision play the main role here.

The fight will not be won by the one who shouts “Urrrrra!!!” will run forward, pouring lead on everyone, and the one who will patiently sit in ambush and wait until the enemy peeks around the corner and immediately takes a bullet in the head. A bullet to the head is fundamental. As is now fashionable, the body is divided into several zones, the defeat of each of which causes certain damage to health. A hit to the head is almost always instant death. Wounding in other parts of the body will give the enemy a chance to fire a couple more shots at you, and who knows if one of these shots will be fatal for you. True, having wounded an enemy in the hand, you can knock the weapon out of it, which can save your life: while he takes out a new one, loads it, takes aim... So much for an extra few seconds.

If possible, try to approach enemies from the rear: they will not hear you, and you will have the opportunity to carefully aim. Finish off the wounded - a lying but living enemy remains an enemy, and he may still crawl to his pistol and fire a fatal shot.

The tactics of action are almost always the same: hide, crouch, roll out, shoot, roll back, wait until someone curious pokes his head in, kill him, etc. Never rush anywhere: wait. Under no circumstances leave your rear unprotected: either you must be sure that there are no enemies behind you, or protect your back with walls, columns, whatever...

Going head-on at the enemy only makes sense in one case: you have a total shortage of ammunition or weapons and you decide to collect trophies on the battlefield. The decision, of course, is reckless, but sometimes the only possible one. In these cases, try to meander, do not stay in one place for a long time, and do not let the enemy take aim. In general, it is advisable in battle full height do not stand up, but move around on your haunches. Still, in this position the affected area is smaller.

It is better to shoot enemies in those bright moments when they are reloading their weapons. They tend to do this without moving from their spot, and at this time it is easier than ever to shoot them. I would advise you to carefully monitor the number of cartridges and reload, hiding in a relatively safe place in advance.

You also need to take into account the fact that when hit, both you and your enemies freeze for several moments and cannot perform a single action: neither move nor shoot. Therefore, try to meet enemies one on one - lure them one by one towards you, and then... Otherwise, you may simply not be allowed to shoot!

Cars can provide you with invaluable assistance in destroying groups of enemies. After all, they know how to explode! It is enough to create a barricade of at least one car between you and the enemies in some narrow place, and when they are approaching it, shoot the hood of the car so that smoke comes out, and that’s it: while the enemies are trying to get past the barrier, the car will safely explode , sending to the next world, if not all, then most of the enemies. In the same way, you can destroy groups of enemies hanging out near cars: shoot a car from afar, and while the crazy adversaries will disperse, occupying places convenient for shooting, the car will explode, and only scraps of burnt meat will fly to the places convenient for shooting.

You can use more than just your car as a vehicle for a barricade. After all, you can steal cars. Approach the ownerless car from the driver's side, press and hold the button "action" ; As soon as the bar that appears is filled with red, the car is considered hacked, you can get into it and dispose of it as your own. You can’t steal all cars, but only those that you know how to steal. The ability to steal increasingly cool cars comes with time. It’s very easy to determine whether you can hack a car or not by its appearance - if you’ve already driven one, you’ll have the cards in your hands. Just don’t steal cars in front of the police: theft is illegal.

You can also use public transport to get around the city. All you have to do is whistle for an approaching taxi or tram, and go wherever you want.

If there is a shootout in cars, carefully watch the windows of the pursuers - as soon as the barrel of a pistol sticks out of the car window, immediately perform some kind of feint with your ears: brake, press the gas, turn to the side... After all, if you or your passengers are killed, you will have to replay the episode again. In general, in such chases you need to behave as brazenly as possible: try to crash the enemy’s car - push it into walls, pillars and other obstacles, push it into the oncoming lane and cause an accident. But nevertheless, such car chases and shootouts are perhaps the most difficult episodes of the game.

That's probably all that can be said about combat tactics. But this topic is not closed yet. After all, you can competently build defense and attack only if you know the weapon and its capabilities well. Now we will deal with weapons.

Keep in mind that there are three of us, and Death is among us...

In the role of Death - your entire arsenal. It is divided into three types: melee weapons, firearms and thrown weapons. Below I will give a complete list of all available weapons, but first about some of the features of each of them.

Melee weapons are the hardest to use. Take it in your hands, press the key "shot" , hold it until the bar that appears fills with red. As soon as you release this key, a blow will be delivered. The redder the stripe, the stronger the blow. This is the whole difficulty: in order to knock someone down, you need to accumulate strength, but don’t you think that the enemies will just stand there and watch you raise the bat? Therefore, the tactics here are as follows: you run away from your opponent, raise the bat and wait, gathering strength, for him to approach, then with all your might you drop the bat on his head and run back again. Of course, with this weapon it makes sense to go against an enemy armed in a similar way. A club doesn't work against a pistol...

Firearms are good for everyone, and they are what you will mostly use. However, keep in mind that reloading a weapon is a very long process (from 2 to 5 seconds), so it is best to engage in this intimate activity in a secluded, well-protected corner. Pay attention to the ammo counter in the magazine and retreat to pre-prepared and cleared positions in advance.

You will encounter throwing weapons (grenades and Molotov cocktails) quite rarely, and you are unlikely to be able to master them perfectly. But just in case: your grenades are not of the contact type, which means that when you meet a wall, it will most likely bounce back at your feet, where it will explode, and you will commit an act of unintentional suicide. Throwing grenades is done in the same way as hitting with a bat: the redder the stripe, the farther the grenade will fly. Aiming accurately with a throwing weapon is quite difficult and requires a certain skill, which, in fact, there will be nowhere to acquire: a little at the beginning, once in the middle, and quite a bit at the end. But there’s nothing you can do about it: that’s what the developers decided.

And here is the list of weapons.

1. Baseball bat

Efficiency: 4/10.

Type: close combat.

Where it will appear: in almost every mission/some drivers have it.

Damage: low.

Behind: If you hit someone on the head from behind with all your might, that person will pass out for quite a long time.

Against: often misses, cannot be used in a sitting position.

Comments: why doesn't she deflect bullets?...

2. Crowbar

Efficiency: 3/10.

Type: close combat.

Where it will appear: in almost every mission.

Damage: low.

Behind: Nothing.

Against: the same as the bat.

Comments: the most hated weapon. Use only out of desperation!

3. Knife

Efficiency: 5/10.

Type: close combat.

Where it will appear: in some missions.

Damage: slightly higher than low.

Behind: when the power bar is completely red, deals 4 hits in a row.

Efficiency: 8/10.

6 / 30.

Type: gun.

Where it will appear: starting from mission 4 or 5.

Damage: tall.

Behind: one of the best pistols - one hit to the head and that's it!

Against: strong recoil big time recharge.

Comments: use from afar, take care of your ammo.

6. Colt 1911

Efficiency: 7/10.

Cartridges in magazine/Maximum number of cartridges: 7 / 35.

Type: gun.

Where it will appear: in 2 missions.

Damage: slightly above average.

Behind: a weapon for all times. Very accurate and convenient.

Against: perhaps... nothing.

Comments: use from afar, and victory is yours! Remember, you must always shoot at the HEAD!

7. Colt Detective Special

Efficiency: 7/10.

Cartridges in magazine/Maximum number of cartridges: 6 / 30.

Type: gun.

Where it will appear: starting with the mission “The Whore”.

Damage: tall.

Behind: the same as Magnum's.

Against: strong recoil, long reload time, low accuracy when shooting at long distances.

Comments: and yet Magnum!

8. Pump Action Shotgun

Efficiency: 7/10.

Cartridges in magazine/Maximum number of cartridges: 8 / 32.

Type: shotgun

Where it will appear: starting from mission 5.

Damage: tall.

Against: shotgun is like shotgun.

Comments: Use it in one-on-one combat or when enemies are coming at you from the front. Absolutely unsuitable for all-round defense.

9. Sawed off Shotgun

Efficiency: 6/10.

Cartridges in magazine/Maximum number of cartridges: 2 / 32.

Type: shotgun

Where it will appear: mission 4.

Damage: tall.

Behind: see above.

Against: maximum range lower than Pump Action, long reload time, low magazine capacity.

Comments: It just takes up space. If you have something more decent, throw it away without regret.

10. Thompson 1928 / T-Gun / Tommy Gun / or whatever you call it

Efficiency: 9/10.

Cartridges in magazine/Maximum number of cartridges: 50 / 200.

Type: machine.

Where it will appear: if I'm not mistaken, starting from mission 7.

Damage: average.

Behind: best weapon in the game!

Against: very long recharge time.

Comments: in any battle you will kill everyone, receiving a minimum of damage.

11. US Rifle M 1903 Springfield

Efficiency: 8/10.

Cartridges in magazine/Maximum number of cartridges: 5 / ?.

Type: sniper rifle.

Wherewill appear: Mission “Election Campaign”.

Damage: tall.

Behind: Everyone will like it... A sniper after all!

Against: It's damn hard to aim for the head.

Comments: no comments!


13. Grenades

Efficiency: 10/10 (if used correctly).

Type: throwing

In the walkthrough, which will begin just below, I will not retell the plot of the game. Firstly, I don’t want to spoil your fun, and secondly... imagine the size of the script “The Godfather”. But I will have to mention some names one way or another. So, in order for you to imagine who we are talking about, I have compiled a short list of the main characters and their relationships.

Thomas "Tommy" Angelo-main character. Former taxi driver. After saving Sam and Paulie, he became a member of the Salieri “family”.

Detective Norman-non-player character. Tommy simply tells him his story. Appeared on this list only because he is the only person on the side of justice.

Don Salieri-big man of Little Italy. Morello's former friend. After Salieri and Morello divided the spheres of influence in the city in half, their paths diverged.

Frank-right hand Dona Salieri. “Chief accountant” of the clan.

Don Morello-boss of Newark. Built his empire on blood and fear. He is friends with some politicians, police officials, and city councilors. It will be cooler than Don Salieri.

Sergio Morello Jr.-younger brother of Don Morello. Responsible in the “family” for export/import/smuggling through the port. Behind his back they call him “Lucky Bastard”!

Poly-one of Salieri's henchmen. Killer. Tommy's best friend.

Sam- Salieri's assistant. Not very friendly with Tommy.

Vincenzo- weapons expert in the Salieri clan. If you need a murder weapon, talk to him and he will find you what you need.

Ralph-auto mechanic Salieri. Pro in everything related to cars. Stutterer.

Carlo- Salieri's personal bodyguard. One of those who betrayed him.

Luigi-bartender at Salieri's restaurant.

Sarah- Luigi's daughter. Subsequently Tommy's wife.

Luca Bertoni- auto repair shop owner. Usually you will learn the art of stealing new cars from him at the end of the mission.

Big Biff-Informant Paulie. Usually found in Chinatown.

Well, now that you have met the main characters, get ready for a long journey through the streets of the city of Lost Heaven.


Part 1. An Offer You Can’t Refuse

After the introductory videos, Tommy will find himself in his taxi with two gangsters. Your task: get away from their pursuers. And not only get away, but also finish them off. Do not let the pursuing car approach your car from the left side (that is, the driver's side) - there is a high probability that you will be killed.

Try to keep their car to the right and push it so that it hits everything it can hit. Your passengers - Paulie and Sam - will support you with cannon fire.

In general, this mission is more based on luck. Whether you're lucky or unlucky! There are no special tactics here. Smash their car to pieces and let Paulie and Sam finish what you started.

After all the attackers have gone to another world, go to Salieri's restaurant. He is in Little Italy). Getting there is easy: from Downtown, where you most likely are now, along a huge arched Bridge Giuliano moving to Central Island, and from there through a tunnel to Little Italy.

Part 2. The Running Man

This mission is designed to introduce you to the city. You must transport five passengers to five different addresses. Even if you don't know English, the arrows on the map will show you the direction. Set the speed limiter and try not to hit anyone or break the rules at all.

After you've dropped off the last passenger, you'll be attacked by two thugs and you'll have to flee to Salieri's restaurant. Run without being distracted by anything. Just follow the compass and the green translucent arrows pointing to the passage yards.

For those who can’t run this sprint distance, I’ll tell you.

After the cutscene, run straight. You will see an arrow. Run along it to the right into the gateway. Run straight across the yard, and when you are back on the street, turn left. You will see a new arrow, follow it. After running past the man, immediately turn left, go up the stairs and run straight. Turn right, then left - you will see a man in a white and blue T-shirt. Run towards it, but turn right to go down the stairs. You will again see the gateway and exit to the street. Run out there and immediately turn left. You will see a new arrow. Run along it until you see a man standing and another one tinkering with the car. Turn right and you will see what looks like a tunnel. Run there. Run past the girl and, flying out into the street, turn left. You MUST see Salieri's bar. Run up to him. (If you haven't seen Salieri's bar, get a pair of glasses).

Part 3. Molotov Party

Welcome to family". You have to complete Salieri's first task. Run to Vincenzo and Ralph and go to Morello's establishment.

There are two ways to get into Morello's garage: either simply drive through the gate, knocking the guard down to death along the way; or drive up a small alley from behind, open a small door, approach the guard from behind and caress him with a club. In any case, you should never allow the guard at the gate to rush for help.

After penetration, you need to blow up two cars with two bottles of Molotov cocktails you have, and smash the third with a bat. After a successfully completed mission, you can survey a small wooden house for Falconer and go on it to Salieri.

Part 4. Ordinary Routine

How boring and unsightly the life of a simple mafioso is! Now you have to collect money from institutions reporting to Don Salieri. There will be no problems with the bank and restaurant: just drive up to them and get out of the car. Paulie and Sam will do the rest themselves.

But with the motel you will have to tinker. Take the northern highway - the only one leading out of the city in this direction. After the video, run around the house on the left, finish off the dog and climb up the boxes to the second floor. Come in the door. There will be another door right in front of you. Go into the room and grab the Tommy Gun. Sit in this room and one by one click everyone who will break in here. In the next room there is a first aid kit hanging on the wall.

Go down the stairs, shoot everyone who is in the large room, and then the huge guy in a white T-shirt. Enter the room where Sam is languishing and get ready for a new one-on-one battle.

Now you need to catch up with the guy who stole your money. Jump into the car and chase after him. You must stop his car at all costs and shoot him. This is difficult to do, but possible: try to press him against a rock, block the road in a tunnel, throw his car off a cliff...

And to make it easier, before going into the motel, shoot out the tires of the yellow car. Now he will drive at the speed of your old taxi.

Part 5. Fairplay

In order to please Don Salieri's darling, you must steal a late-model racing car, take it to Luca Bertoni and return it back. Drive through Work Quarter along the western road out of town. Stop at the barrier and run to the guardhouse. Talk to the guard and drive with him further to the garages. Take your racing car and drive back to the city. You must get to Luka within a strictly defined time without getting caught by the police or damaging the car. Follow the radar and be extremely careful.

When you reach Luka, hand over the car to him and receive it back in a moment. Now you have to make the way back under the same initial conditions.

Now you must win the race in Salieri's modernized car. Five laps around a winding track and you have to be FIRST. This can be done in the only way: by taking the lead at the start and not making a single mistake on the track. Go for it! Restart twenty times and you will succeed.

Parts 6 and 7. Sarah & Better Get Used To It

Nowadays there is nowhere without erotica... Especially in a story about the mafia and mafiosi.

Luigi asked you to accompany Sarah home. Put on your brass knuckles and go see the girl off. Along the way you will meet two groups of punks of three people each. Hit them with brass knuckles as hard as you can, pick up thrown weapons... In general, Fighting Force(who played) in the “Mafia” skins. After successfully completing the hike, watch a very nice little video (kids under 16 should be kept away from monitors).

The next day, Don Salieri ordered that order be restored in HIS area. Arm yourself with Vincenzo, take the car from Ralph and drive to Chinatown to Big Biff. Talk to him and go to the old car repair shops.

Keep a close eye on Paulie: five thugs armed with clubs and crowbars will attack him and you at once. Having dealt with everyone in this part of the workshops, run up the stairs, then go down and DO NOT SHOOT until they start shooting at you. Now you can open fire, kill everyone and watch the video.

After the video, get into the car and catch up with the two escaped thugs. The most important thing is not to lose their car. They will crash themselves. All you have to do is click them.

Part 8. The Whore & The Priest

The situation is this: one of the thugs in the car survived - he must be killed; the owner of the Corleone Hotel stopped paying tribute to Salieri and went over to Morello’s side - he must be killed; a whore from the Corleone Hotel (which is a first-class brothel) sells Morello information about the Salieri clan - she must be killed.

Arm yourself, take the car and go to the Corleone Hotel. Don't take out your weapon yet. Go up to the third floor. Around the corner to the right is a prostitute's room. Let's watch the video.

Go down to the first floor and go past the administrator into the restaurant. In the farthest hall, first close the door, and then kill first the man in the black suit, and then the man in white. Deal with the rushing guards.

Go behind the reception desk and take the key to the manager's room from the board. Climb to the very top, shooting back from the guards. Go into the manager's room and shoot the little man who is hiding on the right side of the table. Take the documents from the table and quickly leave the room after the video.

Make your way across the rooftops straight and straight, shooting back at the police - there are a lot of them here. Remember that you can climb small hills. You must reach a wooden deck. Climb onto it, and then, using the ladder in the bell tower, go down.

A glorious shootout awaits you here. Hide behind the coffin and shoot the bandits one by one. Pay attention to the man with a Tommy gun on the choir (such a small round platform on the right, which is reached by a spiral staircase).

Having dealt with funeral procession, leave the church, get into the hearse and run away from the police.

Part 9. A Trip To The Country

And even at night, in autumn, in the rain, the mafia has no peace.

Don Salieri ordered a truckload of smuggled Canadian whiskey to be delivered from a country farm.

Having arrived at the farm, go to the farthest end of it, where you will find a truck with a dead driver. Open the door and get ready for battle. After killing the gangsters, make your way back to Paulie. Having already repelled the next attack together with him, begin to explore each building of the farm. Morell's hatchlings are hiding everywhere. Be careful. Eventually, Paulie will discover a tool that can be used to open the barn where Sam was put.

Open the barn door and immediately meet a cheerful bunch with pump-action shotguns and one Tommy gun. Sam is at the very top. Go there - slowly and carefully.

Having discovered Sam, Paulie will go for help, and you will have to repel the attack of the police bribed by Morello. Please note: AI may pass you from behind. After the shootout, Paulie carries Sam to the truck, and Tommy sees two cars chasing them.

Now you have an excellent opportunity to shoot at a moving target from a moving truck. Tommy gun in hand - and forward. Hit the drivers - you won't go wrong! After returning to Salieri's warehouse, you can either go straight to the base, or first stop by Luca, complete his small task and steal a new car.

Part 10. Omerta

Frank violated the main mafia law - the code of silence, Omerta. He is ready to hand over Salieri's account books to the police. And now, according to Omerta, Tommy must kill Frank, but first find out where the books are.

Visit Big Biff first, then Little Tony on Central Island, and from Little Tony's go to Idiot Joe under the bridge in New Ark. Idiot Joe is easily identified among homeless people by his bald head. After talking to him several times, give him a good punch on the bald top of his head, and he will tell you where the police are keeping Frank under guard.

By the way, before you go on a mission, make sure you take a good, fast car. Bolt V8 Roadster highly recommended.

Go to Oakwood to the house where Frank is being held, and after the cutscene, follow his car to the airport.

Once at the airport and entering the terminal, you will immediately encounter a group of armed special agents. Send them to waste, exit the terminal and run right past the hangars to Air School. And here the special agents will not give you peace. Clear the area, being careful not to shoot Frank. When there are only corpses around, talk to Frank. He will ask you to find his family. Frank's wife and daughter in the flight school building. Talk to them and then bring Frank to them. Now all that remains is to get plane tickets to Europe. They are on the counter in the terminal building. Give the tickets to Frank and return to Salieri. Just keep in mind: at the exit from the terminal, five police officers are already waiting for you.

On the way to Salieri, you can stop by Luka again.

Part 11. Visiting Rich People

Now you have to pick up the prosecutor from the safe in his villa in Oak Hills testimony against Salieri.

On the way to the villa, grab the stadium in Hoboken'e famous safecracker Salvatore. When you arrive at the villa, find a small, almost invisible gate and order Salvatore to open it.

Enter the park and immediately hide behind the right statue. Order Salvatore to remain in place, and take the bat in your hands. As soon as a guard passes you, hit him as hard as you can on the dome with your baton. Take the weapons and keys. Head right to the gazebo. There's another guard there. We perform a proven technique - hitting the skull with a bat. At the stairs leading to the balustrade, calm down another guardsman. The most important thing here is not to make any noise, otherwise all the guards will come running.

Taking Salvatore with you, go into the house. Also caress the maid who appears with a bat and go upstairs. Find an office with a safe and after the video, don’t forget to pick up the papers.

And the garage is cramped - you can’t turn around!

Go downstairs. Leave Salvatore at the stairs and go into the dining room with a bat in your hand. Calm down the guards and, having captured Salvatore, leave the park and the Oak Hills in general.

Although, if you wish, you can try to leave this hospitable house in the owner’s car.

Drop Salvatore home and go to Salieri.

Part 12. Great Deal

After the failure with Canadian whiskey, Salieri was very upset. But then someone turned up Paulie William Gates from Kentucky, who offered a batch of whiskey at a very competitive price. Fortunately, you just need to go to a multi-story garage, pay and pick up the goods.

Having approached the garage, climb to the third floor. In the back of the garage you will see a bunch of guys waiting for you. Don’t go there yet, but form a barricade from the cars parked in the garage at the exit to the next floor.

Now you can approach your colleagues and exchange money for goods. In the midst of the deal, Morello's guys will appear, and a serious fight will break out. That's why a barricade of cars was needed. Firstly, they won’t break through here right away, and secondly, sooner or later either you or they will blow up one of the cars, and the others will detonate after it. The enemy troops lost a good half (if not two-thirds) of their soldiers. Clear the lower floors, and then go upstairs again, get into the truck and drive out of the garage.

Once on the street, get out of the car and shoot six guys and two cars, comfortably located to the right of the garage. Now you can safely go to Salieri's warehouse. Just beware of the police - your truck cannot escape the police cars.

Part 13. Bon Apetit!

Despite the fact that the description of this mission will take up very little space, you will most likely spend no more than an hour or two to complete it.

You have to protect Don Salieri from Morello's thugs. After the lawless people throw a grenade into the restaurant, hiding under the tables, try to shoot as many bad guys as possible. Constantly look at the Boss’s health and at the back door - uninvited guests can also pour out from there.

The difficulty is that you are very limited in ammunition, and the attackers are very well armed. But as soon as you get something long-barreled, the problem can be considered solved.

Exit through the back door. And shoot everyone you haven't already. One bandit holed up on the second floor, another in the courtyard behind the barrels, the rest were hanging out at the front entrance.

Having dealt with the Morellates, put Salieri in the car and drive to Little Italy to Carlo’s house.

Having taken off after the boss into Carlo’s apartment, knock down the door and climb out onto the fire escape. Carlo is hanging out downstairs with a gun drawn, along with a few guys with clubs and pistols. Needless to say, what needs to be done.

Part 14. Happy Birthday!

War is war! Now Salieri's patience was exhausted, and he decided to take Morello seriously. We decided to start with the mayor's adviser, who is celebrating his birthday on the ship today.

Follow the map to the pier and try to get onto the ship. Security won't let you in - no pass! Go into the house opposite the pier, go downstairs and change into a sailor's uniform.

Once on the ship, first of all stand facing the stern and walk along the starboard side all the way. The stop will be the door to the service toilet. Open the door, take the bucket and, with the bucket at the ready, go to the middle deck. Having wandered along it a little at the very stern, on the left you will find a locked door with the inscription “Skipper has the key”. Look for the skipper (he is the only one hanging around the ship in a vest) and, angrily shaking the bucket, take the key from him.

Open the door and take the gun from the locker. Now all that remains is to shoot the adviser and, taking advantage of the turmoil, escape from the ship, which Poli had brought up in advance.

Part 15. You Lucky Bastard!

Sergio Morello Jr. should fall next by your hand. Lucky Bastard! Now you will see that this nickname suits him perfectly.

Go to a restaurant Italian Garden, go into a telephone booth, call and... urgently run away to Salieri’s bar, killing your pursuers along the way.

Attempt two. Drive up to the house of the youngest Morello's mistress, wait until the guard at the door enters the house, run up to the car and quickly mine it. Run back to a safe distance and monitor developments.

Attempt three. Now let's go to the restaurant Rainbow Garden. Closet-looking young people are hanging out at the entrance, and Sergio is with them. As luck would have it, Paulie’s machine gun is jammed, which means Tommy will take the rap. Throw a grenade at the bandit's car. Everything is easier! The rest are easy to get. Sergio faded...

Attempt four. The last one. Because I'm tired of it. After the video, drive after Sergio's car. It is strictly forbidden to lag behind! He will take you to the port. At the port, run straight all the time, lazily shooting back at the defenders of the honor of the Morello family. Some bandits are sitting on the cranes - don't let them out of your sight.

Having reached the warehouse, at the entrance to which there is Morello Jr.’s car, make sure that the railway track leads from the warehouse to two tanks standing at a dead end. If necessary, move the arrows. When everything is ready, pull the block out from under the first tank. When it crashes into the warehouse door, all you have to do is run up to it and set it on fire. Bang!

The doors are as if they never happened. You can run inside and kill six heavily armed gangsters, and with them the younger Morello.

Having finished with this, run out into the wild and head to your car, firing back at the plainclothes police agents who finally deigned to get here. Returning to Salieri, you can visit Luca again.

Part 16. Creme De La Creme

After the youngest, it was the turn of the eldest. Drive up to the theater and try to squeeze Morello's limousine right there. If all else fails, rush after him and try to deal with him on the way to the airport. If nothing worked here and Morello turned to the airport, turn behind him, abandon the suddenly stalled car and run to the hangar, not paying attention to the two big guys. Shoot the engines of a plane taxiing for takeoff. Continue shooting and running after the plane along the taxiway. On the way, Paulie and Sam will pick you up, and now in a car with a Tommy gun at the ready, continue to chase and shoot the plane. Shoot both engines. Having brought the plane's life bar to zero, you can rest assured that Morello is no longer a tenant.

But it may happen that Morello does not turn to the airport, but moves on. Chase him without falling behind, and at the destroyed bridge, simply push his car down.

Before reporting to Salieri about the successful completion of the task, you can visit Luca again.

Part 17. Election Campaign

We will eliminate the politician Salieri dislikes. Stock up on a sniper from Vincenzo and head off to the old prison. Having parked the car near the prison, go around it on the left side and kill the worker at the sewer hatch. Hide the body in the hatch. And climb there yourself.

Get out along the other stairs. Here you are inside the prison. Now we need to pave the way to the very top. There are quite a lot of enemies here, but they are not very well armed. Be that as it may, don’t take out the sniper rifle yet - make do with what you picked up from the bodies.

From the first to the second floor there is a wooden staircase inside the prison building, from the second to the third there is a staircase on the external balustrade. The tower is again reached by a spiral staircase inside the prison building.

Go out onto the balcony. Focus on the small island. Take out your sniper rifle and switch to sniper mode. You need that person on the island who makes a speech from the podium. He must be taken down with ONE shot. Otherwise, explanations with the police cannot be avoided.

After dealing with the politician, exit the prison building through the door that leads to the courtyard with the dogs. Kill the dogs and shoot the lock on the gate.

You could try dumping all your weapons right here (in case the cops search you). Go outside. And if everything is in order, with a song on your lips and a breeze in your left ear, go to Don. However, Luka is again not averse to helping you in any way he can.

Part 18. Just For Relaxation

The Boss wanted to relax! Smoke some good cigars! We will please...

Drop Sam off where there is a cross on the map and radar, and you and Paulie go to the port. Do not enter the territory, but wait until the truck leaves the gate. Go after him. When the truck enters the warehouse, drive further, turn the corner and barricade the road with your own car. After unloading at the warehouse, the truck will go exactly this way and immediately fall into a trap. Throw the driver out of the cab, take his papers and climb into the cab of the truck. Now they will let you into the port.

Having approached the far left warehouse (there is still a man standing in the doorway), back the truck up close to the doors and get out of the cab. Immediately the man will reach for the pistol. Here you, without letting anyone come to their senses, defend your honor and dignity.

After clearing the surrounding area of ​​guards, begin loading boxes of cigars into the truck. Having loaded all 12, get into the cockpit and go straight to the nook where Sam was dropped off earlier. In this very nook, meet Sam and Paulie and show Kuzka’s mother to your pursuers. There are not many of them - six people in two cars. Protect your truck from shocks!!!

Having completed the showdown with a score of 0:6, go to the Master's warehouse.

But the owner decided to cheat! There are diamonds in the boxes instead of cigars... So, we'll take the bank. Without him!

Part 19. Moonlighting

With Paulie, ride the Skytrain a few stops and get off in Downtown. Go to the bank and listen to Paulie's plan. While he's telling you, look around. Remember where the clerks' desk is. Then there will be no time to look for her.

After going to the bank, Paulie will leave you, and you alone, without a car, will have to collect weapons and get wheels.

Go to Hoboken, run around the right side of the cinema Twister, knock on the door and get it from the arms dealer Yellow Pete the following set of products: Colt 1911, Colt Detective Special, S&W Magnum, S&W M&P, Thompson 1928. However, this set can be completely different - it all depends on your taste.

Now either steal a car, or ride the elevated train, or grab a car, but in any case, drive to Luka. He will give you the task to carry the package Big Dick. Go to your destination. After you give the package, kill the three idiots and return to Luka. He will give you a tip on a luxury car. Personally, I was unable to catch her in the indicated place, I had to travel around the city, and then arrange an ugly brawl with her former owner right in the middle of a busy intersection (fortunately the police were not nearby). Maybe you'll have better luck.

Drive your newly acquired car to Paulie’s house and make beeps right under his windows.

Your path again lies in the bank. Once inside, immediately dispatch the police (while they are stunned), go behind the clerks' desk and pick up the keys to the depository. Go up to the floor above, casually shooting left and right, go into the director's office and, after talking with him, grab the keys to the safe from the board.

Now, in full combat readiness, you can go down to the depository and go to the safe.

After the safe is taken, take Paulie and move on.

Part 20. The Death Of Art

There’s not even anything to say here. EMPTY-HANDS, quickly get out of Paulie's apartment and, ignoring the two policemen, sneak past them into the street. Steal any car and rush to Yellow Pete to stock up. Take the same kit as before, but instead of a Tommy gun, take US Rifle M 1903 Springfield .

Go to the art gallery and shoot everyone there. Open all the doors that open and shoot everyone there. Sam will be the last to fall. And after that you will have to watch the final video first with joy and then with horror.

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Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven is a cult third-person action game that was released in 2002. This series of games is still very popular and respected among gamers. In 2016, the third part of the mafia saga was released. But the founder of the project is still not forgotten. This program has everything that one could wish for in a computer game in 2002: an excellent plot, an open world, gangster romance and good graphics for its time.

Throughout the game, you are engaged in completing the storyline for Tommy Angelo, a former taxi driver. However, not many people know that the game has another mode in which you can pass the time after completing the main campaign. This mode will be an excellent reason to once again plunge into the atmosphere of the game and spend several hours, or even a dozen, playing it (the mode does not spare anyone with its increased complexity).

In this article you will learn all the details about the “Big Walk” mode, secrets and gameplay features that you may not have thought of before.

All modes in the game

Total in computer game"Mafia" has 3 gameplay modes. The first is the story campaign. As part of it, you have to go through 20 different missions, which are accompanied by cutscenes. Between tasks, you will not be able to move freely around the city, since you will constantly be required to complete the mission (and often most tasks are completely time limited).

The plot is the plot, but everyone still wants to enjoy the American city of the 20s. This is exactly what the game developers thought and inserted a free mode into “Mafia” called “Walk”. In it, no one obliges you to engage in missions. You can simply explore the city and ride around it to your heart's content while listening to atmospheric music.

When you complete the story, and walking around the city ceases to be a pleasure, then welcome to the “Big Walk” mode. which takes about 20 hours the first time, seemed too short to the developers, so they decided to add another campaign. 19 new tasks that vary in difficulty and goal will bring several more hours of active gameplay. Already interested? Then let's take a closer look at this mode.

How to open?

Let's look at how to open the "Big Walk" in "Mafia". You can access the regular game right from the first launch. And to unlock The Big Walk, you will have to complete the main storyline. If you are only interested in a separate mode, then download someone else’s saves from the Internet with the completed story and copy them to the game folder in “My Documents”.

After that, launch the game. If previously the “Long Walk” item in the main menu was inactive (highlighted in gray), now you can click on it. Now let's talk about how this mode differs from the main game and what you need to pay attention to.

Differences from Story Mode

The first differences are immediately apparent to the player. Firstly, the main character starts the game on his own estate. You still play as Tommy. You have one of the two fastest cars in the city. In your own home, you can save stolen and found cars, replenish your health, weapons, and so on. It is worth noting right away that there are big problems with weapons in this mode, since almost all missions involve stealing vehicles.

In the game "Mafia" ("Big Walk"), secrets are literally at every step. The city itself and its architecture have also been slightly changed. Now in many places you will find trampolines, for jumping on which you will receive bonuses. In addition, there are 19 unique cars hidden around the city that you can find and drive into your own garage.

The main story places in this mode are closed (Salieri's bar and others). You can drive sports cars as much as you want: there are no police in the Big Walk, so no one can punish you for recklessness or lawlessness. However, be careful with the latter - there are still gangsters operating in the city who can easily kill you. However, you can also earn extra money from them: the death of one gangster earns Tommy $500.

And the latest changes concern city traffic. Firstly, public transport is now a bit slow and can accumulate at one point. Because of this, you may not wait for him at the bus stop. Secondly, the city vehicle fleet was slightly simplified - sports cars were removed from it and they were made rare (found in one or several copies). An example would be your personal car at home: only Tommy and one other person in the whole city have one. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to fill your garage with the first cars you come across. Almost all garage spaces will be occupied by prize and unique cars that you will find in the city or receive for successfully completing missions. This is where the secrets end in the game "Mafia" ("Big Walk"). Now you are prepared.

Start of mode

As mentioned above, in this game mode you will have to complete 19 unique missions. They are arranged in random order, so you may come across both easy and very difficult tasks in a row. In the "Big Walk" ("Mafia") mode, the passage can take about 15 hours - it all depends on your driving skills in the main part. If you easily coped with the racing mission, then you won’t have any problems here either.

Before you start, take note of some tips:

  • You will not be able to repeat a mission that has already been completed.
  • All tasks are given by instructors in different parts of the city. The first NPC can be found right near your estate.
  • After successfully completing the quest, you need to return to the person who issued the mission. He will tell you where you can pick up Tommy's reward. After this, you will have a corresponding mark on the city map. All quest characters are also marked on the map.
  • You can take tasks in any order convenient for you.
  • After completing the "Big Walk" mission, progress is automatically saved in the "Tasks" slot. In addition, you can save it in a separate “Home” slot when visiting your estate.

Now let's move on to a complete and detailed walkthrough of the game.

Mission 1

In the very first mission, your task will be to drive a truck from one point to another. The problem is that the truck is filled with activated explosives that go off at low speeds. Accordingly, you should not lower the speedometer needle below 34 mph.

At the beginning of the mission, you have 30 seconds to reach the specified speed threshold, otherwise you will be blown up along with the truck. But there is one nice thing about this mission - it is not limited in time. You must choose the optimal route and complete it at sufficient speed. Drive calmly along the path marked on the map and don't hesitate to use your horn to make other cars move in front of you.


In the "Big Walk" ("Mafia") mode, the passage continues with another thematic mission with explosives. This time you won't have to drive a truck with bombs. Your task will be to clear mine sites that are scattered throughout the city. You will be offered a fairly fast car, with which you will have time to drive around all the bombs that are marked on the map. To clear mines, just go to the explosives and press the "U" key.

Transportation of cars

The next mission will be limited in time. In it you will have to drive trucks with cars. There are three trucks and three points in total. You must swap them. If you know city streets and shortcuts well, you will cope with the task the first time. To complicate matters, you must load the sports cars into the trucks yourself without damaging any of them.

Explosive cargo

Another variation on the theme of driving a truck from point A to point B. However, this time another surprise awaits you. The fact is that this truck is loaded with nitroglycerin, which leads to an explosion at the slightest collision with other objects. In addition, the task is limited by a timer. If successfully completed, you will receive the truck from the first mission of the Mafia game (“The Big Walk”) for your personal use. Cars are saved in your garage automatically.


Another timely delivery of the car. This time your car will take gas mileage into account. The faster you drive, the faster your fuel is consumed. Therefore, you will have to plan your route so that you arrive at the gas station on time. There is no timer in this task.

The pursuit

The "Big Walk" (Mafia) missions continue with the most difficult mission in the game. In addition to your car, an airplane will take part in it. Your goal is to pursue the aircraft at a distance of no more than 200 meters from it. At the same time, the aircraft does not take into account the presence of buildings and other obstacles, and you will have to take all these obstacles into account. Almost no player succeeded in completing this mission the first time, so don’t despair. After several attempts, you will remember the plane's route and follow it with ease.

Strange and unusual mission

You must drive the provided vehicle through all checkpoints within the allotted time. The trouble is that when the main character’s speed increases, the distances are also distorted, which interferes and confuses the player. The same goes for several attempts and after studying the entire route.

Eliminating the enemy

The tasks are not particularly varied in gameplay. However, the eighth mission does not involve a time chase. You have to kill three snipers who are keeping you at gunpoint. This is where the whole difficulty of the task lies. To make things easier, use cover. In the game "Mafia" ("Big Walk"), weapons are in short supply, so save with the prize money you receive sniper rifle in my house.

Invisible Man

Another mission without cars. You must catch up with the invisible man. Watch his actions carefully, as he will try to outsmart you and hide from sight.

Driving a car

You have to drive a sports car from point A to point B with a few nuances. First, bombs will fall from the sky. Secondly, your car will stall at speeds above 40 mph. As a reward, you will be given this car, but in good condition.

Russian roulette

This time there will be a choice of two cars: one of them with explosives, and the other without. However, the differences are not marked on the map, so you can only guess or pass the second time.

A little respite

The easiest mission gives you a break after several difficult tasks. It can also be considered the simplest in the entire game "Mafia 1" ("Big Walk"). You must perform several actions: run around the house, sit down several times, carry the box to its destination accompanied by an NPC and put it in place.

The rescue

Here you have to save a girl who is on the other side of the city. Plan in advance the shortest and most convenient route to your goal, and then success awaits you.

"Important conversation"

In mission 14 you have to drive around the city between telephone booths. Between them, you must meet the timer on the timer, otherwise the interlocutor will hang up and you will fail the task. Easy to navigate with good knowledge of the city streets.

UFO encounter

This time, instead of a plane, you are chasing a flying saucer. At the end of the journey, a reward awaits you - another collectible car for your garage.


The game "Mafia" ("Big Walk") does not often offer you shootouts and put weapons in your hands. Mission 16 is just one of those. In the task you will have to go through an alley filled with enemies from beginning to end. Opponents will climb from everywhere, even from balconies, so be careful. At the end, turn left into the courtyard. Here, three gangsters with shotguns will immediately run out at you, so hide behind the nearest available cover so as not to die from two shots. It is worth recalling that in case of failure, each task starts from the very beginning.


Already a familiar task for those who have been playing the game "Mafia" ("Big Walk") for a long time. Mission 17 is another car transfer. When the speed decreases and collisions occur, the mission starts over again, so choose wide streets with a minimum amount of city traffic.


In the mission you have to get behind the wheel of an unusual rocket car and drive from one end of the city to the other. However, your route is not arbitrary, but set by columns of smoke. Therefore, look carefully at the road so as not to miss the desired checkpoint. If you decide to cut a corner or take a shortcut around a column of smoke, you will have to return to the control point. This way you will spend more time completing it, so it is recommended to immediately follow the race rules.

Destroying the enemy

The final task does not involve chases. This time you must kill Speedy Gonzales. You may miss him as he gets into his car and drives away. For a quick passage, go around the yard with reverse side, with which Gonzales runs out, and shoot him.


Congratulations! Completed the Big Walk mode in Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven. Most tasks have nothing to do with the main plot, but simply add complexity.

After completing all tasks, you can continue playing in the free world. All prize cars in the garage, all weapons and bonuses will still be available for use. Now the game will only be saved in the special “Home” slot. To replay, you will have to start the entire mode over again.

The developers' first nod to Mario Puzo, Martin Scorsese and the most famous mafia film "The Godfather" lies in the name of the starting mission. There, Don Corleone, I remember, also made offers to friends and enemies that they could not refuse. Now you yourself have found yourself in the position of friends/enemies. It’s a pity, of course, that it was your taxi that ended up in the path of two guys fleeing from their pursuers and crashing their car. It is you who will now have to save their skins (and your own too) by trying to lose their tail.

The car at the tail will be more powerful than yours, so the main weapon lies not in the hands of the fugitives who crawled into your car, but in your reflexes. Dust the hounds' brains, wag your taxi's backside like the last whore, don't hesitate to enter gateways and dark courtyards (here you will need the TAB button, which calls up the map). Set up your pursuers, forcing them to crash into oncoming cars, and carefully monitor the health indicators of your two clients (lower left corner of the screen) - as soon as one of them loses all blood, you will lose. In principle, escaping from being chased is quite easy; you will need no more than three to five attempts at this operation, or even less.

In general, as soon as you get rid of the attackers, feel free to go to Salieri’s bar (an arrow will point to it on the map).

Do they really want to kill you for saving these two???

Well, since you didn’t take Salieri’s offer seriously, first you’ll have to work as a taxi driver. You have to carry five passengers, and they are gentle creatures - they don’t like collisions, they don’t like breaking the rules, they don’t like “press” people... They only want one thing - to get to the right place in the shortest possible time. “Taxi” missions here clearly play a teaching role - they introduce you to city areas, their names and the main routes of movement between them. Smart.

Well, after these trips you decided to rest, because you forgot how the coffee break ended in the first mission...

Yes... The mafia Long hands. Of course, you didn’t want to get involved in the squabbles between the Salieri and Morello families, but... no one is interested in your opinion. The Morell bastards identified you using your taxi number and suddenly came to visit you. After receiving a couple of blows and taking one last sad look at your car, which was destroyed by a bat, RUN

Oh, what a cool tune that plays during this mission! It's the only reason I've replayed Running Man ten times, it fits the concept so well. Games, of course, and not a film with A. Schwarzenegger, where the name of the mission refers us. So, about running. The main thing here is to follow the directions of the green arrow and not pay attention to the men peeing by the fence, because every stop threatens to shoot you in the back. Therefore, run straight (don’t try to strafe, dodging lead lumps - you will be safer), clearly avoiding the corners, and you will calmly, alive and well, reach Salieri’s bar.

Do you remember they told you that you could come to Don at any time and ask for help? Perhaps this moment has come. After a short showdown with Morello’s hounds (they shouldn’t have come in for coffee), you’ll finally decide that being a mafioso isn’t so bad.

Since you have decided to retrain from a taxi driver to a mafioso, you will have to pass a short test. Don Salieri invites you to carry out a small task - to destroy the cars of the leader of the Morello clan. At the same time, you will wreak personal revenge on them.

After receiving the task, together with Paulie, you will take a baseball bat and a couple of Molotov cocktails from the family’s “storekeeper” Vincenzo, and you will learn how to steal a new type of car from the family’s regular repairman, Ralph, in one of which you will go “on the mission.” Following the arrow, drive up to Morello's establishment and, without slowing down, crush the guard at the gate, otherwise he will call for help.

Spend two Molotov cocktails on two cars, smash the third with a bat and add it to the others if they don’t have enough fuel. In the worst case scenario, Morello's thugs will jump out of the cafe. You can split the heads of the brave men with a bat (and they have pistols...) or quickly climb into your car and scratch back to Salieri’s catering. I'd rather not get into trouble, but it's up to you.

After successfully completing this task, you will become a full member of the Family, op la

Although the first is yours the task was very successful, Don decides to check you again (at the suggestion of his console, who is much more suspicious of newcomers than the boss). The task is quite standard for ordinary members of the Family - you need to go to three different points and collect bribes for “protection protection”.

Get a Smith & Wesson from Vincenzo and ask Ralph about a car to complete the mission. The first two points are located within the city, and the third, a motel, is outside Lost Heaven, in the north.

Getting the first two leather suitcases does not cause any difficulties, but the third one will have to tinker.

After receiving the second bag, take the only northern road out of town where the compass points. Soon you will arrive at the motel. Paulie and Sam will leave you, go into the building and then...

Hmmm, Morello definitely wants to start a war. Paulie, despite being seriously wounded in the stomach, will order you to rescue Sam. Of course, with a fart from Vincenzo, you will not be able to complete such a responsible task involving the risk of life.

Go around the motel on the left and climb up the boxes to the second floor. Don't pay attention to the dog, you'll only waste bullets and health. Open the door on the veranda and dive into the room as you go. There's a Thompson lying on the bed - that's already something! After leaving the room, stand in front of the toilet and wait for the mafia to open the door. Hello Travolta and Pulp Fiction! By the way, all the toilets in the game have quite functional uses - I recommend trying them out.

Naturally, the gunmen from the first floor will come running to hear the shots. It will be better if you retreat into the corridor to the right of the stairs, sit down and start shooting at those running in with single shots. Save your ammo, because apart from pistols falling from corpses, you have nothing else to profit from! Having dealt with the fastest stallions, go down the stairs to the first floor. There, in the same position of the forester who sat down to poop, lay down the three Morellians. You can buy Thompson cartridges from one of them. Sam is kept in the back room, behind the pool tables.

Most likely, the bloke in a dirty T-shirt beating him will jump out at the noise and get his share of lead. However, don’t flatter yourself - a little later he will cause you more trouble. Having pulled Sam out of the “beating room”, you will encounter another cowardly bastard who, despite all the advantage in the tactical position, will not shoot you and Sam. Well, cowardice must also be punished!

As soon as the jerboa gets into his yellow convertible, jump into the car (I hope you didn’t wreck it too much on the way to the motel?) and follow the canary. You need to return the Family's money to your home. The best way to stop a fleeing bald man is to build a barricade with your car in the tunnel or turn his car around on the road with a calculated blow. After that you can finish the job with regular lead.

By the way, I personally was helped by a car passing through the tunnel, which simply hit the impudent person.

Mission, like, complete!

Don Salieri does not like to lose, but he always prefers to play honestly. Well, since his concept of honesty is very unique, his methods of play are appropriate. Don's task is this: to drive a new supercar for racing from a garage outside the city to Lucas's workshop. In the morning he will take part in the race, in which a car is on display, on which Don bet a tidy sum. No, no, nothing particularly criminal is expected. Lucas will just look into his competitor’s car, see what’s there and how, maybe tweak something. Well, in general, a small thing that will reduce the chances of the racer from Europe and increase the chances of Salieri’s protege.

You need to complete the task clearly and quickly, while keeping the car safe and sound. It is strictly forbidden to enter into any “getting away” relationships with cops.

In the car given to Ralphie, drive out of town along the western road until you enter a tunnel blocked by a barrier. At the house near the arch you will be met by Ralph's friend, who is familiar with the number of bills that are due for Salieri's help.

In the garage behind the tunnel, you will get into a super-fast car and drive it to Lucas's garage, which is located in the western part of the city, under the bridge (on which, by the way, only in this mission you will have a chance to admire the local suicide).

After "straightening" the car, drive the "F1" back to the racing garage and whistle to Salieri's bar.

Wow! By the will of fate, Tommy must replace the driver who, due to “injury,” will not be able to compete with the pepper whose car you “damaged” a little earlier. Don's Console, Frank, will meet you in the race track garage and put you behind the wheel of a Formula 1 prototype.

You understand that you can’t even mention second place - the Family will not forgive such a shame, and the Game will be Over. With a bloody nose, you need to get around your main rival - the European Martin Lichtenberg in a red car, and finish first after five laps. I don't think you will complete this mission the first time. Most likely, you won’t succeed even in the tenth, because the car skids terribly at high speed, and the rivals are not sleeping, and the gap in laps is usually tenths of a second. The main thing in this mission is caution, knowledge of the habits of your opponents and the ability to maneuver dangerously.

Remember that the AI ​​is very gentle when cornering, and this is where you need to catch it. In principle, if you take the lead immediately after the first sand mound and continue to drive carefully, along a explored route, slowing down in the zigzag forest, you will be able to reach the finish line with a decent lead. But if there is a sharp skid and a turn... it’s better to immediately start the level again, because in those seconds that you spend on acceleration, only a lazy person will not overtake you.

In general, patience, knowledge of all sections of the course and caution will make you the winner of the race and the recipient of the kiss with the trophy. After the races, you will still need to quickly go to Lucas's garage, and then steal the wonderful yellow Phaeton, this time for personal use. But with theft, everything is quite simple - you can do it yourself, without any prompts.

For now I have everything, if there is anything new I will definitely write Scream.

Did the material help you: YES or NO helped: 490, did not help: 606

Luigi asks you to take his daughter Sarah home, as she is being accosted by hooligans on the street.

Keep pace with the girl, have a conversation with her, and bandits will attack you in one of the alleys. Put on your brass knuckles and chat with the three scoundrels until they scatter in all directions. Pick up the baseball bat, go even further, turn into the alley and you will see a couple of hooligans pestering Sarah. Make them deeply regret their rash action. Take Sarah home and watch bed scene. In the morning, Tommy will tell Salieri about what happened. Don will order you and Paulie to sort it out. Visit Vincenzo and get a baseball bat and a Colt 1911 from him. Go to Biff, who can be found in the central square in Chinatown, for information. He will direct you to the old station, which is nearby. Let Paulie kick down the door, prepare a baseball bat and take on the leading role in clearing enemy territory. Keep a close eye on your comrade, he sometimes becomes so bold that he does not hesitate to swing with five opponents at the same time. Just do not open fire under any circumstances, otherwise you will scare everyone away and ruin everything. Try to hit on the back, so you can kill anyone with the first blow. Go up the stairs and jump into the trash heap. Get your Colt 1911 ready, because the local guys will be the first to open fire, and you'll have to answer them. Shoot everyone in the vicinity, remembering to monitor your health. Some people will eventually hide from you, so immediately get into your car, wait for your comrade and follow the villains. After some time, they will crash into a wall, and Tommy (or, alternatively, Paulie) will take care of their fate.

You are assigned three tasks at once: deal with the whore who is transmitting information to Morello, blow up the hotel and kill the manager.

Go to the Corleone Hotel in the Downtown area. Hide your weapon so no one suspects anything. Go up to the third floor and look for an unlocked door. The girl takes a bath. There is still something human left in Tommy, he will take pity on the young lady and order her to get out of the city. Go down to the first floor and go to the restaurant. The manager (in white) does not stand still. Wait for him to return to the restaurant, close the door and immediately shoot the guy in black at the table (with a pistol). After this, deal with the defenseless manager. The guards will come running at the noise, find cover and serve them one by one. At the reception, take the key to the Director's Office and heal yourself at the first aid kit. Go up to the top floor. Just don't fly into the director's office with the demon of retribution! The opponent will be ready for the meeting, so be careful. Tommy will plant a bomb and an explosion will occur. Now you are on roof, and the police are hunting for you. Climb the stairs to the top, go through the doors, climb onto the parapet and jump onto the roof of the house on the right. From afar, a cop is aiming a gun at you - get ahead of him. Go down a little lower, and the police will run out of the door. Climb back up and take them out from an advantageous position. On the roof opposite there is another enemy hiding, who is extremely difficult to notice. After this, a couple more cops will appear, deal with them too. Follow to the wooden ladder, with the help of which Tommy will climb to the roof of the church. Suspended on a rope bucket, and below it there is a worker standing. It's funny. Go down and get some medical treatment at the first aid kit along the way. You will find yourself at the funeral of a friend whose fate you and Paulie determined in the last mission. The priest will notice you, but do not stick your head out, but wait until the especially curious ones run up to you. You know how to please them. After that, rush inside and hide behind the coffin. Because of the cover, you can easily remove opponents from balconies, as well as take out those hiding behind benches. Soon another batch of bandits armed with shotguns will come from the street. It makes sense to run under the roof of the church, and there you can deal with everyone one by one. Follow the street. The police are looking for you, as indicated by the WANTED icon at the top of the screen. Get into the first car you come across and rush to Salieri's bar.

Salieri gives the next task: to pick up whiskey from a warehouse outside the city. The mission promises to be hot.

First you need to meet Paulie at Salieri's warehouse. Ralph will give you a brand new Bolt V8, which you can use to visit your friend. From there you will reach your destination by truck. The village is suspiciously quiet, and Paulie will send you to scout the situation and find out what happened with Salieri’s people and with the alcohol. Continue through the entire farm to the truck. Open the door and the driver's corpse will fall out of the cab. Guys with shotguns will immediately appear and open fire on you. Don’t pretend to be a tough guy, but run zigzag back to Paulie, who has already prepared with his comrades for a warm welcome. Sit next to yours and don’t let your opponents get close. After the ace subsides, talk to Paulie - now you need to save poor Sam. Follow the main road to an open barn on the right side. Opponents are waiting for you inside. There is a first aid kit here for you, and Paulie will find a crowbar. Across the street is the locked barn where Sam is being held. Once Paulie breaks down the door, get ready to avenge Sam. You should move extremely carefully, as opponents are hiding almost everywhere. On the second floor you can find another first aid kit, and on the third floor lies the crippled Sam. Paulie will run for help, but then, as luck would have it, the cops will arrive. Remove them from above from the window, but be prepared for the fact that especially nimble ones can break through and jump out from behind you. Go down and you will leave this vile place. You are in the back of a truck and must shoot back at the cars that are catching up with you. You have to destroy three cars. Shoot through the windshield at the driver. After Sam is taken to the best doctor in town, you can stop by Bertone for a mission. Lucas asks you to warn his friend about this. that the police will soon come for him. Rush headlong to Hoboken, because there is very little time left. You must get ahead of the police and knock on the door first. Return to Bertone and he will teach you how to deal with the Ulver Airstrim Fordor. Go to Oakwood and steal a car there, then drive your new car to Salieri's bar.

Omerta is the Italian mafia's code of silence. Frank betrayed his family and is going to hand over his documents to the police. You must track down the corrupt consoler. Vincenzo has a shotgun for you. and Ralphie has prepared a new car for you. Go to Chinatown for the first informer, and then to the museum in Central Island for the second. After this, you have to visit the bald guy who lives under the bridge not far from Bertone's workshop. True, the comrade will refuse to say anything. Give him a couple of punches in the jaw, and in a moment you'll know where the cops are keeping Frank. Get a fast car like the Bolt V8 Roadster and drive to Oakwood. From there, follow Frank to the airport. A mission from the "one against all" series. Head towards the building where four opponents are waiting for you. Leave the first aid kit on the wall “for later.” Follow Frank to the hangar, taking out the caped cops along the way. A truck will approach, from which the driver will get out with a mount. Feed the guy lead, get into the car and run over everyone who gets under the wheels. Collect cannons from corpses and do not forget to remove the enemy from the tower. Frank is in the car park behind the building, kill his bodyguards and talk to the traitor. You will find out the reasons why the person closest to Salieri wants to leave the family. It turns out that the cops are threatening to kill his wife and child. Having handcuffed Frank, follow the building on the right, which is guarded by a pair of policemen. Inside you will find the consolire's wife and son. Talk to them, return to Frank and take him to his family. You will be asked to find tickets. In the parking lot, take the car you like and return to the first building. Inside, on the table are the treasured tickets. Give them to Frank and you will witness a touching scene. After that, without paying attention to anyone, leave the airport and go to the bank in Downtown, where you need to pick up the ledgers. Visit Bertone for a task. You need to deliver a "message" to Stan at Works Quarters. Find this black boxer and beat him up, Stan will get scared and run away. Lucas will teach you how to steal a Thor 810. This beauty can be found in the Oak Hills area, where the stars live. Having acquired a new car, return to Salieri's bar.

The next task from Salieri: steal an important document from a villa in Oak Hills.

Get a baseball bat and a Colt 1911 from Vincenzo, and on the way to the millionaire's house, pick up the burglar Salvatore in Hoboken. Head to Oak Hills. Find an unsightly gate in the fence and order Salvatore to open it. Without wasting a second, run to the left and hide behind the statue. Order Salvatore to stay put. As soon as the guard passes you, come out of hiding and greet him from behind with a baseball bat. You will receive a key and a shotgun. To the right is a small gazebo, in which another guard stands thoughtfully. Take the shotgun from him too. If you did everything quickly, you will have time to overtake the third guard as he descends the stairs near the house. When the area is cleared, return to Salvatore and call him with you. Go inside the house. If you run into a maid, don’t hesitate to introduce her to your bat too. Whose life is more valuable to you, after all? The main thing is not to play around with switches anywhere, otherwise you will get yourself into trouble. Go up to the second floor and find a safe in one of the offices. Order Salvatore to hack it. and then the owner will unexpectedly return. Grab your documents and leave the house through another exit. There is a rich man's Silver Fletcher car on the street, order Salvatore to open it and get out of the estate. Drop Salvatore off at his house and go to Salieri's bar.

Pauley found a certain William Gates from Kentucky, who sells alcohol on the cheap. The goods must be picked up at the car park.

Drive to the indicated location. Go up with Sam and Paulie to the top floor, where your deal partners are already waiting for you. However Morello. as it turns out, he longs for war. Suddenly two cars pull up, from which good guys with Thompsons and shotguns get out. Immediately bend down and shoot everyone from afar, trying to save ammo. Soon another car will arrive, from which opponents will also fall out. On the floor below, two guys are sitting behind bars, and the third is hiding behind a column at the other end of the room. Even lower, a bunch of guys are waiting for you on the left, try to lure them out one by one. On the second floor, the passage is barricaded; in addition, be careful - grenades will fly at you. Do not use an ordinary ladder, but quickly shoot everyone from cover. Once you've cleared everything out, return to the top floor and drive the truck to the exit. The success of this mission largely depends on the intelligence of Paulie and Sam, who sometimes behave downright stupidly and get in front of bullets. Now you have to take the goods to a warehouse in Hoboken, a chase with a shootout is expected. But it is best to discuss all the details on the spot. Arm yourself with the Thompson and deal with the guys to the left of the entrance, and at the same time blow up two black cars. The chase is called off.

Salieri asks you to become his bodyguard for a while and take him to a restaurant for lunch. Don has a fancy car, to say the least. Take Salieri to a restaurant in New Ark. True, it won’t be possible to really eat; Morello’s people have come to convey a “message” to Salieri. You only have a Colt 1911 with you, so things are looking bad. Immediately jump to the right and hide behind the bar counter. Shoot the guys on the right side because they have a greater chance of falling to Salieri. Save your ammo, as soon a kind trio will burst into you through the door behind you. Ideally, you should not let them take a shot. Go into the corridor. From the window you can see how the enemy with the Thompson sat between the houses. Blow his brains out, and then run into the courtyard and look through the door on the right. Another happy owner of a Thompson is lurking on the second floor. Make him miserable. From the window you can finish off the rest of the guys below. Go outside and once again make sure that everything is calm. Just in case, climb into any car and chase the remaining villains. Now you and Salieri have to visit Carlo, whose apartment is located near the West Marshall Bridge. Collect guns from the corpses and go. Go upstairs with Salieri and kick down the door. The guy in shorts jumped out the window, follow him up the fire escape. Catch him behind the garages and feed him lead. Two idiots with baseball bats and a third, smarter one with a pistol will immediately appear from the door. You know what to do with them.

Don is very unhappy that he was not allowed to eat in peace at Pepe's restaurant. Morello wants war? He will get it. But first you need to remove the politician who is going to celebrate his birthday on the ship.

Ralph will teach you how to steal a Crusader Chromium Fordor. Go to the pier in the southern part of Central Island. True, no one will let you go anywhere without an invitation. In the building opposite, the door is enticingly open, and clothes hang in the basement. Dress up as a sailor and you're already on board. Now you need to find the pistol that Vincenzo prudently hid in the toilet. There is one on the lower deck on the left, but you can only find one bucket in it. By the way, a guy in a sailor suit walks nearby and smokes. Pay attention to him. On the deck above at the back of the ship near the stairs you can find a door with a note SKIPPER HAS THE KEY. Remember the guy in the sailor suit? Persuade the skipper to give you the key. You have to clean the toilet, but you will find a gun. Go up to the upper deck and wait for the politician to begin his speech. Get closer to him and give him sincere congratulations from Don Salieri. After that, rush to the lower deck, pushing aside and shooting the invitees blocking the way. Paulie is already waiting for you on the boat.

The time has come to take a much more serious step - to kill Sergio Morello. Paulie will take the Thompson from Vincenzo, and he has a Colt in store for you. Ralph will give you the Guardian Terraplane.

Go to the Italian restaurant, call from the street phone and ask for Morello to answer the phone. True, someone else will do, but Paulie will still feed him lead. Oops... There was a mistake. Break away from your pursuers and follow to Salieri's bar. A new plan is born. Take the explosives from Vincenzo and go to Morello's house. Wait until the guy at the entrance finishes his cigarette, and then place dynamite under the car. True, a woman gets into the car and... This happens, as Salieri says. Now you have to make an attempt on Sergio's life in the Rainbow Garden restaurant in Downtown. Only "Thompson" Pauley will let him down at the most decisive moment. You have to break away from your pursuers. The easiest way

drive up to the bridge and fly down the stairs to the water, then the chase will thunder into the water. After so many failures, the task is given to others. However, luck is again on Sergio's side. You have to chase a gangster to the port along the route Central Island - Giuliano Bridge -Works Quarters. One of the most difficult missions. You have a Colt 1911 in your hand, and the guy running out to the right gets shot in the forehead. The one lurking on the left in the bushes should also not be left out. Two more people flash behind the car ahead. Collect guns from the corpses and climb into the truck. Kill everyone in the area and find two first aid kits at the pier: one inside the house next to the tanks, and the second on the wall of the building at the other end. After that, run around and calm down the others. The main thing is to remove the snipers from the red towers that are watching your every move. Then find Morello's car. Therefore, Sergio is hiding in the warehouse.

Rearrange the switches on the railway tracks so that the tank can drive straight to the gate. Knock out the planks from under the wheels of the carriage and it will roll towards the warehouse. Tommy lights a cigarette and stylishly throws it on the ground... Go inside. A guy with a Thompson is sitting on the boxes, and the rest are running around with shotguns. Morello himself was hiding in the far corner. That's all. Lucky but dead bastard. Return to Salieri's Bar. Along the way, stop by Lucas Bertone. You're just in time. His friend in Chinatown is seriously injured, and you need to take the poor guy to the hospital. Notice that in Bertone's garage there is a first aid kit hanging on the wall. Follow the north bridge to the location, passing the middle island. You need a fast car for four people, since in addition to the wounded man, his friend will also get in. On the way to the doctor, set a speed limit of 60 km/h and calmly deliver the guys to Oakwood. Lucas will teach you how to steal a Bruno Speedster 851. There is one in the parking lot in Central Island. Deal with the owner of the stylish car, and then return to Salieri's bar in a new car.

Now it’s the turn of Morello himself. Vincenzo has a sawn-off shotgun for you, and Thompson has a Thompson ready for Sam and Paulie. Go to the theater in Central Island. Morello will start to run away from you in a limousine to the airport, follow him. keeping up. At the airport, as luck would have it, your car will break down. Leave the vehicle and run to the plane, where two guys with shotguns are already waiting for you. As soon as you deal with them, your car will arrive. Climb into the back seat and you'll be handed a Thompson. Shoot at the engines of the plane taking off. Another scenario is that Morello’s car will not turn towards the airport, but will go further to the destroyed bridge. There, at the cliff, you can also get even with Morello. They say that he can be nailed on the way. It's not true, if you kill him, you will be informed that he "ran away" from you. After that, take Sam and Paulie to Salieri's bar, and go to Bertone yourself. Lucas will ask you to throw an old car off a cliff in Oakwood. This is done very simply. Drive the car to the cliff near the lighthouse, go out onto the road, steal someone else's car and push the marked car into the water. Return to Bertone, he will teach you how to steal a new car. Go to New Ark, where the beautiful Celeste Marque 500 is waiting for you in the parking lot of Roy's Grill bar. Just kill its owner first, and then with a clear conscience head to Salieri's bar.

Salieri orders the removal of another politician. Ralph has a Wright Coupe in store for you, and Vincenzo will equip you with a Mosin sniper rifle and a pistol. Drive to the prison. Get rid of the worker at the sewer hatch - you don't need witnesses. The entrance to the building is located on the right. Go through the first floor and find the stairs to the top. Right from here you can clear the second floor, and at the same time practice your sniper skills. Catch the survivors one by one. Eventually you will reach a spiral staircase littered with enemies. On the top floor, go to the balcony. Take good aim - you only have one shot. After that, run down the stairs, new enemies will appear. In the room from which they came out, there is a crowbar. It will be useful on the way out. Go down the stairs to the first floor, getting rid of all weapons along the way. Go through the kennel and you will find yourself on the street. The police are already waiting for you, who will search you and release you. Stop by Bertone's. You need to deliver the guy from Works Quarters who the police are looking for to Lucas. Hitch the Thor 810 Sedan on the street and follow the north bridge to Downtown. Bertone will teach you how to steal a Lassiter V16 Appolyon. This beauty is parked outside a mansion in Oak Hills. There are guys chatting at the gate, they won't pay attention to you. But only at first. Run away to Salieri's bar.

The Don is clearly hiding something when he sends you on a dangerous mission to get some cigars. Take the bat and pistol from Vincenzo, and Sam and Paulie will each take a Thompson. Ralph will give you a Lassiter V16 Fordor. First, take Sam to the right place in the Works Quarters, which is not far from the port. Paulie will offer you an idea about robbing a bank, but no one will take her seriously. Go to the port and wait for a truck full of boxes to pull out. Follow it to the warehouse, where it will be unloaded. Wait for it to unload!!! Block the truck's return path, pull the driver out of the cab and take his documents . After this, follow to the port - they will let you through. Drive forward - one of the warehouses is open, and the owner is standing at the entrance. Inside you will notice boxes marked Scorsese import-export. Place the truck body against the platform so that you can quickly load the boxes. Talk to owner, and he will order you to drag the boxes from the street to the warehouse (Dispatch Hall). You will have to hunch a little. Ask two workers to help you, and the three of you will quickly manage it. Return to the owner of the warehouse, tell noodles in his ears, and he will run to check on his workers . At this time, quickly load all the boxes of cigars into the back, and then follow to the place where Sam and Paulie are waiting for you. When entering the courtyard, stop so that the truck enters halfway. Thus, the pursuers will not be able to break in en masse, but will crawl towards you one by one. After everything settles down, take the truck to Salieri's warehouse. Inside the boxes, it turns out, there are not cigars at all... Salieri clearly does not trust you.

Tommy agreed to Paulie's proposal to rob the bank.

Follow Paulie from his apartment to the station, where the train will take you Downtown to the First National Bank. Inside you will learn all the details of the plan. After that, go to Yellow Pete, the owner of a gun store located in Central Hoboken. Grab a selection of Colt 1911, Colt Detective Special, S&W Magnum, S&W M&P and Thompson 1928. Then head to Bertone for a fast car. You will receive a task - to deliver a package to the guy Dick under the East Marshall Bridge in Downtown. Give the guy the package, and the hooligans will immediately attack him. Just hide behind the boxes and do your job. Bertone will inform you that you can steal a Trautenberg Model J from Oakwood to Central Island. Find and intercept the car. Now you are fully prepared for the robbery. Drive up to Paulie's house, honk at him and go to the bank. Everyone on the floor! Quickly run forward, break down the door with your foot, there is a key hanging on the left wall next to the clerk. Open the nearby door - a guard is waiting for you at the stairs. Hurry to the second floor to the office with the Director sign on the door, find out where the keys to the safe are, and take them from the closet. Go down to the basement, where you will have to calm down two more guards. Fill the bag with money and return to Paulie. Quickly jump into the car, in theory you should make it before the police arrive. Head to the Palermo Club in Hoboken.

Everything is bad. Sam calls and asks to meet him at the art gallery. Hide your weapon and leave Paulie's house. You will encounter policemen on the stairs, just walk past them. On the street, get into the police car and go to the Yellow Pete store for weapons. It will definitely be needed. After that, go to Bertone. He will give you the task of following the prostitute who works in the Corleone brothel. You need to follow the girl on foot, keeping a decent distance so that she doesn’t suspect anything. Go to Lucas and tell him everything. He will advise you to steal the orange Kord 812 Cabriolet FWD, which is for sale in Chinatown and is guarded by angry dogs. On the new

follow the wheelbarrow to the gallery. Sam and his guard are already waiting for you inside. Prepare your cannon and immediately put a bullet in the forehead of two guys, be prepared that two more will come running from the door ahead, and one will appear behind you. Follow the corridor to the room in which the guy with the shotgun is hiding. The second one with a pistol is not a hindrance. A comrade with a Thompson will appear on the balcony opposite, hide around the corner and he will come running to you. Save the shotgun for the three thugs below. Approach the stairs and immediately run back - a grenade will fly from above. After that, arm yourself with the Thompson and carry out a major cleanup on the second floor. Between the stairs you can find a first aid kit and heal. Only a grenade is waiting for you there too. Find an open door. In a series of rooms, be extremely careful - opponents are hiding behind the furniture. Smoke Sam out and follow him to the next floor.

The final fight. Once you stick your head out, you will immediately regret it. Pick up the Thompson and wait for Sam to flippantly turn away. You have a few seconds to empty the entire clip into him, and he will leave his position. After that, follow the corridor and follow the bloody trail. Keep your aim ready. Sam will peek around the corner...

Enjoy the somewhat shocking ending to this great game.

Two gangsters hiding from pursuit - Polly and Sam - jump into the taxi of a simple American guy, Tomy Angelo. Mission objective: DROP THE TAIL! Tommy must drive as fast as he can to get away from his pursuers. The situation is further complicated by the fact that gangsters from both cars are constantly shooting at each other with pistols and machine guns. Losing the tail in such a situation is quite difficult. Tommy's taxi is not particularly fast, so it is impossible to simply get away from the tail - the pursuers' car must get into an accident and fail. Tommy understands that he can achieve this much faster if he drives in the oncoming lane. The following gangsters will definitely blow into someone's car or tram. :) Don't move from the very beginning of the chase and listen to the dialogues between the taxi passengers. In a stationary car they sound quite comical: Sam: Can't you go any faster? Tommy: I'm driving the best I can! Tommy, showing miracles of aerobatics, dropped his tail. Now the gangsters demand that he take them to Salieri's Bar in Little Italy. Here it will be useful for Angelo to use the map (Tab), because Lost Haven is a large city. Tommy takes the gangsters to the place they need. The head of the clan, Don Salieri, thanks the taxi driver for the service rendered and gives him an envelope with money. Tommy can now count on the help of the Mafia in case of trouble. 02-01 Running man - Passenger 1-5 Workdays of a taxi driver. Tommy, following the rules traffic, carries passengers (five of them in total) to different parts of Lost Haven. It is advisable for him to set the speed limiter to 40 miles per hour (the maximum speed allowed in the city), not to run a red light in the presence of the police, and most importantly not to crash into moving or even more so static objects. Tommy is a great driver and knows his job. 02-02 Running Man - Coffee Break In the midst of a hard day's work, Tommy turns off the engine of his taxi and stops for a little rest. Here - in a parking lot in Little Italy - he is found by Morello's people, who want to punish the taxi driver for helping Polly and Sam, Salieri's people, escape from pursuit. Mission task: HIDE IN THE SALIERI BAR Tommy hits one (there are two in total) of the gangsters in the face and runs, clearly understanding that the only place where he can hide is the Salier bar, located nearby. Being on the open streets now is simply suicide; you can easily get a bullet in the back of your head. Morello's men are armed with pistols and use them willingly. In this regard, Tommy dives into the gateway. Green arrows appearing in the air help him find his way to the Salieri bar. A dismounted taxi driver constantly swerves as he runs to make it harder for gangsters to hit him. And soon Tommy disappears behind the door of the treasured bar. He not only drives well, but also runs fast. :) Don't try to get into a fist fight with the gangsters chasing you. It is quite possible to kill two people with your bare hands in "Mafia". But this couple is invulnerable. Tommy calmly drinks whiskey in a bar while the dead bodies of Morello's henchmen who attacked him are stuffed into the back of a truck. 03-01 Molotov Party - Salieri Bar Don Salieri loves new faces. He is ready to take Tommy into the gang, that is, into the “family,” but first he wants to test him. Salieri suggests that the former taxi driver take revenge on Morello's people himself. "Families" of Salieri: Don Salieri - head of the clan Frank - his right hand, responsible for the legal part of the business Polly - a good guy, a gangster close to Don Sam - a man with refined manners, Polly's friend Luigi - bartender, excellent cook Sarah - Luigi's daughter ( considered a beauty), sometimes helps him in the kitchen Vincenzo - a warm-hearted guy, a gunsmith Ralphie - down, stutters, excellent auto mechanic 03-02 Molotov Party - City Mission objective: GO TO THE MORELLO BAR AND DESTROY THE CARS PARKED IN THE BACK YARD Tommy and his escort his "just in case" Polly gets into the Bolt Ace Tudor and drives to Morello's bar. 03-03 Molotov Party - Morello's Bar Tommy parks his car near the bar and gets out, leaving Polly on the lookout. In his hands he has a baseball bat (interestingly, you can easily walk around the city with a baseball bat and not have problems with the cops, because it is considered sports equipment), and in his bosom are two bottles of Molotov cocktails. The entrance to the parking lot, where the gangsters' cars are parked, is guarded by some bastard in a cap. Tommy realizes that he better look for another way to get into the parking lot. The back door, covered with wire, is not guarded by anyone. Tommy enters it, sneaks up from behind on the bastard in a cap, who is so engrossed in his internal dialogue that he doesn’t hear anything, and hits him hard on the head with a bat (if you hold down the left mouse button for a while, you get a hit with your fist, bat, or mantle). much stronger). The body of the bastard in the cap falls on the asphalt, and Tommy becomes the rightful owner in the parking lot, where three cars are parked. He destroys one of them with a baseball bat and blows up the other two with Molotov cocktails. After which he calmly returns to Polly, and they, laughing joyfully, go back to the Salieri bar. :) If you are obsessed with vendetta!, then you don’t have to limit yourself to destroying just cars. Rush straight into the bar, throw a deadly cocktail at the nearest gangster, pick up the pistol he threw and shoot the rest. It's a lot of fun, but it's difficult and still doesn't free you from destroying cars. Polly excitedly tells Don Salieri about Tommy's exploits. A former taxi driver is accepted into the “family.” Don Salieri: Welcome to the family! 04-01 Regular work - bar "Salieri" The Salieri clan is the "roof" for many catering establishments in Lost Haven. Salieri sends Tommy, Paulie and Sam to collect money from them. Before going on business, Tommy looks at Vincenzo and asks him for a pistol (S&W model 10 m&p), then finds Ralphie, who gives him a car (Bolt model b trudor), stolen, of course. Polly sits in the front, Sam hops in the back seat, and Tommy, of course, is assigned the role of driver. 04-02 Regular work - City Tommy takes his colleagues to a restaurant in the Central Island area. Paulie gets out of the car and after some time returns with a yellow bag filled with dollars. Gangsters are doing the same thing with the Pompeii bar in Hoboken. Then they go to the countryside motel "Clark"c. 04-03 Regular work Motel "Clark"c" Tommy stays smoking by the car, and Polly and Sam go to the motel. Suddenly shots are heard, and Polly, wounded in the stomach, falls out of the door. He asks Tommy to save Sam, from whom Morello's people want to extract information. Mission Objective: SAVE SAM Tommy rushes to the front entrance, but the door there is locked. Then he decides to go around the building on the left side. Tommy is attacked by an angry dog ​​and wastes two rounds of it. The motel has turned into an impregnable fortress: it is impossible to get inside at the ground floor level, and you cannot loom in front of the windows, because they are well under fire. Tommy draws attention to a large wooden table pushed up against the wall, on which bags of cement and some boxes lie in a heap. Using the boxes he climbs onto the second floor terrace and gets inside the motel. Tommy opens the first door he comes across and sees the bag in which Polly collected money, and MOST importantly, a Thompson 1928 machine gun left unattended on the bed. Thommy-gun is the most effective weapon of the mafia; To avoid strong recoil, it is best to shoot from it in short bursts. Now Tommy is armed and very dangerous. The only negative is that the machine gun has only one magazine, which only holds 50 rounds. The sound of a flushing toilet causes Tommy to leave the room and shoot the newly relieved gangster. Several more Morello sixes from the first floor come running to hear the shots. But their pistols are powerless against Tommy Angelo's machine gun. He steps over the corpses and goes further: to the bathroom, where he finds a first aid kit, and then to the first floor, where he mows down three more bastards with Thompson in the billiard room. One of them, by the way, also has a machine gun, which Tommy is glad to borrow, because he himself has almost no cartridges left. Suddenly, a healthy man in a white linen T-shirt, probably the owner of the motel, attacks Angelo. He inflicts several painful blows on Tommy, but is hit in the belly by a burst from Thompson and falls to the floor. Angelo runs to the door at the far end of the hall, where he finds a beaten Sam in the back room. Tommy puts his friend on his shoulder and tries to carry him outside. But suddenly, even more unexpectedly than the first time, a man in a linen T-shirt rises from the dead. From his crushing blow, Sam falls like a bag to the floor, and Tommy flies over the pool table. Now the man in the underwear has a gun. He shoots Tommy twice, after which he runs out of bullets. While the big guy is trying to reload the gun, Angelo shoots him with a machine gun. He wants to get Sam up again, but a bald Morell man jumps out of the office, holding a bag of money. Sam asks Tommy to catch up with him. The bald bastard runs out of the motel, gets into a yellow Lassiter v16 phaeton and drives off. Tommy jumps into his car and is followed. Tip: The best way to shoot any weapon is while sitting. In this position, it is easier for you to aim and, at the same time, it is more difficult for you to hit yourself. :) At this stage, you have a unique chance to repeat one of the most spectacular scenes of Quentin Tarantino's cult film "Pulp Fiction", in which Butch kills Vincent Vega. Take the Thompson, break into the toilet with it, where the unsuspecting mafioso is sitting, and dump at least half of the cartridges from the magazine into him. Very similar to Tarantino. The only thing missing is a picture book. 04-04 Regular work - Take him! Mission Objective: KILL THE GUY WHO STOLEN YOUR MONEY The Lassiter is a huge luxury car, its speed exceeds the capabilities of Tommy's car. However, the former taxi driver drives quickly and carefully. Already in the tunnel, he overtakes the bald bastard trying to hide, overtakes him by half a length and makes a sharp turn, blocking the road. The yellow car stops and a bald Morellian jumps out with a pistol in his hands. Tommy also leaves his car. After some seconds, the bright yellow body of the Lassiter is already splattered with the dark red blood of the bald bastard. 05-01 Fair play - Salieri Bar Salieri, and with him all the other mafiosi, bet a lot of money on their pilot’s victory in upcoming auto race. But shortly before the competition, a driver and a racing car were brought from Europe, which was considered the fastest car in the world. It is the European who will win the race. Tommy must do everything to prevent this. Don sends Tommy to talk to Ralph, who reports that that he has a friend who works as a security guard at the race track. This friend will guide Tommy to the European supercar. After which Angelo will have to drive the car to the workshop of Lucas Bertone, who will correct something in the settings, and then return it (the car) back into the pits so that no one notices.05 -02 Fair Play - Town Tommy gets into the car prepared by Ralphie and drives to the race track through the night streets of Lost Haven, which are characterized by light traffic and a complete absence of cops. His Shubert six rushes forward, oblivious to the speed limit. Mission objective: FIND BOBBY Tommy slows down in front of the barrier blocking access to the auto track. He gets out of the car and approaches the watchman's booth, from which Bobby is already coming out - the same friend that Ralphie was talking about. Tommy gets back behind the wheel. Bobby runs to raise the barrier and then climbs into the car too. They drive together into the highway area through a tunnel and stop near one of the garages. Bobby gets out of the car and opens the doors. Inside the garage sits a shiny blue racing car that Tommy will soon be driving. In thirty minutes, Bobby's shift will end, which means that Angelo must have time to drive the miracle of technology to Lucas Bertone and back in half an hour. 05-03 Fair Play - Race Track Mission Objective: DELIVER THE SPORTS CAR TO LUCAS BERTONE WITHOUT DAMAGING HIM Tommy jumps into the cockpit of the racing car and carefully drives out of the garage. Enormous speed, wind in the face, adrenaline, surprise of drivers from other cars... Tommy finds himself in Lucas Bertone's auto repair shop in a matter of minutes. The auto mechanic immediately gets to work. :) When piloting a racing car, it is better to turn down the volume of your speakers, because the engine of the fastest car in the world roars like an angry beast. Hint: Everyone you meet during this mission considers it their duty to remind you that a racing car should not have even one small scratch after use. In fact, this is not true. When you're driving a race car, a DAMAGE indicator appears at the bottom of the screen. You can hit the car until the indicator bar turns completely red. :) If you go to Lucas Bertone along the road passing through the bridge connecting Central Island and Newark, you can witness how emergency personnel and, probably, relatives are trying to prevent the suicide of some depressed citizen. He stands on the railing of the bridge and threatens to jump down. 05-04 Fair Play - Lucas Bertone When Lucas finishes tinkering with the car, there are only ten minutes left until the track guard changes. But for such an experienced driver as Tommy, and such a fast car as the Carozella c-otto 4wd, driving half of Lost Haven in such a time is not a problem. Angelo finds himself on the track a few minutes before the guard's change. He calmly parks the unscratched blue car with crap settings in the garage, which surprises Bobby, who, it turns out, also put Don in his car. 05-05 Fair Play - Back to the Salieri Bar Tommy gets into his Shubert six and returns to the Salieri Bar, and from there home to sleep... 06-01 Fair Play - Salieri Bar Tommy Angelo is in slight shock. He can't believe what Frank told him on the phone a second ago. The racer Don Salieri was betting on broke his arm, and Tommy Angelo must take the start instead of him! Tommy runs out of the bar, takes the first car he sees in the garage and rushes to the track, because the race starts in 30 minutes. 06-02 Fair Play - Tommy Town is heading to the race track for the third time in 24 hours. Not the most cheerful thoughts are spinning in his head. 06-03 Fair Play - Before the race, Tommy tries to back out of the race, but Frank is adamant. Frank: The race is five laps. The car that Don Salieri bet on should come first. And period! The white Burbaker 4wd driven by Thomas Angelo takes the seventh starting position. Start! 12 cars take off. Only the blue Carozella by Martin Winchenberg is motionless. The fastest car in the world, thanks to the efforts of Tommy Angelo and Lucas Bertone, will not fight for victory today. But the race continues without her. Thomas Angelo is already in third place entering the first turn. On the first lap he no longer attacks, but tries to get used to the track. He clearly understands that in this race it is necessary not only to go fast, but to brake quite often. The track is full of slow turns where you should not take risks. The most convenient section of the route for overtaking is the high-speed last turn (more like a bend), on which, if you pass it along the outer radius, you can squeeze the gas to full. The main thing is to brake in time at the first left turn at the beginning of the next lap. Tommy was surprised to note that other pilots did not use this feature of the track. The race is currently being led by Giorgio Popino on a red Caesar 8c 2300 racing, followed by Chris Davids on the same Burbaker. On the second lap, Angelo fiercely attacks Devds and passes him in one of the slow corners. After this, the race freezes for a while . The two leaders are simply increasing the gap from the peleton. Angelo follows exactly behind Popino, but does not attack, but simply keeps the leader in constant nervous tension. The denouement occurs on the fifth lap, just in that very fast last bend. Angelo picks up enormous speed, due to which he bypasses Popino right at the finish line and wins the race. The stands are roaring. The Mafia is already counting the money won in the betting. Tommy accepts the winner's cup standing on the top step of the podium. He did it. :) The race, of course, is usually not so spectacular and exciting but , rather, on the contrary, it’s boring. It’s not necessary to wait until the last turn of the last lap to overtake the leader. It’s better to become first immediately on the first or at least the second lap, and then calmly, increasing the gap, reach the finish line. 06-04 Fair Play - Victory At the Salieri bar, gangsters celebrate Tommy's victory in the race. Whiskey flows like a river. Don calls the hero of the occasion to him and says that the owner of the car service, Lucas Bertone, who also won a lot of money, wants to thank him personally. Tommy heads out of the bar, and some vulgar woman shouts to him: Tommy, you big hero! (Tommy, what a hero you are now!). But Angelo doesn’t fall for vulgar, stupid girls. Mission Objective: GO TO LUCAS BERTONE Tommy takes the car from the garage and comes to Lucas Bertone. He first congratulates the winner of the race, and then shows him a bright yellow Lassiter. Tommy thinks that this is gratitude, but Bertone does not give him a car, but only explains how to pick the lock and where he can steal the same one. 06-05 Fair Play - Lucas Bertone Tommy doesn't like to procrastinate, and he really liked the big yellow car. Therefore, he immediately goes to the municipal building, where Lassiter, owned by some bureaucrat and bribe-taker, is waiting for him. Angelo parks in the lot. Then he calmly approaches the yellow car, looks to see if there are cops nearby, picks the lock, gets behind the wheel and drives back to the Salieri bar. Just like one-two-three. Hint: Lucas Bertone has a first aid kit in his workshop that you can use if necessary. 07-01 Sarah - Bar "Salieri" Bartender Luigi asks Tommy for a small favor - to accompany his daughter Sarah home, who was pestered by some scumbags the day before. 07-02 Sarah - Walk in moonlight Mission Objective: WALK SARAH HOME Tommy and Sarah leave the bar. They slowly walk along the streets bathed in the setting sun (or moonlight?) and have a leisurely conversation about nothing. Sarah says she lives very close. Tommy says something about Don Salieri, about racing and about his friend Paulie. Sometimes he strokes his pocket, which contains an iron brass knuckle “just in case.” 07-03 Sarah - Surprise They turn from the main street into an alley, where they stumble upon scumbags familiar to Sarah. Tommy tries to be a diplomat, but talking to rednecks is useless. A fight begins: Tommy with brass knuckles, against three, one of whom has a knife... Angelo’s hand is cut, but the scumbags are running. Tommy takes a breath, he looks around and realizes that he doesn’t know where Sarah went. Suddenly he hears cries for help and takes off. He runs forward along the alley, turns into an open door and sees that Luigi's daughter has been attacked by three more people. One of the bastards is swinging a baseball bat. Tommy backhands him in the face with brass knuckles and takes possession of the bat, with which he immediately hits the two remaining freaks. Sarah was very scared, but fortunately she was not hurt. Tommy finally brings the girl home. Sarah invites him in. Tommy agrees. Sarah treats her hero's wounded hand. And “unexpectedly” a spark runs between the young people, and their lips connect in a passionate kiss - with all the ensuing consequences... Tommy lies in bed with Sarah on his chest and thinks that he is ready to spend the rest of his life with this woman. 07-04 Better to use - Salieri Bar Tommy tells Salieri about the scumbags operating on his territory and attacking defenseless women. The head of the clan is outraged. He demands that the scum be severely punished - not to kill anyone, but to break every bone in them and leave them to wallow in puddles of their own blood. Tommy and Paulie happily agree to fulfill this order. They go to Vincenzo, who gives them baseball bats and pistols - Colt 1911. :) Colt 1911 is the best pistol in the arsenal of the mafia; It has a long range, rate of fire, and minimal recoil. Enemies should call 911 when Tommy has Colt 1 in his hands 911 . 07-05 Better Use - City First, Tommy and Paulie must find the scum's hideout. They take a car and go to China town to talk with Biff, who hangs around on the streets all the time and may well know something... :) In China town, oddly enough, you will not be able to meet a single Chinese person. A conversation with the informant gives Tommy and Paulie comprehensive information. They go straight to the scumbag's lair, which is located in an old maintenance building in Chinatown. Tommy stops the car under a sign: "Service station: tires, tunes & accessories", gets out and approaches the rusty red gate, Paulie follows him. 07-06 Better Use - Auto Repair Tommy kicks down the door and two gangsters burst into the service station. Paulie whistles to the two bastards, shouting to them that "Mr. Salieri sends his regards!" and immediately uses the bat. The first bastard, Paulie and Tommy, are beaten for his sweet soul, and the second one hides in an alley. Mission Objective: TEACH THESE Scumbags A LESSON They chase the second creep, wearing a white jacket, and run into two of his friends. Tommy knocks out one of them and sees that three people attacked Paulie at once, and one of them has a tire iron in his hand. Tommy rushes to the aid of his friend, pulling the owner of the crowbar onto himself... Tommy and Paulie suffered greatly, but the broken bodies of the scum now decorate the asphalt. Hint: During the mass swing, you need to remember that the force of hitting a baseball bat increases if you hold down the left mouse button for some time. You need to fight in the following way: Paulie should distract the attention of the scum, and Tommy should simply approach them from behind and deliver fatal blows with maximum force. The bastard in the white jacket was among those who wanted to attack Sarah, and Angelo needed him. The alley ahead is blocked by a fence. It's starting to rain. But Tommy and Paulie are oblivious to all these difficulties. They climb the stairs, run forward and jump down onto barrels and boxes that are already behind the fence. Here comes the bastard in the white jacket. He pulls out a gun and shoots Tommy. It seems that it will not be possible to do without murders on this day. Angelo whips out his Colt and kills the bastard. A shootout begins. Tommy and Paulie fight their way down the alley. Five more scum are killed, and two get into the car and escape. The Mafosi rush after them. 07-07 Better to use - Pursuit Mission objective: DON'T LET THE SLAUGHTER LEADERS ESCAPE Tommy and Paulie run out of the car service building when the car with the bastard leaders has already started moving. Paulie shoots at her, trying to hit the tires, but only attracts the attention of a cop patrolling the street. The policeman whistles and runs towards the mafia. Tommy has no time to explain to the police, and he shoots the policeman. The cop falls to the asphalt, as if knocked down, and Tommy and Paulie are already starting the chase. They quickly catch up with the green car of the scum. Paulie shoots at those sitting in the cockpit. Both cars rush at high speed along the inclined road leading from Chinatown to Little Italy. At the very bottom, at the entrance to the tunnel, an accident occurred - a truck crashed into a car: boards that had fallen from the body were lying on the road, and there was, as usual, a crowd of onlookers around. The scumbags' car manages to slip through a small gap formed between the truck and the corner of the house and end up in the park. This maneuver cost one of the onlookers his life. Tommy has great difficulty avoiding crashing into the truck. Panic begins in the park, townspeople shy away from cars. The scum drive down a narrow alley and turn into main road right next to the mafia headquarters - the Salieri bar. Nobody will forgive them for such impudence. Paulie continues to fire his Colt. Cars wind through alleys, delving into poor working-class neighborhoods. Finally, Paulie's shooting gives results and the car of the scum leaders stops. Tommy and Paulie look into the cabin. One of the bastards is already ready, and the driver, covered in blood, sits and shakes all over. Tommy points a gun at him, but Paulie shoots. He wants to fire a control shot at the already prepared bastard, but he’s running out of ammunition. Hint: The main thing during the chase is not to let the scumbags far away from you. Paulie may not fire a single shot - the green car will still stop in the Working Quarter, and the scum will be covered in blood. On the other hand, if you manage to quickly destroy the scumbag’s car (for example, turn it over), then the game of catch-up will end much earlier. :) Having reached the scene of the accident, do not continue the chase, but try to get out of your car and steal a truck. An angry driver, in this case, will grab one of the boards lying on the asphalt and rush with it to protect his property. A spectacle worthy of attention! 08-01 Prostitute - Conversation with Frank The conversation is not the most pleasant. First, Frank reports that one of the leaders of the scum managed to survive after a shootout and chase, and the other - killed - turned out to be the son of a city councilor who was with the mayor in friendly relations. This bastard's funeral is scheduled for today. It's already bad! But Frank also has a very serious task for Tommy. The owner of the Corleone Hotel, which was patronized by Salieri, came under the “roof” of Morello. Frank wants Tommy to kill the hotel manager, take away some important documents and blow up the office with the "Director" sign. And that's not all: it is necessary to get rid of the prostitute who is transmitting information about the activities of Salieri's people to Morello's bastards. Tommy can't imagine killing a woman, but he can't refuse the task. In the interior of the blue Falconer there are already a Colt 1911 and explosives prepared for Tommy. Falconer is a “relative” car for Tommy Angelo, this brand was once his taxi. He starts the engine and drives to the Corleone Hotel. 08-02 Prostitute - Hotel Corlerne Mission Objective: KILL THE MANAGER FIND AND KILL THE PROSTITUTE FRANK TALKED ABOUT STEAL DOCUMENTS AND PLACE EXPLOSIVES IN THE DIRECTORS' OFFICE Tommy enters the richly furnished lobby of the hotel, or rather brothel, "Corleone". Strictly dressed employees, women in underwear, the usual sailors for such places, Lost Haven is still a port city. Angelo's eyes count the guards dressed in tailcoats: two at the entrance, one at the reception. Tommy passes through the hall and climbs the carpeted stairs to the third floor, where in one of the rooms and finds the prostitute that Frank was talking about. The girl is washing herself in the bathroom. Tommy opens the door and freezes in amazement with a gun in his hands. The prostitute turned out to be the vulgar woman who shouted to Angelo that he was a “big hero” after winning the race. The girl begins to beg for mercy, babbling about the fact that she did not want to harm Salieri, but was simply trying to help her poor brother. And Tommy puts the gun away, he can’t just shoot a defenseless woman. He orders the prostitute to quickly get dressed and leave town immediately, never to return. Tommy closes the door of the room and goes down to the first floor. To the left of the reception is the entrance to the restaurant, where the manager (in a white suit) is having lunch with his business partner . They are watched by a bodyguard in a gray coat sitting at the next table. Tommy turns to the waiter, who, in an apologetic tone, invites him to take one of the tables and wait while he serves other customers. The waiter leaves Angelo, approaches the bodyguard and asks him something. Tommy takes advantage of the moment, approaches the manager and, with the words: “This is how everyone who does business with Morello ends,” shoots him in the head with a pistol. Restaurant patrons rush to the floor screaming. Tommy turns around and shoots the taken aback bodyguard. Security guards from the hotel lobby run into the restaurant, faced with panicked customers. Angelo takes them all down. Suddenly some drunken sailor starts playing hero, who also takes out a pistol and tries to shoot Tommy. For him, this prank ends in tears. Angelo picks up a sawn-off shotgun thrown by someone and runs to the reception (located in the lobby). He goes behind the counter and in a small utility room he finds the key to the manager’s office, as well as a much-needed first aid kit. The manager's office with the "Director" sign on the door is located on the third floor. Tommy goes upstairs, killing three more security guards along the way. He opens the office door with a key and miraculously manages to shoot with a sawn-off shotgun at the bodyguard hiding behind the chair. The documents Frank needs are on the manager's desk, and there is no need to look for them. Tommy takes the folder with papers, puts a time bomb under the table cover, jumps out into the corridor and runs straight towards the window. He knocks out the glass with his shoulder and flies onto the roof of a neighboring building. A deafening explosion is heard behind him. Tommy: Just regular work. Hint: It is very important that after the events in the hotel you have as many lives and ammunition left as possible, because at the beginning of the next mission they will not be replenished. And this can become a problem. :) This is not the only way to complete the mission at the Corleone Hotel. Shooting can be opened immediately on the third floor, killing the guard sitting there. Then the security guard with a sawn-off shotgun will be the first to come running from the second floor in response to the noise, and then the manager (all in white) will try to hide from danger in his office. He himself will open the door for you. Soon all the guards and bodyguards from all three floors will come running into the office. It is quite possible to kill them ALL if you shoot from an ambush - a niche in the wall to the right of the manager's desk. In general, you don’t have to waste any ammunition on the manager himself: in a shootout, he is usually killed by his own bodyguards. And, of course, don’t forget to forgive the prostitute. 08-03 Prostitute - Rooftops Tommy dusts off his jacket and listens to the wailing of the police sirens below. He has no time to think. He runs forward and notices a staircase leading up. A whole squad of cops is already climbing up it from below. Tommy has nothing left to do run up. There he turns right. Runs up to a door with a sign prohibiting the passage of strangers, and pushes it forward - it is not locked. He climbs the steps even higher and again finds himself in the fresh air. Runs further ahead. He brakes sharply in front of a three-meter gap separating two neighboring buildings. There is no time for indecision. He runs up and jumps. It is unlikely that any cop will be able to repeat such a feat. Tommy, as if nothing had happened, runs further, going around pipes and climbing over curbs. A shot rings out. The bullet passes by. Angelo just now notices a cop with a gun on one of the rooftops ahead. The gangster and the policeman take turns shooting, the only difference being that the gangster hits and the policeman misses. Tommy runs further. In front of him are three steps leading down, half the height of a man. Angelo jumps onto the first step, and at that moment five servants of the law appear on the roof. Tommy, located on the steps, is practically out of reach of their bullets. He adds five more to the previously killed cop. Angelo picks up the cartridges and runs further. They shoot at him from above, but Tommy doesn't even turn around. To his left, he sees wooden scaffolding, climbs onto it, goes up, grabs a ladder thrown by the workers, and throws it onto the neighboring building, which turns out to be an ancient Gothic cathedral. Tommy slowly crawls on all fours across the makeshift bridge. Beneath it is 20 meters of emptiness. As soon as he places his foot on the roof of the cathedral being repaired, the ladder slips and flies down. Hint: On this mission you need to move as quickly as possible. If you slow down a little, the pursuing cops will catch up with you, and this is fraught with the loss of lives or, in general, the loss of life. :) Interestingly, the Roof mission is 100% linear. It can only be completed using the method described above. Others, as they say, don’t roll. So Tommy just takes it and jumps down from the roof, while only part of his lives are taken away, but the stage is still considered failed. Or Angelo on the stairs running down instead of up. He kills all the rising cops!, but the stairs eventually end in a dead end - it is unclear how as many as five police officers ended up there. Mystic. 08-04 Priest - Surprise Tommy follows the falling staircase with his eyes, but even this cannot be wasted time. He turns around and begins to descend through the scaffolding deep into the dismantled roof of the cathedral. Here, by the way, there is a first aid kit attached to the wall. Tommy reloads his Colt as he walks down the wooden stairs. At the very bottom, a door blocks his path. If Tommy had been asked to guess what was behind that door, he would never have done it in his life. There's a funeral for the leader of the scumbags killed by Tommy and Paulie! Angelo opens the door a little and freezes in horror and amazement at the same time. The priest standing next to the coffin talks about the virtues of the deceased: “Billy - that, it turns out, is the name of the dead bastard - did so much good in his life,” etc., and then passes the word to his best friend - the unfinished bastard. The unfinished bastard begins his mournful speech, and meanwhile the priest moves away from the coffin and heads towards the door behind which Tommy is hiding. But Angelo experiences such a strong mental shock that he doesn’t even try to hide. The exclamation of surprise released by the priest attracts everyone's attention. “That’s the bastard who killed Billy!” yells the unfinished bastard. Just a second ago, the guests, who were in mourning, pull out pistols, shotguns, machine guns and open fire on Tommy, who manages to retreat back into the doorway. Some bastard in a coat approaches the door and is rewarded with six bullets from a Colt. Tommy doesn't have much ammo, so he picks up his gun and somersaults out of the door behind Billy's coffin. Tommy is shot at by scumbags armed with pistols who are hiding behind the benches. When their path in life is cut short, a machine gunner enters the arena and opens fire on the gangster from the balcony above the entrance. But Tommy's Colt hits without a miss. Another bastard is hiding behind the columns on the left side of the hall, but he also ends up falling to the floor. After this, the situation is complicated by four more heavily armed men (not a man, but a scumbag, of course) who burst inside the temple: two pistols + two shotguns. But Tommy doesn’t hesitate, he, of course, knows that it is unrealistic to survive after being hit by a shotgun, but he also knows that the Colt’s range is much greater. The scum die without ever having time to use their shotguns. Silence. Tommy approaches the coffin and looks at the white face of the bastard lying there. Suddenly the door opens. The priest miraculously does not get shot in the forehead - the gangster manages not to pull the trigger. The servant of God reproaches Tommy 1) for unnecessary violence and 2) for the fact that the newly repaired temple was almost completely destroyed during the shootout. The gangster 1) says that it happened so, 2) hands the priest a wad of money for repairs and leaves the temple. :) The fate of Billy's friend, the half-baked bastard, raises a lot of questions. Shouting: “That"s the bastard who killed Billy!" he simply disappears. He is not among the corpses left after the shootout, nor is he in the area adjacent to the temple. Where is he? The game does not give an answer. 08-05 Priest - Escape Tommy leaves the temple and once again hears the already tired police sirens. Running around the city from the cops on your own two feet is, to say the least, funny. You need some wheels. And here the gangster draws attention to the one prepared for Bobby and, in this regard, parked there is a hearse near the temple. Tommy runs up to a black car, picks the lock, gets in and drives off. Read immediately behind him, a car with a siren and police stars on the doors appears. Tommy squeezes the gas to full speed and the cops are immediately hopelessly behind. Hint: In the mafia There are several ways to get rid of being chased by cops:

    -- In case of a minor violation (an icon with a fine form appears at the top of the screen), you can simply stop, get out of the car and pay the fine. You can do this three times per mission. -- In other cases (an icon with handcuffs appears at the top of the screen - they are arrested, or with a pistol - they open fire to kill) you can: A. Break away from the cops by driving fast, preferably in the oncoming lane, then drive into a secluded corner and get out of the car there and wait, guided by the indicator, until the police give up trying to find you. Q. You can change your car after breaking away from the chase. You need to block the road for some driver and throw him out of the car onto the asphalt. The driver, however, may well offer armed resistance. S. You can get out and shoot the cops chasing you.
P.S. In “Mafia,” the cops behave surprisingly logically: if you stop, they don’t crash into you as hard as they can, but they also slow down and get out of the car. This can be used skillfully. :) In the "Escape" mission, you can really make your life easier if you try to drive away from the monastery not in a hearse (as the game developers and cops want), but in some other car. :) (Dark humor) The hearse parked at the cathedral was most likely not intended for Billy, because there was already another coffin inside. During the chase, the police can break the rear doors of the mourning car and then the coffin will fly out of the cabin.

09-01 Trip out of town - Salieri Bar Frank calls Angelo to the Salieri bar late on a rainy evening and says that Tommy, Paulie and a few other guys must ensure that a truck full of Canadian whiskey is handed over to Don's people. It's worthwhile, because Prohibition is rampant. But the police have already been given a hand, and therefore everything should happen smoothly and quickly. Tommy takes the Bolt v8 roadster from Ralphie and goes to the Salieri warehouse in Hoboken. 09-02 Trip out of town - City Mission objective: MEET POLY AT THE WAREHOUSE On a wet night road, Tommy Angelo drives to the warehouse and thinks that since the matter is so simple, then they might as well let him sleep... In his warehouse Paulie and two other gangsters are waiting. They get into two trucks and drive to a country farm where the deal is to take place. Sam is already waiting for them there. 09-03 Trip out of town - Farm Mission objective: FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED TO SALIERI'S PEOPLE AND THE ALCOHOL SUPPLY On the road, Paulie rants about the relationship between Tommy and Sarah, but Angelo asks him to shut up. The trucks arrive at the farm, but for some reason Sam doesn't come out to meet them. Tommy goes to investigate. The damp, cold farm doesn't look friendly at all. The dim light of the lanterns, the creaking of ungreased doors swinging in the wind. Some kind of frightening emptiness and a feeling of complete abandonment. Tommy walks past a healthy, bolted barn and finally sees the truck. My soul immediately becomes calmer. He knocks on the glass, but the driver does not react. Tommy opens the door. The driver falls out of the cab onto the ground - he is dead. At this moment, two people suddenly appear from somewhere with shotguns at their advantage. Tommy: Are you from the police? Two with Shotguns: Mr. Morello sends his best wishes! A shotgun blast is heard, and Tommy manages to hide behind a truck. But this doesn’t make it any easier; the Morell bastard hiding behind the barn opens fire on him. 3 to 1. Tommy whips out his Colt 1911, and the ratio quickly becomes fairer: 0 to 1. Mission Objective: GO BACK Tommy must inform Paulie of what happened, and he heads back the same way. Faster. Tommy runs past the barn, and the Morell men hiding there are shooting at him from the second floor. One of them runs out into the street, but immediately dies from a shotgun shot almost point-blank. The barn is crawling with Morello bastards. Tommy cannot survive alone, he runs further - for reinforcements. Shots are heard behind him. Ahead are several residential one-story buildings, in which Morellians could well be hiding. Tommy runs around them across the field, where stacks of harvested hay are getting wet in the rain. Now he sees his colleagues. They exchange fire with the advancing bastards. One of the bullets hits the truck's gas tank, sending it flying into the air. Tommy finally gets to Paulie. The shootout by this point already ends with the complete victory of Salieri’s men. Tommy: They're all dead! But Paulie is only concerned about the fate of his friend Sam. Tommy shouts that Sam may be in the barn, locked from the inside; You'll need a crowbar to get inside. Mission objective: SAVE SAM Tommy and Paulie run to the barn to help out their friend, while the other two gangsters remain at the now only truck. It was not in vain that Tommy walked around the one-story huts; indeed, Morellians were sitting in them. But "twice is twice the fun" - Tommy and Paulie's shotguns blow the bastards to smithereens. Paulie is the first to reach the barn, which is filled with Morellians, but which may contain the treasured crowbar. Bullets fly in all directions. The gangsters kill every single bastard holed up in the barn. Paulie finds a CROWBAR on the second floor, and Tommy finds a first aid kit on the first floor. 09-04 Trip out of town - Rescue Sam Paulie cheerfully heads towards the red barn building. He is about to break down the door and asks Tommy to cover him. The lock cannot withstand the force. Paulie kicks the door down, and Tommy, without aiming, fires his shotgun inside. The first Morell bastard flies several meters away and falls to the wooden floor. The second one is shot by Paulie. The third one jumps off, or falls from the second floor straight onto the barrel of Paulie’s shotgun. Tommy, meanwhile, puts the fourth bastard down on the second floor. Sam has not yet been found, but a first aid kit has been found. The gangsters rise to the third floor. A seriously wounded Sam lies on the floor. He can't go. Paulie runs off to drive the truck straight to the barn. Tommy stays with Sam. Tries to calm him down. The sound of a motor is heard, Tommy decides it's Paulie and goes to the window to look. Can't be! Two police cars stop at the barn. Without hesitation, Tommy takes out a Colt and shoots at the cops getting out of their cars. He kills two outright, but two more manage to get into the barn. Angelo, shotgun in hand, rushes down to meet them. Bang! Bang! Tommy runs out of the barn and runs into Paulie, who has finally pulled up the truck. Sam is carefully placed in the back. The headlights of several more cars appear in the distance. Paulie runs behind the wheel. Tommy jumps into the back, where the man Sam and the Thompson machine gun are already lying. 09-05 Trip out of town - Trip back It’s impossible to break away from your pursuers. The Morellians are already very close. Tommy fires several bursts of machine gun fire at their car and it explodes. But a minute later another one appears. Tommy shoots the driver point-blank. The car goes off the side of the road and crashes into a fence. Angelo shoots the third pursuing car in the tires and it drops out of the chase. Morello's people, of course, are idiots, but still not suicidal. They make no further attempts to stop the truck. Sam is taken to a private doctor - they make it on time - his life is now out of danger. The truck with Paulie and Tommy returns to the warehouse. 09-06 Trip out of town - Warehouse Mission objective: RETURN TO SALIERI'S BAR OR OTHERWISE YOU CAN VISIT LUCAS BERTONE ON THE WAY It was a hard night. Tommy gets into his Roadster and drives towards Salieri's bar, but for some reason he turns off at the bridge and stops at Bertone's. Lucas is overjoyed to see Angelo. He asks for a favor: to urgently warn a friend living in Hoboken that the cops are going to tie him up. Tommy agrees. Where does the strength come from? 09-07 A trip out of town - Lucas Bertone Tommy jumps out of the auto repair shop, gets into the car and drives to Hoboken. He manages to make it on time. He knocks on the door and warns Bertone's friend about the danger. The grateful friend, without hesitation, runs away through the back door. Tommy returns to Lucas, who tells him how and where to steal a Uliver airstream Fordor - the first car with an aerodynamic body shape. Hint: There is very little time for this mission. You can get to Lucas’s friend’s apartment faster if you take a shortcut near the left turn to the airport near the “Down town” metro stop. No need to turn. But you just need to go straight along the metro line. Your car will break through two iron fences, jump down three stone steps, but immediately after that it will end up in Hoboken. From here it’s a stone’s throw to friend Lucas. P.S. Remember to slow down before jumping. :) Lucas Bertone has accurate information. If you, having warned your friend, do not go back to the auto repair shop, but stand a little longer in thought in the pouring rain, you will soon see the promised cops. 09-08 A trip out of town - Lucas Bertone Tommy simply goes to the Oakwood area and picks up a car, which he then drives back to Salieri. 10-01 Omerta - Bar "Salieri" Frank betrayed the "family". Salieri's right hand is going to hand over the mafia's accounting books to the cops. Tommy must prevent this from happening. Frank will die. Don Salieri will be left without his right hand. Mission objective: FIND FRANK AND KILL HIM Tommy finds Ralphie in the garage and takes his red and white Shubert extra six. Goes up to Vincenzo. The old gunsmith sighs, looking at Tommy. It produces a Colt 1911 and a strange-looking double-barreled sawn-off shotgun. Lupata is an old Sicilian tradition - a weapon that is used for intra-mafia showdowns. Tommy thanks Vince, gets into the car and drives into town. 10-02 Omerta - City First you need to find out where the cops are hiding Frank. For these purposes, there are informants. Tommy goes to China Town to see Big Biff, who says he doesn't know anything about it, but advises him to talk to Little Tony. Tommy goes to the Central Island Museum of Art. Little Tony reports that he himself doesn't know exactly where Frank is, but he heard that an idiot named Joe Buchens is talking about it left and right. It can be found under the bridge, near Lucas Bertone's auto repair shop. Tommy thanks Tony and leaves. 10-03 Omerta - City 2 Tommy turns off the engine and stops under the bridge. While still in the car, he notices three freaks, one of whom looks like Joe Buchens. Tommy: Hi, are you Joe Buchens? Joe: You've come to the wrong place. I'm Pete. Tommy: Okay, then I'm George. Joe: Please accept my condolences. Tommy: Tell me if you have a twin brother named Joe. Joe: My brother is none of your business. Tommy: I need to talk to someone named Joe urgently. Joe: I don't know him. Tommy: It's fucking important. Joe: It's important that you fuck off. Tommy: Calm down. I'm not leaving until I talk to Joe. Joe: Cool, George. My mother always taught: don't talk to strangers , JOE, they're taking away the candy. Tommy: I'm warning you, JOE. Joe: Get out of here, etc. and so on. Tommy finally loses his nerve. He punches Joe hard in the jaw several times and immediately gets the information he needs: the cops are holding Frank in a mansion in the Oakwood area; After the accounting books are handed over, he will be transported to Europe. Tommy, without saying goodbye, jumps into his Shubert and goes to kill Frank. :) If you are tired of Joe's idiotic chatter, then you can obscenely simplify the scene of obtaining information. Drive right over Joe and his friends. When you get out of the cabin, the idiot will immediately tell you everything, even though you didn’t seem to have time to ask him about it. And now Tommy Angelo is already in Oakwood. Here is the street whose address was given by the idiot. And here is Frank. Here he is, under escort (two detectives in black and a driver), taken to a black car with a Highway patrol sign and pushed inside. Now the car starts moving. Mission objective: FOLLOW THE CAR CARRYING HIM (Frank) Tommy turns his Shubert around and follows. The police soon notice the tail and speed up. But Tommy is not far behind. Cars wind through the streets of Lost Haven. In one of the episodes, Angelo almost collides with a truck, but manages to turn the steering wheel... The cars leave the city along the road marked with the "Airport" sign. It is to the airport that the cops take Frank. A black car pulls up in front of the terminal. Several detectives in sand coats, armed with machine guns, emerge from it. They take Frank inside the building. Tommy slams on the brakes and gets out of his car. Hint: To avoid a hitch like “Tommy turns his Shubert around”, approach the address named by the idiot from the Oak Hill side, not from the Down town side. Hint: Following the Highway patrol car, so as not to have problems with patrol cops, don't turn off the speed limiter. 40 km/h is quite enough to keep up with the black car in which Frank is being transported. :) "City 2" is probably the most mysterious mission in the game. Firstly, its in principle, you don’t have to do it. It’s not necessary to follow the Highway patrol car, you can just arrive at the airport by any other road at any time, and the mission will be considered completed. Secondly, the police here are demonstrating a trick that even Hmayak Akapyan would envy. In Oakwood Frank is put into a car by two detectives in black coats, without hats, without a weapon in his hand, and by a driver in a light coat and hat, and at the airport, two people in sand coats, hats, and with machine guns at the ready, get out of the same car. So “Mafia,” in addition to a gangster saga, is also a mystical thriller. 10-04 Omerta - Airport The car Frank was being transported in starts moving and heads straight towards Tommy Angelo. But he manages to jump to the side in time. Meanwhile, the cops and Frank are hiding in the airport building. “He’s here,” one of the detectives shouts. Tommy runs after them. At the entrance, he almost collides with a panicking man running out into the street. Angelo whips out his trusty Colt and opens fire on the cops from the doorway. First he kills the detective in black behind the check-in desk, then the freak hiding behind the column on the right. In a terrible shootout, several civilian passengers die from the cops' bullets, the rest lie down on the floor and cover their heads with their hands. The gangster enters the airport building a few meters and kills two more detectives on his left, one of whom has a machine gun. At this moment, Frank jumps out from behind the reception desk and runs out into the street, where he is picked up by several more officers of the law. Tommy doesn't have time to shoot him. He picks up the Thompson and notices a first aid kit on the wall. Angelo only then runs out the door and onto the airport runways. Frank is taken towards Hangar N1. Tommy fires at the fleeing cops, but misses. Suddenly, an African-American worker gets out of a passing truck. He tries to take control of the situation and rushes at Tommy with a tire iron. Hero! Angelo leaves the worker's corpse on the asphalt and runs inside hangar N1. There are detectives with machine guns hiding behind containers. Tommy goes around the nearest green container and kills one of the lawmen from behind. Having captured Thompson with an almost full clip, Angelo easily knocks down the others (3 pieces). In the distance, Angelo again notices Frank running away surrounded by detectives. Tommy kills a cop in a sand coat lurking at the exit of the hangar and quickly walks towards the three outbuildings (garages) ahead. A shot is heard from behind. Tommy turns sharply and spots a sniper on the tower. A burst from Thompson and the sniper ceases to exist. Angelo walks between two nearby garages and ends up in a parking lot and FINDS UP in a very difficult situation. Here he is Frank. But Tommy comes under the crossfire of three machine gunners at once: on the left, on the right and in front. It's a miracle that there are three detectives lying on the asphalt, and not Tommy Angelo. If he could have known, he would certainly have walked around all three garages on the right side. Frank no longer runs away - he understands that this is impossible! Tommy takes out a sawn-off shotgun (lupata) and approaches him. Tommy: How could you do that! I thought you were my friend! Frank holds his own in the face of death. He speaks calmly and judiciously. It turns out that the cops were blackmailing Frank: they took his wife and daughter hostage and demanded information in exchange for their lives. The ledgers have not yet fallen into the hands of the police; they are in a safe in one of the banks in Lost Haven. Hint: Hangar N1 is probably one of the most difficult places in the entire game. Don't bother, run through hangar N2, there isn't a single detective there. In the parking lot, kill three servants of the law and... that's it - Frank is yours. 10-05 Omerta - Frank Frank asks Tommy to find his wife and daughter, who should be on the airport grounds. Angelo handcuffs his former friend to a post - "Just in case" - and goes looking for him. He runs up to the nearest building (Air-school), kills two detectives at the entrance, goes inside, runs down the corridor and sees a man trying to call more cops on the phone, shoots him and notices a woman with a child. Tommy: Are you Fank's wife? Woman: You came to save us! I am so grateful to you! Where's Frank? Tommy: He's here. Tommy returns to the parking lot and brings Frank to his wife and daughter. They are incredibly happy to see each other. Frank says the cops promised to give him plane tickets after they got the ledgers. But since all the cops are dead, Angelo must now find the tickets. Hint: There is a first aid kit in the Flight School building - right behind Frank's wife. Tommy remembers seeing some papers at the check-in counter in the airport building. He gets into one of the cars parked in the parking lot and drives to the terminal. It's faster by car than on foot. The tickets are there right under the "Check-in" sign. Tommy grabs them and drives back to Frank and his family, who by that time had already managed to leave the building and are now standing on the street at the exit under the "Air-school" sign. Frank thanks Tommy and wants to say goodbye to his family. But Angelo doesn't want to kill his friend. He asks for the address of the bank where the ledgers are located and releases Frank with his family. Frank is shocked by Tommy's kindness, his wife kisses him on the cheek, and his little daughter, unable to understand what is happening, simply shouts: “Good bye, Mister.” Tommy will never see Frank again - for all the residents of Lost Haven, he is “dead”. The books are located at the First National Bank Down in town. :) If you do not have time to kill the person calling the police on the phone, then when you go to buy tickets, at the entrance to the airport building, five cops armed with shotguns and pistols will try to wrap you up at once. 10-06 Omerta - Mercy Frank didn't deceive Tommy. Angelo, arriving at the First National Bank, found accounting books there, which he returned to Salieri. 10-07 Omerta - Lucas Bertone After the bank, Tommy decides to stop by Lucas Bertone, since his auto repair shop is very close. Lucas tells a sad story about a freak who recently beat his good friend half to death. Tommy sincerely sympathizes with what happened and says that he is ready to teach this freak a lesson: a healthy nigga named Big Stan. Lucas asks not to kill the “gorilla”, but just to give him/her a good time. Tommy nods his head knowingly and goes to the Bar "Black Cat" ("Black Cat"), near which Niger usually hangs out. Angelo notices a healthy black carcass standing at the entrance to the establishment from the car... At first, Niger behaves defiantly and is openly rude, but is not in the mood for a discussion. He presents other arguments. Despite the fact that Stan is a good boxer, he still has to flee for his life, bleeding. Tip: When communicating with an African American, try to use only your fists. If you suddenly kill Stan, you risk ruining your relationship with Lucas Bertone. :) If you recall the most famous domestic gangster epic, then the Black Cat bar should not hang out a healthy niger, but a hunchbacked companion. :) Stan! "Damn, that was you!" Upon his return, a delighted Lucas shows Tommy a Thor 810 sedan fwd - a car that only movie stars + one resident of Lost Haven from Oak Hill drive. Bertone warns that there is a guard on duty near the car. Hint: It’s better to go to Oak Hill through Hoboken. Shiny orange in the sun, a Thor 810 sedan fwd with Tommy Angelo at the wheel leaves the Oak Hill area at a decent speed. The security guard turned out to be armed only with eloquence and fists (in short, not armed), it was not difficult to get rid of him. Soon the car of the movie stars will be parked in Ralphie's garage. During Frank's funeral, which took place in the absence of the body of the deceased, a truce was declared between the warring mafia clans. Salieri cried on Morello's shoulder and vice versa. :) Not a bad anti-advertising for tourism in Europe: a person who went to live in the Old World in America is mourned as dead 11-01 Visiting the Rich - Salieri Bar Unfortunately, the problems of the Salieri family did not end with the disappearance of Frank. Lost Haven's chief prosecutor continues to dig. He not only found new witnesses, but also collected a whole dossier on the mafia. The prosecutor keeps all the evidence in a safe in his villa in Oak Hill because he cannot trust anyone. Salieri doesn't like all this too much. Paulie and Sam are already busy eliminating witnesses. And Tommy will just have to steal documents from the safe, taking advantage of the fact that the prosecutor is going to spend the evening at the theater. Someone will help you crack the safe - Salvatore - the best safecracker in all of America. P.S. Salieri specifically asks not to kill the prosecutor. Vincenzo: Baseball bat, Colt 1911. Hint: Ralphie doesn't give you a special car for this task. The choice is yours: take a car with more power, because some older cars cannot go up the hill at the entrance to Oak Hill. 11-02 Visiting the Rich - City Mission Objective: PICK UP SALVATORE ON THE CORNER NEAR THE HOBOKEN STADIUM Tommy pulls out of the garage. As always, he doesn’t have much time, so he quickly goes to Hoboken, where he picks up Salvatore. The bugbear turns out to be a rather nice guy with a mustache. He talks about how he inherited the ability to pick locks from his father... The car stops near a side door in the fence of a fashionable villa in Oak Hill, two people get out of it: Tommy Angelo and Salvatore. Tommy asks the security guard to open the door. Tommy: Can you open it, Salvatore? Salvatore: I"ll try, chief. Salvatore picks at the lock for a few seconds, and then kicks down the door. The gangster and the security guard enter the park near the villa of the chief prosecutor of Lost Haven. 11-03 Visiting the rich - Villa A luxurious park, immersed in the evening darkness: neatly trimmed bushes, exquisite sculptures, cozy benches, numerous bodyguards with shotguns. Beauty! Tommy asks Salvatore to follow all his instructions. Hint: You can give Salvatore commands that he will carry out without question: 1) Wait here. (Wait here) - the bugbear stands motionless in place. 2) Follow me. (Follow me) - the bugbear follows you around. In fact, the stage can be completed without using the Wait here command at all. :) The park in front of the mansion is decorated with quite a large number of sculptures, but it is interesting that they are all the same, they are all copies of the armless Venus de Milo. This must be the prosecutor's joke! To the left and right are neatly trimmed bushes, in front is the prosecutor's villa, and a guard with a gun is cruising along the terrace. Tommy runs a little forward, notices a guard behind the bushes to the left and immediately squats down, Salvatore follows suit. The guard marks time in one place, then walks along the bushes along a parallel path. Tommy takes advantage of this opportunity to dash: he quickly runs to the left and hides under a bush near the path located between the pool and the fountain. The balance of forces is as follows: 1 guard on the terrace + 2 guards at the fountain. Tommy and Salvatore, covered by bushes, goose-step along the path almost to the prosecutor’s villa. Tommy closely monitors the guard's movements on the terrace and when he disappears from view, he rushes forward (more precisely, to the left and forward). Almost touching the wall, Tommy and Salvatore go around the corner of the villa and slow down near an inconspicuous side door leading into the building. Nobody noticed them. Tommy: Can you open it, Salvatore? Salvatore: I'll try, chief. Salvatore picks at the lock for a few seconds, and then kicks the door down. Tommy likes the way this guy works. The gangster and the security guard get inside the villa of the chief prosecutor of Lost Haven. Tommy runs up the stairs, opens the door, rises higher - to the second floor. Opens the 2nd door, runs forward along the bullfight, opens the 3rd door, finds himself in a spacious hall, decorated with deer antlers and tables with legs in the form of lions, two staircases lead to the first floor. But Tommy remains on the second floor. Runs along the carpet to the 4th door located on the other side of the hall. Opens the door. He rushes further along the bullfight, turns left. Salvatore can barely keep up with him. There is another door ahead. Tommy opens the 6th door and finds himself in office of the prosecutor. And here is the safe! Salvatore takes out a variety of master keys, drills, stethoscopes and gets to work. Tommy watches him with great interest. Suddenly the noise of an engine is heard from the street, and a white limousine drives into the parking lot in front of the villa. The performance ended and the prosecutor returned home. At the same time, Salvatore manages to crack the safe. 11-04 Visiting the Rich - Safe Tommy looks out the window and sees the prosecutor surrounded by bodyguards heading towards the main entrance. He grabs the papers lying in the safe, grabs Salvatore and runs out of the office. The mansion, in connection with the arrival of the prosecutor, is filled with security. All escape routes are cut off. We need to wait a little. Tommy opens the first door he comes across (already the 7th) to the left of the office - the bathroom. He closes the door from the inside after Salvatore runs inside. For several endless minutes, the gangster and the bugbear just hang around in the bathroom and wait... Finally, Tommy decides to leave the bathroom. Everything is quiet. He walks down the corridor into the illuminated hall, goes down to the first floor, clutching a baseball bat in his hands, opens the front door and goes out into the courtyard. Suddenly Tommy notices a guard to his left, but the guard does not notice Tommy because his back is to the entrance to the mansion. Angelelo sneaks up behind the inattentive guard and knocks him out with a powerful blow to the head with a bat. Everything was done carefully and silently. Tommy asks Salvatore to pick the lock on the prosecutor's limousine. Tommy: Can you open it, Salvatore? Salvatore: I "ll try, chief. Salvatore has a real gift. Tommy gets behind the wheel of a Silver fletcher, Salvatore jumps into the seat next to the driver. The white limousine starts up and begins to move along the path to the right of the mansion, leading to the open main gate. None of the prosecutor's guards pay any attention to him. They will never understand how such important documents could have disappeared from their boss’s safe. ??? :) A unique stage. Everything was done quietly and calmly - without a single shot being fired. 11-05 Visiting the Rich - Escape The theft was carried out simply masterfully, no one noticed anything, so there can be no talk of any pursuit. Tommy calmly takes Salvatore home to Hoboken, and then returns to Salieri. 12-01 Great deal! - Bar "Salieri" Pauley met a guy named William Gates. Gates is interesting because he came from Kentucky, the state where the best whiskey in the country is made. He almost vomited when he tasted the Canadian swill, which all self-respecting residents of Lost Haven use. Gates invited Paulie to buy from him a whole batch of select whiskey from Kentucky. During Prohibition, the sale of high-quality (And Paulie speaks of Kentucky Whiskey in excellent terms!) alcohol is doomed to bring huge profits. Don gives the go-ahead for the deal. Tommy, Paulie, Sam, and two other guys from the Salieri clan, taking shotguns and Thompson submachine guns, load into the car and go to meet William Gates... 12-02 Great deal! - The Shubert parking lot slows down near the multi-story parking lot where the deal is supposed to take place. Tommy, Paulie and Sam go to meet Willie, while the other two gangsters wait in the car. Mission Objective: FIND WILLY AND MAKE A DEAL What could be easier than climbing the stairs to the fourth floor of the parking lot? The trio of gangsters quickly find William Gates and a truck with a shipment of selected whiskey, which is guarded by four armed thugs. Paulie and Willie exchange pleasantries, after which the former hands the latter a thick wad of money. At this very moment, the screech of brakes is heard from one of the lower floors, and two cars full of Morellian bastards drive into the parking lot. A shootout begins. Willie Gates is knocked down by the first bullet. Tommy miraculously manages to hide behind a car parked nearby... :) Willie Gates. Well not Billy! Grand shootout! The last thug who guarded the late William Gates loses his mind out of fear and runs towards the bastards without a weapon in his hands. He is instantly killed in cold blood. In this regard, the forces become completely unequal. Three people from the Salieri clan against seven from the Morello clan. But it is obvious that begging the enemy to play in accordance with the fair play rules is useless; the lineups must be equalized ourselves. Tommy leans out from behind the car and with a burst from his machine gun, he cuts down the bastard with a shotgun rushing forward. Paulie and Sam know their stuff too. The lineups are quickly compared: three against three, and then three against one. Victory? Nope. Out of nowhere, another black car appears with Morello's men, and the shooting continues. The result of the showdown on the third floor is 13 corpses in black coats. (Statistics may not be accurate.) Tip: Don't make sudden movements, try to take out as many bastards as possible while staying in cover behind the car. Only then move forward and finish off the rest. What could be easier than going down the stairs to the first floor? Tommy tries to do this, but is met with heavy fire. The way down will have to be fought through the only possible way the bastards' cars got here. On the third floor, Tommy, Paulie and Sam easily deal with three more Morellians. The main thing is to be the first to pull the trigger. On the second floor, Morello loses five more henchmen. The first floor is empty. Tommy is the first to rush to the exit, but it is blocked by two cars, behind which more bastards are lurking. How many of them are there!? Five more. A bottle with a Molotov cocktail flies at Angelo, but he dodges it. Hint: It is very important to run to the cars long before your comrades, otherwise one of them will certainly burst into flames when hit by a Molotov cocktail. Paulie especially likes to do this. The second cocktail thrown by some freak hits one of the cars blocking the road. She lights up. Tommy runs away. There is an explosion. Soon the second car explodes. Tommy and Paulie start shooting the bastards through the burnt-out car bodies. Sam, meanwhile, miraculously manages to break down the stairs. He attacks the enemy from the rear. Tommy squeezes between the mangled bodies and gets operational space. Paulie follows him. A few more accurate shots and that's it. Now that's victory! But in the heat of the firefight, no one, of course, forgot about the purpose of the visit to the parking lot. Tommy and Paulie go up to the fourth floor and lower a truck - a Bolt model b pickup - with selected whiskey to the first floor. Tommy is driving. Sam runs to Shubert, under whose wheels lie dead bodies two Salieri guys. Hint: To the right of the parking lot exit there is a cute first aid kit hanging on the wall. 12-03 Great deal! - Pursuit Mission objective: DRIVE THE TRUCK TO SALIERI'S WAREHOUSE As soon as the truck leaves the parking lot, they immediately shoot at it from a machine gun. One of the bullets pierces the wheel. The truck slowly picks up speed, and two cars rush after it at once. Sam on Shubert is trying to hold him back, and he even succeeds. Paulie and Tommy get to Hoboken without problems, but there one of the pursuing cars catches up with them. The Morellos try to ram the truck, but he still manages to drive into the warehouse without losing there is not a single bottle of whiskey on the road. Tommy and Paulie instantly jump out of the truck. The first pulls out a machine gun, the second runs for a shotgun. Tommy, Paulie and the man Salieri guarding the warehouse open fire on the Morellians getting out of the car. The massacre of the bastards is completed by the one who arrived in time on his Shubert "e Sam. Clue:

    -- Move away quickly at the beginning of the chase, then Sam's car will cover you from shots, and you won't have to travel with a broken tire. - If you drive quickly and carefully, then the Morellians will generally not be able to catch up with you, which means the mission will end immediately upon arrival at the warehouse. But more often they still drive you to the Hoboken area. - During the chase, it is very important not to run into the police. When a blue stripe appears on the radar, I advise you to sharply squeeze the brake and drop it to 40 km/h or less, but at street guards you can score.
:) You can, in general, refuse the chase. Get out of the truck, take out the machine gun and go to the cars with the bastards. I think it’s clear what to do next. 12-04 Great deal! - Bar "Salieri" In the evening at the bar "Salieri" the successful operation was celebrated with first-class whiskey from Kentucky.

13-01 Bon appetit! - City Salieri's personal bodyguard is sick, so Don asks Tommy to take him to lunch at Pepe's, an Italian restaurant. Mission Objective: TAKE SALIERI TO LUNCH AT PEPE'S RESTAURANT IN NEW ARK While the luxury double Lassiter v16 roadster - Don's personal car - goes to Newark by the fastest route: through China Town, Salieri praises Pepe and his establishment in every possible way. He especially recommends trying the local cheeses. From these stories, Tommy begins to drip from his mouth and he accelerates. .. 13-02 Bon appetit - restaurant "Pepe's" Lassiter stops in a dead end near the restaurant, Tommy jumps out first and obsequiously runs to open the door for Don... Salieri: At last! I could eat a horse! Salieri and Angelo have a nice conversation , devouring Pepe's magnificent concoction by both cheeks.Suddenly, two dark blue cars slow down near the restaurant, from which, like jacks out of a snuffbox, armed Morellian bastards jump out and immediately open indiscriminate fire on the visitors through the glass windows. Their target, of course, is Don Salieri. But Tommy manages to knock the dining table on its side, and with his help obsequiously shield Don from the bullets. Salieri laments that some bastards ruined his lunch. The bullets are unable to penetrate the table, which appears to be made of tank armor, and the bastards throw a grenade inside the restaurant. The explosion shatters the display case, but does not cause Salieri and Angelo any harm. Don commands, drawing a pistol from his cream-colored jacket: he will keep the bastards on their toes while Tommy tries to get out through the back door. Tommy doesn't mind. He instantly finds himself behind a screen (to the right of the telephone booth), behind which the door leading to the dressing room is hidden: there, in the window, he notices a bastard with a machine gun, hiding in the alley. Going out into the yard, Tommy runs to the Morellian and unloads the entire clip into him. Thus, Angelo manages to take possession of Thompson. He returns to the yard and heads to the door located on the porch and leading to the main entrance to what about ten minutes ago was the Pepe restaurant. Two bastards suddenly appear on the porch, who also decided to take advantage the back door. Tommy shoots them point-blank with a machine gun, then shoots the Morell guy in the bullfight, and then again shoots two more who crept up from behind from the alley. Tommy picks up the machine gun from the floor - he has run out of cartridges - and rushes into the corridor, through the door to at the end of which the blue cars of the Morellians are visible. The shooting does not stop for a second. The exit to the street is well under fire and Tommy decides to look for another, safer way. He returns to the courtyard, turns into an alley, goes around the building on the right side and SHOOTS the remaining bastards from around the corner. Look like that's it. Tommy curiously heads to the restaurant's entrance to see what's left of his boss after the shootout. From a second floor window they suddenly shoot at him from a machine gun. Angelo dodges, runs through the door that continues into the corridor, climbs the stairs to the bastard and SHOOTS him. That's it now. Salieri crawls out from under the ruins of the restaurant. Salieri (to Tommy): You saved my ass! Tommy is very interested in how the Morellians managed to find out where Salieri would have lunch. But Don already knows the answer to the question. He was set up by his bodyguard - Carlo - who asked to take time off from work that day. A very suspicious coincidence. Salieri offers to pay him a visit, with all the ensuing... rivers of blood. Hint: Don't miss the first aid kit located in the dressing room. :) Only at this stage can you give yourself superhuman pleasure and shoot Salieri - at the rest the old man is invulnerable. Do not miss your chance. P.S. If Tommy Angelo knew what the future held for him, he would have done it too. 13-03 Bon appetit! - After the attack, Tommy quickly runs to Lassiter and gets behind the wheel. He doesn’t even think about obsequiously opening the door for Dawn. For some reason, Salieri doesn’t pay attention to this, but simply jumps into the seat next to him. They are now brothers on weapons. The car takes off and rushes to Little Italy, where the traitor Carlo lives. :) Don’t try to return to the Pepe’s restaurant, or rather to what’s left of it, even if you forgot there that -important. The main entrance has been blown up, the door to the corridor leading to the courtyard has already been locked by someone. All that remains is the alley where fierce shooting took place a couple of minutes ago. But even there the way is closed: someone has already blocked the alley with a high wooden fence. Amazing efficiency of Los Haven's public services. 13-03 Bon appetit! - Carlo Once inside the apartment building, Salieri quickly climbs to the third floor. He knows the exact address your bodyguard. Tommy follows Don, reloading his machine gun as he goes. Salieri stops near the desired door. Salieri: Carlo! You bastard! We are coming for you! Tommy breaks down the door and notices a man in a linen tank top and pink flowered family briefs running down the fire escape. Tommy crosses the room in one leap, climbs out the window and follows Carlo. A fire escape leads to the courtyard. A completely typical Italian courtyard, criss-crossed length and breadth with lines on which clothes are dried. Immigrants from Italy, sunbathing in the sun on a fine autumn day, watch what is happening with interest. The underwear blocks the view and Tommy loses sight of Carlo. Then he crouches down and begins to move forward on half-bent legs, which makes the wet underwear hanging at head level cease to be a hindrance. Carlo, who is hiding behind one of the brick-colored sheds, tries to put up armed resistance. But he can't do anything. The yard is now “decorated” by a ghoul in shorts with a pattern of pink flowers. Carlo, it turns out, has his own hangers-on. There are three of them. They rush at Tommy. They are not very smart. Only one of them has a pistol, and the other two have a bat and a crowbar. Salieri commands the fighting from the window and orders the killing of the scum. Tommy follows the order. Tommy: You know, BOSS, this is my first time killing a man in his underwear. To be continued... 27

Mafia warns the passage - this chapter is fundamentally different from all previous ones in its complexity. The first noticeable leap in complexity, and in duration it is much longer than all the previous ones. In the introductory video, we learn from Frank that the previous work did not go well. It turns out that one of the two thugs escaping in the car, whom you allegedly killed, miraculously survived. And I’m ready to tell the Morello people a lot about your exploits in law enforcement agencies... The funeral of the second one will take place today. Tommy, with irony in his voice, said that he was unlikely to be able to come there. Well, think about it. Not a big omission. Besides, that's not exactly why Frank called Tommy.

One man took a lot of money from Salieri to open his own business. Namely, an elite brothel for big shots, perfectly disguised as a hotel. But instead of paying off his debts, he simply went over to the side of Morello, who became a roof for him. The mafia passage informs - Frank wants Tommy to kill the owner of the establishment and blow up the main office. And another one of the brothel “staff” gives information about the actions of the Salieri clan to the same Morello. It is necessary to close her mouth to stop the leak. Everything would be fine, but she is best friend Tommy's wife. But work is work.

Well, let's get to work. This time all the equipment will be in the car, so there is no need to visit either Ralph or Vincenzo. And the car is the same one that Tommy used to drive. He enjoys the feeling of nostalgia, but we will have to suffer with this bucket of nuts until our destination, alas.

The mafia informs the passage - there we will have the following tasks - kill the manager, find and kill the prostitute who is leaking information, take documents from the director's office and plant explosives there. We will do everything step by step. It’s worth warning right away - you’ll have to shoot a lot here, so it might be worth exploring the area so that you have somewhere to find cover if something happens. Let's begin the first task. You can go up to the watchman and ask him where you can find the manager. He will tell you to turn left, he is at the table in a white suit. His desk will be the last one on the right. Before you put a bullet in his forehead, it’s better to go behind him and hide behind the chair. From there, send him to another world. Why hide? Then, so as not to get what you deserve from the security of the establishment. You can get it while hiding, but the chances of maintaining more health in battles increase significantly while you are hiding behind something. And you will still need health... Even oh-oh-oh!

If you followed the advice given by this Mafia Walkthrough, get ready to fire a couple more bullets at the guard sitting on the right at the table. And don't stick your head out of cover. Because a group of guards from other rooms on the first floor will come running in response to the noise. What stands apart here is the watchman, who runs with a double-barreled sawn-off shotgun. At close range you won't have a chance to escape, because one accurate shot = Tommy's death and loading the level all over again. Instead of hoping for him to miss, it's better to just eliminate the enemy from a distance. Do the same with everyone who breaks into this room to help. When everything calms down a little, come out of the shelter and clear the first floor of the remnants of the guards.

The mafia warns the passage - while on duty you need to take the key (go to the shield with the keys and press the action button), you can also find a first aid kit there. If you have at least 80 health points, it is better not to touch her for now - she will only heal 30, so we recommend using her later, because there are still guards at the top, and probably at least one will manage to hit you. Well, like from a pistol, not a sawn-off shotgun...

After clearing the first floor, do the same with everyone else. On all upper floors the number of guards is approximately the same as on the first floor alone. But you shouldn’t relax, they can attack at the most inconvenient moment for defense. Besides, it is we who need to storm the territory, not them. They only interfere with breaking through. Beware first of all of the armed types, they are the most dangerous. But pistol owners cannot be underestimated. When you're done with the security, start looking for that same prostitute whose long tongue cost Salieri a lot of money and several people.

The mafia passage informs you that you will find her on the third floor, a room in the left wing of the building. You won't be able to kill her even if you want to - a video will start in which Tommy, kind soul, unwisely let her go, ordering her to disappear from the city once and for all. However, he will not regret this soon, but for now, continue completing the main tasks. All that remains is to find the director’s office, where you need to take documents and plant explosives.

The required office is located on the fourth floor, in its right wing. Can be distinguished by the inscription on the door “Director”. The mafia warns the passage - beware of the only guard who has holed up in it behind that very door. Eliminate him, then go to the table and press the action button twice - the first time to pick up the papers, the second to plant explosives. Run back into the corridor. Enjoy the spectacular explosion and Tommy's flight to the roof of a nearby building in the video.

Those who expected that the chapter would now end successfully and happily must be disappointed. It's just beginning. And the main carnage is yet to come. The explosion attracted the attention of the cops - they will have to escape along the rooftops away from them. No one will try to arrest you, their task is to kill you. They will try to do this. So be careful - it's either you or them.

To begin, turn right and run along the ledge forward to the stairs. Go up along it all the way, there turn right onto the balcony, along it you will reach the door. Behind the door are steps upstairs. Get up and open the door to the roof. Don’t waste time there, as a group of cops is running behind you, from which it is easier to run away to the roof of the neighboring house on the right than to get involved in a shootout with them.

The mafia passage informs you - to get to the roof of the next house, which is to the right of the exit, climb onto the ledge of the building on the left, along it - to the elevation to which that ledge adjoins. Turn right, run forward. Having reached the abyss, jump over it to the neighboring house. Now the chase is almost cut off, but it is better to move on quickly if you do not want to get several bullets in the back.

Ahead there is a roof one floor lower in height, so Walkthrough mafia advises that it is better not to jump like that, but to carefully go down the boxes on the right, which lie like large steps. From this roof, before going further down, go forward and take out the policeman with the rifle. It does serious damage, so it's best to do this as soon as possible. Then continue the descent, but not in a straight line, but turn left to descend smoothly and not fall from a ten-meter height. There you will find steps one more floor down, to the very roof where we need to go, but do not rush to rush forward. Sit down and look from the stairs to the left - a solid group of policemen, about five people, appeared there. So carefully kill them with minimal losses. Both health and ammunition. Keep in mind that you can't see everyone from the steps; at least one is still hiding around the corner on the left.

Next, run forward along the roof; on the roofs to the left there are several more opponents in blue uniforms - deal with them, the sooner the better. By killing them, you will end the chase for a while. The cops won't show up anymore. So, in order to continue the Mafia passage, climb the small hill ahead, jump from it to the next part of the roof, from where the further path goes to the left onto the stairs. Don't take a running jump, there's already a decent height there, so go down smoothly. Then go up the steps and go a little straight, then right. A cutscene will start - Tommy will lift the ladder lying on the scaffolding and place it on the adjacent building. He still doesn’t know what surprise awaits him there...

The next building was a church. In its upper part, near the steps leading down, there is a good first aid kit that restores 50 health points. But if you haven't suffered much in previous battles, save it for now. Because downstairs... there's a funeral going on. The same guy you killed in the previous chapter. And Tommy also joked that he wouldn’t attend his funeral. You can't escape fate...

Everything would be fine, but someone recognized him. And then the “fun” begins - the parishioners en masse take out weapons (you have to think about it - rush into the church with guns at a funeral!) and begin to attack you. It is important to take a good defensive position, since there will be few enemies, and unfortunately, not all of them are armed with pistols. For example, one will even sit on the second tier with Thompson! So be careful. After killing the first batch of enemies, you can go up and heal upstairs, even if you didn’t use the first aid kit earlier, while the second one is just entering the hall. The second group is already more heavily armed - there are pump-action shotguns and more powerful pistols... By the way, a pump-action shotgun is an excellent weapon. Much longer range than a regular sawn-off shotgun. And even more effective at close range. If you pick it up before you kill all the enemies, you will have time to verify this. Having cleared the area from the remnants of enemies, watch the video in honor of which the chapter got its name.

After which you will appear under the church on the street. The police are looking for you, so don’t try to rush forward right away. Find yourself a secluded corner and sit there until the wanted status subsides. Then just go to Salieri to finish the chapter.

Chapter 9 - Country walk

Another “fun” chapter in which you won’t be able to relax. The year is 1933, Prohibition is in force in the USA, alcohol is in short supply and is sold underground for huge sums of money. What's not a convenient way to earn money?

Employers have already obtained two trucks loaded to the brim with selected Canadian booze. The mafia informs the passage - all that is required of you is to ensure that the cargo is safely delivered to the country farm where it is planned to be sold. It seems that everything is simple, except for the ongoing downpour, no difficulties are visible at all, at first glance. But this is only at first glance.

First, the task is to meet Polly at Salieri's warehouse. Take the car and drive to the marked point. There is no point in touching Vincenzo - weapons will be given out on the spot in case something happens, and the door to his office is locked. So just talk to Ralph, who will provide you with a new car and go to the warehouse. You can do this on another car - it's up to you.

The passage of the mafia informs you that Polly is already waiting in the warehouse. He'll get behind the wheel himself, so for now we're just watching the video. Management will return on the outskirts of the city, at the target farm - the situation is changing. Sam was supposed to meet you, but there was not a soul at the meeting point. You need to walk around the farm and find out what's going on. Of course, this matter will be placed on your shoulders. And they themselves will remain to guard the trucks.

Go deep into the farm, you will find a truck there. The video will start - some nasty guys come up from behind and joke that your friend is “sick” - this is their reaction to someone who has fallen out of dead car driver. It turns out that Morello decided to take over this business, moving Salieri. Sam is still nowhere to be seen. At the end of the video there will be a new task - to return back to Polly. To be sure, you can get rid of these jokers who are shooting at you. Come back more carefully - now there are enemies in some places, the Mafia walkthrough advises you to take care of your health, you will really need it.

Returning back to Polly, you will see that not everything is going smoothly there either - one of the two cars with cargo is already on fire, and there are battles for the second. Help your allies fight back. Tommy will report the problem, and now all that remains is to find and save Sam, and then get out of here before it’s too late. But the task is not the easiest, you will see this very soon - darkness, rain, poor visibility, and here are all these bastards with shotguns... Try to keep up and not get separated from Polly, because it’s much easier to fight back together. And you’ll quickly find the right building where your friend is being held.
The passage of the mafia informs you that the door of the desired barn is locked. But Polly will find a crowbar somewhere that will manage to break it out. Now be extremely careful - there is a serious concentration of enemies within ten square meters inside - there are only two on the first floor, but after the first shots, help will come down from the second. Considering that they are extremely dangerous close up, shoot from a distance, not letting Polly get close to you - if he is killed, the mission will definitely fail. So take care of more than just yourself!

Sam is being held on the top floor. Climb the steps very carefully, because the enemies are hiding, and you can miss the fatal shot. It is better to do it first - a duel with shotguns at such a distance - until the first hit. Whoever gets in wins. By the way, in the same barn on the second floor there is a first aid kit. When you get to Sam, you will see that he is seriously injured. Now go downstairs - Polly went to get the truck to evacuate from here together. You will have to guard the entrance to the barn.

The mafia warns the passage - Morello's people will run into you, and also the cops. So don't relax, sit somewhere around the corner and feed them shot. Soon Polly will arrive in a truck and pick you and Sam up. He will get behind the wheel, Topson will give you the car and put you in the back of the car to shoot back from the chase.

Overall, this is the easy part of the chapter - all that is required is to prevent their car from overtaking yours. Otherwise, they will shoot Polly, and all is lost. By the way, stopping the messengers is very simple - and you don’t need as many cartridges as you were given. You need to shoot through the glass at the head of the driver of the car that is hanging on its tail - this way you will get rid of it very quickly. There will be three cars with enemies in total. So three dead drivers and the chapter is almost over. Almost - because you will need to return from the warehouse to Salieri's bar. Or you can go to Luka if you have nothing else to do.

Chapter 10 - Omerta

Mafia passage will continue with this very complex and protracted chapter. Salieri talks about the criticality of the situation in which the entire organization found itself. During the last operation, the mafia of the Salieri clan lost eight people and all the cargo, in addition, one of the main chain dogs in the person of Sam was seriously injured, he cannot even get up. And then a very serious problem was added - Frank, the don’s right hand, decided to hand over everyone to the police, the reason is unknown, but by doing this he violated Omerta, the unwritten law of the mafia. And must be urgently destroyed.

The passage of mafia informs you - you need to start everything by meeting with two people who can give information about Frank’s whereabouts. Then you need to find the target, interrogate where he keeps the clan's ledgers, which are evidence for numerous crimes. Afterwards - liquidate.

We begin to act according to the old scheme - first you get weapons from Vincenzo, who will give you a Colt 1911 and a sawn-off shotgun. Then talk to Ralph - he will teach you how to steal a new type of car. Now you are ready to go to work. Having left for the city, follow the map to get to Chinatown, where the first informant is located. True, he doesn’t know anything, but he will point to another guy who probably knows where Frank is being held. Go to him, he is located near the museum on the Central Island. This person also does not know anything himself, and will also transfer the arrows to someone else.

The latter hangs out under a bridge in Newark. A distinctive feature is that there is no hair on the head.

Having reached the place, you will see him there, to continue the Mafia passage, start a conversation - he will begin to evade the answer in every possible way. You'll have to pull out the information - smack him in the face a couple of times, it will immediately be “+100500” to his politeness. The former impudence will go anywhere, and you will get the information you need - Frank is being held by the cops near the oak alley opposite the tennis court. Frank is going to hand over the mafia's office books to them, and he will be sent to Europe as a reward. We need to intercept before it's too late...

Drive to the next point marked on the map - Oakwood. There you will see that Frank is put into an armored car and taken away somewhere. Your goal now is to simply chase after it and keep up. Although the task is not the easiest, given the power of the enemy car, it is not impossible to call it either. Having reached the end of the route, you will find yourself at the airport.

When the landing of Frank and the guards of their armored vehicle ends, and control returns to you, do not stand in its path, get out of harm’s way. Then get ready to fight your way inside the airport. The mafia passage informs you that in the first building there is a small concentration of enemies - about five people, one of them with a Thompson in his hands. In the same room there is a first aid kit on the wall to the left, use it if necessary.

When you kill all the guards, Frank will start running away. Notice that he turned right. There will be a lot of guards on the way to it, many of them are much easier to run over with a car than to shoot. Catch a passing truck and take action. The goal is at the opposite end of the map on the right, take this into account when moving forward.

Continue the Mafia passage, not forgetting to collect the weapons of defeated enemies, get to Frank. Finish off the remaining guards. Approach your former ally and a video will start. There you will find out that he decided to pawn everyone for a reason - the cops blackmailed him, taking his wife and daughter, threatening to kill them. It was planned to meet with them here, and exchange “family” - “office books”. The cops also promised a plane ticket to Europe. Tommy felt sorry for Frank, the poor guy can be understood as a human being... As we learn later, this was great stupidity. But that will come later. In the meantime, Tommy decided to help his old friend.

First you need to find his wife and daughter. The mafia passage informs you that they are being kept in a building nearby, next to the three hangars behind which you found Frank. A distinctive feature is the appearance of guards and the opening of previously closed doors. Get rid of the enemies, go inside. In the phone booth to the left, a man is already calling someone, complaining about gunshots. Frank's family is also there, as well as a first aid kit on the wall. Talk to his wife, go back to him to pick him up and take him to his family. Things will go completely crazy there - Frank will ask you to find more plane tickets. Tommy saved his life, but he still wants something... Tough.

Well, okay, there’s no other way to complete the chapter, so look for tickets. They are located in the very building that was the first at the airport, in which we eliminated the first guards, among whom one was with Thompson, and there was also a first aid kit hanging on the wall. So head there, it’s to the right of the exit from the building where Frank is now with his family. Preferably by car, otherwise walking will take too long. The tickets are on the table on the left, where there is a place for the watchman. Just go to the table and press the “use” button. Then return to Frank.

He will thank you for everything and tell you that the office books are in a safe at the First National Bank, which is in the business district. And he will give you the key to that safe. Go there to continue the Mafia walkthrough. Frank didn't lie - the papers are there. When you're done, return to Salieri's bar, or you can visit Bertone if you want to learn how to steal some new type of car, as always. But as always, no thanks - you will have to beat some big guy. If you want, take it up; no, go straight to Salieri. This is where the chapter ends.
