Rotenberg Natalya Sergeevna. The success story of the king of state orders Arkady Rotenberg But you are still married

The ex-wife of Arkady Rotenberg, Natalya, filed a lawsuit in London in order to receive compensation from the billionaire, RBC reports. The case will be considered in February 2016, the businessman's lawyer confirmed.

Arkady and Natalya Rotenberg divorced in 2013. The marriage was annulled by the decision of the magistrate of the judicial district N160 of the Tushinsky district of Moscow. Natalya unsuccessfully tried to appeal this decision, and after that filed a lawsuit to invalidate the marriage contract. If her claim was satisfied, then the joint property acquired in marriage since 2005 could be divided in half.

Now she lives in the UK with two common children, and until the dispute between the former spouses is fully resolved, Rotenberg must pay interim alimony for the maintenance of her and the children. However, due to the sanctions imposed on Rotenberg by the European Union, the payment of alimony was difficult. Any money transfer from a sanctioned person must be frozen as soon as the money reaches the UK account.

This conflict is what the British court is trying to resolve. At the same time, Rotenberg's name is not officially named in court - he appears in the documents as "Russian citizen R." At the same time, it is known that the anonymous Russian is challenging the sanctions in the General Court of the European Union, and he divorced his wife in 2013 in Russia. As RBC recalls, Arkady Rotenberg is the only Russian citizen seeking the lifting of sanctions. The rest of the lawsuits were filed by companies. In addition, "citizen R." defended by the same lawyers that represent the interests of Rotenberg in a lawsuit to lift the sanctions.

Arkady Rotenberg divorced his second wife in the Tushinsky District Court. At the end of April 2013. The decision to divorce was joint. Natalya appealed this decision to the Tushinsky court, but he left the decision of the previous instance unchanged, and on August 2 it entered into force.

Later, Rotenberg's ex-wife filed a lawsuit to invalidate the marriage contract. If her claim were satisfied, then the joint property acquired in marriage could be divided in half. Considering that, according to Forbes, Rotenberg's capital is about 3.3 billion dollars, half of his property would be a very substantial amount.

Earlier, lawyer Philip Ryabchenko stated that the marriage contract of the Rotenbergs could hardly be invalidated, since it meets the requirements of the law and is concluded in a notarial form. For her part, the lawyer of Rotenberg's ex-wife, Kira Voronkova, said that the marriage contract does not meet the requirements of family law and deprives her client of 50% of the property jointly acquired with the ex-husband. The ex-spouses have two children, Voronkova recalled.

Billionaire Arkady Rotenberg, who is still in adolescence was a sparring partner of Vladimir Putin in judo, is a co-owner of Gazprom's contractors - SETP and Stroygazmontazh (51%), infrastructure giant Mostotrest (26.4%), Rossosh Mineral Fertilizers (79.4%) and SMP Bank (37.3%). According to Forbes, Rotenberg's fortune is $ 3.3 billion, he ranks 31st in the list of the richest businessmen in Russia.

Discussion of the article

Nov 20 2018 8:24PM

Yulia is right

Dec 12, 2017 8:18PM

Their time will end, thieves rob the country, the people are starving

Sep 7, 2017 2:34PM

I know well this Natalya Rotenberg (Nikolaeva) from the usual large family from Kurgan, I decided to chop off free money.

Mar 17, 2017 1:28PM

Eugene, as an expert in jurisprudence, can you characterize the Russian court? We have here the most fair and humane court in the world. And our courts, of course, do not make politically motivated decisions, yeah.

Apr 27 2016 11:50PM

What an instructive message Yulia left, no other way claims to be the third wife of Arkady Romanovich ... He is so white and fluffy, and ex-wife just stupid ... (Oh, if only I were a queen) ...

Oct 18 2015 12:37AM

Complete crap. Religious propaganda.

Aug 8 2015 10:24AM

Yulechka, hello. This greedy aunt was guaranteed ALL possible and impossible assistance in the Naglia court. This is a hidden form of sanctions against Rottenberg personally. Here is such a vile trick.

Justice in the EU and Pindostane lies entirely under politics.

Aug 7, 2015 9:58PM

Looking at Arkady Romanovich, I got the impression that he was not greedy, and that the woman had immoderate appetites. In short, greed will destroy her. In any case, he did the business, all of it, his talent, his luck, his abilities, his aunt had nothing to do with it, anyone can cook, wash, caress, yes, children, heirs, but one is already 16 (soon to go to the army already), the other is not a baby either. It was necessary to agree somehow, but not like that, stupidly, half of the business is mine. It won't. You can sit even in England, even in Israel. Life will pass in the courts is senseless and stupid. And if in short, when you submit, you don’t resist, then you get more from a man, and if you climb ahead, you won’t get anything. "Whoever gives up, gains."

Asks the highest authority of British justice - Supreme Court United Kingdom, to allow him to challenge the decision of the Court of Appeal of 25 July 2017, which ordered that details of his financial arrangements with his ex-wife - Natalya Rotenberg be made public. This was told by a source close to one of the parties to the process. The representative of the British Supreme Court Sophia Linehan-Biggs confirmed the information. It will take three to six months to decide on the case, she said.

The High Court of London ruled in July 2016 in the R v R case, but its details were classified. In the public documents of the process, the names of the participants were not named. The fact that Arkady and Natalya Rotenberg are hiding behind the letters R was written in 2015 by RBC. Rotenberg's Russian lawyer Filipp Ryabchenko confirmed to the publication that former spouses litigation in London. According to him, the matter in the case was not about the division of assets, but about the payment of compensation to Natalya.

“He didn’t claim anything, he gave everything that we had amassed during my period. I treat my husband very well and always put him on a pedestal. God bless him!” Rotenberg told The Bell.

The judge in this case was Philip Moore, who presided over R v R. According to the publication, Moore allowed to disclose the materials of the process, but one of them, a man, did not agree with this decision. Moore sent the participant's request for confidentiality to the Court of Appeal, and classified the materials until a verdict was issued.

The Court of Appeal in July allowed the details of the R v R process to be released, according to the decision, published in the court database on October 17, 2017. It is this decision that Rotenberg is now challenging in the Supreme Court of Great Britain.

In 2017 Forbes appreciated Arkady Rotenberg's fortune is $2.6 billion. He owns one of the largest contractors receiving government orders - Stroygazmontazh. Rotenberg also owns shares in Minudobreniya and SMP Bank. The businessman is called a friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, with whom they once practiced judo together. In 2014 EU and US made Rotenberg on the sanctions lists, citing his closeness to Putin as one of the reasons. According to the agency "Ruspres", in Russia, only one company is registered for Natalya Rotenberg - Cultural and Leisure Center Pokrov LLC. In fact, this is a "family" Kindergarten, located in one of the apartments in an elite residential complex on Beregovaya Street in Moscow.

Ryabchenko refused to discuss Rotenberg's appeal to the British Supreme Court with journalists, citing the closed nature of the case. Russian lawyer Natalia Rotenberg - "Kira Voronkova" also declined to comment.

Natalya Rotenberg now lives in London. Her LinkedIn page states that she is the founder and owner of NR Group, an interior design and real estate company. The company's website emphasizes that Natalia has "experience and connections" in real estate transactions around the world. In addition, Natalia Rotenberg has been the Russian ambassador for the Clive Christian perfume brand since September 2016. In 2015, the ex-wife of Arkady Rotenberg created in the UK charitable foundation NR Foundation, which, according to its website, is dedicated to helping talented children.

In the July verdict in R v R secrecy, the judges of the Court of Appeal criticized Plaintiff R's argument, full name which is again not named, calling it “unsatisfactory” in places, noting that his lawyers did not discuss in detail in the first instance their arguments in favor of classifying the case materials, having done this only in the Court of Appeal.

The plaintiff's representatives argued that disclosure of the details of the case could pose a threat to their client. In addition, the disclosure of materials may violate the right of minors to inviolability privacy follows from the verdict of the Court of Appeal. The court then disagreed with these arguments, while warning Times Newspapers that delicacy must be observed when covering the details of the trial. As you know, two children of the entrepreneur, Varvara and Arkady, live with Natalya Rotenberg.

Arkady Rotenberg is one of the richest people in Russia, with a billion dollar fortune. The entrepreneur owns the largest Russian company for the construction of gas pipelines and power lines and is a co-owner of the Northern Sea Route bank. In addition to business, the oligarch is engaged in sports activities - he heads International Foundation development of judo and holds the post of vice-president of the Russian Judo Federation.

Rotenberg Arkady Romanovich was born on December 15, 1951 in the cultural capital of Russia in an intelligent family. With parents, Jews by nationality, the future oligarch became the firstborn. With early years the boy was developed in the sports direction - in preschool age Rotenberg attended acrobatics, and at the age of 12 he was enrolled in the judo section. This type of martial art has become a hobby for the guy and the main direction in his future career.

In the judo section, Arkady Rotenberg met the future President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, with whom the boy trained in pairs, as he was in the same weight category. Friendship swept through many years, and today his friend Rotenberg continues to support good relationship.

About the biography of Arkady Rotenberg in school and student years there are no reliable facts about what has become a "blank spot" for society. It is known that after graduating from school, the billionaire served in the army, after which he entered the Leningrad State University of Physical Education and Sports. Lesgaft. Upon graduation, Arkady worked as a sports coach for 15 years. The judoka trained children, heading the Leningrad Youth Sports School.

Rotenberg confirmed his professionalism in sports by defending his Ph.D. and doctoral dissertations. Throughout his career, Arkady Romanovich devoted part of himself to sports, which allowed him to become an Honored Worker physical education and coach of the Russian Federation.


In the early 90s, during the collapse of the USSR, Arkady Rotenberg went into business, which was associated with the organization of martial arts competitions. In addition, the judoka co-founded a number of firms that brought in enough income to create a large-scale business.

Along with commerce, Rotenberg helped Putin, who by that time already served as head of the FAC in the St. Petersburg mayor's office, practice judo - Arkady continued training with the future Russian leader as a sparring partner. Thanks to this, the Yavara-Neva judo sports club appeared in the cultural capital of Russia, founded by Rotenberg on the idea of ​​Putin. Today, this club, whose honorary president is the President of Russia, is considered the most titled sports club in the country, having won the European Championships six times.

In the early 2000s, the business of Arkady Rotenberg began to develop rapidly and on a large scale. At that time, the future oligarch was part of the leadership of the leading Russian companies and banks Northern Sea Route, Talion, Rostelecom, Investcapital and Pipe Metal Roll. commercial activity the businessman carried out together with his younger brother, who by that time had also built a professional sports career in Finland in the same direction of martial arts as his brother.

By the mid-2000s, the Rotenberg brothers directed their business to the gas sector and engaged in development at the all-Russian level. To do this, five construction companies were bought out from the Gazprom corporation, which by 2008 were merged into the Stroygazmontazh company. At the same time, Arkady Vladimirovich became a monopolist in the supply of pipe products to the Russian market and began to expand his business towards the development of gas infrastructure. The total annual turnover of Volgogradneftemash and four construction companies Arkady Rotenberg (Lengazspetsstroy, Spetsgazremstroy, Krasnodargazstroy and Volgogaz) reached 43.5 billion rubles.

A year later, Rotenberg began construction of a gas pipeline to Black Sea coast. The pipe was laid through three settlements- Dzhubga, Lazarevskoye and Sochi. The contract was signed without a competition. During the same year, the wards of Arkady Rotenberg began the construction of a gas pipeline on the Sakhalin - Khabarovsk - Vladivostok branch.

Rotenberg also owns the insurance company SMP Insurance. Together with his brother Boris, Arkady becomes the main shareholder of the Northern European Pipe Project (76%).

In 2010, the assets of Arkady Rotenberg were replenished with shares of road companies that received serious state orders for the construction of the Moscow-St. Petersburg toll road. The route passed through the Khimki forest, despite public protests about the inadmissibility of disturbing the ecological balance in the area due to deforestation.

The entrepreneur also participated in the construction of roads related to the preparation of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

At the beginning of 2010, the gas-pipe magnate took up a priority area for himself in the field of oil and gas construction. The entrepreneur also expanded his assets in the companies of the largest Russian manufacturers, which included ten alcohol industry enterprises belonging to Rosspirtprom OJSC.

In 2015, the Rotenberg holding "Stroygazmontazh" received a general contract for the construction of Kerch bridge through the strait, which became the largest project of the Russian Federation for last years. The cost of the project amounted to 230 billion rubles.

Arkady Rotenberg defended his doctoral dissertation in the field of pedagogy. The businessman, being a professional athlete, wrote 30 educational and methodological scientific works in which he touched upon the organization of the training process. Since 2013, Arkady has received a seat on the board of directors of OAO Publishing House Enlightenment. A year later, Rotenberg became the owner of a controlling stake in the Red Square television group.

Personal life

The personal life of Arkady Rotenberg is not as successful as his business. It is known that the entrepreneur was married twice, but family life she did not become happy in any marriage, as families fell apart, despite the presence of children.

From the first wife of Galina, the oligarch had three children - sons Igor and Pavel and daughter Lilia, who gave their father three grandchildren. Rotenberg's son Igor, like his father, is engaged in business, being the owner and co-owner of road construction, gas and energy companies. And Pavel has mastered the profession of a hockey player and is already playing for the Russian youth hockey team.

In the second marriage with Natalia Rotenberg, the billionaire had two more children - Varvara and Arkady. In 2013, after 8 years of marriage, the couple divorced. The second Rotenberg family settled in the UK. Natalya Rotenberg continues to do charity work in the field of supporting children's sports and choreographic schools, holding tournaments and competitions. The headquarters of the organization is in London, but this does not prevent Natalia from providing all possible assistance to her compatriots.

Thanks to the NR Foundation, in 2017 choreography classes were restored at the Kurgan School of Arts. Such attention of the ex-wife of the oligarch to the needs of the provincial town is explained by the fact that in 1995 Natalya herself graduated from the choreographic department of the Kurgan school.

In 2014, due to the situation in Ukraine, the billionaire fell under anti-Russian sanctions, so monetary assets in the EU were frozen. Rotenberg lost the opportunity to pay alimony to younger children, who remained only in the care of their mother. Against the backdrop of the current situation, Natalya nominated her to her ex-husband.

Condition assessment

According to experts, the fortune of Arkady Rotenberg for 2016 is $ 1 billion. In the list of the richest businessmen in Russia according to Forbes, the entrepreneur takes 75th position, down 15 points in the rating compared to last year.

Arkady Rotenberg now

Western sanctions did not prevent Arkady Rotenberg from developing his business. Firms registered in the British Virgin Islands, the entrepreneur re-registered for his son. In 2016, Arkady became the founder of National Gas Group LLC together with Artem Obolensky. In 2017, on behalf of his own companies, he acquired shares in the Park of Legends sports and entertainment quarter.

Now, with the light hand of the Western media and who regularly posts photos of the real estate of the oligarchs on the Internet, Arkady and Boris Rotenberg are called "kings of the state order", as the brothers get top applications on behalf of the state. The clan of Putin's friends in 2016 entered the top three wealthiest families in Russia. This number also included the Shamalov and Gutseriev families. The Rotenberg clan, which, in addition to the brothers, also includes their eldest sons, Igor and Roman, owns a fortune of $ 2.8 billion.


  • Honored Coach Russian Federation
  • 2005 - Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation
  • 2013 - Order of Friendship
  • 2013 - Honorary diploma of the President of the Russian Federation
  • 2015 - Order St. Sergius Radonezh I degree
  • 2016 - Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation
July 31, 2015

The mother of Roman and Boris Rotenberg and little Niko Armas, who is now 13 years old, Lamber Irene Walburga believes that children should not be brought up “in sugar”. She is also against marriages with stamps in passports.

- Irina Mikhailovna, your eldest sons have come to success. How to properly raise children?

I want to say right away that children born in a love marriage achieve a lot in life.

We tried to educate children in respect for their roots and the traditions of Russian culture, paying much attention to the education of children, their sports and aesthetic education. I know one thing, that "in sugar" children cannot be brought up. The child must also be educated by a society that gives direction and development.

With all my love for the middle son Boris and the younger Niko, Roman is the eldest in our family, which means that he must be prepared for life in such a way as to give advice based on his experience.

Roman Rotenberg fell under US sanctions, as the family found out, read on

- Why did you go to Finland?

We moved to Finland in 1991 under the Ingrian repatriation program, actively promoted by President Mauno Koivisto (Mauno Henrik Kaivisto, the ninth President of Finland from 1982 to 1994. About 30 thousand people moved to Finland in 20 years under the repatriation program, mainly from Russia and Estonia. Canceled in 2011 by Tarja Halonen. - Red.). I have Finnish roots, and I would like to emphasize that we did not emigrate, but moved to live in Finland, just like many other families who wanted their children to gain knowledge of European culture. Indeed, the experience gained in Finland was very useful to us in the future.

- Weren't there schools in St. Petersburg, including sports ones?

Roman at the age of 11 really wanted to play hockey, but in St. Petersburg there was only one ice rink in Yubileiny. When we moved to Finland, Roman called the hockey teams in Helsinki, but he was not taken anywhere, because in Finland it is believed that by the age of 11 a child should be able to play hockey and already be part of a hockey team. But nothing is impossible, there would be a desire: Roman got into the youth hockey team (In an interview with the Finnish edition of Helsingin Sanomat, Roman Rotenberg said: “They called different clubs, including the Jokers club, but no one wanted to take me anywhere. Then at the Länsimäen Kiekko club in Vantaa they told me to come try it.” After 21 year Roman bought the Finnish Jokerit. - Red.).

- Your sons in interviews always emphasize that they returned to Russia, because "the family decided so."

I do not read all the interviews of my children, they are adults and have the right to express their opinion. And I don't even need to know everything. I take your word for it. If they say that about the family - it pleases me. I am pleased to hear that. But the decision to return to Russia was made by Roman and Boris on their own.

What is family opinion? Wisdom and experience accumulated by previous generations.

As for my upbringing of children, the basis of it is that children respect their father with early age. But decisions in the family should be made by the mother. Parental advice always seems to children as pressure on them. I believe that the advice of parents to children is very important to consider, but the freedom of choice should always remain with them. I am glad that my children are always attentive to my opinion on this or that issue. In our family, it is customary for children to know and observe family traditions. The main requirement for children has always been and remains the condition of a careful attitude to study and work.

- And your children also emphasize that they are Russians.

Our family is multinational. Boris is from an intelligent Jewish family from St. Petersburg.

There are many bloodlines in my family: my great-grandfather is French, my great-grandmother is German, there are also Finnish roots in another branch. My mother is Ukrainian. As for family relations, they have always been politically free, not burdened with national hostility. We have always united all cultures in the family. But, of course, we are Russians, because we were born on Russian soil.

My family moved 350 years ago from France, the city of Marseille, to Sweden, and then to Russia. My grandmother's surname is LAMBER.

My dad, just like Boris's dad, are true patriots of Russia, and they brought us up in the spirit of love for the Fatherland. The fact that today my children love Russia does not surprise me, we brought them up that way.

I have different citizenships, my place of residence changes, but I am Russian. Sometimes it is not easy, but the Russian spirit is in me, and it helps me in the most difficult life situations.

The conversation on Skype is interrupted, Irina Mikhailovna promises to call back on Viber. “It's free, you need to save money,” she is convinced. “I am now in the mountains of the Southern Alps of France.”

- And the youngest son from a Finnish marriage. He is Russian?

His name is Niko, he likes to be called Nikolay. Despite the fact that he has never lived in Russia, but when we arrive in St. Petersburg and get into a taxi, Niko asks: “Mom, when are we coming home?” These words make me very happy, because we are really going home.

- The second time you married a Finn ...

Yes, I consciously married a second time.

I would like to draw the attention of young girls to the fact that marriage between people of different cultures is short-lived due to fundamental differences.

- What are the differences?

Foreigners - no matter who it is: French, British, Finns, Spaniards, Italians or others - always make decisions on their own, regardless of the opinions of others. Their mentality does not provide for communication between people. They are like machines running in the middle. They do everything accurately and accurately. In matters of production, this is a very important quality that helps society achieve high results in the development of European technologies. The language of communication is English.

But when mixed families do not have a common native language and have children, this affects them very badly, since cultures and traditions are different. A child from infancy is faced with a choice, but in order to make right choice He's still too small. It was very difficult for me to bring up my youngest son Niko in Russian traditions.

- But are you still married?

I am on good terms with my Finnish husband.

- Irina, you have been the head of the Anirina Oy concern for many years. What is the type of activity of your company?

The scope of the company's activities is related to the technologies of production, storage, processing of agricultural products and is based on the experience of the Scandinavian countries.

I also have a project of my passion - the study of the lifestyle of women in the 19th century.

There are plans to create a production women's clothing for modern women in the fashion tradition of the 19th century. My experience and my education allow me to transform my hobbies into a business. But success is not achieved immediately.

- Are you already a grandmother, are you a Russian grandmother or a Finnish grandmother? Do you spend school holidays with your grandchildren?

My grandmother had a strong influence on my upbringing. I didn't go to kindergarten. My grandmother never spoiled me, but she always loved me very much. My attitude towards grandchildren is the same as my grandmother's, and it is based on my memories.

My grandmother's father is French, and her mother is German. I don’t know what kind of grandmother should be: Finnish, Russian or French. It's not about that. I firmly believe that only parents should raise children, and I am categorically against it when grandmothers interfere. There is a competition between the love of grandmother, the love of father and mother. A grandmother should just love her grandchildren.

- Children and grandchildren connect you with your ex-husband. If I may ask, what is your relationship with your ex-husband?

Life is not a book from which a page can be torn out. In youth, we love someone, we are friends with someone, and this remains for life.

My marriage to Boris was based on the feelings of first love. At the age of 17, we were both incredibly beautiful, smart, intelligent ... and this marriage took place, and he was happy. Years have passed, a lot has changed, but I still have a good relationship with Boris, with his brother Arkady, with Arkady's children from his first marriage with his wife Galina - Igor and Lilia, and - his children from subsequent marriages. (Igor Arkadyevich Rotenberg - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom Burenie LLC and the owner of many gas and energy companies. - Red.)

First, you need to calm down and understand why divorce is inevitable.

We, young girls and not so young girls, must understand that peace, joy, reason and spirituality should reign in the family. We need to work on this. We all have the same problem, we are not working in this direction, we are overwhelmed by vanity and turmoil, we have no time to stop and think. Therefore, we think that the only way to solve problems is through divorce. But it's not. The real problems appear just after the divorce. If you want to improve your life - understand yourself, and then you will definitely be happy! But I will tell you a secret that our happiness does not depend on where we live and with whom we live.

We will talk about how to be happy next time.

Reference. Irina Haranen-Rotenberg- Lambert Irene Irina Walburga divorced Boris Rotenberg in 1998. After that ex-husband returned to Russia. Irina has three children: Roman Rotenberg, Boris Rotenberg, Niko Nordlund, grandchildren. Irina after her divorce from her husband became CEO Finnish concern Anirina OY, which, according to open sources, from the late 90s to the mid-2000s supplied oil and gas equipment and wooden houses using Finnish technologies, he built social facilities in exchange for gas condensate, which was exported through the Kaliningrad port. The company until 2010 was registered in Russia as Anirina LLC, according to Spark, since 2003, 83.9% of the shares belonged to Boris Rotenberg, then they passed to Irina, and by 2010 she consolidated 100% of the shares. After that, the owner changed, Anirina Oy became the founder. The company is registered in Finland. As of 2012, net profit amounted to 50 thousand rubles.

Boris Romanovich Rotenberg(born in 1957) - co-owner and member of the board of directors of SMP Bank (Northern Sea Route), co-owner of Gaztaged, a supplier of pipes for a gas monopoly with annual turnover about 1 billion, owns a 24.5% stake in SETP (supply of pipes for Gazprom), 24.5% - Gazprom drilling. His brother Arkady Rotenberg is the first vice-president of the Russian Judo Federation, Boris Rotenberg is the vice-president.

With Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, his older brother Arkady was engaged in judo and sambo in the same Leningrad section. Arkady Rotenberg is also the general director of the Yavara-Neva judo sports club, created in 1998 on the initiative of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. According to Forbes magazine, Boris Rotenberg's fortune is estimated at 950 million dollars, 99th in the ranking of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia. Brother, Arkady Rotenberg, is in 60th place, his fortune is estimated at $ 1.4 billion.

Boris Rotenberg has citizenship of Russia and Finland, while Arkady has only Russian citizenship. In March 2014, Arkady Rotenberg was among the citizens of Russia, in respect of whom European Union imposed sanctions; Boris ended up on the US sanctions list.

Roman Rotenberg- the son of Irina and Boris, was born in 1981. In the Finnish passport, his name is Roman Michael Oliver Rothenberg. Together with his father and uncle, co-owners of the bank "Northern Sea Route". Previously, he was a top manager at Gazprom-export. Roman Rotenberg is vice-president of the St. Petersburg hockey club SKA, heads the Arena Events company, is engaged in the Hartwall Arena and owns a 49% stake in the Helsinki HC Jokerit. In addition, recently Roman Rotenberg became the first vice-president of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation.

Roman Rotenberg is the owner of the company that manages the prestigious Långvik Spa Hotel in Kirkkonummi, 30 km from Helsinki. The company has invested more than 30 million euros in the reconstruction of the hotel. Among other things, the Rotenbergs own real estate in Hanko and Pyhätunturi. Roman Rotenberg hit.

Boris Rotenberg- the middle son of Irina, was born in 1986. He currently plays in the Moscow club "Dynamo", a member of the Finnish national team. From the age of 7 he started playing football in Finland. He played for the youth team of the HJK club (Helsinki) (2000-2002), the top division club Jokerit (2003), the HJK farm club Klubi-04 (2004-2005). In 2006 he returned to St. Petersburg and entered St. Petersburg State University. He successfully completed his studies this year, defending his thesis.

Nico Armas Nordlund writes and speaks fluently in four languages: Russian, French, English and Finnish. Dreams of being an aircraft designer. Niko loves exact sciences. He is great at football and hockey. Niko trains with the professional French ski club CSPM Valberg. Last season he achieved success in the French Cup slalom.

Elena Anatolyeva

Arkady Romanovich Rotenberg is a major businessman, owner of a billion dollar fortune, an honored coach of the country. For more than half a century it has been friendly relations with Vladimir Putin. As children, they were engaged in the same sports section in the Japanese martial art - judo and the domestic martial art - sambo.

The judo businessman Forbes has repeatedly declared the peremptory leader in government orders. In the period 2008-2013. firms controlled by the oligarch and his brother Boris received several contracts financed from budgetary appropriations for an amount commensurate with the annual budget of the Russian capital, namely more than one trillion rubles.

According to the same authoritative financial and economic publication published in 2015, the Rotenberg family, with a total income of $2.95 billion, ranked second in the ranking of the wealthiest Russian clans in terms of the value of their business. The Gutseriev family was recognized as the leader of the list with a score of 3.85 corresponding monetary units, the Ananievs were in third position, their assets are $ 2.7 billion.

Arkady Rotenberg: biography

Rotenberg Arkady Romanovich was born on December 15, 1951 in the cultural capital of Russia in an intelligent family. With parents, Jews by nationality, the future oligarch became the firstborn. From an early age, the boy was developed in a sports direction - at preschool age, Rotenberg attended acrobatics, and at the age of 12 he was enrolled in a judo section. This type of martial art has become a hobby for the guy and the main direction in his future career.

There are no reliable facts about the biography of Arkady Rotenberg in his school and student years, which has become a "blank spot" for society. It is known that after graduating from school, the billionaire served in the army, after which he entered the Leningrad State University of Physical Education and Sports. Lesgaft. Upon graduation, Arkady worked as a sports coach for 15 years. The judoka trained children, heading the Leningrad Youth Sports School.

Rotenberg confirmed his professionalism in sports by defending his Ph.D. and doctoral dissertations. Throughout his career, Arkady Romanovich devoted part of himself to sports, which allowed him to become an Honored Worker of Physical Culture and a coach of the Russian Federation.

Dashing 90s

This period includes the beginning of our hero's business. There are different accounts of how this happened. Some consider the so-called "protection" of stalls to be the beginning of his business career, which, given his sports experience in martial arts, looks quite plausible. The names of the leaders of various organized crime groups, with whom our hero allegedly made acquaintance, are called. Let it be so, those who lived and survived in it will remember that time, and those who are too young - reconsider the film "Brother", a lot will become clear for you.

According to Rotenberg himself, said in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper in 2010, he began entrepreneurial activity with the organization of martial arts competitions. Remember the “furious” American films of the 90s, in which contenders for the first prize of some fight club fight to the death in an arena surrounded by spectators excited to the limit? Apparently, Rotenberg had something similar (but could it have been different then?).

Starting a serious business

Arkady Rotenberg has younger brother Boris, who, following the example of the elder, also began to engage in sambo and judo wrestling and achieved considerable success in them - the title of master of sports in both types of martial arts. In 1992, Boris got a very profitable judo coaching job in Helsinki. Having looked around there, he suggested to his brother that he organize barter deliveries of various goods from Finland to Russia. Fortunately, by that time Arkady had already made decent money in the business of fighting competitions.

Cooperation began with barter deliveries for various Gazprom structures involved in the construction of gas pipelines. To ensure them, the Baltic Business Partners CJSC was established, as well as the companies Grant, Shield, Rotna.

commercial activity

According to Arkady Rotenberg, in 1991 he took part in the creation and operation of a cooperative, which was engaged in the preparation and holding of competitions in various types martial arts: sambo, then judo, freestyle and classical wrestling.

Together with his brother Boris, who at that time lived in Finland, he was engaged in barter deliveries, including for Gazprom structures.

In December 1991, he became one of the founders of the Baltic Business Partners CJSC with a 10% share in the authorized capital.

In July 1993, he headed the Grant Firm.

In February 1997, he established the International Information and Analytical Center Foundation.

In 2000, after becoming president of Russia, Putin created the state-owned enterprise OAO Rosspirtprom (then controlling 30% of Russian market vodka), appointing A. Rotenberg as the head.

In 2001, together with Konstantin Goloshchapov, he acquired the Northern Sea Route Bank (SMP Bank), in which he headed the board of directors. Subsequently, the share of Konstantin Goloshchapov was bought out by Arkady's brother, Boris. Since 2002 - Member of the Board of Directors of SMP Bank.

In 2002, together with Boris, they created the companies Pipe Industry and Pipe Metal Roll.

Since 2004 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of SMP Bank.

In the middle of the 2000s, at the suggestion of Alexander Ebralidze, he was a member of the board of directors and was a member of the club of the St. Petersburg company Taleon, which was engaged in the hotel, development and gambling business. In an interview with the Kommersant newspaper, Arkady Rotenberg claimed that he had no financial relations with the Taleon company.

Existing facts indicate that Gazprom paid for Rotenberg's services at inflated prices. In 2007, Gazprom rejected an early pipeline plan and instead paid Rotenberg $45 billion, 300% of normal costs, to build a 2,400 km pipeline in the Arctic Circle against other contractors' prices.

In 2007 he founded Stroygazmontazh. At the end of March, Stroygazmontazh won the first Gazprom tender for the construction of the onshore part of Nord Stream, the Gryazovets-Vyborg branch line.

In 2008, after Rotenberg formed Stroygazmontazh (SGM) with five companies he had previously acquired from Gazprom for $348 million, already in next year the company generated over $2 billion in revenue. Then Rotenberg bought the project "Pipes Northern Europe which ended up supplying 90% of Gazprom's large diameter pipes, generating a profit of 30%, twice the industry average.

In October 2008, SMP Bank bought the Bashkir bank Investcapital.

In the summer of 2008, he acquired Volgogradneftemash (manufacturer of oil and gas equipment) and four construction firms- Lengazspetsstroy, Spetsgazremstroy, Krasnodargazstroy and Volgogaz with a total turnover of 43.5 billion rubles for 8.39 billion rubles.

In May 2009, without a tender, he received a contract from Gazprom for the construction of the Dzhubga - Lazarevskoye - Sochi gas pipeline, and later - for the construction of the Sakhalin - Khabarovsk - Vladivostok gas pipeline.

In 2009 created insurance company SMP Insurance.

In March 2010, together with his brother Boris, he acquired the company "Northern European Pipe Project" (76% of the shares for two). In 2014, the company closed due to the businessman's decision to devote more attention to infrastructure construction.

At the beginning of 2010, he considered oil and gas construction a priority for himself.

According to the Vedomosti newspaper, Rotenberg is on the board of directors of the construction company of the Moscow-Petersburg toll road through the Khimki forest, this publication explains its serious administrative resource. Despite public opposition, the Moscow-St. Petersburg M 11 highway was laid through the Khimki forest and put into operation in 2015.

According to the Vedomosti newspaper, shortly before the end of presidential powers in 2012, D. A. Medvedev helped Mostotrest to obtain contracts for road construction in Moscow worth several tens of billions of rubles without a competition. Mostotrest's key projects include the Zhivopisny Bridge across the Moskva River in Serebryany Bor in Moscow, a cable-stayed bridge across the Oka River near Murom, the Pulkovo road junction and the Bolshoi Obukhovsky Bridge in St. Petersburg.

According to Forbes, as of 2013, companies associated with Rotenberg received government orders worth more than 1 trillion rubles, and Rotenberg himself ranked 31st in the rating of Russia's richest businessmen.

A. Rotenberg is one of the defendants Panama Dossier, according to which official documents were revealed confirming that in 2013 A. Rotenberg withdrew $ 231 million to the account of an offshore company from the Virgin Islands.

In 2013, Gazprom increased Rotenberg's contract for the Krasnodar pipeline by 45%, then continued payments a year after the Bulgarian segment was cancelled.

In 2013, Rotenberg became chairman of the publishing house OAO Publishing House Enlightenment, which has been the largest supplier of textbooks since the times of the USSR. In the same 2013, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation created an internal council to check all textbooks. Many of the books of Enlightenment competitors did not pass this new estimate, due to which OJSC "Prosveshchenie" won about 70% of contracts for new textbooks for the Russian Federation for the next 2014 year.

On April 3, 2014, Rotenberg bought a 51% stake in the Krasny Kvadrat group of companies, which produces television programs for Channel One. In June 2015, Rotenberg acquired the remaining 49% of the shares of Red Square from Sinelshchikova, becoming the new sole owner of the holding.

In 2014, during the preparation for the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, A. Rotenberg received contracts from the state for a total of $ 7 billion, including for a coastal highway worth $ 2 billion and an underwater gas pipeline, which cost 300% compared to the prices of other suppliers .

On January 30, 2015, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation under the control of D.A. Medvedev, Stroygazmontazh LLC, owned by Arkady Rotenberg, became the only contractor for the design and construction of the Crimean bridge. On May 15, 2018, at the opening ceremony of the road part of the Crimean Bridge, in which Vladimir Putin took part, Arkady Rotenberg said that the Crimean Bridge, which is also being built by Mostotrest PJSC, which he owns, will be built in December 2019, and its operational life will be 100 years.

The company "Stroygazmontazh" is reconstructing the international children's center "Artek".

In December 2015, Gazprom selected Stroygazmontazh as a contractor for the construction of Power of Siberia gas pipeline facilities in the amount of RUB 197.7 billion. (five contracts: worth 44.5 billion rubles, 47.8 billion rubles, 46.6 billion rubles, 35 billion rubles and 23.8 billion rubles).

In March 2016, Meduza linked the interest of one of Arkady Rotenberg's companies in Domodedovo Airport with a criminal case and the arrest of the airport's owner, Dmitry Kamenshchik.

In August 2016, in partnership with Artyom Obolensky, he established the National Gas Group LLC (NGG) company. Arkady Rotenberg sold his stake in November 2016.

In 2017, it was announced that the Rotenberg structures were buying the assets of the Park of Legends sports and entertainment quarter.

Personal life

The billionaire is divorced. From his first marriage with his wife Galina, he has children - Igor and Lilia. The son (born in 1973) gave his parents three grandchildren.

Igor is a co-owner and owner of several energy, road construction and gas companies, including Glosav, Mostotrest, Gazprom Burenie, TPS-Nedvizhimost. In 2015, Forbes estimated Igor's fortune at $470 million (his father at $1.55 billion).

The second wife of the oligarch from 2005 to 2013 was a girl named Natalya. The couple has a daughter and a son - Varvara and Arkady. They live in the UK with their mother.

Due to the current situation around Ukraine and the sanctions under which the oligarch fell, it became impossible to pay them child support in Britain. By law, his money transfers must now be frozen.
