Ryzhiki - recipes for the winter, cold salted, quickly marinated. A quick way to pickle and pickle saffron milk caps for the winter

Mushrooms are favorite dish many people. They can always be used in the kitchen. Experienced housewives can prepare a great variety of very interesting dishes from such an ingredient - soups, main courses and even luxurious and aromatic pastries. But most often, mushrooms are still pickled. And how nice it is in winter to uncork a jar of crispy milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps or honey mushrooms. Today we will talk about how to properly prepare marinated saffron milk caps for the winter and we will provide recipes for cooking using the hot method that have been tested for this.

Recipes with saffron milk caps

How to marinate saffron mushrooms for the winter using the “hot method”?

If you want to prepare delicious and aromatic mushrooms for the winter, stock up on a kilogram of saffron milk caps, a liter of ordinary water, and one and a half tablespoons table salt, five peas of allspice and the same amount of black pepper, two or three bay leaves, a couple of clove buds, four to five small pieces of cinnamon, and two or three black currant leaves.

Sort the mushrooms, wash, removing all contamination. Rinse several times under running water. Place them on a cutting board and carefully cut off any rough areas with a sharp kitchen knife. Place the prepared mushrooms in a fairly deep bowl and rinse again, pour clean water.

Next, pour the required amount of water into the pan, wait until it starts to boil, and dip the saffron milk caps into it. Boil for literally ten to fifteen minutes, no more, so the mushrooms will retain their bright color. Fish them out, rinse them under running water and set them aside.

Start preparing jars for pickling saffron milk caps. Be sure to rinse them very thoroughly using baking soda, rinse and sterilize in any way convenient for you. Also boil the seaming lids for a couple of minutes.

Prepare the brine for the saffron milk caps: put a saucepan with a liter of water on the fire, add all the ingredients prepared for the brine into it and boil until all the salt has dissolved.

Next, dip all the prepared mushrooms into boiling brine and boil for about ten to fifteen minutes. Immediately place the prepared saffron milk caps into sterile jars, fill with well-boiling brine and seal tightly. Hot pickled mushrooms must be turned upside down, placed on a sheet of paper, and wrapped well in something warm (a blanket, terry towel etc.) until completely cooled. This way you will see if there is any leakage from the cans and allow the cans to cool more slowly.

How else can you marinate saffron milk caps using the “hot method”??

To create such a preparation for the winter, readers of Popular About Health should stock up on a kilogram of pre-boiled mushrooms, half a liter of ordinary water, a couple of teaspoons of salt and a tablespoon of sugar. Also, to prepare a delicious and aromatic brine for pickled mushrooms, you need to use five black peppercorns, the same amount of allspice, three bay leaves, three clove buds, several sprigs of dill and one hundred milliliters of table vinegar.

Wash and sort the collected mushrooms. Next, dip them in boiling water and boil for twenty minutes.

At the same time, start preparing the brine: put a saucepan on the fire, pour water into it and boil. Pour all the prepared ingredients (except vinegar) into the boiling liquid and cook until the salt dissolves. Next, place the prepared mushrooms in the boiling brine, pour in the vinegar, stir and cook for about forty minutes. Place in sterile jars, fill with boiling brine and seal with sterile lids.

Saffron milk caps for the winter in tomatoes

To prepare saffron milk caps according to this recipe, you need to use one kilogram of already boiled saffron milk caps, a kilogram of carrots, a kilogram of ordinary onions, seven hundred and fifty grams of tomato paste, as well as a certain amount of salt (use it based on your own taste preferences).

Place the boiled mushrooms in a saucepan. Chop the onion into thin rings and grate the carrots on a medium grater. Add the vegetables to the mushrooms and spread the tomato paste on top. Place the saucepan on the fire and cook, stirring constantly, for ten to fifteen minutes after boiling. Don't forget to add salt during cooking. When completing your preparations for the winter, lay out ready dish into sterile jars, seal with sterile lids and turn upside down. Leave the workpiece under a warm blanket until it cools completely.

Another method of hot pickling saffron milk caps for the winter

To create such a culinary masterpiece, stock up on a kilogram of mushrooms, water, three tablespoons sunflower oil, a bunch of greens and three teaspoons of salt. In addition, use half a glass of table vinegar (one hundred milliliters), a small head of garlic, Bay leaf hickory and six peas of allspice.

Peel the mushrooms and rinse them especially thoroughly. Dip them into boiling salted water and cook for twenty minutes. Don’t forget to periodically skim off any foam that forms and throw it away.

Rinse the boiled mushrooms under running water cold water.
Next, start preparing the filling. Combine half a liter of water with salt, prepared spices, herbs and garlic cloves in a saucepan, pour in vegetable oil and vinegar. Place on the fire, boil and cook for five minutes after boiling.
Place the mushrooms in sterile jars, fill with well-boiling stock and seal. Cool, upside down, under a warm cover.

Now you are probably interested in what marinating recipe is best for you to use for the “hot method”? Since mushrooms are not closed “every day,” it is worth dividing all supplies into three parts and closing each one using a different recipe. If you use one method for all preparations, then you will be able to try a different option only after a year. Naturally, the rolled up jars must be numbered with the number of the recipe used.

Ryzhiki are the most popular and easily digestible mushrooms among all the others. Thanks to these properties, they are popular among many other similar products. They are easy to digest, so they can be used in any form: boiled, fried, pickled, pickled and even raw. In addition, they have a mass useful substances, which are building and nutritional materials for the body.

In many countries of the world, saffron milk caps are a delicacy, but in our country it is quite affordable product. Therefore, pickled saffron milk caps with onions are a traditional dish on the table in winter time of the year. But in order for the product to be especially tasty, you need to carry out the marinating procedure correctly. There are many recipes for how to deliciously marinate saffron milk caps for the winter, which differ from each other in composition, but not in taste.

Also on our website you can find recipes so that your whole family will like them.

  1. For any pickling recipe, saffron milk caps that were collected in the forest no later than a day ago are ideal. In general, the faster the procedure is carried out, the more characteristic the marinade and mushrooms will taste, highlighting the forest aromas.
  2. But before you start preparing the marinade and the mushrooms themselves, you should prepare the mushrooms themselves. The legs, as well as the caps, should be cleaned of sand and residual particles of foliage and pine needles. This can be done with a brush. Sometimes the top film that covers the camelina is removed. After this, they are thoroughly washed and drained in a colander until completely dry.
  3. Before turning any recipe into reality, you should check that all the necessary components are available. If something is missing, it will significantly worsen taste qualities finished product. It is imperative to adhere to the time frames allocated for each process. Otherwise, the preservation may swell or contain pathogenic microbes.
  4. Ryzhiki, also known as “royal mushrooms,” are one of the most delicious mushroom varieties that have conquered the stomachs of many lovers of such delicacies. Pickled saffron milk caps - great snack on a festive table, a tasty addition to a side dish, and many prefer to eat them as an independent dish, after frying them with onions in butter and seasoning with chopped herbs.
  5. Every housewife has several recipes for pickling mushrooms, passed down from generation to generation, from mother to daughter. And for those who do not have such recipes, we suggest choosing one of the options below.

After reading the recipes on our site, you can also prepare others. delicious preparations, such as preparing for the winter.

Marinating saffron milk caps for the winter

This recipe for pickling saffron milk caps is the most common, since the preparation method is very simple and requires special skills. Saffron milk caps marinated in a standard marinade will become ideal component for any dish: salad, stew, soup.


  • Water;
  • 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 kg. peeled and washed saffron milk caps;
  • Dried or fresh herbs;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 dessert spoon of vinegar;
  • Small head of garlic;
  • Several bay leaves;
  • 10 peas of allspice or black pepper.

As for spices, their quantity can be adjusted depending on taste preferences. If the family likes more savory dishes, then the amount of pepper, bay leaf and pepper can be increased significantly. As for vinegar, it is better to maintain its proportions. Unless you use a dessert spoon, but a teaspoon.

How to cook saffron milk caps for the winter:

  1. Washed saffron milk caps should be distributed in layers in a saucepan and filled with water. The liquid should completely cover the mushrooms.
  2. The saffron milk caps should simmer for 30-40 minutes. Then they should be turned off and the water drained immediately. You should not infuse the product in boiled water, as this can affect the color of the brine, the smell of the plants and the harmful composition of the preservation.
  3. The finished mushrooms need to be poured into a colander, where they should drain completely. Only after this can you continue to work.
  4. When the mushrooms are completely ready, it’s time to start preparing the brine. Pour a little purified water into the container, into which garlic, herbs, pepper are also placed and vegetable oil is poured.
  5. This marinade should be simmered over low heat. The process lasts several minutes - better than 10.
  6. While the marinade has not cooled, put the mushrooms in a jar and pour the spicy broth on top. The container is tightly closed with a nylon lid. A preservation method is often used - the jar is hermetically sealed with a metal lid.
  7. It is better to store pickled saffron milk caps in a cool, but not too cold place. It’s good if it’s a cellar that doesn’t get direct sunlight. For small quantities, preservation can be stored in the refrigerator.

For thrifty housewives, we have also prepared dishes that will not only decorate your dining table, but will also become a wonderful and tasty addition to your dinner.

How to pickle saffron mushrooms

A distinctive feature of this recipe is that the mushrooms are soft and juicy, and the marinade has piquant notes of spices. In addition, the calculation of ingredients depends on their ratio to unpeeled mushrooms.


  • 1 kilogram of mushrooms;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • 125 grams of water;
  • 1 dessert spoon of acetic acid;
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • Black peppercorns;
  • Several dill umbrellas;
  • A small head of garlic.

Hot pickled saffron milk caps for the winter:

  1. Clean the mushrooms from sand and leaves, rinse the existing mass well.
  2. Place the mushrooms and all other ingredients in a container where everything will be cooked, and add water.
  3. All components should boil for half an hour. In this case, the contents of the pan cannot be stirred with a spoon, so the broth is tightly closed with a lid and shaken several times during the procedure.
  4. When the product has cooled slightly, it is placed in jars, the containers are filled to a third with mushrooms and brine, where the plants were boiled.
  5. When the boiled mixture is completely distributed among the containers, you can add the remaining marinade into them.
  6. Lids can be used both metal and nylon.

This recipe guarantees long-term storage of the pickled product. The main thing is that the storage place is dark and slightly cool. These saffron milk caps can be used to make soups and gravy. They can also be eaten as an independent product.

For lovers winter preparations Our collection of recipes also includes one, which can serve as a separate dish or be used for preparing salads.

Preparing saffron milk caps for the winter

This recipe guarantees that each mushroom will retain its shape, but at the same time they will be soft and pleasant to the taste. To do this, mushrooms are boiled directly in the marinade, which contains many spices.

Main components:

  • A kilogram of mushrooms;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • 10 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 9%;
  • 2 grams of citric acid;
  • 3-4 cloves;
  • A few peas of allspice;
  • Greens (optional).

Preparing saffron milk caps for the winter:

  1. All components that are included in the recipe ingredients except saffron milk caps are placed in a saucepan and brought to a boil over low heat.
  2. When the marinade boils, mushrooms are poured into it, which must be boiled in brine for at least half an hour.
  3. While the product is being prepared, you need to sterilize the jars and lids.
  4. The mushrooms are placed in jars without any marinade. It is poured from above when the plants are placed in containers.
  5. Before sealing, pour 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil into each jar.
  6. When all the preliminary work is completed, the sealing can be done.
  7. When the contents of the glass container have cooled, it can be stored in a cool place. Canned food can be stored for one year. If the period is extended, the food will lose its corresponding taste and smell. Often, expired ingredients lead to the appearance of pathogenic bacteria under the lid.

Marinated mushrooms recipe saffron milk caps

This recipe is suitable for those who love salads with mushrooms. Saffron milk caps marinated according to this recipe turn out firm and whole.

Main components:

  • 3 kilograms of saffron milk caps;
  • 100 grams of salt;
  • 1/2 teaspoon 70% vinegar;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 6-8 glasses of purified water.

How to prepare pickled saffron milk caps:

  1. First clean the mushrooms from dirt and rinse them several times in water, then let them drain.
  2. Place the saffron milk caps in a saucepan and fill them with water so that it lightly covers the caps.
  3. Bring the contents to a boil, which should last about 2 minutes.
  4. After this, the mushrooms are filtered and left in a colander again.
  5. 8 glasses of water are poured into an enamel container, salt and pepper are poured into it. The contents are brought to a boil.
  6. After 2 minutes of boiling, mushrooms are added to the substance and boiled for another 10 minutes in the marinade.
  7. After the set time has passed, the container is removed from the heat and cooled slightly. Add vinegar to the marinade and let the contents brew for just a few minutes.
  8. Mushrooms are placed in sterilized jars, which are filled with brine to the very top.

This method of marinating takes much less time compared to others, so it is often used by housewives. In this case, the mushrooms are completely saturated with the marinade, which makes them juicier.

How to pickle saffron milk caps for the winter in jars

Cold pickled saffron milk caps are considered exquisite. This way, each mushroom retains its true aroma and taste without additional spices or labor-intensive processes.


  • 1 kilogram of mushrooms;
  • Water;
  • Several sheets of horseradish;
  • Coarse salt.

How to pickle saffron milk caps in jars for the winter:

  1. Wash the mushrooms from dirt and completely dry them from moisture.
  2. Horseradish is placed at the bottom of an enamel container, and saffron milk caps are poured on top of it in layers, each of which is separated with salt.
  3. The container is covered with horseradish sheets.
  4. After this, the pickled mushrooms are removed to a cool, dark place for three days. Here they will be salted.
  5. After three days, the mushrooms are placed in sterilized jars while they are hot. A horseradish leaf is placed on top of the mushrooms in the jar.
  6. The jars are closed with nylon lids. The pickling is stored in the refrigerator for two weeks.

Recipe for pickled saffron milk caps for the winter

The result is strong, aromatic mushrooms that are perfect for preparing mushroom salads and as a snack.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • fresh “royal mushrooms” - 1 kg;
  • salt and sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar 5-9% - 0.5 cups;
  • laurel - 1 large leaf;
  • black pepper - 10 peas;
  • cloves - 4 pieces;
  • dried or fresh dill - 2 pieces.

Recipes for marinated saffron milk caps for the winter:

  1. To begin with, all the mushrooms are sorted for suitability - those that are very wormy and rotten are thrown away, the rest are washed, cleaned of debris, and the stems are trimmed.
  2. Next, clean saffron milk caps are boiled in salted water. Afterwards they are placed in a colander.
  3. While the saffron milk caps are cooling, you can start marinating and preparing the jars. Wash the container with detergent, rinse well and bake in the oven.
  4. To prepare the marinade, take 1 - 1 1/2 cups of water and heat it in an enamel bowl.
  5. As soon as the water warms up a little, you can add salt, sugar and all the vinegar.
  6. After boiling, add the saffron milk caps, boil again and skim off the foam, after which you can add the remaining spices, except dill.
  7. Boil the saffron milk caps in the filling for half an hour, after which they are put into jars, poured in and rolled up tightly. The filling must cover the mushrooms completely, otherwise mold may appear.

Pickled saffron milk caps step by step recipe with pictures

The convenience of this recipe is that the result is a ready-made mushroom appetizer, seasoned with butter and herbs. After opening the jar, you don’t have to waste time on dressing and serve it right away.

List of ingredients used:

  • mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • water;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • dried/fresh greens - 1 bunch;
  • ordinary salt - 3 tsp;
  • table vinegar - 0.5 cups;
  • small garlic - 1 head;
  • bay leaf - 1 leaf;
  • peppercorns - 6 pieces.

How to pickle saffron milk caps for the winter in a hot way:

  1. Clean the saffron milk caps from soil, blades of grass and other debris and rinse thoroughly.
  2. Put some water to pre-boil the mushrooms, add a little salt and boil the saffron milk caps for about 20 minutes. Be sure to collect the foam with a spoon and throw it away.
  3. Rinse the saffron milk caps under cold water.
  4. Then you can prepare the filling. To do this, heat 0.5 liters of water, add salt, add all the spices, herbs, garlic in the form of cloves, pour in vinegar and oil. Bring to boiling point and cook for about 6 minutes.
  5. Place the mushrooms in a sterilized container, pour boiling water over them, and close tightly with nylon lids. Leave to cool. It is recommended to store pickled saffron milk caps in a cool place, be it a refrigerator or a cellar.

Pickled saffron milk caps recipe without sterilization

According to mushroom pickers, saffron milk caps are the least capricious mushroom to prepare. Therefore, the simplest set of pickling spices is suitable for them.

List of required products:

  • “royal mushrooms” - 1 kg;
  • water for marinade - 2/3 cup;
  • citric acid - 1/5 tsp;
  • allspice - 4 peas;
  • salt - 1 tsp.

Hot pickled saffron milk caps for the winter recipes:

  1. As with every recipe, first you need to prepare the mushrooms - peel and wash.
  2. Salt the water for pre-boiling and bring to boiling temperature. Place the mushrooms in boiling water, after 2-3 minutes turn off the heat and leave the mushrooms covered for 25-30 minutes. Then drain the liquid.
  3. Prepare the marinade, while the saffron milk caps are infused in boiling water, put water on the stove, stir salt and acid in it, and boil.
  4. Place the prepared mushrooms in jars, fill them with filling and close.

Marinate saffron milk caps in Polish

The mushrooms turn out to be a little spicy, which makes this appetizer special among other options. Those who want to try something new should definitely cook Polish-style saffron milk caps.

List of ingredients for cooking:

  • saffron milk caps - 1 kg;
  • horseradish slice - 1 piece;
  • allspice - 5 peas;
  • dry mustard - 1 teaspoon;
  • cloves - 2 pieces;
  • bay spice - 1 leaf;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • table vinegar - 500 g;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • sugar - 80 gr.

Preparation of pickled saffron milk caps in Polish:

The difference in this recipe is that you first need to prepare the marinade, a day before closing the mushrooms:

  1. heat 1 liter of water;
  2. when the liquid boils, add horseradish, all the spices, boil everything for about half an hour;
  3. leave to cool and infuse for a day;
  4. a day later, dissolve salt and sugar in the filling, put on fire, wait until it boils and cook for another 10 minutes;
  5. prepare the mushrooms, boil for 15 minutes. Remove the foam;
  6. Place mushrooms in sterilized jars. Pour the marinade prepared in advance over the saffron milk caps;
  7. Place the product in a cool, unlit place.

A simple recipe for pickling saffron milk caps

With this cooking method there is no need for any spices. Mushrooms retain their true taste and aroma, uncorrected by bay leaves, cinnamon or cloves. The saffron milk caps are strong and slightly salty.

List of required products:

  • saffron milk caps - 1 kg;
  • water for pickling - 150 ml;
  • regular salt - 10 g;
  • citric acid - 1.5 gr.


  1. Peel the mushrooms, wash them, trim the stems as short as possible. Throw away damaged mushrooms, and if the damage is small, trim off these areas. Cut large specimens into 2-4 pieces. You can also sort the saffron milk caps by size and seal them in separate jars.
  2. Boil water, dilute salt and acid in it.
  3. Place mushrooms in sterilized jars.
  4. Pour marinade to the top. Place the jars in a medium-deep, wide saucepan. Fill the pan with water. The jars should be more than half covered with liquid.
  5. Put everything on medium heat and boil. Pasteurize for 15-20 minutes from the moment of boiling.
  6. Roll up the jars and leave to cool under a thick towel. After cooling, place in a cool place.

Unusual mushrooms with berries

As mentioned above, the highlight of this recipe is its special ingredient, namely juniper berries. Consequently, thanks to them, mushrooms become special in taste and aroma.

Required ingredients:

  • medium onion heads - 2 pieces;
  • saffron milk caps - 2 kg;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • large onion - 1 head;
  • mustard beans - 2 tbsp. l.

For filling:

  • table water - 1 l;
  • vinegar 9% - 2 cups;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • juniper - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • allspice - 10 peas;
  • regular peppercorns - 15 pieces.

How to prepare an unusually tasty mushroom appetizer:

  1. Peel and wash the saffron milk caps. Trim the legs by 0.5 - 1 cm.
  2. Place the entire product in an enamel container, add water and add 2 heaped tablespoons of coarse salt. Leave the mushrooms for 20 minutes, pressing the lid on top so that they are completely under water. If there are insects in the mushrooms, they will crawl out and die due to the salt.
  3. Wash each mushroom by hand. Cut large specimens into smaller pieces, leave small ones as is.
  4. Sterilize clean jars for preparation. Spread equal amounts of mustard seeds.
  5. Peel a large onion, rinse, cut into rings no more than 5 mm thick. Divide into jars.
  6. Cook the marinade: boil water, dissolve salt, pepper, sugar, vinegar, add berries. Cook for a quarter of an hour after boiling.
  7. Place the saffron milk caps in a container and pour in the marinade. The filling covers the mushrooms completely. To do this, they do not need to be folded to the very top of the jar. Afterwards they are rolled up with nylon covers, previously sterilized.
  8. Place the jars of mushrooms in a wide saucepan so that they do not touch. Pour water into the pan. Cans of product should be immersed in liquid to 2/3 of their height.
  9. Place the entire structure on the fire and bring to a boil. At the same time, bubbles should rise in the jars. The heat can be reduced a little so that the water does not boil too much.
  10. Pasteurization of mushrooms lasts 25-30 minutes. Then the container is taken out, wiped, turned upside down on a towel and left to cool.

  1. It is recommended to use nylon lids to cover pickled mushrooms. They can better and more tightly close the container with the product.
  2. Store the seams in a cool place away from penetration Sun rays. The temperature level should not allow the product to freeze and should not exceed +7 degrees.
  3. Table vinegar can be replaced with vinegar essence, but you need to add it in smaller quantities. You can also use ascorbic acid.
  4. It is more convenient to cut large mushrooms into 2-4 parts. Small ones don't need to be cut.
  5. The filling in which the mushrooms are pickled should be at least 18% relative to the mushrooms.
  6. The filling must cover the entire product completely. If a piece of mushroom is not covered with it, mold will very soon appear in the jar, and the product will become unfit for consumption.
  7. To prevent the appearance of mold in jars, before rolling, pour a tablespoon of any vegetable oil.
  8. Cold pickled saffron milk caps can be eaten in combination with vegetable oil, vinegar and onions. Such mushrooms are excellently used in the preparation of soups and broths. Since each specimen retains its integral shape, they are also used as a decoration for salads and sandwiches. For fried potatoes With mushrooms, this pickling method is also suitable.

Russia has long been famous for its pickles. A special place among such preparations was occupied by saffron milk caps. These mushrooms have a bright taste and a pleasant forest aroma. Most often, salted saffron milk caps are prepared for the winter, but even in marinade, these mushrooms have unsurpassed taste.

Russia has long been famous for pickles

Pickling mushrooms with onions is not a complicated process at all, especially since the recipe is presented with pictures. The result is a truly royal appetizer that will suit absolutely any feast. Its taste is simply incredible, with a pleasant pungency and a characteristic aftertaste of pickles.


  • 4.8 kg of saffron milk caps;
  • 0.25 kg salt;
  • 30 gr. allspice;
  • 0.85 kg onions.


  1. Sort all the mushrooms, peel them, throw the spoiled ones aside and place them in the container chosen for pickling, legs down.
  2. Peel the onion and chop finely.
  3. Sprinkle the saffron milk caps with salt and onions.
  4. Be sure to cover the top with cloth or gauze.

Place in a cool place for at least 40 days.

How to cook saffron milk caps for the winter in a cold way

Pickling mushrooms in a cold way is the easiest of all. known variants preparations. The advantage of this recipe is that just a day after salting, the mushrooms can be stored in jars; it is not at all necessary to keep them in the cellar.


  • 4.4 kg of saffron milk caps;
  • 85 gr. salt.

Pickling mushrooms in a cold way is the simplest of all known cooking options.


  1. Clean the saffron milk caps from small forest debris, rinse and place in a container suitable for pickling.
  2. Be sure to salt each layer as evenly as possible.
  3. Place the weight on top.
  4. After just a day, juice will begin to release, and the mushrooms themselves will acquire a darker shade.
  5. Place them in jars, weigh them down with something heavy and secure with lids.
  6. Place in the refrigerator for at least 15 days.

Advice: it is better to choose larger specimens for pickling, and leave small ones for pickling.

Recipe for hot pickling of saffron milk caps

The most reliable way to pickle at home is, of course, hot. The salting time is reduced as much as possible. The result is a delicious, aromatic snack that goes well with almost all dishes and, not surprisingly, with strong drinks.


  • 0.9 kg of saffron milk caps;
  • 18 gr. salt;
  • 140 ml water;
  • 2 gr. citric acid.

The most reliable way to pickle at home is, of course, hot.


  1. On initial stage Before preparing, mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned, washed and dried.
  2. Pour water into the pan, add citric acid and salt, and bring the liquid to a boil.
  3. Then put all the saffron milk caps there and cook them for literally 15 minutes.
  4. Immediately after this, put the saffron milk caps into jars.
  5. Strain the brine, boil again, pour into jars with mushrooms.
  6. Finally, roll up the container and turn it over.

Step-by-step preparation of pickled saffron milk caps for the winter

Marinated mushrooms in in this case They turn out very fragrant. After all, saffron milk caps themselves are characterized by an amazing aroma, and in this case they are also seasoned with spices, which distinguishes this preparation from others.


  • 0.9 kg of saffron milk caps;
  • 12 gr. peppercorns;
  • 9 gr. allspice;
  • 2 gr. carnations;
  • 12 gr. salt;
  • 65 ml vinegar.

Marinated mushrooms in this case turn out to be very fragrant


  1. Be sure to sort out, clean, and rinse each mushroom.
  2. Place the prepared products in a saucepan, add salt and pour boiling water.
  3. Boil for literally 3 minutes and immediately drain in a colander.
  4. Pour fresh water into the pan, add pepper, cloves, salt and vinegar.
  5. Boil the liquid and cool.
  6. Place saffron milk caps in jars and pour marinade over them.
  7. Immediately roll up the jars and place them in the refrigerator or cellar.

Advice: the mushrooms will pickle in just a few days, but it’s still better to let them soak in the marinade for at least a month.

Pickled saffron milk caps with garlic: step-by-step recipe

It’s even impossible to say exactly how many variations of marinades actually exist. Each of them is somewhat similar to the others and at the same time has fundamental differences. The peculiarity of this is that it contains all the best and most valuable. The appetizer acquires not only a rich aroma, but also a very piquant taste.


  • 2.3 kg of saffron milk caps;
  • 35 gr. garlic;
  • 35 ml vinegar;
  • 0.25 kg of onion;
  • 8 gr. citric acid;
  • 35 gr. salt;
  • 35 gr. Sahara;
  • 3 gr. carnations;
  • 3 gr. cinnamon:
  • 4 gr. peppercorns;
  • 4 gr. allspice;
  • 3 gr. bay leaf.

The appetizer has not only a rich aroma, but also a very piquant taste.


  1. Wash all the saffron milk caps, peel them, place them in a saucepan and add water, boil for literally 5 minutes.
  2. After this, drain the liquid, pour boiling water, add salt and citric acid, simmer in this mixture for 20 minutes, and drain in a colander.
  3. Wash the peeled onion and chop into rings.
  4. Peel the garlic too and cut into slices.
  5. Pour water into a separate pan, add sugar and salt, add all the spices, and boil.
  6. After boiling, place the mushrooms in the pan and simmer for 20 minutes.
  7. At the eighteenth minute, add vinegar.
  8. Place the prepared snack in sterilized jars, add the prepared garlic and onions.
  9. Pour the aromatic marinade to the top and roll up.

How to cook pickled saffron milk caps

Salted mushrooms are loved and revered by everyone, but few people know that they can also be fermented. The peculiarity of this preparation is that lactic acid is formed during fermentation. Accordingly, saffron milk caps are absorbed by the body much better. Storing such a snack simply cannot cause any difficulties, since it is no different from the salty version.


  • 1.2 kg of saffron milk caps;
  • 35 gr. salt;
  • 25 ml sour milk;
  • 15 gr. Sahara.


  1. Peel the saffron milk caps, rinse thoroughly and immediately pour boiling water over them.
  2. After this, drain in a colander and wait until all the liquid has drained.
  3. After such simple preparation, place the mushrooms in jars or any other container suitable for the fermentation process, sprinkle with a little salt.
  4. Prepare the filling separately, add salt and sugar to the water, pour in sour milk.
  5. Bring the mixture to a boil, then cool to forty degrees.
  6. Fill the container with mushrooms with the cooled filling.
  7. Be sure to install the weight so that the workpiece is completely covered with pouring.

Place in a cellar or basement for 21 days.

How to pickle saffron milk caps (video)

There are a huge number of recipes that allow you to prepare saffron milk caps for the winter. It could be salads, even caviar. The most common and favorite recipe options can be safely called salting and marinating. Such snacks are often prepared for future use and as soon as possible. more, and all because their taste is amazing and their aroma is amazing. On festive table such a snack will be in greater demand among the stronger sex. If you serve it with a regular lunch meal, absolutely no one will refuse this treat. Even the most ordinary dishes in combination with mushrooms will become something unusually festive and very appetizing. If you add a little imagination, then in winter you can diversify your diet as much as possible, creating real masterpieces in the kitchen from such simple but very tasty preparations.

Ryzhiki have a spicy aroma; they belong to the first group of mushrooms that can be fried and pickled. pickled saffron milk caps “Special”. How to pickle saffron milk caps, delicious and simple recipes. We marinate for the winter.

Ingredients: 1 kg saffron milk caps, 4-5 pcs bay leaves, 3-4 pcs cloves, 5-6 allspice peas, 1 onion, bunch of dill, 2 tbsp. oil, a little vinegar, salt to taste.

Wash the mushrooms, cut them in half, put them in a saucepan. Fill with cold water and bring to a boil. Be sure to drain the first water, since saffron milk caps have an intense smell.

Fill it with cold water again, add spices, onions, salt and put it on the stove. Bring to a boil. As soon as the foam appears, collect it and reduce the heat. Add dill and cook for 25 minutes.

  • Sterilize the jars and add 1 tsp to each jar. oil and vinegar.
  • Together with the marinade, pour the mushrooms into jars and close with a lid.
  • Turn over and wrap until completely cool.

An appetizer of saffron milk caps with pickled onions is another festive table dish.

You can make a lot of saffron milk caps culinary masterpieces- risotto, pies, salads, pies, dumplings, ravioli, julienne, pate or caviar, casseroles...

Ryzhiki are among the most valuable mushrooms in nutritional terms.

Pickled saffron milk caps recipe

You will need:

  • saffron milk caps
  • vinegar
  • spices

How to pickle saffron milk caps

Saffron milk caps are considered by many to be the most delicious mushrooms. They contain many vitamins and amino acids, which tend to prevent the onset of many diseases and premature aging of cells. Cooking these mushrooms is very simple, and besides, there are many ways for them, you just need to choose the right one.

Before pickling saffron milk caps for the winter, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg mushrooms,
  • 2 ml vinegar,
  • 7 grams of salt,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • 3 cloves of garlic,
  • 125 ml water,
  • black peppercorns,
  • sprig of dill
  • vegetable oil

Read also: Simple recipe Baba at home

First, the saffron milk caps must be washed, then the remaining ingredients are placed in layers in a pan and placed over medium heat. Once the water boils, the mushrooms should be boiled for another half hour.

During the cooking process, saffron milk caps should be shaken periodically and not stirred with a spoon, otherwise they will crumble and their visual appeal will be lost. As soon as 30 minutes have passed, you will need to place hot mushrooms along with brine into pre-prepared sterilized jars. Then you should wait until the contents of the jar have cooled slightly and add brine. Then you will need to add just a little vegetable oil on top.

Now the jars can be rolled up with lids and left in the pantry or cellar. It is worth noting that mushrooms marinated in this way can last for a whole year. Also, the housewife should remember that it is not recommended to increase the amount of water, since saffron milk caps release their juice during the cooking process, so brine will be quite enough.

Recipe for pickled saffron milk caps “Special”

Many people enjoy the process of picking mushrooms, but you can also enjoy cooking them. So, you can pickle saffron milk caps according to several recipes. So, for example, it would be a good idea to try “Special”.

Before pickling saffron milk caps for the winter, you should acquire the following ingredients: salt, citric acid, water and mushrooms. First, the saffron milk caps should be sorted by size, washed and cut. Then the marinade is prepared. So, for a glass of water you will need to take 10 grams of salt and 2 g of citric acid. This amount of marinade is enough for 1 kg of mushrooms.

The marinade should boil, after which saffron milk caps are added to it, which should be boiled for 20 minutes. After this, the mushrooms are decomposed into clean jars and filled with marinade. They are then sterilized for about an hour. Finally, the jars are covered with lids and put away in the pantry until needed.

Ryzhiki mushrooms are absolutely unique; they will forever captivate those who have tried them prepared without unnecessary additives with their wonderful taste and aroma. If you want to prepare saffron milk caps for the winter, use the recipes suggested in this article.

Saffron milk caps are absorbed by the body better than all other mushrooms, so they can be eaten by almost everyone, with the exception of people suffering from low acidity gastric juice, pancreatitis and cholecystitis. In Europe, these mushrooms are considered a delicacy due to their excellent taste; some gourmets even eat them raw. They are also valued for their usefulness - they contain a lot of vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, PP), amino acids, minerals (iron, etc.). They also contain fiber and the natural antibiotic lactarioviolin - the enemy of tuberculosis and bacteria.

Ryzhiki are a favorite delicacy at many feasts. They can be pickled, salted, fried, frozen or simply boiled. The most labor-intensive stage of preparing mushrooms is collecting and cleaning them, then the process is quite simple. Today we’ll talk about how you can marinate saffron milk caps and get a really tasty and aromatic product. Exists a large number of recipes, and such a variety will appeal to many gourmets. So, how to pickle saffron milk caps?

To prepare a pickled product deliciously, you need to properly prepare it for the pickling process. For this there is step-by-step instruction:

  1. Collected mushrooms Thoroughly clean the saffron milk caps and wash them under running water.
  2. Take a pan and fill it with water, place the container on the stove and bring to a boil.
  3. Add salt and reduce heat.
  4. Place the mushrooms in the pan and cook for about 20 minutes.
  5. After this time, turn off the stove and drain the water. Drain the mushrooms themselves in a colander, be sure to rinse them and allow excess water to drain. Next, you can start preparing the brine.

If you have a lot of mushrooms, you can safely freeze them so that they do not spoil. But on any day you can get frozen saffron milk caps and safely fry them with potatoes or simply boil them for a snack.

Pickling options

Pickling saffron milk caps is not a particularly complicated process. The main thing is to follow the technique of cooking mushrooms so that they do not darken. You can pickle saffron milk caps in several ways, some of which you will see in the table below. All recipes require 1 kg of mushrooms, pre-boiled.

Recipe nameWhat is needed for brineHow to cook
Flavorful and simple recipegarlic – 1 pc.;
vinegar essence - 8 tbsp. l.;
salt (it is best to choose coarse) – 1 tbsp. l.;
dry cloves – 2 – 3 pcs.;
cinnamon – 1 tsp;
horseradish – about 3 – 4 leaves;
sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
allspice in the form of peas – 5 – 7 pcs.;
bay leaf - several pieces;
dill - several umbrellas;
water – 100 ml.
Put water on the fire and add all the ingredients there, except saffron milk caps and vinegar. After boiling the marinade for several minutes, add vinegar at the end, and then pour the brine into jars with saffron milk caps.
Hot waywater – 150 ml;
citric acid – 1.5 g.
Preparing a sour-salty marinade is simple. Just boil water, add salt and citric acid. After 5 minutes of cooking, pour the prepared brine into jars with mushrooms. This option may well be winter, you just need to roll up the containers with metal lids
With spicescloves – 1 bud;
salt – 1 tsp;
black pepper – 7 pcs.;
water – 1000 ml;
vinegar essence 9% – 100 ml.
Place the saffron milk caps in a saucepan, add salt and water. Boil for 5 minutes, place the mushrooms in a colander. To make the marinade, mix all the spices with water and cook for a few minutes, then cool. Place the pickled saffron milk caps in jars and refrigerate.

Mushrooms need to be marinated for 2 to 3 days. All this time, the jars of mushrooms should be in the refrigerator.

Preparing saffron milk caps for the winter: recipes for delicious pickles

How wonderful it is sometimes to crawl into the cellar in winter and take out a jar of pickled saffron milk caps. However, in order to implement your plan, you need to try to prepare them in advance. Marinated mushrooms for the winter are prepared as follows:

  1. Wash the mushrooms and distribute them throughout the pan in even layers. Then add water so that it completely covers the saffron milk caps.
  2. Place the pan on the stove and cook them for about 20 - 25 minutes. After this, you need to immediately pour the water out of the pan and transfer the saffron milk caps to a colander, where the excess water will finally drain from them.
  3. After the mushrooms are ready, you need to proceed with their further preparation. Brine options will be presented below.
  4. Place saffron milk caps in sterilized jars and pour prepared brine on top. If you plan to taste the prepared product in the near future, you can close the jar with a nylon lid. If you pickle saffron milk caps for the winter for long-term storage, you need to seal the jars with a metal lid.
  5. Mushrooms should be stored for the winter in a cool, dark place. Ideal if it is a cellar.

Knowing how to pickle saffron milk caps for the winter, you can truly get delicious snack for any feast. To please yourself and your guests unusual taste, try different options for preparing brines.

Recipe nameBrine ingredientsHow to cook
Marinating saffron mushrooms recipe for the winter with spicesbay leaf – 2 – 3 pcs.;
black pepper in the form of peas – 5 pcs.;
dried dill - 2 umbrellas;
sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
drinking water– half a liter;
allspice – 5 pcs.;
dried cloves – 1 – 3 pcs.;
salt – 2 tsp;
vinegar essence (preferably 9%) – 100 ml.
Add water to the container and put on fire. Bring to a boil, add sugar and salt, as well as all other spices. Then pour in vinegar and add saffron milk caps. After 40 minutes of cooking over low heat, you can put the product in sterilized jars and roll them up
Recipe for pickling saffron milk caps with tomato sauce onion – 1 kg;
carrots – 1 kg;
salt - according taste preferences;
tomato paste– 750 g.

The recipe for cooking mushrooms involves placing saffron milk caps in a pan in layers and adding grated carrots and onions cut into rings. Next, this is all thoroughly mixed with the sauce and cooked for half an hour. Salt should be to your taste. As soon as the mushrooms are ready, put them in jars and roll them up
Traditional recipe pure water– 100 ml;
sunflower vegetable oil – 2 – 3 tbsp. l.;
salt – 3 tsp;
black peppercorns – 5 – 8 pcs.;
bay leaf – 1 pc.;
head of garlic – about 3 – 4 cloves;
vinegar - half 1 tsp;
fresh or dried dill - 2 sprigs.
Pour water into a saucepan and place it on the stove. Add spices, salt, oil, dill and garlic to the future brine. After the marinade boils, cook it for another 5 minutes and add vinegar at the end. After this, distribute the finished brine into jars with saffron milk caps placed in them.
