Modern coworking center: between office and home. What is coworking in simple words - from its history to opening your own business center

The twenty-first century is clearly a time of great opportunity. Including a high probability of realizing oneself in the profession. Every year active people have everything more possibilities go beyond the usual framework of the “employer-employee” scheme and bring your own business ideas to life.

Significantly affected the employment sector and modern technologies. The presence of a computer with access to the Internet for most people gave rise to the development of Internet business, remote work, made programming, advertising and website promotion services in demand, and created excellent conditions for working in various directions freelancing.

One of the difficulties that a beginning entrepreneur or freelancer may encounter is organizing a full-fledged workplace for maximum efficiency. What to do if there is no financial opportunity to rent a decent office yet, and organizing a workplace at home is impossible for one reason or another? For such cases, there is a coworking space. What it is, the pros and cons of such centers, how it will help organize the work of a freelancer or a novice businessman - we will look at all this in the article.

general information

Like most concepts that come from in English, quite accurately reflects the essence of the concept of “coworking” definition. The meaning of the word co-working literally translated from English is “working together.” In this case, we are talking about a large room, equipped with everything necessary for full-fledged office work, in which space can be provided on a lease basis to a freelancer or a group of aspiring entrepreneurs. You might think, when you first encounter the concept of “coworking,” that it is no different from a regular office. However, it is not. The main difference is that coworking spaces employ people who are not related to each other in any way. general work, organization or superiors.

Renting workplace in a coworking center, a person continues to remain an independent “free worker” with a convenient individual schedule, while acquiring all the benefits of working in an office: necessary equipment, a comfortable workplace, access to fast Internet, a calm working environment, and most importantly - live communication, which is often impossible when working at home.

The history of the idea of ​​“collaboration”

The first coworking center appeared more than ten years ago. The author of the idea to combine best qualities young American Brad Newberg, a programmer by profession, began freelancing and working in an equipped office. Initially, he simply offered a group of freelancers low-cost workspaces in a rented building. As this area developed, through research into the needs of clients using coworking services, it became possible to optimize working conditions as much as possible. In addition to simply renting a desk, coworking centers now offer many additional functions.

What services do coworking centers provide?

Among those offered are the following:

  • The first and main service, of course, is the provision of a workplace with all the necessary office furniture, office equipment and communications. Also included in the rent are consumables: paint and paper for a printer and fax, water in a cooler, etc.
  • Receptionist and/or secretary.
  • Storage area. A small, lockable individual closet that allows you to get rid of the daily transportation of necessary things from home to the coworking center and back. May be included in rental conditions.
  • Conference hall, meeting room. The reason why businessmen of any level actively rent large premises. From this perspective, coworking - what is it? An indispensable place to work with clients. Coworking centers host seminars, master classes, presentations and other events. Also, these premises are often rented by representatives of out-of-town or foreign companies that do not have a representative office in the city.
  • Places common use. The standard set of a coworking center is a kitchen, a relaxation room and a so-called loud zone, where you can, for example, talk on the phone without causing inconvenience to your roommates. Additionally, various coworking centers may have showers, laundry, a gym and much more.
  • Children's room. A room in which the child will stay under the supervision of a teacher and animators while mom or dad are working. This service is incredibly in demand, considering a large number of freelancers among parents who are unable to work full time due to the need to take care of children.
  • Services of experts and specialists. Lawyers, finance or tax specialists, and experts in a particular industry often constantly collaborate with a coworking center. Their services are in most cases provided for a fee. The convenience is that coworking participants do not need to spend time on their own searching for the right specialist.
  • Seminars, master classes, trainings for coworking participants, including free ones.

These services are the most common and are available in most centers. However, we can say, examining the advertising websites of coworking centers, that this is far from full list included in the rent. For example: in some centers there are workshops that provide tools and equipment for manual labor, and in Europe “car sharing” is quite popular, that is, a client can “loan” his own car for money to other participants in the coworking center while he is working .

Coworking visa

There is an international program that unites individual centers providing coworking space. What it is? More than two hundred coworking centers around the world are united in the Coworking Visa program. It allows tenants of one participating center to work for free in another for three days. Participation in this program automatically increases the rating of the coworking center. Centers united under the Coworking Visa can be found in 36 countries.

The advantages of such a rental

So, we know about coworking that it is a place where a person pays for the opportunity to work, that is, to use the workplace and everything that is included in the rental price. Why do many people prefer to rent a workplace rather than sit, for example, at home, at their own desk? The fact is that coworking has a number of advantages:

  • Many participants admit that a business atmosphere increases work efficiency and helps to tune in to work. While at home, it is more difficult not to be distracted by other things, and if a person does not live alone, then it is simply impossible to achieve complete silence and concentration while working.
  • Availability of necessary equipment. Coworking spaces are fully equipped with comfortable furniture, office equipment that you may need, among other things, the costs of electricity, communications, consumables are already included in the rent and are much more profitable.
  • Communication with other people. This is not just about simple human communication, although that is important. In a coworking space, it is easier to establish business connections, look for clients or recruit a team, attend seminars and trainings, learn the necessary experience or get advice.
  • Opportunity to conduct business meetings with potential partners or clients.

Disadvantages of renting a workplace in a coworking center

The disadvantages of working in such a center are:

  • costs of renting a workplace;
  • fare;
  • the time it takes to travel.

Coworking centers operating in Moscow

It is quite logical that a considerable number of coworking centers operate in the Russian capital. Today, there are more than 20 centers providing coworking services in Moscow. According to a study conducted by N&F magazine, the “Best Coworking Centers in Moscow” rating includes:

  • CC VAO, address: Srednyaya Pervomaiskaya street, building 3.
  • CC Les, address: Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 10/7.
  • KC " good republic", address: st. Myasnitskaya, house 13.
  • CC “Workstation”, address: Leninsky Prospekt, building 30A.
  • CC Start NuB, address: Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya, building 36/12.
  • CC "Club Nagatino", address: Varshavskoe highway, 28A.
  • CC Flacon Coworking, address: Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya, 36, 2.
  • CC To-do-club, address: Bersenevskaya embankment, 6.
  • CC Cabinet Lounge, address: New Square, 7.
  • CC "Fabrika", address: Perevedenovsky lane, 18.
  • Union Place CC, address: st. Tverskaya, 12/9.
  • TimeOffice CC, address: pl. Bolshaya Sukharevskaya, 16/18.

Prices in the capital

Permanent coworking centers in Moscow are distinguished by their relatively low office space and service centers prices for renting a workplace. The cost depends on several conditions:

  1. The cheapest option is to rent a “floating” place. In this case, the client takes the table that is currently free. A workplace assigned to a person permanently, for the entire rental period, is much more convenient, but the price will be significantly higher. The most expensive thing is to rent a separate office for work.
  2. Rental time. It’s not hard to guess: if you pay for a coworking space a month in advance (we discussed what it is above), it will be much more profitable than depositing money every day. Depending on how long and how often the client plans to use the services of the coworking center, you can determine the tariff that will be most profitable.
  3. Location and list of services provided by the coworking center.

Payment can be made not only per hour, day or month of rent, but even per minute. The average price you will have to pay per month is 4,000-13,000 rubles. A minute of rent on average will cost 2 rubles.

Coworking centers in St. Petersburg

The second Russian city in terms of the number of currently operating coworking centers is northern capital. Despite fewer places offering coworking, St. Petersburg became the first city to have a center participating in international program Coworking Visa. There are five permanently operating centers that provide rental of individual workspaces.

Addresses where coworking centers are located (St. Petersburg):

  • Ligovsky Prospekt, building 74;
  • Obukhovskaya Oborona Ave., building 70;
  • st. Marata, 36-38;
  • st. Red cadet, house 25Zh;
  • st. Plutalova, house 23.

Have productive work!

Literally, in literal translation, the word "coworking" means "co-worker" . And this does not mean joint work on common project, but the work of many people on different, unrelated tasks under one roof. In one shared coworking space.

The era of the Internet and freelancing has made coworking spaces incredibly popular and in demand. Although many find some disadvantages in this solution.

From the history of the issue

Of course, IT specialists were the first to put forward the idea of ​​organizing coworking spaces. It is in the IT sector that the remote control scheme is most often implemented. project work, without being tied to an office and a strict work schedule. US programmer Brad Newberg came up with the idea of ​​​​creating something between working from home and office space. In 2005 he proposed new model for those who need an office only periodically and who want to enjoy all the benefits of office work without a rental agreement and other complications.

The principle of free space, where everyone can access for a modest fee, has appealed to thousands of people. The massive opening of coworking spaces in America was quickly picked up in Europe. And although today San Francisco is considered the capital of coworking spaces (in terms of their number and diversity of atmosphere), coworking spaces are no less popular in Germany and Britain.

What does a coworking space look like?

There is a large room - it can be an office center, an abandoned industrial building (loft style) or a purchased communal apartment (relevant for Russian realities). The owner of this premises makes sure that there is uninterrupted Internet access, comfortable furniture, computers, printers, etc.

The more comfortable the coworking space, the more willingly people will go there. That's why separate zones they equip them with soft beanbag chairs, decorate the lighting, and often install movable screens that can be used to isolate themselves from the common space. As an option, a coworking space can have one room with many separate workspaces, and another one for collective events (seminars, lectures, meetings with interesting people).

A self-respecting coworking space will definitely have a cooler with drinking water, kettle, coffee machine and even sweets or cookies. Anyone can drink a cup of coffee or make themselves tea here. Naturally, the coworking space has a bathroom, the cleanliness of which is monitored by a visiting cleaning lady. Many coworking spaces offer regular visitors who have subscriptions mini-safes for storing documents.

How it works?

For a small fee, the owner rents out workspaces in the coworking space. Anyone can come and pay for an hourly stay, or purchase a subscription. Usually visitors are offered different variants subscriptions - for a month, for six months, for several weeks a year.

Under certain conditions, you can organize a meeting with partners or a work meeting for remote employees in a coworking space. Often visitors are offered a free test day so that they can understand how comfortable they feel in the coworking space.

Who does this work for?

First of all, for those who periodically need a workplace, but who do not have the means or desire to rent an office on a permanent basis. Most often these are the same IT specialists, translators, journalists, designers.

For representatives of these professions, an atmosphere in which they can exchange ideas and experiences when necessary is very important. In a coworking space you can make useful contacts and discuss promising projects.


— There is no need to monitor the availability of paper in the printer or pay for the Internet.

— No need to look for a cafe or store to provide yourself with a light snack.

— The fact that you work surrounded by people does not allow you to relax and at the same time allows you to periodically relax over pleasant communication in the lounge area.

- If necessary, you can ensure your privacy.

Coworking is absolutely not suitable for those who cannot stand noise and the presence of strangers nearby while solving work problems. Because, in principle, a coworking space resembles a regular office, only you need to work there not according to the instructions of the boss, but according to your own plan.

But for those who are used to a free schedule, but cannot work at home (they are distracted by family, or vice versa - depressing by loneliness), coworking is a real godsend.

Today, a large number of freelancers, online employees, businessmen, including founders of startup projects, do not have the opportunity to rent office space. But this does not mean that you need to stay at home within four walls. For free and forward-thinking people who do not want to overpay for workspace, quite new and profitable proposition– work in a coworking center.

What does the word coworking mean?

Coworking (from the English “co-working” - working together) is a space equipped with everything necessary for a person’s work activity. This is a new fashionable trend, a whole mentality, way of thinking. Working in the same space (not at home or in the office), translators, programmers, designers, content authors remain independent and receive everything they need to support their work process.

Coworking is an innovative scheme for organizing work activities, in which different, dissimilar types of activities are carried out in one room. Such a workplace is rented for any period - hour, day, week or month.

The social role of coworking is great, since each of us needs communication with colleagues. A rented workplace makes it possible to soak up a creative team atmosphere, feel like an expert in a certain field, and unite to achieve maximum results.

Coworking center: what is it?

Not so long ago, futurologists said that very soon working in an office would become irrelevant. Colleagues will be able to communicate via Skype, and it is also very easy to transfer all data online. The Internet has already developed enough, it’s time for the forecasts to start coming true, but it turned out that many people do not know how to work at home (there are many temptations, and their relatives do not always understand, imposing household responsibilities during “working hours”). As an alternative to working from home, coworking centers have appeared - places where you can work over a cup of coffee outside the home and noisy office. Such places stimulate groupthink and increase work efficiency.

Coworking centers are real estate objects of a radically new format, the target audience of which is IT sector workers, marketers, startupers, and freelancers. Coworking centers are distinguished by flexibility and mobility - these are spacious halls that can easily be converted from a collection of workstations into an auditorium for discussions, speakers, and master classes. Advanced centers consist not only of a work space, but also an entertainment area.

They are equipped with office furniture, office equipment, internet, most have water coolers and coffee machines. In other words, just like in a regular office. The only difference is that different people work here with different goals, unrelated to each other.

The history of coworking centers begins in the USA in 2005. Then an ordinary programmer Brad Newberg was going to rent an office for work, but the cost of such real estate seemed to him unreasonably high. Therefore, he decided to combine “business with pleasure” by combining his own activities with entrepreneurship. He rented large area half the price of an office, combining the work of freelancers like myself. The result paid off and gave birth to a new direction called coworking.

Cost of coworking space

Prices for renting a workplace in a coworking center depend on many factors - region, location, equipment and the pricing policy of the rental company. The cost is affected by the rental period - the longer it is, the cheaper the price per day will be. If you take a monthly rental, prices range from $50 to $500.

The least expensive “dynamic seat” is when a person comes with his laptop and takes up any free space. The most expensive are separate, presentable offices with luxurious furniture for negotiations with partners and confidential meetings. For example, you are planning and looking for investors. Renting an office for such a meeting with them for a few hours is a great idea.

Types of coworking spaces

There is no specialized classification of such centers. But the space for remote work may differ in size, level of technical equipment and provision of related services.

They are conventionally divided into three types:

  1. To implement a joint project, freelancers unite and rent suitable real estate. This could be a small office or ordinary apartment. Costs for rent, utilities and food purchases are divided equally. Office equipment is brought from home.
  2. The entrepreneur offers an already equipped office for everyone to visit. There is a charge for this hourly payment or purchase a visit pass. Anyone who wants to work in it pays a fixed amount; all costs for equipping and maintaining such an office are borne by the entrepreneur. The premises may be owned or rented.
  3. The company opens a coworking center only to organize the work of freelance employees. There they perform their duties on a remote work basis or under a contract agreement. All expenses are borne by the employing company.

In addition to coworking, there are similar areas - time cafe, anti-cafe, time club and many others. All these establishments are socially oriented. And if in ordinary cafes long gatherings with a laptop are not welcome (for example, for this purpose, McDonald's removes sockets), then new types of premises are created for work or communication of the most different people. There are many differences between them, but also a lot in common. Coworking centers are most often positioned for work, where the availability of free tea and cookies is a bonus. The anti-cafe was created for gatherings with friends and having a good time. Here snacks and hot drinks are available great importance, although not the key one.

Three cases when you need to resort to the services of a coworking center

Some do not understand the essence of creating such centers, especially since they have to pay money for such extraordinary conditions. Who needs a coworking space anyway?

Office for one day

You work as a freelancer and would like to meet with a client to discuss issues or new order? This is not always convenient in a cafe, especially if you talked about the seriousness and prestige of your company. In this case, you need to call the selected center and reserve an office for a day or even several hours. This way you can meet with the client and discuss everything organizational issues, receive payment for services rendered or sign a partnership agreement. If you do this in a presentable office in the city center, the customer will draw positive conclusions about your reputation.

Self-realization and optimization of work processes

Disadvantages of coworking

There are many benefits of coworking. But there are also disadvantages that are worth considering.

Secondly, not every office will provide you with a quiet and exclusive atmosphere. Office neighbors may turn out to be nice and calm people, or maybe vice versa. In any case, even a coworking space will not give you 100% freedom; you will still have to negotiate with your neighbors.

And the main drawback is the payment. Many freelancers agree with the benefits, but don't understand the point of giving away the money. What kind of “free” are we even talking about then? Proponents of coworking at the same time point to high returns, sometimes effective work it's worth it.

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Not everyone can concentrate on work at home, and as a result, productivity decreases. The solution in this situation is to visit a coworking center - a specially equipped space in which you can immerse yourself in the work process. Coworking has become a real find for freelancers and businessmen; it offers all the conditions for negotiating with partners and organizing master classes.

In contact with

What are coworking offices? What is the economic justification for the project when organizing a coworking space? What are the features of a carpentry coworking space?

My name is Denis Kuderin, I am an expert on economic topics and part-time editor of HeatherBeaver magazine. I don't go to work in the office. I work at home, in the summer - at the dacha or in the park.

Sometimes I do business in coworking center entitled Lift. IN Lately I like it there more and more - close to home, convenient and inexpensive. If you don't know, what is coworking and what it is eaten with, then this article is for you.

I'll tell you why everything more people chooses for work specially organized space in the form of coworking and how to organize a highly profitable and promising coworking business.

Let's sit down comfortably and read to the end - at the end you will find an overview of the best office and production centers in the Russian Federation, plus a description of the main risks when organizing such a business.

Statistics show: approximately 2 million Russians prefer traditional office work remote employment. Which is not surprising - freelancing helps you distribute your workload the way you want and save personal resources.

But there are also certain disadvantages to such work. It’s hard to force yourself to work when you don’t have to get up when the alarm goes off and there’s no control over you in the form of bosses. Difficulties arise with work process organization and motivation.

Yes and not everyone has the opportunity work calmly and productively at home, surrounded by constant distractions such as a running TV, noisy children or an overly talkative spouse.

Finding a compromise solution will help coworking space– a specially organized workspace for the same freelancers, how are you.

For entrepreneurs, organizing a coworking center is a promising way to earn money. By investing in coworking space, you create promising business, which will generate profits for decades. is becoming an increasingly popular and relevant way of working, and therefore there should not be any difficulties with clients in the next 100 years.

– (from the English “co-working” - joint work) – labor organization in a common space. The space for work itself is also called coworking - collective office for freelancers.

Coworking is a Californian invention.

The first collective office was opened in San Francisco by a programmer Brad Newberg in 2005. The place was called The Hat Factory- it was community for people tired of offices. Then similar establishments multiplied all over the world.

The fashion for coworking spaces reached Russia only a few years ago. There is every reason to believe that a real coworking boom can be expected in large cities of the Russian Federation in the near future. So this is a very promising niche for entrepreneurs who need a fresh, “unhackneyed” business idea.

The goal of creating a coworking center is not just to provide everyone in need with a table and chair to work, but also create some kind of community – a community whose members exchange ideas, experiences and spend time productively together.

In coworking spaces they not only work, but also take a break from righteous labors - of course, without alcohol or other stimulants.


In Novosibirsk, where I live, several years ago no one had even heard of any coworking spaces. Freelancers worked, as usual, from home, in the warm season - in secluded parks and public gardens.

Now there are several coworking spaces in my city. "Cloud" in Akademgorodok, Lift– a cozy business class coworking space in the business part of the city, Be Happy– creative recreation club, "Secret place", "Like" and several more communities different levels and different directions.

Coworking spaces include various "anti-cafe" And "not-cafe", in which people pay not for food and drinks, but for the time spent in the establishment. There are already about five of them in my city. I myself have not tried to work in anti-cafés, but I know those who do it, and quite successfully.

Interior of a coworking center

The essence of such establishments is the same - people come there, free from office work, for the purpose of creative work, business and friendly communication, and rational organization of the work process.

Man is a social being. Not everyone is a lone ranger. Many of them need communication with their own kind. In addition, the coworking space has a chance find new customers And gain experience from colleagues in the shop.

As for the economic justification for launching such a business, the calculation will be individual in each case. The more an entrepreneur has creative ideas regarding your coworking space, the higher the expected profitability.

The centers earn not only from renting workplaces, but also from related servicestraining, catering and leisure activities.

Who will be interested in this:

  • programmers;
  • copywriters and commercial writers;
  • designers;
  • marketers;
  • SEO specialists;
  • managers working remotely;
  • artists;
  • everyone who is not constrained by the confines of office and workshop work.

The target audience, as we see, is almost limitless. In some cities there are even carpentry co-working spaces, where people come to work not only with their brains, but also with their hands.

2. What types of coworking centers are there – TOP 4 main types

The key part of the word "coworking" is "work". That is, people come here first of all to work, and only then to communicate, drink coffee and exchange ideas. Working space turns into an ecosystem, where everything is subordinated main goalcreate ideal conditions for productive activities.

Coworking center should be useful, comfortable, well equipped, clean and spacious. At the same time, expensive design and an abundance of newfangled technology do not yet guarantee that this place will be convenient and easy to work. The atmosphere of creativity is important and creation.

There are several types of coworking centers – let’s look at the main ones.

Type 1. Centers for production and office activities

The most common type of coworking space. In such centers representatives work different professions – designers, copywriters, programmers, translators. People who are not tied to a specific employer work here, or employees work remotely.

In such centers, in addition to the main workspace, there are rest rooms, conference rooms, rooms for telephone conversations and personal meetings, cafes.

Beginning entrepreneurs who do not want to spend money on renting an office or do not have the means to do so can run their own business here (unless, of course, it is the production of sunflower seeds or ice cream).

It happens that large companies They rent places in such centers for specialists hired for one-time projects. This is more profitable than organizing workplaces for them at the company’s main office.

Office centers are the easiest to organize. At first, the costs are minimal. This is what the co-owner of one of the Novosibirsk centers told me: “ At first we only had tables, chairs, internet and a toilet. We added everything else along the way.».

Payment in such offices is hourly, weekly or monthly. I was in a coworking space where it was cheaper to pay a special 10-day rate, then one working day would cost only 300 rubles.

Type 2. Creative coworking centers

They gather here creative personalities– artists, poets, musicians, writers. In such centers the emphasis is on on communication between people of similar interests, although those who prefer solitary creativity will find a comfortable corner here.

Type 3. Craft centers

Dialer increasingly popular type of coworking space – open handmade workshops . A paradise for those who love to do things with their own hands. Such centers have all the necessary equipment, including specific ones - for example, 3D printers.

While a programmer or writer always has the choice of going to a coworking space or working at home, not all furniture or clothing designers can work in their own workshop. In such situations coworking is the only opportunity do what you love.

And most importantly, here you will get advice and instructions from more experienced craftsmen. Sometimes they even organize master classes or conduct full-fledged Training courses.

Directions for DIY coworking space- a great many. These include design, sewing, and carpentry workshops. Some centers organize in parallel online stores, in which they sell finished products of their clients.

Among the most popular destinations are: carpentry and furniture making. Clients of carpentry co-working spaces are craftsmen who want to set up their production, but do not yet have the funds to organize a workshop.

Example of carpentry coworking

Community carpentry workshop "Gift of Labor" in Moscow. 830 sq.m of production space. Daily audience – 43 people (on average). One of the first industrial coworking spaces in the Russian Federation. There is a carpentry here The educational center and an order department, where those wishing to order furniture, laser engraving, milling, etc.

An example of a craft coworking space - a carpentry workshop

Additional income for owners, in addition to renting space and equipment, - sale Supplies and tools, consultations and training, space for a warehouse of finished products.

Type 4. Children's coworking centers

A specific type of coworking space- something in between private kindergarten And children's creativity center. In the West, such establishments are par for the course, in Russia they are still rare, but very promising direction business.

Children's coworking space provides children with healthy eating, educational games, communication, while parents are close to their child and in contact with other mothers and fathers. In essence, this is the organization of useful and enjoyable leisure time for children and their parents.

The table clearly shows the pros and cons of “communal offices”:

Criteria for evaluation"Behind""Against"
1 Workspace organizationEverything you need is always at hand, the centers are equipped with computers, printers, scanners and other modern equipmentSome are annoyed by the classic Office Style, but there are centers with a more informal atmosphere
2 CommunicationThere is always an opportunity to communicate with colleaguesNot all freelancers are ready to contact people
3 ConvenienceIn large cities you will always find the Center in close proximity to your homeIn cities where there are few coworking centers, some visitors find it difficult to get to them
4 SafetySome centers have lockers for storing personal itemsYou have to be careful - clever thieves can easily steal valuables from visitors who are immersed in their work.

3. How you can make money from a coworking space - 4 main sources of income

If you are a budding businessman looking for promising idea, and your city doesn’t have a coworking space yet - hurry up. Otherwise, someone will definitely get ahead of you. Investments here are minimal, payback is relatively quick, and profitability is unlimited.

Practice shows that when proper organization business investments pay off in about 8-12 months. If you are the owner of the premises, then this period is reduced by 2 times.

That being said, there are several ways to make a profit through a coworking space. Use all options and your earnings will increase proportionally.

Source 1. Renting a workplace by clients of the center

The classic way to generate income is by renting places to those who want to work. Each center has its own prices and rental rates. On average it's 10-20 thousand per person per month , if he visits the center daily. One-time visits will cost visitors more. In some coworking spaces they charge workers up to 500 rubles. at one o'clock .

Source 2. Renting out a center for corporate events

Rent out your center to those who wish to conduct corporate events– conferences, trainings, business meetings or meetings. This is not the main, but profitable source of income, especially in large cities, where finding inexpensive premises for corporate events is not always easy.

Source 3. Educational direction

Well-organized training programs in some centers account for almost half of the revenue.

In the first season of operation of a coworking space, it is worth organizing inexpensive pilot training courses in different areas to select the most popular ones. This is how you “grope” target audience. After this, you can launch full-fledged programs with an appropriate cost.

Source 4. Provision of additional services

Open a small cafe in a coworking space. It is much more convenient for visitors to buy coffee and buns here than to run to the nearest buffet. As a last resort, sell drinks and snacks.

4. How to open a coworking center - step-by-step instructions for aspiring entrepreneurs

IN big city– hundreds of microcultures and business communities. It will not be possible to create a place that is convenient for everyone. That's why decide right away with a potential audience. Based on the contingent, organize everything else.

Act according to an expert scheme, this will reduce costs and save time.

Step 1. Draw up a business plan

Drawing up a competent plan is a mandatory preparatory stage of any business. Such a document will help calculate and optimize initial costs and determine what steps need to be taken to bring your ideas to life.

It will be difficult to keep 1000 and one little things in your head - use Google Docs and special programs for running a business.

A business plan for a coworking space includes creating a team. One person cannot simultaneously play the role of administrator, designer, marketer, consultant and commercial director.

Step 2. Choose a room

Selecting a room plays a decisive role in the coworking business. For the purposes of an office center, space in the business part of the city is suitable.

Main requirements for the premises:

  • convenient location near the metro or major transport interchanges;
  • modern renovation;
  • uniform style and business atmosphere;
  • a lot of free space;
  • availability of a bathroom;
  • fast internet.

Some centers have several floors, but not every entrepreneur can afford such luxury. Beginners, as a rule, have only one option - renting an inexpensive commercial space with subsequent design.

Step 3. Purchase equipment

You will need tables, chairs, armchairs, clothes hangers, office partitions to divide space into zones, computers and other office equipment. Plus some household appliances and necessary little things.

Step 4. Improving the layout

If the condition of the premises is far from ideal, you cannot do without costs for repairs, decoration and design. Work areas need to be separated from the recreation area. If you plan to earn income from training, you will need additional space.

High ceilings And panoramic windows with inspiring views they work as a plus. If the room is easy to breathe and there is a feeling of spaciousness, customers will want to spend as much time here as possible.

Having your own food outlet will increase income, but will also require additional costs. Beginners are unlikely to be able to immediately organize a cafe in a coworking center, but keep this prospect in mind.

A coworking space is a specific space that is used for... collaboration in order to share knowledge, exchange ideas and work on specific projects. Coworking, translated from English, means “working together,” and involves a space that is equipped with the necessary equipment. It is rented out for a certain period of time to anyone.

Basically, free and independent people come to a coworking center - as a rule, they are freelancers, and they use the common space for their activities.

Coworking is something between working at home and in the office. These centers have the furniture necessary for relaxation, computers connected to the Internet, water coolers, and coffee machines. In terms of external parameters, such centers are practically no different from offices, since there are workplaces and meeting areas, but the work is carried out by people who do not depend on each other.

Advantages and disadvantages of this organization of the labor process

It is worth noting that a coworking center is not an office building, since a person comes to the office for the reason that he receives a fixed and guaranteed salary. People come to the center when they are ready to pay for it.

In addition, representatives of a wide variety of professions can meet in these centers - designers, translators, programmers, employees of modeling agencies, and even such creative individuals as writers, artists, poets, musicians. That is, these are those people who do not want to work at home or in the office, but want privacy and have fruitful work results.

As a rule, in coworking centers creates a special working atmosphere, in which there is no noise and at the same time there is no connection to a specific employer. In this case, one person cannot be assigned a specific workplace, so you cannot immediately know who you will have to sit next to. But in order to make all visitors comfortable, the premises have lounges, conference rooms, rooms for telephone and personal meetings, and gyms.

Largely a coworking center can change sensations from work. The office is being turned into a student campus, library, and to some extent a club. Here you can approach any person and ask him questions regarding his specialty.

Beginning entrepreneurs often face problems such as renting premises, as well as organizing security and cleaning, so a coworking center for their employees will be the best option for the first time. This solution is comprehensive and relatively inexpensive.

Many large companies rent places for their employees in such centers. This provides convenience when working with certain projects. But it is worth noting that not every industry is suitable for this type of work.

We can highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of coworking centers.



  • Time consumption. Compared to working from home, you need to travel to a coworking center, which means spending time traveling and back.
  • Danger - because public place You will need to take care of your belongings.
  • Noise and other distractions. Since there may be many people in the room, it will make it difficult to focus on one thing.

Despite having some disadvantages, coworking centers are popular. They have spread throughout the world, which indicates that the economy is developing at a fairly high pace.

Development of coworking as a business area

Coworking is a fairly new phenomenon, so its development is largely clients themselves contribute. It was thanks to the requests of numerous clients that coworking centers began to have the format that they have now, and in traditional establishments you can find not only an excellent working atmosphere, but also legal services, recreation areas, meeting rooms, children's rooms, workshops, gyms and so on.

The industry is growing and developing at a very fast pace, and if 5 years ago there were no jobs in such centers, today it will not be difficult for an entrepreneur or employee to rent a place to work. And every year the number of jobs increases significantly.

Also, one more thing cannot be ignored. interesting feature. It lies in the fact that coworking became possible when there were enough people in society engaged in freelancing. Computers and other means of communication have become cheap enough that the process of becoming a freelancer has become simple and inexpensive. Many companies have appeared that began to work not with permanent employees, but with contractors who carry out certain projects on a short time. At the same time, a freelancer can work on several projects simultaneously.

The development of coworking in Russia is described in the following video:

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way do this using online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your company and save a lot money and time. All reporting is generated automatically and signed electronic signature and is sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Making a business plan

Having such a center will not only be a pleasant hobby, but also a worthy source of income, so you can consider a short one.

Selecting a room

The premises play a decisive role in the success of a coworking center.

It should answer the following requirements:

  1. Convenient location;
  2. Good repair;
  3. Lots of free space;
  4. Convenient layout;
  5. Single style;
  6. Business atmosphere.

It is for these reasons that the premises must be of office type; some centers have not one, but several floors. Of course, not every budding entrepreneur has the money to buy a large premises, so you can consider it rent, which will be about 150,000 rubles. So, in order to rent a room of 60 sq. m. in Moscow, you will need about 150,000 rubles, taking into account the fact that it will be located not in the very center, but in a large residential area.

Also important role plays thinking room renovation. The color palette must be respected; it is worth choosing delicate colors so as not to distract attention. The repairs include finishing the walls, floors and ceilings, which will cost 100,000 rubles.

So, at the initial stage costs will be 250,000 rubles.

Purchase of equipment

The equipment will be tables, clothes hangers or cabinets, chairs and armchairs; you may need high-quality office partitions. You also need to purchase several computers. For equipment Initially, an amount of about 100,000 rubles will be spent.


The ease of use of a coworking center depends largely on its layout, in this case it is worth paying attention for zoning.

There should be work areas for a team of employees, separate workstations, relaxation areas, and coffee breaks. They can also be decorated in different styles, for example, use classic tones in work areas, and brighter shades in relaxation areas, and you can use some decorations.

Additional functions

If free space allows, you can arrange small meeting rooms or mini conference rooms. Otherwise, you can regularly hold large-scale events and simply rearrange the furniture in the center as it is convenient. That is, a co-working center can sometimes turn into a conference room, for this you will need additional chairs, a projector and other equipment, the purchase of which will cost 50,000 rubles.


So, total costs for the opening of the center will be:

  • Premises – rent (including utilities) and repairs – 250,000 rubles;
  • Equipment and furniture – 100,000 rubles;
  • Additional equipment – ​​50,000 rubles.
  • The total initial cost will be 400,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses will consist of paying rent and purchasing some consumables - office supplies, routine repairs, and so on:

  • Rent – ​​150,000 rubles;
    Other expenses, including staff salaries (cleaners, managers) - 50,000 rubles.

Total monthly expenses– 200,000 rubles.

Net profit per month will be the amount of income minus all expenses.

Taking into account the fact that the coworking center will be used by 10 people for the whole month (15,000 rubles per person per month), and it is also expected that 200 people will visit one-time clients (per hour - 500 rubles per hour), we can calculate amount of income:

Income = 10 * 15,000 + 200 * 500 = 150,000 + 100,000 = 250,000 rubles.

Net profit= 250,000 – 200,000 = 50,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that this coworking center is a budget class establishment.

An example of a successful opening of a prestigious coworking center in Moscow is given in this video:

Coworking franchise

If you have no ideas about opening a coworking center, you can purchase it from well-known German companies.

Features and conditions

If you decide to buy a franchise, it will take away some of your creativity, so you need to weigh the pros and cons before purchasing.

Calculation of costs and profits

In order to buy a franchise, you will need at least 300,000 rubles, but you will be provided with the proper type of premises and all the staff for use. The income may exceed the income from the center in the first case, since here you do not need to spend money on advertising, you will receive a center from a well-known brand.

There are quite a lot of examples of the implementation of such an organization of work - this is a carpentry workshop, as well as co-working centers in the library, which is very convenient and profitable.
