For more than four years now. Giant isopod lives for five years without food

The oceanic arthropod Giant Isopod, also called the "deep scavenger", living in the aquarium of the Japanese city of Toba, has not eaten for more than four years.

Despite this, this amazing representative of the deep-sea fauna feels great and shows no signs of exhaustion. Representatives of the Japanese Aquarium announced this on Tuesday.

The crustacean, caught in the Gulf of Mexico and brought to Japan in September 2007, weighs one kilogram and is 29 cm long. Last time the aquarium workers managed to feed this miracle of nature in 2009 - then the isopod ate horse mackerel along with decent-sized bones in five minutes.

Since then, the creepy-looking animal, despite all the efforts of the staff, has not even touched the food. “We are doing everything in our power,” noted one of the aquarium employees. “But he does not show any interest in feeding.”

Neither the assorted fish, nor the mackerel, nor even the octopus tentacles interested the picky resident of the Japanese “sea zoo”. However, despite such a long hunger strike, the crustacean feels quite normal.

Because giant isopods live at such great depths, science knows little about them. Their main known habitat is the depressions of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. So far, experts cannot explain the arthropod’s sudden refusal of food and how it manages to maintain vital functions.

“Giant isopods are constantly in a state of close to hibernation,” says marine ecologist Taeko Kimura from Mie University. “They poorly recognize their own feelings of hunger, so they consciously reduce the amount of energy expended on breathing and other life activities.”

According to Kimura, many isopods may have an accumulated layer of fat in the liver, which they gradually consume and are able to maintain vital functions even without consuming food. However, four years is truly an outstanding period. The option in which an isopod could independently generate living organisms, such as plankton or algae, and then feed on them unnoticed, is also excluded - the arthropod is kept in a tank with artificial sea ​​water and is under the close attention of specialists.

Another giant isopod lived for a long time in the Toba City Aquarium, which died several years ago from natural causes. Considering the fact that it had a healthy appetite, experts cannot yet explain the cheerful state of the previous isopod, as the aquarium workers called it, “on hunger strike.”

Russia for more than four years

work is underway to create

conditions for implementation

securitization of financial

assets. What is

the need to make changes to

legislation? Why such changes

Tuktarov Yu.E. meet resistance?

Partner at Legal Capital Partners

We live in an era when the main asset

SECURITIZATION: participants in civil transactions become

contractual monetary claims1. One of BETWEEN DOGMA and the largest specialists in this field of financing, S. Bazinas, writes that the growing REALITY segment of world money is currently “closed” in monetary requirements (issued housing, consumer, automobile and other loans;

[The original article was published in corporate, municipal, and state publications “Corporate Lawyer”, No. 7 for bond issues; debt for 2006] goods supplied, services rendered and work performed; upcoming payments for the use of inventions, works, trademarks - all this is future money that now exists in the form of claims. - Approx. ed.). Securitization allows you to turn future money (claims) into real money in the present tense. The decision to simplify the assignment of monetary claims was made taking into account the fact that economic growth is now possible only if this asset is freed from unnecessary restrictions, otherwise huge volumes Money, “closed” in claim rights, become “dead capital”, which cannot be used in any way in the economy2.

In many legal systems, the assignment of both future monetary claims and the aggregate of non-individualized claims does not have legal force. This is based on the principle of specialty3, recognized in the doctrine of civil law, according to which one cannot dispose of what cannot be individualized: one can only dispose of a specific car, and not a car in general. This principle, developed first in the field of property law and property rights, was subsequently extended to claim rights. Its effect in practice has two important consequences. Firstly, since the claim does not transfer at the moment of concluding the assignment agreement, the need arises for another special agreement directly aimed at transferring the claim (the so-called act of assignment). Secondly, since the assignment agreement gives rise only to the obligation of the assignor after demands to assign them arise, the position of the acquirer from the moment of concluding such an agreement until the completion of the corresponding act remains uncertain (if the seller refuses the assignment, then the buyer has the right to demand from him only the recovery of damages) .

See: Schwarcz S.L. Towards a Centralized Perfection System for Cross-Border Receivables Financing // 20 U. Pa. J. Int., 1999. P.

See: Bazinas S.V. An International Legal Regime for Receivables Financing: UNCITRAL's Contribution // 8 Duke J. Comp. & Int"l L. 315 (Spring, 1998).

See, for example: Zom R. Institutions: A Textbook of History and the System of Roman Civil Law. St. Petersburg, 1910. P. 46;

Ennekzerus L. Course of German civil law. T. 1. Polutom 2. M., 1950. P. 128; Wenkstern M. Fundamentals of property law // Problems of civil and business law in Germany. M., 2001. P. 172.

The mentioned restrictions in foreign literature are considered as factors that significantly increase the costs of obtaining financing.

B. Markell writes that the costs associated with individualizing a claim from the moment it arises can lead to a significant increase in the overall costs of obtaining a loan. This increases the amount of administrative work required to ensure the validity of the transfer. This can be detrimental to credit, since the parties to the transaction will have to enter into a new agreement each time a claim (set of claims) arises4. In general, such inconveniences always negatively affect the attractiveness of contractual monetary claims for use as collateral for the fulfillment of loan obligations.

International instruments recent years, such as the UN Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade of 2001 (clause 1 of Article 8, hereinafter referred to as the UN Convention), the UNIDROIT Principles on International Commercial Agreements of 2003 (Articles 9.1.5 and 9.1.6, hereinafter - UNIDROIT principles), European principles contract law 2004 (Art. 11:102, hereinafter referred to as the European Principles), provide a mechanism for resolving the problem of assignment of future and non-individualized claims. They establish the possibility of assigning such claims if, at the time of their occurrence, they can be defined (individualized) as claims in respect of which the assignment has been made. It is noteworthy that in official comments to these acts, arguments are heard primarily economic order. Thus, the explanatory note to the UN Convention clarifies that the approach of the Convention can be better understood in terms of the objectives it pursues, namely to ensure that monetary claims are used to obtain financing that enriches the entire economy as a whole. The possibility of using monetary claims, for example, as collateral for the repayment of loan funds, increases the chances of each organization to receive a loan on more favorable terms, in other words, increases the availability of credit. In such a situation, the assignor will be able to increase the volume of its business. At the same time, this leads to the creation better conditions for buyers/debtors, who will then be able to buy more goods or services, which will most likely have a beneficial effect on all international trade.

Similar arguments are contained in the European Principles: “The commercial importance of using monetary claims to obtain funds and the practical impossibility of complying with the requirement that the right of claim be individually determined or determinable at the time of assignment, has led to widespread acceptance of assignments of future claims without the need for the assignor to make any or a new act of transfer after the demand arises"5.

The abolition of restrictions on the assignment of future and non-individualized claims was not without justified dogmatic interpretation. For example, the European Principles state that, although claims cannot pass to the assignee until they have arisen, once they have been created, the assignment begins to operate from the moment the assignment agreement is concluded. Retroactive force enshrined in paragraph 2 of Art. 11:401, is primarily relevant to priority disputes, but may also have independent significance in determining whether an assignment is for consideration or gratuitously, since the value provided after the assignment and before the claim arises constitutes a new value that is not equal to the previous one.

In Russian law, many problems have arisen with the assignment of claims. In order to create conditions for effective securitization, it is extremely important to reduce the costs that arise during its implementation. Using the example of assignment of claims, it can be seen that in order to achieve this goal, Markell B.A. UNCITRAL's Receivables Convention: The First Step, But not The Last // 12 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law. 2002. P. 402.

Principles of European Contract Law. Oxford, 2003. P. 123.

Article 9.1.

5 of the UNIDROIT Principles is accompanied by the following comments: “This article provides that between the assignor and the assignee the assignment of a future claim has a retrospective effect” to apply special legal techniques, in particular the use of such a legal fiction as the retrospective effect of the assignment.

Reorganization and liquidation of an organization created for securitization According to popular belief, a corporation is created primarily to bring profit to its participants, therefore corporate legislation ensures their priority7. Many researchers support this statement by the thesis that the participants are the actual “owners” of the corporation. For example, A. Berl and G. Means call shareholders “owners” and draw attention to the fact that corporate governance should be focused on problems arising from the separation of ownership and control8.

Confirmation of the priority of interests of corporation participants in Russian legislation can be seen in assigning to them the right to reorganize or liquidate the corporation. For example, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that the reorganization legal entity(merger, accession, division, separation, transformation) can be carried out by decision of its founders (participants) or a body of a legal entity authorized to do so by the constituent documents (clause 1, article 57). In paragraph 2 of Art.

61 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation contains a similar rule, but this time regarding liquidation: “A legal entity may be liquidated by decision of its founders (participants) or a body of the legal entity authorized to do so by the constituent documents.” As a general rule, the participants (founders), as well as the owners, are assigned absolute freedom"dispose of" (by reorganization or liquidation) the corporation they own. G. Hansmann and R. Kraakman believe that corporate law is mainly devoted to protecting the property of investors - participants (founders) of a legal entity9.

We observe a completely different logic in the case of an organization specialized for securitization purposes - a special purpose vehicle (SPV). As a rule, the “owners” of such organizations are limited by securitization legislation in exercising their right to reorganize or liquidate them, which has obvious economic reasons. It is necessary to protect SPV creditors (owners of Asset Backed Securities, ABS) from those adverse consequences, including the risk of early redemption of securities (ABS), that arise in connection with the reorganization and liquidation of their issuer (SPV). Removing this type of risk naturally increases the value of the ABS. In this case, legislation acts as a tool for improving the quality of securities issued through securitization. As a consequence, the “owner” of a pool of financial assets (the originator) using securitization can expect to receive bigger size funds (premiums) from stock market investors, including due to the absence of risks inherent in the securities of ordinary corporations. Even if corporate law considers the rule on the possibility of reorganization (liquidation) as dispositive (implemented by agreement of the “owners”), the principle of freedom of contract will still allow these persons to make changes to the constituent documents, which may lead to deceiving investors’ expectations regarding the stability of the SPV . Thus, it is the legislation that must establish restrictions on the right of participants (founders) to reorganization and liquidation.

From the point of view of the current corporate legislation and its logic, in this case, an increase in the quality of securities occurs due to a violation of the priority principle. See: Hansmann H., Kraakman R. What is Corporate Law? The Anatomy of Corporate Law: A Comparative and Functional Approach. 2004. P. 2. For a review of this book, see: Corporate Lawyer. 2006. N 2. P. 59.

Berle A.A., Means G. The Modern Corporation and Private Property. 1932.

Hansmann H., Kraakman R. Ibid Ref. 8. P. 14.

“owners” of the corporation (who “gave birth” to it, and therefore can claim to be granted the right to change or “kill” it). In this case, the initiative of the “owners” is sacrificed to the safety of investors. The legislator, therefore, offers, although atypical, a simple and effective way to protect investors, for which the latter are forced to pay extra, which makes securitization even more profitable.

the federal law dated November 11, 2003 "On mortgage securities" (hereinafter referred to as the Mortgage-Backed Securities Law) does not contain restrictions regarding the reorganization and liquidation of mortgage agents, which significantly reduces the attractiveness of mortgage-backed bonds.

This Law establishes a number of other features of a mortgage agent: such an organization cannot have a staff, and the powers of its sole executive body must be transferred commercial organization. These restrictions are actually aimed at preventing bankruptcy creditors, in the event of bankruptcy, from gaining an advantage over the owners of mortgage-backed bonds - first-priority creditors, which include citizens with claims for payment of wages and compensation for damage caused (Federal Law of October 26, 2002 "On insolvency (bankruptcy)"). Such norms are not typical for foreign legal systems, since the right of pledge there most often provides an advantage for secured creditors over all other creditors of a legal entity. When developing a law on securitization, it is necessary to provide for a rule on limiting the rights of participants to reorganize and liquidate a legal entity that is a special purpose vehicle (SPV).

Disposable nature of SPV

) considered the issue of mortgage-backed bonds as a systematic activity of a mortgage agent and therefore did not limit the number of issues of such bonds in any way. Meanwhile, in world practice it is recognized that creating a mortgage agent for multiple issues of mortgage-backed bonds has noticeable disadvantages. Thus, the risks of low-quality mortgage-backed bond issues may reduce the benefits of high-quality issues; failure to comply with one of the bond issues may lead to a violation of obligations under others; An increase in the operational load on the issuer increases the level of risks associated with its activities.

In addition, when creating a mortgage agent to issue an unlimited number of issues of mortgage-backed bonds, market costs increase significantly, the costs of collecting information on the previous performance of obligations by such an agent, on the status of issues of bonds in circulation, as well as on bonds planned for placement .

The Law on Mortgage Securities does not exclude the possibility of creating a mortgage agent to issue one issue of mortgage-backed bonds, for which an appropriate indication must be made in its constituent documents. Flaw this provision is that the constituent documents can be changed by the shareholders of the mortgage agent at their discretion.

IN new edition Law on Mortgage Securities (dated December 29, 2004), the legislator provided that if the constituent documents of a mortgage agent indicate its creation for the issue of one issue of bonds with a mortgage backing (several issues of bonds secured by one mortgage cover), such a provision cannot be changed; after the fulfillment of obligations under mortgage-backed bonds, such a mortgage agent is subject to liquidation (paragraph 6, paragraph 1, article 8 of the Law on Mortgage-Based Securities).

Securities issued during securitizationDisclosure of information

Securities settled by a segregated pool of contractual cash claims (ABS) are distinctly different from regular securities. ABS payments are primarily dependent on cash flow, which is created by a pool of corresponding claims, as well as guarantees or other means of ensuring the fulfillment of obligations, which are called credit collateral. For this type of securities there is no need for characteristics entrepreneurial activity, since the issuer in this case does not conduct it. In the case of ABS, the most important information for investors is: a description of the structure of the securitization transaction and the quality of the pool of contractual monetary claims (statistics on debtors, monetary obligations), as well as information about the experience and role of the various participants in the securitization, including the originator, service agent, depository, management company and persons providing security. Disclosure rules in this area should be designed to provide investors with the useful information they need in these areas. Thus, current disclosure rules relating to corporate securities, as a rule, do not provide for the disclosure of the information that investors of securities issued through securitization need.

Tranching of securities

Securities, the execution of which depends on the cash flow of a separate pool of contractual claims, have another important feature: they are usually divided into classes in order to manage the risks that are inherent in the pool of contractual cash claims (early repayment, delay or even non-performance by the debtor its obligation). Such risks are removed from one class of securities and transferred to others. Often, for this purpose, different deadlines and (or) order of fulfillment of obligations under securities are used. In this case, classes of securities are divided into high-quality (privileged) and lower-quality (absorbent).

The seemingly simple question of risk management through subordination of classes of securities poses complex problems, over which lawyers in many countries are scratching their heads. For example, Professor H. Verhagen notes that only the use of trusts in English law made it possible to “create a large number of various tranches of securities."10 The American professor D. Langbein also writes about this: "Persons planning a property securitization transaction circumvent the restrictions regarding traditional classes of corporate shares by using the opportunity to freely construct the rights of beneficiaries under a trust. They manipulate the trust to create a dizzying array of so-called tranches, each of which embodies a different class of trust rights."11

IN Russian Law on mortgage securities (as amended on November 11, 2003) an attempt was made to secure the possibility of structuring mortgage-backed bonds. In paragraph 2 of Art. 11 provided that mortgage coverage could be pledged to secure the fulfillment of obligations under bonds of two or more issues. However, the possibility of structuring such bonds was not fully ensured by this norm. The fact is that, according to Art. 816 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a bond certifies the right to receive its nominal value or other property equivalent within the period specified in the bond. Taking into account this rule, within the framework of domestic law, several issues of bonds could be issued with one mortgage coverage and successive Verhagen H.L.E. Trusts in the Civil Law: Making Use of Experience of “Mixed” Jurisdictions // European Review of Private Law.

2000. Vol. 8. N 3. P. 481.

Langbein J.H. The Contractarian Basis of the Law of Trusts // Yale Law Journal. 1995. Vol. 105. N 3. P. 105.

deadline (from one issue to another). However, this situation does not create any obstacles to the execution of bonds with more late redemption with damage for bonds with more early, and therefore does not provide ranking of releases.

Another thing is establishing the order of execution for bond issues secured by one mortgage. In this case, there is a real advantage of one issue over another, since until the bonds of one issue are fully repaid, one cannot begin to fulfill obligations on another. The Law on Mortgage-Backed Securities (as amended on December 29, 2004) provided that “in the event of the issue of bonds with one mortgage backing of two or more issues, their issuer has the right to establish the order of fulfillment of obligations under mortgage-backed bonds” (paragraph 2, part 2 Article 11).

Unlike mortgage-backed bonds, the current legislation completely bypasses the issue of structuring mortgage participation certificates. The allocation of classes of certificates of participation is also aimed at providing advantages in some classes at the expense of others.

Is it legal to provide for such a hierarchy within the framework of common property? In world practice, the possibility of issuing participation certificates in relation to one pool of financial assets (in our case, “mortgage coverage”), in a single aggregate of which several classes are distinguished, some of the conditions for which are different, is widely recognized. Such conditions, in particular, include: the deadline for making payments for a given class of participation certificates and the order of fulfillment of obligations for the classes of a given set of participation certificates.

Example 1. Certificates of two classes can be issued under one mortgage cover: the first is repayable within the first five years, and the second - over the next five years.

Due to the risk of early repayment, it is likely that the second class will receive low interest income on mortgage loans, while the first class will receive the maximum.

Example 2. Also two classes, but the order of distribution of funds is established between them.

All certificate holders are the owners of the coverage, but payments for certificates of the second class are made only after funds have been paid for the first. In this case, the second class bears the risk of default on the mortgage loans.

Owners of participation certificates are recognized as participants in shared ownership of the mortgage coverage, and therefore the provisions on common ownership apply to them. To determine the applicable standards of Sec. 16 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “Common Property”, the following must be kept in mind.

Firstly, the funds received under the mortgage coverage are included in the mortgage coverage and are in the shared ownership of the owners of the participation certificates. Secondly, the basis for distinguishing classes of certificates of participation is the introduction various conditions for the distribution of funds between the holders of such certificates.

In the process of distributing among the owners of participation certificates the funds that are covered by the mortgage, from a legal point of view, the common ownership of these funds ceases and the individual property of each person to whom they were paid arises.

In terms of the relevant provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, we are talking about such a method of terminating common property as “division of property in shared ownership” (Article 252 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Meanwhile, in Art. 252 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes the principle of freedom in relation to making a decision on the division of property that is in shared ownership: property can be divided between the participants “by agreement between them.” And this assumes that participants can independently determine the timing and (or) order of this division. This possibility also follows from clause 2 of Art. 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, according to which the owner of property has the right, at his own discretion, to carry out any actions in relation to the property, including alienating his property into the ownership of other persons.

We believe that the provision in the Law on Mortgage-Based Securities of the possibility of dividing participation certificates into classes with different terms and (or) order of payment of funds does not contradict the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and is consistent with the provisions of Art. 209, 252 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The above examples show that securitization is indeed based on a special logic legal regulation, noticeably different from that which is usually demonstrated by the modern legislator. Organizations' needs for more effective way refinancing their financial assets, on the one hand, and the need financial market in new investment instruments, on the other hand, they force legislators different countries consolidate the institution of securitization. The description of the contradictions between dogma and reality proposed in this article will make this process more conscious.

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The development of a child at 4 years old is associated with his further maturation. The baby has grown up, you have already changed clothing sizes more than once. He is active and inquisitive, speaks well and expresses his thoughts. The child begins to show character and establishes himself as an individual. He knows how to do many things and actively learns new things. Some children at this age know all the letters, count to ten, and begin to read syllables.

Physical development of a four-year-old child

The height of a four-year-old boy reaches 98.3-105.5 cm, girls - 98.5-104.1 cm. A boy weighs 15.1-17.8 kg, a girl - 14.8-17.7 kg. By the age of four, the genetic characteristics of children appear; with parents of short stature, the child will most likely also be small. With a tall father and mother, babies grow taller faster. Height and weight also depend on activity, nutrition, and living conditions. A special table with normal indicators helps to establish developmental delays. If a child’s readings are significantly underestimated or overestimated, he may need to consult an endocrinologist.

Motor skills in preschoolers become more perfect. They are extremely active, constantly running, jumping, and never sit still for a minute. Children can go up and down stairs without support, at a calm pace and at a run. They climb the wall bars and overcome obstacles. They ride a tricycle well and play with a ball. They can stand on one leg for about nine seconds. They somersault over their heads and are able to perform complex gymnastic exercises. True, they have problems with balance, so it needs to be developed.

Fine motor skills of the hands also achieve great development. Children can draw accurately different figures, triangles, circles, squares. They manage to depict some animals, flowers, trees, little people. Some begin to write elements of letters in copybook. In coloring they hardly go beyond the lines. A four-year-old child can string beads and buttons on a thread. He builds tall towers from cubes and stacks construction sets.

In everyday life, children by the age of four are very independent. They drink well from a mug, eat with a spoon, fork, and some even use a table knife. They know how to wash themselves and brush their teeth. Putting on clothes is not a problem for them, except that it is not always possible to cope with buttons and laces. It is very important at this time to instill in the child hygiene skills, remind them to brush their teeth and wash their hands. It is necessary to teach the child to fold toys after class, which is very important for the development of accuracy.

Child's mental and speech development

By the age of four, a child’s thinking is actively developing. The thousands of questions he asks are precisely a manifestation of this development. At three years old, the baby mainly used a practical, visual and effective type of thinking. He independently tried to figure out the structure of objects, pressing buttons, levers, breaking toys. Now visual-figurative is joining this type. The baby learns to perceive images and patterns of objects, and to use their individual properties. This perception manifests itself very clearly when drawing. The child depicts only the most important details. For example, to picture a house, he just needs to draw a square with a roof; he draws a cat on four legs with a tail and whiskers.

The development of a more complex type of thinking, logical, is just beginning by the age of four. It manifests itself in the ability to generalize the properties of things, find identical features in them and group objects according to these features. It is still difficult for a child to understand abstract things. Move from specific images associated with words to general ones. To stimulate mental development, you need to work with the child, teach him what “time”, “number”, “measure” are.

By the age of four, a child’s speech becomes more complex. He speaks more than a thousand words, pronounces almost all sounds and letters. Knows how to correctly compose sentences of 4-6 words, use verbs, adjectives, objects, conjugate nouns according to cases. Sometimes he makes grammatical mistakes in conversations, but this happens less and less often. The preschooler is able to quite coherently retell the events and content of the book he read. A four-year-old child likes to create new words; they seem more suitable to him for naming certain objects. The baby already clearly answers questions and can carry out 3-4 instructions from adults. He knows his name, the names of his mom and dad, and his grandparents. Can give his address, the address of a friend, or grandparents.

Children's imagination actively develops. They make up fairy tales, play complex role-playing games. Sometimes they come up with monsters and monsters, and then they are afraid of them. You need to patiently explain to the child that his fears are in vain. Under no circumstances should you frighten children yourself; this is far from The best way obtain obedience from them. Preschoolers' memory improves; they accumulate the results of their cognitive activity in their heads. They already know several colors and quickly remember new ones. Up to 4-5 figures are named, including three-dimensional ones. They learn by heart and recite poems of 4-8 stanzas. Children who have good hearing sing songs and remember melodies well.

Child's emotional and social development

The psycho-emotional development of children at four years of age is no less intense than their intellectual development. The child learned to cope with his feelings and mastered the basic rules of behavior. He can still be capricious, but not aggressive. Although new problems appear at this age, the baby suddenly becomes withdrawn, sad, and does not show interest in his peers. He is going through another transitional period, a new stage of awareness of himself as an individual. He has already learned to evaluate his actions and understands perfectly well when he acts well and when he acts poorly. If a child is often punished for wrong actions, and successes and good behavior are ignored, he develops complexes. The child thinks that no one loves him, that he is bad. When a preschooler is hyperactive, such problems result in uncontrollable behavior. In calm children, they are more likely to manifest themselves as depression.

In order to avoid emotional problems, you need to create a favorable atmosphere in the family. It is important for a child not only how he is addressed, but also the parents’ relationship with each other. Adults need to take seriously the age-related characteristics of a preschooler’s psyche and pay attention to his mood.

Try to understand why he is sad. Perhaps the baby has problems communicating with other children. Maybe the problem is you, you scold him too often, overload him with training. It is worth contacting a specialist when Bad mood- not a random episode, but a constant condition, for 2-3 weeks or a month. Parents should be wary if a preschooler suddenly becomes very aggressive, begins to stutter, or stops making contact with you or with peers.

Social contacts become a necessity for a four-year-old child. He has already mastered the first lessons of communicating with children. Now he is actively mastering his role in games, takes specific place in a children's group. The child makes friends and enemies, he begins to quarrel and make peace with them. Four-year-old children are less selfish than before, they know how to share toys and treats. Although it happens that a child is greedy and hides his things from others. Try to gently explain that this is not necessary. After all, no one wants to be friends with greedy people. And if today he shares with others, tomorrow they will share with him.

Child's regimen and nutrition

In the period from three to four years, the child completely switches to the table that adults eat. This does not mean that you don’t need to pay attention to his nutrition. After all, the baby is growing and actively developing, he needs energy. Many children at this age lose their appetite and the mother has to be very inventive in order to prepare something for the baby. By the age of four, children eat 4 times a day. Half of the total amount of food should be for breakfast and dinner, a little more than a third for lunch and about 15% for an afternoon snack. The baby’s diet should be complete, including all the main ingredients, vitamins and microelements. Here are the recommended products to use for cooking (also their daily volume):

  • Meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey, beef, lean pork) – 120-130 grams.
  • Fish, preferably sea fish
  • Any cereals – 60-70 grams
  • Vegetable oil and butter 10 g and 25 g, respectively
  • Curd – 50 g, milk – 500 g
  • Various vegetables – 220-260 grams
  • Fruits and berries – 220-260 grams
  • Bread (white and rye) – 120-150 grams.

For breakfast, your baby can make casseroles from vegetables, cottage cheese with sour cream, porridge with milk, an omelet or a boiled egg. For lunch, the baby must eat soup, fresh salad, vegetable puree, meat or fish, juice or compote. For an afternoon snack, you can give your child fruit, cookies, and yogurt. Dinner should not be too dense. Prepare vegetable stew, pancakes, pasta casserole with fish or chicken. Before going to bed, the baby can drink a glass of milk or kefir. Do not have snacks between meals, otherwise your child’s appetite will spoil.

As before, at the age of four it is necessary to follow a daily routine. The child should do meals, walks, homework and activities at the same time. This is especially important for children who go to kindergarten. If during the holidays you wean him off the regime, it will be physically difficult for him to get used to it again. The baby now sleeps once a day for 1-2 hours. Some children gradually begin to refuse nap, by the age of 6-7 years this will be the majority. At night, a healthy baby practically does not wake up, does not cry, unless he has experienced an emotional shock during the day or is frightened by loud sounds. He sleeps at night for about 9-10 hours, wakes up at 7-8 in the morning, and should fall asleep at 9 in the evening.

Sports activities with a four-year-old child

By the age of four, the baby is already well physically strengthened. He is very active, but his balance is still poorly developed, try to improve it. Exercises on the crossbar, walking on a beam, along a curb or at home on the carpet on tiptoes and on tiptoes will help with this. Try to show how to do a swallow, stand on one leg like a heron.

Age 4 is the time to send your child to the sports section. Do not set yourself the task of making him an outstanding athlete; the child should play sports with pleasure, and not under duress. Do regular exercises with your preschooler, buy him rings, a crossbar, a wall bars, if you haven’t purchased these exercise machines yet.

Teaching language and logical thinking

At four years old, the child learns well. You can start learning a foreign language with him. If you speak it yourself, try studying the language at home. This video, special materials and educational literature, and educational cards will help you with this. Native speech also needs to be improved. Read books together, learn poems, sayings, riddles. It is also worth paying attention to how the child speaks, gently and unobtrusively correcting his mistakes. If he has trouble pronouncing some letters and sounds, he may need to see a speech therapist. There are different methods for correcting speech; a specialist will help you choose the most suitable one.


The child needs classes to develop logic. Prepare cards with pictures of various objects. Let the child choose from them images with the same properties, eliminating unnecessary ones. They develop logic and various labyrinths from which you need to find a way out. They can be drawn on paper or made from three-dimensional materials. Master counting with your child; he is already able to operate with numbers within ten. To study arithmetic, you can use pictures in a special textbook, counting sticks or regular pencils. By the age of four, children quickly grasp the alphabet. Preschoolers whose parents practice early development already know how to read. If you haven't taught letters with your baby yet, now is the time to start. Be sure to buy a notebook in which your child will learn to write. Many children dream of becoming adults and going to school. They may like the game of teacher and student, and they will be more willing to master the material.

Creative development of the child

Don't forget about creative activities. They are necessary for harmonic psychological development child. Buy him various educational toys and coloring books, try to get your child to engage in visual arts on his own. Lay out the cards in front of him and let him draw whatever he wants on them. It is also not necessary to paint with the colors that are on the sample; it is better when the child shows imagination. Motor skills are improved by modeling; children at the age of 4 can already make quite complex objects, birds, animals, cars, people, and entire compositions from plasticine. In addition, the child must be able to hold scissors in his hands, cut out pictures along the contours, and make appliqués. Creative activities should include dancing and learning songs. Gymnastics should also be done to music, so it will be more interesting and fun for the child.

By the age of four, developmental levels vary from child to child. Some show more creativity, others are better at mathematics. Some speak beautifully, recite poetry, while others prefer sports. That is why it is so important to take them into account when raising children. individual characteristics. If the child's development and behavior do not go beyond the norm, parents have nothing to worry about. Your baby’s development plan should be his own; you should not compare him with other children. In no case should you overload children with activities, give them endless tests and checks, or force them to develop perseverance. If you overdo it, your child’s interest in learning can be discouraged forever.

KV talked with some of the co-investors of the reconstructed office building. They supplemented the information obtained from the trials. It was not possible to contact the director of IC "Novostroy" Andrey PARADEEV, and we invite him to also express his position on the pages of the newspaper.
- How did you become a co-investor in the reconstruction of the building on Mira, 33a?
Legal Advisor of JSC MKB SIBES Nadezhda KUZYUKOVA:
- In 2004, we planned to open an additional office in the town of Neftyanikov to service legal and individuals. We were satisfied with the location of the future office at 33a Mira Ave., and after carefully studying the documents provided by the developer, in December 2004 we entered into an investment agreement with JSC NPP Ecosystem, represented by director Oleg KYTMANOV. According to this agreement, we transferred 992 thousand 400 rubles to NPP Ecosystem CJSC within the agreed period, and in return we were to receive premises on the ground floor with an area of ​​49.62 square meters in the 2nd quarter of 2005. meters. In addition, we incurred additional costs in the amount of 451 thousand rubles for equipment of the cash register, installation of internal telephone lines and finishing of the premises.
- What claim did you file in court?
- In November 2009, from the Unified State Register extract, we learned that SK Novostroy LLC, represented by director Andrey PARADEEV, sold the entire first floor of the building to a certain Intag LLC. Our premises, in which we had already completed renovations, were also sold. We filed a claim with the arbitration court to declare the purchase and sale agreement invalid and, together with other investors on the first floor, wrote a statement to the city Department of Economic Crimes, where on December 7, 2009, a criminal case was initiated against PARADEEV.
- What does SK Novostroy LLC have to do with it if you entered into an agreement with NPP Ecosystem CJSC?
- SK Novostroy LLC, NPP Ecosystem CJSC and Omskmetalloopttorg OJSC entered into a joint activity agreement (simple partnership) for the purpose of reconstructing the building into an office and business building with the addition of two floors and identified NPP Ecosystem CJSC as a participant, leading general affairs. The participants transferred their areas in this building under deeds to the management of the created partnership. Whether such a transfer of real estate within the framework of a simple partnership should have been registered with a justice institution is not clearly stated by law. To be more confident, we asked SK Novostroy LLC and Omskmetalloopttorg OJSC to agree on our investment agreement, which was done. But, despite this approval, SK Novostroy LLC disposed of the areas belonging to it for the second time.
It is noteworthy that LLC SK Novostroy itself in 2003 acquired from CJSC NPP Ecosystem under a purchase and sale agreement the space located on the ground floor, only with the condition (clause 9 of the agreement) to subsequently act together for the purpose of reconstructing the owned them premises. At the same time, SK Novostroy LLC did not pay for them with the seller. Subsequently, Andrei PARADEEV in no way interfered with the reconstruction of the building and the first floor belonging to it. But after the actual completion of construction work, Mr. PARADEEV, on behalf of SK Novostroy LLC, refused to register the common shared property. In the court hearings of the Arbitration Court of the Omsk Region in case No. A46-20895/2008, the representative of SK Novostroy LLC stated that it was impossible to register common shared ownership in connection with the change in the specified object with an area of ​​869.2 square meters. meters after the reconstruction. After the decision of the arbitration court dated January 19, 2009, which confirmed the fact of reconstruction and the impossibility at this stage (before putting the facility into operation) to register common shared ownership, SK Novostroy LLC changed its opinion regarding the possibility of making transactions with the facility it owned and sold premises on the first floor to a person who is not a party to the joint activity agreement. Thus, SK Novostroy LLC violated the rights of investors to the facility reconstructed at their expense.
In the lawsuit, SK Novostroy LLC, forgetting about the purpose of its acquisition of the first floor and the need to pay off the seller for the acquired property, declared the lack of consent for the reconstruction of the building, the invalidity of investor agreements and, on the contrary, the legality of its transaction with Integg LLC with non-existent object.
- What decision did the court make?
- Arbitration court On April 28, 2010, represented by Judge Konstantin KHRAMTSOV, declared this deal invalid. In addition, on April 27, the panel of the 8th Arbitration Court of Appeal, chaired by Judge SEMENOVA, also declared this transaction invalid according to the claim of NPP Ecosystem CJSC.
- Do you know anything about Intag LLC?
- According to an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, this company was created in the spring of 2009, and filed documents for liquidation in the fall of 2009. Its director is Mr. KIREEV, who is also currently the liquidator. In our opinion, this is a typical plan for a future “bona fide” purchaser, with whom it would be useless to sue in the future.
- As far as we know, the reconstruction of the building was completed in 2006. What's stopping you from getting your space?
Investor Alexey SMOLIN:
- Yes, in 2006 approximately 90% of the work was completed. Finishing work remains. The previous director and owner of NPP Ecosystem CJSC Oleg KYTMANOV, having sold almost all the premises in the building, left for Kazakhstan in 2007. It turned out that there were no permits for the reconstruction and the delivery of the object was impossible for this reason. With the arrival of the new director Pavel GRIGORIEV, we have hope. The reconstruction project was restored and agreed upon, and a building permit was obtained. But immediately PARADEEV’s active actions began to seize the building, and it is possible that their goal was to deprive investors of the premises they had paid for.
- Was there a real seizure of the building?
- Yes, at the beginning of 2009, Andrey PARADEEV, using a protocol with a forged signature, appointed a new director of NPP Ecosystem CJSC, who in turn set up a private security company to guard the building. As far as I know, he Raider seizure was repulsed. I think that in the event of a successful takeover of NPP Ecosystem CJSC, the second floor belonging to it, as well as the built-on fifth and sixth floors, would be resold. What worries me most, since I have invested 300 sq. meters on the sixth floor. And recently I learned that Intag LLC and SK Novostroy LLC filed lawsuits to invalidate the construction permit. The position of these organizations is completely incomprehensible to me. There is such a type of activity - greenmail, perhaps this word is applicable to our situation.
Investor Mikhail KUZNETSOV:
“I followed the progress of the court hearings very carefully. If the transaction for the sale of the first floor is recognized as legal, exactly the same scheme of “legal” scam of investors could be used by other participants of the partnership - CJSC NPP Ecosystem and OJSC Omskmetalloopttorg. Almost 50 people, investors, with whose money the reconstruction was carried out, would have lost all hope. Investors have received the latest court decisions with great enthusiasm and express deep gratitude to the judges who came to their defense. Almost all of us are representatives of small businesses who purchased premises in this building to open our own offices, but have not been able to use them for more than four years.

Program "Half an hour retro". Its author and permanent presenter is Sergei TIKHONIN, a resident of the city of Kayerkan. Today, his colorful, mustachioed face is recognized by many, many people in the city.
Sergei Fedorovich has truly unique knowledge in the field of Soviet pop music of the 60-80s. It is interesting that he acquired them not only due to natural curiosity and the opportunity to receive a wide variety of information at the place of work of his wife Olga (she works in one of the Kayerkan libraries), but also due to the fact that Tikhonin himself, studying at the St. Petersburg GITMIK in the seventies ( State Institute theatrical skill and culture), very actively collaborated with many of the then famous VIA. He developed the warmest and most friendly relations with the team of the Kalinka ensemble. Sergey is personally acquainted with other St. Petersburg and Moscow musicians of the “major league” of past years, including Edita Piekha, Eduard Khil, Irina Ponarovskaya and many others. But, as they say, it is not enough to know, you also need to love. Sergei Tikhonin selflessly loves the songs of time, which is moving further and further away from us. Loves and helps others to love them. Today, songs from the 60s to the 80s are heard on a wide variety of television and radio broadcasts. Konstantin Ernst shot three two-hour films of “old songs about the main thing” for ORT. Diving into retro music has become fashionable among electronic media. Perhaps the new owners of TV channels and radio stations are simply nostalgic for a dollar for 63 kopecks. Or record company owners longingly remember the years when the “Black Roger” of rampant piracy did not proudly hover over the music market. Or maybe the history of mankind is developing, as has already been proven, in a spiral... True, there is one “but”. For some reason, all the songs of the carefree pioneer years are sung today, to put it mildly, in a rather free arrangement. In fashionable arrangements, in endless electronic bells and whistles, in the weak vocals of contemporaries and contemporaries, one can often barely guess the lyrical mood to which the listener would like to tune in. Tikhonin treats this aspect very, very carefully. With the help of his friends Alexei Prokhorov and Sergei Kuzmin, more than once or twice he restored the original sound from gramophone records that had been worn almost to holes, from rigid tape tapes that had crumbled to the point of transparency. The sound in his transmissions, or, speaking modern language, the soundtracks of the programs are perhaps the main achievement. It is a pity that no one has yet become interested in the work of the guys and has not begun to produce the fruits of their labors with excellent quality... * * * I was lucky enough to help Sergei in the preparation, filming, editing and broadcast of the very first programs of “Half an Hour Retro”. This happened late autumn 1994 on the night air of the Youth Channel on SKTV Channel-7. The very first release included the songs “Farewell to Bratsk”, “On the dusty paths of distant planets...”, “Caravel”... Sergei then proposed an unexpected move - to put not a video series for the song, but a photo series, since photographs are on the covers of records , in Melodiya magazines, books and other sources, in contrast to video materials, was more or less enough. It was only later that Sergei and his assistants began to edit entire clips from films of past years into songs. TV viewers also helped, starting to send not only discs and tape recordings, but also, which is absolutely priceless, video materials. With each release the program became more and more professional. Tikhonin did not change only one thing: the image he found of a “smart mustachioed head” speaking from the screen in long, well-structured phrases about music and musicians. Therefore, you need to listen to him at least in order to learn how to speak in front of a large crowd of people. Although some believe that “Fedorych is too boring and talks for a long time.” Apparently, these new music lovers either never listened to Tikhonin carefully, or do not like retro music, or are simply jealous of him. Not long ago, Tikhonin discovered a whole world of songs from the 30s, 40s and 50s. According to him, he simply fell in love with these people, with the spirit of that time. Several Tikhonin programs have already been devoted to topics unforgettable years and performers. Sergei is not going to leave this topic in the future. * * * A month ago, a celebration was held in the city cultural center dedicated to the anniversary - the hundredth - release of "Half an Hour Retro". To be honest, I went to this concert with mixed feelings. On the one hand, I greatly respect Sergei Fedorovich for his asceticism. On the other hand... for some reason I was sure that the concert version of “Half an Hour of Retro” would be long and boring. The fact is that not everything we see on TV looks as interesting and dynamic on stage. But the fears turned out to be in vain. The creative group of the State Central Committee and Sergei Tikhonin prepared and held a wonderful evening, which, despite its duration, left in the memory a picture of something very bright, pleasant and festive. The concert was hosted by Sergei Fedorovich himself, who for the first time in my memory wore a tuxedo, and the director of the cultural center, Yuri Fomin, who later admitted that he had not experienced such satisfaction from his work for a long time. The masters of the Norilsk stage performed before the assembled spectators - Alexander Nagorny, Nikita Kovalenko, Natalya Kirakosyan, Evgeny Shkarupa, Oleg Nikiforov and Evgeny Ilyenkov, for whom performing retro songs for the restaurant public is a daily duty, and they happily sang them from the concert stage . A variety of songs were sung - from “My Clear Little Star” to “The Cabbie’s Song”, from “Jamaica” to “Mother’s Record”. The program was attended by guitarist Alexei Zhdanov, author and performer Sergei Naumov, the Malko dance quartet, as well as two sons of Tikhonin himself (father of four children!). And in the second part, the audience was in for a surprise. Sergei Tikhonin's friend Vladimir Dyadenistov, a former vocalist of VIA Kalinka, who is now the artistic director of the St. Petersburg Rock Opera Theater, flew in from St. Petersburg especially to participate in the anniversary program. Vladimir sang several songs, and then, dressed in stage costume, performed two arias from Andrew Lloyd Webber's rock opera "Jesus Christ - Super Star" (from the Russian version). Long-forgotten goosebumps crawled across my rough skin... That unforgettable December holiday was presented to the Norilsk residents, together with Sergei Tikhonin, by specialists from the city cultural center, the Kayerkan administration, the companies "Liga-Nord", "Home and Office", "Jurmala", the trading house "Maxim" ", music stores "Panorama" and "Kaleidoscope", studio "Channel-7", television company "Nago-TV", book salon "Natta-press". * * * The hundredth episode has finished, but the program “Half an Hour of Retro” continues to live on. Tikhonin's works should be looked for on the broadcast networks of Nago-TV and Channel-7. The song remains with the person, the song does not say goodbye to us, for which I bow to Sergei. A. ARSENYEV. Photo by the author (with the support of the Kodak photo center - Leninsky, 31).
