Yana Rudkovskaya biography is Jewish. Music producer Yana Rudkovskaya: biography, personal life, career

Yana Rudkovskaya was born on January 2, 1975. She graduated from the Altai State Medical University with a degree in dermatology and venereology. Since the end of 2005, Yana has been in show business.
“I broke into show business knowing almost nothing about it. I had to study how charts are built, rotations, how tracks are launched, how PR campaigns are created.

In the early 90s, with one stroke of the pen, Alla Rudkovskaya turned into Yana and dropped as many as 7 years!

Not everything always worked out for Yana equally successfully. She did not happen to become an outstanding figure skater, although in Barnaul, where she studied, they recall that figure skating she worked very hard. However, the profession of a dermatologist-venereologist has become purely applied in her life.

“But in my direct specialty, I worked for only six months. Then she left for an internship in Holland, and after returning from there, she went to Sochi, where she soon opened her first beauty salon.

This salon was located in the most expensive and luxurious hotel in Sochi, the Radisson SAS Lazurnaya.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that it was brought into show business from a beauty salon. It should be well understood that a beauty salon in Sochi is more than a salon, and Radisson SAS Lazurnaya is more than a hotel. Hardly any city in Russia can be compared with Sochi in terms of a developed entertainment industry and all kinds of services ... Many who knew her closely at that time still sigh sweetly when “Never, never let you go ...” comes from the speakers

It was then, in a semi-secular society of users of the VIP services of the "beauty salon", Yana Rudkovskaya began to be called Yanka the Inkwell. Not for passion literary creativity, and for the strange and almost mystical feature of leaving black marks on everything, no matter what she touches, writes Kompromat.Ru.

Yanka-Chernilnitsa met her future husband, millionaire Viktor Baturin, precisely in Sochi "at a football match between Spartak Moscow and the local Zhemchuzhina club, which at that time played in the big leagues and was sponsored by Viktor."

“... almost all the players of the Sochi Zhemchuzhina went to my salon - some to get a haircut, some to undergo certain health procedures. As a token of gratitude, the guys often invited me to their matches, always giving me an invitation ticket to the VIP zone, from where honored guests - the mayor of the city, the governor, sponsors - watched the fights ... It was there that Victor first saw me and paid attention. We met. For three years, arriving in Sochi, every time he came to my salon for procedures.

It is not enough to say that the marriage of Yana and Victor has become an excellent business alliance. The "young" exchanged not only wedding rings, but also a reputation. Rudkovskaya, for example, inherited from her husband an amazing ability to sue for any reason. In Sochi alone, almost all the objects purchased by Viktor were in different time under the courts. And, although Yana's scale at that time was not yet the same, she would have betrayed herself if she had not left a black mark in the famous hotel. The wife of a millionaire, for almost two years, dragged the general director of Radisson SAS "Lazurnaya" Boris Averyanov through the courts because of the missing hairdressing accessories, including combs ... The case reached the Supreme Arbitration Court.

While the “Comb Case” was gaining momentum, Yana was carrying out one of the main projects of her biography, injecting poison drop by drop into the relationship between her brother and sister Baturin. Of course, this "talent" is inherent in a great many women, but here we were talking about millions. Rudkovskaya got her way by quarreling close people and recapturing 50 percent of the shares of Inteko-Agro, as well as the Inteko business in Sochi, from her new relatives.

It was during the turbulent Sochi period of Yana Rudkovskaya's life that she first met with producer Yuri Aizenshpis and his singer Dima Bilan, who had already taken place by that time.

“I called Yuri Shmilevich and persuaded him to come to me with Dima for a lot of money. They flew in and stayed with me for three days. We became friends. And then on the set of the clips “You should be next to me” and “As I wanted”, I was already Dima's stylist.

“... From the very first day we met, Dimka somehow immediately became a member of my family. You know, my parents always raised me alone, but I always wanted to have a brother. And in the face of Dimka, I found him .. "

This touching style should cause delight among Dima's fans and tears from inexperienced old women. So an orphan writes about the sensitive and disinterested help of strangers.

And here is the official piece of Yana's biography, posted on the website of the international fan club of Dima Bilan:

“It so happened that before his death, Y. Sh. Aizenshpis asked Yana to accompany his ward to the Russian Music Awards 2005 ceremony, which was to be held the next day.

Naturally, Yana did not refuse Yuri Shmilevich, but she not only supported Dima at the ceremony, where he received two awards as best performer and as the best artist, but did not leave him in further activities.

Isn't it reminiscent of the description of the life of Mother Teresa.

But, even if you don’t pick up crafty words for Rudkovskaya’s tough and pragmatic actions, the fact remains that Aizenshnis’s acquaintance and cooperation with Yana turned out to be fatal for the famous producer. And whoever says anything about 12 years of imprisonment that undermined the health of Yuri Shmilyevich, it happened exactly when Yanka-Inkwell invaded his life and business. And just when she had her vital interest in this matter. Time will pass and the new producer will perform a ritual act on the ashes of his predecessor.

“On the anniversary of the death of Yuri Aizenshpis, Dimka and I went to his grave. I brought three Bilan's discs and said: "Yuri Shmilevich, I have something to show you."

One of the favorite questions of the obliging press: "But how do you Yana combine the chores of a stylist, caring for your beauty salons with show business." The answer today sounds categorical: “I now have one priority - Dima Bilan. I give him 80 percent of my time. Weren't these 80% just enough to get Bilan hooked on the "nonsense" again, from which, with incredible difficulty, the singer managed to keep Yuri Aizenshpis?

Often, on days of special celebrations, Rudkovskaya can be found in Sochi. As we already know South Capital occupies a special place in her biography. On January 2, on her birthday, she accepted gifts at the Sochi Park Hotel. In general, Yana is not one of those who coquettishly hides her age. Like, don't ask, I'm still a girl! Moreover, everyone knows: Yana is 32! However, her classmates, childhood friends, will never understand: how did it happen that all of them are already 39-40 years old, and Yanka is still barely over 30. This paradox should be looked for in one of the passport offices in Sochi. There, in the early 90s, with one stroke of the pen, Alla Rudkovskaya turned into Yana and dropped as many as 7 years!

Recently, prestigious awards have begun to pour on Yana's head. Recently, she became a laureate of the Moscow FashionTV People Awards in the nomination Fashion and Business. Lady".

Needless to say, there are no barriers for a true lady. The new target of Rudkovskaya is the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. Apparently, he is closest to that romantic period in Yana's life, when the fragile girl cut the ice at a small provincial skating rink and dreamed to tears of a career as a figure skater. However, everyone who saw Lady Rudkovskaya that day in Plushenko's company has every reason to believe that this is not just nostalgia. This is, if you like, the “mandatory program” of the Yankee Ink Machine. Today, rumors about the affair between Plushenko and Rudkovskaya are extremely stable.

The couple was photographed at the airport in Atlanta. Both behaved in such a way that from the outside it might seem that they were young spouses or lovers.

And, it would seem, quite recently, a Barnaul figure skater student said goodbye to her childhood dream of becoming a dermatovenereologist, so that through the thorny path of a Sochi business woman to enter the show business highway. It seems everything worked out. However, a little is missing. For extravagance and the good of the case, Yana Rudkovskaya recently applied to the party. What would you think? Wrong! To the LDPR! One of the oldest parties in Russia decided on a desperate experiment. Obviously, the lady is haunted by the laurels of Masha Malinovskaya. But here is the fate of the LDPR itself. Doesn't the sense of self-preservation, the intuition of the leader of all liberals, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, tell him that this innocent step could become fatal. On the political horizon, perhaps the most incredible intrigue is emerging recent years. But the choice has been made. The black mark already knows its addressee.

Any family union media personalities becomes the subject of public discussion. The popular representatives of show business Rudkovskaya and Plushenko were no exception, the age difference of which fuels additional interest. Moreover, each had a traditionally approved marriage behind them, which fell apart largely due to a fateful meeting with each other.

What kind of marriage is considered unequal?

A difference of seven years is considered quite acceptable, because spouses are representatives of the same generation, they can be connected by common ideas about life and common cultural values. But it only applies to men. If a older woman, such a marriage is immediately regarded as unequal. Rudkovskaya older than Plushenko, so it is important to understand what worries psychologists in such an alliance:

  • The slower development of men implies the need to choose a younger partner so that spouses can match each other.
  • Physiology limits the childbearing age of a woman, so the choice of a mature wife is unnatural.

If, however, this happens, then what are the reasons for this phenomenon? Scientists believe that the origins are in relationships young man with his mother: either from childhood he was deprived of maternal affection and care, or he faced an overly domineering character. In this case, he either seeks warmth and tenderness, or, with the help of a partner, tries to escape from maternal care. To better understand the situation, it is important to know how old Rudkovskaya and Plushenko are.

Age of the spouses

Eugene is a native Khabarovsk Territory, born on 11/03/1982. Pupil of the Volgograd school of figure skating, where he lived with three years. At eleven, he was forced to move to St. Petersburg in connection with the closure of the ice school. The coach liked the promising young man so much that he paid for his housing for three years so that a boy from an ordinary family could play his favorite sport. Having become independent early, the skater entered his first marriage at the age of 22, but he did not turn out to be strong.

Yana was born in Moscow in a military family on 01/02/1975. Her childhood and youth were spent in Barnaul, where her father was transferred on duty. The year of birth of Plushenko and Rudkovskaya allows us to determine the difference in age, which is seven years. By the time of her first marriage (2001), Yana, a dermatovenerologist by profession, already owned a network of beauty salons, turning into a real business woman.

Plushenko on the age difference

It is interesting to know what the spouses themselves say about the current situation and what they can object to psychologists. After all, everyone had a previous bad experience. An outstanding figure skater, married to the daughter of the richest St. Petersburg businessman who was two years younger than him, was faced with a complete unwillingness to create a family from his wife. The young woman did not have enough life wisdom, patience and understanding of the complexity of the character of a star husband.

Evgeni Plushenko believes that due to circumstances, being separated from his family at training camps and competitions for a long time, he grew up faster than his peers. Therefore, he does not consider Rudkovskaya much older and more experienced.

At the time of marriage (34 years old), the young woman was of childbearing age and did not make her husband wait long for an heir. In addition, she looks great, being one of the most stylish representatives domestic show business. Being the owner beauty salons in Moscow and Sochi, she carries half a suitcase of cosmetics with her and always appears in public in great shape. To prove to others how young a woman is at heart, she got on skates by taking part in the Star Ice show.

Rudkovskaya and Plushenko: the age difference through the eyes of Yana

The wife of the Olympic champion at the time of marriage was at a wonderful age, when a real taste of love wakes up in a woman. Her first husband Viktor Baturin, his wife's brother, was 18 years older. A desperate desire to preserve youth often pushes the fair sex into the arms of young partners, because the French are not in vain saying that a woman's age can be found by her lover's passport. At the same time, it is much easier for her to understand a man whose age periods are familiar firsthand. It is not difficult to adapt to a change in the mood of a partner that stimulates new round career development, education and childbirth.

Yana Rudkovskaya in all interviews declares that she can imagine her future without Evgeny, because it is impossible to keep a person near you against his will. There are many temptations in life, and no one is immune from parting. However, she is convinced that Plushenko's champion character is too tough for young girls who are not ready to show flexibility and tolerance.


For the first time, Rudkovskaya saw Plushenko on TV. He seemed to her a thin elf with a prominent nose on his face. She also thought that such a nose should prevent the guy from kissing. But he spotted her in Sochi. He and his friend were in a restaurant. At that time, the young man was vacationing in the south with his ex-girlfriend Ulyana Petrova. But they were not yet destined to meet. It all happened on January 13, 2007 at Trafalgar Square in London. Both Rudkovskaya and Plushenko remember this meeting very well. The age difference did not bother them for one simple reason - a spark ran between them, which is called by the people love at first sight.

At the end of the Russian Winter festival, Dima Bilan performed, whose producer Yana became after her death. Outstanding athletes at the same time held the Sochi-2014 action in London. Among them was Plushenko, who, through a mutual friend, expressed a desire to meet Rudkovskaya in order to discuss joint creative plans. One glance into Zhenya's eyes was enough for Yana to drown in them. And on the very first evening he proposed to her to become his girlfriend. And although at that time their marriages were bursting at the seams, both were not free. But there was a creative union of the Hungarian violinist Edwin Martin, who performed in the Plushenko ice show, the skater himself and Dima Bilan, who brought the latter victory at Eurovision a year later.

Similar Issues

The creative success of 2008 was accompanied by difficult divorce proceedings that Rudkovskaya and Plushenko experienced. The age difference did not prevent them from being in a similar situation. trying to expose his ex-wife as an immoral person, took his two sons and did not allow them to see their mother. During the showdown, the public became aware that the eldest son Andrei is the son of Baturin from a previous marriage with Yulia Saltovets, whom Yana adopted, but loved like her own. If Plushenko, after a divorce in February 2008, resigned himself to the fact that Maria Yermak did not allow him to see his son, to whom she gave her maiden name, then Yana fought like a tigress, experiencing a real nervous breakdown.

It seemed to her that their romance with Plushenko was doomed, because she could not give him the emotions that he was waiting for. Turning into a whining woman, obsessed with the only idea of ​​taking the children, she suddenly found understanding and support in his face. This situation brought them even closer, receiving an unexpected resolution after the ex-husband was arrested for financial fraud in 2011.

An offer of marriage

Evgeni Plushenko announced his intention to marry after Dima Bilan's brilliant victory at Eurovision. But the official engagement had to wait another six months. In early January 2009, a young woman celebrated her birthday in one of the capital's restaurants. To the song Et si tu n`existais pas performed by Pierre Narcisse, the outstanding figure skater made an offer to his lady of the heart, presenting a ring with a lemon diamond worth 160 thousand euros. On the date of three nines, the wedding day was set - 09/09/2009, for the happy Yana Rudkovskaya answered her lover: "Yes."


In fact, the wedding took place on the twelfth of September, as the athlete could not transfer the training process. It was a huge event. In an interview, Rudkovskaya admitted that her first wedding was very modest, and the bride did not even have wedding dress. But now there were two of them, and a diamond diadem, ordered from Switzerland, adorned her head. The newlyweds signed in the Kutuzovsky registry office in the presence of their closest relatives and witnesses: Lera Kudryavtseva and Nikolai Baskov. The main celebration was held at the Spa Hotel on Rublyovka, where 150 guests were present.

The cost of the celebration was about one million euros, but the main costs were covered by the sponsors. The wedding of Rudkovskaya and Plushenko was immediately ranked among the main events of the year, at which the entire beau monde gathered. The bride's bouquet was caught by Lera Kudryavtseva, but of the men, Andrey Malakhov turned out to be the lucky one. The main decoration of the table was a five-tiered cake two meters high, which was crowned with figurines of the bride and groom - exact copies newlyweds.

Yana's children

During the divorce from her ex-husband, Rudkovskaya held 221 court sessions, most of which concerned the place of residence of the children. In 2010, an agreement was signed under which the sons had to alternately live either with their mother or with their father. The woman went to this not to separate the children, because she could not take both of them for herself, not being Andrei's biological mother. After the arrest of Baturin, the boys began to live permanently in the Rudkovskaya family. At first they did not even call her mom, but a year later the situation changed. Now Andrei is 15, and Nikolai is 14 years old, they study in the same class. Andrei refused to live with his own mother after she claimed her rights to him.

After the birth of little Alexander in 2013, we can safely say that all three are the children of Plushenko and Rudkovskaya, because the outstanding figure skater turned out to be good father. Mom is grateful to him for introducing the boys to sports. Thanks to Evgeny, Nikolai lost 10 kg and was admitted to football team"Torpedo", which he so dreamed of. At the beginning of 2016, Viktor Baturin was released from prison. Despite the scandalous divorce, the relationship between former spouses quite friendly. The father recognized the right of his sons to live with his mother, maintaining a close relationship with them.

Evgeny's children

In addition to a joint child with Rudkovskaya, Plushenko has a son from his first marriage, Yegor Yermak. Largely thanks to Yana and her advice, he restored relations with his mother, who stopped interfering with the child's communication with his father. Egor is 10 years old, he permanently lives in St. Petersburg, where Plushenko has a country mansion. They see each other not only during the skater's visits to northern capital but also during holidays. Father teaching son to ride skiing. On the eve of the Olympics in Sochi, in which, after a three-year break, the athlete decided to participate, the family moved from Moscow to Rublyovka.

The house of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeny Plushenko is a thousand-meter three-story mansion, designed by Vladimir Revin. After his death, Yana herself completed the construction and furnished the house, showing an enviable talent for equipping life. A hockey rink has been built in the yard for older children, and the younger Sasha, or Dwarf Gnomych, as he is affectionately called in the family, is mastering the children's car park.

Living together

The strength of the family is tested in overcoming difficulties. At the Olympics in Sochi, everyone remembers the events when the skater, after winning the team event, was unable to continue the competition due to a back injury. The trouble happened during the warm-up, which did not allow replacing the declared participant. This caused a strong reaction from the public and ambiguous statements about the athlete. Being a nursing mother, Yana not only went to Israel to support her husband, who needed a serious operation, but also organized a video broadcast to defend the honor of an outstanding athlete of our time.

The answer to the question, how old are Rudkovskaya and Plushenko, is not so important, because when there is love, these are simple numbers. For almost seven years of their marital happiness, fans do not hide their admiration for this wonderful couple, who can serve as an example to follow.

Yana Aleksandrovna Rudkovskaya- TV presenter, music producer and manager of Dima Bilan and Evgeni Plushenko.


Yana Rudkovskaya was born on January 2, 1975 in Moscow. Yana spent her childhood in Barnaul, since her father, Alexander Evgenievich Rudkovsky, was a military pilot, coach of the Russian national sports team, and director of the Barnaul Air Force School. FROM early age Yana was engaged in music and figure skating, she loved to read books. If possible, the girl's parents went to Moscow, visited various exhibitions, museums and theaters, they wanted to instill in their daughter a good artistic taste. The Rudkovsky family rested mainly in Sochi in a sanatorium of the air force.

After school, Yana entered the Altai State medical institute, initially the girl wanted to apply for the specialty of a vascular surgeon, but after visiting Italy, she decided that she would become a cosmetologist. However, the institute initially did not have such a specialty, so Yana chose future profession a dermatologist-venereologist with a specialization in hardware and medical cosmetology, which later inspired Rudkovskaya to open her own beauty salon.

Career in the field of cosmetology and fashion

Yana Rudkovskaya with her sons

In 1998, Yana graduated from the institute, undergoes an internship in Holland and works in several Moscow cosmetology clinics. Once again, having gone to rest in Sochi, the girl stayed there. First, the young business woman rented an apartment, then rented a small room and opened her own salon, which she called the “French Beauty Studio”.

In 1998, a wave of crisis overtook Russia, but Yana's small salon worked at full capacity - mainly due to the use of new technologies and services, in particular, tattooing and injection procedures. Therefore, the entry to Yana was one month in advance. After a year of salon operation, Yana managed to return to her parents the money she borrowed as start-up capital and bought an apartment. From 1998 to 2001, the "French Beauty Studio" has been successfully developing and enjoying great popularity. In 2001, Yana buys the right to the world-famous brand "Franck Provost" in Russia, and a year later opens three salons of this chain. In 2004, Yana also managed to open a showroom for the Franck Provost brand in Moscow.

In 2003, Rudkovskaya organized the Grand La Scala Fashion Group fashion empire - a network of upscale boutiques that represent the famous brands Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Yves Saint Laurent", "Roberto Cavalli", "DsquareD2" and others.

Show business career

Yana Rudkovskaya with Dima Bilan

In 2004, Yana Rudkovskaya meets Dima Bilan (a young and little-known singer), who performs at her birthday party. And in 2005, a business woman offers Bilan to become the face of the Grand La Scala Fashion Group. It was with this contract that the cooperation between Rudkovskaya and the young artist began.

The first producer of Dima Bilan was Yuri Aizenspis, who died at the end of 2005. Before his death, he asked Yana to accompany Dima to the Russia Music Awards 2005 ceremony. Rudkovskaya supported Dmitry in further singing activities, at that moment the widow of Aizenshpis planned to extend cooperation with the young artist, but he refused and signed a contract with Yana. In addition to her singing career, Rudkovskaya, together with Bilan, registered the Dima Bilan trademark.

In 2006, Rudkovskaya accompanies Bilan to Eurovision, where the singer takes second place. Yana's victories do not end there, in 2007-2008 the musical column "Sound Track" in the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" recognizes Rudkovskaya as the producer of the year.

Yana Rudkovskaya with her husband Evgeni Plushenko

The peak of Yana's career as a business woman was the participation of Bilan, together with Evgeni Plushenko and virtuoso violinist Edwin Marton, at Eurovision 2008, where the artists were able to win first place. In the same year, Rudkovskaya is producing Alexa and Sabrina.

In addition to the work of the producer, Yana manages the show "STS lights up the superstar", and also starred in the series "Club" and in several Bilan's music videos. Rudkovskaya also launches the Naked Show-biz television project.

In March 2008, Yana becomes the face of the Climona brand and receives the Fashion-TV channel award in the Most Stylish Producer nomination. In April of the same year, a business woman is awarded the Golden Heel Award in the field of style, beauty and grace, and in May she receives the Diamond Hairpin Award in the Best Blonde of the Country nomination. According to "May Fashion" Rudkovskaya for three years in a row was among the "100 most beautiful people Moscow".

Personal life

At the beginning of 2000 Rudkovskaya marries businessman Viktor Baturin, who is 19 years older than Yana. During her marriage to Viktor Rudkovskaya, she gave birth to two sons, and also Baturin's child from his second marriage, Andrei, whom Yana loved as her own, lived in the family.

In 2007 family relationships are undergoing a crisis. As a result, the spouses begin a lengthy divorce process. In addition, a struggle for children began between Yana and Victor. For some time, Baturin hid the children from his mother, but in the end, the ex-spouses managed to agree on how communication with the children would be distributed, and when Viktor was under arrest, the children began to live with her.

During the preparation of Bilan for Eurovision 2008, Yana met Evgeni Plushenko. On September 12, 2009, Yana and Eugene got married, the wedding cost the spouses one million euros. The groom gave the bride an expensive gift - a ring in the form of a drop for 150 thousand euros. On the day of the wedding, Yana surprised the guests. At registration at the registry office, she wore a custom-made white dress by Cavalli, and she went out to the guests in a dress by Zuhair Murad. This outfit is the only one in the whole world, and weighs six kilograms. On January 6, 2013, Rudkovskaya gave birth to a son from Plushenko, who was named Alexander.


  • Star friends of Yana Rudkovskaya choose OLAY Total Effects, women's social network myJulia.ru

Today, one of the most successful and popular Russian business women is Yana Aleksandrovna Rudkovskaya. The biography of this woman is of interest to many. Career, family, children, personal achievements and failures - everything is carefully monitored by fans and just curious.

Yana's childhood and youth. The beginning of the way

On January 2, 1975, a girl, Yana, was born (the date of birth makes it easy to calculate how old Rudkovskaya is). Father - Alexander, a career officer (in the present - deputy head of the flight school and coach of the Russian national team in flying sports). Mother - Svetlana, doctor (now - doctor of medical sciences). After the birth of her daughter, her father was transferred to Barnaul, the center of Altai. Here Yana grew up and studied. Interestingly, Yana's schoolmates claim that her name was Alla in childhood.

In 2001, Yana and got married. Little Andryushka began to be brought up by a new mother. A year later, the couple had a common boy, Nikolai.

Scandalous divorce

A few years later, a complex scandalous separation of the famous couple began. Not only property claims were made by ex-wife Yana Rudkovskaya. children in this loud scandal played one of the key roles.

Former spouses could not divide their sons and agree on the role of each in their upbringing. In the struggle for the children, Rudkovskaya even received Yulia Saltovets, who unexpectedly reappeared in the arena, added fuel to the fire. She sobbed in front of the cameras, gave interviews, claiming that 10 years ago, Mr. Baturin took her blood by force. Baturin, Rudkovskaya and Saltovets vied with each other to say contradictory " honest truth"About each other. The case was widely covered by the media. The question of how the children felt during the proceedings, what consequences all these scandals would have for their children's psyche, remained without attention.

After a difficult trial in April 2008, Baturin and Rudkovskaya finally officially divorced. The biography of the star was replenished with a new event, and the wallet - with compensation "Baturin" millions.

P.S. How many years Rudkovskaya had to "suffer" being married to Baturin, her book "Confession of a" kept woman ", or So the steel was tempered" tells.

Married for the second time

Yana Rudkovskaya did not grieve for long after breaking up with her first husband. She almost immediately decided to tie the knot with the famous Russian figure skater, master of sports Evgeni Plushenko.

In the same 2008, the famous Plushenko, together with violinist Edwin Marton, participated in Dima Bilan's Believe at Eurovision. Bilan's song got 1st place. After the announcement of the results of the competition, Evgeni Plushenko (he is 7 years younger than his chosen one) made a marriage proposal to producer Yana Rudkovskaya. They got married on September 12, 2009.

The wedding of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko

The wedding of both stars turned out great. The official part took place in a narrow family circle at the Kutuzovsky registry office in Moscow. At this ceremony, Yana was wearing a Roberto Cavalli dress worth 50,000 euros.

The wedding feast was held on Rublyovka at the Barvikha Hotel & Spa. 150 guests had fun at the celebration - entirely the Moscow beau monde. The bride flaunted in a chic designer dress from fashion designer Zuhar Murabu, widely known in narrow circles. Lilac dress cost 100 thousand euros. Yana had a unique diamond crown on her head.

According to rumors, due to the crisis in the country, the young people squeezed in and kept within "only" 1.5 million euros. But everything was thought out by the pragmatic business lady Rudkovskaya. Her biography occupies the minds of very many, so it was decided to earn (about 1 million euros) by broadcasting and publishing articles about the wedding.

Family happiness

The second husband of Rudkovskaya literally blows dust off her. Yana herself in all interviews says how happy they are, that there are practically no quarrels, and how she tries to please her young spouse. The couple already has, in addition to joint business projects.

The most remarkable event in the Plushenko-Rudkovsky family was the birth of the wonderful boy Sasha on January 8, 2013, weighing 2 kg 800 g. Dad affectionately calls his son "little Plushenko" or "Dwarf Gnomych". The child has already been presented with miniature skates. Dima Bilan became the godfather.

Everyone currently lives with their mother and Evgeni Plushenko as one big happy family.

One of the first business women in Russia confirms the truth of the expression "a talented person is talented in everything." Run a multi-million dollar business, successfully produce, launch new high-rated show projects and at the same time be
a spectacular woman (which she succeeds, despite the fact that Yana's appearance is far from the canons of classical beauty), loving wife and caring mother. Ms. Rudkovskaya is trying to do everything. Biography of this modern woman Truly versatile and amazing.

Yana Rudkovskaya - Russian TV presenter and producer. Yana Alexandrovna Rudkovskaya was born on January 2, 1975 in the city of Kostanay, Kazakhstan. Alexander Evgenievich, Yana's father, was a military pilot, director of the Altai Higher Air Force School. Svetlana Nikolaevna, the mother of the future TV presenter, worked as a neurologist, candidate of medical sciences.

After the birth of his daughter, the head of the family was transferred for further military service in the city of Barnaul. In this small Siberian city, the childhood of a celebrity passed. As a child, the future star read a lot, was engaged in figure skating and music.

After graduating from school with a silver medal (with one four in physics), a girl needed to pass only one exam to enter a university. Thanks to this, the applicant submitted documents immediately at 3 educational institutions to different faculties: to the faculty foreign languages, the Faculty of Law, and medical University. As a result, the future producer went everywhere, but on the advice of her mother, she chose medicine.

Yana received her higher education as a dermatovenereologist. A wide range of mastered specialties indicates a serious approach to obtaining higher education. The former student had an internship in Holland.


The knowledge that Yana received at the university was a good start to the opening own business. In 1998, changes occurred in the biography of Yana Rudkovskaya - the girl became the founder of a network of beauty salons. Success accompanied the enterprising woman in her endeavors, and already in 2001 she could afford to buy the right to use the international brand of beauty salons Franck Provost in Russia. Gradually branches appeared in other parts of the country.

Help in opening the first large business of Rudkovskaya was provided by her first husband, a businessman. Nevertheless, the very idea of ​​​​opening a network of beauty salons on the Black Sea coast of Russia, focusing on popular resort places, belonged to Yana. The girl noticed that every summer, wealthy clients visit Sochi, Adler and Anapa, but at the same time they do not find an adequate offer in the resorts in the provision of services in beauty salons, although it is among vacationing women that such services are most in demand. Therefore, the idea was doomed to success.

In 2004, Yana was recognized as the only female beauty entrepreneur in southern Russia. A year earlier, in addition to a network of beauty salons, a woman created her own empire of stylish clothing stores.

Show Business

Since 2005, Yana decided to change her main field of activity. At that time, Rudkovskaya's business empire reached a stable mode of operation and did not require constant intervention for manual control. The businesswoman had a lot of free time, which she used for personal development in new directions.

The first singer with whom Yana started working was. This talented guy has long shown great promise as a future pop star. The producer decided to help the novice performer achieve success. This collaboration soon made Bilan the winner of the prestigious music competition Eurovision, and Dima himself became a popular performer in the CIS countries. Today, Bilan's songs are familiar to music lovers in many European countries.

The work of Bilan and Rudkovskaya began with the fact that a successful businesswoman met a well-known Russian producer. Yuri just started working with Dima and was not averse to finding a sponsor for him who would help the young talent in promotion. Unfortunately, the eminent producer himself died in the same 2005.

Already in 2008, the Bilan-Rudkovskaya tandem achieved enchanting success. Dima becomes a candidate from Russia for the prestigious European contest "Eurovision-2008". But, as it turned out, this was only the beginning of a joint triumph. Bilan managed, with the help of the world famous Olympic figure skater and violinist Edwin Marton, to achieve 1st place in this competition. In Russia, success was perceived as a common achievement, which became a reason for the pride of the whole country.

On the wave of success, the producer launches his own musical show on the STS channel called "STS Lights a Super Star". In the future, Yana became a producer of Sabrina, famous Russian singers. During the production activities, Rudkovskaya had a chance to appear in the videos of Dima Bilan, already Russian star first scale.

In 2007, Yana had a chance to host the television program Naked Showbiz on MTV. Rudkovskaya acted as the organizer of the TV project.

In 2008, awards rained down on the singer, which was the result of work over the past 3 years. First of all, Yana was awarded the Sound Track award, calling her the best producer of the year. Also, the award was given to the producer by the Fashion TV channel, which appreciated the invariable sense of style of the “star firer”.

At the end of 2008, Yana Rudkovskaya, together with Ruslan Goncharov, took part in a project called Star Ice, broadcast on the Russia TV channel.

In 2009, the book by Yana Rudkovskaya "Confession of a kept woman, or how the steel was tempered" was published.

The producer is trying to use recognition and fame to help talented youth. Rudkovskaya is lobbying for developing programs for young people at the level of relevant committees State Duma Russian Federation. The celebrity considers the main goal in the field of show business to be the comprehensive promotion of the Dima Bilan brand in the West. The dream of Yana Alexandrovna is that the Russian performer will one day receive the prestigious Grammy award.

The name of the TV presenter is also associated with charity. Rudkovskaya provides support to orphans, helps charitable foundations"Dolphin", "Northern Crown" and "Hurry to do good!" also participate in a charity auction held by the radio station "Silver Rain".

Yana Rudkovskaya is the founder of the Academy of Film and Show Business STARS.

Since 2012, Yana Rudkovskaya on the MUZ-TV channel has become the leading music chart "Children's Ten with Yana Rudkovskaya". As a result of the program, Yana established the Children's Music Award Kinder MUZ Awards, the nominees and laureates of which receive the famous MUZ-TV cymbals in a reduced, children's version.

Together with Rudkovskaya, Dina Baru, Alena Krymskaya, Max Gapich, Suren Platonov, Christina and Madonna Abramov became the leaders of the chart.

Personal life

Barnaul businessman Evgeny Mukhin is the first common-law husband of Yana Rudkovskaya. Yana lived with him in Sochi. Moving to this city was fatal for the couple's relationship: here the woman met her next husband, Viktor Baturin.

It is known that Rudkovskaya and Baturin met at a football match. It happened in 2001, the marriage of Victor and Yana lasted until 2008. The couple raised two sons - Nikolai and Andrey. In 2011, Yana Rudkovskaya admitted that Andrei was her adopted son, who was born by Baturin's previous wife. The producer stressed that she considers both boys to be relatives.

After scandalous divorce with Baturin, the Russian athlete, Olympic figure skating champion Evgeni Plushenko became the new husband of Rudkovskaya. Yana married him in September 2009, and 2 years later the couple married Alexander.

Stylish and beautiful producer is always in sight. Rudkovskaya carefully monitors her figure and physical data (Yana's height is 168 cm, weight is 48 kg). Fans commenting appearance stars have repeatedly stated that the TV presenter ideal forms, and celebrity dresses only add beauty to her and emphasize her figure.

Yana Rudkovskaya now

In December 2016, Yana Rudkovskaya shared with subscribers on the network Instagram video tour of own house. Fans of the star admired the sense of style of the idol.

In March 2017, Yana Rudkovskaya visited the Secret to a Million program. With the host of the TV show, the producer talked about family life, plans for the future, and also talked about the secrets of the past.

In 2017, the celebrity became a guest of the first edition of the show "Alena, damn it!" Super project. In an interview, Yana Rudkovskaya spoke about the "confrontation" with Russian politician.

Earlier, the oppositionist commented on an excerpt from an interview with Rudkovskaya for Forbes magazine, in which the TV presenter discussed the reasons for the conflict between Alexei Navalny and the billionaire. Rudkovskaya sided with the latter, saying that the entrepreneur is supported by "all her drivers, teachers and housekeepers." Yana continued the thought in an interview with Super.

“I am a businessman, I brought Eurovision to Russia. My husband is a four-time Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko. And who is Alexei Navalny?” asked Rudkovskaya.

According to the TV presenter, "Navalny's goal is to destroy Russia, so she wants to live in the era of Usmanov." Rudkovskaya also said that she had strong doubts about the support of Navalny by Russian voters.

“He wrote to himself: “If you are not the housekeeper of Yana Rudkovskaya, go to the rally on June 12.” And by what right does he put people below himself, divides them into professions, statuses? I asked my housekeepers, drivers and staff about their attitude towards Alexei after that, and you know what they told me? What if Navalny continues to treat people like this, hardly anyone will vote for him, ”Yana Rudkovskaya said in an interview.

The producer also said that in the future she is ready to try her hand at politics.

June 2017 Russian artist stage made fun of the luxurious life of Yana Rudkovskaya in Instagram. While staying at a rented villa in Jurmala, humorist Galkin made a parody of what is happening with colleagues in show business on Instagram. On the social network, the artist commented on the breakfasts of the TV presenter by posting a new video called “Star Breakfast. Dedicated to Yana Rudkovskaya and other Instagram aristocrats.

Soon followed by a reaction from Yana herself. Rudkovskaya really introduces subscribers to what her morning table looks like: fresh flowers, silverware and a nutritious diet.

Yana Rudkovskaya replied to Maxim Galkin's post by attaching a photo of her breakfast.

Yana Rudkovskaya continues to lead projects on TV. On the celebrity's official website, fans have the opportunity to learn about the creative plans of the idol.


  • Nude Show-biz
  • STS lights up a super star
  • Academy of Film and Show Business STARS
  • Children's ten with Yana Rudkovskaya
  • Kinder Muz Awards
  • Children against the end of the world
