Ecological entertainment in the senior group. Leisure time for environmental education “Journey to the forest”

Irina Alekseevna Ponomareva

Target: Upbringing ecological culture.


1) Consolidate children’s knowledge about nature, about careful and caring attitude towards nature.

2) Develop Creative skills children, the ingenuity and intelligence of children, their erudition.

3) Raise love in children and careful attitude To nature, the ability to see and respond to beauty in natural surroundings.


Letter; flower with tasks; schematic maps "Reminder signs"; mugs of yellow, green, white, red colors; medals; cards "What was what"; audio recording of a song for a musical break.

Progress of entertainment:

(Children are on the playground).

1. Surprise moment.

Educator: Guys, I received a letter this morning. Let's see? (Takes the envelope and reads.)

“Hello, dear children of Romashka kindergarten. I am Fairy Nature. I heard that you are good, smart children, I really want to get to know you better and invite you to visit me. In my natural there is a club of amateurs in the state nature. Do you want to visit there? But to do this you must pass the test. Aren't you afraid?"

Educator: Now I will say magic words, and you perform all the movements and immediately find yourself in a magical forest...

We got up... We got ready... We closed our eyes...

IN Kingdom of Nature is easy to get to,

You don't have to go far.

Close your eyes and take a step

Now let's clap our hands So:

One clap, another clap -

And now a haystack is visible,

And now the field is heading

The wheat is noisy and agitated,

The skies are blue above her,

Open your eyes quickly.

Educator: Here we are in the Fairy State Nature. Where is she herself? Let's look for her. Oh, look at the magical flower - Tsvetik-Semitsvetik. He fulfills every wish. Guys, there is something on the petals. Yes, these are tasks. Let's read it.

2. Tasks of the flower - seven flowers.

Red petal. "Name the artist".

Children, take the cards. Everyone will receive one color. Now I will read lines of poetry, and you must raise the card. If the poem is about winter, you should raise a white square, about spring - green, about summer - red, about autumn - yellow. Be careful.

Four artists

as many paintings.

Painted it with white paint

All in a row one.

The forest and field are white,

White meadows,

Near the snow-covered aspens

Branches like horns... (Winter, (white)

The second one is blue

Sky and streams.

Splashing in blue puddles

A flock of sparrows.

Transparent in the snow

Ice floes - lace.

The first thawed patches,

First grass (Spring, (green)

In the picture of the third

Countless colors:

Yellow, green, blue are available.

Forest and field in greenery,

Blue River,

White fluffy

There are clouds in the sky (Summer, (red)

And the fourth is gold

Painted the gardens

The fields are productive,

Ripe fruits...

There are beads everywhere - berries

They ripen through the forests,

Who is that artist?

Guess yourself! (Autumn, (yellow)

Educator: Well done! You know the seasons well. What's on the orange petal?

Orange petal. Game "Who (how) was, who (how) became".

Children are divided into two teams. Captains receive cards of a certain color. On back side picture.

Educator: You must confer and lay out the chain. What it was and what it became. Or who he was and who he became.

Egg - fry - fish.

Egg - Chicken - chicken.

Seed – sprout – plant (dandelion).

Acorn - sprout - oak.

Educator: Well done, you completed the task. Let's see what's on the yellow petal.

Yellow petal.

Educator: Now we will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play with you game: "If I come to the woods". I will tell you my actions, and you will answer if I act well, we say "Yes", if it’s bad, then we all scream together "No"!

If I come to the woods

And pick a chamomile? (No)

If I eat candy, pie

And throw away the paper? (No)

If a piece of bread

Shall I leave it on the stump? (Yes)

If I tie a branch,

Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)

If I'll make a fire,

Won't I put it out? (No)

If I mess up too much

And forget to remove it? (No)

If I take care of the forest,

Am I cleaning up the trash? (Yes)

I love my nature,

I'm helping her! (Yes)

Educator: Well done!

Green petal. Physical education minute.

(Children perform movements to the music.)

Let's see what task is on the blue petal.

Blue petal.

Educator: And here, guys, are questions about how you would act in a given situation.

– Lyosha found a nest with warbler eggs in the grass. He really liked the small testicles. He wanted to take them home. And the warbler circled above them and screamed. What is the right thing to do for Alyosha?

(children's answers)

Poem: (Vania)

A nest on a branch is a bird's house.

Yesterday a chick was born in it.

Don't ruin this house

And don't let anyone!

– The children came with the teacher to a forest clearing. And in amazement stopped: “So many flowers! Kupava, daisies, bells. Let’s pick big bouquets of flowers,” the children suggested. And the teacher said... What did the teacher say?

(children's answers)

Poem: (Seryozha)

Flower in the meadow

I broke it while running.

I tore it off, but why?

I can't explain.

It stood in the glass for a day and withered.

How long would he stand in the meadow?

– On Sunday I decided to go to the lake. Two boys were walking along the path in front of me. Suddenly they saw a small frog in the grass. “Let’s take her with us so she doesn’t get lost.”- said one boy. “Don’t touch it, the frog will find its own way.”- said another. Which boy was right?

(children's answers)

Poem: (Lisa)

By the soft swamp hummock,

Under a green leaf

The jumper is hiding,

Bug-eyed frog.

She won't be able to live at home

It’s better to help the forest.

– Andryusha found a hedgehog in the forest and decided to give it to his girlfriend Nastya. But Nastya said: “Please let him go!”"Never! I know that some people catch hedgehogs and bring them home, give them milk, feed them candy,” Andryusha answered. “Only cruel people do this. Hedgehogs cannot live in captivity and often die!” Why did Nastya say that?

(children's answers)

Poem: (Alina)

Don't take the hedgehog with you

Send him home.

The hedgehog is even the stupidest

He wants to live with his hedgehog mother.

Children explain what is the right thing to do in a given situation. The child recites the corresponding poem and displays "reminiscent sign".

Others are exhibiting "Reminder Signs". Children answer what they mean.

Educator: Well done! You must be a friend to all living things and behave correctly in the forest.

(Nastya P.)

Tree, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet.

Educator: You know everything, well done. What's on the blue petal?

Blue petal. "Clear the road".

Relay race underway “Whose team will clean up the trash faster?”.

Hooligans visited here recently. They don’t know the rules of behavior in the forest, see how they littered? You need to help the forest clear the clearing from debris. Whose team completes this task the fastest will find a message from the Fairy nature.

Children carry on command "garbage" from the hoop into the basket, they find an envelope with pictures. It's encoded there proverb:

There is a lot of forest - don’t cut it down,

There are few forests - take care,

There is no forest - plant it! (Sasha)

Educator: And now the purple petal.

7. Purple petal.

Blitz – questions for young experts nature.

The teacher takes turns asking questions to the team captains.

Educator: We respond quickly.

– Who carries the house? (Snail)

- Not a bird, but with wings. (Butterfly)

-What animal has a bush on its head? (Elk)

– Where do insects disappear when winter comes?

– List coniferous trees. (Pine, spruce, cedar, larch, fir)

– What animals hibernate? (Badger, bear, hedgehog, gopher, hamster)

– What animals change color for the winter. (Hare, squirrel)

– What bird doesn’t build nests and hatch chicks? (Cuckoo)

- What kind of bird is it called? "forest doctor"? (Woodpecker)

– What animal is called "ship of the desert"? (Camel)

– Without what can a plant not grow? (Light, water, heat).

Fairy Appears Nature.

Fairy Nature: Guys, you are real friends and experts nature. I am happy to welcome you to "Amateur Club" nature» and I reward you with well-deserved medals.

Educator: Now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's hold hands, friends, and go along the forest path to our home.

Here we are in kindergarten. Did you like the lesson? What did you like? What do you remember?

Let's take some crayons and draw what we like.

Entertainment scenario in senior group"A Trip to the Woods"

Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna, music director of the preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 127 “Northern Fairy Tale”, Petrozavodsk

Description of material: scenario for entertainment on ecology in the senior group. The material may be of interest to music directors and teachers.
form ecological culture children; to instill in children a love of nature, to formulate rules for environmentally savvy interaction with environment;

Children enter the hall.
Leading: guys, let's go on a train trip. Stand up one after another.
(children get into the train and move around the hall to the music)

"Blue carriage"

Leading: where do you think we ended up?...

(background of birdsong sounds)

Leading: That's right, you and I have arrived in the forest. Let's listen to the birds singing. You can sit down.

(listen to birds singing)
(music plays, a tourist comes in with a player and a backpack. He walks and looks at everything. He takes out a candy, eats it and throws the candy wrapper into the “lake.”)

Leading: Hello.

Tourist: Hello. Who are you and what are you doing here?

Leading: We are children from kindergarten, we came by train to the forest to relax, enjoy the sounds and beauty of the forest.

And I'm a tourist, I'm also on vacation, (takes out a chocolate bar, eats it, throws away the wrapper)

Leading: what are you doing. Is it possible to litter in the forest? After all, different animals live here, this is their home.

Tourist: Just think, where should I throw the trash?

Leading: guys, tell me what a tourist should do in this case..

(children's answers... You need to collect all the garbage after yourself and throw it away in a place specially designated for garbage

Leading: So you throw out candy wrappers, and you can make a lot of interesting things out of them. Look what wonderful butterflies can be made from candy wrappers. And now we will dance with them.

Dance with butterflies.

Tourist: Well, okay, I understand everything about garbage and candy wrappers. (scratching the back of his head, pretending to be looking for something... finds sticks, makes a fire out of them, takes matches from his backpack, tries to make a fire...)
Leading: wait, why do you need a fire in the forest?

Tourist: why, why... how curious you are... I just wanted to and will find out...
Leading: Do you know that making fires in the forest is dangerous?

Tourist: why is it dangerous?

Leading: children, do you know why it is dangerous to make fires in the forest?

(children's answers - there may be a fire, many trees will burn, animals, birds, insects will die...)

Tourist: how boring you are... This is impossible... this is impossible!...

Yes, we are not boring at all. Better look at what we know Interesting games with chopsticks.

Rhythmic exercises with sticks.
Leading: What interesting things do you have in your big backpack?

Tourist: I will show you now. Want to?

(the tourist pours out all the contents: fishing rod, bottle, toy, spoons, plates, compass....)

Leading: guys, do you think all these things are needed for a tourist to walk through the forest? (children's answers)
Game “Pack a backpack for a tourist”
Leading:(addressing a tourist) do you have a fishing rod in your backpack? So you wanted to fish?

Well, you can catch fish!

Leading: but we saw you throw the garbage into the river. Will fish live there if it is clogged?
Children, what do you think? (Under no circumstances should you throw garbage into lakes and rivers).

Leading: Let's clean up the river, collect trash, and then fish.
(children collect all the garbage in a garbage bag).

Then the game is played
"Catch some fish"
Leading:(draws the children's attention to the newspapers)
Look, we didn't collect all the garbage in the forest. Let's completely restore order in this part of the forest. To make it more fun, let's turn cleaning into a game.

Game “Hit the newspaper into the bucket”»
(children are divided into 2 teams. The team stands in front of the bucket. They take a sheet of newspaper one at a time, crumple it and throw it away, ending up in the bucket)

Leading: look, is everything in order now? (Yes)

Well, tourist. I think our children taught you the rules of behavior in nature.

Tourist: Yes, I will try to behave correctly.

Leading: Now I will check how you know all the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play with you game "If I come to the woods."

I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I act well, we say “yes”, if bad, then we all shout “no” together!

If I come to the woods
And pick a chamomile? (No)

If I eat a pie
And throw away the paper? (No)

If a piece of bread
Shall I leave it on the stump? (Yes)

If I tie a branch,
Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)

If I light a fire,
Won't I put it out? (No)

If I mess up too much
And I’ll forget to remove it. (No)

If I take out the trash,
Shall I bury the jar? (Yes)

I love my nature
I'm helping her! (Yes)
(during the game, the tourist carefully monitors the children’s answers and is surprised at how much they know)

Leading: Yes, I see you know all the rules, well done. And you, a tourist, now know how to behave in nature. Our journey is coming to an end. Let's give each other a smile and sing a song about it.

Song "Smile".

Leading: And now we get on the train again, it’s time to go home. Tourist, do you want to come with us? Then take a seat, let's go.
(They ride on an imaginary train to the music “Blue Carriage.”)
Leading: Here we are at home.


- systematize and deepen ideas about phenomena and objects of living and inanimate nature as factors of environmental well-being;

— generalize knowledge of natural history and environmental protection, form the foundations of planetary environmental consciousness;

- give ideas about the elements: fire, water, air, earth;

- consolidate knowledge about the habitat of animals and birds of our planet;

- the ability to find the place of sound in a word;

— develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions;

— to cultivate love, kindness and a sensitive attitude towards all living things.

Preliminary work:

— familiarization with works about nature (E. Charushin, M. Prishvin, G. Skrebitsky, G. Snegirev, A. Onegov, A. Tumbasov, I. Bunin);

— observations of nature and weather, birds and insects of the city;

- use of pictures about animals;

— familiarization with the globe;

artistic work(crafts - origami);

— memorization of poems (A. Pleshcheev, E. Trutnev, I. Surikov, S. Marshak, Y. Akim, I. Petrosyan);

— conducting classes on the topics “The Planet is Our Home”, “Inanimate Nature”.

The audio recording “Sounds of Nature” is played. Children and their teacher stand in a circle. The teacher has a ball in his hands and passes it to each other. At the same time, they pronounce words from I. Petrosyan’s poem “Our dear home, our common home.”

Our native home, our common home -

The land where you and I live!

Just look around!

Here is a river, there is a green meadow.

You can't get through the dense forest.

You won't find water in the desert.

And somewhere there is a mountain of snow,

And somewhere it’s hot in winter...

We can’t count all the miracles,

They have one name:

Forests, and mountains, and seas,

Everything is called Earth.

And if you fly into space,

That from the rocket window

You'll see a blue ball there -

Favorite planet!

Educator. Guys, what is this poem about?

The children answer.

That's right, about the world that surrounds us. Makes a riddle.

Stands on one leg

Twists, turns his head,

Shows us countries

Rivers, mountains, oceans. (Globe.)

If the children find it difficult, the teacher shows the answer.

What colors do you see on the globe?

Children. Blue, brown, yellow.

Educator. What color is there the most on the globe?

Children. Blue.

Educator. What do you think the blue color on the globe means?

Children. This color indicates oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes. Educator. That's right, we can say that it's all water. Raise your hand, who of you has been to the sea? Lower it. What does sea water taste like? And in the river?

The children answer.

And you can also say that it is fresh.

Which water is more on Earth: fresh or salt? (Shows seas, rivers, lakes on the globe.)

Children. There is more salt water on Earth.

Educator. What is indicated on the globe in brown or yellow?

Children. Earth, deserts, mountains.

Educator. Yes, this is land, i.e. hard surface. What does the color green on the globe mean?

Children. Green color stands for forest.

The children, together with the teacher, approach the panorama that they made in advance.

Educator. Which one of you will show the sky? Why is this sky?

Children. Clouds are flying, they are above, and the sky is transparent.

Educator. Who will show the land? Why did you decide that this is land?

1st child. It is yellow, brown, green; trees grow on it, etc.

Educator. Who will show the water? Why is it water?

2nd child. She is blue.

Educator. Who will show the fire?

Well done, right. How did you guess?

3rd child. There is hot lava inside the volcano.

Educator. Guys, in our panorama four elements are clearly visible: fire, water, air, earth.

The game “Find Your Element” is played.

The teacher has four pictures of the elements (Earth - field, air - sky in the clouds; water - sea; fire - sun). These paintings should be shown to the children and asked what element is depicted in the painting. They are laid out on four tables (according to the elements).

On a separate table, face down, there are small pictures belonging to the four elements (mountains, sky, pond, meadow, fountain, forest, desert, flying birds, sea, candle, smoke, volcano, lightning). The teacher names the sounds, if the child’s name has this sound, he takes one picture, examines it and puts it on the table with the desired element.

The game ends when all the children have found their element. Then they go on a tour and check whether the pictures are in the right place.

A parcel is brought into the group. She's from the North Pole.

Guys, do you want to see what's in the package?

The children answer. The teacher looks inside and says that there are origami figures and a letter from polar bears. (Reads it.) “Hello, dear children! Our friends, the birds, told us that you love the Earth and know a lot about nature. We would like to ask you to fulfill one of our requests: please resettle our friends in the elements in which they live in the wild. We know that there is a suitable place in your group. But we have a condition: do it yourself, without talking or giving advice.

Children take out one figurine from the box - origami animals, fish and attach them to the panorama of the Earth.

Before completing the task, the teacher asks each child which figurine he got. Then he reminds you of the conditions of the game. The game ends when all the animals are in their appropriate places.

And what element does not have its inhabitants?

Children. Fire has no inhabitants.

Educator. Why do you think?

Children. You can get burned.

Educator. That's right, there is no life in fire. Which element was the most populated?

Children. Oceans and seas.

Educator. Where does the person live?

Children. On the ground.

Educator. Which animals live closer to humans?

Children. Dog Cat.

Educator. Why?

Children. They are pets and need care.

Educator. What animals avoid meeting people?

Children. Wild.

Educator. Who do you think is responsible for life on Earth?

Children. Human.

Educator. Why?

Children. He has intelligence, he has the greatest capabilities.

Educator. That's right, a person can argue with nature and even develop new varieties of plants and breeds of animals.

He was given everything: light, heat, fire, minerals. However, you cannot use this thoughtlessly. It is necessary to ensure that balance and harmony are preserved in nature, peace between its inhabitants. How do you think a person can thank nature for the gifts that he enjoys?

The children answer.

That's right, and we can also decorate the world and the Earth. Decorate it with paper flowers.

Children do the work independently, according to the scheme.

Well done, you tried very hard. Look how beautiful our Earth has become. What wonderful flowers have bloomed.

Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world,

Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,

We won’t let anyone offend her!

Ecological outdoor entertainment for children of the senior group "We are guests in the forest"

Target: Environmental education of children.

Tasks: Improve environmental knowledge.

Cultivate a friendly and caring attitude towards all living things.

Give children the joy of participating in the holiday.

Equipment: scarves of green and blue color(knit in advance in a group), rope, garbage bags, “garbage” (branches, paper, plastic bottles), 4 baskets with pasted images of paper and plastic bottles, blue and yellow color, 2 hoops, cones, pencil gifts.


Educator: Guys, today we will go for a walk in the forest. To find yourself there, let's close your eyes and imagine - birds are chirping, songs are singing, the wind caresses your face, plays with your hair, the trees rustle their leaves. (At this time, garbage is scattered and Leshy appears)

Turn around yourself and find yourself in the forest!!!

The goblin sits on a tree stump and cries.

Q: Oh, why are you crying, who are you?

Leshy: I am Leshy, guardian of the forest. Today people came again, look what they turned my property into... There is garbage all around, bottles, broken branches, destroyed nests...

What did you come with? Have they come to destroy the forest too?

B: No, we came for a walk in the forest, listen to the birds singing, and breathe fresh air.

Children know how to behave in nature.

L: Really? I can't believe it. After all, a lot of people do this. It’s interesting to hear what you know about the rules of conduct.

(Children's answers)

Q: Don’t worry, the children won’t harm the forest. They are ready to help clean up and put everything in order.

L: They are small, and probably weak. There's a lot of work here.

Q: And we will show how children tug of war.

Game "Tug of War"

Children are divided into 2 teams based on the color of their scarves and, at the teacher’s signal, they perform a tug of war

L: I see that they are strong, and you know the rules of behavior in the forest. I think we can hire you as an assistant. We will clean up the trash. Hold the bags and carefully collect everything and put the clearing in order.

Well done.

Did you know that it is customary to sort garbage before throwing it away? Paper, plastic, food waste, everything is thrown away separately. Why do you think they do this?

(Children's answers)

Q: Let's play a game called "Sort out the trash"

We divide into 2 teams according to the color of the scarves. Each team has 2 baskets in front of them. One shows paper, the other - plastic bottle. The team lines up over the line, the participant takes a blue and a yellow ball, tries to get the blue one into a basket with paper, and the yellow one into a basket with plastic. The winner is determined by counting the correctly sorted balls in the basket.

L: We did the job well. Don't forget why you need to sort garbage.

Q: Oh, look, some trees don’t have bark...

L: Ehhh... Now the tree will wither and get sick.

Q: Do you think we need trees?

L: Let me ask you questions, and you answer me. Let's see what you know about the forest.

What is the forest for? ( fresh air, paper, Construction Materials)

Are the trees alive or not? Why? (breathe, grow)

What trees need to be cut down in the forest? (sick)

Why do trees get sick? (harmful insects have settled)

Who heals trees? (Woodpecker)

How can you help birds? (hang feeders, birdhouses)

Well done

Q: What do you think animals eat in winter? (make supplies in the fall)

Let's play the game "Gathering supplies"

We divide into 2 teams. In front of each team there is a hoop, with cones scattered around. You need to collect the cones inside the hoop. The team that scores wins greatest number cones.

L: Well done guys! It's time for me to go, there is a lot of work in the forest. It was nice to meet you.

Thank you for helping me clean my house. Never forget the rules of behavior in nature, take care of the forest and remember - HERE, IN THE FOREST, YOU ARE GUESTS!!!

And these are souvenirs for you - pencils. Draw and don't forget what they are made of!


Q: Goodbye, Leshy. Well, it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Tasks. Create a joyful mood, develop a desire to participate in joint events. Expand children’s ideas about the forest and its inhabitants, form elements of environmental consciousness; develop cognitive activity, enrich lexicon children; cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: red and green circles according to the number of children; games: “Good-Bad”, “Whose House”; phonogram “Sounds of the forest”; pictures: sun, clouds, flowers, birds, voluminous Christmas trees, trees for decorating the hall; “Friends of the Forest” medals based on the number of children; basket with cookies in the shape of mushrooms.

Integration educational areas : social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, physical development.

Preliminary work: conversation about the forest, about wild animals; viewing the album “Rules of Conduct in Nature”, the poster “Who Needs Trees in the Forest”; learning logorhythmics “We are walking along a forest road.”

Characters: presenter, old man - Lesovik (adults).

Progress of entertainment.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a circle, they are met by the presenter.

Presenter. I'll look at your faces, who should I make friends with here? Who are you? Addresses children.

Children. I am Nikita, I am Katya...

Presenter. Hello dear children, you are the most beautiful in the world! I invite you to a forest walk. Guys, the forest is native home for plants, birds, animals.

He who respects the forest does not harm plants,

He helps the animals; he is a welcome guest in the forest.

That a true friend forests. Today we will find out whether you are real friends of the forest or not. But before we go into the forest, let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest.

Game "Ecological traffic light". The teacher names the actions, the children answer: “you can”, “you can’t” and raise a green or red circle.

Break branches; leave behind garbage; destroy nests and anthills; tumble in the grass; picking berries; destroy poisonous mushrooms; light fires; rest on a stump.

Presenter. Now you can go for a walk in the forest.

Logorhythmics “We are walking along a forest road”The phonogram “Sounds of the Forest” plays, children walk in a circle, say words and perform movements:

We are walking along a forest road, ( normal walking) There are a lot of interesting things here

Let's go along the path into the forest,

Miracles in the forest all around: ( place your palms on your cheeks and shake your head)

Here is a mushroom growing under the tree, ( fold your hands over your head like a hat)

The mountain ash is burning with flame, ( "flashlights" for four counts)

The squirrel jumps, hops, hops, ( jumping)

And the nuts click and click . (claps hands)

Quiet, quiet, don't make noise, ( put your finger to your lips)

Follow the path into the forest; ( walking on toes)

We are all friends of the forest, you can’t offend your friends!

Presenter. Guys, here we are autumn forest. I see everyone is in a wonderful mood.

An old forester appears.

Presenter. Who are you grandfather?

Lesovik. It’s me, an old man in the forest, called Lesovik.

I guard this forest, I keep order here.

Presenter. Hello, Lesovik!

Lesovik. Hello children! Why did you come?

Presenter. The guys and I came to the forest for a walk.

Lesovik. I know how you walk. You trample flowers, you offend insects, you scare animals. I won't let you into the forest!

Presenter. Forester, our children love the forest and know the rules of behavior in the forest.

Lesovik. Well, if so, welcome to the forest. And I have prepared various tasks for you, now we will find out what you know about animals and plants.

1. Task “Say it in one word”

Wolf, fox, bear, hare - these are...animals.

Birch, pine, oak, rowan are...trees.

Sparrow, tit, woodpecker, crow are...birds.

Strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries are... berries.

A butterfly, a mosquito, a dragonfly, a fly – these are...insects.

Chamomile, rose, tulip, poppy are... flowers.

2. Task “Riddles about animals”

1. I wear a fluffy fur coat and live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts. (Squirrel.)

2. Don’t meet me when I’m hungry,

I’ll click my teeth and eat it casually. (Wolf.)

3. In the summer he walks through the forest,

In winter it rests in a den. (Bear.)

4. There was a pillow with needles lying between the trees

She lay quietly, then suddenly ran away. (Hedgehog.)

5. Red-haired cheat, cunning and dexterous,

I got into the barn and counted the chickens. (Fox.)

6. The long-eared coward climbed into the garden,

I saw a carrot, quickly grabbed it and put it in my mouth. ( Hare.)

Lesovik. Well done guys, you completed these tasks. Now help the animals and birds find their home.

3. Task “Whose house” Children come to the table and make pairs “Animal (insect, bird) - its home.” For each child, three pairs of cards.

Musical pause. Song-game “On the forest lawn”.

Presenter. Guys, there are a lot in the forest different birds. What benefits do birds bring to the forest?

Lesovik. Do you guys know the birds living in our forests? Let's check it now.

4. Task “What kind of bird”

1. Who on the tree keeps count on the branch: peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo? ( Cuckoo.)

2. Vereshunya, white-sided, and her name is... magpie.

3. Guess this bird is jumping along the path,

It’s like he’s not afraid of cats – he’s collecting crumbs,

And then he jumps onto a branch and chirps: Chik-chirp! ( Sparrow.)

4. Flies all night and catches mice.

And when it becomes light, he flies into the hollow to sleep. (Owl.)

5. I’m knocking on wood, I want to get a worm,

Even though he disappeared under the bark, he will still be mine! ( Woodpecker.)

5. Task “Good - Bad”Lesovik invites children to look at the pictures and divide them into two parts. To help children, two cards are offered: the sun for good deeds, and the cloud for bad deeds. If possible, the child explains his choice.

Presenter. Guys, our walk is ending. I think you will now become real friends of the forest, you will take care of it and love it. The teacher presents “Friends of the Forest” medals. It's time to go back to kindergarten. Let's thank Lesovik for an interesting walk.

Lesovik. And I also prepared gifts for you. The forest man gives the children a basket of mushroom-shaped cookies. The children leave to the music.


1. Gorkova, L.G. Scenarios for classes on environmental education [Text]: Secondary, senior, preparatory group/auth. comp. Kochergina, A.V., Obukhova, L.A. – M.: VAKO, 2011. - 240 p. – (Preschoolers: we teach, develop, educate). – 5000 copies. ISBN: 978-5-408-00341-9.

2. Molodova, L.P. Playful environmental activities with children [Text]: Educational method. manual for kindergarten teachers and teachers. – Mn.: “Asar” - 1996. – 128 p.: ill. ISBN 985-6070-13-9.

3. Shorygina, T.A. What animals are in the forest?! Journey into the natural world and speech development. [Text]: a book for educators, tutors and parents. – M.: “Publishing house: Gnom i D”, 2002. – 96 p. ISBN: 5-296-00051-X.
