Class hour "Journey to Autumn". Class hour on the theme "autumn"

“Autumn is a glorious time” Lesson-competition 5th grade

Teacher Makhun V.I.

Target: Cultivate love for native nature, careful attitude To her. Foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

During the classes.

Our lesson is dedicated to the time of year about which A.S. Pushkin said:

It's a sad time.

Ouch charm! (Autumn)

And today we will summarize what we know about autumn, autumn changes in nature. And besides, we can still compete. They say about autumn that she is a MOTHER

In the fall, jelly and pancakes;

Autumn is rainy and nourishing.

Why did people make such sayings about autumn? Which others do you know?

Autumn has brought us its gifts today. But you can take them only if you solve the riddles correctly:

    Warm up.

    The bird built a nest underground and laid eggs. (potato)

    There was a child - he did not know diapers, he became an old man - a hundred diapers on him. (cabbage)

    Without pain and sadness, what brings you to tears? (onion)

    It sits in the ground, its tail looks up, you can get sugar from it, cook delicious borscht. (beet)

    Small, bitter brother of onion..(garlic)

    I'm red, but not a girl.

Green, but not an oak forest.

With a tail, but not a mouse. (carrot)

    In a small pot, the porridge is sweet. (nut)

Warm-up summary.

Introducing the teams, coming up with a name related to nature and at the same time humorous, and a little greeting.

    Presentation of commands.

    Autumn – eight changes. What changes happen in the fall? (children's answers)

And it’s not for nothing that we divide autumn into... (early, golden, late)

1 competition. Tell me poem about autumn.

Assignment: Determine what kind of autumn is described. Prove it.

Today is a special day, Gury has come (November 28). There is a popular saying: if snow falls on Guria, he will lie there until the flood comes.

In autumn, changes occur in the lives of animals, birds, and insects. How do birds behave in the fall?

2 competition. (one participant from the team) draws a card.

Card 1. Name 5 migratory birds.

Card 2. Name 5 sedentary birds.

Card 3. Name 5 nomadic birds. (participants jumping rope, naming birds “I know five migratory birds...)

3 captains competition. Team captains choose a task.

A) sing the first verse of the song “Blue Car” like a cuckoo (cuckoo)

B) sing the 1st verse of the song “Crocodile Gena” like a sparrow (chick-chirp)

C) sing the 1st verse of the song “Chunga-changa” like a crow (kar-kar)

4 competition. Remember and write fairy tales, Where characters- trees. (2-3min)

5 competition. Each team receives plant herbarium. Find out what plant this is.

6 competition . The captains write down the answers to the questions on pieces of paper:

Name the tree that turns yellow first. (birch)

Name a tree that is crying. (willow)

Name a tree that no one scares, but it trembles. (aspen)

7 competition. Endings of songs, which contain the names of trees.

8 competition. Get to know these trees. ( crossword)

Vertical: 1. Little man, bone coat (walnut)

2. Blue uniform, white lining, sweet (plum) in the middle

Horizontal: 2. This grandma is a hundred years old, she has no hump

Sticks out high, looks far away,

Death will come for the old woman, the grandmother will become a hut. (pine)

3. A beauty is standing in a clearing: in a white sundress, in a green shawl (birch)

4. In spring I bloom, in summer I bear fruit,

I don’t fade in the fall, I don’t die in the winter. (spruce)

5. I’m sitting on a tree: red as blood,

Round like a ball, tasty like honey. (cherry)

Crossword results.

9 competition. Continue the poem, name the author and title of the poem.

A) The swallows have disappeared,

(And yesterday the rooks flew and flashed like a net

Over there over that mountain A. Fet “Autumn”)

B) Glorious autumn,

(Healthy, vigorous

The air invigorates tired forces. N Nekrasov)

B) Between the thinning tops

Blue appeared.

(Made a noise at the edges

Bright yellow foliage. A. Tvardovsky)

D) The forest looks like a painted tower,

(Lilac, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, motley wall,

Standing above a bright clearing. I. Bunin “Autumn”)

D) It’s already covered with a golden leaf

(Wet soil in the forest...

I boldly trample my foot

The beauty of the spring forest. A. Maikov “Autumn”)

Let's sum up the results of the competition.


Target: Maintaining a sincere interest in the world around us, fostering a caring attitude towards nature; develop the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding world.

Teach children to work in a group and see that your success depends on successful work the entire team.

Develop Creative skills children.

Progress of the lesson.

Teacher: Good afternoon, Dear friends! Today our class hour will be devoted to..., but by the way, now you yourself will determine the topic of the class hour.

Student 1. It’s a sad time! Eyes charm-

I am pleased with your farewell beauty,

I love the lush decay of nature,

In crimson and gold clad woods

Student 2. The maples are already blushing in autumn,

And the spruce forest is green and shady,

Yellow aspen sounds the alarm,

A leaf fell from a birch tree

And like a carpet, it covered the road.

Teacher: Can you guess what we're going to talk about? Of course, about autumn, a wonderful time. Which ones do you know autumn months?

Children name the autumn months and talk about the origin of the name of each month (homework).

"September" from Latin word"septeber" - seventh. New Year among the ancient Romans it began on March 1, and not as now - on January 1. Therefore September was the seventh month.

In old times Slavic names months were closely related to natural phenomena. Our ancestors called this month: Khmuren, Ryuen, Howler, Veresen (cards with names - on a magnetic board).

Khmuren – the days are short, clouds cover the sky thickly.

Ryuen is yellow.

Howler – windy weather.

Veresen – heather blossom.

" October" - tenth month of the year. Derived from the Latin "octo", which means "eight".

Why was the tenth month, and not the eighth, called October? As you already know, in Ancient Rome the year began on March 1st, not January 1st. Therefore October was the eighth month. In Rus', this month was called mud, leaf, bread.

(Cards - on a magnetic board).

Khlebnik – The bins are full, all the fields have been harvested.

  • Can you explain why mud and leafy?

"November" got its name from the Latin “novem”, which means “nine”. People call November half-winter, because it seems to go halfway into winter, and the ice forge, because rivers and lakes are covered with ice.

Teacher: And so we begin the game. But first we need to split into two teams. Choose any maple leaf.

* Children choose red and yellow leaves.

Teacher: The Red Maple Leaf team takes seats on the right, the Yellow Maple Leaf team on the left.

Teacher: 1st task – competition.

Teams take turns calling words on the theme “Autumn.” The last team to name the word wins. The winner of the competition receives a maple leaf, which is glued to a tree prepared in advance from paper.

Task 2 – competition “Recognize a Vegetable”.

1 representative per team is called.

“One day the mistress came from the market,

The hostess brought vegetables from the market...”

But you will have to guess what vegetables she brought.

Participants are blindfolded. It is necessary to determine which vegetable by feeling it with your hands.

For each correct answer - a leaf on the team tree.

3rd competition “Riddles Competition”.

Team representatives select envelopes " Forest mysteries from Autumn."

Pines, fir trees, birches, maples...

This is the forest - it is our green friend!

Good friend, he makes noise, sings

And he calls you into the cool shadow.

Do you know what is for you

He has his own riddles!

No. 1. "Whose is this house?".

We are going to the first riddle...

Look, there's a house standing there.

House without doors and without windows

Populated by friendly people.

The people are cheerful, hard-working

He willingly built his own house...

Everyone is dragging something, everyone is scurrying around,

They try, they don’t get tired...

Have you seen these strong men?

Then tell me, whose house is this?

№2. "The Amazing Tailor"

Amazing tailor, -

There is no reel, not a single one,

And there is no sewing machine...

And the iron is not hot...

But there are needles.

How many? You can’t count them!

№3. "Beads at the edge."

How many beads are scattered

On the edge of the forest!

Girls are friends

They will be collected in circles.

They work, they try

The girls are agile,

Because they're delicious

These beads are black!

№4. "A braggart is a deceiver"

We can see the red hat from afar

The forest deceiver is a braggart.

Add it to our basket

You won't have to get there

Let the flies die

Stays in the forest!

No. 5. "Mushrooms on a pine tree."

Maybe you'll believe me

But I saw mushrooms on a pine tree.

Do mushrooms grow on trees?

Something completely unclear here...

Butterflies and honey mushrooms are put on the branches...

Who dries them for the winter, guys?

6. “Crocodile is a baby.”

A boy wandered through the forest:

  • Oh look, a crocodile!

What kind of miracle? What kind of joke is this?

The crocodile is just a baby!

No matter how hard that boy tried,

I didn't catch the crocodile.

Only the tail remained in the hand,

The crocodile ran into the grass.

Do you know what his name is -

That crocodile?

The riddles are read by each team in turn; if a team finds it difficult to answer, the opposing team helps it.

For each correct answer - a maple leaf on the team tree.

4. Artist competition “We draw autumn.”

One “artist” per team is called. “Artists” choose a sheet with a task.

Task 1: draw autumn, leaf fall, beautiful weather.

Task 2: draw autumn, strong wind, it's raining.

Their team must guess the “artist’s” assignment based on the drawing.

5. The competition is held while the “artists” are completing the task.

Poetry competition about autumn.

We choose the winner by applause.

  1. Competition “What color is autumn”
  • Every season has its own favorite color. You will find out what color we love in autumn by solving the crossword puzzle.

For each correct answer - a leaf on the tree.

  1. This is a natural phenomenon in which the air temperature decreases. True sign This phenomenon is ice on puddles. Most often this happens in autumn and spring. What is this? ( frost).
  2. This natural phenomenon occurs more often in the fall. In summer it is called warm, mushroom, and in autumn cold, drizzling. What is this? ( rain) .
  3. This natural phenomenon occurs only in autumn. The trees dress up in colorful dresses and then shed their leaves. What is this?( leaf fall)
  4. In autumn, at night it is much colder than during the day, the air, in contact with cold objects, turns into droplets of water. What is this?( dew)
  5. This phenomenon looks like a slight haze in the air, and sometimes like a white, opaque wall. If the haze clears in the morning, there will definitely be dew on the grass. What is this?( fog)
  6. In autumn, when cold days become more and more frequent, thin ice forms along the river banks in small places, and then the entire river becomes covered with ice. The river becomes under ice. How does is called? ( freezing)
  7. In autumn, birds fly to warmer regions. They gather in large groups. What are these groups of birds called? ( flock)

Literary living room

Extracurricular activity.

“The charm of the eyes - the poetry of autumn”

5th grade.

Compiled by: Tsekhanovskaya O.B.

technology teacher,

class supervisor,


The event can be held in the library. A computer is used, presentation - (autumn slides).

Reader 1 Zatvarnitskaya Masha

What is the magic of poetry?

Perhaps in nakedness of feelings.

In the ability to touch heartstrings

After all, the words that come out of your mouth can

Happy to make a gloomy day.

Or maybe it's just an obsession?

And yet, as long as there is light,

Behind the line is a line, like a necklace.

Slowly strings words….poet

Hello, dear friends! On this autumn day, we gathered in the literary living room to listen and read poems about one of the most beautiful and beloved seasons of the year by many poets - autumn.

(music plays on slides of autumn landscape)

The Autumn Queen approached with silent steps. I embraced nature, slowly picking up the canvas and brushes in order to begin painting everything around with motley colors with the trepidation of an artist. Never does nature look as delightful and touching as nature does in autumn.

"Sad time! The charm of the eyes ! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me,” said A.S. Pushkin about the golden autumn.

Sasha Timinov is reading.

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty -
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,
In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,
And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,
And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.

Pushkin's poetry penetrates our hearts and remains there forever, possessing some mysterious power.

Read by Olya Timoshenko

The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
She stripped herself naked with a sad noise.
Fog lay over the fields,
Noisy caravan of geese
Stretched to the south: approaching
Quite a boring time;
It was already November outside the yard.

Autumn evokes in a person a feeling of something majestic and solemn. And at the same time, “autumn blows with melancholy, autumn blows with separation” (I. Bunin)

reader: Lera Degtyareva
The forest is like a painted tower,
Lilac, gold, crimson,
A cheerful, motley wall
Standing above a bright clearing.
Birch trees with yellow carving
Glisten in the blue azure,
Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there through the foliage
Clearances in the sky, like a window.

The work of A. Vivaldi "Autumn" is played.

Every poet, writer, artist. the composer of his era sees the beauty of autumn nature in his own way, even despite the rainy weather late autumn

Reader Bondar Polina
It's timid near the shore
Brittle ice is falling.
sad gray cloud
Floats along the bottom of the pond.
Harsh breathes in autumn
Clear water.
The trees have shed their leaves,
Facing the cold.

reader Manteshina Snezhana

Slow down, autumn, don’t rush
Unwind your rains,
Spread your mists
on the choppy river surface. Slow down, autumn, show me
Yellow leaves turn for me,
Let me make sure, don't rush,
How fresh your silence is and how bottomless the sky is blue
Over the hot flames of the aspens...

I think many in the room will agree with me - autumn nature beautiful, we love her for her unprecedented beauty

Reader Dozmorov Maxim

I love you, autumn, for your unprecedented beauty,
For elegant leaves and belated warmth,

For the harvest harvest, the flying web,
For mushrooms and for rain, for real sadness,

For the azure blue, for the gray mists
And behind the smoothly running caravans of clouds.

I love you, autumn, and, like Pushkin, I dream -
I glorify the beauty of my region in poetry.

And so from year to year, we observe the change of seasons. After a hot summer, we are waiting for the beautiful autumn and asking her to give a crane cry, a drop of rain,

Reader: Julia Statsenko

Give me autumn - a drop of rain,
Where from yellow leaves wet path.
The forest, as in a fairy tale, froze, shedding leaves,
You can hear the wind whistling between the bare branches.

Give me autumn - the cry of a crane,
There is a bright reflection of the sun in the puddles on the asphalt.
Where the playful stream washed away the roads,
Having paved the way from the leaves to the autumn paradise.

And the poem autumn is a seamstressTatyana Gusarova's work is childish at first glance, but it has its own beauty.
reader - Sasha Ovcherenko
So that the little earth can winter without hassle,
Autumn sews a patchwork blanket for her.
Carefully sews the leaf to the leaf,
Use a pine needle to adjust the stitch.

Leaves to choose from - any will come in handy.
Here the purple one lies next to the crimson one.
Although the seamstress really likes the golden color,
Brown and even spotted will do.

They are carefully held together by a thread of spider web.
You won't find a more beautiful picture than this.

So the holiday in our literary living room is over. Poems about autumn were read by famous Russian poets and contemporary Pushkin, Bunin, Lysikov, Zamyslova, Ladoshnikov, Tatyanicheva, Gusarova. I am sure that no one remained indifferent.
Autumn is the time of leaf fall, a symphony of music and sadness of a fallen garden. This is a time for a bright outlook on life, a season of creativity and creation. It's time for dreams and time for transformation. That is why autumn - favorite time years of artists and poets who sang its beauty. It's all autumn...
Thanks to all! See you again! In the winter living room.

Class hour "Autumn time".


    Cultivate the ability to admire nature.

    Summarize children's knowledge about autumn changes in nature and the signs of autumn.

    Foster feelings of empathy and mutual assistance.

Equipment: Leaf tokens, illustrations of trees and their leaves.

Class progress

Look how beautiful the day is

And how clear the sky is,

How an ash tree burns under the sun,

The maple burns without fire.

And on a hillock, in red leaves,

As if majestic oaks are covered in lush fox coats

They look at the mushrooms with sadness -

Old and small scarlet russula

And a purple fly agaric among the mole holes.

Guys, what time of year is the poem talking about?

Today we are holding a class hour “Colors of Autumn”.

Name the autumn months.

What changes occur in nature with the onset of autumn?

Now each of you will choose a piece of paper for yourself. (Based on the color of the leaf, children are divided into three teams and come up with a team name).

Competitions are held.

Competition No. 1. Find out the tree.

What trees grow on the streets of our city? Did you know that trees are living beings? They even look like people.

Question to team #1.(1 point for the correct answer)

Let's remember the trees that are found in our city: tall, straight, standing exactly in a row, like sentries on duty. (Polars).

Find a poplar leaf and an illustration of a tree in the herbarium.

Question to team #2.

This tree looks like a man, a strong, mighty hero. (Oak).

Find an oak leaf and an illustration in the herbarium.

Question to team #3.

This tree looks like a girl: sad, thoughtful, bending over the river. (Willow).

Find a willow leaf and illustration in the herbarium.

Competition No. 2 Crossword “Mushrooms”

1. I’m not a white mushroom, it’s a little simpler. I usually grow in a birch grove.

2. I’m not used to being liked; whoever eats me will get poisoned.

3. And he is beautiful and great. This is a mushroom...

4.Here are the fashionable sisters.

And they have their own habits -

Hats are available in any color.

You can check this.

5. There are no more friendly mushrooms than these.

Adults and children know.

They grow on stumps in the forest,

Like freckles on your nose.

6. They wear red berets,

Autumn is brought to the forest in the summer.

Very friendly sisters, golden...

Competition No. 3 Auction of proverbs. (about autumn)

(For each proverb 1 point)

In September there is only one berry, and that one is bitter rowan.

In September, summer ends and autumn begins.

September is cold, but full.

In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.

October will cover the earth, sometimes with a leaf, and sometimes with snow.

In November, winter fights with autumn.

Competition No. 4. Reading competition. (Poems about autumn)

Competition No. 5. Autumn signs.

People have long observed nature and noted any patterns occurring in nature. As a result, folk signs. Here are some of them:

If it is warm on this day, then a rainy autumn is expected, and if this day is rainy, then a dry autumn can be expected.

If on this day the wind is north, it will be colder, if it blows east, it will be windy, west, it will be rain, and south will be warm.

If by this day the birch and oak remain without leaves, there will be warm winter, and if not, then to the cold one.

If the cranes fly away before Pokrov, winter will be early.

- What signs of autumn do you know? (One point for the correct answer).

Teacher reading a fairy tale.

Three Butterflies (Hungarian fairy tale)

There lived three butterflies in the world: white, red and yellow. From morning to night they played with each other, fluttering from flower to flower, and collecting pollen. The summer was warm and the sun shone all day long.

One day, when the butterflies were about to play as usual, the sun suddenly disappeared. The sky immediately became dark storm clouds, and the butterflies were very scared.

“I’m so afraid of rain,” said one of them.

If our wings get wet, we will no longer be able to fly, another noted.

“We must hurry,” they decided and flew to the house. But the butterflies flew slowly, and meanwhile the first drops of rain were already falling to the ground.

We can’t get there, oh we can’t get there,” she said yellow butterfly, - the rain is already starting.

So where are we standing? - screamed the red butterfly. - Let's hide in a tulip cup and wait out the rain.

And the butterflies flew to the tulip.

The tulip was also afraid of the rain and therefore closed its eyes with all its might and folded its petals tightly.

Let us in, tulip,” the yellow butterfly babbled. – It’s starting to rain, but it’s still a long way from home. Tulip reluctantly opened his eyes and, after hesitating, answered:

I’ll probably let in the yellow one, and maybe the red one too. Well, no way white.

What are you, what are you, tulip! - exclaimed the yellow butterfly. “We can’t leave our girlfriend alone: ​​it’s starting to rain.” But the tulip closed its eyes and did not answer anything.

What do we do? – asked the red butterfly.

“Let’s fly to the lily,” suggested the white butterfly. “She’ll definitely receive us.”

And they flew to the lily, and the rain was already pouring with might and main. With difficulty flapping their wings, the butterflies finally reached the lake where the lily lived.

Hello Lily! - they exclaimed. Lily barely nodded in response. She was a very proud flower.

Let us in, lily, - asked the white butterfly. – You see, we are getting wet in the rain.

Lily thought:

“The white one,” she said, “I could probably let the white one in, but the yellow one and the red one – no way.”

How can I leave my friends? - the white butterfly cried.

Well, as you wish,” said the lily and closed its petals.

And the rain fell harder and harder. The butterflies cried bitterly out of grief. Hearing that someone was crying, the sun woke up and looked down. It immediately dried the tears of the butterflies, smiled at them, and the butterflies, smiling, flew to play in the field.

Discussion of the fairy tale by questions.

Which of the fairy tale characters did you like? Why?

Who doesn't?

What advice would you give to a tulip and lily?

-What changes happen to insects with the onset of autumn?

And now I invite you to draw pictures for the fairy tale “Three Butterflies”.


Autumn festival in elementary school.

Goals: generalize children's knowledge about autumn signs; test children's knowledge about vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, berries; develop imagination, ingenuity, love for native nature, instill in children kindness, a careful and caring attitude towards objects of nature, broaden students’ horizons about autumn environmental changes;


Decoration: the hall is decorated with bouquets of autumn leaves, flowers, rowan branches, on the walls - pictures autumn landscapes. In the center there is a stump-throne for the Queen of Autumn, costumes for the artists. Children's drawings on autumn theme, 2 baskets with dummies of fruits and vegetables;

Class progress

1. Presenter:

Guys, today we are going to visit the most beautiful and wonderful queen. And what her name is, you will now find out if you correctly guess the riddle about her.

Came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves.

(It's autumn)

2. The student expressively reads a poem about autumn:

Autumn! Glorious time!

Kids love autumn.

Plums, pears, grapes -

Everything is ripe for the guys.


The kids will perk up -

And everyone will cordially say:

Hello, it's time for autumn!

3. Presenter:

Indeed, we will talk about autumn. Everyone sees autumn in their own way. Look at illustrations of artists' paintings. Which one is here? different autumn. And this is how our guys see autumn. Look at these pictures. Which one do you like best? (The guys evaluate the drawings of their comrades)

The soundtrack plays, Autumn comes out.
Queen Autumn:

Hello, friends,
Do you recognize me?


Everyone recognized you, Queen Autumn,
Sit on the throne, please.
Queen Autumn:

I am very glad to meet you. I heard you talking about me. You all love autumn very much. And what beautiful crafts and drawings you have prepared for me. Well done boys!

The teacher greets Queen Autumn with bread and salt. Queen Autumn sits on the throne. The teacher reads a poem about bread.


There are golden words -
Bread is the head of everything.
Why do they say that?
I'll explain it for the guys:
Bread - hard labour of people,
And don't you dare leave him.
The wheat is ripening in the fields,
The farmer cherishes her,
The time will come, it will be reaped
The grain will be brought to the mill.
The miller will grind flour there,
He will divide it into bags,
And he’ll take you to the bakery -
The baker will bake bread for us.
Respect work, guys.
Don't throw bread under the bench!


Do the guys know what's going on?
When does the Autumn Queen come?

Queen Autumn:

Do you guys know what changes occur in nature in autumn?
(The guys tell the signs of autumn: the leaves have turned yellow, birds are flying south, people are harvesting, etc.)
Queen Autumn:

Thank you guys.
Why do you greet me so well?
You know everything about me.
Petrushka enters the stage. Naughty music is playing.

Hello, my name is Petrushka,
I'm alive, not a toy.
But I’m sorry that Autumn has come,
Summer has been driven out of the yard.
How will I now swim, sunbathe,
What if clouds walk across the sky?

Parsley, every child knows
That after summer comes autumn.
She covers the ground with yellow leaves,
Helps animals prepare for winter.
In autumn, not only clouds walk across the sky,
In autumn people harvest.

Forgive me, Autumn, for my words,
Oh, my holey head!
Isn't it time for us guys to play?
I will ask questions
And you answer them.
The Autumn Queen has three sons,
Now they will come to us
Do you know what their names are?
(The guys call the sons of the Queen of Autumn.)
September comes onto the stage with an empty basket and places it next to her.

I am September - younger brother,
I'm glad to meet you.

One morning at dawn
The children gathered to pick mushrooms.

Just to collect them,
We need to get to know them first.

In a clearing, near a pine tree
The dark caps are visible.
Very tasty looking
Know that this is a white mushroom.

Hey, come here quickly, guys!
There are mushrooms sitting here - honey mushrooms.

Mushrooms in the forest are good,
I'm carrying a boletus.
All the guys looked
It's edible, in fact.

Who's hiding in the leaves here?
There are chanterelles here, two of them.

While we were walking in the forest,
We also picked a lot of mushrooms.

Now you guys are going to play a game.
"Edible - inedible."

(Children learn to recognize mushrooms. The guys take baskets and go for mushrooms.

Queen Autumn reveals the winner of this competition.)

Autumn is the best time
Help, kids!
We must reap the harvest
And solve riddles.

1) Red, juicy,
Delicious, durable.
He grows, does not grieve,
He is friends with cucumbers.
From what until now?
They didn't tear it down...
(Tomato comes on stage.)


I am a ripe tomato,
Now I have already matured.
I turn green in the summer
And in the fall I blush,
And I came to you guys
Make riddles.
(Tomato asks the guys his riddles)
1 riddle.
He lived in our garden,
And he was friends with everyone.
The tail is a green hook.
This is thick...
2 riddle.
I'm sprouting in the garden
I know everyone in the garden
And I’ll dill, my friend.
What's my name -...
3 riddle.
Radish is the older sister,
Well, I'm still young.
Even the pussy can guess
What's my name...
4 riddle.
Kolobok grows in the garden bed,
All the kids know him.
He is firmly rooted in the ground,
What kind of vegetable? ...

Who is this green one?
Delicious fresh and salty?
Very strong fellow
Did you guess it?
Cucumber comes out.

I am a green cucumber
I come fresh and salty.
And I don’t grieve in the garden,
I'm friends with the tomato.

Aw, well done, guys!
We solved all the riddles.
To be healthy and strong,

You have to love vegetables.


We didn't talk about fruits
How can we live without them, hardly!
In our sunny garden
Fruits ripen in plain sight.
Apple comes on stage.

And I am a pouring apple,
So ripe and rosy.
I think all the guys know
What fruits ripen in the garden.
Game "Guess the Fruit"
(The guys talk about fruits. The presenter shows dummies of different fruits).


Thank you, September for the harvest,
Invite your middle brother to visit.

Come out, brother, October,
Your little brother September is calling you.
(Music sounds. The month of October comes out. The brothers bow to each other.)

I am the Queen of Autumn
Second son
October is golden.
We are walking down the street -
Leaves are falling like rain,
And they fly, fly, fly,
They rustle underfoot.
(During his monologue, October scatters leaves.
A girl comes onto the stage with a bouquet of yellow leaves. She collects leaves and reads a poem.)

Outside the window the autumn leaf turned yellow,
He broke away, spun, and flew.
The yellow leaf made friends with the breeze,
Everyone is spinning and playing under the window.
And when the cheerful wind flew away,
The yellow leaf on the asphalt is bored.
I went into the yard and picked up a leaf,
I brought it home and gave it to my mother.
You can't leave him on the street,
Let him live with me all winter.
Game: “Collect a leaf.”

(The guys will find out which tree the leaf is from.)
The cries of birds flying away can be heard behind the stage.

Oh guys, what does this mean?
Do I think someone is crying?


These birds are about to gather in flocks
They will fly away and return to us in the spring.
High, high from the ground
The starlings flew south.
(Skvorushka comes on stage. He flaps his wings. Music plays.)


Skvorushka, are you flying away already?


Yes, it's time for me to fly south,
The cold weather is coming.
Don't worry, I'll come back to you in the spring,
And here I'm afraid to freeze.
The birdhouse flaps its wings and flies away.

Performance of the song “Skvorushka”
Queen Autumn:

Thank you, son, October.
And now it’s my serious son’s turn,
The oldest brother, Frosty November.

Come out, brother November,
Middle brother October is calling you.
(The month of November enters the stage. The brothers bow to each other. Music plays.)

The leaf fall has ended,
There is a garden without leaves,
The birds have long since flown away,
The first snowstorms will begin soon.
(A phonogram of rain sounds. Rain comes on stage.)

I knock loudly on the roof,
Everyone can hear me
Cloud sisters shed tears
They call me Rain.
(A girl comes on stage with an umbrella.)
Girl with an umbrella:

They bought me a real umbrella,
It's small, of course, but brilliant.
The rain will be fun to water the umbrella,
I will be walking outside under an umbrella.

Don't wait for the sun in November
It rains often.
(A girl comes on stage with a drawing. In the drawing there is a sun.)

It's raining outside the window,
The day is creeping by the minute.
Tired of waiting for a long time
I will draw the sun.

I'll draw the sun -
I'll glue it to the window.
The room became brighter,
Immediately we all have more fun.
And I'll tell you, friends -
You can't live without the sun!

No wonder they say autumn is a sad time,
How about we have some fun, kids?
I can not hear? Yes?
The children answer in unison: YES!

Hey my helpers, come here
Here we will have a game with you.
(The phonogram of Rain and Wind sounds.
Rain and Wind are approaching November.)

Even children know this -
The strongest wind in the world.
I howl loudly outside the window,
Will you play with me?

On the left side is my team,
He says loudly: drip-drip!

On the right side is my team,
Howls loudly: oooh! Like this!

Who will scream the loudest?
He will win the battle.
(The guys “Drip” like Rain and “Howl” like Wind.)
Queen Autumn:

Thank you, son November.
We celebrated well today,
Yes, I am the Queen. Autumn comes in different forms:
Sunny and cloudy,
But always generous and beautiful.

Thank you, Queen Autumn, for coming to us,
Thank you for bringing your sons,
Thank you for the rich harvest,
Come visit us again, don't forget!
Queen Autumn:

Goodbye! Goodbye!
I'll wave goodbye to you.
I will come to visit you again,
Only next year!

And now I ask you,
To the festive table.
Help yourself, don't be shy!
I brought you some delicious treats, come on over, kids!

(Music sounds, the children get up and go to the set table. The guys are waiting delicious pies, fruits and juices.)
