When is the rainy season in Goa? Beach season in Goa

Like most tropical resorts, the territory of the Goan state is distinguished by two distinct periods - dry and rainy seasons. There is no usual change of seasons here, nor any serious changes temperature regime. When is the best time to relax on the Goa coast, and what kind of leisure activities should you organize depending on the time chosen?

As in 2018, in 2019 the most popular period among travelers is considered to be the period from November to March. Exactly final stage Autumn marks the start of the high tourist season. At this moment, weather conditions level out throughout the state, the sea calms down, and the rain stops. Accordingly, in the rest of the period, on the contrary, precipitation falls and winds blow.

Summary table of weather data for Goa by month

The weather by month is endowed with its own characteristics in the context of each of them.

in autumn

September falls around seven sunny days out of all 30 days. Rainfall is subsiding, as are sea waves, but it is impossible to say with certainty that you will be able to swim. Tourist places and the beach areas are still closed at this moment.

In general, October is considered the start of the high season, but the likelihood of rain remains, as well as high humidity. It happens that during a week of vacation a tourist will not see a single downpour in October, but it happens the other way around - every day will pass in the rain. The air temperature is set at +25-28 degrees.

November is the height of the influx of tourist groups. Dambolim Airport begins to operate in enhanced mode, and water entertainment centers are opening. The thermometer shows from +30 to +33 degrees, the storms are ending at sea. Rains, even if they happen, are short-lived and certainly cannot spoil the impression of your vacation.

in winter

December is the peak influx of travelers. The climate during the months in winter is even, characterized by scorching sun and low humidity. It is better not to go to the coast without protective cream. Rare night precipitation freshens the air. In addition, many festivals and holidays take place in December. On the third day the day of Saint Francis is celebrated, on the eighth the feast of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. On December 25, Hindus celebrate Catholic Christmas.

January begins with the celebration of the traditional New Year. Vouchers are sold out quickly, despite their increased cost. In the state itself, increased demand is driving up prices for most services. In January it can be chilly in the evenings, so for night walks along the coast it is better to bring long sleeves.

The climate in February is similar January weather. Sea disturbances are minimal and nights are getting warmer. The influx of tourists is slightly lower compared to New Year's celebrations, but there are still a lot of people. The Indians themselves rush to the sea at this moment. Winter is best time year for a holiday in the Goan space.

in spring

When is the best time to vacation in Goa in the spring? It is worth giving preference to March. The number of visitors is decreasing, the seasonality is subsiding, but the weather is still good for swimming and getting an even tan. The water temperature reaches +29 degrees, the air temperature – up to +34. April weather conditions are similar to March, but the winds are stronger and the sea water is a little stormy. April and March are characterized by very stuffy nights; without air conditioning in a hotel room it will be difficult to endure the stuffiness. It will be especially difficult for families with children.

May is marked by an increase in night temperatures, which can reach +25 degrees. At the same time, humidity increases. Tourists are beginning to leave resort areas, most hotel complexes are preparing to close. Light precipitation begins and the winds become stronger.

In summer

The rainy season in Goa starts in June. Local residents call it munsun. In addition, it is very hot and stuffy here, which makes the stay simply unbearable. The sea water is cloudy and the waves are high. This all goes into July and August, rainfall happen daily. Humidity reaches its maximum values. Hotels are closing because there are practically no foreigners.

The sea remains warm, but storms and poor visibility prevent swimming. Treacherous underwater currents can carry away a person in a matter of minutes. This is a dangerous undertaking. Heaps of garbage and algae wash up on the shore. The only advantage is extremely low prices, but there’s nothing to pay for either. If a vacationer is faced with a choice: to go to Goa during these months, or to give preference to another place, you should choose the second option. There is no point in spending time on the Goan coast in summer.

Despite the impossibility of rest, it is good that the period of precipitation in the state is very short. Beach season in India it falls during the winter months.

When is the best time to travel?

The monthly review allowed us to determine the best option for leisure on the beach. What time of year and where will diving fans be comfortable? Seasonality coincides with holidays on the coast - the period from October to March. In general, scuba diving is poorly developed in India. But you will still be able to find the relevant points. The most popular place is the Grand Island area.

When should sightseeing lovers fly to Goa? And here everything is similar to high seasonality. From May to October, most excursions are closed, so there is no point in going here. In the remaining months, you will be able to visit the Dudhsagar waterfall, a spice plantation, an elephant village, and a boat trip with dolphins. Additionally, there is a water park in Anjuna. It will be interesting to visit Orthodox and Catholic churches. A trip to the capital city of Panaji is worth a visit.

In terms of ideal weather conditions The best time to travel to Goa is November. There is no stifling heat yet, the humidity is normalizing, the water is very warm and completely suitable for swimming. There are practically no winds, and no precipitation either. The thermometer reaches +30.

At this moment, the entire resort infrastructure begins to function, however, there are still not as many people as in winter. Hotel complexes, water entertainment centers, restaurants and discos are opening. At the same time, popular street markets in Arpora and Anjuna are opening.

This is also the ideal time for most excursions. It is worth giving preference to a jeep safari and a visit to a spice plantation. After the rains everything blooms here and it becomes very beautiful. When the season begins in Goa, there is something to do besides spending time on the beach.

November days are marked by many festivals and holidays. The most interesting of them is called “Diwali”. This is the festival of lights, symbolizing the victory of good over evil. It lasts five days.

A significant disadvantage of such a vacation is the price tags. Compared to October, they almost double, especially for accommodation. You won't be able to save money on rent. And market traders raise the cost of goods offered.

One can note the variety of leisure options for any month, with the exception of summer. A trip to India will be remembered not only for the comfortable weather and water temperature, but also for the many interesting places. Before planning a vacation, you need to make an analysis of when it is preferable to vacation in Goa in order to eliminate unpleasant moments.

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A world-famous tourist center, the Indian state of Goa receives millions of tourists every year from all over the world, incl. Russians. There really is something to see and where to relax.

How to determine best season to Goa? What time is best for a sightseeing or beach holiday? When is the best time to go to Goa on vacation? You need to know this important information before traveling to distant India.

This Indian state is located on the western coast of the subcontinent. The climate in Goa is such that you can distinguish winter from summer only by humidity. You will certainly enjoy it here even during the rainy season in Goa.

Holiday seasons in Goa

When describing the local climate, it should be remembered that the state is divided into two parts: northern and southern, and has different climatic features in these parts. In the north of the state, young people have fun, while the south is more respectable, families with children relax here.

When deciding when is the best time to go to Goa, remember that the weather in the state is divided into winter, summer and monsoon seasons. Winter begins in November and ends in March. Then the Indian summer lasts throughout Vienna until the end of June.

And the rainy season in Goa lasts from July to October. This time is also quite suitable for relaxation in this wonderful place, where today you can find pure natural areas untouched by human civilization.


Winter in the state lasts from November to March. The weather is wonderfully sunny, warm and mild, so winter here is... High season, i.e. best time to go to Goa.

In winter there is no sweltering heat; the air temperature during the day approaches +32 Celsius, which is optimal for our residents northern latitudes. The sea water warms up to +28C, which is ideal for swimming and diving.

This is the best time for a beach holiday and the most comfortable season for a holiday in Goa. Therefore, it is in winter that most Russians purchase travel packages or book rooms in local hotels.


In March, the air gradually warms up to +35-+36C. Humidity also begins to rise steadily, making it more difficult to breathe and endure the heat. This is not the best time to vacation in Goa.

The water in the sea is very overheated - +30-+33C - it does not refresh people swimming. The feeling of bathing in a warm bath remains. The heat and humidity do not subside even at night; without air conditioning it is impossible to sleep.

For northern Russians, the Indian summer is a bit difficult, but for southern Russians it may be quite the right time, when it is best to relax in Goa to bask well under the hot Indian sun.


At the end of June - beginning of July, monsoon showers begin. It rains for many days in a row, and the air temperature reaches +40C. In homes and other premises, the humidity is at least 90%. Swimming in the sea is almost impossible due to storms.

The Indian monsoon season in Goa is for those interested in the tropical flora that blooms in all its glory at this time. Monsoon rains fill her up natural beauty and vitality. And prices for vacationers are noticeably cheaper.

The rainy season in Goa lasts until October, after which the rainfall gradually stops, the monsoons go away, and the dry, warm and sunny season of excellent beach holidays begins again.

When is the best time to vacation in Goa by month? Let's try to plot the air temperature monthly and sea ​​water, air humidity and precipitation. Based on these indicators, it is easier to choose an individual season for a holiday in this state.


By the end of autumn, monsoon showers and prolonged storms stop, and weather comparable to July or August in middle lane Russia. Most tourists consider November to be the best time to vacation in Goa.

At noon in November the air temperature rises to +32C, and at night it becomes cooler - +22C. The water in the sea warms up to +29C, air humidity is about 70%, the weather is dry, windless, and there is almost no precipitation.

Since November, local hotels and beaches are filled with tourists from all over the world, which means prices for tourism services increase. The vacationing public has fun at discos, festivals, folk holidays etc.

Holidays in Goa are always wonderful, but throughout the year you can find three periods here - winter, summer and rainy.

Travelers go to the famous resort all the time; they are not even afraid of the rainy season in Goa, which usually lasts from the beginning of June to the end of September. At this time, the tourist flow is slightly reduced, charter flights do not fly. A big advantage of this period is a significant reduction in prices for tickets and hotel accommodations.

And although it is possible to get to Goa from Russia during the rainy season only with transfers, tourists take advantage of every opportunity to spend their holiday inexpensively.

Duration of the rainy season

While in Russia and many other countries the most favorite time year - summer, It's the rainy season in Goa . It starts at the beginning of June and ends at the end of September. Locals call it "munsun".

The rainy season in Goa differs little by month. The air and water temperatures are almost the same throughout the entire time. During some periods, precipitation increases and then gradually decreases.


Charter flights will stop flying to Goa from June. The tourist season is closing , and you can only get here with transfers. At this time, people come to the territory of the famous resort strong winds and bring with them a lot of precipitation.

There are heavy tropical downpours. It is not recommended to go outside as the water level can rise up to your ankles. Neither umbrellas nor raincoats will help avoid getting wet through and through. For most of the month, the sun is practically invisible and the sky turns milky gray.

During this period, you should choose a hotel with a large territory and a varied leisure program. June is a great time to devote yourself to spa treatments.

The likelihood of getting sunburn in this weather is minimal. Due to frequent rains, the air becomes stuffy and uncomfortable. Therefore, when checking into a hotel, you need to ask whether the rooms are equipped with air conditioning.

People who have problems with cardiovascular system, it is better to refrain from traveling in June and others summer months. The sticky, stuffy air will be unbearable for them.

During the day in June it is very hot. The air temperature can reach +33°С, and at night +30°С.

The sea is exposed this month strong storms. The waves are high, so swimming at such times is very dangerous.


It's the height of the monsoon in Goa in July. . This month is considered the rainiest and most unfavorable for vacation. It rains almost every day. The weather is hot and humidity is high.

The average daytime temperature reaches +30°С, at night - about +25°С. In July, strong winds blow here, so tourists need to be as careful as possible. Wind gusts can reach an average of 13 km/h and this is far from the maximum.

The sea, unfortunately, becomes very dirty and constantly stormy, so swimming during this period is excluded.

It is also important to remember that in July, various animals and insects, including poisonous ones, begin to actively reproduce. Tourists should be very careful not to accidentally step on anyone.

There are several events taking place in Goa this month. interesting holidays. For example, the Mango Festival or the Buddhist holiday Hemis are very popular in these parts.


August is considered the coolest month of the year despite the fact that the air temperature does not drop below +30°С during the day and +24°С at night. This month continues to experience cloudy days, high humidity and heavy clouds. It rains constantly, sunny days are extremely rare.

The sea is very warm, but it is still impossible to swim in it. At this time it is not entirely clean and very dangerous. The waves become even higher and stronger. They can easily carry a person into the ocean, so there is no need to risk it.

There are few tourists in August. Most often these are curious travelers or local vacationers. Residents of Goa usually relax in the summer and prepare for the busy season ahead. They are welcoming and friendly with foreign guests.


September smoothly ends the rainy season in Goa. Gradually the area begins to revive, the number of tourists from different countries. This month precedes the beginning winter period. The number of rainy days is decreasing, but there is no talk of their complete absence yet. Compared to July, the amount of precipitation is halved, and the duration of sunny days increases.

During the day the air temperature remains at around +31°С, and at night it cools down to +23°С. Daylight hours last for eleven hours.

September is also not a favorable month for a beach holiday. The sun is often hidden behind the clouds, and the sea is still restless. High waves bring a variety of debris and seaweed to the shore. The maximum that tourists can afford is to timidly wet their feet by walking along the shore.

At the beginning of calendar autumn, important events are celebrated in India. Religious holidays. On the occasion of the birthday of the God of wisdom and abundance, Ganesh Chaturchi, a ten-day festival is held here. Also this month it is customary to worship Goddess Durga. The celebration called Navratri lasts nine nights. During this period, Hindus observe strict fast.
Local residents are gradually beginning to prepare for tourist season. After all, soon the rainy season will end and October will come, and with it the dry season will begin.

To go or not to go?

Before purchasing a travel package, you should think carefully about your trip during the rainy season, weighing the pros and cons. After all, for some people heavy rains and the dark sea is exotic and romantic, while for others it is apathy and melancholy. During this period, you need to take umbrellas, raincoats, and warm clothes. Despite the fact that the sea remains warm, it is unlikely that you will be able to swim in it. The sun rarely appears, the sky is often overcast.

In the markets in summer time There is a lull, so there may be problems with buying food. Merchants do not like to sell in the pouring rain, since it will not bring them much income anyway. During the rainy season, schoolchildren are given holidays so that they have the opportunity not to leave home.

Benefits of a monsoon holiday in Goa

For those who are not interested beach holiday, the summer months can bring a ton of positive emotions. During the rainy season in Goa, the whole nature seems to be transformed. There is a lot of greenery everywhere. All the colors of nature become rich and bright, and the waterfalls become full-flowing.

Some travelers are not afraid to go on a one-day river cruise at this time to see all the picturesque local nature.

Shops, bars, restaurants, clinics and other institutions operate as usual. The rainy season does not affect their activities in any way.

The nature of Goa is beautiful at any time of the year, and during the rainy season it becomes more lush and fresh. You don’t have to be bored at the hotel all the time; you can go on several interesting excursions. Despite the fact that Goa is considered a tourist state, there are numerous historical temples on its territory.

In addition, at such a time you can organize a trip to the famous Dudhsagar waterfall, which impresses with its huge water flows.

If you come to Goa in the summer, you shouldn’t be upset. After all, any vacation can be made unforgettable.

Holidays in India are an excellent reason to spend time on the seashore and get acquainted with this unusual contrasting culture. If you decide to travel to India, but don't know when is the best time to travel to this country, then you don't have to worry too much about it: it's always in season in India, even though the weather there varies, and some resorts during certain months It's not worth resting.

Almost the entire territory of the state is located V subequatorial belt , characteristic feature which is the presence tropical monsoons.

In summer comes the southern monsoon, which blows from the direction Indian Ocean and brings doji with him. The dry northeast monsoon blows from mid-autumn.

Thus, three main seasons can be distinguished:

cool season– from October to April;

hot– in May and June;

rain season– from mid-June to early October.

Despite the fact that in India, the main tourist area, you can relax all year round, The most favorable time falls precisely in the cool season when there is practically no precipitation and the sun is not too hot. You can enjoy your holiday on the coast and go on exciting excursions and get acquainted with the culture.

The coolest season lasts from November to February, and here it is especially good for those who cannot tolerate extreme heat. IN March the temperature begins to gradually rise, and the peak of the heat falls on May and June. However, in this situation high temperatures practically not felt, since at this time there is a very low percentage of humidity.

To the West Coast (Goa) already in June the humid summer monsoon arrives, bringing with it rain. Before east coast (Bengal) the clouds arrive only in July, while the rainy season in this part of the country is calmer, with less precipitation.

From mid-June in the mountains Thunderstorms begin, strong at first, then gradually weaken, and by the end of September they end completely. It is noteworthy that there is more precipitation in the mountains than in flat areas.

It is worth noting that despite the monsoon season, India is hot from June to October, much hotter than during the dry season. That is why the number of tourists in India does not decrease at this time.

The rains stop in October, however, high humidity still remains, and the sky is overcast. In November The long-awaited dry, cool weather sets in. The clouds disappear, the sun shines brightly, this is a great opportunity to sunbathe on the beach and engage in water activities.

The most warm weather during the cool season - in the south of Goa, where average temperature is 25–27°C. It's warmer in Goa than on east coast India - on the coast of the Bay of Bengal, temperatures can drop to 15°C, so it is not recommended to travel to northeast India in February, and in September and October– it is especially cool in Bengal at this time.

About the weather in Goa by month: what is the temperature, humidity and amount of precipitation, the time of the rainy season and the dry season. Let's find out when is the best time to go on vacation to India!

Indian climate Goa State can be divided into two main periods - the dry and rainy seasons. The dry season - also known as the high season - lasts from October to May inclusive. The rainy season falls in the summer and the first month of autumn. The hottest month here is May, and the coolest month is January. Below we will look at the weather in Goa by month and draw a conclusion when is the best time to go on vacation to Goa.

Season in Goa: weather by month

Period from November By March considered the best for a holiday in Goa. It is at this time that tourists from Europe like to visit the state, while our compatriots open the season in Goa in October and vacation here until April - early May. There is little or no precipitation, the humidity level is normalized to 60-70%, which is the most optimal indicator for wellness person. The sea is warm all the time +28...+29°С.


In October, the weather is predominantly sunny and calm: the air temperature during the day is +33...+34°C, at night +24°C, sometimes there is slight cloudiness. There may be short rains, precipitation falls about 70 mm, which corresponds to 4-5 rainy days for the entire month.

In mid-October, the sea finally calms down, becomes clear and suitable for diving. Visibility on the Arabian Sea coast is not too high - no more than 12 m, so most local schools aimed at beginners.


In November, the beaches of Goa are slowly filled with vacationers: there is very little rain - no more than 1-2 days with precipitation, temperatures remain at October levels, sea water is +29°C, and the wind is weak. Daylight hours increase to 10 hours, almost all days are clear and sunny. Humidity is kept at 67%.

(Photo © amalakar / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)


In December - the height of the holiday season in Goa: Dabolim Airport begins to work intensively, receiving tourists. The sun shines all day long, the street is clear, dry and windless. Temperature during the day is +34°C, at night +22°C. The humidity level is reduced to 62%.

January and February

The winter months of January and February are the driest in Goa, with rainfall approaching zero. Air temperature is +33°C, at night +21...+22°C, a light refreshing breeze blows. Our compatriots love this period very much; during the New Year and Christmas holidays there is a real tourist boom here. Many travel with their children: a number of world-famous hotels have opened in Goa, which has significantly increased tourists’ confidence in local services. In January, the nights may be a little colder than always, the temperature may drop to +18...+16°C, so tourists are advised to take long-sleeved clothing with them. This is the best time to holiday in Goa, only if you are not embarrassed high prices and many tourists.

(Photo © unsplash.com / @2renkov)

March and April

In March and April, daytime and night temperatures continue to rise and are +34°C during the day and +24°C at night, sea water is +29°C. There is no rain, the sun shines all day, the wind can become quite strong and cause small storms at sea. There are no or very few cloudy days.


In May, the nights become even hotter +25...+26°С, during the day no less than +34...+35°С. Only the most heat-loving tourists can endure such heat. The sun is still active, but the wind is increasing, often provoking a storm, the amount cloudy days increases. Humidity rises to 75%, and sometimes it rains. This month is the last one before the rainy season, and tourists are starting to leave the resorts.

(Photo © Daniel Incandela / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0)

Rainy season in Goa

In summer, the monsoons begin to blow, the sea becomes rough, and the monsoon season begins in Goa. It can rain for days on end, the air temperature is +30°C during the day and +26°C at night, it is very damp - humidity reaches maximum values ​​of 85-87%. This worst period for a beach holiday in Goa - it is better not to go there at this time if you are only interested in a traditional beach holiday.

Many establishments close during this period, because there are practically no tourists, prices for rental housing and services reach their minimum. Even if you want to save money on your trip, it will be almost impossible to predict the weather in the summer months.

The amount of precipitation in June-August increases 8 times; it rains up to 22-25 days a month. During the summer and September, 90% of the total annual precipitation falls. The sea is warm, but it becomes too rough and muddy for swimming to be enjoyable. In addition, strong winds raise waves that bring heaps of debris and algae to the shore.

(Photo © Y"amal / flickr.com / License CC BY 2.0)


Rains, lasting 1.5-2 hours, begin in June. It becomes difficult to breathe due to the high humidity and the small difference between night and day temperatures. It will be difficult for an unaccustomed tourist to adapt to such conditions. There are approximately as many sunny days as cloudy ones.


July is the wettest and windiest month of the year, with maximum amount Precipitation, therefore, there are even fewer sunny days than in June. It rains almost every day. Air humidity is 87% during the day, increasing at night.


In August cloudy days more than sunny days, the monsoons are still raging, but there is less precipitation than in July. During the day the temperature is +29°C, at night +25°C. Humidity reaches 88%.


In September, the night heat begins to subside, daytime temperatures, on the contrary, become higher - up to +31°C, humidity is still very high - 86%. As October approaches, the weather gradually improves, sundial increases, fine days pass by more and more often, and clear skies peek behind the clouds.

(Photo © Denish C / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

When is the best time to go on holiday to Goa?

So when is the best time to go to Goa? The temperature of the Arabian Sea never drops below +25°C, but the present swimming season starts here at November. This is the best time for water activities and excursions, as the weather is clear, cloudless and windless.

It is believed that October opens the beach season in Goa, but this is a transition month, the beaches are still uncrowded, they are put in order after heavy downpours, coastal strip cleaned of algae and debris. Beach shacks and bungalows also mostly do not operate; to open them, they need permits, which the owners receive every year.

In April and May it becomes too hot, especially at night, the humidity begins to rise, and strong winds already blow, causing rough seas. But even at this time there are enough tourists on the coast.

In Goa it starts in summer. At this time, it is not only unpleasant to swim in a raging sea, it is simply dangerous, since strong undercurrents arise and big waves, and it will be difficult for an inexperienced swimmer to cope with them. In addition, few people can tolerate high humidity, therefore, despite the tempting offers of travel companies, few people dare to travel to the state in the summer, although the savings are very significant.

But during the rainy season in India you can improve your health quite well; experts recommend starting Ayurvedic procedures during the wet period; for the minimum course you need to allocate at least 3 weeks.

Many tourists believe that it is better to go to Goa from mid-December to the end of January, but at this time it is too crowded and prices reach their maximum, so if the main objective- a comfortable beach holiday, you can calmly relax in November and the first half of December, as well as in February and early March.

Introductory image source: © Konstantin Chemodanov / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
