Beautiful non-Russian names for girls. European (Western) female names and their meanings

The name Eve, according to legend, is considered the most ancient biblical name, and belonged to the first woman who appeared on earth by the will of God, so that Adam would not be bored. Today female names There are hundreds of very different variations, and each has found a place in the name book of female names...

Female names in different cultures of the world

Each country and each culture has its own rules and traditions regarding the naming of future women. Female names are chosen according to different rules: somewhere the basis is centuries-old traditions, somewhere parables and legends, and somewhere, as in Western civilization, names for girls are given only for standard reasons, taking into account such factors as the beauty of sound, speed of pronunciation, fame and popularity.

Take, for example, Slavic culture. There has long been only one single tradition - girls, like boys, were given a name exclusively upon reaching the age of nine, when the child could already be associated with some craft (the name was closely connected with it). Before this, a child could be called by his ordinal number (whichever appeared in the family), or simply “Child” or “Child”.

In Muslim culture there were only a few rules. First, a woman’s name should not necessarily be listed in the name book of women’s names, the main thing is that it should be a word that, in translation, determines fate. For example, the name Aliya was translated as “exalted”, and Samiha - “generous”.

And so in each individual culture there were at one time traditions that they adhered to, giving them a name. Somewhere over time, traditions have exhausted their significance, and somewhere they are adhered to to this day. However, church names, like traditional national ones, are popular to this day. Yes, and legends and signs also have weight in today's modern times.

So, in Iceland there is only one single rule today - a woman’s name cannot begin with the English letter “S” as such, because in the local culture, in the Icelandic alphabet, this letter simply does not exist.

Modern naming traditions

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In Slavic culture, naming traditions have been partially preserved. Thus, a tradition has been preserved, based on which a church female name should be given, taken from the name book according to the Saints, which lists the martyrs and Saints who once defended the formation of the Orthodox religion. In modern times, this tradition is not followed in every family, and yet, everyone without exception knows about it, especially since during baptism the girl is still given a female Orthodox name from among the Saints.

Catholics have a similar tradition, and in accordance with it, it is also customary to give names to women from the list of those honored in the church. True, it is worth noting that today in Catholic culture they approach the naming of newborns more responsibly than in Orthodox culture.

In Islam it is still considered obligatory to name future woman a name that could determine her fate by its translation. There are no biblical or church names, and in the Koran there is only one single female name. As a result, girls are called those variations that, when translated, mean some quality (generous, bright, noble, etc.), or the name of a flower.

But in France, for example, there is only one tradition - to name children after their ancestors. So, they used to act according to one simple scheme. The girl's name had to consist of the names of her paternal and maternal grandmothers, as well as the saint venerated on the day of her baptism. In modern times, this tradition is difficult to follow. Therefore, mostly single names of relatives are given: godparents, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, etc.

Name and religiosity: the main criterion for division

All “girl names” are divided into several categories and, based on them, into a small number of subcategories. But the most important criterion of all available is the criterion of religiosity. Based on the issue of religion, the most famous female names are:

  • Orthodox;
  • Catholic;
  • Muslim;
  • Jewish.

How to choose a suitable female name in modern times?

Naturally, ideally one should follow the traditions under which a girl is born. Being Orthodox family, you need to call it by an Orthodox name, and in Catholic, Catholic and in accordance with the traditions of Catholics. But if traditions are not to your liking, then you can resort to standard schemes, distributed throughout the world.

So, in modern times, you can choose a female name based on five important parameters: the patronizing element, the zodiac sign, the year according to the Eastern calendar, the patron planet, and religion.

With the latter, everything is clear - it is desirable that the name relates to the religion to which the family and the newborn girl are directly related. If you belong to the Orthodox category of people, then it is advisable to choose from among the Orthodox female names.

As for the other parameters, everything is simple. Every zodiac sign and every animal from Eastern calendar influence certain names in their own way with their energy.

In the same way, each name can have different energy in conjunction with one or another sign. The element is determined by the sign of the Zodiac and the date of birth of the child, but in the same way, each name is protected by one or another element. It is advisable to select a name that will correspond to all the named parameters without exception.

By the way, on our website, in the list presented, you can sift out names by elements, zodiac signs, years, and even seasons.

Reading time: 9 minutes

Every woman preparing to become a mother strives to choose the most beautiful name for her child. Considering different variants, parents can be guided various factors, including unusual sound, combination with surname and patronymic, hidden meaning. Among the many options for beautiful, fashionable modern names for girls, it is sometimes difficult to find one that will harmonize with rare features child's character. When making a choice, it is important to take into account that after birth the name will influence the girl, determining her worldview, temperament, and habits.

Beautiful modern names for girls

It is important to think about whether the chosen name is suitable for the baby and how society will perceive it: too unusual, exotic an option can do the girl a disservice and become a reason for ridicule from classmates and surrounding children. Each name is beautiful in its own way, but appropriate in a certain area. So, for example, it’s a bad idea to name a fair-haired daughter Arabic name(even if it is very beautiful and euphonious), if you live in European territory.

The key criterion for selection is the nationality of the baby, since the name is business card person. When introducing herself to people, they should immediately understand what nationality the girl is from. In addition, parents should think about how, in short, endearing form, they will call their daughter (this will be especially true during the first few years of the baby’s life). In addition, before naming a girl, you need to compare the choice with her last name and patronymic.


In ancient times in Rus', girls were named in order to protect them from bad deeds, and the names were formed from words denoting plants and animals. After Baptism, women gave their daughters personal names, and at that time many modern options. They reflected a more religious character (the babies were named after saints), but many names retained the Slavic roots of the Old Believers. Modern Russian options:

  • Ekaterina is “immaculate”, she has a developed intellect, the girl will be sociable and a little impulsive;
  • Varvara is a “foreigner”, the girl will grow up brave, decisive, proactive and sociable;
  • Anna is “brave”, she is characterized by accuracy and patience, but the girl will be very principled and uncompromising (many Anis grow up to be very capricious);
  • Alice – “noble”, grows up as a charming, dreamy dreamer;
  • Elena is a “bright”, open girl, distinguished by her sincerity, kindness, and responsiveness;
  • Anastasia is a “resurrection”, she is characterized by a decisive, firm character, while Nastya is often very gentle and kind;
  • Sofia - “wise”, the owners of the name have a rich inner world, capable of heroic deeds and sacrifice for the sake of dear people;
  • Vasilisa - “royal”, grows up modest, shy, but with age she becomes a self-confident, hardworking, creative person;
  • Evdokia - “benevolence”, the girl is kind and friendly to others, trusts her heart, not her mind.


Each nation has its own spiritual and cultural heritage, which are passed on through generations. The rich, original Armenian culture preserves its unique piece of national culture - women's melodic names. They are distinguished by restraint, tenderness and warmth. List of modern female names of Armenian origin:

  • Amest – modest;
  • Anush – sweet;
  • Alvan – white, light;
  • Asmik – jasmine;
  • Azatui – free;
  • Araika - bestowed by God;
  • Amest – modest;
  • Arus – sunny;
  • Vargine – chaste;
  • Ashkhen – heavenly;
  • Garunik – spring;
  • Liana – thin;
  • Eranui – blessed;
  • Karine – generous;
  • Marine - sea;
  • Shushan – lily;
  • Sate – divine;
  • Milena is sweet.


The people of Uzbekistan believe that a name influences a child’s fate and shapes character traits, so they choose beautiful, gentle names for girls. Uzbek options They have a bizarre construction pattern and are distinguished by their multifaceted meaning. At the same time, they can be divided into 2 groups - folk, ancient names and borrowed oriental ones. The latter are characterized by beauty, a special attitude towards a woman, and her ability to maintain a home. The original Uzbek songs have a gentle, melodic sound and rich metaphorical meanings.

In Uzbekistan, daughters are often named after flowers, for example, Altyngul, which means “golden bud.” Other modern girl names:

  • Gulnara – pomegranate flower;
  • Guldasta – bouquet;
  • Zilola – lotus flower;
  • Dalbar – charming;
  • Zukhra – radiant, beautiful;
  • Lola – tulip;
  • Dinora is a precious coin;
  • Asmira is the main princess;
  • Farkhunda – happy;
  • Nigora – beloved;
  • Nafisa is graceful.


Like Ingush, Chechen modern female names are distinguished by great diversity. Some of the variants are borrowed from Russian, Persian and Arabic languages. Examples:

  • Aziza - dear, revered;
  • Aisha – prosperous;
  • Aliya – majestic;
  • Aina – source;
  • Bashira – bringing joy;
  • Malika – angel;
  • Zhovkhar – pearls;
  • Camila is perfection;
  • Malika is the queen.


The correct choice of name for a girl is made taking into account social status and places of residence. If you do not plan to send your daughter to a European school educational institution, then it is better not to name it in accordance with Russian traditions. However, some parents choose what to name their child based on popular female European names, which sound beautiful. Examples:

  1. Britney. Translated as "Little Britain".
  2. Kimberly. Girls with this name grow up ambitious and purposeful.
  3. Jessica. Reliability, kindness, honesty are the characteristics inherent in the owners of this name.
  4. Pamela. The meaning “sweet as honey” suits girls named Pamella very well.
  5. Tiffany. The name is widespread in Europe and America and means “manifestation of God.”
  6. Charlotte. The greatest women in the world bore this name, so we can conclude that Charlottes grow up to be winners, lucky and beautiful.


In Turkey, newborn girls are named very beautifully and sonorously, and therefore their new female names are in demand and popular in other countries. Most modern Turkish variants are of Persian or Arabic origin, which is due to the closeness of these peoples in religion, culture, and history. Muslim names that are now in fashion are:

  • Eileen - moonlight;
  • Aigul - “moon”;
  • Gyokche – “heavenly”;
  • Gulgun – “pink day”;
  • Goksel - “heavenly rain”;
  • Gülenay – “laughing moon”;
  • Yildiz – “star”;
  • Senai – “cheerful moon”;
  • Tan – “sunset”;
  • Ebru – “cloud”;
  • Tangul - “sunset rose”;
  • Esen – “wind”.


Modern beautiful female names are part of Tatar culture. They give their owners a soft character and influence their destiny, which is what the Tatars believe in, so people approach the choice of a female name with all responsibility. Some options are borrowed from Muslim culture or from other peoples. Before naming your daughter in accordance with Tatar principles, you need to find out the meaning of foreign names:

  • Guzel – “unimaginably beautiful”;
  • Ilfira – “the most beautiful in the country”;
  • Nursia – “radiant”;
  • Janiya – “spiritual”;
  • Aibanu – “beautiful like the moon”;
  • Hariya – “sweet berry”;
  • Kadira – “strong, can handle everything”;
  • Fakhira – “worthy of pride”;
  • Saidagul – “flower of nobility”.

The most fashionable modern names for girls

Today, exotic names are not popular among Russians. Modern popular options for naming daughters include old and new names. To commit right choice, parents must not only correlate them by ear, but also know the history of origin and meaning, since the girl’s future fate will depend on this. It is better to avoid too pretentious, unusual options, otherwise, as an adult, the daughter may want to change her name. In addition, it is not in Russian traditions to give a child a double name. More and more often girls are called like this:

  • Valentina – “healthy”;
  • Anna – “grace”;
  • Galina – “calm”;
  • Valeria – “strong”;
  • Elena – “sunny”;
  • Alina – “noble”;
  • Angelina – “like an angel”;
  • Veronica - “victorious”;
  • Victoria - “victory”;
  • Daria - “winner”;
  • Ksenia – “foreigner”;
  • Julia – “wavy, fluffy”;
  • Marina – “sea”;
  • Svetlana – “bright”;
  • Elizabeth – “who worships God”;
  • Polina – “belonging to Apollo.”

Rare modern names for girls

To emphasize the child’s personality, parents often strive to give their baby an original name. Unusual female names are:

  1. Eve. The child will grow up stubborn, willful, mischievous and restless. Such qualities in adult life will help the girl quickly achieve her goals.
  2. Kira. The girl will have determination and strength of character. Sometimes stubbornness or self-will will awaken in her, but with age, with proper upbringing, these traits will disappear.
  3. Taisiya. The baby is growing very active and knows how to make adults laugh. Later he becomes the life of the party among his peers. Taya is distinguished by honesty, the desire for justice, and independence.
  4. Ulyana. The main feature is sincerity. Ulyans have the courage to tell a person the truth to his face; they do not know how to flatter. However, they are very friendly and radiant.
  5. Arina. The name is of Greek origin and gives the owner independence from the very beginning. early childhood. It's too early for your baby to start showing creativity.
  6. Pelagia. The girl is able to enjoy little things and respects the opinions of others. At the same time, Pelageya has determination and can achieve her goals.

Modern names for mixed-race girls

International options are usually sought by Russian parents who live abroad. This is done to facilitate the child’s communication with others. The second reason for choosing a universal name for the baby is her birth in a mixed family. New names for girls whose mother and father have different nationalities:

  • Sarah – “princess”;
  • Alina – “noble”;
  • Eve – “life giver”;
  • Angelina – “angel”;
  • Rose.

How to choose a modern name for a girl

There are several ways to name a girl. The most common in modern world is the choice by sound, which can be soft (Svetlana, Vera, Yulia, Aliya), neutral (Anastasia, Anna, Olga) or hard (an example of a hard name is Zhanna, Samira, Daria). When choosing, it is important to correlate the options with the patronymic and surname, saying them out loud. So, if the middle name is long, then the female name should be short.

According to the church calendar

You can name your daughter in accordance with the calendar (the Orthodox calendar, which indicates the days of remembrance of saints and church holidays). In this case, the date of birth of the child is taken as a basis, that is, for winter girls the names of saints whose holidays fall on cold season. Summer girls They are named in the same way as the martyrs who are glorified at this time of year. How to name a baby by month of birth:

  • January: Polina, Eva. Alisa, Evgenia, Anastasia, Maria, Ulyana, Tatyana;
  • February: Anna, Ksenia, Valentina, Inna, Zoya, Agnia, Svetlana;
  • March: Marina, Kira, Valeria, Galina, Daria, Margarita, Anastasia, Ulyana;
  • April – Daria, Nika, Olga, Alla, Anna, Eva, Irina, Larisa, Lydia, Sofia, Tamara;
  • May – Faina, Zoya, Taisiya, Maria, Elizaveta, Irina, Yulia;
  • June – Sofia, Inna, Anna, Elena, Alena;
  • July – Rimma, Zhanna, Inna, Angelina, Olga, Valentina, Veronica, Irina, Yulianna;
  • August - Daria, Ulyana, Milena, Svetlana, Maria, Nonna, Eva, Magdalena;
  • September - Natalya, Milena, Anfisa, Ulyana, Vasilisa;
  • October – Zinaida, Marianna, Sophia, Pelageya, Ariadna, Evlampia, Marianna, Veronica;
  • November – Elena, Valeria, Alena, Elizaveta, Natalya;
  • December - Anfisa, Varvara, Anna, Ekaterina, Angelina, Olga.

Zodiac sign

Some parents believe in the dependence of names and horoscope and name their children according to their date of birth. List of modern options that are suitable for different zodiac signs:

  • Aries – Svetlana, Alice;
  • Taurus – Polina, Daria;
  • Gemini - Evgenia, Oksana;
  • Cancer – Julia, Elizabeth;
  • Leo - Yana, Alexandra;
  • Virgo – Tatiana, Anastasia;
  • Libra - Lily, Angela;
  • Scorpio – Yaroslava, Victoria;
  • Sagittarius - Sophia, Irina;
  • Capricorn - Maria, Arina;
  • Aquarius – Violetta, Alina;
  • Pisces – Marina, Inna.

According to the characteristics of the name

According to psychologists, by naming a child, parents develop certain character traits. Thus, tough, firm options form stubbornness and willpower in the baby. As a rule, girls with soft names (Alina, Maria) are flexible and gentle. Neutral sounds often show prudence and balance in people. If you assign your daughter the feminine form of a male name (for example, Valeria, Alexandra, Evgeniya, Bogdan), she will probably have a strong-willed, stubborn, strong character.


Rare female names are heard and remembered more and more often today. Forgotten Slavic variants are returning from the past, and analogues of familiar Russian names are being borrowed from abroad.

Of course, sometimes old names are simply dissonant. But still, they often have strong feminine energy or bring good luck. Therefore, today we have prepared for you a list of rare, but very successful female names.


This rare and beautiful female name, with its soft sound alone, imparts some special beauty to its bearers. Most often you can notice that parents are ready to literally turn up the whole world and throw it at their daughter’s feet, but they need to be careful. Often Ladas grow up to be very capricious because of this.

By nature, Lada usually turns out to be a maximalist in everything, especially in feelings, which is why it is sometimes difficult to come to an agreement with her. This must be taken into account when choosing this unusual name for girl. However, Ladas are determined and persistent, which will help them in career growth. After all, they almost never abandon their goals.


Beautiful female name Zlata It is quite easy to interpret even without the help of dictionaries. It is most likely Jewish origin, but could have entered the Russian language through Greek. In this name, the root “zlat” is easily recognizable, of course, reminiscent of gold.

It is not surprising that a woman named Zlata always has her own principles regarding money. She really does not like to borrow, even if she is forced to do so. Zlata is also usually quite thrifty, which, of course, will come in handy throughout her life. Thanks to their natural caution, these women turn out to be good housewives.

I must say that family plays a very important role in Zlata’s life. important role. A girl with this rather rare name can grow into a homebody. She is intellectual and often wants to look into the future. Usually the name gives them such qualities as tact and attentiveness to people, but it can also endow them with some secrecy.


Vasilisa- a beautiful name for a girl, which was once very common in Rus'. It is of Greek origin, and can be translated into Russian as “royal”. It is also female version male name Vasily. Sometimes it is shortened to Vasya or another option is used, Vasilena.

Girls with this name most often turn out to be very virtuous and sometimes consider their own and other people's problems with the same zeal and desire to help their neighbor. They are charming and good-looking, they know how to be there on time if we're talking about about difficult life situations.

Usually, the shortcomings of these women are attributed to the inability to admit their weaknesses and excessive stubbornness. However, women with the rare name Vasilisa are quite gentle in communication, which makes them very pleasant.

Sofia (Sofia)

Sophia or Sofia is considered a Russian Orthodox name that means “wisdom” and everything associated with it. This name is also mentioned in Greece and has the following diminutive forms: Sonya, Sofa, Sofyushka, Sonechka, Sofka, Fiya, Fifi.

In Rus', this name was considered so powerful that initially only the highest classes could receive it, and it was used only in aristocratic society. Later the fashion spread to the nobility. The popularity of such a beautiful and unusual name was constantly growing, and soon girls from any class began to be called Sophia.

Women with beautiful name Sophia has a deep inner world that helps them cope with any problem and supports them in difficult times. They bring light, goodness and love into the world and this is what attracts others to them and charges them with positivity. Such women are always open to communication and ready to lend their shoulder. Despite their strong inner core, they are very gentle and passionate natures.

Sofia's temperament plays a role in her personal life main role. She is an excellent housewife and a wonderful wife and mother. Despite the fact that such women dream of becoming the head of the family, they are always pleased when there is a strong man capable of taking full responsibility upon himself. Only with such a husband does Sophia feel as if behind a stone wall and with great pleasure begin to create home comfort.


Name Angelina so far it is quite rare, although it is present in the calendar. Literally it means “messenger”. It is of Greco-Latin origin and has many forms and variations in different languages peace. The name Angelina can be shortened to short form Lina, but do not forget that this option is also independent.

Often girls with the unusual name Angelina inherit the character of their mother and grow up to be very stubborn, which is evident from childhood. Therefore, Angelina shows a desire to command. This girl rarely makes concessions. She also wants to achieve everything herself and does not expect help from anyone.

Sometimes Angelina is not very active and may not be at all interested in what is happening at school or even university. But she loves to study on her own. We can say that it has several masculine traits character and it's hard to find mutual language. But Angelina is always an interesting and pleasant person.


Diana is a Catholic and rather unusual female name for our country. On a global scale, it is more common, because the spread of Catholicism greatly affected its popularity. Translated from Latin language Diana is translated as "pertaining to God." This was also the name of the Roman goddess, which means that this name is marked by the patronage of higher powers.

Diana is a very kind, bright and pleasant person. If you ask Diana if she is happy, then 100 percent of the time she will answer you yes.

For a girl this is rare name in our country means success in relationships with boys, which lasts throughout life. Dianas may look ordinary, but after meeting them, no man will remain indifferent to them. They are kind, know how to joke and understand any person, for which they are very loved in any company.


According to the most common version, name Arina is an obsolete form of the name Irina. Historians believe that earlier in Rus' Irin was called exactly that, after which the name was transformed by replacing the first letter. Now this seemingly unusual female name is coming back again, gaining popularity.

Arina is always interested in something, and very much so. This unusual female name gives its owner good self-control, endurance and resistance to stress. Arins always know what to say, when to remain silent and when to fight back. Despite her strong character traits, Arina is incredibly attractive to men. This one rare feminine item bestows upon those who wear it the gift of easy interaction with the male sex.

Arina often falls in love, but not only with men, but also with her work. A girl with this name always brings the job she starts to the end, without backing down at the sight of problems. This is why Arina is successful and loves her work, which quite often is also her favorite hobby.


Many have heard of the Western name Emily, which, according to many scientists, is practically synonymous Emilia. In Russia this name sounded like Emilia- it was female uniform Omelyana. One way or another, this form is now forgotten. Translated from Greek language Emilios means “kind” or “affectionate.”

Since childhood, Emilia has loved difficult tasks and everything that is attractive on the outside. She appreciates beauty in people, but not only external, but also internal. This is an unusual name for a girl living in our country, as it is incredibly rare. This has its advantages that all female representatives dream of - individuality, beauty and charm.

When Emilia grows up, her life flows along the course that the girl herself determines. She doesn’t always understand people well, but she feels them well, which is why Emilia is happy in her marriage.


Anita very often confused with Anna, although there is absolutely no connection between these two names in terms of origin. Anita is a rare female name that supposedly appeared in Spain, although it goes back to old Germanic roots. It means “beautiful”, “graceful”, “gentle”, “sweet”.

Anita's character is complex and incomprehensible to most people. This is why Anita had few friends as a child. If you ask Anita's friend or friend why they are friends with her, you will not hear a clear answer. This is a man of mystery, not only for those around him, but also for himself.

In adult life, this beautiful and rare female name gives girls and women many advantages over other representatives of the fairer sex, namely: charm, the ability to see what others cannot see, irresistible craving to the beautiful. Anita loves not so much life itself as the beauty of its details.


Name Taisiya as common as Slavic peoples, and in the west. It is a Catholic and Christian name that has Greek origin. Translated, it means “fertile.” This is a very beautiful and unusual female name, but it is often heard. IN Eastern Europe it is very popular, but in Russia it is rarely given to girls.

Taisiya is impulsive and very secretive. Perhaps these are the only qualities that can cause her problems in life. Otherwise, she has all the makings strongest leader, as well as a self-sufficient and strong personality. Her analytical mind tells her that there is no rush to get married, but her strong intuition does not argue with this. That is why she has children and ties the knot quite late.

This is a man of contrasts, because such strong ladies always have many friends and many enemies. Her character plays a very important role in this, which is very difficult to call simple. Taisiya is secretive and patient, but sometimes her life problems make her explode like atomic bomb. In this case, it is better to run without looking back.


Name Kira has several versions of origin. Many argue that this word came to us from Greece and is a derivative of the name Kiros, which was assigned to men. It has strong meaning and is associated with words such as “lord”, “lord”, “lord”. Others prove that given name came to us from Persia and means “sun”, “rays of light” and “carrying heat”. The name Kira is given an abbreviated name from such names as: Kirill, Kyriakia, Shakira, Kirra.

With age, Kira will have to face injustice, which will only strengthen her character and instill in her a reserved and secretive nature. However, thanks to such lessons of Fate, directness and determination appear in women with the beautiful name Kira, which helps them move directly towards their ideals, destroying all obstacles in their path. Such women cope well with leadership positions and know how to combine charm and intelligence.

At home, women with such a rare name as Kira make excellent housewives. They always feel warm and cozy, and their doors are always open to family and close friends. Such women become faithful wives who are able to support their husbands in difficult times and inspire them to heroic deeds. Her choice will fall on attractive man, on whom you can rely. And if Kira does not tolerate competition in her career, then in marriage she is ready to agree to a supporting role. This feature of Kira will create strong union, based on mutual love, respect and understanding.


Name Yesenia unusual in that in different cultures it has completely opposite meanings. According to one version, this is a derivative of the word “autumn” and was the name given to girls who were born in autumn months. According to another legend, girls born in spring, called “spring”. It was this word that was later transformed into Yesenia. There are also several other opinions about where such a rare name came to us. Some argue that this name became popular after the appearance of the Russian poet Sergei Yesenin, while others argue that it is a derivative of the Arabic male name Hasan, which means “beautiful”, or from “stranger” in Greek.

Enya, by nature, is growing up to be a very kind and loving girl. She is good with animals and loves everything beautiful. Over the years, Yesenia learns to hide her soft character and quite easily achieves her goals. Such women make wonderful leaders and mentors. They are fair and very smart. Such women immediately stand out from the crowd with their relentless zeal to get what they want. If Yesenia is passionate about something, she will definitely see it through to the end.

This independent nature of women influences family life Yes. These women marry only after they can provide for themselves. They value their freedom, but they won’t allow anyone to climb on their necks either. That is why Yesenia mostly has late unions. However, this does not have any negative consequences.

Milana (Milena)

This name has many consonant names, such as Milena. However, they have absolutely different meanings. It is believed that the name Milan originally came from the word "mil", like others similar names. However, they cannot be called diminutives and considered to be the same name. It is important to understand that Miloslava, Militsa, Milonia, Milena are not forms of each other. But if you want to call Milana affectionately, then the following names are suitable for this: Milanka, Mila, Lana, Milunka.

Adult Milana always does what she says. Her character contains a masculine character, which, despite everything, does not deprive her of femininity, but only emphasizes it. Such a rare name rewards its owner with excellent intuition, endurance and a craving for everything mystical. Although Milana prefers loneliness to noisy company, her interests never make her feel abandoned and unwanted. Such women feel people well and always know when they need to be alone with their thoughts.

When we receive a name at birth, we receive character, talents, and abilities. This set makes every name...

Often, from the first days of pregnancy until the birth of the child, parents argue about the name of the future baby. Many proceed from the words of the saying: “As you name the ship, so it will sail.” Therefore, the choice, especially for girls, is approached with special care.

It is believed that a woman's name should be refined and at the same time mysterious. Therefore, they strive to name girls not just beautifully, but by investing special meaning, which could tell others about the character of its owner.

Choosing an original name for girls

When choosing names, parents proceed from various factors:

  1. Believers use church calendars, where the names of the great martyrs who suffered for their faith are recorded. Each month and each day of the month has a specific name. In ancient times they were quite famous and widespread. On this moment many of them are unusual for us, and therefore are considered very rare. Despite this, every year there are more and more such names.
  2. Those who are interested in numerology are looking for a harmonious relationship between the date of birth of the child and the name that was chosen for him. If harmony can be achieved, the child will be happy and successful in everything.
  3. Some people name their children based on the time of year they were born. It is believed that “winter” children should be called with warm names, and “summer” children with firm names, so to speak, with character.
  4. Do not forget about the traditions inherent different peoples. Many girls are named after grandmothers, great-grandmothers or other famous women in the family, and sometimes men. You can often find girls with boyish names (Alexandra, Valeria, Ruslana, Evgenia).
  5. And even more often, children are simply called names that are fashionable at the moment or dedicated to some important events countries. For example, Elnara, which means “Joy of the People” in translation from Tatar.

Beautiful female names from ancient Russian to modern Russian

During a sociological survey conducted in our country, it turned out that the most favorite female names among men are:

  • Anastasia,
  • Catherine,
  • Victoria,
  • Ksenia,
  • Tatiana,
  • Alexandra,
  • Sofia,
  • Natalia.

Names that are relevant in Russia are of Slavic, Latin, Greek, Germanic and even Jewish origin.

Slavic ones are considered the oldest, but despite this, some of them are popular to this day. For example:

  • Bozhena (God's);
  • Lyudmila (sweet to people);
  • Snezhana (snowy, that is, cold);
  • Vlada (the one who owns fame);
  • Darina (gift of the gods).

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', new names were formed, adopted and took root, which we consider to be primordially Russian. They were formed thanks to trade with different countries, especially with Byzantium. And there were not only in use greek names, Egyptian, Byzantine, Babylonian, Germanic and many others were also present. Here is just a small list of the most common:

  • Irina (calmness and peace);
  • Maya (mother, nurse);
  • Elena (light);
  • Zoya (live, life);
  • Natalia (given by God);
  • Taisiya (wise);
  • Alena (light);
  • Valentina (healthy, strong).

But there is also Orthodox names, each of them has a specific day of the year. And if a child was born on this day, then it is recommended to name him:

  • Raisa (carefree);
  • Anfisa (blooming);
  • Euphrosyne (joy);
  • Claudia (limping);
  • Seraphim (fiery);
  • Capitolina (born in Capitolia).

Some parents prefer to name their children with biblical names - Eve, Dinah, Leah, Rachel, Rebekah, Delilah, Esther. This tradition was borrowed from the Jewish people. They are the ones who name children using the Old Testament.

In the modern world, children are increasingly called with double names. This is what they did in Ancient Rus', but with only one difference: one name was known to everyone, and the other was known only to those closest to him. At the same time, it was believed that the first must necessarily be negative, so that in life it would be the other way around. Old Russian ones used:

  • Bereginya,
  • Veselina,
  • golden blossom,
  • Malice,
  • Zorina,
  • Kriva,
  • Kupava
  • Gorislava,
  • Nekras,
  • Malusha,
  • Milena,
  • Svetozara,
  • Yaroslav.

In those days, everything was clean - both nature and air. They lived honestly, subsistence farming, and knew what love was. Therefore, they gave names that endowed people with wisdom, kindness, hard work, and strong character.

Unusual foreign

Parents borrow unusual names for babies from foreign languages. Since our country is multinational and multi-religious, we often use not Russian names, but those common in various countries of the world.

For example, Belarusian. They are very similar to Russian ones, with only one difference - instead of “and”, “i” is used. Here are the most common ones - Alesya, Alena, Yana, Yarina, etc. Ukrainian - Oksana, Sofia, Darina, Vladislava, Stanislava, etc.

Muslims often call their children Azerbaijani names. They are very warm, feminine and soft-sounding, which gives them a special charm:

  • Aziza (dear);
  • Diamond (beautiful);
  • Amina (guardian);
  • Bella (beautiful);
  • Jamila (Beauty of the World);
  • Zara (gold);
  • Leila (night);
  • Maryam (loving).

The east is no less attractive and mysterious. In the east, a woman is hot and sensual on the inside, but closed and cold on the outside. These are the kind of women that attract men.

Representatives Arab countries They call girls melodious names that emphasize the beauty of the owner - Aisha (beloved wife of the Prophet), Zafira (victorious), Ablaa (perfect), Nadira (rare), Rashida (wise), Salima (immaculate), Latyfa (gentle girl).

For the Japanese, the most important thing is the euphony of the child’s first and last name. The most interesting ones are those that mean flowers and natural phenomena or precious stones:

  • Fuji (wisteria),
  • Sora (sky)
  • Amaya (evening rain)
  • Keori (fragrance)
  • Cho (butterfly),
  • June (obedient)
  • Yoko (ocean child).

Among foreign ones, it is European ones that have gained particular popularity in Russia. They are distinguished by special energy, since these are the names of winners, real businesswomen, great designers, politicians, successful actresses and singers. These include the French:

  • Aglaya,
  • Gabriella,
  • Daniela,
  • Jasmine,
  • Stephanie,
  • Nicole,
  • Camilla,
  • Olivia,
  • Nadine,
  • Evelina,
  • Suzanne,
  • Sophie,
  • Adeline,
  • Bridget,
  • Blanche.


  • Agatha,
  • Alice,
  • Valerie,
  • Gloria,
  • Diana,
  • Irma,
  • Caroline,
  • Laura,
  • Monica,
  • Sabrina.


  • Ursula,
  • Erika,
  • Albertina,
  • Amalia,
  • Belinda,
  • Bruna,
  • Gertrude,
  • Greta,
  • Josephine.

From the Scandinavian countries, in particular from Ireland, the following unusual names came to us:

  • Isolde (fair),
  • Myrna (lover)
  • Nora (honor)
  • Suzanne (lily),
  • Faiona (grapevine),
  • Elinora (foreign),
  • Rachel (sheep).


  • Vedella (wanderer)
  • Gerdi (fortress),
  • Kaisa (pure),
  • Marit (pearl),
  • Ottali (rich) are not widely used, as they sound strange and unusual to the Russian ear.

IN Lately Names from songs, films, and TV series have become especially popular. The top included:

  • Constance,
  • Scarlett,
  • Olympics,
  • Stella,
  • Chloe,
  • Natella,
  • Jacqueline,
  • Cassandra,
  • Regina,
  • Dominica.

Ratings of Russian names

According to experts, the most unusual ones are found in mixed marriages, where one of the parents is a foreigner. According to the Civil Registry Office, the ranking of the most unusual names for Russia is as follows.

  • Zhuzha;
  • Millionaire;
  • Russia;
  • Privatization;
  • Diamond;
  • Rowan;
  • Niva;
  • Moon;
  • Ophelia;
  • Viagra.

If we judge the most used ones, then it is best to refer to the statistics of queries in search engines:

In conclusion, I would like to remind you, Dear Parents. When you give a name to a child, do not forget that he will carry it throughout his life. And I don’t want the girl to become an object of ridicule at school. It is better if her name is familiar to the country and nationality to which you belong.
