LGBT - what does the abbreviation mean and what is the LGBT movement. The leader of the LGBT community Alekseev named the names of gays in the circles of high-ranking officials in Russia

1. What is LGBT?

LGBT (LGBT) is an abbreviation formed from the first letters of the names of groups of representatives of sexual and gender minorities. It denotes a community of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people united by common interests, issues and goals. The LGBT movement is a movement for human rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

2. How to talk about LGBT people correctly?

The words “homosexuality” and “homosexual” should be avoided as they carry negative emotional connotations. In Soviet medicine, these terms were used to designate sexual perversion to be treated, and in criminology - a crime to be punished.

Since these approaches are now fundamentally outdated, the use of the word “homosexuality” is incorrect in essence and offensive in form. Think about the fact that there are no words “heterosexual” and “heterosexuality”, but there are “heterosexual” and “heterosexuality”. Therefore, when it comes to sexual orientation, it would be correct to say “homosexual” and “homosexuality” - these are the terms that correspond to their Western European counterparts (English: “homosexual” and “homosexuality”).

In the early 2000s, the neutral word “gay” began to be used more and more actively in everyday life. However, this term does not always correlate with sexual behavior: it means self-identification. A gay is a person who accepts his homosexual orientation, is aware of his belonging to the gay community and culture, as well as the need to defend his rights. By the way, in the West the word “gay” refers to homosexual people of both sexes - both men and women. Moreover, it is often used as an adjective. For example, “gay woman” (“homosexual woman”) or “gay girl” (“homosexual girl”).

In the Russian- and Ukrainian-speaking space, such women prefer to call themselves the word “lesbian,” which goes back to the ancient Greek poetess Sappho (Sappho), who lived on the island of Lesbos and dedicated many poems to her love for a woman.

Bisexual men are called bisexuals, bisexual women are called bisexuals. Both of them together are often called the word “bi” (from the ancient Greek “two”).

The correct terms for people whose biological sex does not match their gender identity are “transgender,” “transgender man,” and “transgender woman.”

3. How many LGBT people are there in Ukraine?

According to the data various studies, in Ukraine there are from 800 thousand to 1.2 million representatives of the LGBT community. Counting is no easy task, as answering openly a question about one's sexual orientation or gender identity remains dangerous in our country. Sociologists argue that in any society - regardless of its political and social structure, approval or disapproval of homosexuality - the proportion of LGBT people is approximately the same and ranges from 7 to 10 percent.

4. Why are gays and lesbians not visible?

For many gays and lesbians, telling their parents, colleagues and friends about their homosexuality is very difficult. And all because a huge number of myths, stereotypes and various kinds of social stigmas will most likely prevent them from perceiving the information adequately. Relatives are most often afraid of the reaction of others to the fact that there is “such” a person in their family. The question always comes up: “What about the grandchildren?”

In the worst case scenario, loved ones, friends and even parents may stop all contact with the person who has disclosed their homosexuality or transgenderism. Naturally, for this reason, people are in no hurry to let others know the details of their sexual identity.

It is often difficult to admit this even to yourself, because in our society there is a stereotype that to be homosexual or transgender means to be rejected. Alas, this stereotype is difficult to break.

5. Is it possible to change sexual orientation?

History has repeatedly described cases of attempts to “treat” homosexuality using a variety of methods - from electric shock and chemical castration to conversion therapy involving religion.

Needless to say that often such “treatment” was more like torture? In fact, no therapy can change sexual orientation. First of all, because sexual orientation, whatever it may be, is not a disease. It's very easy to understand reverse example, imagining a heterosexual man who, with the help of pills, prayers, electric shock and hormone therapy, is trying to make him want other men and feel disgust at the sight of a naked female body. Difficult? That's it.

6. Why hold gay pride parades?

Gay Pride is an entertaining procession in the form of a fun carnival. There have been no gay pride parades in Kyiv, and there are no plans to do so in the near future. Kyiv is not the Brazilian Sao Paulo or the German Berlin: the Ukrainian LGBT community has nothing to celebrate yet by organizing carnivals.

Instead, an Equality March is organized annually in Kyiv, which has nothing in common with the carnival. This is a public action within the framework of the International LGBT Forum-Festival “KyivPride”. The Equality March is a human rights march in which ordinary people take part: representatives of the LGBT community, their friends and human rights activists. Participants in the Equality March are not necessarily homo-, bi-, or transsexual people themselves.

The Equality March is not about entertainment. This is about respecting the rights and freedoms of every person in our country. Sexual orientation and gender identity is a private matter for everyone, but human rights are an issue that is extremely important for the whole society. Because freedom either exists for everyone or does not exist for anyone.

7. What is Pride?

The English word "pride" means "pride". IN English language the connotations of this term may vary, and if a person says “I'm proud to be gay” (literally translated - “I'm proud to be gay”), this does not mean that he considers his sexual orientation more “worthy” " than any other. This phrase should be taken in the context of “I am not ashamed of who I am and accept myself as such.”

LGBT pride can consist of holding public events, for example, the Equality March, as well as various cultural and intellectual events of closed or semi-open content - exhibitions, film screenings, public discussions, educational sessions.

8. Who discriminates against LGBT people?

Representatives of the LGBT community are discriminated against in various life spheres. The most painful is the so-called family discrimination, when young children, sometimes minors, are kicked out of home after learning about their sexuality. Of course, gay and lesbian adults are also familiar with discrimination. Thus, representatives of the LGBT community may be fired from work without reason, denied employment, suddenly terminated a rental agreement, kicked out of a cafe, expelled from a university or other educational institution.

LGBT people suffer regular abuse, extortion and blackmail at the hands of unscrupulous law enforcement officials. Sometimes criminals choose representatives of the LGBT community as potential victims of assaults and robberies, based on the fact that they, out of fear for their reputation, will not complain to law enforcement officers. Moreover, since 2011, legislative initiatives began to appear in the Ukrainian parliament, one after another, which proposed to establish institutional (that is, emanating not from society, but from the state) discrimination based on sexual orientation. We are talking primarily about a number of bills that prohibited the dissemination of information about homosexuality in the public space. In other words, these were documents about legalized discrimination against LGBT people and their transformation into second-class citizens at the level of state policy.

Transgender people are often victims of even greater discrimination because their appearance differs from the majority's idea of ​​what a man or woman should look like. In addition, gender reassignment treatment procedures for transsexuals in Ukraine are extremely burdensome and discriminatory. For example, only those transsexuals who are not married and do not have children can undergo these procedures.

9. Which LGBT rights are being violated?

Unfortunately, Ukrainian society and Ukraine as a whole are still very far from adhering to the implementation of Article 28 of the Constitution in Everyday life. This article states that every citizen has the right to respect for his own dignity. Considering LGBT people as second-class citizens, as “sub-citizens,” our compatriots violate the fundamental human rights of members of the LGBT community at various levels.

The following rights are violated:

1) for housing (parents can kick a gay minor out of the house);

2) on healthcare (it happens that doctors refuse homosexuals, and especially transgender people, adequate medical care);

3) for education (they may be expelled from an educational institution without reason);

4) for work (thrown out of work, not hired without reason);

5) on personal integrity (aggressive attacks on people because of their sexual orientation);

6) impartial treatment (blackmail, extortion by law enforcement officials; refusal to provide any commercial services);

7) non-disclosure of confidential information (information about sexual orientation may be disclosed to third parties);

8) to create a family (people do not have the opportunity to legitimize their family relationships on the territory of Ukraine).

And this is not a complete list.

The problem is that such a large social group as homosexuals and bisexuals of both sexes are almost completely ignored in domestic legislation - as if they do not exist in nature. We have a wonderful anti-discrimination clause in the Constitution, but human rights to equality regardless of sexual orientation are not expressly protected in that clause.

We have a law “On the fundamentals of preventing and combating discrimination in Ukraine,” but it never mentions sexual orientation or gender identity. Our Family Code completely ignores the 150 thousand same-sex partnerships that exist unofficially in Ukraine, when people lead a joint household, living under the same roof as a family and, in many cases, raising children.

In the practice of criminal proceedings, it is believed that a sexual relationship between a 100% gay man and a woman is “natural” for him, but a relationship between two gay men is unnatural for either of them.

It’s good that the State Statistics Service several years ago had enough common sense to cancel the useless statistical registration of “minor homosexuals” (yes, this is exactly the kind of registration that was carried out by the internal affairs bodies at one time!).

So, we need to thoroughly cleanse the legislation of the remnants of Sovietization and bring it into line with current social realities and European standards. Only then will everything begin to change for the better.

10. What does your organization do?

The all-Ukrainian public organization “Gay Alliance Ukraine” has been operating since 2009, has more than 15 regional offices in many regions of the country and successfully implements many interesting projects.

We are currently working with topics such as:

Promoting the implementation of fundamental human rights and freedoms, countering homophobia.

Development of the LGBT community.

Informing society about LGBT and human rights issues.

Helpline for LGBT people.

Support for women's initiatives.

Promotion of development civil society and other useful activities.

We try to be in constant contact with the LGBT community and promptly respond to their requests. Therefore, the projects we carry out are relevant and result-oriented.

11. Who supports you?

LGBT, like many others social groups, face unfair treatment, violation of equality or, in legal terms, discrimination.

In recent years, discriminated groups in Ukraine have become much more supportive of each other. We cooperate with representatives of women's organizations, public figures who advocate for the rights of people with disabilities, the rights of refugees and religious minorities, the rights of people living with HIV, the rights of prisoners, etc. We are supported by our colleagues and like-minded people from many countries around the world, including a considerable number of international political figures. For example, the Council of Europe's High Commissioner for Human Rights, or the head of the European Union's foreign policy department, Baroness Catherine Ashton, as well as outstanding world-class philanthropists like Elton John.

We also receive partial support from the Ukrainian authorities: most recently, the Ukrainian judiciary adopted recommendations according to which people cannot be discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation in the field of labor relations.

Nowadays, every person can defend their rights. To do this, he only needs to join a community of interests (as one of the options) or common views on different things. There are many associations of people who strive to improve their lives or... prove a point. Communities of this type direct their activities to achieve certain results, goals, or to combat emerging problems.

Beyond specific communities, there is the concept of “movement.” It also consists of different groups of people who share common views on life or certain things. They strive to prove their point of view to the world and want to be heard. Among such groups are LGBT. Who it is, or rather what it is, is not known to everyone. So let's try to figure it out.

What is LGBT?

One thing is clear - this is an abbreviation. Among tens of thousands of different communities, there are many whose names consist of only a few letters. But what do they mean? For example, many are interested in what LGBT stands for. In simple words, is a group of people united by their views and principles of life. They are often called gay communities. They include representatives of various communities, communication groups, movements, neighborhoods and organizations.

But why LGBT? The decoding is simple: a community of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people. All people who consider themselves to be part of this formation are united by common problems, interests and goals. In any case, LGBT representatives consider themselves full members of society, which they try to prove to others, since many do not recognize their views and way of life.

LGBT movement

In addition to the community of gays, lesbians and other representatives of sexual minorities, there is a special LGBT movement. It consists of the same people with non-traditional orientation, but they are actively involved in proving their rights and living as full-fledged individuals in today’s society.

Video: “LGBT” - True transcript - “Educational program” (Announcement of a series of programs).

The LGBT movement, whose acronym consists of the first letters of four words - lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, stands for equal rights of citizens, sexual freedom, tolerance, respect for human rights and, of course, the eradication of xenophobia and discrimination. In addition, the main goal of the participants is the integration of people with non-traditional orientation into society.

Community history

The history of the LGBT movement dates back to the Second World War. Yes, yes, oddly enough, but at a time when asking the question of how LGBT stood for was not only shameful, but even scary, a society of gay people already existed, and every day there were more and more supporters. People slowly gained courage and stopped being afraid of society's reaction to them.

Video: decoding abbreviations

In general, the history of society is divided into five long periods: pre-war, post-war, stonewall (gay liberation uprising), AIDS epidemic and modern. It was after the second stage of the formation of LGBT people that the ideology in society changed. The post-war period became the impetus for the formation of gay neighborhoods and bars.

Community symbols

The LGBT community is a formation that was formed by people who have the same views and interests, namely non-traditional orientation, which in our time is perceived in completely different ways. As the unusual organization developed, its own symbols appeared. These are special signs that have meaning and a unique origin. They help you navigate society and distinguish your like-minded people and supporters. Additionally, the symbolism demonstrates the pride and openness of the community. It's clear that she's playing special role for every gay person.

Signs symbolizing the LGBT community include the pink triangle. Of course, these are not all designations, but they are the most common.

Previously, during the Second World War, it was considered a major crime for which the government punished and the person was prosecuted by law. Homosexuals were forced to hide. The LGBT community as a public organization was founded by the US government in 1960, after which the lives of all sexual minorities improved significantly.

Equality for sexual minorities!

"LGBT - what is it?" - many people ask, and after learning the decoding, they perceive such unions as something frivolous. In fact, the strength and agency of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community should not be underestimated. After all, it is thanks to him that all LGBT people can now make legal contracts and no one has the right to condemn them for this.

Throughout the existence of the community, it tried to change legislation in favor of sexual minorities. After all main goal LGBT is the protection of human rights and it should be noted that this organization was once opposed by the anti-homosexual movement, which does not recognize LGBT people as equal members of society, or religion does not allow them to accept them.

In addition to the fact that sexual minorities fought for human rights, they all long dreamed of marrying each other. Previously this was unacceptable! In this regard, same-sex civil partnerships did not suit gays and lesbians; they needed official legitimation of relationships and a family. Even the possibility of adopting a child was not excluded. Ultimately, permission to enter into same-sex marriage was received by thousands of gay couples.

Right to Adoption

Not many people know what LGBT stands for, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't be interested in it. Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender people have fought and continue to defend their rights. And it’s not in vain. After all, after a lot of effort, they were finally allowed to enter into same-sex marriages. A little later, gay couples began to desire. Thus, another problem arose - adoption. LGBT people are seeking the right to have a child, and in some countries, members of sexual minorities can do this. The only problem is identifying the parent. Many social services do not understand how to register mom and dad as guardians when they are both female or male.

Activities of the LGBT community

It should be noted that LGBT (an abbreviation whose meaning is now clear to you) is successfully engaged in social activities. Community organizes various events, including original film festivals, competitions, concerts, sports competitions, photo exhibitions and flash mobs, theatrical performances, etc. The purpose of these events is the adaptation of people with non-traditional orientation. A special feature of the event is its educational nature. It should be noted that LGBT people publish magazines, books, and also appear on television and radio. Community representatives provide amazing psychological, legal, medical and other types of support and assistance to their like-minded people.

Cancellation of bans on professions

Now you know what LGBT is. Note that this formation is often mentioned in connection with social activities. Surprisingly, there were times when gay people were prohibited from working in certain positions. For example, they could not serve in the army, be a teacher or a doctor. Today, most of these prohibitions have been lifted, and all this has been achieved by representatives of sexual minorities. Of course, what LGBT stands for is known only to those people who are interested in this issue. In other cases, they prefer to remain silent about such formations.

Lifting bans on donation

When asking the question of what LGBT is, a person with a traditional orientation wants to receive a normal, satisfying answer. But not everyone “likes” reality and the whole truth contained in deciphering this concept. Thus, there were times when lesbians and gays were prohibited from becoming donors. Their blood was considered “dirty”, unworthy ordinary person. It is quite natural that sexual minorities were extremely offended by this attitude, and they began to fight injustice. Nevertheless, today there are still countries that continue to prohibit homosexuals from having organs.

Video: What is the Business Youth Community?

So, we looked at what LGBT is. Who they are and what goals they are pursuing have also been clarified. The main task of this community today is to eradicate negative attitudes towards people who are different from the majority.

Attention, TODAY only!


LGBT. Decoding

How did homosexuality go from a moral issue to a political one?

Why does the movement for “sexual minority rights” encroach on fundamental human rights?

What do parents and children, politicians and voters, believers and atheists need to know?

Answers to key questions

Is it true that the predisposition to homosexuality is determined genetically?

Not true! There is no genetically determined attraction to a partner of the same sex! We are convinced that homosexuality is a variant of the norm, because people are born that way. The media promotes the idea that the “gay gene” has already been found. But this is an outright deception! There is not a single authoritative scientific study that proves that homosexuality is an innate characteristic.

However, there are ongoing attempts to convince society that same-sex attraction is genetically determined. Such attempts are made for political reasons, since people are more likely to support the need for changes in legislation and religious teaching if they believe that sexual orientation is genetic and cannot be changed.

Neuroscientist Simon Levay dedicated his life to finding the gene that controls sexual orientation. But in the end, I did not find any evidence that sexual orientation is genetically determined. The scientist was forced to admit this publicly, despite the fact that he himself is openly gay.

Homosexuality is NOT a congenital trait, it is an acquired phenomenon. Most often due to violence in childhood, improper parenting methods, single-parent families, absence of parents and propaganda in society.

Heterosexual behavior, in turn, is destined for us from birth by anatomy human body, and also enshrined in cultural and religious traditions. Universal ideas about human integrity and tradition family life also support heterosexual behavior due to the complementary distribution of functions between the sexes.

Is homosexual orientation changeable?

Yes, it does! However, there are a number of points that need to be taken into account. Firstly, the person himself must want to stop practicing the homosexual lifestyle. Secondly, changes do not always occur instantly; this process can take place over time. Most people who sincerely want to free themselves from homosexuality achieve their goal by turning to God and consultants. There is enough evidence to consider renunciation of homosexuality possible and liberation from this vice real and necessary.

How to prevent a child from developing homosexual behavior?

Parents just need to love each other, correctly distribute roles in the family and be a good father and mother to their child, try to raise their child in love. Fathers should spend time with their sons, setting an example for them in everything. Moms shouldn't be overprotective. Parents should form a positive image of a man in girls. Divorce and remarriage greatly traumatize a child’s psyche. If a child's emotional and other needs are properly met within the family and among peers, he is unlikely to develop same-sex attraction. Children need each parent, sibling, and peer to show them affection and acceptance. And also protect them from exposure to harmful content on the Internet and the media!

Homosexuality → AIDS

When thinking about the physiological risks of homosexuality, the first thing we should talk about is AIDS. The statistical connection between these two phenomena is obvious. But, despite this, activists of the gay and lesbian movement are trying to hide the fact that the percentage of the disease is very high among homosexuals. Men who engage in same-sex sex are up to 20 times more likely to become infected than heterosexual people. And this is not surprising...

Homosexual men change their sexual partners up to 12 times more often than heterosexual men. Often the number of partners during a lifetime is measured in the hundreds. They strive to satisfy lust and involve more and more young people in this process. Such a concept as family fidelity is alien to them, and therefore the ideas about the legalization of so-called “same-sex marriages” are all the more smack of cynicism.

After 2001 in the USA it was sexual relations between young men are main reason HIV spread – more than 50% of cases.

The number of people infected with HIV in the UK has doubled over the past decade. The number of new infections increased from 1,950 in 2001 to 3,780 in 2010, according to the Health Protection Agency (HPA). Moreover, up to 80% (!) of all new HIV-infected people are homosexuals.

A Dutch study found that homosexuals who took post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) were four times more likely to become HIV-infected over time, even than those who had never used PEP. The cause of infection was continued risky behavior after completion of the prophylaxis course.

What about other diseases associated with homosexual practice? How do they affect life expectancy? AIDS is far from the only danger to the life and health of a homosexual. There are a lot of diseases inherent in this behavior, regardless of whether a condom is used or not. The very way of life of the LGBT community is dangerous! According to some data, homosexual men, even if they have a long-term partner and in the absence of AIDS, live almost 2-3 decades less than heterosexuals. Gays and lesbians are at much higher risk for mental illness and substance abuse.

There is a common myth that most talented people are gay. It is not true! Creativity has nothing to do with sexual orientation! On the contrary, homosexuality hinders many truly talented people. If we compare relative amount talented people, the advantage will clearly belong to heterosexual people. Homosexuality hinders personal development! It’s also worth remembering that the LGBT movement simply loves to lie about the homosexual orientation of historical figures. A striking example of this is the slander regarding Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

Item national security

The spread of homosexuality poses a threat to the national security of any country! Why?

Firstly, it deepens the demographic crisis.

Secondly, it destroys the institution of family, which is the social basis for the existence of society and the state.

Thirdly, it leads to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

These are all matters of national security, not simply aspects of individual intimate preferences.

It is for these reasons that a law banning homosexual propaganda should be passed - in the interests of national security! Just as in the interests of national security, propaganda of violence, religious hatred and attacks on the territorial integrity of the country is prohibited.

Law prohibiting the promotion of homosexuality

1. Protects children from information that negatively affects their psyche.
2. Will prevent marches of gays and lesbians through the streets and squares.
3. Will not allow the screening of films, series and shows that tell teenagers about the “normality” of same-sex relationships.
4. Prevent the dissemination of information in schools and universities that promotes homosexuality.
5. It will save teenagers from imposing perverted ideas about human sexuality on them.
6. Will limit the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
7. Will protect the institution of the traditional family and help parents in the process of sexual education of their children.

In Ukraine, a national campaign has been ongoing since 2007 demanding the adoption of a law banning the promotion of homosexuality. More than one hundred thousand signatures have already been collected for this initiative. Citizens' autographs were handed over to parliamentarians.

What to do if you come across homosexual propaganda or cases of child sexual abuse? Resist propaganda, protect children, contact law enforcement agencies, relevant ministries and departments, initiate legal proceedings! It is also worth keeping in mind that pedophilia is approximately three times more common among homosexuals than among heterosexuals.

Confession of a former gay

I first encountered homosexual relationships when I was a child. Then I witnessed perverted sexual relationships between older guys. At first I didn’t have the slightest attraction to this, but later I found myself drawn into what seemed to me “harmless games.” I began to grow up with the understanding that sexual relationships between guys were probably normal, since my older friends did it. Neither I nor my friends had any knowledge of our physiology or normal sexual relationships.

It turned out that such sexual entertainment between teenage boys develops into homosexual preferences and attractions in the future. Games quickly become a passion. I became a practicing gay man. The search for new sexual partners, the fear that someone will find out about your lifestyle, the lack of satisfaction in these relationships - all this kept you in constant nervous tension. The further I went, the more I realized: in this state, neither sex with girls, nor sex with men, nor masturbation, nor pornography brings me joy. Because of this condition, I had to drink often, and then sex could not be done without alcohol. But homosexual attraction turned out to be stronger than alcoholic attraction! Sex without frames and boundaries is like a drug. Homosexuality is the most severe form of neurosis!

I began to realize that I couldn’t live like this any longer, but I didn’t know how to get rid of this harmful and murderous addiction. By the age of 30, I found myself in the deepest depression. Disillusioned with his homosexual immoral behavior, he began to think about the meaning of life. And in 1999, I turned to God and became a Christian, because I realized that my lifestyle was not only wrong and dangerous, but also sinful. I repented of my sins, accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord, and immediately left my old lifestyle. I am still amazed and happy at the radical changes that happened in an instant after a short prayer - I became free from homosexuality, God healed me and set me free! I have become a normal, healthy person, free from this sinful vice!

In a society where there is no healthy sex education, where homosexuality is allowed and protected, where laws and education lack the principles of Christian ethics, where fathers do not pay due attention to communication with their sons, it is very easy to become homosexual. I am against homosexuality spreading in my country. I am against the fact that they are trying to declare homosexuality the norm everywhere. I am against children, teenagers and young people being corrupted. I am for a healthy, clean life, free from homosexuality and other perversions!

How will children raised by homosexuals grow up? The answer to this question has been of interest to everyone for many years. But due to the fact that the legalization of same-sex partnerships and especially “marriages” began to occur in some countries not so long ago, until recently there was no basis for making objective scientific conclusions. For a simple reason – the generation of such children has not yet grown up.

However, in the fall of 2010, Mark Regnerus, doctor of sociology, associate professor at the University of Texas at Austin (USA), began his famous Scientific research on the topic “How do adult children whose parents have same-sex relationships differ?” The scientist completed his work a year and a half later - in 2012. However, data analysis continues to this day - it is available to all interested scientists, thanks to the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research at the University of Michigan.

Shocking Consequences

The study involved 3,000 adult respondents whose parents were in same-sex sexual relationships. As a result, the data obtained was truly shocking. However, this was to be expected. But for the first time this was proven by a reputable scientist from a reputable university, and the results were published in the no less authoritative publication Social Science Research.

High level of sexually transmitted infection. Published data reports that 25% of children raised by homosexual parents have had or have sexually transmitted diseases due to their specific lifestyle. For comparison, the number of infected peers from prosperous heterosexual families was recorded at 8%.

Inability to maintain family fidelity. And here is the reason for this level of infection. Those who were raised by homosexual parents are much more likely to be loyal to adultery– 40%. A similar indicator of loyalty to infidelity among those raised in heterosexual families is 13%.

Psychological problems. The next shocking fact is that up to 24% of adult children from same-sex “families” have recently planned suicide. For comparison, the level of such sentiments among those raised in normal heterosexual families is 5%. People raised by homosexual parents are significantly more likely than those from heterosexual families to turn to psychotherapists - 19% versus 8%.

This is not surprising. After all, 31% of those who grew up with a lesbian mother and 25% of those who grew up with a homosexual father were ever forced to have sex against their will (including by their parents). In the case of heterosexual families, only 8% of respondents report this.

Socio-economic helplessness. 28% of people from families where the mother was a lesbian are unemployed. Among people from normal families, this level is only 8%.

69% of those with a lesbian mom and 57% of those with a gay dad reported that their family had received government benefits in the past. Among ordinary families, this is true in 17% of cases. And 38% of those who grew up with a lesbian mother still live on government benefits, and only 26% have a job full time. Among those whose father was homosexual, only 34% currently have a full-time job. For comparison, among those raised in heterosexual families, only 10% live on state benefits, and half are employed full-time.

Sexual identity disorder. And finally, here are the numbers that finally destroy the myth that being raised in a same-sex “family” does not affect the sexual orientation of an adult child. So, if dad or mom had homosexual relationships, then only 60-70% of their children call themselves completely heterosexual. In turn, more than 90% of people who grew up in a traditional family identify themselves as completely heterosexual.

An attempt to shut Regnerus's mouth

What is significant is that when Mark Regnerus was preparing the data obtained for publication, an aggressive information campaign began against him. LGBT activists demanded that the results of the study not be made public. The hottest heads began to slander, calling Regnerus a fraudster and a charlatan, and demanded that the professor be fired from the University of Texas. Even many scientists took up arms against their colleague.

The University then carefully examined all the allegations and scrupulously analyzed all the data obtained by Regnerus. The research methodology was tested separately. As a result, the University confirmed that scientific work is of the highest quality and meets academic requirements.
Journalists from the online newspaper “All News” contacted Professor Mark Regnerus to clarify this situation.

- Who questioned your research and for what purpose? Who conducted the investigation, and what conclusion did the commission come to?
“As far as I understand, you are interested in the precedent of the investigation conducted here at the University of Texas regarding my compliance with scientific ethics. The decision to investigate came after a New York social activist and blogger filed a complaint alleging scientific misconduct on my part. The university's research department conducted an investigation and concluded that there was no evidence of the violation alleged against me. Thus, the issue was dropped.

It is also significant that this study was the subject of a large article in The New York Times. This authoritative publication also considered it necessary to publicly notify readers about the results obtained by Mark Regnerus. Thus, for almost the first time, the world community has received authoritative research that sheds light on the tragic consequences of raising children in families where parents practiced homosexual relations.

About democracy, human rights and dictatorship

We are in the midst of a “homo revolution.” Apologists for the gay and lesbian movement are increasingly appearing without masks, demonstrating their dictatorial ways. The goal is to establish a totalitarian regime. But at the same time they cynically use slogans about democracy and human rights. They cynically manipulate terms and concepts.

We are told that sexual orientation is a sign equivalent to skin color and nationality, and therefore in the legislative field they must be written separated by a comma. However, this is a typical substitution of concepts. Sexual orientation is NOT an innate characteristic, and therefore is NOT a natural human right, and therefore cannot be placed on the same level as nationality and skin color. People are born with the color of their skin, but they become homosexuals! Any sexual expression is a behavior, not a biological feature.

Politicized sexual minorities are increasingly demonstrating totalitarian habits. They use slogans of democracy only to destroy democracy and establish a homodictatorship. We see “flowers” ​​today. Judge for yourself!

In Sweden, Christian cleric Åke Green was thrown behind bars simply because he called homosexuality a cancer on the body of society.

In the UK, employee Lilian Ladel was fired from her job because she refused to register a same-sex partnership.

In France, tear gas is used to disperse citizens who oppose same-sex so-called “marriage.”

In Germany, parental rights are being deprived of those who do not allow their children to attend classes that promote same-sex relationships.

The homosexual movement seeks to suppress all dissent and punish any dissent. They don't need freedom and human rights! They are building a world where all those who disagree are punished and persecuted. This is a homodictatorship!

Six steps to establishing a homodictatorship

1. The myth of discrimination against sexual minorities is imposed on society.
2. Laws are then passed to prohibit “discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.”
3. Next comes the legalization of same-sex civil partnerships.
4. The next logical step is the legalization of “same-sex marriage”.
5. Subsequently, the adoption of laws allowing the adoption of children by same-sex couples.
6. The final chord: introducing changes to the legislation that provide for administrative and criminal liability for everyone who does not agree with all of the above.

What kind of democracy, what kind of freedom of speech, what kind of freedom of conscience and religion can we be talking about here?! Clearly, the LGBT community professes an extremely totalitarian ideology that seeks to suppress all dissent. The political homosexual community operates in every country according to the same well-developed scenario.

Homosexual ideology is extremely passionate in its essence. If you don't stop its apologists, they won't stop. If they achieved something, it means that the citizens allowed it. Any healthy society must rise to full height to stop the deadly virus that seeks to destroy the foundations. Otherwise, the fruits will be more bitter than many imagine.

The main enemy of the political gay party is the family. Homosexuality hates family. Homosexuality and family are antonymous concepts. That is why gays and lesbians are seeking the legalization of same-sex “marriages” everywhere in order to completely discredit the concepts of family and marriage.
Open opposition to homodictatorship and protection of the institution of the traditional heterosexual family are the two pillars on which the activity of healthy forces is based.

Manifesto of people with a future

Our past and present are closely connected with family. And we realize that without a heterosexual family we have no future. We are not affected by the virus of false tolerance and political correctness. We call black black, and let it sound intolerant.

Homosexuality is a black clot!

We are intolerant when the ideology of homosexuality wants to penetrate our yards, schools, parliamentary and government offices, and the media.

We affirm that it is necessary to prohibit, under threat of criminal liability, all activities of individuals and legal entities that promote or protect same-sex sexual relations. At the same time, we categorically do not accept physical aggression towards sexual minorities, since these people need help and rehabilitation.

We defend fundamental human rights - the right to freedom of religion, the right to freedom of speech, the right to live and develop in a happy, full-fledged family.

We defend the right of believers to boldly quote passages from the Holy Books that condemn homosexuality. We defend the right of everyone to say freely and publicly that homosexuality is perverse and evil. We defend the right of every person to be raised and develop in a healthy marriage.

Lyudmila Gridkovets, candidate psychological sciences(Kyiv, Ukraine)
Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy at the Kiev Institute of Business and Technology, practicing psychologist-psychotherapist, specialist in the field of psychosexual culture and family psychology, member of the Scientific Council of the National Expert Commission for the Protection of Public Morality, expert in criminal cases regarding sexual abuse of children, doctoral student at the Institute of Social and political psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, expert on radio and television programs, author of more than 80 scientific papers.

“In the modern world, it is very beneficial to talk about the biological basis of homosexuality. However, despite the accumulation of significant funds allocated to the search for the biological basis of this phenomenon, supporters of this idea have never been able to find the “homosexuality gene.” Biological factor may be the cause of the development of homosexuality, but the cause is not of a natural nature, but the result of a failure of the physiological system due to previous diseases ( viral infections, disorders of the endocrine or nervous system). However, even these cases constitute no more than 2% of the entire reported population of people with sexual orientation disorders.

At the same time, the real reasons for the development of this deformation should be sought in socio-psychological factors. These include the following:
- environmental factor (deformation of the family system with the dominance of an authoritative mother);
- situational conditioning (homosexual corruption or violence);
- personal conditioning (formation by parents of a narcissistic way of thinking in a child);
- substitution conditioning (same-sex isolation - prison, boarding school);
- fantasy conditioning (under the influence of homosexual suggestion from the media and the film industry).

The overwhelming majority of the causes of female homosexuality are hidden in sexual and physical violence experienced in childhood and adolescence.

The destructive influence of the propaganda of homosexual relations leads to the reform of critical thinking in children and adolescents and the formation of an image of the naturalness of the homosexual model of communication. This, in turn, leads to the destruction of the model " sex life– the birth of a child” and forms an egocentric concentration of the individual’s sexual energy exclusively on the model of pleasure. This is also one of the reasons for the demographic crisis in the country.

However, the greatest threat to the homosexual way of thinking is due to the blurring of the boundaries between “norm and pathology.” In parallel with this, manipulative models of “fighting discrimination against sexual minorities” are expanding, when this involves discrimination against people with a natural and normal sexual orientation.”

Alex Spak, lawyer, human rights activist, barrister (London, UK)
Studied at the Faculty of Law at the University of Wales. He completed his postgraduate studies in International Trade Law with honors. After graduating from university, he entered the Higher Law School in London, after which he was called as a barrister to the British Law Society.

"IN Western countries The militant homosexual lobby has long since stopped pretending that its actions are aimed at achieving “rights,” “equality,” and “tolerance.” The feigned desire for “equality” and “rights” has already served its strategic purpose and is therefore no longer on the agenda of the LGBT movement. Their new goal is to openly suppress all dissenters and force all "hesitant" to agree, encourage and even promote the homosexual lifestyle. Their task today is the forced exaltation of this way of life.

Democratic principles mean nothing for the homo movement. In France, open street protests and the sound arguments of more than 1.5 million law-abiding demonstrators against the legalization of same-sex “marriage” and their adoption of children were cast aside. In the UK, a petition that collected more than 660 thousand signatures against the legalization of homosexual “marriages” was counted as one (!) vote. The newly created British law (Marriage (SameSexCouples) Act 2013), which legalized homosexual “marriages,” broke all records in violating democratic principles and bulldozed through established constitutional procedures.

Wherever aggressive homopropaganda has reached its zenith, ordinary law-abiding citizens are losing their jobs and careers, going through the courts in fear and stress, and being forced to think twice before simply expressing an opinion about the abnormality of homosexual practices and policies. Freedom of conscience, speech and religion lose meaning when faced with the onslaught of new arguments about non-discrimination of sexual minorities. And when they fail to break those who disagree, they try to ruin them financially - with various lawsuits.

The Western homosexual lobby surprises with its persistence in interfering in the affairs of other sovereign countries. They do not shy away from any methods. For example, along with their political backers, they regularly threaten African countries with cutting off financial aid unless they pass laws promoting homosexual lifestyles. At the same time, organizations (NGOs) are generously funded to implement campaigns to normalize the homosexual lifestyle in different countries. Often this work is supervised directly by embassies.

The goal of the political LGBT movement is not to defend human rights, but only to use this rhetoric about rights as a tool to impose a perverted lifestyle on society. And this leads to the complete destruction of a healthy standard of human relationships!”

Why does Christianity consider homosexuality a sin?

Firstly, based on the texts of the Bible: “Do not lie with a man as with a woman: this is an abomination” (Leviticus 18:22), “Those who commit homosexuals... will not inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). The Holy Scriptures are clear and categorical on this issue!

Secondly, based on the teaching of the Church about the original difference between the sexes, about chastity, marriage and family, about the destiny of man to holiness.

Thirdly, on the basis of historical church tradition.

The All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations adopted a special Declaration “On the negative attitude towards the phenomenon of homosexuality and attempts to legalize so-called same-sex marriages (registration of same-sex partnerships).” Churches and religious organizations all countries.

At the same time, Christians preach forgiveness of sins through repentance and remission of sin. This applies to people with any vicious addictions, including homosexuals and lesbians.

There is no such thing as same-sex love!
Homosexuals are not born, they are made!
Getting rid of homosexuality is possible!
Homodictatorship will not work!

“The social movement of people with a future “Love Against Homosexuality” (LPG) does not support and, moreover, does not use any methods of physical violence against those who practice or approve of the homosexual lifestyle. LPG declares unequivocal and strong support for the institution of the traditional family and encourages all state assistance in preserving and strengthening the legal union between a man and a woman for the benefit of society and future generations. Any acts of illegal physical violence against representatives of sexual minorities do not find support in the ideology and methods of the LPG movement.

LPG traffic phone: +38-093-349-11-52
E-mail: info (at) website
Web sites: /

A couple of decades ago, the term LGBT was coined, which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender. The first three positions relate to a person's sexual orientation, the fourth - to his gender identity. The word "lesbian" comes from the name of the island of Lesbos, where the poet Sappho lived in ancient times. Since then, the name Lesbos has been a symbol of love between women. The word "gay" has two meanings: gay - "cheerful guy" and the abbreviation "good as you". Bisexual and transgender should be understood literally: a person with dual sexuality and a person changing gender (the latter is not entirely true; transgender people do not always change their physiological sex; they are often content with changing their image and documents).


The term LGBT has existed since the consolidation of sexual and gender minorities into a single community. But the LGBT movement itself began earlier. It is generally considered to be the beginning of the Stonewall riot (June 1969), when gays for the first time in American history fought back against the police who carried out routine raids in clubs. The emancipation of the community continues to this day. This process is extremely difficult in states with a weakened economy and legal system, with low level education and a political regime close to totalitarian. In such countries, the authorities, in order to distract the population from economic and social problems, cultivates the image of an internal enemy, exploiting the age-old prejudices of people imposed by orthodox religions. The ideal “enemy” for ignorant people is LGBT, which means marginalization of the community and escalation of violence against its members.


Every country has its own LGBT organization. There are several of them in Russia. There are also branches with a narrow purpose:

The Side-by-Side Film Festival has an educational mission;

The main function of the "Forum of LGBT Christians" is to seek consensus between believing representatives of the community and orthodox church doctrine that positions same-sex intimate relationships like sin;

The organization "Coming Out" (Coming Out LGBT, which means openly recognizing one's orientation) provides members of the community with legal and psychological support.

Russian organizations:

- "LGBT Network" in St. Petersburg;

- "Rainbow Association" in Moscow;

- “Another View” in Komi;

Initiative groups in all major cities of Russia.

These organizations are multifunctional: their tasks include educational activities, support, and political struggle.

There is also an organization “Children-404”, focused on the psychological adaptation of homosexual teenagers, who were actually denied the right to exist by the legislation on information protection of minors.

The LGBT Network in St. Petersburg, the Rainbow Association in Moscow, etc. have an official LGBT website.

LGBT in the protest movement

There are many heterosexuals in the LGBT movement. In St. Petersburg there is the “Alliance of Heterosexuals for LGBT Equality,” consisting mainly of representatives of the majority. There are heterosexuals in the Moscow "Rainbow Association" and in groups in other cities. Russia is characterized by a general civic focus of LGBT activities, which means the movement is closely connected with the struggle against patriarchal gender chauvinism, as well as with other anti-fascist and democratic associations with both liberal and left-wing political platforms.

Attention, TODAY only!

And the first social activists and groups advocating for the rights of homosexuals began to appear in the new science of sexology. These processes occurred especially pronouncedly in Germany.

Stonewall. Radicalization of the movement

Goals of the movement

Repeal of discriminatory laws

Cancellation of criminal and administrative prosecution

In the majority modern countries homosexuality or homosexual activity is not considered a crime. In a number of countries in Africa and Asia, homosexuality, manifestations of homosexual activity, or even a hint of it, are considered criminal offenses that are punishable by imprisonment (as in the former USSR) or death penalty, as in modern Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia (Jamaat Al-Shabaab territory), Sudan, Nigeria (northern states) and Mauritania. In such countries, however, there is no open struggle for the rights of sexual and gender minorities, since participation in it can pose a threat to freedom and life. At the same time, in many of these countries there is lobbying for a relaxation of criminal laws against homosexuals. The lobbyists are reformist and moderate liberal forces in the leadership of these countries. In particular, former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami spoke in favor of easing legislation regarding homosexuals. In addition, these countries are under international pressure to comply with human rights, and among other issues on the agenda (but not the first or most important) is the issue of abolishing criminal and administrative penalties for homosexuality or manifestations of homosexual activity.

In Russia, criminal prosecution was abolished in 1993 as part of the process of bringing legislation into line with European norms, but the victims were not rehabilitated like other victims of the Soviet regime under the laws on victims of political repression, which is currently demanded by LGBT activists and a number of human rights defenders .

Repeal of instructions and regulations defining homosexuality as a medical pathology

The idea of ​​equal rights for gays and lesbians with other citizens presupposes the official recognition of homosexuality as one of the psychological norms in accordance with modern scientific views and official WHO documents (since 1993).

In this regard, LGBT organizations, professional medical organizations, liberal politicians and human rights activists are fighting for the abolition of instructions and regulations defining homosexuality as a mental disorder, and for the adoption of official documents (at the level of the ministries of health of national states and at the level of national associations of psychiatrists and psychologists), unambiguously defining homosexuality as a variant of the psychological norm and prohibiting any “treatment from homosexuality" or "correction of sexual orientation" of healthy people, which is currently recognized as homosexuals, since the harm to patients from such influences has already been reliably proven, and there are still no reliable facts of "correction of orientation".

In many countries, especially democratic ones, the abolition of instructions and regulations defining homosexuality as a medical pathology or as a sexual deviation has already taken place. In Russia, homosexuality was excluded from the list of diseases on January 1, 1999 (transition to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision, from which homosexuality is excluded.

Cancellation of bans on professions

In some countries there were or are bans on certain professions for people who openly declare their homosexuality. This could be, for example, a ban on representatives of sexual minorities serving in the army or working as a school teacher or doctor. Organizations defending the rights of sexual minorities are seeking (and in some cases have already achieved) the abolition of these bans.

For example, special sociological studies conducted in Western countries have established that the homosexuality of an officer or soldier does not affect combat discipline or internal psychological climate parts. Therefore, there is no reason to deny homosexuals the right to serve in the military.

In Russia, the “Regulations on Military Medical Examination” indicate that the very fact of homosexuality within the framework this provision is not a disorder and, therefore, is not a disease that prevents military service. According to Article 18 of the Regulations, “sexual orientation in itself is not considered a disorder.” Fitness category “B (limitedly fit for military service)” for homosexuality is applied only in the presence of severe disorders of gender identification and sexual preference that are incompatible with service and the presence of concomitant diseases. Thus, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, such persons have equal rights in relation to military service, but in practice, some military commissariats do not call up homosexuals for military service.

It has also been established that a teacher’s homosexuality does not lead to any complications in relationships with students and does not predispose the teacher to commit indecent acts against students (since homosexuality and pedophilia are fundamentally different things). Therefore, there is no reason to prohibit openly gay people from working as school teachers. The idea of ​​lifting the ban on the teaching profession for openly gay people has been criticized by supporters of conservative views, who believe that the very presence of a teacher with a homosexual orientation in a school teaches children by example, and that in this way homosexuality is “promoted” in school. However, proponents of this point of view do not have any scientific data proving that schools with homosexual teachers produce more homosexual graduates, or that homosexual teachers are more likely to commit indecent acts against students, or that they They teach children worse or cannot build normal relationships with them in the “teacher-student” paradigm.

Lifting the ban on donation

In some countries, there is a ban on blood and organ donation from members of sexual minorities. LGBT organizations are making attempts to challenge this norm and achieve the abolition of discrimination. In 2006, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation undertook to prepare an amendment to repeal this discriminatory policy. On April 16, 2008, the Minister of Health and social development RF Tatyana Golikova issued an order “On introducing amendments to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2001 No. 364 “On approval of the procedure for medical examination of a blood donor and its components.” Since May 13, 2008, homosexuals have been excluded from the list of contraindications for donating blood and its components.

Respect for human rights regarding LGBT people

Even in those countries in which criminal and administrative penalties for manifestations of homosexuality have been abolished, the practice of human rights violations against homosexuals has persisted for a long time.

LGBT organizations have fought and are fighting not only for the formal abolition of criminal penalties for homosexuality, but also for changing actual police and administrative practices. In particular, for ensuring that the concept of “disturbance of public order” is equally applied (or not applied) to kissing or hugging in in public places same-sex and opposite-sex couples, and raids on “drug dealers or passport violators” were not carried out selectively in places where homosexuals congregated.

Also, LGBT organizations are fighting for the observance of such human rights in relation to homosexuals as the right to peaceful public meetings (including gay pride events), the right to create public organizations, the right to cultural self-release, the right to access information, the right to freedom of speech, the right to equal access to medical care, etc. In Russia, these rights are regularly violated: the police, under various pretexts, raid gay clubs, maintain “lists of gays,” not a single public action in defense of LGBT people has been sanctioned by the authorities, LGBT organizations are denied registration, cultural events of gays and lesbians are often disrupted , there are no programs to implement HIV prevention among gay men.

Passing anti-discrimination laws

LGBT organizations also advocate for explicit reference to sexual minorities in anti-discrimination laws (or for the adoption of separate anti-discrimination laws for sexual minorities). They also seek direct mention of sexual orientation and gender identity in the relevant articles of the Constitutions, guaranteeing equal rights to all citizens regardless of gender, age, religion, or nationality.

Right to register marriage

In recent years, there has been a growing movement in support of same-sex marriage. The fact of registering a marriage secures for a same-sex family such rights as: the right to joint property, the right to alimony, inheritance rights, social and medical insurance, preferential taxation and lending, the right to a name, the right not to testify in court against a spouse, the right to act as a proxy on behalf of the spouse in the event of his incapacity for health reasons, the right to dispose of the body of the spouse in the event of death, the right to joint parenthood and upbringing of adopted children and other rights that unregistered couples are deprived of.

Opponents of same-sex marriage argue that according to tradition and religious norms, only a man and a woman can enter into marriage, and therefore the demands of gays and lesbians to recognize the same right for them are absurd and we are not talking about equality of homosexuals and heterosexuals, but about providing homosexuals with a new unprecedented law. Supporters of same-sex marriage point out that marriage registration is a legal action, independent of religious norms (in most modern states, legal and church registration of marriage relations occur separately), and that the law should follow social changes leading to the elimination of inequality between people, as this and occurs over the past centuries, when previously existing prohibitions on registering marriages (for example, between spouses belonging to different faiths or races) were gradually abolished. In addition, the American Psychological Association states that the denial of legal rights to gay marriage is a source of tension for same-sex couples, which has an extremely negative effect on their psychological well-being. Other researchers note that in those countries where same-sex marriage was legalized, there were no significant upheavals in society.

Among the countries that provided same-sex couples Full rights to marriage are found, for example, in the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina, Denmark, Brazil, France, Uruguay, New Zealand, Luxembourg, USA, Ireland, Colombia and Finland. Same-sex marriages also take place in England, Wales, Scotland and some states in Mexico. In addition, in many countries, so-called “same-sex unions” are concluded, which are some semblance of marriage, but do not have all the rights that married spouses have. IN various countries such same-sex unions may be called by different names. The list of rights and obligations enjoyed by members of such unions also differs (from a full set of marriage rights to a minimum).

Closely related to the right to register a marriage or union is the right to immigration; Thus, in the United States alone, about 36,000 couples are separated territorially because federal immigration laws do not recognize same-sex marriages or unions.


The LGBT movement is seeking the right to adopt a child of one partner by another partner in same-sex families, the possibility of adoption by same-sex families of children from orphanages, for the possibility of equal access to assisted reproductive technologies for same-sex and opposite-sex families. It should be noted that in many countries where same-sex married couples broad rights are granted, these issues are considered separately.

In accordance with Russian legislation, adoption can be issued for one citizen or for a married couple. The law makes no mention of a citizen’s sexual orientation as a basis for refusing adoption or guardianship, but in practice homosexuals often face refusals. Sexual orientation is also not a limitation to access to assisted reproductive technologies, but a same-sex family has problems establishing the parenthood of a child.

Social activities

LGBT organizations are engaged in social activities, such as organizing various cultural events (film festivals, sports competitions, music competitions and concerts, photo exhibitions, theatrical performances, installations, flash mobs, etc.), the purpose of which is the social adaptation of the LGBT community, the development of its cultural potential, and the establishment of cultural dialogue with the rest of society. In addition, as a rule, any event is educational in nature.

Various books, magazines are also published, and even radio and television broadcasts are conducted.

Separately, there is the organization of services - affordable and high-quality specific psychological, legal and medical assistance to representatives of the LGBT community, helplines, mutual help groups.

Gay nationalism

A special variety in the movement for the emancipation of gays and lesbians is gay nationalism, which proclaims the LGBT community a new nation with its own culture and historical destiny.
