Myrrh-streaming icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Tenderness. Icons of the Virgin Mary

Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” (SERAPHIM - DIVEEVSKAYA)


The icon of the Mother of God was a cell image. With oil from the lamp that burned in front of the cell icon, the Monk Seraphim anointed the sick, and they received healing. In front of this icon, the monk departed to the Lord. Another name for the icon is “The Joy of All Joys.” This is what Saint Seraphim himself often called the icon of TOUCHING.

After the glorification of St. Seraphim as a saint, Emperor Nicholas II presented a precious robe for the icon of Tenderness. In 1927, the Diveyevo Monastery, where the original “Joy of All Joys” icon was located, was closed, but the holy image was secretly removed. For decades it was kept by pious people. In June 1991, the icon was handed over to Patriarch Alexy II, and now it is in the Patriarchal residence. Once a year - on the holiday of Praise Holy Mother of God– The Seraphim-Diveyevo Icon of “Tenderness” is brought out for public veneration at the Patriarchal Epiphany Cathedral.


Veneration of the icon Tenderness is associated with the name of St. Seraphim of Sarov (P.I. Moshnin, 1759-1833, canonized in 1903). According to the biography, compiled from the recollections of people who knew the Sarov elder closely, his entire life passed under the patronage of the Mother of God. The Mother of God repeatedly appeared to him in visions and healed him from deadly diseases. At Rev. Seraphim had several icons of the Mother of God. Among them, a special place was occupied by the cell icon called Tenderness, which the elder also called “The Joy of All Joys.” Before her, kneeling in prayer, he died. The icon was painted on canvas stretched over a cypress board. After the death of Rev. Seraphim Abbot Nifont transferred the image to nearby Diveyevo convent, who was under the patronage of Elder Seraphim. In Diveyevo a silver gilded robe was made for the icon. Here in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity a special chapel was built for the icon, dedicated to its name - the Tenderness of the Mother of God. The icon was celebrated on July 28 and December 9 (the founding day of the monastery). Metropolitan Seraphim (Chichagov) composed a special service for the illustrious icon. To the discovery of the relics of St. A copy of Seraphim from the icon was made for the Sarov Monastery. After the canonization, the production of lists began in the icon-painting workshops of the Diveyevo Monastery and its courtyard in Peterhof. The icon was depicted in various printed publications and on the hagiographic images of St. Seraphim.

The icon from the Tretyakov Gallery represents exact copy revered image. The image of the Mother of God is half-length, with her hands folded on her chest, her head bowed and her gaze downcast. Western iconography, which appeared in Russia in the 17th century. On the copy icon, the gilded frame and chasuble, ubrus and crown, decorated with precious stones, are imitated by means of painting. The faces of the hand are executed with soft chiaroscuro modeling in the style of academic painting of the early 20th century, used for painting icons. The crown is framed by the inscription: “Rejoice, unbrided bride.”


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In Christianity, several main types of shrines are revered among the Orthodox, depicting the appearance Holy Virgin and one of these shrines is the icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness”. It belongs to the main Russian type of icon painting, the so-called Eleusa, where the Son of God sits in the arms of the Mother and rests his cheek on Her. Therefore, on the icon of “Tenderness,” the Mother of God, as a rule, is represented in this type, depicted from the waist up, with the Child, whom she looks at tenderly, with tenderness.

History of the icon

It is known that the Pskov-Pechersk Icon “Tenderness” or as it is also called Vladimir (name of the same name), is presented as a copy of the famous miraculous icon “Vladimir”, which was delivered from Kiev by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky in the distant years of the 12th century. The shrine arrived in Moscow, namely in the Assumption Cathedral, after mid-1395. Subsequently, the Pskov-Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” miraculously survived the blockade of the city of Pskov by the Grand Duke of Lithuania Stefan Batory in 1581, and after and in 1812 it played a significant role in the battle with Napoleon Bonaparte. According to history, the Mother of God was saved from destruction more than once, and thanks to her people were cured of serious illnesses. Thus there was a case when, after long prayers to the Tenderness icon, a blind widow again saw the world around her, and such miracles were not uncommon.

Lokot Icon “Tenderness” (Seraphim-Diveevskaya)

In contrast to the Vladimir shrine, the Seraphim-Diveyevo Icon of the Mother of God has a number of distinctive features, which sets her apart from the rest, since she does not belong to the “Eleus” type. Among its differences is that on the icon of “Tenderness” the Mother of God of Lokot is depicted alone. The hands of the Mother of God are crossed in the chest area, and the Holy Face expresses strong and bright feelings. On the icon of “Tenderness” of Seraphim-Diveevskaya, the Blessed Virgin Mary is depicted during the happiest moment, when the Archangel Gabriel narrates the upcoming birth of the Savior. Her gaze is filled with kindness, sanity, calmness and love in anxious anticipation of her child.

Initially, the icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” was executed on canvas attached to a cypress board. Later, All-Russian Emperor Nicholas II bestowed a precious frame on the shrine. In 1991, the image of the Saint was presented to Patriarch Alexei II in the Moscow Patriarchal Church, from where it is moved from year to year to the Epiphany Cathedral, where its veneration takes place. Over time with original image Copies began to appear, however, they are also famous for their abilities no less than the original.

Novgorod and Smolensk icons

For about 700 years, residents of a town in northwestern Russia have been honoring the Novgorod Icon of Tenderness. The shrine is famous for its miraculous power, which those who prayed before it experienced. She protected the people from ruin, fires and wars, and gave physical and mental healing to those in need.

The Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” of Smolensk, in turn, also became famous for the protection of local residents: during the attack of Polish troops on the townspeople at the beginning of the 17th century. The Mother of God is depicted on it together with her Son, and this image has gained popularity since 1103.

The meaning of the “Tenderness” icon

As you know, the images of the Mother of God are one of the main ones in Christianity, therefore the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Tenderness” has great importance for the Orthodox. The Virgo's face is distinguished by penetration and sensitivity towards those who pray to Her for protection.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” supports those praying during the hours severe tests and depressing everyday life that suppress the state of mind.

They ask the shrine for assistance in resolving conflicts and reconciling warring parties, for preserving family and homeland. In addition, women and girls often turn to the icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” with a request for family well-being And successful marriage, the birth of a healthy child.

How does the “Tenderness” icon help?

As mentioned earlier, the shrine of the Virgin Mary is very important for believers. Thus, the face of the Virgin Mary helps in difficult life circumstances and illnesses, giving strength to those praying. The especially miraculous icon of “Tenderness” patronizes the weaker sex, favoring the preservation of purity and chastity, and also supports at significant moments in the life of every representative of the female half: marriage, family, conception, birth of a child.

Prayer to the icon

If you pray correctly to the Tenderness icon, then help will certainly come. First of all, it is necessary to give power to words so that they return in double size. They ask the shrine for deliverance from suffering and mental pain, for easier childbirth, for harmony, but even despite the diversity of these petitions, they need one thing - sincerity, the purity of what they want. Therefore, having gathered your heart to receive the support of the Blessed Virgin, you need to say the following prayer:

Accept, O all-powerful, Most Pure Lady, Lady Theotokos, these honorable gifts, the only ones applied to You, from us, Your unworthy servants: chosen from all generations, the highest of all creatures of heaven and earth, who appeared, because for Your sake the Lord Almighty was with us, and with You by knowing the Son of God and becoming worthy of His holy Body and His most pure Blood; Blessed are you, too, in the birth of generations, O God-blessed One, the brightest of the cherubim and the most honest of the seraphim. And now, all-sung Most Holy Theotokos, do not cease praying for us, Thy unworthy servants, that we may be delivered from every evil council and every situation and that we may be preserved unharmed from every poisonous pretext of the devil; but even to the end, through Your prayers, keep us uncondemned, as if through Your intercession and help we are saved, we send glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for everything in the Trinity to the one God and the Creator of all, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.


Among the people, the image of the Mother of God “Tenderness” is considered “feminine”, but this icon can also be turned to by those men who need to build mutual understanding with their mother or spouse.
Having an icon of “Tenderness” at home and praying in front of it can help your daughters maintain inner purity and turn them away from unclean temptations.
Prayers to the Mother of God before Her image “Tenderness” often help in conceiving a child and during childbirth. Then, when the child reaches adolescence, become a significant help in overcoming the transition period.

It must be remembered that icons or saints do not “specialize” in any specific areas. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
And .


It is believed that the icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” began its life in the second half of the 18th century.

The Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” is also called “Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.” In this image we see the Virgin Mary even before the birth of our Savior, but after Archangel Gabriel informed Her of the great honor - that she would soon be a Mother.

The Icon of the Mother of God Tenderness is very strongly associated with. According to descriptions, throughout his life Saint Mary patronized the great Russian saint. She came to his aid more than once, helped him in many righteous deeds, even healed Father Seraphim from fatal diseases.

The venerable priest had more than one icon of the Mother of God. But the icon of “Tenderness,” which the saint himself also called “The Joy of All Joys,” was one of the most revered.

In the “Life of St. Seraphim” it is written about this:

“With special love, the holy elder received sincerely and humbly repentant people and those who showed ardent zeal for the Christian spiritual life. After talking with them, the Monk Seraphim used to place the end of the stole and his own on their bowed heads. right hand. At the same time, he offered to say a short prayer of repentance after himself, after which he himself said a prayer of permission, which is why those who came received relief of conscience and some kind of special spiritual pleasure; then the elder anointed the visitor with a cross in the form of oil from a lamp that burned in front of the image of the Mother of God of Tenderness located in his cell, which he called the icon of the Mother of God - the Joy of all joys.”

In his cell, the Monk Seraphim was found on the day of his repose, January 2/15, 1833, as he himself prophesied - among smoldering things, in a prayerful position in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness”. His arms were crossed in the same way as those of the Virgin Mary in this image.

Emperor Nicholas II revered the saint and also knew that “Tenderness” was one of the most beloved icons of Seraphim of Sarov. Therefore, soon after his glorification as a saint, the king, in memory of him, presented a precious robe for this icon.
After the revolution, in 1927, the monastery in Diveevo was closed, and Christian believers were able to hide the beloved icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov “Tenderness” that was located there from the authorities.
For decades this image was securely hidden from defilement, and only sixty years later, in 1991, the holy icon was transferred to Patriarch Alexy II and is currently in the residence of the patriarch.

Every year, on the Feast of the Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Seraphim-Diveyevo Icon of Tenderness is exhibited for veneration in the Patriarchal Epiphany Cathedral.


We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and honor Your holy image, through which you bring healing to all who come with faith.


The Tenderness icon depicts the Virgin Mary before the birth of the baby Jesus, but after the Annunciation. The Most Holy Theotokos in this image has an enthusiastic, bright, joyful expression on her face. It reflects the state of tenderness that the Virgin Mary experienced upon learning that she was to become the Mother of God.

The Blessed Virgin in this icon has half-lowered eyes, a slightly bowed head, and arms crossed in prayer. This image symbolizes humility before God's will, chastity, and meekness. The Tenderness Icon depicts the moment when Archangel Gabriel informed the Mother of God about the mission entrusted to her. The day of this holy image is celebrated on August 1 and 10.

History of the Holy Image

Initially, the face of Tenderness was made on canvas attached to a cypress board. The author of the icon and the history of its painting are unknown, but experts suggest that the miraculous image appeared in late XVIII century. The face became widely known thanks to Seraphim of Sarov.

The monk was able to see the souls of people and pray for their healing. He asked the Most Holy Theotokos for intercession for the suffering. Next to the icon there was a lamp, the oil from which had healing properties. Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky lubricated the bodies of the sick with this oil, after which the people were healed.

The monk called the icon of the Mother of God “The Joy of all Joys.” Seraphim of Sarov died kneeling right in front of this image. Some time later, Nicholas II presented the miraculous image with a festive crown of pearls and precious stones, as well as a luxurious chasuble.

In 1991, the icon was transferred to Moscow Patriarch Alexy II, and he moved it to patriarchal church. Every year the icon is transferred to the Epiphany Cathedral for veneration. Over time, many copies of this icon were made, and some of them have miraculous power, comparable to the strength of the original.

Female assistant

The miraculous face is rightfully considered female. Representatives of the fair sex turn to the Blessed Virgin in times of troubles and illnesses. But this is not the only thing the Mother of God of Tenderness can help with. Through this image, the parents turn to the Prototype with a request to preserve the purity, chastity and good character of their daughter.

People turn to the Virgin Mary for intercession when they need:

  1. In getting rid of various ailments, both physical and mental.
  2. In the early onset of pregnancy and its successful course, as well as in maximizing the facilitation of the birth process.
  3. In getting rid of anger and immoral thoughts, in finding harmony and peace.
  4. In overcoming the difficulties of adolescence, in ridding boys and girls of the mental burdens that teenagers face.
  5. In search of worthy life partners for girls, in finding family happiness and harmony.

It is believed that if you ask the Virgin Mary for support, she will definitely help, but only if you sincerely believe in her help. And what stronger faith, the sooner the person praying will receive what he asks the intercessor for.

The meaning of the icon determines those miracles that were created by God through the mediation of the Mother of God of Tenderness. Thus, cases have been recorded when, thanks to the face, people got rid of serious illnesses. oncological diseases. For example, one woman prayed for a long time in front of the image of the Virgin Mary shortly before the upcoming surgical intervention about a malignant tumor. As a result, the operation was canceled because the tumor was simply not found at the next examination. It disappeared without leaving a trace.

We must remember that all the icons of the Mother of God help in difficult moments in the life of both an individual person and the whole Orthodox World. The Blessed Virgin is the first prayer book and protector of Christians before the Throne of God, so you can turn to her in any mental torment, illness and need. She will always hear sincere prayers and help those who ask.

You can communicate with the Virgin Mary both in your own words (but always coming from the heart!) and with the help of special prayers.

Icon of the Tenderness of the Mother of God, how it helps and its meaning

The Icon of Tenderness, how it helps, the day of celebration of the Holy Image, the help of the icon of Our Lady of Tenderness, its meaning, in which churches this Shrine is located

How does the Tenderness Icon help?

This Shrine is presented in the form of an image of the Most Holy Theotokos at that happy moment, when she had not yet become the mother of the Lord’s child, but the Annunciation had already happened.

Background God's face The protectress is highlighted by a special facial expression and the light of her image. The depicted Heavenly Virgin, having crossed her arms in a gesture of prayer, bows her head slightly and lowers her eyes slightly, symbolizing kindness, chastity and restraint.

The icon depicts the Mother of God at the moment when Gabriel tells her that she is destined to become the mother of the Son of the Lord.

Initially, the face of the Mother of God of Tenderness was painted on a canvas attached to a cypress wood plank. The Face of the Most Holy Nicholas II presented to St. Seraphim of Sarov, who had amazing gift look from the very depths of the heart and see the souls of people. This gave him the opportunity to pray for the healing of Christians.

Near the Holy image there was always a lamp with oil, which was distinguished by its amazing healing properties. Saint Seraphim was engaged in healing people, using this oil and anointing the sick with it. Death found the healer before the miraculous face of the Mother of God.

Afterwards, in the 20th century, the icon was transferred to Alexei II in the capital so that the Patriarch would place it in the temple.

To venerate the Shrine, every year an image is installed in the Epiphany Cathedral. Over time, from the image of the Heavenly Virgin they made a large number of duplicates. What's surprising is that many of the copies are known to have stronger properties than the original image.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the meaning of the Icon of Tenderness, learn about the help for which you can pray to the miraculous image, a prayer to the Mother of God, where you can keep the Shrine.

Day of celebration and remembrance of the icon

Among the Orthodox, many people venerate the Diveyevo face of the Mother of God, and a celebration is held in honor of this image:

o December 9, according to the old calendar (now December 22) is considered the day of the Mill Community by Seraphim the Venerable;

Meaning of the icon

The miraculous nature of the female face is intended to protect and help the best representatives of the female sex.*8 The icon is quite significant for every Orthodox Christian, especially for young girls who, through an appeal to the Most Holy One, ask for the preservation of good character, purity and chastity.

What can you ask the Mother of God for from her Tenderness icon?

You can, first of all, ask for liberation from various diseases from the miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin;

The Holy Mother will help you get rid of mental burdens and help you cope with the difficulties associated with adolescence;

Prayerful appeal to the face of the Lord helps to conceive a child, and facilitates the process of childbirth for a pregnant woman;

In addition, by praying to the Tenderness icon, you can find peace and get rid of immoral thoughts.

The meaning that the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Tenderness carries is important for all Orthodox Christians.

The image itself fascinates with its touchingness and insight, a sense of care, protecting you from hardship and despondency.. The tenderness of the Holy Face flows in hearts, if life path the person suffered serious hardships.

The icon protects against all difficulties that can cause mental shock, and protects from routine weekdays.

Where is the icon of the Tenderness of the Mother of God located?

The shrine of the Mother of God is located in the Cathedral of St. Seraphim of Sarov, in Golitsyno.

In the second half of the last century, one of the nuns of the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery gave Alexei Artsybushev a list of cell images of the Heavenly Mother of God for storage.

The miraculous image of Tenderness was painted in the 19th century; the icon was kept by the author for more than forty years, but was later given by him to the restored Cathedral of St. Seraphim of Sarov in Galitsyno.

The most revered list of the Lord's face is kept in the Cathedral of Seraphim - Diveyevo Church, in whose honor the limit was consecrated.

The creation of the image dates back to the late 19th - early 20th centuries, authorship is attributed to the nuns of Trinity Cathedral. The face can be called relatively young, but its miraculousness is known far beyond the borders of the country.

The days of celebration were determined when the face was venerated, which fell on December 9 and the end of July.

Before the service begins, weekly, on Sunday, church hymns are held in front of the icon of the Blessed Virgin - Paraklis.

The shrine, which is more revered among the Orthodox, is kept in the Epiphany Cathedral of the capital.

Miracles icons

 according to the results of studying chronicles, in the 14th century Novgorod experienced a terrible pestilence, claiming hundreds of lives every day. The deadly disease could not be defeated. In desperation, Orthodox believers went to the Trinity Cathedral to turn with a pure heart to the face of the Holy Mother of God. People read a prayer so that the Most Holy One would hear and grant salvation to the people from the invasion of the epidemic. After some time, the disease was defeated and, remembering the help from above, people traditionally began to organize a crusade from St. Sophia Cathedral to the Trinity Church.

 It happened that people noticed how the Holy Face was streaming myrrh. A similar incident occurred in 1337, on July 8, when a tear not only flowed from the image, but depicted on the icon mother of God hovered in the air, held by unknown forces. After this incident, representatives of the clergy were convened to make a crusade to the Trinity Shrine for worship.

In the village Bryansk region, called Lokt, the unique in nature shrine of the Queen of Heaven Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery is kept in the Remezov family of Natalia and Victor. One day, a woman suffering from cancer arrived to them and was preparing for the most complex operation. With all her soul and purity of heart, the suffering one prayed to the Mother of God for help, asking for good luck in upcoming operation. Having gone to prepare for the procedure, a preliminary study was scheduled. Words cannot express the surprise of the doctors who saw from the ultrasound results that the cancer had receded and the patient’s health was normal.

How to pray and the text of the prayer to the Tenderness icon

“Oh, Most Holy Lady Lady, Virgin Mary! Accept our unworthy prayers, save us from slander evil man and from senseless death, give us a place of joy in sorrow. And deliver us, O Lady Lady Theotokos, from all malice, and grant us, thy sinful servants, to stand at the right hand at the second coming of Thy Son Jesus our Lord, and grant us heirs the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life with all the saints in endless centuries. Amen".

“Accept, O all-merciful One, Most Pure Lady, Lady Theotokos, these honorable gifts, applied to Thee alone, from us, Thy unworthy servants: from all the chosen generations, from all the creatures of heaven and earth, the highest has appeared, for the sake of the Lord Almighty being with us, and You, the Son of God, are familiar and made worthy of Her holy Body and His most pure Blood; the same blessed, if in the generations of generations, blessed by God, the brightest cherubim and the most honorable seraphim of existence. And now, hymned Most Holy Theotokos, do not cease to pray for us, Thy unworthy servants, that we may be delivered from every evil advice and every situation and that we may remain unharmed from every poisonous pretext of the devil; but even to the end, with Your prayers, keep us uncondemned, as through Your intercession and help we save, glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for all in the Trinity we send to the one Lord and the Creator of all, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

The Almighty will save you!
