They offer to dig potatoes. Why do you dream about potatoes, large and small, digging potatoes - Miller's Dream Book

In an article on the topic: "dream book of digging potatoes in a dream" - presented actual information on this issue for 2018.

The soil represents prosperity and abundance, while at the same time, the symbolism of the earth is associated with the funeral process and the cemetery. Potato tubers are perceived as a reward for the work invested. What does it mean this dream, and how to interpret the plot seen? Why dream of digging potatoes in a dream?

General interpretation

The meaning of what is seen often comes down to the beginning of a new major undertaking: you have a serious painstaking work which will bring financial benefits. The dream warns that you will have to work “tirelessly.” However, you need to remember what tubers you saw in your dream:

  • large, beautiful and smooth;
  • medium size;
  • small and green;
  • rotten and spoiled.

Large and beautiful Potatoes look like a sign of joy. Rotten spoiled tubers– to disappointment: you will be dissatisfied with the results of your work or will receive damage instead of profit. If you started a business and saw this dream– it is better not to start work that will not bring results. If you start a deal, your partner may deceive you - be vigilant.

Plant potatoes– to the future financial success. Soon you will be offered new project or a profitable business that will bring profit. However, you will have to work hard and for a long time. The process of planting, growing and harvesting potatoes is always labor-intensive.

Remember how you dug potatoes - with your hands or with a shovel? If you dug up tubers with a shovel, it means that soon a secret will be revealed or hidden facts will be revealed. The event will have positive value for life - the information received will serve for good.

Digging up potatoes with your hands- not good. Someone is “digging” under you at work, finding out information and using the information to harm. Do not share your plans with anyone, do not tell details about yourself - so as not to provide your enemies with fertile ground for intrigue.

Digging up tubers and feeling tired– you should save your strength and not overexert yourself. The body gives a signal that you just need to rest. Dig with reluctance– the desire to get rid of hard work, to shift the burden of responsibility onto someone else’s shoulders.

If you happen to working in a potato field with a dead person, you should not panic: this plot does not foretell negative events. Dream books interpret dreams with the dead to mean a change in weather or a trip. Visit the temple, light a candle for repose and do not worry.

If you dream about harvesting potatoes unmarried girl , you should expect changes - the wedding is just around the corner. Digging tubers with your loved one means a strong and reliable marriage awaits you.

Digging tubers in someone else's garden- be dissatisfied with your position. You envy other people and consider them luckier and more prosperous. Envy can lead to depression and illness, so you should get rid of this feeling.

Interpretation of dream books

Esoteric dream book of Tsvetkov interprets this plot as upcoming hard work, which will be paid little or not at all. Digging with your hands - the work will take a lot of effort and will be exhausting.

Miller's Dream Book portends favorable events related to finances or career. Digging up rotten tubers - carefree days have come to an end, you will have to get to work. Boil/fry potatoes - you will find profitable work or a part-time job. Miller also believes that this plot speaks of success in society: you will achieve respect thanks to your efforts. Planting tubers is a dream come true. Rotten tubers - to disappointment and loss.

Freud sees in this plot a flight of career ladder. Resounding success awaits you, your quality of life will increase: you will not deny yourself anything. However, rotten tubers do not portend positive changes: a dark streak in life, illness and disappointment awaits you. Boiled potatoes on the table - for the arrival of relatives. Hasty digging up tubers is not good: you will get a scolding from your superiors.

Vanga I saw important positive changes in life in potato tubers: what you have been waiting for for a long time will soon appear. Eating boiled potatoes is to the favor of your superiors. You should expect a promotion, a salary increase, or a cash bonus. Planting tubers means new prospects in work. Unmarried girls dream of a successful marriage.

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House of Dreams

what does every dream mean

What does it mean to dream about digging potatoes in a dream?

What does digging potatoes mean according to the dream book?

Why dream of digging potatoes in a dream?

What does the dream book mean if you dream of digging potatoes? A dream in which someone is digging potatoes is considered favorable. Such dreams are associated with work and concern for material well-being.

Digging potatoes means success in business. All your endeavors during this period will be successful. The dream promises profit and benefit. A dream in which you are digging is considered especially good. large potatoes. It portends big money. If the potatoes you dig are rotten, an unfavorable period and financial difficulties will begin in your life. To overcome it and get enough livelihood, you will have to work hard and for a long time.

In a dream, digging potatoes - what does this dream mean for lovers? If someone digs potatoes, it foretells happiness in personal relationships. If, while digging potatoes in a dream, you are dejected, it means that in reality a lot of routine and thankless work awaits you. In other cases, you will achieve success even in adventurous transactions, and your superiors will note your professionalism.

Many people do not remember the details of their dream, so they interpret it incorrectly. So, some people dream about planting potatoes. According to folk dream book, planting or harvesting potatoes in a dream means that the dreamer will soon receive a return on what he has been working on for a long time.

Collect potatoes large sizes in a dream means getting big money soon. This dream is especially favorable for young or single people, as it foreshadows marriage and a happy family life.

What does it mean if you dream about potatoes?

In dreams, everything is mysterious and strange, and sometimes such simple and ordinary things that in our Everyday life do not evoke any emotions; in the world of dreams they are signs of fate.

These signs must not be missed, seen, understood - after all, the right choice in life, happiness or tears, readiness for difficulties or the ability to avoid conflict!

One of the simple but significant signs in dreams is…. Ordinary potatoes! What could be more familiar and ordinary than potatoes? We see it almost every day, some love it, others cannot see it, but it’s hard to imagine everyday life without potatoes.

This is in reality, in reality, but what does it promise in dreams, why do you dream about potatoes, and is it worth paying attention to this simple thing?

Definitely worth it. Potatoes are a simple and ordinary thing, but they are still good symbol, significant. Potatoes are the most important crop; our entire food industry practically rests on them, and a well-fed life is unthinkable without these tubers.

Therefore, potatoes seen in dreams often symbolize prosperity, prosperity, harvest, and health. But it all depends, of course, on what kind of potatoes were in the dream - large or small, fried or raw, rotten or beautiful, and what you did with the tubers.

Remembering this, you will decipher what dreams of potatoes mean, and you will find out what to expect in reality in the near future. Alternatively, “potato” dreams could be like this:

  • In a dream you saw potato tubers lying on the ground.
  • You dreamed of large, good potatoes in a bucket.
  • You saw a whole bunch of tubers.
  • Potatoes in the basement, cellar.
  • You are forced to dig or collect potatoes in a dream.
  • You had to plant it in your sleep.
  • I dreamed of bad, rotten potatoes.
  • You are peeling potato tubers.
  • Prepare potato dishes.
  • Do you eat potatoes – cooked or raw?
  • You sell potatoes.

Such ordinary and simple actions in a dream can promise you something extremely important in reality, and often something very good. Therefore, listen to the advice of the dream book to attract good luck!

Potatoes in a dream - what is this for?

Suppose you had a “potato” dream, but did not do anything in it. Remember what the potato was like and where it was found, this will help you correctly understand the dream.

1. Large potatoes seen in a dream foreshadow big changes in life, unexpected events, offers and meetings - everything that will change your life path V better side. New events await you and new life, don't close yourself off from opportunities!

2. A dream in which the potatoes were rotten, spoiled, black, warns that the period of carefree joys and wasted life may soon come to an end. You will have to learn the difficulties without which life cannot exist - and learn to cope with them.

3. Seeing potatoes in a bucket in your dreams - beautiful, round, good harvest- a wonderful sign. Feel free to expect success in the near future in the business you have chosen (or intend to choose); it will bring you great prosperity and satisfaction. Looks like you've found your thing!

4. Seeing potato stocks in the cellar in night dreams - interesting sign. As a rule, potatoes hidden in the cellar symbolize your secrets, and perhaps greed and tight-fistedness. There is something you want to hide, conceal, but be careful.

5. If in a dream you took potatoes out of the cellar or basement, this may warn of illnesses and illnesses. Take more care than usual about your own health so as not to undermine it.

6. A dream in which potatoes lie on the ground promises you meeting new people, and as a result, some new events in social sphere of your life. Be active and open to new things, and expect pleasant gifts from fate!

7. Boiled potatoes, seen in dreams, promise wealth and well-being in the house, a warm family hearth, a calm life without fear of poverty.

8. Fried, rosy potatoes seen on the table - also rich life, delicious food, pleasures. Just don’t go too far, everything needs a healthy measure!

9. Seeing a large pile of potatoes in your dreams promises profit from hard work, a generous harvest, good fruits. It’s not in vain that you work, your reward will come soon!

10. But small tubers dream of tears and unpleasant events; be prepared for a short period of sadness and melancholy.

What should I do with it?

According to every dream book, potatoes can promise wealth, poverty, tears, and happiness. To determine correct interpretation, remember properly what you did with the tubers - did you have to plant them or dig them, fry them or treat them, buy or trade them?

This important conditions For correct interpretation sleep, because you can do a lot of things with potatoes, especially in your dreams.

1. Planting potatoes is a painstaking task, but useful and brings a rich harvest. Therefore, know that if you happen to plant potato tubers in your dreams, soon in reality you will receive a very interesting, attractive offer.

It can concern your personal life (marriage, creating a couple), work, business... You can expect anything, but a proposal can change your destiny for the undoubtedly better, so be bold!

2. A dream in which the potatoes, on the contrary, have already yielded a harvest, and you have to dig and collect them, foreshadows a large amount of thankless, hard work.

  • If digging in a dream is difficult, but the harvest is small, the tubers are small - the same will happen in reality, you will fight long and hard, but to no avail.
  • But if in the end you dig a big harvest, work hard, and know that there will be a result, even if it’s hard work.

3. If you ate potatoes in a dream - fried, baked, boiled - expect an increase in your salary, a bonus, a win or another way of getting nice money. It will be unexpected and very joyful for you!

4. But if the potatoes you ate in a dream were raw, this portends profit from some business that you did not fully believe in.

5. If you happen to see in your night dreams how you sell potatoes at the market, this, according to interpreters, means that you will soon get rid of unpleasant, annoying people in your environment.

If you are bothered by relatives or guests, a clingy admirer or unpleasant acquaintances, you will soon be freed from their oppressive society and breathe a sigh of relief.

6. Dreams in which you peel potatoes mean that you will soon change your own opinion about someone from your environment. Most likely, opinions will change for the better. It’s not without reason that they say that appearances are deceiving – you have to see for yourself. Don't rush to conclusions!

7. If you cook potatoes in your dreams - fry them, cook soup or puree - expect a new job, a promotion or interesting business offers. Career will go up!

“Potato” dreams are for the most part very favorable and promise joy. It is worth understanding that such dreams do not guarantee money that will fall from the sky - they rather remind that honest work will bring great fruits, and idleness will bring poverty.

Dream interpretation of collecting Potatoes

Why do you dream about picking Potatoes in a dream according to the dream book?

The dream book considers harvesting potatoes as making a profit or other reward for work. Now is the time to evaluate merit; you deserve the benefits you receive.

Your efforts and efforts will not go unnoticed. Everything you have done for the public good will be recognized and deservedly rewarded.

What did you use to collect potatoes? What kind of potatoes did you collect? Where did you pick potatoes?

What did you use to collect potatoes?

Why do you dream about picking potatoes with your hands?

I dream about picking potatoes with my hands - auspicious sign. You can safely take on a long-cherished idea or plan - good luck will accompany you in any endeavor.

What kind of potatoes did you collect?

I dreamed that they were collecting large potatoes

A dream in which you collect large potatoes is extremely positive. Prosperity will reign in all areas of life. All started work will be able to be completed to the intended result.

Harvesting potatoes in a dream

Collecting potatoes in a dream means resting on your laurels in reality after the work done. All efforts will be rewarded and noticed by both others and management. The present and future will be presented in warm colors.

Where did you pick potatoes?

Collecting potatoes from the ground in a dream

Why do you dream of picking potatoes from the ground? The dream is a prosperous sign. Soon you will be able to make a profit and start enjoying life.

Why do you dream about picking potatoes in a field?

If you dreamed that you were collecting potatoes in a field, be more attentive to your health. It may soon seriously fail, and the development of a disease is possible.

I dreamed about Potatoes, what is it for, what does Potatoes mean in a dream?

Slavic dream book Meaning of dream Potato:

You dreamed of Potatoes, what does it mean to see in a dream - for a small profit after hard work. Eating potatoes means illness, mucus in the body. 6th house

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife I had a dream about Potatoes.

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor What does Potato mean in a dream:

You dreamed about Potatoes, what is it for - Boiling potatoes. A dream in the spring means that you will fall into doubt; in the summer - means that your life in the coming weeks will be monotonous and dull; in the fall - you will be disturbed by sad premonitions, which will later turn out to be completely unfounded; in winter, you will be overcome by melancholy and sadness. Frying potatoes A dream in spring means that you will gain self-confidence; in the summer - you will learn funny news; in the fall, you will have to fuss; in winter, you will meet a person who will encourage you. Peeling potatoes is doing something useful.

Dream Interpretation by K. Hall Interpretation of the dream Potatoes:

What does Potatoes mean in a dream - digging - thankless work, seeing a lot dug - necessary wealth, small - shortcomings, selling - getting rid of tiresome guests, peeling - getting rid of oppression, violence.

You dreamed of Potatoes, why is it - there is - everyday monotony, digging up potatoes is a thankless job.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does Potato mean in a dream:

What does Potato mean in a dream - You will find it suitable job. Imagine that you are preparing some very tasty dish from potatoes. For example, fry potatoes with mushrooms.

Dream Book of Catherine the Great What does Potato mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about Potatoes? Why is it - you seem to be planting potatoes - your wishes will soon come true; make new ones. You are digging up potatoes - the dream suggests that a tedious task awaits you; the work you will be busy with is simply incompatible with creativity. It’s as if you are preparing a potato dish - a business meeting awaits you; The fate of your case, and therefore your fate, directly depends on the outcome of this meeting. You eat potatoes in a dream - what seemed unpromising to you will bring obvious benefits. You dream of a jacket potato - a certain official will offer you a business that seems unpromising; don't rush to refuse.

Phoebe's big dream book Interpretation of the dream Potatoes:

What does Potato mean in a dream - you will find new job, suitable for you in all respects, which will give you decent income. Imagine that you dug up a whole bucket of fresh potatoes in the garden or bought a whole bucket of fresh potatoes at the market. You brought it home, cleaned it and prepare some delicious dish to suit your taste: boil, fry, make a potato tore or casserole. And then enjoy delicious dish, alone or with family.

Russian dream book What does Potato mean in a dream:

You dreamed about Potatoes, why is it important? appearance; in the peel - the fruit of activity, hidden from the eyes of the dreamer; sowing potatoes - introducing other people's beliefs; dig out of the ground - free yourself from alien, superficial beliefs; eating potatoes means profit.

Digging potatoes with a dead man

Dream Interpretation Digging potatoes with a dead person dreamed of why you dream about digging potatoes with a dead person? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Digging Potatoes with a Dead Person in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Digging Potatoes

Dream Interpretation – Potatoes

Dreams about potatoes usually mean obtaining your daily bread through honest, hard work. Therefore, planting, harvesting or preparing potatoes for food in a dream means profit that you will spend on your daily needs. Giving away, selling or seeing potatoes rotten is a sign of losses, debts and unwise spending of money. Selling potatoes sometimes means getting rid of unpleasant visitors. Eating potatoes in a dream predicts that you will try to use your funds to develop your business and generate additional profit. Frying potatoes in a dream means marriage. Seeing a lot of potatoes in a dream means big profits earned with blood and sweat. Seeing small potatoes in a dream is a sign of life in need; Seeing large means good income.

Dream Interpretation – Potatoes

Potatoes - if you dream about potatoes, you will see a lot of people. Potatoes are a hassle. Digging potatoes is good; eating them will make you sick. If you dream that you were taking potatoes from a barn or digging in a field, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation – Potatoes

To the harvest or to tears.

Dream Interpretation – Potatoes

Eating potatoes in a dream foreshadows an event that will seem important to you at first, but will soon disappoint you. Peeling potatoes means changing your opinion about a person from bad to good. Planting or digging potatoes means intimacy with a new partner.

Dream Interpretation – Potatoes

Digging potatoes in a dream promises success in matters of the heart.

Dream Interpretation – Potatoes

If in a dream you are planting potatoes, it means that in reality you will arrange your affairs in the best possible way. in the best possible way and you can count on the successful implementation of your plans. Digging up potatoes means getting a thankless and humiliating job.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Dream Interpretation – Dig

Digging the ground in a dream means getting benefits. Seeing someone else digging means that through hard work you will get out of need and deprivation. If in a dream you are digging a hole on a clayey bank, in reality this means that your enemies are intensifying their efforts directed against you.

Digging potatoes with a shovel

Dream Interpretation Digging potatoes with a shovel dreamed of why you dream about digging potatoes with a shovel? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Digging potatoes with a shovel in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Potatoes (dig, potatoes)

Digging up potatoes in a dream means a rich harvest of vegetables.

Dream Interpretation – Shovel

A dream about a shovel means that you will have no choice and will have to complete the undertaking, otherwise you will simply be in danger of ruin. Seeing a broken shovel portends mourning and sadness. Buying a shovel in a dream means you will lose something very dear to you, although in essence not very valuable.

Dream Interpretation – Potato

A dream about potatoes promises various accidents.

Dream Interpretation – Potato

A dream about potatoes is fraught with accidents of not the best nature.

Dream Interpretation – Shovel

Shovel - a shovel in a dream - it is difficult to acquire daily bread; a broken shovel is a tragic accident. A shovel is death.

Dream Interpretation – Shovel

A shovel in a dream foretells profit. If it is broken, then expect failures, losses or news of death loved one. Hitting with a shovel in a dream is a sign of betrayal and betrayal of a loved one. Working with a shovel in a dream means that you earn your bread through hard, painstaking work. If you dream that you were given a shovel in your hands, then you should finish the job you started, no matter how hard it costs you.

Dream Interpretation – Shovel

You have a chance to make your way in life, but you can harm yourself by being too frank; keep your thoughts to yourself.

Dream Interpretation – Digging with a shovel

Loss, blow and misfortune.

Dream Interpretation – See, buy or dig with a shovel

Loss, blow and misfortune.

Dream Interpretation – Potato

If you plant potatoes in a dream, you can count on the fulfillment of your desires. Digging it is a sign of future success. Cooking potatoes means a new, good job. Eating it is a significant benefit.

Why do you dream about Potatoes (dig, potatoes)?

Why do you dream about Potatoes (dig, potatoes)

Digging up potatoes in a dream means a rich harvest of vegetables.

Potatoes symbolize reward for work, praise and approval. Digging potatoes in a dream means that you will have to work hard to get what you want. The earth in a dream acts as a projection of work, business, project. If you dream that you are digging and collecting potatoes, know that your labors will be rewarded.

Interpretation of sleep

For accurate interpretation sleep, you need to take into account the details of the dream and refer to the dream book.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, digging potatoes in a dream - financial well-being, successful completion of the case and career. If you dream that you first plant potatoes and then dig them up, be sure that your plans will come true. You will get the result you want. Miller's dream book gives an interpretation based on the type of dug up potatoes:

  • rotten– the time for fun is over and you need to rush into battle;
  • large- to good profit and reward for your work.

If you watch in a dream how a stranger digs potatoes, one of your relatives will receive a reward and share it with you.

Freud's Dream Book

  • Digging potatoes with a shovel - you will find out the truth; get necessary information, which will help complete a long-term business.
  • If you dream that you are digging large potatoes with your hands, financial well-being and success in business await you.
  • Small and rotten potatoes - to disappointment, minor losses; the result will not live up to expectations.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • Digging up potato tubers means luck, prosperity, happiness and success in business.
  • Large potatoes in a dream - luck is on your side.
  • Dry, small, spoiled potatoes - stagnation in business, loss of money; An unfavorable period in life will come.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Planting potatoes in a dream means taking care of the future; your deeds and actions will bear good fruit.
  • If you dream of digging potatoes in the garden, it’s time to reap the fruits of your deeds. Get what you deserve.
  • Good and clean potatoes are a big reward and praise.
  • Dirty and small potatoes are small rewards.

Muslim dream book

  • Digging large potatoes in a dream means triumph in business, prosperity and joy.
  • Small potatoes - for small joys.
  • If you dreamed that you were collecting potatoes in a field, pay attention to your health; a disease may develop.
  • Lifting and collecting potatoes from the ground is a good sign; you will be pleased with the results of your work.
  • In a dream, you dig potatoes with your hands - you can implement your plans, luck will become your companion in any endeavor.

To a man

  • The dead man warns about hard times in life. Monitor your health and situation.
  • The deceased may be warning you that you need to find an ally to solve the problem. Remember the sensations during sleep, or after waking up - they will help interpret the dream. If you have an unpleasant aftertaste after sleep, think about where you might have made a mistake. If you were in a good mood, it means you are doing everything right.


  • A dead person wants to help. Show that all difficulties can be overcome and it’s okay if you ask for help.
  • You will find a way to solve the problem and cope with difficulties.

Elements of sleep

If you clearly remember the elements of a dream, look at their meaning in the dream book. Such a dream can be interpreted in detail, clues and signs can be found.

  • Digging potatoes and carrots in a dream means well-being and changes in life. Carrots in a dream symbolize wealth, success, luck and health. Carrots and potatoes in a dream mean wealth and doubly good luck in reality.
  • Digging potatoes in a dream with a shovel is a sign of disclosing information. The information obtained will help solve the old problem.
  • Worms, beetles and other pests in a dream are symbols of financial troubles, gossip and intrigue. If you dig potatoes in a dream and come across beetles, the profit received will be spent on solving the problem and will not bring satisfaction. While digging potatoes in a dream, you saw worms - envious people want to harm you. Be careful, do not trust the conduct of business to people you are not confident in.

Dream Interpretation Digging Potatoes

Potatoes have many names. And the earthen apple, or the devil's apple, the red apple, the nightshade, even the second bread. Potatoes are a symbol of survival.
The interpretation of dreams where I had to dig potatoes includes two main points: work in the ground, and, in fact, the potatoes themselves. Why we dream of digging potatoes, the dream book gives a twofold interpretation: one side is that the earth is our nurse, and the other side is that such a ritual as burial has a connection with the earth. But the meaning of dreams depends largely on the circumstances and details.

Interpretation in detail

Let's take into account the details and means with which the potatoes were dug:

  • dig with a shovel;
  • dig with your hands;
  • digging while feeling tired;
  • size value.

If in a dream you dig potatoes

As the dream book indicates, root tubers are dug up in a dream more often by those dreamers who, in reality, have to work hard. The path to accomplishing what you wished for will not actually be many times more thorny than it seemed at first. The dream book will help you decide whether to give up your idea or stubbornly move on towards your goal, not seeing obstacles and countless difficulties, yet foreseeing that in the end the desire will not justify the effort.

Large potatoes - to success in work

According to Miller's dream book, digging potato tubers in a dream is a good omen. When the dreamer happened to see how he digs up potatoes and immediately plants them again, the interpretation states that every movement made now is another brick in the foundation of upcoming success. The fact is that now there will be a series of actions on your part, each of them will become, surprisingly, very effective. Don't miss the favorable moment and the job is halfway done.

When in a dream you happened to dig a very large, almost clean, potato, all your efforts and efforts will be appreciated by your superiors and an undeniable triumph, honors, and recognition awaits you.

The interpretation of dreams in which you dug soiled, rotten, and small potatoes with soil stuck to it speaks of disappointment and that a dark streak is coming. This is a call to abandon the idea that has captured you, because it is not worth your efforts and aspirations. There is little chance that you will be able to implement it, but even if you implement it, the results will be minimal and not at all attractive.

Dead man and potatoes...

If you were digging potatoes with a dead person in a dream, the dream book says that minor changes are foreseen in your life, such as not a long-term trip to previously unvisited places, or maybe you will experiment with your appearance. Or the weather may simply change, which will somehow interfere with your plans and disrupt the course of events. But the fact that a deceased person participated in the work still confirms that if not today, then tomorrow you will complete your plan without losses.

Maybe you found yourself face to face with a huge amount of work and remembered how you didn’t appreciate those moments when you were together, how you used to put the whole burden of work on your shoulders loved one, without thinking that he was struggling with all his strength to complete the job.

To the hint and warning

Who else was in your dream

The interpretation of dreams where you had to dig up potatoes with a deceased person may be a warning that in the near future you will need an assistant, otherwise you will not be able to cope with the volume alone. So start looking for people in advance so that worries don't take you by surprise. Or you will need help in solving complex issues, because the dead sometimes come in a dream, with the goal of warning about impending events. If you strain your memory and remember what qualities prevailed in a person during his lifetime, how he acted in difficult, almost insoluble situations. This will help you find your solution.

It happens in a dream that you were digging potatoes, but did not find them in the hole, but the deceased came and dug them up. This means that he hinted to you that the solution is also hidden, you just need to dig deeper. Otherwise, your opponent may dig deeper and bask in the glory at your expense.

Conflicting interpretations

Sometimes the interpretations of dreams are very different. If you follow the dream book of birthday people, then those born in the summer who dream of digging up tubers will expect a large harvest of vegetables. Those born in the fall - to a great financial harvest, but those born in winter with such dreams should understand this as a signal for the prevention of viruses and chronic diseases.

Digging rotten potatoes in your dreams is a sign of stagnation in business.

If in your dreams you dig potatoes alone, in reality everything will be exactly the opposite - you will be lucky in matters of the heart.

If in your dreams you painted pictures of a whole potato field in which you worked with your whole family, digging it up, then you will soon have to commit large purchase. It could be a new car or new house, and maybe even real estate in another country.

When events in dreams indicate that the time has come to dig potatoes, and you arrived at the beds without tools, without containers and containers in which to collect them, then this is a call to exert your last strength for the successful completion of your plan . You are really very tired, because the work was very intense, it squeezed all the juice out of you, but there was only one drop left to complete the grandiose undertaking. The results will be stunning.

If in your dreams you dig up potatoes and immediately sell them from the field, this is a good sign, indicating that you will be able to get rid of guests who, due to their incorrect behavior, become uninvited, or from close friends or relatives who are visiting. And if you cook it over a fire right in the field, then real life you will have to fight for your success. It will be hot and there will be serious competition, but it will be worth it.

In the event that you dig potatoes and throw them at each other, in reality very large scandals can occur that can lead to massacres. Avoid heated and stressful situations.

If you see in your dreams a large mountain of dug up potatoes, this predicts a large cash flow from a successful occupation, which you will invest in an even more successful enterprise.

A dream in which you happened to dig potatoes contains two key symbols: land work and, in fact, potatoes. Why we dream about everything connected with the earth, the dream book interprets it in two ways: on the one hand, the earth feeds us, on the other, such a sad ritual as a funeral is associated with it. Potatoes in a dream in most cases represent prosperity and success, which, however, may not be easy to achieve.

The meaning of the dream largely depends on the plot details. For example, you planted potatoes or harvested crops, how attractive, clean and large the dreamed root crops turned out to be. Taking these details into account, the dream book will help to more clearly present a picture of the future and the present.

Interpretations of the dream book, why you dream of digging potatoes

As reported by most known interpretation sleep, digging potatoes in their dreams most often falls to those who have to work conscientiously in reality. The path to realizing your plans will actually turn out to be much more thorny than it seemed at the beginning.

The dream book offers a difficult choice: abandon your plan or continue to move towards the goal, despite numerous difficulties, and knowing in advance that the goal will not justify the means - this is what you dream of digging potatoes for.

If you happen to dig potatoes with a shovel, the dream book promises that something secret will soon become apparent. It is you who will be able to discover new facts that can play decisive role. The information received will have the best impact on your future. A favorable turn of events can affect both business sphere, and personal life.

When in a dream you have to dig potatoes with your hands, the dream book is trying to warn you against unnecessary revelations and rash actions. It is quite possible that right now one of your work colleagues or imaginary friends is already actively digging under you.

Since you dreamed that you had to dig potatoes with your hands, wise Indians advise collecting a handful of earth from the cemetery, from the forest and from the river bank and grinding the resulting mixture at midnight over the fire. This time-tested method will help you destroy the insidious plans of your enemies.

The dream book suggests taking into account the state of your health in order to understand what the dream means. Digging potatoes and experiencing fatigue at the same time happens to those who in real life would do well to take care of their physical well-being.

Fatigue, which haunts the dreamer even in his sleep, can signal vitamin deficiency, the effects of stress, and an urgent need for rest. Against such an unfavorable background, chronic diseases or the onset of a cold may remind themselves. The Dream Interpretation strongly recommends taking timely measures to prevent a serious and long-term illness.

According to Miller's dream book, digging potatoes in a dream is a good omen. If you dreamed about planting potatoes, know that any action you take now is another stone in the foundation of future success.

You will have a series of actions, each of which will be surprisingly effective. Try not to leave things unfinished, the dream book reminds, explaining why you dreamed that you had to dig potatoes.

If in a dream you happened to harvest a crop, the dream book believes that you have recently done a great job, and now is the time to enjoy the results of your labor. The entire current period and the near future will seem unusually cloudless to you, even the minimal effort you make will not go unnoticed and will be appreciated by your superiors and those simply around you.

If the dreamer was lucky enough to dig large potatoes in a dream, even and clean ones at the same time, which by its very appearance causes pleasure, this factor only confirms the previous interpretation of the dream. What you see in a dream promises unconditional triumph, rewards and honors for everything that was done shortly before current events.

But small, rotten or soiled potatoes are a harbinger of disappointment and approaching black stripe. The dream book believes that the idea that this moment completely captured you, not worth your aspirations. Unfortunately, you are unlikely to be able to implement it, or the result will not be as attractive as it initially seemed.

The dead help the living in their dreams

A dream in which you had to dig potatoes with a dead person can cause a painful feeling of melancholy. Which is understandable: in reality, you continue to regret that this person is no longer around. What you see in a dream may be an echo real events: You may have done gardening work together more than once.

According to most interpretations, such dreams foreshadow minor changes in your destiny, for example, changeable weather, a short trip to unfamiliar places, or another experiment with your appearance. The dream book recommends not to attach importance to prejudices or superstitious fears; what you saw in a dream is not a harbinger of any negative events.

Why you dream about how you happened to dig potatoes with a deceased person can also be interpreted by the dream book as a warning that in the near future you could use help. The deceased sometimes appear in dreams to warn of future events. Try to remember what qualities he had during his life, how he acted in difficult circumstances.

Perhaps soon you yourself will find yourself in a similar situation, for example, alone with a large amount of work. This is where you remember the person who left this world, whom you saw in a dream: how much simpler everything would be if he were alive now. The dream book claims that you will find a way to cope with the upcoming task and successfully complete another life lesson.

Seeing the process of digging potatoes in a dream is enough rare sign, but it has very precise symbolism. Collecting potatoes in such a dream symbolizes material wealth, and the details of the dream tell what will happen to them. Potatoes are a reward for work and effort, praise, and the implementation of plans. Let's turn to the most famous interpreters online completely free of charge and find out what their dream book says.

Why dream of digging potatoes according to Tsvetkov’s Dream Book

The esotericist interprets a dream where a person was digging potatoes as a harbinger of hard work, which may turn out to be thankless or unpaid; if he dug with his hands, the work will be very exhausting.

Why do you dream about potatoes, large and small, digging potatoes - Miller's Dream Book

Potatoes, according to the interpretation of this dream book, always portend something favorable. Digging potatoes yourself in a dream means success in business, most often in the financial or career sphere. But if you dreamed that you were planting potatoes, and only then began digging, then Miller says that you are laying a strong foundation for future achievements, defining a goal that is definitely destined to come true. If the dug up potatoes turn out to be rotten, this is not very bad, it just means that the fun and carefree days are over.

Why do you dream about digging up potatoes?

Dreaming of a stranger digging potatoes, as if from the outside, is a good sign. This promises financial well-being for both you and, for the most part, the one who is digging. If you dig yourself, then this sure sign arrival soon.

The meaning of a dream in which a woman intends to plant and then dig up potatoes is profitable proposition for work or she will get married soon.

It is also necessary to pay attention to whether the dream shows that you need to dig large potatoes, because this reflects the nature of future money. If you dig large potatoes in a dream, then money will come in real life, easy, big and joyful. Rotten and small potatoes in a dream - you will be disappointed in obtaining funds.

Dream Interpretation - digging potatoes, dream details

What matters is the mood you experience when you come to the garden and start digging potatoes. The feeling of anger and fatigue that potatoes cause will bring fatigue to the sleeper and in real life, perhaps you are tormented by everyday life and routine worries.

Disappointment from dug up root crops - your work did not pay off or paid off less than you would like.

If I take a long time to choose or steal potatoes, it means uncertainty about the future.

A dream where I force you to work, but you dig reluctantly and slowly, means that problems will arise in the near future, and you will want to shift the responsibility onto someone else’s shoulders. Potatoes symbolize work that you don’t really want to take on.

Harvesting potatoes during the harvest season is the most best sign, career is going uphill and profit is just around the corner.

If you are in love in real life and you dream that you are digging potatoes, it means that the relationship will develop in favorable direction, everything will work out. And if in a dream you do this with your loved one together, then this is a sure sign of a long and reliable marriage.

A dream about a vegetable garden and potatoes on the eve of an important and slightly risky transaction is a good sign. It symbolizes that the risk will be justified, your plan will be accomplished, and your superiors will definitely praise you for your initiative and work. Digging up all the potatoes in such a dream is a sign of quickly and successfully achieving results.

Pay attention to the details that the dream itself focuses your attention on. For example, if the process of digging up potatoes goes smoothly, but the shovel you are working with is clearly visible, know that new secrets will be revealed in your business, new aspects that can change everything. If you put the potatoes on the floor, you need support and help with the work.

If you dreamed that you dug up large potatoes and immediately ate them, you are not appreciated at work, although you make a lot of effort.

Dreaming of digging potatoes with a deceased or recently deceased person has two different interpretations. The soil itself, the earth, in such a dream has the meaning of a place where a person is buried, which is why he appears from there. The dead person may be warning you of impending danger and hinting that you will need help. These could be health problems or difficult and demanding work that will leave you exhausted. Also, a recently deceased person who helps you dig and dig potatoes reflects longing for this person in real life.

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