Sports categories and titles: list and assignment. What do sports titles give?

We have already tried to give you information about why sports categories and titles are still needed in our first article. In the continuation, we shared the sequence of actions to obtain youth ranks. Today we will talk about the necessary actions to obtain adult ranks and CMS.


You have already grown to a certain level, you constantly compete in competitions, receive ranks and improve your class... You should follow two rules:

Listen to the coach

Perform in official competitions included in the EKP, i.e. championships and championships of municipal and federal districts, Russia, All-Russian competitions.

In the Russian Federation, confirmation and assignment of sports categories and titles is determined by a document called the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (UESC). It indicates the standards in each sport that must be fulfilled in order to receive a certain category and title.


The athlete’s record book must be completed and registered in the organization where he received this document, i.e. in the Federation.


Sports categories of master's master and "first sports category" are assigned by the authorities executive power in area physical culture and sports by REPRESENTATION (individual), containing the last name, first name, patronymic (if any), date of birth of the athlete, as well as information about the athlete’s result shown at the competition, certified by the seal (if any) and signature of the head of the regional sports federation or division federal body, at the location of the territorial sphere of activity of the regional sports federation or at the location of the division of the federal body.

Sports categories “second sports category” and “third sports category” are assigned by local governments municipal districts and city districts according to REPRESENTATION (general) for the assignment of a sports category, certified by the seal (if any) and signature of the head of the regional sports federation or local sports federation at the place of their territorial sphere of activity.

We remind you that to participate in sports competitions, you must have the original insurance policy and a certificate from a sports dispensary.

List of documents required for submission for assignment of a sports category (in accordance with the Regulations on the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification, approved by Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated February 20, 2017 No. 108 (as amended on June 1, 2017 No. 479):

Within 2 weeks, send to the Presidium of your Federation a petition for athletes to assign or increase ranks, along with a package of documents.

The maximum period when documents must be received by the relevant authorities (authorities! They must be received by the federation earlier) for assignment is 4 months from the date the athlete fulfills the assignment standards.

  1. 1. submission for assignment, certified by the seal and signature of the federation for the sport and the submitting organization, in 2 copies. on paper. Submissions are submitted separately for each category and separately for sports.

The highest recognition of an athlete’s skill are the titles: Master of Sports of Russia - MSR (in board games- checkers and chess - grandmaster of Russia), and international master of sports - MSMK. But to achieve this honor, you need to work long and hard. The first step to the top is the lowest sports rank - the third youth level. Next - to become a master of sports of international class - several more stages must be overcome.

Legal basis

The assignment of sports categories is regulated Federal law No. 329 “On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation” of 2007. The latest amendments to the document were made on April 18, 2018 with effect from May 1, 2018. However, this is not the only document that the athletes themselves, their coaches and judges rely on when it comes to assigning categories and titles. Here the main source of information is the Regulations on the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification. The latest version of the document was adopted in June 2017. It spells out in detail all the norms for each sport operating in Russia from those that are included in the All-Russian Register of Sports.

Despite the fact that one document refers to another and that the information contained in them is updated quite often, these Federal Laws, Regulations and Register are extremely clear and simple to those close to the sports world. Assignment of sports categories and titles with federal or international significance, is carried out in a certain clear sequence, therefore there is no confusion here, since there are strict Federal Law requirements. If you follow them, have protocols of competitions with results and signatures of judges, then further registration of the athlete’s qualifying status is a matter of time and patience.

On the way to the top

Titles are assigned by the Ministry of Sports of Russia, categories - directly in the regions where the athlete lives, by executive authorities at the request of the coach through the representative office of the federation corresponding to the sport. Similar right subjects are given by Article 22 of the Federal Law-329. For children from nine years of age, the third, second and first youth categories are valid. Third, second, first sports and candidate master of sports (CMS) - for boys and girls who have achieved results corresponding to them at a somewhat later age. Everything is relative. Some athlete, even at 17, does not reach the level of the first sportsman in terms of results. The other one, at 13, is able to fulfill the CCM standards. Therefore, the lower and upper age thresholds in sports do not have clear boundaries. The main thing is to comply with the standards and requirements for assigning sports categories.

The application for qualification must be submitted within four months from the date of compliance with the relevant standards. In addition to the athlete’s personal results, other conditions must be met. For all requirements, you should be guided by the Regulations on the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification. Competitions must have an appropriate status, the number and level of judges at them also matter, as well as the way in which results are recorded in speed sports: with stopwatches or digital meters.

The ranks are assigned for a period of two years. During this period, the qualifications obtained must be confirmed by corresponding results by participating in subsequent competitions. If an athlete meets the standards of a higher category, he has the right to submit a petition for its award without waiting for the expiration of the previous one.

Keeping a treasured little book

All achievements of the athlete from the lowest junior rank are entered in the record book. Therefore, you should not delay with her establishment. Nowadays, the acquisition of this unique athlete’s report card falls entirely on his family. It is a rare federation that has a sufficient budget to purchase, in addition to the necessary equipment and uniforms, also textbooks for its students. All entries made in it must have links to orders on the assignment of sports categories and more, the names and categories of judges, the rating of competitions in which achievements were achieved significant results, - everything should be reflected in it. Here, the more details, the better. In addition, the record book must be registered with the federation or organization that leads the athlete.

During competitions, it is presented to the panel of judges, and the participant’s personal achievements are entered into it based on the results of the competition. So record book 0 is not only visual evidence of the assignment of youth sports categories to early stage the athlete’s career, but also his “diary with assessments” - results, awards, prizes, etc. It is worth carefully ensuring that all records have links to protocols, certified by signatures and seals of either representatives of the federation where the athlete is engaged, or the organizers of the competition .

In a single list

Of course, not for everyone existing species sports, it is possible to officially, at the state level, assign sports categories or titles of master of sports, grandmaster, master of sports of international class, but only according to those that are included in the All-Russian Register of Sports (VRVS). This list is constantly updated: something is added, something is excluded. Take, for example, a hobby like eSports. At one time it was listed in the general register of Russian sports. However, over time it was excluded for a number of reasons. The list of unique hobbies vying to be included in the register is quite extensive, but not everyone has a chance of getting into it, even temporarily.

On average, after each update of the list, about 150 species remain in it, for which it is possible to assign sports categories. The Ministry of Sports necessarily supervises all their federations or organizations. It is worth noting that almost each type is divided into specific disciplines. For clarity, we can cite a sport such as rowing. Here are just some of the 17 disciplines of rowing: double sculls, quadruple sculls, quadruple sculls, quadruple sculls - a light weight and so on. In addition to academic rowing, there is also folk, coastal, and indoor rowing. Or in figure skating: men's and women's singles skating, sports dances, pairs figure skating, group synchronized skating. And so on for almost every species listed in the VRVS.

Massive and developing

For all sports from the register there are certain rules, qualification standards and conditions for assigning sports categories. Women and men have their own. The gradation also goes by age, and in strength disciplines, by the weight of the athletes. Requirements and standards were developed and established based on an analysis of the development of a particular sport and its individual disciplines. The status of competitions and the number of participants in them also matter for the awarding of categories and titles. If we take mass and only developing sports as an example, we should cite several specific examples for clarity.

Thus, one of the conditions, and there are about 15 of them, for fulfilling the requirements of the Regulations on the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification for the assignment of sports categories and titles is participation in all-Russian competitions:

  • for mass sports of national teams or individual athletes from half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • developing sports teams or individual athletes from at least 80% of those regions of the Russian Federation where this type exists.

These requirements apply to both championships and cup competitions, championships in all other official all-Russian competitions. Whatever the athlete’s personal achievements, if the requirement for the required number of participants is not met, his results will not be included in the rank classification for the assignment of sports ranks. Swimming, gymnastics, football are fairly developed sports in our country; as a rule, there are no problems with the number of participants, which cannot be said about curling, alpine skiing, sailing, fencing and many others.

By nationality

The classification regulated by the EVSK is valid in Russia for some national sports. It is unlikely that even recognized masters will ever be able to become participants in international competitions, but in the Russian Federation it is possible to obtain official ranks and titles in them. For example, in the northern all-around. This sport is widespread in reindeer herding areas Far North. Applications for the assignment of a sports category are considered directly in the regions themselves; all-Russian competitions are not held for obvious reasons. In some regions of the Russian Federation, lapta, towns, and other national species are developed. Members of the EVSK are awarded honorary sports titles at the federal level.

For those who want to reach the top - win the Olympic Games ah - oh national sports It is worth knowing some of the nuances of sports so as not to treat them with disdain when choosing the sport to which you decide to devote your whole life. Not so long ago, curling, which is now gaining popularity all over the world, was known only in Scotland. It was included in the Olympic program only in 1998. And the first sets of awards were played out in Nagano. But even now few people know about such a sport as hurling. But nevertheless, in Europe this popular national song in Ireland team game finds everything every year larger number supporters. There is even an active hurling league in the West. There are several dozen similar examples of sports that are gaining momentum. Sumo is in Japan, skibob is in Switzerland, kabaddi is in India, etc. However, it is easier to achieve international recognition by choosing the more popular ones.

Ambition or honor?

The most mass species sports are included in the programs of the Winter and Summer Olympic Games. For athletes, being selected for the national teams of their countries at the Olympic Games is a minimum program in life. The maximum is to win “gold” in them. As a rule, athletes of a level not lower than an international master of sports go to the Olympics, less often - just a master of sports. A prize-winning place in qualifying competitions or a set world record - and a well-deserved title is practically in your pocket. The procedure for assigning sports categories from third to first is based on results in competitions of all-Russian or regional significance. At this stage of an athlete’s career there are enough of them. Such competitions are:

  • Russian championship;
  • Cup of Russia;
  • Russian Championship;
  • Spartakiads, Universiade, etc.

Another status of competitions, participation in which is a step towards the assignment of 1 sports category, is interregional championships of federal districts, championships of constituent entities, zonal competitions. But in the last prerequisite is the performance of teams from two or more federal districts of the Russian Federation. In addition, zonal competitions must be included in the calendar of qualifying competitions for championships or championships of the Russian Federation.

If you look at all the requirements for the status of competitions listed in the Unified All-Russian Sports Classifier, participation or a prize place in which can give a chance to be awarded a category or title, it becomes clear that only personal sporting achievements an athlete is not enough. A number of other conditions must be met.

From amateur to professional

Assignment of sports categories is possible not only in the professional league, but also in the amateur league. A good example Domestic football can serve this purpose. The Russian Football Union carries out general organization over four leagues in descending order:

  • Russian Football Premier League (RFPL).
  • Football National League (FNL).
  • Professional Football League (PFL).
  • Amateur Football League (LFL).

In ordinary conversations they are called more simply: highest, first, second and third. The assignment of sports ranks to football players does not in any way affect the division in which they compete. Competitions at their internal championships are included in the classification of those included in the category classification.

When a football player moves from a lower to a higher league, or from amateur to professional, if he has the first sports rank, it is easier to quickly receive the title of master of sports, since the rank of the competition will now be more significant. Moreover, teams competing in the professional division - PFL, FNL and RFPL - participate in the Russian Cup. The tournament is held every year. Subject to qualifying for a Premier League team at one stage of the competition, even a PFL team not only takes part in a rating tournament, but also meets several additional requirements to receive the title of Master of Sports. Here both the referees and the opponents have a higher status. If, taking part in matches exclusively between teams of his league, a football player can only rely on regional orders to assign sports categories, then an entry in his record book about a fight with a stronger opponent and in a ranked tournament will be more valuable for his future.

Such a transition from amateur to professional is possible in any sport. Decisive role skill and luck come into play here. All categories previously won by an athlete are valued among professionals. They know firsthand the price at which they get it, since they themselves have previously gone through the same trials.

For special merits

In addition to three youth, three sports categories, the titles “Master of Sports” and “Master of Sports of International Class”, for special personal achievements an athlete can be awarded the honorary title “Honored Master of Sports of Russia”. The provision for its assignment is regulated by Article No. 22 329-FZ. This award rewards not only competing athletes, but also coaches, referees and even sports commentators for personal achievements in their sports careers. Although, as a rule, the latter come to television after finishing their performances due to injury or age. To be awarded the title “Honored Master of Sports of Russia”, you must really have significant services to your country. The requirements for the candidate are almost the same as the conditions for assigning sports categories. World, Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic record holders, regardless of achievements in team or individual performances, champions of many other international competitions who achieve high results throughout their careers, sooner or later are sure to receive this honorary recognition at the state level.

However, unlike dischargers, candidates for Honored Master of Sports need to score a certain number of qualifying points. They are awarded according to the approved scale. For sports included in the program of the Olympic, Deaflympic and Paralympic Games, they are somewhat different from those that are not included in the grid of the listed competitions. In addition, the division is based on team and individual competition. Mandatory competitions include:

  • World Championship.
  • World Cup.
  • Europe championship.
  • European Cup.
  • Russian championship.

The periods of assignment of sports categories and titles to an athlete, the speed or regularity of his career do not play a role here. Qualifying points are calculated only according to the above criteria.

Changes and develops

There are no standards established once and for all for athletes that must be met in order to be able to qualify for the next category. The skills of athletes are constantly growing, new technologies are being invented to increase their achievements, a whole industry is working on them: sports equipment, equipment, special devices, a personal nutrition system is being developed, etc. Therefore, the standards for assigning sports categories often change. Just like the Unified All-Russian Sports Classifier is constantly updated, adding new types. As for the industry, here are some clear examples.

For national teams different countries at the same competitions you can often see different equipment that can increase the performance of athletes: swimming suits made of material that helps overcome water resistance more easily, ski mastic that increases gliding, a bean box shape that promotes softer cornering, a curling stone , tires for auto racing... The list goes on.

In addition, the skill of individual athletes, as, for example, in rhythmic and artistic gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming, etc., also dictates its conditions for making amendments to the qualification system: Korbut loop, Plushenko’s quadruple sheepskin coat, and other new complex elements V listed types sports As soon as they are obeyed by individual participants in international competitions, the standards for assigning sports categories change. Sometimes, to keep up with them, athletes have to work at the limit of their capabilities. That’s why injuries in sports are so high.

Not a business

Despite the multi-million dollar budgets of the leading Russian federations sports, the acquisition of expensive foreign players to strengthen within Russian teams, it should be understood that real skill still cannot be bought, like a driver’s license, a diploma higher education or doctorate. Athletes earn all ranks and titles on their own. Therefore, there is much more respect for their grade books and certificates than for anyone else. Not a single entry is made without indicating the protocol of the competition, and they cannot be falsified, since according to the Regulations on the assignment of sports categories, each reference to the competition must be certified by signatures and seals. And such lines in the record book for another rank we need to collect a lot.

A submission package or appeal to the federation of your sport or its regional representative office for assignment of a rank should be prepared on time - within four months from the date the athlete fulfills all the rules and conditions. The application is signed directly by the coach or teacher additional education, If we're talking about about youth categories. The package of documents should include:

  • a copy of the competition protocol or an extract from it, signed by the chief judge, confirming the participant’s compliance with the relevant standards;
  • a certificate confirming the qualifications of the refereeing team of the specified competitions;
  • a photocopy of the candidate's passport or birth certificate if he is under 14 years of age;
  • two photographs 3 × 4 cm.

To assign the categories of “candidate master of sports”, “master of sports” and “international master of sports”, the requirements for the judge’s signature on a copy of the competition protocol are somewhat higher, and the coach also needs to monitor this carefully. Such nuances, as a rule, are well known to both, therefore everyone treats the preparation of representative documents for the category with a high degree of responsibility.

The status of judges is of particular importance. Thus, for the title of MS, the presence of three judges of the All-Russian category is required. For CMS, two are enough. After reviewing the documents at the Ministry of Sports (and this also has certain deadlines and procedures), an order from the Ministry of Sports should be issued on assigning sports categories to the declared athletes. If an award is denied, the response must state the reasons. Sometimes this only relates to the correct execution of documents, so it is important not to delay making amendments so as not to miss deadlines.

Any sport requires complete dedication from the athlete. Often the pursuit of titles results in various injuries, and only great desire, faith and perseverance force a person to rise again and return to his beloved professional activity. Athletes do not lack perseverance; they must learn to show it with early years in sports, when the first significant step is obtaining the title of Master of Masters. We'll look at how to get it below.

Any athlete over the age of 13 has the right to receive CMC. To do this you will have to work hard and take certain places in competitions or win a set number of victories. Places for obtaining the CCM are established depending on the level of competition. So, those who at the Russian Championships took third and fourth places in the team championship and doubles, and from fifth to eighth places among singles will be able to receive the CCM. At the Russian Championship, you need to take third to sixth place in the team championship, fifth or sixth place in doubles, and thirteenth to twentieth place in singles. And at the Russian Cup we will have to compete for places from third to eighth. In all cases, the number of victories must be 12. It is worth noting that depending on the sport, the age for awarding the title and the requirements for places received in competitions may vary. Refer to the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification for more detailed information. For those who are going to compete at the European Championship, in order to receive the CCM, you need to take 3-4 places in the team championship and doubles, for single athletes - 5 and 8 places. To get CMC in team competitions, you will have to play at least half of the games. As for the rule of 12 victories to obtain the title of Master of Masters, all defeated opponents must also have this title. A victory won over an athlete with a sports title is equal to two. And if you defeat the same athlete several times, count these victories as one. Mine sports year start counting from the date of your first victory. When awarding the title of candidate master of sports, the judging panel must include at least one judge of the republican category. It is not enough to receive a CMS; in the future you will have to confirm your rank. To do this, you need to defeat 3 athletes of your category or 6 athletes of a lower category in a year. In order to confidently reach the top in your sports career in the future, it is important to start training according to your profile as early as possible. The coach is of great importance: not only does he bear a good half of the responsibility for the athlete’s achievements, some coaches have such psychological impact, which can completely discourage the desire to engage in sports in the future. Inattention or excessive pressure from a coach can lead to any consequences, even injuries. A novice athlete needs to remember: good coach- recipe for success. If you are determined to connect your destiny with sports, choose a sports school or university with a physical education focus for further education. You will be able to train constantly. Take part in competitions between universities and city competitions - you will have the opportunity to get an adult level and then move on to the next level. Next, you will go to regional competitions, and this is the right path to getting CCM.

Now you know how to get CMS. The path of an athlete is not easy and often thorny, so before you connect your life with professional sports, carefully plan it ahead. Receiving or at least plans to obtain additional higher or secondary education vocational education will be very useful. And then boldly move forward towards your goal. Good luck and big victories!

So, you went to the official competitions high level, have fulfilled the relevant standards and want to officially formalize the title of Master of Sports of Russia. What needs to be done for this?

For registration of the 1st sports category and CMS, the sequence is almost the same.

Below I will tell you step by step instructions, where to go and how to apply for this high sports title.

Read more about regulatory documents and laws in this article ().

General procedure for submitting documents ()

Step 1. Get acquainted with EVSK.

First, let's take a look at the current EVSK) and .

Step 2. Fulfill the norms.

During 1.5 years, you must complete 3 STANDARDS(3 test exercises of the corresponding type.) At the time of submitting documents for registration, time must have passed since the deadline has been met no more than 9 months (in fact no later than 6, since there is still time for registration).

Compliance with standards must be confirmed official competition reports, certified by the chief judge. That is, these are the results from each task where the norm is met. Example of a protocol from the Czech Republic 2017.


The protocol must be properly completed. Have a header containing all the data about the exercise by type of exercise (according to EVSC), have numbered pages, etc.

Step 3. Receive a certificate or extract about the composition of the GSC from the competition.

At competitions, from the competition secretary, in addition to the protocols, you must receive a certificate certified by the organizers extract on the composition of the main panel of judges (GCJ) signed by the chief judge, or certificate of compliance with the norm, signed by the members of the GSK.

Help example.

Step 4. Obtain copies of judge's certificates.

Copies of GSJ judges' IDs. Example of an ID.

Step 5. Do to copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (page with photo and registration) + two photographs measuring 3x4 cm;

Step 6. Prepare a REPRESENTATION certified by the chairman of the accredited regional sports federation at the place of registration of the pilot.

That is, you need to fill out Performance according to the form (see sample) and find your regional accredited federation.

The list of accredited federations for the sport “SLA sport”, at the time of writing, can be found below.

Currently there are 25 of them, (23 indicated in the file and 2 more (Crimea and Leningrad region) have valid accreditation, but the register has not yet been updated).

If the region of your registration does not yet have an accredited regional sports federation for the sport of ultralight aviation, then you have 3 options.

  1. Passive. Monitor the current list of accredited federations on the website of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. ( ). Suddenly, such a federation will appear within 9 months from the fulfillment of your extreme norm.
  2. Active. – Create a federation yourself, for example, as the Moscow paragliders created it, and carry out its accreditation.
  3. Register in another region of the Russian Federation, where there is already an accredited federation, and submit documents “at the place of registration.” through this federation.

Step 7. You hand over this entire set of documents (Submission, Copies of protocols on the implementation of standards, a certificate of the composition of the State Judicial Committee or a certificate of standards, copies of judge’s certificates, 2 3x4 photographs, a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) either to an authorized person in your regional federation, or to themselves to the regional department of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. //in Moscow this is the Moscow Department of Sports, in the Moscow region - the Ministry of Sports of the Moscow region, etc.//

Submission form (printed in color on thick paper).

Lazarev-Marchenko Sergey. December. 2017

Receiving one or another rank is a serious step from amateur to professional sports. And the conferment of the title is already well-deserved recognition of the achievements of the eminent athlete. But many are confused about the categories and titles existing in Russian sports and their order. We will try to clarify with this article.

Sports titles and categories

Athletes are assigned ranks at the beginning of their careers, and upon reaching all the latter, ranks. The ascent to the podium begins with youth sports categories:

  • 3rd youth;
  • 2nd youth;
  • 1st youth;
  • 4th category (applicable only in chess - you need to play at least 10 games and score at least 50% of the points in a group game);
  • 3rd category;
  • 2nd category;
  • 1st category.

Let us note that youth ranks are awarded only in those types of sports where age is a decisive factor in competitions, where strength, endurance, reaction speed, and speed of the participant are important. Where he is not important advantage or a deficiency (for example, in intellectual sports), the youth rank is not assigned.

Those who have the 1st sports category can already be awarded titles. We list them in ascending order:

  • master of Sport;
  • international master of sports/grandmaster;
  • deserved

A long-standing custom prescribes naming masters of sports international level V intellectual games(checkers, chess, etc.) by grandmasters.

About EVSK

In the Russian Federation, confirmation and assignment of sports categories and titles is determined by a document called the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (UESC). It indicates the standards in each sport that must be fulfilled in order to receive a certain category and title. The first such document was approved in 1994; accepted by Evsk for four years. Today the 2015-2018 option is valid for the summer, 2014-2017 for the summer.

The document is based on the All-Russian Register of Sports and the list of sports recognized by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation sports games. The document dictates both the standards that must be met to obtain a particular sports category or title, and the conditions under which all this must occur: the level of the opponent, the importance of the competition, the qualifications of the judges.

Why do you need a sports category?

The assignment of ranks in sports has several clearly defined goals:

  • Mass popularization of sports.
  • Incentive to level up sports training and skill.
  • Moral encouragement of athletes.
  • Unification of assessments of achievements and mastery.
  • Approval of a uniform procedure for assigning sports categories and titles for all.
  • Development and continuous improvement of the field of physical culture and sports.

Assignment procedure

Let's touch on the general important points assignment of ranks and categories:

  • Athletes must be divided into juniors, young people, and adults.
  • A young athlete who took part in a scheduled competition and fulfilled the necessary standards for a certain category receives the latter. This will be evidenced by a badge and a special qualification book.
  • The athlete’s record book must be registered with the organization where he received this document. In the future, at all competitions in which the athlete will participate, he will enter into this qualification book all the information about his results in competitions, assigned and confirmed categories, and prizes won. Each entry is made based on a specific protocol, certified by the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the sports organization that organized the competition.
  • The assignment of a sports title is the prerogative of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. To confirm this, the athlete receives a certificate and an honorary

Requirements for the assignment of ranks and titles

Now let’s look at the requirements that an athlete must fulfill, and what he must meet in order to receive a certain rank:

  • The basis for assigning a rank is only a certain measurable result of sports activity: taking a specific place in official games or competitions, achieving last year a certain number of victories over opponents of a specific level, fulfillment of a number of quantitative standards in sports where they are possible.
  • Each category or title implies that the athlete has reached a certain age.
  • If, within the framework of a competition, athletes are assigned categories and titles, then it must meet a whole set of strict rules: the composition and level of participants, certain number judges and athletes, the number of performances, fights and games in the qualifying and main stages.
  • At international competitions, the smallest number of participating countries is additionally determined. To receive the title of international master of sports or grandmaster, you must participate in competitions of this level.
  • Higher ranks are awarded only to citizens of the Russian Federation and only Federal agency in physical education and sports.
  • The categories are authorized to assign regional executive bodies spheres of physical education and sports.
  • An athlete must confirm his sports category at least once every two years.

All categories and titles of sports in the Russian Federation are regulated by the EVSK. After receiving one or another category in the given order and within the framework of current requirements, the athlete must also periodically confirm it.
