Student Council of the Institute. Dear friend! Youth Training Department

Surely everyone knows about the existence of a student council at our faculty. But not everyone has an idea of ​​why this student council exists and what it does. This article is a kind of educational program that talks about why such a student organization is still needed.

The Student Council exists to solve the most important issues, ranging from educational to everyday, related to life in a hostel. For example, they put you in a room, but the older students who used to live there are in no hurry to move out. Of course, you can do different things: change the locks, throw away other people’s things, tear down the door... But before you do something radical, you can talk to the student council, and the guys will help you solve the problem in a more peaceful way. And in general, you can contact everyone difficult cases, least good advice they will help you, and sometimes this can radically change the situation.

Let's try to classify the activities of the student council directly in the dormitory, and then dwell on each item separately:

1. Organization of student accommodation;

2. Maintaining the safety of the material and technical base of the hostel, namely:

Repair and installation of new equipment;


Appointment of duty officers and responsible persons;

3. Organization of cultural mass events;

4. Advocating for the interests of students;

5. Other.

First of all, I would like to note that issues related to dormitories for Physics and Technology students are extremely important, since more than 70% of students are from other cities!

For more than ten years, settlement on the Physics and Technology campus has been organized with the direct participation of student councils, and in particular the settlers, who are elected every year from the student council. In the spring, each student (graduate student, young teacher) fills out an application in which he indicates his wishes regarding where and with whom he would like to live. next year. All applications are collected and processed by the settling faculties. After which they distribute students to rooms, trying to satisfy most wishes. Involving students in this work helps make the settlement process more open and transparent. On this moment An electronic settlement system is in the process of development (already operating in several faculties), which will allow each student to go to the website, enter minimal information and almost immediately receive the room number in which he will be accommodated for the next year. We hope that this will reduce many bureaucratic costs, speeding up the settlement process.

(In general, the settlement system is a very powerful tool! With its help, you can influence a very large mass of students. For example, our colleagues from another faculty have set the ambitious task of reducing the number of smoking students. Because it is obvious that many guys start smoking in institute, during the session, upcoming tests and exams...)

Since many dormitories were built more than 40 years ago, the issue of maintaining and preserving the material and technical base is extremely important. Unfortunately, financing state universities is a rather slippery issue and, as a rule, the institute cannot afford to repair everything at once. You need to understand how best to spend the money you get. (Optionally, there is a question of finding extra-budgetary funding: from various organizations, companies, graduates). No one can answer this question better than students living in a dormitory. Thus, virtually any repair begins with the student council drawing up some kind of terms of reference, from what to repair to what materials to use (since most building contractors have no idea what stress is placed on dorm equipment). The issue of finding responsible and reliable contractors is also important...

The dormitory and the surrounding area are the direct responsibility of the students, and therefore the student council. In addition to the fact that you can purchase new equipment for the sports room, equipment for the club, repair tables in the reading room, hang mirrors and liquid soap dispensers in the washrooms, it is necessary to maintain the surrounding area in order (beauty). And this is one of the goals of our student council for the coming year.

No matter how well the renovation is carried out in the hostel, everything can fall into disrepair if attention is not paid to maintaining order. This goal can be achieved in several ways. First, assign responsible persons and duty officers for each wing of the dormitory floor, washrooms, kitchens, clubhouse, sports room and reading room. Secondly, carry out explanatory work among students. For this purpose it was created the whole institute supervision: each group of freshmen is assisted from the beginning of their studies by one or two senior students who, using personal example, talk about life in the hostel, the existing rights and responsibilities of residents, the successful organization of holidays or any other events. Thirdly, monitor and promptly notify institute administrative and economic services about possible problems with equipment.

It is very important to support various student initiatives regarding their cultural and extracurricular life. What could it be? Holding celebrations, discos in hostel clubs, sporting events, culinary competitions, balls, historical modeling competitions, role playing games and various other events. As a rule, to organize this or that event, we combine the forces of all faculties in order to achieve the greatest efficiency and attract as many students as possible. The base for these holidays (with the exception of sports) is often the dormitories.

The Student Council sets itself the task of regulating controversial issues in the life of students in the hostel, defending the interests of students at the faculty and institute level, as well as other youth and student organizations.

And finally, let’s talk about other things we were able to do. Delivery of mail and correspondence to the hostel was organized, with subsequent distribution into registered cells in mailbox. We do our best to maintain the functioning of computer networks in the hostel and provide high-speed Internet access; was organized Wi-fi network throughout the hostel. With the assistance of the student council, the washing room was improved (the number of washing machines was doubled).

Of course, you shouldn’t blame all the problems on the student council. If you cut yourself, bandage your finger, if you get sick, get a doctor’s certificate, and if you need new table or a closet, then it’s more likely to go to the commandant. But when a problem arises that you don’t know how to solve, it is in the student council that there are people who are always ready to listen with understanding and help.

If you have read this article to the end and you care about where you live; you are eager to do something for the benefit of the hostel and the faculty as a whole, welcome to the student council!

You can read the regulations on the student council

The Student Council is a public association of students, a student government body. The council is made up of activists who want to benefit their institution.

Within the walls Law Institute A bright and unforgettable student life awaits you! Student years are not only term papers and exams, tests and seminars, these are also exciting events: creative competitions, festivals, parties and meetings with interesting people. The Student Council organizes such events, without which the life of a modern student is impossible.

By becoming a member of the Student Council, you will be able to quickly learn about the plans for planned events, directly participate in the preparation of youth projects and help in organizing their implementation.

Student achievements are available in the following sections:

Plan of main events for the 2017/2018 academic year

No. Name of events date
carrying out
carrying out
1. Meetings of 1st year students August 2017 Law Institute Training Division,
2. Information and propaganda work with first-year students September 2017 Law Institute Educational department, curators-teachers, deputy. director of educational work, Student Council
3. Introductory meetings with study group curators September 2017 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
4. A ceremonial meeting of students and teachers dedicated to
Day of Knowledge
01.09.2017 Square GUK-1
5. Questioning freshmen to identify interests October 2017 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
6. Student tourist rally 15-17.09.2017 Moscow region deputy director of educational work, head. sections " Physical Culture» Postol O.L. Student Council
7. Fitness exercise September 2017 GUK-6 Student Council
8. The Pride of the University Award Ceremony 26.09.2017 DK MIIT Educational department, deputy director of educational work, Student Council
9. Quest game of initiation into students “Profsvyat-2017” 28.09.2017 RUTH MIIT PPOS MIIT
10. Reporting and re-election conference of the student council of the institute October 2017 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
11. Donor Day 05.10.2017 DK MIIT deputy director of educational work, Student Council
12. Sports festival "Health Day" 06.10.2017 RUTH MIIT UMP, Student Council of RUT (MIIT)
13. Gala meeting dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Law Institute 25.10. 2017 Celebration hall (room 1201)
14. Qualifying rounds of the championship “What? Where? When?" October 2017 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
15. All-Russian meeting of student teams dedicated to the end of the 58th labor semester of 2017 27-30.10.2017 Yakutsk UMP, MSO Headquarters
16. Qualifying round of the Debut festival 10-11.10. 2017 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
17. Gala concert of the Debut festival 18.10.2017 DK MIIT deputy director of educational work, Student Council
18. Open Day October 2017 RUTH MIIT Training Division,
19. Rally dedicated to National Unity Day 04.11.2017 Moscow PPOS MIIT
20. Moscow city rally of youth and student groups November 2017 Moscow UMP, MSO Headquarters
21. Qualifying round of the Reading Competition November 2017 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
22. Qualifying round of the “Shield and Sword” competition November 2017 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
23. Photo exhibition “Smile” November 2017 Law Institute Student Council of the Institute
24. Championship final “What? Where? When?" 08.11.2017 CC "Skvorechnik"
25. Creative competition “Song of the Year” 15.11.2017 DK MIIT UMP
26. Visiting school for student activists 10-12.11.2017 Moscow region
27. On-site training seminar “Truth” December 2017 Boarding house "Pravda" PPOS
28. Round table “Step into ZAVTRA” December 2017 RUTH MIIT PPOS
29. Spartakiad of transport universities December 2017 House of Sports sport Club
30. Festival of student creativity "TransArt" 04.12. 2017 CDKZH UMP deputy director of educational work, Student Council
31. Master classes "New Year's boom" December 2017 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
32. Qualifying round of the “Beauty MIIT” competition December 2017 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
33. Photo exhibition “The holiday is coming to us” December 2017 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
34. Intellectual game “100 to 1” 07.12.2017 CC "Skvorechnik" UMP, Student Council of RUT MIIT
35. Festival “MIIT Dance! 14.12.2017 DK MIIT UMP
36. Final of the Reading Competition 18.12.2017 GUK-3 UMP
37. December 2017 Meeting room of the Academic Council UMP deputy director of educational work, Student Council
38. "Blue Light" 26.12.2017 DK MIIT UMP, Student Council of RUT MIIT, Student Council of YuI
39. A series of cultural events during the holidays January 2018 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
40. Qualifying round of the Brain-ring championship January 2018 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
41. "Tatyana's Day" 25.01.2018 CC "Skvorechnik" UMP, MIIT Student Council
42. Propaganda trips to the regions February 2018 Branches of JSC Russian Railways UMP
43. Photo exhibition “Winter-Winter” February 2018 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
44. "Maslenitsa on the skating rink" 14.02.2018 Moscow UMP, Student Council of RUT MIIT,
45. Final of the Brain Ring Championship 21.02.2018 CC "Skvorechnik" UMP, Student Council of RUT MIIT
46. Final of the "Shield and Sword" competition 28.02.2018 DK MIIT UMP
47. Open Day February 2018 RUTH MIIT
48. Transport Week February 2018 RUTH MIIT UMP, Educational Department, Head. departments, deputy director of educational work, Student Council
49. Meeting of excellent students February 2018 RUTH MIIT UMP, Student Council of RUT MIIT
50. Cyber ​​tournament February 2018 Internet Student Council RUT MIIT
51. Qualifying round of the festival “Miitovskaya Spring” March 2018 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
52. Youth Forum “Youth of Russia” March 2018 Region of Russia UMP, Student Council of RUT MIIT
53. Creative competition “Debut for applicants” March 2018 DK MIIT UMP
54. Photo exhibition “Beauty, femininity, grace” March 2018 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
55. Meeting of the Youth Policy Council March 2018 Meeting room of the Academic Council UMP
56. Final of the "Beauty of MIIT" competition 15.03.2018 DK MIIT UMP
57. Festival of National Cultures
“All the flags are visiting us!”
22.03.2018 MIIT UMP
58. Donor Day 27.03.2018 DK MIIT UMP, Student Council of RUT MIIT
59. Best trade union organizer 30.03.2018 DK MIIT PPOS
60. Student cleanup days April 2018 MIIT, Maryina Roshcha district UMP
61. Photo exhibition “Spring has come” April 2018 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
62. Festival of humor 02.04.2018 DK MIIT UMP, Student Council of RUT MIIT
63. Total dictation 08.04.2018 RUTH MIIT Student Council RUT MIIT
64. Campaign “YUI doesn’t smoke” 04.04.2018 GUK-1, GUK-2, GUK-6 YUI Student Council
65. Competitive screenings of the Miitovskaya Spring festival 10-12.04.2018 DK MIIT
66. Gala concert of the festival "Miitovskaya Spring" 19.04.2018 DK MIIT UMP, Student Council of RUT MIIT
67. Sports festival "GTO Festival" 25.04.2018 Moscow Sports club, UMP
68. Events dedicated to Victory Day May 2018 Moscow deputy director of educational work, Student Council
69. Promotion "St. George's Ribbon" May 2018 Law Institute Student councils of institutes
70. Photo exhibition “Our Victory” May 2018 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
71. Fitness exercise May 2018 Law Institute Student Council
72. Festive concert for transport industry veterans May 2018 Hermitage Garden Ministry of Transport of Russia, UMP
73. May Day demonstration 01.05.2018 Moscow PPOS
74. Holiday dedicated to Victory Day 07.05.2018 Square GUK-1 UMP
75. Departure of the MIIT patron-patriotic detachment to Yelnya 07-10.05.2018 Yelnya UMP
76. Meeting of the Youth Policy Council May 2018 Meeting room of the Academic Council UMP
77. Competition for the best dorm room May 2018 Ruth MIIT Dormitories PPOS
78. Student tourist rally 25-27.05.2018 Moscow region UMP, healthy lifestyle department deputy. director of educational work, head. Section “Physical Education” Postol O.L., Student Council
79. Ceremonial meeting of MIIT youth and student teams June 2018 GUK-1 Square, Celebration Hall MSO Headquarters
80. Graduation ceremony June-July 2018 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
81. Questioning students on youth policy issues June 2018 Law Institute UMP, deputy director of educational work, Student Council
82. Media competition 05.06.2018 CC "Skvorechnik" UMP
83. Meeting of the rector with graduates - active participants in student life 07.06.2018 Celebration hall Rectorate, UMP
84. Publication of a freshman booklet August 2018 Law Institute Editorial and publishing department
85. Festive events dedicated to Railwayman's Day 02.08.2018 Moscow UMP, MIIT Student Council deputy. director of educational work, Student Council
86. Competition "Best Study Group" August 2018 RUTH MIIT
87. Spartakiad among MIIT institutes for the Rector's Cup During a year DS MIIT Sports club manager Section “Physical Education” Postol O.L., Student Council
88. Spartakiad among dormitories During a year MIIT dormitories Student councils of dormitories
89. Passing the GTO standards During a year MIIT Sports club, healthy lifestyle department, head. Section “Physical Education” Postol O.L., Student Council
90. Volunteer activities During a year MIIT Student Council of RUT MIIT, deputy. director of educational work, Student Council
91. A series of meetings with outstanding scientists, politicians, artists, poets, athletes During a year Law Institute head departments, deputy director of educational work, Student Council
92. Meeting of students with the Deputy Moscow Transport Prosecutor O.S. Openyshev scientific-practical seminar “Current issues of prosecutorial supervision in transport.” November 2017 Law Institute Department of “Theory of Law and Natural Resource Law” Head. department Zemlin A.I.
93. Round table with international participation dedicated to Francophonie Day April 2018 Law Institute department " Social Sciences and professional communication" Kobzeva O.V.
94. Meetings between students and employers During a year Law Institute Educational department, deputy director of educational work
95. Exhibitions of student creativity During a year Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
96. Scientific and practical conferences During a year Law Institute head departments, deputy director of educational work, Student Council
97. Organization and holding of a seminar-round table “Jurisprudence in the field of transport education: yesterday, today tomorrow” (within the framework of the 2nd international scientific and practical conference “Transport systems - development trends”) October 2017 Law Institute
98. Student scientific and discussion round table: “Rethinking the Soviet legal heritage: on the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution” 10.11.2017 Law Institute Department of “Theory of Law and Natural Resource Law” Gorbunov M.A.
99. Scientific-practical seminar with undergraduates of the Law School MIIT “Current directions of scientific legal research in the transport sector” November-December 2017 Law Institute Department of Transport Law and Administrative Law Head. department Zemlin A.I.
100. Competition: “Russian language in the city space” November-April 2017-2018 Law Institute Department of Social Sciences and Professional Communication Fedorova E.L.
101. Scientific and practical conference “Combating corruption crimes” December 2017 Law Institute Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Forensics Borisov A.V. Afanasyeva O.R., Shiyan V.I.
102. Scientific and practical conference "Evidence in criminal proceedings" (YUG-311,312,313,314, 321) December 2017 Law Institute
103. Student scientific and practical conference “The role of mathematical methods and information technologies in the legal field” 1st semester 2017 Law Institute
104. XV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Criminal Law: Development Strategy in the 21st Century”. (YUPB-311,312, 411,412) January 25-26, 2018, Moscow State Law Academy Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Forensics Shiyan V.I.
105. Visit to the Museum of History of the RUT of the Russian Federation (UPB-112) March 2018 Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Forensics Antonov O.A.
106. Attending criminal trials (3rd year of UPB and UPD) March-April 2018
107. Annual scientific and practical student interuniversity conference on the problems of criminology and forensic examination, dedicated to the anniversary of the creation of the forensic service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (4-5 year USI) March 2018 Law Institute Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Forensics Khrustalev V.N.
108. Student scientific and practical conference “Physical culture and sports of student youth. Development prospects" March-April 2018 Law Institute
109. Scientific and practical conference “Documentation in the information society” March-April 2018 Law Institute
110. VII interuniversity scientific and practical conference “Youth against drugs April 2018 Law Institute Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Forensics Sudenko V.E.
111. Scientific and practical conference " Actual problems legal regulation transport relations" April 2018 Law Institute Department of Transport Law and Administrative Law Head of the department. Zemlin A.I.
112. Scientific seminar on the topic “Features of collecting, checking and evaluating evidence in cases of crimes committed at transport facilities” (YUPB-311, 312, YUPD-311) April 2018 Law Institute Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Forensics Antonov O.A.
113. Work of the scientific student section “Problems of documentation support for transport management” During a year Law Institute Department of Document Management and Documentation Support of Management Head. department Egorov V.P. Karpycheva E.V. Doronina L.A. Startseva M.V.
114. Interdisciplinary scientific and practical student conference " Information Technology V professional activity-2018". April 2018 Law Institute Department of Information and Mathematical Technologies and Information Law
115. Practical seminars "My city" November 2017-April 2018 Law Institute Department of “Theory of Law and Natural Resource Law” Mamina O.I.
116. Visiting exhibitions, theaters, museums During a year Law Institute head departments, curators-teachers, deputy. director of educational work, Student Council
117. Visit to the XXI International Exhibition of State Security Equipment “INTERPOLITEX - 2017” with 3rd year students of the specialty “ Legal basis national security" — Moscow, VDNKh, Pavilion No. 75. October 17-20, 2017 Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Forensics Borisov A.V. Popov K.I. Shiyan V.I. Popov V.L. Demin K.E. Zhavoronkov V.A. Novikova O.V. Sudenko V.E.
118. Visit to the Museum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (YUG - 413, 414) October 2017 Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Forensics Novikova O.V.
119. Attending trials (YUG - 321,411,412,413,414) November, December 2017. SOUTH - 321,411,412,413,414
120. Museum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (YUPB-211, 212, 213, 214, 215, YUPD-211) November 2017 Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Forensics Afanasyeva O.R.
121. - State Historical Museum 1st year, extramural: UPD, UPB, YuYUG - Central Museum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia 1st year, extramural: UPD, UPB, YuYUG - Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center 1st year, extramural: UPD, UPB, YuYUG October 2017-April 2018 Department of “Theory of Law and Natural Resource Law” Khimich T.M.
122. Organizing regular visits by YUI students to the Museum of Tolerance. During a year Law Institute Department of Transport Law and Administrative Law Pishcheko A.V., Rasulova A.V., Gots E.V., Matveeva M.A.,
123. Organizing regular visits by students to the Russian Railways Museum During a year Department of Transport Law and Administrative Law Zemlin A.I., Shitikova M.M.
124. Excursions to State Museum Fine Arts named after. A.S. Pushkin, State Archive Russian Federation, MGUPS Museum (MIIT), Central State Administration of the Moscow Region, etc. During a year Department of Document Management and Documentation Support of Management Karpycheva E.V. Doronina L.A.
125. Visit to the RUT MIIT Museum During a year RUT (MIIT) Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Forensics Antonov O.A. Sudenko V.E.
126. Excursion to the scientific center of Chernogolovka. During a year Department of Information and Mathematical Technologies and Information Law Morgunov R.B.
127. Excursion to the Museum computer technology by the address During a year Moscow, st. Yegerskaya, 4. Department of Information and Mathematical Technologies and Information Law
128. Participation in international, all-Russian, city competitions and festivals During a year Law Institute head departments, deputy director of educational work, Student Council
129. Participation of law school students in competitions and the Interuniversity Olympiad on knowledge of the Consultant Plus system October 2017 - May 2018 Department of Information and Mathematical Technologies and Information Law Chebotareva A.A. Gruzdeva L.M.
130. Providing assistance to undergraduate and graduate students in preparing competitive materials for participation in the “My Legislative Initiative” competition September 2017 Law Institute department " Civil law and civil process." Head of the department Teachers of the department
131. Providing assistance to undergraduate and graduate students in preparing competitive materials for participation in the competition for the best publication October 2017 Law Institute Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure. Head of the department Teachers of the department
132. Providing assistance to undergraduate and graduate students in preparing competitive materials for participation in the competition “Young Scientists - Transport Industry” December 2017 Law Institute Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure. Head of the department Teachers of the department
133. Interuniversity forum “Forensic Science Forum - 2017” March 2018 Department of Social Sciences and Professional Communication O.N. Skuibedina
134. Activities to create a developed professional culture for students During a year Law Institute Department, Educational Department, Deputy. director of educational work, Student Council
135. Competition for the best booklet or presentation dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the MIIT Law Institute: “History and modernity of the RUT Law Institute (MIIT).” December 2017 Law Institute Department of Information and Mathematical Technologies and Information Law Gruzdeva L.M.
136. Scientific and methodological conference “Features of teaching legal disciplines to students of transport specialties.” September 2017 Law Institute Department of Transport Law and Administrative Law, head. department Zemlin A.I.,
137. Instructional and methodological lesson with teachers of the department “Experience and advanced methods of using active and interactive methods of teaching students of a transport university” October 2017 Law Institute Department of Transport Law and Administrative Law, head. department Zemlin A.I.
138. Series of seminars and conversations: “Ethics of behavior of a law student” October 2017-April 2018 Law Institute Department of “Theory of Law and Natural Resource Law” Vorobiev N.F.
139. Scientific and practical seminar “Formation of the legal culture of a transport university student: theory and practice.” February 2018 Law Institute
140. Series round tables on English language“Communicative competence of a transport university student” March-April 2018 Law Institute Department of Social Sciences and Professional Communication, Head. department Slyshkin G.G. Shirshikov V.B.
141. Conversations with first-year students of YI MIIT and representatives of other institutes on the topic: “Profession - transport lawyer” May 2018 Law Institute Department of Transport Law and Administrative Law, head. department Zemlin A.I., Vasilyeva A.V.
142. Competition of student works on the development of symbols of YuI MIIT spring 2018 Law Institute, with voting in the SDO YuI MIIT Department of Information and Mathematical Technologies and Information Law Dmitriev A.I. Malygin O.A.
143. Competition for the best student article. Preparation and publication of a collection of student articles “Information technologies in professional activities” (issue II). spring 2018 Law Institute Department of Information and Mathematical Technologies and Information Law
144. A series of events aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle During a year Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
145. Conducting a mass sports event on strength functional training October 2017 Law Institute Department of Social Sciences and Professional Communication, Head. Section “Physical Education” Postol O.L.
146. October-December 2017 House of Sports
147. Photo exhibition " Healthy image life" October 2017 Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
148. November-December 2017 Law Institute
149. Streetball tournament December 2017 Law Institute Department of Social Sciences and Professional Communication, Head. Section “Physical Education” Postol O.L., Sakalkin Yu.N. Kuznetsov A.M.
150. Friendly darts meeting among YUI and IUIT students February-March 2018 Law Institute Department of Social Sciences and Professional Communication, Head. Section “Physical Education” Postol O.L., Student Council
151. Preparation and holding of an exhibition of posters “Smoking Kills” March-May 2018 Law Institute Department of Transport Law and Administrative Law Pishchelko A.V.
152. Conversations about the need to comply with safety measures on transport “Zatching is a threat to life.” April 2018 Law Institute Department of Transport Law and Administrative Law Efendiev T.S. Head of the OPDDN department, police lieutenant colonel Korenkova E.V.
153. Law Institute Futsal Cup May 2018 House of Sports Department of Social Sciences and Professional Communication Sakalkin Yu.N. Kuznetsov A.M.
154. YUI Open Rowing Championship among YUI teams May 2018 House of Sports Department of Social Sciences and Professional Communication Kuznetsov A.M.
155. Friendly volleyball match between the teams of YuI and IUIT May 2018 House of Sports Department of Social Sciences and Professional Communication Sakalkin Yu.N. Kuznetsov A.M.
156. Presentation event “Sports glory of the Law Institute 2017 - 2018 academic year. G." May-June 2018 Law Institute Department of Social Sciences and Professional Communication, Head. Section “Physical Education” Postol O.L.,
157. Supervising work with first-year students During a year Law Institute deputy Directors for educational work, curators-teachers, Student Council
158. Media activities of the institute During a year Law Institute Department of Information Technology, Student Council
159. Work to ensure the activities of youth and student groups During a year Law Institute MSO Headquarters, Deputy director of educational work
160. Ensuring the supply of information to informational portal During a year RUTH MIIT deputy director of educational work, Student Council
161. School of Student Activism During a year RUTH MIIT UMP
162. Work on patriotic education of students During a year Law Institute deputy director of educational work, Student Council
163. Participation in events held on the territory of the Victory Museum (Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War) on Poklonnaya Hill, in the Presidential Regiment, the Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which is organized and conducted by the People's Patriotic Association "Rodina" During a year deputy director of educational work, Student Council
164. Creation and organization of the work of a permanent circle “Financial and legal foundations of the Great Victory”. During a year Law Institute Department of Transport Law and Administrative Law Edigareva Yu.G.
165. Work of the student scientific circle “Transport in the Great Patriotic War” During a year Law Institute Department of Transport Law and Administrative Law Khimich T.M.

About the MIIT Silver Badge

Dear graduate students!

Please note that from September 1, 2017 work begins on preparing presentations for awarding students of the Law Institute (graduate 2018) highest form promotions Russian University transport (MIIT) “Silver sign of MIIT”. The “Silver Badge of MIIT” and the badge of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation are issued to students “For excellence in studies”.

We remind you that students graduating in 2018 may be awarded the Academic Excellence Award. To obtain the mark, you must achieve outstanding achievements in academic performance, research and social work(final grades of academic performance are “excellent” for all academic subjects throughout the entire period of study at the institute). It is mandatory to have scientific publications in print, participate in scientific and practical conferences, as well as take active part in the work of trade unions or student councils. The decision to reward with this sign is made by the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.

For any questions, please contact educational specialist Zarubina M.G. (room 6402).

List of Law Institute Scholarships

  1. Scholarship named after A.L. Stieglitz
  2. Moscow Government Scholarship
  3. Scholarship named after the Academic Council of the University for academic success

Student questionnaire on associations

The student council of our university is a close-knit team of cheerful, active students who do not stand still and are actively developing, receiving student years skills and abilities that will undoubtedly be useful to them in life. After all, it is we who implement our projects, participate in many major events of the university, city, country, attend excursions, meet interesting people, organize our own events and make our student life full, interesting and vibrant.

Chairman of the Student Council

Inna Sakhno

Chairman of the Student Scientific Society
Alina Gaidukova

Chairman of the Dormitory Council

Polina Onishchenko

Faculty of Art Culture

Ekaterina Kharlamova

Faculty of Law

Chairman of the Faculty Student Council
Gennady Maslennikov

Faculty international relations and tourism
Chairman of the Faculty Student Council
Shynar Bedelkhan

Faculty of Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology
Chairman of the Faculty Student Council
Yana Fedorenko

Faculty of Economics and Management

Chairman of the Faculty Student Council
Anastasia Stolbova

Head of
"Service of Good Deeds"

Anastasia Prokofieva

Head of the "Organization of Events" department
Ruslana Zyukina

Head of the photography department

Anastasia Pervozvanskaya

Areas of work

Learn to learn

Studying at a university is different from school, and you need to understand and get used to it. How to study? What is a "pair"? How to pass the session? - these and other questions will be answered by the Student Council’s “Learn to Learn” block of work. Mentors will answer questions from first-year students, help you get to know the university and its traditions, tell you how to prepare for seminars, and teach you how to effectively record lectures. On the pages of the site you can find advice from teachers and named scholarship holders. Throughout the semester, meetings are held with named scholarship holders who share the secrets of excellent study. If you want to pass all your sessions with flying colors, this is the place for you!

Student Scientific Society

While studying at university, students take their first steps and scientific work- we learn to write term papers, diplomas, master's theses. Students not only write works that take part in competitions, but also prepare Mind games, quizzes, quests that allow you to plunge into science and understand that it is not so difficult and inaccessible: participation in scientific conferences, forums and festivals, prepared and published science articlesthe best for that proof.

Dormitory Council

The Dormitory Council brings together active students who live in dormitories. The guys help improve the quality of life in the dormitories, organize a cleanliness competition in the sections, prepare and host parties, film screenings, and concerts. Senior comrades - members of the Council - help freshmen get comfortable in the dormitory, talk about the rules of residence and traditions.

The work of the hostel council is important and irreplaceable, because it is the residents who can make the hostel a real home and life in it rich and fun.

We are citizens of Russia

Love for the Motherland begins with small things: improvement of the city and the University at spring community cleanups, participation in city rallies, processions, parades - all this allows us to be true citizens of our country, patriots of our Motherland and the University.

Moscow is the capital of student life

Moscow is the world great opportunities, and there are a great many of them open to students. The Student Council actively takes part in events in the city of Moscow. We participate in the “Freshman in the Museum” event, organized by the Moscow International Cultural Center, the Parade of Russian Students, Cultural Games, and the “Memory Watch” event. Eternal Flame.”, we attend exhibitions and performances, participate in the procession dedicated to Spring and Labor Day - May 1, the “Crimea is Ours” rally, attend large city concerts dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, City Day and others. Our students become participants in the national cinematographic award “Nika”. Many more interesting and vibrant events in the city await us. Come with us!

Good Deeds Service

The Good Deeds Service includes several areas of work: organizing and holding Donor Days, participating in the “Children of Russia - Children of Donbass” campaign, participating in charity festivals in Moscow, cooperation with children's institutions.

Donor Day takes place twice a year on campus, and each time more than 100 people come to donate blood and save the life of a stranger.

The campaign “Children of Russia - Children of Donbass” has existed for more than 3 years, during which Moscow State University has been training counselors to work with children from the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Children come to the Snegiri health complex of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, where a camp is organized for them. We are carrying out this work together with the School of Counsellors.

We cooperate with the SOS Children's Village "Tomilino" and the Center for Assistance to Family and Children of the village. Bykovo. A team of students thinks through every visit to our little friends. Traditionally, we conduct master classes that reflect the holidays of the month or time of year. In autumn we make paintings from natural materials: leaves, cones, seeds, etc. In winter we cut out snowflakes, make Christmas trees, New Year's toys. In the spring we prepare gifts for mothers on March 8, we hold relay races and football tournaments. In the village of Bykovo we conduct a course on fine arts, we teach children how to draw mehendi. Pupils of the SOS Children's Village in the village. Tomilino and the Center for Assistance to Family and Children of the village. Bykovo come to the university for performances of the theater-studio “Vokrug”, at environmental weeks, to the winter ball.

The work of the good deeds service continues, and we gladly accept volunteers into our ranks to give smiles, joy, care and support to our little friends.

School of Counselors

The project "School of Counselors" was created to train counselors who go to children's health camps, participate in charity events. Now teachers from Moscow State University, invited practitioners, and “advanced counselors” with extensive experience working in children's health institutions take part in the training of counselors. The program includes seminars and lectures on current topics necessary to prepare highly qualified teaching staff who are ready to work with children, organized, responsible, loving their work and ready to give children the best holidays and introduce them to real magic.

Students of the School of Counselors attend master classes and receive practical knowledge, participating in trips to orphanages, hosting schoolchildren at our university as part of “Green Week” and other events.

After studying at the School of Counselors, our students can choose Kid `s camp and the organization with which they will work. We are proud that today our partners are the State Autonomous Institution "Mosgortour", the Dubravushka Children's Village, the charity event "Children of Russia - Children of Donbass", implemented on the basis of the Health Complex "Bullfinches" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

School of mentors

For a long time, we have had a mentoring institute at our university. A mentor is a senior student who is not indifferent to the problems of the first year and is ready to support the guys. In April, students who showed excellent results in their studies, showed an active life position, and were engaged in social activities and are ready to devote a significant amount of time to first-year students, they begin classes at the School of Mentors. Future mentors will be taught games for cohesion and team building, and will be told how to identify a leader, avoid conflicts and resolve them. School students will gain skills oratory, learn about time management and other important parts of the life of mentors.

In August, school graduates begin working with a first-year group, from which they will have to make a friendly team that loves and respects their home university, is familiar with its traditions and takes an active part in the life of their favorite university.

Organization of events

Who organizes student events at the university? Of course, students - after all, they have a huge number of the most wonderful, most interesting and difficult to implement ideas! Historical quests and master classes, a romantic winter ball and creative evenings, tournament board games and a braid competition... I could go on for a long time!

And big events - Knowledge Day, Initiation of freshmen as students of Moscow humanitarian university, the “Beauty of the University” competition, festivals, meetings - they cannot do without our participation.

Do you have interesting ideas? Do you want to implement them? Can you work in a team? We are waiting for you - be sure to join us!

Photo department

I always want to bright moments student life remained in my memory forever. The photography department helps us with this. Throughout the year, a team of photographers conducts reportage photography of all university events, engages in portrait studio and street photography as part of the “University Beauty” project, studies the technique and creative component of photography, and learns to use Photoshop and Lightroom programs. Thanks to them in the group

| | We are VKontakte

The RUT Student Council (MIIT) is a team of people who are confident that by creating new opportunities, we are opening the door to the future. Our goal is to implement new ideas, search for original solutions, and move forward.

The RUT Student Council (MIIT) was created with the goal of giving every person a chance to find new opportunities to realize their intellectual and creativity, development of initiative and formation of leadership qualities.

Our work is aimed at creating a favorable atmosphere for combining the academic process and leisure of university students. Projects of the RUT Student Council (MIIT) are focused on scientific, educational, cultural and mass sporting events both intra-faculty, and institute and inter-university character.

The purpose of the RUT Student Council (MIIT) is to create conditions for the realization of the interests, rights, and creative potential of students and graduate students, socially and culturally significant initiatives of youth associations and communities, and the development of student self-government. What does all of this mean? To achieve this goal, the council sets itself many tasks. Including comprehensive support for student groups operating in accordance with priority areas development of the educational process in RUT (MIIT). If you want to do something for the benefit of students, for the benefit of the university, institute or department, we will support you!

We are improving the mechanism of student and postgraduate self-government at the level of group, course, faculty, institute, university. If you are bored, and it seems that life is passing you by, and you want to change this, then you are the leader of student life!

We cooperate with youth and other public associations Moscow and other cities, as well as international organizations and interstate associations.

We consider the main priority of our work in the development and development of projects to be close interaction with departments and structural divisions of the university, student associations and organizations of other universities.

And remember, by developing yourself, you develop your university and your country!
