Topic X. Informal communications

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The increasing complexity of managed systems and relationships in teams cannot be compensated only by formalized methods. Informal communications, complementing administratively ordered communications, are becoming increasingly important. Nowadays, the so-called non-productive, socio-psychological factors have an increasingly significant impact on the final results of activities. Since labor, and to a large extent also social activity each employee is realized in the team, it is obvious that the existing relationships have a direct impact on his mood and performance.

In an authoritarian society, even interpersonal informal communication is under the control of the state, which leads to the deformation of political communications.

If we keep in mind practical goals in the management of an organization, then the term micropolitics can be attributed to the network of individuals and groups in one or more organizations striving to possess resources and power. Micropolitics often manifests itself in informal communication within and between organizations and includes the daily interactions, negotiations and transactions of any organization with representatives of its internal and external environment. Micropolitics refers to those strategies in which individuals and groups attempt to use their resources of power and influence in an organizational context to achieve their goals.

In addition to interaction within the formal organizational structure, employees of any organization come into contact with each other that are not directly related to the production functions they perform: the General Director discusses the results of yesterday's football match with his driver, employees of different departments ascending the elevator exchange opinions about the new cafeteria, Colliding in the smoking room, shop managers pour out their hearts to each other about the impossibility of fulfilling quarterly plans. Such exchange of information is called informal communication, which has a significant impact on the production behavior of employees. In the late 1970s, a false rumor spread in the Chicago area that McDonald's used worm meat to make its hamburgers.

Formal communications are distinguished from informal ones by their documentation, written and/or protocol form, regulated by approved instructions. Despite its non-obvious status, informal communications - rumors, information from word of mouth, are quite influential in shaping public opinion. An example would be a deliberate leak of information picked up by the media.

All communications have one common feature - the individual nature of direct contact between partners in organizational interaction. Interactions in professional activity carried out through formal and informal communication channels.

This means that the point is not only that in complex economic systems containing a huge number of elements, there is no possibility of an analytical description of each of them, which makes an attempt at normative regulation of all management activities unrealistic. In current management systems, the preservation and even strengthening of the importance of management art is also associated with an obvious increase in the role of informal communication and moral principles in the activities of a manager.

Informal communications in general are not related to the hierarchy of the organization; they connect people who are united within one informal group. They arise in any organization, but are usually not related to its immediate needs. Informal communications mainly function as a channel for spreading rumors. Informal communications can be an important source of information for a manager. Since they are characterized by a faster dissemination of information than in formal communications, they can often be a source of information important from the point of view of rapid decision-making.

Informal, friendly or competitive relationships can both hinder the implementation of organizational objectives and facilitate their implementation. Russian business communication differs from Western communication precisely significant superiority informal side. Sometimes things don't work out because of hostile relations between the communicants. Informal communication plays a vital role in crisis and conflict situations. It is important for a communicator to be able to use this extremely effective weapon: informal channels often act faster than formal ones, and communicants’ trust in informal information is almost always higher than in a formal source.

The peculiarity of informal communication is that it neglects the organizational structure and permeates all hierarchical levels. This feature makes all members of the organization participants in information exchange and gives it special significance for human resource management. This statement may seem strange because it is difficult to connect informal communication and management: it is widely believed that informal information exchange does not mainly concern organizational problems. In reality, this is not the case: according to research by American scientists, about 90 percent of informal information exchange concerns organizational issues. Therefore, management’s understanding of the mechanism of informal communication and the ability to use it is an important condition for effective management of an organization.

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Informal communications in general are not related to the hierarchy of the organization; they connect people who are united within one informal group. They arise in any organization, but are usually not related to its immediate needs. Informal communications mainly function as a channel for spreading rumors. Informal communications can be an important source of information for a manager. Since they are characterized by a faster dissemination of information than in formal communications, they can often be a source of information important from the point of view of rapid decision-making.

Informal communication is a type of intra-organizational communication in which information exchange occurs between employees of an organization outside of their connection with production responsibilities and place in the organizational hierarchy.

The peculiarity of informal communication is that it neglects the organizational structure and permeates all hierarchical levels. This feature makes all members of the organization participants in information exchange and gives it special significance for human resource management. This statement may seem strange because it is difficult to connect informal communication and management: it is widely believed that informal information exchange does not mainly concern organizational problems. In reality, this is not the case: according to research by American scientists, about 90 percent of informal information exchange concerns organizational issues. Therefore, management’s understanding of the mechanism of informal communication and the ability to use it is an important condition for effective management of an organization.

How developed is the system of informal communications?

How a manager can use formal and informal communications in management practice.

As already noted, informal communication covers employees at various levels of the hierarchy. For a long time, little attention was paid to this phenomenon, since there was a strong belief among managers and HR specialists that informal communication did not concern production problems. However, recent studies have shown that up to 90% of informal information exchange concerns organizational issues.

In such a society, informal communications through word of mouth are the main ones, which ensures that recommendations to potential policyholders are highly valued by those who are satisfied with the agent’s work. A closer community of the population ensures transparency of property status: it helps to immediately identify potential consumers with the required level of income who have made large purchases (car, house), i.e. those who need insurance. Such conditions exist in rural areas, small and medium-sized cities. It is there that the Gosstrakh networks mainly operate (and very effectively). IN major cities Where social disintegration is high, agent networks are less effective. To improve their results, agents need to be provided with databases of potential clients located in the territory they serve.

Depending on this factor, informal communications as purely personal communication, on the one hand, are able to demonstrate mutual respect, strengthen functional connections, form solidarity, satisfy the need for confidential information, and on the other hand, they can take up working time, understand mutual demands, and violate the necessary status distance , worsen the social climate due to curiosity, gossip and rumors.

All levels of the external environment are interconnected by a system of formal and informal communications: constant, with the help of which an uninterrupted exchange of resources is carried out between the organization and the external environment, and sporadic short-term ones.

Diagram of communication flows in an organization in theory.

However, representatives of the school of human relations paid attention mainly to informal communications between employees of an organization with equal status, forgetting about their interactions with the administration, as well as (which seems most important) about the flow of business information necessary for employees to fulfill their role responsibilities.

The concept of “communication network” is very important in the matter of communications. Communication network– this is the connection in a certain way of process participants using information flows.

If more than two people are involved in communication, then there can be quite a lot of ways of communication between them.

The choice of a method of communication between participants in the communication process that is suitable for a given organization takes into account the following circumstances:

) reliability;

) the attitude of members of the organization to the communication scheme adopted in it.

This means that for the normal life of the organization and its solution to its problems, information from the manager to the direct executor and back should not “get stuck” at intermediate levels of management; all information should reach its destination, and any error in the work should be detected quickly, then there will be no need to redo the work of the entire group; people must be satisfied with existing communications.

Communications in an organization are divided into formal (official) and informal.

Formal communications determined by policies, rules, job descriptions of this organization and are carried out through formal channels. Among formal communications there are:

ü vertical, when information moves from one level of the hierarchy to another;

ü horizontal – between different departments, intended to coordinate the activities of various departments.

Vertical communications, in turn, are divided into:

· ascending, when information is transmitted from bottom to top (from lower levels to higher ones). This type of communication contains the information managers need to evaluate the area of ​​activity for which they are responsible;

· top-down, carried out from top to bottom. This type

· communications are directly related to the management and control of employees.

Informal communications do not follow the general rules of a given organization and are carried out through informal channels that exist due to personal relationships between members of the organization.

The existence of informal communications is associated with the problem of rumors in an organization.

Rumors refers to any information that is received through unofficial communication channels. Rumors arise if employees lack information provided through formal communication channels, if information is supplied irregularly or with a delay.

Typical information transmitted through informal communication channels:

O upcoming layoffs of employees;

O new penalties for being late;

O changes in the structure of the organization;

O future moves and promotions;

O a detailed account of the dispute between two executives at the last sales meeting;

O who makes dates with whom after work. There are two points of view on how to minimize these rumors:

O disseminating as much information as possible through formal communication channels;

O encouraging informal communication networks and including managers in these networks for feedback.

Let us remind you once again that the effectiveness of an organization’s communication networks, both formal and informal, is determined by how quickly management information reaches the addressee, and how much it retains its adequacy after passing through communication channels.

3. Ways to improve the communication system in a modern company

In an organization, there are diverse communications between management levels (vertical communications), between different departments (horizontal communications), between a manager and a work group, a manager and a subordinate, as well as informal communications.

When information flows within an organization, the meaning of messages can be distorted due to various objective or subjective reasons. These include:

Unintentional distortion - may occur due to difficulties in interpersonal contacts;

Deliberate distortion, when the sender of a message modifies its meaning to suit his own interests;

Filtering, when information has to be summarized to speed up the flow of information;

The discrepancy between the statuses of the levels of the organization, due to which there is a tendency to supply the manager only with positive information;

Fear of punishment.

In addition to the distortion of messages, other difficulties arise in the development of communications. Thus, a manager is faced with a large amount of information while working and is not able to respond to all the information. He is forced to weed out the less important ones and leave the one that seems most important to him. Another difficulty may be related to the insufficient thought of the organization's structure. In an organization with multiple levels of management, each subsequent level can adjust and filter messages, so the likelihood of information distortions increases.

In order to improve the communication system, a modern company uses the following:

Ä management regulation. Managers at all levels of the organization must have an understanding of their own information needs, as well as those of their superiors, peers, and subordinates. A manager can practice short or periodic meetings with one or more subordinates, discuss and clarify new plans, goals, monitor the progress of work with reports on the results of control;

Ä feedback systems. One option for such a system is a survey of employees. Surveys allow you to find out from subordinates whether the goals of their activities are clearly communicated to them, what potential or real problems they face, whether they receive accurate and timely information they need for their work, whether they are informed about upcoming changes that will affect their work;

Ä proposal collection systems. They are designed to facilitate the flow of information to the top and reduce the tendency for ideas to be filtered or ignored along the way from the bottom up. All employees have the opportunity to generate ideas regarding the improvement of any aspect of the organization’s activities;

Ä publication of monthly newsletters, containing information for all employees (review of proposals regarding management, a new contract, a new type of product; management answers to employee questions);

Ä use Email for written communications, video conferencing.

Communication laws and regulations.

1 law “The truth is not what the sender says, but what the recipient understands.” If
If the recipient misinterprets the message, then the sender bears the blame.

2 law “Is it white?” – People more easily understand the position of the person to whom
experience an emotionally positive attitude and do not accept, and sometimes
completely reject the position of the person for whom they feel emotionally
negative attitude.

Communication Rules:

1. It is impossible not to communicate.

2. Any communication contains 2 aspects:

3. Level of content;

4. Relationship level.

5. The success of communication is determined by what phases the process goes through.

6. What is said is more important than what is said.

7. The structure of relationships is determined by roles and psychological attitudes.

8. At the level of content and at the level of relationships, they use different languages ​​and different ways of perceiving information;

9. Information is distinguished between text and context. The text is what is conveyed, the context is what is implied.

10. Communication will be effective when it began as complimentary and ended as symmetrical.

4. Forms and principles of management communication

Management communication – an attributive property of a person, the main way of his life in society, caused by the need to carry out a managerial function taking into account feedback.

Forms of management communication:

1. Subordination – communication between a manager and a subordinate, which is based on organizational and administrative norms.

2. Service-comradeship - relationships between colleagues, which are based on organizational and administrative norms and sometimes moral ones.

3. Friendly - between representatives of different levels, based on moral and ethical standards.

Principles of management communication:

1. Creating conditions for employees to demonstrate their personal potential;

2. The principle of authority and responsibility. It is based on the following points.

Social status – i.e. compliance with constitutional rights and obligations, public powers determined by moral norms.

Official status – regulation of official rights, duties, powers determined by the organization.

Personal status is the degree of satisfaction of employees with their position.

3. The principle of reward and punishment;

4. The principle of rational use of working time.

Functions of management communication:

1. Issuance of administrative information:

Directive (orders, decrees);

Democratic (request, advice, position).

2. Receiving feedback;

3. Issuance of assessment information.

Conditions for effective information perception:

1. Unity of professional language;

2. Taking into account the intellectual level;

3. Logical presentation;

4. Systematicity;

5. Taking into account the level of listening

6. Perception;

7. Speech culture;

8. Intonation.

Communication structure:

1. Communicative – the process of receiving and transmitting information;

2. Interactive – the process of interaction during communication;

3. Perceptual – the process of perception.

5. Ethics of business activities and business contacts

Entrepreneurial activity- this is the main type of economic activity carried out by individuals or legal entities, called entrepreneurs, on their own behalf and at their own risk on an ongoing basis. The components of this concept are as follows:

F entrepreneurship How special kind activities- assumes the presence of
subjects of this activity of a certain way of thinking, a special style and type
economic behavior;

F entrepreneurship as an independent activity – presupposes the freedom and independence of the subjects of this activity in various directions;

F entrepreneurship How economic activity – involves the organization and management of the economic process, regardless of the type and scope of activity of the company or individual entrepreneur.

The business ethics of a manager-entrepreneur is a set of
principles of his behavior in comparison with generally accepted principles in the business world

Ethical principles and standards of conduct business people- These are generally accepted principles of behavior in the business world. These principles include:

ü Liberty– means that the manager-entrepreneur must value the freedom of his competitors and consumers, which is expressed in the inadmissibility of interference in their affairs, infringement, even in small things, of their interests;

ü tolerance– awareness of the impossibility of overcoming weaknesses “at once” and
shortcomings of partners, clients or subordinates. Tolerance creates mutual trust, understanding and frankness, helps to “extinguish” conflict situations;

ü tact and delicacy - the ability to apply ethical standards to a specific person, polite and attentive communication, the ability to spare the pride of one’s subordinates and colleagues;

ü justice– involves an objective assessment of personal and business qualities
people and their activities, recognition of their individuality, openness to criticism, self-criticism;

ü business obligation implies strict fulfillment of obligations,
accepted by the parties. In the USA, for example, the term “Texas handshake” is known, when the parties agree that they will engage in some activity. If one of the parties violated the terms of the contract, no one else will do business with that company.

The formula for success of Western entrepreneurs is simple:

success = professionalism + integrity .

There is a golden rule in business: take care of the client, and the market will take care of you.

The main postulate of business ethics and business contacts
any self-respecting company can be expressed by the motto: “ profit comes first, but honor comes before profit.”

Managerial ethics is a chain of constantly made, morally based decisions. The fundamental principles of the management activities of an entrepreneurial organization and its managers are humanism, collectivism, social justice, patriotism, unity of word and deed. The decisions and actions of entrepreneurial managers must be imbued with respect for people, concern for their health, spiritual and physical development. Management is intended to act as a reliable system for preserving the inviolability of people’s personal dignity, as a guarantor of their rights and responsibilities.

In the production team of an entrepreneurial organization, there is a complex system of mechanisms for regulating people's behavior. They work effectively when such qualities of people as conscience, professional honor, duty, moral responsibility for their actions and the deeds of others are best manifested.

A significant place in the managerial ethics of a business organization is occupied by the development of normative provisions of a moral nature. One of these provisions is moral codes. They specify the approaches taken in managerial ethics when studying the moral qualities of an individual, formulate the basic moral requirements for management activities, and present the rules of management communication and off-duty behavior of the leader.

Knowledge of managerial ethics by managers of a business organization is a mandatory requirement for their scientific and professional competence.

6. Organizational culture of the company

Organizational culture – the management philosophy and ideology accepted by most of the organization, values, beliefs, expectations and norms that underlie relationships and interactions both within the organization and outside it.

Subjective organizational culture comes from the values ​​and norms shared by employees, includes the history, traditions, rites and rituals of the organization, perception of the language of communication and slogans.

Objective organizational culture relates to the physical environment created in the organization: the building and its design, location, equipment and furniture, color and size of the room, amenities, reception rooms, etc.

The work team is our main environment in life. We spend 2/3 of our conscious time at work. All this time we communicate with our colleagues, superiors, subordinates, joining dozens of different groups, collectives, interest groups, relationships - in general, office life to the fullest with all its delights and difficulties. All people are different, they all have their own characters, interests, sense of justice, interests, opinions - in general, everything that makes up the personality of each of us.

Types of communication in the office

Communication in an organization can be formal or informal. In the form of formal communication, the organization brings to the attention of employees everything that is related to the field of activity of the enterprise, development plans, work results, and so on. These can be orders from superiors, information messages, reports on work results, various documentation, . These can also be general meetings, information meetings for departments or areas of activity, at which various problems related to the activities of the enterprise are discussed. The channels of transmission of formal communication can be different, but mostly formal communication occurs in written form.

Three main characteristics of formal communication:

  • it cascades from top to bottom
  • it is strictly regulated
  • it is of an official nature.

Informal communication in an organization is communication between employees on a personal level. Such communication can take place both during the working day and outside of working hours, when, for example, company employees go to a pub or cafe after work to chat with each other and discuss news. Informal communications between organizations also arise in a similar format, when, for example, employees of different companies from the same industry meet based on interests in an informal setting and discuss what is happening in the market or industry. Forms of informal communication are meetings without ties, club discussions, insider conversations, communication on social networks, communication between employees and, of course, rumors.

Main characteristics of informal communication:

  • its source can be anyone
  • its distribution is chaotic and, as a rule, wave-like
  • The dissemination of information through such communication occurs much faster than through formal channels.
  • Often this communication is trusted more than formal communication.

The main function of informal communication is:

  • in filling information gaps left during the official dissemination of information
  • in providing the opportunity to reflect on their experiences and fears associated with what is happening in the organization.

Also, dominance in the sphere of informal communication is often resorted to by people seeking to establish themselves in the position of an informal leader.

Undoubtedly, there is a risk that informal information may reach a long chain of distribution in a distorted form, however, as surveys and studies show, in most cases the effect of a “damaged phone” is minimal.

Rumors in the office

As you know, the earth is full of rumors. Office life is also full of them. Rumors spread in the office most often when big changes, reorganizations are expected in the organization, a change in leadership is coming, layoffs, office relocation, and so on.

Rumors in the office can play both a negative and positive role. Rumors begin to play a negative role when it is a leak of information from above, which, as a rule, has a negative or alarmist nature and unnerves employees. Here, especially against the backdrop of the absence of any official communication, rumors and fables begin to grow by leaps and bounds.

All this is connected with the peculiarities of the human psyche. The fact is that our brain classifies any possible changes as a potential threat. An even greater threat to humans is a situation of uncertainty. Therefore, as a defensive reaction, our brain searches and, if it does not find it, it itself creates the missing information in order to quickly get out of the discomfort zone. That is, rumors are a defensive reaction of our psyche to possible changes.

Another feature of our brain activity is the desire to prepare for the worst. This explains the fact that of all possible scenarios development, our brain often chooses the most negative one. That is why the rumors generated in most cases voice all our fears and concerns.

In order for corridor conversations and backstage conversations to play a positive role in the organization’s information field, the company’s management and HR department must make efforts to disseminate the necessary information through informal channels and specifically control the process within office communication. Any methods will be used here: stuffing information, insider leaks, using communication channels, participating in social networks, purposefully spreading rumors according to the “secretly around the world” scheme.

It is important to always maintain a healthy information climate in the company. And this means transparently bringing to the attention of employees all the news and plans of management and monitoring the spread of rumors in order to keep the information field under control. Rumors are inevitable. In the end, the human factor has never been canceled. And if this phenomenon cannot be overcome, then it would be wiser to lead it.

An organization consists of formal and informal components. The channel of informal communications can be called a channel for spreading rumors.

When exchanging information, the sender and recipient go through several interconnected stages. Their job is to craft a message and use the channel to convey it in such a way that both parties understand and share the original idea. This is difficult, because each stage is also a point at which the meaning could be distorted or completely lost. These interconnected stages are:

1. The birth of an idea.

2. Encoding and channel selection.

3. Transfer.

1. Communication is a connecting process necessary for any important management action.

2. Communication is the exchange of information between people.

3. Between the organization and its environment, between higher and lower levels, between divisions of the organization, information exchange is necessary. Leaders communicate directly with subordinates, whether individuals or groups. There are also rumors - as an informal information system.

4. The main elements of the communication process are the sender, the message, the channel and the recipient.

5. Stages of the process - idea development, encoding and channel selection, transmission and decoding.

6. Feedback, i.e. The recipient's reaction, indicating whether the transmitted information is understood or not, helps overcome the noise.

7. Noise in an information system is what distorts meaning due to differences in language, differences in perception, and physical interactions.


System and classification of management methods.

Management methods- this is a system of ways of influencing the subject of management on an object to achieve a certain result. The theoretical basis of management tools requires deep and careful study, since the most active, most effective and acute management tool can, if used incorrectly, lead to very negative consequences. This is all the more aggravated by deformations or simply incorrect construction of the management methods themselves.

The basis of the system of methods used in management is general scientific methodology, which provides a systematic, integrated approach to solving problems, as well as the use of methods such as modeling, experimentation, a specific historical approach, economic, mathematical and sociological measurements, etc. The specifics of management as a type of activity have a significant impact on the forms, scale and effectiveness of the application of general scientific methods.

The systems approach is used in management as a way to streamline management problems, through which they are structured, solution goals are determined, options are selected, relationships and dependencies of problem elements are established, as well as factors and conditions that influence their solution.

Systems approach- this is a direction in the method of logic of scientific knowledge and practical activity, which is based on the study of any object as a complex integral cybernetic socio-economic system.

In the most general view a system is understood as a set of interconnected elements that form a certain integrity, a certain unity.

Basic principles of the systems approach (systems analysis):

1 . Integrity, which allows you to simultaneously consider the system as a single whole and at the same time as a subsystem for higher levels

2. Hierarchical structure, i.e. the presence of a set (at least two) elements arranged on the basis of the subordination of elements lower level higher level elements. The implementation of this principle is clearly visible in the example of any specific organization. As you know, any organization is an interaction of two subsystems: the managing and the managed. One is subordinate to the other.

3. Structuring, allowing you to analyze the elements of the system and their relationships within a specific organizational structure. As a rule, the process of functioning of a system is determined not so much by the properties of its individual elements as by the properties of the structure itself.

4. Plurality, which allows the use of many cybernetic, economic and mathematical models to describe individual elements and the system as a whole.

With a systems approach, the study of the characteristics of an organization as a system becomes important, i.e. characteristics of “input”, “process” and characteristics of “output”.

In a systematic approach based on marketing research, the “output” parameters are first examined, i.e. goods or services, namely, what to produce, with what quality indicators, at what costs, for whom, in what time frame to sell and at what price. Answers to these questions must be clear and timely. The “output” should ultimately be competitive products or services.

Then the input parameters are determined, i.e. the need for resources (material, financial, labor and information) is examined, which is determined after a detailed study of the organizational and technical level of the system under consideration (level of equipment, technology, features of the organization of production, labor and management) and parameters of the external environment (economic, geopolitical, social, environmental and etc.). And finally, no less important is the study of the parameters of the process that converts resources into finished products. At this stage, depending on the object of study, production technology or management technology, as well as factors and ways of improving it, are considered.

Thus, the systems approach allows us to comprehensively assess any production and economic activity and the activity of the management system at the level of specific characteristics. This will help analyze any situation within a single system, identifying the nature of the input, process and output problems. The use of a systems approach allows us to best organize the decision-making process at all levels in the management system.

A systems approach is a methodology for considering various kinds of complexes, allowing a deeper and better understanding of their essence (structure, organization and other features) and finding optimal ways and methods of influencing the development of such complexes and their management system. A systems approach is a comprehensive integrated approach that involves comprehensive consideration of the specific characteristics of the corresponding object that determine its structure, and therefore its organization. The systematic approach to production management is most widespread in the USA and is used in almost all countries.

It involves considering a company as a complex system consisting of various subsystems (production departments, enterprises), the functions of which depend on the goals and objectives facing each of the subsystems. But at the same time, the concept of a system presupposes that all its subsystems are closely interconnected. A company is viewed as an organization that is a complex of interrelated elements. At the same time, the internal structure of the organizational system allows for the relative autonomy of the subsystems that form the hierarchy.

A systematic approach to management is based on the fact that the development of plans for diversified and decentralized production is subject to the interests of the interaction of production units that make up the production system.

Within the framework of the systems approach, an enterprise is considered as an open system that actively interacts with the external environment. In this case, the presence of both direct and feedback is assumed: a certain unity of the system and the environment, influencing both the system as a whole and the interaction of its elements.

Work on organizing and managing production consists of designing and ensuring the functioning of such systems. These include:

Establishing the nature of the relationship between the elements of the system (subsystem) and the channels through which communications are carried out within the system;

Creating conditions for the coordinated development of system elements and achieving the goals for which it is intended;

Creation of a mechanism to ensure this coordination;

Organizational structure of management bodies, development of methods and techniques for managing the system.

A systematic approach to management involves considering management as a procedure or process for making management decisions.

To express the essence of the system, various means are used: graphic, matrix, mathematical, “decision tree”, etc., each of which can reflect the essence of the system, which consists in the interconnection of its elements.

A complex approach is a specific form of concretization of systematicity, since its basis is the consideration of management problems in their connection and interdependence using research methods of many sciences that study these same problems. According to many specialists in the field of management, an integrated approach is the most important condition for effectively solving management problems in a multi-purpose open system, actively interacting with the external environment, which is the organization. And if the systems approach is, first of all, a way of seeing an object or problem, then complexity is a form of interdisciplinary integration and cooperation of management activities.

Modeling has a wide range of applications in management processes, where complex problems that require a systematic and integrated approach are solved. Solving such problems is unthinkable without the use of models, which means their representation into the functional parameters of the system that are essential for the purpose of the solution. Modeling is usually carried out in several stages, at which the problem statement is clarified, a model is constructed, its theoretical and (or) experimental analysis is carried out for reliability, and after practical application and analysis of the data obtained, adjustments are made (if necessary) to introduce additional factors and data, restrictions, criteria, etc.

Experimentation As a method with which many management problems can be solved relatively quickly, it is gaining increasing recognition among executives and managers. Many management innovations associated with the country's economic and management reform require experimental testing. With the help of experiments, the search for scientifically based innovations is carried out, the use of which will be useful for solving the goals and objectives of the organization.

The experience of conducting management experiments has made it possible to identify a number of principles, the observance of which ensures their effectiveness. First of all, this is purposefulness, i.e. subordination of the experiment to a specific goal, scientifically substantiated and specifically formulated. Of particular value are multi-purpose experiments that simultaneously or sequentially solve a set of interrelated problems.

The second principle is the “purity” of the experiment or the elimination of the influence of conditions and factors that distort its progress and results. It is also important to be clear in establishing the boundaries or zone of experimentation and to scientifically justify the directions chosen to achieve its goals. Also of fundamental importance is the methodological elaboration of the issues of identifying, recording the initial factors, as well as assessing the achieved results of the experiment using a specific historical approach, according to which each phenomenon should be considered in dynamics. In the development of any management object, for example, the following stages of its life cycle can be distinguished: design and creation; height; maturity; completion. It is obvious that the goals, therefore, and management problems at these stages differ quite significantly. This necessitates choosing from the entire arsenal of methods the most appropriate to the objective conditions reflecting the state of the object. Therefore, when analyzing problems related to the management of an organization, such parameters as the time of its formation and the main development events (growth, merger, disaggregation, privatization, etc.) are important. If an object is created anew, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the prospects for its growth, intentions for joining unions, associations, etc.

Specifics of managing social processes in conditions of stability and crisis.

Social processes and relations in the conditions of reforms.

The beginning of the 90s in Russia is characterized by the destruction of the command-administrative system and the transition to market economy. In the process of ongoing reforms, compared to other areas, the social sphere suffered and was subject to deformation to a greater extent. There has been a change in the social structure, social relations, elements of the social structure. Since changes and transformations in our country are defined as revolutionary, we can talk about a radical change in the social structure. The depth of the current crisis and the high degree of destructiveness of the ongoing social processes are determined by the sharp social and property stratification of society. In the new conditions, the need to strengthen the social orientation of state policy, create effective system social protection of the population from the adverse effects of hasty and ill-considered market reforms. By the end of the decade, the need to change the socio-economic course of state policy in order to ensure stable economic growth, an increase in the living standards of the population, and guaranteed protection of the socially weaker sections of the population, especially those not employed in the sphere of material production, became generally recognized.

Social policy of the state is understood as the purposeful activities of state bodies to regulate processes occurring in the social sphere, with the goal of providing conditions for the comprehensive development of the personality of all citizens based on the growth of material well-being and spiritual wealth of society. This definition seems to us the most complete since the goal of social policy should be there should be not only a desire for material security and well-being, but also a desire for moral and spiritual enrichment of the citizens of the country. Based on this, we identify several main areas of social policy, which include:

· income policy;

· labor and employment policy;

· demographic policy;

· migration policy;

· policy for the development of sectors of the social sphere (education, culture, healthcare, etc.);

· policy in the field of social protection of the population.

When models of socio-economic development change, the content of all social policy changes radically. This can be seen in the example of Russian society, where, after many years of dominance of the state social security system, the problem of determining the strategy for the transition period turned out to be the most pressing. Management of social development in pre-reform Russia was built on the basis of ideological postulates about the advantages of socialism over capitalism. Main social virtues The built society was considered primarily the absence of unemployment and social security of people. Accordingly, social development was focused on creating new jobs, increasing the labor income of citizens, increasing the size of social benefits and payments, and improving the provision of goods and services to the population in social infrastructure sectors.

The main disadvantages of the social development management system in the Russian Federation in the pre-reform period were its lack of complexity, excessive rigidity and insensitivity to changing external conditions.

A smooth reform of the country's economy would be possible if system changes industrial relations occurred without reducing the standard of living of the majority of the population or individual large groups of it and was consistent with the real realities at the disposal of the subjects of social policy financial resources. However, the transition from one economic system to another has its own social cost and inevitably affects social policy and the security of various categories of the population. Determining the objects of social policy, its types, available financial and other resources to ensure it and, finally, implementing and adjusting social policy are key tasks economically competent government of the country. Only with their successful solution can the relative social stability of society be ensured.

Market transformations of the 90s led to a sharp increase in social inequality. The number of socially disadvantaged segments of the population is increasing, the poor social lower classes are emerging, social outsiders are alienated from society.

The problem of poverty among numerous social strata can only be solved on the basis of effective state economic and social policies with clear interaction between federal, regional and local authorities.

It seems to us that the solution to pressing social problems should be sought on the path to the formation of the Russian state as a legal and social state. These provisions are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in December 1993. Article 7 states that the policy of the Russian Federation is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people. However, the postulation of these rights presupposes their filling with appropriate content, and most importantly, reliable guarantees of implementation. It is impossible to fulfill these requirements without the formation of a developed social sphere, which forms the foundation for building a social state.

In conditions of a structural crisis in society, when the possibility of self-regulation of social processes has significantly decreased, the need for optimal government decisions. Therefore, the only institution capable of performing the functions of integrating the efforts of all management subjects in the social field can only be the state represented by federal and regional authorities. The task of the state includes, first of all, the creation of a legal framework and mechanisms that establish the rules and principles of behavior, the relationships of all social entities that make up society, providing social protection, support for those in need, fair distribution of income, strengthening the social justice of citizens and their real participation in the management of public and state life.


Family as an object of sociological research. Typology and functions of the modern family.

Family is a small social group based on marriage, consanguinity or adoption, connected by a common life, relationships of mutual assistance and mutual responsibility. There are reproductive, economic, educational and leisure functions of the family. Since 1861, Bakhovin's "mother's right" family has been viewed as a historical phenomenon that is changing. In the first stages of human development, families did not exist, there were promiscuous relationships, and a ban on sexual relations between parents and children. Group marriage (with members of a different kind). 1) Maternal family - a small group of relatives on the maternal side. 2) House community - living together of several generations in one house. 3) Monogamous patriarchal - the head is the father and heir to private property. 4) Individual nuclear.

Macro level (social institution) – family functions: population reproduction; educational; socialization; family as a unit of society. Micro level (small group) – relationship: parental, marital, related. Based on existing stereotypes about the family - in society, the family as an object is considered from this point of view (economic, professional, psychological, cultural). Study methods: general social methods (questioning, observation, biographical); specific (tests, questionnaires for studying kinship, genosociogram).

Nuclear (genus and children) - complete and incomplete, nuclear extended (grandparents). Monogamous (1 m + 1 woman), polyandry – 1 woman and several women, polygyny – 1 woman and several women. patriarchal, matriarchal, epolitarian (equality), parterial autonomy. Prosperous, disadvantaged. By homogeneity. social status - gamogeneous and heterogeneous


Sociocultural problems of the globalizing world: essence, political content

Trends in the development of international relations and methods of studying them

International relationships is a set of economic, political, legal, ideological, diplomatic, military, cultural and other connections and relationships between entities operating on the world stage.

The main feature of international relations is the absence of a single central core of power and control. They are built on the principle of polycentrism and polyhierarchy. Therefore, spontaneous processes and subjective factors play an important role in international relations. International relations are the space in which various forces collide and interact at different levels: state, military, economic, political, social and intellectual.

Modern stage international relations are characterized by the rapidity of change and new forms of distribution of power. The confrontation between the two superpowers - the USSR and the USA - is a thing of the past. The old system of international relations, which was called bipolar, has collapsed. In the motley picture of breaking old and building new international relations, several visible development trends can still be identified.

Based on the polarity module, three classes of international relations systems can be distinguished. Unipolar, bipolar and multipolar.

In a unipolar system, one center of power, one pole, dominates. This doesn't happen often. Let's remember Ancient Rome. Then there is a long pause. And the beginning of the 21st century - the United States of America. Unipolar world quite convenient. An attack on this very “pole” is excluded almost by definition. Order, discipline, and balance on the political surface often hide confusion and discontent beneath the surface. Bipolar world even more alarming. After all we're talking about not just about two states, but about two opposing ideologies, two antagonistic social systems. The peaceful coexistence of the USSR and the USA did not theoretically exclude a war of extermination between them. The bipolar world is characterized by strict bloc discipline, discipline of interests and ideologies. The main danger of rivalry between two centers of power is a constant arms race. Concerning multipolar world, then the world community, based on the interaction, balance of several centers of power, is incomparably more complex, potentially more dangerous, than a world that maintains balance on one or two centers. It is no coincidence that both world wars arose as a result of a violation, a disruption of precisely the multidimensional balance, which was designed to keep the great powers of those years from sudden movements. But there is another point of view on the multipolar world - it is both the starting point and the basic norm of the state of international relations, since it meets the formational and general civilizational processes of our time, the interests of the entire world community.

Nowadays there are several options for visioning the division of power in the future on a global scale. So Buzan builds future scenarios based on the number of superpowers, since it is this factor, in his view, that sets the vector of development of the system. There are three scenarios: 1+x, 2+x and 0+x, where 1,2 and 0 are the number of superpowers, and x is the number of “great powers”. The first scenario assumes the continuation of the current status quo, when the United States remains the only superpower surrounded by four “great” powers - Japan, China, Russia and the European Union. The stability of the existing system is determined by the fact that none of the “great powers” ​​strives for superpower status. Only the European Union is potentially capable of offering the “European Dream” project. Of course, subject to a number of “ifs”. United foreign policy The EU is as necessary as it is an obvious condition. Moreover, a united Europe must be prepared to accept global responsibilities and global responsibilities. But even if this happens, a world with two superpowers will be stable, given that the identity gap between the two sides of the Atlantic is minimal. In the next 20 years, the author considers the emergence of a second pole of attraction to be unlikely. But under what circumstances can the United States lose its status? Buzan puts forward 2 proposals: as a result of imperial overstretch or as a result of the US failure to legitimize its global leadership. Another theorist Kissinger argued: “The system of international relations of the 21st century will include at least six major participants - the USA, Europe, China, Japan, Russia and, probably, India.” The structure of international relations of the future will be “six-polar”, with one of the “poles” "- Europe will be a collection of several states.

The most reliable and consistent with modern realities is the point of view according to which the main trend in international relations is the transition from unipolarity to multipolarity. After the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime, many more persistently spoke about the advent of an era of unipolarity and US domination in international relations. Of course, one cannot help but admit that America really does have power. Throughout the 90s, the American economy developed at an unprecedented rate. In the military sphere, the United States is also a leader, ahead of others in most parameters of combat power. But the successful decade ended, and the American economy began to flounder again. And some other countries, on the contrary, are taking off (as in China) or have begun to accelerate (as in Russia). And perhaps another movement in the leading group of states is not far off. There are many completely independent, strong and determined “players” in the world who are determined to face tough competition. Moreover, their number is growing: these are India, South Korea, Turkey, Brazil, and Indonesia. Another argument that is given to prove unipolarity modern world, are supposedly unprecedented hegemonic aspirations of Washington. One after another, works began to appear substantiating the US right to hegemony. They claim that Washington, as the initiator and leader of the objective and progressive process of globalization, is its guarantor. America bears the burden of legislator, judge, and sheriff. But we can observe that Washington has no chance of acquiring such a title. After all, there is no passive universal acceptance of American dictates. On the contrary, there is growing disagreement with hegemonic policies on the part of large and influential powers - Russia, China, India, many Muslim and other developing countries. Symptoms of the dissatisfied's desire for a broad partnership to contain the United States have emerged. They can be seen even in China, which for 20 years has been steadily pursuing a policy of non-entry into alliances and flexible balancing between great powers. Significant obstacles to US hegemony are also terrorism, anti-Americanism and the enormous costs of creating a world empire. Funds for exporting democracy and military hegemony on a global scale are becoming scarcer. . Also, the development of multipolarity is facilitated by the US awareness that many of the problems of our interdependent world can only be resolved through close and equal partnership with other members of the world community.

Thus, there is progress towards multipolarity, which means a decrease in the share of the United States in the world economy and world politics, the gradual dissolution of a unipolar world in a different structure of international relations. The world's dependence on the United States is shrinking. Although we continue to depend on the US, America also depends on us due to globalization. It can be argued that over the course of a century, the transformation of the global structure of international relations has come full circle. From the multipolarity that has developed to late XIX centuries, it went through bipolarity, which promised to end in unipolarity and in beginning of XXI centuries returned to multipolarity.



Main goals and functions of public administration.

Public administration is a conscious influence state institutions on the activities of society, its individual groups, in which public needs, interests, generally significant goals and the will of society are realized.

Management functions are relatively independent and homogeneous parts of the content of management activities, which express the powerful organizing influence of the subject of management on the object. Consequently, the function of the state. management can be defined as part of the management activities of the state, which is carried out on the basis of a law or other legal act by bodies executive power their inherent methods to perform the tasks of public administration. The functions of the executive branch are relatively independent and universal. They are divided into political and technical, or functions of general management and specialized functions, functions of exercising sovereignty, economic, social, socio-educational, etc. General Features have an objectively necessary influence on certain processes that occur in the economic, political, socio-cultural and other spheres. General functions of public administration – forecasting, planning, organization, regulation, coordination, accounting, control.


The main goals and directions of the state's social policy.

Social policy is a system of measures aimed at implementing social programs, maintaining incomes, the standard of living of the population, ensuring employment, supporting sectors of the social sphere, and preventing social conflicts.

The essence of the state's social policy is to maintain relations both between social groups and within them, to provide conditions for improving the well-being and standard of living of members of society, to create social guarantees in the formation of economic incentives for participation in social production. It should be noted that the social policy of the state, which acts as an integral part of the activities carried out by the state in order to regulate the conditions of social production as a whole, is closely linked to the general economic situation in the country

Goals: 1) ensuring the most effective protection of socially vulnerable households, because they do not have the ability to independently solve social problems and therefore objectively need government support; 2) ensuring universal accessibility and socially acceptable quality of basic social benefits, which include primarily medical care and education; 3) creation of economic conditions for the working population that allow citizens to use their own income to ensure a higher level of social consumption, including comfortable housing, better quality of services in the field of education and health care, and a decent standard of living in old age; 4) formation in the socio-cultural sphere of institutions - support High Quality and opportunities for a wide choice by the population of social benefits and services provided.

Directions of social policy: 1) support for socially vulnerable groups of the population; 2) investments in human development, primarily in education, which is a condition for the competitiveness of our country in the global, information-based, dynamically developing world economy.


Social stratification and social mobility: theory and practice.

Social Stratification is a set of social layers arranged in a vertical order. Describes social inequality in society, division by income level and lifestyle, by the presence or absence of privileges. There are 4 main forms: slavery, castes(membership from birth), estates(a social group with fixed customs or legal laws and inheritable rights and responsibilities) and classes(open).

Modern society is based on a broad division of labor and functions of people in the process of social reproduction. In accordance with this, they differ in the place they occupy in society (status - in modern society it covers profession, economic and political status, demographic characteristics of a person). Each status has certain rights and responsibilities. They can be formal (normatively established) or informal in nature. Each person is characterized by a certain set of statuses. The most characteristic status of a person, which distinguishes him from others, is the main status. The status a person is born into is the ascribed status. A person has many statuses, but his actual behavior is characterized by a certain set of roles. As a result, a status range arises within which human behavior varies. Social stratification modern society: the upper layer is an elite minority, the middle layer and the lower layer is a layer of social outsiders.

Social mobility is a change in the social status of people. There are:

Demographic, geographical and social;

Individual and group;

Within generational and intergenerational;

Vertical (increasing or decreasing the status of the place of residence) and horizontal (between settlements of the same rank);

Ascending and descending


Essence, content and goals of marketing activities.

Under marketing refers to a system of intra-company management that is aimed at studying and taking into account the demand and requirements of the market for a more reasonable orientation of the production activities of enterprises towards the production of competitive types of products in predetermined volumes and meeting certain technical and economic characteristics. At the same time, it is calculated that the implementation of the intended assortment structure can provide the company with the highest profits or a strong position in the market.

The implementation of marketing activities acts as an objective need to orient the scientific, technical, production and sales activities of a company (enterprise) to take into account market demand, needs and requirements of consumers. This reflects and is constantly intensifying the trend towards systematic organization of production in order to increase the efficiency of the functioning of the company as a whole and its business units.

The company's marketing activities are aimed at establishing, quite reasonably, based on market demands, specific current and mainly long-term (strategic) goals, ways to achieve them and real sources of resources for economic activity; determine the range and quality of products, its priorities, the optimal production structure and the desired profit.

Marketing is a management system that has its own principles, functions, structures, regulations and legal acts.

·The fundamental principle of marketing is the justified free choice of certain goals and strategies for the functioning and development of the enterprise (company) as a whole, aimed at finding the most effective combination of the production of new products with products already in production or being modernized, as well as intended for discontinuation.

·An important principle of marketing is an integrated approach to linking goals with the resources and capabilities of the enterprise, developing ways to achieve goals, which becomes real only as a result of the development of marketing programs for the product and for the business organization as a whole. Methods for developing such programs require a focus on maximizing the use of potential capabilities and production reserves.

·A characteristic principle for marketing is to achieve the optimal combination of centralized and decentralized principles in the management of a company, the constant search for new forms and tools to increase production efficiency, the creative initiative of employees aimed at creating the necessary conditions for the widespread introduction of innovations, improving product quality, and reducing production costs.

Its functions are focused on the implementation of marketing principles:

· more complete and thorough consideration of the requirements of market demand and consumer requests, their requirements for quality, technical and economic parameters, novelty, design based on comprehensive market research, development of technical policy and R&D:

· determination of the optimal range of products and production structure based on economic calculations: production costs (cost) of products, investment efficiency, the possibility of providing material, financial and labor resources production, profit;

· making informed decisions, the effectiveness of which is determined by the final result activities of the enterprise;

·development of a sales policy based on determining the most profitable sales channels, product distribution system, organization of after-sales technical service, sales promotion system and formation of consumer needs.

The implementation of these functions involves establishing feedback from the market in order to adjust calculations within the framework of marketing programs, on the basis of which decisions are made at the appropriate levels of management. Thus, to summarize the above, it is possible to reasonably approach marketing as a management activity. The essence of this activity is that it is aimed at orienting production to create types of products that reflect the requirements of certain markets. Market demand is studied and placed as the basis for the company’s activities with the expectation that the created product will be sold through exchange transactions and will be able to satisfy needs (production and personal). Hence the requirements for research work, design and development, investment decisions and decisions in the field of material and technical supply (industrial cooperation). Hence the need for specifically defined thinking (market thinking), which allows us to provide an appropriate approach at all stages of the creation and marketing of such types of products that meet market demand.

Competition and market analysis.

In the marketing system, a company operating in the market is considered not on its own, but taking into account the entire set of relationships and information flows connecting it with other market entities. Conditions environment, in which the company operates, is usually called the marketing environment of the company. Marketing environment of the company - totality active subjects and forces operating outside the firm that influence marketing management's ability to establish and maintain successful collaborative relationships with target customers. The company's marketing environment includes: suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customers, competitors and contact audiences. Thus, competitors are an important component of a firm's marketing microenvironment. without taking into account and studying which it is impossible to develop an acceptable strategy and tactics for the functioning of a company in the market.

competitors are subjects of the marketing system who, through their actions, influence the company’s choice of markets, suppliers, intermediaries, the formation of a product range and the entire range of marketing activities (which entails the need to study them). Considering competitors as subjects of the marketing system in more detail, we can give the following definition. Competing firms are firms that have a completely or partially identical fundamental niche. The fundamental market niche here refers to the set of market segments for which the product and/or service produced by a given company is suitable.

The presence of competing firms gives rise to such a phenomenon in the economy as competition. From an economic point of view, competition is an economic process of interaction, the relationship between the struggle of producers and suppliers in the sale of products, competition between individual producers or suppliers of goods and/or services for the most favorable production conditions. Thus, competition in a general sense can be defined as rivalry between individuals and business units interested in achieving the same goal. If this goal is specified from the point of view of the marketing concept, then market competition is the struggle of firms for a limited volume of effective consumer demand, conducted by firms in the market segments available to them.

types of competition:

1) competing desires.

This type of competition is due to the fact that there are many alternative ways for the consumer to invest Money;

2) functional competition.

This type of competition is due to the fact that the same need can be satisfied in different ways (there are alternative ways to satisfy the need).

This a basic level of studying competition in marketing.

3) inter-firm competition.

This is a competition between alternatives to the dominant and most effective ways of satisfying a need.

4) inter-product competition.

This is competition between a company's products. It is not competition in essence, but is a special case of an assortment range, the purpose of which is to create an imitation of consumer choice.

In a modern, rapidly changing world, when market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, the most important condition for commercial success is the constant determination of the relationship between demand and supply of goods based on an analysis of the interaction of market-shaping factors. By carrying out market research, enterprises have the opportunity to provide themselves with objective information about themselves and their competitors, make comparisons, correctly assess the market situation and predict its development, and therefore gain competitive advantages and thereby reduce the level of commercial risk, find the appropriate market segment for themselves and market niche, choose the right direction of diversification, set the optimal price level, etc. That is why studying market conditions is a necessary condition for entrepreneurship and all economic activities of an industrial enterprise.

Product market conditions- this is a specific economic situation that has developed in the market in this moment or a limited period of time.

This economic category is characterized by a number of qualitative and quantitative indicators, the most important of which are the supply of goods, consumer demand, price level, market proportionality, volatility, market cyclicality and trends in its development, market risk, and level of competition.

Market research at enterprises is usually carried out by market research services, which identify the following main tasks of market research of the product market:

· collection and processing of market information;

· integral and differential assessments of the market state, typology of the market situation;

· characteristics of the scale (volume) of the market;

· identification, analysis and forecasting of market development trends and its dynamic stability;

· assessment and analysis of fluctuations, seasonality and cyclicality of market development;

· assessment and analysis of regional market differences;

· assessment and analysis of business activity;

· assessment of commercial (market) risk;

· characterization of the degree of monopolization and intensity of competition.

The objectives set are focused on a comprehensive, interconnected description of the state of the market as a whole and in the context of its individual elements and components.

Marketing research: goals, objectives, structures. Specifics of organizing and conducting research on the real estate market in a particular region.

Marketing research is the systematic search, collection, analysis and presentation of data and information related to the specific market situation that the enterprise had to face. Marketing research can also be defined as the systematic collection, recording and analysis of data on marketing and marketing problems in order to improve the quality of decision-making and control procedures in the marketing environment.

The main objectives of marketing research: reduce uncertainty and minimize risk in the process of making management decisions; monitor the implementation of marketing tasks.

The global goals of marketing research are information support for marketing, that is, the collection of necessary information and analytical support, which consists in the use of mathematical models to analyze data and obtain forecasts with their help and the ability to make optimal decisions.

At the macro level, marketing research must identify and model patterns and trends in market development, assess the market situation, determine market capacity and forecast demand.

At the micro level, assessments are made, an analysis and forecast is carried out of the company's own capabilities (its potential and competitiveness), the state and prospects for the development of the market segment in which this company operates.

The objectives of marketing research can be very diverse and dictated by the needs of developing a marketing strategy, the formation of pricing, product, communication, sales policies and other aspects of marketing management in an enterprise. Only the main areas of research can be identified, so marketing research faces the following tasks:

· Collection, processing, summary and storage of information;

· Analysis of the influence of global forces and factors of the marketing macro environment on the company’s activities and its results;

· Market research – systematic quantitative and qualitative analysis of one or a set of markets to obtain information about the potential, market capacity, characteristics of the competitive environment, prices.

· Research of the company's own capabilities, its potential and competitiveness.

· Analysis of the impact of the marketing macro environment - analysis of legislative restrictions on activity, economic conditions, socio-cultural changes, demographic trends, environmental problems.

· Product research is the determination of compliance of technical and economic indicators and quality of goods (testing of goods and packaging) circulating on the market with the needs and requirements of buyers, analysis of their competitiveness.

· Research of product distribution and sales is a study aimed at determining the most effective ways, methods and means of bringing goods to consumers and selling them.

· Information and analytical substantiation of the market segment (grouping and structuring of consumers);

· Information and analytical support for product development and regulation of its life cycle;

· Information and analytical support for the development of marketing strategy;

· Information and analytical support for strategic and operational marketing planning;

· Information and analytical support for controlling;

· Information and analytical support for pricing and price regulation;

· Accounting and analysis of turnover, inventory, distribution costs and profits in general and by stages of the product life cycle;

· Characteristics of the effectiveness of marketing and marketing research, assessment of the company's contribution to solving environmental problems.


Models of commercial and non-profit management in the social sphere.

Partnerships can be created in the form of a general partnership and a limited partnership. Businesses of the company can be created in the form of a joint stock company, a limited liability company or an additional liability company.

General partnership– a partnership whose participants, in accordance with an agreement concluded between them, engage in entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and are liable for its obligations with all their property. Partnership of Faith– a partnership in which, along with the participants who carry out entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and are liable for the obligations of the partnership with their property (general partners), there are one or more participants - investors who bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the partnership within the limits of the amounts of contributions made by them, and do not take part in the business activities of the partnership.

Limited Liability Companies– a company established by one or several persons, the authorized capital of which, in accordance with the constituent documents, is divided into shares of certain sizes; LLC participants are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company.

Additional liability company– this is a company established by one or several persons, the authorized capital of which, in accordance with the constituent documents, is divided into shares of certain sizes; Participants of such a company jointly and severally bear subsidiary liability for its obligations with their property.

Joint-Stock Company – a company whose authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares; The participants of the joint-stock company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the limits of the value of the shares they own.

Non-profit organizations- an organization whose main purpose is not to generate profit and distribute it among participants. NPOs can be created to achieve social, charitable, cultural, educational, scientific and management goals, to protect the health of citizens, develop physical education and sports, satisfy the spiritual and other interests of citizens and organizations, resolve disputes and conflicts, provide legal assistance, as well as other goals aimed at achieving public goods. NPOs can be created in the form of: public or religious organizations, non-profit partners, institutions, autonomous NPOs, social, charitable and other funds, associations and unions, consumer cooperatives, as well as in other forms.

Information support for management in the social sphere.

Information support – provision of factual data management structures; use of information data for automated control systems; using information to support the activities of various consumers. A major role in providing information to management structures is played by the media, which not only represent a large array of information, but also form public opinion on its basis, influencing management decisions. Collection, processing and analysis of information are necessary for the development of adequate political decisions in this area, and for attracting investments, and for ensuring control by the state, and ultimately for creating a service model of the state capable of providing citizens with a variety of social services . Information systems allow the state, first of all, to be aware of the problems arising among the population and quickly solve them, and for citizens, in turn, to provide access to information about the activities of government bodies and the conditions for interactive information interaction with them . Thanks to the development of information technologies and the processes of state modernization, approaches to solving social management problems have radically changed in recent years.


State policy regarding the organization and management of the media.

Establishing and maintaining relationships between a particular company and various categories of the public must be carried out according to certain general rules. Specific features of the implementation of these rules are set out in the regulations on public relations. These are the laws of the Russian Federation: “On the Mass Media”, “On Advertising”, “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, “On Information and Informatization and Protection of Information” and a number of other laws and regulations.

Despite the variety of legal acts on the legal support of public relations, which determine the features of specific forms of public relations, there are general rules communication policies that must be followed in any situation. First of all, this is initiative, the bilateral nature of relations, preventive measures, flexibility, competence, goodwill, and technical equipment.

A special area of ​​activity is the use of media. Enterprises and organizations seeking to establish and maintain positive public relations relationships must be sufficiently open and accessible to media representatives.

The policy of company interactions with the media should provide for trusting relationships and be built on a legal basis, i.e. established norms of behavior for cooperation and provision of information services. The organization of PR through the media and its legal regulation is carried out by: the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Mass Media”, the Federal Law “On the Procedure for Notifying the Activities of State Authorities in State Media”, the Federal Law “On State Support of Media and Book Publishing in the Russian Federation”, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On Improving Public Administration” in the field of media and mass communications", Law of the Irkutsk region "On regional state support of the Irkutsk media. Region."

In order to develop a unified information space in the Russian Federation, as well as improve state management in the field of media and mass communications, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Media Communications was created in September 1999, replacing the State Committee for Press and Mass Media federal service on television and radio broadcasting. A license form has been introduced for all types of media and communications activities.

Legal protection of information in the implementation of public relations and in the professional activities of sociologists.

In a market economy, information itself is a commodity and its movement must obey the laws of commodity-money relations. Every owner and entrepreneur has the right to protect their information interests, consistent with the interests of other owners, entrepreneurs and society as a whole. The current Russian legislation gives the management of the enterprise the right to independently resolve issues of ensuring its information security when establishing public relations. Thus, the administration of an enterprise has the right to establish a procedure for determining information that constitutes a trade secret; determine the specific composition and total volume of confidential information; develop the basic elements of an information security system. The administration of the enterprise has the right to create special internal divisions that ensure the protection of confidential information.

Unlike state and military secrets, a trade secret is the property of a specific enterprise. Its main purpose is to provide the company with an economic advantage in competition.

When establishing and maintaining relations between an enterprise and various categories of the public, a specific list of information related to its trade secret must be formed. In this work, it is necessary to be guided by such regulatory documents as the Law of the Russian Federation “On Trade Secrets”, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Patent Law of the Russian Federation, the Law “On Information and Informatization and Information Protection”, the Law “On State Secrets”.

Legal basis for the protection of intellectual property, inventive, patent, copyright and related rights in the implementation of public relations.

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, all types of industrial property objects are divided into three groups: invention, utility model, industrial design.

The patent law of the Russian Federation regulates property and personal non-property relations arising in connection with the creation, legal, protection and use of inventions, utility models and industrial designs.

The Government of the Russian Federation has the right, in the interests of national security, to allow the use of an object of industrial property without the consent of the patent holder with payment of compensation to him. All disputes are considered by courts, arbitration and arbitration. Criminal liability According to the current legislation, they entail misappropriation of authorship, coercion of co-authorship, and illegal disclosure of information about an object of industrial property.


Conceptual foundations of regional lawmaking .

Lawmaking is the most important and effective legal form state activities. As a result of law-making legal norms, norms are established (issued, sanctioned), amended or repealed. Lawmaking is the core of lawmaking, its most important component, therefore lawmaking has properties common to all types of lawmaking. It has become an axiom to understand legislative activity as an activity during which the state will is enshrined in the rules of law, a bill is transformed into a law. Currently, in Russia, lawmaking occurs at two levels: federal and regional. This is due to the federal nature of the Russian state. Subjects of the federation have the right to exercise their own legislative regulation in most federations in the world. The Russian Constitution also granted all subjects of the Russian Federation the right to adopt their own laws. The intensification of legislative activity in the regions is also associated with an increased need for legal regulation of social relations. We can say that the legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have concentrated their efforts on meeting these needs. Moreover, as practice shows, regional lawmaking is generally more flexible and dynamic than federal lawmaking. This is due to the fact that the legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are closer to the population, to law enforcement activities, to social relations that need legislative regulation, to problems that need to be resolved legislatively. The regional legislative process is organized, as a rule, less complex than the legislative process in Russia. The main tasks in lawmaking are state support in stabilizing the financing of the industry, in stimulating preferential taxation, which contribute to the implementation of social and economic conditions in health work among the population and the creative dynamics of elite sports.

System of regional legislation. Rule-making bodies of the Irkutsk region: general characteristics.

IN Irkutsk region The rule-making bodies are the Legislative Assembly, the regional governor, the regional administration and regional departments. The Zak Assembly adopts normative legal acts in the form of the Regional Charter, regional laws and regulations. Laws and other regional regulatory legal acts form the regional legislative system. Regional laws are legal acts of a general normative nature adopted in accordance with the established procedure by a regional referendum or legislative assembly, which have the highest legal force in the regulatory legal system of the region and regulate the most important areas of public life. The right of legislative initiative in the Legislative Assembly has the governor of the region, deputies of the Legislative Assembly, the Duma of the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug, local government bodies, the regional prosecutor, the statutory court of the region, the regional court, the arbitration court, and the regional council of trade unions. Laws come into force after they are signed by the head of the executive branch - the governor and published in the media. The official publication of regional laws is their publication in the newspaper “East Siberian Truth” and “Vedomosti Zak Assembly of the Irkutsk Region”. The law signed by the regional governor is subject to official publication within 14 days from the date of signing. Compliance with the laws is mandatory for all citizens at this moment in the territory of the region. In the Irkutsk region, laws are adopted at a session of the legislative assembly.
