Colors of candles and their meaning in magic. Candle magic: how it can help

Candles are used very often in magic. Each ritual requires its own candle. It turns out that in order to achieve a particular goal, it is necessary to select a ritual candle of a specific color. For example, if you are doing a ritual for love, then a pink candle will help you.

Candles themselves are a powerful energy item. With their help, you can fulfill your desire, attract good luck, money, health and love, without even resorting to rituals. It’s enough just to light a candle of a certain color every evening. When choosing “your” candle, you need to rely on its color.

The meaning of candle color in magic

  • White candle represents spirituality and tranquility. It is recommended to light it for those who are looking for harmony and peace in life.
  • Red candle in magic it is a symbol of passion, energy and strength. It is useful to use a red candle to raise the strength of spirit, mood and to improve health.
  • Pink candle- to attract love, reveal femininity and romance.
  • yellow candle in magic will help develop thinking, intelligence, creativity and memory. It is recommended to light it while reading or studying.
  • Green candle- to attract money and prosperity. A green candle is also used in magic to find inner harmony and to get rid of problems with the birth of a child.
  • Blue candle in magic it gives inspiration, wisdom and develops intuition. Also, with the help of this candle you can clear the space from negative energy. If you long for changes in life, then light a dark blue candle.
  • Blue candle will help resolve conflicts, measure up with those with whom you are in a quarrel. It can also be used to establish contact with people around you.
  • Purple candle in magic - improves physical and mental health, increases the strength of the spirit.
  • Orange candle in magic is an assistant in career and business.
  • Black candle takes energy. It is better to light it only to rid yourself or your home of negative energy.
  • Golden candle will help you realize your plans and achieve what you want.
  • Choose a candle based on your goals and aspirations. It is best to light a candle before going to bed, and the main light should be extinguished. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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People have been lighting their homes with candles for a long time, but the benefits of a simple candle are not limited to this. With the help of candles you can find mutual love, increase wealth or protect yourself from enemies.

At first glance, it may seem that the color, material and size of the candle are a secondary matter. But that's not true. Practitioners know: different purposes require their own, certain type candles. For example, candles of one color attract money, while candles of another color awaken passion between spouses. The first ones are best lit at the desk, the second ones - in the bedroom.

The best raw material for a ritual candle is wax. It is a natural material associated with living force. In combination with fire, it gives reliable results when fortune telling by candle, and it also serves well during rituals. A wax candle made by yourself will be stronger than a store-bought one.

Yellow. Such a candle works with the energy of the house, attracts well-being to the roof and drives away negativity. It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on mood, improving a person’s internal state. It can be lit simultaneously with incense or aromatic oils to enhance their effect. An excellent addition would be properly selected incense sticks that attract love or wealth.

Red. This color is considered both the color of blood and passion. It is used in love spells to ignite attraction, but a red candle can also serve for protection. It will strengthen the body, give strength to fight circumstances, and protect the owner from energy attacks. By walking around the house with a lit red candle, you will protect it from negativity. Psychic Regina Fedorenko spoke in more detail about how such a protection ritual is performed.

Orange. The color of luck. It is good to light such a candle before an important event, be it a public appearance, a date, or a deal that must certainly be in your favor.

Green. D delicate color. By lighting a green candle in your home, you make it clear to the Universe that you would like to improve your financial situation. With a green candle you can protect your wallet so that it is not stolen and the money in it is not transferred. To do this, circle the wallet three times clockwise with a lit candle, as if drawing a circle around it. In addition, green is the color of health. To improve your well-being, stop getting sick, relieve anxiety or extinguish headache, a green candle can be lit in the room where you sleep and left for a short period of time.

Blue. The color of intuition. Helps to find out the truth. It attracts the desired changes. You can combine this candle with another. For example, if you want to find your calling and earn more than you currently do, try lighting blue and green candles.

Blue. White with blue. A bluish candle simultaneously allows you to find yourself and calm your inner demons. It is also good to light it up for reconciliation. Blue color relieves anxiety and puts you in a contemplative mood.

Violet. Mystical color. If blue enhances the sixth sense, and red strengthens physical strength, then together they release your internal energy.

Gold(or other glitter candles). Typically, they are made to light up during the holidays and create a festive atmosphere. But with such a candle you can attract diversity in gray everyday life. By lighting these candles, one makes wishes and visualizes dreams. You can try this yourself. Get a golden candle, wait for a quiet time when no one will distract you, light the candle and try to imagine what you want in colors. Imagine how you can get it, what you do for it, what your triumph will be when you get what you want.

Black. Sometimes you can see such rather ominous candles. They are often used to cause damage. They draw energy from their owner, feeding on it. When inducing negativity, it is important to remember that it always comes back, bringing a back blow to the one who intended evil.

Universal ritual with a colored candle

Each candle can be worked differently, but there is a general method that works for any candle. Write what you want on paper and burn it in a candle flame. Select the color of the candle based on your desire: if it is associated with wealth, remember the meaning of a green candle, and if with personal happiness, look for a red or pink one.

Candle color in fortune telling

Many fortune tellings involve candles and water. The combination of opposite elements helps to lift the veil of secrets over the future. In order for fortune telling to go in the right direction, the candle can also be selected according to the desired color. This is exactly how he recommends doing fortune telling using a candle and water.

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Candles have long been part of the usual decorative interior items. We light their flames for a romantic setting, to create a special, slightly magical atmosphere, to aromatize the room, if candles have been added to the composition essential oils or this is a tea candle for an aroma lamp. Flame is a mystical sign of one of the main elements, a symbol of passion, desire and magical power, it is not surprising that for those who are even a little involved in “home applied magic”, candles are special objects, constant components of various rituals, meditations and simply “ingredients” for correcting one’s own emotional state and mood. The nuances that enhance certain of our abilities and desires are determined by the nature of the candle - its color. NameWoman talks about the meaning of candle color.

Red candles

The red color enhances all the energy that can be put into the flame. This powerful emotions and an unshakable sense of confidence: passion, powerful sexual attraction, courage and magical attraction. Such candles help strengthen the protection around you from worries, bad thoughts, unwanted people, strengthen the immune system, and increase vitality. For too calm people, who often think about how to overcome laziness or where to find motivation, burning red candles in the house are prescribed as a universal remedy. Meanwhile, hot-tempered and irritable people, the element of fire, which has enhanced its properties with the characteristic red color, can push them to rash actions, increasing the conflict side in communicating with others.

Orange candles

An orange candle, a sign of the sun and gentle summer, gives enthusiasm, strength and good luck, improved friendships and business relationships, universal recognition and success. Orange is a symbol of power and entrepreneurship, the ability to adapt and adapt quickly. Orange color candles help to program the mind and body of those who want to transform and lose weight.

Pink color candles

Pink candles attract romance, sensual and at the same time sublime relationships, they help a woman become softer, more gentle, and suggest the path to finding harmony in the soul. The pink color programs the energy of the flame for reconciliation after a possible quarrel or for finding compromise solutions, ways to interaction, and gives peace. The most successful and magically powerful aromatic candles are those with the scent of rose, which enhances the meaning of color for fire.

Purple candles

The bright purple color of the candle is one of best options to create the right mood during fortune telling or predictions. These candles reveal hidden human capabilities, expand the boundaries of consciousness, protect against magical influences from the outside and cleanse from strong negativity, help change events according to your scenario, provide an opportunity for the development of intuition, for decisive and wise actions.

Fuchsia candles

In magic, these candles are considered auxiliary; their main purpose is to achieve the desired goal as quickly as possible.

Yellow candles

Yellow candles enhance the ability to focus, concentrate on any problem or any action. The energy of the yellow candle flame is aimed at facilitating the rapid absorption of knowledge, development, and improvement of memory. In addition, yellow is also a symbol of financial, material well-being. Let the yellow candle burn out on the day before an important meeting or any event in which it is important for you to attract people to your side, or to convince someone that you are right.

Candles with gold glitter

Wealth and sunny happiness, while golden candles enhance a woman’s masculinity, helping her to be more decisive, setting her up for victory and faith in the successful outcome of any events.

Blue candles

Blue candles help us forgive other people and gain forgiveness for ourselves, they are good for meditation practices and at times when you need spiritual or physical healing. Blue candles attract you prophetic dreams, help you understand yourself and find the right answers to the questions that worry you. At the same time, you should not often turn to dark blue candles for help; an excess of the energy of their flame makes a person depressed.

Blue candles

Light blue candles have a similar meaning to blue ones, but their effect is softer; they give a person patience, give inspiration, and help in spiritual torment. The flame of a blue candle, if at the moment of its burning you think about the person you love, programs him to be faithful and affectionate in his feelings for you. Blue candles are often used for spiritualistic séances.

Turquoise candles

Mysterious turquoise makes the candle flame your inner talisman, solving problems, cleansing from the inside, pushing towards important and desired changes in your life.

Green candles

An abundance of green candles in the house - good program for your world, fire and earth in a harmonious relationship contribute to success and wonderful results, both in terms of successful decisions and material gain. A woman who is not indifferent to green candles young at heart and has an unusually attractive inner natural beauty. Green candles may well be your daily friends, helping to consolidate the results of fulfilled desires or magical rituals.

Dark green candles

The burning of a dark green candle is the expulsion of demons called “greed” and “envy” from your soul and life.

Black candles

Black candles repel all possible negativity in your life, help remove obstacles, cope with difficult life circumstances, drive out evil, and help you gain strength in the fight against serious illnesses. You should not burn such candles over trifles or, while burning them, tune in to desires whose consequences you are not sure of.

White candles

The meaning of the color of a white candle is purification, insight, wise decisions and sincere actions. Such candles help in healing and clairvoyance in finding the truth, soften and balance the effects of candles of other colors.

What color candle to light or use in ritual... The meaning of candle colors.


White color symbolizes life, vitality and clarity and is therefore useful when needed new source energy or its sudden surge. This is the color of transition and transformation. White candles are universal, but are most often used for protection, for meditation, and to conquer darkness. Also symbolizes purification.

White candles are lit on any day of the week, although they are associated with Monday (as a lunar day) and Sunday (as a sunny day), since White color absorbs both lunar and sunlight. Perfect for altar candles, although not in all cases.


The color of Mars symbolizes action, strength, courage and determination. Red candles are used to achieve very important life goals, as well as for targeted revenge. This is one side, the second is, of course, love magic, because red is considered the color of passion (if you prefer romance, then this color will not work, choose pink.)

Tuesday is the day of Mars, especially good for this.


Growth, high self-esteem, confidence and abundance are the main meanings of this color. Orange candles are suitable for asserting your personality if it is constantly under pressure.

As one of the flowers of the Sun, their day is Sunday.


Associated with Mercury. Accordingly, their sphere is monetary and business. And also - overcoming creative and life crises, studying, good luck in travel, success in the intellectual sphere.

It is best to light on Wednesdays - on the day of Mercury.


Green candles are most often used for rituals associated with well-being, a gradual increase in income and invoking good luck in all matters. They are also suitable for rituals related to the natural world, especially the element of earth. Healing, recovery, independence are other areas of application.

The day of Venus and these candles is Friday.


Color of the goddess Hathor. One of the flowers of Venus. Accordingly, it is used in love rituals, as well as for gaining peace of mind and balance. Also for stress relief, relaxation, diplomacy and eloquence.

It is best to light on Thursday and Friday.


Calm, equanimity, calm, recovery, patience, poise, understanding.

Their day is Thursday.


Jupiter color. They symbolize success, organization, self-improvement and spirituality.

Also lit on Thursday.


One of the colors of Jupiter. Denotes connection with other dimensions, immersion in the depths of the subconscious. Purple candles are used for meditation, working with the memory of past lives, and for fortune telling using a crystal. It is believed that purple candles symbolize financial success, but in my opinion, a green candle color is more suitable for finance.

It is also best to light up on Thursday.


Another color of Venus, in its most feminine and soft form. Accordingly, pink candles are perfect for rituals romantic love. But not only for her, but also for healing emotional wounds, especially after betrayal or unsuccessful relationships, for reconciliation after quarrels, for equal family relations, for the health of children and for forgetting the past.

Light up on Thursday and/or Friday.


Grey colour associated with Mercury and Saturn. Used to neutralize everything negative, to achieve compromise, as well as to protect against physical and mental attacks. The color of invisibility.

It's best to light up on Saturdays or Wednesdays


The color of Saturn and Pluto. Color of endings and regeneration. used to expel everything negative, oblivion, break relationships, breakups, overcome sorrows. True, here you need to be very careful not to fall into depression (especially if you already have one). In this case, it is better to replace black with purple, dark blue or brown.

Black candles are best lit on Saturdays.


The color of the Moon and lunar goddesses. The silver candle on the altar symbolizes the Goddess. Very useful for any predictions, clairvoyance, enhancing intuition and mystical abilities. During periods of stress and grief, it will help get rid of negative influence and find peace of mind. In general, silver candles are great for all types of feminine magic.

Silver candles are lit on Mondays.


Color of the Sun and solar gods. Increased finances, personal security, charm, confidence, all types of protection.

They light it up on Sundays.


Color of Mother Earth. Prevention of danger, release of excess energy, and also neutrality. Also used to gain confidence.

It's better to rock on Saturday

Candles are used in magic in a variety of rituals and ritual actions. In this case, their shade plays a significant role, because the result of the mystical action will depend on the color of the candle. Therefore, if you are preparing to cast a spell, we advise you to carefully read this material.

To master candle magic, you do not need any special training or training. It is available to almost every person. The main feature of this magic is that for the ritual you will need to stock up on several candles, as well as have pure thoughts and unlimited faith in a positive result.

Fortunately, today stores are replete with a very wide selection of candle products. In general, what kind of candle you buy - a regular one, which we use when the lights go out, or purchased in an esoteric store - does not really matter.

But it is extremely important that the candle is completely new. After all, if it has already been lit (even for a short period of time), then it has managed to be filled with a certain amount of information and it can negate the entire effect of the ritual. In addition, previously used candles emit vibrational flows into Space and will no longer help you in fulfilling your desires.

An important nuance. The magic of candles will only work if the ceremony is completely transparent and clean.

In general, the ideal thing is to make candles for magical ritual with his own hand. Candles self made are filled with the energy of the one who creates them and this helps to create real miracles. Therefore, if you have the makings of a sculptor, be sure to take advantage of this and make a few candles with your own hands. Thanks to this, you can attract very powerful flow energy that will give you confidence that absolutely any dream can be realized.

The shade of ritual candles is also very important. Each shade is different different characteristics, therefore, when choosing candles for a ceremony, be sure to consider for what purpose you need them and what events you dream of attracting into your life.

Why do you need to pay special attention to the color of the candle?

The shade of the candle should be selected based on the specifics of the planned ritual.

Specific colors attract specific types of energy, so color can either enhance or reduce the impact of the ritual being performed.

And in order not to make a mistake, you need to familiarize yourself with the meaning and characteristics of each of the colors in candle magic.

The magic of candles: characteristics of flowers and their properties

Let's consider for what purpose you need to use a candle of one color or another:

  • White candle – correlates with purification, health, sincerity, truthfulness, divine power, peace and tranquility. You can light it in meditative practices and during prayer. Also used when working with the 7th energy center. White candles are also used as altar candles.
  • Ruby red. This shade is usually used in love magic, helps to influence people's feelings (both in positive and negative ways). This means that by using a candle of this color you can both provoke feelings of love, as well as anger, hatred and jealousy.
  • Red – has a wide range of effects. With the help of a red candle you can really attract love and passion into a person’s life. It also helps restore health and grants physical strength. The red hue is associated with the element of fire and can be used to help a person achieve their goal (for example, advance in their career). Correlates with the 1st chakra.
  • A pink candle is a symbol of femininity, attractiveness, romantic and friendly relations. A pink candle will help attract gentle and pure love, and will also contribute to building Serious relationships if you suffer from self-doubt.
  • Orange candle – helps to control the situation and change it. Associated with strength, attractiveness, power. Also, the spectrum of action of a candle is everything related to sex life and everything that gives a person pleasure. The color orange is associated with the 2nd chakra.
  • Yellow candle - with its help you can increase creative energy, imagination, and also fill a person with vitality and activity. Correlates with joy and attractiveness. Increases the absorption of information, improves memory. The yellow candle is good for use in clairvoyance or fortune telling. With its help, you will better concentrate on something, your imagination will grow. The correspondence of the yellow candle is the 3rd chakra.
  • Light brown candle - it is used in money magic. Thanks to it, you will receive financial benefits and benefits.
  • Brown - allows you to successfully resolve legal cases, and also treats pets. You can also use a brown candle to look for missing items.
  • Olive - attracts money, good luck gambling, business, promising work. The difference between olive and green - the first has a softer and longer-lasting effect.
  • Green light will also attract good luck in gambling, business, Good work, good harvest. More green color correlates with harmony, rejuvenation, healing of the physical shell, marriage, mercy. Has a connection with the 4th energy center.
  • Sea green candle - helps to heal emotionally, comforts, protects.
  • Blue – associated with spirituality, meditation, prayer, peace, tranquility and protection in the home. Helps pass exams. The color blue is associated with the fifth chakra.
  • Blue candle - shown in the use of rituals that give a person wisdom and protection, in meditative practices. Promotes healing and improves well-being. Reveals spiritual potential, fills with inspiration. Will help achieve peace and harmony in your home. It also promotes weight loss. Its correspondence is the sixth chakra.
  • Dark blue - can be used when turning to light forces for help. Dark blue candles will help with fractures and improve the process of bone fusion.
  • Purple candle - will help with clairvoyance and fortune telling. Also, a purple candle can be lit when spiritual contacts are made. Connected with the 7th energy center.
  • Purple candle. Purple is a highly spiritual color. It is used when spells are lifted, dark forces are expelled, and also when serious illnesses are treated. The shade will help with clairvoyance, divination, seances and contact with the other world. In addition, it correlates with power, dominance, submission, management, control. Connected with the 7th energy center.
  • Gray candle – promotes gentle expulsion dark forces, successfully copes with different negative impacts. You can also use a gray candle when thinking about complex problems. She is associated with charm and charm.
  • Black candle - it is often used in cases where it is necessary to absorb and destroy negative energy. She binds evil forces and protects. It will help get rid of the evil eye and damage. Often, black candles are used as altar candles (together with white ones) to normalize the energy balance.

The influence of moon phases on magical rituals

Much depends on how successful it will be magic ritual, will depend on the phase of the moon. Before performing any ritual, you must carefully study the lunar calendar.

  • Waxing moon - suitable for those rituals that are designed to increase something (money, strength, energy, love), for creative actions;
  • Waning moon - suitable for rituals to destroy something and get rid of unnecessary things (obstacles, misfortunes, difficulties, illnesses are eliminated, and also various troubles are caused);
  • During the full moon, you can resort to any rituals;
  • At the time of the new moon, turnings and expulsions are carried out.

Now you know what shade of candles you should choose for your magical actions.

In conclusion, it is worth watching an interesting thematic video material:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:
