Didactic board games on decorative drawing. Developmental lotto "folk crafts"

Municipal budget educational institution additional education children "Children's Creativity Center"

Valman Lyudmila Vladimirovna

additional education teacher

Mezhdurechensk 2014

Children should live in world of beauty,

games, fairy tales, music, drawings,
imagination, creativity.

Sukhomlinsky V. A.

Use of gaming technologies

in arts and crafts classes

It is well known that the development of students occurs throughout their lives in the process of play, study, and work.

From the point of view of a teacher, activity, whatever it may be, always acts as a leader for the development of children. How more directions development of a child, the more types of activities he implements, the more the child’s connections with the world expand.

The principle of child activity has been and remains one of the main ones in didactics. This concept means the quality of activity that is characterized high degree motivation, a conscious need to acquire knowledge and skills.

This kind of activity by itself rarely occurs. It is a consequence of pedagogical influence and the organization of a special pedagogical environment, where the activity of children becomes natural and organic and where the student, not declaratively, but actually becomes the center educational process. Such technologies include problem-based learning, in particular design, gaming technologies.

And if we talk about children, then for them play is one of the main activities. The value of the game cannot be exhausted and assessed by its entertainment possibilities. Being entertainment and relaxation, it can develop into creativity and learning.

Undergaming technologyunderstand a well-thought-out “in every detail model of joint activity between a teacher and a student in the design, organization and conduct of the educational process to achieve the set educational goals through play” (Vadim Makarievich Monakhov).I work at the Children's Creativity Center in the arts and crafts studio "Inspiration". The use of games in arts and crafts classes allows you to recognize and evaluate the individual abilities and level of the child’s existing knowledge, skills and abilities, and to activate cognitive interest children, contribute to the formation of an active attitude of students to the educational process, reduce the level of emotional and physical overload of children.The game is a well-known, familiar and favorite form of activity for a child.
Using gaming technologies, it is possible to solve both large pedagogical problems (achieving a certain level of training, nurturing certain qualities, personal development, etc.), and local ones: introducing children to each other, uniting them, teaching certain elements of activity, communication barriers. But, it is necessary to understand that gaming technology, unlike just a game, is a clear sequence of gaming interaction aimed at achieving a specific pedagogical goal.

To the structure pedagogical game The following stages should be included: goal setting, planning, goal implementation, analysis of results.

Goals of the pedagogical game:

    Didactic: expansion of horizons, cognitive activity; application of knowledge skills in practical activities, development of social skills.

    Educational : education of independence, cooperation, collectivism, sociability, communication.

    Educational: development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, imagination, creativity, reflections; ability to find optimal solutions; development of motivation for educational activities.

I use gaming activities in almost every lesson: either to explain new material, or as an active warm-up, or to repeat and consolidate acquired knowledge.I wanted to give a few examples of games that I use in my classes at the children's association.

Occupation – travel carried out during the development of new material. For example, during the game lesson “Journey to the Land of the Paper Fairy”, stopping at different stations, the children get acquainted with the history of paper, its huge diversity, the properties of paper and its decorative capabilities. Travel lessons help broaden their horizons, comprehend and consolidate educational material in the field of decorative - applied creativity

Exercise games contribute to the development of children’s cognitive abilities, reinforcement of educational material, and develop the ability to apply it in new conditions. Crosswords, puzzles, and quizzes help children consolidate what they have learned. educational material, and the teacher to identify the level of residual knowledge of children on a specific topic of the program.

Competition games. Such games include all types of educational games. Children compete, divided into teams. For example: on the eve of March 8th it is held competitive game program“Come on, girls...”, where the guys demonstrate the skills and abilities acquired in classes, when performing competitive tasks, learn to work in a team, show ingenuity, and demonstrate their horizons. We have experience in conducting play activities with other associations. For example: " New Year at the gate”, “Christmas gatherings”, “Spring is coming, make way for spring”, “So many different professions”.

Story-based (role-playing) games. Actions are staged in planned conditions, students play certain roles.

A game"Santa Claus's Workshop."Guysthey make New Year's cards and Santa Claus' assistants (older guys) are selected to help and advise the other children on how best to do the job. The game teaches teamwork, self-control, mutual assistance, and also develops children's creative abilities.

Role-playing games are also of a career guidance nature. The children are invited to play the role of a teacher and explain the content of the work to the rest of the children, and play the role of an artist when it is necessary to complete a sketch. future work etc. The association program also includes other career guidance games.

Purpose of the game"Profession by letter" - expanding children’s knowledge about the world of professional work, updating existing knowledge about professions

Contents of the game: now a letter will be named. Our task is to show that we know many professions starting with this letter, that is, as far as we know the world of professions. Everyone in a circle will name one profession.

Game "Gift"

In this game exercise a discussion of the specific profession in question is specially organized, which allows participants to better understand the specific aspects of this professional activity. Instructions: imagine that we have a mutual friend (later we will clarify what kind of friend this is) who invited us all to his birthday. Within 30 seconds, everyone must come up with a gift for their friend. In this case, the gift must contain a hint of his profession (we will later clarify what kind of profession it is).

The role of the teacher in conducting games in the classroom is an active position in the game (the role of a presenter, a jury member, an assistant), supporting the initiative and creative approach to the game of students. The teacher can influence relationships in play group, on the distribution of roles, adjust the rules, goals of the game depending on the psycho-emotional state of the group, individual characteristics students, support those children who are not doing well.

Using educational games to training sessions has a positive effect on the quality of the educational process and the development of creative abilities, helps to intensify the activity of children, develops cognitive activity, observation, attention, memory, thinking, maintains interest in the material being studied, develops creative imagination, imaginative thinking, relieves fatigue in children, since the game makes the learning process entertaining for them. The game situation creates an opportunity for the child to realize himself as an individual, stimulates self-affirmation and self-realization.

1. Shmakov S.A. Games of jokes - games of a minute. - M.: New school, 1996. - 112 p.
2. Shmakov S. A. Learning by playing... - M.: TsGL, 2004, 128 pp.
3. Pleshakova A.B. Gaming technologies in the educational process: [Ped. universities]/ A.B. Pleshakova / Contemporary issues philosophical knowledge. Penza, 2002. T. Issue 3.C. 44-53.
4. Finogenov A.V. Gaming technologies at school: Educational method. allowance/ A.V. Finogenov, V.E. Filippov.- Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyar. state University, 2001.
5. Selevko G.K. Social and educational technologies. M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005. – 176 p.


Material. Rectangular cards. Divided into two parts. Each of them depicts a pattern element; The options differ in colors and details.
Game rules. The player lays out cards so that the image of any element exactly matches the same image of another card. The first one to lay out all his cards wins. You can only play one card per turn.

Progress of the game. Two or more children can participate. All cards are laid out in the center of the table with the pictures down - this is the “bazaar”. Each player collects a certain number of cards, which is agreed upon before the start of the game.
"Find a Pair"
Didactic task. To consolidate the idea of ​​the main elements of any painting, to teach them to distinguish and compare them with each other, to name them correctly, using names invented by craftsmen, to develop observation, attention, speed of reaction, and to arouse interest in painting.
Material. Rectangular cards, divided into two parts, one with pattern elements, the other empty. Cards with variants of pattern elements, forming a pair with drawings on the strip.
Game rules. Players select cards according to the pictures on large cards. The first one to pick up all the elements on their cards wins.
Didactic task. To consolidate the idea of ​​the main elements of any painting, to teach them to distinguish and compare them with each other, to name them correctly, using names invented by craftsmen, to develop observation, attention, speed of reaction, and to arouse interest in painting.
Material. Large cards with images of objects, decorated with some kind of painting. Along the edges of the cards there are up to six cells depicting elements of this painting. Cards with variants of pattern elements.
Game rules. Players select cards according to the pattern on the large cards.
"Cut picture"
Didactic task. Consolidate knowledge about expressive means, used in various crafts, practice composing a whole picture from individual parts, develop attention, concentration, desire to achieve results, observation, creativity, arouse interest in objects of decorative art.
Material. Two identical planar images various items, one of which is cut into pieces.

Municipal state-financed organization additional education

"House of Children's Creativity of the Orenburg District of the Orenburg Region"

“The use of didactic games in arts and crafts classes with primary schoolchildren”

Antsiferova L.V.,

DDT Methodist

Orenburg, 2017

Leading children's activities preschool age is a play activity. A didactic game is both a gaming method of teaching preschool children, and a form of teaching children, and With independent play activity, and a means comprehensive education child.

Didactic games contribute :

- development of cognitive and mental abilities : obtaining new knowledge, generalizing and consolidating it, expanding their existing ideas about objects and natural phenomena, plants, animals; development of memory, attention, observation; developing the ability to express one’s judgments and draw conclusions.

- development of children's speech: replenishment and activation of vocabulary.

- social and moral development of a preschool child: in such a game there is a cognition of the relationships between children, adults, living and inanimate nature, in it the child shows a sensitive attitude towards peers, learns to be fair, to give in if necessary, learns to sympathize, etc.

The structure of the didactic game form basic and additional components. TO main components include: didactic task, game actions, game rules, result and didactic material. TO additional components: plot and role.

Conducting didactic games includes:

1. Familiarize children with the content of the game, use didactic material in it (showing objects, pictures, a short conversation, during which the children’s knowledge and ideas are clarified).

2.Explanation of the course and rules of the game, while strictly following these rules.

3. Showing game actions.

4. Defining the role of an adult in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee (the teacher directs the actions of the players with advice, questions, reminders).

5. Summing up the game is a crucial moment in its management. Based on the results of the game, one can judge its effectiveness and whether it will be used by children in independent play activities. Analysis of the game allows us to identify individual abilities in the behavior and character of children. This means organizing it correctly individual work with them.

Types of didactic games:

1. Games with objects (toys ).

2. Printed board games.

3.Word games.

Didactic games – differ in educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, and the role of the teacher.

Didactica gameBy artistic and aesthetic development of “Fold the Rainbow”.

Goal: consolidate knowledge of the main colors of the rainbow and teach

form a rainbow from parts of successive colors.

Didactic material: a sheet of white cardboard with a dotted image of a rainbow,

colored strips cut into pieces.

Progress of the game: The child needs to make a rainbow from the proposed colored stripes.

Didactic game “Pick a color for each object”

Goal: to form children’s idea of ​​color; teach children to match objects with the proposed colors. Didactic material: pictures with objects of a certain color, squares different colors. Progress of the game: the child is offered a picture with an object of a certain color. He must select a square of the same color as the object.

Didactic game "Magic Carpet"

Goal: To develop aesthetic taste in children, to teach how to make simple patterns from various decorative elements (flowers, leaves, buds, twigs, etc.), to develop the ability to select color scheme pattern. Didactic material: cardboard circles, squares, strips of different sizes and colors, cut out decorative elements. Progress of the game: the child is asked to choose the basis on which he will make the pattern, and decorative elements for the composition.

Didactic game “Make a pattern of squares and circles”

Goal: to develop attention, the ability to analyze a sample, select the necessary geometric shapes to compose a composition. Didactic material: cards with sample patterns made of cardboard, separate parts for making patterns. Progress of the game: the child is asked to choose a picture depicting a pattern, and then make the same one.

Service decoration.

The didactic game for artistic and aesthetic development “Let’s decorate the service” is complex and consists of several options that allow you to use it with children different levels development, as well as maintain long-term motivation of children for this game.

Age of children: The game is intended for children from 5 to 7 years old.

Purpose of the game: introduction to fine arts; development of aesthetic perception, figurative representation, creative imagination, artistic taste and sense of harmony; promoting the development of independence and creative activity of children; inducing a joyful mood, an emotionally positive state.

Objectives: - expand children's cognitive abilities in designing a tea set;

Develop the ability to find dishes for each individual set;

Decorate objects according to the model;

Enrich children's understanding of the variety of decoration methods;

Encourage you to come up with new types of decorations for dishes;

Initiate independent choice children artistic images and composition options;

Develop the ability to decorate a service, taking into account the chosen style and plot;

To develop an interest in drawing and experience in artistic activity based on mastering the “language of art” and general manual skill.


Cards with a picture of a tea set;

Separate pictures with a teapot, sugar bowl, saucers and cups from identical sets;

Pictures with a silhouette of dishes from a tea set;

Various decorations cut out of paper and fabric (flowers, circles, squares, butterflies, bows, and so on).

Scissors, colored paper or cardboard, fabric for creating decorative elements yourself;

Chips for correct answers.

Children decorate the tea set, lay out patterns according to their own ideas, creating original design solutions.
Purpose of the game: development of creative imagination in decorating objects; consolidation of knowledge that in one set the dishes should be similar in plot and design style.

Didactic game “Wonderful Forest”

Goal: To teach children to create situations in their imagination based on their schematic representation. Material: Sheets of paper on which several trees are drawn and different places unfinished, unformed images are located. Colour pencils. Assignment: The teacher hands out sheets of paper to the children and invites them to draw a forest, full of wonders, and then come up with and tell a story about it.

Didactic game “Symmetrical objects”

Goal: To reinforce with children the idea of ​​symmetrical objects,

introduction to the potter's profession.

Materials: Templates of jugs, vases and pots, cut along the axis


Assignment: The potter broke all the pots and vases that he made for

sales at the fair. All the fragments were mixed up. We need to help the potter

collect and “glue” all his products.

"Guess and Tell"

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about folk toys, as one of the forms of folk arts and crafts ; recognize a toy by its image, be able to explain your choice, highlight the elements of painting, its color and the composition of the pattern on the product. Develop aesthetic taste .

Move games: The presenter shows the silhouette of a folk art product, and the child selects the item and explains why he chose it.

Hello, dear readers! Today I propose to get acquainted with the developing lotto "Folk Crafts"

Game "Folk Crafts". Educational game for individual and group lessons with children from 4 years old.

Manufacturer: LLC "Educational Games"

Purpose of the game. Getting to know the outside world - studying folk crafts.

Game contents : 12 sheets containing 7 lotto cards and 56 small cards with images of folk crafts.

Preparing for the game . Before starting the game, cut the sheets along the dotted lines.

How to play

The greatest developmental and educational effect of a didactic game is achieved with the participation of an adult - he explains the rules of the game, talks about possible options, monitors the progress of the game, leads the game if several children participate in it, or participates in the process as a player.

For classes to be successful, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • choose a game in accordance with the child’s age capabilities - tasks that are too simple or too complex are equally uninteresting for him;
  • find the right time to play when the child is full, happy and not busy with something important to him;
  • It is better not to make gaming material freely available; take it out only for activities, otherwise the child may lose interest in it;
  • finish the game before it gets boring.

And don't forget to create incentives in the game. The simplest of them are praise or a small prize. Remember that motivating children largely depends on your imagination and creativity. Don’t be afraid to come up with your own new versions of games; every time you can come up with something new in an already familiar game. Also give the children the opportunity to come up with their own games with cards, which will be especially interesting to play!

Game 1. Lotto “Folk Crafts”

Purpose of the game. 3familiarity with various folk crafts; development of attention.

The game can be played both at home in a child-adult pair, and in a group of children (2-7 people). Each player gets one big map. The corresponding small picture cards are turned over on the table, images down, and shuffled, or laid out in a stack. The presenter takes out one card at a time and asks the children to guess who has such a card.

Adult. Look carefully, your pictures show elements of painting of various folk crafts. Let's play lotto - everyone must collect on a large map all the small pictures depicting the products of this craft. The winner is the one who collects all his pictures first. Be careful, take your time and try not to make mistakes! Let's start the game. Who needs such a picture? What does this picture look like? Etc.

At the end of the game, the adult sums it up, naming the types of crafts. It is also useful to ask children what types of crafts they collected - this way the names of folk crafts are better differentiated and remembered.

In the future, you can invite children to collect pictures by two large maps, which is more difficult.

Game 2. “Paired pictures”

Purpose of the game. Consolidating knowledge about Russian folk crafts; development of attention and memory. Select two pictures that depict the products of each of the folk crafts presented in the game - 14 cards in total. Mix the pictures on the table, then ask your child to choose pairs of similar pictures. When the pairs have been selected, ask them to remember and name the folk crafts whose products are shown in the pictures. This game can be played with several children - in this case, several sets of pairs of pictures are prepared and the one who is the first to sort their pictures into pairs wins.

Game 3. “Memory”

Purpose of the game. Consolidating knowledge about Russian folk crafts; development of attention and memory.

Prepare small cards for the game: how many players - so many sets of cards, mix the cards and lay them out on the table face down to hide the image (you can also play on the floor, sitting around the cards in a circle). An adult explains to the children the essence of the game and gives them one sample card (you can give the name of the craft as a task, but this is more difficult).

Adult. Each of you must collect your own pictures - 4 in total (or 5, 6, 7, 8), all images on which relate to one of the folk crafts.

To collect cards, you can take turns trying to turn over one of the cards and look at the image on it: if the card fits, the player takes it for himself, and if not, he puts it face down again. All players try to remember where the cards are. Then the next participant chooses one of the cards, etc. The winner of the game is the one who collects all his cards first. This is the most attentive player, he doesn’t just try to turn over and look at pictures, but remembers the location of pictures that have already been turned over and looked at. The difficulty level of this game can be easily varied by changing the number of cards in the game. For example, at first you can ask players to collect 4 cards, then 5-7.

Game 4. “Guess by the name”

Purpose of the game. Consolidating knowledge about Russian folk crafts and their names.

Place 7 small cards in front of the child, depicting products of various folk crafts. Offer to choose a suitable picture based on the word - title.

Adult. I will name the folk craft, and you find and show the desired picture. Gzhel. You chose correctly - well done. Khokhloma. Gorodets painting. That's right - here it is. Kargopol toy. No, this is a Filimonov toy, but this is a Kargopol toy. Etc.

Game 5. “Who is first”

Purpose of the game. 3strengthening knowledge about Russian folk crafts; development of attention and reaction speed, all cards are used in the game - the number of trades studied according to the number of players.

In this competition game, the winner is the one who finds and collects all his cards the fastest; for this, all the cards are mixed and laid out on the table or floor with the images facing up. The start of the game is given by a signal from an adult. At the end of the game, the host asks the players to show their pictures in order to check the correctness of the game task and name the type of folk craft.

Game 6. “Sorting”

Purpose of the game: consolidation of knowledge about Russian folk crafts and their names.

The game is played with one child. Cards are laid out on the table or floor with the images facing up, the child is asked to sort the pictures by craft - lay them out in rows or piles. When all the pictures are sorted, ask the child to name the types of folk crafts.

The difficulty level of this game can be flexibly varied by increasing or decreasing the number of cards in the game; you can invite the child to sort the pictures by laying them out on large lotto cards. This game can be played at speed - use hourglass or set an alarm for 2-5 minutes.

Additional games

WITH game cards you can think of many other useful and interesting games. Let's give a few examples to awaken your creative imagination.

Game "Pictures and Names"(develops attention and thinking, reading ability). Give two players a set of pictures (one small picture from each trade) and signs with the names of the trades. Ask to choose a name for each picture - place a card next to the picture. The one who completes the task first wins.

Game "Fourth wheel"(develops attention and thinking). Lay out four cards in front of the child: three pictures with images of one folk craft, one picture with images of another craft. Suggest removing the extra picture. Continue the game with other cards.

Game "Lay out a row"(develops attention, consolidates ideas about folk crafts and their names). Using small cards, invite your child to lay out a series of pictures under dictation: name the types of folk crafts one by one, and the child selects the appropriate pictures and puts them in a row. In this game you can use a different number of pictures: one from each trade, or several from each trade.

Scans of cards

Didactic games

to consolidate knowledge and skills aboutdecorative applied arts.

Didactic game “Name it correctly”

Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge about folk arts and crafts and their characteristics. The ability to find the desired craft among others, justify your choice, and write a descriptive story.

Material and equipment. Tablet with images of Russian folk crafts.

Game rule . Children take turns asking each other a task and guessing which craft is depicted. It is encouraged if the child can name the fishery, its place of origin and its characteristic features.

Didactic game “Guess which painting?”

Didactic task: Strengthen children’s ability to recognize and name this or that painting; be able to justify your choice, name the elements of paintings, and solve riddles. Instill in children a sense of pride in motherland– a land of craftsmen and craftsmen.

Material and equipment. Cards depicting various painting patterns.

Game rule . Children take turns asking each other a task, pointing to the card. The guesser must guess which fishery is depicted on the card. It is encouraged if the child can prove the correctness of his answer, i.e. name the elements of the painting, its color scheme.

Didactic game “Make a Khokhloma pattern”

Didactic task: Strengthen children's ability to compose Khokhloma patterns using appliqué. Fix the name of the elements of the painting (“sedges”, “blades of grass”, “trefoils”, “droplets”, “kriul”). Maintain interest in Khokhloma fishery.

Material and equipment: Stencils of Khokhloma utensils made of paper in yellow, red, black colors, a set of elements of Khokhloma painting.

Game rule . Children are offered a set of elements of Khokhloma painting, from which they must lay out a pattern on a stencil on a stencil of dishes using the appliqué method.

Board game "Domino"

Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge about arts and crafts - toys; the ability to find the right toy and justify your choice. To consolidate knowledge about the manufacture of folk toys and the features of each. Cultivate a love of beauty.

Material and equipment: Cards divided in half. On each side of the card there is a picture of a craft.

Game rule . Finding the right pictures, maintaining the order. The winner is the one who finishes the selection of pictures first and places them according to the rule: Filimonov toy to Filimonov toy, Kargopol toy to Kargopol, etc.

Didactic game “Guess and Tell”

Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge about folk toys as one of the forms of folk arts and crafts; recognize a toy by its image, be able to explain your choice, highlight the elements of painting, its color and the composition of the pattern on the product. Develop aesthetic taste.

Material and equipment: Cards with images of folk crafts.

Game rule. Children take turns pulling out a card from each other and guessing which craft toy is depicted. It is encouraged if the child can prove the correctness of his answer.

Didactic game “Gorodets Patterns”

Didactic task: children’s ability to compose Gorodets patterns, recognize the elements of painting, remember the order of the pattern, choose their own color and shade for it, develop imagination, and the ability to use the acquired knowledge to compose a composition.

Material and equipment. Stencils of Gorodets paper products yellow color(cutting boards, dishes, etc.), a set of Gorodets painting elements (paper stencils)

Game rule. Children are offered a set of plant elements and figures of a horse and a bird. They must lay out the pattern on the stencil using the appliqué method.

Didactic game “Paint the scarf”

Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge about the art of the Russian shawl. To develop children's aesthetic taste, to teach them how to make simple patterns from various decorative elements (flowers, leaves, buds, twigs, etc.), and the ability to select the color scheme of a pattern.

Material and equipment. Square shawl stencils different color(red, blue, yellow, white, etc.), plant and floral elements.

Game rule. Children are offered a set of plant and floral elements, from which they must lay out a pattern on a stencil to decorate a shawl using the appliqué method.

Didactic game “Art Clock”

Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge about folk arts and crafts; find the desired trade among others and justify your choice.

Material and equipment. Tablet in the form of a clock. Instead of numbers, there are pictures depicting different crafts. Dice and chips.

Game rule . The player rolls the dice and counts how many points he has. Counts the required amount with an arrow (counting starts from the top, in the picture instead of the number 12). You need to talk about the fishery that the arrow points to. If you answer correctly, you get a chip. The one who collects the most chips wins.

Didactic game “Collect a Gzhel rose”

Purpose: Didactic task: Strengthen children's ability to compose a Gzhel rose using applique based on Gzhel painting, maintain interest in the Gzhel fishery.

Material and equipment. Elements of Gzhel rose.

Game rule. Children must assemble a Gzhel rose using these elements using the appliqué method. The one who folds the Gzhel rose first wins.

Didactic games “Assemble a nesting doll.”

Didactic task:

Material and equipment. Matryoshka dolls divided into several parts.

Game rule. Assemble a whole matryoshka doll from individual parts. The one who collects the most nesting dolls wins.

"Find the nesting doll's house"

Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge about the folk toy - matryoshka; the ability to assemble a nesting doll from parts using the mosaic method. Highlight decoration elements. To cultivate respect and love for folk art.

Material and equipment. Card with silhouettes of nesting dolls - their houses, matryoshka dolls of different sizes.

Game rule . It is correct to “populate” the nesting dolls into their houses.
