Ilan Shor was the last to be arrested. Difficult trials in Jasmine’s life: beatings and arrest of her second husband

Ilan Shor is suspected of kidnapping from Moldova banking system billion dollars

The 38-year-old singer Sara Lvovna SHOR, whose maiden name was MANAHIMOVA, in her first marriage - SEMENDUEVA, has been in sadness for the last two weeks. general public known by her stage name JASMINE. The reason for this was serious problems that arose with her current husband, the father of her 4-year-old daughter Margarita and 2-month-old son Miron, 29-year-old Moldovan oligarch Ilan SHOR. On June 21, he was detained in the Moldovan capital Chisinau by the National Anti-Corruption Center. And three days later, the Buyukansky District Court, at the request of the prosecutor's office, issued a warrant for his arrest for a period of 30 days.

I don’t know who needs this and why?! - wrote Jasmine on his Instagram page. - I don’t understand why justice is done through a performance, and not based on the observance of the law... It makes me sad when I see so much pretense... when I see people who slept on my husband’s doorstep, praising him to the skies just to get publicity or secure financial support... and today they are announcing what kind of Ilan Shor bad... and they are putting pressure on him to be arrested... But I am sure that the truth will put everything in its place. Ilan did not want to do anything bad to anyone... All I want is for Ilan to be treated fairly, so that this nightmare ends as soon as possible... We have high hopes that in a few days Ilan will be home and will be able to defend himself by demonstrating their innocence in the course of a fair investigation and equitable justice...

The SHORA estate near Moscow occupies half a hectare: 1. Master's house; 2. Garage with premises for security and servants; 3. Swimming pool and Gym; 4. A guest house under construction, which will also have a recording studio.

Of course, Jasmine was lying, pretending that her husband was arrested without any reason. It has long been no secret that Ilan Shor was involved in many dark affairs in Moldova. Three years ago, a famous Moldovan politician, leader, told our newspaper about this. popular movement“Antimafia” (No. 39, 2013):

Ilan Shor inherited his business from his late father Miron. IN Soviet times Miron emigrated with his family to Israel, and in the early 90s returned to Moldova and opened a chain of stores “Moldclassica International”, selling clothes, shoes and perfumes of famous brands. U Mirona Shor were good connections in the leadership of Moldova. He enjoyed the patronage of our then President Petra Lucinskogo. Without such patronage, it was simply impossible to create a large business in Moldova. Along with the business, Ilan Shor inherited his father’s connections. He was a very convenient man in the hands of the Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party, former Prime Minister Vladimir Filat and Vice-Chairman of the Democratic Party, former Vice-Chairman of Parliament Vladimir Plahotniuc. On the one hand, they used various services from Shor. On the other hand, it was a cover for their activities to take over the economy of the Republic of Moldova. In particular, Ilan Shor took out a loan of one billion lei from Banca de Economii and used this money to buy 30 percent of its shares, as a result of which the state lost control over the bank. Formally, Shor became a beneficiary of Banca de Economii or, more simply put, a beneficiary. But as such, in this case he was only fulfilling an order for Filat. So to speak, he was a figurehead. Shor also provided other services to his patrons. For example, he provided his personal Learjet 60 aircraft for private needs to Filat and Plahotniuc when they occupied government posts. For this, Shor received various preferences from them. Thus, an unprecedented favorable treatment was created for the Dufremol chain of duty-free stores that belongs to him. The Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova achieved the adoption by Parliament of the Law banning the sale alcoholic drinks after 10 pm. All stores are subject to this Law, except for Ilan Shor stores. Through his duty-free network, he sells thousands of bottles of alcohol at night. Thus, his stores are a serious financial “hole” of the Republic of Moldova, where huge amounts of money are spent uncontrollably, which could replenish the state budget...

1. Master's house; 3. Swimming pool and gym; 4. A guest house under construction, which will also have a recording studio.

Extorted $250 million

At the end of 2014, the loss was discovered from Banca de Economii and two other banks controlled by Ilan Shor Money in the amount of one billion dollars, which amounted to about 20 percent of the assets of the entire banking system of Moldova. During the investigation of the criminal case initiated in this regard, Jasmine's husband was searched. He himself was summoned several times for questioning by the National Anti-Corruption Center. And in May 2015 they even concluded House arrest. True, thanks to his participation as a candidate in the elections for the mayor of Orhei, he was quickly released. And in October 2015, he turned himself in to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office and admitted his participation in fraud with Banca de Economii money and other criminal acts. But he blamed everything on his patron Vladimir Filat, who allegedly used blackmail and other means to put pressure on him and extort him large sums, totaling $250 million.

Daughter Margarita... Photo:

In 2010, my company Dufremol was involved in a legal dispute with the Le Bridge company regarding the abolition of Le Bridge’s exclusive rights to duty-free trade in goods in the duty-free zone along all borders of the Republic of Moldova,” Ilan Shor testified on the website, which has at its disposal turned out to be a protocol of his surrender, signed by the head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office Adrian Popenko. - Despite our very legitimate demands, lawyers warned that the economic court and specifically its chairman Kolenko Aureliu there is pressure from Vladimir Filat, who in the meantime was the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, in order to make a decision against us. At the same time, our company received a hail of unfounded and repeated unscheduled inspections from the regulatory authorities (customs, tax, Ministry of Internal Affairs)... After several hints from different sides that the issue needed to be resolved with Vladimir Filat, I decided to call him... Our conversation at that time turned out to be productive, since Filat took the pressure off the organs and stopped putting pressure on Aurelia Kolenko(the court decided in our favor on November 16, 2010)… To stop the pressure on me and Dufremol, Vladimir Filat was paid, at his request, 500 thousand US dollars in cash… Immediately after the first agreement, I made an offer to Filat to allow duty-free trade in petroleum products in the customs zone of the Republic Moldova. The law did not prohibit this, but a government decree was required. Filat agreed to ensure such a resolution, which he did on October 27, 2010...

He asked for $1 million to support this project. I paid an advance of 500 thousand, and the rest after the gas station started operating... Suddenly, on September 28, 2011, customs refused to approve the allocation of a land plot for the construction of a gas station. Immediately after this, Filat approached me with an offer to buy out a number of Banca de Economii loans worth about 1 billion lei and said that he would solve the issue with customs and gas stations. My auditors analyzed the proposed loans and their collateral and stated that their real value was no more than 80 million lei. Naturally, I refused. After which Filat began to put pressure on me with the threat of canceling the Government resolution on gas stations and hints about complicating the work of Dufremol... explaining that he urgently needed this, since it was his Ministry of Finance that managed the bank and made a “hole” of a billion lei, and the redemption of these loans would remove problem... In the end, we agreed on the following: loans worth a billion lei are issued to my companies, Filat provides credit resources from Banca de Economii, then with this money a “bad portfolio” of Banca de Economii is bought, that is, this is just a money spin, not real purchasing bank debts... I did this under Filat’s promise that he would repay this entire amount of loans from his sources during 2013. However, no contributions were made on his part. He motivated their absence by the fact that when we agreed, Filat had an agreement with others political parties, that he will become prime minister again, and since this did not happen, his options are limited. Since a lot of money was required to pay interest on loans for false ransom, I had to take out more and more loans every month. At the end of the summer of 2013, I warned that I would be forced to inform law enforcement agencies of the entire situation, since I could no longer plunge into a debt hole. Then Filat offered to buy Banca de Economii together with him, earn money in 2-3 years and cover these losses... After we gained control and took over management of the bank, Filat began regularly asking for funds, either for his business or for political needs. In total, at the end of 2013 and until September 2014, the amounts issued to him amounted to about 60-80 million dollars. Loans were mainly taken out for my companies, but were sent to several of his offshore companies... By the end of the summer of 2014, Filat asked to provide him with a loan in the amount of $180 million, which I refused. Filat put unprecedented pressure on me; if the above amount was not paid to him, he promised to take away the Dufremol business, arrest me and a number of my employees and relatives. I gave up and decided to issue the required funds in the form of loans...

While her husband languishes in dungeons, the singer takes sunbathing to meet him in freedom, tanned and refreshed. Photo:

$40 million confiscated

Based on this testimony, Vladimir Filat was deprived of parliamentary immunity, arrested and a criminal case was opened against him. After lengthy proceedings, the Buiucani District Court found the former Prime Minister of Moldova guilty of corruption and sentenced him to nine years in prison with confiscation of property worth more than $40 million. Meanwhile, Ilan Shor was successfully elected mayor of the city of Orhei and headed political movement“Equality”, which nominated him for this post. Perhaps he hoped that after he surrendered Filat, law enforcement agencies would leave him alone. However, instead, the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office brought new charges against him for loan fraud and, citing the fact that he could flee to his wife and children in Russia, secured his detention.

Mr. Shor is a very controversial figure associated with a huge number of scandals, admitted an associate of Vladimir Filat Viorel Cibotaru, who after his arrest headed the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova. - It is difficult to judge what role he played in the case of Mr. Filat. The trial in this case took place in an absolutely uncivilized manner, virtually behind closed doors. There was no official information about either Mr. Shor's testimony or Mr. Filat's answers. Thus, we were deprived of the legal right to know what the former leader of our party is accused of. But we know that Mr. Shor is one of the main defendants in the investigation into the theft of a billion dollars from Banca de Economii, which, commissioned by the National Bank of Moldova, was carried out by the American detective agency Kroll. Filat's name is not included in this investigation. And the name Shor appears on literally every page. Especially in the conclusions, where detectives from the United States note that he is behind this theft as an operative, and, possibly, as a planner...

Mayor of Orhei, husband of a famous Russian singer Jasmine and simply billionaire Ilan Shor was sentenced to 7 years and 6 months in prison. The decision was announced by the Chisinau court.

The former chairman of the Moldovan bank Banca de Economii was accused of fraud and money laundering. Prosecutors had sought 19 years in prison for him. The prosecution also insisted that the oligarch be deprived of the opportunity to hold certain positions in financial institutions within 5 years.

Ilan Shor was released from arrest right in the courtroom. Until the verdict comes into force, the mayor will be under house arrest.

Vice-chairman of the Shor party Marina Tauber said that she and her colleagues will continue to support Ilan Shor. Protests cannot be ruled out.

According to the materials of the criminal case, in 2014, Ilan Shor fraudulently received more than 5 billion lei from BEM (almost three million dollars), which he laundered through dozens of offshore companies.

Ilan Shor and the famous Russian singer Jasmine got married in 2011. The ceremony was luxurious - the tables were laden with black caviar and king prawns. Millionaires and stars walked at the wedding Russian show business, former presidents...

A family lived in two cities. Jasmine is on Rublevka in an apartment that the singer bought with money received from her divorce from her first husband, and Ilan Shor is in Chisinau. They flew to each other... then the couple had a daughter, Margarita. By the way, the girl’s fifth birthday was celebrated on a grand scale - Philip Kirkorov himself helped organize the celebration.

In 2015, Ilan Shor was detained and taken into custody. As soon as this happened, Jasmine reduced the amount of her work in Moscow and tried everything free time spend in Chisinau with my husband and children.

“I’m incredibly worried and worried about this, I hope that soon this staged theater will end and Ilan’s innocence will be proven, and the criminals will be brought to justice,” the singer said.

The artist was completely confident in her husband’s innocence.

“My husband is a respected person and a successful entrepreneur, a philanthropist who actively supports sports and art in Moldova, the founder charitable foundation, who helped and supported dozens of families and hundreds of people in difficult times. And most importantly, he is a loving, kind father and husband!” - the artist defended her husband.

The verdict of Moldovan millionaire Ilan Shor was announced by the Chisinau court. The businessman was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison. His lawyer will appeal the court's decision.

Ilan Shor became ill shortly before the sentencing, the man was called “ Ambulance" The businessman’s lawyer, Denis Ulanov, said: “He was taken home after assistance was provided. He knows the verdict, which he categorically disagrees with. Ilan Shor has not admitted, does not admit, and will not admit his guilt.”

The husband of singer Jasmine was accused of embezzling funds in large sizes, fraud. The prosecutor asked for 19 years in prison for him. The businessman was accused of involvement in the theft of money from three Moldovan banks in the amount of $700 million. Ilan Shor was the chairman of the board of directors of one bank, and one of the shareholders in two others. He cooperated with the investigation, and Last year was under house arrest.

If the highest authority leaves the court's verdict unchanged, then Ilan Shor will spend the next seven years in a semi-closed prison, that is, he will be able to work. And the billionaire works as mayor of the Moldovan city of Orhei. The sentence has not yet entered into legal force, so house arrest has been lifted from Ilan Shor, but he cannot leave the country. Next to him are his beloved people – his wife and children.

Jasmine talks about her husband's innocence and that justice will prevail. We remember beautiful story love between a billionaire and his wife, singer Jasmine.

Love story

Jasmine became happy only in her second marriage. For the first time, 19-year-old nurse from Derbent Sara Manakhimova married a millionaire from Moscow. In 1997, she gave birth to his heir and became the singer Jasmine, whom the whole country learned about. But the marriage soon collapsed - the reason also became known: the newspapers were full of headlines “Oligarch’s wife was beaten on Rublyovka.” After the scandal in 2006, Jasmine divorced.

Jasmine's unsuccessful marriage made her test and get to know Ilan for a long time, which is why she did not immediately accept his marriage proposal. The couple met at a charity concert in Chisinau, where Jasmine sang. It was organized by Ilan Shor, the man approached the singer after the performance and offered to turn to him for help - if she needed it. After this acquaintance, the singer and the businessman began to communicate - calling each other and chatting about everything. Ilan flew to Moscow, gave flowers, courted her, took her to restaurants, and then admitted that he fell in love at first sight. Jasmine accepted the advances, but was in no hurry to be alone with the gallant gentleman. Soon Ilan sent an SMS with a declaration of love, and then Jasmine realized that she was also in love and gave up. The couple even broke up, for example, because of Ilan’s excessive jealousy. Jasmine said that the man explained his mistrust this way: “I don’t trust anyone, like in business...” She concluded that the relationship was not working out, they broke up, and then Ilan called first.
Soon the grinding of characters was successfully completed. “What a blessing that Ilan loved me very much and endured all the vagaries,” Jasmine said in an interview. “Now it’s clear to me that I was simply testing his love, provoking a reaction - sometimes it’s useful to know how scary a person can be when angry.”

The singer’s husband is 9 years younger than her, but Jasmine says that, despite the age difference, the head of the family is a man. Ilan's father died when the guy was 18 years old. Ilan headed a major family business– he had to grow up early.


Wedding of Jasmine and Ilan Shor. Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda.

At the wedding of Shor and Jasmine seven years ago, Russian and Moldovan celebrities - artists, politicians, businessmen - walked in Chisinau. Among the guests were ex-president Moldova and former mayor of Chisinau. The wedding at the Palace of the Republic was hosted by Nikolai Baskov, the most famous representatives of domestic show business had fun and walked.

And a few years later, Ilan Shor, who dotes on his wife, fulfilled Jasmine’s dream and organized another wedding ceremony- in the Maldives. The singer initially wanted a wedding on the islands, but fulfilled the wish of her husband, who got married for the first time and dreamed of gathering all his loved ones in his homeland.


WITH ex-husband Jasmine doesn't communicate, but they common son Mikhail (MGIMO student) spends time with his dad, they a good relationship. Misha also became friends with his mother’s second husband, Ilan. They had many common interests: both are football fans, and can talk for hours in different topics. Mikhail flies to his mother and Ilan in Chisinau from Moscow, plays with his sister and brother, and consults with Ilan Shor on “male” issues.

Jasmine and Ilan Shor have two children together: 5-year-old daughter Margarita and one year old son Miron. Owner of several large businesses Ilan Shor turned out to be a caring father. When Jasmine gave birth, her husband was worried not far from the delivery room. Margarita looks like dad, and Miron looks like mom. Ilan devoted Special attention Margarita, when Miron was born, dad was worried that the girl would not have enough attention from her parents.

Margarita is growing up as an artist - she dances and sings for her parents in English or Russian, and always tells how her day went in kindergarten.


Before the court verdict, Ilan Shor lived under house arrest for a year - he was forbidden to leave his house in Chisinau. Jasmine was always there, she flew to Russia to work - for concerts and filming, and after a couple of days she hurried home to her husband. Ilan stayed with the children. The family also has a nanny with medical education and an au pair.

Jasmine worries about her husband, since several years ago doctors discovered he had heart problems. Ilan Shor has completed a course of treatment and must be constantly monitored by a cardiologist. “Due to recent events, my heart began to fail again. “I’m incredibly worried and worried about this,” Jasmine said in an interview. “I hope that this staged theater will soon end and Ilan’s innocence will be proven, and the criminals will be brought to justice.”

After the verdict, Jasmine addressed her subscribers on in social networks: “Friends, I am grateful to everyone who is supporting our family now! We are going through a very difficult period right now, I won’t lie, I’m very depressed. Ilan had a heart attack again yesterday. This situation can depress anyone, I am convinced that Ilan is not guilty, and we will certainly prove this at the next hearings! But, at least now, after an unjust house arrest, Ilan is finally free, and now the real fight for ours begins for us. good name and for justice! We are very grateful to everyone for their support!”

A post shared by Singer Jasmine (@jasminshorofficial) on Jun 22, 2017 at 4:48am PDT

A man sentenced to 7.5 years organizes concerts for “stars”, travels abroad and plans to meet New Year with my beloved wife

The public was quite puzzled by the recent statement of the singer JASMINE about her intention to celebrate the New Year in Moldova and enjoy being next to her husband, businessman Ilan SHOR. The fact is that on June 21, 2017, the Buiucani District Court of Chisinau sentenced her husband to seven and a half years in prison for stealing a billion dollars from Banca de Economii and two other Moldovan banks controlled by him. And the ones to come new year holidays he, in theory, was supposed to spend it on prison bunks. How was the singer going to be next to him and enjoy it?

The answer to this question turned out to be surprisingly simple. Imagine, Ilana Shora After the guilty verdict, no one even thought about putting him in prison. Moreover, even the house arrest imposed on him during the investigation and trial was lifted. And since then, he has been quietly at large and continued to lead the city of Orhei, of which he was elected mayor two years ago.

This summer, Shor “lit up” with Jasmine at the concert of the group “Carla’s Dreams”, organized by him in Orhei on the occasion of Moldova’s Independence Day. Then he organized a concert in honor of City Day, to which he invited the groups “Zdob si Zdub” and “Modern Talking”. And in the fall, he even left Moldova for France and met with members of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Shor was allowed to “serve his sentence” so freely by the humane Moldovan legislation, according to which, until the final approval of the sentence, he was released under the so-called “judicial control” - something like our “undertaking not to leave.”

The verdict should have entered into legal force or, accordingly, not entered into legal force after consideration of the appeal filed by the lawyers of Jasmine’s husband. But for some reason no one was in a hurry to look at it. In the end, it turned out that the materials of the criminal case over the past six months never made it to the appellate court.

The case is still with me,” the judge of the Buiucani court admitted to journalists of the portal Andrey Nikulcha, who pronounced sentence on Ilan Shor. - I have not yet transferred it to the Court of Appeal, because the verdict did not have time to be translated into Russian. The defendant does not own state language, and the lack of translation is a violation of his rights. I don't know when the translation will be done because I don't do that. Once we have it, we will move the case forward.

It is curious that with the consideration of the businessman’s appeal Vyacheslav Platon, sentenced by the Buiucani Court to 18 years in prison in the same case of embezzling a billion dollars from Banca de Economii, no delays arose.

Two weeks after the presentation of the reasoned decision, the case was already transferred to the Court of Appeal, Platon’s lawyer told the portal Eduard Rudenko. - My client also doesn’t know the state language, but that didn’t stop anyone. The verdict was transferred when the case was already before the Appeals Chamber. The first instance did not even consider our comments on the verdict, although this is a legal procedure.

According to the chairman of the opposition party "Action and Solidarity" Maia Sandu, Jasmine’s husband is patronized by the richest man in Moldova Vladimir Plahotniuc, controlling the government, parliament and all government bodies of the country.

After the government made a big deal about “convicting” Ilan Shor to several years in prison, we find out that his case did not even reach the appeal court, she was outraged on her Facebook page. – It turns out that the sentence is translated in order to be understood by Shor. How much care does Plahotniuc’s justice show towards his partners, while other people die from beatings in the commissariats! This delay means that there will be no final conviction before the elections, and Ilan Shor will have the right to run for the next parliament. Thus, we have clear evidence that instead of punishing those involved in the theft of a billion, the government makes them deputies! With people like Shor, it will be extremely easy for Plahotniuc to regain the parliamentary majority he currently has.

CHISINAU, June 22 - RIA Novosti. Moldovan businessman Ilan Shor, whose testimony made it possible to bring charges of corruption against the former Prime Minister of the Republic Vladimir Filat, was detained for 72 hours, prosecutor Adriana Betisor told reporters on Wednesday.

The Equal Rights movement in Moldova is led by businessman Ilan ShorThe socio-political movement "Equal Rights" positions itself as a moderate center-left political force, advocating for the strengthening of the statehood of Moldova, respect for the rights and interests of all ethnic groups living in the country.

“Ilan Shor was detained for 72 hours in a new case of fraud in banks. He is suspected of fraud and money laundering. Prosecutors will demand in the district court to place Shor under preliminary arrest for 30 days,” Betsishor said following the interrogation of the businessman, who is the husband of a famous Russian singer Jasmine.

According to her, we're talking about about another investigation that is not related to the case of former Moldovan Prime Minister Vladimir Filat, accused of corruption. The prosecutor noted that Shor is in the status of an accused. Earlier, the businessman declared his non-involvement in fraud in the case of withdrawing a large sum of money from a number of banks in Moldova.

Shor's lawyer Denis Ulanov said the prosecutors' actions were unfounded. "No new evidence was presented. Ilan Shor actively cooperated with the investigation. During the interrogation, no evidence that would serve legal basis for detention, was not presented,” the lawyer said.

According to him, the court has no grounds to satisfy the prosecutors' request for a 30-day arrest.

The prosecution demands that the former Prime Minister of Moldova be sentenced to 19 years in prison.The prosecution demanded that Vladimir Filat be sentenced to 19 years in prison, a fine of three thousand conventional units, as well as deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for five years, said prosecutor Adriana Betisor.

An investigation was conducted by order of the Moldovan government. The report of the international detective agency Kroll included the name of Shor, who served as chairman of the administrative board of Banca de Economii (formerly Savings Bank).

The report reported on transactions in Moldovan banks of shares in BEM, Unibank and Banca Sociala (Social Bank), of which Shor was one of the shareholders.

Earlier, Dorin Dragutanu, who served as head of the National Bank of Moldova, noted that they could not withdraw such an amount from these banks, since they simply did not have liquidity in the required volumes.

Filat was arrested after Shor turned himself in. Previously, the businessman stated that the real damage to the group of Moldovan banks amounts to $650 million. Part of this amount, amounting to $250 million, are loans issued in various forms and transferred to Vladimir Filat at his own request.
