How to open an online store on VKontakte and organize sales. Decluttering your closet for profit: how to sell unnecessary clothes

How to start a clothing business?

The clothing sales business has long proven its profitability. Things have always been bought, and will be bought, no matter what kind of business it is: a sales business women's clothing, men's or children's. Many beginning entrepreneurs often face the question: “Which business format is better?”, “Where is it more profitable to start?” The questions are indeed not easy, because you can open wholesale organization and become a supplier, you can open a standard retail store, or you can start with a simple online store. The choice is sufficient, so you need to analyze this issue “from and to” so that later it does not turn out that the choice made is a big mistake.

Clothing business formats

There are three business options for selling children's clothing, men's and women's.

  1. Wholesale trade.
  2. Retail through a regular store.
  3. Selling through an online store.

Wholesale of clothing- This is a kind of store, the purpose of which is still the same: the sale of goods. Only the target audience is not buyers, but retail stores. That is, the process is as follows: a wholesale store purchases goods in large quantities, becomes a supplier and begins to look for options for selling products. These options are retail stores. Thus, a small chain is formed: manufacturers from whom the wholesale company purchases, - a wholesale company from which retail stores purchase, - retail stores that sell their goods to customers.

Retail- this is a regular store, in in this case, specializing in clothing. The target audience is consumers. The main characteristics that are common to all retail stores are:

  1. square trading floor,
  2. level of customer service,
  3. number of product items,
  4. product placement technology.

These characteristics are at the same time distinctive and, thanks to them, stores have their own individuality.

Selling through an online store- a popular method today. It involves organizing and running a business online. Buyers can make purchases without leaving home. To do this, they just need to choose the appropriate item and pay for the goods either by card or using payment system. The main condition when organizing an online store is to make the purchasing process as comfortable as possible for customers, so that they want to return to shopping.

The process of opening a wholesale company

Opening a wholesale company, regardless of the type of clothing and target customer (mono-brand or multi-brand store, stock, second-hand, boutique), has common components:

  1. detailed business plan for a wholesale warehouse;
  2. building;
  3. storage equipment;
  4. suppliers;
  5. employees (usually from 5 to 10 people);
  6. set of permits.

The first thing you need to do is get acquainted with your competitors, collect maximum information on sales in this region, to reveal its dynamics. It wouldn't hurt to talk to dealers. Before opening a wholesale store, it is necessary to draw up the most detailed business plan that will reflect all financial information.

Finding a location is not the most critical stage. When opening a wholesale company, a favorable or good location is not required at all, since retail stores will either come to pick up the goods themselves, or even provide all the work to the wholesale company. Therefore, the most important thing will be the optimal location. The building can be found ready-made or built for specific purposes (depending on the availability of available funds). Before renting or purchasing a ready-made premises, you must make sure that it is suitable for a warehouse.

After the building is rented or purchased (built), you need to start arranging the premises: it is worth dividing it into sections (loading, unloading, receiving, packaging, storing goods). The equipment will also be needed, depending on the range, weight and dimensions.

The supplier selection stage is different for each type of store. If the target audience is stock stores, then you need to purchase clothes either from manufacturers or from stores that have stock. Second-hand stores are the most economical option (purchasing clothes is cheap, unlike others). Suppliers are companies that collect things. Multi- and mono-brand items, as well as expensive and luxury items for the boutique, are purchased directly from manufacturers.

A wholesale store will need employees.

  1. Boss.
  2. Additional workers, 5-10 people.

To make things easier for retail stores, driveways need to be clear and convenient. A good option is a building on the outskirts of the city, where you can easily and without traffic jams.

Store opening process

Opening a store begins with drawing up a business plan for selling clothes. After this, registration begins (LLC or individual entrepreneur). Next is the most important stage – finding a location. It should be in a passable place where there is a large flow of people every day. It could be shopping mall or a free-standing store in the city center on a busy street. It all depends on the type of clothing being sold and its target audience.

The size of the room also varies depending on the type of clothing sold. For example, a second-hand store does not require a large premises. After the premises are rented, the search for suppliers, the purchase of equipment and the hiring of personnel begins.

Suppliers will mostly be wholesale companies. You can look for them either through friends or through advertisements on the Internet. Equipment also varies by store. If it’s a boutique, then everything should be expensive, but if it’s second-hand, then you won’t need much equipment and, in principle, they won’t pay attention to it.

Hiring staff is another crucial moment, since the profitability of a business (its profitability) depends on employees. And the last step is advertising. More details about the opening retail store(its stages, main advantages and disadvantages regarding each type of clothing) can be read in previous articles.

Opening an online store

The business of selling clothes online is as follows. The first is searching for suppliers. For an online store, it is very important to have a quality product. You can create your own warehouse where clothes will be stored, or you can agree with the supplier that clothes will be picked up from his warehouse for each order. The second option is cheaper, regardless of the clothing, its quality and brand.

To open an online store, you need a website. For the site - hosting and domain, for which you can find low prices. Hosting is paid monthly. You will also need to register entity(LLC or individual entrepreneur) so as not to have problems with the tax office.

It is important to provide payment and delivery methods; there must be a choice so that the buyer finds something suitable for himself.

When suppliers have been found, the website has been created, you need to attract buyers. To do this, you need to start active promotion: contextual advertising, ordered from Google or Yandex. It will attract those who see it to the store this advertisement and will follow the link. There is another option - advertising in boxes. You can create your own affiliate program so that customers refer their friends and acquaintances and receive interest on their purchases.

Promotion is a means to form a base regular customers. It is aimed at sales (20% of regular customers = 80% of sales). In order to retain customers, you need to hold constant promotions and discounts, give coupons and send messages with lucrative offers.

An online store has its pros and cons. Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting the simplicity and minimal costs, and the disadvantages are that it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve high incomes (of the three options, this one has the minimum profitability), unlike retail or wholesale stores. There are also limitations on target audiences.

Any business selling clothing can make a profit. All this will happen only over different periods of time. The fastest payback period for a retail store.

And the simplest method of organization is an online store. A wholesale company, like an online store, is characterized by not such high costs. But profits in retail trade are also higher. Each business option has its positive and negative sides. Therefore, each entrepreneur must make his own choice based on his experience, capabilities (financial, including) and desires.

Despite the fact that there are many companies and individual sellers currently working in the field of trade with China - this market is simply immense - it is quite possible to start working in it. Today IQ Review will consider how exactly it can be organized profitable business on the trade of goods from China using a real example.

Reselling goods from China - where did it all begin?

Hello, my name is Anna, I am from Ukraine, the city of Lugansk. I want to talk about how budget shopping in China via the Internet led to a full-fledged business and stable income. When I started the business, I was 20 years old - it was the end of 2010-beginning of 2011. I did this for 2 years, until the end of 2013.

In 2010-11, online shopping was just gaining popularity, and I, as a true shopaholic girl, quickly became involved in this topic. It became possible to purchase items from different countries- America, England, China - at prices much lower than those in our stores, and also to purchase things that no one else has.

My interest in the topic of bargain shopping was very great, and therefore I regularly visited about a dozen different shopping sites. I was especially attracted by Chinese shopping (website A huge number of sellers from all over China are registered on this site, where they present a variety of products, ranging from clothing and shoes to furniture, medicines and much more.

Since the site is in Chinese, an online translator came to the rescue. When I wanted to register, I encountered a number of problems: for example, linking a mobile number, mastering how to work with payment systems.

At that time, it was quite difficult to solve them; I had to learn a lot of things on my own, through my own practice, spending several hours getting an answer to the simplest question (and there were many of them). Now there are ways and special services, with which you can register yourself, simply and quickly. And there are also plenty of instructions on the Internet, so even a user who has never ordered anything from abroad before is unlikely to encounter so many difficulties.

How to order goods in China? About finding an intermediary

And then I decided to look for an “intermediary” in China who could help me with my purchases. In fact, I believe that this is safer, since a person will be able to check the item for quality, defects, color and, in general, there is a guarantee that you will not get a pig in a poke.

The search for a mediator has begun: I started visiting all kinds of forums, sites where people offered their services. There were quite a lot of such people, the choice was very difficult, since it was assumed that I would send money to a stranger at your own peril and risk, and hope that I won’t be “dumped”, and there were very few reviews at that time.

I began to learn the conditions and requirements for work from a variety of people. An important criterion for me was that the person was in China, and it didn’t matter whether he was Russian, Ukrainian or Chinese, or a person of another nationality.

Chinese intermediaries meet very often; they communicate in not very clear English. But if you know at least basic level English language, then use an online translator to handle the negotiations.

Clothes from China

It is very desirable to find a Russian-speaking person, and ideally, a person of Slavic nationality (since the Asian mentality is still different from ours) who knows Chinese. Often these can be our students who went to study abroad. This is very important, since any online translators are not perfectly accurate, and an error in communication can lead to the fact that you receive the wrong product or product of the wrong quality, or there will be some other deviations from what you wanted.

You can also look for an intermediary in your country: due to the comparative cheapness of education, many Chinese come to us. It is quite possible that among them there will be those who have friends, acquaintances, relatives with whom you can start doing business.

If you have a small budget and you order goods in small quantities, it is unlikely that you will be able to work with professionals. It's about about those who know both Russian/English and Chinese, and at the same time perfectly know all the intricacies of the process. Where is the best place to choose, how quickly to deliver, how much delivery will cost and how long it will take, how best to arrange everything so as not to arouse suspicion, and so on. Even then, at the beginning of 2011, there were such people, but usually they set restrictions on the minimum amount (minimum quantity of products), and did not deal with small batches.

The principle of operation of an international intermediary:

  1. You select a product, place an order, send it to the intermediary (he makes his own adjustments, gives advice regarding the order, checks the sellers’ ratings).
  2. You send the full amount for the goods, plus the percentage that the intermediary takes for his work.
  3. He receives the goods, checks for defects, etc., sends you a report on the received goods (photo), weighs the goods, and calculates the full cost of delivery to you.
  4. You send the amount for delivery.
  5. The intermediary sends the package and you wait for your order.

Intermediary percentages vary from 5 to 25. I found a girl on one of the forums who lives and studies in China and works part-time as an intermediary; her initial percentage was 15% for me.

Delivery of goods from China - how it works

We discussed all the conditions, chose the most profitable system for transferring money to China, chose the delivery method (there are several types: regular mail, air, sea, international delivery services, such as DHL, sea transportation of containers, they all differ in delivery times, costs and possibility of transporting parcel dimensions).

Chinese cargo terminal

I placed an order - clothes and shoes - transferred the money and began to wait for my first parcel. I chose delivery from China by regular mail - terms from two to four weeks.

Three weeks after payment, I received a notification from the post office about the arrival of my parcel at the post office, and on the same day I received my first parcel from China weighing 14 kg. When the pleasant emotions from what was received and seen subsided, logic came into play. On the things that I purchased, taking into account the percentage of the intermediary, the costs of delivery and transfer of money, I saved my expenses by about one and a half times compared to the price of the same product in our city. This is how the idea arose: to buy and sell things with your own markup.

Product selection and first purchase for resale

I decided to draw up a business plan, if you can call it that. I decided to follow the path of least resistance: not to invest large amounts of money and effort into development. To begin with, I determined the category of goods that I would sell - women's clothing.

Not copies or fakes of luxury brands, as this may cause problems when received at customs. I decided to buy the most common and most popular items in one or two copies, in the most popular size S-M. Even if they don’t sell, I can always keep it for myself or give it as a gift or sell it to friends.

After consulting with our intermediary, we came to the conclusion that we would buy things that are made in China and exported, for example Zara, Vero Moda, H&M, etc. Such things in China are twice or even more times cheaper, and are of quite good quality, since they are exported (not only to the Russian Federation and Ukraine - there are such stores in other countries, both in the CIS and in Europe ).

The delivery issue was definitely resolved for me - this is regular mail, since it is the cheapest. The maximum weight of one parcel should not exceed 20 kg. We agreed with the intermediary that when sending it it will be indicated that these are personal items - in this case, the estimated value is minimal.

The data is given for Ukraine for 2013 according to the author. In Russia, since 2014, there have been customs restrictions on purchases from foreign online stores in order to combat this type of small business, since it allows tax evasion. You can receive parcels per month worth no more than 150 euros and no heavier than 10 kg (ed.).

Thus, I avoid problems with customs clearance, but at the same time things will be in maximum two copies, which not wholesale. The risk in this case is that if some items are stolen, I will not be able to recover the full amount for them from the post office.

Realizing that receiving two to four parcels a month in my name may arouse suspicion, I decided to register several recipients: they were my relatives. I agreed with the intermediary on further cooperation with a lower percentage, and agreed on 8.

How and to whom to sell goods from China: about finding sales routes

The next step was to determine the site - where and how I would sell things. Since I was a student, I initially understood that I would not open a store in the future, but would simply provide myself with additional income for pocket money. I was considering the option, but this also required additional costs, and in the future there might be, let’s say, problems with registering an individual entrepreneurship and paying taxes.

Warehouse store for clothes and shoes

Therefore, I decided to use the services of such Internet platforms as Aukro .ua, the then existing Slando .ua, creating a group in Vk. The advantages are obvious: I just sell my things, I don’t conduct any official activities, I don’t pay for renting premises or for maintaining an online store, there are no taxes.

Calculating the budget for the first parcel (20 kg of clothes - sweaters, trousers, dresses, T-shirts, T-shirts, etc.) showed that it costs $1000 for everything, taking into account interest and delivery. My husband provided money for my business hobby. After all the calculations, it became clear that the net income would be from $150. Income will depend on my markup on the product. Even if you don’t add a markup, but sell at cost, including delivery costs and interest, everything will come out to 0, and this is no longer a minus.

Having approved my entire plan, I began to place orders. The intermediary sent parcels as the products arrived. On average it turned out per month from 2 to 4-5 parcels. I was lucky and there were no problems with delivery times; the parcel always took about three weeks.

By creating accounts on Internet sites, I began to post photos of things. My advantage was that the things were in my hands, and immediately after payment I sent parcels throughout Ukraine using courier service"Nova Posta » (the most popular carrier in Ukraine). Not everyone is willing to wait more than two weeks for a blouse or something else to order (this would be the case if they themselves ordered from China), so it was convenient to buy from me. The recipients usually paid for delivery, but I paid for large orders as a bonus.

Over time, many people already knew me, rating on the site Aukro .ua and other sites was high - many began to apply for things to order (so as not to have to deal with placing and paying for the order themselves, as I had to initially). In such cases, again to avoid risk, I took a 50% prepayment.

After a year, my minimum income from resale Chinese goods consistently amounted to $300 monthly. For two years I did not have any losses, at least all my expenses were always “recovered”.

Pitfalls: what problems did I encounter?

There can be quite a lot of pitfalls in such a business, even if everything is done as carefully as I did. Let me give you a few examples:

  1. During transportation, some things can be stolen, damaged, or sent to the wrong place by mistake.
  2. The parcel may arrive damp, crumpled, and this means that the items may be damaged and will have to be restored to normal condition, wasting time and even money (for example, taking them to the dry cleaner).
  3. You may simply not sell these things, or make a mistake with the choice (I didn’t have this, because I chose the most popular product, and only in small quantities).
  4. Now there is a lot of competition in this market, you need to try to find your client, additional advertising costs are needed.
  5. You may be scammed by an intermediary - you will send money, but in the end you will not receive anything, it will be very difficult to figure it out, since it is connected with another country.

The intermediary is your business partner and must be reliable; in fact, this is where the difficulty of the search lies. There are cases that an intermediary can buy things at a lower cost, and the things will be of poor quality. This should and can be monitored: by the nickname of your intermediary in completed transactions, on the product page.

70% of success depends on the intermediary! Having a small capital and having correctly decided on the product category, you can earn good money, as well as develop your business to a more serious scale.

If you have a significant amount of money and your purchases will be in bulk, I recommend going to China, hiring a translator on the spot and negotiating directly with the manufacturing factories.

My business ceased to exist because I left to live in another country. I did not continue this kind of business in a new place, as my interests and type of activity changed.

Is it possible to start this business now?

The emergence of a huge number of intermediaries who receive income for their services could not go unnoticed. At the beginning of 2014, news appeared that could radically change the market:, one of the largest Chinese online sellers, officially launched a mail forwarding service, reports Thus, foreign buyers are now freed from the need to resort to the services of Chinese intermediaries, who receive goods at local addresses and then ship them abroad.

“This is not a new intermediary company, not another reseller and consolidator of parcels. This is the official service of the Alibaba group, accessible to everyone,” the online publication emphasizes.

The cost of sending orders is 18 yuan (about 100 rubles) for the first kilogram plus 3 yuan (about 17 rubles) for each subsequent half kilogram. In addition, the buyer must pay the shipping cost itself. You can pay for processing and delivery using Visa, Mastercard and American Express bank cards. In order to place an order and use the delivery service, the user must go through the registration process and verify the account through the number mobile phone And email. After this you can start placing orders. All paid parcels arrive at the warehouse, after which the buyer can order their shipment to his address.

However, such a possibility still remains “raw” and not perfectly debugged. Yes, theoretically, anyone can order directly and save some money. But in fact, to do this you will have to deal a lot with the service. For those who want to order a lot and/or often, this is relevant. But if you are a girl who saw on the Internet Nice dress, and wants to order it from China - you hardly want to waste time and effort on this. Therefore, the intermediary business is still popular and continues to grow.


To attract wholesalers, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for them. These can be not only discounts, but also special service, provision of additional services (for example, free transportation, posting information about them on your website).

To sell more, hire several specialists who make cold calls to your potential clients, send out commercial offers, and negotiate the terms of deals. You can also create a network of sales representatives who travel to consumers in each specific region.

An original way to increase is to organize a network of franchisees. To do this, you just need to sell the franchise for a reasonable fee, help customers organize a business, provide them special conditions. In addition, you can give them your goods for sale.

A sales representative is the person who begins the client’s acquaintance with the company. The goal of a sales representative is to attract a client and make him a permanent one. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider both the strategy for approaching the client and possible dialogue options. To develop a skill active sales constant practice is required. In his work, a sales representative must be guided by several principles that he must follow from start to finish.


Analyze each client based on information you can find online. It’s easier if you immediately determine who is making the decision to purchase a product or service. This will save you telephone time and also get you through the secretarial barrier with greater ease.

Call . When talking to the secretary, introduce yourself by first and last name and ask to be switched to the person you need. Be sure to say in a conversation with the secretary that you have already communicated with this person the other day; there are a few things left to clarify.

Present the product in conversation. Explain why this company might be interested and how they can benefit from it. Focus on what the interlocutor says, but at the same time, gently but persistently outline the benefits of the product. Request direct contact details and send a fax or email with your commercial offer.

Call this company the next day and check your interest. Answer questions and work through objections, make an appointment at a time convenient for the person in charge.

At the meeting, present your product or service again, and if the client is still in doubt, leave your contact information. Suggest changing those conditions commercial offer which do not suit him. If you cannot get an answer here and now, do not press, give time to think and call again after some time.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Smile and be extremely polite to the client!


  • How to start a gift wrapping business in 2019

Clothing trade is one of the most reliable types of business, even during a period of falling consumer demand caused by the economic crisis. After all, people need to wear something all the time. It is not surprising that many aspiring businessmen, having decided to open their own business, try to sell clothes. But even here there are subtleties and pitfalls. To ensure that the goods do not become stale, are in demand, and make a profit, the clothing dealer should follow simple but mandatory rules.


Immediately clearly define the target audience, that is, from which category of buyers you plan to receive the main profit. Based on this, select the range of clothing offered.

Make it a habit to sell clothes at prices that will certainly seem profitable to the majority of customers. Explore the range and prices in other stores located near your outlet. Try to ensure that similar products cost you at least a little less. Then the initial decrease in profit will be more than compensated by the increased sales turnover.

Having calculated all the necessary costs (rent of premises, wage employees, etc.), include a relatively small profit margin in the cost of clothing. Remember, yours the main task at this stage - to attract buyers in every possible way.

Bet on the everyday clothes, located in a moderate price range. These are, first of all, trousers, jeans, suits, shirts, dresses, blouses. Such a product will always be in demand. Closer to the summer season, you can supplement the assortment with light windbreakers, T-shirts, and shorts.

It is quite natural for a businessman to want to purchase a wholesale batch of clothing as cheaply as possible in order to make a larger profit when selling. But nevertheless, remember the wise proverb: “the miser pays twice.” If the clothes displayed in your store are of blatantly low quality, you will only scare away your clientele.

Clothing in bulk can be purchased directly from the manufacturer, in clothing markets in China and Turkey, in Chinese online stores for wholesalers or in stock warehouses in Europe.

To open your own clothing store, you need to think about where you will supply the goods from. It is important to take into account not only purchase prices, but also the specifics of your business. Ask yourself the following questions:

1. What price segment will the store be targeted at?
2. What market niche will it occupy? Will it be a casual or evening wear store, for adults or for adults? Perhaps you are going to sell seasonal items or uniforms for enterprise employees, carnival costumes or underwear.
3. How will your store differ from many competitor stores?

Choose a supplier based on its business qualities, minimum batch sizes, price-quality ratio, as well as the size range offered.

Clothes from the manufacturer

Direct shipping helps you achieve more low prices compared to competitors whose goods have passed through long chain intermediaries. Various B-2-B services will help you contact the manufacturing factory and conclude a mutually beneficial contract. It is good to buy a product from a manufacturer if you are going to occupy a narrow niche in the market and sell one or two types of products, for example, leather jackets, school uniform or swimsuits.

Made in China

If you want to offer customers a wide variety of casual clothing for the whole family, you can order goods from Chinese online stores. Many of them provide large discounts for wholesale buyers, and some do not work with retail at all. Chinese online hypermarkets offer a huge range of wholesale clothing for all occasions, which is what most entrepreneurs who open small shops use.

When purchasing clothes in China, be sure to take into account the specific sizing charts of Asian manufacturers. It would be a good idea to ask the seller for quality certificates.

Leftovers are sweet

If you want to open a low-price store, but do not want to sell Chinese consumer goods, the obvious choice is a stock center or a second-hand store. On the Internet it is easy to find contacts of European warehouses that sell clothes of various qualities in whole containers and bales. Such suppliers sort through huge quantities of unsold goods in stores and label the lots depending on seasonality, type and consumer properties product. Selling stock items requires significant investment, but the profits are high, given the growing consumer interest in fashionable clothing at affordable prices.


  • Chinese wholesale stores
  • Planet Stock. Wholesale clothing: the beginning of your personal business journey
  • TVNZ. Clothes wholesale from the manufacturer. Where to buy clothes wholesale?

Business in the resale of goods is one of the simplest and most popular subtypes of entrepreneurship today. The meaning of running such a business is absolutely clear: purchasing things in bulk, selling them at more high price and making a profit. Thus, it turns out that the most important point in this type of entrepreneurship is to determinewhere to wholesale clothes,find a good supplier, establish close commercial ties with him, control the goods and gain experience.

Items purchased in bulk can be sold in three ways:

  1. through the Internet;
  2. through your store;
  3. On the market.

Today we will talk about the third option for business development.

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Is it profitable to sell on the market?

Definitely profitable!

To become competitive, you must not only learnwhere they buy clothes to sell in markets, but also follow a few rules, and then your business will only go up.

  1. The first step is to study your competitors. What product do they have, how do they offer it to consumers, what marketing techniques do they use? Analyzing competitors does not mean that you have to imitate them exactly. On the contrary, the point of analysis is to highlight useful points for yourself and take advantage of them, note weaknesses and, against this background, present your advantages in the best light, show the buyer why yours is more profitable, more convenient, more useful, more interesting for him.
  2. Extremely important point is to determine your target audience. In fact, this is a rather voluminous and energy-consuming process; often specially trained people are hired to determine their potential audience: marketers, advertisers, etc. The location of your point of sale will depend on the characteristics of your target audience, what hours it is open and how to properly present the product, who exactly to pay attention to, who will definitely buy and who will pass by. A qualitative determination of the target audience will save your time and money, find the “right” clients and immediately begin to develop your business, rather than mark time .
  3. If your product is unique, you should, again, focus on the tastes and needs of customers, and not your own.
  4. Before starting a business, you must carefully calculate all possible expenses and leave a certain amount for unforeseen force majeure.
  5. You must understand that at first the profit may be either very small or may not exist at all, because you are still looking closely at the place, the consumers, and empirically finding the right trading patterns.

Where can I order clothes wholesale?

Perhaps the most optimal, simple, safe and cheap place is the Internet.

As everyone knows, almost 100% of the things we wear are made in China, therefore, it is worth directing your attention there if you need to purchase in bulk.

The leaders in e-commerce are just a few online platforms offering a variety of Chinese products.

Long proven taobao and alibaba, as well as offer a wide range of different clothes from China. There you can purchase things both wholesale and retail.

Directly on the sites, you can communicate with the seller and find out all the details of the purchase, delivery, etc.

Which site should you give preference to? It's simple!

  • If you need 1 piece of 1 product item, then go to taobao;
  • If you need more than 1 piece of 1 product item, then you are at 1688;
  • If you need to find the manufacturer directly or even more, then go to alibaba.
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To protect buyers, Alibaba uses the Escrow system. It guarantees the seller that he will receive money for his products only after the buyer receives his goods. Only after checking and agreeing to accept the lot, the seller receives money for it.

How to work with the Escrow system when purchasingclothes via the Internet?

  1. The seller and the buyer come to an agreement on the use of the Escrow system for payment and delivery of the lot. They agree on who is responsible for paying for the services (buyer, seller, or equally). The system commission is 6% of the transaction amount. Both parties register accounts and the transaction independently. This allows both the seller and the buyer to check what stage the deal is at. When registering, you must enter information about yourself and your credit card, this guarantees delivery and payment of the goods.
  2. The buyer pays for the products via Escrow. The payment is verified and the funds are transferred to the system account.
  3. The seller sends the parcel and enters the number into the system. The supplier immediately knows that the money has been credited to the system account. Steps 2 and 3 occur almost simultaneously.
  4. When the package arrives at its destination, the buyer checks it and, if the product matches the original, changes the status in Escrow. The payment process starts, the system debits money from the buyer’s account.
  5. The system transfers money from the system account to the seller's account.

Benefits in comparison

The main rule of trading with China: never start working with the first supplier you come across. The best way out would be a thorough study of the market offers, goods, getting to know different suppliers and manufacturers, carefully assessing the pros and cons of working with each, and only then - a contract.

China is a huge country. Here you can easily find similar products at different prices. If you want to run a profitable business, be patient. The difference in price sometimes reaches impressive sizes.

How to organize your trading place on the market?

To do this, you will need to get a stall or sales tent. Before choosing, you need to think about how much goods you will have at the retail location, whether there will be a warehouse, etc.

You shouldn’t waste money on a quality tent, because this is a serious purchase. It will serve you faithfully for many years.

You can also find a good sales tent in one of the online stores and order it together with a batch of clothes.

Where else do they buy clothes to sell at the market??

If you do not know how or do not want to use the Internet when making online shopping, there is another way to purchase things to sell on the market - an independent trip to China.

This way you can personally hold in your hands all the purchased items, meet the supplier or manufacturer in person And check the quality of the product batch. However, it is worth remembering that with personal interaction you will need, at a minimum, the help of a translator and, at a maximum, an experienced person who works with the Chinese not the first year and knows all aspects of their behavior.

Starting to sell clothes online is not very difficult, but the success of the business depends on preliminary preparation, taking into account investment risks, and a strategy for attracting customers. Just creating an online store and purchasing goods is not enough. It is necessary to develop a marketing strategy in advance, implement an advertising campaign and begin creating a client base.

Specifics of operating an online clothing store

Selling clothes via the Internet, including through social networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki), is profitable. A trading website can be created almost free of charge using a free engine (for example, Joomla, OpenCart, WordPress, osCommerce, Magento) or a social media application. To make a good profit, it is important to find a good supplier. This can be done through search engines, paying attention to offers from factories, wholesale clothing suppliers, official distributors, analyzing advertisements on the Internet, on thematic forums, in social networks, studying electronic catalogs and databases (, suppliers.rf, etc.).

You can open an online store and sell clothes, including children’s, in several formats, which is one of the advantages of such a trade organization:

  • creating your own warehouse (allows you to quickly ship goods, but there is a need for large purchases and finding storage space, there is a possibility large quantity illiquid);
  • clothes are sold after the goods arrive from the warehouse of the wholesale supplier (this will reduce the cost of purchasing and storing goods, create a wide range, but the delivery time of the goods to the client will increase, and problems with returns may arise in case of defects);
  • dropshipping (the owner of an online clothing store plays the role of an intermediary between the supplier and the client, that is, he transfers the order and money to the wholesaler, and he then sends the goods to the specified address);
  • affiliate program (clothes are sold through the partner’s website, when the client clicks Buy, he automatically goes to another resource from which the sale is carried out, the partner pays the assistant a certain percentage for this).

Increasing sales is a pressing issue for any entrepreneur, especially if trading is carried out via the Internet. To monitor the quality and volume of goods sold, it is always worth considering some factors: the number of visitors to the online store over a certain period of time, customers who made a purchase, the average check, the effectiveness of marketing regarding repeat purchases, the percentage of margin. By regularly monitoring these indicators and changes in them, the entrepreneur will be able to take right decisions, sell things quickly and profitably.

When selling clothes via the Internet (including using the social network Vkontakte), it is important to take into account some of the nuances of online trading:

  1. The client must always be warned that the shade appearance The product may differ from that shown in the picture (if the item is not sent from a personal warehouse).
  2. Warn about possible delays or indicate a delivery time with a reserve.

Before launching an online clothing store, you need to formalize your activity and choose its organizational and legal form - individual entrepreneur or LLC. The second format makes sense to use only if several people create a common business. In other cases it is easier to register as individual entrepreneur (individual). As for the choice of taxation system, the simplified tax system with a rate of 6% is considered the best option, which can significantly reduce the tax burden on the entrepreneur.

Selling clothes through social networks

Creating a trading website that is correct in terms of interface and SEO functionality will not ensure a successful start to trading. It is very important to conduct a high-quality advertising campaign and develop an effective marketing strategy to tell potential customers about yourself and interest them in purchasing. Selling clothes in an online store based on social networks (VKontakte, etc.) will be quick and easy. It is very easy to create it on free platform(photos of products are loaded quickly), you can create large product catalogs in short term. In addition, the organizer immediately gets access to a free tool for attracting customers (friend requests, sending personal messages with an offer to make a purchase) and can advertise their services for free (posts in thematic groups, on the pages of acquaintances, creating and promoting their own trade group).

Depending on the chosen format of the online clothing store on the social network (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.), the seller must negotiate with the client all the details regarding the purchase and delivery of the goods. If an entrepreneur sells clothes on the dropshipping principle, then the buyer must be warned that the photo and description of the product are provided by the supplier and may differ in some parameters (shade, sometimes design) from those indicated. After all, only the client will be the first to see the thing in reality. It is also important to ensure the quality of logistics - packaging the goods well and meeting the promised delivery times. To start a successful online clothing trade, you can use the following approaches to organizing a business:

  1. Specify order details and notify about shipment by phone.
  2. Indicate additional communication channels in the Contacts section: email, ICQ.
  3. Create your own database of clients, accounts, goods (this can be done using Excel, MyWarehouse, Client Base, etc.).
  4. Offer several ways to pay for goods (translation into bank card, online wallet, using cash on delivery).
  5. Organize several methods of delivery of goods (state mail, private, courier services).

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are concerned about the question of which store is better to open in small town. It all depends on the interests of the target audience, the level of competition and purchasing power. But for starters successful trading in an online store, including through Vkontakte, the number of people in the city does not matter, because work is carried out, as a rule, in several regions.

How to sell clothes online on VKontakte?

How to open an online store on VKontakte? The algorithm of actions is simple. A trading platform on this social network is often created in parallel with a full-fledged trading platform based on a free engine. But successful sales will begin only if you pay enough attention to SEO promotion and filling the online platform with quality content and increasing the number of subscribers. If an entrepreneur is not confident in his abilities, it is better to hire a freelance administrator for these purposes.

The first step is to create an online store, fill it, sell it advertising campaigns. Then you need to start attracting new customers, getting them interested in purchasing, especially repeat ones. The main factors that influence this process are assortment and cost. If you fill the catalog well and offer the buyer a favorable price, he will prefer to choose this particular offer. Using hashtags (for example, #obnova, #sale), which simplify the search for the right product, will help attract the target audience.

When selling clothes through VKontakte, you need to create a base of regular customers from the very beginning, do everything to ensure that they are satisfied and make a repeat purchase. It is very important to help with choosing the right size and style of clothing. In order to demonstrate clothes at the highest quality, you can post thematic videos on the site, use programs for virtual selection of clothes, provide a user-friendly interface and quick navigation through pages, and create an online consultation.

Advice: for getting additional income V free time It is worth taking advantage of the offers of sites where you can earn money by completing tasks (for example, SEOSPRINT, PROFITCENTER, Vktarget, Free-lance, etc.).

Selling children's clothing online

Trade in children's clothing is a business niche that will always be highly profitable. Begin effective sales It’s not very difficult to start your own business via the Internet; the main thing is to approach the stages of creating your own business responsibly. You can successfully sell children's clothing online in several formats:

  • trading on social networks (dropshipping, creating your own warehouse);
  • opening your own online store (promoting a website will require a lot of time and investment);
  • work in an “affiliate” format.

Some entrepreneurs start their online work by selling used children's clothing. The operating principle of a consignment store is that the intermediary sells the item to the buyer for a certain markup. The owner of the product initially determines its minimum cost (usually 30-40% of the new price) and signs an agreement, which stipulates the terms of sale, return, and the percentage of the seller.

Advice: in order to successfully start selling clothes through an online store or retail outlet, it is advisable to create a business card website. This will help attract new customers and increase sales turnover.

  1. It is advisable to form a range affordable prices(the average price for one thing is 180-900 rubles, only 10% of buyers buy things more expensive).
  2. It is necessary to create a wide range of products.
  3. It is worth selling only high-quality goods and keeping delivery times to a minimum.
  4. When specifying measurements of items, always take into account the possibility of an error of 1-2 cm.
  5. It is better to group clothes by season.
  6. To attract the attention of buyers, it is advisable to publish on home page social network useful tips or create a separate section of the site for this.
  7. It is advisable to regularly hold promotions, sweepstakes, and competitions with prizes.

As an option, you can expand your assortment with original products by making original designs using a printer for printing on clothes.

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The normal profitability rate for a children's clothing store is 10-15%. The success of trade, including through the VKontakte network, largely depends on the preparation of the entrepreneur, the choice of a good supplier and pricing policy. The same rules are also relevant when it comes to organizing sales of items for adults. To start successfully selling clothes online, it is not enough to simply create and fill an online store with content. It is necessary to first think over and implement a plan for its promotion, ways to increase sales, and attract new customers.
