When is the best time to fly to Bali? When does the holiday season in Bali begin, for whom is a holiday suitable at any time of the year?

Very often tourists ask the question “When is the best time to go on vacation to Bali?” The answer is simple: “Any time, even now.”

The average monthly temperature fluctuations throughout the year in Bali are only 3-4 degrees! The same can be said about the sea: throughout the year the water temperature fluctuates between 26-29C. The air temperature ranges from +23C to +26C at night and from +27C to +31C during the day. So all year round!

Bali is beautiful tropical climate, more precisely, the equatorial monsoon. It is characterized by the fact that there are no sharp temperature fluctuations due to its proximity to the equator. Thanks to this, even the sun rises and sets consistently at the same time throughout the year. So, the sunrise can be seen at 6 am, and the stunning sunset at 6 pm.

You can also note such climate features in Bali as:

  • The abundance of mountainous areas on the island suggests a cooler and drier climate, so during excursions to the mountains and volcanoes, guides recommend taking a jacket,
  • On the ocean coast, on the contrary, the climate is warm and characterized by high humidity.

Seasons in Bali

Unlike the usual winter, spring, summer and autumn, there are only 2 seasons in Bali:

  • Wet, or rainy season. It lasts from October to March and is characterized by plenty of rain. However, it cannot be said that it rains all day long, as, for example, in Goa. Yes, there are periods when it rains from morning to evening, but more often precipitation can be expected at night, and then it does not last longer than an hour.
  • Dry season. It starts in June and continues until October. The peak of the dry season occurs in summer months When it’s warm during the day, a pleasant sea breeze blows, and in the evenings it even gets a little cool, so a warm jacket or sweater won’t hurt.

Climate in Bali by month

January. This month, despite the changeable weather and frequent rains, the high season due to the New Year celebrations, so in December-January there are many tourists in Bali. Winter holidays in Bali do not involve much swimming; at this time there are other entertainments.

February. Again, despite the frequent rains, at this time the sea is divine warm water, How new milk, so weather changes are not at all an obstacle to swimming. Moreover, it usually rains closer to night and not for long, so that by morning there is no memory of the rain left. A big plus of holidaying in Bali in winter, in February there are a minimum of tourists.

March. In March, the weather is capricious, but, as in February, this does not at all prevent you from swimming and sunbathing. And the wonderful bright greenery, especially juicy after rain, delights even the most experienced tourists who have seen many beauties around the world.

April. Finally the weather stabilizes, the rains stop and clear sunny weather sets in. This month marks the start of the dry season in Bali.

May. One of the best months for a holiday, when the rainy season is almost over and the heat has not yet begun: warm, sunny, a refreshing light breeze from the sea - Better conditions for a holiday in Bali. This is the best time to go to Bali, especially since the flow of tourists is still small.

June. The beginning of the high holiday season in Bali, when crowds of tourists flock here in search of exotic things. From this month, everything in Bali automatically rises in price by 30-50%. Typically in June, the dry season is characterized by hot but moderate weather during the day and cool evenings, in contrast to the muggy and wet season rains.

July. The attack of the island by tourists, surfers and other guests is in full swing. At this time, it is practically impossible to buy air tickets, and inexpensive hotels are packed to capacity. July August - best season for a holiday in Bali.

August. The favorite month of surfers and tourists - it’s hot, everything is flooded with sun, there’s no sign of rain. Although the evenings are still a little cool - +23C.

September. The high season is ending and the rainy season has not yet begun. That is why September in Bali is a great time to relax. It starts to rain very rarely, 1-2 times a month. Night temperatures are also slowly starting to rise.

October. It is in this month that air humidity increases to 75%, rains begin to fall more often, although the monsoons do not begin so early. October is perhaps one of the hottest months of the year.

November. It is becoming increasingly hot and stuffy, even at night it is no longer cool as in previous months. Humidity rises to 80%, and it rains even more often. But at this time there are very few tourists in Bali. If you haven't decided where is the best place to go in Bali when it rains, go to the Gili Islands.

December. This month in Bali is characterized by high humidity, frequent rain and the onset of the monsoon season. There’s not much shopping in December, but already in the 20s tourists begin to flock here again - it’s New Year! This is the second high season on the island. In addition to the Christmas and New Year holidays, Bali hosts an annual jazz festival in December.

Hello everyone, Natalya Sidorova here! Today I will give you useful information about the wonderful place where Zhenya and I managed to live in October and November last year.

I am sure that someone is already tired of the cold and grayness characteristic of the Russian weather, someone just wants a change of scenery and quickly goes on a trip to a place where they have never been, so we will talk to you about the island of Bali. Of course, the first question that arises in your head is when is the best time to vacation in Bali, so I will please you, friends, this island is ready to welcome everyone all year round.

When is the best time to vacation in Bali - wet season

Please note that the wet season here lasts from November to March. But this does not mean that it rains all day long. Just typical for this time heavy showers, but after a rainstorm the sun always comes out and it gets hot.

There is an important nuance: during the rainy season in Bali, humidity reaches 95%, so this period is not suitable for those who cannot tolerate high humidity coupled with heat.

As I noted above, we spent time on the island in October and November. What can I say? The weather was wonderful, and we didn’t experience any rain. However, in November it was noticeable that the wet season was approaching.

In general, this time is perfect for surfing lovers. This is due to enough strong wind, which is a frequent visitor during the rainy season, and the result of the wind is high waves, which is necessary for experienced surfers. I also want to remind you that the New Year and Christmas holidays fall during this season, so keep in mind that prices for everything immediately rise.

When is the best time to relax in Bali - dry season

The dry season lasts the rest of the time, with a typical humidity of 75%. The coolest time in Bali is in June, when the temperature fluctuates around +26, with a maximum of 28 degrees. In addition, there is almost no rain at this time, so you can swim and sunbathe to your heart’s content, and also visit a variety of attractions, which abound in paradise island, and which I definitely recommend you see.

The largest number of vacationers traditionally arrive in July and August, which means prices immediately jump up. But May and June are perfect if we talk about the price-quality ratio. Who knows, maybe next time we will decide to go to Bali at this time.

What country is Bali in?

It’s interesting that everyone knows the name of the island, but not everyone knows what country Bali is in. I'll tell you a little about this. The island is located in Indonesia, it is part of the Malay Archipelago, the so-called province of Bali. So, what ocean is the island washed by? In fact, it is washed and Indian Ocean, if we talk about the southern part, and Quiet from the north, also from the west and east it is separated by straits from the neighboring islands.

Airplanes from Moscow fly to the local Denpasar airport. As far as I know, there are no direct flights, since the distance from Moscow to Denpasar is very large. How much a ticket to Bali costs will depend on the season and the number of transfers.

Of course, when you have only one transfer, and most often it is done in Bangkok (transfer options are also possible in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore), it is more convenient; on average, you will have to pay from 37,000 rubles for a ticket.

If you're flying during peak season, be prepared for the highest price. I also advise when independent travel Book a ticket in advance, then the opportunity to purchase it more profitably increases.

We have a wonderful practical guide, which I wrote myself. If you use all the features that are described there, then you can save a lot on flights. Over the course of a year, we saved about 200 thousand rubles. To purchase the manual, click on the book below.

I’ll dwell on one more point: even to Bangkok, many of you need to get transfers, so take a time out and stay overnight in this city so as not to be too exhausted when you find yourself in Bali. We did exactly this when we went to Samui from Moscow, since the road was long. But our flight to Bali took only 3 hours, since we flew there from Thailand.

If we continue the conversation about how to get to Bali cheaply, then it should be noted that in this case you will have to fly with several transfers. In addition, it is better to use low-cost airlines, the features of which we have already described in the article.

Another pressing question about Bali is how long it takes to fly to the island from Moscow? Here everything is also very individual, but no less than 13 hours. Sometimes the flight takes more than 18 hours.

What is the currency in Bali?

Now let's talk about what currency is in Bali. So, the local currency is the Indonesian rupiah, which is used to pay everywhere.

Currently, one dollar is equal to slightly more than 13,000 Indonesian rupiah. There are both coins and banknotes in circulation. In tourist areas they may also accept dollars, but this will not be profitable for you, so it is better to exchange money at a bank or exchange office (it is safer to go to a bank).

On the island you can pay by card in shops, restaurants and hotels, and there is no fee for this. When withdrawing cash from your card at ATMs, you will be charged a commission of 50 - 100 rupees. In addition, many places accept payment by traveler's checks, mainly American Express.

How much money to take to Bali depends on the duration of your trip and your needs. There is no single answer here, but on average, in order to rent a house, eat in a cafe and travel around the island, without pinching yourself, but having fun, you need to have at least $700 a month. Personally, we spent about 60,000 rubles a month for two.

Finally, let's try to figure out the pronunciation. I think each of you has heard two variants of pronunciation of the name of the island.

So what is correct BALI or BalI? Big encyclopedic Dictionary gives an option with stress on the first syllable, and Wikipedia – on the second. In general, in the Indonesian language, all syllables are pronounced with the same stress, and therefore this question remains open, so choose for yourself when it is better to relax in Bali and hit the road!

We were filming a video and filmed a man accidentally drowning. He was pulled by the internal current into the ocean. Tough!

Always with you, Natalya Sidorova!

To the question “What season is the best time to come to Bali?” I have to answer quite often. The answer is quite easy, since the season in Bali changes only twice, there are dry and wet seasons. Bali is located just eight degrees below the equator, so no season will seem familiar to you - which is for the best, because Bali boasts a year-round holiday season and an endless summer. True, with small nuances that need to be taken into account when planning a trip.

Dry season in Bali

The best time to travel to the island is considered to be from mid-April to the end of October. It is towards the end of April that the wet season in Bali comes to an end and the sun comes into its own. At this time, southeast winds begin to blow, and air humidity decreases, which ensures coolness. Coolness in this particular case does not mean cold, but the fact that even during the day you will not be suffocated by the unbearable heat, enjoying the fresh breeze. The air temperature at this time is approximately 26-28 degrees Celsius, and the water temperature in the ocean is 25-28 degrees. It should be mentioned that summer on the island is traditionally considered the best, because it is in summer that the most big waves. Thus, you will have a great opportunity to improve your surfing level to the heights of which you can only be capable - the ocean favors you. However, at this time it is not always easy for beginners, sometimes the ocean rocks in earnest, and the previously acquired skills, even such basic ones as, for example, may not be enough to face the elements one on one. There is practically no precipitation in Bali during these months, and if something similar to rain falls once every few weeks, it will be very short-lived. Of course, the high season in Bali has its pitfalls: at this time, tour operators ring all the bells, since many plan their vacation in July-August, and ticket prices become significantly more expensive than in the wet season.

Wet season in Bali

If you were unable to snag your long-awaited summer vacation, then you have a great opportunity to fly to Bali from the end of October to the end of March. It is immediately necessary to make a reservation that the wet season in Bali is not as terrible as, for example, in India, when the winter residents of Goa happily leave for their native land, because they literally begin to flood. The low season in Bali has its incomparable advantages:

  • Airfare prices are plummeting.
  • The flow of tourists is decreasing (of course, excluding the New Year and Christmas holidays), which means that the line-ups become quieter, and you have more opportunities to learn surfing in comfortable conditions.
  • Due to the rains, the island begins to actively bloom, all imaginable and inconceivable flowers and trees grow by leaps and bounds, thereby providing you with a beautiful tropical addition to your vacation.

Rain season

Now about the rains. The rainiest season in Bali is from mid-December to mid-February. Tropical showers begin as suddenly as they end, and last for a couple of hours at most. It doesn't rain every day, but it would be dishonest not to mention that in the worst case scenario, the sky can rain for a day or two in a row. After the end of a tropical downpour, even the largest and deepest puddles dry up in a matter of minutes. The air temperature during this period becomes slightly higher than summer (28-30 degrees), but due to high humidity It gets hotter, however, and you can survive this by hiding in the shade or swimming (riding) in the ocean, where the water temperature becomes as warm as possible (up to 30 degrees).

As you can see, there are practically no significant and very annoying disadvantages in the wet season in Bali, except, perhaps, one. From about the end of November to mid-January, the ocean begins to release the garbage accumulated over the summer, and the picture on the beaches of Kuta and Jimbaran can be depressing. But during the day, beach workers conscientiously clean the area entrusted to them, doing their best to make you clean and comfortable.

I would like to sum it up by saying that Bali is good to travel to in both summer and winter - all seasons have their own practical and aesthetic charms. If you didn’t know until the last moment in which month it is better to take a vacation, we suggest you re-read this article again. After this, you can decide for yourself, without additional propaganda, exactly when it will be more comfortable for you to come to ours, so that every morning you can go to the ocean to conquer more and more new waves.

The first thing you need to know about Bali is that the water and air temperatures here are approximately the same all year round: 27-30 degrees Celsius. Real summer 365 days a year. This is why tourists come to Bali throughout the year and there is no clearly defined tourist seasonality. But at the same time, in the weather itself there is a big difference between, say, January and July. More about this below in the article.

By the way, the answers to many FAQ about Bali, as well as a guide to the island, are in the new Bali application for iphone and ipad. Read more at.

Climate in Bali

The climate in Bali is called equatorial monsoon. What does it mean? And the fact that Bali lies next to the equator, so there are no sharp temperature changes from season to season, here even the sun rises and sets almost always at the same time: it rises at 6 in the morning, and begins to set at 6 in the evening. During the day, the temperature also does not change much; at night, although it drops, you can still wear summer clothes even at night. There are not four seasons in Bali, as we are usually used to, but only two: dry season(April-October) and rain season(November-March).

By the way, see below for details about the weather in each month!


During the months when it is winter in Russia, it is the rainy season in Bali, its main peak (when it rains quite often) occurs in December and January. Yes, New Year in Bali often has to be celebrated in a raincoat :-) The dry season is from April-October, with the most pleasant weather in July-August; at this time in Bali it is not as hot and stuffy as in all other months.

What is the rainy season in Bali?

The rainy season in Bali is not as severe as in some other Asian countries. Although it rains often, it begins quickly and ends just as quickly; immediately after the rain the sun comes out and it becomes dry and pleasant again. Most often, it rains during the rainy season only at night, and by the morning everything has time to dry, sometimes it can rain during the day, usually it rains for an hour or two, and the rest of the time there is no rain.

But nature is an unpredictable thing, and for more than five years of living in Bali, I have come across relatively “light” rainy seasons, when there were a maximum of one or two rainy days a week, and extremely severe rainy seasons, when there are more rainy days than sunny days per month; and when it is cloudy almost all the time and it rains alternately all day. The rainy season in Bali is like a rainy autumn in St. Petersburg, when it’s better not to leave the house without an umbrella, although sometimes you carry an umbrella for weeks, but it’s not useful :-) In general, it’s difficult to predict whether your week will be rainy or dry, you can only hope for luck :-) Or come during the dry season, when it doesn’t rain much.

The rainiest months are usually January-February.

In addition to the rain and clouds in the sky, if there are a couple of minuses in the rainy season. The first disadvantage is the very high humidity, which makes the weather seem hotter than it is. Quite stuffy and hot, especially during the day and especially if there are no clouds in the sky. For those who do not tolerate heat well, the monsoon season may seem too hot. The second disadvantage of the rainy season is dirty beaches. The beach in Kuta is considered the dirtiest, and so are the beaches in Canggu. Most clean beaches in Nusa Dua and Sanur, as they are better cleaned there. But from plastic waste No one is safe in the ocean. :(I did about the dirty ocean during the rainy season video release, you can watch it to find out more.

The advantages of the rainy season are warm weather and water as warm as fresh milk. It’s warm both day and night, you can walk around in summer clothes around the clock. Well, there’s one more minus: at this time there are slightly fewer tourists than, say, in July-August and there are more chances to book accommodation on the spot. But of course not on New Year’s or Catholic Christmas.

If you came to Bali on vacation and were caught in prolonged rains, then try to escape from them on - these are the islands neighboring Bali, they are far enough away for there to be completely different - usually very sunny - weather, but at the same time close enough for to get there by speedboat in a few hours.

The dry season in Bali is for those who do not like extreme heat.

The dry season begins around April, when rains become less and less common, humidity drops and a feeling of pleasant freshness appears, thanks to light breezes.

The peak of the dry season in Bali occurs in July-August and in the evenings it even gets a little cool, at least if you are going somewhere on a scooter late in the evening, you will need a sweater, and sometimes jeans, which you have already forgotten about during the season rains. And in the summer months, the wind often blows during the day, so it often becomes fresh and pleasant and does not feel as hot as in winter. For those who do not like heat and stuffiness, BaliBlogger recommends coming to Bali during these months.

Among the disadvantages of the dry season: this is the time when there are the most tourists, especially in July-August, and housing prices often rise and good options you need to book well in advance. Another minus: the water is a little colder than in the rainy season, it drops to 26-27 degrees. Which is still warm, of course, but if you plan to surf, especially early in the morning or in the evening, and you are a cold person, then it is better to stock up on a 2mm wetsuit. A short one is enough.

Current weather forecast

I get endlessly asked questions like “what exactly is the weather like in Bali right now” :-)

I recommend using forecast sites, they usually show quite clearly for the next week how things will be with rain and cloudy days. In my experience, there are fairly clear forecasts (even hourly ones for the next 24 hours) on the WunderGround and AccuWeather sites. You can even download the application to your phone and watch the forecast for Bali. Ideally, look at the area where you plan to stay (or the closest one), there are slight differences in different parts Bali.

Click for weather forecast

What is the weather like in Bali in a certain month?


Air: 29-32°C | water: 28 °C

January is a wet and rainy month, with the highest chance of rain in Bali. If this is your first trip to southeast asia, then perhaps January is the most best time for Bali. There is a chance to spoil the impression!

How often will it rain? At night (and sometimes in the morning) it will rain almost every day, plus a couple of days a week may be completely overcast and very rainy: when it rains all day with short breaks. On “lucky” days it will most likely rain for 2-3 hours a day. The rains in January are usually heavy, real downpours, when you get soaked to the skin in a minute. And although when there is no rain, everything is sunny and beautiful, but quite often there are cloudy days, even if it doesn't rain. Blue sky in January is not always :-)

Well, the main disadvantage: there is a lot of garbage in the ocean and on the beach, which is carried away by the rains. I made a separate video about garbage in the ocean, you can watch it. It’s especially bad on the beaches of Kuta, Seminyak, Canggu: (And during the rainy season it’s very hot and stuffy. It feels like a steam room and like 35 degrees of heat in the sun:-) The sun, by the way, is very harsh at this time, don’t forget to use it. You burn in Bali during the rainy season (and not only) even from riding a bike for half an hour with your shoulders or legs uncovered.

If you come for 2 weeks, then you may be lucky and it will rain only at night and maybe a very rainy day or two, or you may be unlucky and completely rainy days will fall on half of your vacation.


Air: 29-32°C | water: 28 °C

February according to the rules is last month rainy season. And usually it is not as severe as January, although on the contrary there were years when there was more rain in February. This is the weather and it is unpredictable :-)

Usually the number of days with rain is small, it rains at night or for an hour or two early in the morning (while you are still sleeping), and it is sunny during the day. In February, Bali is quite hot and the air is still humid. If there is no rain, then it is sunny and warm, as befits a tropical summer.

What does a “bad” rainy week in Bali in February look like? It can rain during the day, usually for an hour or two, and then everything dries up and the sun is bright. But the beaches (especially in Kuta) can still be dirty due to the trash that washes up from the ocean.

It is believed that in February there is a slight decline in tourists, so many choose this month. But there is a very high risk of rain, I usually advise coming to Bali starting from March-April if the prospect of rain scares you.


Air: 29-31°C | water: 29 °C

March in Bali is a border month in terms of weather. It seems that the rainy season is over, but the real “dry” season has not yet begun. The weather this month is very unpredictable. One year March is dry, another year it is slightly rainy. But rains are still rare and there are almost no prolonged rains, as in January-February. Usually for the whole of March there are no more than 5-7 very rainy days (when it rains almost all day long). On other days, sometimes it can rain for half an hour or an hour, and even then not in all areas of Bali, but it is sunny and hot, but still humid. This means that during the sunniest lunchtime it will fry and steam :-) Don’t forget to look for shade and use sunscreens, otherwise you will get burned.

It's so warm in March that nothing but... summer clothes you won’t need it – just like in almost all other months of the year. It's eternal summer in Bali :-)


Air: 28-30°C | water: 29 °C

April to October is supposedly the dry season in Bali. April in Bali is one of my favorite months. The high season and the bustle around the May holidays have not yet begun, but the rainy season has already ended and it is becoming noticeably drier. The temperature of water and air is almost the same, the water is like fresh milk, it is pleasant to swim and surf. At the same time, it is not as hot and stuffy as during the rainy season months - December, January and February.

The weather in April is very pleasant and if you are coming to Bali for the first time, then any month from April (to the end of October) is an excellent choice for a holiday in Bali. Plus, starting in April, the problem of dirty beaches and the ocean disappears when the garbage is washed away by rain. No rain - no garbage. Another reason in favor of going to Bali during the dry season.


Air: 28-30°C | water: 28 °C

May in Bali is a good time to travel to Bali. In May there is no longer any rain, the ocean is warm and pleasant, the air temperature is warm and summery. It is not as humid as the rainy season, so the heat is not as bad to bear. In May it is sunny almost every day, you can swim and sunbathe and truly enjoy the hot tropical weather.

It is thanks to the good weather in Bali in May - this is the high season for Russian tourists, many people come to May holidays. If you want to avoid high season or more high prices in Bali, plan for the second half of May, it is even more pleasant in weather than the first half.


Air: 27-30°C | water: 27 °C

Starting from June, the real dry season begins in Bali. What does this mean for us? June-August has the most pleasant and coolest weather in Bali. Yes, this is still the tropics and here it is rarely less than 28 degrees – both air and water temperatures. But during this month, daytime breezes begin to kick in, making the hot afternoon weather a little more pleasant. There is no rain this month, it is sunny every day, blue sky almost no clouds and a pleasant warm ocean. The ocean in Bali, however, is warm all year round. At night the air temperature gets a little “cooler” - up to 25 degrees :-)

Towards the end of June, the highest season in Bali begins - July and August. So if you want to experience the dry season weather, but don't want to pay high season prices, then June is a great choice.

July August

Air: 26-28°C | water: 27 °C

July and August in Bali are the most visited months by tourists. Prices for air tickets and accommodation are jumping, but this does not reduce the number of tourists. This is understandable: in my opinion, these months are the most pleasant summer weather on Bali. There is no humidity and stuffiness like the months of the rainy season. The heat is greatly brightened up by the day's easy prizes. The ocean is pleasantly warm and refreshing like summer. In terms of clothes, take with you everything that is lightweight for summer.

In general, July and August are the peak dry season in Bali. If you are traveling to Bali for the first time and wondering when the best time is, then July and August are definitely the most pleasant “dry” months in Bali. Every day is sunny, but also the least hot of all other months in Bali.

By the way, if you surf, take a short hydric 1-2mm, many people do without it, but we living in Bali are especially cold in the mornings without a hydric, so it’s better to take it if you have one. In addition, if you ride a bike late at night or at dawn, it is better to have a shirt or a light sweatshirt with you, as it is a little cool. Although experience shows that for those who are in Asia for the first time, it is not cool in Bali even at night. Temperatures in the south of the island rarely fall below 25 degrees.


Air: 27-29°C | water: 27 °C

September in Bali is another good month in terms of weather and seasons. The crazy flow of tourists in July-August is already subsiding slightly, but the weather is still “dry” without rain and pleasant summer. There is no stifling heat, but there are no summer winds either, so it’s a real warm summer.

The good thing about Bali in September is that there are no longer inflated prices for accommodation and tickets, there are slightly fewer tourists and more possibilities explore the island without being stuck in traffic jams :-) I remember that my first trip to Bali was in the second half of September and I really liked the weather. Compared to Russia, it certainly seemed hot, but subsequent experience of living in Bali proved that it was not the hottest, and not at all as stuffy as it can be during the rainy season in December or January.


Air: 27-29°C | water: 27 °C

October in Bali is similar to September, so you can just re-read everything I said above. October is still a dry season, although almost one of its last months.

But still, it is unlikely that there will be rain in October. And even if there are several rainy days in a month, at most they will last a couple of hours at night or at dawn, and the rest of the time there will be sunny weather and a blue, clear sky.

October great month for trips to Bali, tickets are usually not so expensive, since this is a relative off-season (although there are enough tourists in Bali in all months).


Air: 29°C | water: 28 °C

In Bali, the rainy season begins to slowly begin in November. What does this mean? Although it is unlikely to expect rain exactly on November 1, most likely there will be the same clear and sunny weather as in the same November. But gradually it becomes hotter and more humid, because of this humidity the heat during the day is perceived as more stuffy. In November, the rains may be towards the end of the month, when there are rainy nights (but everything dries out by morning) or maybe another day will be cloudy.

But one of the advantages is that this is a real off-season, it’s worth catching. There are a little fewer tourists, but for heat lovers this is the best time. Like fresh milk the ocean, hot weather even at night. You can walk around in a T-shirt and shorts all day long.

But you still need to understand that November in Bali is a month on the border of the dry season and the rainy season. And in fact, this is one of the most unpredictable months for rain. One year it can be quite dry, and then the next, on the contrary, rainy and often cloudy or it's raining several times a week. But still, usually not every day and not all day.


Air: 29-20°C | water: 29 °C

And although December in Bali new year holidays- This is another high season in Bali, I still think that this is the worst time to travel here. Besides the fact that everything is expensive and there are a lot of tourists, the weather is pretty stupid and unpredictable. December is the first month of the rainy season, which lasts until February. Don't expect the sun to shine and the sky to be blue your entire trip. There is a very high chance of rain in a day or two.

The rains during the wet season in Bali are not just small drizzles. These are real tropical showers. And although during the day they usually pass in half an hour to an hour, and then everything dries out instantly, during the rain itself you most likely do not want to be outside - the chance of getting wet to the skin in a couple of minutes is approximately 100%. :-)

You may be lucky in December and there will be few rainy days: for example, they will only fall at night or for an hour or two a day. But it can also be an unlucky December, when the sky is overcast all day and it rains alternately for days. On such days, I usually sit at home, have tea with lemon and don’t go out anywhere. But when you're a tourist, you don't really want to sit at home, right? Again, I don’t want to say that this will happen throughout your entire vacation, but there is a risk that there will be many such days. If this is your first trip to Southeast Asia, you may not want to spoil the experience by visiting during the rainy season. Moreover, under New Year It’s also insanely expensive in Bali.

Another argument not to come to Bali during the rainy season (which means December). Every year in Bali it becomes... Five years ago, the only dirty beach during the rainy season was Kuta. Now these are even such clean and beautiful beaches as Nusa Dua or Bukit. And it seems to me that every year it will get even worse. If you want to spend every day on the beach, don't come during the rainy season. Otherwise you will hate Bali :-)

Seasons for

You can surf in Bali all year round, but be aware that depending on the season, some surf spots may not be suitable for surfing.

For example, during the rainy season (namely from December to March), surf spots in southwest Bali are not very suitable for surfing: Kuta, Seminyak, Canggu, Prerenan, Balangan, Uluwatu and so on. And Kuta itself at the peak of the rainy season (especially in January-February) is not the most best place for surfing: the beaches become quite dirty, as during the rainy season garbage from village rivers washes into the ocean. But during the rainy season, surf spots on the southeastern coast begin to “work”: from Nusa Dua and Greenball and further north - Serangan, Keramas and others.

In the dry season - more precisely from March to November - the most suitable spots for surfing are Kuta, Canggu, and the Bukit Peninsula: Jimbaran, Balangan, Dreamland, etc. - and all the spots on the southwest coast that did not work in winter - Canggu and so on.

The information above is more likely for independent and advanced surfers, since if you are just a learning surfer, sometimes it is better to go to poorly working and off-season spots: the waves there will not be ideal, but there will be an order of magnitude less people and it will be easier for you to surf, since no one will interfere.

The peak surfing season begins in May and lasts until the end of August - beginning of September. At this time, big waves come quite often, there are a lot of tourists in Bali, which also affects the situation on the water: most lineups become very crowded and in order to catch a lot of waves, you will need good skills. In this sense, the rainy season is also more suitable for training, since the size and quality of the waves are more suitable for training.

Surfing lessons in Bali are provided all year round; most often, beginners are taught at surf spots on the beach in Kuta, and intermediate surfers, depending on the season, are taken on surf trips (special surf trips for half a day or one day) to those places where this moment there are waves of the required size and quality - these are often Batu Bolong and Serangan.

In Bali, the water is quite warm all year round, but if you come in June-August and do not feel particularly hardened, BaliBlogger advises taking with you a light short wetsuit or a wetsuit (even a thin 2mm thick one is enough), since in the summer the water seems a little cool, if you spend 2 hours or more in it. However, many people continue to ride at this time without any wetsuits.

High season in Bali: when to expect the largest flow of tourists?

In Bali, there are two main peaks in the influx of tourists - the Christmas and New Year holidays (that is, the period from mid-December to mid-January) and July-August. At this time, ticket prices rise, prices for hotels/villas in Bali rise, and there are a lot of cars and scooters on the roads. In general, a real sell-out. And of course, we must not forget about the May holidays, when a large number of Russian tourists rushes to various resorts, including Bali.

So if you come to Bali during high season, don't wait low prices for tickets and accommodation, and if you go, prepare for the fact that there will be many other students besides you.

If you don’t like noisy streams of tourists and prefer a slightly quieter time, then choose the off-season in Bali: March-April or October-November. These are very pleasant months in terms of weather and not so “crazy” in terms of crowds of tourists and prices for tourist services.

Video about the rainy season in Bali:

Weather in Bali radically different from Moscow weather, primarily in that Bali enjoys endless summer almost all year round(Endless Summer). This is due to the fact that the climate of Bali is monsoon-tropical and instead of the usual division into four seasons, there are only two: dry and rainy.

Dry season and rainy season in Bali

The dry season in Bali is longer and occurs during from April to October, i.e. the dry season is summer period in Russia and lasts 7 months.

We will now tell and show you in more detail about the weather in Bali by month :) Since many tourists want to try surfing, we will tell you when the season is more favorable for surfing on the most popular beach.

average temperature during the day in dry and rainy season is approx. 30-32 degrees Celsius, which is a little disconcerting when you encounter it for the first time. It is very rare for the temperature to drop below 25 degrees, even in the evening, but this applies to areas closer to the ocean.
It can be cool in the evening, so still take a warm jacket, especially if you are going to ride a scooter/motorcycle, and it is also much colder in mountainous areas; we once chilled to the bone and got sick. It was time to wear a winter down jacket.

Average air temperature on o. Bali by month

Average water temperature by month on the beaches of Bali

Therefore, it is understandable why the main form of clothing in Bali is flip-flops, T-shirts and shorts. You can ride a scooter around the clock and feel comfortable. Perhaps a rare case when you may need a windbreaker or jacket is if you are going to drive to the north of the island through mountain roads, such as.

When is the best time to go to Bali on vacation?!

It is best to go on holiday to Bali from the May holidays until October inclusive, if you want to get into the velvet season and not worry about the weather. Velvet season is May-June and September-October.

What is the rainy season in Bali?

Rainy season in Bali- these are short-term or showers which can last from several hours to several days. As a rule, it rains for 2-4 days, and then it comes good weather for 2-5 days with rare and light rains. It usually rains in small areas, and if it’s sunny in one part of the island, it’s not a fact that it’s 20 km away. the weather is the same.

Weather in Bali in January

The weather in Bali in January is rainy with almost 85% air humidity. Although January 2014 was surprisingly good, it rained sporadically throughout the day and only for half the month.
It’s a little hard to bear, the air temperature is about 34 degrees, so you can ride a scooter in the rain and not freeze at all.
The ocean water is very warm(like fresh milk). There is a lot of garbage and plastic bags on the beaches.
January can be considered as an alternative to Russian mid-latitude frosts. Many tourists from Russia come to Bali precisely in winter period for wintering in warm regions.
Surfing is difficult

02 February

It rains 70% of the days in the month, the ocean is very warm

February also not the best best month for a short holiday, since you cannot guess when the period of rainy days will begin. Air humidity is about 80%, air temperature is 33-34 degrees. February 2014 was not as good as January, there were many rainy days, and the duration of sunny days was rarely more than 3 days in a row.
The ocean water is very warm. There is a lot of garbage and plastic bags on the beaches.
Surfing is difficult, there are irregular waves on Kuta beach.

03 March

It rains 60% of the days in the month, the ocean is very warm

Weather in Bali in March Already more favorable, the rains are shorter, more often fall at night. For long trips around the island, there may not be rain at the beginning of the journey, but 20-30 km away. You might get caught in a torrential downpour. Humidity 75%, temperature about 33 degrees. It is difficult to bear and stuffy. Sleeping at night without air conditioning is not comfortable, but it is possible.
The ocean water is very warm. Vegetable world transforms, everything around turns green.
Surfing is possible, classic spots for beginners begin to work.

04 April

30% of the days in the month it rains at night, the ocean is very warm

Weather in April It’s starting to normalize, it’s very warm during the day, about 33 degrees every day. There is little rain, most of it falls at night, less often during the day and for a short time. Air humidity is high, about 65%. Sometimes it can be stuffy at night, making it difficult to sleep without air conditioning.
The ocean water is very warm
, you can swim for hours and not freeze.
Surfing possible, there are classic spots for beginners.

05 May

25% of the days in the month it rains at night, the ocean is very warm

Weather in Bali in May excellent, the velvet (high) season begins. A large influx of tourists occurs during the May holidays. The air temperature is very comfortable, about 32 degrees, the evenings are still warm and sunny, and it’s quite comfortable in a T-shirt. The rains are short-lived and fall mainly at night. Air humidity is slightly lower compared to April - 60%, although the difference is noticeable. You can sleep without air conditioning.
The water in the ocean is very warm.
Good time to surf
for beginners on Kuta beach.

06 June

The weather in Bali in June is also excellent for holidays. The air temperature is 32 degrees, but it is warm and not stuffy. Air humidity is about 60%.
Every day you can enjoy your stay on the island and not be afraid of freezing in the evenings. You can sleep without air conditioning.
The ocean water is warm.
Good time to surf
for newcomers to Kuta beach.

07 July

25% of the days in the month it rains at night, the ocean is warm

Prices are just as excellent in July weather in Bali, air temperature is about 31 degrees, sunny, sparsely cloudy, not stuffy. Air humidity is about 60%.
You can easily plan scooter trips around the entire island and not be afraid of being caught in the rain. In the evening it is as warm as during the day.
The ocean water is warm.
Good time to surf
for newcomers to Kuta beach.

08 August

25% of the days in the month it rains at night, the ocean is warm

August is a continuation velvet season on Bali. A wonderful weather, warm, not stuffy, sunny. It can get a little chilly in the evenings, so bring a warm jacket if you're riding your bike a long way. The rains are short-lived and fall at night.
The ocean water is warm.
Good time to surf
for newcomers to Kuta beach.

09 September

25% of the days in the month it rains at night, the ocean is warm

September– a wonderful time to relax in Bali, continuation of the dry season, the weather is sunny, warm (31 degrees), not stuffy. In the evenings there is a slight coolness. Rains are very rare and fall at night.
Ocean water warm.
Good time to surf for newcomers to Kuta beach.

10 October

It rains 35% of the days in the month, the ocean is warm

October is also perfect for your holiday, but in November the situation will change dramatically. The weather in October in Bali is sunny, warm (temperature about 32 degrees), not stuffy, although it can already be felt that it is starting to warm up. At the end of October and beginning of September the sun is very hot. Short periods of rain are possible.
The ocean water is warm.
Good time to surf
for newcomers to Kuta beach.

11 November

It rains 50% of the days in the month, the ocean is warm

Weather in November becomes unpredictable, the sun is hot, it becomes stuffy. Rains can be either short-term or prolonged. Not recommended for long trips around the island, or at least bring raincoats. It's hard to sleep without air conditioning.
The ocean water is warm.
Surfing is difficult

12 December

It rains 60% of the days in the month, the ocean is warm

The weather in December is unpredictable, it can rain day and night. The temperature rises a couple of degrees (up to 33 degrees), it becomes stuffy, air humidity reaches 80%. December in 2015 was perhaps the most uncomfortable month. There are a lot of tourists, a dirty ocean in Kuta, turmoil and traffic jams. Although at the end of December, beginning of January there was wonderful dry weather.
The water in the ocean is very warm. Sometimes strong winds blow from the ocean.
Surfing is very difficult, the swell moves to the other side of the island, the ocean is turbulent due to the winds.

In conclusion, we can say that Bali is always good! If you have a hard time withstanding the cold, or prefer warm weather harsh January frosts - then come to Bali to bask in the sun and swim in the warm waters of the ocean - like fresh milk!
