Mind line on the left palm. Main lines on the human palm

A lot of people are interested, I decided to continue the series of articles devoted to the study of character, health, life and fate according to the shape of the hand and palm lines. Last time we already looked at how famous palmist authors interpret different variants, and now let's see what he can tell us about mind line.

The line of mind may have different names in different sources. Thus, John Saint Germain calls this line the branch of Mimir in honor of the god of wisdom and knowledge. In Johnny Fincham we see the name “air line”. It is often referred to as the “Head line”. It's clear that this line on the hand reflects the way we think, our habitual way of thinking, the work of the brain. It is from this that one can determine periods when a person was unconscious or judge head injuries, as well as mental problems.

The line of the mind refers to the main lines of the palm. If you look at your palm, you can immediately see that the line of the mind is located between the line of life and the line of the heart. Starting between the bases of the large and index finger, it stretches across the palm.

Mind line length

What immediately comes to your mind about the length of this line? Of course! How longer line mind, so smarter person! Now let's look at the literature. It seems to be true - but not quite! And it is not at all necessary that those who have a long line will achieve great success in life. The fact is that the length of the line rather indicates how complex a person thinks. Those with a long line are more prone to analysis, think deeply and broadly, while those with a short line are able to concentrate at a given moment only in a narrow professional or other field, but become a real specialist in it.

D.S. Germain describes well the difference between the long and short "branch of Mimir". A large amount of memory, the ability to quickly process large amounts of information, a tendency to draw final conclusions only after a lot of information has been collected and processed - these are the characteristics of those who have a long memory. And, on the contrary, short memory, but quick grasp of the essence of an idea, the habit of immediately solving a problem, spontaneity and quick adaptability to change are the qualities of those with a short line. The second, however, for efficient work breaks are necessary. Now guess who will go through all the goods in the store before making a purchase, and who will tug on his sleeve, forcing him to quickly decide and go home? A striking example of D. S. Germain? Is not it?

Ideally, the line of the mind should end between the ring finger and the little finger. Such a person is able to assess both long-term prospects and the realities of today.

For geniuses, the line of the mind can cross the entire palm, reaching its edge. Probably, things are revealed to them that are not given to others, and it can be difficult for other people to understand them. It’s not for nothing that real scientists often seem a little crazy.

Bend the line of the mind

Very important characteristic This line is its bend or lack thereof. There are two main types of mind line: straight, running across the palm, and curved, or rather heading towards the Mount of the Moon. The first option is called the practical line of mind, and the second - creative.

People with a straight line think accordingly, clearly, putting everything into order, guided by logic. The world for them is black and white, without shades. But their imagination is a little slow. On the contrary, smoothly descending to the Mount of the Moon, which is responsible for creativity and the subconscious, the line characterizes a creative person with a rich imagination, and the greater the slope, the more developed the imagination. A person with a creative line of mind has many interests and hobbies; he intuitively determines who he is dealing with and the characters of people. Too strong a slope may indicate that the individual is not able to adequately assess events. This, as I understand it, is already too much.

Writer's fork

A combination where the line of the mind bifurcates at the end is usually called a writer's fork. One end of the line is then directed in a straight line, and the other tends to the Mount of the Moon. It turns out that such a person has both practicality and imagination, and he is capable of not only giving birth to brilliant ideas, but also successfully bringing them to life, finding the simplest and most effective way to solve a problem. D. S. Germain calls this “creative practicality.” The sign is very favorable on the hand of a writer, artist, entrepreneur, teacher.

Beginning of the line of mind

At its beginning, the line of the mind may come into contact with the line of life, which speaks of the caution and foresight of a person who commits an act after having thought it over. In principle, this arrangement of lines is absolutely normal if they have general beginning, and then each goes its own way.

But the merging of lines on a certain longer segment (from 12 mm) indicates great influence family and the inability (or unwillingness) to make decisions on their own.

The beginning of the line of mind inside the line of life on the Mount of Venus is interpreted as a sign of lack of self-confidence, perhaps due to family relationships at an early stage of life, due to the oppression to which the person was subjected.

If there is a distance between these lines at the beginning, then the owner of the hand has a more independent mindset, and the greater it is, the more independent and freedom-loving the person is. In old books on palmistry, this combination is even called a sign of tyranny, but modern authors tend to give such interpretations as early leaving one’s home, lack of commonality with one’s parents, and the need to be an independent thinker from childhood. A person first speaks and then thinks, very frank people, brave, decisive, active, no one can tell such a person, he is “irritated by drill, control from parents” (D.S. Germain). If you have such lines on your hand, then you will probably recognize yourself in these descriptions.

But the beginning of the line of the mind on the hill of Jupiter is already an extreme degree of ambition and ambitiousness.

Signs on the line of the mind

Island on the line speaks of a period when a person thought chaotically, irrationally, for example, when the work he performed did not correspond to his intellectual level. This is a sign of a nervous breakdown, a psychological crisis.

Chain shows a time of stress, when a person’s intellect was not working at full strength, there were problems with concentration, possibly due to severe headaches or depression.

Breaks indicate to us that the brain was inactive at that time (the person was unconscious or received a traumatic brain injury), indicate mental trauma or severe fear, often originating from childhood.

Triple branching at the end is rare. Such people are able to see the hidden fantastic side of things, not accessible to others, and bring something of their own to everything they do.

Double line heads- this, according to D.S. Germain, is two people in one head. The farther apart the branches of the mind line are, the more unpredictable a person can behave. Double life, work in two places, knowledge twice as much as others, two completely different faces the ego of the same person - these are the options for interpreting the double line of the mind.

These are just the main characteristics of the line of mind; you can read more about it in the books already mentioned, as well as in many other books. You just need to remember that any line on the palm must be studied in conjunction with the others, as well as with the shape of the hand and fingers. Good luck in studying character and destiny by hand!

The line of the mind on the hand begins next to the line of life, runs through the center of the palm to its edge. It determines intellectual inclinations, way of thinking and talents. You can't tell from it whether its owner is smart or not. After all, wisdom and knowledge are acquired over the years. The line speaks of the ability to learn, make decisions, and the ability to analyze and soberly assess reality.


The line of the mind and the line of the head are one and the same; it shows what inclinations are inherent in a person, how he thinks and approaches the solution of certain problems. If you decipher it correctly, you can help in choosing a profession, suggest best technique training. It is best to consider the dash on right hand, since it displays the reality that people create for themselves. The left one shows only natural inclinations.

First of all, it is assessed appearance lines of the mind. Its length, width and depth give the main characteristics of a person. Here's what it might look like in the palm of your hand and what it means:

  • Long line of the mind. Such people know how to analyze well and scrupulously everything they encounter; they think big. In life they try to achieve success, provide for their family, they are diligent and diligent workers, wise leaders.
  • A straight and clear stripe is characteristic of a purposeful and calculating personality. Such people make decisions slowly, carefully weighing all the pros and cons. They are pedantic both in work and in household chores, and often have an exaggerated passion for order. They have practically no imagination.
  • A short line of the mind, not reaching the middle of the palm. Its owner is practical, he doesn’t like to waste time, he tries to get the job done faster. Often thinks in stereotypes and adheres to established rules and traditions. Lives only in the present, rarely dreams and worries about past mistakes, loves stability.
  • The head branch is medium sized (ends opposite the Mount of Apollo). Belongs to a harmonious nature, whose desires and capabilities are balanced, and the ability to soberly assess events is developed.
  • Wide line. Such people thought processes slowed down, they are more difficult to remember new information, they need more time to make a decision. This does not mean that the owner of a broad line of mind is stupid, just that he thinks longer than others. His conclusions are very correct, his decisions are balanced, and the learned material is remembered for a long time.
  • A narrow line is characteristic of people who make hasty and not always correct decisions, think and remember quickly, but not for long.
  • Barely noticeable, shallow stripe. Such people find it difficult to learn and often make mistakes, especially when performing work that requires precision.
  • The dashed line belongs to freedom-loving and independent people. They are very active, cannot sit still, often travel, change jobs or general occupations.

When assessing the appearance of the head line, it is very important to pay attention to the angle of inclination. The steeper it goes down, the more developed a person’s imagination and fantasy are. A double line of the mind in the palm is a sign of genius. Such people are powerful, charismatic, capable of doing outstanding discovery or put together enormous wealth. Sometimes a parallel line means the appearance of a wise mentor in life.

Beginning and the end

A person’s attitude to life, his independence, success, and ability to make the right decisions largely depend on where the line of the mind begins and ends. The appearance of the strip at the end also matters.

Start of line

There may be several starting options:

  • The line of mind and the line of life begin together and connect in a small area. Here is a person with good self-control, who knows how to make informed decisions, guided by reason and not emotions.
  • Merger or connection of two lines in an area 2 cm or more in length. Such a person is impulsive, he often acts under the influence of instinct. His parents occupy an important place in his life; he stays in his father’s house for a long time and becomes independent late in life. Often these people are closed, indecisive and too cautious.
  • The line of the mind on the right hand is connected to the life line in a smaller area than on the left. Strong pressure from parents in childhood, from which I managed to free myself over the years and become independent. If at first the branch is broken, the formation was very difficult.
  • The line of the mind leaves the line of life. The owner of such a pattern depends on the opinions of others, is dependent, irritable, aggressive and conflict-ridden.
  • The beginning of the lines is separate, but the distance between them is small. The owner of the hand is confident in himself and has a clear position in life. To convince him of something, you need to present compelling arguments. At the same time, he has flexible thinking, no stereotypes, he is freedom-loving, inventive, and achieves great success in life.
  • The distance between the beginning of two lines is large. This arrangement is typical of temperamental and independent people. They put their desires first and make decisions impulsively, guided by emotions. Other people's opinions are not taken into account; reasonable arguments and reasons do not work on them.
  • Beginning on the Mount of Jupiter means that in front of you is a kind person who can easily find mutual language with everyone. He will be adored and loved, so he will achieve great success.

End of the line

The end of the line of the mind on the palm can be very different. It can also characterize people both positively and negatively. negative side, predict their destinies. Here are the main options:

  • The line is very long, runs across the entire palm, resting on the edge at the end. Such people achieve everything through their own hard work. They dream of great success, but do not always achieve it.
  • Ends at the Hill of the Moon. The palm of egoists who love praise and flattery. They respect people’s strength, intelligence, and are quite active; they consider only their own interests and desires.
  • On the Mount of Mercury. The owner of such a head line has a bad character, he is jealous, grumpy, likes to impose his own opinion on everyone, demands increased attention to your own person.
  • A forked branch at the end. If the fork is small and short, its owner is calm and balanced, he enjoys the attention of the opposite sex. A large split or fork characterizes a cheerful and original person, capable of surprises and practical jokes. He loves to attract attention and studies come very easily to him.
  • The branching at the end speaks of spontaneous and unpredictable people who always hope for Lucky case. It is impossible to predict how they will act in a given situation; their actions are always unforeseen. The branching line often ends up in the hands of artistic people.
  • Completely bifurcated line of mind. Sign of a two-faced person. He wears the mask of a “Good Samaritan”, behind which lies an egoist pursuing exclusively personal interests.
  • If a trait ends in a trident, its owner has developed Creative skills, good intuition.

Any ending should be considered on the right and left hand. People change throughout their lives, this is reflected on their palms. On the left we can see the traits laid down by nature, on the left - the result of personal growth or decline. It is best that the pictures match. Then their owner fully realizes his natural inclinations.

The location of the line of the mind also matters. If it is located high, then its owner does not take into account public opinion, he is proud, never admits his own wrongs and mistakes, and does not ask for forgiveness. Central location is a sign of personality with developed sense duty, devotion and loyalty. If the head line is missing, then it has merged and coincides with the heart line, such a hand is called a monkey hand.

Bends and branches

Many people have bends or waves in their mind line. Sometimes small branches extend from the main stripe towards one or another part of the palm. In palmistry, special attention is paid to these signs.


Wavy stripe is a sign good family man who lives for the sake of his children and grandchildren and makes every effort to provide financially for his family and friends. The interpretation and meaning of other bends depends on what part of the branch they are in. Here are a few examples:

  • Bend near the Mount of Jupiter. The hand belongs to a talented, but very stubborn and power-hungry person. He loves to be obeyed and often praised. Such people are often unlucky in love, they can get married and divorced several times.
  • Bend towards the Mount of Saturn. The hand is characteristic of people of art. They are impulsive, impatient, show off their feelings, and are often capricious.
  • The line bends towards the solar mound. People with this pattern are active and active, love to be the center of attention, and live for today.
  • Curve towards the Mount of Mercury. The owner takes a sober view the world, adapts well to circumstances and turns of fate. Sociable, but prefers to keep his distance from people. Has solid moral principles, a bit of an idealist, he has powerful vital energy.
  • One wave in the middle of the palm is typical for people who dream of success. They like to impose their opinion and argue, but at the same time they are ready to help everyone absolutely disinterestedly.


In addition to bends, small branches may extend from the line of the mind. They are directed in different directions, their interpretation in palmistry depends on this. Here are the branches on the hand:

  • The line of the mind is crossed by a straight line. This means that its owner is vain, stubborn, and loves only himself. He is closed, too principled, and therefore often suffers failures in life, which he experiences painfully.
  • The branch reaches towards the Mount of Jupiter. Such people are used to finishing what they start. They have difficulty building relationships and are often unhappy in their personal lives.
  • Branch to the Mount of Saturn. The hand of a pragmatist who keeps his feet firmly on the ground. At the same time, he will not achieve success at someone else’s expense; if necessary, he will always give in.
  • Branch towards the sunny hillock. Such people are fast, active and inquisitive, and often achieve success in the creative field. Unfortunately, they like to daydream, which is why they often fail to do important things.
  • The branch stretches towards the hill of Mercury. A sign of a workaholic who always puts work first. He is an executive, proactive and reliable employee, but a lousy family man.
  • The dash is directed downwards, towards the lunar mound. Such people are straightforward, ambitious and ambitious. They generate interesting and original ideas which they always try to bring to life. They go ahead to achieve their goals, regardless of anyone’s interests.
  • Small processes extend upward, towards the line of the heart. Your interlocutor is trying to earn a lot of money to provide for his family. If the branches are pointing downwards, be careful. You see before you a secretive and unreliable person, cautious, suspicious, and often aggressive.
  • Several branches point upward. This intersection is typical for people who never ask for forgiveness.

It is not always possible to see the branches on the palm in person or in a photo; this requires a lot of experience. They are often confused with other lines that cross the branch of the mind. Therefore, they must be deciphered by an experienced specialist.

Signs and breaks in the line

In palmistry great importance pay attention to the signs on the palm. They can warn about serious illnesses or misfortunes, foreshadow failures in love or work. Here are the main signs on the line of the mind and their interpretation:

  • Island on the line of the mind. Sign hardworking man, which gets to the heart of things. This sign can also warn about workers and family problems. If the island looks like a fish, its owner suffers from headaches or likes to drink.
  • A chain of islands is found in the hands of lazy dreamers who easily become dependent on alcohol, drugs, and lead an idle lifestyle.
  • A cross on the line of the mind can have different interpretations, depending on the position. At first he foreshadows the features happy life, in the middle - illness or injury, in the last third or under the ring finger - imminent death. The interaction of the cross with the star, other branches and signs is also important.
  • Triangle. The hand is typical for talented people with developed intuition. They are kind, reliable, love praise, which reduces their self-criticism.
  • Line with a star. The sign is not very favorable; it warns against severe trauma or emotional shock. The star at the end of the line of the mind is often revealed in the hands of suicides.
  • Points on the line of the mind that almost merge. Characteristic of people who are hot-tempered and aggressive. A mole instead of a dot speaks of luck.
  • The grid is a sign of a very smart but stubborn person who often changes his likes and dislikes.
  • A breakup indicates stress in the past or future. Often, breaks indicate drastic changes in life, sharp turns of fate. A lot depends on where the line breaks. If the break is at the very beginning, the person has a chance to recover from stress or start new way. A breakup at the end can completely unsettle him, and he will remain a loser for the rest of his life.

Palmistry is a multifaceted science that reveals the fate and character of a person with the help of dots, lines and intersections on the palm. One of the most controversial and interesting features in palmistry is the arc of the Mind (Head). Special meaning the pattern acquires when the line of the Mind bifurcates into two branches - this is a symbol of the creator, a fickle person with a vivid imagination and ebullient energy.

The Mind line is one of the most controversial in palmistry

Head line location

The Mind line is one of the main ones in palmistry. It is located in the middle of the palm. The line begins between the index and thumb, next to the life line, directed towards opposite side hands.

The Head Band is placed on the Mount of Mars. Every person has it on both the right and left palm. If they are identical on both hands, then the person’s fate develops as it was destined. If the marks are different, one has more intersections, then the owner of the palm has changed the predictions for a certain period of life.

Which hand to guess by

Palmistry divides palms into two types: active and passive hands. The hand that a person actively uses is called dominant. For right-handers it is the right, for left-handers it is the left. The passive hand for right-handers is the left hand, for left-handers it is the right hand.

All marks on each palm are interpreted differently. The active hand indicates more the developed and expressed side of the personality. Passive denotes the hidden talents and properties of a person.

Using the passive hand, palmists can tell about the influence of family on a person, the characteristics of upbringing and the parents’ perception of personality. The signs on the passive palm reflect the past.

The active hand reveals the present and maturity. She talks about the development of self-identity, rational and conscious thinking. A dominant palm will help a person understand how to use their talents.

If the marks on the dominant hand are clear and straight, and on the passive hand they are sinuous and thin, this indicates a difficult past that the person has experienced, and now everything is getting better for him.

Palmists recommend fortune telling for teenagers and children using the passive hand. When interpreting signs, take into account that lines tend to change over the years. For a complete picture, markings on both hands are taken into account. The Head Line is read on both the right and left hands.

Line characteristics

There are times when the Mind trait is missing. This predicts frequent dizziness. Palmists advise people to take care of themselves and be careful, as fatal injury is possible. It can also mean laziness or a tendency towards psychological imbalance.

The head stripe has different meaning depending on the length, depth, shape and number of forks. A narrow line of Mind indicates a person with lightning-fast reactions. This does not indicate the correctness of the decision, only the speed.

A wide stripe is a sign of a person who thinks for a long time. A person carefully selects all possible options for action and response. He is confident that rushing to a decision will lead to the wrong answer.

The discontinuity of the mark symbolizes doubt. Owners of the palm are often afraid and distracted, they are constantly overcome by doubts.


With the help of a curve, palmists can tell about a person’s abilities, his imagination and attitude towards money. The winding line of the Head speaks of a polar nature, which is characterized by the following qualities:

  • emotionality;
  • temperament;
  • non-standard thinking;
  • inability to do meanness;
  • workaholism.

If the stripe is straight, the person is practical and achieves everything himself. He stands firmly on his feet thanks to his work. Such a nature trusts only itself, likes to control everything and weigh all decisions.

The Mind line has a bend and is directed upward - this is a symbol of attachment to money. A person lives with money, looking for any way to earn or find it. They often devote all their efforts to finding a wealthy partner or become successful entrepreneurs.

If the stripe is directed downwards, this is a sign of good imagination. People are attracted to fiction, fortune telling and esotericism.

A downward line indicates a developed imagination


A long mark indicates the ability to delve deeply into the essence of the matter. The owners of such a line carefully analyze the information and calculate different options for the development of events. Palmists advise individuals with a long line of Mind to engage in the following activities:

  • analytics;
  • economy;
  • accounting

If it is short and straight, this is a sign of a person with the following qualities:

  • cunning;
  • ability to persuade;
  • savvy;
  • lack of interest in details;
  • ability to make quick decisions.

Often such individuals do not perceive the seriousness of the situation and do not fully delve into the problems. They easily gain trust. People with a short and straight streak often work in politics and management.

Signs on the line of Mind

There are different signs on the Head line:

  • triangle;
  • square;
  • cross;
  • dot;
  • rectangle.

Triangle on both hands - good sign. He predicts success in all endeavors. The owner of the palm is an individualist, he will be able to realize himself in scientific activity. A cross or dot on the line of the Mind symbolizes a head injury.

If the lines of the Head and Heart, intersecting, create a rectangle, this is a sign of an individual who is able to quickly navigate difficult situations. He never panics, but he is characterized by narcissism.

A square is a sign of risk-takers. People with this symbol often find themselves in difficult situations, but always deftly get out of them. If the line runs over the square, then the person is easy to control and is dependent on other people’s opinions.

A triangle on the Mind line is a good sign

The line bifurcates

A fork on the Uma line in the middle, at the beginning or at the end is a symbol of good imagination. It is inherent in people of the following professions:

  • writers;
  • artists;
  • entrepreneurs.

Such branching indicates mental alertness and inconstancy. It is found among people who know how to translate their ideas into reality. If the forked line is directed towards the little finger, it is a symbol of an adventurer.

If the fork is directed to the Mount of the Moon, then the owner of the palm is afraid to make serious decisions. Two branches are located in the middle of the line of Mind - this is a symbol of depression and despondency. The personality is often sad and upset.

The double line of the Head on the hand is directed towards the Mount of Saturn - a sign of a book lover. If two lines extend from it towards the Mount of Saturn, this is a sign of a person who is moving away from reality into the world of fairy tales and harmony. When the branching of the Head line ends on the heart line, it takes on the meaning of a short circuit of a person’s energy. The combination of the Heart and Head bands indicates increased emotionality.

The branch began near the line of life - this is a warning about a split consciousness. It is typical for artists. The double line of the Mind at the very beginning indicates hot temper and changeability in mood.

If the line of the Mind bifurcates, this is a sign of non-standard thinking. The personality also loves power and knows how to use it. She is often self-absorbed and uninterested in conversations with others.

All signs, intersections and branches on the palms are not eternal - they change over time. Likewise, the double line of the Head can change, depending on the physical and spiritual state of a person. It shows not only the depth of a person’s thinking, but also his injuries to the head, neck, respiratory system etc.

According to palmistry, the Head line on the hand is one of the three main ones. With its help, you can learn about the level of intelligence and way of thinking, and also determine how fully we use our mental abilities.

In addition, she can report the presence of head injuries and general mental state person. The length, bends, breaks and marks on it store a lot interesting information about the fate and character of the owner of the hand.

Length, width, angle of inclination

As a rule, palmists use both the left and right hand to make predictions. The left one tells about the destined fate, and the right one talks about the course of life.

The second place in importance on the hand is occupied by the line of the Head (or Mind). It begins in the interval between big and index fingers, continuing towards the edge of the palm.

In most cases, the Head line on the right hand is slightly different than on the left (if they are the same, this indicates that you are following the path of fate without turning off).

Do not panic! Didn't see auspicious sign on hands? Look for signs of protection. Palmistry. #1

Line of Mind (Head). What inclinations? mental abilities this line says. Palmistry

Palmistry line of the head or mind (part 4)

There are long, medium and short line Heads. Long - goes through almost the entire palm and means that the owner of the hand is an astute person with a good memory and high level intelligence. Short - speaks of practicality, cunning and the ability to quickly navigate a situation. The line that reaches the ring finger is called the middle line. Its owners can boast of a good mind, pliability and the ability to solve difficult problems.

People with a wide line of Mind on the palm are slow. They evaluate the situation for a long time, think about it, weigh the pros and cons. In contrast, those with a narrow Head line on their hand make decisions instantly (however, this does not mean that the decision will be correct). If the Head line is barely visible, its owner may make serious mistakes in life. A straight line of the Mind speaks of practicality and seriousness. Double - is extremely rare and indicates a powerful intellect.

The angle of inclination is also of great importance - a steep inclination speaks of a creative personality and rich imagination. A low Head line warns of possible problems with the perception of reality. Wavy - indicates cunning and inconstancy, and chain-like - warns of possible migraines.


The shape of the Head line has a great influence on a person’s character. If its tip is bent towards the fingers, this indicates a craving for material wealth. A straight line crossing the hand means that its owner is a powerful, calculating person, not prone to sentimentality. If it bifurcates at the end, this is an indicator of wild imagination and rich imagination. Two branches coming out of one are called a “writer’s fork” and speak of the creative thinking of the owner of the hand (“a writer’s fork” can often be seen in photographs of the palms of famous artists).

People whose Head line ends on the Mount of the Moon are extremely sociable, artistic and witty.

If the lines of the Head and Life are connected at the very beginning, the owner of such a hand “thinks first, and then acts,” his decisions and actions are always balanced and rational. However, combination over a longer period speaks of indecision and uncertainty. If the lines of Mind and Life do not touch each other, this indicates a strong and independent character. The will of such a person is firm, and his decisions are unshakable.

If the lines of Head and Fate intersect with each other, this is a sign of a well-developed logical thinking. Such people are able to find a way out of the most confusing and difficult situations. Sometimes the line of Mind cuts the line of Life into two parts - this indicates the possibility of suicidal tendencies. And if it breaks the line of the Heart, this means that the owner of the hand has reason prevailing over feelings. Often such people are devoid of spirituality and filled with selfishness, and this is a direct road to crime.

Location relative to the hills

It is also of great importance under which hillock the Head line ends, begins, or arches. Its beginning under the Mount of Saturn means that a person may have a developmental delay or eye disease, as well as an incident that threatens his life. A rupture under this hillock foreshadows a wound to the head, a broken leg or arm. If the Head line ends under Saturn, this indicates the likelihood of death in at a young age, and also about wastefulness and carelessness.

The head line coming from the Mount of the Moon means that its owner is a person with a rich imagination.

A similar beginning is found among writers, poets and people of a creative nature. If, while walking on the Moon, it descends to the wrist, this speaks of magical thinking and occult abilities. If the forked line of the Head descends with one branch to the Mount of the Moon, this indicates a tendency to act. Owners of this hand pattern make progress in lawyering and acting.

If the Head line turns sharply towards the Mount of Mercury, the person is distinguished by cunning and resourcefulness. To achieve his goal, he is ready to take any adventure. Sometimes it seems to bend towards one of the hillocks. If this is the Mount of Mercury, the person is successful in trade, and if it is the Mount of Apollo, the ability to create is evident.


Signs are of great importance in palmistry. Some of them are permanent, others are temporary. Permanent signs appear from the moment of birth and are a reflection of our destiny, while temporary signs warn us about certain life events.

  • A cross is most often an unfavorable sign that indicates a head injury. If it is located under the ring finger, it is considered a sign of death.
  • A triangle in this place of the palm is found among people who have dedicated their lives to science.
  • The circle speaks of eye disease and poor vision.
  • An island means problems - both in your personal life and in professional activity. People with big amount islands are susceptible to depression, nervous breakdowns and panic attacks. They are often tormented by headaches and nightmares. If the island is placed at the beginning of the line, you should pay attention to the condition of the throat and ears.
  • A star is a sign of a serious head injury.
  • A square is a very good sign. His presence means that at this stage of life a person is helped by a Guardian Angel.
  • Multiple dashes indicate financial difficulties or problems at work.
  • The grid is a sign of stubbornness and changeability.
  • The gaps show that in this place a person’s path changes dramatically.

The head line runs along the palm below the heart line. In palmistry, it can also be called the line of mind or intellect. A large number of experiments indicate that it determines a complex of intellectual qualities of a person, such as mentality, the amount of concentration of the mind, and the ability to self-control.

The importance of the head line is as great as the importance of the mind in the life of humanity. A person may be well developed in other areas, but the correctness of his actions will always depend on his mentality. Intelligence is the same force that allows you to make changes in the natural course of life, feeds a person with the strength to change qualities and is capable of influencing the people around him.

Before you start discovering the meaning of the head line, you need to establish its location, since there are situations in which it is completely absent. But intelligence has a power that directly affects the other features on the hand, so complete absence is a very rare case.

  • In palmistry, the head line divides the palm into two halves and runs between the heart and life lines.
  • Sometimes it originates at the same point with the line of life, that is, it connects at the very beginning on the edge of the palm. In some cases it begins at some distance from it.
  • It can break; large gaps indicate some event or accident that affected a person’s mind or mental health.
  • Small cliffs indicate the inability or unwillingness of a person to develop his intellectual level.

Long line

Direct and clear line heads (under No. 2 in the figure)

The person has a sound mind, he is quite calculating and purposeful. This individual does not like to rush and makes final decisions after much deliberation.

Slow, deliberate decision-making and excessive accuracy interfere full life. The presence of a direct and clear line of intelligence in women speaks of remarkable abilities in the household, but it happens that such passion takes exaggerated forms.

Long head line

The owner of such a hand has prudence and a sober mind. He is busy searching for the most effective and fastest ways to achieve his goals. Strength of character, passion for work, and a fast pace of work help a person achieve the desired results, but constant control over the situation weakens friendly relationships.

Very long, reaches the edges of the palm

This sign often occurs in people with unusual intelligence and analytical abilities. The owner of a line of mind that runs from one edge of the palm to the other can successfully run a business, engage in industry or finance.

In addition, such a person is attracted to transactions associated with risks. From time to time, thanks to his talents, a person presents himself as “superior” to others, this can turn society against him, so he needs to behave more carefully and not enter into conflicts.

Second line running parallel

Meet something like this mutual arrangement two stripes is very rare and lucky. The double line of the mind in the palm indicates the owner of dual thinking. Such a person is careful and at the same time power-hungry. IN hard times the inheritance he receives will help him.

Short or intermittent

Short head line

The owner of the head line, which ends early, approximately in the middle of the palm or earlier, prefers an established order of life. For this person, everything that is tangible and real is important.

Dreams are in the past, only the present is important, he reminds himself of this every day. And a measured life suits him in all respects and allows him to be less afraid of the future.

Broken head line

Such a sign speaks of a passionate nature that takes care of the sick and our little brothers, but this is more likely due not to warmth of heart, but to the search for new hobbies. In any case, curiosity is inherent in humans.

High location

A high line of the mind, reaching the line of the heart, means in palmistry indifference to the opinion of society. The owner of such a hand will never agree with his wrongness, even when his guilt is obvious. He will not beg for forgiveness and will not admit that he was guilty.

The most the right decision for relatives and people who surround him - to forget forever about the conflict and rude behavior of the selfish person. There is no point in thinking and worrying about this.

Wavy line of the head

Shows a person who respects family values, values ​​marriage and children. Quite often, the owner of a wavy line on the palm devotes all his energy to building successful family relationships.

Rapid descent

A person with such a hand has excellent memory and intuition and constantly improves his spiritual qualities. In addition, the owner of such a slope on his hand respects and appreciates the intelligence in the people around him.

He actively behaves in life, instantly reacts to life changes, and has a creative approach. This person is a little proud, he likes praise from the outside, because of this he is dependent on the opinions of others.


Chain instead of straight

The head line in the form of a chain is found among dreamers and people who tend to indulge in a serene pastime. Laziness can bring the owner of such a sign to the very bottom of society. Sometimes a push and persuasion helps such a person. At the same time, the chain in palmistry indicates the ability to be generous and, as a result, speaks of a high spiritual level.

Rising to the Mount of Mercury

In the soul of a person with a head line ascending to (the hill under the little finger), conflicting feelings are fighting; he can be called a stubborn person who loves to grumble and at the same time stubbornly defend his opinion. The owner of an upturned line of mind has a talent for ironically teasing his interlocutor and showing his hostility. Mocking people is a kind of self-defense. He wants constant attention and therefore difficult to communicate.

Triangle in the area of ​​Mercury

This combination is found in people who are diversified, talented, and actively moving through life. The owner of this sign devotes a lot of time to details and likes to understand everything to the end; he is constantly looking for something new in order to make the world a better place. This is accompanied by excellent intuition and spiritual qualities. Such a person can try himself in the scientific field.

Island on the head line

The life of a person with an island on the head line is filled with work, he works tirelessly, is active, and improves himself. At first, fatigue is not felt, but then it always makes itself felt. In all matters, the owner of such a hand is successful. There is a risk of alcoholism.

The head line bifurcates at the end or ends in a fork

The bearer of such a sign on the palm is able to simultaneously see both sides of one phenomenon without exerting any effort. special effort. This ability is due to the combination of the practical mind with the power of imagination. This person does not like a simple, one-sided view of things.

A possible vocation is working on stage as an actor. A similar pattern has been seen on the palms of comedy artists. Author: Tatyana Ivanova
