Lunar nodes in zodiac signs. Lunar nodes of the horoscope - the vector of our destiny

Astronomically, the Lunar Nodes are the points at which the Moon's orbit intersects the ecliptic, or the path along which the Sun moves relative to the stars. These are truly unique nodes that connect together the two most important cosmic principles - solar and lunar.

The sun is often associated with a monad, a spark of God, a certain spiritual center of human essence, which travels, reincarnating, from life to life, accumulating some experience in each life. And the Moon can be compared with a material, mortal shell, built from earthly matter and playing the role of a temporary shelter for the monad - the Sun in this particular life.

In Indian mythology there is a story about a demon (rakshasa) who was cut into two parts. The upper part was called Rahu, meaning the head of the dragon, and the lower part was called Ketu (dragon's tail). The upper part corresponds to the direction towards the North Pole of the Earth, therefore it is also called the North (Ascending) node. The node located in opposite side, is called the South (Descending) node.

In astrology, these points are indicators of karmic accumulations and spiritual potential. They describe a person's mission and the destination he is striving for in his current incarnation.

People's lives are a movement from the past to the future. The vector of this movement is directed from the South Node to the North Node, from the Descending Node to the Ascending Node. We can say that the Lunar Nodes symbolize the lunisolar process or the path along which a person masters the circumstances of the Moon and approaches the goal of the Sun. The line (axis) of the Lunar nodes in the horoscope can be compared to the river of life along which each of us floats.

Only the flow of the river here is rather directed from the Ascending Node to the Descending Node, and in order to get to the goal, you need to overcome difficulties to swim against the current, otherwise those who swim with the flow are constantly carried back to the South Node, in which everything is so familiar and mastered.

South, Descending lunar node and its meaning

A person does not begin his journey on Earth from scratch or from a clean slate. Before his current incarnation, he passed a certain part of the path and acquired experience, which expresses the Descending (South) lunar node.

This experience can be bitter or positive. In any case, a person feels that some areas of life are more or less mastered, and it is easy for him to do what he is familiar with and does well. Meanwhile, contact with the themes of the Descending Node and life within its framework means stagnation and movement in the opposite direction. It is necessary to ensure that the experience of past achievements turns into a solid basis for future conquests and advancement in life. The past cannot be completely rejected, but one must move forward without looking back all the time.

North, Ascending lunar node and its meaning

The ascending (North) lunar node precisely shows the most necessary and correct direction of movement in the boat of life. The future can be frightening with its uncertainty, and there is a constant lack of knowledge. Movement towards a goal is often associated with mistakes and blunders, and the peaks sometimes seem unattainable.

However, you need to move precisely in the direction of the Ascending Node. This will mean the desire to fulfill your life mission of the current incarnation.

Analysis and interpretation of the Lunar nodes

The lunar nodes should not be considered separately from other elements of the horoscope. They can enhance or emphasize the general meaning and message inherent in the birth chart. A comprehensive study of the Lunar nodes and fundamental astrological factors will help to better understand the patterns of life and the fate of a person, since in this case it is possible to draw parallels between the current existence of the native with his past and future.

Analysis of the position of the Lunar nodes is very important when studying and solving karmic issues and tasks. The zodiac sign in which the Descending Node falls will indicate the native’s habitual style of behavior and lifestyle, which is rooted in past incarnations. The ascending lunar node, the astrological house in which it falls, and its sign will suggest the direction in which a person needs to develop in the current life. Understanding the vector of one’s development will give the native the opportunity to get rid of the problems of the past and fully realize the creative and spiritual potential inherent in him by nature and fate.

Lunar Nodes in Zodiac Signs

Ascending (North) node in Aries, Descending (South) node in Libra

A person with the Ascending Node in Aries has the task of a leader and pioneer. The descending node in Libra will incline the native to compromise and diplomatic behavior, but this is the wrong path. In order to fulfill his destiny, a person cannot look back at others and hope for support from anyone.

The path of such a person is bright and unique, but it is the path of a loner. You need to develop wrestling qualities, determination and independence. Only the brightest, most personable, energetic, and self-confident person can lead a crowd.

Ascending Node in Taurus, Descending Node in Scorpio

The karmic task of a person with an ascending node in Taurus is to develop and improve talents and abilities. It will be good if the owner of the horoscope chooses activities related to art. This could be painting, architecture, literature (poetry), singing, etc. The creative nature of work will allow the native to develop and grow. Creativity can be of an applied nature. The native may be interested in gardening, animal husbandry, love the land and build houses.

And, conversely, if a person follows the path of the Descending Knot, that is, does what is familiar to him, life will become meaningless, and most karmic knots will never be able to untie during life. People with the Descending Node in Scorpio should not get carried away with intrigue, behind-the-scenes games and seek only benefits when interacting with partners. They are encouraged to develop thoroughness, hard work, honesty, practicality, the ability to enjoy the beauty around them and create harmonious images with their own hands.

Ascending Node in Gemini, Descending Node in Sagittarius

The mission of a person with the Ascending Node in Gemini is any intellectual activity. This could be the work of a writer, scientist, translator, journalist, etc. A person with such a node should also develop communication, mediation and commercial skills, even if this is difficult for him.

Activities related to teaching, philosophy, religion and travel are undesirable for people with the Descending Node in Sagittarius. In this life, it is important to learn for yourself, and not to teach others and give advice. It may be discovered that the native's knowledge is too abstract and cannot be applied to solve specific problems. In this situation, you need to communicate as much as possible, look for new sources of information, quickly respond to changes in the world around you, using recently acquired skills.

Ascending Node in Cancer, Descending Node in Capricorn

The ascending node in Cancer indicates that in the current incarnation the owner of the horoscope needs to direct his energies to creating a family, a cozy home and a strong rear. The native's mission may be to maintain family values, serve the Motherland, or express love for the Fatherland.

The owner of the Descending Node in Capricorn should not devote his life to work and the realization of high ambitions. You cannot distance yourself from others, limiting yourself only to dry business relationships. By showing gentleness, kindness, and care for people, the subject will be able to fully realize his karmic tasks. In business and in life, he will be helped by intuition and the ability to emotionally perceive everything that happens around him in a childlike way. A person who does not limit himself to strict instructions and rigid plans, who acts spontaneously and trusts the world, will act in accordance with his karmic destiny.

Ascending Node in Leo, Descending Node in Aquarius

A person with these nodes should be more attentive to society and the phenomena occurring in it. You need to learn to see creativity in those around you, but you cannot disappear into the crowd, forgetting about the uniqueness of your own personality.

A person with the Ascending Node in Leo must discover his individuality and develop those talents and abilities that the Creator has awarded him. Having felt fulfilled in society and needed by it, the subject begins to “shine” for other people: to give joy, charge them with positivity, love, create for them.

It will be good if a person with this node chooses activities related to creativity, stage, teaching and learning, management.

Ascending Node in Virgo, Descending Node in Pisces

A person with the Descending Node in Pisces tends to go with the flow and overburden himself with other people's problems. Meanwhile, in this life he should not be too soft, vulnerable, sensitive and divorced from reality. The ascending node in Virgo requires the development of practicality, high efficiency, and a sober approach to business.

It is advisable to choose for yourself a field of activity that will require the use of intellectual (analytical) abilities. The owner of a horoscope who has a good sense of his karmic task can become a successful writer, scientist, administrator, doctor, etc.

Ascending node inLibra, Descending Node in Aries

The owner of the Descending Node in Aries is used to taking initiative, acting energetically and solving all matters independently. In this incarnation, the native needs to abandon this style of behavior, as this can lead to slipping and wasted energy.

You should choose the path dictated by the Ascending Node in Libra, which means behaving diplomatically, taking into account the opinions of others, looking for partners and creating trusting and harmonious relationships. The meaning of life can be associated with business cooperation and marriage.

In addition, Libra is a creative sign, therefore it is favorable for the owner of the horoscope to develop in the field of art.

Ascending node inScorpio, Descending Node in Taurus

The owner of the Descending Node in Taurus is talented, works hard, loves comfort and a stable life, full of simple earthly joys. Meanwhile, you need to get away from these karmic developments. Moving along the path of the Ascending Node in Scorpio means not so much working yourself as directing the efforts of those around you to achieve your goals.

In this life, the native needs to develop insight, strong-willed and fighting qualities. Don't be afraid of losing what you have. You need to be able to take risks, because if you invest in a promising business, you can win several times more.

The mission of a person with the Ascending Node in Scorpio will correspond to financial, political activity, as well as the work of a detective, criminologist, athlete, military man.

Ascending node inSagittarius, Descending Node in Gemini

A person with the Descending Node in Gemini is accustomed to an active lifestyle. He travels a lot, studies, communicates. However, in this life he needs to become more elevated and develop philosophical thinking. Vanity takes a lot of time and energy, and solving similar problems does not develop at all.

If a person decides to follow the path of the Ascending Node, then he will be able to avoid many problems: dependence on the opinions of others, getting bogged down in details, lack of independence.

It will be good if the native chooses a teaching or scientific activity, will independently generate progressive ideas and disseminate new philosophical concepts.

Ascending node inCapricorn, Descending Node in Cancer

A person with the Ascending Node in Capricorn is recommended to cultivate dedication, hard work and the ability to achieve goals despite obstacles. The descending node in Cancer, symbolizing past achievements, can incline to overly emotional behavior, isolation in one’s own inner world and personal needs. Meanwhile, you need to get out of your shell, where you feel comfort, coziness and calm.

A person realizes his karmic task only when he achieves certain heights in activity, be it politics, science (mathematics), creativity (architecture) or anything else.

Ascending node inAquarius, Descending Node in Leo

The owner of the Descending Node in Leo knows his worth and knows how to demonstrate to the public his virtues and talents. Meanwhile, in the current incarnation, such self-centered behavior must be avoided. The ascending node in Aquarius indicates that the native needs to focus on the people around him, help them understand and accept themselves, and unleash their creative potential.

The mission of the subject is not to isolate himself and his individuality, but to unite with friends and like-minded people in order to achieve common, humane goals.

The native may choose activities related to people and society: work as a psychologist, sociologist, journalist, writer, etc. A person may show interest in unusual, rare professions (inventor, astrologer, space explorer, test pilot, etc.).

Ascending node inPisces, Descending Node in Virgo

The owner of the Descending Node in Virgo knows how to sort everything out, analyze it and put it in order. Meanwhile, in this life he needs to develop completely different qualities: psychological, intuitive mind, the ability to abstract from details and exist in a situation of uncertainty.

In many situations, rational thinking and ideal, well-thought-out actions can lead to mistakes. A person will benefit more if he trusts an unexpected insight, uses his imagination and shows a creative approach to his work. People with the node in Pisces can realize themselves in the field of art, as well as in religion, psychology and the occult sciences.

Ascending (Rahu) node in the first house, Descending (Ketu) node in the seventh house

This position of the nodes indicates the need to turn to yourself and your origins. Having known himself, having understood his goals, objectives, desires and motives of behavior, a person will be able to fully interact with others and achieve success in partnership.

Often with this arrangement of nodes a person experiences difficult situations in his personal life. Partners (both marriage and business) are attracted to him for a reason. By communicating, living and working with them, the native resolves old problems stemming from past incarnations. IN in this case You shouldn’t change your partners like gloves, choosing a better and more promising person. By changing from within, we change our immediate environment. The kinder, more compassionate and spiritual the native becomes, the more positive and aware his companion becomes.

Ascending Node (Rahu) in the second house, Descending Node (Ketu) in the eighth house

With this position of the nodes, a person needs to be careful when it comes to money, movable property and financial investments. Mistakes made in life will affect the financial condition of the native. And vice versa, the more good deeds a person does, the more prosperous he will live.

A person with the Descending Node in the 8th house does not need to rely on the resources of partners and others. You need to develop your talents and abilities, increase your skills, and work hard. This will allow you to gain independence in material terms and avoid the temptation of money.

Ascending Node (Rahu) in the third house, Descending Node (Ketu) in the ninth house

A person with this position of the nodes will find his purpose and place in life if he actively learns, gets to know and communicates with others. In order to become happy and successful, you do not need to graduate from several universities, undergo a foreign internship, or defend a doctoral dissertation.

The information you need for life can be the simplest and most accessible, and it is not necessary to look for a Teacher in order to learn how to cope with the simplest tasks in life. The knowledge gained in the process of interaction with the outside world can be applied immediately, in Everyday life. This will give the native flexibility, agility and the ability to quickly navigate difficult life circumstances.

A person who has done and continues to do many good deeds can receive the information he needs completely unexpectedly and free of charge. As punishment for atrocities, the native may be subject to slander and slander.

Ascending Node (Rahu) in the fourth house, Descending Node (Ketu) in the tenth house

A node in the 4th field speaks of the need to invest in the family, respect traditional values, and maintain contact with parents and children. It will be good if the subject resolves the issue of his own housing as early as possible and creates a comfortable and cozy atmosphere. Cooking, raising children, and organizing a harmonious space are favorable.

The owner of the horoscope should not be ambitious and overly pragmatic. Career aspirations in life will be difficult to realize if a person does not have a strong rear in the form of a family.

In a broader sense, the Ascending Node in the 4th house symbolizes service to the Motherland and love for one's country. Recognition and success will come to a person if he chooses the profession of historian, military man, politician, etc. and will do his duty honestly.

Ascending Node (Rahu) in the fifth house, Descending Node (Ketu) in the eleventh house

A subject with a node in the 5th house will be able to realize karmic tasks if he devotes himself to any creative, stage, or public activity. It is important to devote time to children, find time for entertainment, favorite activities and sports. The meaning of life lies in activities that make your soul happy and cheerful. The positive energy of a creative person will ignite and inspire the people around him.

Often the owner of the Descending Node in the 11th house is forced to solve problems related to friends and the team. To do this, you don’t need to seek their affection from like-minded people and devote a lot of personal time to them. The more happiness, friendliness and enthusiasm the horoscope owner spreads around himself, the more people he attracts to himself.

Ascending Node (Rahu) in the sixth house, Descending Node (Ketu) in the twelfth house

The owner of the nodes in these houses will be faced with the need to work and serve for the benefit of people. At the same time, the Ascending Node in the 6th house directly indicates the need to provide specific, effective help to others. It is important to be hardworking and efficient at work, and then you will be able to avoid many problems - mental contradictions, lack of meaning in life, instability and illusions.

In this case, there is no need to engage in soul-searching and search for light within yourself. You should also not sacrifice yourself for the sake of others. A person will do the right thing if he chooses the path of a practitioner, innovator and active worker.

If a person follows the right path and does good deeds, then he is in good health and can even heal others.

Ascending Node (Rahu) in the seventh house, Descending Node (Ketu) in the first house

If the node is located in the 7th house of the horoscope, then the person needs to direct all efforts to forming a harmonious relationship with a marriage partner and establishing successful business cooperation. By focusing on the goals, desires and needs of others, you can look at yourself in a new way and overcome your own psychological barriers.

A descending node in the 1st house will indicate that a person does not need to spend precious time promoting his ideas, caring about his image and realizing his own ambitions.

Things will go much better if the owner of the horoscope finds good partners, will identify common goals and will achieve them through joint work.

Ascending Node (Rahu) in the eighth house, Descending Node (Ketu) in the second house

A person realizes karmic tasks by managing other people’s financial resources. This is always a risk and a great responsibility, but the faster the native overcomes his inner fears, the stronger and more successful he will become. You can't be content with what you have. We need to increase our resources and make sure that they strengthen the influence of the individual on social processes. Politics and business will be typical areas for realizing karmic potential.

The owner of a horoscope can choose any dangerous activity for himself, build a career as a military man, surgeon, athlete, rescuer, stuntman, etc. These and many other professions teach one not to be afraid to look danger in the eye.

Ascending Node (Rahu) in the ninth house, Descending Node (Ketu) in the third house

A node in the 9th house indicates that the owner of the horoscope needs to constantly expand his horizons throughout his life. You shouldn’t limit yourself to your usual circle of acquaintances. Knowing truisms will not make it possible to make a breakthrough. In order to get closer to your life goal, need to get higher education, travel as much as possible, engage in creativity (including intellectual), communicate with representatives of a wide variety of cultures.

Philosophical view of the world and numerous achievements(in science, sports, religion, politics, art, entrepreneurship, etc.) will allow you to begin educational and journalistic activities.

A person acting in accordance with his karmic task can experience joy and good fortune while abroad. If he commits serious misconduct, he may face charges and legal proceedings.

Ascending Node (Rahu) in the tenth house, Descending Node (Ketu) in the fourth house

People with a node in the 10th house need to find their true calling and realize themselves in their profession. In this case, you will be able to find the desired stability, prosperity and joy in life. There is no need to hide your ambitious aspirations from others. A node in the 10th house will reward those who know how to set goals, work hard and try to achieve the highest heights in life.

It often happens that the owner of a horoscope is only concerned with solving problems related to home, family, and real estate. Despite the efforts made, the number of questions on these topics is only increasing. In this situation, you need to approach problems from the other end. Having a high purpose and working hard for an important mission will help you find people who are ready to help and support you in difficult times.

Here the soul learns the lessons of self-awareness at the most primal levels. Experience in previous incarnations did not allow the personality to form as a single individual. The individual is now paying the price for indecisiveness in his previous lives and also learning how to rise out of his confusion by developing “unanimity.”

Extremely sensitive to flattery, the individual tries his best to please others, but since he is not yet self-aware, it is difficult for him to take action. Always trying to balance the people around him, he plays the role of eternal arbitrator between two or more opposing ideas, people or conditions. Standing in the middle, he assumes the role of a buffer, desperately trying to bring both sides into harmony at the same time. From moment to moment and day to day, this individual oscillates from one side to the other, hoping that he will never have to take a stand!

In previous lives, the individual measured his happiness by the success or failure of those who were close to him. Now he continues to evaluate his life through others. His confidence can be easily undermined because he is barely self-aware. By mixing the collective needs of others with his own unfulfilled desires, he becomes vulnerable to long-term states of depression. No matter how exhausted he feels, he continues this past life pattern, looking for people with whom he can identify. At times he resents his inability to bring together the opposing parts within himself. However, the individual is so accustomed to supporting opposing ideas that he continues to create new ones. He is attracted to music and art, and feels comfortable in elegantly sophisticated surroundings. When the conditions around him become rough or fragile, he loses control.

He doesn't like living alone, but he wants peace. For the sake of his peace of mind, an individual must learn to isolate himself from the needs of the people around him. He must stop fighting for his survival and concentrate on those positive thoughts that will help him develop his individuality.

In past incarnations he was capable of great self-sacrifice for other people, but this was not fully appreciated. Now the soul is reincarnated with traces of resentment that it did not receive rewards for its efforts. This brings out the willfulness of the South Node in Libra and actually prevents the individual from finding his true Self! The North Node can only manifest when the South Node has been brought to its highest possible karmic level. Thus, this individual will reach his highest potential after he learns to serve willingly without desiring any rewards outside of his own growth.

In other lives the individual was very impressionable. Now he spends at least the first half of his life coping with the remainder of his credulity and gullibility. Over time, he becomes an avid reader, which helps him organize his thoughts. However, there are still so many past habits of indecision that it is extremely difficult for him to make concrete decisions.

Always tending to see both sides of everything, the individual becomes bifurcated at every crossroads. When these divisions become so painful that he can no longer bear his indecision, he will begin to reach out to his North Node in Aries.

Eventually he learns not to be afraid to take a stand and stand up for what his higher self feels is the Truth. He achieves this by learning to be himself and not an extension of someone else. However, he must rely on his previous incarnations to teach him how to love and not how to hate. Thus, in his search for himself, he should not lose sight of the fact that his assertiveness affects the people close to him. The individual will have to retire to a short time to accumulate your strength. His greatest lessons are getting his head to rule his heart, as he still melts too easily at the slightest attention. Of all the positions in the zodiac, the individual with this Node position has the least past life experience in learning about himself. Now he must find out what he really is! In his current life he is destined to make the transition from reaper to sower, as a result of which every thought becomes a creative seed for his new beginning.

Which contains, shows an area of ​​life where too much past identification with other people held back self-development. , which contains , denotes the sphere where the Personality is now experiencing its birth. When a new sense of self-identity is achieved, such an individual feels like Columbus who discovered America. The most surprising thing is the realization that America was here all along, but he never knew it.
(see also )

The individual is now so frightened by the memories of having the rug constantly pulled out from under him that he becomes defensive towards anyone who offers him advice about revival. In past incarnations, he literally walked through the fires of hell to burn away his false values. Now, instead of turning to the remnants of Scorpio still present within him, the individual must build through Taurus new set essential values ​​by which he will live.

Virtually all people with this Node placement have at one time or another come into contact with the power of Witchcraft, so there must be a sharp awakening in this life regarding any lingering remnant of the lower self. In past incarnations this individual also had to deal with a powerful sexual stimulus that kept knocking him out out of balance. As a result, he is accustomed to seeking satisfaction in all kinds of relationships, which ultimately become destructive for the personal ego. Then, embarrassed and embittered by the sight of everything falling around him, he is almost glad to help in the destruction of what little remains.

Most of the conditions of this life are still controlled from his subconscious level, hidden far below the inquisitive gaze of society. The individual may appear outgoing and friendly, while in reality he is planning some mysterious, risky scheme.

Before giving an exact interpretation, it is necessary to carefully study the chart to see how far the soul has come out of Scorpio. Those who are already closer to Taurus purposefully avoid the furious churning of Scorpio. For those who have barely emerged from Scorpio, internal upheavals are still ongoing. Planets forming a conjunction with any of the Nodes will pull a person towards that Node and literally force the individual to experience it in the current life.

For all people with this Node position, the past upheaval was so intense that there will definitely be consequences in relationships with family members and close loved ones.

Every day, apparently, will be filled with new unforeseen events, until one crisis, superimposed on another, will not lead a person to the struggle for existence. He has not yet learned gentleness and restraint, and does not know how to take things at face value, since he still believes that other people always have ulterior motives. He feels he must constantly run away from punishment, and in his flight he leaves behind tornado-like destruction of everything he once held dear. At times he sees others suddenly change their attitude towards him, but he rarely stops long enough to realize that he is the reason for this. Whether he's working off past incarnations in Scorpio or moving forward through Taurus, his fixed stubbornness represents much of his deeply ingrained way of doing things.

He will commit a big increase when he can see the actions of others as reflections of his own subconscious! In past incarnations, the individual has become accustomed to a state that, if there is no way out, turns into anger. He has been left with deep scars from insults, and now, like a wounded animal, he can be merciless towards anyone who poses the slightest threat. At lower levels of consciousness, individuals with this position of the Nodes can pursue their victims, carrying out personal blood feuds. Then, when the pieces fall apart, they appear as innocent victims, when in fact they are carefully planning for victory.

With intense emotions constantly seeking expression, they need a creative outlet.Sexual desire must be transformed into Divine Love. All bitter conditions from past incarnations must be thrown out of consciousness until a new seed of peace is revealed. The South Node in Scorpio must burn the bridges of the past and make decisions for the greater good, based on the lessons of Lot's wife: “Never look back!”

Through the North Node in Taurus, the individual must learn not to squander or waste his strength. His greatest achievements in this life come when, having come to love the land on which he lives, he appreciates the source of constant nourishment and sustenance. Over the course of lifetimes, he has misused his energies, urges and desires, feeling alone amidst all the oppressions and calamities that affect humanity. Now, through the sensory impressions of his North Node in Taurus, he must become aware that the wealth in the universe is so great that he will always have what he needs. He must learn to distinguish between what he wants and what he needs, because although he does not always have the opportunity to realize what he wants, he is surrounded at every moment with everything he needs!

When he reaches his North Node in Taurus, he finally finds stability. Seeing everything that is now offered to him, he should stop feeling deceived. Ultimately in this life he is destined to reach a state of contentment when the boiling volcanoes of Scorpio dissolve into the blue waters of harmony in Taurus - where the beloved Gautama Buddha left his blessing. This is truly a transition from lives of war to a garden of peace.

North Node in Gemini - South Node in Sagittarius

Years and periods when the North Node of the Moon was in Gemini:

17.04.1927 - 29.12.1928
04.12.1945 - 03.08.1947
26.08.1964 - 20.02.1966
17.03.1983 - 12.09.1984

Here the individual receives an invitation to join the society. His soul entered this life with a remnant of wildness from a previous incarnation. As a result, the individual is not used to appreciating other people's points of view. The karmic continuation of a strong, self-righteous position makes it difficult to honestly evaluate one's own actions. Essentially his life is excessive. He is still drawn to a natural existence without formalities and will try his best to avoid any restrictions imposed on him.

He is used to being a free spirit and desperately tries to maintain his sense of freedom at any cost. Whether he is married or not, the soul's memory of his bachelor-like position makes it impossible for other people to get too close to him.

Believing that actions speak louder than words, he makes his current life a kaleidoscope of rapid activity. He is always trying to do too many things at once, stretching himself so thin that he continues to lose sight of any central theme in life.

In past incarnations he functioned on large reserves of nervous energy and did not learn to focus his attention on any one area. In this life he still seeks profit and constantly finds himself a victim of shortcuts that must be repeated.

Not accustomed to all the demands of society, this individual tries to avoid responsibility. He believes that if he can just quickly get rid of everything he has to do, he will gain the freedom that society is trying to take away from him. And so he spends most of his time trying to free himself. He does not realize that every action creates an equal and opposite reaction. As a result, he actually becomes less free than before.

His nature is always partly primitive. If he is selfish, then it looks simple-minded. If he steps on someone's toes, it is because he is not aware that they are there. He always seems to have missed the obvious, blissfully unaware of the immediate circumstances around him. He is so inexperienced in society that he seems like the proverbial “bull in a china shop.”

In the present life the individual learns how to mingle with the society from which he benefits. However, still afraid of people's reactions, he lives his life on the sidelines, occasionally rushing into the spotlight only to run back again.

In his previous life, he lacked experience in the areas of cooperation, sociability and tact. Now he strives to achieve sophistication in everyday affairs. He still doesn't know how to see a clear reflection of himself because he doesn't understand that there are two sides to the same coin. Through his North Node in Gemini, he will now be exposed to experiences that will force him to see both sides of every issue.

In this life, the individual is destined to learn to see the world through the eyes of other people. To understand why people don't listen to him, he must put himself in their shoes. Eventually he will come to the realization that all the negative qualities he has attributed to others are traits he does not understand about himself.

Sometimes an individual is a “shouter in the library.” It doesn’t matter how sophisticated and experienced he pretends to be. He is so rude and uncouth that it comes out at the most inopportune moments. This confuses him very much, so he pays great attention to his manners, habits, public behavior and especially his manner of speaking.

Due to the position of the North Node in Gemini, the individual will spend most of his vital energy learning the art of communication. He feels the need to educate himself.

In this life he will be faced with the choice of whether to live in the city (Gemini) or in the countryside (Sagittarius). For many lifetimes he seems to have been more comfortable in the countryside, but he can learn a lot by adjusting to the new experiences of coping with the difficulties of city life.

Due to the position of the North Node in Gemini, the individual must learn to respect the rights of other people if he is going to help preserve the society around him, which in past lives he considered unimportant, but which in this life is necessary for his survival.

His body demands athletic pursuits, closeness to nature, and primitive living, but his mind will eventually lead him to explore words, language, and reflect on his self-expression.He is like a wild stallion who desperately resists being tamed, but nevertheless wants to know what the experience might be like. In the midst of this seeming paradox, he is the messenger of the lower and higher minds to all those who come into contact with him. Past incarnations led him to a natural understanding of the Universe. Now his mission is not only for himself, it is also to spread his understanding to the countless number of people who pass through his life. This is the mysterious reason for his eternal restlessness. It has a lot to say and covers a lot of ground!

The position in Sagittarius shows an area of ​​life where the remnant of the past incarnation still pulls him towards the desire to be a free spirit. The position in Gemini indicates the passage of the door through which he must pass in order to experience the benefits of the civilized humanistic culture with which he is destined to unite.
(see also )

North Node in Cancer – South Node in Capricorn

Years and periods when the North Node of the Moon was in Cancer:

27.10.1925 - 17.04.1927
12.05.1944 - 04.12.1945
24.12.1962 - 26.08.1964
21.09.1981 - 17.03.1983
10.04.2000 - 08.10.2001

Here the soul enters the current life with great inner pride. It is difficult for the individual to understand why others do not show him the strong respect that he was accustomed to in past incarnations. As a result, the motive for all his actions is prestige and the pursuit of rank. Some people with this Nodal placement will even marry in order to achieve social status Capricorn's subconscious memories.

In past incarnations, this soul worked hard for recognition. This individual will be an original actor, trying his best to attract attention without losing feeling self-esteem. If a person knows that others are watching him, he may seek excessive punishment. Now he would like the world to know how burdened he was, so that others could perceive him as a martyr. He continues to make his work more difficult than it really is, and cannot cope with the responsibilities and obligations of his current life. Because he always lives in the past, he has the habit of bringing awareness of past burdens into the present. This makes his life very difficult.

The only thing that an individual has not yet learned to be tolerant of is his own failures. He makes himself physically or emotionally unhealthy to avoid situations in which he assumes he will feel inadequate.

The individual is confident in his own rightness, and often condemns the actions of other people. However, he keeps this to himself so that others will not find out that he was tailoring them to his secretly invented caste system, - it would damage his sense of self-respect.

In previous lives, he was overly self-confident and strongly resisted advice that would affect him personally. Now the individual still believes that his life is a strictly private matter. As a result, he builds the “Great Wall of China” around everything that relates directly to him. It is useless to try to break through it, since in response to the slightest personal criticism he begins to add additional blocks to it.

The materialism of previous lives makes him an opportunist, finding himself where something can be achieved. At the same time, the saying “a penny is wisdom, a ruble is a fool” applies to him, since he is known for his stinginess amid emotional outbursts of extravagance.

When he sees the benefit, he becomes cold and calculating, and nothing will stop him from achieving his goal. He will turn the weakness of others to his advantage. He can find loopholes in any law. He is so determined to lead everything he sees around him that his entire current life becomes a personal crusade to prove his abilities.

In past incarnations, his soul learned the art of achievement, while he paid little attention to other people. Now, through the North Node in Cancer, the individual must learn how to give support as well as receive it. Many people with this Nodal placement experience a strong familial burden to recognize the emotional needs of others.

This soul is learning how to accept the feminine role in this life. A karmic transition takes place from coldness to warmth - from old age to youth. Many people with this Node position seem to be getting younger every year.

Capricorn's rigid positions are discarded one by one. The individual discovers new confidence and security in being more honest with their emotions. In this life, he must learn to sincerely apologize if he is wrong, and not to seek advantages over others if he is right. In the end, he will see that depression, fears and worries are nothing more than part of a martyr complex of his own creation, which has little to do with the circumstances of his life today. He must slowly learn how to separate himself from the insatiable need to control everything around him.

In this life, the individual will go through a chain of experiences that will slowly reveal his sensitivity and the receptivity of Cancer. Eventually he will begin to value nature more than money, emotions more than power and new growth more than collecting dead wood! When these changes begin to occur, he will be brought out of the cold of winter and into the bright sunshine of early summer. But he must develop an entirely new emotional pattern of reactions if he is to adapt to the new direction in which his soul is destined to go.

The highest achievement of an individual in this life is the support of other people. To do this, he must do a lot of work on himself in order to become a real cornucopia of spiritual food for those who are hungry. The more he is able to satisfy people, the happier he will feel. He must understand that God favors those who wait, and that God's highest blessing is reserved for those who do not seek anything for themselves, but want to be His constant servant. In past lives, this soul was able to benefit greatly by accepting; now she is here to give.

Years and periods when the North Node of the Moon was in Leo:

23.04.1924 - 27.10.1925
22.11.1942 - 12.05.1944
11.06.1961 - 24.12.1962
06.01.1980 - 21.09.1981
21.10.1998 - 10.04.2000

09.05.2017 - 06.11.2018

The North Node in Leo symbolizes the struggle with will. In this incarnation the individual learns to develop inner strength. Very often he has no one to rely on. The individual eventually realizes that if his life is to be better, it must be of his own making. But before he can create anything, he must overcome his apathy and carelessness.

He is still continuing the trend of his past life, feeling sorry for himself for not having friends when he needs them most. For some reason, in moments of stress, others always seem absent. Long periods of loneliness, isolation and, in many cases, reclusion are common.

Ultimately, once a decision is made, there is little that can sway an individual from his destiny. He must learn that his isolation serves to gather strength. Very capable of strong leadership in this life, this individual must learn to overcome all doubts.

Past desires for friendship weaken him, since they do little to strengthen his confidence. He should be more goal oriented and not follow the habitual tendency to waste energy. Interestingly, while he continues to think that he needs others to answer his questions, he rarely accepts their advice.

He has friends from all walks of life. In a sense, this increases his capabilities, since they now bring him the awareness that he earned in previous incarnations.

When determination takes root, there will be no stops on the path to success, since the individual does not like to settle for something second-rate. A lot of thoughts are devoted to the future. In fact, he got used to living in it until one day he comes to the realization that “today is the future of yesterday” and that nothing will exist in the future that is not created today!

He is not someone who is easy to understand and will do anything to enhance his personality. In past incarnations, he distanced himself from the majority and allowed himself to follow his own path. Now he is proud of being different from others, and cares not so much about the traditions of society as about the rules that he has set for himself.

The main difficulty of an individual in this life is lack of control. He may channel his power into useless projects until he realizes that no one will stand over him with a whip. Based on past knowledge, he can do something for the benefit of all humanity.

Many people with this Node position go from poverty to wealth; big changes come when the tendency to overlook turns into the ability to observe! They are amazed when they discover past life talents they didn't know they had.

You can achieve happiness if you find something to devote your life to. Moreover, the principles found must be unshakable so that the individual feels that he is creating something solid. Then he will compare his life with them.

The activity of other people reminds him of his own past incarnations. He wants life to move on a straight course, and at the same time wants to maintain his complete independence. As a result, he will find it difficult to tolerate others who constrain his style - he will constantly test the limits.

The South Node in Aquarius brings with it past life roots strongly embedded in the principles of justice and equality. In the current life, the individual is given the opportunity to be independent so that he can express his inner beliefs without being constrained by others. His job now is to show people as vividly or as powerfully as he can the ways in which the world can overcome its burdens. He will achieve the highest achievements if he subordinates his personal will to the service of humanity.

There is no doubt that this is good material leadership, since Aquarius' deep-rooted past life sense of justice is never violated. This individual is capable of bringing about revolutionary change in what was once an established tradition. He is amazed and fascinated by all the possibilities that a person can achieve. At the same time, he feels irritated when he sees people regretting their own limitations, since he knows well how a person is pulled back by shoelaces.

He strives to stand tall so that he will not be ridiculed for the beliefs that he so wanted to express. While his capacity for love deepens, what remains of him is not so far from the surface. The continuation of his past life's pull towards short-term fascination continues to lead him astray, making it difficult for him to clearly see his true self. Thus, his achievements are the only real barometer of his worth.

He may desire solitude at times, but he will never live without people, as he thrives on their admiration for his achievements. He believes in justice, but is quick to forgive when people admit they are wrong, and will never hit someone when they are down. He is so honest that he is uncomfortable participating in any rivalry that involves foul play.

Things that did not bother him in past incarnations suddenly become important when he begins to burrow into life rather than withdraw from it. Although the karma of his life today is to apply his Uranian ingenuity through practical and traditional Leo outlets, he still struggles to maintain his unique character.

Some people with this Nodal placement spend the later years of their lives alone. Others, while married, still maintain independence and tend to keep other family members on the periphery of their circle.

The placement indicates an area of ​​life where the past life's needs for originality and freedom are still seeking expression. The placement indicates an area of ​​life through which all the energy of the card can be focused on a significant new shining creation - a gift of generosity to the world. Truly, this is the position of the “inventor” Nodes.

North Node in Virgo – South Node in Pisces

Years and periods when the North Node of the Moon was in Virgo:

25.05.1941 - 22.11.1942
16.12.1959 - 11.06.1961
06.07.1978 - 06.01.1980
25.01.1997 - 21.10.1998

12.11.2015 - 09.05.2017

The object here is crystallization. The individual must overcome past life prejudices that now hamper his growth and see clearly the truth of all things. Previous tendencies such as dependence on others, as well as boundless self-pity due to lack of achievement, are obstacles that must be overcome in the current life.

The individual should not allow himself to become confused, as this obscures his inner vision. He is aware of the need not to hurt other people, and spends a lot of effort on developing the ability to say what he really feels. In essence, his weak point is inflicting pain on himself (even if he has many opportunities in this life to understand this and be careful). He must learn that nothing will happen in his life until the tasks and goals are clearly defined. In past incarnations he was often deceived, as he is overly compassionate. Now he still cowers at the sight of suffering, feels intensely the pain of others, and allows external sorrows to drain his strength until he feels he has had enough. Having realized that kindness is his weak point, the individual turns to his North Node in Virgo, where he develops the ability to distinguish between what is truly worthy of his sympathy and what is fantasy!

A person spends a lot of time carefully considering and analyzing his value system, discarding everything that is unimportant, developing a filtering system that allows him to make critical assessments that cannot be swayed by emotions.

This incarnation should teach him how to swim out of the thick fog into which he has found himself. His slip into illusion was so subtle that he never really realized it had happened. The individual must try to avoid escapism and daydreaming at all costs, since ultimately they weaken him to such an extent that he may forget how to function on the physical earthly plane. His intuition is unusually strong, but with it comes despondency and depression of Pisces, resulting from the individual's sensitivity to the disappointments and troubles of other people.

By learning the karmic lessons of independence, the individual eventually finds that all those whom he wanted to lean on eventually begin to lean on him. He must constantly extricate himself from events, circumstances and relationships whose weight clouds his vision. His own pity for other people can lead him to positions in which he “rolls” himself too thin. Hating to tell people what they don't want to hear, he develops the art of sly subtlety. One of the greatest lessons in this life is to develop the ability to say “no” and mean it, since the most tender plea with a tear-stained eye has always caused an individual to go back on his word.

He knows his weakness, and it is through this knowledge that he can develop greatest power. By refusing to submit to emotions, the individual gradually emerges from confusion. Many people with this Node placement have experienced persecution in past lives and as a result have a deep understanding of the suffering and pain of others. However, they can be deceived by others, as if their inner softness gives way to weakness - and they seem to invite into their lives the same persecution from which they were running away.For many years they carry severe wounds and grievances within them, but from time to time it eats away at their nervous system.

Here the North Node in Virgo can act as a savior, guiding them to the diet and healthy conditions that will benefit them the most. This placement of the Nodes is especially useful in the fields of medicine and healing, where a past remnant of strong compassion for humanity, combined with a fresh desire for perfection, can be expressed without difficulty. His idealism is high, but the soul's memory of the lack of self-confidence caused by so much past persecution makes it difficult to believe that he can achieve his ideals. He must constantly fight against the tendency to give up. Ultimately, it is the greater wisdom gained from the bitter lessons of the Pisces South Node that saves him.

No matter how difficult the conditions become, he still remains true to his rainbow dream where peace and love rule the world. The individual is very critical of other people if they do not live up to the ideals that he knows they are capable of achieving. He must learn to practically apply his own ideas, which he always vaguely felt, but could not express in words. While this continues, he feels misunderstood. Needing help, he does not consider himself entitled to ask for it. Instead, he continues to look for deep people, silently hoping that, seeing through him, they will want to delve into his problems.

Constantly looking for warmth in other people, such an individual becomes stone cold in the company of rude or vulgar people. One of the most remarkable features of the South Node in Pisces is that, over the years, the individual learns to forgive those who have hurt him in this life, as well as in past incarnations.

This position of the Nodes represents clouds and sunlight, illusion and reality. Always seeking the best, the individual eventually learns why other people suffer so much, and in the meantime he tries his best, at the risk of hurting himself, to help everyone who suffers.

The karma of his life today is the desire for purification and perfection in himself. At the same time, he is condescending to the weaknesses of others. This brings the individual his greatest lesson - self-discipline! He must clearly learn when to let the water flow, when to turn it off, and when to change its flow.

Pisces' lack of attention to detail clouds the clarity of understanding he strives for. By developing a clear perspective, he can rid himself of the excesses he brought with him into this life. If he is going to be happy, he must dedicate his life to service and not secretly wish for others to drown out his past sorrows. His greatest lesson is to never doubt the purity of your aspirations.

This individual makes things work on the earthly plane. In a past life, he intuitively understood the nature of the functioning of man and machine, and now he must put this knowledge into practice, and not just dream about a distant moment when dreams can become reality. He must be careful to make all times present and all places given, for it is only through living here and now that he is able to crystallize the vast reserves of essence that he has accumulated throughout all his lives.

It's supposed to be the focusing lens in a projector that contains millions and millions of blurry negatives. Through his North Node he is able to enhance the quality of each of them so that ultimately no knowledge he has ever acquired is lost. In essence, this is a rather economical position of the Nodes. Here mind and life are parts of one whole. When any part of life is not functioning properly, it must be immediately corrected or discarded. Life is about the desire to rise to efficiency and order from the sea vortex of Pisces. Big job previous life was spent in self-denial. Now only vague memories remain. In this life the individual must learn to manifest the perfect ideas which he has attained, throwing away everything except his understanding of the Divine Essence.

The position indicates the sphere of life in which the past incarnation has achieved Cosmic Understanding. The position indicates the sphere of life through which crystallization can now introduce this understanding into material reality.

North Node in Libra - South Node in Aries

Years and periods when the North Node of the Moon was in Libra:

12.09.1939 - 25.05.1941
17.07.1958 - 16.12.1959
08.01.1977 - 06.07.1978
01.01.1995 - 25.01.1997

With this position of the Nodes, there is a lot to learn about self-sacrifice and the needs of other people. The experience of all lifetimes in the area of ​​building self-confidence and respect should be passed on to others. The South Node in Libra keeps the individual from further adding to his sense of self-identity. He must beware of a strong ego influencing his actions in the present life.

His long-standing “Me first” attitude now brings an acute and painful experience as he learns the lessons of interaction. He must moderate his ardor and make sure that everything he strives for in marriage and intimate partnerships, as well as in his relationships with other people, is meaningful. He must learn to get around sharp corners and balance. While the central road seems less attractive to him, it is still the only possible path to happiness for him.

Ultimately, a person must understand that his strong exploratory individualism is not really meant for him, but rather to better equip him so that he can provide others with a more harmonious life. Many individuals with this position of the Nodes are stubborn and self-willed. Listening to others is new to them, and they find it uncomfortable and unwelcome, feeling that it makes it difficult for them to move forward.

In past incarnations, moving forward was very important, and the desire to get there first was part of Aries' strong competitive drive. This carries over into a certain closed mindset that the Libra North Node will eventually open up, showing the individual another side of the coin that they never previously considered important enough to realize.

Selfishness and vanity of all kinds must be curbed if the individual is not to find himself alone. Usually he feels led to something, but does not understand how or why. Through the North Node in Libra, he must now re-examine his aspirations and goals so that his Aries energy is invested in some useful purpose.An individual often changes his mind, and loyalty to one cause is not one of his virtues. Past incarnations have taught him an impatient restlessness that still tends to keep him on the move. He knows that he should give rather than receive in this life, but from the bottom of his heart he finds it difficult to deal with such karma.

The Martian quality of the North Node in Aries is eagerly pushing him in new directions. However, upon arriving at each destination, he discovers a light web of Libra in the middle of the seesaw and is surprised to see that the destination was neither a destination at all nor the end of the journey. Puzzled and confused, he sits in the middle, trying to assess the circumstances that he hopes will point the way to his next successful journey. However, every goal, every aspiration, every short distance race and effort leads him to Libra - the halfway point!

Finally, completely exhausted, he realizes that the second half of the journey involves other people. He must learn the karmic lesson that he is not alone. Until he learns to share, something will always arise that will slow down his efforts. Eventually he will come to the realization that winning or losing a game is much less important than being fair in that game.

Many individuals with this position of the Nodes are overly self-confident and stubborn, since in a past life they were very selfish and fanatical. Now the circumstances have changed, it's time to put the shoe on the other foot. Many events in life today are painful blows to the ego. An individual should not become bitter when he sees that many of his desires and needs are given to others. At first his natural reaction is jealousy. He wants to fight and defend everything he has lost; however, the more he fights, the more he loses. Eventually, having exhausted most of his inner resources, he must subdue his selfish ego and accept life in a world based on the need to share. Until he overcomes his South Node, his greatest disappointment will be to see other people get what he himself desires. He has difficulty realizing that all his dreams, wants and desires are currently intended for others.

He mentally arouses the desires of those around him and ultimately becomes an instrument for their fulfillment. In reality, he earns his new place in the world by experiencing the karma of selflessness. However, the persistent urges of the South Node continue to pull him back, often making him feel like this is a lesson he would rather not have learned yet.

Past life tendencies to make waves should be resisted, as he is now able to see the disharmony between people without taking sides. Often he finds himself in the position of an arbitrator. By helping other people become more objective, he is actually helping himself. The more he can encourage others to interact, the more he will learn to do so himself.

With all the hustle and bustle, this individual learns to imagine the consequences of his actions before taking them. In essence, he must learn to look around before jumping, i.e. don't be rash!

Many people with this Node placement have deep-seated irritations, emanating from past life memories of frustrations, that block self-expression.

In this life, such people have a very pleasant appearance, which is part of the karmic lesson about vanity that the South Node in Aries must overcome here. Any remnant of narcissism causes difficulties in marriage - it is a theater of war where the war must be fought between love for another person and one's own needs.

It is difficult to achieve balance between Aries/Mars and Libra/Venus. The South Node in Aries constantly tries to assert its needs, while the North Node in Libra wants nothing for itself except to love others, regardless of their demands. This individual can best experience love for others only after his own needs are met.

Until the desires of past incarnations are overcome, his subconscious demands are so strong that he draws on the energy of other people, actually putting them to sleep. In essence, this person is a walking “anaesthetic.” He constantly wonders why other people avoid talking to him for more than a few minutes. He would like to talk for hours, if only he could keep the focus on himself. But in secret moments he is deeply saddened by the feeling of loneliness and the fact that his relationships with other people are much shorter than he would like. There is nothing subtle about this Nodal polarity. Happiness comes only after a person is forced to re-evaluate his desires and discover that they involve other people. The selfish self must be abandoned. This achieves increased sensitivity to the needs of other people.

The North Node in Libra is one of the most difficult to achieve because Aries's selfishness looms as a huge obstacle that needs to be overcome. Yet the individual must overcome it in order to move on to a new cycle, and he will discover the key to this new cycle when he begins to evaluate himself in terms of others.

The placement indicates an area of ​​life where the insatiable desires of past incarnations still require priority. The position shows how fulfillment can be achieved through self-sacrifice, cooperation and the expression of selfless love for others.

North Node in Scorpio – South Node in Taurus

Years and periods when the North Node of the Moon was in Scorpio:

04.03.1938 - 12.09.1939
05.10.1956 - 17.07.1958
11.07.1975 - 08.01.1977
02.02.1994 - 01.01.1995

Here the individual learns how to accept revolutionary changes in himself as well as in the conditions of his life. He would like to rest, thinking that his soul's journey is over. He is so tired of the memories of his past life about the yoke of his earthly burden that he would like to feel stability and calm at any cost. As a result, it is difficult for him to develop the strength for future changes.

He stubbornly clings to old patterns of behavior that served him well during previous incarnations. He is used to doing things by straining his strength. Like a bull plowing a field, he walks slowly and heavily through life, as if it were one long straight furrow. He spends so much physical energy, which weakens his Spiritual Self to the point of becoming blind, not seeing any new possibilities other than the extremely boring and monotonous existence that he is accustomed to leading. This individual finds it difficult to learn from others. He would rather make his own way. As a result, in each phase of growth, he spends more time, effort and energy than he should. However, he feels that he must be confident in himself. His need for confidence and reliability is so great that even if he makes changes in his life, they are not really changes, but simply different aspects of the behavior patterns that he has been using all along.

In past incarnations the individual was very sensitive to his surroundings. To cope with this, he begins early in this life to explore the world of sensory impressions. He learns what feels good and how to get it. However, he never achieves complete and lasting satisfaction. He does not realize that one appetite gives rise to another. The great need to possess makes it difficult for him to enjoy what he does not personally own. As a result, he forces himself into prolonged battles for ownership of people, things and ideas. He stubbornly clings to everything that comes his way. The more he accumulates cumulatively, the more he paints himself into a corner. What was in other lives a need to acquire property now turns into unnecessary baggage. As the years pass, his burden becomes heavier.

He wanted to feel powerful in order to gain temporary refuge from the oppressive sense of failure that had tormented him in previous incarnations. As a result, even in this life he seeks an occupation that will provide him with an authoritative position.

In past lives the individual has experienced so much damage to his ego that he now wants to prove that he is worthy of respect. If others find any flaw in him, it will cause deep depression, so he will strive for success at any cost.

It is almost a certainty that in this life the intensity of karma will lead him into contact with the police (at least indirectly). When this individual reaches his North Node in Scorpio, he experiences a complete transformation. He begins to destroy old patterns of behavior, burning bridges behind him. Experience teaches him how to cut ties cleanly so as not to enter the future tied to the past. His greatest growth occurs when he can free himself.

The needs of internal dependence must be transformed into complete independence of thinking and action. The power increases with each passing year as the individual slowly throws out from his consciousness everything that oppresses him. He must learn to objectively study the results of his subconscious desires in order to earn self-esteem through the training of self-discipline.

This position of the Nodes symbolizes a soul that has been moving along a decadent path for many lives. Now the vessel of the soul must be turned upside down to free itself from the decadence it has accumulated. Carrying out the karma of this overturning process is very painful for the individual, as he may lose everything he has ever considered near and dear. In the end he will undoubtedly give up more than he expected.

This transformation is so powerful that many people with this Node placement end up spending their later years alone. In the process of eliminating excess, they have discarded everything except themselves.

However, much of this is necessary if the individual is going to reach the point where he can see himself clearly at the deepest levels. From this symbolic death of everything he once possessed will come his new life.

North Node in Sagittarius – South Node in Gemini

Years and periods when the North Node of the Moon was in Sagittarius:

15.09.1936 - 04.03.1938
04.04.1955 - 05.10.1956
28.10.1973 - 11.07.1975
02.08.1992 - 02.02.1994

Now he needs to learn the karmic lessons of devotion and loyalty. In the end, he will see that, playing for this and that, he can only hope to become the sandwiched middle. Nevertheless, he has a past life fear of committing himself to either side, since, at least on a superficial level, he sees truth and rightness in both. He still believes that by associating himself with one side, he will miss the opportunity inherent in the other side. This ability to remain unbound allows him to constantly adapt to meet the needs of the moment. It changes color like a chameleon.

In past incarnations he wasn't too picky, knowing that it didn't really matter where he gave his "entry fee" as he never gave himself completely. Now he swings like a pendulum in the breeze, open even for a short time, but He deliberately makes himself a pawn and is willing to agree with others even momentarily in order to feel accepted and part of something.

Over the course of many lifetimes, his sense of self-identity did not become a single whole, but was filled with questions from everyone with whom he came into contact. Since so many people have formed the building blocks of this inner self, he can only be a hypocrite!

Facial expressions, as well as body language, change from sentence to sentence, and the person takes on the appearance of the one whose words he is now trying to pass off as his own. In fact, when he states something, his eyes always carefully study the interlocutor to see if it was perceived as true. If not, he will try other statements in the hope that somewhere in his collection of information a few words might be useful.

He loves activity, and when circumstances push him into a corner, he becomes very nervous and restless. Always overprogrammed, he tries to keep up with the myriad of details and people that fill his life. He has so much to do, yet at the end of each day he feels distracted from his goal.

In past incarnations, he did not think for a long time, and now spends most of his life constantly changing his mind. At some point in his life, an individual decides where to live - in big city or in rural areas. It is a conflict between his past life's need to be with people and his present life's desire to be away from them. Life direction is almost always indicated by parents or someone older. This usually occurs after reaching 28 years of age.

At the same time, it is very unstable; he has been so busy looking at the shades of gray in everything that he now finds it difficult to see the light of truth in himself. For this individual, the most important task of life involves the search for higher knowledge. Through the North Node in Sagittarius he must learn that in order to see the truth, a person must first become true himself!

He will go far if he learns to speak from his higher mind, for the esoteric meaning of everything he says will ultimately show him his true personality. When united with Transcendental Thought, he will achieve spiritual union within himself. He must first work his way through the karma of keeping trifles and see that participation in gossip is the greatest sin against freedom. Then he must flee from the past residue of feigned sophistication and achieve all that is real and natural. Eventually he will come to understand that although the coin has two sides, it is still one coin! When he develops this perspective of vision, he will be able to transform the acquired knowledge into Divine Wisdom.

09.03.1935 - 15.09.1936
10.10.1953 - 04.04.1955
22.04.1972 - 28.10.1973
19.11.1990 - 02.08.1992

This individual is learning how to reach maturity. In past incarnations, he looked at life through rose-colored glasses, seeing only what he wanted to see, with a certain conviction that everything else did not exist.Now he is still very much a “child”, left in his South Node in Cancer. He is used to struggling with his inferior position while seeking support, so his life today is a ruin of escapist, childish habits that continue to hamper his growth.

Truly, this is an eternal child who wants to maintain his role as the center of parental attention at any cost. He would prefer that his parents decide everything for him. Everyone he meets or knows, be it a friend, business associate or marriage partner, automatically becomes his symbolic parent to pick up the pieces of his misfortunes, protecting him from the blows. He is even capable of inflicting illness on himself if others claim to receive love and affection.

Constantly on the verge of becoming an adult, he never seems quite ready to make the transition. Somehow he continues to feel that he needs a lot more practice first. Everything he does in this life is based on his soul's memories of the subtle feelings of his past life, which continue to be destroyed by the slightest rejection.

Many people with this position of the Nodes are immersed in the affairs of their country. They personify government, as for them it is part (in a broader sense) of their own Cancer family.They have unusually developed feelings of patriotism and devotion. Many individuals with this Node placement focus a fair amount of their power and attention on young people. They love to hear about the experiences and misfortunes of other people, but, not knowing how to quickly resolve problems, they keep everything inside. When, under the weight of accumulated problems, they seem to grow old despite their age.

The most difficult karmic problem of the Cancer South Node is the science of liberation. The individual brings with him into this life the fear of losing or forgetting something and tries his best to preserve everything he has ever experienced. In this way he makes himself a “psychic trash can” of the past. He constantly analyzes the present from the point of view of what he did years ago - or “lives before.” He can often be seen using old photographs - in the hope of creating the future from fragments of the past.

At times he drains the strength of other people, using everything done for him as a springboard to ask for more. He tests the patience of others by confronting them with his emotional problems and refuses to see logic through the veil of his emotions. He is not so much interested in finding out why something happened wrong as he is trying to regain the lost feeling.

Closings are especially difficult for such an individual. The word “goodbye” was never part of his vocabulary, as he always tried to preserve the relationship as long as possible. He also develops long-lasting attachments to objects and the nostalgic memories they bring to the special one. The main karmic lesson for a person with the North Node in Capricorn is identification with an ideal larger than life. The individual must eventually learn to stand for something, despite all his real or imagined difficulties. He must understand what true responsibility is. Many people with this position of the Nodes appoint themselves as guardians of traditions. They would rather die than allow a stranger to know about any part of their life that is contrary to the principle they espouse.

Through the North Node, an image is established that others can respectfully look at and then model their lives on. An individual, even at the cost of his life, must maintain this image. He can become methodical and careful in most of his endeavors if he learns to overcome excessive emotional reactions.

In women's charts, this position of the Nodes is unusual. strong search father figure. In the charts of men, such Nodes speak of an awareness of the need to fulfill the paternal role. The most important feature of the North Node in Capricorn is that it represents the point at which the individual will meet his karmic mission. For this reason alone, many people with this Nodal placement are reluctant to accept the full concept of adulthood. They would prefer to remain in an immature state as long as possible, since they sense the verdict awaiting them. Like a convict seeking a reprieve from execution, they try to hide behind others, constantly pushing themselves toward the bottom line to avoid facing the consequences of everything they have created. This is the reason why many of these people have great difficulty recognizing their own chronological age. They openly agree with him, but try not to conform to him. The person remained immature. The soul has become fixed at some point in early growth, and now it is difficult to pass this point. However, it will be passed if the individual ultimately stands up for something.

The zodiacal constellation Capricorn is the gate through which the soul must pass when leaving the physical body, and in this most occult of all signs it will appear before the Judges, but this may not be its last incarnation on earth. According to her position in the house, she will receive a karmic sentence in one of the areas of life. An individual with this position of the Nodes (Cancer-Capricorn) will be helpless for half his life, but one day he will be able to say: “This is the best thing I have ever done.”

The position indicates an area in which the karmic residue of immaturity seeps into the current life. The position indicates the ways in which the individual can now enter responsible adulthood by building his life in accordance with the principles of honor, respect and tradition. Once he learns how to do this, he is destined for brilliant achievements.

North Node in Aquarius – South Node in Leo
Years and periods when the North Node of the Moon was in Aquarius:

25.06.1933 - 09.03.1935
29.03.1952 - 10.10.1953
03.10.1970 - 22.04.1972
23.05.1989 - 19.11.1990

This position of the Nodes represents the struggle of man between own life and selfless devotion to humanity. The South Node in Leo symbolizes previous lives where much revolved around the individual. The North Node in Aquarius indicates future service to humanity, where the individual must accept the role of “Water Bearer” and contribute to the “crusade” for the evolution of the world. Before he can do this, he will have to deal with the enormous power of the South Node in Leo.

In past incarnations, the individual was accustomed to look down on other people and be condescending to their thoughts and ideas. Special pride makes him become a prominent figure in the company of special people. It divides members royal family And ordinary people, putting himself or others close to him on a pedestal. Presenting himself as the central point of the universe, he views his powerful will as a means to achieve his goals, rather than as an adaptation to an honest acceptance of life.

His karma now is to learn to walk lightly, leaving no traces, since in essence he is a ruler preparing to abdicate his throne. The ego of his past life constantly rears its ugly head, preventing him from achieving the very happiness he seeks.

This position of the Nodes causes great difficulties in marriage, since the individual wants to dominate those who are close to him. When he cannot do this, he becomes a recluse, absolving himself of all responsibility out of utter disgust for it.Although he asks others for advice, he still has to do things his own way.

His greatest conflict centers around what is artificial and what is real. There is so much martyr-like romanticism in his Leo South Node that he finds it easy to slip into the role of Don Quixote chasing windmills! He must learn to shed his masks, discovering that self-centered displays of dignity come from past life habits and cannot bring him lasting happiness.

The individual provides protection to those whom he considers near and dear. He loves to wander, discovering the dregs of society in his travels. In the most remote regions, where society overlooks existing opportunities, it opens new horizons for exploration and conquest. He is destined to spend part of his life alone, because he is used to commanding too much to be readily accepted by most people. Although he enjoys being recognized and applauded for his great achievements, he cannot degrade himself to chasing people. His soul remembers the feeling of pride, which does not allow him to compromise his dignity.

He will sacrifice his life for a just cause. He is interested not so much in the sympathy of other people as in their admiration for his glorious deeds. He is repulsed by mediocrity and mediocrity. He views her as a threat to his drive to reach the top.

If he is a negative type of person, he may even use people to achieve his goals. Friends, neighbors, acquaintances and relatives become a means to rise to success.Through the North Node in Aquarius, the individual learns to overcome feelings of past life prestige and develop the concept of Universal Brotherhood. He must ultimately see himself as part of a larger cosmic sphere where his role is to share the burden of human evolution. He will achieve his greatest happiness when he can abandon his own needs and take a new, humane approach to everything that he sees around him.He must humble his pride and reach new horizons, no matter how eccentric his ideas seem to others. Through his North Node he is given the promise of a unique adventure through which he can make an important contribution to the progress of civilization.
29.12.1931 - 25.06.1933
27.07.1950 - 29.03.1952
20.07.1969 - 03.10.1970
03.12.1987 - 23.05.1989

22.06.2006 – 15.12.2007

In the sphere of consciousness, this is the most difficult position of the Nodes. Here, as a result of many lives, the individual becomes aware of his own rigidity. He is aware of his patterns and how they affect him; however, he finds it difficult to free himself from them. In previous lives, he considered the Universe to be limited, where everything was well structured. He now sees that the truth extends beyond what his limited senses can measure or even perceive.

The individual inevitably encounters situations, circumstances and events that force him to “let go” of the physical plane. However, he still tries to live like a salmon - swimming against the current, regardless of the direction of the forces of nature.

He still seeks order. Its need for strict regulation is so strong that rigidity and ossification in the body increase the pressure on internal organs. He constantly suppresses desires in order to do what seems right because he would like to maintain an image of respectability. In past incarnations, the individual based his understanding on facts, not on rumors. Now he only accepts what comes from a “higher authority.”

He is looking for ways to free himself from the nervous excitability that continues to overwhelm and exhaust him, but he sets conditions for treatment. The individual must learn to immerse himself in the waters of Cosmic Consciousness, and in this baptism of thought he can truly experience a new birth. However, first he must overcome his karmic fear of living in a corrupt world.

The individual enters this life believing that the world is filled with dangers and therefore constantly questions the people and conditions he encounters. Anything foreign poses a threat of disease; it is because of this kind of thinking that disease actually arises from time to time.

Many people with this position of the Nodes have sexual problems from past incarnations. Either the loss of sexual experience or a strong determination to avoid being emotionally hurt by it leads them to seek better understanding in their current life. Some of them are staunch puritans, while others are capable of being physically responsive and emotionally cold at the same time.

The mind of such an individual is so analytical that life can easily become manipulative like a game of chess. He has a keen eye for detail and never loses sight of the obvious. This is a puzzle solving specialist. He spends hours searching for an answer, but he can become so involved in what he is doing that he often loses perspective. Pickiness in a past life forces him to now take apart what should be left together. Thus, although he is capable of extreme clarity of thought, he does not experience complete peace of mind.

Through the North Node in Pisces he must learn Faith. When he stops dividing the world into neat little compartments, he will receive the first glimpses of Universal Consciousness. Ultimately he must reach the understanding that everything is one and the one is everything. Before this can happen, he must stop seeing himself as separate from the rest of the world.

He will experience experiences that will make him become more compassionate. When his well-laid plans fall apart, he begins to see other people in a different light. Symbolically, he experiences the pain of the entire Universe, which strengthens Divine Love, and he refuses to judge others.

Acquaintance with the spiritual way of life will be a great progress for him. While the hand of the past still clings to its self-imposed limitations, the hand of the future seeks a higher alternative. Only his inability to completely free himself prevents the completion of the transition into the full state of higher intelligence. However, he reaches a point where he sometimes sees it.

From time to time, his wonderful intuition reveals to him the mysterious essence of existence, but the memories of the past incarnation of the practical Virgo make him doubt everything. Thus, halfway between one world and another, these mutable Nodes are in constant change. Arriving at the destination, the individual is not sure that he is there and therefore continues to return back to begin his journey again. Each time he takes another step into infinity, where he will eventually dissolve the shackles of his rigidly formed past and be born again as pure Spirit.

The position indicates an area of ​​life that is still too rigidly cut into an overly structured idea. The position shows how the soul can loosen its grip on all rigid determination of form and structure, so as to float freely in the Ocean of God.

Do you know the oppressive underlying feeling that you:

  • you are not playing your game, you are in the wrong place;
  • not developing properly;
  • spin around aimlessly, like a squirrel in a wheel;
  • do not feel satisfied with life;
  • Have you long ago lost the feeling of being in the “flow”?

All these unpleasant signals are markers that for some reason you are not moving where you should. Your subconscious is screaming at you: stop! Stop living someone else's life! Come back to yourself! By choosing other people's paths, we can live other people's lives. How can astrology help here?

Lunar nodes and connections to past lives

In the arsenal of ancient teachings there is knowledge that gives us back the key to understanding our destiny and its possibilities. It is not without reason that the “science of the stars” was respected by such experts on human souls and problems as psychologists Carl Jung, Richard Tarnas and Stanislav Grof. Among the abundance of methods of self-knowledge, in astrology the doctrine of Northern and Southern lunar nodes. An integral part of learning is understanding Northern lunar node as the goal of our incarnation. This is knowledge that came to us from India.

While in the West the continuity in the transmission of astrological knowledge, alas, was interrupted, this did not happen in the East. Century after century, Vedic brahmins, astrologers and palmists accumulated knowledge by observing people and celestial bodies. IN Ancient India realized the enormous importance in the fate of every two points in the sky. They are astronomically the points where the ecliptic and the orbit of the Moon intersect. They were named planets Rahu and Ketu. And now they are called as Ascending and Descending, North and South lunar nodes.

The ascending node as a vector of spiritual development

South (Descending) Node indicates the most significant and relevant areas of human manifestation in past incarnations. Position Ascending lunar node shows the vector along which a person will develop in this life. He tells you what qualities are important to develop in yourself. The position of the North Node in the Zodiac sign and House communicates our mission and purpose.

However, one should not jump to the conclusion that one’s purpose is purely social fulfillment or a career. This is not always the case. Firstly, not everyone needs to be millionaires, businessmen, deputies or Gazprom employees. Secondly, the development of personal qualities is much more important for happiness than social success. A feeling of happiness and inner satisfaction are an indicator that you are moving on the right course.

Variety of purposes

There are always millions of options for destinations or missions on Earth, i.e. harmonious options for self-disclosure. The North Node demonstrates two tasks - a minimum plan and a maximum plan:

  • The minimum plan is to develop in oneself the qualities shown by the position North node in the zodiac sign and horoscope house. This is possible both with the help of a career and without it. Thus, by doing painting and music, we develop in ourselves the qualities of Venus and Neptune, i.e. understanding of aesthetics, a sense of harmony, peacefulness, primacy of the intangible and spiritual.
  • The maximum plan involves achieving a harmonious balance between the energies and themes of the Northern (new qualities) and Southern (baggage from the past) nodes.

A significant reason for failure

Often, a person’s failures and “kicks of fate” are associated with his being stuck in energies and patterns of behavior from the past. Clinging people to habitual, outdated patterns of behavior are karmic habits. This is how it worksDescending lunar node. And old habits and goals transferred to a different soil are fraught with problems. At the same time, the energy of the oppositeAscending lunar nodesimilar to the energy of Jupiter. Therefore, movement towards North Node themes is rewarded with social success and expansion.

Returning thread state

At one time, the famous American psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi introduced into science the concept of “flow” as an optimal experience. The state of flow is a combination of the highest productivity of activity and pleasure from it. While in this state, a person is focused, immersed in activity and happy. From the point of view of astrology, the state of flow is achieved by matching our actions and actions with the vectors drawn by our subconscious (and the Higher Will). These deep vectors of fate and intention correspond to the Nodal lunar axis.

You can be happy only by remaining yourself, identical to your nature and being ready for change. The deep essence of a person remains unchanged from life to life. Only some of the qualities change. All developments onSouth nodewill remain with us forever, like others strengths cards. However, relying on the same qualities from life to life is a guarantee of lack of psychological, spiritual development and the cause of stagnation.

A case from one's life

Let's look briefly at one example. For a man, the South Node is in Pisces, the North Node, respectively, in Virgo. The tasks of such a person:

  • overcoming your hypersensitivity;
  • developing the qualities of practicality, pedantry, and attentiveness;
  • strengthening planning skills, the ability to “put everything into order”;
  • leaving various dependencies and the position of the victim;
  • overcoming the tendency to run away from reality into the world of illusions, excessive love for mysticism;
  • development of the ability of critical thinking, the primacy of the rational rather than the subconscious.

This person could become a wonderful researcher, doctor, writer. Or simply a person who soberly looks at the world not through rose-colored glasses. At the moment he is an employee of the plant, earns good money, but does not feel happy. He suffers from alcohol addiction. Self-dislike and the position of a victim of circumstances cannot be overcome. He is sure that the world does not love him. He sees salvation from his increased sensitivity at the bottom of the bottle.

When one day he was fired from one of his previous jobs for drunkenness, he got a job as a janitor. Let us remember here that Virgo loves cleanliness. With much less money, he felt like he was doing something right and what people need. And I didn't drink.

Thus, we see that not every choice or place of work makes us happier. A person can earn more, but be less satisfied with himself. After all, the sphere of activity may not be consistent with our deepest spiritual needs.

The lunar nodes are the points where the Moon's orbit intersects the ecliptic. The flow of the river of life is directed from the Descending (South) node to the Ascending (North) node.

The ascending node guides us in the direction of achieving our life goals.

Shows our karmic task.

The descending node is the path already traveled, this is past experience. We have already completed this lesson and mastered it well. It’s easy to continue moving along it, but it’s marking time.

The lunar nodes are not planets, they are not material.

But they have no less influence on our lives.

Nodes are also called:

Lunar North Node = Ascending Node = Dragon's Head = Rahu

Lunar South Node = Descending Node = Dragon's Tail = Ketu

The position of the North Node can be found in the Ephemeris. The South Node is the opposite point, in exact opposition to the North Node.

The North Node is the point where we are given, fate itself helps us achieve our goal. At the same time, having achieved it, we understand that only a stage has been passed and we already see more tempting prospects in this direction.

This is the path of spiritual growth.

The South Node, on the contrary, is the place where we must give and help. This is the easiest way out of the situation. This is a path traveled a long time ago, carefully studied and thoroughly mastered, accumulated life experience. If you follow this path, you will not achieve spiritual progress.

The Lunar Nodes show the evolution of personal development. Over the course of our lives, we move away from the South Node area and move toward the prospects of the North Node.

The cycle of the lunar nodes is 18.5 years. The return of the lunar nodes is often marked by serious life's trials, checks for compliance of the life path with the established program.

This is the age of 18-19 years, 37-38 years, 56-57 years, when fateful events can occur, and karmic retribution is possible.

The Lunar Nodes in the zodiac signs show the way of life and behavior to which we are accustomed (South Node sign), and what we need to strive for (North Node sign) in order to avoid problems and difficulties on the path of evolution.

Aries – Libra

North node in Aries, South node in Libra

A peace-loving person, prone to compromise, but hesitant, doubtful, dependent on the opinions of those around him.

You need to learn determination, energy, initiative, the ability to rely on yourself, strive for leadership, and do not hesitate to make a choice.

Movement from seeking compromise to decisive independent action.

North node in Libra, South node in Aries

The person is active, impulsive, energetic and assertive in making independent decisions.

You should learn diplomacy, tact, finding a compromise, partnerships, trusting relationships, and fairness.

Movement from impulsive, independent actions to partnership and the search for compromise.

Taurus – Scorpio

North node in Taurus, South node in Scorpio

A secretive and mysterious person. Has a tendency to intrigue, deep emotions, and struggle for power.

You need to learn practicality, thriftiness, thoroughness, and avoid participation in all kinds of conspiracies.

Movement from secret affairs to real work.

North node in Scorpio, South node in Taurus

A practical and economical person. Knows how to enjoy life and work fruitfully. A strong sense of ownership.

You need to learn power and influence. Look for a better position in life.

Movement from real practical matters to power.

Gemini – Sagittarius

North node in Gemini, South node in Sagittarius

The person is quite self-confident, loves to advise and teach. Optimist and idealist.

You should learn to realistically assess your abilities and knowledge, seek communication with others, and try to delve into details.

Movement from solving global issues to making specific, detailed decisions.

North node in Sagittarius, South node in Gemini

He is an inquisitive, sociable person, striving for knowledge, but rather superficial and frivolous.

You need to learn to see everything in perspective, not get hung up on details, and give up excessive talkativeness and variability.

Movement from thinking through specific details to solving global issues.

Cancer – Capricorn

North node in Cancer, South node in Capricorn

The person is cold, strict, obligatory. Strives to live by the rules, is demanding of himself and others.

It is necessary not to distance yourself from people, to show care, to learn to make decisions with your heart and not with a cold mind.

Movement from strictness and restrictions to caring and emotionality.

North node in Capricorn, South node in Cancer

The person is emotional, caring, sympathetic.

You need to learn self-discipline, self-restraint, set goals and achieve them. Refuse attachment to one place of residence.

Movement from emotionality to severity.

Leo – Aquarius

North node in Leo, South node in Aquarius

The person is eccentric and unpredictable. Disregards authorities and is passionate about scientific ideas.

We need to learn to love specific people, and not just abstract ideas, to look for creativity in ourselves and others, to recognize authorities, and to get rid of the feeling of permissiveness.

North Node in Aquarius, South Node in Leo

A man is proud of himself and his creative achievements. Values ​​authority, both his own and that of others.

We must strive to unite with like-minded people and fight isolation.

Virgo – Pisces

North Node in Virgo, South Node in Pisces

The person is vulnerable and emotional. Empathy and self-sacrifice are his way of life.

We need to be more critical of requests, look for practicality in everything and strive for a healthy lifestyle, clarity, and composure. Refuse suspiciousness and suggestibility.

A movement from mercy to practicality.

North Node in Pisces, South Node in Virgo

The person is practical and attentive to details. His actions are rational and logical. Prefers a healthy lifestyle.

We need to learn to forgive people for their weaknesses, and at least sometimes try to go with the flow of life. Refuse pettiness, skepticism, prudence.

A movement from practicality to mercy.

Lunar nodes are among the factors that have a very strong influence on the natal chart. These are invisible cosmic forces that shape our destiny, highlight our karmic potential and illuminate true meaning our existence. What nodes can say about your life path? This guide will teach you how to evaluate the strength of the lunar nodes - the points at which the lunar orbit intersects the solar one. You will learn how the north and south nodes can be used as stand-alone tools to create an accurate interpretation of a natal chart, simply by their position in houses and signs, in relation to ruling planets, by aspects, and in relation to other factors in the natal chart . In addition, knowing the location of the ascending node allows you to determine the tasks for the current incarnation, and the descending node - your actions in past lives. Find out how nodes affect a person's personality and appearance. Predict major trends and events for the year ahead. Gain invaluable insight into your relationships with friends and loved ones. The book will be very useful for both beginners and experienced astrologers. Take advantage of the transformative energy of the lunar nodes and you will follow the path of your personal and spiritual evolution.

A series: Astrology for life

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by liters company.

Lunar nodes

The lunar nodes are one of the most important factors in the horoscope, but they cannot be seen in the sky. This is the invisible influence of higher, or cosmic, forces at work. They represent karmic control.

Ancient astrologers recognized the importance of the lunar nodes, using them to predict eclipses. Knowledge and experience led astrologers to believe that the nodes indicate the special relationship of humanity with the highest universal forces and their interaction. Currently, the lunar nodes are given special karmic and spiritual significance, although for quite a long time many astrologers neglected them because they were not real celestial bodies. Only Indian astrologers have consistently considered the influence of nodes on human lives to be significant and one of the most important factors horoscope. In the system of Indian astrology, with its generally accepted belief in reincarnation, human beings are believed to have four kinds of karma, of which two are governed by the lunar nodes. Before we move on to discuss this topic, it is necessary to give a brief explanation regarding these invisible points in the sky.

Nodes invisible from an astronomical point of view

In astronomical terms, the lunar nodes are the points at which the Moon intersects the plane of the ecliptic—the plane that passes through the center of the Sun and includes the Earth's orbit. The Moon's orbit around the Earth defines another plane, and these two planes are at some angle to each other. The intersection of these two orbital planes forms an axis, and the intersection points determine the location of the lunar nodes. Because the Moon orbits the Earth in about a month, half of that time it is at the northern celestial latitude and the other half at the southern celestial latitude, crossing the ecliptic plane on two occasions. The North Node is the point at which the Moon's path crosses the ecliptic when the Moon moves from the southern celestial latitude to the northern one, and the South Node is the point at which the Moon's path crosses the ecliptic when the Moon returns from the northern celestial latitude to the southern one two weeks later. These simple fundamental principles are illustrated in the figure.

Rice. 1. Lunar nodes

These nodes are in opposition to each other, and as the Earth travels around the Sun, the axis formed by the nodes travels with it, so twice a year the axis of the nodes points towards the Sun. It is at these moments that the necessary conditions for an eclipse are created.

True and average nodes

The speed of movement of the lunar nodes is not completely predictable; it changes day by day. The position of the lunar nodes can be calculated using one of the two methods described below, which give us the true or average position of the nodes. Although these provisions differ only slightly from each other, you may need this information at some point. Determining the true position gives us the exact location of the nodes, where the Moon's orbit intersects the plane of the ecliptic, while calculating the average position gives us the estimated location of the nodes based on the average speed of their movement. Calculating the average location was very popular before the advent of computers, which made it much easier to determine the exact location of nodes; Now many astrologers take into account the true position of the lunar nodes. There is debate about which method is better, but almost all descriptions of the characteristics of nodes are based precisely on their average position. The average position of the nodes is always considered retrograde, while true nodes can be direct, as if they were moving back and forth. The true nodes are truly “true” only twice a month - at those moments when the Moon crosses the plane of the ecliptic. The location of the nodes in the intervals between these moments is hypothetical and represents some approximations of the celestial orbits, even if the Moon's orbit changes due to the attraction of the Sun.

Therefore, in both cases, the location of the nodes is more or less approximate, and the true and average locations of the nodes are almost the same, differing by about a degree. Due to its steadily retrograde movement, the average location of the lunar nodes is most directly related to the study of karmic and spiritual moments reflected in natal chart. If you use a natal chart to determine progressions, then it is the middle nodes that give the most exact values. If you use computer programs to create astrological charts, which I highly recommend, the best programs will always give you the ability to choose between the true and mean nodes. You can check the default settings to make sure you are using the program you need.

The nodes determine our life mission

The nodes, just like the ascendant/descendant and vertex/antivertex, form an axis in the horoscope, between the opposite poles of which there is a partnership or union. The axis of the lunar nodes is similar to a dragon or snake, symbolizing experiences and events that give a person special wisdom. This wisdom comes as a result of efforts to use the experiences and knowledge of the past in order to climb higher on the ladder of evolution.

The lunar nodes move in the opposite direction of the zodiac and horoscope, therefore always clockwise in the circle of the zodiac, while the other planets move counterclockwise. The regression of the nodes occurs very slowly, at about nineteen degrees per year, so the nodes linger in each zodiac sign for about a year and a half.

In a spiritual sense, the retrograde movement of the Axis of Fate (which is what modern astrologers increasingly call the lunar nodes) suggests that everything that happens in the present is rooted in the past. Our pattern present life is influenced by what he receives. We are born with certain rights and bear certain obligations. The nodes can be seen as portals through which the highest universal power merges with the forces of humanity and interacts with it. Knots symbolize cause-and-effect relationships in our lives. Nodes are points where issues related to fate and free will are concentrated. Nobody has complete freedom will (except perhaps the most enlightened yogis and saints), and the nodes are the marker of the point at which karma appears as an operative factor. Karma is not a punishment. It is the fulfillment of duties that leads to spiritual growth. The knots symbolize these forces of fate. The experience gained from activating the nodes is often ignored or seems completely unrelated to free will, reason, or judgment. Regardless of whether this experience comes in the form of a desired or undesirable event, it can be considered an interference of some kind. higher powers, a push from them that helps you stay on your chosen personal path.

There are things that can be discovered through the nodes that cannot be discovered through the rest of the astrological chart. Nodes answer the question “why,” which relates to the very fact of our existence. They explain its purpose. The nodes shed light on why the rest of the factors in our map appear the way they do. Nodes symbolize some special influence, which may not depend on other factors or even contradict them. They define our karmic lessons and our mission. They prove that our lives are greatly influenced by karma and that we had specific intentions even before we entered into our present life.

When I was about eight years old, an event occurred that turned out to be very traumatic for me. The nature of the event is not as important as its outcome. This event and trauma were so acute that at that moment it seemed to me that I had simply left my body and this earthly plane of existence. There has been a lapse in my memory and I cannot remember what events actually happened during those few hours; I learned about these events much later. However, soon after that incident, I became clearly aware of my pre-birth experiences. I have often wondered whether this visit took place during my memory lapse, or whether it was a pre-birth memory that partially returned to me at that moment.

I was in another world, somewhere in heaven, ready to go to earth; I stood in front of a certain luminous object - more energy than a physical body. We repeated everything that I had and wanted to do. Our communication took place telepathically. I was reminded that I had chosen a life that would be very difficult in the beginning - there would be a lot of physical and emotional suffering. This will continue for a long time. I had to make only one promise - that I would maintain my enthusiasm and my desire to live and not allow pain to take over, because later this suffering would be rewarded. I remember very vividly that at that moment the prospect of going to earth caused me such excitement that my heart was ready to jump out of my chest. I felt my spiritual part filled with an extravaganza of anticipation. I was full of joy and couldn't wait. At that moment everything seemed so simple to me. I promised without the slightest hesitation.

Some instructions were also given as to the precise time at which I should be called upon to perform my service; this will happen sometime at the beginning of the century, there will be a whole group engaged in doing similar work. I was entrusted with part of the important mission of this group - and this was the most exciting thing. In my peripheral vision I saw other souls standing to my right. I felt like they were waiting their turn for an individual interview. These other souls that were around me at that moment were not necessarily involved in the mission of the group I was part of. They had their own mission and made their own promises - but we were all working towards some common goal, and doing the work for this amazing source of clean energy felt like an honorable privilege.

I didn't tell anyone about this for many years; I just wasn't able to. This memory was very vivid and at the same time somehow otherworldly, and my young mind was not able to comprehend the fullness of what was happening then. I grew and matured, and over time it all began to take on a deeper meaning for me. I didn't know if what happened to me was a memory or if I actually made the journey because I was desperate for guidance from a higher power. I have to tell you that it really helped me overcome all the bumps, difficulties, losses and sad events. I remained steadfast because I remembered my promise.

And then the promised turn took place in my life, and events moved at breakneck speed. In late 1994, I met my wonderful husband through a series of coincidences and happy accidents. It was love at first sight and a feeling of instant recognition. Thanks to this man and my improved circumstances, I was able to devote all my time to my beloved astrology and write books for astrologers, two of which were published just at the beginning of the century. During the last ten years of my life, I realized that everything that appeared to me in that memory/visit happened. Whatever the source of that revelation, it has proven to be true. However, notice that at that moment it was not revealed to me what I was supposed to do - that astrology would become my calling. I had to figure it out on my own at the right time.

In any case, it was this experience that finally convinced me that we all have a special mission and karmic service to fulfill, and that we all have an influence on the entire plan. Our soul does not die. I am sure that many of you have had similar experiences of visitation and communication, and may hold similar views about the purpose of each of us, even if you have no conscious memory of the instructions received in other worlds.

This explains why we are so different - even our initial physical differences are described by nodes - and also why some people live seemingly easy lives, while others are forced to fight a constant battle for their existence. It is quite possible that those who have had a hard time in life needed a life from which they could learn more lessons, during which they could pay their karmic debts and make an evolutionary leap. Or perhaps it was the desire of the spirit - to achieve a certain goal at a certain time - which required that the soul endure so many hardships - sometimes you have to work hard to earn the honor of participating in something. First, such a soul needs to gain some experience.

It may also be that the ever-living soul each time receives a new living spirit, entering a new life, and then chooses a physical body, then “ vehicle”, which she needs to complete a predetermined mission during her short stay on earth. In esoteric astrology, the Moon is a symbol of the soul and the Sun represents the spirit. Nodes are keys that help unlock their secrets. The nodes provide information about the soul, spirit and physical body. This makes perfect sense because the nodes are the result of the interaction between the Moon, Sun and Earth.

Determining our chosen mission, the position of the nodes in the natal chart begins to tell us this story from birth. The node axis shows our connection with the past and points to the future. South Pole this axis reveals what we came into this life with: our strengths and weak sides, our accumulated good and bad karma. The South Node is the baggage that we bring with us into this world. Depending on its location in a particular zodiac sign, the South Node speaks about our nature and innate character traits, which are clearly manifested in our actions and behavior. They are automatic and based on past successes and fears. We carry within us the experience expressed in the nature of the sign in which the South Node is located. It is much easier for us to continue doing our work and taking actions based on these qualities. It's like old pajamas that are so comfortable to wear, despite the fact that they have some not entirely pleasant qualities. She lost her shape, the elastic on her pants stretched, and the fabric frayed. We definitely don't look our best in these old pajamas. Unfortunately, however, these innate tendencies are so familiar to us that we tend to display the most unattractive traits of the sign in which our South Node is located, and this is the worst thing we can do. A person's strong commitment to the negative qualities of the sign in which the South Node is located can plunge him into the abyss of great misfortune, regression and despair. The South Node can be seen as a weak point. It can be compared to quicksand, on which the imprints of our footprints are visible and which give rise to the temptation in us to again follow the beaten path, but repeating the path we have taken will only lead us into the abyss.

Our goal and task in this life is to acquire positive qualities, symbolized by the directly opposite sign, the one in which our North Node is located. It symbolizes the future, the qualities that we need to acquire during our current journey. Best qualities, embodied by the sign in which the North Node is located, are those that we must develop in ourselves; This is exactly why we came into this world: to do the work and perform the actions suggested by this sign. If the South Node symbolizes our comfort zone, the North Node represents the new and unknown—and it takes courage to venture into that unknown territory. It's a challenge, like going to a place for the first time. new school. The North Node contains instructions and guidance for us, but we must make a conscious personal effort to go in this direction and receive all the blessings the Universe has in store for us for this occasion. Moving forward brings the greatest happiness.

We will not begin to demonstrate the qualities of the North Node until we develop them in ourselves. Throughout our lives, various events and circumstances will push us in this direction. Life experiences will encourage us to develop our new capabilities. Life rewards us with adversity when we try to tread the old path to remind us of our purpose and intentions. We can use all the many talents and abilities we have brought with us to the best way complete its task by redistributing energy. The skills symbolized by the South Node may be exactly what we need to fulfill our mission suggested by the North Node. Some make this switch faster, others slower. Most of us work through some aspect of this personal task throughout our current lives and perhaps the next. If you have a high level of awareness, you may find causes of stuckness associated with the South Node, even if you have developed many of the traits associated with your North Node. Some qualities of the South Node may persist - they are so familiar. It is sad that some people make little or no progress, but they will certainly get a new chance. In the end, gradually we will all cope with our task. There is no such thing as failure when it comes to meeting your spiritual destiny.

Four Kinds of Karma

We bring everything that remained unresolved in past incarnations with us into this life. I mentioned earlier that according to Indian astrology, there are four types of karma. The first, the so-called Sanchita karma, is the general karma accumulated in past lives, which each of us bears on ourselves. The second karma, Prarabdha karma, is that small portion of the total cumulative karma that we are ready to feel and which we must fulfill in this life. The third type of karma, Kriyamana, is the karma that we create right now through our actions and which is a consequence of our free will. The fourth type of karma, Agama, is created by us for our future through the use of visualization and involves our intentions for the future.

IN Vedic astrology The South Node is called Ketu; it is believed to govern the first two types of karma. He controls the past and our karmic heritage. The North Node, Rahu, rules the last two types of karma, as well as our future.

These simple concepts help us understand the function of the nodes and also work with them to find the best way to achieve enlightenment. The South Node is especially important during those rare moments when our free will is not taken into account. Sometimes things happen as a result of free will in the past. On the positive side, how we deal with events happening right now sets our future karma. It is clear that every person can begin to create positive karma for their future through visualizations and based on the purity of their intentions. We create our future with our thoughts in the present! If we work hard on the third and fourth types of karma that we create, it can significantly reduce the amount of loss that we have to face in those moments when we burn out our old negative karma (these moments can be determined). We also receive compensation for Good work over our karma, and even these events and developments, traced with the help of the North Node, may seem like a surprise to us and outwardly appear in no way connected with our free will. At certain moments (they can also be determined), cosmic forces shower us with their blessings for our good deeds in the past.

Both nodes and the events that originate from them usually involve others and affect our relationships with them. It is by associating with and meeting other people that we pay debts, provide services or receive rewards, and enjoy our good karma. In reality, it is the people who hurt us the most who push us to learn our karmic lessons and move on. When we acknowledge this, we will begin to understand it.

No one comes into this world without unpaid debts; some of these debts will have to be paid off in this life, as well as new debts acquired.

Maybe you are one of those people (or know them personally) who say that all they have to do is commit the slightest offense, and literally in a matter of days they will receive retribution for it. They say that karma comes back to them immediately. I am sure that this is true: if a person realizes that his action or intention was wrong, then, most likely, it will take him much less time to begin to suffer from its consequences. Crimes committed unintentionally or without awareness of the wrongness of the act may have to be paid only after the soul rises to the next stage of evolution. The more conscious and aware a person becomes, the greater the responsibility falls on his shoulders.

Some people have more debt, others have less. When the time comes to pay the debt, we may resist, but then we have to face a harsh lesson called fate. Free will here means that we can choose how we will respond to inevitable experiences.

The North and South Nodes have many names and associations.

This is the symbol of the North Node. It is associated with the top of a hill, a hill. Indian astrologers call the North Node Rahu. Western astrologers call it Caput, but the name Dragon's Head (which is considered the more positive pole of any dragon) is much more commonly used. It represents the place of entry of cosmic energy. It is like an overflowing cup, and the symbol of the North Node reminds us of this. Gains, especially material and worldly ones, are possible through penetration divine power, but the person must be willing to reach out and grab the opportunity. The North Node embodies our ability to respond to new experiences. All our expectations are concentrated at this point; this node symbolizes the place of entry, the arrival of new substances and means of subsistence, the food we need. Somewhere deep inside we feel what we are meant for, but there is no guarantee that we will move in the right direction. This is where new karma can be created.

This is the symbol of the South Node. He is associated with the valley. Indian astrologers call it Ketu, and Western astrologers call it Cauda, ​​but a much more popular name is the Dragon's Tail (the most vulnerable part of the dragon). Sacrifice and restrictions are associated with this node. He connects with the swampy area where waste is dumped. The South Node represents our ability to free ourselves from the power of the past. This is where a sense of responsibility and knowledge can arise regarding debts that must be repaid or services that must be rendered. The South Node symbolizes the need for cleansing. Its very symbol suggests that it is an empty cup that needs to be filled. The universe is waiting for something from you. With this node we can make a contribution whose effect will last for a long time.

Together, this pair of nodes functions as a two-way flow, the arms of which complement each other. These nodes, like a two-handed saw, work together. We are given new material, which must be learned through the North Node. We make sacrifices and give ourselves to something greater than ourselves in the South Node. We rush within ourselves to build on our accumulated experience and knowledge, and then return to this great whole. For the most part, this process is instinctive and natural character, and when people master their nodes and their natural rhythm, numerous achievements result.

Collectively, the nodes demonstrate our interactions with the people around us and our place in the big picture.

In the next chapter, you'll learn what the nodes say about your mission, your appearance, and your behavior, based on their location in your natal chart.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Lunar nodes in the horoscope. Fortune Telling (Celeste Thiel) provided by our book partner -
