Sea ruff, or Black Sea scorpionfish. Catching scorpionfish (sea ruff) What to do if you are pricked by a sea ruff

Scorpena– predatory bottom sea ​​fish scorpion family, leading sedentary image life in the coastal zone of the Black Sea with depths of up to 50 meters. Due to its similarity with its freshwater counterparts, river ruffs, scorpionfish received its second informal name - sea ruff. In addition to the double name, this fish is the bearer of several more mysteries of nature.

Scorpion fish are not classified as commercial fish. It is usually caught by amateur fishermen, although they are also attracted to it not so much by its size as by the taste of the fish soup obtained from it.

There are two species of this fish found in the Black Sea: black sea scorpionfish, reaching a length of 30 centimeters and a weight of 1 kilogram, and a noticeable scorpionfish - up to 15 centimeters with a weight of 200-300 grams. It is very difficult to distinguish them from each other; not everyone can immediately determine what kind of fish they have in their hands: a noticeable scorpionfish that has reached full maturity or a young Black Sea scorpionfish?

The only acceptable sign for anglers by which it is possible to distinguish these two species is the presence of a noticeable characteristic large black spot on the dorsal fin. There is one more sign: in the Black Sea scorpionfish, the supraorbital processes, similar to rag flaps, are much longer than in the noticeable scorpionfish. But this difference, in my opinion, belongs more to the competence of ichthyologists, because it is unlikely that any amateur will want to run around the boat with a ruler to establish the truth about what kind of fish he caught.

Where and when are scorpionfish caught?

Catching scorpionfish from the shore, unlike catching it from a boat at sea, does not require large expenses, special skills or effort, which is why it is very popular among both boys and experienced fishermen.

The most convenient places are piers, piers, breakwaters, rocks, stone embankments or shores, especially where near these places there are large and small boulders at the bottom covered with aquatic vegetation. In such areas, scorpionfish stay in crevices and in algae bushes, waiting and ambush hunting for small fish and crustaceans (greenfish, gobies, shrimp, crabs).

Hooked by scorpion fish all year round, but for a number of reasons, the main one being comfortable temperature, fishermen prefer to catch it in the summer. This fish is most active at night.

If the bite is good, and it starts at sunset, you can sit out all night long. I’ll tell you without undue modesty: last summer, after spending three hours fishing from ten in the evening to one in the morning, I caught about two dozen scorpionfish of various sizes using a spinning rod and a sea circle.

Tackle for catching scorpionfish

Scorpionfish are not the kind of fish that you need to be very clever with your gear to catch. Now there are many different types of gear, but based on my personal experience, I will share with you only two: a spinning rod with the installation of bottom gear and a sea circle. In my opinion, they are the most optimal for catching this predatory fish, they are simple and easy to use and at the same time very effective.

Installation of bottom gear:
light rod up to three meters long;
classic inertial reel “Nevskaya” or any reliable inertia-free reel;
main line with a diameter of 0.3-0.35 millimeters;
one bead;

The bead must be larger in diameter than the circumference of the tulip, so that in the dark when winding the fishing line, the bead must not frequently fall into the rings. The bet is a fishing line with a diameter of 0.16-0.25 millimeters with hooks No. 5-9 located on it on two leashes 5-7 centimeters long and with a sinker at the end. The distance between the leashes is 15 centimeters.

Marine circle
The design is a metal ring with a diameter of 25 centimeters or a hoop, bent from thick wire with small cuts previously made on it. The number of cuts depends on the number of leads and serves to firmly fix them on the circle. 4-5 leashes 15 centimeters long with hooks No. 5-9 are tied in a circle. A strong string is attached directly to the ring. The line supply is calculated based on the height of the structure above sea level from which you are fishing and the depth at the fishing site.

Bait for scorpionfish

When fishing for this fish, bait and bait are used extremely rarely. Although even the simplest bait in the form of crushed shells of mollusks such as mussels and rapana will collect scorpion fish from all over the area quite quickly. Cut into steaks is also good as a bait. small fish, for example, horse mackerel.

As a rule, boiled shrimp, squid meat, chicken and fish fillets are used as bait. But still a scorpionfish, despite a large assortment bait, most often prefers fresh shrimp or sliced ​​freshly caught fish.

The scorpionfish's gluttony is amazing: it is not at all frightened by large pieces of meat or fish on hooks. Thanks to its huge mouth with a lower jaw extending far forward, it is able to grab and hold prey that is larger than itself.

Stories about insatiable sea ruffes are known everywhere. I also heard one of these from a diver friend of mine. It turns out that during his next dive, in one of the crevices of the underwater rock, he noticed a scorpion fish, in the throat of which a roulina sticking out, similar in size to it. Everything would be fine, well, I caught myself a fish for lunch, so what’s wrong with that. But it was not there! For two more days, my friend had to observe this picture, and only on the third day the ruff swallowed its victim and remained lying in the same crevice as if nothing had happened.

Fishing technique

The technique of catching scorpionfish using such gear as a spinning rod with an installation and a sea circle is extremely simple. They fish with these tackles exclusively in a plumb line: in the first case, they lower the stake to the bottom, select the slack and, having made a stretch, wait for bites; in the second - lowering the ring on the string to the bottom, leaving the tackle for 15-20 minutes.

When fishing with a spinning rod, the bite of a scorpionfish is felt as a series of short-term pulls, and then a significant jerk. There is absolutely no need for a fisherman to bother himself with thoughts about when a scorpion fish will bite on a circle; it greedily takes the bait and very rarely lets go.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that when fishing with a spinning rod, a delay in hooking can allow the scorpionfish to hide under a stone or in a crevice, and then a break in the rate is inevitable. There is no need to worry about this about the circle, since the fish hooks itself, and the ring and short leashes will not allow it to go far into the stones and tightly hook the tackle.

Removing a scorpionfish from the water is quite simple, but once it is on the shore, the fisherman’s troubles are just beginning. And this is where the well-known proverb comes in handy more than ever: “Take the ruff off the hook slowly.”

Safety precautions when removing scorpion fish from a hook

The caught fish is released from the hook with great care so as not to get stuck on the poisonous spines. And she doesn’t have many or few of them, but only one that you accidentally didn’t notice can cause unbearable pain. To prevent this from happening, I will bring you up to date by going a little deeper into ichthyology.

The scorpionfish's venomous apparatus is represented by poisonous glands located at the base of each ray of the anterior part of the dorsal fin, the first ray of the ventral fin and the first three rays of the anal fin. (see photo)

There are as many ways as there are fishermen to remove hooks from the mouth of a scorpion fish. Without entering into a debate with anyone about the originality of certain methods, I will describe only one, from my point of view, the safest.

Pressing the scorpionfish with the handle of the rod, I grab it with pliers or a surgical clamp by the lower lip and with scissors I trim away everything that sticks out on it, out of harm’s way, and then with a clear conscience I take out the hook and throw it into the bucket.

How to avoid unwanted consequences

Scorpena ranks ninth in the top 10 most dangerous representatives aquatic fauna in the world. Scorpionfish injections, although not lethal, are, admittedly, quite painful. As a rule, they cause painful shock, swelling and redness of the affected areas of the body. Sometimes there is profuse sweating and vomiting.

But there are also exceptions. An interesting fact is that fishermen who have once received injections from this fish develop some kind of immunity to their poison, as a result of which they are completely free from any reactions and symptoms in the future. Just don’t get me wrong: I in no way urge you to harden yourself in this way, but, on the contrary, I want to warn you against conducting this kind of experiment.

In order not to be taken by surprise when meeting with a scorpionfish and to avoid undesirable consequences, you will need knowledge of the simplest medical procedures for providing first aid. first aid. First, it is necessary to determine the injection site; second, carefully remove the thorn fragments; third - compress the wound and allow the blood to flow as long as possible; fourth - disinfect the wound by washing it sea ​​water or hydrogen peroxide, if you have it available.

Unique gastronomic qualities of scorpionfish

Concluding the conversation about scorpionfish, one cannot fail to mention the gastronomic properties and qualities of its meat. The meat of this fish is white, elastic and slightly sweet in taste. Scorpionfish are dried, fried, boiled, used in soups and jellied dishes - all traditional culinary methods are suitable.

And, of course, the legendary Black Sea scorpion fish soup, which, according to rumors, surpasses even sterlet in its unsurpassed taste. And they also say that their positive influence on male body Scorpionfish meat makes you nervously smoke the famous “Viagra” on the sidelines.

So, dear fishermen, catching scorpionfish in the Black Sea, and then eating it, is not only a pleasant pastime, but also good good health.

Sea ruff (scorpionfish), harmoniously combines with the ornament of the seabed. Even with close range, it is difficult to distinguish it from a lying stone, dotted with water currents. Throwing itself out of an ambush, it never leaves the victim a chance, even if a crab turns up and swallows it whole, with all its “chain mail.” While fishing, he grabs the bait in his usual manner: without ceremony, just like his own.

Taking into account the peculiarities of this nature of the bite, fishermen came up with tricks to catch obstinate fish, which you will read in this article.

1. General description of scorpion fish (sea ruff)

The scorpionfish, also called the sea ruffe, has an oblong body, slightly compressed from the sides. A large head, slightly flattened, with large bulging eyes and a wide, thick-lipped mouth. Powerful jaws, armed with small teeth. There are growths of bristles in the pharynx, arranged in a semicircle, which act as graters

The body is covered with warts, spines, patches of scales and tentacles, different lengths, giving the fish a comical appearance. The dorsal fin consists of soft rays extending from the tail and spiny feathers extending across the entire back. Pelvic and pectoral fins, wide, oval shape, like the anal ones, have spines along the edges. Gill scutes, fins and tuberous spines are equipped with needles, on the edge of which there are glands with poison. The color of the back is dark brown, the body is light brown.

2. Distribution and habitats

The sea ruffe lives in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, off the African and European coasts, as well as in the Black Sea.

3. Age and size

Life expectancy is 6 years, body length is 40 cm.

4. Lifestyle

Bottom predator living in coastal strips, at a depth of 10 - 90 meters.

4.1. Reproduction - time and characteristics of spawning

June – September. Reaches sexual maturity at the age of 2 years, with a body length of 17.5 cm. Sizes may vary depending on habitat and ecology.

It spawns in portions, wrapped in transparent mucous membranes, which rise to the surface and ripen. The protective veil bursts, and the larvae are released and drift in the water column. Very soon, already in the form of juveniles, they sink to the bottom, continuing their way of life in their native element.

4.2. Diet - what to eat

Small fish such as goby, greenfinch and silverside, as well as crustaceans and molluscs (,).

5. How, where, when and what to catch scorpion fish (sea ruff)

You can fish from the shore and no less successfully from floating craft, around the clock, using both natural and artificial baits.

For lovers of fishing sea ​​waters We suggest you familiarize yourself with detailed information about the Mediterranean Sea, its weather conditions, relief, water temperature, water flow and inhabitants -

5.1. Biting calendar - what time of year is the best time to bite?

Scorpionfish fishing is carried out all year round.

5.2. In what weather does scorpionfish bite best?

In the first hours after the storm.

5.3. What are the best places to fish?

In the morning and evening, near the shore, at a depth of at least 3 meters, on the slopes of shell, coral or rocky bottom, as well as in coastal zone, among rocks, reefs and algae.

5.4. What gear is best to fish with?

When fishing from a boat, use a hard spinning rod with a sensitive tip. Inertial coil, or .

The gear that is often successfully caught is assembled in this way:

  • main line 0.40 mm, with a reserve on the reel of 50 m;
  • at the end of the bet, sinker 50-100 g;
  • 0.30 mm section, attached to the main line using ;
  • the size of the hook depends on the size of bait No. 5-9, in the amount of 2 pieces.

IN clear water, in shallow water, so that the boat is not visible, the equipment is thrown to the side, and to make it easier to fish the ruff out of the stones, the hooks are equipped with floats, giving them a suspended state.

Since fishing for scorpionfish is mainly carried out in stones and algae, it is best to use a piece of reinforcement 20 - 30 cm long as a load, bending it into the Latin letter - V, instead of bending it, attach the fishing line and hooks in the stones and thickets there will be no more bottom.

From the shore they fish with float tackle, with a blind or sliding rig, depending on the depth and casting distance. The float should be made of foam plastic, white and large, and for fishing at night, it should be coated with Firefly varnish.

At night, effectively and in large quantities, catching scorpionfish on a donk. An ordinary sinker, round or flat, will not work; the fish will be dragged into the stones, after which it will be problematic to fish it out.

When a scorpionfish bites, it detects itself and always does. It pecks and immediately swallows it. Taking these features into account, a thick wire is used as a sinker, which is bent into a ring. The ends of the rod are connected by soldering. The main fishing line with a carabiner fastens a ring - a sinker, to which it is tied with hooks.

The rig is thrown at a distance from the shore of 40 - 80 m. Dozens of pieces are thrown into the donok, and in the morning the catch is counted. One tackle can catch up to five individuals.

The bundle with the trophy can be easily released from the main line by opening the carabiner. After which, the scorpionfish is moved into a plastic bucket, or into some other dense container. On the way back from fishing, the fish will calm down, and at home, in a calm environment, remove the hooks from its mouth. Removing an aggressive ruff at night, even with a flashlight, is not always convenient or safe.

Tackle of this design has the following advantages:

  1. Minimum effort.
  2. High result.
  3. Convenient and safe to use.

In this 3-minute video, experienced fishermen will share with you their experiments with tackle and reels. Fishing is carried out with ultralight on, from the pier, in the city of Sochi

Ruff, rattles with his ammunition, with only his appearance, delights enthusiastic fishermen. Caught in the Black Sea large size, on brightly colored silicone

5.5. Bait for catching scorpion fish (sea ruff)

Seafood mixture: crustaceans, fish and shellfish (, mussels,). Finely pound and pour into nylon stocking. Then, they throw it into the place of upcoming fishing.

5.6. What baits and baits to fish with

The bait most often used is: raw or boiled rapana meat, mussels, whole crab, not big size, as well as cutting fish (for example), nereis, and lard.

Jig, silver or green, with black spots. The result of the catch will increase if, in addition to the hook, you pick up sliced ​​fresh fish.

6. Interesting, unusual, funny facts about this fish

From the stories, underwater hunters and fishermen who experienced a ruffe bite described the symptoms differently. For example, in the Black Sea, the fish are calm and the bite is less painful. In , after a bite, swelling follows and the temperature rises; the painful effect can last up to 2 days. In the Red Sea, after being pricked by a sea ruffe, there have been deaths, and the temperament of the scorpion fish species is more aggressive.

The toxicity and behavior of fish are influenced by two main factors - the number of enemies and the availability of food. In the Black Sea, most likely, there is an abundance of living creatures, but in the Red Sea, you have to fight for every shrimp.

In the case of a scorpionfish injection, no matter what sea it happened on, the first thing you need to do is remove the thorn from the wound. Then, squeeze out the blood so that the poison does not spread throughout the body. Disinfect the bite site using hydrogen peroxide; if this is not possible, then rinse the wound with sea or hot water. Even if the burn site does not bother you, you still need go to hospital so that no infection or allergic reaction occurs.

On the head, the sea ruffe has receptors, thanks to which, even in the dark, it recognizes its prey by the slightest fluctuations.

Ruff swallowed a burbot the size of himself, and to place it in his stomach, he rubs it with pharyngeal brushes. At the time of the meal, an underwater diver swam up to wish you bon appetit. Watch 1 min. video

7. Gastronomy

The meat is white and juicy, slightly sweet in taste. Contains substances: chromium, fluorine, zinc and nickel, as well as molybdenum and nicotinic acid.

8. Useful video

Black Sea, Anapa city, fishing for ruffed fish, from a rocky shore. The video presents comments from Russian fishing champions. Stories about habits dangerous fish, recommendations on fishing techniques and rods used, see 10 min. video

9. The most useful links about fish

— an encyclopedic article about scorpion fish; - advice from forum members on what to do if bitten by a scorpionfish;

— an interesting article about methods of fishing for scorpionfish; - about the sea ruff in folk predictions.


Black Sea scorpionfish (from Latin Scorpaena porcus) - predatory fish, living in the Mediterranean and Black Seas, as well as off the African and European coasts of the Atlantic Ocean. Sometimes found in the Sea of ​​Azov. The second name of the fish is “Black Sea ruff”. The flattened head of the scorpionfish occupies one third of the body. The head has purple, bulging eyes and a huge mouth with thick lips that can easily swallow a whole crab, and powerful jaws. The head is armed with spikes and long, flap-like tentacles. The entire body is covered with tubercles, warts, rays and flaps of skin, with the help of which the scorpionfish disguises itself as stones overgrown with vegetation. The dorsal fin of the Black Sea ruffe has spiny rays, which are always straightened and raised upward in the form of spines. The size of the fish reaches 40 cm in length, and its weight is approximately 1.5 kg. The Black Sea scorpionfish has poisonous glands located at the base of the spiny rays of the dorsal, ventral and anal fins. There are about 20 such rays, which serve as protection for scorpion fish from predators, on the fish’s body. Poison is also found on the gill covers and bone spines. Scorpionfish has interesting feature: she sheds regularly, and sheds her old skin like a snake, like a “stocking.” Shedding can occur up to twice a month. The fish has a bizarre variegated color. Juveniles are light yellow or cream colored with reddish-brown spots and irregular vertical stripes. With age, the color darkens, dark brown with wide vertical blurry stripes. Sometimes pink, crimson-yellow and black scorpionfish are found.

This predator feeds on small fish and crustaceans, lying in wait for them. Scorpionfish can hunt in complete darkness, since they have organs on the head and sides that help to catch currents of water from a moving object. Inhabits coastal areas, among rocks and algae thickets. The fish is sedentary and not shy. In the warm season (June-September), scorpionfish spawn, laying eggs in separate portions enclosed in transparent mucous membranes. Before the larvae hatch, these mucous sacs burst and the eggs are released from the common shell. The emerging juveniles do not remain in the water column for long, and then move on to life at the bottom. Scorpionfish are a nocturnal predator, so it is best to catch them after dark. The calm hours after a storm are optimal for fishing, as the fish move close to the shore in search of food.

Scorpion fish meat is eaten. The main thing is to be careful when cleaning this fish so as not to get injured by its spines. The fish is highly sticky, so it is used to make jelly for jellied fish and fish soup. Ruffs can be fried and also used as an additive when cooking fish soup from other fish, as they enhance the taste of fish broth. To keep the fish tender and juicy, you should cook it in dishes with liquid (gravy). Baked in the oven or fried on the grill, scorpionfish becomes very dry. In Turkish cuisine, Black Sea scorpion fish soup is very popular and is considered a delicacy. Fish especially strongly absorbs the aromas of spicy plants growing on the rocks under which it lives: laurel, thyme and myrtle.

Composition, calorie content and beneficial features black sea scorpionfish

Despite its terrifying appearance, scorpionfish are useful and are considered one of delicious fish Black Sea. Its white, juicy and elastic meat has a slightly sweet taste. It is believed that the meat of this fish has a positive effect on the male body. Rich in macro and microelements such as chromium, zinc, fluorine, nickel, molybdenum, as well as vitamin PP (nicotinic acid). Nicotinic acid is involved in protein and carbohydrate metabolism in the body, helps reduce cholesterol in the blood, and activates the functioning of the brain and central nervous system. Due to the presence of vitamin PP, scorpionfish dishes can prevent a skin disease that causes “rough skin” - pellagra.

Black Sea scorpionfish belongs to the group of skinny fish, such as hake, cod, flounder, tench, containing no more than 80-90 calories per 100 g of finished product. Therefore, the meat of such fish can be safely included in a low-calorie diet.

Contraindications: be careful, poisonous scorpionfish!

Scorpionfish have poisonous spines. The effect of the poison is not fatal, but very unpleasant - like a wasp sting. Wounds from the thorns of this fish cause burning pain, the skin around the wound turns red and swells, there may be general malaise and elevated temperature. An allergic reaction may begin, so immediately after being pricked with thorns you should take an antihistamine (anti-allergic) drug. Wounds should be treated like regular scratches. In any case, if this fish is affected by poison, it is better to consult a doctor.

Most often, fishermen suffer from ruffe thorns when they pull them out of nets or remove them from a fishing hook. When cleaning scorpionfish, care must also be taken so that the poison from the spines, bone spines and gill covers does not get into small wounds and cracks on the skin of the hands. The poison persists even in those fish that have been left in the refrigerator. The ruff must be decapitated and the dorsal fins removed, and only then begin cutting up the carcass.

Scorpionfish, or sea ruffe - Scorpaena porcus L.

Class Bony fish- Osteichthyes Order Scorpaeniformes Family Scorpaeniformes - Scorpaenidae

Ecology and biology. Bizarrely colored fish, common in the Black Sea. Skin growths on the head are characteristic. Spends most of its time at the bottom, where it hunts mainly for moving prey. All rays of the anterior dorsal fin have poisonous glands. The rays of the pelvic and anal fins can be poisonous. The structure of the venomous apparatus is typical of spiny-finned fish.

Picture of poisoning. The cause of scorpionfish damage is an accident or careless handling of the fish. The injection causes acute pain radiating along the lymphatic vessels. Lymphangitis develops, and as the poison accumulates in the lymph glands, lymphadenitis, which can be expressed quite sharply and persists for several days. An area of ​​necrosis develops at the site of poison inoculation. General symptoms of poisoning are not pronounced. Complications are most often associated with the introduction of a secondary infection. There is a description of infectious pericarditis caused by a scorpionfish injection.

First aid. See (big dragon). Treatment is symptomatic. A medicinal serum was created in Yugoslavia.

Chemical composition and the mechanism of action of the poison. The active principle of the poison is high-molecular thermolabile proteins with Mr ~ 50,000 - 800,000. Poisoned animals experience hypotension, respiratory problems, cardiac activity, and when high doses are used, paralysis and death from respiratory arrest.

Practical significance. It has no commercial significance, but the meat is quite edible.

Passively poisonous fish

Among the inhabitants of our waters, the most dangerous are some representatives of the carp family (Cyprinidae), whose sexual products are poisonous during the spawning period, including: marinka (Schizothorax), ottomans (Diptychus), barbel (Barbus).

Ecology and biology. Marinka - common (Sch. intermedius Mc.Cl.), Ili (Sch. pseudaksaiensis Herb.) and Balkhash (Sch. argentatus Kessl.) are common in rivers flowing from the Kopetdag, the upper reaches of the Syr Darya and Amu Darya basins, Tarim, in the basin of Lake Balkhash . Body color varies, but grayish-yellow and olive-green tones predominate (Fig. 55). Omnivores: consume both plant and animal foods.

Ottomans - naked (D. dybowskii Kessl.) and scaly (D. tasilatus Steind.) - live in the Tarim, Balkhash, and Issyk-Kul basins. Adult Scaly Ottomans have a dark back and olive-greenish or slate-gray sides. At the level of the pectoral and ventral fins, orange margins are clearly visible, bordering the light yellow belly. The naked Ottoman has a variety of colors: in muddy rivers the back is dark or bluish, the sides are silvery; in lakes - brownish-golden Ottomans.

The common longhorned beetle, or madder (B. barbus L.), is quite big fish, up to 85 cm in length and weighing 4 kg. Prefers deep places with a rocky bottom. It feeds on fish eggs and juveniles, but can jump out of the water and swallow flying insects.

Picture of poisoning. Poisoning is caused by caviar, and in Marinka, by the peritoneum. Within the first hour after eating caviar, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea develops, headache and general weakness, cyanosis of the skin of the face and mucous membranes. Progressive adynamia forces the victim to lie down. Breathing is difficult. In severe cases, paralysis of the lower limbs and diaphragm develops. Death occurs from respiratory arrest. At autopsy, there was congestion in the internal organs.

First aid. Basically, help comes down to removing food debris from the stomach. After the patient vomits and stools, it is useful to give a warm solution of potassium permanganate 1:100 inside. Treatment is symptomatic. In severe cases, qualified medical care is required.

Chemical composition and mechanism of action of the poison. The toxic principle - cyprinidin - is apparently of a non-protein nature. Cyprinidin is extracted from caviar with methanol and precipitated with acetone. Let's dissolve well in water. The chemical structure has not been established. Temperature treatment only partially inactivates cyprinidine. In experimental animals poisoned with cyprinidine, hypotension, adynamia, hypothermia, and difficulty breathing are observed. In lethal doses, cyprinidine causes paralysis of skeletal and respiratory muscles. At the autopsy, the internal organs were overflowing with blood.

The clinical picture of cyprinidine poisoning resembles in its symptoms intoxication with tetrodotoxin contained in the liver and reproductive products of puffer fish (family Tetraodontidae).

The bile of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.) also has toxic properties, DL50 for mice is 109 mg/kg. The liver extract causes a drop in blood pressure, bradycardia, and a decrease in cardiac output in animals. At sublethal doses (5-50 mg/kg), bile extract causes an increase in diuresis and excretion of potassium and sodium.

Practical significance. Nutritionally valuable fish. Eating marinkas, ottomans, and longhorned beetles is possible only after careful removal of the entrails, especially the reproductive products and peritoneum. The abdominal cavity of the fish must be washed with a strong saline solution.

Poisonous animals and plants of the USSR/B.N. Orlov, D.B. Gelashvili, A.K. Ibragimov. - M.: Higher. school, 1990. - 272 s.

Many divers and fishermen know who the Black Sea scorpion fish are, having been repeatedly burned by its sharp and poisonous spines. Some can't just float by unusual fish and become victims of curiosity, others hunt for delicious meat, which they get at the cost of pain. The beauty of the sea ruffe is deceptive; behind it lies a self-confident predator, capable of standing up for itself and fighting back.


The Black Sea scorpionfish is an indigenous inhabitant of the Eastern Atlantic, from Britain to the Strait of Gibraltar, the northwestern coast of Africa, the Mediterranean and Black seas. It also appears in Azov, but not so often. Being a completely marine fish and demanding on the salinity of water, it does not swim into river mouths and estuaries.

Leading a passive bottom lifestyle, it is most often found at depths of up to 40 meters, but can go deeper. Favorite places are coastal algae thickets and rocky areas of shallow water, where fish can lie in ambush for days without moving.


The Latin name scorpionfish (Scorpaena porcus) gives its name to a family of more than 200 species of fish, and the Black Sea fish is also often called the sea ruffe or scorpionfish. This is a small fish, with a large flattened snout, large lips and bulging eyes, above which spiky tentacles grow. The head is covered with bumps and flaps of skin, in the mouth there are powerful jaws with small sharp teeth, and several spine-like growths on the gill covers.

The dorsal fin is long, consisting of a couple of dozen rays, some of which are hard and spiny (12), others soft (9), in the anal fin there are 3 and 5, respectively. The pectorals are soft, large in size, with 16-18 veins, and the tail has three vertical stripes. The scales of the scorpion fish are of medium size, spotted camouflage color, which is dominated by brown colors, dark and light tones. There are also tubercles and skin flaps along the body that help the fish to merge with environment. On average, it grows to 15-20 centimeters in length (maximum - 40 cm), in weight - 500-600 grams (individuals - 0.9-1.5 kilograms).

The Black Sea scorpionfish has two features: it poisonous fish and she can shed. Molting occurs in a similar way to that of a snake, when the skin peels off completely, in a “cover,” with a frequency of up to 2 times a month, but usually this is a lunar cycle. The frequency is influenced by both the quality of the sea ruffe’s diet and the ecology of the habitat – which better conditions life, the more often the fish changes its skin.

The second feature is the poisonous glands located at the base of the fins. The poison, which is not destroyed even after the death of the fish, is contained in the rays and gill spines of the sea ruffe.

Important! The Black Sea scorpionfish is not a shy fish, it allows people to get close to it, so it seems like an easy prey. This is far from true. There have been no deaths from the injections of an inhabitant of the Black Sea, but the poison is strong enough to cause severe pain, allergic reaction and the need for medical attention.


The sea ruff is a predator. Lazy but effective. The fish does not have a swim bladder, which is why it easily spends the whole day in ambush, patiently waiting for prey. Usually in algae or a pile of rocks. When prey appears, the scorpionfish rushes at the victim, swallowing it with a stream of water. The inedible is spat out.

The developed lateral line and processes on the head, which detect the slightest fluctuations in water, help “see” and identify prey. Therefore, the fish is most active at night, easily navigating in the dark. The main prey is small fish, crustaceans and benthic invertebrates.


The Black Sea ruffe spawns in the summer, when the water is warmest (July-September). The eggs are thrown in portions, enclosed in a lump of mucus, which floats to the upper layers of the sea. After the fry emerges, it remains at the surface for some time, but quite soon sinks to the bottom and acquires the bottom habits of adults. One female can lay up to 350 thousand eggs per season.


Poisonous spines serve to protect the juicy delicious meat that the Black Sea scorpionfish possesses and which is valued for its taste qualities. It is considered dietary, contains many vitamins and microelements, consumption improves metabolism in the body, has a beneficial effect on nervous system. At the same time, the characteristics of the fish and the difficulty of processing do not allow it to be made a commercial species.

Scorpionfish are also frequent guests in aquariums, especially tropical species, but require certain conditions and separate maintenance, as they are capable of destroying its other inhabitants. Often the sea ruffe can be found in the form of stuffed souvenirs on the shelves of Black Sea cities.
