Nine important aspects of life or zones in an apartment according to Feng Shui. Zones in an apartment according to Feng Shui: how to correctly identify, activate and design.

If you have seriously decided to change your life priorities and put order and harmony first, as well as improve the energy of your apartment, then it’s time to get acquainted with the world-famous Feng Shui system and its Bagua grid.

Following its elements, everything around us has nine components that are interconnected and form various unions and combinations. The history of the origin of the Bagua grid goes back centuries. According to legend, ancient sages discovered it on the shell of a turtle that emerged from the sea waters.

Bagua Grid

Bagua Grid has the shape of an octagon, which is divided into several areas.

Bagua grid by feng shui zones

When a person wants to influence his career growth, improve his health, make many friends, find a companion for life, then it is enough to form the Feng Shui of an apartment in accordance with a certain zone.

Each of us knows what exactly he is missing or what specifically he would like to change. Therefore, there is no need to give up - anything is possible if you really want it. Striving and perseverance are what help you build your destiny.

Each of us has different goals. In addition, they can change throughout life. The Bagua grid allows you to direct energy flows to one or another life sphere. Positive changes will come gradually.

How not to make a mistake and arrange the Feng Shui of your apartment correctly?

This will require very little time and a minimum of effort. The main thing is to arm yourself with three things:

  1. compass
  2. Bagua grid
  3. apartment diagram or plan

How to determine feng shui zones in an apartment

In order to determine Feng Shui zones, you should transfer the Bagua grid to the apartment plan.

A compass will help you find out where the northern part of the house is. This is the area that is responsible for career and its growth. Further, starting from the first zone, you can easily correlate the parts of the apartment and each part of the Bagua zone.

Each zone should start working. How to make them act and influence fate?

Each zone needs to be activated - to do this, you need to know about the order in which you should place interior items so that the Feng Shui of the apartment complies with the rules of Eastern traditions.

Also in specialized stores you can purchase crystals, which are discussed in books about the teachings of Feng Shui. They also serve to activate and to collect and concentrate powerful energy in the right place.

Feng Shui zones in the apartment

As mentioned above, each sector in the Bagua grid corresponds to a separate Feng Shui zone in your apartment. Below you will find a description of each zone, its natural element, colors and symbols.

Career Zone (North)

All interior elements that are associated with the water element are perfect for this part of the apartment.

Career Zone Symbol

You will get rid of problems at work: your bosses will always be pleased with your results and achievements, your colleagues will support and help, you will forget about the difficulties in writing and submitting reports.

To decorate an apartment according to Feng Shui, an aquarium with fish or a painting depicting any water source is suitable. The blue and black colors present in the items will enhance the effect and lead to maximum results.

Place your work laptop or other equipment here as well. You can put a photo with your colleagues on the table. This way you will connect the north of the apartment with your place at work. Energy activates Career zone. Its symbol is the turtle, a resident of the aquatic environment.

People who tested the area say things started looking up very quickly. Many became owners profitable business, opened their own businesses. They began to be respected and valued at work, and were trusted with important transactions.

Zone of Wisdom and Knowledge (North-East)

If your goal is to successfully graduate from university, write a doctoral dissertation, or simply want to absorb knowledge like a sponge, then pay attention to the northeastern part of the apartment. The room in this part of the housing can be equipped with Personal Area, the atmosphere will be conducive to an easy learning process.

Knowledge Zone Symbol

How to design this zone? Various books, textbooks, and encyclopedias are suitable. As you know, learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.

Following this advice, zone of Wisdom and Knowledge must have sufficient light. Stylish lamps, sconces or table lamps are suitable for this.

This room is no place for games and entertainment. Instead of posters with famous people hang a map of the world or your own city on the wall. Earth is an element of the zone.

Place a small globe on the table. The main thing is that the environment is calm and peaceful. This is no place for things like weapons.

The color of the zone is beige, so give preference to this shade. In addition, it is a delicate color, which means your thoughts will be in order.

Family Zone (East)

For many, family and warmth family relations– this is the main thing. After all, only at home does a person feel light and free; with family, you can not pretend and be real, with all your shortcomings.

Family Zone Symbol

But sometimes there are times when, due to an absurd quarrel, we lose contact with our loved ones and dear person. And now time has passed and the conflict seems to have been resolved, but the unpleasant feeling and discomfort remain.

To prevent such situations from arising, you should equip correctly Family zone. Its location is the eastern part of the apartment.

For this part of the home, items made from any type of wood are suitable, as well as green plants, symbolizing the development and prosperity of the family. For best results, use a bamboo shoot.

Choose items that you associate with each of your loved ones. Place them in the eastern part of the apartment. Look through the album and select a photo that shows all your relatives.

Avoid furniture with sharp corners, as well as knives, scissors, and needles in this area. They can lead to separation and disagreement.

Wealth Zone (Southeast)

The southeastern part of the apartment corresponds to the Feng Shui zone, which is responsible for prosperity and profit. Agree, few people will give up a comfortable existence. Although happiness does not come from money, it is more pleasant when you still have it.

Wealth Zone Symbol

Place silver dishes, a precious necklace, a box with gold or silver jewelry in this part of the home. Thus, Feng Shui of the apartment will attract financial well-being.

A good symbol for this zone is a cup of wealth or a frog figurine with a coin in its mouth.

Please note that the Wealth Zone should not be in darkness or shadow. Decorate it with forged metal products and figurines of gods. It would be very appropriate to plant here the so-called plant, which also helps with financial difficulties.

This Bagua zone has red and green, is associated with the Tree element.

Glory Zone (South)

Sometimes we look with some envy at people who bask in the glory. We believe that they achieved everything undeservedly, they have personal connections, and so on. But fame is not as far away as it really seems.

Glory Zone Symbol

The southern part of the apartment, according to the Bagua grid, is responsible for fame. By activating the zone correctly, you will instantly feel changes in your life, the attitude of the people around you will become much more respectful.

All your achievements that you have accumulated over the years long years, you should hang it on the walls of the southern part of the apartment - this will immediately activate this zone of your apartment.

These can be certificates, medals, diplomas. Anything. If only these subjects were related to leadership and activism.

Ensure there is sufficient lighting. For figurines, images of birds are suitable; they should not be predators and not made of wood. Ideal - a figurine of a dove. Stones (not from the sea) and minerals are also favorable here.

Glory Zone has a red color. As you know, this color is known for its activity and swiftness. It is often a leader's favorite. The symbol of this feng shui zone is the fire element.

Zone of Love and Marriage (South-West)

Loneliness and the absence of a loved one nearby confuse you and prevent you from enjoying life. And it happens that you seem to have a soulmate, but something doesn’t go well. Quarrels and conflicts constantly arise, you do not understand each other and speak different languages.

Symbol of the Zone of Love and Marriage

To get out of the situation, activate the zone located in the southwest of the housing. She is responsible for maintaining relationships and eliminating conflict situations between loving hearts.

To activate this Feng Shui zone in your apartment, decorate it this way: on the wall, place a general photo of you happy in love or marriage.

Place a figurine on a table or shelf that symbolizes constancy and love (for example, a pair of doves or ducks).

It would also be nice if you put out scented candles. Gifts that you once gave to each other will do. And just things that are related to the topic love relationship– hearts, magazine clippings, stickers, photographs depicting a woman and a man.

Do not allow objects with piercing or cutting properties to be present here.

Zone of Love and Marriage associated with the color yellow. Be sure to ensure there is sufficient lighting. The ruling element of this feng shui zone is the earth.

Zone of Children and Creativity (West)

Raising children is a very difficult task that makes many parents think. It is especially difficult to cope with a teenager. It is important to find an approach to your child, not to make a mistake in choosing tactics, and to become a true friend for him. To overcome the difficulties that arise, seek help from the Bagua grid.

Symbol of the Children and Creativity Zone

In this Feng Shui zone there should always be enough light. An excellent option would be a wide window that provides rays of bright sun. In the evening, it is better to use lamps.

Set up a corner where all the child’s achievements will be displayed: his first drawings, crafts. Young sprouts of indoor flowers are suitable here.

It is worth caring for them carefully and watering them regularly - Children and Creativity zone does not tolerate fading and old age.

If you activate the zone correctly, success is guaranteed. You can do this by setting the image of the element corresponding to your child’s zodiac sign. Also a good symbol of this Feng Shui zone is a figurine of a netsuki with a baby.

This way you will not only begin to understand your child better, but also help him creative development, discover new talents and inclinations, create conditions for the development of a full-fledged personality.

This feng shui zone is associated with the color white and the metal element.

Helpers and Travel Zone (Northwest)

You have encountered difficulties on your way and are waiting wise advice from someone you can trust? Activate this zone. Its location is the northwestern part of your apartment.

Symbol of the Zone of Helpers and Travels

To decorate this Feng Shui zone, a photograph of a person whom you consider your mentor is suitable.

If you have this moment there is no such person, hang up a picture famous sage or scientist. Achievements successful people will help you direct your life along the right path.

To strengthen and concentrate the energy, place a figurine of a deity, such as a figurine of Ganesh.

Assistant Zone It is also responsible for travel, so pictures with seas and oceans, famous places, and mountains are suitable as interior elements. Rest assured, your dreams of long journeys will soon come true.

To activate this Feng Shui zone, install in it a symbol or image of the element (element) that corresponds to your Zodiac sign (for example, if you are Aquarius, then your element is Air, it would be nice to hang a photo of the sky with clouds).

Remember - things in the room must be in order. Do not allow broken items in this part of the apartment; keep glass surfaces intact.

White color corresponds to this Bagua zone, and metal objects are also its elements.

Health Zone (Center)

What can't you buy for any money? Of course, health. Having a huge supply of energy and strength is the dream of many people. Although modern medicine has made enormous strides, scientists continue to discover new treatment methods, there are still diseases that even world-class doctors are powerless to treat.

Health Zone Symbol

The center of the Bagua grid, and therefore the center of your home, is the zone responsible for health. It is associated with the element of Earth, so indoor flowers in pots are suitable for the interior - they will have a beneficial effect on your longevity.

This also includes everything that is somehow connected with Nature. These can be paintings, photographs of mountains, waterfalls, seascapes, landscape posters, various plants, flower figurines.

A Bonsai tree is considered a good energy amplifier in this Feng Shui zone, which is recommended to be installed closer to the east of this Bagua zone.

Also a very powerful “health magnet” is the peach fruit - its image or live form can be placed in the center of the table ( required condition– there should be an odd number of peaches).

Health Zone has yellow and orange colors. Plant a peach tree sprout in a large wooden pot, and you will feel a surge of strength very soon - health problems will leave your home.

The center of your apartment can be made a place where you will communicate with friends and family. A small coffee table will do, on which you can place a beautiful lamp and a vase of orange and orange fruit. yellow flowers. The place that protects our health requires a lot of light - so take care of its thorough lighting.

Modern architecture presents a variety of forms of living spaces. Often these can be round or triangular houses and apartments. In this case, the missing zones should be placed in other areas.

Feng Shui zones outside the apartment

Many people spend most of their lives away from home. Therefore, you can protect yourself with a Bagua net anywhere.

Its strength and power is distributed throughout the Universe. It will keep you safe and influence the positive energy of the biofield even thousands of kilometers from your native nest.

It is our subconscious that helps us, it is the Universe itself that communicates with us using intuition. Having corrected small details, your luck and happiness will rush in full sail. You won’t even have time to prepare, and harmony, health, happiness, joy and good luck will already flow into your life.

Don’t be afraid to change yourself and change your home. Don't get hung up on old and unnecessary things, get rid of junk with ease. Let them come into your life with new interior items happy Days, and those around you delight you with their smiles.

Don’t think that decorating an apartment in the Feng Shui style will take a lot of time - it doesn’t. Just take a free minute, arm yourself with the necessary items and find out where the Bagua grid zones are in your home. The results will pleasantly please you - because your life will begin to change very soon.

Live according to Feng Shui!

Alexandra Kalashnik,

especially for the site “Your Dream”



Feng Shui zones in your apartment are an amazing way to transform your life. About a thousand years ago, the ancient Chinese teaching of “feng shui” was born, which translated means “feng” - “wind”, and “shui” - “water”. The Chinese realized that the elements and the world generate energy on which our lives depend.

Living in certain places, the ancient Chinese began to notice that nature itself creates landscapes with at different levels energy: low and high. Therefore, having studied the “laws of nature”, they began to use the knowledge they acquired in Everyday life, settling in the most favorable and protected places. Ideally, the teaching involves not only the favorable arrangement of sectors in an apartment or room, but also the correct initial choice of place of residence.

What is the essence of the teachings of Feng Shui?

At present, of course, we are far from the landscape opportunities in which ancient people lived. Few people can afford to have a country house near the sea and mountains, surrounded by gardens and bushes. In the context of global urbanization, many seek to harmonize their personal homes in accordance with Eastern knowledge of pure vital energy Qi. Unfortunately, in conditions big city this is incredibly difficult, because the house or apartment should not be located near noisy places, old buildings, etc. As for the internal space, it can and should be harmonized.

How to independently determine zones

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, our home is a spiritualized living substance in which energy circulates, influencing our lives.

So, let's try to divide our home into zones of influence of this vital energy so that our life becomes more comfortable and harmonious.

First you need to know what zones exist. There are nine of them, according to the Bagua grid. The Bagua grid is one of the fundamental concepts of ancient Chinese teaching, which is a regular octagon with a center in the middle. This “sacred octagon” is divided into 9 sectors, including the central one, which is responsible for health. In order to understand which sector (zone) this or that part of your home belongs to, you need to know the cardinal directions in relation to your apartment. It is possible that you will need a compass for a more accurate determination.

Let's take a closer look at each zone

  1. The northern zone is responsible for career, business success and the overall dynamics of the room

    The colors correspond to it: from blue to black. The element is water, which geometrically takes the shape in which it is placed. To activate this zone, it is recommended to place in this part of the room everything related to water: paintings with seascapes, aquariums with fish, non-heating electrical appliances.

    Because, according to Feng Shui, electricity and magnetic fields are also related to water. The metal that supports water can be reflected in any metal decorative decoration (for example, coins tied with a red ribbon, or metal tubes - “wind chimes”). A positive talisman will be aquariums with turtles and fish, all kinds of fountains, mirrors and a metal horseshoe.

  2. The south is responsible for the zone of fame, authority and social status

    Represents the element of fire, which is characterized by red hues. By working to activate this sector, you will achieve the desired results, fame and success much faster. To strengthen this sector, it is important to use triangular and pointed shapes, wood and fire. Various paintings depicting strong animals, blooming sunflowers and poppies, and sunrise are suitable here as decorative elements.

    Photos of famous and successful people next to yours will bring good luck, fancy pointed lamps, scented candles, a peacock feather, etc. Reading special affirmations will also help give strength to this sector, which will allow you to soon achieve universal respect and gain solid authority.

  3. The area of ​​creativity, children and their relationships with parents is represented by the western sector

    Element - air. Without a doubt, children are the best expression of creativity! If you are still thinking about having offspring, you should definitely pay more attention to this sector. To activate this zone, metal decorations related to air (“wind music”, which necessarily consists of 7 bell tubes), white shades of the interior in the room, ceramics, crystals, and a horseshoe to attract good luck are suitable.

    In this part of the apartment it is good to place images with children and pets, and netsuke figures of children. The influence of this zone on the work of creative people will be very positive if a workplace is located in it.

  4. Family relationships occupy one of the most important places in our lives. The east is responsible for this area

    The symbol of this zone is a tree. Therefore, it is very favorable to place something of plant origin in this part of the home. Moreover, this would also satisfy the main green color of this zone. It’s good to place a tree in a tub, fresh flowers with leaves up, bamboo shoots symbolizing eternal love, fidelity, reliability and well-being of the family. In order for harmony to reign in your home, it is very useful to place frames with family photographs on the wall, where everyone looks smiling and happy.

    Tall rectangular interior items made of wood will also have a positive effect. To enhance this, you can place objects related to water here. Sharp and piercing objects are extremely unfavorable; they will bring discord and misunderstanding into your family.

  5. The northeast is responsible for the zone of education and wisdom. Element - earth

    Favorable colors are beige, orange and yellow colors. Triangle and square shapes are good. It would be very positive to place a computer, a globe, textbooks, a crystal pyramid or a ball in which knowledge is concentrated here. Since this zone is responsible for studying, it would be good to hang your certificates, medals and other achievements in this area on the wall.

  6. Southeast - zone of prosperity and wealth

    IN modern world important role welfare plays. This zone corresponds to the element of wood. Favorable colors and shades of green, purple, gold. In this sector, the corresponding talismans that bring wealth and good luck “work” best. Chinese coins, figurines depicting a turtle or a three-legged toad sitting on coins, a large amethyst, various Chinese gods of wealth (smiling Hottei, Fuk with a large gold coin in his hands) will have a positive effect. Just place them in the southeast zone and you will soon see the results. Don’t forget that true abundance must first be formulated in your head. It is not for nothing that it is believed that thoughts are material.

  7. The northwestern zone is considered to be the zone of teachers, patrons and travel.

    The dominant element is metal. Square, round and oval shapes are favorable, as well as all shades of white and yellow. The placement in these places of images of distant countries and exotic landscapes, photographs of authoritative people, a metal bell, and crystals has a very good effect. You should not use bright lighting or candles in this part of the house, as fire damages the metal. This sector primarily promotes support and protection from heavenly powers. Therefore, if this sector is correctly activated, their patronage will always accompany you on your life’s path.

    It is very important to install talismans in the form of figurines of the god Ganesha and Kuan Kung (Kuan Di). These talismans will bring good luck in business and protect against negative influence. Positive influence images of mountains will appear in this sector. By the way, by placing a picture of mountain landscapes in your office behind your back, you will always be under the reliable protection of their greatness even in the most difficult situations. But you should be wary of images of mountains near bodies of water, otherwise there is a risk of financial loss.

  8. Southwest - zone of marriage and love relationships

    Element - earth. Characteristic colors: from pink to red, shades of beige. Geometric shapes - triangular and square. In our life, love and happy relationships are the most significant and in demand. After all, when a person’s “soul sings,” any business becomes successful. The need to “love and be loved” is inherent in each of us by nature.

    Therefore, to improve the situation in this area, it is necessary to properly harmonize the energy in your home and the sector responsible for this area. If you are looking for a new relationship, then you should not hang photographs of your ex-partners or single people on the wall in this area. It is better to use hearts in the form of decorations or their images, bouquets of fresh flowers, equivalent paired items (a pair of doves, pillows, images of pairs of swans, flamingos). For greater effect, you can purchase a couple of bright red candles in a stone candlestick and crystals.

  9. The central zone in classical Feng Shui is traditionally occupied by the health sector

    It incredibly touches and influences all other zones, which we are convinced of every time when we are not in feeling better. The dominant element is earth. Favorable colors- from beige to terracotta. Characteristic shapes are square and triangle. The area is not quite saturated in terms of volume of objects. A carpet in brown and sand tones and a beautiful chandelier look very good here. Very powerful protection There will be a purchase of talismans in the form of Fu dogs. It is believed that they protect the house from various evil spirits and negative energy. It will be auspicious to decorate the wall with an image of peaches, which have been the guardians of a successful married life since ancient times.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, complete harmony in life is achieved with the presence of nine components. Each of them corresponds to a specific part in the so-called Bagua grid:

  • love and marriage;
  • family relationships;
  • parenting and creativity;
  • career;
  • gaining knowledge, training;
  • financial well-being;
  • fame, public recognition;
  • friendship and travel;
  • health.

All these sectors are equal to each other - this means that each of them needs to be given equal attention.

Many people do not dare to distribute their apartment into zones themselves according to the advice of the Taoist practice of Feng Shui, fearing possible difficulties. The first step is to determine the correspondence to the parts of the world - the counting of territories begins from the north. Having established the required direction using a compass, you can easily arrange the rest of the world.

Now you need to take the apartment plan, print out the Bagua grid (picture above) and combine them so that the north on the grid corresponds to the found point on the plan. If such a document is not available, then it is quite acceptable to draw both required images with your own hands, including the toilet, bathroom and storage room. Loggias and balconies are not included in the design.

Having marked all the areas on the apartment plan, you should activate them. However, you should not involve all parts of the scheme in this at once - two or three are enough. Each person knows what is most important to him, so which areas will be activated is a purely individual choice. The strengthening of several areas will certainly spread to other facets of life.

Ideally, all parts of the grid should fit on the apartment plan.

Unfortunately, this does not always happen, and some areas extend beyond the boundaries of housing. For example, if there is not enough space for the family area, then you should take walks in the east direction as often as possible - perhaps it is in this direction that a fateful meeting will take place.

Activating zones using the right design

A universal method of activating a particular area is to place crystals there, which can be purchased in specialized stores. They collect positive Qi energy and distribute it throughout the room. In addition, for each site you should select its own special items that best suit it.

Glory Zone (south)

The element is fire, the color is red, the symbols are not wooden figurines of non-predatory birds. The main talisman is the dove.

This area is responsible for fame and respect from others. You can activate it by hanging diplomas, medals, certificates on the walls of this area - everything that symbolizes success and leadership. Here you need to take care of constant good lighting.

Zone of love and marriage (southwest)

Element – ​​earth, color – yellow, terracotta, symbol – paired figures, most often mandarin ducks. However, other items are also suitable - two pillows, candles, a pair of doves or dolphins.

This space should be looked at Special attention those who acutely suffer from loneliness, which can also exist in the family. To eliminate conflicts between lovers, a joint photograph should be installed in the center of the site happy couple. Those who only dream of meeting their “soul mate” put up an image of any loving couple. Here is the same place for two candles - red and white, symbolizing a woman and a man. Everything related to your intimate life should be kept in this area.

In such corners it is unacceptable to find cutting and sharp objects, prickly and climbing plants, as well as images of sad and lonely personalities.

Children and creativity zone (west)

Element – ​​metal, color – any metallic shades and white, symbols – shells, bells, “wind chimes”, figures of children.

This territory is activated by those who need new ideas or seek to solve problems regarding children - from birth to upbringing and mutual understanding.

Here you should provide enhanced lighting and place handicrafts made with your own hands, as well as young plants. To solve problems when communicating with children, it is necessary to install here objects that symbolize the astrological sign and Gua number child.

There should be no wilted or dry plants in the area.

Travel and friends (helpers) zone – northwest

Element – ​​metal, color – white and all shades of metal (gold, silver, steel). This part is also called the Teacher’s zone - it is addressed in cases where help is needed in difficult situations. life situations. To do this, it is necessary to enhance its lighting and place there figures of gods protecting people: Ganesha or Guin. There you can also install images of angels, icons of saints, portraits of famous and influential people. Many people put photographs of their teachers or people who contributed to the formation and development of a given personality in the assistants’ area.

This space is also responsible for travel. If someone has long dreamed of visiting unfamiliar countries, Feng Shui advises them to place here images of landscapes or attractions, as well as various souvenirs.

Anything related to weapons and violence, as well as materials of erotic content, should not be placed in this corner.

Career area (north)

Element – ​​water, colors – black and blue, mascot – turtle.

To achieve career heights, it is absolutely not necessary to decorate the entire corner in gloomy black and blue tones. It is enough to indicate a few accents - for example, hang a picture, place a figurine or a vase. An aquarium with fish would be appropriate in the quarry area - it is best to find gold ones. But if it doesn’t work out, you can buy those that suit your heart the most. You can place a figurine of a turtle or its image nearby, and the more there are, the better.

Office equipment should also be located here - computer, telephone. An excellent addition to activating the territory would be a positive photo with colleagues. In addition, promotion career ladder A compact indoor fountain will help. Those who have already achieved certain successes and want to consolidate them should place images of calm water here.

Zone of learning and wisdom (northeast)

Element – ​​earth, colors – sand, terracotta, orange, yellow, beige. Talisman – snake, globe, books.

It is in this part of the room that it is better to locate a study or library. It would be a good place to work here for those who are undergoing or planning to complete their studies in the near future and successfully pass exams, are writing a dissertation, or simply want to gain new knowledge.

The zone is “turned on” by bright lighting and objects associated with learning: textbooks, a globe, geographic Maps, dictionaries. The set of things will depend on the topic of study.

Family Relations Zone (East)

Element – ​​wood, colors – green, blue, brown, black. Symbols – bamboo, flute, dragon, family photographs.

For many people, family is the most important thing. But sometimes there are situations when even the closest people can hurt each other. To smooth out possible family troubles, you should activate the family zone. To do this, you can put family photos, gifts, and children's crafts in a designated corner. It would be a good idea to plant an ornamental tree with the whole family and take care of it together. It is ideal if bamboo is chosen as the plant.

Here it is unacceptable to install images of those who died, dried flowers, sharp and piercing objects and plants, or ancient coins.

Wealth Zone (southeast)

Element – ​​wood, colors – red, violet, green, lilac. Talisman – water, sailboat, money tree and toad, Chinese coins.

Of course, happiness doesn’t come from money, but it’s somehow more peaceful. To attract wealth and prosperity in the southeastern part of the living space, you should highlight the money zone and activate it. First you need to increase the lighting of the area, and then place any money symbol there, things from precious metals or stones, a jewelry box. An aquarium with fish (preferably gold) or a silver container with clear water. Among the plants, Crassula, popularly called the “money tree,” is suitable.

Health zone (center)

Element – ​​earth, colors – beige, orange, terracotta, yellow. Symbols: monkey, heron, turtle, bamboo, peach.

Health is the most valuable thing for a person, otherwise you cannot buy it for any money. It is for this reason that the health zone is located in the center. To activate it, you should place there any objects related to Nature - paintings with landscapes, living plants, preferably in clay pots, figurines of a crane or deer. It would be great if there would always be an odd number of peaches here – it doesn’t matter whether they are edible or artificial. Environment you can decorate with green twigs and sea pebbles, and a crystal chandelier with numerous crystals will provide bright light and an influx of positive energy.

Determining and designing Feng Shui zones will not take much time, but the effect of the work done can exceed all expectations!

Wanting to change something in their lives, people resort to in different ways. The ancient Chinese science of finding and activating the right areas, proper organization space and building a wish map has become very popular all over the world. If you really believe in this, you can actually attract the right events, people, and thereby achieve what you want.

Feng Shui zones - description and activation

There are several ways to determine the zones of an apartment according to Feng Shui, and all of them one way or another come down to a simple Ba Gua diagram. It has eight sectors around the circumference and one in the middle. These sectors have their own names. It’s just that the layout of the diagram is mirrored relative to the cardinal points. It needs to be drawn on thick paper or printed, and then cut out.

Next, you need to draw an exact plan of the apartment, not forgetting to indicate all the rooms, windows and doors. The cardinal directions need to be plotted on this plan. You can identify them using a compass. But the measurements must be made in a room where there are no radio electronics that can throw the arrow in the wrong direction. After all these activities, all that remains is to compare the Ba Gua diagram and the plan of the apartment (house), not forgetting to turn the diagram over according to the mirror principle.

After such a comparison, you will see in which rooms this or that Feng Shui zone in the apartment is located. If you want to activate them, you need, if possible, to maintain the correct color scheme and place several symbols that are responsible for the selected goal. Remember that you do not need to activate all sectors at once. Start with the 2-3 most desirable ones that require strengthening at a particular moment. Once these areas are established, it will be possible to move on to other sectors.

Feng Shui wealth zone in the apartment

If you want to find material well-being, the Feng Shui money zone in the apartment should be activated. It is located in the southeastern part, its element is water. Fish (an image or a real aquarium), an indoor fountain, Money Tree, various talismans. The colors for decorating this room are green, beige, brown and purple. There should be a lot of light and air, and from unnecessary trash and it’s better to get rid of the mess.

Feng Shui love zone in the apartment

For love and happy family union corresponds to the southwestern part of the apartment. It corresponds to the element of earth, the characteristic colors are yellow, brown, red and their shades. To attract energy to a given zone, Feng Shui for the home requires decorating a room or a corner in it in the correct way. color scheme with the addition of several symbols - a porcelain couple of doves, mandarin ducks or swans, angels, kissing lovers, books about love, etc., as well as objects related to fire (candles, aroma lamp).

Feng Shui health zone in the apartment

The center of each home is the health zone according to Feng Shui. It unites all other sectors, but mainly affects a person’s well-being. Agree, it will be difficult for a sick person to achieve success in any area of ​​life. To activate this segment, you will need wooden items. For example, it could be on which there is a figurine depicting fruit, or a basket with real fruit. You can also hang a small crystal ball in the center of the apartment, which will direct positive energy in all directions.

Career zone according to Feng Shui in the apartment

In the northern part there is a feng shui career zone. Its nourishing element is metal, its element is water. Colors that activate this sector: white, gray, blue, black. It would be appropriate to place an indoor fountain or aquarium here and decorate it with a turtle mascot. It is advisable to place the computer and telephone in this part of the apartment. Things that remind you of work - a photo of the team, an item with corporate symbols - will not be out of place.

Family zone according to Feng Shui in the apartment

According to the science of Feng Shui, the family zone is towards the east. It matches green color and its shades, elements - water and wood. You need to place it here family photos, gifts from relatives, children's crafts (especially made of wood) and drawings. It is prohibited to place photographs of deceased relatives, thorny or dried plants, or stuffed animals in the family area.

Feng Shui children and creativity zone

Western Feng Shui zones in a room are places of creativity, hobbies and children. If you have difficulties in understanding each other with your child or want to reveal your talent, you need to activate this sector. To do this, select the lightest area of ​​the room, place fresh flowers and the child’s drawings here. Also, if you don’t know which Feng Shui zones to activate in the apartment, if you are just planning a child, then the western part of the apartment is what you need.

Feng Shui travel zone in the apartment

This sector, located in the northwest, is responsible not only for travel. Activation of Feng Shui zones will also help attract useful people that will help you with difficult situations- Teachers. In this part of the apartment you can hang photos of people who helped you become, as well as figurines of the gods Ganesha and Guin. If you want to see the world, hang landscapes and images of attractions from those countries where you would definitely like to go.

Feng Shui Glory Zone

The southern part of the apartment is the glory zone. Its element is fire, its activation colors are red and green. Ideally, all awards for your achievements should be stored here - cups, medals, certificates, etc. A wooden or metal figurine of a crane, eagle or dove will contribute to even greater achievements and an excellent position in society. For this Feng Shui zone, a bright place is allocated in the apartment.

Feng Shui wisdom and knowledge zone

In the northeast, in the zone of wisdom, it is appropriate to locate a library or at least. This is the most comfortable place to study and study. foreign languages, master new skills. Objects directly related to all these processes will help activate the segment. Whereas it is better to get rid of low-quality literature, glossy magazines and piercing and cutting objects - they negatively affect the energy of knowledge.

Feng Shui Wish Map Zones

In addition to arranging the appropriate talismans around the house and decorating various rooms in the right colors, it is advisable to always have before your eyes a wish map, which is otherwise called a vision board. It is an additional “magnet” for attracting necessary events in your life. The difference between it and a vision board is that the Feng Shui zones in the apartment and on the map will coincide, that is, photographs and other images must be placed in strict accordance with the zones on the Ba Gua diagram, and not chaotically.

So, how to activate Feng Shui zones on the map:

  1. Start from the center of the map: place a photo of yourself here in which you are absolutely happy. This is the health zone.
  2. Place pictures above the center that symbolize your success. This is the glory zone.
  3. Under your photo, in the career area, there should be an image corresponding to the desired profession and professional achievements in the selected area.
  4. In the upper left corner, in the wealth zone, paste pictures with money and everything related to material wealth.
  5. In the wisdom sector, at the bottom left, you can place an image of a diploma and everything that obtaining the desired education can lead to.
  6. In the family sector, which is located between wealth and study, paste family photos - yours or just happy ones married couples if you don't have a family.
  7. In the upper right corner, in the love zone, place all the symbols of this feeling - hearts, intertwined hands, kissing lovers. If you have a loved one, be sure to paste his photo.
  8. In the hobby and children area, located below the love sector, stick pictures with objects that indicate your way of self-expression - books, musical instruments, paints and brushes, etc. If you want children, post here images of pregnant women, newborn babies, and what you do to give birth to healthy children - examples proper nutrition, playing sports.
  9. At the bottom right, in the area responsible for assistants and travel, you need to place pictures with places about the travels you dream of. And also a photo of a person who teaches and supports you.

The right motivation and environment created with the help of Chinese teachings is the first step towards change. All this contributes to the fulfillment of your aspirations. But remember that besides this, you yourself need to work hard on yourself and your life, make efforts and go towards your dreams and wonderful changes. Feng Shui will help you with this.

It is necessary not only to accurately determine the Feng Shui zones in the apartment, but also to activate them so that there is harmony and happiness in the family. There are three approaches to this process, all of them are simple, but, nevertheless, in order to correctly activate certain sectors of your home, you need to study this science more deeply.

Most people do not know how to determine Feng Shui zones in an apartment; moreover, they believe that only specialists can do this.

In fact, there is nothing complicated or impossible to do everything correctly, you just need to familiarize yourself with some rules first. First you need to find out where each sector is located in the house and what it is responsible for.

The list of main zones looks like this:

  • north – career sector;
  • south – zone of success and self-realization;
  • west – children's zone;
  • east – family and health;
  • northeast - wisdom and knowledge;
  • southwest - love and marriage;
  • southeast - wealth.

Some of these areas may be in door or window openings. Experts say that in this case, the Feng Shui sectors should be given special attention.

How to determine Feng Shui zones in an apartment using the Ba Gua method and a compass

There are several ways to determine the Feng Shui sectors in your home. Perhaps the most famous and simple method is the Ba Gua method. You just need to draw the Ba Gua calculation grid diagram on paper and cut it out. It looks like this:

Based on the diagram in the photo below, you should draw a plan of the apartment with all the existing rooms in it:

It is important to take into account the bathroom, toilet and storage room, but balconies and loggias are not included in this scheme.

There is another method that requires the use of a compass and a protractor. It is chosen mainly by distrustful people or those who love accuracy in everything.

If you doubt the correctness of determining the cardinal directions, you must definitely use measuring instruments; they will not let you down.

Just as the first method requires, using a compass, you also need to draw an apartment plan on paper and cut it out. Then you need to find a center in your home. To do this, you need to take a well-sharpened pencil, put a housing plan drawn on paper on its tip, and it is important to ensure that the diagram does not fall. And once complete balance is established, we can confidently assume that the center of the house has been determined with maximum accuracy.

The compass will easily show the north, east, west and south sides of the house. Mark the cardinal directions on paper, but write them in a mirror image, where south is indicated - write north, where west is east.

At the third stage of determining the cardinal directions in your apartment, you cannot do without a protractor. The center of this tool needs to be connected to the center of the paper plan, and the apartment should be divided into 8 sectors, which will act as Feng Shui zones.

How to activate the money zone in an apartment according to Feng Shui

An important element of the wealth zone is wood, its colors are red and green. According to Feng Shui, the wealth zone in the apartment is located in the southeast of the home. If you believe ancient Chinese science, then this sector is directly related to the wealth and financial situation of the owners of the house.

Activating the Feng Shui zone in an apartment, which is responsible for financial well-being, is simple: just increase its lighting in order to attract Qi energy.

According to Feng Shui, the money zone in an apartment can be strengthened by placing one of the symbols of wealth in it. Such a symbol can be any product made from precious stones and metals or a silver vessel with water.

In this sector of your home you can place an aquarium with a goldfish or a “money” tree. According to Feng Shui, the money zone in a Feng Shui apartment, arranged in this way, will bring its owners stable income, making them wealthy people.

Family and love zone in an apartment according to Feng Shui: activation of marriage and children zones

According to this ancient Chinese science, finding your love and acquiring family happiness Proper arrangement of your home will help. According to Feng Shui, the love zone in the apartment is located in its southwestern part. Paired items and talismans will primarily help activate it.

IN Chinese philosophy the most powerful talisman are mandarin ducks, which act as a symbol of fidelity. Now that we live in the modern world, the activation of the Feng Shui zone in the apartment, which is responsible for matters of the heart, can be carried out using any objects that symbolize you and your loved one.

In the southwestern zone of the apartment you can place photographs of you and your loved one, as well as pictures of couples, hearts and Valentines. The Chinese recommend placing pictures of peonies in the love zone.

The element of the South-West is Big Earth, which is warmed by fire. It follows that the symbols and colors of fire will help to activate the zone - red, yellow, orange colors and candles.

If you decide to put candles in this sector of your home in order to strengthen love or if you want to meet a loved one, choose only paired candles. This area of ​​your home should be well lit; wood elements, for example, indoor plants in pots, should not be placed in it.

This is also where the marriage zone in the apartment is located, according to Feng Shui, therefore, in order to improve the relationship between husband and wife, in addition to the photograph, you should also place two candles - one red, the other white. These two candles, according to ancient Greek science, represent a man and a woman.

According to Feng Shui, the family zone in the apartment is located in the eastern part of the home. In this corner of the house it is advisable to place a photograph depicting all family members. In the eastern sector, paired symbols should be placed - mandarin ducks, symbolizing fidelity and love, butterflies, personifying family happiness, doves or geese.

Feng Shui experts say that this place in the apartment is ideal for storing intimate “paraphernalia”. This place can be reserved for placing items intended for love pleasures, magazines and books.

The western part of the home is the children's zone according to Feng Shui in the apartment; all parents who want happiness and prosperity for their children strive to activate it. Potted flowers and natural stones will help activate this sector of the apartment.

It is also an ideal place to display children's artwork, crafts and toys. If possible, it is advisable to arrange it in the western part of the house or apartment.

How to activate luck and career zones in your apartment according to Feng Shui

If you have been wanting for a long time career growth or simply attract good luck into your life, arrange your home in the traditions of Feng Shui. According to Feng Shui, the career zone in the apartment is located in its northern part, its colors are blue and black.

You can activate it with the help of bright lighting, and signs and symbols that match your personality will also help with this. astrological sign and Gua number.

While waiting for a promotion up the career ladder, you can place a small indoor fountain in this sector. If you have already achieved significant success, you still need to maintain or strengthen it; for this, it is recommended to place pictures or photographs depicting water in a calm state in the career area.

According to Feng Shui, the luck zone in the apartment will be significantly strengthened if you place a figurine of a turtle in it, which is a prominent representative elements of water.

For those who want to try themselves in a new business, in the career zone they should put office equipment, this could be a computer, phone or other accessories. According to ancient Greek science, fire symbols cannot be placed in the career sector.

Zones of knowledge and wisdom in an apartment according to Feng Shui: where they are and how to activate

In the apartment, the Feng Shui knowledge zone is located in the northeastern part. This is where it is best to equip your office or library, since this sector contributes to good teaching. Experts say that here any activity related to the acquisition of new knowledge will be successful.

The knowledge sector can be activated using bright lighting, as well as all items that are related to the purpose of learning. These can be dictionaries, textbooks, a globe, geographical maps; the choice of symbols depends on the subject of study.

There should be no sharp or cutting objects in this area, as well as entertaining literature and anything associated with cruelty and misfortune.

Feng Shui health zone in an apartment: how to activate the sector

In the very center of the Ba Gua grid there is a health zone. It is in the center of the house that there is a sector responsible for the well-being of the owner of the home. The Feng Shui health zone in the apartment can be activated using indoor plants located on wooden shelves. Here it is also advisable to find a place for clay jugs and green items. This design of the central part of the home will help strengthen all family members.

It would be good if natural landscapes and sea pebbles were located in this area. In addition to intense lighting, it is recommended to use as many symbolic objects as possible to activate the health zone.

For these purposes, you can use a branch of bamboo or pine, peaches in odd numbers, a figurine of a crane or deer. Experts recommend placing the bonsai tree closer to the east of this area of ​​the apartment. If there is a table in this part of your home, decorate it with porcelain peaches, a vase or a figurine.

If you follow the teachings of Feng Shui, you can significantly improve your life in terms of health, love, career growth, and financial situation.
