Breeding sturgeon in your own pond. Growing sturgeon at home: what should you know about this business? How to build a business growing sturgeon at home

Since ancient times, sterlet has been considered one of the most exquisite fish delicacies. This unique fish belongs to the sturgeon family. The body of the fish reaches up to sixty-five centimeters in length, and its weight can be ten kilograms. There are more individuals, but they are found only in wildlife and that's quite rare.

Every year there are fewer and fewer sterlet in the oceans and seas, for this reason, in order to increase the fish population and prevent it from disappearing as a species, they began to grow it in artificial reservoirs both on a domestic and industrial scale.

Some people like to breed sterlet at home for their own pleasure, while others grow it for sale, using this idea as a fairly profitable business.

Containers and equipment for growing sterlet

At the very beginning of breeding this sturgeon breed, you don’t have to build an artificial reservoir, but simply purchase a standard plastic pool one meter deep and two and a half meters in diameter. In a year you can grow up to a ton of sterlet in it.

In order for the fry to grow and develop, the pool must be equipped with filtration and aeration elements, and the container must be cleaned from time to time. For this reason, those who decide to breed sterlet will need to purchase an additional compressor unit, pumps and filters.

If finances allow, it is advisable to buy an automatic feeder. When choosing a compressor and pump, you need to choose units that will process a slightly larger volume of water than you have. This is done to ensure that the equipment does not work at its maximum capacity and lasts as long as possible. Over time, you can buy another pool and significantly expand the farm.

Sterlet food and fry

It is very difficult to breed sterlet fry at home, and without the appropriate equipment and skills it is completely impossible. For this reason, it is best to purchase them from one of the trusted fish farms that grow this breed of sturgeon.

There is no point in saving here, because the better quality and healthier the fry are, the sooner they will grow, which means the breeder will be able to make a good profit. Regarding feed additives for sterlet, there are some peculiarities that must be taken into account when breeding. The food should be the same size as the fish. That is, for small fish - less, and for large individuals - more.

Feed additives for this species of sturgeon should be high in calories and rich in protein, lysine, fat, as well as fiber and phosphorus. The food should contain the most protein and fat.

For this reason, you shouldn’t skimp on food either. It is better to buy it specifically for sterlet, since in this case it will fully meet its needs. Another feature of feeding is strict adherence to temperature. It should reach twenty to twenty-four degrees. This temperature regime must always be maintained in the reservoir, otherwise the fish will not eat well and, accordingly, grow.

Features of home breeding of sterlet

The most exciting question for farmers is when will the fish start to grow and become profitable. So how does the fry grow?

Often, five grams of fry are taken for breeding sterlet. They all grow differently. After six months, half of the fish can weigh five hundred grams, while the second half will weigh less, and after a while it will “overtake” its more “well-fed” counterparts in weight.

The most popular product is fish that weighs five hundred grams or more. It is readily accepted by supermarket and restaurant owners. In our country, the consumption of sterlet is not too high, but still, since there is practically no such fish on the market, it sells with a bang. It is for this reason that this type of business is considered very profitable.

After the largest individuals have grown, the smaller ones need several more months to grow. After a month and a half, a medium-sized fish grows, and then smaller ones grow. Already nine months after planting the first batch in the pool, you can load a new one. If breeding goes well, you can purchase several more tanks and expand the farm.

Growing sterlet as a business

You will surprise no one with such a business as growing aquarium fish, but few people realize that you can create a real mini-farm for growing sterlet at home. If you put effort into it, you can make very good money. Where to start building your successful business?

About the benefits of business

Sterlet belongs to the sturgeon family. It is quite simple and unpretentious in content, if you approach it wisely. You can organize your own mini farm even in apartment conditions. This is precisely the first advantage in growing sterlet. But there are the following advantages of this type of business:

  • healthy meat and caviar: these products are in great demand on the market and the demand for them is growing every day;
  • Sterlet is unpretentious in keeping and therefore even a beginner can understand the peculiarities of its cultivation; to grow this type of sturgeon at home you will not need to spend a lot of money.

Of all the advantages listed above, one thing can be said is that the sterlet breeding business is quite a profitable activity.

Choosing a place for fish farming

Sterlet can be bred in any conditions. The choice of location will not affect the final result in any way, but only if you follow all the necessary instructions.

If the breeder decides to breed fish in a private house, he must allocate for it a spacious room of thirty square meters, which will be well heated, especially in winter.

IN winter time In order for the sterlet to grow and develop normally, it must be provided with a temperature of at least seventeen degrees, and in summer the temperature should not fall below twenty degrees. You can also use a polycarbonate greenhouse to grow it, in which you can place a plastic pool.

Place for the fry to live

If the breeder has the necessary capital, then it is best to buy special equipment from the manufacturer. After installation, it can be used immediately, and all the necessary parts will be included.

If you don’t have too much money to purchase equipment, you can create it yourself. To do this, you can use a one-meter plastic pool with a diameter of two to three meters: in it you can grow about a ton of sterlet per year.

To create a fish normal conditions For a swimming pool to live, it is necessary to equip it with aerators, compressors and filters. You will also need pump equipment, as the pool needs to be cleaned. To make it easier to grow sterlet, the pool must be equipped with an automatic feeder. Particular care must be taken when choosing a pump and compressor. It is necessary to buy powerful units, as they will last much longer than their low-power counterparts.

Buying fry

Sterlet breeding begins with the purchase of fry. This is best done in specialized fish farms with a proven reputation. You should not take the first fry you come across; before purchasing them, you need to consult with specialists in order to purchase really high-quality fish that will not die out in a few days.

Choosing the right food

Breeding sterlet is quite simple, the main thing is to choose the right food. Since sterlet prefers to eat at the bottom, it is necessary to buy only food that sinks and smells pleasant, since fish mainly look for it by smell.

Also, the food should not break or crumble in the water. This is important for the sterlet because it does not swallow it immediately, but eats it gradually. In addition, the food should be soft, tasty, high in calories and contain protein, phosphorus, fiber, lysine and fats. With such supplements, fish not only grow well, but also do not get sick.

Growing sterlet in a pond

Breeding sterlet in an apartment or house is quite simple, but still has its drawbacks. For example, these include a small area, maintaining the necessary microclimate, etc. It is much easier to raise fish in a pond.

It can be grown both in a ready-made and in a created reservoir. If the pond is old, then before launching the fry, it must be cleaned.

If you create a pond yourself, you must first lime it. To do this, you need to pour a small lime layer on the bottom, fill it with water and rinse thoroughly. This procedure is carried out a couple of weeks before the fish are released.

The bottom is best shaped like a bowl. Don’t forget about algae and various living creatures that the fish will consume. You can also have shellfish in the pond. The best time to start fry is early summer.

Example of a successful business

As an example of home breeding of sterlet, we can cite the mini farm of Alexander Yemtsev from Art. Dolzhanskaya Yeisk district. He set up a mini-farm in a pond in the courtyard of his home. He not only breeds fish for sale, but also fishes with friends in his home pond in his free time. Alexander plans to create two more such reservoirs and grow other sturgeon breeds.

Growing sterlet at home is quite profitable and, if all conditions are met, quite simple. Therefore, if you dream of starting fish farming, you can safely start making your dream come true.

Breeding sturgeon at home does not take as much time and money as it might seem at first glance. Subject to certain rules, investments in the development of a sturgeon mini-farm will quickly pay off, and fish farming will begin to bring a stable monthly income. What do novice businessmen need to know when organizing a fishing business? What equipment is needed for sturgeon farming? How to find ways to sell fish products?

Business benefits

Before starting to organize and develop a business, you need to comprehensively study issues related to the size of capital investments and their payback period, profitability and methods of implementation. You can begin to implement a project only after a thorough analysis of the relationship between the resources spent and the impact.

Selling food is a profitable occupation. If you are interested in sturgeon breeding, a mini-farm will be an excellent solution for implementing this idea. No need for fish farming large areas Moreover, this can be done even at home.

Representatives of the sturgeon species are not only sturgeons. This family of valuable commercial fish also includes sterlet, stellate sturgeon, beluga and thorn. This type of aquatic vertebrate has large sizes: for example, the length of the beluga is about 4 m. The value of fish from the sturgeon order is as follows:

  • has red meat, which has much more valuable qualities than white;
  • has high fertility - the number of testicles in adults can number several million;
  • is the source of the most expensive and valuable type of caviar, considered a delicacy - black;
  • the swim bladder of sturgeon serves as the basis for the production of special glue, which is an expensive and scarce material and is used for the restoration of unique furniture and paintings, as well as for inlay and gilding;
  • chord, obtained from fish, is considered a valuable nutritional component.

Mass breeding of sturgeon has many advantages:

  • caviar and meat are highly valued on the fish market and are in high demand;
  • representatives of the sturgeon order are not picky about temperature conditions, so their cultivation does not require special conditions content;
  • fish feed is a low-cost expense item;
  • growing sturgeon does not require special knowledge and skills, so any beginner can implement this business scheme;
  • the development of this idea does not require significant investment.

The most successful example of such making money is the breeding of sturgeon for sale by Krasnodar entrepreneur Alexander Yemtsev. He organized a mini-farm with sturgeon on the territory of his private home. In addition to the fact that the businessman successfully grows fish, in his free time he fishes in his home pond.

So far, the entrepreneur only raises sturgeon. However, according to Yemtsev, his immediate plans are to create two more ponds and breed other species of fish of this family.

Organization of a reservoir for fish

Growing sturgeon yourself begins with preparing a reservoir for fish. For this purpose, a closed water supply installation (hereinafter referred to as RAS) is used. The water in such a device is in continuous circular motion. Passing through the filters and enriched with oxygen, the liquid is returned back to the container. A certain amount of water goes down the drain, so it is necessary to periodically replenish the contents of the pool.

You can buy a RAS for breeding sterlet and sturgeon or build it yourself. At the initial stage of business development, a homemade device will do. An ordinary plastic pool with a depth of about 1-1.2 meters and a diameter of up to 3 meters is suitable for it. This option is suitable for beginners. Experienced breeders dig ponds to breed sturgeon.

If space allows, it is recommended to install several pools, then production will be on a larger scale. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the distance between the reservoirs allows the person servicing the containers to move freely throughout the fishery territory. The mini-farm also needs to organize electricity, water supply and sewerage.

At the initial stage of fish farming development, it is recommended to use a small pool, which can be placed in a living room or in a greenhouse. One container occupies no more than 2.2 square meters. m, so many novice farmers install them directly in the apartment. Also, RAS requires additional equipment. The video shows a complete diagram of the structure of a home sturgeon farm.

What to feed sturgeons?

When developing a business plan, you need to take into account that fish food has special requirements: it must have high nutritional value. Sturgeon should be fed only with food intended specifically for this breed of fish. Improper feeding can negatively affect the growth and reproduction of sturgeon. If the fish grows very slowly, then the food is not suitable for it and it is recommended to replace it.

When choosing food, you need to consider that it should:

  • have an attractive odor to fish;
  • be heavy enough so that when it gets into a container of water it immediately sinks to the bottom;
  • dissolve in liquid after at least 30 minutes;
  • contain 25% fat, 50% protein, 3% fiber, phosphorus and lysine;
  • have a specific granule size for each age category fish - small granules are selected for fry; larger sizes are required for feeding adults.

For this type of aquatic vertebrate animals, special granulated feeds with a balanced composition are produced. One of the most trusted manufacturers of these products is Aller Aqua.

For larvae and fry, this Danish company produces starter feeds containing immunostimulating components. Aller Thalassa, Aller Performa and Aller Futura MP are suitable for feeding young fish; Aller Metabolika, Aller Trident and Aller Bronze are suitable for mature fish; for fish raised for caviar production, it is recommended to choose Aller Sturqeon REP.

It is forbidden to feed the fish as many times as you like - this can cause stress in it. The feeding process must be carefully adjusted and regular.

Sterlet fry require up to 6 feedings per day; adults weighing more than 500 g need four meals a day. In this case, equal intervals of time must be observed between feedings. In addition to food, it will help to grow fish faster live food: insect larvae, bloodworms, mollusks.

Where to buy fry?

Experienced fish breeders, when growing sterlet and other representatives of the sturgeon order, categorically do not recommend saving on the purchase of fry. The purchase of material for sturgeon breeding should be carried out only from trusted suppliers. It should be taken into account that the survival and growth of fish, and therefore material profit, directly depend on its quality.

It is best to buy fry from large fish farming enterprises. Before purchasing from reliable sources, it is recommended to carefully study the information about the seller. You should not purchase too much material; you need to calculate the number of fry required for cultivation in specific conditions. The following formulas are used for this:

Necessary equipment

Successful cultivation of sterlet and other representatives of the sturgeon order is impossible without special equipment:

  • containers;
  • water pump;
  • compressor;
  • automatic feeder;
  • generator

As noted earlier, one or more plastic pools with a depth of about 1-1.2 meters and a diameter of up to 3 meters will be suitable as a container. The pump is used to supply water from a well or borehole to the container if dilution will be carried out under individual water supply conditions.

If you have a central sewer system, you can arrange a water connection to the pools. However, in this situation it must be taken into account that this method is quite expensive.

The compressor is used to continuously saturate the water with oxygen. If this condition is neglected, the inhabitants of the container will immediately die. Experienced manufacturers recommend installing several such devices at once, so that if one of them fails, its operation can be compensated by a backup compressor. With a large population of sterlet and other representatives of the sturgeon order, you cannot do without an automatic feeder. If the production is small, you can not purchase a feed dispenser, but feed the inhabitants of the fish farm manually.

Generators run on gasoline or diesel. In case of an emergency power outage, this device will come to the rescue and prevent the death of the fish stock. The listed items are basic, without them it is impossible to start production. Additional equipment you may need:

  • aeration systems;
  • oxygen generator;
  • devices for ensuring water transparency;
  • pipes, drains, fittings;
  • oxygen, pressure, acidity sensors;
  • equipment for checking the quality of water;
  • drum mechanical filter;
  • bio- and carbon filter;
  • ultraviolet lamp for water disinfection;
  • heat exchangers.

Despite the fact that purchasing equipment requires a considerable investment, it quickly pays off. In most situations, this happens within one year from the start of sturgeon breeding.

Growing conditions

To successfully breed sterlet and other representatives of the sturgeon order, you need to create suitable conditions for the fish. The basic rules for independently growing this type of aquatic vertebrate include:

  1. It is not recommended to allow the water in which representatives of the sturgeon breed live to cool to a temperature below 18 degrees, otherwise they will develop poorly and gain weight. It is also prohibited to heat it above 24 degrees. If the water in the tank is too cold, the fish stock may die; if it is too warm (above 27 degrees), it will stop feeding.
  2. It is recommended to introduce fry into the pool in warm weather. Spring and summer periods are best suited for this.
  3. When equipping a fish farm, you need to take into account that in 1 sq. m container should contain no more than 60 kg of fry and adults.
  4. When using tap water to fill a pool, it is recommended to use a carbon filter to remove chlorine.
  5. It is recommended to add water to the pool every 3 days. However, its volume should not exceed 15% of the total amount of liquid. You cannot completely change the contents of the container.
  6. For full development For sturgeon, the composition of the water is important. Its analysis is carried out by SanEpidemStations, Vodokanal and private laboratories.
  7. Dirty water negatively affects the life of representatives of the sturgeon order, so you need to regularly change and clean water filters.
  8. Since the inhabitants of the fish farm develop unevenly, it is recommended to transplant the grown-up individuals into a separate pool every month.

Who should I sell to?

Products are usually sold in large quantities to food outlets, fish stores, and supermarkets. You can sell goods on the market yourself by renting a place. At first, you will have to spend a lot of effort on finding ways to sell, but later, when you acquire regular customers, the problem with sales will disappear. To attract customers, it is recommended to create an informative website. You shouldn’t skimp on its promotion – the investment will definitely pay off later.

" Fish

Food products will always be in demand, so it’s right organized business in this area will bring significant income. Breeding sturgeon for sale in retail and restaurant chains can be organized not only on large farms, but also at home.

Such a business does not require large financial expenses for initial stage, therefore, almost every resident of our country, even beginners, can organize it.

Like any type of business, breeding sturgeon at home has its advantages and disadvantages. TO positive qualities The following points can be attributed to the conduct of this business.

  • Low level of competition.
  • Work from home.
  • High profitability.
  • Good and stable demand.

Of the shortcomings, the most noticeable are:

  • Sensitivity of fry to water quality.
  • Possible morbidity and mortality of the fry.
  • Constant monitoring of compliance with conditions of detention is required.
  • It is very difficult to purchase high-quality fry for breeding.

Despite these disadvantages, many entrepreneurs decide to organize this business at home.

Sturgeon is very sensitive to water quality, so all rules and requirements must be followed

Organizing a pond at home

To organize a pond at home, it is enough to purchase a plastic pool with a diameter of 3 meters. The optimal depth of the container should be 1 meter. More experienced businessmen can dig a pond.

If you have a spacious room, you can install several of these containers.

The distance between the pools must be sufficient for a person to move freely between them to service the tanks. The premises must be connected to electricity, water supply and sewerage.

Feed selection

For reference successful business In this area, it is recommended to use highly nutritious food specifically designed for growing sturgeon fish. Only with proper feeding will the fish give a good increase in live weight. The main characteristics of food for sturgeon should be as follows:

  • Have an attractive odor to fish.
  • Immediately sink to the bottom.
  • The time for complete dissolution in water is at least 30 minutes.

Also, for each age of fish, the size of food granules should be selected as accurately as possible; food for fry should be chosen especially carefully sturgeon fish.

Sturgeon food should have a pleasant smell and immediately sink to the bottom

Buying fry

You should purchase fry only from large fish farming enterprises. To achieve rapid weight gain, as well as to minimize the likelihood of death of small fish, it is not recommended to break this rule.

If among them there are large sturgeon breeding farms, then you can safely purchase fry for growing at home. To minimize risks, you should not purchase fish for the first cycle of growing a large number of fry

In order to get an idea of ​​the profitability of a business, it is enough to buy no more than 500 pieces. This amount will be enough to effectively place the fish in 2 - 3 containers intended for home sturgeon breeding.

Fry are purchased only from verified fish farms

Organizing a container for fry

Small fish not only need to select suitable food, but also organize a separate container. In such a container, the fry will grow until they can be transplanted into a larger tank.

In order to conveniently care for small fish, it is enough to purchase a plastic pool with a diameter of 1.5 and a depth of 0.7 meters. It is also necessary to ensure optimal temperature conditions and lighting of the tank for good growth of the younger generation.

You can make a RAS for fish or order a ready-made version.


The rate of increase in live weight of the fish will depend on maintaining the required level of water temperature. Minimum value this parameter is +16 degrees.

At temperatures of +27 and above, the sturgeon stops feeding, which is why it is so important to maintain the required level at all stages of growing this breed of fish. The optimal water temperature for growing sturgeon is 18 - 20 degrees.

The temperature in the tank should be around 18-20 degrees

Features of home sturgeon breeding

IN artificial conditions sturgeon grows a little faster than in the wild, due to the lack of food shortages and maintaining the required temperature parameters. Growing sturgeon at home from fry to commercial-weight fish takes, on average, 1.5 years. By this time, the sturgeon weighs about 2 kilograms and can be sold in wholesale quantities to specialized stores.

In one standard tank for growing sturgeon, up to 200 kg of excellent quality fish of this breed can be produced during one cycle.

The price of sturgeon will always be high, so to fully return the money spent on purchasing equipment, one cycle of growing this fish is enough.

The initial cost of purchasing equipment will be about 200 thousand rubles. The cost of fry of acceptable quality starts from 25 rubles. for 1 piece, so for one cycle you will need to spend about 20 thousand rubles on purchasing small fish.

Business payback - 1.5 years

Purchase of feed and payment utilities for the entire full cycle of fish cultivation will cost the entrepreneur approximately 150 thousand rubles. The total costs for one year and a half cycle will be 370 thousand rubles.

Sturgeon from a home mini-farm is usually sold in wholesale quantities. When selling previously purchased fry for the amount of 20 thousand rubles. it will be possible to get about 700 thousand rubles. The profit for 1.5 years of growing sturgeon will be 330 thousand rubles., but you will need to pay more from this amount income tax and all contributions to the Pension Fund and compulsory medical insurance.

After gaining first experience, you can easily scale your business and earn significantly greater profits within a set period of time.

Breeding sturgeon at home is a very profitable type of business, but this will only remain so until everyone who wants to start a home food production takes up the cultivation of this fish, so you should not put off opening a home fish farm for a long time.

Sturgeon farming

Sturgeon fish are highly prized for their meat and caviar. Most sturgeon fish feed in the sea and return to rivers to spawn. These fish are very ancient origin, their ancestors swam in the seas of the Jurassic period. Their traces are found in chalk deposits. The appearance of these fish is peculiar; they have a naked spindle-shaped body covered with rows of bony plates - bugs. These are boneless fish; their central vertebral column is a cartilaginous chord. The head of the fish is elongated due to the snout (rostrum). The mouth is located at the bottom. In front of the mouth on the snout there are 4 whiskers that serve the fish when searching for food.

Almost all sturgeon lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle, feeding on worms, mollusks, insect larvae, fish, etc. Their attachment to the bottom determines their feeding area on the shelf of seas with a depth of up to 100 m. The exception is one species of sturgeon - the paddlefish, which is capable of feeding on phyto- and zooplankton, which it obtains by filtering water through its gills.

Sturgeon fish also form residential freshwater forms that migrate in rivers without going to sea.

Once upon a time, all the rivers and seas of the northern hemisphere of the Earth were inhabited by sturgeon. In Germany, in Hamburg, back in the middle of the last century there was a sturgeon market, where 4 - 5 thousand pieces of mature fish were sold per year, caught nearby, at the mouth of the Elbe. Significant damage to sturgeon populations was caused by predatory fishing in densely populated areas of Europe and America. The most significant blow to sturgeon populations was caused by power plant dams, which blocked the natural passage of these fish to spawn up large rivers.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the bulk of sturgeons, having economic importance, lived in the Caspian, Black and Azov seas and was associated with the Volga and Don. The construction of the dam at the Volgograd power station cut off the fish’s path to spawning grounds located 2000 km upstream. To compensate for this damage, for the first time in the USSR and then in America, sturgeon hatcheries were built to capture spawners, obtain reproductive products, incubate eggs, keep larvae, and raise juveniles. The reared juveniles are either released directly into the river from where the spawners were removed, or delivered to the estuary for further feeding areas. This technology made it possible to contain the decline of commercial sturgeon species in the USSR for many years. However, the division of water spaces used for sturgeon feeding between the states that arose after the collapse of the USSR disrupted the regulatory processes in this area. Pressure on existing populations has increased.

In parallel with the growing problems of obtaining offspring from producers of natural populations, there has been an increasing interest in creating sturgeon broodstocks in aquaculture, which serve as a guaranteed source of reproductive products for commercial farming. Such farms have been created and operate in Russia and Western Europe. Interest in these species is also growing on the American continent.

BELUGA and KALUGA are the largest representatives of sturgeon fish. Beluga inhabits the basins of the Caspian, Azov and Black Seas, as well as the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. Its mass reaches 1.5 tons, and its lifespan is 100 years. To spawn, belugas rise into rivers, where they lay sticky eggs that attach to rocks. In the Volga, the beluga rose to the city of Kalinin. Juvenile belugas feed on invertebrates in the river, and on fish when going down to the sea. Sexual maturity in male beluga occurs in nature at 13 - 18 years of age, in females at 16 - 22 years. Repeated spawning, like all sturgeons, occurs after 2 - 3 years.

Kaluga inhabits the Amur River basin, does not go far into the sea, and reaches a mass of 1 ton.

It is better suited for commercial farming of beluga in aquaculture sea ​​water, in freshwater installations, beluga grows slowly. There are known cases of beluga sturgeon growing in fresh water up to a weight of 20 kg, followed by ripening of the fish ripening of the fish.

At the beginning of the 20th century, beluga, as a fishery object, was of great economic importance, since it accounted for 35% of the total sturgeon catch and in 1903 its catch reached 15 thousand tons. By 1922, the beluga catch had dropped to 300 tons per year. In Ukrainian rivers and the Danube the catch is much lower.

RUSSIAN STURGEON is one of the most important sturgeons in economic terms. In nature, Russian sturgeon lives mainly in the basins of the Azov, Black and Caspian seas. Residential forms of this species are also known, living in the river. Volga. Catches of this fish decreased in the 20th century from 4 - 10 thousand tons to 250 tons per year.

The average weight of sturgeon caught was 10 - 20 kg. Sexual maturity of males occurs at 6-8 years of age, females at 11-13 years. Repeated spawning after three to five years.

Crossing Russian sturgeon with sterlet, stellate sturgeon and beluga produces hybrids capable of reproduction, suitable for release into natural reservoirs for feeding and for commercial cultivation in fish hatcheries. Juvenile Russian sturgeon feed mainly in the water column, later switching to bottom food. In fish hatcheries, juveniles easily switch to feeding on artificial feed, so this species is successfully cultivated in cages, pools and ponds. In nature, it prefers brackish waters, rich in natural bottom food (molluscs, snails, crabs, fish).

Russian sturgeon meat is rich in fat and has an excellent taste, however, the yellowish color of the meat is always acceptable to consumers.

SIBERIAN STURGER is also successfully cultivated in fish farms. In nature, it inhabits rivers from the Ob to the Kolyma and forms residential freshwater forms. Maximum length over 2 m, weight - 200 kg. In the cold waters of Siberian rivers it grows very slowly, however, in warm-water aquaculture the growth rate increases significantly. In nature, it feeds on larvae of aquatic insects, mollusks, amphipods, and fish. When grown, it eats artificial food well and grows in almost any fish hatchery.

In nature, Siberian sturgeon spawn on a pebble bottom at a temperature of 11 - 15 o C. At low water temperatures in the polar zone, males mature at 19 - 24 years, females at 25 - 30 years. Repeated maturation occurs in males after 2 - 3 years, in females - after 3 - 5 years. Life expectancy is 60 years. In conditions Western Europe at relatively high temperatures Siberian sturgeon matures in 4 to 7 years.

The offspring of the Siberian sturgeon show high adaptability to change temperature regime and conditions of detention. Willingly switches to feeding on artificial feed. Suitable for growing in ponds, cages and fish hatcheries. Recommended as the most flexible species for growing in aquaculture.

STERLET is an inhabitant of freshwater bodies of water; its favorite habitat in the river is depressions with a silted or gravel bottom. In oxbow lakes, reservoirs and lakes it is found in places with weak currents. Sterlet does not grow in strong currents. Previously, it was often found in the middle and lower reaches of rivers flowing into the Caspian, Black and Azov seas. To the west, the sterlet spreads to central Europe (Danube), in the north it inhabits large rivers flowing into the seas of the Arctic Ocean.

The average weight of sterlet reaches 4 - 8 kg; cases up to 20 kg are known. Lives 22 years. Males mature at three years, females at 3 - 4 years, the spawning interval is for the most part 2 years. Males produce sperm every year. This is the smallest species of sturgeon. With a length of 40 - 50 cm, fish have a mass of 250 - 400 g.

Artificial breeding of sterlet was carried out more than a hundred years ago, regardless of the decline in population numbers. Currently, overfishing of this fish can only be compensated by artificial reproduction.

In nature, sterlet feeds on invertebrates, mosquito larvae, crustaceans, and sometimes fish. In aquaculture, it easily switches to artificial feed, and can grow well with dense plantings in pools and cages. When growing sterlet in ponds (Germany), within three years it reached a weight of 250 - 800 g and became sexually mature.

The economic importance of sterlet due to severe overfishing in inland waters is insignificant, although back in 1935 - 39. its total catch was 750 - 800 tons per year, with 700 tons falling on the Volga. SEVERYUGA is the economically most important species of sturgeon. In 1991, 4,130 tons of stellate sturgeon were caught in the Astrakhan region of the Volga, while only 331 tons of beluga were caught. The main distribution area of ​​stellate sturgeon lies in the Caspian Sea. There are significant populations in the Azov and Black Seas, and only in places does this species enter the Adriatic. Spawning in rivers occurs at a temperature of 13 - 15 o C. Juveniles and adult fish live and feed at temperatures from 4 to 28 o C. Life expectancy is up to 20 years. Males mature at 4 - 6 years, females at 8 - 9 years. Repeated spawning after 2 - 3 years. Egged females weigh 10 - 15 kg.

The paddlefish is the only sturgeon capable of feeding on the primary products of reservoirs - phyto- and zooplankton. Lives in nature North America V river system Mississippi. It was brought to the USSR in 1974 for acclimatization in warm-water farms.

The fish has smooth skin without the bone growths (bugs) characteristic of sturgeons. The remarkable nose occupies 1/3 of the body length. The fish's mouth is very large, opens wide and has no teeth. The paddlefish has teeth only in the larval state. The skin outgrowths covering the gills are extended back and end sharply. The gill apparatus is adapted for filtering plankton and other food particles larger than 0.025 mm. The paddlefish carries out the filtration process by swimming through the water column with its mouth wide open.

The paddlefish reaches a mass of 80 kg with a length of 2 - 3 m. Puberty of males occurs at 5 - 9 years, females at 8 - 12 years with a length of 1 - 1.2 m. Males mature every 1 - 2 years, females 2 - 4 years .

In ponds, paddlefish are grown instead of silver carp and grass carp as an additional fish in a polyculture with carp or other sturgeon species. When growing sturgeon in ponds, just like when growing carp, the problem arises of purifying the water from rapidly developing microalgae, zooplankton and higher vegetation. For this purpose, white and bighead carp and grass carp are usually used, which are planted in a pond with carp in a certain ratio. Among sturgeons, only one paddlefish has the ability to filter phyto- and zooplankton from water and feed on it, showing good weight gain. This fish, like silver carp and grass carp, breeds only in artificial conditions, but has a number of unique properties, and, most importantly, has more high price than grass carp and silver carp.

The climate of zones in which the winter period lasts 4 - 5 months and freeze-up is possible for up to 100 days a year is suitable for growing paddlefish in open waters.

In carp ponds, paddlefish usually consume phyto- and zooplankton, but their diet also includes bottom sediments and large algae. Like a carp, it can dig food out of the soil, and also readily eats dry granulated food, grain, bran, etc. The paddlefish's wide range of nutrition determines its high growth rate, the highest compared to other healthy fish, grown in a pond. Paddlefish fingerlings reach a weight of 400 g or more in a pond, while carp fingerlings in the same pond gain a weight of only 25 g. In the second year of rearing, paddlefish gain a weight of 1.6 kg, and the leaders - 3 kg. In the third year of cultivation, the average weight of the velonos reaches 3.5 kg, in the fourth - 6 - 8 kg. In the fourth year of rearing, some males become sexually mature, while females usually mature two years later.

Paddlefish consume food from the surface of the water, in the water column, and from the bottom. The temperature optimum for it is 18 o C, but at +8 o C it continues to actively feed. A peculiarity of the paddlefish is the arrangement of its gill apparatus, which forces it to continuously move in order to be able to breathe, while other species of sturgeon can ensure their breathing while at rest.

Paddlefish meat and caviar have high quality and, accordingly, a high price on the market.

The process of incubating eggs and rearing paddlefish larvae differs slightly from the process of rearing other species. However, juveniles that have reached a size of 15 - 20 cm are considered safe for planting in open ponds. Smaller juveniles are oriented towards a superficial lifestyle, have a weak reaction to danger from the air and become easy prey for fish-eating birds. The problem arises due to the fact that juvenile paddlefish take food from the surface of the water. To take it, she needs to turn over with her light belly up and swim up to the stern with her back down. This unmasks the juveniles.

STURGEON HYBRIDS have found application in aquaculture along with pure species. Often hybrid forms are superior to their parents in terms of indicators that are very valuable in aquaculture: activity in searching and consuming food, growth rate, and disease resistance.

Bester is a hybrid obtained by inseminating beluga eggs with sterlet sperm. It is also possible to inseminate beluga eggs with bester sperm. Hybrids (beluga ´ bester) grow more actively than bester. Bester, having the properties of beluga in terms of weight and growth rate, is suitable for cultivation in freshwater reservoirs.

The hybrid (thorn ´ stellate sturgeon) was obtained in search of a form suitable for the development of fresh water reservoirs, in which anadromous sturgeon species have practically disappeared.

The hybrid weighs up to 30 kg and matures earlier than the parent forms. It crosses not only with its parent forms, but also with other sturgeon species. The juveniles of the hybrid (thorn ´ stellate sturgeon) exceeded other species of sturgeon in terms of vitality and other indicators.

BROODSTOCK in aquaculture is formed from individuals raised in artificial conditions and trained to take artificial pelleted feed. In a same-age group, males mature faster than females. Mature females are usually larger than males and have an enlarged soft belly. The final conclusion about the degree of maturity of the fish is made based on the results of processing probe samples. Using a special probe, eggs are removed from the female’s body, fixed, cut, and under a microscope the stage of egg maturity is determined by the position of the nucleus. The ratio of mature males and females in the herd is 3:1. The number of fish in the herd is selected in accordance with the enterprise plan.

When raising broodstock in warm water farming, obtaining high-quality caviar becomes possible only in case of imitation winter period. For this purpose, two to three months before spawning, spawners are placed in cold water. The absence of hydrological winter leads to destabilization of the annual and seasonal cycles of maturation of the gonads and to a deterioration in the quality of the offspring.

To obtain synchronous spawning of spawners, they are injected with acetonated pituitary gland at the rate of 3 mg per 1 kg of weight for females, 2 mg per 1 kg of weight for males. The concentration of the suspension is 10 mg of pituitary dry matter per 1 ml of physiological solution. After injection, the breeders are kept at a constant temperature or in a temperature increase mode. The moment the female is ready (the transition of eggs to ovulation) is determined by inspection and pressure on the abdomen.

OBTAINING CAVIAR. The anatomical structure of the reproductive system of female sturgeons does not allow expressing ovulated eggs in the same way as is done in carp and trout. Therefore, to remove the eggs, an incision is made in the belly of the fish through which the eggs are removed. In this case, the fish is placed and held in a special machine.

After the operation to remove the eggs is completed, the incision is sutured with surgical threads, and the fish is returned to the pool. Healing takes a relatively long time, and not all fish survive.

According to the method developed by S.B. Using a pillow, the eggs are initially removed by expressing, then a scalpel is inserted into the female’s genital opening and an incision is made in the caudal section of one of the oviducts. After this, the caviar is easily expressed in the usual way.

An incision in the oviduct does not cause bleeding, since it is a thin translucent film. The wound is minor and heals soon. The survival rate of fish is close to 100%.

Sperm for insemination of eggs is taken from three males, expressed into a ladle or using a catheter directly into a cup. Strained semen should be protected from water and stored in a cool, shaded place.

A mixture of sperm is prepared at the rate of 10 ml per 1 kg of caviar, diluted with water 200 times and immediately poured into the caviar. Insemination lasts three minutes with even stirring of the feathers. At the end of insemination, the eggs are washed twice with water and de-glued. To prepare 10 liters of suspension for degluing, use chalk or talc 150 - 200 g and table salt 15 - 20 g. Also suitable are whole and powdered milk 2 l and 200 - 250 g, respectively, as well as river sludge - 0.5 l. Duration of degumming 50 - 60 min.

INCUBATION OF CAVIAR. To equip hatcheries for the reproduction of juveniles, "Sturgeon" devices with a capacity of up to 3 million eggs have been developed and are used. When incubating smaller quantities of eggs, Weiss devices are used. The main requirement for the water preparation system for incubation is thorough degassing of the water to avoid gas-bubble disease of the larvae. The optimal water temperature for incubation is selected depending on the type of sturgeon within 13 - 18 o C.

From the second day of incubation and every other day thereafter, prophylactic treatment of eggs against saprolegniosis is carried out. A solution of methylene blue is used at a dilution of 1:100000, exposure time is 30 minutes. The selection of dead and infected eggs is carried out periodically.

The hatched larvae are placed on pre-prepared trays.

DEVELOPMENT OF LARVAES. Sturgeon embryos have a large yolk sac, disproportionately big head and underdeveloped internal organs. Eyes are marked only age spots. The movement of the larvae is very similar to the movement of tadpoles. The larvae react to light, move through the water column and sink to the bottom, where they often form clusters - swarms.

At optimal temperature 19-22 o C, the larvae develop for about 7 days due to the energy received from the yolk sac, then gradually switch to external power supply. The food of the larvae at this stage is small aquatic organisms: moins, daphnia, etc. In the absence of live food, the larvae sink to the bottom and consume bottom sediments, extracting from them certain microorganisms and particles organic matter. As the larvae begin to feed, the ingested food displaces the so-called embryonic feces (yolk plug). Due to the fact that gastrointestinal tract The larvae have a complex structure, digestive disorders with subsequent death are possible.

The food of the larvae at the first stage must necessarily consist of living organisms. These can also be Artemia salina larvae, which are incubated from eggs in appropriate incubators.

To place sturgeon larvae, relatively long (up to 4 m), narrow (0.5 - 0.8 m) trays with a shallow water depth of up to 15 - 20 cm and insignificant current are used. Round and square pools with an area of ​​up to 4 sq.m. are also suitable for raising larvae. with a circular flow of water. Compliance with measures to prevent larvae from leaving trays and pools with flowing water is mandatory. The planting density of larvae is from 3 to 5 thousand pieces per sq.m. At lower values density in the specified interval, the growth rate of larvae is higher. However, reducing the planting density of larvae to 1 thousand pieces per sq.m leads to a deterioration in performance.

The larvae are very poor swimmers and can be pressed by the current against the nets that protect the water outlet. The ability of the larvae to escape from the trays through the smallest holes is amazing. Therefore, it is advisable to install devices for catching larvae at the outlet of water from pools.

The trays are periodically cleaned from biological fouling and, if necessary, disinfected.

When sturgeon larvae reach a size of 2.5 cm, brine shrimp become too small food for them. At this time, the larvae begin to expand their diet due to bottom sediments. They dive down, tear through the piles with their noses and get food for themselves. 14 days after switching to feeding on bottom sediments, the larvae are ready to consume artificial granular feed with a granule size of up to 100-120 microns.

With a length of 3.5-4 cm, sturgeon become strong and resistant to external influences. They can be placed in pools and fed exclusively with ready-made granulated food. Without any problems, sterlet, Siberian sturgeon, beluga bester, and paddlefish switch to feeding granulated food. In other species, the transition to feeding on artificial feed is difficult.

Breeding sturgeon is a fairly profitable and promising business. One kilogram of sturgeon reaches $20, and the cost of black caviar reaches $1000 per 1 kg. It is easy to calculate how much profit there will be from such a business and its payback period. But before you start breeding it, it will be useful for you to know:

  • How long does sturgeon take to grow?
  • What diseases can young sturgeon suffer from?
  • What is the price for fry?

How long does sturgeon grow?

Many aspiring businessmen are interested in one question: how long does it take for them to reach the age suitable for implementation. Not everyone knows that its length can reach 6 meters, and its maximum weight can be 800 kg. IN natural environment habitat they grow very slowly. The male becomes sexually mature at the age of 5 years, and the female matures only at the age of 8.

Under home breeding conditions they develop much faster. Already by the first year, individual individuals can weigh 1 kg, with a body length of 55 cm.

At a water temperature of 17 degrees in the tank, individuals will reach 80 cm in length and 3 kilograms of weight by the second year of life.

At a constant water temperature of about 22 degrees, by the second year they will reach 4 kg of weight.

If we take the average data, then individuals are selected for capture and further sale at the age of 1.5 years, when their weight is 2 kg.

Breeding sturgeon at home

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On an industrial scale, breeding in Russia is carried out near the Volga River, and river water is poured into fish tanks. In the process of breeding at home, a novice businessman may encounter problems such as diseases that can destroy some of the fry.

All diseases of this fish during the breeding process are associated with poor living conditions. The most common diseases are:

  • Viral.
  • Bacterial.
  • Fungal.
  • Invasive.

Such stress factors include:

  • Exceeding the density of young animals introduced into the tank.
  • Poor water quality.
  • Temperature changes are observed in water tanks.
  • Observed in water high content organics.
  • The hydrochemical regime does not meet the standards.
  • Contamination of water tanks and high levels of ammonia.
  • Abundance of gas in water.
  • Availability toxic substances in a water tank.

Viral diseases include:

The reason is a DNA virus that affects the mucous membranes of the intestines and spiral valve. In most cases, it affects young individuals from 0.5 to 10 grams.

The mortality rate of fry reaches 50%.

  • Iridoviral diseases of white sturgeon.

The cause of this trouble is a DNA virus that tries to infect the skin, gills and upper digestive tract of the fish. Individuals of white and lake sturgeon aged 3-16 days and 9-12 months are susceptible to it.

The mortality rate of fry reaches 95%.

  • Iridovirus diseases of Russian sturgeon.

The cause of this disease is a virus that is found in the cells of the gills, skin or mouth. In most cases, this disease affects young animals, at the age of 4 months.

The causative agent is a DNA virus. It affects the skin and mucous membranes in the mouth area.

The risk group includes fry weighing up to 13 grams.

The mortality rate reaches 97%.

  • Diseases caused by herpes virus-2.

The causative agent is a DNA virus. Its affected areas include:

  • Lips.
  • rostrum,
  • Internal organs and pectoral fins.

The risk group includes individuals of all ages.

The mortality rate can reach 100%.

Bacterial diseases of fish include:

  • Flexibacteriosis.

The causative agents are bacteria belonging to the Flexibacter and Cytophaga groups.

The risk group includes all species of sturgeon at a young age.

The mortality rate for this disease is not too high, within 13%. If the water in the tank reaches 18-24 degrees, the number of sick fish will increase.

  • Bacterial hemorrhagic septicemia.

The causative agents are bacteria of the genus Aeromonas.

The risk group includes all sturgeon fish, regardless of species and age.

Fish mortality reaches 70%.

Fungal diseases of sturgeon fish include:

  • Saprolegniosis.

The causative agent is Saprolegniales fungi.

The risk group includes all types of sturgeon, including their caviar, regardless of age.

The mortality rate reaches 50%.

Price of fry

Buying fish seeding material is not as easy as it seems. If you place an ad “I’ll buy a fry”, you will probably be inundated with offers for the possibility of purchasing. Remember that purchasing fish seed is a very important step. The price in this case is not an indicator. Different companies may have different prices for young animals, per piece or per kilogram.

  1. The price for fry from the Osetrinskoe Fishery Farm varies, depending on the batch purchased and the weight of the fry. For example:

Sturgeon fry, weighing up to 3 grams, costs:

  • Up to 200 pieces - 60.
  • Up to 500 pieces - 50.
  • Up to 1000 pieces - 40.
  • More than 1000 - 30.

The price offer for young sturgeon weighing up to 5 grams is:

  • Up to 200 pieces - 70.
  • Up to 500 pieces - 55.
  • Up to 1000 pieces - 45.
  • More than 1000 pieces - 35.

In the price list of the Osetrinskoye fishery, all prices are indicated per piece (RUB/piece).

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Video: Sturgeon breeding
