The script for the theatrical performance “New Year's Tale. Scenario of a New Year's theatrical fairy tale for children “The Magic Umbrella”

Methodological development

on preparing a New Year's theatrical performance for children

teacher-organizer, director

Saint Petersburg


The term "holiday" and its equivalents in different languages belong to the vocabulary of everyday speech and sometimes act as terms of a “service” nature. However, any festive event is experienced by people in a special emotional way, dictating to them a different way of behavior and activity than during everyday life, suggesting direct participation in the celebration. For children, holidays open up space for creativity, give birth to bright feelings and noble impulses in the child’s soul, cultivate the ability to live in a team, and spiritually enrich the mind and heart. Here, the question of perceiving the holiday not only as a form of leisure, but also as a cultural and educational phenomenon that promotes personal development is extremely relevant, therefore, children's holidays include educational moments and cognitive tasks: competitions and riddles that contribute to the development of imagination, logical thinking or attention. The special pedagogical value of children's holidays lies in the fact that they can help a young person realize the best that is in him, since the process of celebration itself is personally significant for him, causing positively colored emotional experiences and creating a unique system of creative interaction between children and adults . The teacher’s task is to make this very process of celebration interesting and educational, filling it with artistic content, which is embodied in music, song, and poetry.

One of the components of any celebration or celebration is a theatrical performance. A teacher-organizer today must be able not only to organize an event, but also to be its director, mastering the basics of screenwriting and theatrical performance.

Theatricalization- organization within the framework of the holiday of material (documentary and artistic) and audience (verbal, physical and artistic activation) according to the laws of dramaturgy based on specific events, giving rise to the psychological need of the collective community to realize the festive situation. To theatricalize material means to express its content through the means of theater, and not to retell it.

New Year is a calendar and ritual holiday that influences the formation in children of an attitude towards the holiday as a wonderful, joyful event; development of children's emotionality. In developing a New Year's performance, it is necessary to find those techniques that will help the young viewer understand the information, without destroying the atmosphere, mood, sense of participation and immersion in the world of the characters. This is a creative way of bringing the script to an artistic figurative form of presentation, through a system of visual, expressive and allegorical means. Here, the most important tool is imagery, which allows you to show a particular event in action, build an internal scenario logic and select means artistic expression. The leading expressive means that create a special language of theatricalization are symbol, allegory and metaphor.

When creating a mass performance, the teacher should strive to stimulate the imagination of young spectators with enlarged stage symbols that most fully reflect the essence of theatrical performance. The symbol translated from Greek language means sign. It includes: sign, mark, brand, seal, password, number, dash, signal, motto, slogan, emblem, monogram, coat of arms, cipher, brand, label, imprint, scar, label, typo, scar and the like. The root of the same name has a Greek verb meaning: “I compare,” “I consider,” “I conclude,” “I agree.” The etymology of these Greek words indicates the coincidence of two planes of reality.

Allegory (Greek “allegory”) is a technique or type of imagery, the basis of which is allegory - the imprinting of a speculative idea in a specific life image. The connection between image and meaning is established in allegory by analogy (for example, a lion as the personification of strength, etc.). Many allegorical images came to us from Greek or Roman mythology: Mars - an allegory of war, Themis - an allegory of justice; the snake wrapped around the bowl serves as a symbol of medicine. Particular attention should be paid to allegorical images when preparing the script for the New Year's theatrical performance, because This technique is most actively used in fables and fairy tales: cunning is shown in the form of a fox, greed in the form of a wolf, deceit in the form of a snake, stupidity in the form of a donkey, etc. Folk tales, proverbs and sayings contain, on the one hand, moral commandments, and on the other, various advice and instructions, i.e. rules of conduct on weekdays and holidays. In the minds of listeners, all parable images, familiar from childhood, are allegories - personifications; they are so firmly entrenched in our minds that they are perceived as alive.

Metaphor - very important tool emotional impact. The construction of a metaphor is based on the principle of comparing an object with some other object on the basis of a common feature. There are three types of metaphors:

1. Metaphors of comparison, in which an object is directly compared with another object (“colonnade of a grove”);

2. Riddle metaphors in which an object is replaced by another object (“they beat their hooves on the frozen keys” - instead of “on the cobblestones”);

3. Metaphors in which the properties of other objects are attributed to an object (“poisonous gaze”, “life burned out”).

In spoken language, we almost do not notice the use of metaphors; they have become familiar in communication (“life has passed by”, “time flies”). In artistic creativity, metaphor is active. She promotes creative imagination and is used precisely as a means of constructing stage images. Any metaphor is designed for non-literal perception and requires the viewer to be able to understand and feel the figurative and emotional effect it creates.

Use of symbol, metaphor, allegory, etc. in theatricalization, this is an urgent need that arises in the process of solving new problems, but at the same time, it is just a technique, and any technique is good when it is not noticed. The viewer should not perceive the technique, not the form, but through the technique and form - understand the content and, perceiving it, should not notice the means that convey this content to his consciousness. It must be remembered that all means of allegory must be inextricably linked with the life experience of its real audience, and determined by this experience. Therefore, when working on the script for a New Year's theatrical performance for children, you should not get carried away with too complex semantic colors.

The main task of the screenwriter when working on a New Year's theatrical performance is to determine the script's semantic core and the compositional structure of the entire program. At the same time, it is important to remember the main law of artistic expediency, which requires the justification of the appearance of a hero, game, number.

In theatricalization as in special form art, the most important component of mass representation comes to the fore - the spectator, the collective hero. He longs for such mass action that would force him, associatively to be a participant in the performance, to be included in it. Children involved in the holiday show creativity; they find old in the new, new in the old; They carry out someone else's plans well, but they also know how to update the idea.

Activation of viewers is a specific feature of the scenarios of theatrical performances and holidays. AND we're talking about not just about children. There is a child inside every person until his old age; every person, consciously or not, longs to return to childhood and therefore loves to play. The task of a theatrical performance is to awaken in a person his childhood fantasy, naivety, spontaneity, and to create conditions for the revival of his playful nature in an adult. The game fosters a creative attitude towards reality. At the center of the game is a pre-planned event, the essence of which is struggle, i.e. conflict. Fostering a “creative attitude to reality” is especially important when working with children. That is why all children's holidays must necessarily have a playful element and must be decided on the participation of the viewer in the action. The task of the screenwriter and director of the New Year's performance is to turn the audience into participants in the action, and to do this subtly and skillfully. Create conditions in which the young viewer will be happy to join in the action.

There are two known tricks working with spectators - the “luring” technique and the “provocation” technique. Luring the viewer into the action begins with an invitation card, with the design of the approach to the place of action. Creating an atmosphere helps remove the barrier between the stage and the audience. This helps the viewer to detach from the usual psychology of an “outside person” and to feel personal involvement. An example of provocation is the various tasks offered to the audience. Participants of the holiday - adults and children, performing simple creative tasks, performing elements of ritual and playful festive actions, jointly satisfy the needs for communication and subordination relationships. Such relationships at the holiday realize the function of satisfying the needs of the participants in collective relationships; they are “reasonably lenient”, because no one condemns anyone for inaccurate completion of tasks or for lack of necessary strength; grades are not given here, but a field of mutual assistance and mutual support is created.

Activation fuels the audience's interest in the action, but the activation itself must be clearly thought out, and in the case when the audience becomes bored at the moment of activation, a protracted or unsuccessful action must be quickly curtailed. Passion for improvisation can also “blur” the performance and destroy its integrity. The more improvised and random the external manifestation of an action, the more professional and thoughtful the preparation for its maintenance should be.

Studying the experience of organizing holidays, we can highlight the following: stages of work on the presentation:

Stage I - preliminary planning. Even at the end of the academic year, additional education institutions formulate and approve an action plan for next year. When forming a plan, it is necessary to determine in advance the theme of each event, including the New Year's performance.

Stage II - work on the script. Any script starts with a concept. The process of the emergence of an idea is varied and different for everyone. Despite the subjectivity of this process, there are common features and patterns. Work on the script should begin with the selection of artistic, literary and documentary material. Perhaps the germ of an idea is formed during the first reading of a fairy tale or in the process of studying historical facts about the holiday. An emotional premonition of the primary plan arises. Then comes the gestation stage. While the idea is maturing, you can begin to think about how to transform everything analyzed into the original stage form. After, so to speak, the idea is ready, the director outlines the remaining components of the compositional structure of the holiday and the organizational and technical aspects of the staging process. All this work, these searches are recorded in the director's draft of the future performance. The image-plan includes a vision of the future event. It is the concept that determines the content (theme, idea), form, composition, tempo-rhythm, stage atmosphere, space design, etc. The born ideological concept is embodied in the artistic and figurative solution of the entire performance, reflecting the main idea that the author wants to convey, to convey to the viewer through the holiday. In turn, the scenario course of the event is formed from the artistic and figurative solution, and, finally, its stage embodiment is manifested in the form of a director's staging technique. None of these elements is possible without the previous one. Only their consistent, logical arrangement creates what is ultimately called the image of the holiday. Having picked up required material, which meets the criteria of the plan and “works” for it, using the editing method, the screenwriter creates a literary work - a script. Thus, the teacher presents a draft of his own solution for a future performance, a future event.

Stage III - the rehearsal process and the production as a whole. In this work, the director must find a specific stage expression for each event, episode, adjust the entire composition of the performance in accordance with the plan and decision, reveal in detail the characteristics of the characters, and all this must be conveyed to the team and actors in an accessible and understandable specific form.

Stage III - preliminary acquaintance of children with the holiday. When the script is ready, the children are told about the upcoming holiday, it is explained what kind of holiday it is and what it is dedicated to. At this stage, children must understand their tasks, realize their role in the process of preparing and holding the holiday, so that in the course of learning poems, staging dances, and preparing the hall, they see and understand why they are doing this.

Stage IV - holding a holiday.

Stage VI - summing up. Children's memory long preserves the bright, joyful, vivid impressions that the holiday is rich in. And the task of adults at this stage is to “link” to these memories those skills, abilities and knowledge that children received at the holiday and in the process of preparing it. To do this, conversations are held in which children remember what they liked, with the help of adults, the most important and important things in the holiday are highlighted, and unclear points are explained.

Stage VII - aftereffect of the holiday. At this stage, the most meaningful and colorful impressions related to the theme of the holiday are consolidated; they are captured in drawings, photographs, videos, etc. In relation to the team of performance preparers and the teacher-organizer in particular, this is the stage of analyzing and identifying the weak and strong sides of the scenario in order to improve their future work.

A successful holiday for children is determined, first of all, by a well-thought-out scenario. It should be moderately rich in spectacles and performances, and most importantly, be interesting in its action.

This melodic development provides an example scenario New Year's holiday, the theatrical performance “The Christmas Tree Lights Up.”

Target performance:

Development of children's creative abilities through active activities in preparation for the New Year's holiday, broadening their horizons, training ingenuity, dexterity, instilling responsibility and friendliness.


Fostering skills and habits of a culture of behavior in society, a sense of teamwork and camaraderie.

Modeling a positive psycho-emotional state

Forming the foundations of a respectful attitude towards the traditions of one’s people.

Revival of the traditions of Russian fairy tales.

Identifying children's interests and requests.


In the process of preparing and holding the holiday, children revealed their creative potential.

Participation in team competitions contributed to the development of communication skills.

Additional knowledge was gained about the traditions of Russian festivities.

A positive interest in the heroes of Russian fairy tales was revealed.

The cultural needs of children have been formed and satisfied, the zone of their creative possibilities and range of interests have been expanded.

New Year's theatrical performance script

"The Christmas tree lights up"

Before the start of the performance, songs about winter and Russian folk melodies are heard in the hall. On the walls there are congratulations and wishes for the New Year. In the middle of Hall - Christmas tree. The light is calm, moderate.

The call signs of a famous children's song are heard. A cheerful buffoon runs out. Saying his introductory words, he gathers all the children in a circle.

Buffoon: Come on the left
Come on the right
Let's start songs, games and fun.
Get ready, people, to celebrate the New Year!

Hey boys! Hey girls!
Why are you standing on the sidelines?
Don't be shy, friend,
Get in a circle faster!

Let's organize a show of ancient songs.
Let anyone and everyone know:
They are waiting for you at the Christmas tree
Interesting games, wonderful fun,
Prizes and gifts in bright bags
And to everyone's surprise - a merry New Year's
The best and most daring,
Who is good at playing, dancing,
Will be in the festive finale
Santa Claus is handing out prizes!

Don't waste a minute
Come to us quickly
Let cheerful laughter and jokes
They all sound more friendly.

The circle is ready

And to those who are this tall (shows)
And those who are many years old,
We are ready to repeat a hundred times:
"Hello Hello hello!"

Guys, let's greet each other! Hello!

Children: Hello!

Buffoon: Let's say hello to parents and grandparents!

Children: Hello!

Parents: Hello! (if they answer poorly, the buffoon encourages them)

Buffoon: To our teachers.....

Children: Hello!

Teachers: Hello!

Buffoon: Joy lit up their faces.
Well, the time has come for that.
Tell me together!

Children: Hello, hello, New Year!

Buffoon: I have no doubt that you were all preparing for the New Year. Are you getting ready?

Children: Yes!

Buffoon: Fine! Do you know how to dance?

Children: Yes!

Buffoon: Then let's dance the most New Year's Polka dance "We are celebrating the New Year."

The buffoon is learning dance moves with the children. Everyone dances together. At the end of the dance, a melody from the cartoon “Bremen Town Musicians” sounds - “We stopped by for an hour.” To the tune of a song, a Monkey appears in the hall. It is hung with tourist attributes: a camera, a camera, a telephone.

Monkey: I'm a handsome monkey -

Foreign citizen.
I lived with you for a whole year,
I have to hand over the cases!

I’ll just hand over the symbol of the year...
I want to go home!
The baby lives in Africa,
He calls me home.

The sound of a telephone ringing is heard.

Monkey: Yes! Chi-Chi, is that you? I'm still in Russia for the New Year tree.

Monkey:(to children) My kid - monkeys don't know that there is a Christmas tree... (into the phone) Christmas tree - there is a palm tree with leaves from the ground!

Monkey: No! (to children) Help me explain what a Christmas tree is!

The monkey holds out the phone in front of him. The children begin to talk and explain into the phone what a Christmas tree is.

Buffoon: Guys, let's sing about our Christmas tree. Then maybe Chi-Chi the monkey will understand us.

Musical introduction. Children sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Monkey: Thank you guys! (into the phone) See you soon Chi-Chi! (to children) Well, who should I hand over the cases to? Chi-Chi waited for a whole year...

Buffoon: Guys, the symbol of the outgoing year was a monkey, and what is the symbol of the new year 2017?

The New Year is fast approaching us
The spurs are bright, like a shield.
Red scallop
Is he called?...

Children: Cockerel!

Monkey:(shouting) The cockerel is on our Christmas tree,
I will give him the symbol!

Buffoon: Where can you find him now, Petushka? You need to know where he lives... (to children) Children, where does the Cockerel live, in which fairy tales?

Children remember in which fairy tales the Cockerel appears.

Buffoon: Well done boys. How many fairy tales did you remember? Let me go call all the fairy tales and find out where Cockerel is now.

The melody from the movie "Pinocchio" is heard. Lisa enters the hall.

Fox: (To the buffoon) Where, the killer whale, are you going?

Buffoon: Behind the Rooster.

Fox: Why do you need it?

Buffoon: We all need him.

Fox: No, there are a lot of people, there won’t be enough for everyone.

Monkey: What is there is not enough?

Fox: There is not enough food for everyone. Even a small piece. Whose will you be, smart one?

Monkey: I am…

Fox: No, I will eat it, and you will gnaw the bones.

Buffoon: Lisa, what are you all about food? Completely confused the foreigner.

Monkey: I am a foreign citizen -
Handsome monkey.

Buffoon: This is a symbol of the passing year. She needs to pass on the symbol to the next year - the year of the Rooster.

Fox:(to the monkey) Let me introduce myself - Alisa Patrikeevna. Slaughter department of the Sinyavinskaya poultry farm. It was my boss, Petukhov Petrovich, who sent me here to receive symbols from you.

The monkey begins to remove the symbolic ribbon from himself. The fox, worried, begins to help her.

Buffoon: Stop, stop, stop.
Why such a commotion?!
There's probably a catch here...
How, Fox, can you prove that the Rooster sent you?

The fox begins to show evidence. Certificate of “Homicide Department Worker”, signed by Wolf, a kind smile and attitude towards children. Hosts the game “How the New Year is celebrated in Africa.”

Monkey:(applauds) Light the Christmas tree. Symbol of giving.

The fox tries to light the Christmas tree and involves the children in this, but the lights on the tree do not light.

Buffoon: Probably the Rooster himself should do this. Come on, Fox, follow the Rooster. Either bring him, or let him give you his magical power.

Lisa leaves.

Monkey: Guys, have you forgotten my dance that we learned at the beginning of the year?

The monkey is learning dance moves. Children dancing dance "Bananas, coconuts". The Rooster runs into the hall, screaming, running among the children, trying to hide.

Rooster: Guard! Save! He'll catch up! He'll grab it! He'll drag you away! It will pinch! The soup will cook! Eat it raw! There are a lot of people, there is no one to protect!

The buffoon follows the rooster in bewilderment and tries to find out what happened.

Buffoon: What's happened? Who will catch up? Who will take it away? Who will grab it?
Wait... Calm down...

The rooster does not calm down.

Buffoon: Petya, stop!

The rooster falls to the floor in surprise and freezes.

Buffoon: What happened, Petya?

The rooster is silent.

Buffoon: Petya, what's wrong with you? Don't be afraid, your friends are here.

Rooster:(moans, slowly turns over, feels himself) Haven't I been eaten yet? I'm alive?

Buffoon: Yes, alive, alive! Who were you running from? Who were you afraid of?

Rooster:(suddenly becoming bolder) Me! Scared?! Yes, I’m not afraid of anyone and I’ll scare anyone I want!

Monkey: What a cute parrot

Rooster:(immediately hides under the tree) Ah-ah-ah!

Monkey: What happened to you? Who are you afraid of?

Rooster: No-no-nooo.... I'm looking at toys.

Buffoon: Guys, do you know who came to us?

Children: Yes, it's Cockerel!

Buffoon: This is not an ordinary cockerel, the New Year has come to us! According to the Japanese calendar, 2017 is the year of the rooster. Well, Cockerel, we've been waiting for you!

Hey guys, widen the circle, all the people are having fun!
Together we will say to Cockerel:
Hello, hello, New Year!

Children: 3hello, hello, New Year!

Rooster: Hello everyone! But if this year is mine, then it should be like me. This means that everyone this year should be kind like me... smart like me... cheerful, brave and strong!
(asks the Buffoon, pointing to the Monkey) Who is this?

Monkey: I'm a monkey -
Foreign citizen.
I lived with you for a year.
Made your people happy.

Rooster: And now it's my turn.
And this will be the best year.

Firstly, because I am local - from the Sinyavinsky factory. Secondly, because I am a hard worker.

Monkey: What is a hard worker?

Rooster: To become strong and brave,
I have to stay awake at night!
Sambo, taekwondo techniques
I teach diligently - inside and out.
I play football, volleyball and hockey,
I'm doing OK with my physical training.

Buffoon: I think the guys deserve you. Look how strong they are, come on, kids, show Cockerel your muscles.

Children demonstrate their strength. The buffoon, and especially the Cockerel, test their muscles and measure their strength.

Buffoon: That's how strong they are! And this is because they do exercises every morning.

Rooster: I also do exercises in the morning. Like this! (jumps onto a chair)
Ku-ka-re-ku! Come on, music, play the march! Everything is in place - step by step!

The New Year's march sounds. The rooster does exercises with the guys.

Rooster: One two three four....
Let's breathe deeper...
Shoulders wider...
Everyone sat down....
Everyone stood up...
We sat down again...
We got up again...
Get ready for jumps, but not low ones, but high ones...
Well, what if you’re not tired!
Everyone ran on the spot....

Charging is repeated 2 times.

Rooster: That’s great, you’ve gained so much strength right away, you can defeat anyone.

(does karate exercises) Ya-ya-ya!

The Fox entered the hall unnoticed. She is holding elements of the Rooster's clothing in her hands.

Fox: I! I! What are you, killer whale?...

Rooster:(not noticing Lisa continues to do exercises) ME!-ME! (saw, voice wilted) I....I.... (heart-rending) Ka-ra-ul! Run away in all directions! Hide! (again begins to rush around the children, between the Christmas tree and the Buffoon)

Buffoon: Calm down, Cockerel, no one will hurt you here.

Fox: But why is it everything for some and nothing for others? How am I worse than him? I am beautiful, affectionate, kind, friendly... And the New Year is either a monkey or a rooster! Why is my year not there?

Rooster: Because you're red!

Fox: He is also rude and calls him names! Which one is New Year?? He can't do anything!

Rooster: Ah-ah-ah... that’s what I can do!

Fox: Well, what can you do?!

Rooster: I can sing! Ku-ka-re-ku... Cough-cough...

Fox: So, singing is clear. Now I know the games... You'll fall from the fun! For example: who opens his mouth wider?

Monkey: Why open your mouth?

Rooster: Even uncomfortable in front of foreign citizens

Fox: Well, then who will pick the most toys from the Christmas tree!

Monkey: Oh, don't!

Fox: But my favorite game is tag! Come on, Monkey, come on, whoever can catch up with the rooster and pluck it faster!

The monkey, who first stood at the start, was taken aback and remained standing in place, and the Fox chased after the Rooster. The rooster, running behind the tree, runs out of the circle.

Buffoon: Guys, hold hands tightly and don’t let the Fox break through our circle.

Passes game "I Won't Let You Out", The fox runs inside the circle and tries to break through it. Finally Lisa got tired.

Buffoon: No, Lisa, your games are not suitable for us.

Rooster:(embarrassing) Ku-ka-re-ku! I carry the scythe on my shoulders, I want to whip the fox! Come on, Fox, get out!

Fox: Oh, I was scared!

Buffoon: Guys, let's give the Fox thunder and lightning - we'll drive her away from our holiday. Stomp your feet!

All the children stomp their feet. The fox runs away.

Rooster: Thank you guys very much. You are so friendly, you saved me from the Fox!

Monkey: Unpredictable Russian games. And only children remain friendly.

Buffoon: The holiday is on, but the Christmas tree is not lit, does not sparkle. Cockerel, help us light the Christmas tree.

Rooster: How is this done?

Monkey: We can do this together. One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire!

Rooster: How is this possible?

Buffoon: It’s simple: one, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire!

Children repeat the words several times. The Christmas tree lights up. The Monkey conveys the symbolism to the Rooster. The rooster, not paying attention to the symbolism, walks around the tree, admiring its lights

Buffoon: What kind of Christmas tree do we have?
With garlands and balloons!
Visit us at a fun time
Come have fun with us!

Guys, let's sing the song “The Little Christmas Tree Is Cold in Winter”!

Children perform a song. The melody of a waltz sounds. Projected snowflakes fly along the darkened walls of the hall and stars sparkle.

Monkey: What's happened? What's happened?

Rooster: It spun and spun...

Buffoon: These are snowstorms rising from bed,
Seen off on the way
Snow daughter - sweet Snow Maiden.
The snowier the clouds are lower,
The Snow Maiden is getting closer.
Past villages, forests, country roads
She's hurrying to see us at the Christmas tree.
Her tender tenderness,
Her bright ladyship,
Her cheerful Majesty - Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden appears. A circle of light guides her through the hall. Dancing around the Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden showers the characters and children with tinsel. The music fades out.

Snow Maiden: 3hello guys,
Girls and boys!

Children: Hello!

Snow Maiden: I'm glad to meet you
I'm among friends again
Let the Christmas tree decoration shine
A garland of lights!
It will be our wonderful holiday,
I brought it to you again
Lots of dancing, lots of songs,
You can’t sing and dance everyone!

Monkey: What to eat - dance? Present?

Rooster: Santa Claus gives out gifts, and the Snow Maiden dances and sings.

Snow Maiden: Let's guys dance my favorite dance.

The Snow Maiden explains the movements dance "Cossack". Children and characters dance.

Monkey: I really liked your country. I completed my mission. I need to go home. Where can I buy a souvenir - a Christmas tree?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus is in charge of gifts and souvenirs. Now I will find out where he is.

Dials the number on mobile phone. The howling of wind and blizzard sounds.

Snow Maiden: Bad connection.

Rooster: The phone is bad. (takes out a huge rotary phone made of foam rubber from under the wing) Mine takes it everywhere! (into the phone) Ku-ka-re-ku, Santa Claus!

The soundtrack of the march sounds. Santa Claus enters the hall to applause, walks around the Christmas tree, greeting the children.

Father Frost: So I came today
Visit your loved ones.
Dear Masha, Bones,
Vasilki, Natasha, Gali -
Everyone gathered in the hall
Happy New Year!

Children: Thank you!

Father Frost: Happy New Year in good time.
I came to congratulate you!
I've traveled half the universe,
I've even been to space
But, I confess frankly,
I haven’t forgotten you anywhere.
I'm glad to see you again,
Happy holiday, my friends!

Children: Thank you!

Father Frost: Well done! They decorated the Christmas tree and decorated it themselves. Didn't the New Year come to you?

Buffoon: Yes, there he is, hiding behind the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus is looking for the Rooster, the children show him where he is hiding.

Father Frost: Oh, you naughty one!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, here the Monkey is in a hurry to go home.

Rooster: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, what did you bring for the guys?

Father Frost: The slides are steep, the sleds are dashing,
Dances, round dance,
So that the little people laugh!

Santa Claus spends with children game "Snowballs". The characters invite the children to imagine that there is a lot of snow around them, from which they make snowballs and throw them at each other. Imagination game.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, what else did you bring us?

Father Frost: He brought various gifts,
Entertaining and excellent

(To the monkey) And here’s a gift for you (gives a gift)

Thank you for the past year.

Monkey: Goodbye, guys. (leaves)

Rooster: Father Frost, Father Frost, what else have you brought us?

Father Frost: I have a lot of fun things to do
Ready to show for children.
Are there any athletes among you?
Come on, who will overtake me?

Santa Claus plays with children in "Running the Race". They place a chair with their back to the tree - this is the start and finish. Santa Claus and the race participant must run two circles around the tree and sit on a chair. Whoever managed it first won. One of the teachers or parents is the last to run the race with Santa Claus.

Father Frost: I see a lot of dads and moms who came to our Christmas tree.
There are also grandparents, greetings from me to you all!
New Year is a joy for everyone,
The children need to congratulate you.
Well, guys, start and repeat after me:
"Moms, dads - congratulations, we wish you a lot of happiness,
You are dear to us, we love you, we love you dearly!
It's a pity we can't hug everyone.
We will dance for you!

Buffoon: Guys, widen the circle!
Santa Claus, stand in a circle.
The circle, guys, is not good - it’s narrow.
Since we are dancing now
Fast Russian dance!

Rooster: Hands on hips, oh, come on.
Have fun, honest people,
The cheerful grandfather dances dashingly
Near the Christmas tree it is thick.

Father Frost: And for me this matter is very simple,
Eh, my soul is ninety years younger!

All the characters dance Russian folk together with the children. dance "Lady"

Father Frost: Oh, I'm hot, oh, I'm melting!

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's wave our hands, blow on Santa Claus, and make him a blizzard.

Children blow on Santa Claus. The sound of a blizzard is heard.

Buffoon: Grandfather, sit down and rest. We'll sing a song for you.

Children sing the song “Oh, what a good, kind Santa Claus”

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, look at the guys’ costumes. How beautiful and elegant they are.

Father Frost: I see! I see!

I am now pleased to announce
Our cheerful march parade,
New Year's masquerade!
Everything lined up as it should!

The buffoon, the Rooster and the Snow Maiden line up children in costumes closer to the Christmas tree in the first circle.

Father Frost: Is everything ready for the parade?
Let's start the march parade, the New Year's masquerade!

To the solemn march and applause, the costumed group walks in a circle. Santa Claus and his assistants give them souvenirs and sweets.

Rooster: Grandfather would have played a game and amused the kids.

Father Frost: Well, I'm always happy to play.
I'll amuse the guys.
Come on guys
Let's play hide and seek.

Santa Claus drives, closes his eyes, and the heroes help the children hide behind Santa Claus. Santa Claus opens his eyes and finds no one. But, walking around the tree, Santa Claus saw a tail from a living train and found everyone. The clock sounds.

Buffoon:(against the background of a clock striking) Well, friends, it’s time to say goodbye

With the December wind she flew to us...

Buffoon: And again we say: “Goodbye!”
To my good and great friends!

Rooster: We wouldn't like to part

Today is a happy holiday for us...

Snow Maiden: But we must reckon with time,
Goodbye, friends, good morning!

Father Frost: We guys played
We made some noise in this room.
Now get into the locomotive...
Santa Claus will take you for gifts.

Children line up behind Santa Claus in a “train”. To the melody of the song "Blue Car" Santa Claus leads the children out of the hall.


Theatricalization in the field of cultural and leisure activities is developing in two main directions. The first is associated with its recreational function (balls, masquerades, carnivals), the second is associated with the transformation of life into artistic value by creating on its basis artistic image. Every adult keeps the impressions received during the holiday in childhood as their most precious memories. The need for a holiday is a person’s need to share the “joy of being” with others. A holiday is a complex, multifaceted, evolving phenomenon that is of great importance for a person’s life, and a children’s holiday is one of the brightest moments in a child’s life. , which can also serve as a tool in the education, upbringing and formation of a child’s personal qualities. Design, colors, fireworks are not yet theatrical. Therefore, you need to look for a capacious image - a generalization that emotionally reveals the meaning of the New Year's performance through expressive means.

Carrying out this event promotes communication and has a beneficial effect on the development of mental processes: memory, attention, creates an excellent situation for the development of the child’s speech, his musical and choreographic abilities, for consolidating the knowledge acquired in various classes, but most importantly, it contributes to his moral education.

List of used literature

Vershkovsky E.V. Directing club mass performances, L.G.I.K., 1977.

Konovich A.A. Theatrical holidays and rituals in the USSR, M, 1990

Pronina I.N. The phenomenon of the holiday in the context of national culture. Mordovian state univ. Saransk, 2001.

Scenario of the New Year's theatrical performance.


Presenter 1

Presenter 2

Baba Yaga



Little Red Riding Hood

Jack Sparrow

Father Frost

Santa Claus

Snow Maiden


A pineapple

Coca Cola

The music starts and the presenters come out.

Presenter1: We welcome everyone present!
Presenter2: - Those who came to this hall to have a great time...
1: -Get a lot of positive emotions and recharge your energy for the whole next year...
2 : -To throw off all the worries and routine of the past year...
1 : -Relax and enjoy the company of friends...
2: And most importantly: spend the Old Year and celebrate the New Year!!!
1:- Imagine, this festive evening could be exactly the same as all the previous ones, but there is something special about it that makes it unique. Of course, we will be visited by the usual and expected fairy-tale characters, without whom the New Year celebration is unthinkable: Santa Claus and
Snow Maiden, but be prepared for fun surprises and unexpected turns of events! Do you know why?
2: Well, more on that later, but for now let’s see how Baba Yaga, the goblin and Koschey are going to celebrate the New Year 2017.

Voice behind the scene . An evil spirit lived in the old dense forest. And then one day, after many years and centuries, they decided to meet and think about how to spend the New Year.
Baba Yaga, Leshy, and Koschey appear.

Baba Yaga: Oh, and boredom with you, old devils.
L: Look at yourself, old lady, all the animals have fled from your unearthly beauty.
TO : It’s boring, because we haven’t been among people for a long time.
L: Will you get out with you, have you looked at yourself in the lake for a long time? All dried up, terrible.
TO: This is an athletic build, a muscular me.
Baba Yaga: But I can return my beauty, I’ll put on makeup, put on makeup, and I’ll be as beautiful as in my youth.
TO: So are we going to celebrate the New Year?
L: Only without going out in public. I have an idea here. You can order a celebration at home; there is only one company that handles it and gives guarantees. I know the phone number. Reading newspaper.
Baba Yaga: (joyfully) Well, call, call quickly. There are only a few hours left until the new year. It also needs to be browned and lubricated.
L: Hello! Company “New Year for your money? “In general, we need a super mega party. Here the old people want to have fun with their blankets. That's it, I understand, we are waiting for your agent.

Jack Sparrow Appears

Jack Sparrow: Hello, brother, problems? Who wants to hang out here, otherwise they’re already moldy from
old age.
TO: How quickly you showed up here.

Jack Sparrow: Time is money. So will you book a party?
Baba Yaga: What can you, dear sir, offer us, preferably something modern?
L: Yes, we want to have fun.
Jack Sparrow: No question, old lady. I’ll take the minimum wage from you, I guess your pension is already not enough. Two chests of gold - and our company will provide for your every whim.
All: How much?!
Baba Yaga: Where did you copy the price tag from, my dear? Or do you see double?
Jack Sparrow: So, will order, or you will pay a penalty then.
They think and talk.
L: What kind of gold, where from, we don’t have any money anymore.
Jack Sparrow: Do you have property?
Baba Yaga: Yes, a personal vehicle (shows broom and mortar).
Jack Sparrow: It's me Confiscated. You'll have fun. Get it signed. (leaves)

The cheerful music “Amateur Number” sounds.
The evil one watches the performance and tries to dance or sing

TO: Well? Super mega party, it was a success. We had a great time! Just not enough!
Baba Yaga. We were also left without transport.
L. Forgive me, brothers, I got caught by some leftist company.
TO: Okay, let's start snotting now.
Music is playing Little Red Riding Hood runs by.

Baba Yaga: Oh, molecule, who are you and where are you from?
KS: I am Little Red Riding Hood, my grandmother baked them, I bring pies to the students for a treat, for the New Year tree.
TO: Do they let everyone in there?
KS: Certainly. Come with me, I'll show you. It's a great party there.
L : We’ve already had one party over. (music)
TO: And I'll be a bunny! (puts on ears)
BY : And I’m a snowflake, why did I put on makeup in vain? (puts on crown)
L : And I am your broom. (shows a broom)
Kr Sh: Let's go quickly, the holiday is starting!
Music sounds, they dance and leave
Amateur number

Ved.1. Hello everyone who came to this hall, and even those who were late for the holiday. We congratulate everyone, we invite everyone, let only laughter sound in this hall!

Ved2: New Year is knocking on the door,
On New Year's Day we believe in fairy tales.
Happy New Year with a beautiful fairy
Miracles come to the house.

Ved.1: We congratulate you on the New Year, we wish you all happiness. And success to you in your business, smiles on everyone’s lips.
Ved.2: Our New Year's program continues, so more jokes, more laughter are allowed here, everyone dance, have fun.
Ved. 1: Oh, I caught a snowflake, I need to make a wish.
Ved. 2: Which one? So that Santa Claus appears.
Ved. 1: On New Year's Eve all wishes come true, so there will be Santa Claus for you. Only first will my wish come true, my soul asks for art!

Amateur number


From different sides of the stage, to the music, Father Frost and Santa Claus come out. They look at each other in surprise.

Santa Claus : I don’t understand, who is this?
What a strange coat.
Father Frost. What kind of strange dude is this?
Some strange cap...
I am Frost, or rather Grandfather,
I've been working for them for 100 years.
Santa Claus. And I'm Santa. Sorry, Klaus.
Well, in short, Santa Claus.
Father Frost (puts hand to ear).
Ass? I can not hear. Mickey Mouse?
The one, I heard, is a mouse with a tail,
And you, I see, are with a backpack.
Well, it's time for us to figure it out
Who should stay at the holiday?
I've been here for a long time, everyone knows me
The kids greet you joyfully
Hands are stretched out to me...
Yes, you haven’t seen my granddaughter!
What a braid, what a figurine...
There is no one more beautiful than my Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus.
I won’t argue: Russian ladies
It's not a shame to take you to Paris and Amsterdam.
But our American answer to you
Florida girl - baby Kat.
Father Frost (shouting). Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!
Santa Claus (shouting). Kat! Kat! Kat!
Music sounds and the sad, plump Snow Maiden comes out.
Santa Claus.
Oh my God! The figure of your granddaughter
It looks like a cloud or cloud!
Father Frost (shakes his head sadly).
What a passage! You have disgraced the state!
Well watch out! You know - I'm quick to deal,
Now you won’t see the light from me,
From now on - only a strict diet.
Snow Maiden (crying).
It's all because of my big heart.
Santa Claus (aside).
Or maybe the stomach?
Snow Maiden.
Everyone asks to sit at the table, and there are steaks with peppers,
Salads, jellied meat and fish snacks,
For the road - a pie, tea with sugar for a bite.
And here is the result: all the weaknesses of nature
Excess weight affected my figure.
Music sounds to the rhythms of R"n"B
Long-legged blonde Kat appears on stage.
Father Frost.
Oh, fathers! What a senerita
And well tailored, and tightly sewn.
Snow Maiden (sarcastically).
Rather, it was redrawn and altered.
Santa Claus.
Well, grandpa, you seem to be on your way?
By the way, we forgot about the score.
I don't want to strike a pose
But your beat card: the score is 1:0
For my benefit, of course.
Santa Claus (coughed).
I felt like drinking something.
Santa Claus.
Grandpa, should I pour some cola?
I'll tell you without jokes,
That my sponsor is Coca-Cola,
As you know, the drink is invigorating,
The holiday taste is always real.
Father Frost.
Your cola is pure nitrate.
Fruits in nature are Fruit Garden juice!
Santa Claus.
Do you want to beat me, grandfather?
I urgently need to call a sponsor. (Calls.)
Cola! Cola!
The girl Kola comes out.
Santa Claus . Well, well, support me! Support!
(The Cola girl sings “Ha, always Coca-Cola” in a cold voice. She stutters and runs away.)
Father Frost (calls). Fruits! Fruits!

Pineapple enters, this is a young man in a rap outfit, he raps.
A pineapple.
Grandfather, you are just great with us,
Be cool, don't cough, step on the gas.
If anything, felt boots - in the basin,
Life is such a thing: we are we, she is us.
Enter Kiwi. He has a large cap on his head. Speaks with a strong Georgian accent.
Salute, genatsvale!
I am Givi, Georgian,
There is a small store on the market.
Khinkali, shish kebab, chakhokhbili, satsivi...
Santa Claus . So what's your name?
Kiwi. In America? Kiwi!
Father Frost.
The sponsor did not let me down at all,
But I doubted it, old ass.
Your cola is pure kerosene,
Our score was even: one and one.
Santa Claus.
Yes, Givi is good - a funny guy, a joker!
Well, I’m announcing the decisive round.

Father Frost.
I offer you this project:
Let's test our intelligence.
(Takes a large book out of the bag.)
I've bookmarked a couple of things here.
In the favorite section - “In the world of mysteries”.
So, the first riddle.

He's busy all the time
He can't go in vain.
He goes and paints it white
Everything he sees along the way.

Santa Claus. Um. Painter?.

Father Frost: Nooooo not a painter. Here's a hint for you.

song "Snow-snow"»

Santa Claus: AAA of course snow! Give me the second riddle!

Santa Claus: The Second Riddle

I am without them - like you without hands,
The step in them is light and elastic,
Your feet feel like a furnace.
Got it, Santa, what are we talking about?
(Santa shrugs.)
Father Frost. Yeah! Well, so be it, I’ll give you a hint. (Humms the tune of the song “Valenki.”) Well, do you understand?
Santa Claus. Sneakers?
Father Frost . What sneakers? Felt boots! (Points to his feet in felt boots.)

Competition team of Santa Claus and Father Frost (relay race with felt boots)

Father Frost. Is Santa a friend? (Offers his hand to Santa Claus.)
Santa Claus. Yes, friend, Frost! (They shake hands.) We were joking.
Father Frost. Not seriously.
We have one purpose:
Fun, laughter and congratulations!
D.M. I'll go get the SNOW Maiden.
S.K. Well, let's go, Frost, my friend.
(Hugging each other, they leave to the music. Santa Claus forgets his bag)

Amateur number
Baba Yaga:

The goblin, Koschey and Baba Yaga come out to the music.

Baba Yaga: Yeah, that's what I understand - it's a party!!! And most importantly, I was the most beautiful and elegant here.

Koschey: Oh old, I made you laugh...I am the standard of beauty and style here! And my costume will be more original.

B Me: no I!!!

K: No I!!!

While they are arguing, the goblin has discovered Santa Claus's bag and clumsily tries to hide it in his bosom.

Music like in a detective story

B I: so so, and what are we doing here.

Goblin: N-nothing. I admire how beautiful you are.

TO: Don't talk to us about it, there's almost none left, let's find out what you're hiding.

The goblin, pushing the bag away with his foot, spins around and shows his empty hands.

Baba Yaga: Koschey Zachik, look, he decided to grab the bag of gifts!

Koschey: hmm... and we also considered you a friend...

Goblin: I didn’t squeeze anything, but saved it to share with everyone. You are not the only ones here who are beautiful and elegant. And these prizes are not for you!

Byaba Yaga: If not for us, but for whom?

Goblin: And you, old snowflake, wipe your eyes and look around at how many people there are, for anyone who loves you will find someone more beautiful than you.

Koschey: And now we’ll see.

Costume competition.

Santa Claus appears

Father Frost: Oh, I’m tired of waiting for my granddaughter to preen herself, I decided to start without her for now. Oh, here's my bag, thanks for looking! I thought I was completely lost.How beautiful you all are!

The evil spirits give him the bag, Santa Claus distributes prizes to the competition participants.

The Snow Maiden and Santa Claus appear

Snow Maiden: Hello, friends!

Father Frost: Granddaughter, is that you! How prettier she has become!

Snow Maiden: I'm a grandfather! And a little makeup and the right outfit.

Santa Claus: Yes, my friend, I take my words back, your granddaughter is just complete garbage.

Baba Yaga is upset. And hides behind the Christmas tree.

Baba Yaga: Ah, look how beautiful she is

Her look and outfit are beautiful.

Always nice and fair

Besides, I'm not stupid at all

And she has no enemy...

After all, her name is Snegurochka

Who am I, I am Baba Yaga!

Goblin: Come on, don't be sour, you're the best among us.

Koschey: Yeah. Grandfather, it may not be a great snowflake, but it is still a lighter.

Baba Yaga: Well, yes. I can do this.

Father Frost: I don’t believe in empty words, show me the deed!

Baba Yaga calls all the concert participants and spectators and organizes a dance flash mob

Father Frost: Well, Yaga, I didn’t expect it! Even I haven't had this much fun in a long time!

But every meeting has an ending.
Santa Claus.
And now it's time for us to say goodbye,
But the year will pass and a new holiday will come
The cheerful one will come into our house again.
Snow Maiden.
Dear friends! Thank you for being with us all this time. Happy New Year. Mira,
hopes, great ideas and great paths.
Hours go by, days pass -
This is the law of nature.
We hasten to congratulate you, friends,
Now we are happy New Year.
Evil spirits, one of you may also turn to our guests, say something, wish.
Baba Yaga.
Kesha, you are the smartest among us. You fly around the world, you know everything. Speak. Just don't hit me in the face
Snow Maiden.
Not face in the dirt, but face in the dirt.
Baba Yaga.
Don't teach a scientist.
Koschey (addressing the audience).
Dear comrades! Friends! Ladies and Gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen! Workers and collective farmers! Sirs,
senoritas and signorinas! Boys and girls! Workers of fields and farms! Soldiers, sailors and petty officers!
Mothers and sisters! Writers and filmmakers! Athletes of the world! Pensioners and schoolchildren! Citizens
my darlings! I have nothing to tell you!
Father Frost.
Well, what kind of disgrace is this? I will never let you go to a party again.
Baba Yaga.
We won’t even ask, we’ll come ourselves.
Father Frost. No, well, you can’t normally wish people a Happy New Year.
Snow Maiden.
Another thing.
Santa Claus.
I look at you and rejoice. You know how to have fun. And your evil spirits are wonderful. Not that
ours: vampires and Halloween.
Father Frost.
Yes, we know how to have fun, so come to us more often - and we’ll teach you
All concert participants take the stage
Presenter1 .There are only a few minutes left until the New Year begins.
Ved. 2 There are many wonderful holidays,
Each one comes in its own turn.
But the best holiday in the world
The best holiday -
Chiming clock.
All. 5,4,3.2,1. Happy new year to you, friends!
Father Frost . He comes along the snowy road,
Round dance of snowflakes.
Mysterious and strict beauty
New Year fills the heart!
Ved. 1 He gives us faith in a good chance,
On the first day and a new turn,
Helps you become better
Happy New Year to everyone in the world!
Snow Maiden. We wouldn't like to part
It's a good evening here.
Father Frost . But time must be reckoned with,
Goodbye, friends,

Closing song

Municipal budget educational institution additional education for children

"Palace of Children's Youth Creativity"


N.I. Shatova – leisure methodologist


30 minutes before the start at auditorium and the lower lobby broadcast of New Year's songs

The curtain is closed

FNG: Fairytale music + background on GZK

Play of light, screen flickering

GZK: Hello children, hello adults. ... Weren't you taught to say hello when you meet? Come on, one more time. Hello, dear friends! (answer) Well, that’s better. It’s so good that you came to see me today. You guys recognize me, right? And you, adults, I hope, remembered me?... It's me, Fairy Tale. Can't you see me? Here I am, standing right in front of you! This is how it always happens... As soon as a child grows up a little, he immediately stops believing in me, and I become invisible to him. And there’s nothing to say about adults! It's good that there is a magical New Year's time. At this time, people change, become younger in soul and heart, and can at least hear me.

Video broadcast

FNG: song Fairy Tales

A fairy tale still lives on in the world

And where - no one knows

For a fairy tale a little bit on the planet

Free space left

Believe and you will find yourself right away

In a mysterious fairy world

Do you think a fairy tale lives beyond the seas?

Do you think a fairy tale lives just beyond the mountains?

Do you think a fairy tale lives behind the forests?

(clears throat) Something drew me to the lyrics. That's not what you came here for. And to relax, to have fun.

Make yourself comfortable. Now I will show you all my inhabitants in all their glory, and you watch, and remember that I am the best lesson for a good fellow.


Scene – Winter forest

FNG: Background for Baba Yaga's entrance.

(Baba Yaga comes out. Behind her is a mortar with junk, like a backpack)

B.Y:(looking around) So, I was before everyone else, am I late? Where's the line? Why don't I see? (looks into the hall) Oooh!... Who's last?... Nobody?... And who's first?... Well, who was the first to come here?... Wow, how many firsts were immediately revealed! (in case no one raises their hand: What do you mean there are no firsts? You came before me!) Okay, I’ll be second, second is also good. In our fabulous life, what is most important? Get in line on time. There is not enough for everyone. And they certainly won’t take everyone into a bright future. They'll take me. I'm second. Only there are a lot of first ones. (to the audience) And you, All are you going there? On New Year's Day? Maybe someone will stay? A?

(Laughter, conversations, girlish chirping are heard, Ivan Tsarevich appears. Beauties are holding him on both sides of the arm: Elena the Beautiful and Cinderella, laughing, joking, having a casual conversation. They notice Baba Yaga, fall silent)

Ivan Tsarevich: Bah! What people!

B.Y: For some it’s “Bah!”, for some Babulechka is Yagulechka, and for some I’ll ask for the priest, Varvara Egorovna, and for you!

Elena the beautiful:(tries to hug B.Ya.) Hello, our dear Varvara Egorovna!

B.Y: You will follow me, Elena, even though you are Beautiful (to Cinderella) Whose will you be?

Cinderella:(curtseying) Bonjour!


Ivan Tsarevich: It's in French, you won't understand.

B.Y: That's what I smell, it smells like non-Russian perfume!

Cinderella: This is Chanel.

B.Y: Whether you wear an overcoat or a sweatshirt - it's your business! The main thing is, don’t break the line!

Ivan Tsarevich: Why did you, Varvara Egorovna, attack poor Cinderella, an orphan, she, by the way, is a foreigner, in Russia for the first time, what impression will she get? Here we are not far from an international conflict!

B.Y: I have nothing to do with international conflicts; let the princes have a headache about that. I’m second, the rest doesn’t concern me, and don’t get ahead of your dad.

Cinderella: (surprised) Kes ke se? Old Man? Madame - Old Man?

B.Y: It's in Russian, you won't understand!

Elena the beautiful: Stop quarreling! What a day it is today! Santa Claus will come to us!

(General revival)

ALL: He will come! He will come! Santa Claus on a sleigh! No skiing! In the carriage! In a chariot! Do you hear?

FNG: on the stove with snoring

(A stove comes onto the stage. Someone is sleeping on it under a sheepskin coat, only the bast shoes are sticking out, snoring can be heard)

Elena the beautiful: Here's your chariot!


Ivan Tsarevich: Yes, Grandfather is tired!

Elena the beautiful: I think we need to wake him up. Let's all go together!

ALL: Santa Claus!

(Emelya wakes up and sits on the stove)

ALL: Emelya?!

Emelya: A? What? Am I already in the New Year?

B.Y: Run away! You'll be the last!

Emelya: Ah-ah-ah! ... Well then you can sleep some more (gets under the sheepskin coat)

Emelya:(jumps) A! What!

Ivan Tsarevich: Madam Fairy Tale? Are you here?

B.Y: Yes! We are all under her watchful eye and constant care.

Elena the beautiful:(looking slyly at B.Ya.) Yes Yes! Otherwise, you never know who will be up to something bad.

B.Y: And whoever remembers the old things will get out of his sundress and into frog skin again!

Cinderella: But when my mother and sisters offended me, the fairy tale never stood up for me.

Elena the beautiful: But afterwards she gave me happiness!

Ivan Tsarevich: Girls, girls, you know that a fairy tale generally does not interfere in the personal lives of its heroes, and if it changes the course of events, it is only in exceptional cases.


FNG: Voice of the Fairy Tale: For example, like now, you are babbling here. Look, you'll miss Santa Claus' New Year's message. Why did I install a fabulous TV of the latest model in the forest for you? Turn it on soon!

ALL: Turn it on, go! What are you worth? Give me the remote! Give me the remote! Where's the remote control?

B.Y:(rolling out a snowball from behind the scenes) Here it is, our remote control! Come on, guys, help us, turn on that TV, keeping your distance, i.e. without leaving your place (explains the rules).

FNG: for a simulated game

(Ivan Tsarevich assists B.Ya., on the 3rd hit the LIGHTS GO OUT)

VIEW PROJECTION: on the screen there is Santa Claus against the background of the main Christmas tree.

FNG: New Year's fanfare + speech by D.M.

Hello, dear friends! Very soon, the year 2011 will go down in history as the chimes strike. Seeing off old year, we remember the brightest and happy moments and we believe that next year will be good and successful for each of us. Everyone has long known that in order for dreams to come true and wishes to be fulfilled, it is important to do only good deeds. This is what I wish for you with all my heart! Let's take only the good things into a bright future, and let everything bad remain in the past. We will meet you at the main Christmas tree on the border of the old and new years. As soon as it lights up, the path to 2012 is open. Welcome to the New Year!


B.Y: Did you hear? Did everyone hear what Santa Claus said? We take, he says, only the good ones, and leave the bad ones. So, pay off the good and the bad! The good ones raised their hand (characters on stage raise their hands) And now - bad! For some reason I don't see your hands (improvisation according to the situation)

Emelya:(sitting down on the stove) You, Varvara Egorovna, are the bad one.

B.Y: I?! Bad?! And why is that?

Emelya: Well, firstly, because you make noise, you disturb my sleep.

Ivan Tsarevich: And secondly, aren’t you, Varvara Egorovna, a fairy-tale character?

B.Y: Fairy.

Ivan Tsarevich: Right. Negative character?

B.Y: Negative. There's no point in denying.

Emelya: Here you go! And negative ones are bad, and positive ones are good!

B.Y: Have you heard? A positive one has emerged! They put it on the stove, and it was positive. Or Ivan Tsarevich - an autocratic tyrant, an oppressor of the working people, but a positive one. And Gorynych, my friend with three heads - he’s so smart and so bad. And Varvara Egorovna - heat the bathhouse, feed her on the way, how to go there - I don’t know where, tell me, but she’s still bad.

Cinderella: There's nothing to be done, madam, c'est la vie!

Elena the beautiful: That's French, that's life!

Ivan Tsarevich: And in our fairy-tale life, good always triumphs over evil. Behind me, friends, Santa Claus is waiting for us at the border. (the positive ones are going to leave)

B.Y: I wonder, when a positive character commits a bad deed, does he become a negative hero, or is he still considered positive?

(Everyone stops)

Cinderella: Is Madame hinting that we are doing something wrong?

B.Y: Do you think that leaving an old woman in a dark past, without hope for a bright future, is the most comme il faut?

Emelya: Didn't understand?

B.Y: Of course, it's in French.

Ivan Tsarevich: My kind heart tells me that Varvara Egorovna should be given a chance.

(There is obvious dissatisfaction on the faces of the goodies)

B.Y: This is our way!

Ivan Tsarevich: It’s quite a long way to the border between the old and new years, so let her re-educate herself along the way.

B.Y: Agree!

Ivan Tsarevich: He will do a lot of good deeds.

B.Y: I'll make three heaps!

Emelya:(stretching) What kind of things can happen on the road? Sleep to yourself.

B.Y: And I will find it.

Elena the beautiful: Ivan Tsarevich, Varvara Egorovna, you understand that she and I, well, I mean, you and I, are not on the same path!

Ivan Tsarevich: Certainly! We will go straight, and Varvara Egorovna will go along a long, winding path, and we will look around carefully, where we can do a good deed... three piles, and if she manages to get it done before the New Year, maybe she will find herself in a bright future.

B.Y: I'm ready, see you at the border! (getting ready to leave)

Cinderella: Sorry! How will we know that she has really improved and done good deeds?

B.Y: My dear, a good deed is good because it praises itself.

Emelya: Yeah, I know, you can’t praise yourself...

Elena the beautiful: No, this option is not suitable.

Ivan Tsarevich: And we will act according to the law, so that everything is as it should be, documented, with a seal and signature.


Ivan Tsarevich: I say you need to collect information, Varvara Egorovna. If you have done a good deed, take a receipt, take a document of some kind of feat, or, in extreme cases, a certificate of honor. And it will be immediately clear whether you are worthy of a bright future or not. The more references, the better.

B.I. : E..e..u.e.

Ivan Tsarevich: And we will do the same! Well, of course, we don’t have to. We are guaranteed a bright future according to our status. This is our way of supporting you, Varvara Egorovna, by organizing something like a competition. A? Well, go ahead. This is the long path. Good luck to you. All the best! (shows B.Ya. to the front of the stage) Girls, Emelya, go ahead! The landmark is the border between the old and new years.

FNG: Blizzard

The curtain closes

B.Ya.: This is the eternal problem of our fairy tales: long roads and these... Princes. Either take out the magic ball and put it in them, then provide them with a certificate. Where can I get them a certificate? This tea is in short supply, not like living water. Anyway! Where ours did not disappear, as they say, the eyes are afraid, the hands are busy, and the legs, know for yourself, are going the long way. Do you know what makes a long journey easier? Of course, the song is mischievous and incidental. Get up from your seats, kids, let's go together, the future of humanity cannot remain in the dark past. Eh, with me!

FNG: based on Dorozhnaya (G. Sukachev)

    Hey friends, get up!

Let's take the long road today.

Let's look for good things together,

We'll get to a bright tomorrow right away.

Let's do good

Let's accomplish the feat!

Silushka dark

Oh let's crush!

We are powerful when we are together!

    Here is a positive hero if

Then it can be easily distinguished.

Aibolit, how he sees whom where -

He will immediately rush to treat you on the spot.

Malvina will teach you right away,

And Cheburashka is to be friends with everyone,

Positive if!

    I wish I could accomplish a little every day

A good deed is the crown of the matter.

So that, like in a fairy tale, but not for fun,

There was also a happy ending in life.

And with a clear conscience, a friendly crowd

To a bright tomorrow - dear straight

Let's go together!

B.Ya.: Well, that's how many miles they walked playfully, as I said - with a song, any road seems shorter. But I haven’t done a single heap of good deeds. And what am I all about myself, and about myself. And my old friends!? I completely forgot about them, they sit in their own corners and don’t know that they urgently need to re-educate. So, who is the closest in terms of course? (licks finger into the wind) ABOUT! Kashchei, I’ll hurry to him, I’ll drive him to heroic deeds! (leaves)

The curtain opens


FNG: “Youth”, from the film “Volga-Volga”

Song-dance of the slaves who restore order in the mansions

    We have served Tsar Kashchei for many years,

We protect, we clean up, we don’t bother.

If Kashchei orders us,

What do we need to serve stronger -

It’s a bloody nose, but we’ll do everything if necessary!

Come on, be friendly!

For the glory of Kashchei!

Everyone is glad to be his servant,

He is a patron philanthropist,

Although he sometimes looks stingy on the outside!

    There are rumors that Kashchei's life is boring,

He's a villain who eats human flesh for dinner.

These are evil rumors

Lies, empty talk,

We will stand for Kashchei’s honor if necessary!

There is nothing kinder in the world

Kashchei's bosses.

There are no delays in salaries,

Sick leave, vacation, social package,

And he is evil, brothers, only on the surface!

    And our owner, although fabulously rich,

So he walks around single and not unmarried!

Because everyone is a bride

Kashchei is judged externally,

They need a young groom with a mustache!

I wish I could live sooner

Until Kashchei's wedding!

He'll throw a feast for the whole world,

He will be a nice family man

After all, he is good, only outwardly scary!

(Finish work, line up)

It turns out Pelageya is the secretary of the philanthropist Kashchey, who has been hopelessly and secretly in love with him for many years.

Workers in chorus: Take the job, Pelageya Petrovna!

Pelageya: Have you done it yet? (checks the dust) Well done. You can be free until the end of the year. With coming! (presses the speakerphone button or picks up the phone) Kashchei Ivanovich

GZK: I'm listening

Pelageya: The hall is ready, operational meeting in 2 minutes

GZK: Thank you, Pelageyushka

(Pelageya notices that the workers are standing)

Pelageya:(half whisper) What are you waiting for?

Workers: So, for a salary we...

Pelageya: What a salary, you received your salary yesterday! By the way, it’s already the 49th this year, and that’s not counting the awards!

Workers: (after consulting) So maybe it’ more for good measure.

Pelageya: Indeed, 49 somehow sounds bad. Whether it's 50! 5 tens, fifty! (changes tone) Yes, I’ll send you, the unemployed ones, to the stables, and I’ll tell each of you to throw in 50 lashes for good measure! Extortionists!

FNG: Fanfarks

Kashchei enters, the workers fall on their faces.

Kashchei: Why are you shouting, Pelageyushka, like an ensign on the parade ground?

Pelageya: How can you not make noise here, Kashchei Ivanovich! When these slackers again demand a salary of 50 for good measure!

Kashchei: (to employees) So it turns out that you are trained in counting?! (workers nod) Pelagia! It turns out that they are qualified specialists! Such shots should be treasured! And pay extra for education.

Pelageya:(indignantly) Kashchei Ivanovich!

Kashchei: Let everyone know, if you want revenge on Kashchei, finish the institute, but if you want to serve lunch, go to the academy! This is both prestige for the company and propaganda of education. I'll give you bonuses, workers! They deserve it.

(presses the lever, the cache opens)

FNG: to the cache

Pelageya:(reproachfully) Kashchei Ivanovich!

Kashchei: And you, Pelageyushka, better bring me some coffee.

(Pelageya goes backstage)

(Kashchei enters the hiding place, comes out with bags, hands them out to the workers, saying: “Bonus to you, thank you for your service, salary, here you go, happy upcoming, happy New Year,” the workers hit their foreheads, leave, Pelageya comes out with a cup of coffee)

Pelageya:(slightly offended) Your coffee, Kashchei Ivanovich.

Kashchei:(try) Mmmm, with ammonia?

Pelageya: Yes, as you like.

Kashchei: Good girl, Pelageyushka, what would I do without you.

Pelageya: You would have walked around the world long ago without me, Kashchei Ivanovich. Charity is of course good, but it can’t be like that labor pamper!

Kashchei: (interrupting) Why are you grumbling like a grumpy... mmm... elderly lady, better tell us what we have for today? Have you brought food for New Year's dinner?

Pelageya: No. All the roads were swept away, and snow removal equipment got stuck in the snowdrifts.

Kashchei: Let's resolve this issue in working order, what else?

Pelageya: Statement from 7 children's palaces asking for fluffier Christmas trees for the holidays from our properties.

Kashchei: Allow the felling of 7 fir trees, but in the spring let Leshy plant a hundred new fir trees, what else?

Pelageya: And, as always, 256 requests for sponsorship.

Kashchei: Come here, I’ll sign everything!

Pelageya: (holding the papers to himself) Kashchei Ivanovich, this is reckless spending!

Kashchei: I'm rich, I don't count the treasury.

Pelageya: These are not your words, Kashchei Ivanovich, and in general, money loves counting!

Koschey:(menacing!) Pelageya Petrovna! Don't forget. I am the boss, and you...

Pelageya: And I won’t let you waste good things!

(Worker enters)

Worker: Kashchei Ivanovich, there are petitioners.

Kashchei: Let them come in.

Pelageya: Here! This is what it means to help everyone left and right! Previously, these regions were bypassed 100 miles away. And now they walk and walk, beg and beg, they give no peace!

Kashchei: Pelageya! Let us talk calmly with the petitioners and prepare us some coffee.

(Pelageya, without hiding her irritation, goes backstage, Kashchei sits down in a chair in a solemn pose, Ivan Tsarevich, Elena the Beautiful, Cinderella and Emelya enter)

FNG: Heroes' Leitmotif

Ivan Tsarevich nods arrogantly, Cinderella curtsies, Elena the Beautiful makes a Russian bow, Emelya takes off her hat and strikes with her forehead.

Kashchei: Well, hello, guests, what fate? Are you trying to do things, or are you getting away with business?

Emelya: We come to you for help, Kashchei Ivanovich.

Ivan Tsarevich: Along the winter road, through forests and snowdrifts, we followed Emelina’s stove to the border of the New Year.

Emelya: But what a misfortune, my stove got stuck in the shifting snow and I can’t get it out.

Kashchei: So why are you alone? There’s a whole army of you, they’d all pile in together.

Emelya: So it’s a big company, but it’s only me who are men.

(Everyone turns their gaze to Ivan Tsarevich)

Ivan Tsarevich: Why are you looking at me like that? It is not fitting for the royal son to be in the same harness with a simple peasant, to become a village serf. If only it were against the enemy’s force, I would have gone out and waved my saber.

Cinderella: Oh, Ivan, how brave you are!

Elena the beautiful: How brave!

Kashchei: And what are these red girls?

Ivan Tsarevich: I apologize, Kashchei Ivanovich, I forgot to introduce. This is our guest from distant France - Cinderella.

Cinderella:(curtseying) Bonjour.

Ivan Tsarevich: And this is our beauty - Elena the Beautiful.

Elena the beautiful: Hello, our hospitable Kashchei Ivanovich!

Kashchei: She really is a beauty, with sable eyebrows, eyes like agate, and a braid...

Elena the beautiful:(Playing with a scythe) Thank you, Kashchei Ivanovich.

Kashchei: For what?

Elena the beautiful: Because you can tell the truth to your face.

Kashchei: And how the speech speaks! It's like a river babbling! It's decided! I'm getting married! You, Elena, will be my wife! We'll have a wedding on New Year's Eve.

During Kashcheev’s words, Pelageya enters with a tray, and at the news of the wedding, Pelageya and Elena the Beautiful faint. Elena the Beautiful is caught by Ivan Tsarevich, Pelageya by Emelya. Ivan Tsarevich places Elena on the Kashchei throne, which Kashchei kindly places in the center of the stage

Ivan Tsarevich: What's wrong with her?

Kashchei: Don't pay attention, she's out of happiness!

Ivan Tsarevich fans Elena, who does not come to her senses

Cinderella:(to Pelageya) What about this one?

Kashchei: And urgently bring my personal secretary to his senses.

Cinderella brings a cup of coffee to Pelageya’s nose, Pelageya comes to her senses

Kashchei: Why do you, Pelageyushka, want to rest! There is no end to the work: costume, wedding feast, dishes.... and how many cups did you break?

Pelageya:(rising up, Cinderella and Emelya help her) Eh, Kashchei Ivanovich, you have 100 thousand of these cups, and you... You broke my only heart!

Kashchei: Don’t worry, Pelageyushka, I broke it - I’ll compensate you 5 times, stop lying around. Get to work and clean this place up.

He approaches the workplace, takes the phone, gives commands.

Pelageya, wiping her tears, begins to collect the dishes, Emelya helps her.

Cinderella: Ivanushka, what are we going to do?

Ivan Tsarevich: Prepare gifts for the wedding.

Cinderella: What wedding! Elena needs to be saved.

Ivan Tsarevich:(looking at Elena) I don't want to interfere with someone else's happiness.

Cinderella: Is this how happiness is expressed? Do something, Russian knight!

Ivan Tsarevich: Fine! Now I have it! (Pulls his sword out of its sheath and decisively approaches Kashchei) Well, Kashchei, is there a computer of the latest model in your kingdom?

Kashchei:(to the portal) It's standing over there in the corner. And why do you need it?

Ivan Tsarevich: I'll tell you riddles! (approaches the screen, touches it with a sword, a crossword puzzle appears on the screen, which is filled in as you guess it) Come on, guys, help Kashchei complete this crossword puzzle. Question one.

FNG: on the crossword puzzle


Ivan Tsarevich: Spreading tree with curly leaves, three letters?

Kashchei: Baobab!

Ivan Tsarevich: Too much! That's right, guys, of course it's oak. So, on an oak tree there is hanging... that's right, a chest, and in the chest there is a domestic waterfowl, four letters, the first "U"

Kashchei: The first one is “U”? Penguin!

Ivan Tsarevich: Guys, is it Penguin? Of course it's a duck. There is an egg in the duck, there is a needle in the egg, and at its tip there are six letters, the last “b”.

Kashchei:(falling to his knees) No, don’t, don’t say that, that’s where my death is!

Ivan Tsarevich: That's the same! Say that you are letting Elena go and I will have mercy on you.

Kashchei: Of course of course. (Pelageya) Well, did I play them well?

Pelageya:(sadly) Yes, Kashchei Ivanovich, even I almost believed it.

Ivan Tsarevich: Didn't understand.

Kashchei:(rising from his knees) Listen! Well, could you really believe that I so simply told the whole world where my death was kept?

Ivan Tsarevich:(confused) What about the oak tree, there’s a chest on the oak tree.....

Kashchei:(picks up) there is a hare in the chest, a duck in the hare... And note everyone, everyone, young and old, has known this fairy tale since childhood. But if this were really the case, wouldn’t there have been a good fellow in 3 thousand years who wouldn’t have reached my death? That's all Pelageyushka is smart (comes up to her, hugs her) I came up with the idea of ​​putting the hunters of my riches on the wrong trail.

Pelageya: Well, the method, by the way, is very effective. While they are looking for an oak tree, while they are catching a hare, while they are feeding a duck, it goes on all the time. And then, you see, the desire to fight with you will weaken, and along the way, anything can happen.

Kashchei:(with tenderness) What would I do without you, Pelageyushka?

Pelageya:(removing his hand from his shoulder) Now do what you want. There's your betrothed, she's about to wake up - marry her as much as you want, but I'm not going to look at it. Leaves

Kashchei:(running after her) Where are you, how am I without you?

Emelya: Ivan Tsarevich, what are we going to do? We won’t get a stove, we’ll have to walk to the border. I'd better hurry.

Ivan Tsarevich: And you, man, don’t give orders here! Friends! We have to hurry! Let's hit the road!

Cinderella:(to Elena) What about her?

Ivan Tsarevich: Oh, I almost forgot. (takes paper and pen from Kashchei’s music stand and quickly writes something as he goes) Kashchei Ivanovich!

Kashchei:(comes out discouraged) He leaves and writes an application for payment.

Ivan Tsarevich: Kashchei Ivanovich, have we done a good deed for you? (Kashchei nods absently) Have you found a beautiful bride? (nods) Sign here (Kashchei signs) Well, Happy New Year, live happily, all the best! Follow me, friends!

FNG: for the departure of heroes

Elena the beautiful:(comes to his senses in a weak voice) Ivan, Emelya, Cinderella's girlfriend...

Kashchei: Oh, my betrothed, I woke up, get up, it’s time to get ready for the wedding.

Elena the beautiful: For the wedding? Don't want! I won't! I won't marry you! I'm still too young-ahhh!

Kashchei: Come on, that's enough! Honest little world and here's to the wedding! (claps his hands)

FNG: Kashchey's pre-wedding song (to the tune of Sasha and Sirozh)

(during the song, the backup dancer puts the veil on E.P., puts the chests in a row like tables, covers them with a tablecloth, and brings out the food)

The time is coming, everyone will get married

And Kashchei the Immortal will not be single

The wedding will be famous

Admission to the wedding is paid

And the bride is crying

Respect means

Ay, ah, ah ah... oh, oh oh oh...

I'll marry a young woman soon

My son will be born in about a year

To the beauty's mother and how I am immortal

Oh, I wish there was a wedding soon

I'm glad to get married

And the bride is crying

Respect means

Elena the beautiful: A-A-A... U-U-U..

Kashchei: Well, daughter-in-law, stop crying, otherwise your eyes will be red at the feast, and that’s not pretty. Now I'll bring you a handkerchief.

(He goes into one backstage, B.Y. comes out from the opposite backstage, Elena cries non-stop)

B.Y: Pelageya, Kashchei! Why is your gate not locked, the whole hallway is covered in snow! Fathers, Elena the Beautiful! What destinies?

Elena the beautiful: Oh, goodbye to my bright youth! My beauty is unsung! I won’t see the blue sky anymore! I won’t hear the birdsong anymore! Ah, my fate, evil stepmother! It would be better if she gave me death right away!

B.Ya.: Yes, what is your sadness, just tell me.

Elena the beautiful: Yes, it's my wedding!

B.Ya.: So this is wonderful! A wedding is a feast with a mountain, an accordion with a hole, dancing until you drop, and joy with a cute little one! That's a good thing.

Elena the beautiful: So it depends on who you're with! With Ivan Tsarevich - who would argue, but with me - with Kashchei. I'm young and he's old. He will soon be three thousand and a half years old.

B.Ya.: Yeah, unequal marriage! Although such grief can be helped!

Elena the beautiful: Is it true? But as?

B.Ya.: So, you say, you are young, and he is old.

Elena the beautiful: Yes-ah-ah...

B.Ya.: You are a beauty, and he is such a scary, dried morel.

Elena the beautiful: Yes-ah-ah...

B.Ya.: So this is a fixable issue

(rummages in the mortar, takes out a handkerchief, blocks Elena with it)

FNG: for witchcraft

B.I.: One, two, sour kvass

Where is the nose and where is the eye?

Skin - face, do me a favor

Justice triumphs


(B.Ya. Removes the scarf, Elena has a scary face)

B.Ya.:(admires his work) Well, now everything is fair. (takes out a mirror from the mortar and gives it to Elena the Beautiful)

Elena the beautiful: And for some reason, Varvara Egorovna, your reflection hasn’t been erased or something?

B.Ya.: What you? Elenushka, this is your reflection now, wear it for your health.

Elena the beautiful: I am a kikimora! (covers his face with his hands, sobs) A-A-A...!!!

(Kashchei runs in with a handkerchief)

Kashchei: Oh, the guests are already gathering, I greet you, Varvara Egorovna. My beloved little girl, my written beauty, wipe away your tears, otherwise your eyes will be red... Ah!!! Guard! Kikimora Swamp!

B.Ya.: This is my wedding gift to you!

Kashchei: I'm completely crazy, Egorovna, why did you put a spell on her?

B.Ya.: What’s not to like, but now you are perfect for each other. Just Beautiful couple!

Kashchei: Well, cast your spell back, Egorovna! Why do I need an old ugly woman? I'm an old freak myself!

B.Ya.: So do good deeds after that. (takes a handkerchief and tries to cast a spell) Ain, tswei... But no, not like that. One, two, a fork in the eye, but no, not like that again... I can’t cast magic back. I forgot the words.

Kashchei: Well then, I’ll forget about my promise to get married.

(At this time Pelageya enters with a statement in her hands, hearing Kashchei’s words freezes) I don't need such an ugly wife. I renounce her forever.

Pelageya: Is this true, Kashchei Ivanovich? There won't be a wedding?

Kashchei: Why rush? I'll still find a beauty for myself. Whole life ahead.

B.Ya.: Exactly? Will you go back on your words?

Kashchei: My word is strong!

Pelageya: (looks devotedly into Kashchei’s eyes, tears up the statement) Well then, I won’t leave you anywhere, Kashchei Ivanovich!

Kashchei: Pelagia!

Elena the beautiful: And what about me?! What will happen to me?

B.Y: We'll help you too, girl. Kashcheyushka, is your tea garden with its rejuvenating apples still bearing fruit?

Kashchei: But of course!

B.Y: Give the deceived bride one apple as compensation!

Kashchei: Please! Pelagia!

Pelageya: I'll be there in a jiffy! (runs backstage and returns with an apple)

B.Ya.: Well, Elena, are you sure you don’t like the new image? (Elena nods) Well then, take a bite of this apple.

(Elena takes an apple, is about to take a bite, looks at the audience)

Elena the beautiful: Oh, I'm shy!

(B.Y. covers it with a scarf)

FNG: for witchcraft


(The scarf is removed, Elena is the same)

ALL: Oh! What a beauty!

(Kashchey takes a step towards Elena the Beautiful)

Pelageya:(reproachfully) Kashchei Ivanovich!

B.Ya.: Yes Yes! I gave my word - hold on! And in general, now it’s fashionable to do good deeds, to re-educate oneself, so to speak. Otherwise, in the New Year, Santa Claus takes only positive ones. So, Kashcheyushka, Pelageyushka, if you want to get into a bright future, do one more good deed. Take Elena the Beautiful to the border of the old and new years, otherwise she will get lost along the way. You iron it and it will count for you, Santa Claus will take you to a bright future.

Elena the beautiful:

B.Ya.: But I’m not going there yet, I still need to do good deeds and find a certificate as proof. So, if I manage, we’ll meet at the border, and now goodbye! Happy New Year!

ALL: Happy New Year, Varvara Egorovna!

(They disperse in different directions, waving to each other)


FNG: The howl of the wind against the background of the leitmotif of Ivan Tsarevich.

Ivan Tsarevich, Cinderella, comes to the fore. Emelya is ahead, trampling the road and looking ahead.

Cinderella: All the same, we did wrong.

Ivan Tsarevich: But why? Kashchei is pleased, they have found a beautiful bride for him - why not a good deed?

Cinderella: And Elena? Have you thought about her?

Ivan Tsarevich: What about Elena? Yes, she will live happily ever after with Kashchei! In wealth, affection, silks and gold, as if behind a stone wall.

Cinderella: That's it, like behind a stone wall - in a dungeon! Against your will!

Ivan Tsarevich: Cinderella, what medieval superstitions! Against your will! In prison! Kashchey, by the way, is very... I mean... that is, well, I mean... In short, Elena will be happy with him and that’s all. (Emele) Why did you get up! Why don't you trample the road well? So we won’t reach the border until next year.

Emelya: Yes, it seems we have lost our way. Such a snowstorm! I can't even recognize the area.

Ivan Tsarevich: Me too, guide! So, what should we do? Fairy tale! Fairy tale! Help us a little.

Fairy tale: How can I help?

Ivan Tsarevich: We are lost, we need to find our way around. Turn on your fabulous navigator.

Fairy tale: Well, what kind of heroes are these days? Nowhere without technology. Okay, I'm turning it on! And don't bother me anymore!

FNG: Navigator (signal)

Navigator: Poor reception conditions.

Emelya: This is understandable, look how sweeping it is

Navigator: There is no video signal. Follow the voice signal.

Ivan Tsarevich: Yes, at least for some reason, say, a piece of hardware, where to go?

Navigator: Whoever calls you names is called that way.

Ivan Tsarevich: What kind of model is this talkative?

Navigator: And my model is too famous to name. Enter your destination.

Ivan Tsarevich: Border of old and new year.


(Heroes walk, turn left)

Navigator: You have left the route, return to the starting point.

Emelya: Is it possible to plot a route from this point?

Navigator: Return to the starting point.

Emelya: Well, how difficult are you, my oven is even smarter.

Navigator: Here is her route and ask.

Cinderella:(Emele) Shut up already. Dear navigator, we have returned to our starting point. Where to go, just shorter.

Navigator: Go straight 15 steps, then turn right.

(Heroes walk near the sound engineer) Attention, after 2 steps the speed control is 1 km/h.

Emelya:(at the turn) Where to now?

Navigator: Turn right, go straight 10 steps, then turn right. (Go to the turn) Turn right, 15 steps to the bridge.

Emelya: Oh, that's right, I recognize the area, here it is, our river. There is a bridge, there is a native village. And that’s where we go to the border!

Cinderella: Why such a hook?

Ivan Tsarevich: So maybe straight away?

Emelya: This is where it's best to take a shortcut.

(Climb the stairs)

Navigator: You are off the route, turn right.

Ivan Tsarevich: We'll figure it out without you!

FNG: ice track is not strong

Cinderella: Oh, how the ice is cracking!

Emelya: Don't stand still! Walk!

ALL: Oh, ah, ah-ah-ah!

FNG: Crack - gurgle



FNG: Dance of mermaids to the tune of Nastya Polevaya “Dance on Tiptoe”

    So as not to freeze when it's winter,

To make your mood better,

So that hard ice the water stopped

And so that it just doesn’t get boring.

We perform a simple dance,

At the slow pace of water movement,

They won't see us.

    Water will hide us from prying eyes,

The sharpness of the rotation will smooth out the flow.

The depths keep many secrets,

Protecting us from invasion.

We perform a simple dance.

The one that is familiar to all mermaids from birth.

At a slow pace of water movement.

In the smooth flow of the river flow

They won't see us.

Our movements are smooth, our arms are flexible and thin.

We sing enchantingly, but only on a July night

Everyone knows that we are treacherous, everyone knows that we are treacherous.

Run away when you hear mermaids, don’t look into the mermaid’s eyes.

And you will never unravel our secret,

Even though our life seems carefree to you.

And look into the pool of the mermaid's eyes,

You will drown in them forever, you will stay with us forever

Depth, current, water - 4 times

At the end of the dance, the mermaids run away, leaving Marina Prelestnaya sitting on a pebble with a bored look.

Marina Prelestnaya: Peace, current, water, mermaids and fish! How tired I am of all this! Every day the same thing! At least some entertainment in the summer. Either you scare the swimmers, or you make fun of the fishermen, and when the rivers become covered with ice - that’s it, life stops! Boring! At least someone would drown for a change. But no, everyone is smart these days, they know the safety rules, no one goes out on thin ice, no one rinses the sheets in an ice hole, even if you die of boredom. Pike! Wonderful! swim to me! The pike is wonderful! … Does not hear. (to the hall) Well, at least you help me, why sit there in vain! Let's all shout together, in unison, “Wonderful pike,” are you ready? Three four...

(Pike swims out)

Pike: Did you call Marina Prelestnaya?

Marina Prelestnaya: No, what?

Pike: So it seemed to me (about to swim away)

Marina Prelestnaya: And I thought you missed me, came to correct me, and you... Nobody needs me. Everyone abandoned me, both you and daddy!

Pike: Marinochka, lovely, no one abandoned you, everyone loves you, you know, your daddy, Vodyanoy, went to Neptune on urgent matters, if it were his will, he would never leave you alone. But you’re not alone: ​​your mermaid friends are always nearby, and so am I.

Marina Prelestnaya: Yes, you are never around! When daddy comes back, I’ll tell him that you were constantly away from me.

Pike: Marina Charming, don’t complain to Vodyanoy. I would be glad to play and sing and talk with you all day long. It is not of my own free will that I leave you alone.

Marina Prelestnaya: Whose then?

Pike: You see, I found myself in an unpleasant situation a long time ago.

Marina Prelestnaya: Who? You? Is the pike wonderful? On a hook or in a net?!

Pike: If only I were in a net, at least it wouldn’t be so embarrassing. I got caught in a bucket.

Marina Prelestnaya: Like this?

Pike: I felt the urge to admire the winter sun through the hole and take a sip of the frosty air, and then some fellow came for water. It’s true what they say: “Fools are lucky.” And he scooped me up with a bucket.

Marina Prelestnaya: You? That's a laugh, what about you?

Pike: Well, I begged him to let me go, about the kids, I made up squinting stories to make him feel sorry for him.

Marina Prelestnaya: And he?

Pike: He let me go, as you can see, without even asking for anything in return.

Marina Prelestnaya: And you?

Pike: I, and I foolishly promised him that from now on I would do everything according to the pike’s command and his desire.

Marina Prelestnaya: Well well! And what?

Pike: Otherwise! How could I have known that this idiot would turn out to be a great lazybones, then chop the wood for him, then let the buckets go by themselves, then take me to the stove, and in the meantime I’ll sleep. I spin around day and night, casting spells without closing my eyes, I have no more miraculous strength.

Marina Prelestnaya: And now. I’m probably delaying you, you need to do magic again. Well, I didn’t know, melt it if anything happens.

Pike: No, as long as there is silence, it doesn’t ask for anything at the behest of a pike. He's probably asleep, the unfortunate lazy fellow.

Marina Prelestnaya: Yes, you got carried away with your promise, well, nothing can be done, you gave your word - hold on.

Pike: I'm holding on as best I can. Eh, if only I could turn back time, I would have come across this lazy fellow, I would have taken him...

FNG: mermaid theme

The passage of mermaids across the stage around Pike and Marina Prelestnaya.

Marina Prelestnaya: I'm sorry, what?! Travelers... fell through the ice? This is good luck, bring them here quickly.

(The mermaids go backstage, return with the heroes, swim away)

Marina Prelestnaya: Drowned, fresh! How amazing! What destinies? What's your name? Why are they so sad?! Doesn't cold water invigorate you?

Ivan Tsarevich:(kissing Marina Prelestnaya’s hand) Ivan Tsarevich, Cinderella, foreigner, and so, Emelya.

Marina Prelestnaya: Marina Prelestnaya.

Ivan Tsarevich: My friends and I were heading towards the border of the old and new years. They wanted to take a shortcut

Marina Prelestnaya: And here you are, welcome, dear guests!

Pike: Wait, wait, Marinochka, let me take a closer look at the guests. Well, there must be justice in the world! It’s true what they say: whatever you wish for on New Year’s Eve, everything always comes true. Here he is, a tormentor of honest wizards, an utter lazy fellow!

Emelya: ABOUT! The pike is wonderful. How could I forget. This is the very thing, according to Pike’s command, in my opinion, that means, I want to be with my friends at the main tree on the border of the old and new year.

FNG: beep

Pike: I forgot to say the magic word.

Emelya: Uh, uh, ah... Please!

Pike: I run and fall.

Emelya: Why is this so?

Pike: Perhaps you, fool, didn’t notice, but now it’s not me in your bucket, but you at the bottom. So. According to Pike's command, in my opinion, dance to my tune, Emelya, and amuse Marina the Charming.

FNG: Emelya's Dance

(Emelya performs a dance, during which Marina Prelestnaya first smiles, then giggles, and then bursts into laughter. Emelya is exhausted, Cinderella rushes to Pike)

Cinderella: Good people, why is this happening! The pike is wonderful! Have mercy, you can’t torture a person like that!

Pike:(makes an indignant gesture, the music suddenly stops, Emelya falls) What?! You say you can’t torture a person? Does that mean a person is allowed to torture every living thing? They imagined themselves as kings of nature. You put us in cages and breed us in aquariums. If you want, you can plow for us, or if you want, you can cook soup! But now we...

(During Pike’s monologue, Emelya has difficulty getting up, Cinderella helps him, they hide behind Ivan Tsarevich’s back)

Marina Prelestnaya: The pike is wonderful! Turn it down! It's no good talking to guests like that. (To the Tsarevich) So where do you say you are going?

Ivan Tsarevich: For a bright future, Marina Prelestnaya, Santa Claus has arranged a meeting for us at the main Christmas tree. There is no way the great and so respected Wizard can make us wait, and therefore would Marina the Charming deign to (kisses the hand) whose wisdom can only be matched by her beauty, let us go?

(Pike whispers something in Marina’s ear)

Marina Prelestnaya:(pouting lips) It’s a pity, of course, that you are leaving, but nothing can be done, go in peace, celebrate the New Year, but this one, Emelya, you will have to leave with us. He owes a debt to the wonderful Pike.

Cinderella: Tsarevich! What to do!

Ivan Tsarevich: Don’t worry, I’m a born diplomat, I’m an ambassador by vocation!

Pike: Listen, ambassador, you should hurry up, while you are being called up somewhere.

Ivan Tsarevich: One minute. Marina Prelestnaya, I ask you to write a receipt to free form (Marina quickly writes on a piece of paper) that we repaid the wonderful debt to Pike before the New Year, thereby doing good.

Marina Prelestnaya: I beg (gives a receipt)

Cinderella: Ivan, don't repeat past mistakes.

Ivan Tsarevich:(looking at the receipt) And you are attentive. (Marina Prelestnaya) What about the seal? (The pike advances menacingly) Got it, I'll come back another time. Well, all the best.

Cinderella:(through tears) Goodbye, Emelyushka

Ivan Tsarevich:(through teeth) Let's not delay!

(They bow out and leave)

Marina Prelestnaya:(jumps on the throne, throws himself on Pike’s neck) Pike, wonderful, thank you, this best gift, which I have ever been given!

Pike: Come on, that's enough for you, with all my heart! Happy New Year!

Emelya: Somehow I don’t understand, what are you talking about?

Marina Prelestnaya: Not about what, but about whom, that is, about you. Pike gave you to me for the New Year! From now on you are my personal buffoon. That's great! Down with boredom and despondency! Long live the fun!

Emelya: No, I don’t agree to this!

Pike: And your consent is not necessary!

FNG: For witchcraft


Pike: At the behest of the pike, at my will, Emelya remain the buffoon's buffoon under Marina the Prelestnaya until the end of his days. (Marina) Well, why should I go?

Marina Prelestnaya: Of course, Pike. (The pike swims away) And Emelya and I will play. Let's play, shall we? What is the most popular pastime on earth?

Emelya: Popular? So this is... fishing!

Marina Prelestnaya: What?! How dare you mention fishermen in Marina Prelestnaya’s house!

Emelya: So what?! Fishermen are, one might say, water orderlies. They catch only the most greedy and slow-witted fish, which cannot even teach the fry anything useful. Come on, little mermaid girls, take a fishing rod and run along the bank! And you guys will be fishermen, try to catch at least one fish.

FNG: background for the game

Emelya: Well, fishermen, what's the catch? Show? And who is the happiest fisherman, who got a goldfish, come to us (takes the fish) You will fulfill the desire of Marina Prelestnaya. What do you want?

Marina Prelestnaya: But I want a fun dance.

Emelya: Will be done! (to mermaids) Come on, beauties. Show the lucky one how fun it is to dance here ( viewers) And we will clap for the performers, but for a reason (shows) Well, shall we try?

FNG: Music. Fragment, dance game (motif like Emelin’s dance???)

Emelya: Well done boys! And well done, lucky guy.

Marina Prelestnaya: Here's to you for your efforts (presents a prize) return to yours. And now (sits down) tell me a fairy tale, Emelyushka.

Emelya: What kind of fairy tale is this?

Marina Prelestnaya: Which one, which one?! Something more interesting, more detailed, and faster.

FNG: background for a fairy tale

Emelya: Once upon a time there lived a king...

Marina Prelestnaya: Who, who...?

Emelya: Well, like your water one, only there on earth. And he had a daughter, a beauty.

Marina Prelestnaya: Like me?

Emelya: Yeah, even better.

Marina Prelestnaya: More beautiful than me!

Emelya: Not really! Where is she compared to you, but people liked it. And then one day, an evil witch bewitched her and the beauty fell asleep, and no one could wake her up, not the king’s father, not the princes, not the various princes. And here the beauty lies, sleeping, sleeping..., sleeping..., sleeping...

Emelya:(wakes up) I’m telling you - She’s sleeping... she’s sleeping... the beauty.

Marina Prelestnaya: This is what I understand: how much sleep can you have?

Emelya: And the beauty fell asleep for 100 years. And only a hundred years later the prince arrived and woke her up with a kiss.

Marina Prelestnaya: Oh what a wonderful story! Emelya! Let's play a fairy tale! To the sleeping beauty! I'm beautiful, I'm sleeping!

(Lies on a stone, closes his eyes, snores)

Emelya: Beauties don't snore.

Marina Prelestnaya: Yeah, I got it. (falls silent, Emelya yawns, wants to lie down) How long will the prince be gone?

Emelya: So 100 years.

Marina Prelestnaya: Well, imagine that 100 years have passed. You are a prince, go wake me up properly.

Emelya, hesitatingly, approaches Marina and kisses her loudly on the cheek.

Marina Prelestnaya:(jumps up and slaps Emelya in the face) How dare you, serf, kiss the king's daughter! ( Crying)

Emelya: K what a beauty you are after that!?

Marina Prelestnaya: Oh, am I not beautiful? (cries even more)

Emelya: No, she’s a beauty, but she’s not sleeping, but this one is not laughing, and you can’t wake her up, but you need to make her laugh!

Marina Prelestnaya: Well, make me laugh.

Emelya: I'll try. The verse is funny.

A little boy went fishing

I took dynamite and...

(Marina Prelestnaya rises and looks menacingly at Emelya)

Oh no, this one isn't very funny. Oh, another one remembered! Somehow the mermaid got entangled in the net... Which isn't funny either? Here's another funny one. At night a dead man was running around the cemetery...

Marina Prelestnaya: Yes, it’s not enough to execute you for your humor! Pike! The pike is wonderful! This Emelya... (runs away)

Emelya: Well, I'm completely lost. I can’t cope with the water brethren myself. There is no one to look for help... although.. a fairy tale! Fairy tale, honey, can you hear me?

Emelya: Help me, fairy tale, I'm completely confused.

Emelya: Well, then send someone to help, Ilya Muromets or some Svyatogor the hero!

Emelya: Well, at least someone, please!

FNG: background for witchcraft

ZTM, play of light

Baba Yaga stands in the middle of the stage.

B.Ya.: Oh, why am I walking through the forest - suddenly water! Fairy tale! What kind of jokes are these?

Emelya: Varvara Egorovna, it was me, I asked you to save me from these water monsters, they want to execute me.

B.Ya.: So what are you waiting for! Give me your hand, let's run.

Emelya: I cant. I was bewitched by a buffoon at the behest of a pike to Marina Prelestnaya until the end of my days. This is all a wonderful pike.

B.Y: Clearly, I got to the stove. This is how to abuse magic!

Marina Prelestnaya and Pike run in with a sword in their hands.

Pike: Get ready, Emelya, now I’ll take it all out on you! (Begins to sharpen the sword on the stone).

FNG: sharpening sound

Marina Prelestnaya: Well, the offender, he jumped.... Oh, Varvara Egorovna, hello, did you also fall through the ice?

B.Ya.: Something like that!

Marina Prelestnaya: Don’t be upset, now we’ll let you out onto land, only we’ll deal with this villain.

B.Ya.: What's wrong with Emelya?

Marina Prelestnaya: Yes! For insulting my royal dignity, for the black humor with which he almost tortured me to death.

B.Y: Clear. That means he made an attempt on your life. How did you say he ended up with you?

Marina Prelestnaya: First it fell through the ice, and then the wonderful Pike gave it to me for the New Year.

B.Ya.: The pike, you say, gave it, this coincidence is not accidental. There is evidence of a crime.

Pike:(stops sharpening the sword) What are you hinting at, Egorovna?


B.Ya.: And the fact that you, wonderful Pike, are an accomplice in the attack on the honor and dignity, and most importantly, the life of Marina Prelestnaya!

Pike: Why is that?

B.Ya.: Think for yourself, your fish head! Did you give this villain, who almost tortured Marina Prelestnaya?

Pike: Well, I.

B.Ya.: So you're in cahoots with him. You wanted to replace Marina in Vodyanoy’s absence, are you aiming for her place?

Marina Prelestnaya: Pike, wonderful! How could you?

Pike: Yes, I don’t throw anywhere, I don’t know how to throw anything except caviar. I wish Marinochka nothing but the best! I didn’t know that he would turn out to be such an evil person. I wanted to punish him for doing this to me!

B.Y: Yeah! This means that she has planned a double crime: not only Marina the Charming, but also Emelya from the world, oo-oo-bloodthirsty. When Vodyanoy returns, we will give you a fair trial and punishment. So what is your punishment for this crime? (rummaging in a mortar, sorting through books) So, the Constitution of the Russian Federation is not that, Human Rights, the law of gravity. ABOUT! Code of Laws of the Underwater Kingdom! (flips through) An attempt on the life of the head of the underwater kingdom and those close to him is punishable...

Pike: (indignantly, interrupts) Have mercy!

B.Ya.: This is what you will say to Vodyanoy at the trial!

Pike: What court!? What assassination attempt?! What nonsense?!

FNG: for witchcraft

Play of light

Pike: At the behest of the pike, at my wish, let everyone forget about this annoying misunderstanding!

B.Ya.: Same thing!

Marina Prelestnaya: (as if waking up) Varvara Egorovna! By what fate did you fall through the ice?

B.Ya.: No, I came to you to invite you to a magical holiday to the main Christmas tree, and to Santa Claus. He is waiting for you.

Marina Prelestnaya: Where is it, the main Christmas tree?

B.Ya.: In a magical forest, on the border of the old and new years. Well, I brought you Emelya a guide. He will take you there.

Emelya: Varvara Egorovna, what about you? Come with us. It's more fun in company.

B.Ya.: Yes, I don’t deserve, for now, a bright future. I still have to re-educate and re-educate. Go ahead, young people! There's only so much time left! Goodbye...

Pike: Maybe we'll see you again! With coming!

(Disperse in different directions)

The curtain closes

FNG: Heroes Theme

Ivan Tsarevich and Cinderella come to the forefront

Cinderella: Ivan, how far is it from the border? I have no more strength! My legs are aching from walking and, to be honest, I’m cold and hungry, and would love to have a cup of hot coffee and a croissant right now. Let's stop, take a break, have a snack.

Ivan Tsarevich:(stops) Okay, I’ve persuaded you, let’s make a stop. But about croissants it’s more complicated. Here in Russia they don’t grow on Christmas trees, even in a magical forest. If only we’ll sing an appetizing song for you. Guys, you will help me. I’ll start singing a line, and you, together with Cinderella, finish it in rhyme. Do you know what rhyme is? Well, for example: a cat is a window, love is a carrot. Frost and sun - a wonderful day, you are still dozing, dear friend. I hope it’s clear, so, a delicious song!

FNG: The song is delicious

Video for the portal

One day a funny penguin

I went into a small store.

A cheerful little penguin came into the store,

I bought a pancake with condensed milk.

One cute little pig

I went into a small restaurant.

Our cute little boar came into the restaurant,

I bought myself some tea……. A glass.

One of my familiar dragons

I bought myself a donut at the bakery.

My good friend bought a dragon

Sweet donut with raisins.

Penguin, dragon, pig

The three of us sat down on the sofa.

The penguin ate a pancake, the boar ate a donut,

The little dragon ate it with tea... glass

Ivan Tsarevich: Well, great, well done, bravo, bravo! How do you like the appetizing song?

Cinderella: Amazing! It’s just a pity that her hunger cannot be satisfied and her fatigue cannot be relieved.

Ivan Tsarevich: Oh, how weak you are, Cinderella, it’s immediately obvious that you’re a foreigner, not like our beauties: if you want, they’ll stop a galloping horse and walk into a burning hut.

Cinderella: Yes, a hut would be nice right now, even a burning one, at least we could warm ourselves by the fire.

Ivan Tsarevich: Okay, I’ve persuaded you, let’s come and visit. Little Gorynych lives nearby. We'll warm up there and...

Cinderella: Wait, Tsarevich, Gorynych - is this your local three-headed dragon?

Ivan Tsarevich: Well, yes.

Cinderella: He will eat us.

Ivan Tsarevich: Who? Is Gorynych the younger?

Cinderella: Younger - older, what a difference!

Ivan Tsarevich: Well, don't tell me! To his brothers I would even be afraid death penalty I didn’t go, but believe me, there is no threat to this, don’t be afraid. Stop shaking! In the end, I asked for it, I’m hungry, I’m thirsty, my legs are buzzing. His cave is not far from here.

Cinderella: Ivanushka, I'm afraid.

Ivan Tsarevich: Don't be afraid, he's not as scary as they make him out to be in books.

(Knock on the curtain)

FNG: Knock

Ivan Tsarevich: Stone, stone turn around

Open the entrance to the cave

FNG: at the opening of the curtain like in Ali Baba

(Cinderella and Ivan Tsarevich go down the steps)



FNG: To the tune of “18 Birches” Song of Gorynych

    An old grotto, the smoldering light of the torch,

Small claws and weak wing,

They say I’m not real Gorynych,

It's bad when you're unlucky with your growth.

I want to forget.

    My brothers fly in the skies,

Their mouths spew out flames and smoke.

Give me Corvalol, they say it's useful,

So as not to fall into depression from sadness.

I want to forget.

Why was I born into the world too vertically challenged, freak!?

Believe me, being a Gorynych and not being able to fly is not easy, yes, yes!

    I look in the mirror: I’m like everyone else with three heads,

I ate porridge and even did a horizontal bar.

I hung on it, ate raw carrots,

Everything is useless, I want to howl like a wolf and hide in a hole.

Cinderella: And really, not scary at all.

Ivan Tsarevich: What did I say?! Give me your hand, let's go! (to Gorynych) Hello, Gorynych! As a young life?!

Z.G: 1 Who is this?

2 What is this?

3 Nanny!

In chorus Strangers in the room! (hides in the corner)

Nanny: I'm running, my little one! I'm running, my dear! Who hurt my child? (Gorynych points his paw at Ivan - Tsarevich and Cinderella) Fathers! What kind of uninvited guests are these?!

Ivan Tsarevich: Let me introduce myself…

Nanny:(interrupting) I don't allow it! And don't come close! Have you had a flu shot? What about bronchitis? From scarlet fever? From diphtheria? Why without a cotton gauze bandage? Winter! Epidemic! They walk around here, cough, trample, and create unsanitary conditions! (to Gorynych) Come to me, my dear, don’t be afraid, I won’t let them hurt you! (Gorynych approaches the nanny, puts his head on her chest, she caresses him) Look, what are you up to, hurting the little ones!

Cinderella:(Takes a step towards Nanny and Gorynych) Yes, we didn’t even think of offending anyone...

Nanny: Don't come any closer, you idiot! What are you complaining about?!

Ivan Tsarevich: We walked along a long road to the border...

Nanny: (interrupts, imitates) Oh, a long way! Gorynyushka, why are you letting all sorts of tramps in?! I specifically covered the entrance with a pebble when I went to get you some milk.

Z.G: 1 It's not me!

2 It's not us!

In chorus It's all them, these tramps, these rascals!

Ivan Tsarevich: How dare you, the king’s son, call me bad names, and even in the presence of a foreign guest!

Nanny:(changing tone) Oh, Ivanushka or what, Tsarevich?! Sorry, I didn’t recognize it right away! Years... years... Memory is not the same. And what kind of beauty is this? Vasilisa or what?

Cinderella: I am Cinderella, not Vasilisa!

Nanny: Well, sorry, I didn’t admit it. I've never seen you before! And I’m old, my eyes are bad. Why aren’t your feet shallow!? They've shaken up the snow here, made it damp, what business do you have to come to us for?

Ivan Tsarevich: Yes, just warm up, yes...

Nanny: Well, is that all? We've warmed up, I hope, go where you were going, but it's time for Gorynyushka to rest, take her vitamins, take her temperature, drink milk, we have no time for you, in general!

FNG: Nanny's song to the tune of Zemfira "Do you want"

    Gorynushka, drink milk, still warm, steamy.

And quickly lie down on your side with a blanket, I’ll cover you.

Eat this vitamin

Here's a little mustard plaster for the back,

I'd like to take the temperature,

And sleep peacefully.

    Put on your socks, or you'll catch cold on your paws.

Oh, how it blows, even though the windows are narrow, bring me three hats.

The temperature is normal,

Drink this mixture.

Everyone sit still and be quiet!

Don't disturb your sleep!

(The backup dancers run away, Nanny remains with Gorynych, drives away the flies, tucks in the blanket, etc., etc.)

Cinderella: Well well! One name - Serpent Gorynych.

Ivan Tsarevich: And you were afraid, I told you there was no danger.

Nanny: Our main danger is you, uninvited guests. They came, scared Gorynyushka, made a mess, he’ll catch a cold, my little one will get sick, he’s so weak. (Gorynych tries to get up, Nanny puts him down) Sleep, sleep, my child, they, such old women, upset you, it’s okay, now the nanny will drive them away!

Cinderella: But in my opinion, the main danger to Gorynyushka is you, your over-caring nanny.

Nanny: Why are you saying this! Yes, I have been nannying him since birth, I love him like my own son, I know all his cracks and chronic diseases. (Gorynych tries to get up) Sleep, sleep, my joy, look, they, the bad ones, do not let you rest. Sleep, my baby!

Cinderella: And I think that his health is fine. And stop coddling him and calling him a baby! That's probably why he didn't grow up!

(Gorynych jumps off the bench, the nanny throws a blanket over his shoulders)

Nanny: Where are you, my dear, if you catch a cold, let me fix my scarf.

Z.G.: 1. No way, nanny.

2,3 We ourselves!

Ivan Tsarevich: Well done! And say that more often. (to Cinderella) And I see that your lesson benefited him.

Nanny: Don’t listen to them, Gorynyushka, they will teach you bad things!

Cinderella:(tears off the blanket from Gorynych) And stop wrapping him up, maybe that’s why his wings haven’t grown. Listen, Gorynyushka, you are an adult, strong, beautiful snake. Stop drinking the medicine, open the window, it’s smelly here. Do some sports. There are such mountains around - skiing - this will be the right choice. And also, how old are you, Gorynych?

Z.G.: 176

Cinderella: To be honest, at your age you don’t need a nanny, but friends!

Ivan Tsarevich:(claps) Bravo, Cinderella, what a speech!

Nanny: Yes, I will drive you both out of here with a filthy broom for this speech!

Z.G.: 1. Don't you dare, nanny

2. They're absolutely right

3. If it weren't for you, our fate might have turned out completely differently.

Nanny: Of course, 150 years ago you would have fallen off a stool and broken your neck, all 3 of them.

Z.G.: 1. What a stool!

2. You forbade us from climbing to such a height!

Nanny: But all the necks are intact. And you grew up without a single bruise or injury. Not a single extra tear was shed.

Cinderella: And I didn’t gain any life experience. They raised you like a mimosa in a botanical garden. Centuries will pass, you will become old, you will look back on your life - but there is nothing to remember! No family, no children, no adventures! Just drops for a runny nose and fleece socks. Let's go, Ivan Tsarevich, I can't be here, my heart is breaking with pain and pity!

Ivan Tsarevich: Be there, Gorynych, don’t cough. With coming! I wish to perform at least one real manly act.

(getting ready to leave)

Z.G.: 1. What is this!

2. Who do they take us for?

3. Yes I!

1. Yes we are!

In chorus. Yes we are!

(At Gorynych’s cry, nurses run out, some with a heating pad, some with a thermometer, some with drops, trying to provide medical assistance to Gorynych)

2. Stop treating me!

Nanny: Gorynushka, my treasure.

Z.G.: 3. Stop babying me!

In chorus: We are an adult healthy snake!

      We know how to put on our own socks

      And lace up your shoes

In chorus: We don’t need nannies!

(Everyone “Ah!” Silent scene, everyone looks at Nanny)

Nanny: Gorynushka, my dear!

Z.G.: 1. Don't come near us!

2. We don't need you!

3. We need friends, skis, discos and...

1. And you should have been kicked out a long time ago!

Nanny: Gorynyushka, how can this be?

Z.G.: 1. And don’t contradict us, we are adults!

2. We ourselves have a mustache!

3. Leave!

Nanny: Take care of yourself, Gorynyushka! (trots backstage, crying)

Z.G.: (to nurses) 1. And you're all fired! Away! (nurses run away)

3. In general, we will now hire a fitness instructor and a ski coach.

Cinderella: And a personal tutor. Maybe he will teach you how to behave.

Z.G.: 2. We agree.

1. So you will be our personal tutor.

Cinderella: If only it weren't so! I won't stay with you!

Z.G.: 1 . And if you don’t stay, then we’ll eat your friend, the Tsarevich, right now!

Ivan Tsarevich: What a turn of events! Wow! Actually, when I spoke about a man’s action, I meant something else.

Z.G.: 1. What is the demand from us?

2. We're rude

3. Uneducated

In chorus: spoiled!

Ivan Tsarevich: Cinderella, honey! But we are here because of you. Well, you were the one wailing, I want to eat, I want to drink, I want to warm myself... You will have to answer for your actions.

Cinderella: Are you really going to leave me here, Ivanushka?

Ivan Tsarevich: Will you really allow Gorynych to eat me in the name of your salvation? Well? Can I go?..... I wish you good luck in the difficult teaching field. (about to leave) Oh, I almost forgot. Gorynych, do you have a pen and paper?

Z.G.: 1. We have everything! (points)

Ivan Tsarevich:(writes quickly) Sign here that we helped you change your life for the better, for which you are very grateful to us.

(Gorynych signs)

Ivan Tsarevich: Well, happy to stay. Cinderella, honey! What kind of sadness? You saved my life! She accomplished the feat! You are hero! Your descendants will be proud of you, and the younger generation will be educated by your example...

Cinderella:(interrupts) Listen, go already, otherwise you’ll be late for the holiday.

Ivan Tsarevich: Happy Stay!


Z.G.: 1. Well, Cinderella, begin your education lesson.

2. We are ready!

3. I would like to quickly catch up.

1. Remember, so to speak, the gaps in education and upbringing.

Cinderella: Zhe ne ve pa! (I don't want)

Z.G.: Didn't understand!

Cinderella: Still would! It's in French.

Z.G.: And you teach me French so that I can understand what’s what.

Cinderella: Yes, you don’t even understand simple truths in your native language, and then teach me French.

Z.G.: 1. Just try, we are capable

2. we are talented

3. we will try!

Cinderella: Okay, I’ll try, just don’t listen to everything carefully

FNG: Educational song

Cinderella: You left me by force,

This is bad, let it go.:

And I'll tell you with a smile

“Oh, Gorynyushka, merci!”

Z.G.: Word so strange,

What does it mean, explain

Cinderella: Well, in your opinion - “thank you”

And in our opinion - “merci”.

Z.G.: Yeah, that’s what it means, like in French “thank you” - “mercy”. I remember, move on.

Cinderella: They make all the mistakes

But don't be sad about it.

Realized that he did something wrong

Explain what you will do.

Z.G.: I’ll ask for forgiveness quickly,

I will bow to the ground.

Cinderella: Apology in French

This is how they sound - “Sorry”!

Z.G.: I understand, if you want to ask for forgiveness, you need to say “Pardon.” Learned it. Let's continue the lesson.

Cinderella: Yes, in refined manners

I can teach you all my life.

Only standards of behavior

It's very difficult to explain.

Z.G.: What are the norms? Honestly,

I can't figure it out.

Cinderella: Always put yourself in your place

The way you want to act.

Z.G.: Like this?

Cinderella: Well, imagine that you are me, and I am you, and I am holding you captive, forcing you to teach me, and not letting you go home.

Z.G.: Yes, I’m in your place, I grabbed you with my claws and pulled you with my teeth.

Cinderella: Here you see! And I have neither teeth nor claws. I couldn't resist you. Therefore, as a weak person, I am forced to submit to your will.

Z.G.:...So we behaved like a real monster?

Cinderella: Even worse, but what can I take from you? You are ill-mannered and uneducated.

Z.G.: 1.No

2. We have already corrected ourselves and re-educated ourselves.

3. We're letting you go!

Cinderella: Alone, through the winter forest, and I don’t even know the roads in your area! Me too, gentleman.

Z.G.: And we'll take you, where do you want to go?

Cinderella: Towards the border of the old and new years.

Z.G.: So it’s just a stone’s throw away.

(B.Ya. enters, pulling the nanny by the hand)

Z.G.: Nanny!

B.Y: Come, sit down, dear, I found her in the forest, half dead, frozen. What are you thinking, you scoundrel! Drive away a man who served faithfully all his life! Guys, do you know how Gorynych got a nanny? His father, Gorynych-Grozny, demanded the most beautiful girl from the city as a sacrifice. Yes, he didn’t eat it right away, he brought it to the cave. The gorynyushka had not yet hatched from the egg. And then a pound-sized pebble fell off the arch and right onto the egg, the girl noticed and rushed to catch the stone. In general, if it weren’t for her, the egg would have been soft-boiled. And so Gorynyushka was born from a cracked egg. So her father, Gorynych, did not eat, but left her as a nanny with the little snake. Yes, she didn’t have her own life! Only this cave, and you, snake, warmed on its chest. Kicked out an old man to certain death without a pension or severance pay. I wish I could kick your ears, it’s a pity they didn’t grow on you.

Z.G.: 1. Varvara Egorovna, we realized our mistake a long time ago.

2. Thank you, Cinderella, for bringing some sense into us.

3. Nanny! Forgive us if you can

In chorus: Now we will carry you in our arms for the rest of our lives.

Nanny: What are you doing, Gorynyushka!

B.Ya.: Rather than making heroic promises, do a real good deed. Take your nanny and Cinderella to the border of the old and new years. They, for their kindness, deserve a bright future. Look - and you will be counted.

Cinderella: What about you, Varvara Egorovna?

B.Ya.: But I don’t have a certificate, my nose hasn’t grown and my face doesn’t come out. So happy upcoming.

All: Goodbye Egorovna! Maybe we'll see each other!

(The heroes go backstage, B.Ya. remains on the front stage)

B.Ya.: Here you go. Soon the lights on the tree will light up. The path to the new year will open and all the good ones will go to a bright future. But I was never able to re-educate myself, I didn’t keep my word, I didn’t do a single heap of good deeds.

(Ivan Tsarevich appears from behind the scenes, humming)

Ivan Tsarevich: Oh, Varvara Egorovna, what a meeting!

B.Ya.: The second one this day.

Ivan Tsarevich: In terms of?

B.Y: Well, you asked what meeting, I answer – the second one. We saw each other just now in a forest clearing, only you weren’t alone then - you were with friends.

Ivan Tsarevich: Oh, Varvara Egorovna, you like to confuse the conversation, so what? How are things going with the certificates? Where are the three piles of good deeds?

B.Ya.: And you? You are the first to show your certificates.

Ivan Tsarevich: Yes, please, one, two, three, and this is not counting the natural right to a bright future. Your turn.

B.Ya.:(begins to rummage fussily in the mortar) so where do I have them? tidied up, I hid them away, otherwise you never know, there are a lot of people here... looking for information.

Ivan Tsarevich: Everything is clear with you, Varvara Egorovna. Apparently, it’s not the fate of the dark past to meet the bright future... Oh, what’s that behind you? It seems the certificate fell out... Ha-Ha-Ha... Stay happy!


B.Ya.: Eh, what a shame. And where did this dandy get the certificate? People! People! I have never asked you for help. Don't leave Varvara Egorovna in trouble. Help! Let me do a good deed for you! How can I help you? (Goes into the hall, improvisation) This means, therefore, it is not my destiny to see tomorrow with my own eyes. Well, I’ll go unnoticed to the border, at least from a distance I’ll admire the Christmas tree and the main wizard with the Snow Maiden.



FNG: Solemn New Year's music

(D.M. stands by the Christmas tree, Snow Maiden runs up)

Snow Maiden: They're coming! They're coming, Grandfather!

D.M.: I see, granddaughter, I see, dear!

(The heroes emerge from different sides and the radio room in threes: Gorynych, Nanny, Cinderella; Emelya, Shchuka and Marina Prelestnaya; Kashchei, Pelageya and Elena the Beautiful)

ALL: Father Frost! Snow Maiden! Hello! How glad we are to meet you! How long have we waited for her!

D.M.: And my granddaughter and I have been dreaming of seeing you for a whole year.

Snow Maiden: Well, grandpa, the cherished moment is coming! It's time to light the lights on the main Christmas tree.

D.M.: You're right, granddaughter...

(Ivan Tsarevich appears from the radio room)

Ivan Tsarevich: Stop! Wait! And what about me! Wow, I was almost late! I have certificates! I am supposed to be the first to be let into a bright future. I tried very hard!

D.M.: Wait, Tsarevich, what kind of certificates?

Ivan Tsarevich: How is this what? I tried to do good deeds and the certificates are evidence of this. They themselves said, we take only the good ones, and let the bad ones remain in the outgoing year.

D.M.: What exactly did he say? Can't be.

Ivan Tsarevich: Yes, of course! (throws the ball at the TV)

The screen lights up, rewind, video of the address from the scene:

“... Let's take all the good things into a bright future, and let all the bad things remain in the past...”

The screen goes dark, everyone laughs at Ivan Tsarevich

Ivan Tsarevich: That’s what Varvara Egorovna said...

D.M.: The fact that Egorovna misheard is excusable at her age! But with these certificates you created a real circus. In pursuit of them, I lost all my friends. And your positive image has faded in our eyes.

Ivan Tsarevich: So you know everything? Father Frost?

D.M.: I know everything, I see everything. And how you behave, and what you think, and what you feel.

Snow Maiden: Oh, grandfather, I feel that in your conversations you forgot about the main magic for which everyone has gathered here. Light up the Christmas tree soon, open the way to the new year 2012.

D.M.: Right now, granddaughter. Come on, friends, step aside! (the heroes go backstage)

FNG: joining the lights

D.M.: Let there be more space near the Christmas tree

Let the lights please your eyes

Let them run, sparkling more quickly,

May the New Year come at this very hour!

(knocks with staff, disappears behind the scenes)

FNG: Lights

Dance of the lights

(at the end of the dance)

D.M.: Welcome to the New Year!

All: Hooray! New Year! New plans! New dreams! New hopes!

Elena the beautiful: Fairy tale? And you are with us for a bright future.

Emelya: Exactly, how did we forget about her?

Cinderella: So are we really going to leave her alone?

Elena the beautiful: No. You can’t do that, Tsarevich, you were the last one to see her, run and look for Varvara Egorovna.

B.Ya.:(comes out of hiding) Why look for me, tea is not a treasured treasure. Here I wanted to admire the lights of the magical holiday at least from afar.

D.M.: Well, hello, Varvara Egorovna, you are welcome in the New Year.

B.Ya.: Me?! So this is me...

Snow Maiden: She's negative, grandpa.

B. Y.: I can’t go into the future without being re-educated.

D. M.: Who told you such nonsense? There are no fairy tales without people like you. Really, guys?! What is a fairy tale without Baba Yaga or the Serpent Gorynych, without Kashchei the Immortal and other wickedness. And without fairy tales, what is the future?

FNG: Final song

Do you remember the moment when they bring in fluffy Christmas tree?

When are the colored balls taken out of the box?

The pattern on the window is dazzling white and thin,

Lights and clocks that always show five minutes?

1 verse.

Fairy tales are knocking on our door,

But we don't hear them.

A miracle appears - we don’t notice

The magical is often considered ordinary

How blind we can be sometimes


Verse 2

A fairy tale will lure us into magical distances,

What is hidden in the vastness of carefree childhood,

And when we grow up, we forget forever,

That true story and fairy tale live next door


And only in the New Year we still believe

That the fairy-tale world opens doors for us

We, of course, know what Santa Claus is.

And we dream of meeting the real him again

And New Year's snow will return hope to us,

We believe in the best, we dream as before.

The fairy tale will spin us around in a dashing round dance,

Hurry up and smile at each other, friends, Happy New Year!



“How Ivan was looking for the New Year”

(based on the fairy tale by V. Shukshin “Until the third roosters”)

2005 year.


Ivan- retired epic hero

Marya– the artist is his wife

Baba Yaga- the evil spirits of local forests

Baba Yaga's daughter- a girl with a mustache.

Dragon- groom of Baba Yaga's daughter.

Father Frost.

Snow Maiden.

/An announcer’s voice is in the background of a Russian folk melody/

Somewhere in a fairy forest,

At the fork of three roads

Neither rich nor poor

There was a tower - a tower.

In it, as before, he works

Marya is a mistress of light.

What's a song without a button accordion?

Or lunch without sour cabbage soup?

What is Marya without Ivan?

He, as expected, lived with her.

Jokingly, people called him

Ivan, generally a fool,

He wasn't very old yet

Retired as a hero.


/hut of Marya the Mistress and Ivan the Fool. Ivan enters wearing only felt boots. He holds a sock in his left hand and a mug in his right./

Ivan . Marus, oh Marus!

/Marya is not here yet. From the window you can hear a knock, the crackle of electric welding, and you can see plowing. Marya's voice is heard./

Marya. Well, what do you want?

Ivan. What, what? Where are my dress boots?

Marya. /looks out the window wearing a welding mask/ . Why did you need them this morning? Before the wind, you run away in felt boots.

Ivan. Well, again you’re oppressing my manhood, you’re dragging my reputation into the mud, because it’s already impossible to walk down the street, the little boy doesn’t even allow me to tease him. After all, a demon poked me in the rib a thousand years ago to marry you so smart!

Marya. /Comes out/.Who else is this who married whom? Woe is my onion! Why did you burst into tears? Why did you burst into tears?

Ivan/Humbly/ .I want to eat, Marusenka.

Marya. Well, just say so, otherwise you’ve taken the whole hut here – it’s already slimy to walk around.

/Marya sets the table, Ivan takes the balalaika and begins to howl ./

Ivan. I'll tell you, bro,

About your troubles:

How I fought with the villains...

Marya. How I fell off the stove the other day!


Ivan. Hey Marusya!

Marya. What about me!? 2 times

Ivan. Looks like it's going to be hot.

2. Ivan. I once fought with Koschey

Helped Vasilisa out.

Marya I waved my club

You shouted to me from the tree.

3. Ivan. We grappled with the three-headed one

On the Kalinov bridge...

Marya I cut his head off

And you pushed them into the river.

4. Ivan. We suffered many disasters

We are from Grandma Yaga...

Marya I had to fight with my grandmother

You ate all the pies.

5. Ivan. As I entered the village...

Everyone came running to listen to me.

Marya. Ekov is a nice fellow.

Regarding food!

6.Ivan. I have a difficult life

Many feats, friends,

Marya Not a single one, to tell the truth,

Couldn't get by without me.

Ivan. Melancholy has overcome me, Marusenka. No glorious deeds for you, no heroic deeds for you... even if Koschey stole Vasilisa.

Marya. I came to my senses, she married him a long time ago.

Ivan. How?!

Marya. Yes, that's it! You should be more careful. She herself is... Artisan, Kulibin is a homemade artist! What did you promise to make from our tablecloth?

Marya. Well, the tablecloth is self-assembled.

Ivan. And I made a tablecloth - a self-destruction! /Picks up a tablecloth with a large burnt hole from the table./

Marya. Well, even an old woman can have a blast!

Ivan. Where are my dress boots!?

Marya. I made boots out of them - walkers! But it’s not my fault that you didn’t have time to jump into them.

Ivan. Where is my heroic armor?

Marya. Into space, into orbit!

Ivan. What else is this for!?

Marya. So that the TV shows it better.

Ivan. What TV? We haven't had one for a long time!

Marya. We'll buy it.

Ivan. I'll buy it with you.

/The phone rings. Marya picks up the phone and talks./

Marya. Vanyusha, get ready, wash, get dressed! The matter fell on us national importance. To meet distinguished guests, but not to lose face. You can't get by with just sauerkraut here. We need to run to Vasilisa the Wise for some red caviar and some hunting sausages...

Ivan. Don't make a fuss, just tell me who's going where?

Marya. From the overseas state, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are inviting us. New Year is just around the corner!

Ivan. Go! Well, look! Marus, how are they greeted nowadays?

Marya. Eh, Vanya, what would you do without me?

/Song to the tune of “Bite – Dritte”. Soundtrack of a rocket falling. Ivan falls, shouting “Air,” and hides under Marya’s skirt./

Ivan. Are you saying that it was my armor that flew through?

Marya. No, it will be too early.

/radio turns on/

“From the fabulous information bureau. To all the heroes, Ivans - princes, Ivans - fools and the like. Emergency message. Rocket number 2005 with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden on board lost its course and made an emergency landing in the area of ​​a fairytale forest near nasty swamps, where there is a sharp turn. We repeat, but by the way, there’s no point in chatting, because it’s clear that we need to save.”

Marya. Well, Vanyusha, you too have found something to do with sadness - to dispel sadness. Get ready, quickly.

Ivan. And where would I be without my dress boots and armor!

Marya. Don't drift Vanya! If I weren’t Marya, a mistress! /Puts a child’s potty on Ivan instead of a helmet, and hangs a lid from it on his chest instead of a shell./

Eh, why not a hero! And where are my seventeen years!? Go ahead, Vanya, great things await us, and in my thoughts I am with you.

/Ivan leaves the hut to the solemn march/


/Edge of the forest. Baba Yaga appears in combat camouflage ./

Yaga /by radio/ Leshy, hello, Leshy, hello! A mosquito gored you, are you sleeping or what? Well, that's it, godson! Ready? Look at me there. Santa Claus and his Snow Maiden will splash into your swamp any minute, readiness number one! Are the kikimors in place? What!? I sent you on a mission to commit villainy, and they are playing around with goodies! Now everything is in place! Eh, Lekha, Lekha!

/Rocket hum. Yaga shoots from a fairy-tale cannon. Phonogram of a falling plane./

Well, okay, my son-in-law Gorynych will have a wedding present: a natural Santa Claus, a tender Snow Maiden and a thick layer of chocolate. Unique and refined taste. /Grabs the walkie-talkie/ Leshik, al-le, Leshik, have you got it? Oh, well done - scoundrels, it means this:

To lure into the dense forest,

Turn into a stump with snags,

But no torment

Wait for further instructions.

….Who!? Ivashka - a homespun shirt? Well, I’ll deal with him myself, Grandma Hedgehog’s tea is a bone leg!


/Baba Yaga's hut. Ivan enters cautiously./

Ivan. Is there anybody here?

Yaga. Oh, and who are you?

Ivan. So that's it. Ivan is a fool. I'm going to look for Father Frost and Snow Maiden. I don’t know where to find them.

Yaga. Specifically. Why do you need them?

Ivan. Ah-ah-ah... I don’t know either.... Sent.

Yaga. Ah-ah-ah... well, then take a rest from the road. Do you want some?

Ivan. Yes, I wouldn't refuse. Who else lives with you?

Yaga. Daughter. She will soon marry Zmey Gorynych. What about you, are you a fool? Are you really a fool?

Ivan. Like this?

Yaga. Well, are you a complete fool or did they call you that in the heat of the moment? Sometimes he gets annoyed and shouts: “Oh, you fool!” people are used to: fool, fool, but you’re not a fool at all, just simple-minded?

Ivan. I don’t understand, where are you going with this?

Yaga. But I can see it in your eyes: you’re not a fool, you’re just simple-minded. As soon as I saw you, I immediately realized: “Oh, what a talented guy!” Or did you completely believe that you were a fool?

Ivan. I didn't believe anything! How can I believe in myself that I am a fool?

Yaga. What am I telling you? these are the people, huh? Have you ever been involved in construction?

Ivan. Well, how? With my father and brothers we cut down towers. And why do you need it?

Yaga. Understand! I want to build myself a cottage. I’ve already brought in the materials, but there’s no one to build it. Won't you take it?

Ivan. I need to find Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Yaga. Why do you need them? If you build a cottage, they will see it. All sorts of guests come to me, they see and immediately: “Who did it?” Ivan did... Do you hear it? Glory will spread throughout the forest.

Ivan. What about Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, they won’t let me back without her.

Yaga. So what?

Ivan. How? Where am I going?

Yaga. You will be a stoker at the cottage. When you build, plan a room in the basement... Warm, quiet, no worries. The guests upstairs were bored... where? Let's go to Ivan to listen to different stories, and you lie to them more, different cases tell me. I will take care of you, and I will call you Ivanushka.

Ivan. Oh, you old hag! Look, what a net you have set! She will call her Ivanushka. And I will bend my hump for you? Do you want to lead me astray and ruin people’s holiday?!

Yaga. Ahh, now I understand who I’m dealing with! Malingerer, rogue, type! Do you know what we are doing with this one!? Let's fry!

/Yaga begins to conjure. Unknown forces are pulling Ivan into the oven./

Ivan. Hey grandma, stop joking, stop making me angry!

Yaga. Oh oh oh! Last time I ask: are you going to build a cottage? And don’t do any nonsense - look for Frosts and Snow Maidens.

Ivan. Damn you! Scarecrow garden…. Hair is growing in your nose.

Yaga. Scoundrel. Ham! Into the oven!

Ivan. I hear it from a boor! Echidna! Not only is there hair growing in your nose, you have fur on your tongue! Parasite!

Yaga. Into the fire! Into the fire!

Ivan. I won't burn in the fire, hag! So, I go boldly!

/Phonogram of an approaching car. Baba Yaga's Daughter comes out singing./

/To the tune of the song “White Mercedes”/

In a dense dark forest

On a white Mercedes

In a green hat with a pink feather,

Little by little, Aunt Ezhka was riding,

Pulling someone's car around the corner.

Little by little, Aunt Ezhka wanted

Snatch a few minutes from life

Half the forest will understand her,

After all, life, alas, is not a play,

Where witches just dance and sing!

With a hat, with a car,

And with a brooch on his chest.

Let the skirt in the web-

With a slit in the front!

The exciting cut attracts the devils!

Eh! I'd like to go to the sea -

And to hell with this forest! 2 times.

Daughter of Yaga. Fu Fu Fu! It smells like Russian spirit. Who is here?

Yaga. Dinner! Hehehehe!

Yaga's daughter. What are you? Laughs like this... I ask, who's here?

Yaga. We're frying Ivan.

Yaga's daughter. Yah! Oh, what a surprise!

/Daughter looks into the stove./

Ivan. /Laughing from the oven/. Oh, I can't! I won’t die from fire, from laughter!

Daughter Yagi. What is this? What is he doing?

Yaga. Laughs. What are you? Hey!

Ivan. Oh, I'll die of laughter, oh, I won't survive!

Daughter Yagi. What an idiot. What are you?

Ivan. Yes, the mustache, the mustache... oh, Lord, but this happens in nature! But what about you and your husband... you’re getting married!

Daughter Yagi. Like everyone else!.. What are you doing?

Ivan. Yes, a mustache!

Daughter of Yaga. Where are you going with this, fool? What do you want with my future husband?

Ivan. Yes, of course! He’ll kiss you in the dark, and he’ll think: “Damn those! A soldier is not a soldier. A woman is not a woman." And he will stop loving. Yes, something can a woman with a mustache do!? Well, these witches! They don't understand a damn thing. After all, he won’t live with you, with a mustache. Otherwise he’ll take his head and bite it off out of spite, I know these Gorynychs.

Daughter of Yaga. Come on, get out.

Ivan. Well warmed up!

Yaga. So what do you advise us? With a mustache?

Ivan. What …. You need to trim your mustache if you want to improve your family life.

Yaga's daughter. But how to mix it - how?

Ivan. Yaga, I’ll tell you how, and you’ll throw me, I mean, into the oven.

Yaga. We won’t throw you away, Vanyusha, we’ll let you go on all four sides, just tell me how to get rid of the mustache.

Ivan. It’s not easy, it needs to be done…

Daughter of Yaga. So do it!

Ivan. Do it, do it... And when will I look for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden? I need to be back for the New Year.

Yaga. Listen. Let's do this: you pull your mustache, and I give you my broom, and in an instant you will find Frost and his granddaughter.

Daughter of Yaga. Come on quickly, otherwise Gorynych will fly in!

Ivan. Yeah, he’s the one who’s coming...

Yaga's daughter. Well!?

Ivan. It will come in... and devour me right away!

Daughter of Yaga. Yes, he can do that. Why would you come up with something like that?

Yaga. I will say that you are... my nephew! Understood?

Ivan. Understood. Then so. My composition doesn’t work right away...

Daughter of Yaga. Like this!?

Ivan. We will now apply this and apply a mask to the face. So? I’m flying on a broom, looking for Frost and the Snow Maiden, while you lie there with a mask.

Daughter of Yaga. Will you deceive? Ma-a-am!?

Yaga. Just let him try, come back from heaven, the wet spot will remain!

Ivan. Well, the trees are green! Well, what kind of people! Well, what's the matter? Do you want to walk around with a mustache? Walk around with a mustache - it doesn’t matter to me! You tell them the matter, you understand, no, they start here... Do you respect me or not!?

Daughter of Yaga. What does “respect” have to do with it? Speak clearly.

Ivan. No I can not! Well, what kind of people!? Yes, live with a mustache, live! Live as long as you can. Not a woman, but a General - some kind of major. Will there be any children? A son or daughter will reach out with their little hand: “Mom, what do you have?” And when they grow up, they will be teased on the street: “Your mother has a mustache, your mother has a mustache!” Will it be easy for the child? He will burst into tears and go home... To his mustachioed mother.

Yaga's daughter. Enough!!! Build your lineup. What do you want?

Ivan. A handful chicken manure, a handful of warm manure and a handful of soft clay. We put this mask on our face...

Daughter of Yaga. All over your face? How am I going to breathe?

Ivan. Well, what kind of people! Well, nothing is possible...

Yaga's daughter. OK! You can't ask anything.

Ivan. It is forbidden! When the master understands, you can’t ask anything! I repeat: manure, clay, droppings. The mask will have a hole, you will breathe. All!

Yaga. I understood everything, remembered everything, I’m flying. I swoop: one leg is here, the other is already there. Daughter, while you feed Vanya the guest. /To my daughter, no matter what Ivan hears./ Under no circumstances let the fool leave the house, he could ruin our entire wedding surprise.

/Starts the broom like a motorcycle and flies away./

Daughter of Yaga. What, Vanyusha, do you wish? Salad or eggs?

Ivan. Let's get something quick. It's already time...

Daughter of Yaga. You'll have time. We'd rather have eggs. More satisfying. Now I’ll put the frying pan on the fire. It's nice to look after such a man

Ivan. What is it, what, the groom is missing?

Yaga's daughter. Gorynych? Yes, this snake, an attic in a cube, only knows what to educate. He pretends to be a colonel. Either he puts you in the guardhouse, without saying too much, or he forces the drill guys to march around the hut. Such a cudgel! And no affection for you, no tenderness... Yes, all of you, I guess, are like that!

Ivan. Well, don’t compare me with all sorts of snakes!

Yaga's daughter. Are you better?

Ivan. Well... I can show all sorts of tenderness, affection...

Daughter of Yaga. Oh, and can you look after me?

Ivan. Easily.

Daughter of Yaga. And can you kiss?

Ivan. What a surprise, of course!

Daughter of Yaga. Look what you are like! And...can you make a baby too?

Ivan. Why not do it? At least two. Will you be able to do it with him, with the baby? You fuss with them, fuss... you know how much?

Daughter of Yaga. Certainly. I already know how to swaddle. Do you want me to show you?

Ivan. Wow...

Yaga's daughter. You'll see now. Lie down.

Ivan. Why me???

Yaga's daughter. I'll swaddle you. Lie down. / Throws Ivan on the table and begins to swaddle him / My little one, my little son. Come on, smile at mommy, come on. How can we smile? Come on.?

Ivan. Whoa-whoa-whoa! I want some food, I want some food!

Daughter of Yaga. Ah, our little son wanted some food... Well, we swaddled our little one, now we will give him some food. Come on, smile at mommy. Wow!

/ Yaga’s daughter goes into the kitchen, Serpent Gorynych appears in the window./

Gorynych. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, little one, why aren’t you smiling at dad? You smile at mommy, but you don’t want to smile at dad. Come on, smile, come on...

Ivan. I'm not laughing…

Gorynych. Ah-ah-ah! We probably do!? Yes, little one?

Ivan. Yes, I think so.

Gorynych. Mommy! Go quickly, wet son.

/Yaga’s Daughter enters and drops the frying pan in fright/

Gorynych. Well, what about you? Why aren't you happy? Daddy came, and you are sad. They probably don’t like daddy, oh, they don’t like him. They look down on them. Then daddy will eat you, daddy will eat you, with bones. With a mustache!

Daughter of Yaga. My beloved, just understand me correctly! I prepared it for you for breakfast, I wanted to make it a surprise, I think: Gorynych will fly in, and I have something delicious for him... warm, in sheets,

Ivan. Those bastards! They’ll eat it and say that’s how it’s supposed to be, that it’s meant to be! I've made a couple! Ugh! Eat, don't waste time! I curse you! /Gorynych roared and prepared to strike a mortal blow, but at that moment Marya the mistress “flew in like an arrow.”

Marya. ABOUT! Yadrena - Matryona! You've finished the game, you such a bastard! I jumped, swaddled!

Ivan. But I, Marus, made a mistake...

Marya. Okay, onion grief, not for the first time. They didn’t bleed such oglers, but this one... I’ll blow his head off, all three of them. Let's go, how are you? Gorynych! Let's go cuddle. What a mug you have!

Gorynych. What a breakfast I'm having today! Three course meal. Well, let's go, beauty!

Ivan. Just try and touch her!

Marya. Come on, Van, don’t tense up, I’ll be there soon, lie down for now.

/Battle soundtrack sounds/

Daughter of Yaga. Why did he say about three dishes? Did he not believe me? Is he going to eat me too?

Ivan. Otherwise! You'll go like dessert.

/Yaga flies in./

Yaga. What's all the noise and no fight? Here's a bag of manure, here's chicken droppings and a little clay.

Daughter of Yaga. There's no point in this, mommy, he'll eat me up with my mustache

Yaga. Who will eat it?

Yaga's daughter. I'll give you your son-in-law, Gorynych.

Ivan. Yeah, and you, grandma, are cracked like a dried roach. It will add more salt and crackle. Yaga. Oh, bastard! And why did we not please him? I’m giving him, the bastard, my only daughter, my little blood, as a wife! I ruined people's holiday and ruined the New Year!

Ivan. Yes, it’s me who, in a sinful act, kidnapped Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, an old fool, I’d like to please my son-in-law, but that’s how he is.

/Tired Marya, the mistress, enters /

Marya. Healthy guy. I overcame it by force. Well, what are we going to do with you? Send after a friend?

Yaga. Bye-bye-bye, Maryushka, master of light, forgive us, the devil has misled us! We'll return everything to at its best: both grandfather and granddaughter.

Marya. So you kidnapped them?

Ivan. They, Marusya, they! I immediately spotted them...

Marya. There is very little time left until the New Year. Well, lead the way, Grannies are frolickers.


/A fairy-tale meadow near the New Year's tree, Marya, Ivan, Yaga and their daughter appear.

Marya. Well, where are Father Frost and the Snow Maiden?

Yaga. Just a moment, Marusenka, witchcraft is required here.

Ivan. So do magic, don’t be tormented.

Daughter of Yaga. Come on, mommy, shake off the old times, and let's all have fun together.

Yaga. Snow, spin, blizzard, swear,

Let the evil spell go away.

Glorious holiday, begin -

There is so much anticipation for you here.

/Effect. Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear/

Father Frost. Well, friends, it’s a wonderful time!

Snow Maiden. We are very glad to see you!

Father Frost. A wonderful twist in a fairy tale

Gives us a wonderful New Year!

Marya. We wish you happiness and goodness,

Ivan. Laugh in the morning.

Let them say that for no reason...

Daughter of Yaga. No! Frowning is a sign of foolishness!

Yaga. Let's not be angry with each other -

Let's have fun today.

Father Frost. Hey, friends! I'm with you again!

How are you living? Is everyone healthy?

I'm glad to be visiting you now,

What can I give you?

Baba Yaga. I, grandfather, am already old,

Now I want it already

Whatever it came from,

Suddenly a miracle happened!

And I will ask you,

Just one thing, make a miracle.

Daughter of Yaga. Here's what you can do to help us,

Light the miracle tree.

Father Frost. Well, friends, to your request

I will answer only one thing:

That a miracle is not needed here at all, the miracle was done a long time ago!

You have gathered together here,

What a miracle, what a miracle!

Stretch your hands to the tree

And say everyone: “Light up!”

/the tree lights up/

Snow Maiden. The old year is ending

Have a good new year.

We won't be sad

After all, the New One is coming to us!

Let's remember all the good things that happened!

Let's meet all the best that will happen!

Fortune has been shining on us all all year!

And may luck never forget us.

Father Frost. With all my heart I congratulate you, friends,

Happy New Year!

I wish you a Happy New Year!

I wish you a happy New Year!

A year of beautiful weather is coming!

Health and happiness, great luck!

And may all bad weather pass by!

But the main thing is to study and study,

You will need this in your new life!

Snow Maiden. Now when twelve strikes,

New Year is coming to us.

With kind congratulations,

With nice mood,

With a cheerful laugh,

With magical success!

Marya We tried our best

We had as much fun as we could

And now it's time to say goodbye, goodbye, we're off.

Baba Yaga. In these moments of our farewell

To all our dear and dear friends

We say: "See you again"

See you again! We wish you happiness!

Ivan. We are finishing the New Year's ball now,

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you

And to the whole hall, and to everyone personally:

Be healthy, have a great life!

Father Frost. I am Santa Claus, I am a sorcerer,

Great king of nature,

I want my friends now

To congratulate with new Year!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all friends,

All the assembled guests.

I want for the New Year,

Yours to see the round dance.

Can you sing, friends?

Come on, sing for me.

Join the round dance

The music calls to the Christmas tree.

We will sing and dance on the Christmas tree

On this New, New Year.

Scenario for the New Year's holiday for elementary grades "New Year's rumble"


Two Cuckoos are the leaders.


Snow Maiden.

Father Frost.

Six extras.

Vocal group.

Children's New Year's melodies are heard in the hall. The crowd meets the children and forms circles and chains around the tree. A calendar layout is installed on the stage.

A musical signal sounds and Cuckoos appear.

1st cuckoo.

Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

I bring the news!

2nd cuckoo. Kukuku, I'll tell you!

1st cuckoo. Cuckoo? I heard it first!

2nd cuckoo. Cuckoo! I saw it first!

1st cuckoo. Ku! What a mischief you are!

2nd cuckoo. There's a ku-kaya!!! Look at yourself!

1st cuckoo. Well, that's enough, stop cuckooing, otherwise we'll cause trouble. Let's better news Let's cook ours together!


Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

New Year is just around the corner!

1st cuckoo.

On a snowy sleigh

Santa Claus is flying in the dark!

2nd cuckoo.

He harnessed the snowstorm to a sleigh,

And they rush on their own!

1st cuckoo.

Soon, soon it will be here -

In a few minutes!


1. Winter evening came, the stars lit up in the sky,

And the lights came on on the tree.

Three horses ride past white birches,

And in the sleigh, and in the sleigh there is Santa Claus.

New Year is coming to us,

The New Year is coming to us, coming to us. (2 times)

2. Santa Claus decorated the forests and fields,

The ground is covered with white snow.

The sleigh glides quickly, the troika runs dashingly,

Santa Claus is in a hurry to visit us for the holiday.

3. This one fabulous holiday gathered all my friends

Let's sing our songs more joyfully!

We will dance and dance in a circle

And celebrate the New Year at the Christmas tree!

At the end of the song, Shaggy comes out.

Shaggy. So-so! That means celebrating, that means celebrating the New Year, that means this old stump nicknamed “Frost” is coming here again! He doesn't fit in the North! Have you decided to have a party? Will not work! (Whistles - Tops and Brake jump out.)

Brake. You-you-you!

Tops. Did you call?

Brake. Ah-ah-ah-ah!

Tops. What for? Wring someone's head? Or what else is cooler?

Brake. Then sorry, I don’t participate in such operations - that’s how my mother raised me!

About to leave. Botva stops him.

Tops. Brake! Hey, he's overclocked!

Shaggy. Tsits! Let me tell you! Like magpies chatter! There is a case! It’s very important, secret, and if you try to fail me, I’ll fire you!

Brake. Sorry - I got excited! Blunted out without thinking! What, exactly, needs to be done? Can we finish it before lunch? Because I have a routine!

Shaggy. And this is how hard you will try. Let me explain: today I received secret information that Grandpa Frosty is coming here! What does it mean?

Brake and Tops. We don't know! By God we don’t know!

Shaggy. I’ll explain for those who are especially brainy. This means that there will be a holiday and the New Year will come.

Brake. Wow! Holidays are good, I love this thing!

Shaggy. Blockhead! Who will let you come to this holiday? Who needs you!? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? They don't like our bright personality! Give them clean things, but we are not suitable for them!

Brake. Ache, I'm okay!

Tops. And we are not used to holidays - it’s calmer without them!

Shaggy. So, listen! There is a calendar according to which short children count the days, waiting for the New Year. And if this calendar disappears, then they will never be able to spend the old year, much less get into the new one!

Tops. That is, they will be out of business!

Shaggy. You're thinking!

Brake. What do we have to do with it?

Shaggy. You are with me! And so listen to my command! Steal and destroy the calendar!

Brake. And my mother told me that taking without asking is not good!

Shaggy. Right! Only we are bad, we can do it!

Tops. Even necessary!

Brake. It's easy to say.

Shaggy. What? Weak? Lost your qualifications?!

Brake. Why is “weak”, who is “weak”!

Tops. Brake! Don't rattle! Eat! Invented! Brake, follow me \(They leave.)

Shaggy. Great! First we'll deal with the calendar, and then we'll deal with grandpa! (Leaves.)

2nd cuckoo. Oh, peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo! What will happen now?

1st cuckoo. Ku - what? New Year!

2nd cuckoo. But what if they...

1st cuckoo. Don't be afraid, girlfriend! Look how friendly and cheerful our guys are! They will not give Santa Claus offense.

2nd cuckoo. Somehow they are not at all friendly and not cheerful! Cuckoo something...

1st cuckoo. Come on, guys, let's show this crybaby how funny and friendly we are! Let's turn our round dance into a cheerful, nimble train.

There is an explanation of the dance game “Letka-enka”.

1. Jump-jump - in the morning to the meadow,

Jump-jump - a cricket ran out,

And then also jump and jump -

An animal jumped out of a dark hole - a ferret!

Jump and jump - they are in a hurry to catch up with them,

Jump-jump - 10 frogs,

Jump-jump - from branch to flower

A moth flutters next to its friends.

The grasshopper took out the violin,

Although he is very small in stature,

All day and all evening

I composed a letka-enka.

Jump-jump - everyone is jumping around,

Jump and jump - the circle is not too small for them.

The sun is shining over the earth,

Over the entire planet, joyful and young!

2. Jump-jump - over the threshold to us,

Jump-jump - the breeze jumped.

And everyone suddenly started dancing -

It’s not in vain that he brought the tap-hole for us!

Jump-jump - from heel to toe,

Jump-jump - from south to east,

Jump and jump - that's the whole lesson,

We cure melancholy with laughter

In summer and in winter.

If you have nothing to do,

We're dancing letka-enka!

Jump-jump - from heel to toe,

Jump-jump - from south to east,

Jump and jump - that's the whole lesson,

Dance with everyone more joyfully, my friend!

2nd cuckoo.

Yes, a great round dance,

And you are a cheerful people.

It's good to be with you

We are celebrating the New Year!

Shaggy appears.

Shaggy. Who, who dared? Who said - New Year?! Who, I ask? You you you? Well, admit it in a good way!

Cuckoos(scared). Cook! We said!

1st cuckoo. And we are not afraid of you! It is for you!

Shaggy. Let's see how you bite now! Hey! Tops! Brake! To me!

Botva and Brake run in. In the hands are scraps of the calendar. Music "Madame Broshkina".

Shaggy. Well, what do you say?! Have you cuckooed your calendar? All that was left of him were his memories. And I scattered the little day leaves around the world and scattered them to the wind. Look for them now, fistulas! Well done scoundrels! I'm proud! Now go get Santa Claus, and I’ll stay here and watch these little ones.

The cuckoos are trying to collect pieces of the calendar.

2nd cuckoo.

Ooh, peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo!

What's what - I don't understand...

How are we now, friends?

If there is no calendar?!

1st cuckoo. Don't whine! Better yet, think about how to return the calendar to us...

2nd cuckoo. Yeah! And at the same time stay alive... This Shaggy girl is a real nightmare! We're like that to her, but she's a bastard to us! And cuckoo!

1st cuckoo. Oh, ku! And I’m still young - just a little chick, a little cuckoo - I want to live! Cuckoo!

2nd cuckoo. Oh, wait, girlfriend, don’t cackle like a club! I know who will help us...

1st cuckoo. Who?

2nd cuckoo. Snoo-ku-ku-chicken!

1st cuckoo. What kind of chicken? Oh, I understand - Snow Maiden.

Shaggy. Oh, I can’t - I’m going to die of laughter right now. The most correct, the cleanest, the most...

1st cuckoo. Yes Yes Yes! And ku again! And there’s no point in making a joke here - we need to call the Snow Maiden. Come on guys, three or four!

All. Snow Maiden!

The melody “We will defeat the enemy” sounds and the Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden.

You won't see me not in September, not in March,

And where I am at this time, you cannot find on the map.

But there is no and cannot be a Christmas tree without the Snow Maiden,

A Christmas tree without the Snow Maiden doesn't look like a Christmas tree!

Hello guys! I'm so glad to see you! I've been waiting for this meeting for a whole year... How smart you are, and how much you've grown! Oh, who is this - grimy, rumpled, unkempt...

Shaggy. Oh well! No insults, little granddaughter! “Correct” for me too. Choose your expressions - I demand respect!

Snow Maiden. Fine! Sorry. And yet, who are you?

Shaggy. I?! Shaggy little bunny, Shaggy little darling, Shaggy little darling...

Both cuckoos. Show off!

Snow Maiden. Oh that's how it is! Old friend! So what are you doing here? After all, you were forbidden to celebrate the New Year until you put yourself in order...

Shaggy. Here's another! I'm fine as it is!

Snow Maiden. Guys! Why are you all so quiet? What happened here? (Children's answers.)

Snow Maiden. Understood nothing! Cuckoo friends! Come on, tell me what's the matter.

1st cuckoo. Cuckoo! I will tell!

2nd cuckoo. Cook, no-me!

1st cuckoo. Are you being mischievous again?

Snow Maiden. Cuckoos, stop quarreling. Explain everything in order!

1st cuckoo. This Shaggy girl and her company tore up the calendar so that we could not celebrate the New Year. Oh, cuckoo!

2nd cuckoo. This is what's left of him! And she scattered the rest in all four directions!

1st cuckoo. And now I sent Tops and Brakes to meet Santa Claus so that they would neutralize him and not let him into our holiday.

Snow Maiden. Oh, that's it! Nothing! We couldn't cope with those! Just think, some grimy Zamazulina decided to ruin our holiday - it won’t work. She is one, but there are many of us!

Shaggy. But she’s not alone! There are three of us. We are a team!

Snow Maiden. Oh yes! I forgot that your friends are here too. But this doesn’t change anything - we will defeat you anyway!

Shaggy. Ha! Let's win! We'll see about that later (as we leave). Victorious braggarts!

1st cuckoo. Oh, Snow Maiden, how can we defeat them?

2nd cuckoo. Yes, ku!

Snow Maiden. First, let's remember what our calendar consists of. Come on, everyone hold hands and let's go around the Christmas tree.

A song is playing.


1. From what, from what, from what,

Is our calendar done?

From leaves, from days,

Birthdays and teachings

Our calendar is done. (2 times)

2. From what, from what, from what

Done days and weeks?

From discoveries, from events,

From notebooks and glances

Days and weeks are done. (2 times)

3. From what, from what, from what

Made a year for the kids?

From the tales of new, good friends,

New achievements and adventures

Made a year for the kids. (2 times)

Snow Maiden. Stop! Stop! So, are you really going to agree to stay for a whole year without good fairy tales, new acquaintances, interesting events, important discoveries...

Both cuckoos. Ku! Ku! Never!

Shaggy. Hee hee hee! Yes, you are already without these events and discoveries of yours! The calendar is cuckooed! Whooped! Your New Year is covered with a big snowdrift of my harmfulness!

Snow Maiden. Yeah! We have no doubt about your harmfulness, but you clearly underestimate us.


What is there to value?

Feathers, beaks, and ice.

And there are only monkeys around!

Both cuckoos. Whoa? Ku-ku-what?

1st cuckoo. Oh, you are so, oh, you are so!

Shaggy. Yes, I do! And stop cuckooing here - I'm tired of it! Better croak for a change.

Both cuckoos. Kwa-ak?

Shaggy. At least that way!

Snow Maiden. Okay, you've achieved it! The guys and I challenge you to a fight! Whoever wins gets a calendar.

Shaggy. Yeah! And whoever loses, Happy New Year flies by. Deal?

All. Deal!

(They clap.)

Both cuckoos. Cuckoo! A tournament is announced - to the whole world! Musical signal.

2nd cuckoo. In order to return the calendar to us, we need to be very careful...

1st cuckoo. And smart!

Shaggy. I've seen people like that - they just brag, but when it comes down to it, it's so funny to watch!

Snow Maiden.

Let's see which of us will have fun!

Well, Cuckoos, don't yawn,

The competition begins!

1st cuckoo.

Attention attention!

2nd cuckoo.

Dandelion wreaths in spring

Of course, only... (boys) weave.

1st cuckoo.

Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in... (girls') pocket.

2nd cuckoo.

Skates on the ice drew arrows,

We played hockey in the morning... (girls).

1st cuckoo.

We chatted for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses... (boys).

2nd cuckoo.

Test your strength in front of everyone,

Of course, they only love... (girls).

1st cuckoo.

Cowards are afraid of the dark,

All of them, as one, they... (boys).

2nd cuckoo.

Silk, lace and ringed fingers,

They go out for a walk... (boys).

Snow Maiden. Well, cuckoos, well, they made riddles. Well done, you did a good job with this task.

Shaggy. Not fair! You told them!

1st cuckoo. We have everything according to the rules! And if someone has a peek-a-boo in their head, then it’s not our “peek-a-boo.”

Shaggy. Oh, cuckoo! Maybe stop calling names? How can I come up with something like that?

2nd cuckoo. You'll figure it out! Three peek-a-boo! Shaggy. And here are not peek-a-boo, but three riddles. So get ready to lose!


I'm planning at the buffet

Order yourself some beans

A sandwich and a cup of tea,

Well, pour... (sugar) into the tea.

In my little hut

I will live without worries.

I bake cheesecakes in the morning,

I cook fatty... (soup).

You guessed it all yourself

Oh, quick-witted people!

I'll stay with you then

Celebrate together... (New Year).

1st cuckoo. I was daydreaming! Return the calendar! Sassy!

2nd cuckoo. Oh, ku! What made me cuckoo!

1st cuckoo. Hooray! This is a piece of paper on our calendar! We succeed - he returns.

The song “We have overcome the enemy”, at this time one piece of the mosaic appears on the calendar!

Shaggy. Ah-ah-ah! You rejoice early. It's just one leaf, about the size of a cuckoo's toe. The rest will not be returned to you. Ooo! Where are these idiots? The whole operation is being slowed down! Well, I tell them! (runs away).

Snow Maiden. She is for them, and we are for ourselves!

The “Lambada” dance is performed, and the masses are working. Brake and Tops come out. Brake has a ball in his bosom.

Tops. And we came up with a clever idea. Now no one will guess that one of the calendar leaves is hidden in a ball.

Brake. Yeah! Where's the ball?

Tops. In a safe place!

Brake. Where is it?

Tops. Who is it?

Brake. Place!

Tops. Here's the Brake! This place is yours.

Brake. Yes? Here? (Raises his right hand.)

Tops. No.

Brake. Or maybe here? (Raises his left one.)

Tops. No!

Brake. Oh, then here? (Takes off his hat and points to his head.)

Tops. You've never had anything here!

Brake. Silence!

Snow Maiden. Young people! You seem to be looking for something?

Brake. Oh, girl... Yeah, we're looking for something... We're looking for what we need!

Tops. It's none of your business, go your own way.

1st cuckoo. Ku! How rough! We want to help.

Tops. Shoo! Feathered. It's slippery without you.

Snow Maiden. And it seems to us that you simply need our help.

Brake. Yeah! I'm already tired of searching for something.

2nd cuckoo. Guys, have you already guessed where the ball is hidden? (Children's answers.) Then tell or show where he is.

Children show.

Brake. Oh, it's true. Here he is. (Takes out the ball. He approaches the child and strokes his head.) Good boy. Do you like the ball? Do you want to hold it? Come on, uncle is not greedy!

A mini-game is played.

2nd cuckoo. Guys, now pass the ball quickly around the circle so that it doesn’t fall into the hands of these hooligans.

Brake. Oh, where are you taking him?

Tops. Brake! Hold it!

Brake and Botva are trying to take the ball away from the guys, while the crowd is passing false balls around in a circle. Music. The game is stopped by a musical signal.

Snow Maiden. Guys, look: a piece of the calendar is already in place.

Shaggy. Where do you go? Where does it take you!

Brake. Yes we are! Yes!

Shaggy. Why are you mumbling? Are you saying what happened?

Tops. What can I say! A leaf of that!

Shaggy. What?

Tops. They have it! Hanging there on the calendar.

Shaggy. Mugs! Just trust the case to you - you'll ruin everything!

1st cuckoo. Oh, ku! Your back... (shows back).

Children's answers.

Shaggy. What's the back?

2nd cuckoo. Nothing, ku! We just want to play a game with the guys called “Seen.”

Shaggy. What kind of game is this? We don't know this one...

2nd cuckoo. But now you will find out.

1st cuckoo. If you saw, answer: “We saw!” If you haven't seen it, stomp your feet. So, listen.

2nd cuckoo. Behind bars at the gate

A huge hippopotamus is sleeping. Children. We saw it, we saw it!

1st cuckoo. The black-eyed fox is a wonderful bird.

Children stomp their feet.

2nd cuckoo.

Ponies are small horses.

How funny ponies are.

Children. We saw it, we saw it!

1st cuckoo.

A green crocodile

He walked across the field with importance.

Children stomp their feet.

At the end of the game, one of the Cuckoos takes a piece of the calendar from Shaggy's back and runs out of the circle of children.

Tops. Guard! Robbed!

Shaggy(trying to run out of the circle). Hold it! Grab it! Catch!

There is music and the game “Chains”. The game is interrupted by a musical signal.

Snow Maiden. And this piece of paper returned to its place! Hooray!

Shaggy. Hooray! Quack quack! Well, you’ll never find the next leaf.

Frozen forever

This calendar sheet.

The ice shimmers

The holiday is cancelled!

Bring in some ice! Oh (knocks - ringing), strong. And this leaf is unlikely to be too tough for you!

1st cuckoo. Oh, mommies! What to do!?

2nd cuckoo. Oh, daddies! How to be!?

1st cuckoo. How to melt ice?

Snow Maiden. Very simple! The most skillful, hard-working guys will help us. They also say about such people: everything burns in their hands, everything works out! There are such? Come out! Melt this piece of ice!

Musical game "Ice". The participants’ task is to melt the pieces of ice using their palms.

Tops. Look, it's melting!

Brake. Yeah!

Tops. Leaking!

Brake. Yeah!

Shaggy. Hold on, ice floe! Don't hide! (Chanting.)

Musical signal.

Snow Maiden. We won! Look, this sheet is back in its place!

Shaggy, Tops, Brake(singing).

Life is neither sugar nor honey.

Oh, we're not lucky in anything.

1st cuckoo. Oh, ku! It turns out they can sing too! Yes, how pitiful...

Shaggy. Ha, sorry... Really necessary! There is no need to feel sorry for us - we are mischievous guys, unaccustomed to crying.

They sing and make faces to the melody of “And I’m so melting.”

And we are like this, like this, very angry,

We shit on everyone.

And we are so, so groovy,

No wonder they say:

They are so young, mischievous,

Let your ears wither!

2nd cuckoo. Oh, you are so, so, so... They sing so well!

1st cuckoo. Oh, I’m so excited, our kids will be louder!

Brake, Tops. I doubt!

Snow Maiden. Let's check it out! Talent show! And let the parents decide whose song is better.

Shaggy. And let's sing! The trio "Pepper" performs. Ditties! (Sings.)

I was sitting on a snowdrift,

He looked in all directions.

I'm sad today -

It's a pity that the snow doesn't taste good.

Stretch your furs, accordion,

Eh, play, have fun!

Sing ditties and brakes,

Sing, don't talk!

I sculpted a snow woman,

My hands and feet are cold,

The fingers don't move.

What is this being done?

I was skating on the pond

I looked back as I walked,

The ice cracked, it broke,

And I took a swim.

Snow Maiden. Not bad at all. And now the children's choir named “Salvation of the New Year” is performing.

Children perform a song.

Peggy lived with a cheerful goose.

He knew all the songs by heart.

Oh, what a funny goose!

Let's dance, Peggy, let's dance.

Peggy had a funny puppy,

He could dance to the tune.

Oh, what a funny puppy!

Let's dance, Peggy, let's dance.

Peggy's old lived goat.

He chalked the paths with his beard.

Oh, how smart the goat is,

Let's dance, Peggy, let's dance.

The Snow Maiden appeals to the audience with a request to evaluate the performance. Musical signal - sheet.

1st cuckoo. How much I love winning!

2nd cuckoo. And to me, and to me!

Shaggy. Do you think we don’t like to win? Today is just not my day. And the voice doesn't sound...

Brake. Yeah! It squeaks for you.

Shaggy. Oh it creaks! Oh it thunders! Oh, I don’t like it... And I don’t like all this clamor either. Not competitions, but cuckoo tugs. Where is the valiant strength, the daring prowess? No opportunity to show yourself in all your glory.

1st cuckoo. Yes, show your health - who objects.

Shaggy. And we’ll show you - we won’t ask you! Come on, winged one, give me the last test

1st cuckoo. Yes, guys, this is the last test, because there is only one piece of paper left. And in order to return it, we need to try, gather our strength and not let the hooligans beat us.

2nd cuckoo. Cuckoo! I call 9 people, you will now be divided into three teams. You will have to collect icicles. So, stand in a circle. There are three icicles in the center. While the music is playing, you run around them, and as soon as it stops, you quickly take an icicle. Those who do not have time are eliminated. So, let's start!

There is music and the game “Collect the icicles.” Bullies lose.

Shaggy. Deceived! Convicted! Yes, I will grind you into powder! I will destroy you! And you, and you, and you!

Snow Maiden. Shame on you. What an example you are setting for our guys. Oh no no no!

1st cuckoo. In my opinion, they should be punished. Ku!

Shaggy. What? Shall we be punished? Keep your beak wider!

2nd cuckoo. Oh, you are. Then leave our holiday. There is no place for brawlers and rude people here! Ku!

Shaggy. Just think! Scared! We'll leave, but I promise we'll be back. Cuckoo! (leave).

Musical signal - sheet.

Snow Maiden. Look. The calendar has been restored, which means that the New Year will come and there will be a holiday.

The song “We will overcome the enemy” plays and Father Frost comes out.

Father Frost. And the holiday is already in full swing! Hello kids! Hello, my dear grandchildren!

There's nothing more interesting

How wonderful is it on a day like this?

Winter holiday season

Meet the kids.

Well, kids, how are you doing?

1st cuckoo. Oh, cuckoo! What happened! What happened!

Father Frost. I heard - I know. If it weren't for the guys, we wouldn't see the New Year. Well done, they weren’t scared, they taught the brats a lesson.

2nd cuckoo. Since the guys did well and everything ended so well, isn’t it time to continue the celebration?

Snow Maiden. Yes, grandpa! Join us, otherwise the New Year wouldn’t be real without you.

Snow Maiden.

We all love laughter and jokes,

It's time for fun.

Dance for a minute

We announce it for you.

Snow Maiden.

Hurry to the round dance,

Let everyone sing

A wonderful Christmas tree is waiting for us!

The more children

The more friends

The more fun it will be!

Father Frost. Everybody dance!

Music, children dancing.

Father Frost. Oh, they killed the old man! Wow, I'm hot! How not to melt...

Snow Maiden. Guys, let's blow on grandpa and cool the old man down (the guys blow).

Father Frost. Oh, oh, good! Thank you, kids (starts looking for something). Oh, where is she?

Snow Maiden. Who, grandpa?

Father Frost. Yes, mitten, granddaughter, mitten! It was just there, and suddenly it’s not.

1st cuckoo. Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Santa Claus lost his mitten!

2nd cuckoo. Not grandfather, but Masha the Confused One!

Father Frost. Oh, my head is like a garden. Oh, bungler!

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, don't worry! And you haven't lost her at all.

Father Frost. How about it, granddaughter? After all, she is not there!

Snow Maiden. No there is! You just need to look for it better.

Father Frost. Oh, that's it! Can I ask you, dear granddaughter, were you the one who took this mitten?

Snow Maiden. Me, grandpa! But not to make you upset, but to play with the guys.

Father Frost. If so, let's play. And where to look?

Snow Maiden. The guys!

Music is playing. Game "Mitten".

Father Frost. Oh, I got tired while I was looking.

1st cuckoo. And you rest, grandpa, sit down by the Christmas tree, and the guys and I will sing a song for you.

2nd cuckoo. Guys, let's hold our hands tightly and walk around the tree with a New Year's song.

Round dance song "New Year's".

Father Frost. Well done guys, they pleased the old man with their songs. And now my turn has come. So, kids, the game begins.

The blizzard is worried - once,

The blizzard is worried - two,

The blizzard is worried - three:

Forest figure, freeze!

Exercise: depict figures - funny, wonderful, etc. Rewarding.

Father Frost. Well done, you know how to play, you can’t say anything, you deserve a reward. It's time to light the Christmas tree and wish you a Happy New Year.

Snow Maiden.

Green spruce in the forest

Has grown in all its glory,

But winter is here again - and here it is -

The spruce has arrived for the New Year!

1st cuckoo.

Instantly transformed -

Dressed up in beads!

In bright toys,

Balls, firecrackers!

Father Frost.

It's amazing on her

The only thing missing is the lights.

Come on, together: one, two, three,

Let's say: Christmas tree, burn!

The guys repeat - the tree is lit.

Snow Maiden.

How beautiful the New Year tree is!

Look how she dressed up:

Dress on the Christmas tree of green silk,

Bright beads on her, confetti.

2nd cuckoo.

Let's hold hands, friends,

And let's dance in a circle.

Not every day, but once a year

New Year is coming!

The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, presentation of gifts for the best costumes.

Father Frost.

Ah, Snow Maiden! look,

How the lights shine

On the branches of a green Christmas tree.

How they know how to play

And learn and make friends.

Oh, what a pity that Grandfather and I

It's time to leave!

Father Frost.

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

May only happiness bring you

Kind, nice, friendly,

Our beloved New Year!

1st cuckoo.

Let everything in this world

Children laugh heartily!

2nd cuckoo.

Let in all matters, always

The game helps you!

Father Frost.

Happy New Year, kids!

And until we meet again...

All. Hooray!

To the accompaniment of cheerful New Year's music, children leave the hall in “chains”.
