Dream interpretation rotten garlic. Why do you dream about Garlic?

If you have leafed through a dream book, then you know that it contains decodings and interpretations of the most different dreams and symbols, even those that sometimes seem insignificant to us. For example, garlic. It would seem like such a familiar, well-known product. But you will be surprised, because seeing garlic in a dream is a real sign from above, and this dream can foreshadow many interesting events in the near future.

To find out what garlic is in a dream about, you need to remember what it was like, where, and how. What did you do with it, and so on. In a word - all the details, which, believe me, mean a lot. So, “garlic” dreams can be divided into the following plots:

  • Seeing just garlic in a dream is from the outside.
  • It grows in the garden.
  • See him in large quantities.
  • Plant, weed or harvest it.
  • Peel, buy or eat garlic in a dream.

There are many options - different nuances, little things, details. Take into account everything you remember and decipher it, the dream book will help you find the answers.

Vision in a dream

If you don’t remember your own actions, and only saw garlic, or in your dreams, you need to remember what it was and where it was. This is the key to deciphering the dream.

So, why do you dream about garlic, what does it indicate? The symbol is ambiguous. Interpreters point out that this portends news - but not the kind you expect, but unpredictable. This does not mean that you should expect bad news. But to avoid disappointment, it’s better to just live in this moment and don’t create illusions about what the events of your future should be like.

If you dreamed of onions or garlic in the garden, all the dream books, including Miller’s dream book, promise big profits in the near future. To be more precise, soon you will be engaged profitable business, or get good offer, which will bring you a lot of money. If you dream of garlic in large quantities, this is very auspicious sign. Prosperity and an excellent financial situation await you. In addition, you will be valued and respected, and you will take a good place in society.

If you dreamed of the smell of garlic, then perhaps you will soon experience strong sympathy for someone, an attraction that may even develop into a feeling of falling in love. But if your heart is already occupied, then this dream could mean a new friend, a person with whom you will have a real spiritual connection.

Green, young garlic in a dream, according to Miller’s dream book, foretells good events for you in reality, in the near future. Your affairs will begin to improve. If you have problems in any area or area of ​​your life, you will soon find a simple solution to correct and resolve them. Things will start to improve!

If the garlic in your dream was heads, or you dreamed of just one head, you will soon experience the thrill that you so miss in reality. Allow yourself some bright experiences, but know when to stop and don’t do anything you’ll regret later!


And if you remember what you did in your dream, if you had to peel, buy garlic or onions, or do something else, then be sure to check what the dream book says. After all, every such action is an interesting metaphor.

Miller’s dream book will tell you why you dream about the garlic that you had to pick in your dreams. He warns that your activities will begin to bring great success, but do not be careless and remember that you can cause the envy of ill-wishers. Be careful, don't trust your plans to just anyone.

The dream in which you had garlic promises you good health. You will soon make a full recovery if you are sick now. If you have psychological problems and stress, this too will soon pass. Take care of yourself and take care of your health, and the Universe will definitely help you! If you are healthy now, you will soon feel a new surge of incredible strength and vigor.

Why do you dream of garlic that you weeded in the garden, or otherwise cared for the seedlings? This is a symbol of the good position that you will occupy. But buying it is a warning. Avoid the dishonest bad people, flatterers and gossips. Surround yourself exclusively with those you trust.

As the dream book says, the garlic that you planted in a dream indicates a good deed. You can make a wonderful contribution to the future, start a business that will bring excellent results. If you have cleaned it, know that it is large and even hard labour will pay off in full and bring you many benefits.

Dreams do not control your destiny, only you control it. But let the dream help you not to stumble and take the right step towards happiness!

Our reality is filled with various signs and symbols. For some, this is a reason for reflection and searching for answers to questions of interest. And some do not pay any attention to the other side of reality and lead a mundane lifestyle. But the everyday world has nothing in common with dreams, which are filled with various symbols, riddles and secrets. Here hidden meaning hides even in the most ordinary things. This article will help you figure out why you dream about garlic. After all, such a dream can be an important warning or good advice.

Garlic and dreams

Garlic is a familiar and accessible thing to everyone. People often see it in reality, as it is used by many in everyday life and in cooking. But in a dream, garlic takes on a strong symbolic meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to such a sign Special attention. Why do you dream about garlic, what could such a dream mean? When remembering this vegetable, associations often arise with a bright smell and rich taste. Thus, garlic is an eloquent symbol of sharpness, prudence, rigor and common sense. The interpretation of a dream depends on its storyline, as well as important details.

See from the outside

One of the dream options with this herbaceous plant- see it from the outside. If in a dream a person does not eat, take or even smell garlic, then this indicates unexpected unexpected news. In addition, the dreamer is most likely not ready for possible new changes in life. But such dreams do not at all mean that the upcoming news will bring bad character. They can be both good and neutral. The main thing is that something unexpected definitely awaits the person. Therefore, it is important to mentally prepare in advance for possible news, pleasant or not. Often such a dream is dreamed by people who are waiting for the outcome of some business or problem.

Garlic cloves

There are many options for exactly how a person can see this vegetable crop in your dreams. Why do you dream about garlic cloves? The interpretation of such a dream is clear. A person will have to experience some kind of thrill in the near future. Most likely, the dreamer will decide to do something risky or do something exciting. The main thing is not to forget about health. It’s not worth going crazy and risking your life. In any case, you need to maintain common sense and remain a prudent person.

Harvesting garlic

This symbol, seen in dreams, can serve important advice. For example, why do you dream about picking garlic? Basically, this sign serves as a warning. If a person sees himself in a dream picking garlic from a garden bed or picking up scattered cloves from the floor, then he must beware of ill-intentioned and unpleasant people. In addition, the dreamer must listen to his intuition, which can tell him which acquaintances are unworthy of attention. If you dreamed of harvesting garlic, a person needs to trust his inner feelings, and it is also better to avoid unpleasant company.

Count the cloves

If in a dream the dreamer sees a picture of himself counting garlic cloves, then this indicates a person’s tendency to calculate and plan. The person who has the dream is a fan of putting everything in its place. The dream interpreter advises you to continue to lead this way of life. Clear planning will help you achieve success and prosperity. But you shouldn’t forget about feelings. In relationships with friends and relatives, it is better for the dreamer to be responsive and attentive.

Peel garlic

Are you wondering why you dream about peeling garlic? As dream books say, this dream has a good interpretation and promises profit. If a person sees himself peeling many heads of garlic in his dreams, then this is a wonderful sign. Most likely, the dreamer will receive decent financial profits in the near future. The person will probably expect additional material payments for the work done or good surprises from close relatives. Also, such a dream can be a symbol of quick success, for example, winning the lottery.

Buy garlic

If the dreamer sees himself buying garlic, then such a dream does not bode well in the material side of life. Perhaps the person will soon face big expenses. After such a dream, you need to be constantly on alert. After all, unexpected expenses can lurk at every turn. The dreamer must behave as intelligently as possible. It is extremely important to think carefully about all purchases.

There is garlic

Sometimes a person says: “I dream that I eat garlic.” This is very good sign. In the near future the dreamer expects great mood and improvement of physical condition. Moreover, such a dream is a symbol of the prudence of a person who has a dream in which he eats garlic. It is this character trait that can help the dreamer achieve considerable success both materially and in his personal life.

Green garlic

When you dream of green garlic, it is a sign that the dreamer’s affairs will soon improve. Everything that weighs on a person will certainly go away. Problems and obstacles will be resolved. Perhaps the person who saw the dream will be forgiven for some debt or misdeed. The main thing is not to despair. In the near future, all adversity will dissolve, and life will improve.

Large heads of garlic

Why do you dream about garlic with large heads? white? If a woman saw such a dream, this indicates that she is guided common sense in matters of love. Most likely, she will be prudent and will not be led by unbridled emotions. Between blind passion and cold reason, she will choose the latter. It's great to be a reasonable and realistic person. However, do not forget about the voice of the heart. After all, your inner voice can also suggest a lot of useful things.

Buy garlic

Why do you dream about buying garlic? Such a dream will serve as a warning to a person. The dreamer probably has ill-wishers who want to destroy his plans or prevent their implementation. A person needs to remain vigilant and also avoid unpleasant people and conflict situations. From all that has been said, we can conclude that garlic is a multifaceted symbol. Dreams in which there is this sign, contain useful and wise advice. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to “garlic” dreams.

Did you know that the “bright image” of this product, beloved by everyone and widely used in cooking, is interpreted differently by different dream interpreters. Why do you dream about garlic and what can they tell or warn about? similar dreams? Let’s look at the conflicting primary sources together, and then we’ll have to decide for ourselves which interpretation of the dream about garlic to choose: and most likely, this will depend on the preferences given to one or another author.

Dream Interpretation by Y. Longo: why do you dream about garlic?

In a collection of interpretations from a famous white magician we read that garlic is the surest remedy, used for a long time against all kinds of evil spirits. And if you dreamed about it, then this may mean that very soon you will have to enter into a fight or confrontation with her. Of course, this message should not be taken so literally, and you will not kill it while chasing vampires. But it’s definitely worth taking care of spiritual matters and clearing your mentality of evil thoughts. If you eat garlic in a dream, it means you are afraid of someone's negative impact. This can happen both from the outside and, so to speak, from the inside: with the help of your second self. And destroy everything good in your soul. Why do you dream about garlic in such cases? This is a warning to a person that in this struggle for good he must rely not only on helpers, but also on himself.

Freud's Dream Book

According to this, also quite well-known and respected source, if you smelled garlic (or someone close to you), you feel sympathy for this person and are sure that the feelings are mutual. But do not rush to make hasty conclusions: perhaps the object of your affection and love is not inclined to show feelings and such rapid developments of events. So there is no need to force it: let everything take its course. Why do you dream about garlic according to Freud? If you eat garlic yourself in a dream, there is a secret hidden desire to cheat on your regular partner. Reason: cooling of relationships and what you think life together too boring, devoid of adrenaline and zest. And if you add it, then marital duties may no longer seem like a chore to you.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream of a bed of garlic that you are weeding, then this may mean that yours will be laid out of despair and anxiety, from bitter need to a fairly high status in society or at work. As they say: through thorns to the stars. Therefore, do not be discouraged and dare (especially young people)! But for a girl, dreaming of garlic means imminent marriage, but not out of love, but out of calculation. You will abandon your current ideals and acquire new, more prudent and practical ones.

A few more interpretations

If you plant?

Why do you dream of planting garlic? In the Ukrainian dream book, for example, this means evil. If a housewife plants heads of garlic in a garden bed, then soon the head of the family will face troubles and even death. The same version of the interpretation is reflected in the Small Dream Book.

If you clean?

Why do you dream about peeling garlic? There is also no clear answer to this question in dream books. For example, Felomena’s dream book says that these actions in a dream predict large and unexpected profits in finance, personal and family. But at the same time, this can also mean the emergence of health problems. But in general, peeling garlic means money.

Why do you dream of eating garlic? People have long attributed to him magical properties- they drive away vampires, witches and even viral infections. At the same time, it’s true that it sometimes happens to scare away gentle young ladies, but this is already by-effect holy fight evil spirits. What does what you see in a dream mean? Let's look into the dream book.

Abandonment of ideals

Eating garlic with appetite in a dream is the same as making a deal with your conscience - in any case, dream books predict neglect of spiritual values ​​for the sake of mercantile interests.

Miller's dream book predicts: prudence will prevail over romantic ideals. In the near future, a person who dreamed that he was eating garlic will give up his principles.

This interpretation is developed by other predictors who tell the dreamer that in real life he is on the verge of an important decision. And, most likely, he will be guided by cold calculations rather than ideological considerations.

Dreams and deceit of women

Nobody knows how much women are able to control their passions and, moreover, what they really dream about. Why does a young lady dream of eating garlic? She seeks to marry not for love. To occupy a high position in society is her goal, and she will achieve it.

If a flowering lady eats garlic in a dream, it means that she will find a rich patron. And a mature woman who dreamed of tasting hot garlic seasoning will have to show wisdom - as written in the Bitch’s dream book. The culinary interpreter promises long, albeit not aesthetic, pleasures.

Eating beets and garlic in a dream means that soon the girl will hear very piquant gossip about herself. Well, seeing others at this meal is also a prediction of intrigue, but they will not affect the dreamer in any way.

To your health

The Ukrainian dream book is least likely to interpret what is dreamed with mystical images. If you dreamed of sharp, smelly heads, then this predicts trouble, and eating garlic in a dream means good health.

By the way, experts point out that not all such dreams are prophetic. Perhaps a person has a deficiency of vitamins or other ailments that can be treated with this folk remedy will be very useful. The body sometimes gives such clues in understandable images. In this case, it is really necessary to treat vitamin deficiency, and then your overall health will improve.


Some dream books interpret the dream in a different way. For example, this is how the Esoteric explains why you dream of eating garlic. In itself, it personifies danger, adventure, risk. If you dreamed of eating with pleasure, it means that in reality you will be able to successfully get out of an extreme situation: pay off creditors, get even with competitors, return what was lent.

Chinese seers predict that anyone who eats garlic in a dream will witness a catastrophe, a destructive element. Miller's dream book gives an inspiring interpretation of what dreams of beets and garlic mean - it concerns luck. A person will really experience luck even where there was no hope for it.

The question of why garlic is dreamed of can be heard quite often. Some people are afraid of such a vision, because for a long time this plant has been used to fight demonic forces, and therefore is associated with evil. But what do experts think about this?

Some publications assure their readers that eating garlic in a dream means treason. The dreamer is probably tired of the ordinary married life and he decided to experience sensations unfamiliar to him. However, the author does not advise resorting to extremes; it is better if the sleeper tries to introduce some new elements into his usual relationships. If in a dream it is not the dreamer himself who eats garlic, but the people around him, it means that in real life the dreamer is attracted to a person who is completely indifferent to him.

According to Esoteric dream book green shoots of garlic are dreamed of if the dreamer completely deals with debts, that is, returns back what he lent to someone and gets back what was once loaned.

The interpreter believes that the sleeper’s attempts to please the object of his adoration are currently useless, however, over time, reciprocal feelings may awaken in him, but this can only happen in a natural way.

In some dreams, a person does not see the plant itself, but simply smells it. The authors of some dream books are sure that such a dream warns of someone’s obsession. Probably, in reality the dreamer is haunted by an unpleasant person from whom he cannot get rid of.

Buying garlic at the market is not very good good dream, indicating that the dreamer is doing business with dishonest people and this will certainly affect his reputation, this is exactly how the Modern Dream Book interprets this vision.

Miller's Dream Book and Modern Dream Book

To the question of why garlic is dreamed of, Miller’s dream book also has an answer. For example, if the dreamer weeds the beds of garlic, this promises him a significant improvement in his financial situation. For a young woman, such a vision foreshadows a marriage of convenience in which there will be no place for love. If the dreamer decides to eat whole heads of garlic, it means that in real life he will finally decide on his choice of life values.

If the dreamer had to plant garlic, and the cloves used for this were rotten, then death is very close, but it is not the dreamer himself who will die, but someone close to him. The smell of garlic indicates that the dreamer will have to meet with evil spirits, but thanks to prayers he will be able to prevail in an unequal battle.

Esoteric dream book and Morozova's dream book

Peeling the heads of garlic means that the dreamer will finally understand who is a friend in his environment and who is an enemy. Garlic, disassembled into cloves, portends great danger or extreme situation, which will arise as a result wrong actions sleeping.

L. Morozova has her own interpretation of this vision. In her opinion, the garlic smell that haunts a person is a sign of danger, and the plant itself indicates the appearance of an unpleasant, evil man, acquaintance with which will bring nothing but grief to the sleeper.

Using the plant to prepare a dish promises the dreamer improved health and strength of spirit. The sleeper was probably recently given a disappointing diagnosis, but the next examination will not confirm it.

Dream Interpretation of Smurov

A dream in which a person throws garlic at the dreamer warns of the appearance of an enemy, communication with whom will bring many unpleasant moments.

The author of this publication believes that garlic is a symbol of troubles, quarrels and discord in the family. If a young woman dreams of him, it means she will marry a rich but unloved man, and this marriage will not last long. For a man, garlic in a dream promises troubles at work, a quarrel with his superiors, and sometimes dismissal from his place of employment.

If the dreamer treats someone with a clove of garlic, it means that in real life this person will have problems, and it is the dreamer who will cause them. Empty, dried plant heads portend recovery for sick relatives of the sleeping person, but if everyone in the family is healthy, then the dream predicts worries and grief. An unpleasant pungent odor promises the disclosure of a secret or family quarrels.
