The triad of power: strength, wealth and knowledge. Law, government decree, constitution, organization charter, sentence, presidential decree

On this page you will find examples of tasks for the Social Studies Olympiad. Presented here test questions and open questions that will force 10th grade students not only to repeat the material studied in class, but also to analyze what they have learned and be able to apply their knowledge in solving various problems. Thus, using this material, schoolchildren will prepare for the Olympiad and will be able to achieve high results.

The presented set of tasks for the Social Studies Olympiad can be used equally successfully both in 10th grade lessons and during self-study. Students will be able to self-assess themselves by checking the correct answers and solutions written at the bottom of the page.

Social Studies Olympiad 10th grade

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Test tasks

1. The essence of the problem of “North” and “South” is
A) increasing cultural diversity
B) the formation of a network of international terrorist organizations
B) depletion of natural resources
B) level gap economic development regions of the planet

2. Man influences nature:
A) its influence has no consequences
B) favorable
B) unfavorable
D) both favorable and unfavorable

3. Characteristic feature industrial society is
A) weakness and underdevelopment of democratic institutions
B) the predominance of collective consciousness over individual
B) the predominance of private ownership
D) widespread use of non-economic forced labor

4. A. Toynbee formulated the law:
A) unity and struggle of opposites
B) “challenge-response”
C) changes in socio-economic formations
D) class struggle

5. Are the following judgments about self-knowledge true?
1 – The ideal “I” is the idea of ​​how others want me to be.
2 — An integral part of self-knowledge is self-esteem.
A) both statements are incorrect
B) only the second is true
C) both statements are correct
D) only the first is true

6. In cognitive activity, in contrast to labor:
A) the subject is an individual
B) means must correspond to ends
C) the goal is to obtain reliable knowledge
D) the result is a new product

7. Commonality of language, beliefs, customs, symbols is inherent in culture
A) elitist
B) mass
B) national
D) ordinary
8. Are the following judgments about self-education true? Self-education can be done for
1—correspondence acquisition of education.
2 - increasing the individual level of culture.
A) both statements are correct
B) both judgments are incorrect
C) only the second is true
D) only the first is true

9. The goal of the rule of law is
A) creation of a vertical power
B) formation of the legal culture of society
C) development of mechanisms to curb inflation
D) creation of a legislative system

10. Supreme power in state N. is inherited. What additional information will allow us to conclude that state N. is an absolute monarchy?
A) parliament approves the annual amount allocated for the maintenance of the courtyard
B) the monarch is the supreme commander in chief
C) the power of the monarch has no legal restrictions.
D) the monarch approves the head of the cabinet

Open questions

Question 1
Name general concept for the ones below:
— Investor, broker, underwriter, dealer.
— Government bodies, territory, exclusive right to legislate, collect taxes.

Question 2

— Currency speculation, export tariff, export subsidy, import quota, embargo.
— The rule of law, mutual responsibility of the state and the individual, separation of powers, election of state bodies.
— Violence, persuasion, inheritance, wealth, knowledge.

Question 3
Employees of the Investigative Committee, while investigating the murder, received operational information according to which one of the suspects was citizen M., and that the specified citizen was in confession with priest K. the day after the murder. To verify the version of citizen M.’s involvement in the murder, K. was called for questioning as a witness. Is K. obliged to testify? Justify your answer.

Question 4
Insert concept:
__________________ is part total costs firms, the size of which depends on the volume of output. Most of these costs come from labor and raw materials.

The accumulated amount of government budget deficits, that is, the total volume of outstanding government obligations (external and internal).

Question 5
Analyze the following information and answer the questions posed.
A participant in the scientific symposium, citizen N., stated that the state must exclude “aggressive violence,” that is, the use of force or the threat of force against another person or his property, against the will of that person. Moreover, the ban on aggressive violence should be legal, not ethical, that is, violations of this ban should be prosecuted.
What ideological views does citizen N adhere to? Which modern Russian economists or politicians share these views?

Answers to tests

Test № 1 № 2 № 3 № 4 № 5
Answer G G IN B B
Test № 6 № 7 № 8 № 9 № 10
Answer IN IN A B IN

Answers to discovery questions

Answer to question 1:
1 - professional market participants valuable papers.
2 — characteristic features states
Answer to question 2:
What is extra in each row? Write out the excess and explain why you decided so.
1 - Currency speculation. Examples are given in the series foreign trade policy, and currency speculation is an example of income generation by individuals or legal entities in the foreign exchange market from currency speculation.
2 - The election of state bodies is unnecessary, since it is not an essential feature of a rule-of-law state.
3 - persuasion is a method of power, the rest are sources of power.
Answer to question 3:
K. is not obliged to testify, because in accordance with Art. 56 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, a clergyman is not subject to interrogation as a witness about circumstances that became known to him from confession.
Answer to question 4:
1 - Variable costs
2 - Public debt
Answer to question 5:
Libertarian ideology. For example, Andrey Illarionov

A verdict is a procedural act of justice. This is a decision of the court (judge) on the guilt or innocence of the defendant and the imposition of punishment on him or on his release from punishment, made by the court of first instance or appeal (Article 5 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation), everything else is regulatory legal acts

2.2.4. Political Party, team political leader, clientele, amical group, clique

2.4. Answer:Political Party - formal association, the rest are informal associations.

CLIENTELA(lat. cliens obedient) - a form of social (personal or collective) dependence generated by the uneven distribution of power resources. It is distinguished by the priority of personal loyalty to all other types of social connections.

amical group - friendly

cabal - a group of associates united to achieve their goals.

2.2.2. Legislative Assembly of the Territory, Prosecutor General's Office, Ministry of Finance, Federal Antimonopoly Service, Municipal Assembly _________________________________________________________________

Answer:the municipal assembly is a local government body, the rest are bodies state power.

2.2.2. The rule of law, mutual responsibility of the state and the individual, separation of powers, election of state bodies

The election of state bodies is unnecessary, since it is not an essential feature of the rule of law - See Baranov

2.2.3. Violence, persuasion, inheritance, wealth, knowledge.


persuasion is a method of power, the rest are sources of power.

4.5. “The highest direct expression of the power of the people is a referendum and __________________________” (Article 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

Free elections.

4.4. ___________________ is the set of those interactions through which values ​​are introduced into society in an authoritative manner.

political system (as interpreted by David Easton) one of the leading American political scientists. Easton's emphasis is on the variability and dynamism of political systems, on the role of various structures in maintaining continuity of functioning political system. Easton defines a political system as the interactions through which values ​​are distributed in society and, on this basis, conflicts between members of society are prevented. When considering political systems, Easton uses the cybernetic principle of measuring indicators of the functioning of the system at its “input” (demands and needs of citizens) and “output” (decisions and actions of the authorities).

He was the first to propose the most systematic presentation of the theory of the political system in the works “Political System” (1953), “Conceptual Framework for Political Analysis” (1965), “ System analysis political life"(1965).

4.5. _____________________________________ can be domestic and foreign policy, evolutionary and revolutionary, open and shadow. It unfolds in every country within the political system of society, as well as on a regional and global scale.

Political process.

4.7. ___________________ is a set of ways and methods by which the normative provisions of the political system are implemented in the practice of political institutions.

Political regime

4.6. ______________________________________ is a social community that acts as the subject of preparation and adoption of the most important strategic decisions in the field of politics and has the necessary resource potential for this.

Political elite

4.4. The main criteria of social stratification are income, prestige, education,__________________________________________

4.3. ___________________ is a historically established, stable form of organizing the joint activities of people, serves to satisfy social needs and thereby performs certain functions in society.

(Institute, social institution)

4.5. __________________ is a type of effective influence based on the use of a variety of political, economic, physical and other methods and means of pressure on an object.


4.6. __________________ is a certain organization of activities and relations in the field of politics, embodying social norms and rules of human behavior.

(Political Institute)

4.5. The form of _______________ is determined by the source of power, if it is one

face, then this form is designated by the term ______________, and if the whole

people, then ___________

form of government, monarchy, republic

End of work -

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The right to be elected to state and local government bodies is called primaries

No.. signs of a state.. a the presence of an apparatus of power and control, a coercive apparatus, b division of the population according to territorial units into sovereignty i.e..

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Match the texts with the authors, the titles of their works and portraits. Arrange the authors in the table in chronological order

IN information world the struggle for power and dominance turns into a struggle for distribution and access to information and knowledge. Knowledge is the most democratic source of power. Controlling the distribution and access to information and knowledge is the basis of the battle for power.

Alexander Grigorievich Confisakhor, candidate psychological sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Political Psychology, St. Petersburg State University.

There are many different “instruments” and “levels” of power. Among them, the most important are violence, wealth and knowledge, which are defined as the main resources of power.

In his monograph “Metamorphoses of Power,” Toffler believes that knowledge is the most versatile and thorough, since with its help a person is able to solve problems that might require the use of violence or wealth. Often knowledge can be used in such a way that other people are forced to act in a way that is desirable for the subject, and not in their own interests. Knowledge gives power of the highest quality.

Of the three sources of power (power, wealth, knowledge), knowledge is distributed less well. Redistributing knowledge (especially knowledge about knowledge) is more important than other major means of power. This can also lead to a redistribution of power and wealth. Overconcentration of means of power is dangerous (insufficient concentration of these means is similarly dangerous).

The role of knowledge has qualitatively changed, there has been an increase in new system creation of wealth. This was the reason that contributed to structural changes throughout the system power relations. The new revolutionary system of wealth creation cannot spread without causing personal, political and international conflicts. The way we create wealth and shape economic relationships has changed. As a result, they were faced with those subjects of power who defend their interests and whose dominance was born previous system. Fierce tensions have emerged as each side fights for control of the future.

The emergence of a new system of creating wealth ultimately undermined all the supports of the old system of power, changing business, politics, government, and the very structure of the world power system. At the same time, the well-known axiom was again confirmed: “Power is neither good nor bad, it is the measure of all human relations.”

Strength, wealth and knowledge were and remain the main levers, the triad of power. However the most important factor authorities in modern world becomes its quality. Carrying out an analysis of the use of sources of power from this point of view allows us to draw the following conclusions.

Violence, the shadow of violence or force enshrined in law, lies behind every action of rulers and government, and as a result, every legitimate authority relies on the security forces and the police to give force to its political will. The law is violence purified in people's minds; it masks force, which implies the potential use of violence in the event of inappropriate and improper compliance by citizens.

The weakness of brute force lies in its absolute inflexibility (the advantages and disadvantages of subjects of power using coercion as a source of power were discussed above). Violence can only be used for punishment; violence breeds resistance. Objects of power are waiting for an opportunity to strike back and strive to get out of the subject’s field of action. Violence can thus be classified as low-quality power.

Wealth is a more convenient and effective instrument of power. Instead of intimidation or punishment, it can offer rewards and rewards, it can be used both positively and negatively, to reward as well as to punish. It is much more flexible and multifaceted in power, especially when the ultimate threat of violence remains in place. Wealth can be classified as power of average quality.

The highest quality power, notes E. Toffler, comes from the application of knowledge. At the same time, it assumes maximum efficiency - achieving a goal with minimal sources of power and expenditure of resources. Knowledge can often be used to force the object of power to accept the sequence of operations in performing actions proposed by the subject of power. In this case, there is a potential opportunity (again based on information and knowledge) to convince the target that he himself came up with this sequence.

Knowledge can serve to increase wealth and power. Both strength and wealth depend on knowledge; it becomes the most important component of strength and wealth, their essence. Knowledge has enormous flexibility, it has characteristics that make knowledge psychologically fundamentally different from the less significant other sources of power inherent in previous stages of social development.

Power is limited in everything that concerns practical application. There is a limit to the application of force unless the goal is to destroy something that must either capitulate or be protected. The same logic is true for wealth - not everything can be bought with money. Knowledge, on the contrary, never ends; knowledge cannot be spent. The more it is given, the more knowledge becomes.

Power and wealth are the property of the powerful and wealthy. Moreover, the peculiarity of knowledge is that it can be possessed by the weak and poor. This is an extremely important and key characteristic in the information age. Knowledge is the most democratic source of power. In the rapidly changing information world, the struggle for power and dominance is increasingly turning into a struggle for distribution and access to information and knowledge. As a result, control over the distribution and access to information and knowledge is the basis of the battle for power in all institutions of humanity and human society.

Considering the reasons for the death of statehood in countries of Eastern Europe and the USSR, Toffler notes that this did not happen by chance. Socialism, in the process of its development, faced a future for which it was not prepared and did not know its rules and laws.

Actually main reason The failure of the great experiment of state socialism of the 20th century, Toffler writes, was its outdated ideas about knowledge.

Analyzing the situation, Toffler notes that "with few exceptions, state socialism led not to abundance, equality and freedom, but to a one-party political system and the suppression of intellectual and artistic freedom." Each of the elements of the system is not only a way of organizing people, but also a specific way of organizing, transferring and controlling knowledge.

In fact, behind each element is an outdated understanding of knowledge: the belief that those in charge know what others should know.

This blocking approach to knowledge hampered economic development even at the factory level and became diametrically opposed to the principles necessary for economic progress in the age of the computer and new technologies. information systems, new technology dissemination of information and knowledge.

Carrying out an analysis of the three main socialist ideas, E. Toffler especially notes that neither state ownership, nor central planning, nor complete concentration on the “factory pipe” industry (while neglecting agriculture and mental labor) were unable to function in the changed conditions, with the rapid transition from an industrial society to the information age.

The principles of the metamorphosis of power will allow us to evaluate not only the balance of power, but also the “power of balance.” Toffler writes that all countries can be divided into three types:

1) power will consist mainly of one of the three components “violence - welfare - knowledge”,

2) those whose power rests on two components;

3) and those countries whose influence is evenly based on all three main sources of power.

When analyzed from a balance of power perspective, we find that throughout the Cold War period, power in the United States was extremely broad based. America not only had a huge military power, but also extraordinary economic influence and the best power-knowledge offering in the world, from the most exact sciences and technology to popular culture, much of which the world wanted to emulate.

Power in the Soviet Union, on the contrary, remained completely unbalanced. Its claims to superpower status came exclusively from the military. Economics mattered little in the world system. Although R&D was excellent in some defense sectors, overall technological know-how was lagging. Telecommunications did not meet the requirements of the time, controlled means mass media were backward and subject to strict censorship.

Over a long period cold war it was the United States with balanced power that won the race to the bottom, not Soviet Union, who relied on force and violence.

Knowledge as the source of the highest power is becoming increasingly important. The most important changes in power occur in changes in the relationship between power, wealth and authority. This is an objective process, on the understanding of the meaning and significance of which the preservation of statehood, the future of the country, political and economic development depend.

School stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in social studies. 2016-2017 academic year 10th grade Full name_________________________________________________________________

1. Choose several correct answers. Enter your answers in the table.

    Go to functions political ideology relate:

      1. integration;

        socially transformative;

      1. cognitive;

      1. mobilization;


    Level of emotional connections between members social group is a criterion for identifying groups:

      1. small;


      1. big;

      1. friendly;


    1. The elements of fiscal policy are:

        1. changes in government procurement;

        1. change in refinancing rate;

        1. regulation of interest rates on loans;

        1. changing the structure of transfer payments;

          change in tax rate.

1.4. In a newspaper article, a journalistwithout waiting for a court decision,announcedcitizen N. guilty of theft. What rights of citizen N. did the journalist violate?

    right to presumption of innocence

    right to judicial protection

    right to freedom of speech

    right to equality before the law

    right to honor and good name






2. What do the following concepts have in common?Give as accurate as possibleanswer.

Wealth, knowledge, inheritance, violence.

Answer: ________________________________________________


Parliament appoints the government; the government is accountable to the president; the head of state has purely representative functions; The prime minister is usually the head of the party that wins the election.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

4. Give a brief rationale for the series(which combines the listedelements) and indicate which of the elements is superfluous on this basis.

Social values ​​and behavior patterns, symbol system, social organizations, social elevators, social resources.

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________

5. "Yes"or"No"?If you agree with the statement,write"Yes",Ifdisagree - “No.” Enter your answers into the table.

    According to Aristotle, it is not human nature to unite with other people.

    Deviant behavior is always punished by law.

    For a product with elastic demand, an increase in price always leads to a decrease in total revenue.

    The terms "identity" and "aporia" are synonymous.

    Deck playing cards is an example of a sign system.

    The division of law into private and public goes back to Roman law.








6. Solve the problem.

Yuri K., 15 years old, having learned that his dad had a new laptop, decided to sell the unnecessary home computer to his friend, 18-year-old Boris S. When Yuri’s parents asked him to “return everything to its place,” Boris refused, since he has already started using the computer and “likes it.” Yuri K.'s parents decided to go to court. What is the content of the statement of claim? What decision will the court make (give reasons for your answer)?


7. Match the definitions and terms.



A. a set of ways, means and methods of exercising political power.

B. an association of people claiming a monopoly of legitimate physical violence in a certain territory.

IN. A system of orientations of individuals regarding the political system as a whole and themselves in this political system.

G. a set of political institutions and the relationships between them.

D. a non-state political institution that performs the functions of articulating the interests of society and the struggle for power.

1. political culture

2. politic system

3. political regime

4. Political Party

5. political ideology

6. state







8. Insert in place of the gaps the serial numbers of the corresponding words fromproposed list. Words are given in the list in the singular, adjectives in the form male. Please note: the word list contains

    those that should not appear in the text! Enter your answer in the table.

Currently ___ (A) most countries have a two-tier structure. The top level of the system is represented by ___ (B). At the lower level there are ___ (B), subdivided into ___ (D) and ___ (D). ___ (E) A country's currency is the prerogative of the central bank. If the purpose of any commercial bank is to obtain ___ (F), then the central bank functions to maintain the stability of the banking system. To combat ___ (3) the central bank is pursuing regulatory policies money supply, called ___ (I). Its main elements are operations on open ___ (K), changes in norms ___ (L) and rates ___ (M).

Terms: 1 . Banking system 2. Unemployment 3 .Revenue 4. Investment5. Inflation 6. Commercial Bank 7. Monetary 8. Tax 9. Mandatory reserve 10. Industry 11. Emission 12. Profit 13. Market14. Sberbank 15. Specialized 16. Refinancing 17. Universal 18. Federal Reserve System 19. Fiscal 20. central bank














9. Sort the images into four groups. Write down the reasons for identifying each group.

A. B.V. G.

D. E. Zh. Z.

10. Match the powers and the bodies that have them.

1. appoints the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. manages federal property.

3. approves military doctrine.

4. issues decrees and orders

5. calls referendums.

6. declares an amnesty.

7. develops a draft federal budget.

8.appoints judges of the Supreme Court.

9. calls elections for the President of the Russian Federation.

10. appoints the chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

A. President of the Russian Federation

B. The State Duma

B. Federation Council

G. Government of the Russian Federation


11. Fill in the blanks to create the correct legal terms.

    SE__ national justice

    substance__ Tutsia

    Pen__ tensiary organs

    pretz__ dent

    reab__ litation

12. Match the authors with their scientific views.


1. T. Hobbes,

J. Locke

A. The state is an instrument of exploitation of the oppressed classes by the ruling classes.

2. K. E. Dühring,

G. K. Jung

B. In the natural state of society before

the emergence of a state is possible

conflicts and wars between people. As a result, individuals give up some of their natural rights to another group of people in exchange for protection and stability in society. The state is born

due to the conclusion of an agreement between people.

3. Aristotle

IN. The state is the result of wars, violence and enslavement of some peoples by others.

4. K. Marx

G. The state grew out of the family. As Father

In the family he takes care of its members, so the sovereign protects his subjects.


13. Solve practical problems.

1. A certain king of France, who ruled from the middle of the 17th century to the first quarter of the 18th century, once told people from his circle a phrase that would later become popular: “The state is me!” It was this phrase that came from the lips of the fifteen-year-old monarch.

What form of government (with specifics) did this phrase actually characterize?

Name the king of France who said this phrase. ______________________________________________________________________________

2. The day of the employee of this particular law enforcement agency is celebrated on January 12. It is celebrated on January 12 for a reason, because it was January 12, 1722

by decree of Peter the Great was

position was created thanks to


The institution of this particular law enforcement structure arose in Russia.

Name the position that

Was established by decree of Peter


January 12, 1722; the person who first held this position, and also indicate the name of this law enforcement agency._________________________________

14. A Sufi parable says: one self-centered man

aspiring to higher consciousness, arrived at the Sufi center and stopped

at the gate talk to the guard.

- I think,” he said, “few of us know how much of this

the world of genuine seekers of Truth...

- I have been standing at these gates for half a century and I can tell you something about this

"score," said the watchman.

- Indeed? And how many are there?

What do you think the watchman answered? What did he want to show the newcomer?

this answer? Justify your answer. _________________________________________


15. Choose one of the statements below and explain its meaning in the form of an essay.

Philosophy “All our theories are nothing more than a generalization of experience and observed facts.” (V.A. Ambartsumyan)

Economy “Supply and demand are a process of mutual adjustment and coordination.” (P.T. Heine)

Sociology “The beginning of personality comes much later than the beginning of the individual.” (B.G. Ananyev)

Political science “Divide and conquer is a wise rule, but unite and direct is even better.” (I.V. Goethe)

Jurisprudence “The law does not know class crimes, does not know differences in the circle of persons among whom its violation is committed. He is equally strict and equally merciful to everyone.” (A.F. Koni)

Social Studies Olympiad 10th grade

Time – 45 minutes, maximum – 55 points

test, 1 point per answer)

1. Knowledge in philosophy is primarily considered as:

a) abilities and skills in a certain field of activity;

b) significant information in terms of activity;

c) objective reality given in the human mind;

G) the process of acquiring and developing knowledge.

2. Traditional society as opposed to industrial:

A) has class stratification B) is open

C) is based on a religious worldview D) supports science as a social institution

3.What are the features of an industrial society?

A) priority of collectivist values ​​B) transformation of science into public institution B) low social mobility

D) widespread use computer technology

4.The emergence of transnational corporations in modern society, development international trade serve as a manifestation of a trend:

A) modernization B) globalization C) democratization D) informatization

5. A holistic view of nature, society, and man, which finds expression in the system of values ​​and ideals of an individual, social group, society, is:

A) beliefs; B) faith; B) worldview; D) ideal

6. Existential needs- these are the needs for:

A) self-esteem, B) self-expression; C) protection from the dangers of the surrounding world; D) a sense of belonging to society;

7. The essence of the problem of “North” and “South” is
A) increasing cultural diversity
B) the formation of a network of international terrorist organizations
B) depletion of natural resources
D) the gap in the level of economic development of regions of the planet

8. Commonality of language, beliefs, customs, symbols is inherent in culture
A) elite B) mass C) national D) ordinary

9. Supreme power in state N. is inherited. What additional information will allow us to conclude that state N. is an absolute monarchy?
A) parliament approves the annual amount allocated for the maintenance of the court B) the monarch is the supreme commander
C) the power of the monarch has no legal restrictions.
D) the monarch approves the head of the cabinet

10. Are the following judgments about social progress true?
A. The concepts of “progress” and “regression” are united by the idea of ​​​​the direction of social development.
B. Modern representations about progress prove its inconsistency
1.) only A is true. 2. only B is true. 3. both judgments are true.
4.) both judgments are incorrect

Open questions:

1. (2 points)
- Investor, broker, underwriter, dealer.
- Government bodies, territory, exclusive right to make laws, collect taxes.

2 . (3 points)
- Currency speculation, export tariff, export subsidy, import quota, embargo.
- The rule of law, mutual responsibility of the state and the individual, separation of powers, election of state bodies.
- Violence, persuasion, inheritance, wealth, knowledge.

3. (2 points) Employees of the Investigative Committee, while investigating the murder, received operational information according to which one of the suspects was citizen M., and that the specified citizen was in confession with priest K. the day after the murder. To verify the version of citizen M.’s involvement in the murder, K. was called for questioning as a witness. Is K. obliged to testify? Justify your answer.

4. (2 points) Insert concept:
__________________ is part of the firm's total costs, the value of which depends on the volume of output. Most of these costs come from labor and raw materials.

The accumulated amount of government budget deficits, that is, the total volume of outstanding government obligations (external and internal).

5. (2 points) Fill the gaps:

A) A general economic indicator that expresses the total value of goods and services produced domestically in a country. market prices, called... .
B) It is not ... an action (inaction), although formally containing signs of any act provided for by the Criminal Code, but due to its insignificance, does not pose a public danger.

6. (2 points) What do the countries below have in common in terms of state form? Give the most accurate answer possible.
Russia, Germany, Brazil, USA, Mexico, India.

7. (2 points) What do the following concepts have in common? Give the most accurate answer possible.
Navy, air Force, ground troops, airborne troops.

8. (2 points)

Give a brief justification for the series (what unites the listed elements) and indicate which of the elements is superfluous on this basis:

Capital, exchange, subsoil, entrepreneurial abilities

9. (2 points) Name the general concept for the following:
- Death of one of the spouses, declaration of one of the spouses as deceased, divorce in the registry office, divorce in court.
- Rationalization of power; social differentiation; government and civil structures; level up political participation.

Full answer:

1. Indicate what administrative responsibility may be expressed in (three positions ) (6 points)

2. Using three examples, explain what provisions of the Constitution ensure freedom of conscience in the Russian Federation (3 points)

3. Solve the problem (4 points).

Citizen Shustova filed statement of claim on establishing paternity and collecting alimony from citizen Ivanov. During the trial, citizen Ivanov admitted paternity, but refused to pay alimony in the amount of 25% of his income, asking the court to reduce the interest rate and stating that he was currently paying off a mortgage loan. Question: does the court have the right to make a decision to reduce alimony obligations? Justify your answer using references to current legislation.

4. Insert in place of the gaps the serial numbers of the corresponding words from the proposed list. (8 points) Enter your answer in the table.

Theoretically developed concepts and doctrines of the _____(A) state were formed in European political and legal thought of the 18th–19th centuries. This problem received the most profound understanding in the works of the great German philosopher _____(B). The period when this idea was put into practice was the 20th century. The dominance of _____(B) is not only one of the recognized universal values ​​that affirm humanism and justice in _____(D) relations, but at the same time an effective _____(D) instrument for ensuring individual rights and freedoms, maintaining peace between states, as well as a form of functioning _____(E) in practice. This important tool the fight against totalitarianism, bureaucracy, _____(F). This concept has its own history, detailed theoretical basis, but in modern conditions Increasingly inclusive _____(G) and globalization require new thinking, especially at the regional and global level. Globalization of the rule of law will lead to the legal consolidation of the idea of ​​_____(I) cultural and civilizational systems, in which none of the existing ideological traditions in practice should claim their _____(C) exclusivity

List of terms 1. dialogue 2. Democratic

3. communist 4. interpersonal 5. Karl Marx

6. Immanuel Kant 7. Law 8. Global 9. social equality

10. public 11. Computerization 12. International 13. practical 14. Theoretical 15. Democracy 16. rule of law 17. voluntarism 18. integration 19. legal

5. Replace definitions with concepts. (5 points)

1. Exhaustive, complete, reliable knowledge about the objective world.

2. Periodically recurring recessions and booms in the economy.

3. The benefit or benefit we would receive from the best of the options not chosen.

5. Group legal norms regulating homogeneous public relations

Answers on questions:

Open questions

Answer to question 1:

1 - professional participants in the securities market.

2 - characteristic features of the state

Answer to question 2

What is extra in each row? Write out the excess and explain why you decided so.

1 - Currency speculation. The series provides examples of foreign trade policy, and currency speculation is an example of income received by individuals or legal entities in the foreign exchange market from currency speculation

2 - The election of state bodies is superfluous, since it is not an essential feature of the rule of law

3 - persuasion is a method of power, the rest are sources of power.

Answer to question 3:

K. is not obliged to testify, because in accordance with Art. 56 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, a clergyman is not subject to interrogation as a witness about circumstances that became known to him from confession

Answer to question 4

1 - Variable costs

2 - Public debt

Answer to question 5:

A) gross domestic product

B) a crime

Answer to question 6:

Federal states

Answer to question 7:

Armed forces

Answer to question 8:

exchange, because it is not a factor of production

Answer to question 9

1 - Grounds for ending a marriage

2 - Necessary components of political modernization (highlighted by S. Huntington)
Full answers:

1 - warning, fine, confiscation, deprivation special rights

2 - 1. freedom of religion is guaranteed

2. the right to profess, individually or together with others, any religion or not to profess any

3. freely choose, have and disseminate religious and other beliefs and act in accordance with them

3. Answer: right. In accordance with the Family Code Russian Federation the size of shares may be reduced or increased by the court, taking into account the material or marital status parties and other noteworthy circumstances. 1 point for the correct answer. 3 points for correct justification with reference to the Family Code. 2 points for correct justification without reference to the Family Code. Maximum for the task – 4 points

4. Answer: 19 6 7 10 13 15 17 18 1 8

8 points – 10 correct insertions. 7 points – 8–9 correct insertions. 6 points – 6–7 correct insertions. 5 points – 5 correct insertions. 4 points – 4 correct insertions. 3 points – 3 correct insertions. 2 points – 2 correct insertions. 1 point – 1 correct insertion. Maximum for the task – 8 points

5. 1. truth; 2. economic cycles; 3. opportunity cost 4. Islam 5. branch of law

Total 55 points
