Why did the owner of the Cherkizovsky market order the murder of singer Abraham Russo? Who ordered Vladyka Cherkizon? That's why he kidnapped the children

The owner of Cherkozon is involved in seven murders, he blames his partners for everything

Telman Ismailov wrote a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin. In it, he claims that he became a victim of former business partners and accuses them of corruption. According to Rosbalt’s interlocutors, such a message may be due to the fact that the Investigative Committee plans to bring charges against Ismailov for organizing a criminal community.

As a source in law enforcement agencies told Rosbalt, the former owner of the Cherkizovsky market Telman Ismailov handed over a letter addressed to the head of state to the administration of the President of the Russian Federation. This information was confirmed to the agency by several interlocutors familiar with the situation. The message takes up 12 pages, the essence of it was told to Rosbalt by a source who familiarized himself with the document. According to him, Ismailov describes the balance of forces behind the smuggling channel through which goods were supplied to Cherkizon. After the closure of the market, according to the entrepreneur, he found himself in the most unfair situation: his “junior” partners were allocated other large areas to continue the business, but he himself received nothing. Moreover, according to Ismailov, his former partners, with the help of their connections, launched an attack on him and undermined his financial position. And then they began to pursue him through law enforcement. As a result, the businessman left the country and was later put on the wanted list on charges of organizing two murders. In his letter, Ismailov describes connections and possible crimes allegedly committed by his former partners. And at the same time he declares that he himself is not involved in the acts accused of him.

A Rosbalt source in law enforcement agencies believes that Ismailov’s arguments do not stand up to criticism, and connects the message with the events currently taking place in the criminal case. “The investigation has collected enough evidence to charge Ismailov in absentia with organizing a criminal community - this could happen in the next few days,” the agency’s interlocutor opined. “Also, active work is now underway against Ismailov’s inner circle. We have many questions for the businessman’s brother, former deputy prefect of the Northern Administrative Okrug Fazil Izmailov, but he is not available for questioning. Also, one of the former senior officers of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Northern Administrative District has already been interrogated. He is suspected of having close ties with the Ismailov clan.” According to a Rosbalt source, Telman Ismailov and his brothers Fazil and Vagif (who are wanted) are traveling between France and Montenegro. At one time, Telman Ismailov lived in Turkey, but, according to the agency’s interlocutor, he was forced to leave this country: supposedly local police had questions for him in connection with the execution of thief in law Rovshan Dzhaniev (Rovshan Lyankoransky).

According to the agency’s source, the “Ismailovs’ case” now includes seven murders and attempts, which are related to the businessman’s conflict with the “Koptev” and “Lyubertsy” groups. The reason for the conflict with the Koptevskaya organized crime group lies in the struggle for the right to control a number of wholesale markets in the capital. In the late 1990s, the Ismailov family set its sights on profitable properties in the Northern Administrative District (NAD), in particular the Lianozovsky market, the market in Western Degunino, and several shopping centers.

However, most of the objects that interested the Ismailovs were related to representatives of the “Koptev” group, who did not want to share the profits at all. A conflict arose between the then leader of the Koptevskys, Andrei Lobanov (Loban), and the family of the owner of Cherkizon, which ended in the murder of the “authority”.

After this, according to the operatives, the Ismailovs began to “fight” with Loban’s successors - also members of the Koptevskaya organized crime group. Over the course of five years, at least seven “authorities” were killed. The main chord of this war was the arson of the Lianozovsky market in October 2005, which, according to investigators, was committed on the orders of the Ismailov family. The Koptevskys and businessmen associated with them had to agree with the claims of the Ismailovs and create partnerships with a family.

At some point, the Ismailovs sold all the properties and, according to the terms of the agreement, had to give part of the profits to their partners. For example, the share of businessman Vladimir Savkin from the sale shopping center“Stroymarket No. 1” was $5.5 million. However, it was simply “thrown away.” Savkin began to remind the family about the debt, mainly his complaints were addressed to Rafik Ismailov. When he became too persistent, the businessman was invited to a meeting to discuss the details of paying off the debt. During it, in May 2016, Savkin, along with his acquaintance Yuri Brilev, was shot. A case was initiated, within the framework of which all the details of the activities of the Ismailov family “came to light.”

As Rosbalt has already reported, it is actively cooperating with the investigation. right hand» Rafika Harry Belotserkovsky. According to Belotserkovsky’s testimony, in 2000 he and Rafik came to the Prague restaurant, where he witnessed a conversation with Telman Ismailov. During the meeting, according to Belotsekovsky, the brothers discussed the need to eliminate the “authority” of the Koptevskaya organized crime group Andrei Lobanov, as well as the details of the crime.

Founded in 1993. It occupies an area of ​​234 hectares. Administrative division - 12 trading platforms, the largest of which (with the abbreviation ACT in the name) occupy most of Cherkizon. Border security is provided by AST-Shield. The exact population size is unknown since most citizens are undocumented. The titular nationalities are Mountain Jews, Chinese, Vietnamese and Tajiks. The “tourist flow” reaches a million shuttles per day. The “country’s” GDP is only 250 million rubles a year, but this does not take into account smuggling and shadow trade

A few days ago, the wind tore off the roof of the pavilion at the Cherkizovsky market in Moscow. Three people were crushed by the falling roof. However, concussions and fractures are nothing compared to the fact that one of the owners of Cherkizon (that’s what local residents and regular shoppers call the capital’s Cherkizovsky market) lost his roof. Telman Ismailov .

While he inaugurated a $1.5 billion seven-star hotel in Turkey, The Prosecutor General's Office discovered that contraband worth as much as 2 billion was hidden in his market!

“The goods were in 6 thousand containers,” reported Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika. According to the security officer, some of the clothes (children's clothes and shoes) are also hazardous to health.

But most importantly, this news is dangerous for Ismailov’s future career. Reports exposing the previously beloved oligarch by the authorities were broadcast on all state television channels, and even the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin called for a tougher and more effective fight against smugglers:

– Including by putting the perpetrators in prison.

Hereditary trader

The potential prisoner himself and still an oligarch, Telman Ismailov, claims that he was born in 1956 in Baku. However, representatives of the diaspora assured Sobesednik that the businessman’s real roots are in a village on the border with Dagestan called Krasnaya Sloboda:

– In Azerbaijan, it is also called the financial capital - this is where many of those who have money in the republic, and therefore real power, come from. Once it was the largest settlement of mountain Jews, Tats, in the Union, but now no more than 3 thousand of them live there. In Moscow, for example, the Tat community is five times larger.

The traditional occupation of the Tats was trade, and little Thälmann was doomed to trade. His father Mardan was a big deal in the sale of textiles in Baku, and Telman, the tenth child in the family, joined this business at the age of 14. By his 18th birthday, the freshman at the Azerbaijan Economic Institute became the director of the city’s only commercial store on the prestigious Baku Boulevard. They say that dad, who had connections in the Ministry of Trade, came to the rescue.

600,000 lifting

But Baku was crowded for Ismailov. Since 1982, he began visiting Moscow - he worked either in the Ministry of Trade or in Vostokintorg - but was able to turn around only with the beginning of perestroika.

On July 13, 1989, the future ruler of Cherkizon registered the ACT group, named after the first letters of the names of his sons. A year later he had about fifty stores in the capital. Then - the market in Luzhniki, flea markets at dozens of metro stations... 600 thousand for the initial business were accumulated by the whole large family.

“It was a mess on the shelves back then, and Ismailov arranged deliveries from shuttles and set up something like second-hand stores in which new goods were sold. There was no end to buyers, unlike us. So we rented out the premises to him, and then we began to slowly sell them to him,” admitted one of the former officials of Mostorg-Odezhda, Arkady Somov.

A native of Baku invested the money he received in everything that was bad, and in the 90s almost everything was bad: leather goods, printing, restaurants, Agriculture... Considering that until recently, by his own admission, he collected rent from market sellers in cash (that is, bypassing the tax office), Ismailov had enough capital for development.

State inside the capital

Now the AST group has grown to three dozen companies engaged in various types business - from construction to jewelry. But the oligarch’s most valuable asset is considered to be the Cherkizovsky market, spread over several hectares of valuable Moscow land.

– This is a state within a state with its own laws. For example, if we go to detain people who sell drugs there, the security service will not let us in,” says the ex-chief of the district criminal investigation department, Evgeniy Kharlamov.

What quality certificates, what taxes, what document verification? For the last few years, the city authorities have been insisting that the market is about to be closed, but each time the demolition date is postponed for another year. It's no secret that Ismailov and Moscow Mayor Luzhkov- close relationships. Not to mention AST's connections with officials of more modest rank.

“Once a member of our trade union met one of the district leaders there, who was carrying a suitcase chained to his hand,” said the head of the independent trade union of the capital’s police officers, Mikhail Pashkin, in surprise. – What was this diplomat with?

Turkish joys

Telman Ismailov, who values ​​his business at $3 billion, is generally known for his philanthropy.

It is he who, according to rumors, is not indifferent to the Turkish pop diva Sibel Can, who has already filed for divorce from her husband. It was he who was behind the promotion of Abraham Russo, after the cooling of relations with whom the singer was shot. It was he who gave Mariah Carey a microphone studded with diamonds, and he drove up Ivan Urgant with a brand new Porsche Cayenne.

“I could have given you a set of Hungarian dishes, but I gave you a car,” Ivan himself did not hide the gift. - Nice.

The recent opening of the luxurious Mardan Palace hotel in Turkey was also not without stars. Richard Gere and Monica Bellucci, Philip Kirkorov and Joseph Kobzon, Paris Hilton and, of course, Yuri Luzhkov...

In a crisis, it would have been possible to indulge more modestly, but it’s not for nothing that the Financial Times included Telman Ismailov in the list of the most extravagant billionaires in the world. This happened after he went to one of the parties on Cote d'Azur rushed in on a gold-plated plane.

FSB vs. Ministry of Internal Affairs

Until recently, the oligarch was forgiven for this extravagance, but now the gilding has begun to creep off his image. After the noisy opening of the Turkish hotel, people started talking about the splendor and poverty of the Cherkizovsky market at the very top.

“They cannot forgive Ismailov for investing money in someone else’s economy during a crisis,” Moscow Azerbaijanis suggested to Sobesednik.

However, the oligarch's friction with the Kremlin began even earlier. As a source in the authorities explained, three years ago the head of the department quarreled at the Ministry of Internal Affairs economic security Sergey Meshcheryakov, who was friends with the FSB, and Deputy Minister Andrei Novikov, who oversaw the criminal police:

– First they arrested Meshcheryakov’s assistant, but then they planted incriminating evidence on Novikov, in whose apparatus Ismailov’s nephew Vagif worked, to the president. It seems that those papers were about AST’s business, and the leak shocked Putin so much that he sent the deputy minister to resign. In general, the FSB won, and Ismailov was taken into account.

It was then that he began to withdraw capital to Turkey.

Attack of competitors

However, not only the security forces, but also his colleagues in the market workshop have a grudge against Ismailov.

“All the current negativity about the market is an attack by the capitalist’s competitors,” says political scientist Stanislav Belkovsky.

Cherkizon will still be demolished in the coming months, but it is still unclear who will develop the vacated hectares. Now they are, in fact, divided by two oligarchs - Ismailov and his fellow countryman Zarakh Iliev. Once they were considered almost partners, but recently Ismailov announced that he had no partners. What special service ran between the mats is a mystery, but if Luzhkov is behind Ismailov, then behind Iliev is not just the FSB, but someone more serious. Ilham Ragimov himself, Putin’s classmate and friend in judo, set up his office in the Venice restaurant, owned by Zarakh Iliev.

Given this balance of power, the prime minister’s voiced desire to fight smuggling is difficult to perceive as anything other than a hidden signal. A few days ago, Telman Ismailov already submitted documents to obtain Turkish citizenship.

Interrogated in the case of smuggling at the Cherkizovsky market, etc. O. Prefect of the Northern Administrative District of Moscow Fazil Izmailov-Izmailov twice changed his surname by one letter - the brothers do not advertise their relationship

As part of the investigation into the case of large-scale smuggling at the Cherkizovsky market, the brother of the “owner” of the market, multimillionaire Telman Ismailov, was interrogated. This and. O. Prefect of the Northern Administrative District (NAD) of Moscow Fazil Izmailov. This is how he changed his last name - the brothers do not advertise their relationship.

The message that “Russian law enforcement agencies detained my brother famous entrepreneur Telman Ismailov - Fazil Ismailov", appeared on the Azerbaijani website "Top7.az". Izvestia sources close to law enforcement agencies clarified that this was a routine interrogation, after which the witness was released home. The content of the conversation and the occupation of the interrogated were not disclosed. However, we are most likely talking about the acting prefect of the Northern Administrative District of Moscow, Fazil Izmailov, who was appointed to this position in February of this year. Rumors about his close relationship with Telman Ismailov have been circulating for a long time. But rumors are one thing, reality is another. The only thing is that What makes them documentary related is their patronymic: they are both Mardanovichs. Their surnames, however, are different. Maybe they have nothing to do with each other?

Izvestia found out that a man named Izmailov Fazil Mardanovich exists only in the press and in official documents of the capital’s authorities. But it doesn’t appear in the telephone database. But there is Fazil Mardanovich Ismailov. His address is Leningradsky Prospekt, 75. And the apartment is the same one in which, according to the residents of this building, Fazil Izmailov was registered when he was still the head of the Sokol administration. It turns out that Fazil Izmailov is Fazil Ismailov. Brother of Telman Ismailov. This was confirmed to Izvestia by sources in the police and the Sokol administration. And even the press secretary of the Northern Administrative Okrug Natalya Zvereva, in a conversation with Izvestia, did not deny the relationship. Just for some reason I asked if I lived in the Northern District.

Fazil Mardanovich changed his last name three times, said one of his former colleagues. - First he was Ismailov, then Ismailov and finally became Izmailov.

Izvestia, through its press secretary, contacted Fazil Izmailov himself for comments, but did not receive any responses at the time of signing the number. We continue to follow this story.

On the eve of her 14th birthday, she loves to look through old photographs. These are the only photographs that have survived from her past life. The fifth birthday of Ruslana, the granddaughter of Telman Ismailov. year 2009. A dress from an Italian designer that costs almost 50 thousand dollars. Famous people invited to the house Russian artists, holiday photo shoot. The children's room is filled with gifts.

Since childhood, Ruslana has been bathed in gold and luxury, says her mother and common-law wife of Sarkhan Ismailov (son of Telman Ismailov - note “360”), Ekaterina Romanova. - The girl had all the best. The cheapest dress in a girl's wardrobe costs at least 10 thousand dollars, the most modern toys, in the courtyard of the house there was a large children's attraction, which was made according to personal order Italians, worth almost a million.

This is the last birthday the family celebrated together. In a few months, the common-law wife of the son of “King Cherkizon” will collect her children, a suitcase with autumn children’s clothes and leave this luxurious mansion in Forest Town. She thought it would be for a while. In fact - forever.

We celebrated our daughter’s birthday,” Romanova recalls. - Sarkhan was very happy. Ruslana is a long-awaited child. He loved his daughter very much. Spent a lot of time with her.

But in this mountain of gifts she will find only one doll - this is a gift from her grandfather, one of the richest people in Russia, owner of Cherkizon Telman Ismailov.

The doll from my grandfather was the most expensive,” recalls Ruslana, Telman Ismailov’s granddaughter. - Not at cost, of course. During numerous moves I lost this toy and I really regret it. I always dreamed of meeting my grandfather. We were born on the same day - October 26th.

The famous grandfather himself celebrates his birthday on the coast of Antalya at the famous Mardan Palace hotel. The most expensive hotel in Europe. More than 10 thousand square meters of gold sheets were spent on finishing the interior. The balustrade posts are made of natural crystal. Special sand was specially brought from Egypt, which does not burn your feet in the heat.

The oligarch's retinue is entertained by Russian pop stars. The guests are mainly foreign businessmen. Gastronomic delights are served from golden dishes!

He only saw his granddaughter when she was little - he constantly gave her gifts. Ruslana herself always really wanted to meet her grandfather. It seems to me that they are very similar,” adds Ekaterina Romanova.

After the demolition of the Cherkizovsky market, the empire of the once richest businessman shuddered and became mired in huge debts. Telman Ismailov and his family moved to Turkey.

Sarkhan always worked with his father. He's like real oriental man, did not show that business problems had begun. “I noticed this myself,” admits Ekaterina Romanova. - He became hot-tempered and irritable. He began to raise his hand to me often. But I don't hold it against him. I also had character.

The famous grandfather himself knew about his son’s “illegal” family. He knew his common-law wife and the mother of his grandchildren.

With Telman Mardanovich I had a good relationship. “Sarkhan and I have been together since childhood,” says Ekaterina Romanova. - But his wife did not accept me. She wanted Sarkhan to marry a girl of their nationality.

For several months Sarkhan Ismailov together with his civil family lived with his parents.

Ruslana was not even a year old,” Romanova recalls. - We lived in Telman Mardanovich’s house for several months. In fact, as adults, he and his grandfather never saw each other.

When I turned 10 years old, my grandfather’s driver brought me a birthday present - an expensive watch with diamonds,” continues Telman Ismailov’s granddaughter. - Even when we had no money at all, I didn’t want them to be sold. This is memory.

After Sarkhan Ismailov, Catherine was forced to take eldest daughter from paid elite school. Now 13-year-old Ruslana goes to a regular comprehensive rural school. The family lives in a small room at the temple.

I remember that dad wanted to take us away from mom and send us to live and study in Turkey. We are with younger brother They really didn’t want to go. We wanted to stay with our mother,” recalls Ruslana Romanova. “I’m even glad that now we live here at the temple.” I feel calm here. The only thing I dream about is meeting my grandfather.

How there will be a meeting granddaughter and famous grandfather? And how did the son of the famous owner of Cherkizon react to his recognition common-law wife and daughters? Read the next 360 article.

Forbes magazine, known for its ability to compile ratings of the world's oligarchs, recently published data about the heirs of the founders of business empires who managed to succeed in life themselves. What about ours? What do the sons and daughters of the former do? Russian entrepreneurs- the founders of domestic business? After all, the children of Forbes and oligarchs-light, owners of various companies, have already reached working age. What do the heirs who were born with a golden spoon in their mouth want? And won’t a hereditary aristocracy appear again in Rus', and just like that - the nobility?

Daddy's daughters and sons

Most business fathers deal with their children according to the following scheme: he gave birth, raised them, educated them in the West, and left them there. Daughter of metallurgical Forbes Vasily Anisimov Anna, known in America as a stormy social life, tried to do “real estate investing” - I simply bought luxury housing in New York with my dad’s money. And she overpaid millions. “I want to create a real estate empire and conquer New York,” Anna shared her plans. But the daughter, understandably, failed to make a business out of overvalued real estate. America was discussing the scope of “Russian money” when Anya rented a famous person’s house at an American resort for $530 thousand.

And in Switzerland they still remember the Lamborghini race, in which a German pensioner was injured, organized by the sons of Telman Ismailov, the founder of Cherkizon. After the scandal, the brothers quickly went to Turkey to visit their dad and are trying to build an image of respectable businessmen.

The earliest businesswoman among the children of the oligarchs was Kira Plastinina, the daughter of the founder of the Wimm-Bill-Dann company Sergei Plastinin, who designs teenage clothes. The main US socialite, Paris Hilton, came to Moscow for the first show of her collection (they say for a fee of $2 million). With her dad's money, her daughter opened several boutiques abroad, but Plastinina did not become a sensation in the world fashion industry. Perhaps - for now.

After graduating from university, Vladimir Evtushenkov’s daughter Tatyana came to work in her father’s empire, AFK Sistema. She rose to the post of vice president of MTS. And after German Gref was appointed head of Sberbank, she began working as his adviser. By the way, Yevtushenkov’s son Felix works as vice president at AFK Sistema.

And here is Anton Wiener, Foster-son oligarch Alisher Usmanov (the son of his wife Irina Viner, the head coach of Russia in rhythmic gymnastics), did not work in his stepfather’s thriving business. Anton Wiener created a network of solarium clubs in Moscow. How much the stepfather helped, history is silent. But Anton’s mother is also a super successful woman.

Vladimir Potanin’s daughter Anastasia works at her father’s Interros as a manager in Sochi Olympic project"Rosa Khutor".

“My dad raised me in such a way that I wanted to achieve something myself, to prove to myself and others that I, too, could do a lot, so that I would be perceived not just as the daughter of a millionaire, an oligarch,” Nastya Potanina told KP. “We, the children, inherited our father’s desire to be successful. We saw how dad created his business, how hard he worked, how difficult it was for him. Knowing the character of brother Ivan, I am sure that he would not be happy with handouts: here’s a company for you, Vanya, manage it. Ivan believes that he must win the title of a successful strong manager in equal conditions, in competition, to prove that he himself has achieved something. And if he was simply placed on a high level, Vanya will not agree to this.

What's wrong with a Chanel bag?

Oligarch Alexander Lebedev acquired 75% of the shares of the English newspaper Evening Standard for his son Evgeni, who lives in London. The son of Yeltsin's draft banker Alexander Smolensky, Nikolai, bought the British car company TVR with his dad's money several years ago. But he curtailed production. He recently announced his intention to produce convertible sports cars and even promised to present a new product in July at a motor show in the UK. True, few people believe in the success of the young businessman’s venture.

No one in the West is waiting for our oligarchs or their children, says political scientist and expert secular public Alexey Mitrofanov. - Only ours and even the Arabs were sure that their money would open the door for them in the West. But in the West there is more money. People there own the Federal Reserve System, meaning they print money. How will Arab or Russian money compete with this? Not a single business project with Russian money has taken place in the West. Only Mikhail Gorbachev and Masha Sharapova are still known there. I know of only one example when an heiress in the West actually managed to make her way: the granddaughter of Nikolai Guslisty, ex-deputy head of Gazprom, Natalya. She is a successful actress in Hollywood, and soon they will find out about her in Russia. And, mind you, she made her way into an area that her grandfather’s capabilities definitely do not extend to.

Having studied in the West, the children of businessmen return to Russia, says CEO"Business Meeting of Russia", professional club of businessmen, Olga Akmulina. - No matter how pleasant it is to live in the West, our people there are still foreigners. And the children of most businessmen, even though they grew up and studied abroad and have homes there, consider Russia their home and connect the future with it. This is the trend now.

27-year-old Elena Broom, daughter of the owner large company in the field of telecommunications technologies Alexandra Broome, educated in Russia and London. She returned to Moscow and began working in her father’s company. Three years ago I created my own business - importing polymers.

My friends, daughters of wealthy parents, were surprised by my desire to do business,” Elena Brum told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - They said: how can you go to work, and when should you take care of yourself, in gyms and salons? But I am sure that everything can be done - with business, with yourself, and with your family. For children of successful parents, life is both easier and more difficult at the same time. It’s simpler - because you can get a good education, your parents help you get on your feet. But it’s more difficult - because you have to prove three times that you yourself are worth something. It’s harder to prove with a Chanel handbag,” Elena laughs. - After all, many people believe that if you are wearing exclusive items, then you don’t need anything else in life. But this is not so. An adequate person understands his responsibility both for his parents and for the company. And it’s good if he decides to get down to business when his parents are still in power, when they can help, insure, and advise. And you know, more and more young people are returning to Russia. Yes, they have Birkin bags, they drive Ferraris, but at the same time they understand that this is not the point of value, and they want to achieve their own success, and not rest on their laurels and their parents’ money.

I raised my sons alone, my husband died early, and in the 90s my sons and I created a consulting company, helping entrepreneurs set up business,” said the founder of a large metropolitan transport company Alexandra Muzyrya (Alexandra Alekseevna is already over 70, but she works as vice president of the company). - And then we thought: why not create your own business? At the beginning of the company’s formation, the sons worked as loaders, watchmen, and janitors. Our company appeared 15 years ago; now it employs 6 thousand people. At first it was led by the eldest son Oleg, then by the younger Nikita. (By the way, Nikita Muzyrya is also the president Russian Federation bobsleigh. - Author). If you create a business together with your children, they will never become parasites. But under no circumstances should children be forced into their business. I had a high-ranking acquaintance who, by force of will, got his son into a job that he did not like. The guy got drunk. But this can also happen to a tractor driver who may have dreamed of being a gardener.

"Skolkovo" instead of the Cote d'Azur?

The son of my friend, a business manager, works as an ordinary surgeon for pennies and is happy,” the head of a large steel corporation, Yuri Eliseev, told us. - And I sent my son Denis to America to study under the MBA program (the most famous business education in the world. - Author). Paid a lot of money for five years of training. He dreamed that his son would become a financier in the West. Imagine my surprise when a couple of years later Denis returned home and asked to work in my company. I'm not happy, by God. After all, I did not prepare my son to work in, so to speak, the harshest realities of domestic business. The son is by nature too honest for this. But someday in Russia there will come a time for such people?

I think yes, it will be in Skolkovo,” Mitrofanov suggests. - It seems to me that Skolkovo is just a way to not only interest young scientists in working in Russia, but also the prospects of their heirs Russian business. That is why it is being created as a fundamentally new business, as an oasis of freedom for money and a career according to the best Western models, and not on the basis of Soviet scientific campuses. If young people are not drawn into an interesting and promising project for investment and personal growth, they will simply leave for the West.

By the way, they say that it is possible that his son or daughter, who received a prestigious business education in America and lived there for several years, will work at Skolkovo with oligarch Viktor Vekselberg (he is appointed project manager).

Don’t you think that now in Russia, on the basis of the money earned by their parents-businessmen, a class of new aristocracy is being created from their heirs? - we ask businesswoman Alexandra Muzyri. - A young man Will it become completely impossible to get through “from the street”?

Good question,” Alexandra Alekseevna smiles. - Rich family, parents' money can provide a good education and financial independence. But! No matter what education a person receives, no matter how many houses he has abroad and money in his accounts, if he has no goal, if he does not know how and does not want to work “ad nauseam,” or if the only goal is money or a position, and he is going to run his business so glamorously in between visits to nightclubs, he could lose everything in an instant.

And when we didn’t have classes, when was it different? - Alexey Mitrofanov asks again. - Is it possible? Soviet time high-ranking parents did not promote their children? AND soviet people made it solely thanks to your talent? Of course not. It was difficult to break through in the era of Nicholas II, and in the era of Stalin or Brezhnev. Only in an era of chaos is it easy to break through. How, by the way, to make money quickly, which is what happened in Russia in the 90s with those people whose heirs you write about. But, it should be noted, our oligarchs raised not such bad children; there are a lot of intellectual people there who dream of being called “Skolkovo” youth”, “Skolkovo children”, and not the offspring of the first Russian oligarchs.

P.S. It’s probably too early to say that the heirs of domestic business empires choose Russia. Not everyone chooses yet. Many live quite comfortably on their father’s money in Europe or America (the same place as their mothers) and even speak Russian with an accent. But almost no one has made a successful career there. Realizing that in the West it is not enough to have money to “fit in” with the elite, heirs who have career ambitions still try to realize them in Russia. Moreover, here they have a bonus resource at their disposal in the form of connections, experience and money of their parents. So far, however, even with such starting opportunities, business heirs have not taken super heights in Russia. Maybe there's more to come. At least not all children of rich parents have nature's rest. Not bad already. Still, whatever one may say, these people are creating a certain class in Russia, a certain new elite. Let it be the “so-called” one. Let it be unique. But what do we have?


Children brands

Emma Bloomberg, daughter of media mogul Michael Bloomberg, has created a fund to help New York's poorest residents.

Ivanka Trump, the daughter of an oligarch who made a fortune from Donald Trump's real estate, continued the family business, heading the real estate department in her father's business empire, and also created her own jewelry brand.

Silvana and Roberta Armani, nieces and heiress of fashion king Giorgio Armani's empire, occupy senior positions in their uncle's company.

Andrea Soros, heir to financier George Soros, created charitable foundation, dealing with the problems of Tibet.
