Cottage, sea, forest: how to choose the best vacation for yourself? When is the best time to go to Greece? Any vacation can be active.

How to relax so as to recharge psychologically and improve your physical health?

Summer is vacation time. We are looking forward to the arrival of warm summer days, we dream of new experiences and hope that at this time of year we will finally be able to have a good rest. And not only vacations, but also weekends in the summer are conducive to “relaxing” time. Most people consider this time of year to be the most suitable for vacation.

Why is summer the best time to relax?

You can and should relax at any time of the year. But most of us prefer to relax more in the summer. It is at this time of year that we are most inclined to relax, because:

  • The air temperature is quite high. Comfortable temperature for our body is 22-26 °C. Summer temperatures are most often close to these values. And our body “likes” this, because it does not need to waste energy on heating. And we don’t need to put on a hundred clothes.
  • Long daylight hours. The longer the daylight hours, the more time for active recreation.
  • You can swim. At this time of year, the water in reservoirs warms up to comfortable temperatures, and we can swim in the seas, rivers and lakes, getting a lot of pleasure from this process.
  • You can sunbathe. Many of us love . Summer is the right time for such a pastime.
  • A lot of delicious vegetables and fruits, which you can eat in large quantities. At the same time, the body receives a lot necessary vitamins and microelements.

All this and much more makes summer a time when relaxation is not only possible, but also necessary. But you want to relax in such a way as to “overload” psychologically and improve your physical health. How to properly use the warm season for your benefit? And which holiday to choose?

Types of summer holidays

In summer, various prospects open up before us, and everyone can choose a vacation in accordance with their taste and capabilities.

Beach holiday

This is one of the most popular types of recreation. For a beach holiday, some of us go to seaside resorts, while others use nearby bodies of water. A beach holiday will help you warm up, tan and swim. Thanks to this type of rest, our body will restore its strength. Swimming and moderate exposure to the sun will increase immunity, stimulate metabolism and help improve psychological well-being.

But you need to remember that staying on the active for too long summer sun is fraught with consequences. If you “roast” in the sun all day long, you can overheat, get sunstroke and even “earn” new diseases. Yes, you can also “overshop” and catch a cold. Therefore, treat this type of recreation carefully and do not overuse sun and water treatments.

Rest in the forest

In summer the forest is beautiful and pleasant. Fragrant herbs and clean oxygen-rich air can have a healing effect on your body. This type of rest is even prescribed in some cases. For example, people with respiratory problems are advised to spend some time inhaling.

You can spend a vacation or a weekend in the forest in a special sanatorium, at a camp site, or as a “savage” by pitching a tent in a place you like. This way of relaxing is more suitable for people who like to be away from crowded places and the bustle of the city. But in the forest, as a rule, the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes and other insects increases; this is a disadvantage of this type of recreation.

Summer to the mountains

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Nothing strengthens family relationships more than spending time together in a concept that is exciting and interesting for all members of the household.

At this time of year, lovers of mountain travel can fulfill their dreams and conquer new peaks. Holidays in the mountains are fresh air, moderate physical exercise and wonderful mountain scenery. This type of rest builds physical endurance, strengthens muscles, burns overweight and helps to completely “reboot”. You can relax in the mountains as a “savage” by going camping with tents or in a sanatorium or hotel in comfortable conditions. But in extreme heat Walking in the mountains is fraught with overheating, so it is better to choose not the hottest times for this holiday. In addition, if you chose the “wild” option, then you need some physical training.

Country holiday

Country holidays are a fairly popular pastime. You can also have a wonderful rest at the dacha. At the same time, work on personal plot, or you can just enjoy the peace, tranquility and views of nature. And vegetables and fruits from your own harvest will help you improve your health due to the vitamins they contain.

Any vacation can be active

Any of the above types of recreation can be calm and relaxed, or it can be active. Swimming, beach sports, long walks - active pastime will help you truly relax. Don't be afraid that the movement will tire you. Moderate physical activity will trigger recovery processes in the body and help get rid of psychological fatigue.

Choose a holiday to suit your taste. Rest so that you can improve your health, recover and experience the joy of life. Use the summer to relax to the fullest!

12 months holiday

Vacation is a time of pleasant torment and reflection on where to go on vacation. It is very difficult to choose something suitable from the abundance of offers. Especially if the vacation is expected not in the warm summer months, but in the fall, winter or spring. No matter what time of year your well-deserved vacation falls, the information below will be useful to you.

Vacation in winter

Winter is a wonderful time for tourism and pleasant sensations. In December, ski resorts in Europe are in full swing. However, excursions around European countries won't be able to deliver great joy because of the coming winter. However, in China, India, and Nepal there are a huge number of ancient temples that will be interesting to see. Please note that at the end of the month, tickets will become significantly more expensive.

January is not easy winter month, and a great opportunity to have fun free time. Just be prepared for prices to be quite high at the beginning of the month. Of course, when talking about winter holidays, ski resorts come to mind first. By the way, in Lately Turkey's tourism business is successfully moving in this direction. And the prices there are quite reasonable. Or you can go to warm seas closer to the equator, where it almost always stands good weather. Maldives - quite interesting option for a person with good income. Also in January, you can diversify your leisure time with excursions to ancient European cities, visit museums and ancient castles. In the second half of January prices are significantly lower.

In February, the following places are suitable for a beach holiday: Egypt, the UAE, Morocco and Jordan. Just keep in mind that the weather in Egypt during this period can be quite windy, and it is better to vacation in Jordan in February in the southern part of the country. If you go further along the map, countries such as China, India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Cuba and the Dominican Republic can give you a suntan and a wonderful summer mood even in February. Ski resorts are available in Austria, Georgia and Ukraine. Bukovel is a fairly well-known ski resort and is located relatively close.

Spring holiday

March is not yet conducive to relaxing on the nearest sea coast. And distant countries are already closing the season at this time. If so, Egypt will definitely be one of the best options this month. The winds have stopped, and the sunny beaches are languishing in anticipation of the influx of vacationers. Countries that can also be visited in March: Philippines, Cuba or Kenya.

April provides greater variety in the choice of resorts than its predecessor. The holiday season is in full swing in distant countries, and the nearest destinations are ready to begin work. Türkiye and Egypt open their doors to everyone who wants to have a good rest and improve their health. The weather also allows you to visit the UAE and Morocco. You can go to the countries of South Asia: India, Thailand. Or spend an exotic holiday on beautiful islands such as the Philippines, Mauritius and Seychelles.

The May period is favorable for holidays in southern countries Europe: Spain, Croatia, Greece, Bulgaria. Tunisia, which is famous for its thalassotherapy, can also be visited in May. Long-distance destinations such as Madagascar, Mauritius or Bali are also in demand.

Summer - resort boom

In June, when it is already quite hot and prices for trips have not reached their maximum, it is good to visit Turkey or Egypt. Resorts in Croatia, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria and Italy are famous for their excellent service. And such heavenly places how Bali and Madagascar will provide an excellent opportunity for exotic holiday this month.

The peak holiday season begins in July. All good places The hotels are already booked, and the prices leave much to be desired. European resorts: Italy, Croatia, Spain and Greece attract more temperate climate at this very hot month. The Black Sea coast of Bulgaria also boasts fairly warm, but not hot weather.

In August it is best to go to Turkey or southern part Europe. The second half of the month can be spent on various excursions to European cities.

Resorts in autumn

In September, many are already returning from vacation. Prices are going down, there are vacancies in good hotels, and the weather is still quite warm for seaside resort. All this creates good conditions in order to take a vacation right now. Nearby destinations are Egypt and Türkiye; distant - Malta, Kenya, Bali.

The sea season ends in October in most countries, both near and far. The weather is temporarily improving, and it is still possible to sunbathe and swim to your heart's content. Egypt and Türkiye are at your service for these purposes. You will also enjoy holidays in the UAE, Tunisia, Morocco. And India, Sri Lanka and Goa are just opening tourist season.

In November, the flow of vacationers to South and Southeast Asia increases. Perhaps this is due to the unusual culture of the countries. Thailand alone attracts with its exoticism and originality, but there is also Ancient China, shrouded in the mystery of the Great Wall. Indeed, it is worth seeing this wonder of the world with your own eyes. Ski resorts in Europe are starting to open. The islands of Seychelles and Mauritius attract with good weather at this autumn time of year.

Wherever you vacation, the main thing is to diversify your day. The beach, walks around the city, excursions - all this will help you understand the culture and life of the country you are visiting. You'll get a ton positive emotions and unforgettable impressions.

Reading time: 6 minutes

We will guide you by the months that are most favorable for traveling to Thailand. Everything is to the point: the weather, prices for tours in 2019, features of the resorts.

The tourist season in Thailand continues all year round. Nevertheless, the question of where and when is the best time to go on vacation is always relevant. Today we will share information based on personal experience 3 trips (were in Phuket, Pattaya, Krabi and Bangkok) and of course reviews from travelers and bloggers:

  • When beach season in Thailand begins and ends
  • where the sea is warmer
  • How do travel prices differ depending on the changing seasons?
  • when to fly for cheap fruit
  • and is it possible in low season Is it better to relax than at high altitude?

For greater interest, we note that in 2019 a tour to Thailand for two can be found from 70,000 rubles for 10 days. Where to look for such profitable options? We'll talk about it in two sections below :)

Search for cheap tours on your own. Best services

You shouldn’t wait for a tasty offer from above and rely on third parties, you need to take matters into your own hands and look for trips yourself! It's not difficult and even more interesting :)

There are three cool sites that we (and tens of thousands of other travelers) have tested:

Cool because they compare prices for tours from all tour operators at once and give out the most profitable options. Simply put, it’s like Skyscanner, only for tours :) We research the desired destination on each service, study the schedule of tour prices by month, adjust the dates and requirements for the hotel and book what we like where it’s cheaper.

As our practice shows, Travelata and LevelTravel help out in case of early booking, and Onlinetours is generous with last-minute tours. But it can also happen the other way around, so it’s worth checking out all three (and checking what promotional codes apply).

The beginning and end of the holiday season in Thailand

Phuket Island (our trip 2018)

In general, in Thailand, the holiday season is an ambiguous concept. In December you bask in the sun in Phuket, while on Koh Samui the less fortunate count the “dry” days on their fingers. In April, you regretfully conclude that you did not have time for the hot season Andaman Sea, and in Pattaya - near the Gulf of Thailand - at this time they do not get out of the water.

We will look at the nuances of the climate at the resorts a little lower, but for now we will summarize:

By the way, do you use Telegram? We share about our trips, money spent and non-trivial life hacks on the channel @howtrip. Check it out :)

And although the high season in Thailand starts at the end of autumn and ends in spring, you should not be categorical about traveling to summer period.

Please note that all prices quoted in this article are current at the time of publication and are indicative only.

If you are determined to spend your holiday in Thailand during the tourist season, then democratic dates fall at the end of November-beginning of December and March-April.

The “package” boom on the beaches subsides only when the rainy season in Thailand is in full swing. However, the planes continue to deliver vacationers who are either a little more sophisticated or driven by the low cost of the tour :)

During the rainy season in Thailand, tours actually cost more on a budget - prices for tours plummet from 45,000 rubles per person in January to 34,000 rubles in May. The same story applies to independent holidays. Considering how long it takes to fly to Thailand, a ticket cannot be super-chip, but still on off-season dates prices tend to go down: from 20,000 rubles Moscow-Bangkok-Moscow (we recommend searching on Skyscanner and Aviasales).

Kayaking excursion in the mangrove forests (Krabi) - we really enjoyed it

Is it worth going in the off-season? Based own experience- we were in Phuket in April and May - we answer that yes, it’s definitely worth it! We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the TOP 10 best places in Thailand.

  • We were not drenched in rain (rather, we were refreshed a couple of times for 20 minutes each),
  • I wasn’t upset by the desire of the locals to make money off the white man (they willingly go to bargaining, because there is something to sell and someone who doesn’t :)
  • we did not suffer from a lack of fruit (the same yellow mango has been ripening since April) and an overabundance of people (having visited Thailand for the first time in the low season, we were stunned by the number of tourists in the high season!)
  • Moreover, last-minute tours were available at a time or two and for very pleasant sums (our 2 weeks cost 62,000 rubles for two)

When is the rainy season in Thailand? Peculiarities

The weather at different resorts during the rainy season in Thailand varies in the amount of precipitation between months, so even at this time a full-fledged beach holiday is available.

  • Phuket: wet season comes at the end of May and rains until mid-October. At sea arise big waves, and the few who spend time on the island in the summer are surfers
  • Pattaya: Rainy months - September and October
  • Krabi: Tourists escape the downpours for June-September
  • Koh Samui: the island is watered from October to December

Why does the rainy season vary across regions? Everything is tied to monsoon winds, which bring change climatic periods. Due to their different locations (the first two are near the Andaman Sea, the second are in the Gulf of Thailand), the winds do not arrive on the same schedule.

By the way, are you still afraid of the big name - rainy season? Then we come to you with this fact: we peed more in January than in May! Approximately 9 days versus 3 (sample of 2 weeks 🙂). In addition, water usually pours from the sky for no more than half an hour during the day or for 1-2 hours after sunset. The rest of the time, Thai resorts have definitely comfortable temperatures, but high humidity.

Season at popular resorts in Thailand

A summary table gives a clear idea (but not guaranteed, because these are unpredictable tropics) about the weather at different resorts and islands in Thailand by month.

Resorts Month
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Koh Phangan
  • dry season;
  • wet;
  • not recommended.

Season in Phuket

The most popular tourist destination is the pearl of Thailand - Phuket. The holiday season in the true beach corner of the country lasts a long time and is interrupted only by a few particularly wet months.

The beginning holiday season November is considered, and the end falls in March. The hottest period falls in April and May, but even during these months it is still possible to take a vacation. At the end of spring the rainy season begins and like most holiday destinations in Thailand, Phuket becomes less crowded. High waves and dirty water Beachgoers will not be happy in June, but the season for surfers in Thailand in Phuket is just getting started. From the second half of October, the island regains its status as the most visited resort.

  • On average, prices for tours to Phuket in 2019 season start from 73,000 rubles
    in 10 days for two

Season in Pattaya

Koh Larn Island (near Pattaya)

The resort city is located in a bay on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand, less susceptible to monsoons, and therefore the tourist season does not subside here. In Thailand, Pattaya is a center of entertainment and excursion routes. Go-go bars, night discos, massage parlors and shows for adults are the first things that attract tourists here, but the beach season is also the longest here. Because of geographical location the best in the city dry summer, and short-term showers do not cause discomfort.

The season in Thailand in Pattaya lasts from November to mid-August. In summer it is relatively dry and still warm, making the resort suitable for traveling to Thailand from June to August.

Are you several people? Take a cheap transfer to Pattaya from Bangkok airport

Interestingly, there are times in Pattaya when everyone is cold - really cold! A couple of years ago the temperature in January (it seemed like the sunshine) dropped to +15°C! By the way, about the unpredictability of the weather :)

  • 10-day trips to Pattaya for two people cost from 70,000 rubles

Season on Koh Samui

On the islands of the Gulf of Thailand, which includes Samui (Thailand), the best season for holidays begins in January and lasts until the end of September. Since October swimming season can be considered closed due to heavy rains and storms. The amount of precipitation will noticeably begin to decrease in January, and in February Samui will turn into a flowering paradise. Spring on Koh Samui - not only low prices, but also an abundance of exotic fruits. April is the mango season, and in May you can already try durian, mangosteen, rambutan and other exotics that are not available in our latitudes.

Having understood the seasons, hot and humid, let's look at the weather in Thailand by month. And although within the same season temperature values may fluctuate slightly, but there is still a difference in sensations.

Thailand in December, January and February

Thailand in winter brings rave reviews from tourists who have visited paradise. The coldest months in Russia mark the height of the swimming season in Tai; the weather stabilizes and there is practically no precipitation. The sea is calm and clear, the water warms up to +26°C…+27°C.

Average air temperature in daytime during the winter months:

  • in December – +29°C
  • in January – +30°C
  • in February – +32°C

Thailand in March, April and May

Thailand attracts holidaymakers in the spring profitable tours and an abundance of fruit. At this time the weather is favorable beach holiday, and excursion programs.

Water temperature on the coast is +29°C…+30°C.

During the daytime air temperature:

  • in March – +33°C
  • in April – +35°C
  • in May – +35°C

In March, the swimming season is in full swing, but in April in Thailand it gets hotter and the humidity rises.

Thailand in summer (June, July, August)

If your plans include surfing, it is better to go to Thailand in the summer.
The low price of trips in the summer months attracts athletes from all over the world here, although a number of resorts have enough sunny days and for beachgoers.


water – +28°C…+29°C

  • in June – +33°C
  • in July – +33°C
  • in August – +32°C

The sea at this time is often restless, the weather is changeable, but the tropical showers are short-lived, followed by bright sunshine.

Thailand in September, October and November

Thailand in the fall, especially in September, cannot boast of great weather, but remains just as attractive for tourists.

Water temperature in autumn months+27°C…+28°C.

Average daytime air temperature in autumn:

  • in September – +31°C
  • in October – +32°C
  • in November – +31°C

Already at the end of autumn comes the Velvet season, and a trip to Thailand will cost an order of magnitude more. If you want to save money, the second half of October-early November is quite suitable for this.

During the mango season it costs 40-50 baht :)

  • Mango: March to September
  • Rambutan: May to August
  • Mangosteen: March to November
  • Longan: June to September
  • Papaya: all year round
  • Durian: May-October
  • Dragonfruit: all year
  • Passion fruit: January-April

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Almost every tourist who decides to go on vacation to Egypt for the first time asks himself the following question: “When is the best time to do this?” When choosing a period of the year for a holiday in the Arab state, you need to take into account 2 main criteria: weather conditions and the cost of the tour. Tourists traveling to the land of two seas with children should be especially careful. All this will be discussed further.

In Egypt the weather is almost always clear. But in some months the sun pleases with pleasant warmth, while in others it literally incinerates. You are invited to study the features weather conditions during the whole year.

Let's start in December. The Egyptian winter is not at all similar to the Russian or European winter. Even in December, the air temperature at the resorts does not drop below +25-27°C. At night it is cooler – up to +12-14°C. The seas are quite comfortable - +21-24°C. At the same time, until approximately the twentieth of the month, a decline in tourist activity is observed in Egypt. After the indicated dates, hotels begin to rapidly fill up with vacationers: first, Europeans who come here for Catholic Christmas, and then by Russians who decided to celebrate the New Year in warmer climes.

During January holiday in the Arab state you won’t freeze either: during the day the air warms up to +24-25°C, in the seas the same +21-24°C remain, at night it gets cold to +11-13°C. You can’t count on serious heat at this time of year, but the weather will allow you to sunbathe and go swimming. At the same time, starting from the tenth to fifteenth, a trip to Egypt can be purchased at a reduced cost.

February is the coldest month of the year. On the streets +21-23°C during the day and +8-12°C at night. The Red Sea rarely warms up above +21°C. But if such conditions don’t scare you, you can safely pack your bags and go to the airport.

Helpful advice! For winter holiday in the Arab state, the resorts of the Red Sea are best suited - it is warmer here than on the western Mediterranean coast. Don't forget to pack a couple of light sweaters and jackets in your suitcase for evening and night walks.

In March, the dry desert wind “hasmine” begins to “walk” across Egypt. Clouds of sand and dust fly in with him. Literally every day the streets and seas are getting warmer, and travel packages are becoming more expensive. The average daytime temperature is +23-25°C, night temperature is +12-15°C, the seas are still relatively cool - +22-24°C.

In April it is almost summer at the resorts. It’s hot on the streets - up to +29-31°C during the day and about +15-17°C at night. The water warms up to +25°C and above.

The May weather pleases with its pleasant warmth and lack of sweltering heat. The average daytime temperature is +30-32°C, night temperature is +20-22°C, at sea it is +25-26°C and higher.

Important! Planning to go to Egypt for May holidays, book your tour in advance and be prepared to part with an additional $200-400 when purchasing a tour.

It starts to get hot in Egypt in June. If you are planning a vacation for this month, try to reschedule it for the first few days. The most comfortable conditions during this period of the year are observed in Alexandria - about + 26-29 ° C during the daytime. In other resorts the air warms up to +34-36°C during the day, and at night it cools down to only +24-25°C. The sea is warm - +26-27°C.

If possible, you should avoid traveling to Egypt in July and August - it is very hot. You can be on the beach until 11 and after 16-17 hours. You won’t be able to go on excursions too much either – the sun heats up open areas areas up to +50°С. On average, daytime temperatures are +37-40°C, night temperatures are +25-27°C. At sea +27°C and above.

Egyptian beaches are a paradise for tourists

The “velvet” season starts in September in the Arab state. The streets are hot, but not as exhausting as in the summer - +33-35°C. At night it is relatively cool - +23-25°C. In the seas it is about +25°С.

October and November – great time for a holiday in the country of two seas. On the streets +28-31°C during the day and +20-22°C at night, at sea +23-25°C. You can devote your vacation to both beach holidays and excursion trips.

Important! In most areas of Egypt, windy weather persists almost all year round. The gusts are especially noticeable on the seashore. The wind will make the heat less noticeable, but despite this, there is still no need to refuse to use sunscreen.

We choose the time for the trip, taking into account the cost

When choosing a time for a holiday in Egypt, many travelers focus not only on climatic conditions in the country, but also on the cost of tours. So, the cheapest vouchers are from the beginning of December until about the 20th of the same month.

For residents of Russia, in whose hometowns winter is already raging, Egyptian temperatures seem quite comfortable. Add to this half-empty hotels and the absence of queues, and the holiday will become truly fabulous. But the nights in December are still cool. Don't forget to bring light sweaters and jackets for night walks.

Inexpensive tours can be purchased from the tenth to the twentieth of January. The resorts are already noticeably cooler, but you can still swim and sunbathe. Sometimes the sun is covered with a slight haze, but precipitation is extremely rare. Also, this period of the year is best suited for long excursion trips - you definitely won’t get sunstroke.

In February, tours are a little more expensive compared to January tours, but their price is not nearly as high as in the warm season.

In April-May and September-November, tours are the most expensive. Cheap in the summer - few people want to spend their holidays in incredible heat, which is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to health.

There are some nuances to choosing the time of year to spend a holiday in Egypt with children. Here opinions differ, because... Much depends on the condition of the individual child. If your baby can handle the heat well, you can plan a vacation even for August. You just need to remember to use sunscreen and try to stay in direct sunlight as little as possible.

It is better to refrain from traveling in June-July. You may be able to handle 40-degree heat just fine, but it will be a difficult ordeal for your child. For a summer vacation, it is better to choose countries with a more temperate climate.

You won’t be able to have a good holiday in summer Egypt with children adolescence. It’s hot on the beaches, even hotter on excursions, and flying to another country just to swim in the pool is a dubious idea.

According to numerous reviews from tourists, the best time for family vacation in the Arab state the periods are from April to May and from September to early November. At this time, the local resorts are not very hot, but still warm, the sea is also good, and it’s comfortable on excursions, i.e. there are all the conditions for a complete family holiday, including: beach activities, as well as sightseeing trips.

Helpful advice! If you are going on vacation with a child, if possible, plan your vacation for at least 1.5-2 weeks. With a shorter duration, you risk simply spending most of your vacation caring for your child during acclimatization, which children endure much more difficultly than adults.

Important: Egyptian holidays

The duration of the vast majority of local holidays does not exceed 2 days, so Egyptian celebrations are unlikely to significantly influence the plans of vacationers. However, there are several special events in this country with a longer duration that every tourist should know about.

  1. Firstly, this is Ramadan - the holy Muslim fast. During the month, most cafes and restaurants are closed daylight hours days. Market workers even go on vacation. The timing of the fast varies. You need to clarify this point individually shortly before the trip.
  2. Secondly, these are the holidays of Sham en-Nessim, Eid al-Fitra, and also Eid al-Adha. Their timing also changes. Check in advance.

Let's sum it up

So, from the second half of June to last days In August it is better to refrain from traveling to Egypt - it is too hot. But even if you decide to go on such a vacation, make sure to book your accommodation in advance. In the summer, Egyptians and residents of the Persian Gulf countries, whose territories are even hotter, often stay in these hotels.

The most comfortable conditions for holidays in Egypt are created in March-April and September-November. December-February is also normal, but these are the coldest months, and prices constantly fluctuate during this period.

Remember the following tips and tricks:

  • To save extra money on your vacation, buy a tour from the twenties. Most people take vacations from the very beginning, which is why trips for this period are more expensive;
  • the highest prices for holidays in Egypt are set during the Christmas and New Year holidays, as well as on the May holidays;
  • the warmest and calmest weather in winter time installed in Naama Bay.

The final decision, of course, is yours. Egypt happily welcomes tourists at any time of the year, and only you can determine which period will be the most comfortable.

Have a nice holiday!

JanuaryPrices for tours in January are low. Water temperature +22°C. There are cloudy days, but you can still indulge in the pleasure of swimming and sunbathing. There are still few tourists. You can choose a good hotel at a reasonable price.
FebruaryThis month the temperature drops to +15°C. Housing costs are already starting to rise slightly. The sea water is cold. In February, many Muslims come here for pilgrimage. Then they stay to relax at resorts.
MarchThe cost of housing is growing every day, the air is warming up. In the second half of the month, winds and storms blow. The water in the sea is not warm enough yet.
AprilThe weather is getting better; during the day the air temperature is approaching +32°C. You can already swim in the sea. Hotels are already filled with tourists.
MayMany tourists come here for the May holidays. Wonderful weather, sea ​​water clean and warm. Hotel reservations must be made in advance due to high demand.
JuneThe heat is reaching its peak. Demand for tours drops significantly this month. Prices at the end of June are very attractive.
JulyTraditionally it is a holiday period. The heat is very intense. It is prohibited to stay in the sun from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. However, all hotels are filled with vacationers.
AugustMost vacationers come here for long time during the holiday period. It is still hot, it is recommended to avoid tourist trips.
September OctoberThe most successful months when it is better to go to Egypt on vacation are September and October; during this period the water is perfectly warm and the air temperature is comfortable. At the beginning of autumn, demand among tourists drops slightly and a tour can be purchased at a favorable price. This best months for holidays in Egypt. During this period there are practically no winds. Housing prices are reasonable.
NovemberThe weather is beautiful. This month a large number of tourists with children. In the evenings, as a rule, a cool wind begins to be felt.
DecemberThere are very few tourists. The hotels are practically empty, prices are low. The water in the sea has not cooled down yet. Air temperature environment about 25°C. On New Year prices are rising again and you need to book a tour in advance.

Video – When is the best time to go to Egypt?

Many people love traveling, but consider such leisure an unaffordable luxury. Victoria Days has prepared material about countries and cities where you can have a good rest and not spend fabulous money.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

There's so much in the world interesting places, and have a desire to visit different corners globe. I want to go to Bali, Argentina, America, New Zealand and many other places, but more often than not, after looking at the prices for tickets/hotels or the cost of a package tour, the tour operator’s desire disappears. I can say with confidence that you can have an inexpensive vacation, you just need to know where and at what time it is best to go on a trip.

What does the cost of travel consist of?

  1. Road: air tickets, train tickets, bus tickets, personal transport.
  2. Accommodation. There are many options where you can stay or just spend the night - villas, apartments, hotels, hostels, guesthouses. The price depends on your choice.
  3. Expenses for nutrition. You can, of course, go to restaurants every day, but we want to save money, so we need to try to find the optimal price-quality ratio. You can cook yourself, but it's not the best option: This is still a vacation, and it’s unlikely that you will have any pleasant memories from it if you spend whole days at the stove.
  4. Excursions. You can go on an excursion on your own, with a guide, or not go at all.
  5. Insurance. There is no need to save money here. Always buy insurance, at least the minimum.
  6. Souvenirs.

Asian countries


It is the leader among Asian countries. Best choice for budget travel Goa state. The “dry season” begins in November and lasts until April. In the north of Goa you can find good and inexpensive housing.

Advice! When booking your stay, always pay attention to the presence/absence of air conditioning. Food in the state is cheap, seafood, Exotic fruits, Indian sweets are always fresh and inexpensive. There are many cafes/bars on the beaches where they can cook fresh food for just a penny. tasty dish. It’s definitely not worth wasting time and effort on cooking here. It is best to go on excursions on your own: the standard of living in the country is low, so any tourist can afford to travel by train in comfortable conditions.


Our tourists love to relax in this country. If you take care of your air tickets in advance, you can save a lot. For example, a flight from Moscow to Bangkok is long, so you need to understand that you definitely can’t buy a ticket for free. But accommodations are cheap, and there is a wide choice. Don't be afraid of 2* or 3* hotels. This is the optimal category of hotels for a holiday in Thailand. Most often these are small hotels with about average sized rooms and minimal furniture. Most hotels have a swimming pool.

Advice! The country is exotic, the fauna is diverse, and if you are not particularly fond of lizards and other inhabitants of exotic countries, when checking in, ask to be accommodated above the 1st floor. Food will not cost you much; you can eat seafood and fruit throughout your vacation, or buy ready-made meals in supermarkets.


Shares leadership with Thailand. The most expensive thing about traveling is air travel, everything else is hotels, food and excursions. - very budget-friendly. If you choose the resorts of Mui Ne and Phan Thiet, I advise you to mentally prepare for a long transfer from the airport to the resort, and if you are organizing the trip yourself, then it is better to take care of the transfer in advance, since prices at the airport are high.


Untouched nature, cheap housing, and an abundance of fruit attract tourists from all over the world. Do you dream of surfing? You are definitely in Bali.

An incredible number of surf schools are concentrated here. Bali is interesting because each resort is unique in its own way; you can move from one resort to another every two days. Air travel is expensive, but you can buy tickets with a transfer, for example, in Singapore, and thus not only save money, but also visit two completely different places in one vacation.


If you enter “cheapest country for vacation” into search engines, one of the first answers will be Cambodia. This direction is becoming more and more popular every year. Everything in the country is obscenely cheap, but air travel is expensive, and it is extremely difficult to get cheap air tickets. If you decide to choose Cambodia as your holiday destination, be sure to visit the Angkor Wat temple.


I sincerely recommend visiting this country. Don't be surprised and don't dismiss this option. I agree that some people like consistency and vacation in the same place year after year. But isn't it interesting to see other cities and countries? It’s worth going to Uzbekistan if you are interested in excursion programs and have five days additional leave or weekends. Coming to this country for a longer period, in my opinion, makes no sense.

Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva – these cities are definitely worth a visit. Mosques, mausoleums, palaces and, Certainly However, the bazaars are worthy of the attention of tourists.



Bulgaria is considered the most budget beach destination. This is not surprising. It will be interesting for everyone here: and youth, and families with children, and lovers of excursions, and for those who want to improve their health.

Low prices, flights from Moscow is inexpensive, and so is accommodation. Many accommodation facilities operate on all inclusive, but you can book a hotel and without power - places where you can have tasty and inexpensive food, lots of it. The climate is mild and familiar to most residents of Russia, accordingly, acclimatization is most likely not will. Flight about 3 hours. Season in Bulgaria short-lived, with June to September. Many tourists after their holidays buy real estate in Bulgaria (by the way, it’s inexpensive here).


Another beach destination- this is Greece. I can write about Greece for a long time; it is an amazing country with incredibly hospitable local people. More than 3000 islands, of which 178 are inhabited. Greece is washed by the Mediterranean, Ionian, Aegean, Adriatic, Cretan, Libyan, Thracian seas. Is it worth writing that absolutely everyone can find a place to their liking?

It doesn't take long to fly to Greece; there are many airlines flying, so ticket prices are low. And in Greece itself, prices are moderate, and the products are “from your own garden.” Of course there is also expensive islands, for example, Kefalonia, and there are also cheap ones, for example, Crete.

Advice! It is better to choose a restaurant/cafe away from the city center and without perfectly white tablecloths, according to the principle “the simpler, the tastier.” The portions in the restaurants are huge; you won’t spend a lot of money on food. " High season"in Greece from the end of May to mid-October, although on some islands, for example Thassos, it will be comfortable at the end of October.


Montenegro is a country where Russian citizens can travel without a visa. Unfortunately, planes do not fly often, so it is impossible to find budget tickets. But the country itself is inexpensive; you can rent housing far from the sea quite inexpensively. Product prices are quite reasonable.


Now not about maritime, but no less attractive countries. I'll start with the Czech Republic.

One of the most inexpensive countries Europe. You can come to the Czech Republic at any time of the year. In summer the weather is mild, while in winter the whole country is immersed in Christmas beauty. The further you are from the center, the cheaper the accommodation, and you can also stay in a hostel. The price per night per person is about 10 euros, so be prepared that there will be several other people sharing the room with you. You can fly to the Czech Republic just for the weekend, drink delicious beer and try pork knuckle or soak in the atmospheric architecture. Many come to the country for treatment, for example, to Karlovy Vary. Compared to the rest of Europe, prices are nicer, but far from low.


You can come to Poland on vacation all year round. Residents of the western part of Russia love this country very much, because they can also be reached by car. Prices for food and in restaurants are low by European standards. Many people come to Warsaw for shopping, other - to buy “sanctions cheese”, others - just for a walk, and some people come here in winter to budget ski resorts. In almost every city you can see medieval castles. For those who want an inexpensive holiday in Europe, I would recommend starting with Poland.


Hungary for some reason it does not occupy a leading position in the list of mass tourist destinations. In my opinion, in vain. The country is very interesting and inexpensive.

Vajdahunyad Castle- not the only architectural attraction of the country; there is something to see in Hungary. Lakes and parks will also surprise even experienced tourists with their diversity. Thermal springs or "thermal sea" - this is what tourists come to Hungary for in the first place.

Advice! Be sure to visit the Lukács thermal bath, it has not yet become a place of mass tourism. Here you can relax and enjoy the tranquility. You shouldn't leave the country without trying Hungarian goulash. Prices in restaurants and shops will pleasantly surprise you. There are many accommodation facilities, and everyone can choose what they like and can afford.


A country with stunning nature, culture, cuisine and delicious wine. Let's add cheap flights, low prices for housing and food, and we get a country where you can safely go on vacation. You can plan a vacation at any time of the year: winter is for ski and snowboard lovers, and Lake Sevan awaits tourists in summer. It will be interesting to visit various shrines, for example, Tatev. You should definitely try the delicious local cuisine, the prices are very affordable. And as a souvenir you can bring the famous ARARAT cognac.

When is the best time to plan a trip to the above countries? If you are planning a trip to seasonal countries, then it is best to choose the very beginning of the season or the end, when mass tourism is just gaining momentum. Read more about this in the article "". If high air humidity does not bother you, then you can travel to Asian countries outside of the season. As for European cities, it is best to focus on ticket prices, since you can relax in them all year round.

1. If you go on a trip at the very beginning or at the end of the season, you can save a lot of money.

2. If you book a tour with a tour operator, do not be lazy and check the cost of the tour with all tour operators. You can use search engines, For example, RUSPO, but they do not always display the information correctly.

3. During school holidays and holidays prices skyrocket, do not plan your holiday during this period.

4. Good timing for travel - end of November - mid-December and second half of January. Air carriers and Hoteliers are reducing prices to and after the New Year holidays.

5. If possible, do not get attached to dates; sometimes air tickets are cheaper a couple of days earlier/later than the desired date.

6. Don't be afraid of connecting flights.

7. When booking air tickets on your own, do not be lazy and search every day and compare ticket prices on different services. From a personal example I can say: whoever seeks will find. I booked tickets for friends to the Maldives with connections in the UAE and Sri Lanka for only 22,000 rubles per person, and they flew with the airline Emirates. So, if you want and have patience, you can vacation in expensive countries on a budget.

8. Browse various search resources, e.g. 100500miles. If you are not tied to dates and destinations, you can easily catch a last minute tour.

9. The same principle applies to choosing accommodation: compare prices and keep track of interesting offers.

10. For adventurous and location-hopping tourists: use the night to move from one place to another, this way you can save on a night in a hotel.

11. You can go on excursions on your own; how to get there can be found on the Internet.

12. It is better to choose restaurants and cafes where locals eat. This is also an indicator of the quality of the food.

When saving on travel, be prepared for possible (I emphasize, possible) inconveniences. Your attitude is important, and you can ignore small inconveniences. Treat everything positively, and then any trip, regardless of how much money you paid, will bring you pleasure!
