Energy of trees. How to treat damaged bark of fruit trees

Any tree, just like a person, can get sick. Timely treatment prolongs the life of the tree, and sometimes saves it from death. Damage to trunks, crowns, roots, wounds and hollows weakens trees and can provoke the development of rot, necrosis, and cancer. Weakening also occurs when growing conditions change (soil trampling, changes in the level and quality groundwater, natural disasters). Weakened trees are susceptible to viral, bacterial, fungal diseases and pest attacks. The situation is especially dangerous when, in addition to weakening the tree various factors, centers of mass outbreaks of insect pests are forming in the surrounding areas. Treatment of trees includes several stages. First of all, the condition of the tree is diagnosed with the identification of a pathogenic factor, be it a pest or an infectious disease.

Treatment is based on a set of measures to improve the immunity of trees, improve growing conditions and eliminate pathogenic factors. It could be injections medicinal drugs under the bark and into root layers of soil, spraying with growth inhibitors, insecticides and fungicides, sealing cavities and bark damage, applying fertilizers, improving the mechanical composition of soils and much more. Complex necessary measures for the treatment of trees is compiled based on an assessment of its condition, collection of information about the condition of the surrounding plantings and the tree’s response to a particular treatment method. IN Lately The main direction of treating coniferous trees from pests is the fight against bark beetles. The bark beetle outbreak occurred as a result of the spread of diseases of coniferous trees caused by wood-destroying fungi and their general weakening.

Why do trees need treatment?

The spread of pests is becoming widespread, and the spread of the Typorgafus bark beetle is already in the nature of a pandemic. Not only do they suffer coniferous trees. Both deciduous and coniferous forests Even those species of pests that are not prone to mass reproduction and outbreaks die. Both orchards and ornamental plants. And, if earlier, any familiar disease and pest could be dealt with with Bordeaux mixture and soap solution, now pests and diseases have become immune to almost any of the products available for free sale in garden centers and hardware stores. Diseases occur that are caused pathogenic microorganisms resistant to almost all traditional drugs. Treating trees becomes impossible without the use of professional tools and medications.

If we talk about insects, the reason for their massive spread was general weakening of the tree stand, occurring due to all new temperature records and lack of necessary care measures forest plantations. But still main reason weakening trees is climate change. Trees do not have time to adapt to new environmental conditions. They can and should be helped.

Tree treatment is not limited to simple treatments. This is precisely a set of measures where the main link is competent care of the plant. Although, sometimes the fight against a disease that has tormented a tree for many years comes down to some simple manipulation - eliminating the main cause of the disease.

Why us?

Our advantage over other companies is that we not only eliminate the disease, but prevent its reappearance. Proper care is possible only if you have certain knowledge and take into account many factors - where the tree grows, what grows around, how old are these plants, what diseases do they have, who cares for them and how, for how long? And much more... We can evaluate all these factors, carry out one-time measures to treat trees, or take the object for regular maintenance. Proper care is the key to the health of your trees.

If you have a gardener, but he needs help, we will give him competent advice on further care. For example, a gardener maintains perfect order in the garden, but cannot cope with rust on fruit trees. It turned out that junipers grow next to the orchard, which are an intermediate host of the pathogen. The fight against the disease came down to a simple transplant of juniper to a safe distance recommended by a forest pathologist.

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In the photo above- cedar (Siberian pine) suffers from waterlogging.

In the second photo- tools for tree injections.

In the third photo - Treatment of this tree is already useless. The spruce dies from the bark beetle.

On the last photo- twisted needles on a young cedar shoot. The reason is improper care (spraying with a systemic fungicide that inhibits the plant).

Treatment with trees people have been using it since ancient times.

Intuitively and through “experiments” they found the most accessible methods of treatment at that time.

Wise ethnoscience preserved for us the most valuable, very simple treatment options.

Treatment with trees is divided into two healing groups.

The first includes a “suction” effect.

It includes aspen, poplar (about 90% of people respond to these trees), spruce and bird cherry - 10%.

The second group has"feeding"effect (in this case, human contact with a tree increases its energy). According to the strength of their impact, trees are ranked as follows: oak is useful for 60% of people; birch - 25%; pine, maple, rowan - 15%.

Treatment with trees - method No. 1

The patient needs to find the “nourishing” one by the most experimental means: first, spend 2-3 minutes under the crown of an oak tree, then after a few hours stand under a birch, pine, maple and, finally, rowan tree. Under which tree your mood, well-being improves, and self-confidence appears - that is what you need.

Treatment with trees - method No. 2

2 - You can do this: lean your cheek against the trunk and hug it with both hands. After this, mentally turn to the tree with a request “Dear tree, take from me the energy that you think is necessary!”(Any disease lies in the fact that in an organ or in the organ system of a person (animal) there are “low”, so-called “dirty” or “bad” energies.

As soon as a person gets rid of them, he immediately recovers!

In this situation, imagine how the disease “comes out” of you and “inhabits” the tree. The duration of the procedure is no more than 1.5 minutes.

Treatment with trees - method No. 3

3 - In the same way, then contact the “feeder”. Contact him with this request: “Dear tree! Please give me as much energy as you think is necessary.” Session duration is 1.5-2 minutes.

In both the first and second cases, after completing the energy procedure, the tree must be mentally thanked in your own words.

Total number of sessions: 7-12. They should be taken every other day.

Dies made from “suction” and “feeding” trees also do not cause undesirable consequences. Their diameter is 10 cm or more with a thickness of 3-4 cm.

Treatment with trees - treatment with dies

Apply the dies to the area where the diseased human organ is located (first “suction” and then “feeding”), starting from 3-5 minutes and gradually increasing to 20.

During treatment, the patient needs to relax and imagine how, in the first case, he “absorbs” the disease, in the second, he “fills the body with “good” energy.

Try to feel a surge of strength, health, good mood.


any diseases internal organs, weakened state of the body after a debilitating illness, vegetative-vascular dystonia. For oncological diseases, the patient must imagine that the tumor after each session decreases in volume - it becomes smaller and smaller... If the patient does not know about his diagnosis, then this situation, when applying the dies, is modeled by his relative with his imagination.

A very old way.

After sunset, approach the apple, cherry, and pear trees. Extend your hands to the tree (palms parallel to its trunk) and mentally say the phrase: “Dear tree! Take it, take it away, dissolve my illness.” Then slowly walk in this position around the selected tree clockwise 3 times.

Often the tree “responds” and “helps” get rid of quite serious chronic ailments.

The distance between the patient and the tree during the procedure is approximately 40-60 cm. At this time, the patient feels a slight tingling, tingling, warmth, etc. in his palms, fingertips. At this time, he needs to imagine how his illness “goes away” through outstretched arms "into the tree trunk, where the disease is "neutralized."

If selected for the procedures, the patient should not eat fruits or berries; it needs to be watered, cared for, “praised” (“how beautiful, kind, attentive, strong you are”, etc.). Of course, the tree does not understand the phrase, but it perfectly absorbs the energy that will be released by the person.

Hug an apple tree with your hands and lean your forehead against it. Mentally “talk” with her, after praising the tree, “complain” to him about your illness and sincerely ask him to “take away” the disease.

Then imagine how the disease “comes out” of the patient’s body through the palms and fingertips, then follows down the tree trunk and “comes out” through its roots, and then “goes” into the magma, where it “burns up.”

The duration of the procedure is “on request”. Number of sessions - 3 or 7.

If necessary, repeat after a month.

The trunk of the apple tree should be thicker than the patient’s arm, and sessions with the tree should be carried out during the period of its sap flow.

Treatment begins on the full moon.

Before the session, it’s a good idea to eat a few apples, preferably from “your” tree.

Garden var created for treatment of wounds of trees and shrubs, and not only accidentally caused mechanical damage, but also cuts after pruning large branches are considered wounds. Although seemingly completely harmless, they can lead to the most disastrous consequences, including the death of the plant. This means they are absolutely necessary treat.

Treatment All damage must begin either in the spring or in the first half of summer. So wounds that were inflicted on the tree at any other time must be temporarily treated with garden varnish and left in this state until the most favorable period(in more serious cases, broken branches should be removed first).

Conventionally, damage to trees and shrubs is divided into:

Wounds from pruning, breaking branches or parts of the trunk;
- wounds from partial damage to bark and wood;
- wounds from circular damage to bark and wood;
- wounds from breaking and breaking off branches;
- neglected deep wounds - hollows.

Most often you can find injuries resulting from pruning, as well as partial damage to the bark. These are the simplest cases, in which ordinary surface cleaning and treatment with garden varnish will be sufficient. Treatment of all other types of wounds involves disinfection, which requires more serious preparation.

Treatment of injuries begins with removing damaged, frozen and rotten parts of wood and bark to a healthy part. In this case, all protruding areas of wood and parts of shoots - hemp - located within the wound are removed and it is thoroughly cleaned. After this, garden varnish is applied. It must hermetically seal the damaged surface, preventing drying out and infection, since direct access is open to bacteria and spores of pathogenic fungi. Having treated the surface immediately after detecting damage, do not forget about it. The protective layer must be renewed every spring.

Broken branches

If the branches have been broken, then you need to remove the damaged parts using pruners or a saw. Then treat the cuts with garden varnish. Gardeners often practice applying yellow or Brown. However, for this kind works will do not any paint: yes required condition- its composition should include natural drying oil. But the content of mineral oils (neuti, kerosene, gasoline, etc.) will have an extremely negative impact. Cuts and damage covered with such paint will take a very long time to heal, and in the worst case, hollows will form in these places.

Treatment of hollows

If you did not notice the wound on the tree trunk in time and did not take all the necessary measures to treat it, there is a high risk that after some time a hollow will form in this place. In order to preserve the tree, the hollows must be filled. To do this, the hole is completely and very thoroughly cleaned of rotten wood. If the wood you removed is very wet, filling work can be done after the hollow is completely dry. Otherwise, repeated rotting is possible. The hole must then be disinfected. For these purposes, use a 1% solution of copper or 3% solution of ferrous sulfate. After processing, the hollow is filled with small crushed stone or broken bricks and filled with a mixture consisting of 6 parts sand, 1 part cement and 1 part lime. If the hollow is large enough, then you need to fill it with crushed stone and fill it with solution in layers. Currently, in stores, in addition to the usual garden varnish, you can find various kinds of putties and biobalms. When choosing, pay attention to their composition. In no case should they contain mineral oils, but components such as beeswax, turpentine oil (turpentine) and paraffin are welcome.

Currently, in stores, in addition to the usual garden varnish, you can find various types of putties and biobalms. When choosing, pay attention to their composition. In no case should they contain mineral oils, but components such as beeswax, turpentine oil (turpentine) and paraffin are welcome.

Balm “Artificial bark”

A preparation for sterilization, healing of wounds and damage to ornamental and fruit trees that form after pruning, budding, and grafting. Heals wounds from sunburn well. Made from natural ingredients. Completely ready for use. Environmentally friendly. Creates an “artificial bark” effect. The product is not dangerous for people and pets. Volume - 150, 200 and 350 g.

Garden var "Gardener"

A soft paste with complex action for disinfection and healing of wounds on trees and shrubs caused by grafting, budding or pruning of branches, and sunburn. Method of application: cut off the dead parts of the bark that have fallen away from the wood with a knife to healthy tissue, clean, disinfect the affected area with a solution of copper sulfate and, using a wooden spatula, cover it with a thin layer of garden varnish. When sealing deep wounds, it is allowed to add filler (chalk or dolomite in a 1:1 ratio) to the softened varnish. 150 g

Garden putty "Blagosad"

It is used to accelerate regeneration processes during the healing of wounds caused to the tree as a result of technological pruning, windbreaks, damage by rodents or pathogens, as well as in the case of the formation of frost holes, sunburn, cracking of the bark of trunks and skeletal branches. The putty has high adhesive properties, prevents premature drying of the wound surface and damage to it by phytopathogens or pests, and does not cause any local damage. The product contains substances that do not harm trees in other aspects (harvest quality, fruitfulness). 220 g

Garden var "Bee"

Medicinal garden varnish based on beeswax, pine resin, fir and vegetable oils and friendly protective phytobacteria. For the treatment of wounds of trees and shrubs during rejuvenation, pruning, grafting, breaks, cracks and sunburn. 100% natural medicinal garden variety - 100 g

Biobalm Robin Green

A preparation for sterilization and healing of wounds and damage on ornamental and fruit trees that form after pruning, budding, and grafting. Well heals cracks caused by sunburn. The product is made from natural ingredients (conifer resin, purified paraffin, pigment particles, turpentine oil). Completely ready for use. It does not require preheating; it can be used at temperatures from +4°C. Environmentally friendly. 270 g

Garden var

A universal safe environmental product for protecting trees. Used for processing cuts when pruning branches; treatment of wounds resulting from mechanical damage to trunks; processing of vaccination and budding sites; from sunburn. Prevents the penetration of insects and pathogens into wood, prevents rotting of saw cuts. Environmentally friendly product. 200 g

Garden bandage

In the spring, it promotes the rapid engraftment of grafts and the healing of areas of the bark damaged during the winter. In summer it protects against sunburn and harmful insects. To increase effectiveness, it is recommended to moisten the bandage with pest control liquid. In winter, it helps protect the trunk from frost and prevents mice and hares from eating the bark. Made from thick nonwoven fabric with increased service life.

Treatment of all damage should begin either in the spring,
or in the first half of summer. So the wounds that were
applied to the tree at any other time, it is necessary temporarily
treat with garden varnish and leave in this condition
until the most favorable period.

Properties of wood - OAK

This is the king of trees. A mighty, majestic, fabulous tree with masculine character. A generous donor, willingly shares bright and warm energy, health and strength with a person, especially favorable to warriors. It's easier for men to find him mutual language than women. The energy of oak strengthens a person’s authority and solidity, enhances ambition, insight and authority, gives understanding of current events, cheerfulness and optimism, but does not welcome manifestations of violent fun. He doesn’t like whiners, and you shouldn’t communicate with him in an irritated state. Anyone who carries a few oak leaves and acorns with him will maintain clarity of thought and sobriety. In ancient times, the oak was considered a gateway to another dimension; in its society it is very good to meditate, and people always built sanctuaries to the gods in oak groves. Jews consider the oak tree to be the tree of the covenant. Rituals performed under the oak tree have indestructible power, and acorns drive away evil spirits. Oak is inclined to communicate from late evening until the first signs of dawn. He slowly gets used to a person who wants to make friends with him, but if he accepts friendship, then even at a distance, through his brothers, he will protect and warn him.

Properties of wood - BIRCH

White birch is an elegant tree with a light and friendly girlish appearance. Her energy is gentle, affectionate and transparent. Birch wakes up with the first rays of dawn and stays awake until dark, but shows the greatest energy activity early in the morning. This is a donor tree, but it can be wayward. Loves children, young girls and pregnant women, gives support to ancestors, protects families, rejects selfish and selfish people. Cradles for newborns were made from it in Rus' and Europe. Communication with this gentle and compassionate tree relieves depression, lingering illnesses, and enhances intuition. Birch cleanses the energy field, drives away bad dreams, sadness and boredom. Birch branches were used to protect the house from lightning, in cleansing rituals, and in village magic to attract the attention of the chosen one. And if love is not mutual, then birch will ease this pain. Birch jewelry – powerful amulets. Weeping birch is a tree of grief and sadness, a guide to the world of the departed and those who did not find peace after death. Through it, contact is established with the dead, they ask for help from their ancestors, and the juice, bark, leaves or buds are collected only for magical purposes.

Properties of wood - ROWAN

One of the 12 sacred trees of the Scandinavians. Rowan is capable of harshly repelling any energy blow. Therefore, amulets, amulets, magical objects and jewelry are made from it. She protects both people and animals. A decoction of rowan in combination with dry compresses from its branches, berries and leaves removes moderate damage from a person. Rowan twigs, according to some sources, may indicate treasures and deposits. Rowan awakens in the late morning and is strongest in the afternoon. Patronizes mature women who value physical love, and is a symbol of marital love, which grows stronger over the years. Sprigs of rowan on the windows in the house and at the head of the bed will keep the fire in the relationship for a long time. long years. Rowan will heal energy breakdowns, but the patient will initially experience severe discomfort, which will decrease as the cleaning progresses. Rowan softens the explosive nature and imparts prudence. Its wood dampens inertia; this quality is used in the production of handles for heavy tools.

Properties of wood - ASH

On the ash tree Yggdrasil, having pierced himself with a spear, the great Odin hung upside down for nine days to gain knowledge and wisdom. Thanks to his sacrifice, people were able to use the art of runes. The best sets of runes are made from ash; their attunement with the owner is amazing. Ash is also revered by the Baltic peoples, Celts and Greeks. Among the Greeks, it is dedicated to the god of the water element, Poseidon. The energy of the ash tree really helps to know oneself and develop abilities, but only for those who approach this with a pure soul. The price for knowledge can be severe emotional exhaustion.

Properties of wood - ASPEN

She takes away any pain, from toothache to mental pain, she is a powerful vampire. You need to contact her during the day. Long-term communication with aspen is indicated for those who suffer from obsessive states and panic attacks and need to cleanse their energy field. Thresholds are made from aspen in wooden houses to neutralize extraneous negativity, as well as a bathhouse, where a person was purified and where children were usually born. By medicinal properties aspen has a strong bactericidal effect: rot never develops in it, it is not afraid of dampness, which is why it is used for making boats and piers. An aspen box is a good place to hide your magical tools from anyone who can see them. Aspen can help avert your eyes and bring confusion. “Breaking an aspen” - that is, breaking an aspen branch near some place - meant leaving forever.

Properties of wood - SPRUCE

The energy of the spruce takes away the negative, processes it, and in winter gives it back in the most fabulous form. This cycle fits into the period from summer to winter. In summer, spruce looks tired. It will eliminate stagnation, remove heaviness and swelling, relieve fatigue and depression, and silently “ask” you to come back in six months. In winter, spruce is good and feels great. She loves cold, frost, snow, she is beautiful in winter clothing and is ready to share great energy with everyone who heard her “invitation”. She can “call” to herself, and while a person is enjoying, bewitched by the festive energy of the spruce, the tree produces in his inner world soft and beautiful energy cleaning and tuning the mind in a philosophical way. Therefore, spruce does not relate to vampires or donors, but to transformers. In the same role, spruce participates in the cycle of birth and death, yet being more on the side of death than life. There is an opinion that spruce helps a person cope with oncology, although it takes a lot of energy.

Properties of wood - LINDEN

A donor tree that gives optimism and peace of mind. It is traditionally used to make household utensils, although the wood is soft and not very durable. However, she brings kind, soft and warm light, and this is valued much higher than the durability of other materials. Linden is always open to communication, except in the middle of the day; after just half an hour of communication with her, your body will be filled with energy and your soul will be filled with confidence. The energy of linden increases efficiency, gives vigor, neutralizes aggression, and helps to use energy sparingly.

Properties of wood - PINE

A generous tree that promotes forgetfulness of grievances and spiritual growth. In terms of energy, pine is as strong a donor as oak. Relieves minor damage, feelings of guilt, nervousness, and helps to lose weight. Gives a sense of significance, calmness, strength of spirit, helps you achieve your goals and easily lifts you out of depression. Pine is a tree that is open to communication with everyone, giving solar energy, which is strongest early in the morning. In winter, it is good to decorate the house with pine branches with cones. On the same branches you can charge gold items - they become amulets against evil forces. Pine branches will bring joy and peace to your home. Pine feels very bad in a city where there are a lot of negative vibrations.

Properties of wood - Maple

A true warrior of light. A tree that can make any person diplomatic and conflict-free, relieve stress, balance character, calm anger and soothe tears. The maple itself was a man in the past, but was turned into a beautiful tree. It is energetically neutral. To give him energy, you should approach from the north side, to receive it from the south. It is useful to walk along maple alleys; in this case, a person’s energy is restored on its own. The character of this tree is understanding, non-offensive and affectionate. Maple is active in the morning.

How to charge from trees

In order to find “your” tree for recharging, you need to look for it. Sooner or later, one of them in a forest or park will attract attention, “call”, so to speak. Close contact will make it possible to understand whether the tree wants to communicate with you. Trees also have a soul, although not the same as that of people and animals. But if a resonance is created when communicating with a tree, it means you have found your green friend. Before you start charging from the tree, you need to say hello to it. Then you should get to know each other a little and talk. Look carefully at the tree, how majestic and powerful it is, what a strong trunk, marvel at the beauty of the branches and crown of the tree, touch it. Get ready to merge together. Now is the time to tell about your problem or request and ask for help and strength - to recharge with the energy of the tree. Close your eyes, imagine how the energy sap runs through the tree, filling and cleansing you. Stay in this state for as long as you need. Being already at the place of “treatment” (forest, park), we try to choose a tree that stands alone and has an even trunk. Squat down so that your spine is in contact with the bark of the tree and your hands are on your knees. You can stand so that your back and the back of your head touch the trunk, and your hands lie on your lower back, one on top of the other, or so that your chest and stomach are in contact with the tree (the functioning of the stomach, liver, heart, lungs, intestines improves, the temperature normalizes and the general tone of the body increases ). Place your legs on both sides of the trunk (restores nervous system, radiculitis, kidney disease are treated, blood pressure is normalized). There is no point in cuddling and kissing the tree.))) For the treatment to be successful, you need to stand near the donor tree for only 3-5 minutes at a distance of 2-3 centimeters.
