How to open a workshop for processing tires into fuel. Recycling of tires, tires, waste rubber goods into liquid pyrolysis fuel, pyrolysis, reactor

Humanity has long been faced with important problem– find the best way to recycle car tires. Its solution is not only environmental, but also economic importance. In our country, recycling used rubber tires most often comes down to throwing them in a landfill or other “convenient” place. This is not at all safe for environment– after all, it takes more than a hundred years for the complete destruction of this material. In addition, the reduction in the volume of oil produced requires the maximum use of recycled materials. It is much more economically efficient to refurbish tires or turn them into raw materials for production.

Methods for recycling old tires

In Moscow and the region alone, approximately 70 thousand tons of unusable tires appear throughout the year. 10% of them are crushed, 20% are converted into fuel. The remaining 70% turns into breeding grounds for insects and rodents, as they practically do not decompose. In addition, rubber is flammable.

The country's economy is losing valuable raw materials: metal, rubber and other polymers, cord.

All tire recycling methods are divided into 2 large groups: physical and chemical. The most common physical method is grinding, which preserves the properties and structure of polymers. The following methods are used for grinding:

  • barodestruction - crushing the material into large parts and “squeezing” the rubber out of the cord ( final product– crumbs with a diameter of 0.8 mm and cord that needs to be disposed of);
  • ozone treatment - tires are cut into four parts and subjected to mechanical and ozone exposure in a special chamber ( final result– crumbs with a diameter of 0.1-0.2 mm);
  • mechanical crushing into crumbs;
  • high temperature treatment - essentially this is the processing of tires into fuel, since the rubber decomposes into its components, at the same time a gas is formed that can be used as fuel;
  • explosion with circulation;
  • processing at low temperatures– liquid nitrogen is used for cooling, rubber is crushed at temperatures from -600 to -900°C;
  • “pseudo-combustion” - combustion in a special chamber at high pressure;
  • processing tires by pyrolysis at a temperature of 1000 ° C, resulting in the formation of gas that can be used as fuel;
  • direct combustion - tires are burned with excess oxygen;
  • indirect combustion – combustion in the presence of gas obtained during pyrolysis;
  • recovery.

Economically, the most profitable thing is restoration, especially of large tires. A truck tire retreaded by vulcanization costs 3-5 times less than a new one. It is more expedient to recycle passenger car tires into fuel or recycle them.

Tire recycling technology

Old tires collected in a warehouse are inspected, metal elements (rings, disks) are removed, the rubber is cut and placed in a reactor at a temperature of +450°C. The result is a residue containing carbon, liquid fuel, gas and metal cord. The gas is used to maintain the temperature in the reactor, the remainder is released into the atmosphere. Its composition is almost the same as truck exhaust. The residue containing carbon is sifted. Fuel and cord are stored.

The production area consists of:

  • space for production installation;
  • cutting area (tire cutting);
  • warehouse for storing worn tires;
  • warehouse for finished products (carbon, fuel and scrap metal);
  • office.

The simplest tire recycling line can process 5 tons worn tires per day. The result is 2 tons of liquid fuel, 1.5 tons of solid residue with carbon, 0.5 tons of scrap metal, 1 ton of gas. The installation operates around the clock and runs on gas obtained during the production process. 2 people are required for maintenance. The equipment consumes 14.4 kW of electricity per day.

Business plan

Main expenses:

  • equipment for processing tires: price 1,100,000 rubles (but it should be borne in mind that a pyrolysis plant can cost much more);
  • delivery and installation - 400 thousand rubles;
  • fuel tanks (60 tons) – 25,000*6=150,000 rubles;
  • equipment for warehouses;
  • tools;
  • workwear for workers;
  • approvals and registration.

To register such an enterprise, an authorized capital is required. This means that an LLC organization is required. The registration process takes about a month and costs about 10,000 rubles. An additional expense is a license, which can cost more than 100 thousand rubles. Printing and stationery – 10,000 rubles.

This means that in order to open a mini-plant for processing tires, the price (initial investment) will be more than 2 million rubles.

Current expenses:

  • salary for four employees (for working with equipment in 2 shifts) – 40 thousand rubles;
  • salary for workers involved in the supply of raw materials and sales of finished products – 30 thousand rubles;
  • payment for electricity - from approximately 15,000 rubles;
  • taxes.

The amount of current expenses is from 100 thousand rubles per month.

A budget option

But there is also a less expensive option - a tire processing machine - the price is 500 thousand rubles, which is called a shredder, which allows you to get up to 20 kg of clean crumbs from one large car tire. At the customer's request, this recycling equipment is additionally equipped with attachments (30,000 rubles) for slitting and a lift (20,000 rubles).

Processing tires into crumbs is possible if there is a market for these products - the production of new tires, rubber shoes or asphalt concrete mixtures is located nearby.

The main feature of this business is that you can earn money by collecting used tires. For one ton you can get 2,000-3,500 rubles. This means that you do not have to pay for raw materials for production.

Solid residue with carbon costs from 3,000 rubles per ton, scrap metal - from 4,000 rubles per ton. As a result of simple calculations, it can be determined that the initial investment pays off in six months.

Underwater rocks

It is quite difficult to find a suitable site. It must be located at least 300 m from residential buildings. Even if the site can be found, residents still think that there is a waste processing plant right under their windows. Therefore, it is better to look for a place for production at enterprises that have ceased operations and the premises are empty. But they have all the approvals and permits.

Another aspect of the problem is the need for expensive treatment systems. In addition, experts say that recycling tires alone is not very profitable. It is more expedient to process other raw materials at the same time, for example, glass, paper, plastic.

At the initial stage, such enterprises have many problems with firefighters and environmentalists, and this requires certain costs that cannot be foreseen in the business plan. Firefighters may remain dissatisfied with the conditions of fuel storage, and as for environmentalists, they are always partial to such production. To fulfill all the requirements, hundreds of thousands of rubles may not be enough.

It is most likely impossible to recycle or dispose of tires at home. Therefore, you can create sculptures from them in a suburban area, use them as elements of a fence, playground, or create mini flower beds. For example, a tire from Belaz may well serve as the foundation of a small garden house. Moreover, you can use both whole tires and cut ones. Everything depends on your own creativity and fantasies.

There are more than 1.1 billion passenger cars in the world. The number of registered cars in Russia is about 46 million. This means that if we add trucks, then there are about 5 billion tires running on the roads of the world. The number of tires in landfills around the world is unknown. In Russia, according to various estimates, from 30 to 45 million tires are thrown away per year. There is no need to talk about the harm that such waste causes to the environment.

The issue of recycling and disposal of car tires is acute throughout the world.

There is not a single country in which this problem is considered solved. In our country, according to various sources, from 8 to 12% of old tires and conveyor belts are recycled. These figures indicate that tire recycling as a business has good prospects.

However, having decided to run a rubber processing business, you must carefully choose the processing method and imagine all the pitfalls of such a business. Choosing a processing method, and therefore the direction of your investment, is a very complex task. Enterprises that produce equipment for one or another processing method naturally praise their method and carefully hide its shortcomings. In this article we will try to make the task of choosing a processing method easier. Remember that there is no perfect method. Everyone has flaws. Here are the main ways to recycle car tires:

  • reuse by applying a new tread (in this case, after reuse, the tire still needs to be recycled);
  • combustion to produce thermal energy;
  • heating without air access or with limited air access (pyrolysis);
  • grinding to obtain crumb rubber, recycled metal and textile threads;
  • burial and use for strengthening the coastline, installing fences, etc. This method is prohibited in most countries, including Russia. We will not consider it.

We do not consider in this article applying new tread to worn tires (“welding”). This is a method of extending the life of tires rather than recycling them. But let's look at other methods in more detail. When evaluating recycling options, you should have a basic knowledge of the tire material composition.

Tire material composition

The main components of tires are cord (metal, textile or mixed), rubber, filler (soot), auxiliary materials (thermal stabilizers, anti-ozonators, etc.), adhesives (contain polychlorinated hydrocarbons and some other materials in large quantities Oh. If we do not consider the metal cord (which is a steel wire coated with brass - an alloy of copper and zinc), then the composition of the tires includes: hydrocarbons (rubber, etc.), carbon (soot), silicon dioxide, sulfur (vulcanizing agent in rubber and in the composition other components), polychlorides (in adhesives) and some other components in small quantities. Contrary to popular belief that tires contain arsenic, there is none. There are also no heavy metals (except for a small amount of copper and zinc on the surface of the steel cord). Lead is also not used in modern tires. All these components undergo changes during tire processing and form new substances, many of which are more dangerous than the original ones. Now let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of various tire recycling methods.

Burning tires to produce thermal energy

The method seems attractive. Therefore, it is worth talking about it in more detail.

Burning one ton of tires produces approximately the same amount of thermal energy as one ton of thermal coal.

What is the problem? Firstly, tires cannot be burned in conventional thermal power plants. You need special equipment and preparation of raw materials. Secondly, when burned, sulfur forms a large number of sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide). This requires a special cleaning installation. The problem is being solved, but the equipment is very expensive. Thirdly, polychlorides at insufficient combustion temperatures form one of the most hazardous substances– dioxin. Available international experience indicates that this method has the right to life only when processing very large quantities (more than 100 tons) per day, requires huge capital investments and is profitable only in the case of subsidies (financial support) from the state.

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Tire pyrolysis

The process involves heating the material to 400–500 degrees without access to oxygen (air). This produces pyrolysis gas, a liquid hydrocarbon fraction, soot and steel cord waste. You can find excellent product costing. For example, from 1 ton of tires you can get 500 kg of liquid hydrocarbon fraction (fuel and even gasoline!), 200 kg of gas (used to heat the reactor and save fuel), 200 kg of carbon black and 100 kg of metal. What's the problem? Ask yourself a question: where does sulfur disappear if it contains up to 10% silicon dioxide? Very simple. Most of the sulfur turns into hydrogen sulfide (the strongest poison, a substance of hazard class 1), which is contained in pyrolysis gases. The other part of the sulfur forms carbon disulfide and other compounds, which go into the liquid fraction. And finally, the residue, which is bashfully called carbon black, contains metal sulfides (mainly sodium and calcium). Where did the silicon dioxide disappear - into the residue. The fate of polychlorides is even more complex. Some of them go into the residue, some form hydrogen chloride (not a gift!), and some form dioxins, which can be found in all products. This “carbon black” will not be used by any responsible consumer. You can't bury it either. By recycling tires in this way, we will create a bunch of new problems. These problems can be solved, but require large capital investments, which calls into question the profitability of this method without government assistance.

Grinding tires to obtain rubber crumbs

The essence of the method is very simple. Tires are shredded. In this case, three products are formed - metal, crumb rubber (we will consider the directions of its use below) and textile cord waste.

With such processing, virtually no chemical changes occur (no new toxic waste is generated).

This is the main advantage of the method. What are the problems? Very difficult to separate from crumb rubber textile threads and thus obtained textile material- it's practically new waste. We will further show how this problem can be solved. But on initial stages It’s better to recycle pure steel cord tires. This will significantly reduce capital costs. The key problems when constructing a mini-tire recycling plant are the following problems.

  1. Choosing a location for production. Construction or use of existing structures.
  2. Selection, purchase and installation of equipment.
  3. Obtaining a processing license.
  4. Formation of reliable channels for obtaining raw materials and marketing finished products.

Let's look at everything in order.

Production site and buildings

Even a mini-tire recycling plant requires a fairly large site. Most of the production site will be occupied by a warehouse for raw materials (tires) and finished products. Tire recycling line takes up enough large area– 150–300 m2. It is better to clarify this after choosing the equipment. The height of the building (or hangar) is 5–6 meters. The production site must be sufficiently remote from residential buildings. Minimum distance 200-500 m. The best place– industrial zone. When recycling tires, the material heats up quite strongly and releases volatile substances with a specific odor. Local ventilation is required. It is necessary to provide special absorption cartridges as part of the ventilation equipment. They are produced industrially.

Equipment for processing tires into crumbs

For processing tires into crumbs, the price of equipment is not prohibitive. However, the cost of a set of equipment of 10–15 million rubles should be considered minimal. The choice of equipment for processing tires into crumbs is quite wide. There are lines Russian production and imported. When choosing equipment, don’t pay too much attention to brands.

Tire recycling line

If possible, visit an existing production facility and listen to all about the problems of this production. When purchasing equipment, it is better to focus on complete lines, but some components can be used or purchased separately. Here is the minimum list of equipment:

  • shredders (shredder, hydraulic shears, tape cutter);
  • separators (air and magnetic);
  • conveyors;
  • vibrating screens

Worn tires are almost not susceptible to natural decomposition, which means that sooner or later they should be disposed of. Tires cannot simply be burned - such “disposal” of even one ton of products is fraught with “enrichment” of the atmosphere with centners of soot and toxic gases. In addition, this is simply a pointless waste of resources, because thanks to modern technologies, waste tires can be profitably processed, for example, into fuel. Let's consider a case of opening a company specializing in the processing of tires into fuel oil.

Tire recycling as a business is a unique type of activity, since virtually no costs for raw materials are required. Moreover, in many cities, municipal authorities even pay for the recycling of tires. As for the resulting fuel oil, this is a product that is constantly in demand.

As a result of the tire recycling process, a dark oily liquid is released (30-40% of the total mass of raw materials). This is the so called pyrolysis oil, his Chemical properties similar to the characteristics of fuel oil and heating oil. It can be used in industrial furnaces, heat generators, boilers. In addition, the pyrolysis liquid is processed to produce higher quality fuel oil, diesel fuel or gasoline.

Potential Buyers


To open of this business You will need the following tire recycling equipment (basic):

Almost all pyrolysis plants present on the domestic market are of Russian or “post-Soviet” origin. Their cost varies from one million to ten million rubles.

For example, a mini-plant for processing tires "Potram-Avtotiny-Classic", which not only cuts and processes car tires into pyrolysis oil, but also turns it into diesel and gasoline distillates, will cost from 7,500,000 rubles. This plant is capable of processing 15-20 tons of raw materials per day.

From the same manufacturer you can also purchase a conventional installation for producing pyrolysis fuel SHAH (from 2,000,000 rubles), with a capacity of 5 tons of raw materials per day.

The cost of hydraulic shears NS-400, capable of cutting both passenger and truck tires, is 300,000 rubles.

A fuel storage tank with a capacity of 10,000 liters will cost 220,000 rubles.

Example of production organization

Let's consider an enterprise that processes tires into fuel (fuel oil) using a SHAH pyrolysis plant with a capacity of 5 tons. According to her technical specifications from one ton of raw material up to 400 kg of pyrolysis liquid should be obtained.

To start a business you will need an investment of 4.6 million rubles:

  • Purchase of the SHAH pyrolysis unit - 3,000 thousand.

    Disposal and recycling of car tires

  • Hydraulic scissors - 300 thousand rubles.
  • A tank with a capacity of 10 thousand liters - 220 thousand rubles.
  • Tools, Consumables— 280 thousand rubles.
  • Delivery, installation, commissioning - 300 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses (coordination, connection to electrical networks) - 500 thousand rubles.

With an operating mode of 30 shifts per month and 100% equipment utilization, the installation produces 60 tons of products.

The properties of the resulting pyrolysis oil correspond to heating oil. The average wholesale cost of this fuel is 9,500 rubles per ton (current price as of 02/12/2013).

With this option, monthly revenue will be 570,000 rubles, net profitability activities 50%. The return on investment at 100% line load will be 16 months, and at 50% load 32 months.

Equipment | for cleaning and regeneration | Vacuum regeneration unit UVR


for regeneration (restoring working condition) primarily of mineral oils, hydraulic oils, compressor oils, industrial oils, as well as lighter electrical insulating transformer and turbine oils;

for cleaning, clarification, regeneration, removal of paraffins, removal of sulfur (desulfurization) - heating, diesel and pyrolysis fuels, as well as other fuel liquids.

Business Idea #102: How Profitable is Tire Recycling?

Vacuum regeneration unit UVR

regenerates, clarifies, removes aging processes, filters and purifies: mineral oils, diesel fuel, heating oil, petroleum products, pyrolysis liquid, the installation removes paraffins and sulfur from diesel and heating oil.

The cost of regeneration of 1 ton (depending on the liquid being regenerated) ranges from $6.5 to $35.

Regenerated, clarified and filtered this or that liquid also after the processing process complies with GOST.

This equipment will not solve the issue of oil disposal, but will give and is giving oils a second life.

Installation universal and works on any liquids without any reconfiguration, the only variable parameter will be the performance of the installation, it will depend on the type and viscosity of the liquid being purified.

The equipment is certified and complies with all GOSTs and standards.

Regeneration capacity, m³/h:

— transformer oils
- turbine oils
- industrial oils
- heating oil
— diesel fuel
- pyrolysis liquid
- motor oils

Consumption of regenerating powder in % of oil mass

— transformer oils
- turbine oils
- industrial oils
- heating oil
— diesel fuel
- pyrolysis liquid
- motor oils

5 — 7
5 — 7
5 — 7
3 — 8
2 — 4
5 — 10
Mass of regenerating powder for refilling

— one regeneration module, kg
— all regeneration modules, kg

Oil loss as a percentage of the initial oil volume

— transformer oils
- turbine oils
- industrial oils
- heating oil
— diesel fuel
- pyrolysis liquid
- motor oils

3 — 5
3 — 5
3 — 5
1 — 5
1 — 3
1 — 3
3 — 5
Total power of heaters, kW 1,6
Installed power, kW 4,2
Filtration fineness of filters, microns

— input
- day off

Supply voltage of a three-phase alternating current network with a frequency of 50 Hz, V 220, 380
Overall dimensions, mm no more 1900×1080×1750
Weight, kg no more 760

Samples of engine oil before and after the regeneration process,
as well as other samples of purified and clarified liquids

Pyrolysis plant for tire recycling. Pyrolysis is a waste-free technology for waste disposal.

Pyrolysis of tires, tires, plastics and other waste allows the disposal and processing of toxic waste into fuel, carbon and steel cord. The pyrolysis plant is simple and effective. Investments in pyrolysis equipment pay off in less than a year; when purchasing equipment on lease, the payback period is reduced to several months. The pyrolysis plant does not require numerous personnel. To service a horizontal pyrolysis installation, 3-4 people are required at the time of loading (3 - 5 hours depending on the volume) and a person on duty during operation. The service life of a pyrolysis reactor made of heat-resistant steel with a thickness of 16 -18 mm is about 7-8 years. The reactor can be supplied from heat-resistant stainless steel. After 7-8 years of operation, the reactor is replaced with a new one. The remaining installation components do not require replacement. The installation uses automation Siemens.

It is possible to lease equipment for 2 - 5 years, down payment 10 -15%, increase in price 5 -12% per year, currency - rubles.

Pyrolysis of waste. Depending on the temperatures and materials, low-temperature pyrolysis and high-temperature waste pyrolysis plants are used.

Low-temperature pyrolysis is a process of waste decomposition without air access at temperatures of 300-600 ° C. This method is characterized by the maximum yield of liquid products. During the pyrolysis process we obtain fuel and other valuable waste. Our installations use a catalytic pyrolysis process to increase the efficiency and speed of the process.

Tire recycling as a business

In the installations at the output we receive heavy and light fuel fractions, non-condensable fractions - gas is used to heat the pyrolysis furnace, therefore only initial heating is necessary for the pyrolysis furnace to operate. After the pyrolysis process begins, the released gas is used for heating. If you purchase 2 units and they work together, the excess gas in one pyrolysis unit is used to start the pyrolysis process in the second unit. There is no need for any additional form fuel in general. The pyrolysis plant is equipped with a 4-stage gas purification system. Price list for pyrolysis plants.

High-temperature pyrolysis occurs at temperatures of about 1000-1400 degrees and is characterized by maximum gas yield. High temperature pyrolysis - one the best ways processing of solid household waste, solid waste, both from the point of view of both environmental safety and the production of synthesis gas, slag, metals and other materials that can be found wide application V national economy. High-temperature gasification makes it possible to technically simply process municipal solid waste without its preliminary preparation, sorting, drying, etc.

Waste equipment - advantages of pyrolysis:

  • Pyrolysis equipment is the optimal solution for waste processing. Pyrolysis is little sensitive to the type of raw material and is capable of processing unsorted municipal solid waste, sewage sludge, oil residues, paper pulp, mixed plastics and shredded car residues, rubber and tires, wood waste, hospital waste, etc. The plant's automation adapts to changes in the composition of the waste .
  • There is no combustion waste, the pyrolysis plant has excellent emissions of harmful substances such as dioxins, the level of which is lower than those established by the relevant legislation.
  • The installation does not produce wastewater.
  • No highly qualified personnel are required, the installation operates automatically.
  • There is a large reduction in the volume of waste for disposal.
  • Harmless production residues can be used in the future, in the production of tires, road construction, etc.
  • The pyrolysis plant is easy to operate and maintain, and also the fact that the pyrolysis plant provides itself with the energy necessary for operation (required only for start-up), while the excess generated steam and/or electricity is supplied to an external consumer.

Pyrolysis machines are available in 2 versions: vertical and horizontal. From us you can purchase horizontal pyrolysis machines for processing waste tires, etc. and vertical machines for processing waste oil and petroleum products.

Advantages of horizontal pyrolysis plants:

  • The material is mixed in the reactor, which accelerates the pyrolysis process.
  • No crane beams are needed to unload retorts.
  • The workshop may have a smaller height.
  • Large dimensions of the installation's loading doors.
  • Possibility of automating loading; the loading device can have a diameter equal to the machine door.
  • Fully automatic carbon unloading, a device for unloading steel cord, a small number of maintenance personnel (3-4 people), especially high savings are obtained with high installation productivity or the purchase of 2 or more units.
  • Pyrolysis of rubber and tires.

    Pyrolysis of rubber and recycling of car tires is the most popular area where horizontal pyrolysis plants are widely used. Large reactor volume from 12 m3 to 50 m3, large loading doors from 2.2 to 2.8 meters in diameter, automatic unloading of the installation, and a small number of maintenance personnel make horizontal installations the most profitable to use for these purposes.

    Pyrolysis of plastic.

  • Pyrolysis of plastic, another one popular destination use of pyrolysis machines. What is especially important is that plastic decomposes in a pyrolysis machine without the formation of dioxins. In this case, the yield of pyrolysis fuel is about 65% of the weight of the plastic. When supplied with a dechlorination unit, it is possible to process plastics with PVC impurities.
  • Pyrolysis of waste

  • In pyrolysis plants it is also possible to process cable residues, leather (pre-treatment equipment is supplied),
  • Pyrolysis of waste oil and petroleum products

  • It is possible to process waste oil in horizontal pyrolysis units 10 -15% of the unit load volume, in distillation units or in oil regeneration units.
  • We offer 2 types of oil processing plants.

A series of distillation plants that allow you to process 5 to 50 tons of oil per day into standard summer diesel fuel and AI 92 gasoline.

Installations for regeneration of oil properties with a capacity from 62 to 2000 liters per hour. These installations make it possible to obtain oil with properties close to the original oil.

  • As a result of pyrolysis, the following products are obtained:

The working process:

Raw materials are loaded into the loading inlet, and depending on the volumes and material, a loading conveyor can be supplied. Then, the reactor of the pyrolysis machine is heated with a gas or diesel burner, at the customer’s choice. When the temperature reaches up to 350 ° C to 400 ° C, the pyrolysis reaction begins in the reactor. From the resulting oil gas the light and heavy components will separate. The light component is cooled in the condenser and accumulated in the fuel tank; flammable gases also remain in the system, which cannot be liquefied; they are returned to the heating system for combustion.

The pyrolysis machine is equipped with a gas purification system in the heat supply system of the machine. We can offer you the following size range of Pyrolysis machines with different capacities:

We can offer you the following size range of Pyrolysis machines with different capacities:

Name Power
per day
in a day

1 LL-2200-6000 11 22 5 — 6 9 — 10 3 in 2 days 82000 92000 88000 98000 108000
2 LL-2200-6600 11 25 7 10 -11 3 in 2 days 84000 94000 91000 101000 111000
3 LL-2600-6000 16 32 8 8 -10 1 per day 110000 124000 118000 121000 131000
4 LL-2600-6600 16 35 10 10 — 12 1 per day 120000 134000 128000 142000 154000
5 LL-2800-6000 17 37 10 10 — 12 1 per day 125000 139000 135000 149000 164000
6 LL-2800-6600 17 40 12 12 1 per day 135000 149000 145000 159000 175000
7 LL-2800-7500 22 46 16 15 -16 1 per day 150000 165000 162000 177000 195000

* — price of a pyrolysis unit without adaptation to cold climates. Heating of the installation with coal, wood.

** - price of a pyrolysis unit without adaptation to cold climates. Heating of the installation with multi-fuel burners operating on diesel fuel, pyrolysis oil, and fuel oil.

*** price of a pyrolysis plant with a cooling system adapted to cold climates, without an outdoor pool.

*** price of a pyrolysis plant with a cooling system adapted to cold climates, without an outdoor pool. Heating of the installation with multi-fuel burners operating on diesel fuel, pyrolysis oil, and fuel oil.

**** — price of a pyrolysis unit with a cooling system adapted to cold climates, without an outdoor pool and a cooling system that allows the use of heat generated by the unit for heating the workshop. System supply ventilation. Heating of the installation with multi-fuel burners operating on diesel fuel, pyrolysis oil, and fuel oil.

Standard operating cycle of a pyrolysis machine.

Machine operation
Cooling down
Duty cycle
1 LN-2200-5100 1,5-2 6-7 2 1,5-2 12
2 LN-2200-5100 1,5-2 6-7 2 1,5-2 12
3 LN-2200-5100 1,5-2 6-7 2 1,5-2 12
4 LN-2200-5100 1,5-2 6-7 2 1,5-2 12
5 LN-2200-6000 2 7 2 2 13
6 LN-2200-6600 2 8 2 2 14
7 LN-2600-6000 2-3 10 2 — 3 2-3 19
8 LN-2800-6000 3 12 4 3 22
9 LN-2800-6600 3 12 4 3 22
10 LN-2800-7500 4 12 4 4 24

We provide a 1-year warranty on the machine, and a 14 mm thick stainless steel reactor. 3 years, other parts of the machine do not need to be changed throughout its entire operating period, with the exception of wearable components and parts.

The composition of the pyrolysis machine includes

  1. Reactor heating system
  2. Thermally insulated pyrolysis machine body
  3. The pyrolysis reactor is made of stainless steel 14 mm thick.
  4. Machine control panel.
  5. Catalytic column
  6. Container for the heavy fraction of pyrolysis oil
  7. Pyrolysis gas cooling system
  8. Container for the light fraction of pyrolysis oil
  9. Water seal
  10. Water cooling system. It is possible to use the heat generated during the pyrolysis process to heat the air in the workshop in winter
  11. Built-in fan and valve system.
  12. Chimney
  13. Smoke exhaust fan
  14. Exhaust gas purification system
  15. Gas burner
  16. Speed ​​reducer
  17. Automatic soot removal conveyor
  18. Service platforms
  19. Roller for unloading steel (cord)

Pyrolysis is the process of decomposition by fire, literally translated. The material of used tires under the influence of heat in an oxygen-free environment is separated into solid, liquid and gaseous substances.

Business for processing car tires and tires into fuel oil

In this case, long polymer chains are converted into liquid components with a significantly lower molecular weight.
The raw material for pyrolysis technology can be not only car tires that have lost their properties,
but also used polypropylene, polyethylene, used motor oil and other carbon-containing waste.

In its apparent simplicity of implementation, pyrolysis has a number of pitfalls. Heat process (above 500C) requires the absence of moving parts in the reaction zone or expensive construction materials.

The batch process, in addition to a long production period, has an unreasonably high fuel consumption (up to 15% versus 6% continuous), due to the need to heat the cooled retort.

The primary product - pyrolysis oil - has not just unacceptable quality indicators. It has a disgusting smell, a very high content of products unacceptable in fuels, is not stable and does not change during distillation.

Other products obtained from tires by pyrolysis (carbon and steel) require additional costs to bring them to marketable condition.

Due to its low quality and organoleptic characteristics, pyrolysis oil cannot be used as a competitive product - a fuel substitute.

We offer modern high-quality technological system environmentally friendly
highly profitable, waste-free production recycling tires and other carbon-forming waste to obtain highly competitive marketable products.

The technological process is of a two-stage nature.

  1. Pyrolysis stage. But this is a “light” version - a low-temperature analogue of pyrolysis. Our specialists have developed promoters that allow the pyrolysis process to take place at low temperatures, while the output of pyrolysis oil occurs with better characteristics.
  2. Reaction rectification takes place in the presence of catalyst systems of a unique structure, which makes it possible to obtain a commercial product from the product of low-temperature pyrolysis.

To date, the technological process has passed the stage of laboratory testing, pilot installation and industrial prototype. IN this moment The installation of an industrial design is underway in the Krasnodar region.

A series of tests (carried out in ROSNEFT laboratories) of products manufactured according to new technology showed how high quality the product itself and the high efficiency of the catalyst.

The results received the highest praise from oil refining industry specialists.

The essence of the technology is the use of a field-promoted catalyst system that has no analogues. The use of field promotion makes it possible to reduce energy costs for carrying out the pyrolysis process and reactions on a catalyst. As well as a product of commercial quality, corresponding to 4-5 environmental class motor fuels of the Russian Federation, and as a result, an increase in the cost of selling one kg to 30 rubles, while the cost of raw materials (tires) at a landfill is 0 rubles.

A new technological approach will make it highly profitable this production due to the following factors that are unique ONLY to our technology:

  1. The occupied area is very compact, which makes it possible to locate production at a waste tire collection site or in close proximity to it.
  2. The required electricity to put production into operation is minimal. Energy costs for the technological process itself are covered by the use of hydrocarbon gas generated during production.
  3. The quality of the resulting finished product makes it in demand on the market of high-octane motor fuels (EURO-4 and EURO-5), with a selling price of over 30 rubles per kg.
  4. Waste-free production, which allows us to talk about its environmental safety.

Pyrolysis of tires and tires

The problem of household waste disposal is quite acute today all over the world. Moreover, if with household waste While organic origin can be relied on by nature itself, it is the person himself who needs to worry about the issues of recycling polymers. The thing is that most of them, for example, car tires, do not decompose on their own, which means that if they are not destroyed, they will soon turn our planet into one big landfill.

Disposal of car tires is currently carried out in several different ways.

Processing into crumbs. Recycling tires using shredding is the simplest and most common method in our country. It allows you to preserve the chemical and physical-mechanical characteristics of rubber. After grinding, rubber can be used in the construction of roads and structures. Also, grinding rubber allows you to compactly store and transport it to further processing by pyrolysis method.

Disposal of tires by burning. This method recycling was invented back in the days when humanity had not invented any alternatives to the destruction of rubber. Tires were burned mainly at cement industry enterprises, where they partially replaced fuels such as fuel oil and coal. Burning tires looks simply barbaric from an environmental point of view, since many harmful substances in the process of burning rubber do not disintegrate, but enter the atmosphere. Among these substances the most harmful are:

  • benzopyrene
  • furan
  • dioxins

In addition, one ton of tires contains approximately 700 kg of rubber, which, thanks to new technologies, can be reused to produce fuel. Thus, it becomes clear that burning tires is a completely unjustified method, both from an environmental and economic point of view. A more correct method of recycling tires is pyrolysis. How does it happen?

Tire recycling by pyrolysis

Today, the pyrolysis method is used to obtain fuel from tire recycling. It is a process of thermal decomposition of organic compounds contained in tires without access to oxygen. Pyrolysis of tires today is the most economical and environmentally friendly method of their disposal, since it not only solves the issue of recycling recyclable materials, but also allows you to obtain fuel literally from garbage.

Low-temperature pyrolysis allows tires to be decomposed into their constituent components, each of which can be used for specific purposes.

Tire recycling business pays for itself in 6 months

Recycling of tires by pyrolysis has been used for a long time in European countries, since in addition to environmentally friendly disposal, this type of recycling can bring very good profit. So, what products can an ordinary tire recycling plant produce:

  1. Carbon black, which is used as a filler in the production of non-responsible rubbers, conveyor belts, technical plates, and much more. It is also a pigment for the production of paints. Lower quality carbon black is widely used in construction (it is used to make paving slabs, concrete products and bricks).
  2. Thermolysis gas, which is an analogue natural gas. This gas is quite clean and can be freely used in mini-boiler houses to generate heat and electricity.
  3. Pressed steel cord used for the needs of the metallurgical industry. It can be sold as scrap metal or as binding wire (subject to additional firing)
  4. Synthetic oil, which is almost identical in composition to natural oil. If it is purified, it can replace many petroleum products.

All these products from a process such as tire pyrolysis are in demand in a variety of industries, so tire recycling is a fairly profitable business.

Pyrolysis of tires.

Disposal and subsequent recycling of tires is carried out in several stages:

  1. Tires intended for recycling are sent to a raw materials warehouse.
  2. Using a bead cutter, tires are cut into tread and beads (for maximum compact packing).
  3. The retort is loaded with raw materials, then it is closed with a lid and placed in a pyrolysis oven, where it is heated to 450°C. During the thermal decomposition of rubber, pyrolysis gas is formed, which passes through the refrigerator, where it condenses into pyrolysis oil. To maintain the pyrolysis process, part of the resulting gas is supplied to the furnace burner.
  4. Upon completion of the pyrolysis process, the retort is removed from the furnace, and the next retort with raw materials is loaded in its place.
  5. After cooling, the retort is unloaded, and the metal cord is separated from the pyrolytic carbon.
  6. Finished pyrolysis products are sent to a warehouse, where they are stored until direct shipment to the end consumer.

The advantages of pyrolysis of car tires are simply obvious to the naked eye:

  • This recycling process is safe from an environmental point of view, and the processed products do not contain highly toxic substances.
  • No waste during production - absolutely everything that is generated during the processing of tires is a liquid product.
  • This processing of solid waste does not require significant energy consumption, and in general, it is very economical;
  • It is possible to use the fuel obtained from rubber processing for internal technological processes.

Summarizing everything written above, we can say that tire pyrolysis is the only correct solution for recycling rubber for all those who think about the future of their children and care about the environment. And from a business point of view, pyrolysis is the most profitable method recycling old car tires.

welcome 4 station wagon

Worn tires are almost not subject to natural decomposition, which means that sooner or later they should be disposed of. Tires cannot simply be burned - such “disposal” of even one ton of products is fraught with “enrichment” of the atmosphere with centners of soot and toxic gases. In addition, this is simply a pointless waste of resources, because thanks to modern technologies, waste tires can be profitably processed, for example, into fuel. Let's consider a case of opening a company specializing in the processing of tires into fuel oil.


Tire recycling as a business is a unique type of activity, since virtually no costs for raw materials are required. Moreover, in many cities, municipal authorities even pay for the recycling of tires. As for the resulting fuel oil, this is a product that is constantly in demand.

Fuel oil (pyrolysis oil): scope, consumers.

As a result of the tire recycling process, a dark oily liquid is released (30-40% of the total mass of raw materials). This is the so called pyrolysis oil, its chemical properties are similar to those of fuel oil and heating oil. It can be used in industrial furnaces, heat generators, boilers. In addition, the pyrolysis liquid is processed to produce higher quality fuel oil, diesel fuel or gasoline.

Potential Buyers

  • boiler rooms;
  • industrial enterprises;
  • owners of private houses.


To open this business you will need the following tire processing equipment (basic):

Almost all pyrolysis plants present on the domestic market are of Russian or “post-Soviet” origin. Their cost varies from one million to ten million rubles.

For example, a mini-plant for processing tires "Potram-Car Tires-Classic", which not only cuts and processes car tires into pyrolysis oil, but also turns it into diesel and gasoline distillates, will cost from 7,500,000 rubles. This plant is capable of processing 15-20 tons of raw materials per day.

From the same manufacturer you can also purchase a conventional installation for producing pyrolysis fuel SHAH (from 2,000,000 rubles), with a capacity of 5 tons of raw materials per day.

The cost of hydraulic shears NS-400, capable of cutting both passenger and truck tires, is 300,000 rubles.

A fuel storage tank with a capacity of 10,000 liters will cost 220,000 rubles.

Example of production organization

Let's consider an enterprise that processes tires into fuel (fuel oil) using a SHAH pyrolysis plant with a capacity of 5 tons. According to its technical characteristics, up to 400 kg of pyrolysis liquid should be obtained from one ton of raw materials.

To start a business you will need an investment of 4.6 million rubles:

  • Purchase of a pyrolysis unit “SHAH” - 3,000 thousand rubles.
  • Hydraulic scissors - 300 thousand rubles.
  • A tank with a capacity of 10 thousand liters - 220 thousand rubles.
  • Tools, consumables - 280 thousand rubles.
  • Delivery, installation, commissioning - 300 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses (coordination, connection to electrical networks) - 500 thousand rubles.

With an operating mode of 30 shifts per month and 100% equipment utilization, the installation produces 60 tons of products.

The properties of the resulting pyrolysis oil correspond to heating oil. The average wholesale cost of this fuel is 9,500 rubles per ton ( price current as of 02/12/2013).

With this option, monthly revenue will be 570,000 rubles, the net profitability of the activity is 50%. The return on investment at 100% line load will be 16 months, and at 50% load 32 months.

Recycling of tires, tires, waste rubber goods into liquid pyrolysis fuel, pyrolysis, reactor. December 18th, 2013

I will describe the manufacture and operation of a small reactor for processing waste tires, which was conceived by me as an experimental one for testing the parameters and examining the fuel.
The beginning of manufacturing is, of course, documentation, drawings and sketches that are tied to manufacturing capabilities, here I took such opportunities as plasma cutting and manufacturing parts using the shell method, quite well and of high quality, the only thing is not cheap. Some drawings and sketches:

So what do we see in the assembly shop after the finished parts have been delivered:

Assembly and preparation for launch:

Well, then tests and work:
Loading of raw materials after the shredder, a lot of very non-metallic cord, the percentage of rubber is less because part of the rubber is taken away, the raw materials were bought in Slantsy, ready-made, you can see them in bags, it gives a small amount of fuel, and all the raw materials are not processed, because there is not enough rubber.

you can see a “block” in the middle, the effect is not very good..
When loading cut tires... but here the experiment on solid tires is much better, and the fuel is normal in the area of ​​35 percent yield and is completely recycled.

carbon burns in “crackers”, it can also be used as fuel, in principle, an analogue of hard coal with the same ash content... or wood, but in wood the ash content of 3 percent immediately reaches 12-20, and of course there is a lot of sulfur, the sulfur does not “go away” in the fuel... according to measurements, sulfur is up to 0.8 percent incomplete, sulfur remains in the carbon where it can be up to 4-something percent. This coal is a good raw material for the synthesis gas reactor, which is in the previous description.

here's the fuel, light -it's easy fraction, there is very little of it, it is closer to the gasoline fraction.

Well, here are various fuel tests obtained both at this installation and earlier at the first reactors.

Well, there is something about coal:

I'm adding another fuel test! Very interesting, yes, we obtained pyrolysis fuel in Perm at the installation that I designed, interesting data:

These tests came from the installation that I designed for Melitopol back in 2007, I think.
Several photos of the installation, its appearance is certainly not presentable, they were apparently made from what was at hand... but it worked well according to their reviews:

This is the carbon that comes from tires.

This is metal cord, it is usually sold as scrap metal, it is advisable, of course, to press it:

It's like general form that furnace in Melitopol, the same one according to my design was supposed to be built in Yekaterinburg... but the 2008 crisis prevented it, so to speak...
So everything was left unfinished, a few sad photographs from Yekaterinburg:

The only thing that in Yekaterinburg they did the project not in length but indoors:

Of course, many factories and different equipment have been designed during this time, but they are all the same for low productivity and I don’t want to go into descriptions... one thing is enough...
I got distracted a little, but let's continue, in fact, pyrolysis is not only valuable fur... sorry, not only the recycling of tires, for example, when experimenting with milk cartons and others like Tetropack:

the result is essentially ash and foil, it doesn’t burn, the only question is where to put it and how to separate it, foil from ash... conclusion, using this technology it is possible to make equipment for annealing, say, wires with a small cross-section electrical wires in this case, the insulation plastic turns into carbon, and copper and aluminum and other metals can be turned into non-ferrous metal... that is, there is the use of pyrolysis technology not only in the recycling of tires but also in the processing of waste from the automobile industry, etc.... by the way, their polyethylene is so We get liquid fuel, but I wasn’t faced with this particular task.
Regarding MPCs, maximum permissible emissions... this is a very complex question... the difficult thing is not that they are higher than MPCs when recycling tires... the point is that there is no equipment for analysis... or the prices are exorbitant. But the analysis was done on experimental equipment in Israel, by my friends from this direction, I don’t have documentary evidence... all the money was spent and it’s decent, but there are assurances... his assurances that according to the German emission standard (in Israel they copied the German standard), there are no excesses. This is already good...
Video of this installation:

I'll add a little:
So, a tire processing plant with a capacity of 12-14 tons of processing per day was designed and built, the productivity was taken at the rate of loading 400-450 kg of rubber (cut tires) per retort cube (retort 3.8 cubes, process - 12 hours), in fact, with In some modes, the installation results in higher performance than stated.
Well, maintenance. The installation is serviced by an operator and an assistant per shift, cutting tires and preparing retorts is the work of a team during the day shift; of course, a fleet of retorts is required. This distribution of labor gives good economics and work efficiency.
Well, a few more photos during the construction of this plant:

Below is a very inexpensive pyrolysis furnace for processing tires and polyethylene, starting from about 700 thousand rubles..

1. Furnace body.
2. Retort volume 3.3 m3.
3. Heat generator.
4. Retort cover (Hatch.)
5. Chimney.
6. Technological hatch for cleaning and maintenance of the space under the retort.
7. Pipe for inlet of pyrolysis gas into the heat generator.
8. Rubber hose for supplying pyrolysis gases.
9. Packed condensation columns.
10. Water seal, a valve that prevents reverse combustion and air from entering the condensation system and retort.
11. Pipeline for the exit of pyrolysis gases from the retort to the condensation system.
12. Pyrolysis liquid drain valves.
13. Overpressure valve.
14. Carbon unloading hatch.
15. Fire tube that transfers heat from the heat generator to the furnace for heating the retort.
16. Furnace stop feet.
17. Pyrolysis gas supply pipe.
18. Additional air supply pipes.
19. Thermocouple.
20. Temperature sensor showing the temperature in the oven under the retort.

Loading occurs through the upper loading hatch of the retort (4); when loading with raw materials, try not to leave large gaps with air; the retort must always be fully loaded. (If it is impossible to load the retort without large air gaps, add up to 10 liters of water to the retort.) Be sure to leave the entrance to the pyrolysis gas outlet pipe from the retort (11) free, visually check and clean if clogged.
After loading, close the retort lid through the paronite gasket and connect and seal tightly with bolted connections.
Close the carbon unloading hatch (14), the hatch is installed with a paronite gasket and is tightly connected to the flange with bolted connections.
Fill the water seal (10) with water up to half the capacity of the seal.
Light the fuel in the heat generator (3).
Maintain the temperature in the oven according to the temperature sensor (20) no higher than 500 C. Operating temperature 450 C.
The beginning of the pyrolysis reaction is determined by the entry of pyrolysis gases into the heat generator (3) through the pipe (7), the end of the reaction is determined by the cessation of entry of pyrolysis gases into the heat generator, visually this can be seen through the loading hatch of the heat generator. pyrolysis gases will burn in the heat generator; when pyrolysis gases enter, the flooding of the heat generator must be reduced.
After the pyrolysis gases have stopped flowing into the heat generator’s furnace, stop heating the heat generator and leave the furnace to cool for at least 12 hours.

Unloading the oven.

After the furnace has cooled down to ambient temperature, open the carbon unloading hatch (14). Unload carbon. Close the hatch hermetically for the next loading of the retort.
Clean the heat generator from ash and prepare it for the next fire.
Open the retort hatch (4) and start loading with raw materials, according to the points above.
Oven operation.
When operating the stove, temperatures above 500 C are not allowed.
Check the condition of the entrance from the retort side to the pipeline (11) of pyrolysis gases; it must not be carbonized; if carbonized, disassemble and clean it.

The advantage of this furnace is that there is no need for lifting and transport equipment, but again you need extinguishing boxes... that is, metal boxes with lids, then one of the minuses is that this is a furnace with flooding... that is, for the reaction to take place you need fuel, really and plus there is - there is somewhere to put the carbon, it burns well.

Well, this is a video of a two-retort furnace... for processing 5-7 tons of cut tires per day... half of my 4-retort oven...

Tel: +7-911-281-95-62 - main mobile phone.

Suslov Mikhail Borisovich. Ecosintez LLC
Email mail: [email protected]
