Lunar calendar for March. History of selection of the best varieties and hybrids of petunia

We offer to your attention moon calendar auspicious days for March 2017, thanks to which you can make your life better and more interesting.

4th lunar day from 08:37, moon in Aries

You should only do things that have good intentions. You need to pay off your debts to feel financially independent. You need to devote more time to your family, but you should limit any physical exercise.

5th lunar day from 09:02, moon in Taurus from 10:44

An energetically difficult and wasteful day. It is necessary to be calm in any circumstances in order to avoid conflicts. If you are uneconomical, financial difficulties may arise. You should not refuse to help those in need. But the main thing is that it is a selfless impulse.

6th lunar day 09:28, moon in Taurus

A favorable day for any financial transactions and conclusion of contracts. It wouldn't hurt to consult a lawyer. You can go shopping. You should not ignore the signs that fate throws up.

7th lunar day from 10:00, moon in Gemini from 3:07

Good timing to plan new promising opportunities. You can engage in the development of your intuition or spiritual activity. The day is filled with positive energy, so there should be no reason for sadness and sadness. It is worth taking on an optimistic note even for complex undertakings that will be successfully implemented.

8th lunar day from 10:37. moon in Gemini

On this day you need to be especially persistent and focused, because there is a huge amount of work to be done. You shouldn't take on any new cases. First you need to complete the previous tasks so as not to add unnecessary hassle to yourself. You should only notice the positive in people, and it is better to stay away from negative individuals.

9th lunar day from 11:24, moon in Cancer from 15:55

Everything related to documentation, new affairs and trips is better to cancel on this day. And no matter how others persuade you, you shouldn’t follow their lead. Even the wedding should be postponed to another day, the most favorable one.

10th lunar day from 12:19, moon in Cancer

A wonderful day for positivity and good deeds. You can have a good rest and enjoy yourself if you don’t get involved in conflicts and don’t show your irritability to people around you. No significant decisions are expected until the time is right. But good opportunity dream about the future.

11th lunar day from 13:24, moon in Leo from 19:47

It is worth taking care of your health and taking preventive procedures. It is necessary to stock up on positive energy and not waste it in vain. You should not start any new business, nor should you make important decisions.

12th lunar day from 14:34, moon in Leo

This day is good for travel, romantic meetings and the implementation of plans. It is very important to learn something new. The accumulated fresh information will be very useful in the near future.

13th lunar day from 15:48, moon in Leo

Any difficulties that may arise on this day must be resolved very quickly. There is no point in putting anything off until later. If you work actively on this day, you can expect good success in the future.

14th lunar day from 17:02, moon in Virgo from 01:08

You need to control your actions and actions, think before you say anything. In general, the day is very harmonious; you will want to do things around the house and find time to communicate with relatives. You should think carefully about your actions. It is better not to plan any trips for this day.

15th lunar day from 18:16, Full Moon in Virgo at 17:52

The day is easy and fun. But it's worth paying attention Special attention to your health. Nutrition should be balanced and healthy, so foods that are harmful to the body should be excluded from the diet. Any urgent matters and work with documents should be postponed until another time.

16th lunar day from 19:28, moon in Libra from 08:29

You need to plan your budget carefully before you go shopping. A good day for training and advanced training. And if this day is remembered positively, then you will feel in such an upbeat mood for a long time.

17th lunar day from 20:39, moon in Libra

All your plans will come true, there is no doubt about it. This day will be very successful. Both plans and dreams will come true. The main thing is not to panic if something goes wrong. A spontaneous situation is unlikely to be corrected.

18th lunar day from 21:48, moon in Scorpio from 18:12

A favorable day for signing important documents and concluding deals. You must be extremely careful and responsible for your actions. You should not make promises if you doubt that you can fulfill them on time.

19th lunar day from 22:55, moon in Scorpio

The day is eventful, but not easy for psychological relationships. Conflicts must be avoided. And even if you are unlucky in some way on this day, you should not be upset, nervous or worried. Do not give meaning to dreams, they will turn out to be meaningless.

20th lunar day from 00:00. moon in Scorpio

Any real estate transactions will be successful. It is worth establishing relationships with relatives and work colleagues. There is no need to sign unfamiliar and dubious projects.

20 lunar day. moon in Sagittarius from 06:01

A good day to communicate with loved ones. The main thing is to be more restrained in order to maintain a warm and friendly atmosphere. Do not put off household and creative tasks until later, they will be successful.

21 lunar days from 01:03. moon in Sagittarius

The day will go perfectly if you don’t want to change the course of events. There will be exciting acquaintances, both personal and business. A good time to study, especially if you want to master new profession. Give gifts to your loved ones and bring joy to those around you.

22nd lunar day from 02:01, moon in Capricorn from 18:32

Urgent matters can wait. It is worth being prudent in your actions on this day, so that later you will be able to enjoy good results thanks to your good behavior. The day will be favorable for reading books, establishing relationships with people and improving your skills.

23rd lunar day from 02:54, moon in Capricorn

On this day you should be careful when it comes to important transactions and contracts. If you prepare well for the negotiations, they will be held at a high level. You need to be sincere and honest with those people who feel the same way.

24th lunar day from 03:41, moon in Capricorn

Some events will not develop as desired. But you shouldn’t get upset, and even more so, don’t let everything take its course. You shouldn’t take on other projects either if they seem unpromising. Big mistakes is not expected if you clearly monitor your actions.

25th lunar day from 04:21, moon in Aquarius from 05:29

The day is busy, so you need to change active image life to a more moderate and calm one. The internal state must be balanced. Take time for your family, children, home.

26th lunar day from 04:55, moon in Aquarius

It is better to avoid long trips. Moreover, doing them in your car is especially dangerous. Accidents on the road cannot be ruled out. But walks on fresh air and rest in a calm environment will not hurt.

27th lunar day from 05:25, moon in Pisces from 13:08

You shouldn't plan things for the future. Any new projects will not be as successful as you imagine them to be. Before you say anything, you should think. Loans and purchases will also not be successful. It is better to refrain from them to avoid financial problems.

28th lunar day from 05:51, moon in Pisces

If some people seem unpleasant, then it’s time to protect yourself from unwanted communication. But on this day you need to extinguish your aggression and irritability. After all, because of your lack of restraint, a conflict may break out.

29th lunar day from 06:15, moon in Aries from 17:12

changes in fate. A very good day for studying and traveling. Trips can be both entertainment and business. March is coming to an end, it is worth analyzing all the events that happened and happened this month.

1st lunar day from 05:57, 2nd lunar day from 06:39. New Moon in Aries at 05:57

You can make responsible decisions, most importantly, without fuss. Only a courageous and persistent attitude will help you follow the right path. The result will greatly please and exceed all expectations.

3rd lunar day from 07:03, moon in Taurus from 18:49

This day predicts great activity and bold decisions. You may be lucky enough to move to another job. You need to communicate a lot and achieve your goals.

4th lunar day from 07:29, moon in Taurus

A successful day in all areas where success and recognition will be expected. You shouldn’t borrow money, but if you owe it to someone, you should definitely pay it back.

5th lunar day from 07:59, moon in Gemini from 19:41

It is necessary to control your emotions and behavior, as it is a very difficult day emotionally. You shouldn’t spend too much money, and it’s better to avoid shopping altogether.

(Waxing Crescent).
At 05:18 the period of the moon without a course begins
At 09:02 the 5th Lunar day begins.
At 10:42 the period of the Moon without a course ends
At 10:42 the Moon moves from Aries into the sign of Taurus. until 09:02 the 4th Lunar day continues

Symbol - Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
This day is good for solitude and passivity. It’s good to do quiet household chores and relax peacefully with your family. This day is the first of the unfavorable ones - it is considered the day of the fall of man. All sorts of temptations are possible, you may be asked to choose between good and evil, you may be tempted to do something bad. Therefore, you need to think ten times before making a decision. In acceptance the right decision Prayer will help you. Group work is contraindicated; you cannot pick flowers or cut down trees. It’s good to be in nature on this day, unravel the threads. You can cut your hair (if the Moon is not in Aries).
Divination. Only yes or no.
Dreams. Your parents may appear in one way or another in the dreams of these lunar days. This is an indication: you need to analyze what problems you inherited from them and begin to solve them. If you dream of some kind of danger, this is a warning that you need to be especially careful. If on the night preceding this day you see threads and your hair gets tangled, you should abandon your plan.
Medically 4th lunar day associated with the larynx, and the discharge negative energy leads to osteochondrosis.
Procreation Day. Perhaps the soul of one of your ancestors will return to your family. A gentle child of home and family will be born if he does not become lazy. "Bathe each other" on this day of Love.
Those born on this lunar day can grow up to be big egoists or even become criminals. Parents will have to use all their strength and skill to guide them on the right path.
They are carriers of some kind of cosmic secret: from childhood they are not entirely clear to others. As well as ourselves. But if they manage to solve the inner mystery, they become amazing people. at 09:02 the 5th Lunar day begins

The symbol is a unicorn.
Symbolizes the choice of goal, loyalty to principles, duty, transformation and assimilation of food. You can and should actively express your emotions and feelings - it will be appropriate, and you will be understood correctly. Only on this day is food completely absorbed and converted into tissues. On this day you need to get enough, but not overeat. Milk and cottage cheese are preferable as the basis of nutrition; Animal food is contraindicated. It’s good on the fifth day to travel somewhere, cry, part with unnecessary things, work with herbs - collect, dry them and infuse them. This is a creative day on which knowledge is perfectly absorbed. You can defend your ideals, principles, beliefs.
Divination. For the future.
Dreams. It's good if you cry in your sleep - this is cleansing. The body is thus put in order. If dreams are connected with the road, with movement, everything is fine with you. If you dream about something unpleasant, this is a sign that you need to take care of your health.
Medically attention should be paid to the esophagus. Nausea and vomiting mean improper use of this day. You can't go hungry.
The day is dual. A child conceived on this day may be pursued throughout his life by strong and dangerous enemies. He will be punished for all his misdeeds and evil thoughts. All his evil will turn against him. Retribution. On the other hand, a child can become an unusual personality, capable of experiencing transformations and transmutations. The fate of those conceived on this day will undergo drastic changes for bad or good side two or three times.
Those born on this lunar day transform food into physical and astral energy. Heroes and saints may be born, but without serious outside help they are short-lived. Partially they can be helped by a good configuration in the birth horoscope with a strong Jupiter, Venus or the Sun.
Distinctive feature people of this day are fussy, they do not get fat. They can't eat sauerkraut, pickles, they should avoid products containing rotting germs.

Last quarter in March 2017 - March 20, 2017 at 02:09:48; March 31, 2017 at 18:57:09.

Lunar calendar for March 2017

March 1, 2017, 4th lunar day. Growing Moon in Aries. A fruitful day for developing contacts. The main thing is to avoid unnecessary emotions, not to show selfishness and neglect, and to refrain from drinking alcohol. Business trips and short-term trips will be successful.

March 2, 2017, 5 lunar day. Growing Moon in Taurus. Strong day. Important matters will be resolved in the first half, but only if you clearly understand your goals. Everything started on this day must certainly be completed.

March 3, 2017, 6th lunar day. Growing Moon in Taurus. A day of increased emotionality and vulnerability. Try to fulfill all requests addressed to you. Do not be negative - the quarrel may turn out to be protracted. Avoid poor quality food and especially drinks. You can visit the dentist.

March 4, 2017, 7th lunar day. Growing Moon in Gemini. The atmosphere of the day helps strengthen relationships between loved ones. Its second half is good for large dinners family circle- Today there are no obstacles to mutual understanding between fathers and children.

March 5, 2017, 8 lunar day. Growing Moon in Gemini. Today is good to start big things, go to new job, meet new people, acquire new knowledge. A great day for a haircut - however, if you want it to be full.

March 6, 2017, 9 lunar day. Growing Moon in Cancer. The day indulges human pride: narcissism progresses, self-discipline declines. Do not fall for flattery, talk less - otherwise emotional flaws can turn into gastritis and even an ulcer. Be careful while driving.

March 7, 2017, 10th lunar day. Growing Moon in Cancer. Today it is recommended to solve problems related to improving health and improving lifestyle. Visit the right specialists, take a walk in the fresh air, review your diet.

March 8, 2017, 11th lunar day. Growing Moon in Leo. The main condition for today's holiday is to maintain balance: the day carries a lot of uncontrollable energies. It is optimal to use them for home improvement. By evening the situation will improve.

March 9, 2017, 12th lunar day. Growing Moon in Leo. A good creative day, conducive to making new acquaintances and fruitful communication with partners. Shopping will be successful: all the things bought today will truly delight you.

March 10, 2017, 13th lunar day. Growing Moon in Leo. The events of this day, like in a mirror, reflect your essence. The more you rejoice, the more you can praise yourself. It would be nice to spend the day on vegetarian food. Be sure to include nuts and vegetable oil in your diet.

March 11, 2017, 14th lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo. Stay at home today - alone or with your closest ones. Avoid starchy and sweet foods. Simple food made from round vegetables - cabbage, potatoes, beets - is healthy.

March 12, 2017, 15-16 lunar day. Moon in Virgo. Full moon at 17:52. If you haven’t been able to decide on something for a long time, today is the time to take this action. The result will probably exceed your wildest expectations. On this day, switch to light food, exclude meat.

March 13, 2017, 16th lunar day. Waning Moon in Libra. An active day, a time of decisive action and dramatic changes. A bit of adventurism is acceptable. Brings good fruits collaboration, especially on the road. Breathing practices and water procedures are useful.

March 14, 2017, 17th lunar day. Waning Moon in Libra. Intellectual abilities are especially strong today - take advantage of this if you need brainstorming. The master classes will be brilliant, open lessons and defense of dissertations. The hips and sacrum are vulnerable - do not make sudden movements.

March 15, 2017, 18th lunar day. Waning Moon in Scorpio. Today is a period of abstinence, caution and accuracy. Don't start new businesses - they will be unprofitable. If necessary, seek the advice of elders.

March 16, 2017, 19th lunar day. Waning Moon in Scorpio. Summarize working week and devote at least 15 minutes to what you planned to do on Monday. Today it is recommended to start something that requires long and hard work. Active physical exercise is beneficial.

March 17, 2017, 20 lunar day. Waning Moon in Scorpio. Start your day slowly - it would be good with cleansing procedures. Spend it in your usual household chores, do not overexert yourself. And in the evening, at your leisure, do something that really interests you.

March 18, 2017, 21 lunar day. Waning Moon in Sagittarius. Connect your intuition: if today you have to meet someone with whom you don’t want to meet at all, reduce your contacts with this person to nothing. Be selective in your communications. Beware of injury. Serve fish, potatoes, and herbs to the table.

March 19, 2017, 21 lunar day. Waning Moon in Sagittarius. Day of collective affairs. If in some way your efforts have reached a dead end, team up with like-minded people - and you will see how productive the results of this meeting will be. Avoid alcohol.

March 20, 2017, 22 lunar day. Waning Moon in Capricorn. Don't make important decisions today. Make peace with those with whom you are at odds. Negotiate with those who are intractable. Monitor your blood pressure and don't strain your eyes. Juice fasting and water treatments are recommended.

March 21, 2017, 23 lunar day. Waning Moon in Capricorn. It’s not an easy day when the strength accumulated during the lunar month is running out. Spend it as calmly as possible. Don’t start or promise anything, finish everything you didn’t manage to do within a month. Pay off your debts. Clean your work area.

March 22, 2017, 24 lunar day. Waning Moon in Capricorn. Spend the day in joy, clear your thoughts and feelings. Limit activity. And in the evening, think about what you would like to achieve in the near future.

March 23, 2017, 25 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius. It's good to start today" new life“- finally take up sports and begin to master new knowledge. But don’t overdo it in trying to do everything at once and now. Travel and travel today and over the next weekend are not recommended.

March 24, 2017, 26 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius. This day is suitable for active actions and bringing plans to life. Be careful with your emotions, don’t get excited: the likelihood of quarrels and discord in relationships increases. Dedicate the evening to relaxation.

March 25, 2017, 27 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces. Dedicate the day to improving your home and surrounding area; today is especially good for planting trees and flowers. Beware colds. Include light, low-fat meals and herbal teas in your diet.

March 26, 2017, 28 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces. Today it is useful to manifest positive emotions and feelings, give compliments and prepare surprises. Great time For large purchases, making deals, business meetings and starting a new job.

March 27, 2017, 29 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries. Pay attention to dreams: problematic ones will indicate holes in your health. In the afternoon, creative abilities increase - take advantage of this for creative activities.

March 28, 2017, 1-2 lunar day. Moon in Aries. New moon at 05:56. Today there is a risk of talking about an undesirable topic. Keep your mouth shut. It is useful to spend more time in the fresh air, or even better - to do a light jog or warm-up. It is undesirable to eat eggs and meat.

March 29, 2017, 3 lunar day. Growing Moon in Leo. A fasting day is shown in every sense. Don't start important things and don't waste money. Communicate only with pleasant people. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Try to spend the evening in a calm atmosphere.

March 30, 2017, 4th lunar day. Growing Moon in Taurus. The week ends with an emotionally unstable day - take care of your nerves and those of those around you. Today you should not believe dreams, especially difficult ones. Spend the evening in a close family circle. Postpone all household chores until tomorrow.

March 31, 2017, 5 lunar day. Growing Moon in Gemini. Joyful family day. Fill it up positive emotions and harmony. Do not abuse alcohol: even if taken in good company, it can harm the body. It would be good to visit the dentist.

The phases of the moon affect all people. During the period of its growth, active actions will help to achieve success, but there are also things that are unsuccessful at this time. Astrologers will tell you how to attract goodness into life.

Beginning of the first spring month will be marked by the growth of the Moon, but Aries, in whose constellation it is located, negatively affects mood and emotions. At this time, you should avoid conflicts and quarrels. To get March off to a good start, use positive attitudes. They will help you get into a fighting mood and feel unprecedented confidence in yourself and your abilities.

Love and relationships

The growth of the Moon will last from March 1 to the 11th. At this time, increased strength favors active courtship, as well as the search for a partner. According to astrologers, the period from March 2 to 4 is the most successful for winning the heart of the person you like. Emotional outbursts and spring mood help release sexual energy.

The influence of the Moon during the growth period is very strong, which somewhat destabilizes emotional condition. To avoid quarrels and conflicts, know how to control yourself and listen to the words of your other half. Mutual understanding is important for a harmonious relationship, which is within your power to achieve. Organize field trips. It has a beneficial effect on mood and gives vitality, bringing balance to thoughts and feelings.

Those who are unlucky in love can be helped by simple, but very Attracting love > Love spells "> effective conspiracies. The successful placement of the waxing Moon in the zodiac Leo from March 9 to 10 will allow you to use your full potential to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

The ardor of love should be moderated before the Full Moon on March 12th. During this time, energy is unstable, which leads to misunderstandings. Try to actively relax, but not to sort things out. Otherwise, you risk going on the warpath.

Finance and career

This month, during the period of growth of the Moon, there are also days of strength. March 2, 3, 4 - time for active actions in business sphere. The constellation Taurus, the Sign of material well-being and stability, as well as the energy of the growing Moon allow self-confident and purposeful people to achieve unprecedented heights. An active position and desire to increase your wealth will be the key to success.

During this period, all kinds of financial transactions will be successful. Searching for business partners, drawing up estimates, business plans, and cooperation can be achieved with extraordinary ease. You should be wary of ill-wishers and envious people. Amulets that bring good luck will help protect you from their negativity. Saturday March 4th is ideal for gaining new knowledge and applying it in practice. This will contribute career growth. Also, your diligence will not hide from your superiors, who will appreciate your aspirations.

During the waxing period of the Moon, you should beware of unreasonable and unplanned expenses. Adventurous offers and dubious financial transactions require careful analysis. You should also not lend large sums so as not to be left without Money at the most inopportune moment. During the period from March 29, investing in large projects, as well as buying or selling real estate, will be a good choice.

Health and emotions

The moon's waxing peaks during the moon's growth. In the period before the Full Moon, the accumulated energy will require a release. These days, from March 9 to 11, astrologers recommend increasing physical activity, as well as actively playing sports to strengthen the body. In terms of emotions, a restraining factor is sometimes necessary, so use meditation to harmonize your inner world.

A good choice during the waxing of the Moon would be procedures that support immunity. These include herbal infusions, active walks in the fresh air, and swimming. To prevent overwork from confusing your plans, take baths with essential oils in the evening. They will restore energy and restore mental clarity.

Surgeries and any other interventions should also be planned during the period of growth of the lunar disk. However, before the Full Moon it is better to refrain from taking strong medications so as not to harm the excited nervous system. Taking care of your health during the period from March 2 to March 5 is worthwhile for those who experience an exacerbation of chronic diseases in the spring. This period is also favorable in that it accelerates recovery and increases resistance to bacteria and viruses.

The energy of the waxing Moon can enhance emotions, so overly sensitive people would do well to listen to the voice of reason, so as not to make mistakes under the influence of an impulse. This is favorable and at the same time dangerous time will be successful for strong-willed people who clearly plan their actions without succumbing to doubts and fears. We wish you success in all your endeavors, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Starting a new business or intending to take on difficult decision, we want to be confident in advance of the success of the endeavor. To do this, you can resort to an independent risk analysis, or you can use the advice given by the lunar calendar for March 2017. It contains helpful information about when it is better to take care of business, health or personal life, and when it is more useful to devote the day to relaxation or self-education. Simple and necessary recommendations will become your guide throughout the month.

Lunar calendar for March 2017

In fact, everything about lunar calendars and their types can be found on the website, where you will find a decoding of all the meanings and detailed interpretation. But the daily forecast, regardless of the zodiac sign, is also important. Eat general rule, based on lunar phases, which allows you to navigate the cycles of the earth's satellite even if you do not know the exact lunar days.

  • New Moon (March 28 at 5:57) - time to visualize dreams. Take your time to make plans. Just as the Moon is not yet visible in the sky, it is too early for you to reveal your cards and turn desires into goals. Spend this time meditating and thinking deeply. For now, you just need to outline your path for the next month. It is also not recommended to take active actions yet.
  • First quarter (March 4, 09:38) - now it’s time to make real plans. How well thought out your plan is will depend on achieved success. Remember that you need to provide for a variety of scenarios and take into account those variables that are beyond your control.
  • The second quarter is a period of active action and negotiations. If you are striving for financial success, look for partners right now, make deals and have conversations with potential clients. It is also possible to enter into a final agreement, but you need to be sure that it is in fact a final agreement. It will be more difficult to make adjustments to an already completed agreement.
  • Full moon (March 12 at 17:54) - it is better to use this period as a pause and review your actions for mistakes. Analyze your actions, check the correctness of your calculations. In short, it’s time to draw a preliminary conclusion before moving on. Refrain from active actions at least on this day.
  • The third quarter - the time for new beginnings has already passed, but if this is a new stage of your plan, do not waste time. It's time for you to move on to the final stage. Get busy signing deals and bringing negotiations to a logical conclusion. You should also pay attention to your health - if you are tired, take a day off, now you will not be able to replenish your energy reserves as quickly as with the waxing Moon.
  • Last quarter (March 20, 03:01) - if you did not have time to invest in the lunar month, you need to sum it up now and try to complete as many things as possible so that they do not drag on indefinitely. Ideally, by the 29th lunar day you should be ready to enter a new phase with a new idea. It is possible to extend the terms of preliminary plans, but you should not get carried away.

Observers say that strictly following the lunar month is quite difficult if you are working for a long-term perspective, and your plan is designed for a much longer period than thirty days. To avoid procrastination - and this is inevitable, if you believe the lunar cycles - break your path into segments and achieve one or two goals at a time. short period so that in the end you can achieve your dream.

It should also be remembered that the lunar calendar March 2017 is purely advisory in nature, and no one forces you to completely follow its advice, but it’s still worth trying and testing the theory - at least out of curiosity. This way you can independently confirm or refute the words of those who boldly claim that our lives can be subordinated to lunar cycles.

You may also be interested in this article if you are used to planning your life far ahead.

Lunar calendar March 2017: favorable days

A calendar will greatly help in choosing the ideal time for various events, in which favorable days, satanic days are already marked and there are recommendations on the actions that should be performed. An ordinary day may not be homogeneous - that is, it may contain two or even three lunar ones - which means you need to plan your time so that, for example, you deal with finances in the morning, and health in the afternoon. Pay close attention to when the lunar day changes; you will also have to change your tactics and behave differently with others: be more assertive, or, conversely, avoid pressure.

The most convenient way is to use the lunar calendar for March 2017 in a table, because it already contains all the necessary and important information about the day based on lunar recommendations: lunar day, phase, zodiac sign and even a short description that will tell you what you should focus on. Be careful when choosing days to start - they don't always coincide with the beginning of the month - it can be difficult to adjust at the beginning.

Day of the week Lunar day Lunar phase Zodiac sign
3 lunar day (until 09:38)

4 lunar days

First quarter Aries
Characteristics of the day: A good day for a variety of endeavors. Your plans will be fully formed or your dream will take on a clearer outline. Don’t try to do as much as possible today; it would be better to do one thing, but the most difficult one. You will receive a great charge of energy and enthusiasm will not give you rest, direct it in the right direction.
4 lunar days (until 10:02)

5 lunar day

First quarter Aries
Characteristics of the day: If you had unfinished tasks last month, get to work on them immediately. It is also good to once again analyze your path and reconsider decisions; if you made a mistake in the past, you still have the opportunity to correct everything. Today you should also listen to everything that is said to you - much of it will open your eyes to what is happening.
5 lunar day (until 10:28)

6 lunar day

First quarter Taurus
Characteristics of the day: A very important day, almost fateful. All the most significant events in life, as a rule, occur on these lunar days. Try not to make lightning decisions or take any active actions in the heat of the moment. You need to carefully weigh not only your words, but even your words. Be careful and circumspect in your interactions with colleagues and superiors.
6 lunar day (until 11:00)

7 lunar day

First quarter Taurus
Characteristics of the day: On this day you should hurry slowly. Don’t plan any urgent matters or trips, you won’t be able to speed up time anyway, and it will drag on like rubber. Today is good to start long-term projects, meet new people (in business and love), and direct your energy to creation. You can also take care of health and sports. The main thing is not to overdo it.


7th lunar day (until 11:38)

8 lunar day

First quarter Twins
Characteristics of the day: The day is suitable for both analysis and active action. That's just mass events best avoided. Try to spend time with friends, relatives and colleagues in doses and not to the detriment of yourself. It is advisable for you to spend this evening alone with yourself and focus on completing your tasks, and not trying to please someone else.


8 lunar day (until 12:24)

9 lunar day

Second quarter Twins
Characteristics of the day: But today it’s better to be a team player. It's time to take action and start executing your plan. Try to inspire as much as possible to complete tasks more people, then you will progress faster and feel better. It will be difficult for you to find mutual language with some people, but armed with a smile, you can solve a lot of problems.
9 lunar day (until 13:20)

10 lunar day

Second quarter Cancer
Characteristics of the day: A very dangerous day, both in communication and in other areas. Try to be more restrained and patient. Be understanding of other people's delays or force majeure. Yelling won't help matters, but you can ruin a relationship easily, simply and for a long time. If you do not plan to do this, refrain from harsh statements. You should also be wary of all sorts of temptations: from the desire to eat something harmful while dieting to theft.
10 lunar day (until 14:24)

11 lunar day

Second quarter Cancer
Characteristics of the day: Today it is better not to start anything, but to continue old things. You will be interested in communicating with the opposite sex, finding common ground with your superiors and colleagues, and meeting new people. Today it’s good to start new healthy habits: morning jogging, tea or coffee without sugar, one cigarette a day. Don't start a diet, but give up one unhealthy or inappropriate food.
11th lunar day (until 15:35)

12 lunar day

Second quarter a lion
Characteristics of the day: To be successful today, you need careful preparation. All improvisations are doomed to failure, so don't ignore the need to read something beforehand, watch a training video or attend a seminar. You need to actually know the material if you want to pass an exam or test, have a meeting at top level or impress a girl. But the main thing in this is the soul and spiritual values, try to distance yourself from material wealth.
12 lunar day (until 16:48)

13th lunar day

Second quarter a lion
Characteristics of the day: This day will become a kind of test of the seriousness of your intentions. Veselennaya herself will put spokes in the wheels. The main thing is not to deviate from the intended path, stoically overcoming all adversities. More faith in yourself and your strengths! Try to adapt your affairs to the realities of this day, without deviating from the main course - that is, for example, do not cancel a meeting if difficulties arise, but reschedule it for a more convenient time.
13th lunar day (until 18:03)

14 lunar day

Second quarter a lion
Characteristics of the day: Spend this day in the company of colleagues or friends, exchange experiences or news, attend a joint social event. In general, it is worth taking time to communicate and educate. Any information is well absorbed on this day, so it is best to learn some new disciplines, gain new knowledge at seminars and webinars, and try your hand at something unusual for you. Just don’t clog your memory with unnecessary facts.


14 lunar day (until 19:17)

15 lunar day

Full moon at 17:54 Virgo
Characteristics of the day: Time for important actions and decisive actions. If your plans require completing a difficult task, assign it for today. You will need to accumulate all your resources to be decisive and not give up, but luck is on your side. Try to plan your day in advance so that all the time is occupied; a minute’s delay or a free hour can sow empty doubts in you.


15th lunar day (until 20:28)

16 lunar day

Third quarter Virgo
Characteristics of the day: Do routine daily chores around the house or at work. Don't take any active steps, just move as usual. You will feel some fatigue and at the same time a second wind. This feeling is deceptive. You need to remember that everything will end someday, and so will your enthusiasm, so don’t get wasted on the little things - spend time on the main thing. But there’s still no need to rush.
16th lunar day (until 21:39)

17th lunar day

Third quarter Scales
Characteristics of the day: The energy of this day is creation. Express yourself, bring something new to your work, home, relationships, try yourself in a new hobby or field. You will be relatively calm, as the courage of the previous days will finally leave you. This doesn't mean you have to try harder, just be a listener today. Listen, first of all, to yourself and your instincts. And also those around you, perhaps someone will give you good advice about how best to proceed. Or you will get a lesson in harmony.
17th lunar day (until 22:48)

18 lunar day

Third quarter Scales
Characteristics of the day: This day is ideal for creativity or fun activities. Today is a good day to meet with friends, just rejoice and have fun. If you have a busy work schedule, try to approach any task with a smile - this will significantly increase your chances of success. Maintain a state of cheerfulness within yourself for as long as possible.
18th lunar day (until 23:56)

19th lunar day

Third quarter Scorpion
Characteristics of the day: The day of revelations is coming. People will unknowingly tell the truth, so everything good you hear about yourself will also be true. But criticism, even if it is unpleasant, is a reason to think about behavior, actions and character. But you yourself will be quite frank, so either talk less or be prepared for the consequences - in any case, you will benefit if you do not become offended and offended.
19th lunar day (all day) Third quarter Scorpion
Characteristics of the day: Dangerous and difficult day. It is important not to isolate yourself, but also to limit communication only to acquaintances and nice people. If possible, stay home and avoid alcohol and intoxicated people. You will be highly susceptible to outside influence and, as it were, mirror people’s attitude towards you: if they treat you with aggression, then you will respond in kind. Dedicate this day to calm, monotonous work, put everything important aside. You risk ruining without the opportunity to fix everything.
19th lunar day (until 01:01)

20 lunar day

Third quarter Scorpion
Characteristics of the day: Assess the situation from the outside. Step back and look at the whole picture as a whole, from a different perspective, evaluate the perspective, the importance of actions, their value and the result obtained. You will be able to find an unusual solution to a problem today or understand the essence, carry out a search that has been haunting you for a long time, or get an answer to a question that has been tormenting you. But don't relax too much. The answer is given to you for action, not for contemplation.


20 lunar day (until 02:03)

21 lunar days

Third quarter Sagittarius
Characteristics of the day: A very productive day. Enlist the support and help of colleagues and friends for a large event or plan several small ones. The energy accumulated over the previous days will give you the necessary charge, and all you have to do is choose the direction in which to put your efforts. Be attentive to those around you who offer your help - do not refuse, this can be the beginning of good cooperation or friendship.


21 lunar days (until 03:01)

22 lunar day

Third quarter Sagittarius
Characteristics of the day: Today there is absolutely no point in starting anything. The time for successful things has already passed, but you can move on to completing the things you started earlier. You will have enough strength and wisdom to accept right decisions. You may see new opportunities, but you need to use them for an already running project; they won’t work with something completely new. It will be difficult for you to find a balance between work and personal life today, but at the end of the day it is better to choose the latter.
22nd lunar day (until 03:54)

23 lunar day

Last quarter Capricorn
Characteristics of the day: This is a day of change and transformation. You will feel how events themselves change your destiny and intentions. When you get up in the morning with a desire to drink coffee, you find yourself making tea. You should not resist these changes; everything that happens today is for your benefit. Even if it seems to you that it contradicts your core principles and ideas. Be influenced, let me guide you. But don't think that this means you have to go with the flow. You are simply given a vector; the decisive step is still yours.
23 lunar day (until 04:41)

24 lunar days

Last quarter Capricorn
Characteristics of the day: You will feel an unexpected surge of strength and energy. Enthusiasm will drive you to conquer heights: new projects at work, a date with your loved one, a long-awaited friendly meeting. You will be overwhelmed with the desire to do something, you will literally feel the strength throughout your body. And it's actually a physical state that you won't be able to maintain for long, so it's worth making the most of it.
24 lunar day (until 05:21)

25 lunar day

Last quarter Capricorn
Characteristics of the day: But this morning, from the very morning, you will remind yourself of a sloth: slow and apathetic. It will be difficult for you to force yourself to do anything or even get out of bed, as if you have the weight of all the years on your shoulders. Try to minimize your activities for the first half of the day. And in the second - trust your intuition, listen to your instincts and avoid suspicious or dubious activities.
25 lunar day (05:56)

26 lunar day

Last quarter Aquarius
Characteristics of the day: Not the best day for both communication and work in general. You will be provoked to sort things out instead of productive work. You won't be able to isolate yourself, but it still won't help you. However, if you previously made efforts to establish contacts, today your efforts will be crowned with success. Try not to miss the moment and make peace if you do quarrel with someone. Afterwards it will be very difficult to find a common language.
26 lunar day (until 06:25)

27 lunar day

Last quarter Aquarius
Characteristics of the day: You need to keep yourself light and good mood during the whole day. This is the main secret of success today. Try to spend more time meditating and reflecting on your self. Today is a good day for spiritual exploration and self-discovery. A secret truth may be revealed to you. If you are a more down-to-earth person, try to trust others more and take a closer look at your loved ones. They really care about you.


27 lunar day (until 06:51)

28 lunar day

Last quarter Fish
Characteristics of the day: One of the most favorable days in the lunar month. But it is ideal only for those who have already worked hard and are now waiting for the harvest time. And this is exactly it. It's time for you to reap the fruits of your deeds this month, complete deals, make final appointments, dot all the i's. Your rise and satisfaction from the day will depend entirely on what you did in the previous period.


28 lunar day (until 07:16)

29 lunar day

Last quarter Fish
Characteristics of the day: A very difficult and controversial day. The presence of people nearby will be painful for you, and loneliness will also become a punishment. Your emotional and physical state will constantly change. YOU are especially susceptible to stress today, since the Moon itself sums up the results and everyone receives for their efforts. If you made a lot of mistakes during the month, today they will all come back to you, to one degree or another. Be careful and be prepared for trouble.
29 lunar day (until 07:39)

1 lunar day (until 08:01)

2 lunar days

New Moon at 5:57 Aries
Characteristics of the day: This is exactly the day when you can allow yourself to go with the flow, since no active actions need to be taken. By and large, it’s not worth it. This is the time of dreaming and planning. You need to gain strength to achieve new goals, and now is the time to set them. Be attentive to yourself and listen to your desires. Don’t build a plan based on “need”, everything should come from “want” and only then the plan will be effective and worthwhile.
2 lunar days (until 08:03)

3 lunar day

First quarter Aries
Characteristics of the day: You are still given time to plan, collect information and set a goal, develop a clear plan with transcripts and notes in the margins. But, if you decide to start today, remember, you need to immediately cast all doubts aside, otherwise your business will be doomed to failure at this moment. Believe in yourself and your friends. When you need their help, they will provide it. But still too much depends on you.
3 lunar day (until 08:29)

4 lunar days

First quarter Taurus
Characteristics of the day: As a rule, at the beginning lunar month you still have a lot of ideas and plans and it’s difficult to decide on priorities. Start today with the hardest part. Any task will be much easier for you, and extra help in solving especially important matters will never hurt. Be careful in your choice of partner and in your choices in general. Today you also have the opportunity to correct what has already been started without compromising the common cause. But don't share your plans with your colleagues; envy can lead you astray.
4 lunar days (until 09:00)

5 lunar day

First quarter Taurus
Characteristics of the day: You will need all your willpower not to deviate from your path. Be persistent in your desires, but do not impose your will on others. Try not to succumb to temptations and provocations, do not be led by other people's desires. Remember, you need to get to work on your project. Also, you should not look for easy money or deceive today. You will receive punishment for your misdeeds almost instantly, which will unsettle you for a long time and you will miss precious time. Live by honor.
