Equipment for recycling plastic bottles - where to start recycling PET. How are plastic bottles recycled?

Most of the drinks that people buy are sold in plastic bottles. Each city resident accounts for approximately 100 kilograms of discarded PET bottles per year.. Considering that they take 300 years to decompose, you can imagine what irreparable damage could be caused to the ecology of the planet if all these bottles were disposed of in landfills. It is much more profitable for the economy and safer for nature to recycle and use as recyclable materials.

It is the PET bottle that is the main raw material in the production of flex (recyclables for obtaining chemical fiber). Chemical fiber is used to produce the same plastic bottles, as well as bristles (for brushes), packaging tape, film and a number of other products.

The result is a cyclical process of endless recycling of plastic bottles, which saves money and protects environment. In Russia, this type of activity has not yet entered the mass market, and therefore such a business is especially competitive and attractive.

Plastic recycling equipment

After going through a number of processing stages, the last of which is pre-pressing, the bottles end up on a special line that processes containers. When it comes out, you get a flex that looks like flakes. The line consists of several units, connected by conveyor belts. It consists of the following elements:

  • rotary machine;
  • crusher;
  • screw conveyor equipped with an Archimedean screw;
  • steam boiler;
  • washing polishing machine;
  • rinsing apparatus;
  • dryer-water separator;
  • air drying;
  • bunker

The processing technology follows a certain scheme:

  • collected bottles are sorted by color, each color is processed separately;
  • manually remove various foreign objects - rubber, paper, other types of plastic;
  • labels and caps are separated in a rotary machine;
  • in a crusher with several blades, resembling a large blender, the bottles are crushed;
  • then the mass from plastic bottles is placed on a screw conveyor into a steam boiler, where another purification process takes place;
  • completely cleaned plastic is sent to a water separator dryer, then to air drying;
  • after the resulting flex has completely dried, it will be moved to a special bunker;
  • By agglomeration, the crumbs are sintered into small lumps, which can already be used as raw materials. To average the characteristics of the lumps, granulation is carried out, which increases the density of the resulting material and facilitates its further use.

What comes from recycled materials

Recycled bottles are used to make many various products , such as new bottles, film, bristles, fibers, containers for chemicals, fabric bases for the production of textiles, clothing and carpets, as well as padding polyester, automotive parts, sound-proofing materials, electrical goods.

Prospects for this area

Today, recycling of plastic bottles is one of the most profitable segments of the recycling market. If we talk about profit for a particular entrepreneur, then investments in this type of activity with the right approach will pay off in 14–18 months, and the net monthly profit will be about 8 thousand dollars.

It is worth noting that city authorities often accommodate those who want to engage in this type of activity. So, if you apply for participation in any program to clean up the city, you can quite possibly get free premises suitable for a processing plant. All that remains is to register the enterprise and purchase necessary equipment(full cycle line).

There are no problems with finding raw materials for production: since the cities are littered with plastic bottles, all that remains is to either collect them or open collection points; Another option is to negotiate with the landfill for the delivery of raw materials. The peculiarity of this is that, by ensuring a profit for himself, the entrepreneur is doing something useful for the environment. After all PET bottles are a real problem, especially in big cities when after mass events or simply in crowded places there remain huge bottles, most of which are plastic bottles.

Recycling plastic bottles is a business that has more than just economic benefits. Most entrepreneurs see this as a manifestation social responsibility. It is possible to make an environmental project profitable.


Technology of the plastic bottle recycling process

Today there are two main processing technologies:

  • production of PET granules for the production of polymer products;
  • production of recycled PET.

Stages of recycling plastic bottles:

  • collection;
  • sorting;
  • washing;
  • granulation.

Collection Sorting Washing Granulation

Collection of raw materials

Collection methods:

  • creation of mobile or stationary reception points;
  • establishing supplies from landfills;
  • installation of special tanks or machines.

Significant transportation costs may be required during the collection stage. The plastic is light but voluminous. To reduce size and reduce transportation costs, it is recommended to purchase a mobile press.

It may seem that organizing the collection of raw materials is the easiest step. However, it is not. Often, recyclables in landfills are shared by existing companies. Direct collection from the population involves advertising and purchasing costs.

In order to install bins for separate waste collection, you will need permission from the administration and already prepared city infrastructure. If you install a container only to collect plastic, it is necessary to conduct educational work with residents. Separate storage and disposal of waste is poorly developed in our country and you need to be prepared for everything to end up in a special container.

Live reception points for the population are advantageous in that primary raw materials are delivered according to requirements. For example, bottles can be taken straight away without caps or rings. They are made from a different type of plastic and are recycled separately.

One of the most profitable methods of collection is the delivery of recyclable materials to school institutions, similar to the collection of waste paper in the USSR. This will require additional agreement with management and costs to encourage students. But in the end it can provide good volumes and, with proper information about the requirements for raw materials, eliminate the need for additional sorting.

At the collection stage, it should be noted that bottles are less suitable for recycling:

  • Red;
  • from under the oil;
  • from dairy products;
  • packaging for household chemicals.


Sorting is the most labor-intensive process. It can be carried out either automatically or manually.

If computer sorting is established at the production site, then after placing the raw materials in a drum and separating them from dirt and metals, it is the system that determines the color and sorts the plastic into bins.

Plastic is sorted by color:

  • natural;
  • blue;
  • brown;
  • green.

After recycling, the color of the plastic remains the same. Therefore, recycled material is valued by packaging manufacturers. Colored finished raw materials save them from additional costs for dyes.

Raw materials made from brown plastic are the highest quality, but cheap. It cannot be repainted. Next comes green and blue flex. Transparent is the most expensive.


Sorted bottles must be thoroughly cleaned of labels, remaining contents and dirt. Processing is carried out hot water with caustic soda. Before washing, if this is not done in advance, the plugs and rings are first removed.

Then the clean raw materials are crushed and granulated.


Purified PET becomes flake in special crushers.

Flex is multi-colored plastic flakes measuring 12-20 mm, obtained as a result recycling polyethylene terephthalate.

After washing, the flex is thoroughly dried in a centrifuge and dryer.

  • heats up to 280 degrees;
  • stretched into fibers;
  • cut into identical granules.

Then the plastic is sent to a special room, where, under the influence of nitrogen and temperature, it becomes cloudy and gains the required mass and viscosity.

Granular plastic is used to produce packaging, building materials, and clothing. To make 1 polyester T-shirt you will need 20 PET bottles.

Business relevance

The relevance of a business is determined by two indicators:

  • economic;
  • environmental.

According to research, a regular plastic bottle takes 200 years to decompose. According to statistics from the UN Committee, every year millions of animals and birds die on Earth due to plastic waste. Billions of tons of garbage are dumped into the world's oceans, resulting in the formation of an entire island several times the size of the United States.

Therefore, recycling is not only a profitable business, but also an opportunity to improve the environment of the planet.

The economic relevance of the plastic bottle recycling business in Russia is explained by the following indicators:

  1. The activity is relatively new. The competition is relatively small.
  2. There is no shortage of raw materials. A significant part of beverage packaging is plastic bottles.
  3. Stable demand. Flex obtained during processing is used in the production of disposable plastic dishes, containers, films and other things.

Recycled PET granulate is widely in demand in production.

It is made from:

  • plastic bottles;
  • thick film;
  • fabrics for the textile industry;
  • building materials: tiles and paving slabs;
  • components for the automotive industry (engine covers, panels, bumpers, doors).

In addition, the same material can be recycled more than once.

Market description and analysis

The world produces more than 3 billion tons of waste every year various materials. Among them, about 20% are plastic. In our country, there is about 25 kg of waste per person per year. Mostly polyethylene and polypropylene are processed.

The annual volume of plastic waste generation in Russia is about 40 million tons. 35% of them can become recyclable.

The main obstacle to organizing complete waste recycling is the lack of a system and resources for separate collection established at the legislative level. Few people decide to dispose and collect waste separately.

Despite the difficulties, the industry in Russia tends to develop.

Development indicators:

  • the number of companies producing raw materials from used plastic is increasing;
  • profitability is growing;
  • the cost of primary raw materials increases;
  • Gradually, the state is adopting laws and preferential niches that are attractive to entrepreneurs.

According to Research. Techart, the domestic processing market is estimated at $1.5-2 billion. Wherein Russian market technologically undeveloped.

Statistics show this:

  • almost 97% of the total amount of waste is in landfills;
  • only about 2% of solid waste is burned;
  • Only 3% of waste is subject to industrial processing.

Advantages and disadvantages

The idea of ​​recycling plastic waste is becoming significant and economically attractive, but it has both pros and cons.

Socially significant businessInsufficient development of the regulatory framework for activities
Availability of diverse international experience of enterprises in this industryLimited availability of raw materials in some regions of the country
Availability of standard design documentation developmentsLow level of organization of separate waste collection
Activities of public environmental organizations, supporting the creation of processing enterprisesPoor development of the industry in the country
Development of special environmental programs to support entrepreneurs in this area at local and regional levels

Sales channels

To get decent profitability, you need to think through distribution channels in advance.

They could be:

  1. Sale of material to similar enterprises with a more complete operating cycle.
  2. Sale of material to companies specializing in the production of flex fibers. There are few such enterprises in Russia, their volumes are very large and they are interested in partnership.
  3. Foreign companies.

Competitive advantages

If the territory already has a large enterprise in which technology has been established, collecting and marketing raw materials can be a difficult task.

Main competitive advantages:

  • good location;
  • well-established collection of raw materials;
  • competent sales policy, including with the participation of foreign partners;
  • availability of modern equipment and process automation.

Advertising campaign

Promoting an enterprise can have 2 goals:

  • organizing the collection of raw materials;
  • establishing sales.

To organize the collection of raw materials with tools advertising campaign I can be:

  • outdoor advertising in residential areas where it is planned to organize stationary or mobile collection points;
  • audio advertising at transport stops;
  • advertisements in educational institutions to attract students' attention;
  • placing advertisements near city landfills.

To establish sales, it is necessary to focus on large enterprises and legal entities.

Promotion may include:

  • development of a company website;
  • advertisements in local printed publications, interview with the manager;
  • email newsletter;
  • specialized promotion in foreign online markets.

Step-by-step opening instructions

Step-by-step opening instructions consist of the following steps:

  1. Local market analysis.
  2. Collecting and obtaining necessary consultations, searching for business representatives from related industries.
  3. Development of a detailed business plan with calculations.
  4. Determining the possibility of obtaining subsidies and grants.
  5. Registration of activities with government agencies.
  6. Selection of premises.
  7. Purchase of equipment and inventory.
  8. Carrying out all communications and installation of the production line.
  9. Staff selection and training.
  10. Finding and attracting partners, establishing a sales policy.
  11. Conducting an advertising campaign.
  12. Start of enterprise activity.


To register an enterprise with government agencies, you will need the legal form of LLC.

This will allow:

  • enter into contracts for the supply of products abroad;
  • conduct cooperation with legal entities.

This type of activity is licensed in accordance with Law No. 458-FZ.
You will need to obtain permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.


For the operation of the enterprise, a warehouse or production room, with a total area of ​​at least 200 sq. m, with ceiling heights from 5 m.

Communications must be connected to the premises:

  • electricity;
  • water supply;
  • sewerage

The following zones are organized on the site:

  • office;
  • warehouse for finished products and raw materials;
  • premises with production equipment;
  • sanitary rooms;
  • additional warehouses.

The site must be removed from residential buildings. A location near landfills is considered successful for reducing transport costs. A parking lot is equipped on the territory of the enterprise, and entry is organized in a special way.

In regions with developed state support You need to find out about the possibility of renting premises on preferential terms.

Equipment and inventory

Availability of equipment depends on the amount of initial investment. The technological processing line consists of certain units.

NameQuantityprice, rub.
Band conveyer3 330000
Rotary machine1 180000
Screw conveyor with Archimedean screw2 500000
Machine for removing caps and labels from bottles1 180000
Crusher1 380000
Boiler1 250000
Screw1 150000
Washing machine1 360000
Rinsing machine1 340000
Dryer-water separator (centrifuge)1 290000
Air drying equipment (pneumatic dryer)1 350000
Flotation baths5 750000
Storage hopper1 430000

Optional equipment:

  • wastewater neutralization station;
  • supply and exhaust ventilation.

Judging by the feedback from entrepreneurs, a profitable option is to purchase a line and processing kit with installation and turnkey installation.

The video shows the operation of a PET bottle recycling line. Filmed by Universal Company.


The enterprise, which provides a full processing cycle, consists of 15 employees.

Name of position (specialty)

Number of full-time employees

Size wages per month

Payroll per month



Workers servicing a plastic processing line

At the initial stage, accounting can be handled by a director or an external employee.

Financial plan

Planning financial indicators is based on the following data.

How much does it cost to start recycling plastic bottles?

To determine the cost of the initial investment, all major expense items should be taken into account.

ArticleDecodingCost, rub.
Complete production line assembled5 000 000 Production capacity about 700 kg/hour
Registration of an enterprise, obtaining licenses and permits60000
Hiring280000 15 people
Advertising campaign20000 Print advertising and the Internet
Renting premises with a deposit80000 with a 2 month deposit
Purchase of transport1280000 Freight transport
Total6 720 000

Regular expenses

Regular project costs.


Prices, rub.



Equipment depreciation

Payment for accounting services

Purchase of raw materials

Communal payments

Payment for electricity

Other variable flow


It is very important to build a competent sales policy and find wholesale buyers of products. This way, the equipment will not be idle, and it will be possible to recoup costs and earn money in the shortest possible time.

Earnings that you can receive.

Calendar plan

Planning for the launch of production should begin with drawing up a schedule.

Stage / month, decade

2 months

Enterprise registration

Registration with tax authorities, obtaining licenses and permits

Signing a rental agreement

Purchase of equipment

Repair of premises

Search for contractors and preparation of contracts


Installation and commissioning of the production line


Conclusion of contracts with consumers of final products (flex)



+ +

Starting a business

Risks and payback

Taking into account the productivity of the equipment and the initial investment, the payback period for the business is 13 months.

For a complete overview of future activities enterprises, the risks should be taken into account:

  • fluctuations in the cost of final raw materials;
  • decrease in enterprise productivity;
  • changes in legislation;
  • interruptions in the supply of raw materials;
  • dependence on the quality of work of low-skilled personnel.


"Plarus" is the first Russian plant, which works using bottle-to-bottle technology. Recycled plastic is no different in quality from what comes to the enterprise. The finished raw materials are used to produce new plastic bottles.

Plastic bottles are made from polyethylene terephthalate or PET. Statistically, it is the most recycled plastic in the world. The bottle recycling process includes three stages, for which three workshops are responsible at the plant.

Collection of raw materials

Raw materials are purchased from landfills, waste sorting plants and private collections. Purchase price: 25 rubles per kilogram. In one hour, the plant processes 1,200 kilograms of plastic bottles.

Recycling is a seasonal process. From May to September the number of used PET bottles increases due to natural reasons.


The most labor-intensive process is sorting plastic by color. Plastic bottles fall into a drum, where dirt is beaten off and ferrous metals are separated. The computer then determines the color of the bottle and sends it to the appropriate bin.

There are only four colors: natural, blue, brown and green. After processing, you will get plastic of these colors. This is why recycled plastic is in great demand among packaging manufacturers: the raw materials are already colored and there is no need to spend money on expensive dye.

The dirtier the container, the more difficult it is to determine its color, so one bottle can go through the sorting stage several times. The plastic is then pressed into cubes weighing 200 kilograms each and sent to the second workshop.


In the second workshop, the cube is broken, the bottle again passes through the metal detector and ends up in a washer with cold water, where dirt and sand are washed off.

The label comes off in the hot water washer. Already clean bottles fall onto the conveyor belt and are checked manually.

The flakes accumulate in the intermediate silo before the next wash. The process is reminiscent of laundry: the flakes are washed with lye and detergent, rinsed twice, and squeezed. Bottle caps float up and end up in another container, since they are a separate type of plastic that, after recycling, are purchased by household goods manufacturers.

The flakes undergo final sorting: the computer selects rejected flakes of a different color.


In the third workshop, the flakes are cut in a grinder. Dust is completely sifted out mechanically, so workers do without respirators. Flex melts at a temperature of 280 degrees, harmful substances and large elements are drawn out of the molten material. Then a special machine (die) extrudes thin plastic threads (strands).

They are cooled and cut - transparent granules are obtained.

The granulate enters a 50-meter tower, where, under the influence of nitrogen and high temperature the plastic becomes cloudy, gaining mass and viscosity.

The product spends 16 hours in the tower, is cooled and packaged.

The finished product is packaged in bags, then the granules are sent to customers.

Recycled plastic is suitable for packaging, building materials and non-woven fabric. For example, to make one polyester T-shirt you will need 20 plastic bottles.

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from hazard classes 1 to 5

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Modern man Everyday life is surrounded by a large amount of waste, and today the issue of plastic recycling is extremely relevant. Products made from this material are found everywhere, from toothbrushes to parts of large structures. Even the place of glassware is confidently, albeit gradually, taken by plastic containers.

This trend is easily explained - plastic containers do not break, do not overheat, and do not become cloudy over time. In addition, plastic products are cheaper, more convenient to transport and do not cause injury even if damaged. But plastic products pollute nature if not disposed of correctly. Their main disadvantage is that they do not rot! That's why huge landfills are full of plastic bags, bottles, cans and dishes. The question arises: can this be done in a way that is safe for nature?

Classification of plastic products

From the total mass of plastic, thermosetting and thermoplastic groups can be distinguished, but the process of obtaining products in both cases involves forming the product in special presses or using equipment that creates the product. The difference between the groups is the possibility of cyclical circulation.

  • Thermosetting types of plastic harden after melting and are no longer suitable for processing, as they begin to char. An example is polystyrene, which is used in the production of electrical sockets and plugs.
  • Thermoplastic plastics can be recycled many times. This is, for example, polyethylene or polypropylene, which can be melted many times, but the material becomes less durable. In particular, polyethylene becomes cloudy and brittle when heated. You can’t count on the quality of what you create, but you can use the material on simple things like plates and vases.

Recycling of plastic bottles is considered one of the pressing environmental problems; significant amounts are stored in landfills. Since they do not rot, and when burned, they release toxic fumes into the atmosphere, sorting of plastic and subsequent recycling is necessary.

PET is a fairly popular recyclable material, which is a source for polymers. Unfortunately, the mechanism has not yet been worked out and, accordingly, is far from perfect.

Even a small town throws away more than 20 tons of PET bottles every year and the volume of waste continues to grow. It turns out that this is a forced measure that allows us to delay an environmental catastrophe.

Recycling principle

In the majority foreign countries replaced by cyclic waste-free production. In Russia, such a movement is at the stage of development. If we count the total amount of PET waste in landfills, then it would be enough for all operating enterprises capable of processing plastic and plastic. In the meantime, only 10% of the total amount of plastic is recycled in Russia, and this is mainly part of production waste and very little consumption waste.

Classification of PET waste

In residential buildings, a small part of the total amount of plastic recycled is thrown away. But most of it is provided by enterprises and shopping centers where goods and cargo are packed and unpacked. You can classify waste according to the complexity and cost of processing.

Clean waste obtained from any production, in places with well-established conditions, has the necessary properties. separate collection and sorting. This medical waste, plastic containers and PET. The profitability of processing is high.

Average properties for similar waste with some contamination and intended use in the food sector. Collection and recycling of plastic bottles in this option is complicated by the costs of sorting and washing the products.

Difficult disposal of bottles and poor material properties - in production associated with automotive or household appliances. The collection and processing of such materials has low profitability, so this is practically not done in Russia.

A classification can be distinguished by types and types of polymers:

  1. Waste of bulk and expensive plastics with a developed sales market and high technical equipment. This includes film, piece plastic, disposable tableware and fibers, as well as PVC.
  2. Packaging and production waste, which currently does not have a developed market. This includes used PET containers, films for food packaging, disposable tableware and materials for thermal insulation, as well as old materials for construction.

According to the method of disposal and the degree of environmental damage, four types can be distinguished:

  • Recyclable is 10% of the total mass of polymers.
  • Allowing monomers or artificial fuel. This promising direction processing with one drawback - high cost.
  • Waste that is burned to produce heat and electrical energy. All you need to do is grind the materials for processing.
  • Waste that can be buried in general purpose landfills without much harm.

Processing methods

A recycling business can be quite profitable, as it seriously helps reduce packaging costs, but plastic can also be used for other purposes. Types of recycling plastic bottles at home:

  • Firstly, you can use plastic for construction at home. To do this, the waste is pressed and blocks are prepared with the addition of shavings.
  • Secondly, bottles can be used to produce dolls, cups and other souvenirs.

Main technological stages of processing

  1. First, bottles are collected and then sorted.
  2. The second stage is crushing. This requires special Technical equipment to get flex.
  3. Now the flex should be washed using caustic soda. The resulting mass goes into a centrifuge to separate paper and other foreign elements. This is the so-called flotation process, which also removes rings and bottle caps.
  4. Flex packaging is the final stage, which allows for sale.
  5. Agglomeration and granulation can be applied to obtain a more convenient and quality product. In essence, this is sintering of flex into granules.

In total, all technical equipment for this process will cost several tens of thousands of dollars. It will not be possible to process such production at home, but it is a great idea for business.

Plastic bottles have become convenient for transporting and storing liquids. Glass containers are now rarely used. After use, plastic products are usually thrown away. A lot of this garbage accumulates every day. Because of this, the question arises whether equipment designed for such work can be used to establish a profitable business.


Nowadays, many business ideas that improve the lives of the population are popular. If bottle recycling becomes popular among people, it will create a permanent source of income. In our country, few people are engaged in such activities, so there is a possibility of profitability of the business.

The benefits include:

  • The ratio of profit to revenue will be approximately 25%, which is higher compared to other areas.
  • The businessman who recycles bottles is respected by the residents. This will guarantee some support from them.
  • Now environmental projects supported by government and local authorities.
  • There are companies that want to be responsible for protecting the environment. But since this is not their main focus, they choose to invest in such projects.


But such a business also has disadvantages that novice entrepreneurs may encounter:

  • Difficulty opening. Since this area is regulated by law, paperwork can be complicated. Need to get a lot of permissions from various organizations. As a result, everything takes about 8 months, which is a lot compared to other types of business.

  • There is no constant supply of raw materials. But it is necessary for the continuous operation of production. Also, not everyone understands where to sell products.
  • Requires manual labor. Availability required large quantity employees, each of whom will do their job. Only then will the activity become effective.

Business demand

There are several reasons to understand that such a business is very promising. These include:

  • Low competition.
  • Availability of raw materials.
  • Uncomplicated workflow.
  • Environmental factors.

Since such factories improve environmental situation, they are supported by the government as well as conservation communities. No matter how profitable it is, the business must be organized competently. Renting or purchasing premises will be required. You also need to formally register your business.


It is necessary to purchase professional equipment for bottles. The technology consists of the following work:

  • Products are being collected.
  • Whatever equipment you have for recycling plastic bottles, sorting is a mandatory step. It is carried out by class. Typically, products are divided into unpainted and painted. They are processed separately. A special group are bottles based on polyvinyl chloride, which require a special procedure.

  • Then manual removal of rubber, paper, and metal is performed.
  • Then the bottles are squeezed. Once they are compressed, they are loaded onto a packaging recycling line.
  • The result is considered to be flake-shaped flakes. Flex is the raw material for the production of such bottles or chemical fiber. Many products are made from it - packaging tapes, paving slabs, films.

During recycling, labels and caps are automatically removed and bottles are crushed. The fragments are added to a special cauldron, where various elements are washed off with water. Then the plastic is cleaned and dried. It is stored in a special bunker. All this is done by bottle equipment.

Each stage of production is considered important. They are performed by different employees. Responsibilities are distributed among employees based on their qualifications. Only then will the whole process be carried out efficiently.


You can use 2 options for organizing a business:

  • The mobile processing plant is located in a truck. This idea is more suitable in cases where you plan to serve several cities.
  • Renting a building for a workshop. Equipment for processing plastic bottles (complete line) costs about 3-4 million rubles.

Both options for organizing a business are in demand. You will need the following equipment to recycle plastic bottles:

  • Belt conveyors.
  • Rotary machine.
  • "Crusher" - equipment for processing plastic bottles into granules.
  • Screw conveyor.
  • Steam boiler.
  • Polishing machine.
  • Dryer-water separator.
  • Air dryer.
  • Storage bins.

Each device is important to the production process. It can be purchased either separately or complete. If you purchase equipment for processing plastic bottles in the form of a mobile plant, its price is approximately 5-6 million rubles. For a stationary view it is necessary big square- over 2,000 sq. m. It is better to establish a business in abandoned factories and warehouses on the edge of the city. Then the cost of the premises will not be high.

If you purchase a plot of land and build a hangar, then recycling plastic bottles as a business will be profitable. The equipment will produce not only flex, but also fiber, which increases profits and profitability. This requires larger investments, so a new entrepreneur should do this after the initial investment in his business has been repaid.

Is a home business possible?

It is unlikely that plastic bottle recycling can be done at home. This equipment takes up a lot of space. But a separate room is perfect for this. Best choice There will be a mobile installation. Although it is more expensive, it can be easily installed indoors.

It is enough to install the equipment, connect the sewer system to eliminate waste, and connect the power supply. The size of the lines is usually 6-10 meters. With such indicators, it will be possible to place equipment for processing plastic bottles at home, if the space of the room allows. This technique does not take up much space and also consumes a minimal amount of electricity.

Receiving raw materials

For a business to be successful, it is better to open a plant in big city so that transport costs are low. Although bottles are a lightweight product, they take up a lot of space. Because of this, long-distance transport reduces profitability. The location may be equidistant from several cities.

The collection of raw materials is carried out manually at landfills that exist throughout the country. The bottles are placed in bags and then pressed, after which they are delivered to the factory. You can also search for raw materials using the Internet. Now there are many platforms where there are advertisements for the sale and purchase of bottles. The main task will be to offer favorable conditions compared to competitors. Services function like auctions.

It is possible to find a direct supplier of waste in the form of PET bottles. This is usually the most profitable option. We need to find companies that produce a lot of this waste. These are offices where employees are provided with various drinks free of charge. The level of consumption there is quite high.


To organize such a business, many employees are needed, since many activities are performed by manual labor. The minimum number of employees is 10 people. Their average salary is 20 thousand rubles. The costs of the motivation system should be taken into account, since it increases labor productivity.

During calculations, it must be taken into account that the schedule should be in shifts. It will take about 15 thousand rubles to purchase a ton of bottles with transport costs. The purchase price is determined not only by the manufacturer, but also by the type of raw material. For example, brown plastic is considered the most affordable, but it is used only in some areas.

Transparent plastic is considered more expensive. Costs should include the cost of electricity and water consumption. The price of 1 ton of products can be in the range of 40-90 thousand rubles. The cost is calculated based on the size of the granules, characteristics, and color.


To organize a mini-factory, you need at least 8-10 workers. They will work in shifts. We also need an accountant, a manager and 2 loaders. This composition of workers will allow bottle recycling to be carried out efficiently.

Over time, it becomes possible to expand production. Then you will need to hire large quantity workers to increase the number of products sold.


For such a business to be profitable, you need to establish the right sales system. A company that does not produce fiber can organize sales to other similar companies where the entire technological cycle operates. Then the cost per ton will be less than the market price, but there will be constant demand.

There are organizations that create fibers from flex. There are few such companies in Russia, but their volumes are large, so this guarantees high profits. You can use the platform to find clients, for example, create an ad and wait for responses.

Profit and payback

The payback period is approximately 1.5-2 years, since it is necessary to make investments, especially at the beginning. The advantage is that the costs of organizing processing are low. Therefore, with revenue of 800 thousand rubles per month, the profit will be equal to 200-300 thousand rubles. Income is determined by the type of raw materials and other factors.

Before deciding on this type of activity, it is necessary to weigh all the positive and negative aspects of such a business. Carefully calculate the amount that will be needed to open production, study the package of documents that permit this type of activity. It would also be a good idea to look at a place to rent in advance, compare the cost of equipment and choose the most suitable option.
