The most dangerous names in the world. The most famous mafiosi in history

Modern world has many criminal gangs, and each has its own leader, its own boss, its own head. But comparing the current leaders of the mafia and criminal organizations with the bosses of past dashing years is a matter doomed to failure and criticism. Past bosses of the criminal world created entire empires of evil and violence, extortion and drug trafficking. Their so-called families lived according to their own laws, and violation of these laws foreshadowed death and brutal reprisal for disobedience. We bring to your attention a list of the most legendary and influential mafiosi in history.

(1974 - present time)

Once the leader of one of the largest drug cartels in Mexico, which is called Los Zetas. At the age of 17 he entered the Mexican army, and later worked in special squad to fight the drug cartel. The transition to the side of the traders occurred after he was recruited into the Golfo cartel. The private mercenary force Los Zetas hired from the organization later grew into the largest drug cartel in Mexico. Heriberto dealt very harshly with his competitors, for which his criminal group was given the nickname “Executioners.”

(1928 — 2005)

Since 1981, he led the Genovese family, while everyone considered Antonio Salermo to be the boss of the family. Vincent was nicknamed "Crazy Boss" for his, to put it mildly, inappropriate behavior. But, it was only for the authorities; Gigante’s lawyers spent 7 years bringing certificates indicating that he was crazy, thereby avoiding a sentence. Vincent's people controlled crime throughout New York and other major American cities.

(1902 – 1957)

The boss of one of the five mafia families of criminal America. The head of the Gambino family, Albert Anastasia, had two nicknames - “The Chief Executioner” and “The Mad Hatter”, and the first was given to him because his group “Murder, Inc.” was responsible for about 700 deaths. He was a close friend of Lucky Luciano, whom he considered his teacher. It was Anastasia who helped Lucky take control of the entire criminal world, carrying out contract killings for him of the bosses of other families.

(1905 — 2002)

Patriarch of the Bonanno family and the richest mobster in history. The history of the reign of Joseph, who was called “Banana Joe,” goes back 30 years; after this period, Bonanno voluntarily retired and lived in his personal huge mansion. The Castellamarese war, which lasted 3 years, is considered one of the most significant events in the criminal world. Ultimately, Bonanno organized a crime family that still operates in the United States.

(1902 – 1983)

Meir was born in Belarus, the city of Grodno. Coming from Russian Empire became the most powerful man in the United States and one of the country's crime leaders. He is the creator of the National Crime Syndicate and the parent of the gambling business in the states. He was the largest bootlegger (illegal liquor dealer) during Prohibition.

(1902 – 1976)

It was Gambino who became the founder of one of the most influential families in criminal America. After taking control of a row of high profitable areas, including illegal bootlegging, a government port and an airport, the Gambino family becomes the most powerful of the five families. Carlo forbade his people from selling drugs, considering this type of business dangerous and attracting public attention. At its height, the Gambino family consisted of more than 40 groups and teams, and controlled New York, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Miami and Los Angeles.

(1940 – 2002)

John Gotti was a famous figure, the press loved him, he was always dressed to the nines. Numerous New York law enforcement charges always failed, Gotti escaped punishment for a long time. For this, the press nicknamed him “Teflon John.” He received the nickname “Elegant Don” when he began to dress only in fashionable and stylish suits with expensive ties. John Gotti has been the leader of the Gambino family since 1985. During the reign, the family was one of the most influential.

(1949 – 1993)

The most brutal and daring Colombian drug lord. He went down in the history of the 20th century as the most brutal criminal and the head of the largest drug cartel. He organized the supply of cocaine to different parts of the world, mainly to the USA, on a grand scale, even transporting tens of kilograms on airplanes. During his entire activity as the head of the Medellin cocaine cartel, he was involved in the murders of more than 200 judges and prosecutors, more than 1,000 police officers and journalists, presidential candidates, ministers, and prosecutors general. Escobar's net worth in 1989 was more than $15 billion.

(1897 – 1962)

Originally from Sicily, Lucky became, in fact, the founder of underworld. His real name is Charles, Lucky, which means “Lucky”, they began to call him after he was taken to a deserted highway, tortured, beaten, cut, burned in the face with cigarettes, and he remained alive after that. The people who tortured him were Maranzano gangsters; they wanted to know the location of the drug cache, but Charles remained silent. After unsuccessful torture they quit bloody body without any signs of life near the road, thinking that Luciano was dead, where he was picked up by a patrol car 8 hours later. He received 60 stitches and survived. After this incident, the nickname “Lucky” remained with him forever. Luckey organized the Big Seven, a group of bootleggers to whom he provided protection from the authorities. He became the boss of Cosa Nostra, which controlled all areas of activity in the criminal world.

(1899 – 1947)

A legend of the underworld of those times and the most famous mafia boss in history. He was a prominent representative criminal America. His areas of activity were bootlegging, prostitution, and gambling. Known as the organizer of the most brutal and significant day in the criminal world - the St. Valentine's Day massacre, when seven influential gangsters from the Irish Bugs Moran gang were shot dead, including right hand boss. Al Capone was the first among all gangsters to “launder” money through a huge network of laundries, the prices of which were very low. Capone was the first to introduce the concept of “racketeering” and successfully dealt with it, laying the foundation for a new vector of mafia activity. Alfonso received the nickname “Scarface” at the age of 19, when he worked in a billiards club. He allowed himself to object to the cruel and seasoned criminal Frank Galluccio, moreover, he insulted his wife, after which a fight and a stabbing occurred between the bandits, as a result of which Al Capone received the famous scar on his left cheek. By right, Al Capone was the most influential person and terrifying at everyone, including the government, which was able to put him behind bars just for tax evasion.

Intelligence, cunning, and sober calculation - that's what helped these bandits stay afloat. Oh yes, we almost forgot: they were also helped by their composure, cruelty, and desire for blood.

1. Al Capone (1899 - 1947)

A legend of the underworld of those times and the most famous mafia boss in history. He was a prominent representative of criminal America. His areas of activity were:

  • bootlegging (illegal sale of alcohol during Prohibition in the USA);
  • prostitution;
  • gambling business.

Known as the organizer of the most brutal and significant day in the history of the criminal world - the St. Valentine's Day Massacre (then seven influential gangsters from the Irish gang Bugs Moran, including the boss's right hand, were shot dead).

Al Capone was the first among all gangsters to “launder” money through a huge network of laundries, the prices of which were very low. Capone was the first to introduce the concept of “racketeering” and successfully pursued it, laying the foundation for a new vector of mafia activity.

Alfonso received the nickname “Scarface” at the age of 19, when he worked in a billiards club. He then confronted violent criminal Frank Galluccio and insulted his wife. After this, a fight and a stabbing occurred between the bandits. Result: Capone received the famous scar on his left cheek. By right, Al was the most influential person and a terror to everyone, including the government, which was able to put him behind bars just for tax evasion.

Find out about the most high-profile crimes Capone in the following video:

2. Lucky Luciano (1897 - 1962)

Originally from Sicily, Lucky became, in fact, the founder of the criminal world in America. His real name is Charles. They began to call him Lucky (translated as “Lucky”) after the bandit was taken to a deserted highway, tortured, beaten, cut, burned in the face with cigarettes, and he remained alive after that.

The people who tortured him turned out to be Maranzano gangsters. They wanted to know the location of a drug cache. But Charles did not give up. After unsuccessful torture, they abandoned the bloody body without any signs of life by the road, thinking that Luciano was dead. There, 8 hours later, the poor fellow was picked up by a patrol car. Luciano received 60 stitches and survived.

After this incident, the nickname “Lucky” remained with him forever. Luckey organized the “Big Seven,” a group of bootleggers to whom he provided protection from the authorities. He became the boss of Cosa Nostra, which controlled all areas of activity in the criminal world.


3. Pablo Escobar (1949 - 1993)

The most brutal and daring Colombian drug lord. He entered the history of the 20th century as the most brutal criminal and the head of the largest drug cartel. He organized the supply of cocaine to different parts of the world, mainly to the USA, on a grand scale, even transporting tens of kilograms on airplanes. As the head of the Medellin cocaine cartel, he is credited with killing more than 200 judges and prosecutors, more than 1,000 police officers and journalists, presidential candidates, ministers, and prosecutors general. Escobar's net worth in 1989 was more than $15 billion.


4. John Gotti (1940 - 2002)

John Gotti was a famous figure, the press loved him, he was always dressed to the nines. Numerous prosecutions by New York law enforcement always failed; Gotti escaped punishment for a long time. For this, the press nicknamed him “Teflon John.” He received the nickname “Elegant Don” when he began to dress only in fashionable and stylish suits with expensive ties

John Gotti has been the leader of the Gambino crime family since 1985. During his “reign” this group was one of the most influential.


5. Carlo Gambino (1902 - 1976)

It was Gambino who became the founder of the above-mentioned and one of the most influential families in criminal America. After seizing control of a number of highly profitable areas, including illegal bootlegging, a government port and an airport, the Gambino family became the most powerful of the five families.

Carlo forbade his people from selling drugs, considering this type of business dangerous and attracting public attention. At its height, the Gambino family consisted of more than 40 groups and teams, and controlled New York, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Miami and Los Angeles.


6. Meir Lansky (1902 - 1983)

Meir was born in Belarus, the city of Grodno. A native of the Russian Empire became the most influential person in the United States and one of the country's crime leaders. He is the creator of the “National Crime Syndicate” and one of the progenitors of the gambling business in the states. He was also the biggest bootlegger.


7. Joseph Bonanno (1905 - 2002)

Patriarch of the Bonanno family and one of the richest mobsters in history. The reign of Joseph, who was called “Banana Joe,” goes back 30 years. At the end of this period, Bonanno voluntarily retired and lived in his personal huge mansion. Joe organized a criminal family that still operates in the United States.

Gangsters are members of criminal organizations who make their living through robbery, racketeering, prostitution, drugs, and any other criminal activity that generates income. For decades, gangsters have built and continue to build their empires in all areas of the world in particular: Europe, Asia, the USA and Latin America. Most famous gangsters have received a lot of publicity due to the severity of the crimes they have committed or because of their murders. famous people- politicians, high-ranking police officers. Here is a list of the 9 most famous gangsters in history.

9 John Dillinger (June 22, 1903 – July 22, 1934)

John Dillinger was involved in crime throughout his life. His crimes included robbing about 25 banks and police stations in the United States, as well as murdering several people in Chicago. During the Great Depression, his activities reached their greatest scale; at that time he was the most famous criminal in the country. He and his gang waged a bitter war against the FBI. Due to bank robberies and police killings, the FBI declared him "public enemy number one" ( public enemy number one), a special group was created to capture him, which was only engaged in the search for Dillinger. Over time, all the members of his gang were killed, and he himself went on the run. In Chicago, his girlfriend betrayed him to the authorities and on June 22, 1934, he was ambushed at a movie theater that he was supposed to visit. John tried to resist and was wounded three times, The wound to the face turned out to be fatal.

8 Frank Costello (January 26, 1891 – February 18, 1973)

Known as the "Prime Minister of Crime", Frank Costello was crime boss in Italian American organized crime, which had big influence at the beginning of the century in the United States, especially in New York. Costello's criminal career began in a gang led by Ciro Terranova. The Terranova group was part of the even more powerful gang of the Morello brothers. Later he meets a more authoritative representative of the underworld - Lucky Luciano and they quickly become business partners. Their areas of interest included robbery, usury, extortion, smuggling and illegal gambling. Over time, Frank becomes a major figure in Sicilian mafia New York. In May 1957, there was a completely unsuccessful attempt on his life, after which Costello decided to retire. He retained some gambling income as well as a legitimate business. Frank Costello died of a heart attack in 1973.

7 Arnold Rothstein (January 17, 1882 – November 4, 1928)

Businessman and gambler American gangster Arnold Rothstein was an organizer of match-fixing in professional sports; the scandal of the 1919 baseball championship was especially famous, when he was accused of bribing athletes, but could not be proven. Known as "the brains," Rothstein is the father of one of the most notorious Jewish gangs in New York. He organized and led several casinos, and was also actively involved in smuggling along the Hudson River and the Great Lakes. On November 4, 1928, an attempt was made on his life at the Park Central Hotel, he was seriously wounded, from which Rothstein died the next day in the hospital. According to one version, the assassination attempt occurred due to a large unpaid gambling debt.

6 Enock Johnson (January 20, 1883 – December 9, 1968)

Enoch "Nucky" Johnson was a political boss who controlled much of Atlantic City and New Jersey. His nickname "Nucky" comes from his given name. Enoch was elected sheriff of Atlantic County and held that office until his term was terminated, until he was removed to judicial procedure. Thanks to his political position, Nucky Johnson created his own empire, whose activities included smuggling, gambling and prostitution. At that time, there was no prohibition in Atlantic City; this led to the city’s great popularity among Americans and accordingly increased Nucky’s income. Johnson died on December 9, 1968.

5 Lucky Luciano (November 24, 1897 – January 26, 1962)

American gangster, Charles "Lucky" Luciano, is known as the father of modern organized crime in the United States, he alone is responsible for dividing the country's influence into the five Mafia families. At the beginning of his career as a member of the Italian gang, his list of activities included racketeering, robbery, drug trafficking, the organization of underground gambling houses, pimping, smuggling and many other types of criminal activities through which it was possible to make a fortune and gain prestige. In 1929, he was forced into a car on the street and taken to one of the deserted highways near New York by people from a rival gang. They hung him from a tree and began to torture him, trying to find out information about the drug cache; Luciano did not say a word. In the end, the bandits thought that he was dead and left him on the road without signs of life. He was picked up by a passing patrol and taken to the hospital, where he received 55 stitches, after which his friend Meyer Lansky gave him the nickname “Lucky.” Then his career took off and he became an influential mafia boss, the unofficial master of New York. In 1936, Lucky was sentenced to 30 to 50 years in prison for organizing a network of brothels. In 1942, he made a deal with the US government and participated in an operation in Sicily against Germany, for which he was released that same year. In 1962 he was invited to film documentary film about the mafia, but during a meeting with the director he had a heart attack and died on the way to the hospital.

4 Billy the Kid (November 23, 1859 – July 14, 1881)

Also known as Henry Antrim, Billy the Kid was a notorious gangster who committed his first murder at the age of 18. He operated in the second half of the 19th century in Lincoln County and was known for his unparalleled skill with weapons. Throughout his life, he killed just under 30 people and stole several horses and cattle. Billy the Kid was shot and killed on July 14, 1881 by Sheriff Pet Garrett at Fort Sumner, where he was hiding after escaping from prison.

3 Al Capone (January 17, 1899 – January 25, 1947)

Al Capone, known as "Scarface", "Big Al", was an American gangster who devoted his life to smuggling alcohol and protecting brothels and prostitutes. Very at a young age he became a member of the famous New York Five Points gang of Paolo Vaccarelli, better known as Paul Kelly, which dealt various types criminal activity. Because of his rather small size, he became a bouncer in a billiards club, where he was slashed in the face by one of the visitors for an unflattering remark about his wife, which left him with the famous scar on his face. Due to his involvement in two murders, he was forced to move to Chicago, where he joined "Big" Jim Colosimo's gang, which ran several brothels. In which he became the boss after several gang wars. In July 1931, Capone was sentenced to 11 years in prison for tax evasion, after which, in 1934, he was transferred to the famous Alcatraz prison, from where he emerged mortally ill with syphilis, which he suffered from to one degree or another throughout his entire life. adult life. Capone died of pneumonia on January 25, 1947, 4 days after suffering a stroke.

2 Jesse James (September 5, 1847 – April 3, 1882)

The leader of the gang, who organized several bank and train robberies and murders, Jesse Woodson James, one of the most famous gangsters of the 19th century, has been portrayed many times in films and games. At that time, he was considered a kind of Robin Hood of the Wild West, robbing the rich for the benefit of the poor, which was not true, all the loot was intended only for Jesse and his gang. Jesse James was assassinated by Robert Ford on April 3, 1882. Ford shot him in the back as Jesse turned to straighten the painting on the wall.

1 Pablo Escobar (December 1, 1949 - December 2, 1993)

Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar controlled a huge drug empire from 1976 to 1993 and killed thousands of people around the world. He headed one of the most powerful and terrible criminal organizations in history - the Medellin cocaine cartel" His gangs consisted of soldiers and notorious criminals and controlled 80% of the US cocaine industry. He created a group of hired killers to kill policemen and officials who did not take bribes and interfered with his business. Crime rates in Colombia increased dramatically during Escobar's tenure. In the early 90s, Pablo was considered one of richest people planet, his fortune was estimated at 30 billion dollars. With the assistance of the United States, which wanted to stop the flow of drugs, Colombian authorities launched a massive attack on all areas of the cartel's activities. Because of which Pablo went on the run. On December 2, 1993, Pablo called his family at home, the call was tracked and the house where he was hiding was soon surrounded. As a result of the capture operation, Pablo Escobar was killed.

There's no doubt that gangsters are still captivating general public. We love to absorb crime stories from films, books and TV series. The reason for this is unclear, but the desire to learn everything about criminal activity is strong in most people. Of the many criminals and bandits who have become famous in history, some stand out more than others. They may be set apart by the nature of their actions, or simply by their loud and brash personality.


1. Jacques Merin.

This guy was born in France and worked mainly in this country, but also in America and Canada. He earned the nickname "The Man of a Hundred Faces" due to his skillful camouflage. Thanks to this skill, he avoided the police many times. He operated in various criminal sectors from kidnapping to bank robberies and simple thefts. His fame mainly stems from his long list of crimes and his habit of escaping prison even when caught. Merin was so outraged that he was arrested that he took the judge hostage.

2. James Whitey Bulger.

Bulger was actually a modern-day Robin Hood, who led a protective group in South Boston, USA. The Bulger gang has targeted drug lords and illegal gamblers in an attempt to clean up the city a little. Bulger hunted only criminals and did not touch ordinary people. However, this should not detract from his cruel and ruthless nature. Although he first tried to deal with any situation verbally, he later did not hesitate to use extreme violence. The 19 murders for which he was eventually convicted prove this.

3. John Dillinger.

As the leader of the famous "Dillinger Gang", John Dillinger remains one of the most notorious crime figures in the world. American history. He was originally raised in Chicago and was seemingly corrupted by the city. Dillinger was a brash and colorful character who, during his peak years, openly played to the crowd. His gang was responsible for about 25 violent robberies in various US states. Besides his many crimes, Dillinger is also remembered for breaking out of prison with a fake wooden pistol. Even though he was a dangerous person, he became something of a hero ordinary Americans in its prime.

4. Griselda Blanco.

This lady from Miami looks more like an ordinary schoolboy mom than a... dangerous criminal. But many people know her by her nickname, “The Godmother of Cocaine.” Blanco grew up in Miami, involved in crime with early age. After all, she was running a multibillion-dollar cocaine trafficking operation in the city. She was eventually sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for her crimes, but that didn't stop her. She continued to manage cocaine smuggling from prison with the help of her associates on the street.

5. Dawood Ibrahim.

This gangster was the brains behind the wild and notorious criminal gang D Company. Overall, this gang was responsible for many bombings in India, including the 1993 series of bombings in Mumbai, which killed many innocent people. Ibrahim was in charge of this large and illegal organization that had tentacles all over India. Currently India's most wanted man, he has also said he has close ties to now-deceased al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

6. Pablo Escobar.

This Colombian drug lord will certainly go down in history as one of the criminals we all remember. During his peak years, he was responsible for hundreds of murders and attacks. Accumulating a huge fortune, he removed anyone in his path, be it rivals, police, or innocent people.

7. Al Capone.
8. Lucky Luciano.

There are many infamous American mafia figures that we could look at, but this guy is probably the most well known to everyone. Luciano was a very shrewd businessman. As the head of the respected Genovese family, he distinguished himself in all aspects of organized crime from fraud to murder. Luciano was also the man behind the split of America into five different regions, ruled by a life of crime, and at that time largely formed the modern American Mafia. For this reason, many still know him as the father of organized crime in the United States.

9. The Kray Twins.

Definitely the saddest famous gangsters that have ever been in Britain. Their fame even extended to American mafia, who initially sought to team up with the twins, it was a sign of respect and the reputation they carried. Never one to shy away from conflict, they were responsible for a number of arson, fraud, attacks and murders at their peak in the 1960s. It all finally came to an end when they were each put on trial for murder.

10. Joaquin Guzman.

He is a dangerous and psychotic Mexican drug dealer. As the leader of the country's Sinaloa Cartel, he was one of the most notorious drug traffickers the world has seen. The cartel also had interests in organized crime, and this, combined with their drug dealing, made them quite successful. A very powerful figure in the underworld since the late 2000s. Forbes estimated his personal worth at $1 billion. As you might expect, Guzman himself was a character who could be very unpredictable, ruthless and cruel. You won't make that kind of money and stay on top in this game unless you are a very cold and calculating person.

On January 17, 1899, Al Capone, the legendary gangster, who became the prototype for many movie characters. In the 1920s, Capone wielded enormous influence. The US authorities did not manage to put him in prison for a long time. We will tell you about the seven most influential gangsters in history.

The most powerful gangsters in the world

Al Capone

Legendary gangster Al Capone - perhaps famous criminal to date. His fortune was estimated at $1.3 billion. Italian by birth, he acted, like many other Italians, in the United States, in Chicago.

In 1925, at age 26, Capone became head of the Torrio family, starting a family war and becoming the leader of the bootleg alcohol market. Under the guise of the furniture business, Capone was involved in bootlegging, gambling and pimping. On business card bandit it was written: Alfonso Capone, antique furniture dealer.

Known for his intelligence as well as his love of attention, Capone was also famous for his brutality.

The police could not prove Capone's involvement in serious crimes and therefore accused him of tax evasion. In July 1931, he was tried in Federal Court and sentenced to 10 years in prison at the Atlanta Correctional Institution. Capone left prison terminally ill, lost his authority in the criminal world and died a few years later in ignominy.

Carlo Gambino

Another famous gangster om was Carlo Gambino. This Sicilian-born mafioso became the boss of one of the five families of the Italian-American mafia of New York, named in his honor, the Gambino Family.

In 1921, Gambino came to the United States illegally and settled in Brooklyn with the help of his friends who had moved there earlier. cousins Castellano. Later, Carlo facilitated the move of his brothers overseas. In the United States, Gambino immediately became involved in criminal activities and, at the age of 19, became a member of Cosa Nostra, joining one of the largest crime families New York led by Salvatore "Toto" D'Aquillo.

On April 15, 1931, Luciano lured one of the biggest crime bosses in New York, Joe Masseria, to the Nuova Tammaro restaurant on Coney Island, where he was shot. After this, Maranzano proclaimed himself the Boss of Bosses.

In 1938, Carlo Gambino was arrested on charges of failure to pay taxes on liquor sales and on May 23, 1939, was sentenced to 22 months in prison and a $2,500 fine.

Carlo Gambino gained his greatest influence in the late 1960s. However, in the 1970s, he began to experience more frequent health problems. Carlo Gambino died at home in Brooklyn on October 15, 1976 from a heart attack while watching television. At least 2 thousand people attended the funeral, including police officers, judges and politicians.

Lucky Luciano

Sicilian gangster Lucky Luciano is believed to be the mastermind behind the massive post-war expansion international trade heroin.

Charlie Luciano's rise to the top of organized crime began as an ordinary gangster. The list of his crimes includes: racketeering, robbery, drug trafficking, organizing underground gambling houses, pimping, smuggling and many other types of criminal activity, thanks to which it was possible to make a fortune and gain authority. At first he was an ordinary member of the Giuseppe Masseria "family", one of the two largest gangster gangs in New York. He received his nickname “Lucky” after he managed to survive one of the showdowns. Maranzano's men, a rival gang, hung him from a tree and tortured him, hoping to find out the location of the drug stash. Gangsters They decided that he was dead and left him on the road without signs of life. But he survived. He received 55 stitches. He later removes his boss Masseria and strengthens his authority.

Luciano had great organizational skills. He came up with a scheme: a fictitious company as a “roof” for bootlegging. He was one of the first to decide that the mafia should function in the same way as corporations. He organized the "Big Seven" - a super trust of gangsters for the sale of alcohol. Authorities were able to arrest Luciano. He was sentenced to a significant term of up to 50 years. However, he helped the government in an operation to eliminate criminal gangs in Sicily, for which he was released early. In 1962, he was invited to film a documentary about the mafia, but during a meeting with the director he suffered a heart attack and died on the way to the hospital.

Susumu Ishii

This Japanese criminal was a participant in World War II. He then became a gangster and achieved great success at the head of his gang. The yakuza amassed his fortune of $1.5 billion mainly through loans, banking transactions and real estate fraud. Susumu Ishii enjoyed enormous prestige in Japan. Gangster died in 1991, more than 5 thousand people attended his funeral.

Frank Costello

Frank Costello is an American mafioso of Italian descent. He earned the nickname of the Prime Minister of the Underworld. Already as a child he was involved in criminal activities by his brother Edward. At the age of 13, Costello became a member of a local gang and then changed his name to Frankie. At first he committed petty crimes, and in 1908 and 1912 they tried to prosecute him for robbery, but in both cases he was released due to lack of evidence. Later he meets many leaders of the underworld, including Lucky Luciano and Gambino, and is involved in robbery, loan sharking, extortion, smuggling and illegal gambling. After the introduction of Prohibition, he was actively involved in bootlegging.

After the gang war that ended with the murders of Marranzano and Masseria, Costello focused on the gambling business and soon became one of the biggest money earners in the family. Approximately 25 thousand slot machines were installed throughout New York. Frank Costello is one of two Mafia bosses who used the services of a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. In the 1940s, Costello began to suffer from fears and insomnia, and he was often in a depressed mood.

In the 1960s, Costello stepped away from leadership of the family, but retained gambling income in Louisiana and Florida, as well as legal businesses. In 1973, he died of a myocardial infarction.

Pablo Escobar

Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria is a Colombian drug lord and terrorist. In 1977, he and three other major traffickers founded the Medellin drug cartel. Escobar's specialty was his ruthlessness. Escobar was the head of this organization, ruling his empire with ostentatious impunity. At its peak, the Medellin cartel controlled about 80% of the world's cocaine market. The annual turnover was estimated at $30 billion, and the personal fortune of the drug lord himself, according to Forbes, was $9 billion in 1989. According to other sources, his fortune reached $25 billion.

In December 1993, Escobar was shot dead by a sniper of the Colombian secret services, which operated with US support.

Amando Carillo Fuentes

Fuentes is a well-known, currently active Mexican criminal, a major drug trafficker, and the head of the Juarez drug cartel. Fuentes gained experience in the drug business while working for Colombians during the cocaine boom (1970s). Fuentes's first successful step in this business was a complete abandonment of cash. He came up with the idea of ​​accepting payment in cocaine, using it to create his own drug distribution network. Fuentes created his own Juarez cartel in Mexico, which began to have significant power - its daily turnover was $30 million. The drug lord's fortune is estimated at $25 billion.

In 2005, Vicente Carrillo Fuentes was arrested. IN this moment runs the cartel from prison.
