What you need to do to conceive a girl. How to conceive a girl: all known ways and methods

Some couples fundamentally want to know the gender of the unborn baby. And the question of how to conceive a girl and how to know when she will be born arises in very many families. The reason for this may be the presence of sons in the family, the desire of a future father or mother to raise a daughter, or even hereditary diseases transmitted through the male line. In the article, we will consider in detail how to outwit nature and achieve the birth of a daughter, what methods and methods exist for this.

The biological role of men

Numerous forums on which the problems of planning childbirth are discussed are replete with information on what to do to achieve the desired goal, how to eat, how to find out the most favorable days for conceiving a new life, how to use a variety of tables. But few realize that the primary role in the formation of the baby's sex is assigned by nature to the father.

Tips on how to conceive a girl on video:

Male spermatozoa carry information about the X and Y chromosomes, female and male origin. Sperm with an X chromosome will create a female type embryo, with a Y chromosome, only a male. Therefore, the question of how to conceive a girl is 100% addressed to the husband, because it is his sperm that will determine the gender of the baby to be born. The female egg always contains data on the X chromosome.

It is noteworthy that spermatozoa carrying the X and Y chromosomes behave completely differently. Spermatozoa - carriers of the feminine principle, are able to survive in an acidic vaginal environment for up to three days, for a male - only about a day. In addition, male spermatozoa are much more mobile and active, but female spermatozoa are more viable and slower.

Numerous techniques are based on these properties of the male seed.

All these methods require a thorough study of a woman's individual menstrual cycle and are based on an accurate determination of favorable and unfavorable periods for conception. Knowing about them, you just need to draw up a schedule of sexual intercourse in order to conceive a girl: they should take place two to three days before the onset of a favorable moment.

Effective methods and techniques

There are numerous ways to assist in the appearance of a baby of a certain gender "on demand". But turning to them, you need to understand that none of them has been proven from a scientific point of view and cannot guarantee you one hundred percent exactly the girl.
The most effective methods for achieving this goal are the following:

Planning for an ovulation schedule

This technique is based on the biological differences in sperm, as well as on the graph of the woman's menstrual cycle. This method makes it possible to understand how to get pregnant with a girl by ovulation. For its correct use, it is necessary to determine the fertile days for the birth of a child, that is, to know exactly the time of the appearance of a mature egg in the abdominal cavity.

To find out the favorable period and the appearance of a dilemma, how to conceive a girl by ovulation, you can use the following methods:

For a long period of time, namely about four months, determine the basal body temperature of a woman, record the data and then navigate according to the calendar.

Use a special ovulation test, which is purchased from the pharmacy chain. When using it, you will not have a question how to calculate ovulation.

To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to plan sexual intercourse two to three days before the onset of ovulation, then the likelihood increases that sperm with a masculine origin will die, and more viable female ones will survive.

After ovulation, intercourse is undesirable and requires the couple to take precautions. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the nimble, numerous male spermatozoa will overtake the slower female ones. After all, the probability of conception ranges from several hours to three days after sexual intercourse.

Determination by the blood renewal schedule

There is an effective method to answer the question of how to conceive a girl by blood. It is based on the knowledge that the body fluids of men and women are periodically renewed. The timing of blood renewal for different sexes does not coincide. Male blood is reborn at regular intervals - every four calendar years, female blood - after three.

The report must begin from the date of birth, but if there have been operations, injuries associated with blood loss (and for women it is also childbirth and abortion), then this moment will be the starting point of reference. If at the time of the desired conception the mother's blood is calculated to be younger, then a girl will be born. To quickly understand this method, we will give an example: if at the time of conception the mother is 30 years old and the father is 32, then the calculation will look like this: 30: 3 = 10, and 32: 4 = 8. Now let's compare the remainders from the division: 10 is more than 8, therefore, a daughter will be born.

This method determines exactly in what period conception should occur. Reviews about this method are very contradictory and ambiguous, which makes us think about the effectiveness of such a technique.

Dependence of gender on dietary habits

In order to become pregnant with a child of a certain gender, it is often said about maintaining a special diet. When you include in the diet of certain foods containing certain microelements, one can hope for the birth of a little man, male or female.

The diet, if you want to give birth to a baby daughter, should be based on foods that contain calcium. And be sure to include foods such as:

  • apples;
  • nuts;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • cheeses, especially feta cheese;
  • eggs;
  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal and so on.

If you want to get pregnant, you need to know how to eat right in order to achieve a balanced diet and saturate the body with the necessary nutrients for the birth of a healthy baby.

Planning by date of birth and total number of years of a woman

This method has become widespread in China and helps determine when it is best to conceive a girl. To determine the best time for intercourse, you need to know the number of years, the month of birth of the spouse and the calendar month of conception. It is very simple to calculate the sex of an unborn man using these data: you need to sum up the number of your years, the date of the month of birth and the day of the month of the desired conception.

For example, if you are 25 years old, your month of birth is January, and it is June, then the calculation will look like this: 25 + 1 + 6 = 32. If the calculation turns out to be an even number (as in the above example), then a daughter will be born, if it is odd, then a son. In this case, it is better to postpone conception until next month. So it is very easy to establish in which month the conception is most favorable. This method clearly tells about when to get pregnant so that the girl will be born.

Positions for sexual intercourse

Very often, couples pin their hopes on certain positions in sex, relying on knowledge about the difference between sperm with X and Y chromosomes. And in what position it is better to conceive a girl, these differences help to understand.

It is known that the male seed dies in the acidic vaginal environment. Therefore, the survival rate of sperm with X or Y chromosomes directly depends on the depth of penetration. For example, with deep penetration, when the sperm reach the cervix, the acidic environment is bypassed and more vigorous male sperm are more likely to reach the target.

If the seminal fluid is poured out close to the entrance to the vagina, then the sperm have a long way to the cervix, which, most likely, will be overcome by female more viable and resistant organisms. Therefore, the most effective way to conceive a daughter is to take the correct posture. The most effective are:

  • missionary;
  • spoons;
  • she is downstairs with her back to him, and he is on top, and any other poses that involve the least penetration.
Folk beliefs

Since ancient times, people have sought to influence the sex of their children, and therefore various folk signs and predictions about this cannot but exist. The most ancient and proven ones are the following:

  1. if on the days of conception enough sweet dishes are included in the woman's diet, then a baby will be born;
  2. in the matrimonial bed you need to put things that are used to induce beauty: a mirror, a comb;
  3. if conception occurs in the warm season, then it is best to sit under a young apple tree;
  4. if the generation takes place in winter, then the days when it snows are the most favorable for this purpose;
  5. the spouse should tie a simple thread on the wrist;
  6. couples must indulge in conjugal love during daylight hours;
  7. to the question of what days you can have sexual intercourse so that a daughter is born, popular beliefs say: on even days of the month.

You can relate to such signs in different ways, but folk wisdom has been preserved for centuries and still remains in demand. This can be confirmed by numerous videos with reviews of happy couples posted on various resources.

Determination of sex by lunar phases

For those who trust astrology, it can be an interesting way to choose the date of conception based on certain phases of the moon. For example, the most blissful moment for the birth of a new life is the period of the young moon. If this phenomenon coincides with a woman's ovulation, then conception will inevitably happen and a healthy, strong baby will be born who will live a long time and cope with any difficulties.

In order for a daughter to be born, it is necessary to coordinate the moments of sexual intercourse with the lunar calendar. They should be at the time when the moon is present in the female signs of the zodiac.

There is another method of planning using the lunar phases. To apply it, one condition must be met: the expectant mother must be an even number of years old, and the days of conception must correspond to the even months of the current calendar year. The chances of having a daughter in this case increase.

Take note

It is advisable to beware of orgasm during contacts. Recently it became known that such a shake-up kills spermatozoa - "girls", and more mobile and energetic "boys" survive. Therefore, those couples who have succeeded in conceiving a female child indicate that stimulating caresses are not necessary.

If a man has a long break in sexual intercourse, then his sperm, carrying information about the Y - chromosomes, are partially neutralized, and the likelihood of conceiving a girl increases significantly.

If the problem of how to quickly get pregnant with a girl is in front of you, then it will be interesting to know that the frequency of sexual intercourse also plays a role in conceiving a child. For example, after a woman's abstinence for a long time, the male semen may be neutralized by the female antibodies. And, conversely, in cases where sexual intercourse in women occurs more often than once a day, it is difficult to get pregnant and it will take some time for abstinence.

If you are wondering what days you can conceive a girl, then you can play on the bad habits of your other half. For example, if a sexual partner - a man smokes, then there is an opportunity to make love immediately after two or three cigarettes in a row are smoked. This is exactly what is needed to block nicotine-sensitive Y chromosomes. Under such conditions, the cherished goal is achieved by sperm - carriers of the feminine principle and the likelihood of having a daughter increases.

If you are faced with the task of how to get pregnant with a girl the first time and you have long dreamed of a daughter, then information that spicy, fatty and sweet foods neutralize the activity of sperm, which are carriers of the masculine principle, and what you need to eat for one and a half to two will be useful for you hours before proximity. Therefore, before the moment of conception, it will not be superfluous to arrange a meal with fatty meat, hot spices and sweet cakes.

A drunk bottle of red wine can become the same neutralizer of "male" spermatozoa. Alcohol slows down the progression of the male sperm and the chances of a more resistant sperm with a female X chromosome going through the difficult path will increase.

A popular well-known way to look into the future is a specially designed calculator that takes into account the duration of your menstrual cycle in days, the duration (number of days) of your period, as well as the date of its start. This method allows you to determine the time of your ovulation online and thus plan conception.

With a well-developed imagination of future parents, you can use the visualization method. To do this, both parents must regularly and clearly visualize the already born baby. Moreover, your imagination should draw everything in the smallest detail: eye color, hair and voice. The Universe will definitely respond to such an "order", only you will need an unshakable faith in a positive outcome.

It is possible to conceive a child even with an irregular menstrual cycle, even if a long period of time passes without menstruation. Therefore, the couple must definitely hope for the best and believe in a positive outcome.


Numerous methods, methods and recommendations for gender planning cannot guarantee a positive result and teach how to accurately conceive a girl. Moreover, the official medicine looks at them with skepticism. But couples, driven by a keen desire to achieve the birth of a daughter, agree to use any tricks and experience the most unthinkable recipes, and the motto I want a daughter becomes fundamental for them.

Now a guarantee that it is a girl who will be born can only be given by an artificial method of fertilization.

Advanced technologies and the latest scientific developments allow the laboratory to separate spermatozoa with carriers of female X - chromosomes from male ones and fertilize them.

This method allows you to know in advance the gender of the child who will be born, but this method is expensive and is carried out only for those couples who cannot have children themselves. In addition, the ethical side of the issue does not allow gross interference in the mysteries of nature.

Therefore, regardless of what gender your baby is born, you need to give him your love and confidence that he is the most desired child in the family.

Video on how to conceive a girl:

Usually, for a woman, the very joy of knowing motherhood is the ultimate goal. But some people dream of a girl whom they think they can give more and become best friends with her in the future. Therefore, a very specific problem arises for them - how to conceive a 100 percent girl correctly.

The most accurate method of conceiving a daughter

In view of the large number of studies in the field of childbirth and various folk observations, several methods have been identified on how to conceive a 100 percent girl, the feedback on the effect of which is very encouraging. Let's consider the most accurate and reliable ones.

To understand the process of conception, it is necessary to return to the course of anatomy, where the features of the possible determination of the baby's sex are clearly spelled out. Let's recall the general rules:

  • The female egg has only an X chromosome.
  • There are two types of spermatozoa in men: X and Y. In the first case, the embryo will be female, in the second, male.
  • Y-spermatozoa are very motile and reach the cell faster, but are characterized by low viability. They are not able to withstand the high temperatures characteristic of the female pathways, and therefore die in a maximum of a day.
  • Type X spermatozoa are characterized by slowness, but a long lifespan. They can last up to 3-5 days.

It turns out that the future sex depends on which of the spermatozoa meets the germ cell. Doesn't it seem to depend on the woman? Not at all. If you correctly calculate the time for fertilization, based on the above rules, everything will turn out according to plan.

So, since type Y spermatozoa are very fast, they will sooner reach the cell than the X we need in this case. Therefore, it is important not to have sexual intercourse precisely at the time of ovulation. Otherwise, our long-awaited X-spermatozoa will not keep up with Y. Knowing that Y will die within 24 hours, it is necessary to carry out the act of conception 2-3 days before the expected ovulation. What happens in this case:

  1. Y sperm will die the day before ovulation.
  2. Sperm X will slowly move along the genital tract.
  3. At the time of ovulation, the female cell will enter the tubes for movement to the uterus, where it will meet with the "necessary" cells.
  4. Fertilization occurs.
  5. The female cell enters the uterus and is fixed on its wall.
  6. The process ends with a successful conception.

The complexity of the way how to conceive a girl 100 percent by ovulation consists in the correct and accurate determination of this day. But today there are several options for this, each of which is quite relevant:

  • Using commercially available urinalysis tests. They will show a positive result the day before, i.e. the day before ovulation. In our case, it is better to spend one month on testing, and in the second to repeat and compare them. After all, we need to identify the moment 2 days before the bright strip.
  • A device for determining the date by saliva. Here you will need to act in a similar way. Do not wait for a pronounced fern leaf, but choose the day before.
  • Basal temperature measurements. If you keep the schedules for several months, you will be able to determine the "right" day in advance, based on the reconciliation of the results. Ovulation on it will be marked by a decline with subsequent growth.
  • Observation of physiological changes. On the eve of ovulation, the breasts will be painful, the lower abdomen may hurt a little, and the vaginal discharge will change its structure.
  • Ultrasound procedure. This is the most accurate method. The doctor will see the development of the follicle and tell you when to expect the cell to exit.

If a woman has a regular cycle, she can simply calculate the required day using a special formula, subtracting 14 from the cycle length. This parameter is the same for all women, because this is how many days the second phase lasts, after the cell leaves.

Predicted gender tables - features

Recently, calendars compiled by specialists have been widely used to help determine the sex of a newborn according to certain criteria.

In order to figure out how to conceive a girl 100 percent, a Chinese or Japanese table may well come in handy. The first works in two ways: the age of the expectant mother and the month of conception. At the intersection of the selected characteristics, the probable gender of the baby is indicated.

The Chinese table will help to determine how 100 percent to conceive a girl.

It's very easy to use. You need to select the line corresponding to your age and see in which of the next months the girl is predicted. There may be problems with determining if a woman ovulates at the end or beginning of the month. In this case, the values ​​for two adjacent months may come up. And if there is a forecast of a different sex? It is better then to take into account additional tips from the previous chapter and thus increase your chances.

The second of the most popular tables is Japanese, it differs somewhat in appearance and accounting criteria. You need to work with it in stages. In the first table, you need to select the months of birth of future parents:

The check number is indicated at the junction of the values. We remember it and proceed to the interpretation according to the following table:

You need to determine the gender using the following algorithm:

  1. Find the check digit column.
  2. It contains the months for conception.
  3. There are crosses in the "girl" column. A large number of them speaks of the significant likelihood of conceiving a daughter.
  4. It is better to focus on the most "significant" months, marked with 3, 5 or 10 crosses

If you study the problem of how to conceive a girl 100 percent and reviews on the tables, it is worth noting a favorable trend. In most cases, the ladies who used such forecasting methods were satisfied with the result.

Conception of a girl by date

The beliefs of our people have their own way of determining by dates. In order to get a guaranteed daughter, you need to schedule the day of conception for an even date, if a woman was born on an even number, and on an odd date, if an odd one. How accurate it is is difficult to say, since you need to clearly know the day of conception, but women at the time of planning children try not to miss the favorable day of ovulation, which lasts 1.5-2 days.

Blood tests

Another scientific method on how to conceive a girl 100 percent is by blood (group or Rh factor). Everyone knows that at the planning stage, future parents are asked to be tested. This is necessary to compare their Rh factors. If they do not match, sometimes couples cannot get pregnant for years. An especially unpleasant situation is when a woman has a negative rhesus. This provokes the rejection of a different type of sperm. As for gender, it is more likely to get a daughter if the parents have the same rhesus.

By comparing the blood group, the chances for a girl are great for such couples:

  • The expectant mother has group I: the father has I or III.
  • Mother II: Father II or IV.
  • Mother III: Father I.
  • Mother IV: Father II.

Diet and nutritional features for conceiving a daughter

In addition to the above methods, many scientists agree that a diet or special diet can affect gender before conception. This is due to the fact that for each type of sperm, certain minerals are more needed:

  • Y-sperm need potassium and sodium, which increase their lifespan.
  • For X-sperm, calcium and magnesium are more needed.

Thus, in order to increase the chances of giving birth to a girl, you need to somewhat limit the intake of potassium and sodium-containing foods, and increase, accordingly, foods saturated with calcium and magnesium. These include:

  • cucumbers, eggplants, beets, carrots, peppers, tomatoes;
  • legumes, asparagus;
  • apples, pears, strawberries, raspberries;
  • lemons, mango, pineapple;
  • watermelon;
  • dried fruits, nuts (hazelnuts and peanuts);
  • milk, cottage cheese, sour cream;
  • eggs;
  • fish, seafood;
  • rabbit, chicken;
  • rice, oatmeal, semolina.

It is imperative to limit the consumption of sugar, salt, potatoes, cheese, meat products (pork, beef). It is better to choose bread without yeast and unsalted.

In this video you will find some more tips on how to conceive a 100 percent girl:

Having taken care of the problem of how to conceive a girl 100 percent and changing the diet, it is worth remembering about health and, more importantly, about the future baby. He needs a lot of vitamins and microorganisms at the time of development. Therefore, your diet should be agreed with your doctor. It is important that the child does not feel a lack of some elements. Your doctor may recommend that you occasionally include some of the "prohibited" foods in your meals. You don't need to worry. If you do not consume them in excessive quantities, there should be no consequences.

It is also worth giving up any diets in advance if you are planning a child. The body should not be exhausted. It is necessary to eat well and qualitatively, to be more in the fresh air, to avoid stress, to rest more, to take walks. In such a favorable state, and proceed to the issue of childbirth.

Online calendar: calculation by calculator

Each method has its supporters, and therefore it is permissible to use them for your peace of mind. The most reliable, of course, is the first - based on biological processes. Therefore, if you really want to give birth to a daughter, you should combine all the methods: change your diet a little in advance, undergo tests in the hospital for compatibility with the future father, determine the day according to the table and choose the right day for intercourse.

Finally, we will consider another option on how to conceive a 100 percent girl: a calculator on women's sites. Today they propose to calculate favorable days based on the parameters of the female cycle, and also predict the future sex.

To do this, you need to choose your own calculation method based on the known parameters: for two dates of the last monthly, for the duration of the cycle. It is also necessary to select "include" the sex of the child in the calculation and set the duration - half a year or several months.

The result will show auspicious dates, colored with colors. We need to pay attention to the pink color, this is the optimal time for conceiving a daughter. Such calculators are convenient in that you can carry out the calculation for several months and save the result. Then you only need to "peep" the desired date.

Conception of a child is a great miracle, a sacrament. But I really want to take control of everything and plan the sex of the future baby by any means, even if not entirely scientific. What do you need to know for those who dream of having a daughter? Here are five ways to conceive a girl - scientific and not very.

When is ovulation?

The method of choosing the sex of the future baby, depending on the phases of ovulation, was developed by American scientists Lendrum Shetles and David Roerwick. The process involves the sperm and the egg. One half of the sperm carries the female X chromosome, the other half, the male Y. The egg always contains the X chromosome. As a result of their merging, either a girl (XX) or a boy (XY) is obtained. Sperm with the Y chromosome are more mobile and reach the egg first. But, getting into the acidic environment of the vagina, they die much faster, opening the way for a more resistant type of chromosomes.

The closer the day of ovulation, the higher the probability of survival of the Y chromosomes. That is why doctors advise a couple dreaming of a daughter to conceive no later than two to three days before ovulation, since the environment in the vagina at this time is more acidic. Shallow penetration during intercourse, again, contributes to the appearance of a girl.

More on the topic "Diet for the conception of a girl":

I was told about this calendar a long time ago ... The only thing I myself was born premature and I can't determine my exact age (from conception, which counts), up to a month ... but even if we don't take the errors into account ... I must have a girl ... and on the ultrasound they suggested that it was a boy (not for sure, only at 12 weeks).

I read that to conceive a girl, you need to do it a few days before ovulation, and then no, no. It seems like male spermatozoa are less tenacious, they die and after a couple of days only female sperm remain. And girls turn out. Is it really so?

Doubts torment me - is it worth interfering in fate? Maybe it's not for nothing that we (or other people in general) are not given girls / boys? Maybe we will plan - but once! - and a genetic abnormality? or will the child have a bad fate? or else what will nature take revenge on?

I decided to collect statistics here :) There is such a point of view that the gender of the child depends on the posture during PA. In particular, to conceive a boy, you need to do this in a classic pose. So that fast boy sperm are more likely to overtake girl sperm. Who does not mind, please share your experience, who had it and who are you waiting for :)

I read that in order to have a greater likelihood of conceiving a girl, it is necessary to have sex starting from the 4th day of menstruation, but no later than 3-4 days before ovulation. In this regard, the question is: if the cycle is 23-25 ​​days, then how to correctly calculate the day of ovulation?

There is such a method / theory of sex planning - the closer to ovulation, the higher the probability of conceiving a boy and vice versa. Do you have examples when you planned to ovulate and the result was a girl? Or vice versa? Or do you have examples to support this theory?

my husband and I decided to have a second child, but I only want a girl, how to plan it this way more likely. I found some kind of test on the internet according to the birth years of the parents, but according to them Lesha was supposed to be a girl :) I heard about the planning method for blood renewal ... Who thinks about this?

Girls, good afternoon! Take planners into the team. I am 37 years old. I have 2 sons: 18 years old and 4 years old. We want a daughter. A question. Anyone going to get pregnant according to Anastasia? And then I got ready, looking for an interlocutor.))

Who got pregnant on what attempt? And then I did not succeed the first time and I was somewhat depressed. It seems that there are no particular health problems. It already seems to me that it will never work. And if someone did not succeed the first time, then maybe someone understood why? Those. what mistakes are there? What to do and what not to do?

There is a caveat that predisposition is not a factor in the direct transmission of a malignant disease. Pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, immunity, a healthy lifestyle can prevent pathology from developing. Doctors do not provide a 100% guarantee of the birth of the desired sex, however, using available methods of conception, you can significantly increase your chances.

A brief excursion into the biological process

Progesterone, produced by a man, generalizes spermatozoa of species X and Y. A woman produces only X eggs, which have unique genetic material. It turns out that the male half is responsible for the sex of the child to a large extent. If the Y chromosomes show their activity, a boy will be born, but if male and female X meet, then the long-awaited girl will be born.

How to conceive a girl by ovulation

The success of conception is primarily determined by the chromosomal composition of the sperm. Carriers with a female chromosome are unhurried and viable, the spermatozoa carriers of the "boy" are nimble and quickly die, the duration of their activity is from several hours to two days. If the intimacy was three days or more after the expected ovulation, there is a high probability that a baby will appear. If the moment of conception fell on ovulation or there will be a boy on time.

In order to use this method, a woman must keep a calendar of her cycle for at least six months.

How to determine ovulation:

  1. How to conceive a girl by ovulation, the calculator will tell and calculate. Knowing your cycle length, for example, 28 days, divide it by two and get the approximate date of the onset of ovulation, this is 14 days;
  2. Measuring basal temperature over several cycles will help determine the day of ovulation. The pre-ovulatory period is characterized by a temperature of 36.2–36.9 degrees. The day when the rectal temperature showed 37.0-37.5 means the day of Ovulation;
  3. Some women thus prevented certain gynecological diseases and abnormalities. The reason for contacting a specialist will be a blurry schedule, the impossibility of calculating the day of ovulation. Remember, a healthy body works in the same way, like a clock.
  4. Medicine has stepped forward, and now in the pharmacy at affordable prices you can buy express tests to determine ovulation, later calculating how to conceive a girl. The principle of action is similar to a pregnancy test;

Advice! Now it is definitely clear that it will not be possible to conceive a girl during ovulation. You should start preparing for conception a couple of days before the estimated release of the egg from the ovary.

Moon calendar

Conception of a girl according to the lunar calendar of 2017, the calculation method is extremely simple. The duration of the month is 30 days. Having a similar menstrual cycle, it is safe to say that a woman is addicted to the moon. If the cycle is more than 32 days, then the patron saint of such ladies is the sun. And also to establish gender, you need to take into account the zodiacal features. If conception was during the period of signs:

  • Taurus;
  • Virgo;
  • a fish;
  • Scorpion.

The chances of finding out about the appearance of the girl are increasing. In all other cases, it will probably be a boy.

Astrologers say: if you calculate the lunar date of the mother's appearance, in tandem this will give a 100% guarantee for the conception of a girl according to the lunar calendar.

Diet as a way of conceiving a baby

The advantage of this method is its compatibility with other tools. Nutritionists note that the basis of nutrition for the conception of a girl lies in the creation of an acidic environment in the mother's body. It's important not to overdo it. Beforehand, it is imperative to consult with your doctor, who, based on individual health indicators, can make appropriate adjustments. It is better to start a few months before the planned period of conception.

So what you need to eat in order to conceive a girl:

  • let's start with drinks. Caffeine containing teas, coffee should be consumed no more than 2 times a day. Mineral water is useful, but carbonated drinks with fillers will have to be abandoned;
  • exclude the male set of meat products, such as smoked meats, semi-finished products, sausages. Add veal, beef to the diet;
  • fish in any form, fresh, frozen, is useful for the expectant mother with the presence of the necessary vitamins. It is not recommended to often eat fish with different types of processing (smoked, salted, dried);
  • dairy products are represented by milk and cottage cheese. It is worth refraining from ice cream and cheese in any form;
  • bread and baked goods are allowed in moderation. It is better if these are products without salt with the addition of cereals. For a while, you will have to forget about industrial-made salt crackers;
    cereals should be daily present in the menu of those wishing to conceive a girl. Rice and semolina recommended from cereals, corn banned;
  • vegetable set is represented by zucchini, eggplant, asparagus. We need beets, radishes, cucumbers, peppers, potatoes. Foods containing starch should be consumed in small portions. Exclude all known varieties of cabbage, tomatoes, all canned and frozen vegetable products;
  • nuts are also beneficial for the body during the planning stage of a girl. It is advisable to add nuts without salt to the diet. Disregard dried fruits;
  • pears, apples, white cherries, citrus fruits, recommended for consumption, with the exception of bananas, apricots, currants and melons;
  • All flavor enhancers in the form of salt, ketchup, spices are not suitable during the planning period for the conception of a girl. Better to eat honey, jam or preserves.


A method that still causes a lot of controversy. A vinegar solution will help create an acidic environment for type X chromosomes. Before the start of intercourse, in order to get a girl, you need to do douching.

Improper preparation of the solution can harm the health of the expectant mother.

For a liter of distilled water, you will need 2 tbsp. tablespoons of food vinegar. The douching bulb must be sterilized beforehand. How to conceive a girl correctly using douching:

  • take a comfortable lying position;
  • inject 250 ml of fluid into the vagina;
  • insert only the nose.

This washing creates suitable conditions for the disappearance of Y spermatozoa.

This technique does not guarantee a 100% result, and is also doubtfully dangerous to human health. After all, improper cooking can lead to burns of the expectant mother's penis.

First time method

The only method from all of the above that gives the desired effect the first time, statistics confirm this. If others only suggest how to conceive a girl correctly, then preimplantation genetic diagnosis knows exactly the answer.

A special medical laboratory conducts research on the biological material of a man and a woman, choosing later healthy embryos according to existing standards. The analysis is performed on the third day of the embryo's life, after the fertilization of the egg with spermatozoa has occurred. Molecular biopsy provides complete information about the embryo. This technique reveals possible pathologies at an early stage, which favorably distinguishes it from others. In such cases, sifting occurs and the desired chromosome set is selected. Healthy cells are implanted into the woman's uterus, after which it remains only to wait for the foreign body to take root.

This method is more often used by spouses in the medical history who have hereditary ailments and deviations. Another reason is the high cost of this technique.

Positions for couples, when conceiving a girl

The favorable conditions for the appearance of the girl will be evening time, even better if it is a full moon. In what positions it is possible to conceive a girl:

  • “rider” position;
  • classic stand;
  • the woman lies on her side, while the man is behind;
  • "Sandwich" the guy lays down on the girl, at this moment she should lie down with her back up.

Such postures help to control the depth of entry, translational movements, without jerking. These simple rules will help to conceive a girl, because this increases the chance of slow and long-lived spermatozoa of "girls" reaching the egg.


As the great sages say, everything in this world is material, and even thoughts. The easiest and most enjoyable way. What do you need to do to conceive a girl? Spouses need to imagine their future daughter in the smallest detail. The founders of the method argue that nature will transform all thoughts into reality sooner or later.

Folk signs of conceiving a girl

For many married couples, the experience of our ancestors becomes an indisputable argument, with the help of which the chance of conceiving a baby increases.

Some folk facts:

  • Before going to bed with a partner, a woman should tie a thread around her right little finger;
    Drink apple or other sour juice a day before the desired date;
  • The best days for planning a girl are Monday, Wednesday, Friday;
  • A popular omen says that a girl will be there if conception coincided with a winter cold or snowstorm;
  • You need to sleep with the back of your head to the south;
  • According to legends, women after 30 years old have the sex of the first child usually female.

The knowledge of our ancestors collected over the centuries will help achieve the desired result and conceive a girl even after two boys. The main thing is not to neglect such simple tips.

Blood renewal method

It is so established by nature that the human body systematically renews the blood. In men, this process occurs every four years, in women, every three years. The formula that helps determine how to conceive a girl by renewing blood looks like this:

(Dad's age + Mom's age) * 4: 3

The age at which conception will occur.

If the answer is a number with a tail 1, then there will be a girl. With other answers, a boy.

This method is influenced by many external factors, for example, surgery or blood transfusion. Experts also recommend planning the conception of a girl during the period of renewal of the blood of the future father. All calculations today can be done in online calculators of conception of children.

Japanese table for calculating the conception of a girl or boy

Two tables are given. Who created this method is not known for certain. However, there are opinions that this knowledge has been passed on since ancient times. All that is needed for the first table is the month of birth of the parents.

Mom forums speak positively about the Japanese table, talking about multiple matches when conceiving children.

Chinese calendar

Numerous polls have revealed the reliability of this method, it is recommended in many communities of experienced mothers. The question remains what to do for women over 45 years old, the conception calendar is not suitable for this category of persons.

Finally, the opinion of gynecologists

No one can answer exactly the question of when exactly you need to conceive a child to get a girl, this is the opinion of professionals. Therefore, using different methods does not always bring good luck. The most reliable among gynecologists is the method for ovulation, the rest are only of an auxiliary nature.

All is fair in war! So when planning a girl, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the available methods for the appearance of a daughter. Good mood, positive attitude, the chosen method and a positive result will not keep you waiting long.

Studying a lot of literature in search of effective advice. In today's article, we decided to reveal a few secrets of how to conceive a girl and recommend several "proven" methods. Coincidence or not - many couples noted that by resorting to these tips, they became the parents of a daughter. It is up to you to listen or not to the recommendations below, but you can and even need to read the article, at least for general development.

So, let's start by sorting out the question of what the sex of the future baby depends on.

It's no secret that sex is determined by special chromosomes - X and Y, and women are endowed with two identical sex chromosomes, XX, and men - two different ones, XY. Based on this, the child gets the X chromosome from the mother, and from the father - either X or Y. This means that the father's sperm carry different chromosomes, and only one can fertilize the egg. Therefore, in order for a daughter to turn out, it is necessary that the sperm with the paternal X chromosome fertilize the egg.

And to bring a dream closer to reality, you can use the following methods and ways:

Conceiving a girl using a calendar

For those parents who are planning the sex of the unborn child, there is a special table by which you can calculate the sex of the child, depending on the age of the expectant mother and the month of conception of the child. This table is called "Chinese conception of a child" and is available on many Internet resources.

How to conceive a girl by blood. If a couple dreams of having a daughter, you can try to conceive a girl by blood. The method of planning a child is based on the cyclicity of blood renewal in future parents. Surprisingly, according to some sources, the percentage of coincidences in the case of planning a child using the blood method is quite high. And the fact that it is not at all difficult to make simple calculations to implement this method in life. Wondering how to conceive a girl by blood? Then just calculate whose blood is "younger": it has been proven that blood is renewed in the human body regularly - in women every 3 years, in men - every four. But: when making calculations, one should also take into account possible large blood loss that took place in life - operations, childbirth, blood transfusions.

How to conceive a girl by ovulation

If you have regular periods, and you can for sure, then you have a chance to give birth to a girl. How to conceive a girl by ovulation? For this, in the planning process, sexual intercourse should be scheduled no later than 2-3 days before the expected ovulation. So, immediately after the end of the cycle - the time of love, but already 2 days before the onset of ovulation, intimacy is better to avoid, because just at this time the percentage of conceiving a boy is high. But in order to maximally "consolidate the effect" of trying to conceive a girl by this method, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse for 2-3 days after ovulation. To determine ovulation, you can use different methods: measuring basal temperature, keeping an ovulation calendar, or simply buying a special ovulation test at a pharmacy.

Conceiving a girl using sexual positions. It is known that in order to conceive a girl, it is recommended to refrain from deep penetration positions. Thus, the best position for conceiving a girl is missionary. They also recommend such a pose for conceiving a girl: "on the side from behind." In this case, the woman should lie on her side, and the man should be located behind her. After intercourse, the woman is advised to lie down quietly and relax. It is best to lie on your back and press your knees to your chest.

Conception of a girl with a special diet. There is a theory that if in a week of the moment of conception, you adhere to a certain menu, then the probability of having a girl is much higher than without her.

Therefore, if you want to use this method, include the following foods in your diet.

Meat: veal, beef and lamb.

Dairy products: milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream.

Vegetables: beets, carrots, some potatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, legumes, peas.

Fruits and berries: apples, pears, strawberries, raspberries, grapefruit, lemons, watermelon, peach, mango, pineapple.

Beverages: tea, chocolate, cocoa.

How to conceive a girl: folk signs

Since ancient times, there have been a variety of ways among the people, with the help of which the spouses tried to conceive a girl. One of these methods is popular among the people "counting rhymes": for example, if a woman is an even number of years, then she can conceive a girl only in even months of the year. Another "rhyme" is as follows: the mother's age is added with the ordinal number of the month of conception, if the sum is an even number - to be a daughter.

In addition, according to folk signs, for the conception of a girl, you can perform the following actions:

  • before intercourse, you need to place “female” objects in the bed: a mirror, a comb, a spinning wheel;
  • sexual intercourse should take place under a young apple tree;
  • the best days for conceiving a girl are Wednesday, Friday and Sunday;
  • 5 days before sexual intercourse, a woman should drink apple or plum clarified juice every night at night 20 minutes before bedtime;
  • before conception, a woman should tightly tie the little finger of her right hand with a simple thread;
  • wanting to conceive a girl, it is better to perform a sexual act in the winter cold.

Specially for- Ira Romaniy

From the guest

And on the contrary, I have two girls and we are waiting for the third. And according to the calendars and according to blood type and ovulation, a boy should, but not. Already 3 different uzists have confirmed 100% girl. It is not destiny to have a son.

From the guest

I will say this only for prostitutes. Girls are given, and starting with the first and the next.

From the guest

I have three children ... her daughter is 10 and two sons are 9 and 5 years old .. not 37 and I really want my daughter to have a sister .. I'm afraid to miss

From the guest

We also have two boys. Now we are waiting for the third. We still don’t know who))) I have a current one counting rhyme that converges ... many have been checked ... everything is right ... now on the third we will check ... there must be a girl ... if a year conception and the month of conception is positive, then a girl ... if negative and positive, then a boy ... strangely nowhere in the internet did I meet her

From the guest

YES, yes, yes, I have two boys now expecting a third child, they did everything and followed a diet and determined by blood type and all sorts of calendars, and conception two days before ovulation, on Saturday was on an ultrasound, they said and showed that the boy, so my husband just shed a tear ...... like this. Come on, chapters, but that would be healthy to be born ...

From the guest

We have 13 weeks, we are looking forward to finding out the gender, my husband is already jumping up and down - so he wants the daughter to be. Take your bets. I think all the signs are nonsense, as God willing, it will be so. Good luck to all!

From the guest

I counted blood, ovulation, and posture. The result is 2 boys. The husband jokes: "that the third girl will definitely be." But it's not up to us to decide what gender the child will have.

From the guest

If you want a girl, it is necessary for the husband to strain and not the wife, for example, girls are often born to those who regularly go to the bathhouse or sauna, because Y chromosomes are unstable to heat, X are more tenacious. Even girls are more often born to men after 30-35 years. Also for drinkers and smokers, but this is not the best option :) But with the day of ovulation, I think it can also work, tk. X chromosomes live longer and will live to ovulate

From the guest

I don’t know I have two boys right now I want a girl, but I don’t believe the omens

From the guest

My husband and I, too, have tried everything, and diets and positions, and places. Unless in the cold under a young apple tree we did not try))). This is probably why we have two boys. This year in September I ate a lot of beets, I hope that the girl will))
