Interesting Facts. Unusual precipitation Report of unusual rainfall in nature

People different countries have always reported unusual rains: colored water poured from the sky or some unexpected objects or even animals fell. We will tell you about the ten most unusual rains that have fallen in our time.

10. Silver and gold
Everyone dreams of a shower of money, and it actually happens sometimes. June 17, 1940 at Nizhny Novgorod region near the village of Meshchera, silver and gold coins of the 16th–17th centuries fell from the sky - about 1000 pieces in total. It turned out that during a thunderstorm, a treasure with coins was washed away, and a surging hurricane lifted them into the air and, to the joy of local residents, threw them into the Meshchera area.

9. Frogs
In 2005, frogs fell from the sky in a village in Serbia. According to eyewitnesses, thousands of frogs fell from the sky along with the rain. Ecologists explained what happened: a strong whirlwind pulled frogs near a lake or other body of water and brought them to the village, where they fell during the rain. It's rare, but known to science phenomenon. In 2009, a shower of frogs was reported in several cities in Japan. And in 2010, frog rain fell in Croatia.

8. Fruit hail
In 2011, residents of the English city of Coventry complained of apple rain - hundreds of fruits fell from the sky. “It was so unexpected and incomprehensible that everyone simply became numb,” said one of the eyewitnesses of the events. Fortunately, no one was hurt, although many cars were badly damaged. Meteorologists blamed hurricane winds. Some Britons also spotted carrots and cabbage among the apples.

7. Colored rain
In the Indian state of Kerala in 2001, a blood red rain. It rained for two whole months. The residents were scared and saw the colored rain as a bad sign. Scientists hastened to reassure the population: laboratory research showed that the rain turned red due to the spores of a local lichen. In February 2015, orange snow fell in the Saratov region: it turned out that a cyclone that came from North Africa, brought with him particles of sand from the Sahara Desert. And in 2006, pink snow fell in Colorado; eyewitnesses say it smelled like watermelon.

6. Blackbirds and jackdaws
Birds falling dead from the sky is, of course, less surprising than Marine life, but it all depends on the scale of such “rain”. In Arkansas New Year's Eve As of 2011, thousands of blackbirds have fallen from the sky. Local ornithologists came to the conclusion that flocks of blackbirds had entered thundercloud. A few days later, a rain of dead jackdaws, crows and magpies fell on the Swedish city of Falkoping - residents then found about 10,000 dead birds.

5. Earthworms
In 2011, earthworms were reported to fall in Scotland. They fell from the sky onto the stadium of one of the schools, where a physical education class was in progress. Teacher David Crichton was forced to interrupt the lesson and send the children to shelter. Then the teacher and his students collected worms for a long time to show them to colleagues and scientists. City scientists put forward the idea that the worms were carried by the wind, but the weather was calm and clear that day, so no explanation was found for the phenomenon.

4. Sardines
The fish shower in Honduras occurs annually at approximately the same time: between May and July. And in approximately the same place: not far from the city of Yoro. Sardines fall from the sky, which local residents happily collect. According to eyewitnesses, the phenomenon begins at five or six in the evening: a black cloud hangs over the ground, thunder rumbles, lightning flashes and puddles fill with fish. Scientists have an explanation for this: strong winds and whirlwinds bring fish from the Atlantic Ocean. Since 1998, Yoro has hosted an annual Fish Rain Festival.

3. Rain of spiders in Argentina
Residents Australian city Goulburn in south-eastern NSW was surprised and frightened by unusual rainfall in May 2015. Instead of precipitation, millions of spiders fell from the sky. The insects immediately got to work and covered the surrounding area with a blanket of cobwebs. Scientists say this is a natural phenomenon. Usually the wind disperses arthropods over a very large area, and no one notices. However, this time the air flow brought all the spiders to one place.

2. Fallout from space
But there are times when the wind has nothing to do with it. Meteorites, airplane debris and remnants of space debris fall from the sky. Since the fall of the first satellite in 1957, more than 20,000 objects from space have fallen to Earth, with an average of about 400 such pieces falling per year. The last case occurred in the suburbs of Chita in April 2015: mysterious object fell from the sky and exploded, frightening bystanders. After checking, it turned out that it was a military apparatus, and not a UFO at all, as local residents thought.

1. Cow fall in Japan
In 1997, a fishing trawler sank in the Sea of ​​Japan. The rescued fishermen all unanimously claimed that the trawler was sunk by a cow that fell from the sky. They say that the fishermen were then locked up in a hospital, considering the incident a mass psychosis. But everything turned out to be not as fantastic as we would like. After 2 weeks it became clear where in open sky it turned out to be a poor animal. The pilots of one of the planes stole a cow to treat themselves to steak from time to time. But they did not take into account one thing: when the plane took off, the cow went crazy and began to destroy everything around, because of this, the pilots decided to simply throw it overboard.

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Rain of Animals - Relatively Rare meteorological phenomenon, seen in many countries in different time. According to one of the hypotheses trying to explain this phenomenon, a strong wind collects animals, such as fish or frogs, on the surface of the earth or water, and carries them several kilometers. However, this fact has never been witnessed or scientifically proven.
Most often, such rain consists of fish or frogs, although cases of rain from birds have been described. In some cases, the rain becomes so intense that animals fall to the ground in fragments. Sometimes animals (most often fish, but some sources also note cases with frogs) survive after falling, leading to the assumption that quite a short time passed between the “takeoff” and “fall” of the animal. In a number of cases, animals fall frostbitten or frozen in pieces of ice, thereby indicating that the “take-off” altitude was very high, and they ended up in clouds where the atmospheric temperature is below 0 °C. Most manifestations of such rain are observed after storms, most often after a tornado. However, numerous cases have been described when animals rained in calm weather and in the absence strong winds.

So what kind of rain has the world seen during all this time?

Thanks to publications in the press, there is a lot of evidence of this phenomenon, which can be considered quite reliable, since they are numerous and independent of each other.

1. In 1578, large yellow mice fell on the Norwegian city of Bergen.

2. According to a certain John Collinges, a rain of toads fell on the English village of Ecle in Norfolk. The owner of the tavern - the place where the phenomenon occurred - was forced to collect hundreds of toads in order to get rid of them. On September 7, 1953, thousands of frogs fell from the sky onto the city of Leicester in Massachusetts, USA. In 2007, it rained frogs in El Rebolledo (province of Alicante, Spain).

3. On February 16, 1861, Singapore suffered an earthquake followed by three days of heavy rain. After the end of the rains, residents of Singapore saw that thousands of fish were lying in the puddles. Indigenous people claimed to have seen them fall from the sky. Also, in 2002, it rained fish in the village of Corona (Greece).

4. Another similar case was recorded in 1918 in England in Hendon, when local residents witnessed unusual phenomenon- rain of fry.

5. However, fish are not the only ones sea ​​inhabitants found themselves among the "precipitates". In America in 1892 there was a rain of eels.

6. Scientific American magazine on January 15, 1877 recorded a shower of snakes that reached 18 inches in length (about 45 cm) in Memphis. In the United States, more than fifteen animal showers have been recorded in the 19th century alone.

8. In 1968, Brazilian newspapers wrote about rain of meat and blood over a fairly large area.

9. Dead canaries fell in the city of St. Mary in Maryland (USA), in January 1969. According to the Washington Post on January 26 of that year, their decline was caused by sudden death in flight, as if they had been subjected to an explosion that no one saw or heard.

10. In 1978, it rained shrimp in New South Wales, Australia.

11. In 2007, it rained spiders in the province of Salta (Argentina).

12. In early January 2011, several hundred birds, mostly crows and jackdaws, fell from the sky at night in Sweden. And around the same time, several thousand blackbirds rained down from the sky in Arkansas, USA.

13. In early January 2012, tens of thousands of dead herring were found on the shores of the beach in Nurreisa in Norway. However, further events developed even more mysteriously: before the local authorities had time to start deciding how to clean the shore, all the herring... disappeared. Scientists could not find an explanation for this phenomenon.

14. In principle, rain from small creatures related to water is a relatively common occurrence. And here comes the standard explanation for what is happening - strong hurricanes, tornadoes. I wonder how in 1877 a rainstorm brought several alligators to one of the farms in North Carolina... Did the tornado also try?

15. In 1997, a Japanese fishing trawler began to sink in the Sea of ​​Japan. The rescued fishermen unanimously claimed that a cow that fell from the sky sank the trawler. Of course, the fishermen were immediately locked up in a hospital, considering the incident a mass psychosis. But everything turned out to be not as fantastic as we would like: two weeks later, the command of the Russian Air Force reported an incident - the pilots of one of the planes took a cow on board (for what purpose is not clear). But the pilots did not foresee that the animal would go berserk when the plane took off. The cow started destroying everything inside the plane and had to be thrown out.

16. The strangeness of falling rains is sometimes determined not only by living creatures falling from the sky, but by the unusual color of the rain itself. So the so-called “Bloody Rain” became a spectacular spectacle. This is unusual a natural phenomenon was noted about 350 years ago in France. At the beginning of July 1608, a completely unusual rain fell in the vicinity of a small French town: the raindrops resembled drops of fresh blood! Residents took this as a sign from above. They believed that God was angry with them for their sins, and the rain was sent as a harbinger of the end of the world. In addition to France, this rain visited both Italy and Spain. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that a hurricane wind lifts masses of red dust into the air in desert areas and carries them away for kilometers until this dust mixes with drops of water, coloring them in the appropriate color, and falls somewhere in the form of “blood rain.” This is the most common explanation, but not the only one. So this very incident in 1608 has nothing to do with dust, it’s all the fault of butterflies! Or rather, their droppings. As it turned out, the butterflies were brought into this area along with a cloud, and their liquid droppings turned the water red. Another version of such rain is based on single-celled red algae or tiny organisms living in bodies of water. Having a certain color and being picked up by a tornado, they are carried away along with streams of water, and then “fall out as precipitation.”

17. But the most interesting among the “unusual” rains is the rain that occurred on June 17, 1940 near the village of Meshchery, Nizhny Novgorod region. Then it rained from silver coins 16-17 centuries! Almost a fortune fell out - about a thousand coins! Scientists estimate that it took a fair amount of energy to lift these coins into the air. This can be achieved by a tornado - a phenomenon for middle zone rare. Tornadoes are indeed a rare thing for this area, but it is much more rare for them to bring MONEY with them, and even more so antique silver ones!

A selection of the most unusual rains of recent times, which have received publicity in the media and have real witnesses.
If you have also encountered unusual precipitation, tell us about it in the comments.
1. Earthworms
In 2011, earthworms were reported to fall in Scotland. They fell from the sky onto the stadium of one of the schools, where a physical education class was in progress. Teacher David Crichton was forced to interrupt the lesson and send the children to shelter. Then the teacher and his students collected worms for a long time to show them to their colleagues and scientists: in total, he found 120 worms within a radius of 92 m. City scientists put forward the idea that the worms were carried by the wind, but on that day the weather was calm and clear, so there are no explanations the phenomenon was never found.
In 2007, Eleanor Beal, a police officer from Jennings, USA, also reported a ball of swarming worms falling from the sky.

2. Blackbirds and jackdaws
Birds falling dead from the sky are, of course, less surprising than sea creatures, but it all depends on the scale of such “rain.” In Arkansas, thousands of blackbirds fell from the sky on New Year's Eve 2011. There were especially many of them in the city of Bib. Ornithologists who examined the corpses of birds in laboratories diagnosed physical injuries in the blackbirds - they died from an impact, but not on the ground, but as if they had collided with some objects.
Scientists have come to the conclusion that New Year's firecrackers and fireworks are to blame for everything. Another version was also expressed: that the birds got into a thundercloud and lost their way, and since they poor eyesight, then they began to run into houses, trees and fell, dying from their injuries. A few days later, a rain of dead jackdaws, crows and magpies fell on the Swedish city of Falkoping - residents then found 10,000 dead birds.

3. Fallout from space
Tornadoes, tornadoes and hurricanes bring a lot of surprises to people: golf balls, nails, rubber galoshes, marbles, etc. But there are times when the wind has nothing to do with it. Meteorites, airplane debris, space debris are falling from the sky... Since the fall of the first satellite in 1957, more than 20,000 objects from space have fallen to Earth: on average, about 400 such debris fall per year. The latest incident occurred in the suburbs of Chita in April of this year: a mysterious object fell from the sky and exploded, frightening eyewitnesses. After checking, it turned out that it was a military apparatus, and not a UFO at all, as local residents thought.

4. Frogs
In 2005, in the village of Kaja Djanovik, Serbia, frogs fell from the sky. “Thousands of frogs fell on us along with the rain,” local resident Alexander Cyrik said at the time. His neighbors testified to a huge gray cloud and wondered if the reptiles could have fallen out of some exploding plane? Ecologist Slavic Ignatovich had a simple explanation: “A strong whirlwind pulled the frogs near a lake or other body of water somewhere far away and brought them here, where they fell during the rain. This is a rare phenomenon, but known to science.” In 2009, a frog shower was reported in Japan in several cities in Ishikawa Prefecture. In 2010, frog rain fell in the town of Rakozzifalva in Croatia.

5. Silver and gold
Everyone dreams of a shower of money, and it actually happens sometimes. On June 17, 1940, in the Nizhny Novgorod region near the village of Meshchery, silver and gold coins of the 16th–17th centuries fell from the sky - about 1000 pieces in total. It turned out that during a thunderstorm the treasure with coins was washed away, the surging hurricane lifted them into the air and, to the amazement and joy of the local residents, threw them into the Meshcher area.

6. Fruit hail
In 2011, residents of the English city of Coventry complained of apple rain - hundreds of fruits fell from the sky. “It was so unexpected and incomprehensible that everyone simply became numb,” said one of the eyewitnesses of the events. Fortunately, no one was hurt, although many cars were badly damaged. Meteorologists blamed hurricane winds. Some Britons also spotted carrots and cabbage among the apples.

7. Colored rain
In the Indian state of Kerala, blood-red rain occurred in 2001. It rained for two months. The residents were scared and saw the colored rain as a bad sign. Scientists hastened to reassure the population: laboratory tests showed that the rain turned red due to spores of local lichen. In 2012, bloody rain also fell in Sri Lanka. Scientists note that red rain also occurs in areas increased acidity or due to dust storms.
Colored precipitation, although rare, is not an unprecedented phenomenon. In February of this year, orange snow fell in the Saratov region: it turned out that a cyclone that came from North Africa brought with it particles of sand from the desert. In 2006, pink snow fell in Colorado, and eyewitnesses say it smelled like watermelon.

8. Sardines and shrimp
The fish shower in Honduras occurs annually at approximately the same time: between May and July. And in approximately the same place: not far from the city of Yoro. Sardines fall from the sky, which local residents happily collect. According to eyewitnesses, the phenomenon begins at five or six in the evening: a black cloud hangs over the ground, thunder rumbles, lightning flashes, puddles fill with fish.

This phenomenon was described in Honduran folklore: “Where the fish rain falls like a heavenly miracle,” says an old song. The fact of fish rains was confirmed by Christian missionaries at the beginning of the 18th century and the scientist Alexander von Humboldt. Residents consider the sardine rain a miracle, which the Spanish Catholic missionary José Manuel Subiran prayed for them in the mid-19th century. Scientists have their own explanation: strong winds and tornadoes bring fish from the Atlantic Ocean. Since 1998, Yoro has hosted an annual Fish Rain Festival.

Isolated cases of seafood fallout occur in other parts of the world. In May 2014, there was a fish rain in Sri Lanka: residents collected 50 kg of catch; two years earlier, there was a rain of shrimp here. The Australians, the Greeks, the British, and peasants from the south of Ethiopia reported about the rains of fish: they were horrified when, during field work, “the skies opened up” and half-dead, convulsing fish fell from there.

Rain is a common occurrence for people, so it's not surprising. Rain, thunderstorm, downpour, hail... It happens and all this is in the order of things. But today we want to tell you about the most unusual rains in the world, the sight of which will simply make your jaw drop.

1. Rain of money. It sounds cool, but there was nothing to be particularly happy about. Shortly before the Great Patriotic War it rained in Meshchery antique coins 16th century. But the average citizen of that time had no need for them, since they could not buy anything in the store. This is explained by the fact that during severe bad weather heavy rain washed the treasure out from under the Earth, and a strong hurricane wind lifted this money up.

2. Rain of fish. This phenomenon happened more than once. In England in 1918 there was a rain of fish fry, in the USA in 1892 there was a rain of eels. And in Indian settlements, rain of fish is not such a big deal at all. a rare event.

3. In France (and in Spain too) it rained from. That's lucky. In a country where frog legs are a delicacy, the rain brought these particular amphibians. And not so long ago, exactly the same situation occurred in Japan. Hordes of tadpoles and frogs also fell from the sky.

4. But frogs are nothing. Here in the USA in 1877, one of the farms was attacked by... alligators! This is the kind of gift from heaven that awaited the residents of this farm.

5. Bloody rain. These precipitations at one time frightened a huge number of residents of Sri Lanka. This rain fell for 1.5 months and residents saw bloody rain bad sign. But scientists conducted research and found that the rain turns red due to spores of local lichen species. Sometimes such rains occur due to increased acidity, red dust or microorganisms.

6. Rain of worms. Although not dangerous, it is definitely disgusting. In 2011, such an incident occurred on the territory of one of the schools in Scotland. It was assumed that the earthworms were brought here by the wind, but that day the weather was very calm and clear. An explanation for this phenomenon has not yet been found. Perhaps this is someone's prank.

7. We have already talked about fish rain above, but this species deserves a separate point. In Honduras, every year at approximately the same time (May-June), a black cloud hangs over the sky from which sardines literally spill out. Local residents love this time very much and are happy to collect all the fish for themselves. They even sang about this rain in their folklore.

8. In one of the provinces of Argentina in 2007, arthropods 10 cm in size fell from the sky, and not the small ones we are used to seeing, but arthropods 10 cm in size. Not the most pleasant sight.

9. Rain of jellyfish. Such rains are not such a rare occurrence and, as a rule, such rains occur tens or even hundreds of kilometers from the coast. Such precipitation was recorded in Japan, the USA, China and even Russia.

10. In Sweden in 2011 it rained several hundred dead birds(crows and jackdaws). In the same year, a similar rain fell in the United States, but only dead blackbirds, and the number of birds was no longer in the hundreds, but in the thousands.

It is assumed that the main cause of such rains of animals is a combination of various rainfalls, tornadoes and winds, which can transport fauna hundreds of kilometers from their last location. True, again this has not been confirmed. And there are even many scientists who refute this theory.
